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haikyuu-moments · 8 months ago
"Go, go, let's go, let's go, Datekō!!"
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date tech with 3rd years. futakuchi was the trouble child of moniwa and kamasaki had to constantly keep him in check. but he made a good captain. and aone. aone is such a giant cutie. can not forget
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simplydlightfuldestiny · 2 years ago
I was gonna exclaimed she's a futakichi onna (two mouth woman) but does this count since the infamous yokai's other mouth is by the back of her head....
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trueshellz · 2 years ago
Watching Haikyuu again, how did I not realise before how pretty these two are together?!
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I don’t see enough Futakichi hype on my page for sure
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silverliningslurk · 6 years ago
In Kyoto Snow
Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou Characters: Kuroo, Bokuto, Terushima, Oikawa, others as cameo roles Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: no warnings apply Summary: Kuroo’s a little too tired from moping about Bokuto to really enjoy his uni team’s outing for ramen. But things can change quickly. 
For @hopipp for the @dailyhaikyuu secret santa event! I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it! 
Read on AO3 here! 
Kuroo mostly likes Christmas. He likes the decorations, and it hails a new year to be coming soon, which means he’s made it through another year of education, and will get money soon – not that he tends to get much nowadays. His parents tell him they’re helping him enough. His grandma will still slip him a little, though. He likes the fresh chill in the air, likes the snow, like the silence it produces, likes snowballs fights and memories of dragging Kenma out to play in it (and usually getting owned when it came to fort building, only to win himself back with aim).
He doesn’t really like all the couple-type stuff.
That’s only been quite recent, really. Only since he started rooming with Bokuto, and playing volleyball on the same team as him, and just- spending a lot more time with him.
Kyoto’s been laying it on pretty thick about what he should be buying his perfect partner. Which he doesn’t have. Where he should be going with his perfect partner. Which he doesn’t have.
The thing is, he’s pretty sure he’ll spend most of his Christmas with his perfect partner – but not in any kind of romance.
Right now, he’s sat right next to him. But they’re not alone, and it’s no kind of date. Because on Kuroo’s other side is Oikawa. On Bokuto’s other side is Futakichi, then Nakamura, and Kita. Across the table are Saito, Tanaka, Terushima and Honda. It’s boisterous, loud, and Kuroo, while normally enjoying this kind of thing, just wants to go home and mope with ice cream. No matter that it’s snowing outside, he’s got a big tub of chocolate brownie ice cream with fudge bits in that he’s been saving for a special occasion. Moping about Bokuto sounds like a perfect one.
However, good backstreet ramen will have to do. It’s easing his sorrows well enough, and nobody’s noticed he’s quieter than usual, because as long as he keeps stuffing his face with ramen, no one notices that he’s not opening his mouth to do anything other than that.
The lot of them are having an extended discussion about girlfriends, more specifically who wants to be whose boyfriend. As deep in this as Tetsurou is, he’s got nothing to add – he hasn’t really noticed any girls at all, and he never really does notice people in the way everyone else seems to unless he’s friends with them first. It’s a right pain at times, because since he’s already established a friendship, he doesn’t want it to get in the way. It hasn’t happened too much, but he’s lost middle school friends over his having to emotionally retreat because of new feelings, and a few from high school. The only person who’s found out so far has been Yaku, which lasted about three seconds after he found out and then realised it would not work at all, not as a romantic relationship. It had been more of an ideal than anything else, he thinks.
Although more than being annoyed he has nothing to contribute to this conversation – he wouldn’t really want to anyway, even if he felt like talking – he’s dreading anything Bokuto adds. Luckily, it hasn’t been anything. Yet. Bokuto can never stop himself from wading into any conversation, and glancing sideways, it doesn’t look like his rapidly emptying plate is going to hold his attention for too much longer.
Bokuto catches him looking, and grins with a menacing hint. Quick as a flash, he whips his chopsticks over to steal the egg from Tetsurou’s ramen, although equally as quick, Tetsurou defends it, anticipating the move.
“Awwww, man, but the egg is the best bit!” Bokuto whines. Tetsurou feels himself start to lose this fight, not having the energy to really win, but since what Bokuto said is true, he also can’t take that kind of thievery lying down.
“Yeah, that’s why I was saving it for last, idiot.” Tetsurou grouses, and turns away so he’s not affected by the pouting face Bokuto then makes. “Why didn’t you get one with an egg if you wanted one, airhead.”
Bokuto makes an exaggerated humph, and Tetsurou can, unfortunately, picture his face exactly even without looking. “But I already ate mine…” Yup, eyebrows raised in the middle, lips pouting, eyes wide in innocence as if it’s a reasonable request. In fairness, they do this all the time, sharing bits of food that they want from the other.
“Half,” Tetsurou concedes, suddenly aware that the table has gone quiet, “But I want a piece of meat in exchange.” He finally looks back at Bokuto, who nods profusely, grinning wildly. Tetsurou dutifully picks a piece of meat and starts to split his egg.
