#fuse nsft
marsbar17 · 2 months
hi lovely!! what kind of kinks would Bloodhound, Fuse and Crypto have in your opinion? I'm just wondering what they would be into in bed or what would turn them on the most hehe
Hello! Thanks for the request, I may have a few ideas about this 😏😏
Bloodhound, Fuse, and Crypto Kink Headcannons
Contains: a lot of NSFW, you've been warned
• Definitely primal play, I literally wrote a whole one shot of this pfff
• Bondage, I can see them being good at shibari
• Knife kink
• Slight exhibitionism and voyeurism
• Like they wouldn't have sex in an entirely public place, but they'd fuck in a forest or in front of a close friend like Loba or Fuse
• Or they'd like watching their partner get fucked by a close friend like Loba or Fuse
• Sadism and masochism
• Overstimulation and understimulation
• Definitely sadism, he loves spanking his partners and pulling their hair
• Bondage but like, not shibari, unconventional bondage :)
• Praise and degradation, he loves talking his partners through it
• I don't wanna say he has a daddy kink, but he likes to be like a caregiver to his partner in some ways
• Exhibitionism, he loves to show off
• Those like, leather harnesses and thigh straps, honestly just leather in general
• Fluffy handcuffs, I have no idea why this is what my brain has decided but it is
• Cockwarming, telling him he has to finish his work before he can fuck up in to the warm mouth or hole that's wrapped around him
• Voyeurism, loves to watch his partner touch themself
• He likes to be told what to do sometimes 🤭
Sorry this is a bit of a shorter post, I hope you like it anyways!
Remember liking and reblogging my work takes like 20 seconds and helps me grow as a creator. My requests are always open so if there's anything on your mind just put it in there :)
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thinking about the holy grail of them on top of me and inside me and looking me in the eye with their hand on my throat. not choking; not pressing. just the warmth and the connection of their palm on the place where my voice lives. the feeling like they are taking me and giving themself to me at the same time.
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gooopy · 6 months
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Demoman+its engineers aaaaand post
[Image id: a picture of a flask with a pink bow edited on. Text overlaid says "no alcohol in my flask this is squirt" end id]
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
Remember kids, it’s always okay to give your favs a PHAT fuckin ass.
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twinflame413 · 10 months
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i know you're not the biggest engie fan but how do you feel about short fuse? i think they could be sooo funny like,, dom bottom x dom top is really good, especially the way their different approaches to domming would interact, like demo is kinda bratty but he is trying to be actually be in charge y'know. AND the aftercare would go crazy,, sweetest mushiest aftercare ever
also tdick frottage
GODDDD YES I actually do like shortfuse very very much. Maybe bc a ton of people who draw it make Demo really hot and that gets me lmao. Dom top/dom bottom is reallyyyy good in general, I think "bratty" is such a good way to describe my Demo tf2 sex characterization but I don't think he usually drops the act. I think he's really good at being someone you want to make shut up (positively, sexually) and I think Engie is good at achieving that. Engie overstimming Demo's pussy w the Gunslinger while Demo still manages to tease him about how he can barely feel anything, is that all you got? in between whimpering and gasping and shaking. Do u see my vision. Oh God
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mandjtvredacted · 2 months
Saw the near complete lack of nsfw content for this fandom and was safe to say upset. So! I decided to take it upon my self to make a safe place for all you people like me
With a few exceptions of course.
๑ RPF is fine just don’t be weird to Michael, John, or about Trinity as people.
๑ Noncon, Pokephilia, sh, misogyny (as a kink), cannibalism, bondage, heavy bdsm, torture, forcefem, petplay, amputee, emeoto, feedersim, piss, detrans, and many other things are absolutely okay with me.
๑ trans headcanons are okay with me and can be used interchangeably between characters
๑ on the fence about feet and inflation (You can send them in but they might not be posted.)
๑ Pedophilia, body odour (besides sweat), incest, stepcest, DD/LG, scat, and abdl are an absolute no. 
don’t be afraid to send something in! The worst that can happen is I don’t post the ask or add something new to the rules.
Tag guide!
๑ Confessions -> #your confessions
๑ Posts that are not confessions -> #not a confession
๑ Thoughts (my own rambles) -> #my thoughts
๑ Art that is not mine -> #nmart
๑ Art that is mine -> #my arts
๑ Writing that is not mine -> #nmwritings
๑ Writing that is mine -> #mywritings
Have fun! *\(^o^)/*
Inspired by mcytredacted.
