#further law office adventures
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to-the-fishies · 2 years ago
My favorite workday strategy this week:
Do the thing!
Get it off your proverbial plate.  Make it their problem.
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todaysdocument · 13 days ago
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Petition of Ohioans to the Senate and House of Representatives Regarding Land Sale Policy
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of RepresentativesSeries: Petitions and Memorials Referred to the Committee on Public LandsFile Unit: Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents Which Were Referred to the Committee on Public Lands during the 11th Congress
To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled.
[left column]
The Subscribers, inhabitants of the state of Ohio, by their Petition, respectfully pray-That your honorable bodies will be pleased to extend the law of Congress passed the second day of March, 1809, entitle "An act to extent the time of making payment for the public lands of the United States, as as to relievet he purchasers of the public lands in a similar manner as in the years 1805, and 1806." The same embarrassments, and from the same reasons ; the same scarcity of circulating medium, and from the same causes, operate to distress your petitioners, as was set forth by many of us in our humble petition to your honorable bodies at your last annual session. Your petitioners find the means of payment suspended in a greater degree, than was felt last year ; little emigration ; no market for our surplus produce, and forbidding prospects of collecting our money from those that purchased our real or personal property in states from whence we emigrated, in time to make our payments to the United States, as stipulated by the laws of Congress now in force.
Your petitioners also further pray, that your honorable bodies will be pleased to grant a pre-emption to the original purchases, or his or their assignee or assignees, who was legally entitled to the survey so forfeited, had he or they made the payments agreeably to the laws now in force. This humane, and to us, beneficial regulation, will prevent the greedy speculators from depriving us of the comforts of our labor and honest industry, and often save us and our helpless families from total ruin. Many of your petitioners have made large improvements on our lands, under a full conviction that we should be per-
[right column]
fectly able to complete our payments, agreeably to the laws of the United States-But the possibility of a failure in payment, from the causes before adverted to, has brought amongst us a number of land speculators, men who live on the sweat from other men's brows, who generally place themselves in the most considerable towns in the state, and particularly in those towns where the land-offices are fixed-At the public sales for the non-payment of lands, (which happens three times in every year, i.e. at every court of common pleas) these adventurers closely attend the sales, frequently to the number of twenty or thirty, and sometimes to the exclusion of the ignorant farmer from the office ; and immediately on the reversion of the lands to the United States, apply in a body, and often obtain the very lands which we have toiled and labored on for years, and thereby made the wilderness a smiling paradise-From this property we are immediately dispossessed, and by such persons, and by such means ; or we must comply with their terms, which generally is, to give our bonds to the fortunate speculator for a considerable sum, sometimes more than the original price of the land, and also take the future payments to the United States on ourselves-The payment of these obligations, disenables us to comply with the future payments to the United States, and only procrastinates the day of poverty and distress a few years longer.-Much more could be detailed on this, to us, important subject ; but we forbear-believing and depending in the wisdom and justice of Congress to grant us such relief, as in their superior wisdom may seem meet.-And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.
[handwritten signatures, left column]
Samuel Bunn
John [Cunningham ? illegible]
Abner Epery
Benjamin Arnold
Solomon Ross
John Montgomery
Alex. Finley
James Morrison
Thomas Esery
James Morison
William [Aniston ? illegible]
Joseph Hanks
William Montgomery
Hugh [? illegible]
[handwritten signatures, right column]
John Russell
Joseph Flint
Moses McCall
[Hephra? illegible] Boyd
Joseph Lockard
Daniel Doll
Abraham Doll
[J ? illegible] Linnary
William Dyk
Thomas Cartt
Joseph Ross
Edward Salts
Lawson Linton
[Gecheviacca ? illegible] Lindon
Sam Hanford Senior
29 petitioners
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rjzimmerman · 14 days ago
Excerpt from this story from EcoWatch:
In 1979, when President Jimmy Carter famously unveiled 32 solar panels on the White House roof, he remarked, “A generation from now, this solar heater can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a road not taken or it can be just a small part of one of the greatest and most exciting adventures ever undertaken by the American people.”
Despite his reputation as an often ineffective president, he had an enormous effect on the environment as an advocate for clean energy, protecting lands and regulating toxic chemicals.
Jimmy Carter was an early adopter of clean energy in an effort to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign oil following the oil crisis that preceded his presidency. Four years before Carter took office, the member nations of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries placed an oil embargo on the U.S. and several other western nations in response to their support of Israel during the Yom Kippur War. As a result, the price of oil rose by more than 300%, while American dependence on foreign oil was simultaneously rising. 
After Carter took office, he responded by creating the U.S. Department of Energy. One of Carter’s major goals for the agency was to reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels by pushing for the domestic production of energy. While this push wasn’t perfect — part of his solution for the complex crisis included propping up domestic coal power — it was also a first-of-its-kind endorsement for clean energy, championing sustainable sources like solar and nuclear. “No one can embargo the sun,” Carter once said. “No cartel controls the sun. Its energy will not run out. It will not pollute our air or poison our waters. The sun’s power needs only to be collected, stored and used.”
In 1979, a second oil crisis hit, this time spurred by the decline in oil trade in the wake of the Iranian Revolution. Carter responded by laying out plans to expand renewable energy sources and made a pledge that 20% of American energy would be produced by renewable sources by 2000, but was voted out of office before many of these plans could come to fruition. 
Carter also protected far more land than any U.S. president in history. In 1978, he advocated for the National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA,) which aimed to protect vast amounts of Alaskan wilderness from commercial use and destruction. After the bill failed due to a last-minute filibuster, Carter used executive authority to protect more than 56 million acres of Alaskan wilderness, designating those lands as National Monuments. This action alone would more than double the size of the National Park system.
In December of 1980, roughly six weeks before Carter left office, ANILCA was debated again in Congress, and passed. Upon Carter’s signature, the law became the most expansive federal protection of American lands in history, granting protection to more than 157 million acres of Alaskan wilderness, which included further protections for much of the land Carter had protected two years prior. Of those 157 million acres, it also designated nearly ten million acres to the National Wildlife Refuge System, more than nine million acres to the Wilderness Preservation System, and more than three million acres to the National Forest System.
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nazrigar · 2 months ago
All-Sparks: Members of the United States Government.
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Because a Transformers story isn't complete without exploring human governments and how the Transformers deal with 'em! These are just the most important folks in the context of the AU of course!
Senator Lonzo R. Wilkinson of Michigan: A reformed criminal during his youth, he uses the experiences he learned growing up as well as his time in G.I. Joe to lead to him to go for public office. A native of Detroit Michigan, one can say that he had a hand in turning it from "Motor City" to "Robo City", as he was responsible for helping build the legislative foundations that allowed Sumdac and his technology to flourish. Also the chair of the Senate's intelligence committee. A member of the original Adventure Team, alongside Colton. He's still friends with Colton, but definitely concerned about Colton's inner rage, and doubly concerned about Colton's obsession with Scarlett and the reasons for her asking for a discharge all those years ago.
Senator Henry Masterson Sr. of Michigan.: a man who'd take a bribe with a smile. Supposedly under Blackshore's payroll, but in reality Masterson has no "real" paymaster. He'll appeal to any lobby if it interests him, and he'll switch positions (flippantly or gradually) depending on the "client". He considers himself first and foremost however, a survivor, and his "true" paymaster, in his eyes, is power. Has a son with wild ideas on robots. Based off the Inhumanoids character.
President Alexander Holt: Colton's Puppet President, knows it, and resents it.
An opportunistic politician who came into office in order to further his business ambitions, this in turn led him to be dependent on Colton to give him the image of a "strong American man who wants to keep America strong", and no one helps project strength like Joseph Colton himself. Being an energy mogul, his main motivation for seeking office was, in an act of extreme personal pettiness, was to try and get a leg up against Blackrock, to make sure that Blackrock's alternative energy solutions was as expensive as possible. He riles up the populace with bluster and theatrics, making people think he cares, when he actually doesn't.
He's really trying to find ways to undermine Colton's iron grip on the government, he's the President damn it. He should be the most powerful person on the planet, not Colton.
Based off an obscure character from IDW's Transformers run.
Secretary of Defense John Keller: Technically the only person below President in the chain of command within the United States military… and came into the office expecting such, but quickly realized many of the officers within the military have more respect and loyalty to one man, and it's certainly not the President. A man that truly believes in the rule of law and the use of appropriate force against whatever danger is presented to him, the concept of internal division of loyalties within the United States is a terrifying prospect for him. His strongest ally is Sector 7, insulated from Colton's influence only because it has remained a secret for so long within government, and its members are quite insular and cagey. The advent of Cobra however changed all that, and now Colton even has paws on them, if only in a limited capacity. With Cobra's defeat, John Keller has even more incentive to try have at least ONE government branch with firepower that operates independently from the Original Joe.
Senator Barbara Larkin of Oregon: Perhaps one of the rarest kinds of politician: born to wealth and status, but completely and utterly dedicated to public service for the greater good, much to the horror and disgust of her own parents. What Wilksinson is to Detroit and Sumdac Systems, she is to Portland and Blackrock Enterprises, because she is fully commited to the dream that energy shouldn't be expensive and energy is a basic need for a country like the United States. A vehement opponent of President Holt.
Is Col. Clayton "Hawk" Abernathy's lady wife. There are times when she wished Clayton would retire, not simply because she worries about him as we hunts whatever enemy still lurks in the world… but also because she doesn't want him to end up a jaded man who only sees the worst in the world. She believes Clayton has so much more to give to the world based on his experiences.
Based off Barbara Larkin from the Marvel comics continuity of Transformers.
Gabriella Constanza: The Woman of the Big Words. Literally, she's infamous for sparsing her words with material that one would need a dictionary AND a thesaurus to decipher.
Picked by Holt to be a completely nothing Secretary of State beholden only to him. After all, she's just some nothing teacher from a nothing town called Jasper with no other credentials besides running for Mayor of the nothing town, and she's easy on the eyes.
To the shock of everyone, she's actually really good at her job. She can talk to people well, is personable and pleasant to others, and can whip up a story on-the-spot. She's just occasionally confusing through the use of said Big Words(tm).
Based off Gabriella Constanza of the Unicron Trilogy.
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adachimoe · 8 months ago
If this guy had just been a magician then we wouldn't be dealing with this shit
During one of his Social Link rank ups, Adachi implies some things about his career. I know, I know, he said "I became a cop because GUNS". But also: he's a dumbass.
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Thus far, the player has only seen Adachi being a bumbling moron running away from a little old lady at Junes. But we see a side of him we haven't seen before: It turns out that he has sleight of hand and he's quite good at performing magic tricks.
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He doesn't think he could have made a living if he had gone into a profession working with his hands, even if he does demonstrate that he's good at it. He does acknowledge that his life might have been different. And when fiction does things like this, we in the audience know that the unspoken implication is that he would be a lot happier this way.