“You two are so married.” Terushima says, a proud tone to his voice. Tetsurou has never quite been able to get on with him off the court – probably his faintly predatory ways of trying to get women. Sadly with his looks, he’s more successful then he has any right to be. Tetsurou does his best to challenge the worst shit that comes out of his mouth. Sometimes, he even thinks it’s going in.  
“No we’re not.” He defends tiredly, and deftly drops Bokuto’s half of the egg on his plate. It stays there for a mere fraction of a second before being hovered up.
“You really are, though. I could only dream of this level of marriage if I lived with Iwa-chan~” Oikawa states, overly pleased with himself. “Maybe if you didn’t go through girlfriends like water, he wouldn’t mind living with you?” Tetsurou says, and chews on the beef he traded Bokuto for. The rest of them laugh in Oikawa’s face. Oikawa just looks mock-offended. “I do not ‘go through them like water’, Tetsu-chan!” He replies indignantly, nose in the air. “Besides, that means nothing from someone who moves like ice.”
“Glaciers move actually, Oikawa. And what is outside falling? Frozen water. So ice.” Tetsurou takes a large mouthful of noodles to stop himself digging a further pit. Oikawa wears a smug smirk, as does most of the table. “So you’re saying you go through girls, Tetsu-chan? Then how come we don’t know about this?” Futakuchi chimes in.
“You can’t get a girlfriend Kuroo! What would happen to movie night?!” Bokuto shouts, and Tetsurou winces slightly at the volume. And that he’s really not helping at all. Dear lord, even if he was with someone, he wouldn’t tell this group, far too involved in other people’s business for their own good. They could gossip for the whole university, most of them.
He recognises he’s just in a bad mood at the moment, head full of thoughts of what he doesn’t have and yet wants. He gets on pretty well with most of them usually, but really, he shouldn’t have come out today.
“I think you mean, he can’t get a girlfriend because they all know he’s already married to you, Kou-chan.” Oikawa says, as though he’s speaking to a child.
Maybe Tetsurou is getting a cold. This banter is getting to him more than it normally would, a headache building behind his eyes, a sadness growing in his chest.
“What’s wrong with that?” Bokuto demands, disarming them all, like usual. Count on Bokuto to be unpredictable. Tetsurou can’t help but smile, especially when they all start spluttering. Honda rapidly changes the subject to their upcoming game, and Tetsurou chews slowly on his half of the egg, savouring it slowly. Bokuto leans in closer.
“You alright?” he asks, weirdly quiet. Tetsurou nods, which seems to sate Bokuto, but he doesn’t fully lean back out of his space, leaves their arms pressed up against each other. Tetsurou puts it down to the lack of space – he’s not sure if Bokuto had been impinging on Futakichi’s space before, but Oikawa keeps brushing him, certainly, so it seems likely. Now though, he just wants to fold into that touch, feeling tired and worn out, lectures and exams and emotions a heady mix equalling exhaustion.
He resists, but only just. He lasts another fifteen minutes, and decides since he’s not contributing nor wanting to, that he’s going to head home for sleep. The chair makes an irritatingly loud screech as he pushes it back, catching everyone’s attention, which was definitely not his intention. Sometimes, he thinks it’d be cool to be able to just leave without notifying everyone, and pop up again seemingly out of nowhere. Sadly, he’s yet to discover these powers, and so he murmurs an excuse he barely thinks about and heads out into the snowstorm.
Snow normally looks pretty, but not when it’s blowing in his face, and is being polluted by the slow stream of traffic trying to get home. Still, he throws his hat on and pulls his gloves on tightly, and braves the wind. It’s not as bad as it has been, but it’s still unpleasant to walk in, being careful of each step so not to slip, and remembering the direction he needs to go, too.
Bereft of other thoughts to wonder to, his mind returns as it usually does nowadays to Bokuto. He’d never denied or shown any protest about the comments of being married – was that weird for Bokuto? He doesn’t really know, considering he’s never seen anyone accuse Bokuto of being in a relationship he wasn’t in. Maybe he just didn’t get it, but then, how blunt to you have to get? He’s dumb, but not that dumb. He’s way better with people than he is with studies, anyway, not that that’s saying too much, in any case.
The only thing he had protested was the idea of Tetsurou having a girlfriend he didn’t know about. Or just, a girlfriend at all.
Tetsurou sighs heavily. Bokuto, king of mixed signals. What did he even mean by that? Just worried about movie night? Or worried about losing him in total? Who even knows. Bokuto is a mystery, even to himself it sometimes seems.
Tetsurou really, really needs to get control of this thing, right now. He’s got to package it up and put it away and just move on. Ship it off to Okinawa or something. It’s pissing him off how it just won’t die, no matter how many times he walks in on Bokuto taking a shit, or making the kitchen messy, or finds him creeping over to sleep in his bed at 3am ‘cause he had a nightmare. Living with someone should be the final straw, not making him fonder. It’s ridiculous. Tetsurou is actually torn between being desperate to live with Bokuto as long as possible and wanting to move out right now to save himself mid-fall.