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vigilant-cleric · 2 months
💞 + how long has it been?
The first hint was that it seemed really complicated for the cleric to recall any proper answer to the question. The second hint was that the look on his face betrayed a certain discontentment with the state of his intimate life.
"... Years. I haven't had the pleasure of laying with anyone since I became a cleric. First, I would not even entertain the thought because my mind was elsewhere. Now, I do miss it, but the only potential partners also happen to be worshippers of the temple, and I like to remain professional, thank you very much."
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moubuu · 2 years
story summary: what happens when you mix booze and bloodlust? fuse fucks around and finds out.
(warning: this story is explicit.)
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why does the frenzied flame look so fuckable
ultimately i know fucking it would be a bad idea but
actually on that note who would you say is the most fuckable outer god?
Honestly? It's probably the Frenzied Flame. The Greater Will is too uptight about categories to have fun sex, Ranni's Dark Moon seems to want as little to do with the Lands Between as possible, the Rot Goddess appears to want to just infect anything (and the LAST thing you need is a fungal infection on your genitals), we don't know enough about the Fell God of Flame to say anything, the Formless Mother would just have you constantly pregnant and birthing out bloody lumpy monstrosities until you bleed to death in the name of love, whatever god the Gloam-Eyed Queen became was of death and likely had some weird birthing method to produce the Godskins that is incompatible with human genitals, and the God of Time would start edging you and then just never fuckin' stop. The Primordial Crucible was probs your best bet for sacred orgy shit pre-Marika, since it was all about mingling and makin' life, but then the Greater Will happened and we all know how THAT turned out
The Frenzied Flame, on the other hand? Its whole thing is to meld everyone back into one whole. Even if fucking isn't exactly what it meant, its a melding of some sort that it might pursue with some degree of enthusiasm, so I can totally see ritualistic horrifying flame orgies being a thing as a means of followers getting the feel for the 'all become one' thing. Maybe that's the truth behind why Vyke gave up the Elden Throne for the Frenzied Flame, lol. It wasn't to save his maiden, it was for the crazed sex appeal.
Now, their EMPYREANS on the other hand...that's a different story. Fucking the vessels of the gods is likely way more fun than fucking the gods themselves, if only because they used to be people instead of sheer raw power that's more comparable to a hurricane than a living being. At least the vessel channeling said hurricane understands what a dick is
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marsbar17 · 7 months
Here's a part 3 to Apex Legends figuring out you're a masochist. there'll probably only be one or two more parts so let me know if you want more! And requests for your favorites are always welcome :)
CONTAINS: NSFW, overstimulation, understimulation, sex toys, bondage, spanking, size kinks, strap ons, crying, slapping, choking, slight exhibitionism
Okay look, this woman is an engineer and a girlboss, she will build makeshift fuck machines. Shes super into testing your limits and overstimulating/understimulating you until you're numb. She's honestly probably the one that asked you about it instead of the other way around. When you agree, and even show an interest in it, she gets that look in her eyes that says "you might regret that." But even when you're 10 orgasms deep and she's still got a vibrator on high attached to your most sensitive parts, you don't regret a thing.
"Crying already? Wanna tap out? Or are you too tired to even speak, doll."
Overstimulation, understimulation, so so so many toys, especially vibrators. She wont really hurt you other than maybe tying you down a little too tight.
Okay, she's just too nice for this prompt, I just want her to hug me :(
She'd probably hug you when you tell her you're into pain dhdhnsja, like "oh dear, who hurt you." She'd somehow find a way to make you feel the same pleasure without the pain part. She's just fully praise and soft touches, she'd make you feel so safe and nice. I'm sorry to all the masochistic Horizon simps but if you specifically request it I can try to do it.
SPANKING, SSSPPPANNNKKIIINNGGG, SPANKING AND SIZE KIIIINKKK. Look, this man would fix all of my daddy issues if he was real, that's all I gotta say about that. It starts off as him lightly spanking you to get you to ride him harder, but your reaction makes him do it harder next time. It's his favorite thing, watching the way the skin of your ass gets red and ripples everytime he spanks you. Sometimes he'll even do it with his metal hand for a change, never too hard, just for a different feeling. He also gets really fixated on the sight of him thrusting into you, he loves to watch as you stretch around him. He'll even buy bigger toys just to see you stretch around something bigger, hissing when the stretch is too much.