Adachi doesn't exactly try to hide how much he hates his life. But, at the same time, it's not like he tries to do much to change it. Part of it we see in his rank 6 social link when he talks about how "I'm lonely, but it's easier that way". But another part of it is that by being a police officer instead of a magician or something else, he gets to work at a government job. Job security certainly contributes to one's quality of life.
But I think there is something else worth noting about this, and it's based entirely off the year Adachi was born - 1984. (Insert the "literally 1984" calendar meme image here.)
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Adachi was born when Japan's economy was flourishing and the Yen was quite strong. Based on the timing, I think his parents had a kid under the assumption that, "Japan is prosperous, the Yen is powerful, things are great, everyone has money, or other valuable assets (stock/land)". If you've played Yakuza 0, this might vaguely sound familiar when it comes to Kiryu's story and his adventures in real estate.
This is a hilariously bad and overly simplified explanation, but it wasn't until the year after Adachi was born when the country and the bank began having economic issues. This eventually lead to the big blow up in the early 90s, stock and real estate nosedived, and the whole country went into a period of economic stagnation called the Lost Decades.
During Japan's period of growth, the country was seen as a powerhouse. My dad remembers when Japanese tourists were traveling all over due to strong yen - really a reversal of how it is now with people flocking to Japan due to how weak it is. People there would get a job and be set for life. While this was thanks to their economy and the assumption that "Wow, we have a lot of $$ in land and/or stocks, things are great", the "hired for life" thing can also be seen as being tied to Japanese labor laws. This changed after the economy exploded, and some companies began taking on temp workers who had less rights and less protections.
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If you start to compare Adachi's situation and birth year to the main cast, it's really no wonder they make him so damn mad and frustrated lol.
Yukiko and Kanji can inherit their family businesses. Their families aren't wealthy, but they have stable businesses they operate out of their family homes. They can inherit both land and jobs.
In Yukiko's Social Link, she talks about getting licensed as an interior coordinator as a backup in case the ryokan doesn't work out... Hm, I think learning that she even has options would piss Adachi off further lol.
Naoto I am under the impression is doing well since she already has a career as a detective, plus the backing of her grandfather.
Yosuke's family doesn't own Junes, but his dad is the manager at the Inaba store, and nepotism is a thing. But it seems that he too has options, as in Ultimax, he's going to cram school so he can go to university.
Rise already has a career. Unfortunately, it's part of Japan's terrible and exploitive idol industry.
Even Marie has a career, it seems.
One can assume that if Adachi's parents got on his ass if his grades dropped, then Adachi does not stand to inherit something from his parents (or perhaps their assets lost value?), nor is he already successful.
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Chie feels like the outlier here. From what we know about her, her parents don't have a business she can inherit, no famous grandfather, she's not a popular idol, and she doesn't have Main Character privilege. We also know from her Social Link that she wants to become an officer like Adachi.
Really, I think Adachi is too young to have grown up on promises of some kind of prosperous future thanks to Japan's strong economy, merely to have the rug pulled out from under him and have his dreams crushed in 1991 (he'd only be 7, after all). So where Chie might optimistically see the ability to help and protect people as an officer, Adachi might see stability and survival because of his parents and how they raised him and the economic situation.
"Don't be a magician, get a secure job" is something our parents would tell us in the west too, so maybe it doesn't seem that special or related to their economic situation at all. Pretty sure his folks would say it to him even if he was born some 10-15 years earlier. But I think it does help illustrate why he would pick security (or why his parents picked security for him), his failure case (have fun being a replaceable temp worker while waiting for your big break as a magician), and what some of his ire towards the Investigation Team is about (he had to study; why do they get to go kill god after school???). In some ways, he feels like an American millennial whose life was affected by economic circumstance, but everything that comes out of his mouth makes him sound a boomer lol. Get off my dungeon lawn, you damn kids.
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3-2-whump · 10 months ago
Intro to Caretaker: Guard Shack
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Author's Note: the audiobook our new OC is listening to tells a story from the world of @whumped-by-glitter, go check her out if you haven't already. I got her blessing to post this excerpt from her WIP here so that Nico would have a riveting book to listen to.
TW/CW: slavery whump, drug use (in the book). Wow, a relatively short TW/CW list this time!
This was the easiest money Nico Clemenza had ever made. From noon to about 8 pm, he sat in the little guard shack at the entrance of the mansion, opening the gates for the people who were authorized, and not letting in the people who weren’t. It took him a mere three weeks to memorize the faces of each Costa member, what cars they drove, their schedules, etc., but that was the hardest part, so far. The rest of the job involved plenty of downtime, which the young law student used to further advance his studies and slack off on his phone. He really should thank his uncle more profusely for finding him such a nice gig at this place last spring.
Costa Insurance operated out of the old mansion that once belonged to Luciano Antonio Costa –Boss Tony, as some of the older members referred to him. When his grandson, the current Boss, inherited the family business a couple years back, he also inherited the mansion and the several acres of land that came with it. Yet Don Thomas remained content to stay at his penthouse apartment, which led to the Organization renovating the grand old house into an office space, leasing out their previous downtown location, and moving the front to the outskirts of the city. Now here he was, staring blankly out at a long stretch of forested road, gun on his desk next to his textbooks and thermos of coffee, completely and utterly bored.
Just because it was the easiest money Nico ever made didn’t mean he enjoyed making it.
At least he had this audiobook on his phone. When he wasn’t doing his course work or watching the leaves of the trees rustle in the wind, he listened to audiobooks and the occasional podcast to stave off the ever-present threat of boredom. Currently, he was listening to a fantasy adventure narrated by a woman with a silky suave voice:
‘Dasa retreated to a quiet place outside of the cave that was now their refuge. He knew soon enough the weekly dose of Divinity’s Downfall would take effect. It was a potent poison, quite possibly the nastiest poison in existence, deadly in the worst way.
‘Fortunately, or unfortunately for Dasa though, it was just an extremely strong hallucinogenic and he did not want to be anywhere near either of his masters when the familiar claws of delirium sunk into his mind. While the drugs didn’t make him violent or anything, it just got embarrassing when Divinity’s Downfall loosened his tongue and he let all his thoughts spill out. Plus, he didn’t want Annika to know about the poisons; that was his burden alone. 
Dasa sighed, silently wishing he at least had his glass shards, the only thing he could say he owned. His first collection was left behind when he was taken to the palace, the second one was burned with the palace. A tear slid down his cheek. Dasa knew it was selfish; he shouldn’t be crying when Princess Annika and Master Jarek had lost so much more, but it just seemed like nothing would ever be his own. Not even his own body was his own, and the Tallisians could read his thoughts whenever they wanted, so he didn’t even have freedom in his own mind.  
‘‘Master Corvius was right all along, I am just a thing to be used or thrown out on a whim,’ Dasa thought bitterly as another tear slipped down his cheek, the poison beginning to seep its way into his -’
A succession of sharp raps against the guard shack door broke the immersion. Nico jumped a little in his seat, turning around to see who interrupted his story. A slim young man dressed all in black stood outside, his fist retreating from where it had knocked. The intern, his mind supplied. He usually rode out with the Boss at the end of the day. Nico hastily paused his audiobook and rose to open the door, running a hand through his unkempt dark brown hair in an attempt to keep up the appearance of neatness. “Hey,” he greeted, plastering on his signature smile. His classmates didn’t call him the ‘high school heartthrob’ for nothing.
Nico never got a close look at the intern until now. Cal –that was his name, right? –looked a bit young to be an intern, with his rounded, boyish facial features yet to melt away into hardened lines. He was a little shorter than him, though that coiffed tuft of black hair on top of his undercut gave him about an extra inch or so of height. His mocha brown skin contrasted with Nico’s fair complexion, as did his dark brown eyes, compared to Nico’s forest green ones.
“Can I eat my lunch in here?” Cal asked. His voice was a soft timbre, like a glacial lake in a forest. He hardly spoke with an accent, which made Nico feel a little self-conscious that he was expecting one.
“What, why?” he asked. Nobody ate their lunches outside. There was plenty of room in the refurbished dining room, wasn’t there?
“I usually eat my lunches outside, but it looks like it’s about to rain soon, and I would rather not be caught in it,” the intern explained. Nico looked up towards the heavy gray sky. The forecast mentioned chances of scattered showers around mid-afternoon... “Yeah, sure, come in,” he shrugged, moving aside as he opened the door a little wider.
The boy shuffled past him as he entered the guard shack, muttering a quiet “thanks” as Nico shut the door. He slouched back into his seat, then felt immediately guilty that there was only one chair in the guard shack and that his guest would have to stand and eat.
“Wait, would you like to sit down?” he asked, reluctantly rising yet again.
Cal eyed the chair warily as if it would bite him before saying, “No, I’m alright, thanks.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I’ve been sitting all day, it’s fine,” Nico insisted. He pushed his chair forward in invitation. The intern shook his head again. Nico shrugged in defeat, resuming his spot in his chair as Cal unwrapped his sandwich and began to eat.
“So… your name’s Cal?” he asked, starting a conversation. He never got visitors to the guard shack before, unless they were there to tell him someone of consequence was coming or going, or to yell at him, so he didn’t want to bore away his first real guest.
A nod in between bites of food answered his question. “What’s it short for? Calder, or-”
“Khaled,” the boy corrected, washing down his last mouthful with a can of Coke.
Nico’s mouth opened in a quiet ‘oh.’ He quickly quirked his lips into a friendly smile. “My name’s Nico,” he said proudly. “Nico Clemenza, future attorney!” He gestured proudly towards his thick textbooks and unopened laptop. “My uncle got me this job to help me make some extra dough while I pursue my law degree!”
“Oh, um, that was nice of him,” his guest replied before taking another bite of his food.
“How did you get here? Not many people know about job openings in Costa Insurance.”
“Temp agency,” Khaled answered bluntly and a little too quickly.
He offered a low whistle. “Your agency must have one of our guys on the inside, to be able to get you into this job.”
Khaled merely shrugged as he ate the last couple bites of his lunch and chased it with a swig of Coke. “So, what is guard duty like?”
Nico let out a prolong, exhausted sigh. “Boring as hell,” he admitted. The intern chuckled a little at his honesty. “But at least I’ve got my phone and my laptop out here.”
“Wait, does that mean you get Wi-Fi out here?” Khaled asked, tilting his head toward the laptop.
Nico nodded. The boy visibly perked up. “Can you look up the FIFA U-17 World Cup for me?” he requested with urgency. “I missed the last couple games when I was grounded.”
Nico opened his laptop, quickly signing in and searching it up for him. “You’re a soccer fan, then?”
“Football,” Khaled corrected, “the real football.”
Nico scoffed; as a star quarterback during his high school days, he felt personally offended by the sentiment. “You mean soccer. The less cool football.”