Not, with Bokuto on the team, that it would stop his fall at all. At this point, he thinks he’s irredeemable. This thing is irretrievable, he’s just gotta wait until he hits the bottom so he can start swimming upwards again. This, he thinks morosely, could take a long time.
“Kuroo!” Tetsurou stomps across a crossing and starts distracting himself thinking about the ice cream he’s got at home. Now he’s cold, it feels less appealing, but equally, he has secret hot chocolate sachets too, and he’s been meaning to try the caramel one. He’s heard it’s not too sweet, just a little bitter, and if that isn’t a mood right now.
“Kuroo!” He blinks, feeling like he heard a shout, and then thinking that it couldn’t have been to do with him. With the wind in his ears, he’s probably just hearing things. He makes his plans, to get a hot chocolate, pile as many blankets as he can physically get on his body and stare into the snow. Maybe listen to music. He’d listen to lecture notes but he knows none of it would go in right now-
A hand on his arm jolts him right out of fantasy land and back to reality. He twists, all ready to fight back and give whoever caught him some stern words, but then his eyes land on an achingly familiar face smiling at him, coat only half done up and owl hat hastily shrugged on. His anger melts into a pleasant confusion.
“Oh, hey Bokuto-” he halts as Bokuto gets closer, and tries to decipher what this is – probably a hug, but then it’s the wrong angle, and their faces are going to collide, he probably overbalanced, he’s done that before-
But then their lips touch and any accidental reasoning goes out of Tetsurou’s mind. It’s too soft, too gentle to be a fall, and it doesn’t end when it should, if it was an accident. Tetsurou, in his tired tired mind, presses back, because he’ll think about this later, the fact that-
That Bokuto is- kissing him. In the middle of the pavement in Kyoto. He’s cradling Tetsurou’s face now and he’s going for the kiss with the exact vigour Tetsurou would expect from Bokuto.
Bokuto is kissing him.
Bokuto. Is kissing him. In real life.
No, that thought is so far from what he expected, it stuns him out of it, hovering backwards. Bokuto follows him briefly, then seems to realise he means to stop it. His thoughts are racing too much with why to fully enjoy it right now, which he may well hate himself for later.
“Uh,” Bokuto starts. “I. didn’t mean to. Um. Ha?” he tries. Tetsurou just gives him a blank stare, borne of having not a single fucking clue what just happened. Bokuto, only stubborn when it comes to volleyball, caves easily. “You just looked so cute, I had to…” he’s pouting again. Tetsurou takes a moment to attempt to think about it and comes up with the mental equivalent of a blue screen of doom. Error 404, Kuroo Tetsurou’s brain is not found.
“What?” is all he can think of to say. Bokuto backs off a bit, which does help with the thought processes, not having him approximately two inches away.
“I was only followin’ ya ‘cause you didn’t look alright, but then you turned around and I just been wantin’ to do that for ages, I couldn’t stop myself…”
It takes an embarrassingly long time for the meaning of that to sink in. He’s still restarting.
“Whaddya mean, ages?!” Tetsurou yelps. Bokuto puffs his cheeks out, crosses his arms and looks off to one side. “I was sending so many signs, I can’t believe you didn’t catch on. I don’t even get that many nightmares!” Bokuto protests, indignant. The implication of which just making Tetsurou splutter, face going ever redder.
All this time? How could he not have seen it? But then, was he expecting Bokuto to just outright tell him?
Although… “Geez, act more disgusted, will you. I’ll go sleep at Teru’s, I get it.” Bokuto huffs, and Tetsurou can’t tell if he’s joking or not. Still, he’s present enough of mind not to let this one go. Bokuto will be a pain if he’s moping, and especially if it’s Tetsurou’s fault and for absolutely no reason because Tetsurou literally dreams of this about every other night.
Tetsurou practically slaps his hands around Bokuto’s face, and wants to laugh at the pufferfish-like expression it induces. “Don’t you dare go sleep at that womaniser’s house.” Bokuto nods. “I’m shocked. But behind that I’m exultant. Believe me.” “Exulta-?!” Bokuto starts. Tetsurou will not pretend he’s any type of skilled at kissing. It’s probably awful, technically, considering there have been about five people in his life where he’s considered kissing them would not be repulsive, but if there are marks for effort, he’s sure to be picking them up. Bokuto seems to respond, anyway, which is usually a pretty good indicator. He’s awful at lying.
When they separate, Tetsurou grins at him. “Exultant: joyous, triumphant, ecstatic, the happiest this guy has ever felt.” “Psssh. Show off.” Bokuto says, only sounding incredibly fond. Tetsurou’s heart feels like it swells, like he can barely speak. “A show off with hot chocolate and an open bed back at home, though.”