"What a pretty sight you are, all red and sensitive. Taking me so good, pup."
Please make this man real, I'm begging sjhdjsja
This is the type of woman to sit back and watch you bounce on her strap while she occasionally thrusts up or spanks you to get you to go faster. She's not into hardcore sadism masochism stuff, but she'll spank you, grab you, pull your hair, anything to get you crying pathetically on her cock.
"Look at what a mess you are, baby. It's so fucking hot."
Spanking, hair pulling, light slapping, light choking, overstimulation, all that type of stuff. She just wants to see you crying your eyes out cuz it's so good. Any makeup you have on is sure to be running down your face way before she's even close to done with you. She takes pictures too, and sends them to her friends just to show how much of a slut you are for her.
Look, this man in also an angel, the best you're getting is the burning stretch from his dick or the way he makes sure to go deep enough to hit your cervix (if you're femme) with every thrust. Other than that, he's slow and soft and just wants you to feel like you're in heaven.
"It's too deep? Nonsense, love. There's no such thing as too deep."
Man's a fan of understimulation, just making it so you cum even harder when the time comes. He wants to see every reaction your body has, every twitch of your legs, every deep shuttering breath you take, every feature of your face as you get the most overwhelming orgasm you've had in weeks. He's into art afterall, and you're the perfect canvas to paint.
Thank you for reading! Requesting takes like 30 seconds and helps me know what to write, so please do!
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doevademe · 2 years
Goodness, so Percy did keep up with two very insatiable Nicos! He really didn't rob the title of hero 😂
Now if Nico have had the chance, what would the Percies do to him? Would he survive it?
Thank you for indulging my crazy fantasies, you are a gem 🙏
There's four words that would endlessly be repeated that night: "Please Percy, for me?"
Unlike Nico, Percy doesn't want anyone touching his boyfriend, not even himself. He tolerated the contest because he wasn't around to see Nico going on dates or getting frisky with the other Percy, and technically, it was still him, but now that they are both almost naked on the bed the only thing keeping them from bolting is Nico's hungry look.
"Please Percy, for me?"
It starts awkwardly. Neither Percy wants to accidentally touch each other and have to fight the urge to slap the other's hands away. Nico gets tired of the uncertain touches and just drops to his knees and oh, now things are actually exciting.
"Please Percy, for me?"
The two Percys get progressively more into it. It's almost hypnotic to be able to see his boyfriend's expression when he would normally be behind him or facing away from him, and as the night goes on, they turn wilder and more forward. Nico starts to turn incoherent halfway through, but he can't, for the life of him, bear to stop. Nico ends up passing out at around round 4 or so.
The next morning sees the Percys panicking. Did they go too far? Were they too rough? It's already a bit too much when there's only one Percy, and now Nico is... smiling at them, kissing them both and going down to the foot of the bed.
"Please Percy, for me?"
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
More fuse thirst art :)
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whalefelled · 1 year
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A Chirurgeon’s Notes on the Physical Differences of Estinein Varlineau After Removing Nidhogg’s Eyes
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The Azure Dragoon has ever been an esteemed position within Ishgard. A title demanding of the body, mind, and soul of those who carry it. 
There are physical scars from the eye removal, originally thought fused to his armor only, it seemed the process had superheated the metal of the armor and burns sustained were substantial though fully healed upon the removal of his vambraces when chirurgeons were tasked with healing him after he was returned to the people of Ishgard. It is highly likely that the fusing with Nidhogg had healed these wounds with little regard for cosmetics.
Injuries to his neck and vocal cords were sustained from Sir Varlineau restraining himself during the final confrontation as explained by witnesses when inquiry where they came from were raised.
The Azure Dragoon also has other characteristics we typically see with one within the early stages of ingesting Dravanian blood. Sharper canines, and a few scaled patches of skin across the body. We will keep an eye on him in case a side effect is a permanent transformation. His eyes also seem to have taken upon an extra reflective feature to them. The color shift is more obvious within lower light, but not something we have seen before.
Lastly, while we originally considered the fact he was feverish fighting off some unknown infection, it seems that Sir Varlineau’s body temperature has increased, as well as his aetheric density overall has increased.