Khaled ignored him, an audible groan escaping his lips as he read the results. “My team didn’t make it!” he whined. He sunk his face into his hands. Nico reached up to offer an awkward pat on the back, knowing the feeling all too well. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” the boy muttered, “they were playing against Spain; La Furia Roja are strong as hell, after all!” He set his hands down and leaned back against the wall with a sigh.
“Want to watch what you missed?” Nico offered. He was already pulling up footage of the game on another tab as Khaled gave a small, eager nod. “Come closer,” he beckoned, blowing up the video to full screen.
All too soon, a dissonant beeping noise sounded from a pager hooked onto the intern’s belt. “Damn,” he pouted, “my break is over.”
“Well, at least it’s not raining too hard out there.” The light pitter-patter of rain intensified into a torrential barrage on the steel roof of the guard shack. Nico awkwardly chuckled; looks like he spoke too soon. He grabbed the large coat with ‘SECURITY’ emblazoned on its back from where it hung on the door knob, extending it out to his new friend. “Take this, and give it back to me at the end of the day,” he offered.
Khal took it gratefully and wrapped it over his thin shoulders as he made his exit. “Oh, and don’t be a stranger,” Nico added before he was fully out the door. “Come back anytime and we can watch some more soccer!”
The young intern flashed him a small smile. “It’s football!” he laughed. He raised the coat over his head and dashed into the pouring rain. Nico shut the door behind him, slunk back into his chair, and hit play on his audiobook. He couldn’t help but bear a matching smile on his own face. Looks like his job wouldn’t be so boring after all.
Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump@whumped-by-glitter
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jasper-tarot-reader · 6 days ago
Neopets/Skyrim Tarot: XX. Judgment
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Judgment is a card depicting the Last Judgment aka Judgment Day, further emphasizing the fact that tarot came from Italy because come on, man. And people alternate naming it Judgment or Judgement, because both are correct; Judgment just happens to be the more common one. Typically, this is depicted as an angel blowing a trumpet over a family who are obviously dead and about to get yoinked up to Heaven.
This is also one of the most commonly changed cards in the tarot. One of my decks, the Gay Tarot, changes it into "Beyond Judgment" to portray the same feelings in queer men as the usual card does in Christians.
In these two decks, the card is not renamed, but the characters portray the same type of Judgment - the Judgment of someone who will bring villains or criminals to the court of law, a more powerful version of Justice focused on legal and mortal justice rather than cosmic justice. The difference between them is clear once we dive in, so let's take a closer look at our judges, shall we?
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Judge Hog is a Blue Moehog who was born in 25 BN (aka 1974, meaning that he turns 51 years old this year, even though he will forever look and be 32 years old in the Neopedia because Neopets doesn't believe in linear time for character designs) and is the head of the Defenders of Neopia. The Defenders of Neopia are a worldwide organization of superheroes who protect Neopia from villains such as the Pant Devil and Iron Skeith, as seen in the card. It's unknown if Judge Hog founded the Defenders of Neopia or is just the current boss.
Judge Hog serves as a superhero bringing down villains, the chief logistical officer and mission control for when other superheroes get sent out, and also as their PR person doing public announcements and appearances for kids. He also lives in a gingerbread house. What a fantastically whimsical motherfucker despite being serious about his job. Truly evidence that you don't have to stop having fun even when you're doing important work.
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Mjoll the Lioness is a Nord warrior and ex-adventurer currently living in Riften who is single-handedly trying to tackle the pervasive corruption in its streets and all the way up to the Jarl. She retired from adventuring after Aerin saved her life outside of a Dwemer ruin, but she will follow you if you recover her lost sword Grimsever.
Like Judge Hog, she is dedicated to the protection of others and the clearing of corruption from the streets. Unlike him, she's a one-woman show in a city where the Thieves Guild operate in broad daylight and the real ruler in the city doesn't need to work that hard to puppet the current Jarl (or to take her place if the Imperial Legion takes Riften at any point) and have the city's guards in her pocket (or pay a visit to the Dark Brotherhood). She doesn't have much in the way of outside help, considering the first thing that happens when someone new comes to the city is a shakedown from the guards outside.
Honestly, considering she's literally a Skyrim character, she makes perfect sense for the Judgment card here. Her whole schtick is that she passes judgment on whether or not people are corrupt and strikes against that corruption when and where she can. (However, this isn't reflected in her in-game morality, which allows her to tolerate the player doing any crime...of course, that could be a fascinating look into her internal hypocrisy and justification. More than likely, though, it's a programming oversight because this is Bethesda we're talking about.)
If I were assigning an Elder Scrolls character for a broader deck, I...have no idea who I would pick. Honestly, any Daedra, Aedra, or other divine being could fit this card, as they all represent Judgment in their own way with their own distinct flavor. For some reason my brain keeps throwing Malacath at me though, so what the hell, sure.
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tarithenurse · 4 months ago
I see fire
Fandom: D&D 5E/homebrew campaign. Word count: 3584. Contents: Detective work. A/N: I know that this story doesn't garner a lot of attention….but neither did my other works and I'm having fun sharing it with the few who read, so - Enjoy and thank you! Any questions are welcome. Please comment and like and reblog. Let me know if you want a tag. Divider by @firefly-graphics
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In the bright of day (much to Zilvra’s and Owen’s dismay (for different reasons)) the adventurers have breakfast and Malikka even hands them all some bedrolls that have seen better days. Then Zilvra and her new companions bid the other group and Malikka goodbye and set out along the only road leading north.
The first day of travel is quiet, no one else seems to be using the road and as night falls there are no sight of civilization or camp sites and so the trio seeks out their own little spot which Anvindr unsuccessfully attempts to improve on before he settles down. He is the only one that needs a full night’s sleep – in fact he’s the only one who sleeps while the other trance seated semi-consciously – and so the two women decide that he can combine all bedrolls into one proper and he’s very happy with that.
Like the night before, Zilvra takes first watch, studying the eladrin in her trance as her appearance changes from what it had been. Nothing else happens, and eventually the drow settles in for her trance as Morella wakes up now as a radiant summer’s day.
When Anvindr and Zilvra wake up, the are immediately shushed on by Morella who’s stretching out on a patch of moss. She points towards a figure lying on the other side of extinguished campfire and both of her new party members are respectively shocked and weirded out by the fact that it’s a wolf. A fully grown wolf. Even though they try to keep their voices down, the harsh whispered demands for an explanation wake up the creature who departs, leaving the trio without a scratch.
“It was hungry so I gave it some food,” Morella tries to explain happily, “and then I noticed it was hurt – look what was in the wound!” She holds out her hand, allowing the other two to inspect what appears to be metallic fragments. Copper, Zilvra realizes. “He wants us to find his alpha, Dolos, so we can help them.”
Anvindr inspects one of the nuggets. “Maybe it’s to do with that mine Tio mentioned?”
“Wait it what?” Zilvra is more focused on something else: “It talked to you?”
“Yeah.” Morella doesn’t elaborate further.
They have no way of knowing how or where the wolf sustained its injuries and no clue on where to find the rest of the pack either, so the trio resumes their trek along the dusty road.
In the evening on the third day after setting out from Oldgarde, they arrive at the first marker of civilization: the abbey of Heartwell Shire. The road leads off to the right past fields of grain and grapes and farms. Heading for the only logical place to ask for directions, Zilvra leads the group towards the abbey’s doors, noticing the sigil of Amaunator above the door: a blazing sun with wavy rays – Amaunator is the god of justice and law, a deity who also had been featured in the capital.
Thankfully, their knocking is answered quickly by a rather young man with Stouvanian armour on who introduces himself as Deputy Willem. The trio shows their credentials, the copper tags, and are welcomed inside with the promise of a place to sleep and a proper meal. Apparently, the place is not only the religious seat of the village but doubles as the local law enforcement’s quarters.
Inside, he guides them through the main room of prayer and on to an office where they meet the Marshal, McBribe, who gets the lay of the land because he’s apparently been expecting some sort of adventuring group from Master Tio. Also he knows about Zilvra’s crime and punishment but thankfully he is kind about it and is keen to fix the bonds so they last longer.
“Fetch Paxton,” he asks Willem who hurries off only to return moments later with a chubby friar in tow who’s huffing and puffing but smiling at least.
“Let’s see, dear,” the rotund man of faith grabs Zilvra’s hands and begins rubbing a sticky ointment on the bonds, wrists, and neck of the drow while muttering an incantation.
The bonds had not been super tight, but the decrease of the circumferences had started to worry the drow so it’s a relief to feel the metal widen.
Paxton smiles jovially. “Now you got four days. You come back to me when it’s needed, alright?” and he makes to leave.
“Actually,” McBribe stops him, “I have some things to attend to still and I’m sure our guests are tired and hungry. Why don’t you show them to sister Anetta?”
“Yes, Marshal. Right this way.”
He’s a kind and chatty guy, explaining about the place as the trio ventures towards the dining hall (an extension of the kitchen). He even admits to things being quite different in Stouvania since the rebellion.
“Which rebellion?” Anvindr asks cautiously.
Paxton blinks. “The Masons’. Ah, I suppose you wouldn’t know seeing as you’re outsiders.” Just then sister Anetta comes over with plates of warm, delicious food and wine to go with it, making the kind friar beam in anticipation. “So...after the war, the Masons worked hard on the repairs of the city and rumour has it that they weren’t getting paid as they should? Either way, there were a lot of protests and the king was killed as he had gone to address the mob.”
“Assassinated or mobbed, you mean?” Zilvra wants to be sure.
“Weeell...” brother Paxton hesitates, “I wasn’t there but it almost seemed...unplanned. Like he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
The trio exchanges surprised looks before Anvindr voices their thoughts: “An accident?”
“It probably wasn’t but the reaction of the Masons afterwards...”
“But they apprehended the murderer, didn’t they?” Morella insists, recalling master Tio’s words.
“Emmet von Kresswell, leader of the Masons.” Paxton shudders. “Anyways! This is hardly relevant to you. Now, we’ve got a nice little corner carved out for us up here but it’s nice to see someone like you three come to help us. I’m sure McBribe will explain it better, but,” he hurries on, “we’ve got some wolf trouble. Good ol’ Daremot Jones is hard pressed when he goes hunting – he’s a tanner – and he’s been pushed out of his normal range.”
“By a copper mine?” Morella asks.
“Uhm, dunno but yeah there’s an old abandoned mine to the north. Why do you think...?”
The eladrin chaotically explains about the wolf she had befriended and even shows the friar the residue which he suggests they take to the local blacksmith, Janus Hammerknuckle.
“Oh? Newcomers?” a man’s voice calls from the threshold of the kitchen.
Looking over the trio sees another friar, more slender and wrinkly but dressed in the same dull robes and soft shoes. Standing up to shake hands, they each greet him amicably though it in Zilvra’s case isn’t enough to prevent him from recoiling at the sight of the bonds.