Bokuto grins so wide, Tetsurou thinks it must hurt. “Let’s go, then! What you waitin’ for!”
Levity of heart, he thinks, is a wonderful thing. He feels like laughing forever. “You, dumbass. Let’s go.”
And when they leave, it’s with hands entwined. Tetsurou would have it no other way.
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joy-laufeyson · 4 years ago
date tech fic recommendations
(Reader inserts) Recommendations of my favorite headcanons/imagines/fics/scenarios (I don’t own any)
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Aone Takanobu
fluff / "i'm gonna marry you one day"
fluff / soft love
fluff / au i'm sorry
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Futakuchi Kenji
sfw / a series of unfortunate events
sfw / overshot (timeskip)
Other Haikyuu!! masterlists
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mockingdyke · 5 years ago
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haikyuu-philia · 6 years ago
May I request Futakuchi where he likes a girl from another school (and the girl is friends with a teammate so he sees her a bit before he finally asks her out)?
Go, go, let's go! Let's go, Datekou!
THANKS FOR MAKING THAT CUTE REQUEST - I immediately had to write it after taking a nap to feel less sleep-deprived :P
And I personally want to say thank you for liking and reblogging so many of my posts. It's a pleasure to write these headcanons for you!
If Futakuchi fell in Love with a Girl from another School, which is Friends with one of his Teammates
• Due to his train leaving at very idiotic times, he has to end practice a little early to get it everyday. He doesn't have to rush to catch it like this, but he can't spend time on other things either.
• Shortly after the beginning of his second year, he notices the same girl sitting on a bench at the park, which is nearby his school and that he has to pass on his way to the station, day by day.
• Since you are always sitting there, wearing the uniform from a different school, he quickly thinks of the option that you might be waiting for someone. Anyways, it makes him kind of happy to simply exchange a nod with you whenever you meet.
• One day he doesn't find you sitting at this bench like you usually do. And he is slightly panicking. What if you have gone as quickly as you came a month ago?! Without him knowing anything about you?
• Words can't describe how relieved he is after seeing you sitting at the bench again a few days later. He decides to take action. Risking to miss his train back home, he sits down next to you: "Nice to see you back here. I thought you disappeared!"
• You tell him that you caught a cold and had to stay at home, which was why you didn't go to the park after school. Before he leaves, the two of you share your first names with each other - This his how he gets to know your beautiful name, (Y/N).
• Since it was a rather nice experience to talk to you, he decides to sit down with you at least for a few minutes everyday. Therefore he literally runs from practice to the park to make time what he can spend with you.
• Despite his normal - pretty offensive - nature he doesn't want to tease you at all. No idiotic jokes, no sarcastic questions, no macho-like attitude. Just smalltalk with trying to make you smile because it's the most angelic thing he has ever seen.
• Thanks to these little talks with you, he learns more about you everyday. Your favorite food. Your favorite subject. Your school. Even the reason for you sitting here - You are waiting for a friend of yours that is attending his school as well!
• Somehow he has to hold himself back from asking, if this friend is a boy or a girl. The latter would be his preferred option. For the next days he can find himself thinking about that way too much.
• This routine of seeing each other and talking for a few minutes, continues for about two months. The more time passes, the more he is worried about you finding out about his flippant side.
• As he really starts to be afraid to loose you, he realizes how important you are for him. That 25 minutes a week aren't enough; that he wouldn't mind to see you 24/7 for the rest of his life. That he wants to see you smile and hear your voice all the time. That you are the prettiest girl he has ever met.
• His mind is completely occupied with thoughts about you and that shows during practice, but he doesn't notice that at all. That's why he is quite surprised about Aone's invitation to a study session at his house to prepare for the upcoming exams.
• On a Saturday two weeks before the start of summer break he visits his friend like he has done it a few times before. He even wants to ask him for advice since he doesn't know how to act anymore and Aone is the only one that knows about 'the girl at the park'.
• All of these plans are completely shattered into thousands of pieces as soon as he enters Aone's room, where he has set up a table with snacks and study material - You are sitting there.
• "Kenji?!", you ask at least as confused as he is. His answer simply is: "What are you doing here, (Y/N)?"
• He can't help but stare at you, not only because he doesn't know why you are here. It's the first time he is able to see you in casual clothes - And he hopes that his own aren't too lame.
• Aone finally speaks up as well while the both of you are just looking at each other.  "He is here to study with us", the giant answers your question.
• "Hold on, so YOU are Futakuchi!" He himself nods. "Oh. My. God. That explains sooooo much!" As you blush a bit, he has to chuckle on your reaction. Still, he doesn't know what is going on.
• He finds out that Aone is the friend you are always waiting for because you went to the same elementary school before you had to move. Now that you are back, you may attend a different school, but that doesn't hold you back from seeing your best friend.