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More Below
The physical changes undergone after the removal of the eyes are permanent changes to Estinein’s body and soul. 
Estinien does harbor the echo, though any extra skills or powers it gave him he mostly ignored throughout his life. I personally headcanon that Nidhogg and Estinien are shards of the same soul, and their joining during Heavensward was similar to that which occurs with the Warrior of Light and various individuals they share a shard with that we see throughout the story and job quests.
As outlined above there are minor physical changes:
Sharper teeth
Small patches of scales that form more like eczema flare ups
colorshift/reflective eyes from the hazy blue/gray to red. It’s more obvious in lower light
Increased body tempature
Other physical changes outlined below
Talking about genitalia/being below, not nsft or explicit, but just in case lines have been skipped so you may press the back button to avoid reading it.
[Other physical changes include changes to Estinien’s genitalia. Born intersex Estinien had genitalia that were not congruent with the rest of how he presented physically or aligned with his gender expression. After merging with Nidhogg this changed.
This was a POSITIVE change for Estinien, though before he was never Dysphoric, he just never thought about the alternative and ended up liking the change more.]
I am also learning how to write intersex characters with trans experiences and while I can do research I am only familiar with my own trans experience and am open to polite constructive criticism.
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seven-circlllxs · 8 months
Written In Blood {Tag Masterlist}
Non-Character Tags
Whispers from Purgatory [OOC] - Out of Character posting
Ashes to Ashes [Ashy Speaks] - Admin talk
I Think I'm Supposed To Be Bodyguarded Right Now [Rules] - Posts containing rules/standards of interaction
Take A Peek In The Guestbook [Info] - Posts that have important information
Very Important Research Pictures [Art] - Art from other blogs (not made by mun)
Whiteboard Planning Presentations [My Art] - Art made by me!
The Lesser Key of Solomon [Headcanons] - Posts that contain my own headcanons or reblogged posts of headcanons that I subscribe to
All The Shades Of Sin [Aesthetics] - Character Aesthetics or Aesthetics that match Muses
Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow [Quotes and Musings] - Quotes or Posts that make Mun think about specific Muses
Who’s That At Your Table? [Promo] - Promo posts!
Not Safe For Voxtagram [NSFW] - NSFW Posts (ALL NSFW posts will also have separate NSFW and NSFT tags!)
(Pending) [Self-Reblog] - Self-reblogged posts!
That Slutty Toy Clown Had It Coming [Shitposts] - Shitposts
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
Prompt/Starter Tags
New Rhythm and A New Hook {Memes/Starters} - Ask Memes and Starter Prompts
I'll Sell Every Single Weakness Back To You For A Fee [Answered Asks] - Answered Ask Memes
Tag You're It [Tagged Prompts]
Right Here In Hell At The Happy Hotel [Open Starters]
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
Muse Tags
Bullet Points are Muse-Specific Art Tags
Don't Touch That Dial! {Alastor} - Standard AU Alastor
This Face Was Made For Radio // Alastor // Visage
Frigid Royal Bitch {Andrealphus} - Standard AU Andrealphus
Bang Bang Bang Is The Only Shot For Me {Arackniss} - Standard AU Arackniss
In Desire We Trust {Asmodeus} - Standard AU Asmodeus
Make Sure The Subject Is Gettin' It On // Ozzie // Visage
Not Your Barbie Girl {Barbie Wire} - Standard AU Barbie
Bitch I Am One Throw A Tantrum // Barbie // Visage
You've Got Me In Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea {Baxter} - Standard AU Baxter
Always Chasing Rainbows {Charlie} - Standard AU Charlie Morningstar
The Devil's Princessa // Charlie // Visage
Short Fuse {Cherri} - Standard AU Cherri Bomb
Hello World I'm Your Wild Girl // Cherri // Visage
Flying Purple Paperweight {Collin} - Standard AU Collin
Sweet Beautiful Soul Saving Joy {Emily} - Standard AU Emily