“This is brother Samuel,” Paxton explains, apparently not having noticed the distaste radiating from his colleague.
Another figure appears in the door but this one they’ve met before: McBribe. He apologizes for having had them waiting, then joins them at the table where both latecomers are served by sister Anette.
“So, Paxton’s telling you about our problems?” Thankfully there’s no malice or annoyance in the marshal’s voice.
Anvindr nods. “The wolves? Yes sir.”
A wave of the hand dismisses the title: “Just McBribe...or marshal if we have to be really formal.” The trio nods. “So, you’re used to hunting wolves?”
None of them are but Morella barely lets that slip before trying a different approach: “Well there’s always been wolves in these lands, right?” She gets an agreeing humph. “So the problem is purely that they’ve shifted their territory but they wouldn’t randomly do that. I bet something’s forced them away from their normal area. That would fit with what our friend said about them being in trouble.”
“Who said that?” McBribe interrupts.
Morella looks surprised at the question but Anvindr is quick to explain to the marshal about the wolf from the previous night.
“Well that sure it...different. Unconventional.” McBribe looks unsure whether to believe the tale or not but then his face clear up in a smile. “Maybe that’s just what we need, though.” He studies the colourful eladrin for a moment. “They used to be near the mine up north...I’d like you to find out what’s going on and then report back to me. It’s just a day out from here.”
“I think Niels has a map, you could ask him to see it,” brother Paxton suggests helpfully.
Apparently brother Niels is the resident bookish friar but before the trio seeks him out, they are first shown to where they can sleep that night: up in the clock tower one of the floors has been refurbished to serve as a guest room with multiple beds despite the open air flowing in through the arches and the bell up above. But it’s neat, dry, and clean and the five beds look comfortable enough.
Taking the chance and setting down their backpacks, the trio descends with the purpose of finding a map to study. The abbey isn’t big and they quickly find a small library, tightly stacked with books and scrolls all tended to by a withered friar who somehow manages to balance a pair of glasses on a very crooked nose.
“Ah, the adventurers,” he creaks, “we’ve been expecting someone of your calibres. How can I help?”
Explaining the basis of the situation is simple enough and he guides them over to the wall behind a loaded desk where a faded map hangs. It shows the shire only, including an icon for the mine that hasn’t been crossed out or erased in spite of the misuse of it.
“Yes it’s been abandoned years ago. Ran dry,” he explains, “there has been no maintenance so it must be in danger of collapsing.” He smiles, eyes unusually big through the lenses of his glasses. Then he looks around. “I thought there were three of you? Where’s the...other colourful one?”
Morella is indeed missing.
A brief search is all it takes to find her sitting crisscross-applesauce with a cat in her lap. The furry acquaintance is purring loudly, clearly happy with the attention and scritches.
“Well, alright then,” brother Niels seems relieved.
“Perhaps, if you have the time, could you help me with a bit of research?” Anvindr asks, causing the old man to kick into gear, eventually finding several books for the air genasi.
Meanwhile, Zilvra has taken to her own perusing. Not daring to pluck out any of the books, she tries to get an idea of what sort of literature is available. Walking, twirling her wooden dagger absentmindedly, she barely realizes in time that the librarian is heading her way with an expectant smile on his thin lips.
“And are you perhaps also thirsting for knowledge?” he creaks.
Uhm. She rubs her neck, feeling the circular bond there and how unfair she found the verdict she now is a slave to. “Do you happen to have a book about the laws of Stouvania?”
His eyes drift to the bonds but he is kind enough to refrain from commenting, just nods and heads down along the row of bookcases, trailing a long finger along the backs of the volumes until he finds what he is looking for: a fat and old but surprisingly pristine volume.
“This is...perhaps not the newest edition so there may have been some specification or addendums that you can’t find in it...but mostly it’s the same.”
“Thank you.” She means it.
There is no chance for her to appeal the case but she sure as hells won’t risk committing another crime...on the other hand she also has no chance of reading and memorizing an entire tome of law. Picking through the book, she does surprisingly find a paragraph explaining the legality of Roofwalking as a means of quickly getting from point A to point B without worrying about such things as trespassing as long as only the roofs were used and balconies remained off limits. Having to concede that Roofwalking is an actual thing, Zilvra deduces that this might have been among the laws that have been amended since the war or the rebellion.
Eventually, both Anvindr and Zilvra are satisfied with their research and so they round up Morella (who only reluctantly leaves the cat behind).
The night passes without incidents.
On the morning of the 19th of April, the trio rises to an overcast sky and a blue Morella. They only wake minutes before Anetta comes huffing up the stairs, announcing that the breakfast is almost ready.
After breakfast the trio finds Janus Hammerknuckle further into the village.
The big hands and leather apron is a good indicator for his occupation if the outsiders had been unsure. Great in stature and rough looking, he does seem friendly and helpful enough as he takes a look at the metallic residue, confirming that it’s copper.
“That’s weapon shrapnel...which is weird,” he further informs them, “I used to be a weapon smith and I can promise that copper weapons are a thing of times gone by. Oi! Goddrick!” He calls towards the back room. While waiting for this Goddrick to emerge, he continues: “As I said...I used to make weapons and I was darn good at it if I say so myself. But...I didn’t like it much. There was no joy in only creating something that destroys.”
Another human comes over, sticking a pair of thick gloves up under his arm. His hair is a mess and there’s soot in his face except around his eyes.
“What?” he demands before fully realizing that the trio is present.
Janus holds out the copper shrapnel. “Thinking the same as me?”
There’s a moment of silence where the two boink heads as they both try to study the metal.
“Shrapnel. Weapons?” Goddrick then confirms unknowingly.
Janus turns to the adventurers. “Well, there you have it.” He sprinkles the metal shavings back into Morella’s palms. “No clue who’d still use copper weapons though.”
They thank both men before asking direction to the hunter they were told of, Daremot Jones. Not that there are a lot of options as the village only consists of one street and so they can’t mistake the place after they’ve gotten the description.
Daremot’s there in an open front workshop where several hides are strung out to cure. He seems to have been expecting them, as he immediately sizes them up and then begins to explain about the wolves.
“My grounds, so to speak, have always been to the northwest and while there might have been the occasional track of a stray wolf, it’s never been anything more than that,” he explains in a husky voice. “Now the area’s swarming with them, scaring away the game and they seem to be encroaching on the village too. I’m worried they might be desperate enough to pose a threat to us.”
“They’ve come to the village proper?” Zilvra wonders.
He shakes his head. “Not yet...but there’s little sign of any prey animals left in that neck of the woods so who knows.” Then he sighs. “That’s not even the worst. There’s something out there, sounds like a wolf but much deeper and more growley even as it howls.” He scratches an itch on the arm. “If it is a wolf, then it’s gotta be a mighty beast.”
Morella doesn’t seem deterred, smiling gently at the man before turning to her new friends. “Sounds like a job for us.”
“So...both the mine and the wolves?” Anvindr checks and both women nod. “Alright then!”
Bidding the hunter goodbye, the trio heads north out of the village, their first destination being the mine.
“It’s really quiet,” Morella whispers.
They’ve been walking for several hours, following a mostly overgrown path through the forest.
“Mmm,” Zilvra agrees, “I don’t like it...the Topside is always noisy with birds and wind and whatnot but this...this is eerie.”
She silently draws her rapier, noting how the others follow her example.
Advancing further, it’s not long before the sharp-eyed Morella spots an odd structure that looks a bit like a rocky hollow or den. Sneaking closer, the stealthy drow gets near enough to see that the structure isn’t wholly natural but more interesting than that: it is occupied. A loud snoring emanates from a dwarfish creature. Zilvra recognizes it as a duergar.
The duergar are cousins to the dwarves but lives in the Underdark, deep underground. They are among the chief enemies of the drow so apart from being surprised at seeing one Topside, Zilvra also has an instant dislike of it and is about to try to communicate as much to her new friends when Anvindr decides to move closer, snapping a branch loudly by stepping on it – he hadn’t seen it lying there but the duergar definitely hears it and bolts upright. Already speeding up to a sprint at the sight of the blue male, the duergar leaves its little hideout through the backdoor where Zilvra has made it to.
“Drop the weapons,” she motions to the crude gear with her rapier.
The duergar drops the things but says nothing. It, a male with grey skin and black hair and beard, eyes her warily and its gaze grows anxious when Anvindr joins the silent stand-off. Shifting it weight from one leg to another, it’s only brought to hesitate by Zilvra’s warning sound for a moment, though, before it takes of screaming and howling through the woods in a northern direction, leaving the three adventurers behind.
Calming down enough to check out the outpost, as they theorize it is, Anvindr finds nothing more than the axe and shield the duergar had dropped as ordered. And a mudball.
“They eat those,” Zilvra comments, “I think.”
What is interesting is the gear: both items have a rough coating of copper dust on the edges, perfect for botching up a wound even more.
“Looks like what was in the wolf’s wound,” Anvindr notices, causing the females to nod in agreement.
Then they set out, moving quietly so as not to step into an ambush or similar but nothing seems out of the ordinary for the first hour which is when they reach yet another of those crudely constructed stone shelters.
“Can’t see anything from here,” Morella is stretching her neck to get a better look.
Zilvra nods, silently drawing her weapon. “Moving in, hang on.”
A moment later she can call out to the others that while the outpost has seen recent use, there’s no one now.
There’s not much sense in lingering and the trio continues.
Eventually, they reach the outliers of the mountains that stretch into the forest like chubby fingers. A little ways up ahead, they see the forest come to an abrupt halt, old stumps mingling with younger trees indicating that nature even has reclaimed some of its lost space and what lies beyond is the mountain range that the trio had seen on the friar’s map, known as The Spine of Heartwell.
Another thing worth of note that the odd group now can see is the mine and an odd structure outside of it: stones and rocks have been piled to form a crude but effective barricade. No one had mentioned anything about such a structure and Zilvra suggests that it might be the use of whoever uses the mine now – duergar maybe – although there’s no sign of any life at the moment.
“Should we go in?” Morella suggests, ready to face anything.
The other two are more reluctant, though.
“Not without knowing what’s in there.” Zilvra has plenty of experience scoping out places in her past but there’s no reason to mention that now.
It doesn’t take long for them to figure out what to do and they manage to find an agreeable camp spot where they can keep an eye on the mine throughout the night. In the morning, they’ll go west to the wolves, hopefully.
“Guys,” Morella whispers, beckoning her friends over to the watch spot, “guys look.”
It’s early in the evening, just about dusk after a few hours of nothing exciting.
Joining her, both Zilvra and Anvindr quickly see what she’s referring to: several duergar have exited the mine and are starting their work on shaping the stones as they want to enforce the barricade. A patrol sets out towards the forest, disappearing between the trees and underbrush in a southern direction not far from the well hidden camp.