• Aone spills about his teammate talking about a girl sitting in a nearby park and his best friend always speaking about the guy from Datekou that she has met in spring.
• You even admit that this specific club member named Futakuchi was a regular topic of your conversations with your silent buddy. But you never thought that it might be your Kenji.
• For the past months you wanted to see a volleyball game of his team, but Aone had asked you not to visit because it would make him nervous.
• Kenji feels like a puzzle is getting completed. Everything is making sense now - You sitting at this bench, your knowledge about volleyball, you being occupied every day you could've come to a match.
• But he realizes that you must know his other side thanks to Aone talking about him with you. Still, you were sitting here and speaking to him like you normally did after school.
• Well, the three of you didn't really study. On the hand you set up plans for the upcoming summer break like going to the beach or visiting a festival.
• At the end of summer break he finally confesses to you after being encouraged from his eyebrowless friend. You nearly cried because of joy.
• The relationship is officially Aone Approved!
• A lot of convincing later you are allowed to visit their games and you are screaming the loudest for the Iron Wall.
• Who knew that Aone would turn into the best wingman to ever exist in this world? And that Futakuchi would someday propose to his girlfriend in front of that specific bench years later?
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french-banana-toast · 7 years ago
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Inktober day 14 -Fierce- ( it’s already the 14th in my timezone /run away/ :’))
Capitain oh my capitain (part.1 Miyagi prefecture crew :))
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ushijimacentral · 3 years ago
Haikyuu Boys and their Pets
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Team Dog
Ushijima, Iwaizumi, Yamaguchi, DAICHI, KITA Tanaka, YAMAMOTO, Futakichi, SEMI, Aran
Team Cat
KENMA, Kuroo, Kunini, Sugawara, ASAHI, Mattsun, Aone, SHIRABU, OSAMU, Suna
Team "I found it, can we keep it?"
BOKUTO, Hinata, Inuoka, OIKAWA, LEV, Nishinoya, Tendou, GOSHIKI, ATSUMU, Koganegawa
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sunatooru · 4 years ago
Lemme stop drooling rq 🤤 Kuguri, Futakichi, Suga, and Akaashi with a shy and thicc gf that has an amazing wap. It’s so good, they both get the gasping, eyes rolled back, and tongue out treatment from the pleasure. Her pussy is just an unexpected drug cuz they’re addicted and if they ever have a withdrawal, they get snappy and desperate. So when she has them come over to relax from all the volleyball training, these usual calm guys just fuck her like animals
YES this is IT!! Thanksss xx
Warnings: minors do not interact, smut 18+, aged 18/timeskip , mentions 'puppy' and 'bunny' once, breeding kink an some degrading
* when you started dating he didn't mind your shyness
* Liked not having to go out of his way and that you didn't ask for too much
* He found your shyness cute and comfortable
* Loved how you looked too, head imagining how you'll look wriggling underneath him
* But when he finally sank into you, his usual unbothered expression turned into surprise
* You were so wet, so warm, walls hugging his cock like it belonged inside you
* He could tell you didn't know how much he wanted to snap against you as mewl and whine at the stretch
* He missed how you looked beneath him
* He hasn't been able to get a taste of you for days because of practice
* His hands twitching to hold onto your hips when he thinks of you
* So when you call him over to relax and cuddle he wastes no time slipping off your clothes
* Your flushed face looking at him timidly as he runs his tip over your wet slit
* "Fuck, I think about this pussy so much. Gonna have you wrap nicely around me, yeah baby?" You moan as he pushes inside, a soft 'yes' you reply with
* "My little cumslut..fuck"
* The minute he bottoms out he can't help but hold your hips down and thrust merciless, groaning and flipping his head back
* Your wails unheard as he soaks in the way he slides in and out of you effortlessly
* Your clenching has his nails digging deep into your flesh
* It's just too good
* Too good that he pulls out and decorated your slit with his cum
* The recent matches have been hard
* He's still frustration with how the last game went
* He found it hard to keep his attitude down, cursing others and insulting them all because his cock wasn't inside you today
* And now it's been 3 days since and he doesn't like the empty feeling
* When he sees you he instantly wraps his hand around your neck
* Smashes his lips against yours as he rubs his bugle against you
* Just against you, nowhere special, he likes just rubbing against you
* Groans as he watches you flop down on the bed
* Body jiggling as your eyes look up at him timidly
* "You know I need to fuck you everyday, so why did I have to use my hands yesterday?"
* Doesn't even want a reply
* "Such a slut, spreading your legs for me."
* Pushes and pulls away anything barring him from your cunt
* Smiles as he teases his tip with your wetness
* Slams forward and chuckles when you yell
* Drags you over his cock and he rolls his eyes back, gripping you tighter when you mumble at how it's too deep
* "Yeah..this is what happens when you don't give me a taste everyday, puppy."
