#furniture like kitchen cabinetry
britannianking · 1 year
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Kitchen in Dallas Example of a large classic l-shaped light wood floor kitchen pantry design with a farmhouse sink, recessed-panel cabinets, white cabinets, quartzite countertops, white backsplash, marble backsplash, stainless steel appliances, an island and white countertops
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Amazing 1884 townhouse condo in San Francisco, CA has 3bds, 2ba, 2,125 sq ft, $1,998,500 + $250mo. HOA.
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The entrance hall is like stepping back in time.
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Gorgeous, elegant sitting room/living room has a glorious fireplace with a gold mirror soaring up to the wallpapered ceiling.
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I don't care for the owner's mid-century modern furniture in a Victorian home, but okay.
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The room next to the sitting room is the dining room. But, look at the fantastic wallpaper "wainscoting" in the sitting room.
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I can't even look at their furniture, I'm looking past it. Why would you do this? Gorgeous ceiling and original light fixture.
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The kitchen is lovely. Original light fixture is refreshing to see. Love the cabinetry and the stove hood.
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Love that it's an eat-in kitchen.
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Double glass paned doors open to the garden.
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The authentic upstairs hallway.
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The primary bedroom. Gorgeous wallpaper, restored marble fireplace and lots of natural light.
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Details of one of the meticulously painted ceiling medallions.
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So beautiful. Such attention to detail.
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This is the way to restore a vintage bath. Simply gorgeous.
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Bedroom #2. Look at the sweet little stove. Beautiful original fixture and painted medallion.
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Adorable little room.
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Lovely bright office or nursery.
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Step out of the kitchen doors onto this lovely deck. Look at the size of that tree. Beautiful, lacy fence/railing.
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The garden is like a wonderland.
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Private patio.
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The yard from above.
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Beautiful block- is that a shop on the left?
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potatoplace · 1 month
You Can Have It - Chapter 4
Alpha!Feysand x Omega!Reader
chapter 3 | chapter 5 | series masterlist
Story Summary: You've been a baker for 75 years, and are finally moving on from the Winter Court to the City of Velaris to start your own bakery after your grandmother passes. After your grand opening, the High Lord and Lady of Night become daily visitors to your bakery for months, every day having your most popular pastry- one that increases fertility for a short time. All the while, the two alphas want nothing more than to call themselves yours.
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, nothing else I don't think
Words: ~7.4k
Author's Note: it's heeeereeeeeee aaaahhhhhhh RHYS AND FEYRE YESSS I hope you guys all like this chapter! And I can't wait for more cutesy lil interactions with them, all to start come the next update ☺️
18+ only pls
The past month and a half had passed so swiftly, you could hardly believe it. Your days were filled with overseeing a few details of construction, and picking out every last piece of furniture that would be in your bakery, apartment, and garden. You and Mor went on lunch dates every Thursday, and most your other lunches were spent with Rella and sometimes Arana after shopping, or with Marcus between stints of supervising the construction.
Your dinners you spent alone most of the time, dedicating yourself to cooking every last recipe in your Night Court Favorites cookbook, enjoying your love for cooking as well.
The time you spent in your hotel room was either passed by reading the Healer of Time series that Gina had recommended to you, or creating your menu pamphlet for when you are finally prepped and ready to open your bakery.
It was completed already, and sent off to the printers for a custom metal press to be made. You had decorated it with a drawing of your bakery on the front, and the name Sparaiya Bakery. The rest of the pages were filled with drawings of your pastries, with the ingredients and, in some cases, added benefits next to them.
Construction had gone by quickly, and you could hardly believe it when finally, your large custom pink marble tub was flown onto the second floor of your bakery by three very strong Illyrians. It was a foot wider than your wingspan, and deep enough that you could float in it, and it also had pretty good veining done on it at your request. It was by far the most expensive piece of furniture on your second floor, coming in at 1,175 gold marks. But you didn’t care, you wanted your dream tub.
The most expensive thing in your bakery by far were your ovens, each one coming in at 2,000 gold marks with a lifetime warranty, and in a soft, pale blue. You have ten stoves in total, seven of them were against the wall separating the kitchen from the front room, taking up the expanse of it. Each are on an elevated platform so that you could see inside of them without needing to bend over. The other three were against the back wall of the building, slightly smaller oven sizes but with a stovetop on each of them, so that you were able to make the filling that some of your pastries require.
The kitchen was completely done at this point, as was the front room of the bakery. Your kitchen was decorated with the pale blue stoves as well as matching cabinetry with silver handles, and white marble countertops with silver veining. The wide window you had took up half of the wall in the center of it, allowing for more cabinets, as you would likely need them for all of your bakeware and ingredients.
The kitchen was exactly how you’d imagined it when you had envisioned it a month ago, as was the front room.
You had the cedar logs of bakery and it’s furniture stained slightly darker, wanting it to have the cozy feeling of a darkened cabin in winter. The log chairs and benches all had different shades of pastel cushions attached to the seats, and the backs of the chairs. The tables were beautiful as well, the carpenter, a kind beta named Oren, had done a fantastic job on all of the wooden furniture you had.
And the display cases Arana had made for you were lovely, two on each side of the wooden counter Oren had also made for you. Arana had made them of matching wood, with a glass dome on one side, and sliding glass doors on the back facing where you would be standing. The shelves were also made of glass, and you’d had Rella enchant them to be unbreakable, just in case.
There was also a counter running along the back wall of the front room, matching the counters in your kitchen, as well as having the same cabinets below.
Your fireplace- it was exactly what you had wanted, made of different shades of grey stone, and positioned on the left wall, even with the midpoint of the dining area.
Your front door had yet to arrive, but the artist working on it was bringing it by in the next week.
The upstairs was nearly finished as well, your bathroom, personal kitchen and bedroom were all fully decorated. Your bathroom and kitchen were both done in a soft, baby pink color, matching the marble of your tub perfectly. You had a small round dining table, perfect for four, made by Oren in the same stained wood as everything else. In front of your fireplace on the right hand wall, you had a matching couch placed parallel to it, and two chairs placed of to the sides and slightly in front of it, with end tables on either side of the couch.
And your bedroom was absolutely perfect, your nest filled with blues of nearly every shade, with white and silk thrown in every now and then. So many pillows, you have so many pillows. Back in Winter, you had been so focused on your grandmother that you hadn’t even truly settled back in, and your nest was one of the things you had consistently neglected.
But not anymore. From now on, you would honor your omega’s wishes, perhaps even find an alpha who would treat you right in the next few years.
You had a few bookshelves lining a wall of your room as well, and you were determined to fill them all in the next three years with books you’ve read while living in Velaris.
Everything about your apartment upstairs was perfect, you couldn’t have been happier with any other turn out.
And truly, the main thing left for you to do before you could declare your bakery’s construction complete is your garden. The enchantments are complete, including ones to keep the planters waterproof to avoid any possible leakage, as well as keeping the air crisp and humid for your soon-to-be plant babies. You have yet to fill the planters already in place with dirt, or pick up the plants from Winter though.
But that was your main goal for the next week.
You had finally moved in the night before, after Marcus had given you the all clear. Your bill with him came out to be 120,000 gold marks, and every single one of them was well spent, as you had your perfect bakery and perfect apartment.
You had woken up this morning and made tea for yourself in your kitchen, and stared out at the lovely view you had from your massive window. There were a few younger fae out already, skating along the Sidra. It had yet to unfreeze, the temperatures had stayed low ever since you had arrived in town.
You almost felt like winter was holding on a bit tighter, just for you.
You finished your tea and breakfast around nine, then got ready for the day, dressing in one of your new winter dresses, this one in a soft pink, with delicate silver flowers embroidered along the hems of your sleeves. You threw on a white scarf, hat, and mitten set, then made your way down the stairs, and out the of what will soon be your front doors.
You were planning to find a florist this morning, as well as find a garden supply store so that you would be able to visit Viviane later in the week.
Rella had told you of a nice florist who was on the south side of the Sidra, just west of the Palace of Thread and Jewels, so you were making your way there.
The streets were rather slick this morning, so you took your time in getting to the florist’s shop, as Mor had said, there was nothing quite like eating shit before a meeting or going somewhere- which you’d had more than your fair share of in the past month and a half, running around town so often.
Finally you reached the shop, painted a sage green on the outside, and there was a garden along the side of it that you could see wrapped around to the back as well.
You walked inside, making sure to stomp the snow from your boots before you entered. At the counter was a beautiful high fae, with lovely light golden brown hair in a messy bun atop her head, a few strands escaping it and framing her gorgeous face.
“Hello,” you said with a wave as you made your way to the counter. “My name is Y/N, Rella told me that you’re a florist?” You asked hesitantly.
“Rella sent you? That was so sweet of her, make sure to tell her thank you for me, Y/N! My name is Elain, it’s lovely to meet you.” She stuck out her hand, and you got a lovely breeze of her scent, jasmine and honey- another omega. You took her hand, surprised at the grip that the delicate looking fae had. “Did you need a florist for something?”
You nodded your head, answering “Yes, I’m opening a bakery in the next couple of weeks, and I was hoping you would be able to supply seasonal flowers every week.”
“Yes, I should be able to do that. Do you have a color scheme in mind at all, or just the seasonal aspect?”
“Jus the seasonal flowers, any color combination will be lovely, I’m sure.”
Elain smiles at you, her soft chocolate eyes crinkling at the edges slightly. “Very well, Y/N. Do you know how many bouquets you’d like weekly, and a price range?”
“I suppose I’d need…” you thought on how many tables you had inside of your bakery, as well at the mantle of the fireplace. “A dozen bouquets every week, I believe. And price wise… I’m not really sure, do you have a set type of plan?” You asked, feeling unsure.
“Yes, for a dozen bouquets my base price would be around 25 gold marks a week, and for slightly larger bouquets or more rare types of flowers, it could get up to double that.”
You thought about it for a moment. “I think that I’ll let you choose whichever flowers look best together, but I don’t need very large bouquets.”
Elain pulled a contract from beneath her counter, along with a quill and pot of ink. She wrote in the details of your request, then slid the paper over to you.
You read it over, then signed it and slid the page back to Elain. You handed your bank card to her, and she pressed it to her ledger before passing it back to you. “Alright, you’re all set up to start your deliveries, when you know the exact date just come back and let me know, okay?”