Despite the duergars’ love for darkness (like anything else in the Underdark) they do need some light and so set up torches to work by as night falls, unwittingly allowing the trio to have a clear view of them moving about in and out of the mine.
Later, when Anvindr and Morella are just about to settle down for a rest, rustling is heard just beyond the camp: the patrol is returning empty handed and by some miracle, they don’t notice the people watching them.
“I’ll wake you if anything happens,” Zilvra promises as she prepares to take the first watch.
Nothing does happen however and eventually the two of elven kind switch roles, allowing the drow to trance and the now golden/yellow eladrin to observe the busy dark dwarves.
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edwardian-girl-next-door · 1 year ago
Feast Days: Martinmas
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Anthony Van Dyck ~ "St. Martin Dividing His Cloak" (c.1618)
Happy Martinmas!
Today marks the feast day of St. Martin of Tours, who was bishop there from 371 CE until his death in 397 CE. He is the patron saint of many things, including: against poverty, against alcoholism, the poor, cavalry, Buenos Aires, quartermasters, wool-weavers, soldiers, and tailors, as well as wine growers, makers, and sellers. Whew! He must be very busy.
Keep reading for info about his life, a snitch goose, where the word 'chapel' came from, and how to tell what the weather will be like at Christmas.
His Life
Much of what we know about Martin comes from his hagiographer, Sulpicius Severus, who includes some 'artistic license' that is common in chronicles of the time, and therefore must be taken with a grain of salt.
Martin was born anywhere from 316-336 CE in Savaria, now Szombathely, Hungary. His father was a senior officer in the Roman Army, and as such was given land in northern Italy for his retirement. At the age of 10, Martin attended a Christian church against the wishes of his parents, and became interested in Christianity. Because of his father's status as a veteran, he was required to join the cavalry at 15. Dates surrounding his military service are shaky, but Severus states that, during his time stationed in Gaul, he was riding on horseback when he encountered a poor man with threadbare clothes. Having compassion on him, Martin used his sword to cut his own woolen cloak in two and gave the other half to the man. That night, Jesus Christ appeared to him in a dream, surrounded with angels and wearing half of the cloak. After this, Martin was baptised as a Christian. Though other miracles of his are recorded, this tale is the one most associated with Martin's life. It fits in with depictions of God or his angels in disguise as a beggar, traveller, &c., and is also a narrative found in many other religions and traditions. (Biblical examples include Abraham feeding the three angels in Genesis 18).
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Martin dips from the army ~ fresco by Simone Martini (c.1320s)
With his new faith now firmly a part of his life, Martin decided to leave the army. Before a battle near modern-day Worms, Germany, Martin went before Emperor Julian and refused his salary, saying, "I am the soldier of Christ: it is not lawful for me to fight." They threw him in prison for this, but due to ye olde extenuating circumstances, he was released and discharged without further incident.
Martin made his way to modern-day Tours in France and declared himself a hermit, becoming a disciple and friend of Hilary of Tours. Because Christianity was Not OK™ in the Roman Empire, he and Hilary faced a lot of discrimination, including corporal punishment and exile. After converting his mother to Christianity and having numerous adventures, like living pretty much alone on an island, he and Hilary settled down in and around Poitiers, where Martin established Ligugé Abbey. It is the oldest known monastery in Europe! Martin made it his home base while he preached throughout western Gaul.
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In 371 CE, the bishop of Tours died, and Martin was considered a good candidate for a successor. However, he liked living as a hermit and monk, and they resorted to tricking him into coming to Tours and then forced him to become the bishop. Legend holds that he tried to hide in a barn, but a honking goose gave him away. Hence he is the patron saint of geese, which I think is adorable. Martin proved true to his hermit ways, living very simply in huts with his monks. He established a rudimentary parish system, through which he visited different Christian communities and established monasteries. He was very determined in his efforts to convert local Pagans, as well as protect Christian institutions from unfriendly sects in the area, and in some cases he was successful. He died in 371 CE, already a venerated man. His popularity was ensured by his adoption by various French royals and by the Third Republic as a national symbol.
Martin has been portrayed by several famous artists, including Van Dyck, Peter Bruegel the Elder, and El Greco. He is usually portrayed on horseback, dividing his cloak for the poor man, though occasionally he can be seen riding a donkey. This references another story in his life about the time where he met the Devil and outwitted him. It also connects him to the image of Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem (recounted in Mark 1:1-11).
Martinmas and its Traditions
Martin lent his legacy to a host of English words and phrases, including those relating to the word 'chapel'. Temporary buildings that held the relic of his cloak (cappa in Latin) were referred to as cappella, and hence the word 'chapel' was born. A similar thing happened to the word 'chaplain', which derived from the word for the priest in charge of the cloak.
Though the Anglo-Saxon church did celebrate St. Martin to some extent, more references to Martinmas celebrations begin to crop up after Norman Conquest of 1066, when the Frenchman William the Conqueror invaded England. Supposedly, he promised to build an abbey dedicated to Martin if his invasion of England was successful. William was very likely familiar with the early Mediaeval association of the battle-hungry rulers of France with St. Martin, and was possibly responsible for his increased popularity in England.
In England and Scotland, and indeed through much of western Europe, Martinmas became a celebration marking the culmination of the harvest and the beginning of winter. From the late fourth century through the late Middle Ages, it also served a similar purpose to Mardi Gras/Carnivale: a period of fasting was ordained for the day after Martinmas through Christmas, so Martinmas was your last chance to stuff your face for a long time! (This period later became Advent, though with much laxer rules). As such, it was a time for feasting, celebration, bonfires, getting really drunk, and even events such as bull-running, as in Stamford, Lincolnshire. It was also a time for the end-of-harvest tasks, such as sowing winter wheat and slaughtering pigs and cattle. An old English saying goes, "His Martinmas will come, as it does to every hog", meaning, "they will get their comeuppance" or "everyone dies someday". Due to Martin's association with geese, some celebrated with a roast goose, but in Britain particularly it was also popular to eat salted pork or beef. For those not rich enough to have a goose, a duck or hen would also suffice. Other traditional fare included black pudding, haggis, and the first wine of the season.
On the business side of things, Martinmas served as a quarter day in Scotland and in parts England. A quarter day was one of four days on which major legal business was conducted. Servants and labourers would be hired or let go, rent was paid, contracts would begin or end, &c. Hiring fairs would be held for agricultural labourers seeking employment, and there would also be entertainment, food, trading, and other scenes of merriment. One of the most famous Martinmas fairs was at Nottingham in England, which lasted eight days.
Like many other English holidays, there is weather folklore associated with Martinmas. To have a warm fall and winter is to have a "St. Martin's Summer". If Martinmas proves an icy day, Christmas (or the rest of the winter) will be very warm. The rhyme puts it more pithily: "If the geese at Martin's Day stand on ice, they will walk in mud at Christmas".
If you stand at the back of the church and observe the congregation on Martinmas, those with a halo of light around their heads will not be alive by next Martinmas.
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Interior of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, with a funky window!
The church of St. Martin-in-the-fields in Trafalgar Square in London is named after Martin. Many people commemorated there are associated with his anti-war sentiments -- these include Vera Brittain, a memoirist and pacifist; and Dick Sheppard, founder of the Peace Pledge Union. The church also supports houseless and vulnerably housed people.
The holiday gradually fell out of practice due to the English Reformation (when England split from the Catholic Church throughout the 1500s) and the Interregnum (Puritan republican government, 1649-1660). The observance of Armistice Day on the same day largely overshadowed the holiday in the UK, though many regions in Western Europe still take part in traditional festivities.
Martinmas is celebrated on 12 October in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
If You're Still Interested...
"The Life of St. Martin" by Sulpicius Severus himself! (pdf)
Pot Roast Martimas Beef Recipe by Chatsworth House
Historic UK
Wikipedia (Martin of Tours)
Wikipedia (St. Martin's Day)
The Encyclopedia of Saints by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
"Medieval English "Martinmesse": The Archaeology of a Forgotten Festival" by Martin Walsh (via jstor)
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tracybirds · 11 months ago
Happy March of the OCs Part 2!
okay, so I don't really write with OCs very often, but I do like thinking about side characters and giving them random backstories and families and things :) So here's some more sims posting, this time with all the characters I've pulled out to pad up the world!
Sara Cavanaugh
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Sara is Kat Cavanaugh's sister, and they love each other a lot but cannot stand to be together for longer than approximately four hours. Kat thinks Sara is materialistic and vain, Sara thinks Kat is pig-headed and selfish. They're both right and they're both wrong, as often is the case when it comes to people. Sara does appreciate material things and takes pride in her appearance, and she can be quick to judge based on appearances, but she also works hard for very little thanks and cares very deeply about her community.
Eleanor Rigby
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Eleanor is about eight years old, and she's Captain Wayne Rigby's daughter. I picture him as a single dad, and someone he worries about a lot and that a lot of his grouch with Kayo was misdirected anxiety about having to constantly leave Eleanor behind while he was working overtime. Eleanor's super resilient though, and mostly saw bouncing around her friends' homes as a bit of an adventure. She love love loves the outdoors and is a huge 'Into the Unknown' fan. Her biggest dream at the moment is to become a vet at a zoo.
The list continues under the cut ><
Aidan Hawkins and Theo Hawkins-McCready
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I imagine by the time Virgil meets Cass, she's a single mum with two very rambunctious sons, but for my sims save, I'm playing a little further back in the story haha, so meet her fiance, Aidan, and eldest son, Theo. Aidan is a very romantic and outgoing person but it's paired with intense insecurities and poor communication that creates a very tumultuous relationship for Cass. They both love each other, and Cass gets swept up in his grand gestures, but they struggle a lot with co-dependency and trust issues. Cass sacrifices a lot for Aidan at the expense of her career and eventually they split. Theo right now is just super cute lol <3 He's about three or four when Cass meets Virgil, and his younger brother Jordan (not pictured) is two.
Lesley Hoffman, Franklin Hoffman-Casey and Dante Hoffman-Casey
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This is Colonel Casey's family :D Lesley is her wife and they have two children, Franklin and Dante. They're good friends with the Tracys through Val of course, and although they grew apart a bit after Jeff disappeared, they're still considered family friends. Lesley and Val met through a mutual friend and connected over their shared love of music and breakfast foods. Franklin is about Kayo's age, just a little younger than John, and Dante is between Alan and Gordon. Lesley "and the kids" get a brief mention in this story here :)
The Patterson Family (aka Space Controller Conrad's Family)
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Conrad's family are ultra high-achievers and high-expectations and they expect big things from Conrad - he's the youngest and as he says in the episode Long Haul, his siblings are heroes in his eyes (a fire-fighter, a police officer, and a paramedic) and he feels the pressure. I kinda roll with the idea that he's several years younger than his siblings, similar to Alan being several years younger than his brothers, and so here they are. Anyway, this is them in the sims world! From top left to bottom right: Daphne and Ed, then Lawrence, the fire-fighter, Raelynn, the police officer, and Quentin, the paramedic. I have more thoughts, but they're mostly about Conrad so I'll move on for now ;D
Joanne and Walter Hackett
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Joanne and Walter are Madeline Lemaire's parents :) I put the Lemaire's in a big giant house, and then made myself sad by headcanoning that they wanted kids and couldn't have them, and so I moved in her parents to make things seem a little less lonely. They're much more sensible than their son-in-law, but mostly see him as harmlessly eccentric. Walter is really into fishing and constantly taking Lemaire out on the boat for a boys day (which he hates lol), and Joanne is very into throwing dinner parties and trying out new cocktail recipes for her guests.