* He needs you so bad and in every way
* After the intensity of the last game, he just wants to get his cock warmed by you
* What's worse is that he hasn't touched you for days and it shows
* He craves your pussy, how tight and wet you feel, he was being more mouthy and loud than ever
* And then you kindly offered for him to come over, very innocent in your approach
* You're both not sure what comes over him but he slams you onto your bed
* Pulls your clothes away and teases himself over your underwear
* "Did you miss my cock like I missed your cunt? Was my whore needy too?"
* Pushes it to the side and slips into your cunt, hitches your legs up so you thighs wrap around him
* His pace is hurried, balls slapping against you as he moans at the way you clamp around him
* Switches positions and has you ride him
* Hands full of your flesh as he grabs you hips
* Rolls his eyes back, biting his lip as you bounce on him
* "Fuck..bunny you're doing so well." Throws his head against the headboard as you wetness starts to leak down his cock
* Grunts as he helps you lift your hips and smashes you down against him
* Uses one hand to pulls your face to his as he shoots his cum into you
* Watches you shyly lift off his cock and locks his sight on the way his cum drips down you
* Flips you around and fucks you again
* One of the least to break out of frustration
* Yet here he is, hands twitching to touch you, feeling himself starting to grow, head imagining the way your tongue sticks out when he bottoms out against you
* He wouldn't tell you or anyone about how he's addicted to the feeling of your pussy sucking him inside
* The first time with you catching him so off guard, his was groan louder than expected
* And nationals hasn't help him from thinking about you
* The frustrations from the games, the lack of sex with you - it was building up
* He's thankful when you invite him over, respectful as he enters until your bedroom door shuts
* "Get on the bed now."
* Gets between your thighs and grinds his semi-solid cock against you
* "Akaas-"
* "Missed being inside this cunt. You're going to let me fill you, right doll?"
* He's so hasty
* Ripping your clothes off and slamming inside your wet, silky cunt
* You can't understand what's overcome your boyfriend as he squeezes your tits, swallowing your tongue in his mouth and harshly thrusts into you
* He watches the way your body jiggles, motivation to fuck you faster as he soaks the sight of you
* "My good girl" grunts when he feels you clench him harder, looks down to see you cream around his base and goes feral
* Bites and sucks your neck, angles himself deeper until you both have your eyes shut and panting
* And when you shyly run your hand down his chest, he breaks
* Sharp thrust upwards and he fills you up with his load, after shocks making his body involuntarily thrust a little
* Stays inside your sweet pussy to give you a long hard kiss
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tetsunormous · 4 years ago
Subtle ways they let you know they’re horny
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Genre: suggestive (18+)
They give you “the look”
Iwaizumi, Kyotani, Atsumu, Ennoshita, Tendou, Oikawa, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Matsukawa, Yahaba, Osamu, Shirabu, Suna, Kunumi, Kuroo, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Ushijima, Semi, Terushima, Daishou, Sakusa, Kita, Aran
They tend to lick their lip/ bite their lip while looking at you
Aran, Sugawara, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Narita, Hinata, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Atsumu, Yabaha, Yaku, Futakichi, Koganegawa, Bokuto, Kuroo, Konoha, Semi, Tendou, Shirabu
They become more grabby- hands on you thigh (might be sliding up your thigh), your lower back, your hip, your ass
Daichi, Hinata, Oikawa, Bokuto, Tanaka, Yaku, Aran, Konoha, Nishinoya, Kyotani, Futakuchi, Suna, Terushima, Yamaguchi, Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, Atsumu, Sakusa, Tendou, Kunumi, Kuroo, Aone, Daishou, Osamu
They pull you onto your lap to let you feel that they’re getting horny
Kuroo, Daichi, Tanaka, Kunumi, Ennoshita, Lev, Kageyama, Ushijima, Kyotani, Tsukishima, Aone, Suna, Tendou, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Aran, Matsukawa, Kenma, Futakuchi, Terushima, Osamu
They do the leg thing when they sit down - their legs move in and out (especially in sweats) to hide the fact that they’re horny
Asahi, Nishinoya, Yaku, Kinoshita, Lev, Kenma, Suna, Hinata, Hanamaki, Kindaichi, Kai, Koganegawa, Konoha, Tendou, Atsumu
They’ll ask you a variation of “Hey, you feeling okay? Do you wanna go home?” or “We need to pick up some stuff on the way home, when does _____ close?”