You nodded your head, then finally looked around the rest of her shop. There were large bags filled with dirt, gardening tools, large displays of seeds, and even a few types of planters on display. “Oh, you sell gardening supplies too? That’s perfect!” You said, happy to have likely found everything you needed to complete your garden.
“Yes, we even have carts that you can borrow or purchase to take everything home,” Elain said, already moving from behind the counter. “Are you starting a garden, as well?” She asked.
“Yes, just a small one for a few plants and herbs I need for my baked goods,” you replied, already moving to look at the types of dirt she had on offer.
Perfect. Elain already carried dirt from the Winter Court, exactly what you needed for your plants.
“I’ll take- oh, I think ten bags of the Winter dirt, please,” you said, hoping that it would be enough to fill up your planters. “And I’ll purchase a cart as well, that will probably be handy for just about all of my shopping for the bakery,” you said with a chuckle. Elain brought a cart over, and the two of you loaded ten large bags of dirt into it.
You also grabbed a few different sizes of hand shovels and a couple of watering cans, putting them into your cart.
“Is that everything you’re needing today?” Elain asked as you approached the counter once more.
“Yes, Elain.” You handed your bank card over, and tucked it back into the collar of your dress once she gave it back. “Thank you so much, I’ll see you in a couple of weeks,” you said, moving to push your cart through the front door.
“Did you need any help with your garden at all?” Elain asked before you left.
“Not at the moment, I just need to fill my planters with dirt today. But in the next week I’ll be transplanting some things from the Winter Court,” you replied, and her brown eyes lit up.
“Would you like some help?” Elain asked brightly. “I’ve been so bored during the winter, there’s not much to tend to, I’d love to help you out,” she said, with so much hope in her voice you couldn’t refuse.
“That would be lovely, Elain. I’ll come and get you once I have the plants back here, alright?”
Elain beamed at you. “Sounds like a plan, Y/N. I’m free all of this Wednesday, if that would end up working for you. If not, I’m sure I’ll be able to slip away for a little bit,” Elain suggested.
“I’ll try and get the plants here by Wednesday, Elain. Thank you again!” You said as you pushed your cart into the outdoors.
Luckily, the cart seemed to be enchanted to have the snow speared from its path, and you made it back to your home without much trouble.
Now the hard part: getting all of the dirt upstairs and into the planters.
It took you a few hours to finish the planters off, and you were more than ready to wash the dirt from your skin by the time three in the afternoon rolled around, but you forced yourself to write a letter to Viviane, asking to come and grab the plants Wednesday morning before you did so.
You ran hot water in the tub, then let it fill up while you stripped your clothes from your skin and placed them in your laundry bin. You slipped into the tub, loving how your wings were able to sink beneath the water comfortably as well.
It was the first time they would have a proper wash in over a month, and you were looking forward to how soft and fluffy your feather would feel afterwards.
Taking your time, you spent over an hour in the bath carefully washing the first and debris from your wings, refilling the tub once so you could rinse clean. Afterwards, you wrapped yourself in a fluffy towel, one that was so soft that you had bought all of your towels from the same vendor, even for the bakery, in varying shades of blues, pinks, and purples.
A reply from Viviane had landed on your desk while you were bathing, confirming that she would pick you up in front of Mor’s townhome at eight on Wednesday morning.
You’d considered buying baking supplies and bakeware today, but after the hauling of dirt you were too tired, and nothing sounded better than getting a takeout from Sevenda’s and curling up on the couch in front of your fireplace with the third Healer of Time book.
But getting Sevenda’s would require going outside again, and going across the Sidra…
You had the ingredients for the chicken curry you had made on your second night in Velaris, and that, you supposed, would be less daunting of a task than leaving your home.
You got dressed in a soft sweater dress, another recent purchase of yours, and let yourself read for a half an hour on the couch, until your stomach was growling at you to loudly to continue ignoring. Fine. I will make the damn curry.
You stood up from your couch and went into the kitchen, chopping and stirring and waiting until finally you had your dinner. Your cooking skills had improved in the month and a half since you’d made this recipe, and you could tell in the taste of the curry.
Seated at the table, you read while you ate, so lost in the gripping story that you hadn’t realized you were done with your food until you ate a spoonful of nothing.
“Oh,” you said to yourself, then got up and rinsed your bowl out. You were so tired already, and it was barely six in the evening.
Today would be a good day to start getting back into a baking sleep schedule, if you were so tired already… And then you would be able to get up bright and early in the morning, make yourself some breakfast, then head to the Palace of Bone and Salt to buy enough baking supplies to make each of your recipes three times, to make sure you still have all of the techniques you need down pat before your grand opening.
Grand opening. You could hardly believe it, you’re so close to your dream becoming a reality, and it’s been almost nothing but fun the entire journey.
That was definitely in part to the wonderful fae you’d met in Velaris, each one that you worked with you helpful and friendly. You truly couldn’t have asked for a better start to your new life here.
You allowed yourself to read until seven thirty, then forced yourself to get into bed.
It took a little while for you to fall asleep, even with being tired, but soon enough you drifted off, thoughts filled with bags of flour and the pastries you would make tomorrow.
Picking out your bakeware took you longer than expected.
Did you want glass or metal bowls? Pink or blue ceramic? Wooden utensils or metal utensils? You were so indecisive, trying to choose between whatever you liked most and trying to have a color scheme- but then you realized it doesn’t matter, all of them will be used for the same purpose.
And if you love all of your bakeware, then who cares if they don’t match?
So you’d gotten possibly double of everything that you needed, but that would just make it easier for you to do more batches or different things at once in the future. And you’re fine with that.
You’d carefully made your way home, trying your best not to break any of your new dishes.
Your only casualty was a cute mixing bowl you’d picked up for your personal kitchen, it was pink with little duckies all around it. You would get another at some point.
It took you two hours to have everything arranged the way you wanted, and immediately after getting your kitchen set up you went out again pushing your cart back to the Palace of Bone and Salt to get your baking ingredients. That shopping trip took you a bit over an hour, and by the time you got home you were tired once more, but more than ready to start baking again.
You had never gone much over a week without baking, ever since you were six years old. You felt like apart of you had been ripped away, until your hands finally sank into dough once more.
It was magical, how happy baking makes you. You baked for the rest of the night, probably eating far too many pastries for dinner, but you don’t care, because they’re pastries you baked, in your bakery.
Two days later, it was Wednesday, and Viviane had picked you up as promised.
“So, how’s Velaris treating you so far?” She asked as the two of you were on your knees in the greenhouse, working to free the last of three hornberry bushes you needed.
“It’s been amazing so far, the change of pace as been absolutely wonderful, and getting closer to the grand opening of the bakery I’m getting more and more excited! And everyone has been so kind so far, I feel so welcome.”
Your four combined hands finally pulled the bush out of the ground, and you carefully placed it in the cart holding the rest of your plants.
“That’s so great to hear, Y/N. I’m glad you’re settling in well, you deserve it after all you’ve been through,” Viviane said, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “Did you need any other plants, dear?”
You looked over the cart thoroughly. “Nope, that’s all I need Viv. Thank you so much!”
“Of course, Y/N! You know this section of the garden practically belongs to you, right? You and your grandmother are the reason our birth rates and overall health as a court have gone up. If you need anything else from here, just write me again, okay?”
You nodded, smiling gratefully at her. “Oh, by the way, the money you gave me was far too much,” you said, and Viviane opened her mouth to speak. “But it is very much appreciated, Viv. It’s made getting the bakery perfect so easy.”
Viviane grinned at you. “I knew it was the right choice, telling you once you were already in Velaris,” she said with a laugh.
“That’s true, I would never have accepted it,” you agreed, chuckling along with her.
The two of you stood from where you were kneeling, dusting the dirt from your dresses. “Are you ready to see my bakery?” You asked, holding your arm out for Viviane to take.
“I have been since before it was built, Y/N,” Viviane replied, taking your arm and winnowing the both of you back to Mor’s townhouse. “Lead the way, dear.”
The two of you trekked back to your bakery, taking longer than usual with the cart’s wheels snagging on the snow.
“Oh, Y/N, it’s perfect!”
Your front doors had been delivered yesterday, perfectly depicting the change from dawn to day to night while snow falls over the Sidra, more beautiful than you had thought it could be.
“Isn’t it?” You asked dreamily, still slightly disbelieving that it was real, even when you’d been living here for the past five days. “Come on, let me show you the inside,” you said, unlocking the doors and dragging the cart inside after Viviane had entered.
“This is so cute! I wish you were open right now, I’ve been dying for one of your hornberry tarts. Leo does a good job, but I don’t think he’ll ever get them perfectly like yours, Y/N,” Viviane said, referencing the pasty chef you’d trained before moving.
“Well, if you come back for the opening or any time after, I’ll make sure you get a few to take home with you. I’m sure Kallias would like some as well,” you remarked with a smile, recalling how fond the High Lord was of your pastries.
“He’ll probably join me once you’re open, he won’t say it but I know he misses your baking. He does this cute little pouty face whenever something doesn’t taste perfect,” Viviane said, always ready to talk about her alpha. “Well, I’d better get going Y/N, I have a few meetings I need to get to, but let me know when your opening is and I’ll do my best to stop by.”
“I will, Viv. Winnow safe, okay?” You said as the two of you hugged, taking in one last breath of her calming snow and cranberry scent.
“I will, dear. Have fun planting!” Viviane said, winnowing away after giving a little wave goodbye.
You immediately set to taking the plants upstairs as quickly as you could, wanting to get Elain over at a reasonable hour.
It was eleven thirty when you finished, each and every last plant taken up the spiral staircase and placed next to the planter it would be replanted in.
You washed your hands, then put your winter wear on and headed into the city, going straight for Elain’s shop. When you arrived, the door was locked, so you knocked loudly on it. Elain came to the door a moment later, already dressed to leave the indoors.
“Lovely, Y/N, I’m so glad you could make it today!” Elain said excitedly, locking her shop up behind her. “And I get to see your bakery, I’m excited for that too!”
The two of you made your way to your bakery slowly, the two of you appreciating the people milling about as you walked.
“This is a gorgeous bakery you’ve got, Y/N,” Elain said once the two of you were standing in front of it, you unlocking the door.
“Thank you, Elain,” you said, swinging the door open and letting Elain inside.
“Oh, the inside is so adorable! Now I have such good ideas for your bouquets, after seeing the space. I’m thinking a blue flower in every weeks bunches, keep the winter theme going a bit.”