David Reeves
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David is Tycho's twin brother purely because I think I'm funny xD He's a bit geeky and works as a primary school teacher, coaching a kids' football team and things. Because Tycho's busy jetting off around the world, David keeps a guest room for him and takes in his mail and things (I know paper mail probs won't exist but SHH). Their parents died when David and Tycho were in their twenties still, so they make sure they do Christmas and birthdays and things together and catch up as often as possible.
Gregory Moffat
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This is Gregory, who is Moffie's teenage son (and also my son) and I am extremely fond of him <33 He's pretty quiet really, and plays bass guitar in a band with his friends. Moffie was a little exasperated, because he learnt the cello first and she had visions of seeing him play in an orchestra and things, but he got into an argument at the first practice and ultimately ditched it. He also like art and architecture and is very loyal to his friends.
The Taylor Family
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I love the headcanon that Lucille and Lee are siblings, and I also love that she came from a large family as well (it makes sense in my head) and also I stole @avengedbiologist's idea that all the siblings have L names because I love it. I aged up the family to show you what they look like, but I haven't fixed them up fully so it's just a general idea :D Anyway, here we have Connor and Payton Taylor, and then Leonard, Laura and Lily. Leonard is the oldest, then Laura, then it's Lucille and Lee (twins for maximum ow), then Lily is the baby of the family.
I have actually written them into a story (veeeeeery loosely) here :)
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niniblack · 1 month ago
Nini's Fic Masterlist
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I mean you could also just go look at AO3 for this...
Nothing is ever fully abandoned, but yeah, some of these WIPs have been lingering for a few years. Sorry.
Cherik Fic
This far but no further & What stays and what fades away Mpreg melodrama followed by married couple shenanigans.
Is It Casual Now?  Star Wars AU. Raven and Charles get into trouble and have to call Charles' ex, Erik, for help.
Can't Buy Me Love Maid in Manhattan AU. The part of Jennifer Lopez is played by Erik Lehnsherr.
The Boys All Love to Stare High school AU porn.
Hitting It Off Erik meets the perfect guy at the bar. Too bad Mr. Perfect is on a date with someone else...
On a Beach, With You (The Tel Aviv Remix) Charles Xavier meets Erik Lehnsherr on a beach in Israel.
Lucid Dreaming (The Just a Dream Remix) Charles is dreaming that Erik’s in his bed.
Office Hours Charles and Erik fuck in a bathroom.
Brimnes Erik helps Charles put together Ikea furniture.
Mint to Be Erik winds up in the ER with a candy cane stuck up his dick.
Running With You WIP Charles and Raven at Oxford.
Lucid Dreaming WIP The life Peter's been living ever since Endgame is all a lie.
A Thousand Lies (and a good disguise) Tony is responsible for creating the spider that gives Peter powers.
the long game Biodad au where Peter gets arrested for selling drugs, and that actually improves his life.
What's In a Name? Morgan starts calling Tony "Mr. Stark."
How to Get Banned from Monaco (again) Tony, Rhodey, and Peter go to Monaco for the grand prix.
the ghost at the back of your closet WIP Tony lives AU. The DODC charges both May and Tony with child endangerment for letting Peter go out as Spider-Man.
Extraction WIP Peter is kidnapped to a foreign country, and Tony is the contractor sent in to get him out.
The Simple Life The 8-year-old kid Tony didn't know he had turns up on his doorstep.
Since You've Been Gone Pepper solves a mystery.
Papa-Paparazzi The media thinks Tony is Peter's dad.
the one where Bucky kidnapped Peter Stark as a toddler SERIES Biodad AU where Peter was kidnapped and doesn't return home until he's 15.
Different Shapes and Sizes Aunt May meets the other Spider-Men.
Just Part of the Costume Peter wears a thong under his suit.
The Hottest Toy of the Season Uncle Ben is on a mission to find little Peter the Iron Man toy he wants.
The Best Thanksgiving Ever Tony' in-laws make some assumptions about his relationship with Peter. Also, they blow up a turkey.
A 10 Step Plan for Saving Your Mentor’s Life (a Guide by Peter Parker) WIP Tony takes Peter on a training mission that goes horribly wrong.
Tony Shark (doo doo do do do do)  Undersea adventure.
I tamagot-chu (if you tamagot-me)  Peter and Ned transfer Karen into a tamagotchi.
miles and miles to go (before I dream)  The only chance of beating Thanos requires bringing Loki back from the dead.
Captive Prince Fic
The Stowaway WIP Star Wars AU. Damen and Nikandros are pilots who find someone hiding in their ship's hold.
The Boyfriend Experience WIP Laurent's a hooker and Damen's the client who's in love with him.
All the Education (that I missed)  Teacher!Damen and Student!Laurent, sort of.
Verisimilitude Auguste/Laurent. Laurent is intent on helping Auguste with a mission.
A Kansas City Shuffle  FBI Agent!Damen and Criminal Consultant!Laurent. White Collar AU.
Frigid Huddling for warmth.
A Luxury Few Can Afford Laurent is undercover as the prince's pet when he meets Damen.
A Poorer Prospect Laurent is marrying a Patran princess, Damen attends the wedding.
Frisking  Attempts at roleplay.
Sunburn Laurent burns easily.
Catalyst College AU. Damen makes a bet about being able to seduce Laurent.
Lymond Fic
Cat Sitting Richard is tasked with babysitting his younger siblings.
Play to Win Lymond and Will get trapped in the Midculter cellar and decide to get drunk and play cards.
Inspection Duty On the eve of the Battle of Solway Moss, Jerott Blyth takes it upon himself to inspect the camp. He finds more than he expected.
Star Wars Fic
relieved to lie in the wreckage  Post-ROTS, Anakin is on the run.
Glee Fic
Left in the Pieces Karofsky transfers to Dalton Academy.
5 Times Blaine was Slushied WISOTT
News Cycle The 24-hour news cycle doesn't allow time for grief.
I Don't Know How This Started, So I Won't Know When It's Done  Kurt can't remember where he's been for the last three weeks. There's probably a good reason for that.
Just a Little Late Blaine would help Kurt, if he could just figure out how.
Nobody’s Business Finn calls Kurt in the middle of the night.
Earning the Right to My Silence  There’s a line you don’t cross, even when you’re the one putting people in their place.
Don’t Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out Kurt just walked into a door. Really. Why won’t anyone believe him?
Baby, It’s Cold Outside (but not cold enough to wear that)  Blaine's favorite party of the year is the annual ugly Christmas sweater party.
Tweety Kurt and Finn aren't allowed to have pets.
Manning Up "That's not a closeted guy hitting on you. That's sexual harassment."
The Way We Communicate Ten unconnected drabbles based on the random song meme that’s been going around. 
The Boys All Love To Stare In which Kurt realizes that Blaine has a cheerleader fetish.
Sparkle Kurt has the perfect plan to get back at Principal Figgins for telling him what not to wear.
Criminal Minds Fic
Checkmate  AU of Memorium, featuring 4-year-old Reid.
The Forgetting Curve Spencer Reid has an eidetic memory. That doesn’t mean he remembers everything.
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to-the-fishies · 2 years ago
I work at this place for one more week + a day.
Very surreal.
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madelyngarnier · 1 month ago
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NAME: Madelyn Garnier
NICKNAME(S): Madelyn primarily and then Mads, Madi to a select few
AGE: Forty-three
ZODIAC: Capricorn
RESIDENTIAL AREA: Woodside Heights
OCCUPATION: Defense Lawyer
POSITIVE TRAITS: Determined, Courageous, Adventurous
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Blunt, Confrontational, Relentless
Trigger warnings: death tw , disappearance tw, affair tw
Madelyn Garnier was born the youngest daughter to the mayoral candidate at the time, and only daughter to his personal assistant. Her existence was an outward proof of their affair that came to light before her father could take hold of office, backing out when the news of his infidelity came to light. From that moment on, Madelyn was shunned from her father and his other children. The only tie to her father came in the form of a monthly check that ke[t her and her mother afloat.
Nevertheless, she was raised to be hardworking and to keep her head high, sheltered by the backlash of the media whenever her mother was recognized as the 'other' woman. Her mother's dream had always been to pursue law school, having taken the job as personal assistant as a means to save up to make that dream a reality. In hearing her heartbreak, Madelyn felt a need to pursue a career in law for her mother.
When her mother passed away at the age of twenty five, Madelyn used the money from her life insurance and from the various items in her home to pay for her tuition into law school once she got accepted.
It was during her time as a law student, nearly on the verge of becoming a lawyer, that she met Samuel. She fell head over heels with him and they planned to build a future together in the form of marriage and children. When those dreams were on the brink of becoming a reality five years down the line, the last thing she expected was for her world to fall apart with his sudden disappearance.
No body— no explanation. The more she searched into his disappearance, the more she found dead ends and people who were unwilling to help, even deterring her from searching any further. Even the private investigator she hired a few years down the line came up with nothing — and for a long time — Madelyn was forced to go on with her life and accept that the death of Samuel would always remain a mystery. At least until her phone rang and she heard his voice on the other end.
"Wrong number." Two words that would haunt her.
It chilled her blood and begun a search that led to nothing but more questions. When her private investigator returned with a picture of the man, she immediately packed up and left town that same night to confront the man who'd disappeared on her — but was still very much alive.
It has been one week since her arrival and all she can do is prepare for the inevitable reunion and brace herself for whatever explanation he may have.
PEOPLE WHO KNOWS HER EX: basically she thought her ex was dead so she's returned to find him, only to find out that he lost his memory. While she isn't trying to pressure him into telling her everything that's been going on the last few years, she would be the inquisitive kind and ask people who know him. Maybe even intentionally befriend them to know more about her ex.
NEIGHBOURS: She's new to town so she's going to cling to anyone that she finds. These could be people she invites over for food and drinks whenever she finds herself a little lonely.
LAWYER FRIENDS: She doesn't know how long she's going to stay in town but eventually she'll want to continue practicing law so she might join a firm so this can be a way in.
BLIND DATES/DATES: While she's arrived in town to find out what is going on with her ex, it has been thirteen years so she hasn't been waiting around. She might find herself going on a few dates while she figures everything else.