Money Can't Buy Happiness But Guaranteed I'm Worth The Price {Glam} - Standard AU Glam
Special Occasion Splurge On The Urge // Glam // Visage
Royal Flush {Husk} - Standard AU Husk
You're All Scotch No Soda // Husk // Visage
Your Bite's Worse Than Your Bark {Loona} - Standard AU Loona
Running With The Wolves // Loona // Visage
Seven-Ring Circusmaster {Lucifer} - Standard AU Lucifer Morningstar
Where The Runaways Are Running The Night // Lucifer // Visage
Modern Major Murderer {Lute} - Standard AU Lute
Down Under We Don't Take No Prisoners // Lute // Visage
M A M A B O Y {Moxxie} - Standard AU Moxxie
Lovely Little Monster // Moxxie // Visage
Baby You've Got The Keys Now Shut Up And Drive {Travis} - Standard AU Travis
Radio Killer {Vox} - Standard AU Vox
Now You're Playing With Power // Vox // Visage
Along Comes A Spider {Zestial} - Standard AU Zestial
The Potion Is A Poison // Zestial // Visage
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
Canon Character Tags
Pinned Down Without A Crown [Vaggie]
Wrap Me In Plastic and Make Me Shine [Angel Dust]
Oh That Cement Is Just It's There For The Weight Dear [Henroin]
Blood Still Stains When The Sheets Are Washed [Niffty]
Snakebite Drags You Under [Sir Pentious]
Dancing On A Razor's Edge [Carmilla]
The Bestest Jester [Fizzarolli]
Christ On A Stick [Blitzø]
Of All The Imps In Hell It's For Her That I Fell [Millie]
Fins To The Left Fins To The Right And You're The Only Bait In Town [Chaz]
Heaven Help The Fool Who Falls In Love [Mama] - Tag for Moxxie's mother
Money Can't Buy Happiness But It Can Rent You Paradise [Glitz]
Catch Some Waves While Catchin' Some D [Verosika]
He's An Outlaw Loose And Runnin' Came The Whisper From Each Lip and He's Here To Do Some Business with the Big Iron On His Hip [Striker]
Stupid Slutty Moth Pimp [Val]
Why Am I In Your Mass Text? [Velvette]
You Can Be So Cruel And That's All You've Ever Done [Stella]
Look How They Shine For You [Stolas]
Everything Everything Everything You Touch Turns To Gold [Paimon]
Got A Touch Like A Thorn 'Cause The Girl She's Hiding Horns [Lilith]
Mess With The Horns And You Get The Devil [Satan]
Bring Your Own Fork Girl You Know I Don't Provide It [Bee-lzebub]
CENT-ipede [Mammon]
I'll Climb To The Top of Mount Rock and Be Part of That Heavenly Scene [Adam]
Que Sera Seraphim [Sera]
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
AU Tags and AU Muse Tags (Partner-Specfic)
In The Twilight Glow I See Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain [René] (@adeerandhisshadow's René)
On The TV Yeah You'll See I'll Show You I'll Own You ((Bluescreen-Verse)) - AU involving Vox and René
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
Ship Tags (Partner-Specific)
Froggy Little Flips {Fizz x Ozzie} - @e-m-p-error's Fizz and my Ozzie
Circuit Breaker {Vox x Val} - @e-m-p-error's Valentino and my Vox
Offer Me All The Stars Above Me {Lucifer x Paimon} @e-m-p-error's Paimon and my Lucifer
In Your Holy Water That Burns My Bastard Mind {Lucifer x Adam} - @e-m-p-error's Adam and my Lucifer
Does She Know That Her Destiny Lies With Me {Charlie x Vaggie} [pending]
You'll See Me On The Blue Screen {René x Vox} @adeerandhisshadow's René and my Vox
A Million Feathers Falling Down A Million Stars That Touch The Ground {Andre x Stolas} @stolsas 's Stolas and my Andrealphus
Come Gimme Some Of That Yum Like A Lollipop {Loona x Bee} @e-m-p-error's Bee and my Loona
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
Ship Tags (General) [Typically used on Art Reblogs]
Crooked Hearts [Fizzmodeus]
StaticMoth [VoxVal]
Little Moth Please Take Your Time [Chaggie]
Signal Interference [VoxAl]
SnowyOwl [Andrealphus/Stolas]
Original Sinners [LiliFer]
The Fallen Star and The Leading Man [LuciAdam]
You Look Like Gold To Me [PaiCifer]
HoneyMoon [LoonaBee]
All I Want All I Want All I Want Is Everything [Mammon x Stella]
Poison Tipped Daggers [Zestilla]
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
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seerofmike · 3 years
sorting the irl fanbases of each character into horniness tiers
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