“I love that idea, Elain, that’s perfect!” You led her to the kitchen and up the stairs, and she rushed towards the garden.
“This is amazing! Who did your enchantments?” Elain asked once she was in the garden, the air even colder than it was outside.
“Gabrella, in the Palace of Flame and Steel,” you replied, joining her in the garden. “And this is my little garden,I’m excited to get everything planted. And please, don’t feel obligated to stay at any point, though I do truly appreciate your help.”
“I love to see new plants, and I’ve never seen any of these before. I’m guessing they’re native to the Winter Court, with the dirt you bought and the climate you’ve got here,” Elain said, hitting the nail on the head.
“You would be right, Elain. I use all of them in my pastries. All of them are pretty easy to plant, just make sure their roots are covered and then water them until the soil is completely soaked,” you informed Elain, already kneeling in front of one of the planters.
The two of you got to work, Elain watched you plant one of the bushes before moving to her own, planting it with expert hands.
As you worked, the two of you spoke of your lives, mainly your hopes for the near future. You spoke of your bakery, how excited you were to see it finally in action, and how the people of Velaris would react to your business. Elain talked about her mate and alpha, Lucien, and how they were hoping to have children soon.
“We’ve been trying rather vigorously,” Elain tittered, and you blushed along with her.
“Well, I cannot promise that it will work for sure, but I do make a fertility pastry with these berries,” you say, pointing to the spiky berries on the hornberry bush that you were currently planting. “We have seen a significant increase in births the Winter Court over the past five years, though that could be due to the end of everyone being imprisoned.”
“Anything at all that will help, we’ve been trying for the past five years with no luck so far. As long as it tastes decent, I am willing to try anything, I’ve wanted to be a mother for so long,” Elain said, sighing after she did.
“I believe they’re rather delicious, but you’ll just have to see for yourself,” you laughed.
Within two hours, you and Elain were sitting back on your hands, looking at your now completed garden. “Thank you for your help, Elain. Would you like to go to lunch with me?” You asked, wanting to thank her in some way other than words, and you had a feeling she would turn down any monetary payment you would offer.
“I would love to, Y/N. Did you have a specific place in mind?” She asked, already getting to her feet. You followed her up, then lead her over to the kitchen sink to wash the dirt from your hands.
“There’s this great noodle place on the west end of the Palace of Hoof and Leaf, if you’re interested? Or we can go someplace else, if you’d prefer,” you offered.
“Noodles sound great,” Elain said, smiling softly at you.
“Noodles it is, then.”
Lunch with Elain was nice, and you walked her back over to her shop before heading home. The two of you had gotten to know each other better, and you were happy to know that you might already have three omega friends in your new city, very different compared to your sold one in Winter- Viviane.
When you got back to your home, slightly surprised to see Marcus outside of your doors.
“Ah, Y/N, there you are!” He said, walking over to meet you. “I was… I was hoping that I could ask you something.” For the first time since you had met him, Marcus sounded nervous.
“Go ahead.”
“Well, I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me- on a date?” He asked.
You hadn’t seen it coming. You’d enjoyed his company, yes, he was fun to talk to and nice to be around.
“I… uhm…” you started, unsure of what to say.
“Look, there’s no strings attached, if you hate it halfway through, or even right when I pick you up, we can act like it never happened, hmm?”
You considered it for a moment. Would it really be so bad to go on a date with a handsome, friendly alpha?
“Okay, yes, I’ll go out with you. What night were you thinking?” You asked, looking up at Marcus nervously.
“Would tomorrow night at six work for you?”
You nodded your head. “Yes, tomorrow would be fine,” you respond. “I’ll see you then.”
“Good, I’ll see you tomorrow night at six, Y/N,” Marcus said before departing from you with a wave, leaving you to slink inside of your bakery and contemplate what had just happened.
“You’re going on a date with Marcus? Oo, tell me what you’re going to wear!” Mor said excitedly, clapping her hands together.
“Just a dress and some tights, Mor, nothing fancy,” you said after swallowing your bite of salad.
“Well, at least tell me you’re excited for the date?”
“I guess so.” Mor stared at you, disbelief in her eyes as she chewed the last bite of her sandwich. “What? Marcus is nice, really nice, I just don’t feel any kind of spark towards him, that’s all.”
“At least give the male an honest chance, alright?” Mor asked of you before paying for the tab. “I’ve got to run, but next week you will tell me all about the date, yes?” You nodded your head. “Good. I’ll see you next Thursday, have a good date today doll,” Mor said, pressing a kiss to your cheek before leaving the restaurant.
You finished your salad, then walked the short distance home from the restaurant in the Palace of Hoof and Leaf.
Perhaps you should be getting ready excitedly at this point already, but you knew in your heart that you wouldn’t find that spark with Marcus. After all, you’d known each other nearly two months at that point, and you’d never looked at him as anything other than a friend.
But you supposed that going on a date, even one that you know you won’t go out with again, could be fun.
So you baked for a few hours, then took a long bath to make sure their was no flour left on your body. Getting dressed was easy, you simply slipped on one of your old favorites, a cute pink wool sweater dress that goes to your knees and some warm tights. You put on a little bit of eyeliner and a tiny bit of lipstick, but it only took you ten minutes to get ready. It was only five thirty.
You picked up your book and read, already on the fourth book of the series. By five fifty five, you had on your winter wear and boots and were downstairs.
Marcus knocked on the door exactly at six, looking handsome as usual.
“Shall we go?” He asked, extending an arm to you.
You took it, then said “Yes, lead the way Marcus,” with a gentle smile.
The date was fun, that was true. But you felt no kind of connection with Marcus besides that of a friend. He seemed to sense as much when he dropped you off at your door later that night.
“I had a wonderful time tonight, Y/N.”
“I did too, Marcus, but…” you trailed off, unsure of how to say it.
“But you don’t feel the connection?” Marcus asked, and you nodded in confirmation. “It’s alright, I had to take my chance, right? An omega as amazing and wonderful as you, well, you’re a catch to any alpha with eyes and ears, Y/N.”
“Thank you, Marcus. And I’m so sorry, I wish it could have worked out. You truly are a magnificent person, and I’ve loved getting to know you over the past two months. Friends?”
“Friends,” Marcus confirmed, giving you a brief hug before pulling away. “I’ll see you at your bakery’s opening, when was it again?”
“It will be next Friday, I’ve decided,” you declared brightly, glad that things with Marcus could still be pleasant.
“I’ll see you next Friday, Y/N,” Marcus said before walking away, leaving you on your doorstep once again.
You sighed and headed inside, going straight up to your bedroom to get undressed and wash your face. After you had, you flopped into bed, wishing that you’d been attracted to such a kind, helpful alpha.
But you’d find someone, at some point. You would meet at the right time, the perfect time, and everything would fall into place from there, you were sure of it.
“It didn’t go well, did it?” Mor asked as you sat down across from her in the noodle restaurant.
You sighed. “No, it was a fine outing, just not a good date,” you said. “I did have fun with him, there just isn’t that connection there, you know?”
The two of you ordered quickly when the server came over, then went back to your conversation.
“Are you sure you don’t want to give it one more date?"
You nodded your head. “I’m sure, Mor. There’s no point to it, if I haven’t felt any kind of attraction in the two months we’ve known each other.”
It was Mor’s turn to sigh. “Okay, okay. Do you have any other alphas that you might like to date?” Mor asked, wiggling her brows at you.
“None that I can think of Mor, you can tell Viv that I’m happily single at the moment.”
Your food arrived then, and the two of you tucked into your food, both of you humming happily at the taste.
“So, my bakery opens tomorrow,” you said after a few minutes of comfortable silence while eating, and Mor quickly swallowed her current bite.
“Tomorrow? Oh, that’s so exciting Y/N! What time do you open? I’ll try to get there near then, but no promises, I might be sleeping in.l
“That’s fine, Mor, I’m opening at seven so I don’t really expect you to be awake at that time,” you laughed, knowing that the alpha was the opposite of a morning person.
“Mother no, I would never be up that early for anyone,” Mor giggled. “Have you sent out flyers or anything yet?”
“Yes, I had some pamphlets printed up with the menu, they’re being distributed around town as we speak!” You said brightly.
“That’s good, that’s good. I hope everything runs smoothly, Y/N, you deserve it after all of the hard work your put in.”
“Thank you, Mor. I just hope that people like my pastries.”
“Y/N, just based on that little sampler basket you brought me at the beginning of the week, the people here will go nuts over your bakery,” Mor reassured you.
You had brought a basket of pastries to every person that had helped you in starting your bakery: Mor, Marcus, Rella, Arana, Oren, and the stained glass artist, Wren. You’d actually brought five baskets to Marcus’s office, enough so that he could have a basket of his own, and plenty left for the crew that had worked so hard to bring your dream together.
“Thank you, I’m glad to hear that. I hope that you can make it tomorrow, I believe that Kallias and Viviane will be stopping in later in the day, so long as nothing pressing comes up.”
“I’ll look forward to seeing you and them tomorrow, then, Y/N,” Mor said as she gave you a quick goodbye hug, her citrus and cinnamon scent washing over you again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Mor,” you said with a smile, managing to get your bank card down on the bill first.
You walked home alone, knowing that you needed to make sure everything was in order for the next morning as you went, taking a little longer to savor the warmth of the sun. It had started to warm a little bit, and most of the snow was cleared from the streets at this point.
You used your three hours before your self imposed bed time to check everything twice and make sure you had enough ingredients for everything you needed to bake in the morning, as well as plenty of tea and coffee for people to drink.
Your time to sleep went by too quickly, and soon enough it was four in the morning. You took a quick bath, then donned a comfortable lilac dress with a back scooped low enough for your wings to be free, something you’ll want as you will most likely be spending the next fifteen hours working in the kitchens and the front of house.
Finally, you thought, so happy that your grand opening is finally here.
You rushed downstairs, turning on the fae lights so that you could see your work.
Most of the pastries were done proving, and ready to go in the oven. You had plenty of your winter berry jams ready to go, all you need to do is make more dough and get it proving.
You spend the next two and a half hours working quickly and efficiently, the rush that baking on a large scale gave you fueling you on, faster than ever before.
You had just finished stocking up the pastry display cases, medicinal on the left and typical pastries on the right, when Elain showed up at the front door, bright eyes and perfect hair even at the early hour, You rushed over to unlock the door, opening it to let the sweet fae inside, and you flipped the open sign over as you shut the door.