ONE NIGHT STAND: Not really one for these sort of things but since she's in a new town and doesn't think she'll be here for long, it could be fun for her to have fun knowing she won't see these people again. Little does she know...
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mdzs-owns-my-ass-i-guess · 2 years ago
This is partly inspired by my experience having a sprained ankle. It didn't go as well for me as it did for WWX here, though...
If you find any medical inaccuracies, no you didn't.
Wei Wuxian has always known he'll end up in the hospital eventually - trouble follows him like he owes it money, and he has a sense of adventure that sometimes pushes him to extremes that don't even make funny stories after.
He figured he'll end up rushed into the ER after some epic fight or a car crash or something news-worthy, though - but no, he's in the ER cause he's sprained his ankle slipping on ice on the way to work this morning. Damn capitalism!
He's more upset about the stupidity of the thing than about the fact that he's had to hobble his way to the hospital because he can't drive (if he tries applying any pressure on his leg he goes lightheaded with pain) and nobody bothered to pick up the phone or answer his texts asking for help - it's the middle of the work day, of course people are busy.
He should be busy too, he has a big project coming up, he really can't afford wasting time with something like this - yet here he is, doing exactly that. His boss is going to be royally pissed, but at least he's in the stage of the project that allows him to work from home and not fall behind.
It's going to be a pain getting A-Yuan to and from school, though. Wen Qing can only get him once or twice a week at most, since she's started working as a surgeon at the general hospital two towns over, and Wen Ning has just begun his internship at a law firm...
A nurse wheels Wei Wuxian down the hallway, away from the emergency room, passing through two large glass doors after a few turns that were only a bit too sharp. He reads "Radiology" on a wall and sighs as the nurse leaves him in the waiting area to go to, presumably, talk to the doctor on call about his case. Wei Wuxian doesn't even bother to hope his bones are fine, actually - he can tell they're not, with the way his ankle looks like it grew a tennis ball overnight or something.
The door to the doctor's office opens and Wei Wuxian almost doesn't hear - if his nurse is going to handle his wheelchair as roughly again, he's pretty sure he'll fall off and last thing he needs is to sprawl all over the hospital floors.
But instead of his ER nurse, the door opens to reveal someone else - and for a moment, Wei Wuxian forgets about the pain in his ankle and how having it immobile will complicate his life. A man walks out in white scrubs that Wei Wuxian finds sexier than any lingerie, stretched taught over the planes of his chest and shoulders, short sleeves revealing beefy arms. He's tall and he's so handsome it should be illegal - his long, shiny, dark hair is pulled back into a ponytail and two strands artfully frame his face, his golden eyes glinting in the sterile lighting... Wei Wuxian distantly remembers Wen Qing watching this one medical show where they called a hot doctor "McDreamy" and Wei Wuxian is pretty sure he met the real life inspiration for that nickname.
"My name is Lan Wangji and I will be attending to you for now." he says and Wei Wuxian can only try not to think of what attending to he'd like this man to do to him. "Let me take you to the X-Ray room and we will discuss your condition further."
Wei Wuxian nods because it takes all his strength not to say something along the lines of "you can take me whenever, wherever or however you like". He does wonder why it's not his nurse doing this instead of the doctor, but if Wei Wuxian can avoid getting wheeled around like a sack of potatoes, he'll take it.
The walk is short and he tries not to be disappointed about not getting this hot piece of man pushing him around like he's presumably, weightless. With the way he looks, he must be really strong, he could probably lift Wei Wuxian with one hand and throw him around like a ragdoll... fuck, they better not be measuring his heart rate again because he's past the 100s for sure.
They enter a large, chilly room, sterile white, a metal table in the center with the X-Ray machine hovering ominously over it. Though Wei Wuxian has always been fascinated with the engineering of such things, he has to admit they need to make these machines look less creepy.
The doctor brings him near the table, and Wei Wuxian wonders if he can just joist himself up on it using his arms only and his one healthy foot. Whatever they've given him for pain in the ER has worn off by now and his ankle throbs with pain insistently.
"No need." Lan Wangji says as he notices Wei Wuxian trying to place himself on the table. "Allow me."
Wei Wuxian's heart leaps into his throat as he feels himself hoisted up and then gently laid down onto the cold table, Lan Wangji not having even so much as winced during the process. Now, he's not on the same level, but Wei Wuxian knows himself to be quite heavy, though he doesn't look it. He's done a good bit of archery before he got pulled out of it by his guardians and he's always enjoyed going to the gym - so knowing all that and yet being lifted like he weighs less than a paper bag has him all sorts of hot and bothered.
No wonder they put him into radiology.
"What happened?" Lan Wangji asks as he presses a few buttons on the machine and carefully inspects Wei Wuxian's ankle as it whirrs to life. His touch is gentle, soft, and Wei Wuxian inadevertedly breaks into goosebumps as he watches the man's fingers all over his bruised skin.
Right, talk.
"I slipped on ice on my way to work, I didn't even notice it was there... I thought I could just power through it but like two hours later I could barely move at all so I had to come here..."
"Were you able to drive?"
"Somebody must have brought you in, then?"
"No, I...walked."
Lan Wangji looks at him with narrowed eyes and Wei Wuxian can sense the disapproval in them. "No wonder it looks like this. I doubt it is fractured, and it looks more like a bad sprain, though you've decidedly made it worse by applying constant pressure on it."
Wei Wuxian blushes, embarrassed. "It was the quickest solution... I work pretty far away from here and an Uber would have emptied out my wallet completely, you know..."
Lan Wangji clicks his teeth in disapproval. "I'll have to put you in a cast because of this, so I hope it was worth it."
"How mean..." Wei Wuxian whines, "I'm already in pain, I don't need a scolding too..."
"Your health comes above saving money, above everything. You can make more money later, but if you damage your body irreversibly, no amount of money can fix it."
Lan Wangji carefully reaches to adjust Wei Wuxian's foot over the blinking light of the machine. He yelps at the pain that shoots through him out of nowhere, and Lan Wangji apologizes quietly.
"I apologize, but you are going to have to take it for a bit, I know it hurts."
Wei Wuxian is absolutely not going to look for a double entendre in there and he's not going to think horny thoughts about where else he'd like to be told those words.
"Try to stay still, I won't be longer than a few minutes."
Wei Wuxian hopes that's only true for the X-Ray and nothing else, it would be such a shame if...
He's left alone in the room seconds later, and the X-Ray machine buzzes a few times as Wei Wuxian does his best to stay still and not have to hold that position for much longer. As much as he likes being around the hot radiologist, his ankle seems to have decided it hates him more than before and it hurts terribly now.
Luckily for him, the procedure is over just as he feels like he'll die if he doesn't move.
Lan Wangji returns from the control room and helps him back into the wheelchair, Wei Wuxian too distracted with his fantasies to try not to stare.
"As I suspected, it's not a fracture. The orthopedic tech is currently unavailable, so I will put you in a cast and prescribe you painkillers. You will need them."
"I need them even now..." Wei Wuxian mumbles, "I think my ankle did not like that X-Ray at all."
"I will have something administered for you." And, on the walk out, he shouts out after the nurse, "Su Minshan, bring 500 mg of Naproxene to my office and my prescription notebook, please."
There is some sort of affirmative response from an office - more like a grunt of approval followed by incomprehensive words -, and Wei Wuxian realizes that's his nurse.
"Someone's definitely not having a good day today, huh..."
"Mn. He's going to be transferred to another hospital soon and he is being especially... unpleasant because of it."
"Disciplinary action?"
"Partly. I apologize on his behalf for his behavior."
A laugh. "That's alright, he wasn't that bad, I just felt a bit like in a medical 'Fast and furious' on my way here."
Lan Wangji laughs in turn, and Wei Wuxian is pretty sure his heart skipped a beat or two at the sound. Wow.
They arrive at the end of the hallway and enter an office where several tools and buckets lay next to a bed, a desk and two file cabinets in the opposite corner. Su Minshan shows up shortly after, a sour expression on his face as he brings what was asked of him before storming out.
Wei Wuxian gratefully takes the painkiller after Lan Wangji helped him onto the bed and lifted the leg of his jeans all the way to his knee. He bites his tongue not to make a dirty comment about just taking off his pants entirely.
"Have you ever had a cast before?"
"Surprisingly enough, no! This is my first time."
"You will have to have it on for two weeks. You are likely going to be in pain for only two or three days at most, but I will prescribe you enough pills for a week in case you need them for more."
Lan Wangji brings in a bucket of water and lays down a few towels onto the floor as he proceeds to wash off Wei Wuxian's foot. This shouldn't feel as intimate as it is - and yet, Wei Wuxian is trying so hard not to blush or react in any way at the gentle touches and the careful handling.
"You might get some itching or numbness due to immobility, but no matter what, do not attempt to remove your cast or move your foot inside of it. You will only prolong healing if you do."
Wei Wuxian watches, fascinated, as the man covers his leg in bandages, and then into the white substance that's slowly hardening into his cast. Lan Wangji works with precision, betraying habit, and the focused expression on his features suits him all too well. Is it a breach of any laws if Wei Wuxian were to ask for his number right now?
"Do not attempt to walk with your cast on for the same reason, either. Until you'll have it removed, you should primarily be on bed rest."
The cast is almost finished now, so Lan Wangji goes to wash his hands and sits at the desk to write the prescription and whatever else. Wei Wuxian loves to watch him, and he hopes he doesn't come off as creepy.
"After the cast is off, depending on the look of the sprain and whether you are still in pain, you may be referred to a physical rehabilitation center. Any questions?"
"No, it's all clear, thank you."
"Let me help you out, then."
Wei Wuxian feels like a whole wuss. A coward. He didn't even try to shoot his shot, just sat there staring and said nothing at all! Now he's probably never getting the chance to do it - the odds of returning on the same shift are infinitesimally low... so to hell with Wei Wuxian's luck in love.
Not that he ever expected someone like Lan Wangji to say yes, but still.
Lan Wangji brings him to the parking lot, and Wei Wuxian expects him to say goodbye, leave and mind his business, their fates never crossing again.
However, Lan Wangji pulls out his phone and hands it to Wei Wuxian. "Please order a ride for yourself."
"W-What? No, I- you really don't have to! I can handle it!"
"I am offering, so please do not refuse."
"I appreciate it, but I don't-"
"It's not out of pity. As your doctor, it is my duty to ensure you can start your healing journey properly, and this is part of it."
Wei Wuxian opens his mouth to argue but decides against it. What can he even say? He's not in the position to refuse help, after all, but... he's never heard of a doctor to do something like this for a patient...
"Thank you... I can pay you back in a week or so, when I get-"
"No need."
Of course not, Wei Wuxian thinks to himself, what's an Uber ride to a doctor's salary...
An ambulance whirrs past them and Lan Wangji sees someone in the back wave him to follow.