Asahi, Kindaichi, Kita, Daichi, Akaashi, Goshiki, Sugawara, Ennoshita, Osamu,  Kinoshita, Yamaguchi, Yahaba, Kai, Aone, Semi, Diachou, Sakusa
They’d text you and look at you until you check the text
Kinoshita, Narita, Asahi, Lev, Hinata, Osamu, Yahaba, Suna, Kindaichi, Kai, Aone, Yaku, Kenma, Ushijima, Koganegawa, Akaashi, Konoha, Goshiki, Daishou
They would whisper some nasty shit in your ear in hope you’d also get horny and want to go
Tsukishima, Kunumi, Bokuto, Sugawara, Suna, Oikawa, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Kuroo, Futakuchi, Tendou, Atsumu, Osamu,
Straight up tell you cause either you didn’t get the hint, or they’re tired you’re ignoring their hints
Matsukawa, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Iwaizumi, Kyotani, Lev, Bokuto, Ushijima, Terushima, Suna
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© tetsunormous 2021 lmk if you want to be added to my tag list
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sickfic-with-kiko · 3 years ago
Hello!! Would you mind sharing some sick futakichi hc?? I bet aone always takes care of him in the best way even if doesnt look like it
Futakuchi would be easy to know if he's sick, because he's usually so snarky but he gets quiet and a little withdrawn when he feels nauseous. He doesn't really like getting fussed over, but Aone doesn't talk that much, so he has less of a bad time when he's getting cared for. Aone doesn't mind taking care of a gross Futakuchi, and will rub his back gently when he's feeling like throwing up. Kamasaki and Moniwa would also fuss over him, to the point where he tries not to get sick in front of them because they do so much for him. But Futakuchi can't say much, because Kamasaki did once clean up his vomit.
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spicysoftsweet · 3 years ago
gonna send you 3 different faves than usual for your game! gotta change it up hehe, so Kunimi, Naoto, andddd Futakuchi! ♥️
oooh this is interesting ok so
quality time primarily and then acts of service. i think you want someone who pays attention to you, especially the small things, but is also willing to go the extra mile to make sure you have what you need so that you feel safe.
order: futakichi > kunimi > naoto
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diary-of-deadweight · 4 years ago
I feel like Haikyuu fluff would be good right sbout now after laughing at oikawa and his one night stand's roast XD pls show my Dateko bbys some love and perhaps serial what you think practice looks like since we have loudmouth like futakuchi present XD
Request me shit! I’m bored!
Futakuchi is the definition of loud and proud so you know this bitch is gonna gloat about his wins to rule the others up that it ends with him with more then a few smacks to the back of the head.
Koganegawa is just as, if not, loud as Futakichi but he gets too excited about performing cool serves, dumps and shit that it’s easy for others to dictate what he’s gonna do hours before he does it which makes him a sad bean and I shall give him hugs because I can. (my poor baby I love you 🥺🥺)
Also fun fact: Futakuchi would always want both Aone and Koganegawa on his team during practice so when they aren’t on his team he gets mood and pouts for the rest of the game rich hinders his performance on the court.
Aone is indifferent, he honestly doesn’t care who’s team he’s on he will play his ass off as if he’s up against Karasuno/Seijoh. My baby bear don’t fuck about. Once he’s on the court nothing else matters then blocking the shit out of the other team. ( I love you honey, you’re doing great sweetie.)
Kamisaki would smack Futakuchi on the back of the head and tell him to get over himself for being a cocky bastard or to stop pouting like a baby when Aone/Koganegawa aren’t on his team and just fucking play.
He swears he’s gonna get grey hairs from Futakuchi alone then him and Koganegawa combined.
Takehito like Aone is indifferent about the team he’s playing on but I believe would find humour in Futakuchi being a pouty bitch, it felt like it comes straight out of a sitcom and he wonders if he should just sit and watch the chaos with some popcorn while he’s at it. He loves his team, even if they act like preschoolers sometimes.
Sakunami wouldn’t care about the team he’s on either, he would also be the type to watch the chaos from afar then have full confrontation with it to be honest so he would always be seen next to Takehito whenever koganegawa or Futakuchi act up.
Moniwa I believe is that one teen who’d get embarrassed by their Dad’s failure attempts at being hip with their friends but instead of the dad it’s with his undercalssman acting like a bratty child, he’d probably smack him on the back, not out of anger tho, he’s just easily embarrassed when his teammates act up and tries to get them out of their ruts as soon as possible.
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bokutosbiceps · 5 years ago
Haikyuu headcanons please. Kyoutani, Futakichi, Bokuto, Tendou, and Semi's crush's sports team had a bet going; if they couldn't win their tournament/competition, they had to confess to their crush wearing a sexy bunny-girl costume. How do the boys react when their crush shows up in said costume and confesses her feelings to them?
omggg i remember writing a request like this for you for kuroo + fukui (i think??) sometime ago. let’s continue !!