“It smells absolutely wonderful in here Y/N. Lucien is bringing the rest of our family around, I made them all promise to show up after they devoured that basket of pastries you delivered to my house,” Elain said, shaking her head lightly at them. “I was able to try that hornberry pastry thought, it was divine. Tell me you’ve got plenty ready to go?” Elain asked.
“Oh yes, I’m already thinking it will be my most popular pastry, I’ve got two dozen ready already and another five dozen in the process of being made,” you reassured her, already going behind the counter to grab her a pastry and place it on a plate. “Here you go, and if you ever want to take some extras home, just let me know,” you said with a smile, loving that she immediately took a bite of the pastry.
“Seriously, these are so good,” Elain said, right as a crowd of people pushed through the front doors.
In first was a red headed male, who made his way straight to Elain, placing a kiss on her cheek and swiping the pastry from her fingers. Lucien, presumably.
Next in was a tall, bulky Illyrian with hazel eyes, holding hands with a beautiful fae- Nesta?
“Y/N?” Nesta asked, making her way over to your counter after she met your eyes. “I didn’t know you were the one Elain was working with, what a small world.”
You nodded your head, meeting her strong steel grey eyes. “Yes it is, I didn’t know that you were related to Elain, either. It’s nice to see you again, I’m hoping I can make it to that book club of yours in the next couple of weeks,” you said.
“That would be nice, Y/N."
“Introduce me,” the large Illyrian said after gently nudging Nesta, having followed her over.
Nesta rolled her eyes, a small but affectionate smile on her lips as she said “This is Cassian, my mate.”
Cassian stuck his large hand out for you to take, and when you did his hand practically swallowed yours. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. Now, am I allowed to order right away or should I wait a little bit?” The alpha asked, eyes already turned to the pastry cases.
“You can order right now, if you’d like,” you responded, letting him look over the options for a moment.
“Oh, Nes, we are so getting the hornberry pastries, remember that little promise that you made to me?” Cassian asked, turning his mouth to Nesta’s ear, whispering something that made the fae’s face turn beet red before she nodded. “We will take two of those, plus three croissants.”
You handed them their pastries on a large plate, telling them “Bring it up here when you’re done, or if you need a to go bag.” They left the counter, Nesta still blushing profusely, even when they sat down.
You looked back to the door, seeing Mor and another Illyrian next to her, this one with shadows swirling around him, occasionally dipping into his ears. They moved over to the right side pastry case, peering through the glass at what you had on offered. You glanced away from them and back to the door, and that’s when you saw them-
The most devastatingly beautiful male and female you had ever seen, power thrumming off of them in gentle, soothing waves, and their combined scents washed over you- citrus, sea, jasmine and lilacs. A perfect, heart stopping blend of two alpha scents that set your mind and body on fire in the best possible way. You felt so awake now, so present as you stared at them both, trying to memorize their faces as quickly as you could.
This. This is the feeling you wanted to feel when you went on a date with someone.
The couple moved closer to you, and Mor introduced them.
“Y/N, this is Rhys and Feyre, our High Lord and Lady.”
Oh, Mother, you are so fucked.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” Feyre said, extending two beautifully tattooed hands to grasp yours. “Mor has told us so much about you, it’s nice to finally put a face to her kind words.”
Your heart nearly stopped, you were sure of it. “It’s lovely to meet you as well, High Lady-”
“Oh none of that, please call us Feyre and Rhys,” Rhys said, his strong voice pulling your eyes away from Feyre’s hypnotic ocean eyes. His were just as mesmerizing, violet with flecks are stars in them, just as beautiful as his mate’s.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Rhys and Feyre,” you corrected, your hands still captive in Feyre’s.
“Alright you two, stop hogging my friend, I’d like to have one of her delicious pastries for breakfast,” Mor said, breaking the spell the two alphas had over you, and you finally looked away from Rhys’s eyes to lock onto Mor’s.
“Did you know what you wanted, Mor?”
“Yes, I’ll have one of those cute little cheese danishes, and a cup of coffee with some cream please.”
You nodded your head, then set to grabbing Mor’s order. With your head turned from the group, though, you couldn’t help but close your eyes.
You are so fucked. They are mates, they are a couple, you will never have them. Remember that, you thought to yourself, before turning around, Mor’s coffee and danish in hand
Mor tapped her bank card to your ledger before you could stop her, sticking her tongue out at you. “You can’t make me not pay, Y/N, I just won’t do it,” she said while smiling at you, then left the counter to take a seat in front of the fireplace, where Elain and Lucien were now sitting.
You turned your head back to the couple that you knew would stay in your thoughts for days, maybe even weeks to come. “Did you two know what you wanted?”
Series Taglist: @icey--stars @breadsticks2004
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miniscule-meow · 5 months
Borrowed Time (2)
Masterpost Wordcount: ~2k First Part | Next Part (soon)
Standing at the base of the cabinets in his kitchen, he stares straight up towards their destination. They’re about to climb to the top. It seems impossible, but the borrower next to him doesn’t seem phased at all. Dante has never seen his apartment from this angle before. He’s, what, four inches tall right now? He doesn’t happen to spend a lot of time lying down on the floor.  Seeing the monolithic cabinetry rise high above him only punctuates how small he is. This is so strange, and yet Vivienne seems so comfortable. This is just another Tuesday for her.
He watches her sling her grappling hook. It arcs an impressive distance, connecting with the handle of the cabinet. She gives the rope a good tug, and nods, satisfied that it’ll hold before she just starts climbing. She makes confident, steady movements. It makes sense, this has been her whole life, it’s all she’s ever known. She’s been living here the whole time without him knowing. He can barely wrap his mind around that. First of all, how many embarrassing things has she seen him do? Maybe not many, considering she didn’t recognize him. So, he supposes that she’s not really spending her free time staring at him, which is good. But still. Has she listened to him sing in the shower? Has she watched him burn eggs on the stove? Secondly, she’s tiny! He’s trying to imagine what it would be like if he was his normal size. He’d be able to hold her in one hand, easily. That thought is just as dizzying as looking up at his weirdly gigantic countertops.  
“Um, is this safe?” He calls up to her, nervously.
“Not even a little bit,” Vivienne grunts, without pausing her ascent. He stares at her as she shimmies up the rope and hoists herself onto the handle. “You coming?” she asks, a challenge sparking in her tone. Part of him thinks that perhaps she picked the most difficult climb just to make fun of him. Or, to assess him, to see how much he’ll hold her back.  
Dante grabs the rope, his competitive nature taking root in him. Though, realistically, he cannot imagine himself being any good at this. He’s never had to climb a rope before. In movies he would see people climbing rope in gym class, his school wasn’t like that. Sure, he works out. Or at least, he intends to. He got a gym membership as a new year’s resolution, but he’s only actually gone a hand full of times since then. This seems like it’s the kind of thing where you would have to train every day to be as proficient as Vivienne. Does she do something like this every day? Is he going to have to do something like this every day? How is he going to survive this.  
“I think you’re stalling. Are you scared?” She taunts from high above him.
“Would you laugh at me if I said yes?” he asks shakily before grabbing the rope and hoisting himself up. She snickers in response and watches him climb. It is slow going, but he does it. When he finally reaches the top he clings to the cabinet handle, not daring to look down.
“Wow. That was…” she starts, he can tell from her tone that she’s not complimenting him.
“Pathetic, I know,” he finishes the sentence for her, wheezing. “There has to be a better way to do this.”
“We’re almost there,” she says, notably not saying anything to deny that she thinks he’s pathetic.
They make their way up the rest of the cabinet and onto the smooth countertop. His whole body is quivering by the time he reaches the top. He flops down on the cool granite, gasping for air.
It’s such an odd thing to climb your own furniture. He sees it and interacts with it every day. Even just this morning, he made himself breakfast. He opened the drawers; he used the kitchen. It should be familiar to him, but the change in perspective has skewed everything. He might as well have been transported to an alien dimension.
Vivienne nudges his side with her foot, it doesn’t seem like she’s even winded from the climb.
“My lungs are on fire,” he coughs.
“Come on. We don’t have time for that, we have to keep moving,” she says, stretching out her shoulders and packing up her rope.
He sits up, taking in the apartment from this viewpoint. He’s hit with another wave of that funny feeling, like everything should feel familiar, but it doesn’t. This feeling sinks in the pit of his stomach like a stone in a lake. Is this his life now? Is he just going to have to accept that this is his forever? He suddenly feels very sweaty. This didn’t feel real until just now. He can’t do this.
“I- I can’t- I … just everything,” he stammers.
“Hey. Hey, look at me,” Vivienne kneels beside him, cupping his face in her hands, causing his eyes to meet her own. This takes his focus away from the immense dread that’s rooting in his stomach. His initial reaction is to think that this is incredibly sweet, until she gives his cheek a few sharp pats to snap him out of his daze. “Listen, Dante. I need you to do something for me, alright? I need you to stop acting like you’re seeing everything for the first time. Okay?”
“But—” He’s about to tell her that he is seeing this for the first time, but she shakes her head.
“No, look, I know this is scary, but this is not the time to freak out on me. We are in the middle of this, you can panic when we’re done. We need to do our job and get out. If you freak out now, it’s going to make everything worse, and it could get both of us killed. Alright? You understand?” she asks slowly.
He nods, swallowing dryly. All he has to do is not freak out.
“I’ve got your back. We’re in this together, and we’re going to be fine. Let’s go,” with that, she stands. He watches her adjust the pack on her shoulders as she walks forward. He quickly gets to his feet, scrambling to follow her.
From the countertop, they come to a box of cereal. He had pulled it out of the cabinet for breakfast earlier today when everything was normal. Now of course, it looks much different to him. He helps Vi pick up some fallen pieces of cereal. They move around the countertop collecting scraps and crumbs. Part of him realizes how much better he needs to be doing at cleaning up after himself. But then, if he did that then collecting food would be even more challenging than it already is. At least this part of the job is simple compared to scaling the cabinets to get here.
With their packs full of scraps, and their water containers refilled from the dripping faucet, they’re ready to climb back down. The descent proves to be just as scary as the ascent was, and he was no more proficient at it than he was during the first go around. All he knows is that he’s going to be unbelievably sore when tomorrow finally comes.