"I must go, there's an emergency."
"Right, thank you for everything again, and good luck!"
Lan Wangji nods briskly and runs after the ambulance, disappearing into the hospital building.
Wei Wuxian really wishes he's said something, but it's too late now. He decides to look at his medical documents as he waits for the car, distracting himself from his thoughts.
But a smile breaks out on his face as he finds a little post-it note attached to his prescription. It's a phone number, with "See you once you're better?" written in beautiful calligraphy at the end.
If he wasn't immobile right now, he'd jump for joy.
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thoughtportal · 2 years ago
Once You See the Truth About Cars, You Can’t Unsee It https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/15/opinion/car-ownership-inequality.html
By Andrew Ross and Julie Livingston
Mr. Ross and Ms. Livingston are professors at New York University, members of its Prison Education Program Research Lab and authors of the book “Cars and Jails: Freedom Dreams, Debt, and Carcerality.”
In American consumer lore, the automobile has always been a “freedom machine” and liberty lies on the open road. “Americans are a race of independent people” whose “ancestors came to this country for the sake of freedom and adventure,” the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce’s soon-to-be-president, Roy Chapin, declared in 1924. “The automobile satisfies these instincts.” During the Cold War, vehicles with baroque tail fins and oodles of surplus chrome rolled off the assembly line, with Native American names like Pontiac, Apache, Dakota, Cherokee, Thunderbird and Winnebago — the ultimate expressions of capitalist triumph and Manifest Destiny.
But for many low-income and minority Americans, automobiles have been turbo-boosted engines of inequality, immobilizing their owners with debt, increasing their exposure to hostile law enforcement, and in general accelerating the forces that drive apart haves and have-nots.
Though progressive in intent, the Biden administration’s signature legislative achievements on infrastructure and climate change will further entrench the nation’s staunch commitment to car production, ownership and use. The recent Inflation Reduction Act offers subsidies for many kinds of vehicles using alternative fuel, and should result in real reductions in emissions, but it includes essentially no direct incentives for public transit — by far the most effective means of decarbonizing transport. And without comprehensive policy efforts to eliminate discriminatory policing and predatory lending, merely shifting to electric from combustion will do nothing to reduce car owners’ ever-growing risk of falling into legal and financial jeopardy, especially those who are poor or Black.
By the 1940s, African American car owners had more reason than anyone to see their vehicles as freedom machines, as a means to escape, however temporarily, redlined urban ghettos in the North or segregated towns in the South. But their progress on roads outside of the metro core was regularly obstructed by the police, threatened by vigilante assaults, and stymied by owners of whites-only restaurants, lodgings and gas stations. Courts granted the police vast discretionary authority to stop and search for any one of hundreds of code violations — powers that they did not apply evenly. Today, officers make more than 50,000 traffic stops a day. Driving while Black has become a major route to incarceration — or much worse. When Daunte Wright was killed by a police officer in April 2021, he had been pulled over for an expired registration tag on his car’s license plate. He joined the long list of Black drivers whose violent and premature deaths at the hands of police were set in motion by a minor traffic infraction — Sandra Bland (failure to use a turn signal), Maurice Gordon (alleged speeding), Samuel DuBose (missing front license plate) and Philando Castile and Walter Scott (broken taillights) among them. Despite widespread criticism of the flimsy pretexts used to justify traffic stops, and the increasing availability of cellphone or police body cam videos, the most recent data shows that the number of deaths from police-driver interactions is almost as high as it has been over the past five years.
In the consumer arena, cars have become tightly sprung debt traps. The average monthly auto loan payment crossed $700 for the first time this year, which does not include insurance or maintenance costs. Subprime lending and longer loan terms of up to 84 months have resulted in a doubling of auto loan debt over the last decade and a notable surge in the number of drivers who are “upside down”— owing more money than their cars are worth. But, again, the pain is not evenly distributed. Auto financing companies often charge nonwhite consumers higher interest rates than white consumers, as do insurers.
Formerly incarcerated buyers whose credit scores are depressed from inactivity are especially red meat to dealers and predatory lenders. In our research, we spoke to many such buyers who found it easier, upon release from prison, to acquire expensive cars than to secure an affordable apartment. Some, like LeMarcus, a Black Brooklynite (whose name has been changed to protect his privacy under ethical research guidelines), discovered that loans were readily available for a luxury vehicle but not for the more practical car he wanted. Even with friends and family willing to help him with a down payment, after he spent roughly five years in prison, his credit score made it impossible to get a Honda or “a regular car.” Instead, relying on a friend to co-sign a loan, he was offered a high-interest loan on a pre-owned Mercedes E350. LeMarcus knew it was a bad deal, but the dealer told him the bank that would have financed a Honda “wanted a more solid foundation, good credit, income was showing more,” but that to finance the Mercedes, it “was actually willing to work with the people with lower credit and lower down payments.” We interviewed many other formerly incarcerated people who followed a similar path, only to see their cars repossessed.
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LeMarcus was “car rich, cash poor,” a common and precarious condition that can have serious legal consequences for low-income drivers, as can something as simple as a speeding ticket. A $200 ticket is a meaningless deterrent to a hedge fund manager from Greenwich, Conn., who is pulled over on the way to the golf club, but it could be a devastating blow to those who mow the fairways at the same club. If they cannot pay promptly, they will face cascading penalties. If they cannot take a day off work to appear in court, they risk a bench warrant or loss of their license for debt delinquency. Judges in local courts routinely skirt the law of the land (in Supreme Court decisions like Bearden v. Georgia and Timbs v. Indiana) by disregarding the offender’s ability to pay traffic debt. At the request of collection agencies, they also issue arrest or contempt warrants for failure to appear in court on unpaid auto loan debts. With few other options to travel to work, millions of Americans make the choice to continue driving even without a license, which means their next traffic stop may land them in jail.
The pathway that leads from a simple traffic fine to financial insolvency or detention is increasingly crowded because of the spread of revenue policing intended to generate income from traffic tickets, court fees and asset forfeiture. Fiscally squeezed by austerity policies, officials extract the funds from those least able to pay. This is not only an awful way to fund governments; it is also a form of backdoor, regressive taxation that circumvents voters’ input.
Deadly traffic stops, racially biased predatory lending and revenue policing have all come under public scrutiny of late, but typically they are viewed as distinct realms of injustice, rather than as the interlocking systems that they are. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it: A traffic stop can result in fines or arrest; time behind bars can result in repossession or a low credit score; a low score results in more debt and less ability to pay fines, fees and surcharges. Championed as a kind of liberation, car ownership — all but mandatory in most parts of the country — has for many become a vehicle of capture and control.
Industry boosters promise us that technological advances like on-demand transport, self-driving electric vehicles and artificial intelligence-powered traffic cameras will smooth out the human errors that lead to discrimination, and that car-sharing will reduce the runaway costs of ownership. But no combination of apps and cloud-based solutions can ensure that the dealerships, local municipalities, courts and prison industries will be willing to give up the steady income they derive from shaking down motorists.
Aside from the profound need for accessible public transportation, what could help? Withdraw armed police officers from traffic duties, just as they have been from parking and tollbooth enforcement in many jurisdictions. Introduce income-graduated traffic fines. Regulate auto lending with strict interest caps and steep penalties for concealing fees and add-ons and for other well-known dealership scams. Crack down hard on the widespread use of revenue policing. And close the back door to debtors’ prisons by ending the use of arrest warrants in debt collection cases. Without determined public action along these lines, technological advances often end up reproducing deeply rooted prejudices. As Malcolm X wisely said, “Racism is like a Cadillac; they bring out a new model every year.”
Andrew Ross and Julie Livingston are professors at New York University, members of its Prison Education Program Research Lab and authors of the book “Cars and Jails: Freedom Dreams, Debt, and Carcerality.”
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seventeenlovesthree · 11 months ago
Time to do my go-to rare pair for the ship game: Koushiro/Iori post-Kizuna and Beginning
It really is a shame that, at some point in the middle of 02, they just stopped putting emphasis on the relationship between these two, despite the fact that they were STILL continuously mirroring them to some degree. While Koushirou is the brain everybody naturally turns to for help, Iori, despite being very analytical of situations and surroundings, tends to get himself overlooked more easily. And, even as they grow up, this may be something he would need some help and guidance for...
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... Especially if you consider their set-ups as "work-a-holics in shirt and tie". The big difference here is: Koushirou is the CEO of his own company, he has LEARNED to stand up for and assert himself through the course of early Adventure already and it's no surprise that this is the reason why he is considered an "expert on all things Digimon" as a public speaker. Iori on the other hand... Is still the youngest Chosen Child in the group and is obviously being exploited as intern at the company he is working at during his law studies. He IS computer-savvy, maybe not to the same degree as his senpai, but definitely just as prone to stressing himself and taking on more work than he can chew. It almost seems like there'd be a lack in balance - and, as mentioned, maybe a lack in guidance too. And remembering their early set-ups, Koushirou may not always be the most tactful person in EVERY situation, but when it comes to very certain people, he IS observant - and very capable of calling them out for their issues especially those he usually also has himself.
Koushirou is among those who never treated Iori as a nuisance and Iori never felt belittled by him - so the confidence boost he'd get from getting praised by Koushirou is something he definitely needs. For his hard work, ambition, wit... He needs to know that he is being taken seriously and considered an intellectual and compassionate equal - which is something Koushirou would definitely provide, even unintentionally, simply by treating him like he always treated him: Respectfully and with kindness (and also in a somewhat protective manner). Iori on the other hand does look up to Koushirou whether he might surpass him in height is still up to debate though and, upon spending time with him, would get more and more comfortable being honest and calling HIM out as well. It's like an automatic mutual trauma response that goes like "I am tired as heck, but I need to finish this task at all costs, but HOLD THE PHONE, YOU WILL GET YOUR BREAK, MISTER". And it might actually work, because they care about each other a lot.
I could imagine them doing research together, with Koushirou teaching Iori how to use his gadgets and sources to his advantage for the sake of his future career - and with the help of the likes of Takeru, they might actually leave their office spaces and spend time outside, doing cultural activities and historical sightseeing. I really think that is something they'd both enjoy and that'd do them good while improving their relationships even further. Frowning over the others constantly jumping into danger and dragging them with them - but they're the voices of reason, so despite their grouchy faces, they'll happily oblige and share knowing, smiley glances about it.
... On a more romantic route, one might argue that everything I've just mentioned might cause Iori to eventually tell Koushirou that he doesn't "want to be seen/treated as you've always seen/treated me anymore", actively taking a step towards confessing. Because even if they're both rational thinkers, they can be very emotional around the right people - and Iori would be the one to initiate, maybe after harboring a crush for quite some time (which I know is a headcanon we can both imagine going down like that!). Koushirou might not be able to respond to something like that immediately, he would take his time for contemplation - and I wouldn't consider it impossible for them to act on it together.
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