poor boy wouldn’t know what to do w himself
he’d think you look so hot and his entire body would blush like he’d glowing like a christmas tree but he wouldn’t be able to get out any words
especially when you confess to him
bokuto.exe has stopped working (OvO)
akaashi has to excuse bokuto and give him a small pep talk to get bokuto back down to earth again
after bokuto is somewhat composed, he’d be super stuttery and wouldn’t really know how to respond. so instead he’d just hug you really tightly to show you how he felt
you didn’t really know if he was accepting your feelings so, upon asking him if he accepted, he would just shake his head so furiously his brain had probably come loose
afterwards, he’d probably try to make a poor attempt at a compliment on how hot you look and it would end up sounding so stupid so cue blushing bokuto again
futakuchi acts surprisingly cool and calm about the whole thing, but on the inside he’s screaming 
he has to act collected in front of his team because he’s the captain so when you enter the gym and approach him, he calmly asks you why you’re dressed like that
everything is going well as you explain you bet with your team and how they made you wear this costume since you got kicked out of the tournament
everything is fine as you fidget under his gaze. there’s a lazy smirk on his face and he’s just taking it all in, enjoying the exposed skin quite a bit
but everything goes downhill once you abruptly bow your head and shout your confession to him
everyone on the team is like “oh fuck” because they knew about futakuchi’s crush on you and they knew he was about to lose it since you confessed to him first
he was actually planning on confessing to you when they were done with their own tournament
futakuchi kinda loses it on you 
you were confused and a little bit hurt when he first started yelling because it was just nonsense about how this was unexpected and you shouldn’t fool around with people’s feelings like that
but then at the very end, you catch a very rushed + frustrated confession from futakuchi’s lips, and you throw yourself at him to strangle him with a hug
the team started cheering for the two of you, and afterward futakuchi tells you that you must keep the bunny costume. you agree reluctantly. only for him
aone is v confused and he shields koganegawa’s eyes bc he is too pure for this 
kyoutani would be confused as hell
consider this boy confuzzled. why the hell are you approaching him with a sign that says you like him? why the hell did you look like you were being forced to do this? and most of all, why the fuck were you wearing a bunny costume that left so little to the imagination?
kyoutani would most likely feel as though this was a prank or an attempt to mess with him set up by the guys and he’d get really mad
the volleyball team knew about his crush on you but none of them would ever mess w him in that way (maybe oikawa but he’s far too busy messing w iwa) 
he didn’t exactly tell the volleyball team about his crush on you, they all kinda just knew from the way he’d look at you + offer to walk you home + actually be docile toward you 
you’d have to reassure him a thousand times that these were your true feelings (even though your team did put you up to it)
kyoutani probably wouldn’t respond for a while. it’d be silent and it would make you so nervous but eventually either yahaba or iwa would prompt kyoutani to give you an answer
he eventually accepts your feelings but is unable to meet your gaze, but he’s blushing the whole time so you know it’s all okay
immediately upon you entering the gym where shiratorizawa was practicing, semi spotted you, ran up to you, and begged you to change
he didn’t want any of the guys to see his crush so exposed like this !! especially not tendou or yamagata or kawanishi, they’d tease him for days
you ignore semi’s pleas and you let the scroll you’d been carrying loose
semi’s expression changes from worry to complete horror as he reads the words that are on the scroll. he knew the other guys had probably already noticed everything by now
tendou is so excited for semi and is all over him in an instant, asking him how he felt and what he was gonna do and if he’s got a hard on for you in pants due to the bunny suit
reon is covering ushijima’s eyes to shield him from the profanity 
semi gets him to shut up with a swift chop to the head and hurriedly drags you out of the gym, away from prying eyes and nosy ears
he has a long and serious conversation with you about your feelings and has to be convinced that they are true
once he’s sure you’re being serious, he confesses his feelings to you and tops it all off with a sweet kiss
he’s not really flustered about your confession, but the bunny suit has him reeling for a couple days after the event
tendou is all over it. he’s 110% on board. he immediately tells you how hot you look and how much he likes it
but also he sort of...makes fun of the outfit ? he just never thought you’d do something like this or wear something like that, so it kinda discourages you from confessing
he sees that you grew a bit quiet and asks what’s wrong and you slowly work up the courage to confess to him the way you + your teammates’ had planned
you lightly tossed him a pokeball and told him to open it--a small slip of paper that revealed your feelings was inside
he immediately switches from manic tendou to serious tendou
upon reading the paper, tendou hugs you real tight. he feels bad for making fun of you and for coming on so strong when you had something serious to say 
he asks if you were put up to this and you admit the whole deal with your teammates + he makes a note to thank them later
as for your feelings ? he accepts them with an enthusiastic fist bump  
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narnia-dreamer · 5 years ago
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“No please. Not you, not again" “Nice to see you too, Kenjirou”   [Futakuchi KenjixShirabu Kenjirou]
For @haikyuurarepairweek2020 Day 4: Victory | Castle  | Magic!Au In which they are knights coming from two different kingdoms who are fighting each other in order to be the one who saves the princess that their princes want to marry. (In the end, there was not such a princess, and it was just an excuse for Semi and Kamasaki to get rid of them for a short time. They didn’t expect the two knights to never come back to their respective kingdoms) (Random headcanon: Futakichi is a knight who fights with a longsword and a shield, while Shirabu fights with a shortsword and using magic to enhance himself and others)
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