They make their way back to Vi’s room, and he helps her make a meal of sorts from the scraps they just collected. It’s surprisingly… edible, considering they were working with bits of cereal, grains of rice, stale breadcrumbs and whatever other bits and bobs already in her little pantry.
He’s cleaning the dishes when the string lights overhead flicker, then go out. Vivienne sighs heavily, stomping across her room. Dante blinks, his eyes struggling to adjust to the newfound darkness. She gives the battery pack by the door a few sharp wacks before sighing again. “This is going to be so annoying to fix.”
“Uh, what should I do?” He asks, feeling his way across the old wooden ruler that she turned into her countertop.
“Light a match I guess.” She mutters. “This will be fine. We were pretty much done for the night anyway. You looked about ready to fall asleep in your dinner, so we can just deal with it tomorrow,” She talks as he fumbles his way around the miniature kitchen. They had used a tea candle to cook their dinner, and there was a collection of matches stored in the cabinet nearby. He grabs one and strikes it. He holds it like a torch in his hands. It won’t stay lit for long, but for now it illuminates the space in a warm orange glow.
“What do you need to fix it?” He asks curiously.
“I need three whole aaahs,” she answers.  
“What?” He asks, dumbfounded.
“Oh, right. You don’t know anything. Um. This one is kind of advanced. Basically, aaahs are tubes that make the lights turn on. Without them, it’s just dark like this. Which is fine, it’s just annoying. Good thing we got all of our crafting out of the way while they still worked though. But anyway, they’re pretty hard to come by. And it’s one of those things that the beans sometimes keep track of. And I need three of them.”
“Aaah tubes,” he says quietly to himself, thinking for a moment before busting up into a fit of laughter. “Oh my gosh do you mean a battery? Like a triple A battery?”
“Oh. Alright you just call it something else. That’s so weird though? Three A’s would be pronounced, ‘aaah’”
“This is- oh gosh,” he laughs
“Cultural differences, I get it. Your community was weird,” She says with a shrug, shuffling back towards the table.
“Vi, what about double A batteries? Those are different, but would you pronounce it the same, or what?”
“Well, that…” she hesitates. “I’m not going to take criticism from the guy who didn’t even know what a borrower was, despite literally being one, alright?”
“Whatever.” He laughs, meeting her at the table. “Hey, don’t worry. This won’t even be all that hard. I have some batteries in my—” he stops himself.
“You have a stash nearby?” she asks, her voice taking on an edge that he knows is from her being territorial. Her brow furrows, her sharp eyes studying him.
“No, no, no. I just meant that, um, I know where some are. They’re in the apartment in the… um… other bean’s desk drawer. And he shouldn’t be a problem because he’s… out for a while.”
“And you know this because?” She leads.
“Well, I overheard a conversation or something. But really, the coast should be clear for it.”
“Alright,” she sighs. “We can try it out because I don’t have any other leads for these ‘betteries’ as you called them.”
“batteries,” he corrects her, but she either doesn’t hear him, or she just outright ignores him.
Using only one other match for light, they’re able to get ready for bed. She gives him a lumpy approximation of a pillow, and several scraps of fabric, sewn together into a blanket. The space is small, but he’s able to sleep on the floor next to her bed. Though, it honestly doesn’t look like her bed is really any better than the floor. The base of it appears to be layers and layers of fabric all piled together. The light of the match fizzles out, and he’s left staring up into the darkness. His body feels so exhausted, but his mind is running in circles trying to process and unpack everything.
Now that there are no real distractions to keep him occupied, he has to face what he’s been avoiding all day. His mind is still snagged on the fact that there has been a tiny woman living in the walls of his apartment. But aside from that, there’s the matter of, how is any of this possible? And what can he do about this? He has no real plan aside from just following Vivienne around as long as she will let him. Should he try to contact his roommate? Would he take him to a doctor? Would a doctor even know what to do with him? Eventually his uneasy thoughts carry him into uneasy dreams. Hopefully, he’ll be able to get some answers tomorrow.
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plasticfangtastic · 1 year
American Royalty. Ch. 4
A Homelander X F! Reader and Dadlander fanfic.
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A/N: if ya like to be taglisted plz leave a comment to be notified on the next release. got the writers block and too many wips so here is an early chapter. hope y'all like it. plz check my pin post for prev. chapters.
Tags: mild gore, angst, lots of angst, slow burn, fluff, oc characther, child neglect, dadlander, romance.
Chapter Four
Seeing Stars
You had him agree to you working three days as his personal chef, and he couldn’t have you Sundays no matter how much he asked.
Within the week you had gotten a letter from your bank telling you that the pending investigation on your account had been closed and now you could access it, it had even accrue significant interest after being untouched for seven years it was better than an early christmas miracle as you sobbed in your bedroom with the letter in hand, you cried in the kitchen after calling a realtor to see an apartment, by the time you seen a couple of apartments you had come home to find an enveloped taped to your door. Inside paperwork and some keys– seeing red for a moment, but as Helena tugged at your shirt, your anger tucked itself away, you held her crying into her shoulder as you finished reading the letter.
Before the month ended, you had moved into a large, renovated and well located 2 bedroom, 1 office, 2 bathrooms apartment in the ground floor of a duplex, it had to be at least eighteen to twenty thousand dollars in rent but he had simply purchase it– writing in his letter that he wouldn’t allow you to continue raising his daughter in the projects or some refurbished new york closet, he had even collected information on local schools in your new neighborhood for you consider, informing you that he would take care of tuition cost.
As you settled in a space so big you had nothing to fill it with, as you watched your daughter actually behave like a seven year old for once, you laid on the floor by the open concept kitchen, feeling the rich wood underneath your skin, staring at the black granite benches and hardwood cabinetry– the floor was even heated! You heard a landing in one of the two thin yards, you knew your daughter was exploring the bathroom, so it felt safe to do this now.
“I’ll have my interior designer come by this week to help you select furniture and stuff.” He said upon entering, distubed by how barren it was, all your belonings in a a dozen boxes total, tucked in a corner of the living room.
“You are a bastard making me indebted to you.” You grumbled.
“I can’t have her live in a broom closet infested with rats. Kids need yards and space.” He looked at the cherry wood panels lining the outdoors, the vines and trees growing in a decent sized yard, extra big by New York standards– you could get her a puppy, a kitten or…?”
“She likes fish.”
“I could have a pond installed.” he said with a smirk crainign his back as he tried to look less imposing as you refused to lift your head from the heated hardwoods– you should be okay with utility bills, I left them on credit for your convenience. Have you had a chance to look at schools?”
“What are you actually planning, John.” You sat back up, switching names had taken him off-guard wondering what angle you were going at him from– haven’t even started work with you and now you are showering me with presents? This is beyond just wanting to see your kid is not like you actually seen her.”
“You said to take things slow.” He didn’t try hiding that devious grin– Ryan… needs a story.”
“Jesus Christ you are sick.” you now had to stand up for real– you want me to play mom to your kid? I don’t even look like him.”
“Genetics are weird. Helena looks like you and Ryan looks like me, like those dogs from ‘Beauty and the Tramp’."He touched your cheek with a bare hand– Can’t wait to see you next Thursday, mom.”
“Oh god…” You chuckle, losing your mind as his hand hurts without a scratch– How are you going to tell this to Helena?”
“Is in early development but the team will take care of it. I need Ryan to attend the same school as Helena so please hurry up.”
He left not before telling you to take Helena to MOMA this saturday at 2 pm, it wasn’t a suggestion or invitation, it was an order
You did as you were told that evening, one of the best schools in the city was under a half hour walk from this cell, knowing Helena had to be enrolled soon didn’t help, and your commute to Lucci had increased but now you could pay for gas and not cry. Sending him a texts about schools to the number he had given you in his many many notes seemed anticlimactic but that was it.
Helana had grown suspicious, but she played dumb and you knew it too, so you both played stupid when you headed to MOMA that weekend.
You just casually came the same day and the same time as Homelander and Ryan were about to have the whole museum closed off as they received a private tour,  but he asked you to join them not giving any real explanation for why but nobody questioned, neither kid spoke to each other much if any, Helena simply enjoying the silence, she looked at you as she asked about the pieces but it was Homelander who had the most to say about the works, leaving you left out but happy, you knew that face of his so well, to see it on your daughter’s face made your day.
He had taken the opportunity to discuss your employment not your relationship, giving you list of things Ryan should eat, would not eat, wanted to try and things he wanted to try himself, then your hours and some odd request about handling Ryan’s school lunches being instagram worthy, handing you socials to research for such task.
You started work that following week, the Vought kitchens were top of the line, your job was to meet all of his requirements, some of the chefs that recognized you looked at you with relief and curiosity, wanting to know what had happened to you but you were unwilling to share. That first breakfast was returned with clean plates, even the waiter was shocked when he saw empty plates come out of his penthouse.
It had been so long since you could play with such new equipment, this was it, this was the place you belong in, him or not involved this was your happy place now.
Two weeks had passed.
 As you headed for the staff elevator you met Homelander, who had honestly just been waiting for you.
“I got the paperwork sorted… you just have to sign and fill stuff. Nice school! Great stem program not that Helena will find it hard.” he said politely, his posture extra stiff.
“Did you do a background check on her?” you looked around for witnesses.
“Hard not to. Our kid is the captain of the math club… her school team has won most of the math competitions in the last four years. Not to mention the piano recitals, and science competitions”  He looked so proud– her grades are perfect. She might be the smartest little girl in the city.”
“She’s the smartest little girl in the world.”
“And her new school would let the whole world know just that.” He said matching your smug.
You watched him carefully waiting for him to spit out what he wanted to say, either about her schooling or something else.
Helena was allowed to continue attending her old school until you were ready for transfer, he had only briefly talked to you for school discussions, and with great disinterest on what made each school good or not, if anything you found yourself doing this for his son as well, thinking of what this school would do for his well being, and if it was the best choice for a homeschooled kid, and how would this new school commute affect Helena’s after school routine. 
On the days you didn’t work in Vought’s towers she was still babysat or stayed at Lucci’s, she was too young to be left at home, even if you knew she was perfectly safe, but no matter what she was still little. 
During the days you worked in the tower she was kept in the company daycare in the 20th floor, most of the kids there were normal but there was at least one other super-abled child her age, it made you happy to see her interact with a similar kid even if said kid abilities involved phasing thru objects all willy-nilly and make objects phase thru other objects, making you worry of what would happen if he lost focus and Helena got caught inside a wall.
“By the way our kid escaped the daycare.” He held the elevator open for you as he entered, before you could panic he shot you a charming smile– is okay she’s at the gym…”
Your eyes had welled up regardless, you jumped into the metal box pressing the bottom frantically.
“She’s perfectly safe… A-Train is there and so it's that… Noir… her and the only little Supe kid decided to do some mischief, but I kept my ears on her all day.”
Forcing yourself to take deep breaths as the elevator smoothly traveled to the lower floors.
“Is it not her that I am worried for.” you said firmly.
You followed him as he guided you through an unfamiliar floor, inside the large colosseum gym that had been fitted to test somebody’s athletic skills you found your daughter floating in her wavy bubble, but all you saw was your kid swaying in the air.
“Helena get down here immediately!!!” You ran after her reaching for the kid as her bored expression was replaced with embarrassment as she descended into your arms– you cannot run away from daycare!”
“I don’t want to be surrounded by babies.”
“Helena you are a baby!” you squeezed her against yourself, just glad she was still in one piece, you noticed the other small kid in the room– jesus…”
Carrying your kid you reached for the other one, taking his hand.
“Hey sweetie… let me take you back to daycare before your mommy or daddy gets worried.
“Am I in trouble?” he asked meekly.
“No, but Helena is so grounded.”
“Don’t mom me! You have any idea how dangerous that was!”
“Oh don’t get mad at the kid, she was just acting like a kid. Don’t be such a buzzkill” he mocked you.
“I don’t want or need your opinion– now you got two seconds to explain yourself!”
You began to gently drag yourself and your kid’s victim out of the gym, A-Train absolutely shocked to see anybody talk to Homelander like that.
“Look I had A-Train and Noir come check them out, they were safe!” He chased after you.
“Oh that was your doing.” Helena said–  "I really wanted to meet A-Train” she waved innocently at the Supe, who returned the gesture as a true professional– and... Mom… I wanted to see the building, that’s all… sorry I used Elmo to escape… but his powers were just too useful”
“You cannot use people like that.” you said in shock.
“People like being used.” Her words were just cold as she wriggled herself out of your arms, falling without touching the ground, she took Elmo’s hand taking the small kid towards the exit– some people are born serfs.” She mumbled to herself.
Homelander's heart beat violently– oh his daughter was a brat and had a questionable attitude, he hadn’t even interacted much with her, but he was proud. His whole body went light and his smile couldn’t be contained as he saw the small girl with true love in his eyes, this was the moment he saw her as truly his own.
Ryan was still reluctant to accept his father’s philosophy, but this little one understood that she was born better from the start on her own.
She turned around to face you again, little Elmo sucked on his thumb as her eyes glowed pale blue.
“Is it alright if I come to the training gym if I ask permission first?” 
“Of course all Supe’s should know to keep their powers top notch. You are more than welcome to use the facilities.” Homelander had cut you off, petting the little girl’s head as he approached the duo– Just ask your mother so she doesn’t have a heart attack. Then again this is one of the safest places in all of New York and little Helena over here is perfectly safe, after all I am here.” He said while staring at you.
His voice was sweet, you were defeated as Helena tried to contain that cheshire grin of hers while staring at you– he was your boss , and the Homelander so could you really go against him so publicly?
“You had a terrorist attack in this building… but I guess…” She ignored him again then looked straight at you– I learned something new today.” 
A-Train and Noir exchanged concerned looks taking a few step backs, Homelander seemed intrigued to watch your reaction, you gave way, unable to speak, just frustrated as your ex looked just as smug as his kid.
Little Elmo scoot behind her– in the round gymnasium a cement boulder hanged in chains, her eyes glowed the brightest you’ve ever seen, lifting her hand with one quick swipe the boulder broke in half, the dust showing the invisible blade bending light, it gain a blue color as it was touched before fading, she looked so proud of herself, you stared at Homelander and now you understood why nobody had informed you that your daughter was missing. It didn’t sit well with you.
“you’re still grounded for a whole week.”
“But Mom!!”
You had walked into a trap, one you did so willingly, jailed in a nice house, any hope of Homelander being driven away or losing interest in her was gone as he looked at her with pure adoration in his eyes.
You got used to it… this prison was lovely, it was nice to come back to a spacious cell. Homelander had indeed brought his decorator to your house but you didn’t want designer furniture and high end stuff, you kept it simple and cheap, most of your stuff second hand and from Ikea, only relenting to agree with the poor designer over the kitchen, his budget was absurd for the task, only taking advantage to purchase all the appliances of your dreams, you indeed needed a air fryer that matched your splashback.
Helena was happy to have a room that felt like a bedroom, large bookcases that could be filled with her own books, a small courtyard facing her doors, where she now could sit down and read with the breeze in her hair. She seemed happy, euphoric when she began her new school, making you forget what was happening in the background at times.
Homelander would come from time to time to speak to you about mundane stuff and work, his patience saintly as he allowed you to get used to his company once more, just so you could be okay with him entering her life, but then again he was your jailer.
He himself had begun forcing himself into her life when you weren’t around, it was all a matter of timing and perception.
Homelander watched the daycare center, from afar, a much needed service, it occupied a whole floor, the tower employed thousands of people in its 99th floor so there had to be help for those mothers and fathers who needed to work but had children with no babysitters, it was one of the many appealing things about being employed by Vought, and the center offered a variety of activities for all age groups.
Helena saw it as a jungle, all these children just a bunch of savages, keeping Elmo around not because she liked his company but because he was the only other Supe child in her age group, he was a sweet kid, afraid of bugs and that liked to talk about cartoons, frankly it was a challenge to figure out what to do with him. Homelander watched as she taught the kid to play chess, taking hours to explain the basics as the seven year old had very little clue what was happening, but in its own way it was nice to talk to another kid like himself.
Homelander even bothered to do a background check on the child– both of his dad’s both worked at Vought one in hero management and the other in marketing, both very busy bees it seems… he had done the same with all of Ryan’s new classmates, he knew their entire families before his kid even stepped foot and said hello to any of them, all done before he started school the same week as Helena– there was the big issue of her being on the 10th grade while her older brother just began the 6th grade, so he couldn’t enjoy seeing the both of them interacting, it was hard to witness for he wanted both kids to become closer so desperately.
Hence why he was standing on the foyer of the daycare center, a young lady that looked too cheerful for her own good, welcomed Homelander.
“Hi! How can I help you today, Homelander? Are you looking to enroll little Ryan?” She swayed side to side trying to see if the kid was behind him by any chance.
“Actually… am here to speak to one of the kids… hmm… Helena L/N.” He said with a firm tone– I believe her mother left a message.”
Homelander texted you an hour before cominf down, not even asking you that he was going to take her for training, you were stuck in the kitchen helping with some work function taking place tonite, a thousand canapes had to be made and you were stuck with the pistachio and lemon layer cakes.
You had no time to argue, taking your precious break time to make phone calls and try not to use your knife on the nearest asshole who pissed you off afterwards.
She hopped on the desk seeking for any notes, and he was indeed correct.
Now he had her all for himself, you prayed he wasn’t going to drop the news on her, but you couldn’t leave and abandoned your team, she was safe, you had to believe she was safe, she was smart, she was so smart and she could escape him, you just had to trust her.
“Can I bring Elmo?” Helena looked up at Homelander, a slight ache building on her neck as she looked up at the man– he might get lonely.”
“He’s not a dog.” He didn’t even try putting on a soft babied voice with her– and I wanted to talk to you.”
“But he’s always ‘The Dog’ when we play house.” She faked the most innocent voice she could muster, turning around to look at the glass doors  dividing the friends– … He will probably sneak out to the gym if he gets lonely, they got his favorite snacks today… he told me liked five times and I think they’re playing Bluey on the tv.”
“Oh! and you play mommy?” He grimaces so hard his eyebrows touch.
“No, the robber.”
He led the way and she was more than happy to explore the building as they headed downstairs.
“What do you think of them?”
“Those without powers.” she wished she could see his expression– and be honest. None of this ‘Wednesday Addams’ crap.”
He looked around at the sea of smart casual fits and stress on the floors above, the world moving so fast paced, nothing but monkeys hurling shiny rocks while playing dress-up.
“They can be useful, if they are not… then they don’t matter to me.”
He smiled, his heart fluttering and his stomach filled with butterflies as he heard her speak– why did Ryan struggle so much to understand this? He thought.
“When you are born with such gifts–
“I might be a kid but I am very familiar with your Compound V, I already had this talk with my mother. Fascinating stuff… I am still trying to understand the whole dosage thing… How does your company decide which kid to give more versus others? Did they just look at who could provide the best backstory before deciding between 10 mils versus the whole vial.” 
She stared at the glass walls where the kids were housed, the tone of her voice still flat.
“Why you say that?”
“I’m a poor kid from the projects, with a single mom, formerly homeless and now with enough powers to make Athena envious. Not to mention how 92% of supes are white but the percentage below middle class to poor is almost the same as with the 6% blacks, while the percentage of upper class white supes is closer to the same percentage of 2% asians and latino supes… if anything a good chunk of latino and asian supes are upper class… something-something model minority yadah-yadah.” she pressed the elevator door– I’d make a good story. Shame that I can’t be a Supe.”
Homelander stared at her, placing his hand on the back of her head.
“You can be anything you want, Helena. You have been blessed beyond belief with powers… if you want to be Supe then you are ready for major leagues.”
She rolls her eyes.
“Only the 1% of superheroes ever make it to the major leagues, most supes never achieve anything beside D-list status and everybody is fighting for the crumbs left behind by your posse of clowns– is not a fiscally responsible decision. A career that can only exist on extreme gambling is not one that can make money. Not to mention am not cute or tall." She took the first step into the elevator– I never want my mother to worry about money. I want to buy her a mansion on top of a cliff staring at the ocean, have a dozen maids care for the house and she can just spend the rest of her life in luxury”
She turns to see him crossing her arms with a serious look on her tiny face.
“My goal is to take your job.”
“The Seven?” He grinned.
“I can wait to see you try.” he grinned.
“It won’t be that hard… At least when I am in charge security will be tighter.”
Bottles of V dropped from above Homelander’s head, he caught most of them but a few were lost, those were hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of drops staining his pants and shoes, Helena caught one bottle, sliding it between nimble fingers back and forth.
“Don’t look so surprised, it seems this is a common occurence… Here's an unwanted tip: use biometrics and only allow lab techs to enter the 67th floor, not just rely on good will, clown.” sections of her body and clothes flicked back and forth between visible and invisible, taunting him about how easy it had been to steal them using her superpowers.
As his eyes took an extra tinge of red, he saw a brief flash of pale blue encasing her, he followed her to the entrance of the Gym, where she expected to be left alone with Homelander not to find another kid.
“The prodigal son.” she mumbles.
Ryan sat on top of some raised stepping stones in the recently established obstacle course, Helena imagined she needed to know parkour in lieu of flying abilities, which seemed redundant for the kid who could fly.
“Thought you two could practice together.” He shouted while placing the V on the nearest bench.
“Guess there are ways to successfully murder a child and get away with it.” She raised an eyebrow– and here I thought you wouldn’t be irked by the words of a little girl… like I said you’re a maladjusted person.”
“I don’t hurt children. I have no idea…” he said calmly while a little bit angry, as he returned to her side.
“I dunno– it would look really bad if the press found out that you’re a deadbeat.”
His expression dropped as the little girl's eyes glowed.
“Smartest little girl in the world… or...?” She said dryly, as she headed towards Ryan to save him the walk– my bubble refracts light, easy to spot if you notice images are wavering without the heat.”
The little boy ran cheerfully after his father, who for the first time ignored him, his eyes transfixed on the little girl, who had been playing stupid all along.
taglist-- @fromforeigntofamiliarity , @demodemo909 and @immyowndefender
here's the house:
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dogbunni · 2 years
(shakes my head like a dog flinging rainwater all over the kitchen cabinetry as it's owner yells in despair and grief) (several nendo headcanons fall out)
-nendo wears lynx africa. he sprays it liberally after every P.E lesson and saiki has actually teleported himself out of the boys locker room in full view of the whole class before because of this. no one noticed.
-he and kuboyasu engage in underage drinking once a month. kuboyasu has a good alcohol tolerance because of his delinquent past and nendo's tolerance is obscene because of his sheer size. they keep this a secret from the others because they don't want to be bad influences <3 (nendo cares about his buddies a lot and kuboyasu would rather die than see anyone else go down the same path he did)
-in a similar vein. kuboyasu is the one who has to buy the illicit alcohol, even though nendo could easily pass as being in his mid twenties. this is because the one time he tried buying the booze, he showed his real ID (unprompted) to the cashier instead of the fake one.
-despite the above blunder he is actually good at keeping his illegal monthly drinks night a secret. actually he is just weirdly good at keeping secrets.
-one by one everyone else realises that hey, nendo can actually keep a secret! and thats how he becomes the group confidante. kaido uses him like a therapist and he loves it bc his pal is getting all those hard feelings out and developing as a person and nendo gets to help!!!!!
-speaking of. nendo loves feeling helpful. he is aware that he's not the brightest so he likes when he can actually be useful to someone. sometimes this backfires and he accidentally makes a situation worse, but he makes up for it by being helpful without even trying to be. he probably should stop trying so hard. he does fine as he is. but everyone has their insecurities.
-he loves hanging out with saiki the best because he never feels pressure to be smart or a good conversationalist. sometimes he and saiki just lay on saiki's bedroom floor and eat a share bag of crisps each while staring silently at the ceiling. it's like a mental reset for nendo (for saiki it's about the level of socialisation he can just about enjoy before it becomes overwhelming and bothersome)
-he likes watching animal documentaries
-he does not like riding on kuboyasu's motorcycle, queasy-drunk and full of bad ramen, going 20 over the limit (kuboyasu was sober, he would never drive drunk, they just overestimated how much alcohol they had and nendo drank it all)
-nendo spends a lot of his free time Practicing Things. not things like doing his homework or niche skills but things like. how to cook. how to clean a bathroom without creating chlorine gas. how to fix a washing machine that's making a clunk sound. how to take care of house plants. how to start a herb garden. how to put together ikea furniture. how to do a weekly grocery shop without breaking the bank. he knows he won't be able to get a smarty-pants job, and that's fine, because he doesn't want one. he wants to be a house husband. and he takes his training seriously.
-he loves cute things like hello kitty. he doesn't own any sanrio stuff because he is a little embarrassed about liking it. but sometimes if he sees a hello kitty plush in a shop he will stand there and hold it gently for a while.
-he wants SO MANY kids when he grows up. he wants to be a soccer mom. he wants a mini van full of mini nendo's. the world may not survive it.
-he loves ramen the same way saiki loves coffee jelly. he lives and dies for ramen. so sometimes when it's just saiki and nendo alone they'll look at each other and just get up. go their separate ways. buy their respective foodstuffs. come back. feast. all without exchanging a word. they're kindred spirits that way. boys who love their favourite food in a diagnosably autistic way.
-i do also headcanon nendo as autistic and adhd. he got diagnosed very young and his mother has told him, he just immediately forgot.
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steven1123x · 2 months
Behind The Scenes - Chapter 25: Making Memories
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March 12, 2012
Greg and Rose were in their room, Rose was sitting at her desk on her laptop. Greg was sitting on a chair. She opened her Facebook, something that she does not do often and she got a message from Cartoon Network regarding her YouTube video back in June of 2008.
“Greg, look! I got a message on Facebook, it’s from Cartoon Network regarding that video we took of Steven,” she said
It has now been four years and a lot has happened to the Universe family, Rose finally got a loan and opened a bakery in Los Angeles. Greg opened a music store in Hollywood, They had a beautiful house in Beverley Hills. Both of them had amazing careers, and a beautiful life in LA, what could go wrong?
Then, they heard something in the living room. Rose grabs her sword, Greg follows her, and goes downstairs.
The design promotes a sense of spaciousness and is ideal for entertaining.
Expect to see soaring ceilings, often adorned with elegant chandeliers or modern light fixtures, creating a dramatic effect in the living and dining area.
Interiors would typically showcase high-end materials such as marble or hardwood flooring, custom cabinetry, and upscale finishes. Natural stone countertops in kitchens and bathrooms would be common.
The furniture would likely reflect a modern aesthetic, with clean lines and a mix of neutral tones and bold accents. Plush sofas, a nice coffee table, and statement art pieces would contribute to the luxurious feel.
Large glass doors and windows connect indoor spaces to outdoor areas, such as patios or decks, enhancing the California lifestyle. Outdoor living spaces might include lounges or dining areas.
Bathrooms would often feature soaking tubs, walk-in showers, and double vanities with high-end fixtures, creating a serene retreat.
With the rise of technology, many homes would incorporate smart home systems for lighting, climate control, and security, enhancing convenience and efficiency.
Their son — who was now eleven years old, was in the kitchen while Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo, were on the couch, the boys were now three years older than Steven.
The boys were playing on Steven’s PlayStation, Steven was in the kitchen making Pop-Tarts for them. Steven screams as he sees his mother wielding her sword.
“Oh, it’s just you!” Rose said.
“Yeah, it’s me! who do you think it was? the boogeyman?”
Rose put her sword in her scabbard and held it.
“Dude, What’s wrong? You okay?” Greg asked.
“Yes, it was Sumo who screamed, Dad!” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Sorry!” Sumo said, holding the controller in his hands.
“That’s okay, We thought that someone was hurt,” he said, sighing in relief.
“Hey guys, why won’t you guys get out of the house?” Greg asked.
“Hey guys, let’s go to our treehouse!” Steven said.
“Yeah!” Clarence said, as they all went and grabbed their bikes to ride there.
Steven was about to ride there when their neighbor walked out, Their neighbor was none other than Pearl.
“Steven!” Pearl said, Steven looked at the tall gem.
“Yeah, pearl?”
“Where are you going?”
Oh my stars, come on! can you get off my back?
Steven tried not to roll his eyes at her then put on a smile. “I’m going with Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo to our treehouse.”
“Okay, Steven. Make sure you ride safely,” she told him. Steven tried not to roll his eyes again and he looked at her. “I will be fine, Pearl! let’s go guys,” he said, riding with them to the treehouse.
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Clarence, Jeff, Steven, and Sumo parked their bikes When they were about to go up. Steven’s phone went off. He saw the caller ID was Ameytthest.
“Hey, Ameythest!”
“Hey, dude. Do you wanna come to my basketball game that’s tonight? my dad can pick you up.”
Steven’s enthusiasm went way up. “Sure! when is it?” he said
“It’s at five thirty.”
“Heck yes! I’ll see you there!” he said
“Awesome, dude. I’ll see you!” Steven said goodbye to her then they all played.
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Clarence, Sumo, Jeff, and Steven all went to grab ramen. They rode their bikes to the nearest one in LA and parked, Steven and his friends went inside the restaurant and got a table.
Steven and his friends all sat at a table, Steven got some lemonade and sushi. Same with his friends.
“Hey Steven, I have a question,” Jeff said drinking his lemonade.
“What's up?”
“Why don’t you age like us? your twelve right?” Sumo asked the boy, Steven put a hand in his hair and nodded. “Yeah?”
“Then, why aren’t you growing like us?” Clarence asked. Steven has not told them this before, not even in the four years that he’s known them. “Are you sure that you're twelve, Steven?”
“Yes, I’m twelve, but I’m part gem, so I age slower than other kids.” He said. his friends nod, and the waitress walks over and gives them their sushi.
“Thank you,” Steven said, eating his sushi.
“Hey, Steven? You wanna come with us to the community pool tomorrow, my mom texted me if you want to come.” Clarence told him.
“Yeah!” Steven said, raising his arms p.
“Let’s do it, is your mom going to pick me up?” Steven asked.
“Yeah, If you want to,” he said. Steven nodded. “Okay, this is gonna be so much fun!” Sumo exclaimed.
“Yeah, It is!”
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Steven was getting ready to go to Ameythest’s game at her school. Steven walked down the stairs of the house, and Greg and Rose said yes that he could go. Steven went outside, zipped up his jacket and he went into her father’s truck.
“Hey! Steven!” Amethyst said. Giving him a fist bump.
“What’s up?” he asked, closing the door
“Fine,” he said, Adrain drove off to her high school, Ameythest grabbed her CD and put it into the player that was in the car, and played some rock. Steven was jamming out to the song as they were driving.
Adrain parks at the parking lot and they go to the gym, they go to the building. Four other girls were out practicing. Her coach walks up.
Steven saw her basketball coach.
She is a passionate African American woman in her late 30s. She has a strong presence, standing tall with an athletic build, reflecting her years of playing and coaching the game. Her hair is styled in natural curls, often pulled back into a ponytail during practices and games.
Her coaching style is energetic and motivational, emphasizing teamwork, discipline, and hard work. She wears comfortable athletic gear, usually a branded team hoodie and basketball shorts, paired with sneakers that allow her to move quickly on the court.
Off the court, she is known for her engaging personality and dedication to mentoring her players, instilling confidence and resilience in them. She often organizes community events to foster support for the team and promotes inclusivity and empowerment among young female athletes in the area. Her leadership is not just about winning games but also about building character and community.
“Well, guess who decided to join us.” Her coach said.
“Sorry, Coach. Talia.”
“Get into your uniform, alright, We starting soon.” She nodded and walked to the locker room.
“Let’s sit Steven,” Adrain said, walking him to the bleachers and they found a space to sit and watch.
“Why is basketball season so late? I thought It was in November. Where in March.”
“Her last game is tonight, Steven.”
“Oh, okay,” he said as he watched the game.
“THE AGOURA HILLS BLAZE WIN!” The commentator said, jumping from his seat. Steven smiled and clapped for her team.
Steven was now back home, he hopped out of the shower, went out, and looked around his bedroom.
The walls are painted in a vibrant red or adorned with posters of his favorite bands, and the NBA team — The Los Angeles LAKERS with his favorite player Kobe Bryant, some Justice League, and Captain America posters were also on the walls.
He also had a full-sized bed for sleepovers with Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo, often covered with a fun, themed bedspread. A desk was present, cluttered with school supplies and books.
The floor was strewn with toys, action figures, or sports gear, reflecting his hobbies. A bookshelf might showcase a mix of novels, comic books, and trophies from sports or other achievements.
Lighting could come from a bedside lamp shaped like a character — In this case, was Batman.
Steven pulled back the covers and slipped into them, it took him a while for him to fall asleep but, he did.
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A|N: Hi guys. I hope this chapter will make up for the last one I’ve posted. Sorry, it was so bad. But… Hopefully, this one will be better! Bye guys don’t forget to leave me a review!
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hommiesweet · 3 months
The Top 5 Mosaic Floor Tile Colors for a Coastal Look
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Creating a coastal ambiance in your home can transport you to a serene beachside retreat, even if you're miles away from the shore. One of the most effective ways to achieve this look is through the strategic use of mosaic floor tiles. These versatile design elements can instantly infuse your space with the colors and textures reminiscent of sandy beaches, rolling waves, and sun-bleached driftwood.
In this article, we'll explore the top 5 mosaic floor tile colors that can help you achieve that perfect coastal aesthetic.
Why Choose Mosaic Floor Tiles for a Coastal Look?
Before diving into the colors, it's important to understand why mosaic floor tiles are an excellent choice for creating a coastal atmosphere. Mosaic floor tiles offer several advantages:
Versatility in design and pattern creation
Ability to mimic natural textures like sand and water
Durability in high-traffic areas
Easy maintenance and cleaning
Wide range of color options to suit any coastal palette
Whether you're renovating your bathroom, kitchen, or entryway, mosaic floor tiles can provide the perfect foundation for your coastal-inspired space.
The Top 5 Mosaic Floor Tile Colors for a Coastal Look
1. Sandy Beige
Sandy beige mosaic floor tiles are the cornerstone of any coastal-inspired design. These warm, neutral tones evoke the feeling of soft sand beneath your feet, instantly connecting your space to the beach.
Design Tip: Pair sandy beige mosaic floor tiles with white walls and natural wood accents for a classic coastal look. Add pops of blue in your decor to complete the beachy vibe.
2. Ocean Blue
No coastal palette is complete without shades of blue. Ocean blue mosaic floor tiles can range from deep navy to lighter aquamarine hues, mimicking the varied colors of the sea.
Design Tip: Use ocean blue mosaic floor tiles in bathrooms or as a statement floor in entryways. Complement with white fixtures and sandy-colored accents for a balanced coastal feel.
3. Seafoam Green
Seafoam green mosaic floor tiles offer a softer, more subtle nod to coastal colors. This soothing hue is reminiscent of sea glass and can create a calming atmosphere in any room.
Design Tip: Seafoam green mosaic floor tiles work beautifully in kitchens or sunrooms. Pair with crisp white cabinetry and brushed nickel hardware for a fresh, coastal-inspired look.
4. Weathered Gray
Weathered gray mosaic floor tiles capture the essence of driftwood and weathered coastal structures. This versatile color adds depth and character to your coastal design.
Design Tip: Use weathered gray mosaic floor tiles as a neutral base in living areas or bedrooms. Accent with white, blue, and natural textures to create a layered, coastal-inspired space.
5. Coral Pink
For a bolder take on coastal design, consider coral pink mosaic floor tiles. This vibrant hue adds warmth and energy, reminiscent of tropical coastal destinations.
Design Tip: Use coral pink mosaic floor tiles sparingly, perhaps in a powder room or as an accent border. Balance with neutral tones to prevent overwhelming the space.
Choosing the Right Mosaic Floor Tiles for Your Coastal Design
When selecting mosaic floor tiles for your coastal-inspired space, consider the following factors:
Room Function: Choose tiles that are appropriate for the room's use. For example, bathroom mosaic floor tiles should be slip-resistant.
Lighting: Natural light can affect how colors appear. Test your chosen mosaic floor tiles in the space before committing.
Existing Decor: Ensure your chosen tile color complements your existing furniture and decor.
Maintenance: Some colors may show dirt or wear more easily than others. Consider the practicality of your choice.
Pattern: The pattern of your mosaic floor tiles can enhance the coastal feel. Consider wave-like patterns or fish scale designs for added coastal charm.
Where to Find Quality Mosaic Floor Tiles
For those in Singapore looking to bring a coastal look to their homes, visiting a reputable tile shop in Singapore is a great place to start. Many ceramic tile shops offer a wide range of mosaic floor tiles suitable for creating a coastal aesthetic.
When visiting a tile shop in Singapore, don't hesitate to ask for samples of your chosen mosaic floor tiles. This allows you to see how the colors and patterns look in your space before making a final decision.
Incorporating mosaic floor tiles in coastal-inspired colors is an excellent way to bring the relaxed, breezy feel of the beach into your home. Whether you opt for the classic sandy beige, the soothing ocean blue, or a bold coral pink, mosaic floor tiles offer endless possibilities for creating your perfect coastal retreat.
Remember, the key to a successful coastal design lies in balancing colors, textures, and patterns. By carefully selecting your mosaic floor tiles and complementing them with appropriate decor, you can create a space that feels like a permanent vacation.
So why wait? Visit your local ceramic tile shop or tile shop in Singapore today and start exploring the beautiful world of coastal-inspired mosaic floor tiles. Your dream beach house aesthetic is just a tile choice away!
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milfgyuu · 1 year
What about svt in ikea or target?
I didn't want these to be too similar to the walmart post so i kinda bounced back and forth don't mind my rambling.
seungcheol & mingyu drive the IKEA delivery trucks and hell yeah online orders w/ delivery piped up when the housewives got a look at who's ringing their doorbell. team-lift INDEED.
jeonghan & josh work in the target starbucks - joshie is on that register upselling every single order with insanely direct eye contact that leaves people thinking 'omg what are we?' while hannie is making hella drinks and writing fake phone #s on the cups when he hands them to customers with a wink. tip jar is full as hell boi.
jun & hoshi work in the IKEA cafeteria kitchen thingy but they eat ALL of the Swedish meatballs. both have been written up twice and they are on their final warning.
seokmin is a floor associate in the bedroom section of IKEA and he fucks up the name of every single piece of furniture but he is so pretty and sweet that no one really corrects him or points it out.
chan & boo work in the IKEA childcare center and they say they love it but they clock out every day looking like they've been thru a war zone. they're always sticky and smell vaguely like stale cotton candy.
woozi works for IKEA but he's the dude that comes out to the house for cabinetry installation bc i just think he would look so good with a toolbelt like idk my brain says woozi can build shit.
vernon is working target curbside pick-up because he only has to talk to people for like 3 seconds and that is more than ideal. always listening to music on the clock. always gets to pet the dog in the car if there happens to be one. only goes by color because he doesn't know car makes & models like that.
wonwoo is a target stock clerk and prefers to be as obscure as possible but somehow gets wrangled into conversations with six-year-olds in the Lego aisle and he's too polite and enamored to excuse himself to get back to work. let a kid once talk him into buying the $300 collectible Star Wars model.
minghao would be a cashier at either place and u know he's wearing his little cardigan with his glasses on the tip of his nose. heavily judges everyone's purchases but he always smiles when he catches you watching him so you can't really tell what he's thinking.
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(Sneak peak)
Synopsis: Years after the fall of Ranrok, and the alleged containment of the ancient magic, The Ministry of Magic has discovered what exactly took place. The newly appointed Minister of Magic, former headmaster of Hogwarts Nigellus Black, has demanded the former student be brought in for containment, due to the dangerous nature of her magic.
Aesop never expected for Negallus to bring him out of his retirement. Especially to hunt down a former favorite student. Yet with the threat of more bodies being left in her wake, and the scandal Negallus faces for allowing such a power to slip past him after his time at Hogwarts, he is eager for the job to be done quickly and clean. Conflicted by his heart and mind, knowing the bond forged between the two over their time together, and the outcome of her fate if he indeed succeeds, Aesop tries everything in his power to separate the work from history, but soon, discoveries they both find soon change their course, bringing them together in the strangest of circumstance. 
Warnings : (none.... yet)
The floorboards groaned underneath his feet as he stepped over the threshold of the house. From the smell, Aesop could deduce that the house had been already abandoned for some time. Old drapery hung from the windows, already claimed by the moths and mildew. Parts of the floor already seemed to be rotted through, sinking into the ground. As the wind blew outside, the entire house shifted with a loud moan. Honestly, Aesop would not be surprised if there were ghosts in a place like this. 
Slowly, he made his way through the lower level of the home, his wand casting long shadows over the dilapidated walls. Once upon a time, he felt this place would have been lovely. The now rotted wallpaper showed a once regal sitting room, cast in red and golds. The furniture, at least the ones still standing, showed the promise of fine silks and satins adorning them. To their dismay, all that was left was holes and mold. The kitchen itself was barely standing, most of the cabinetry destroyed and ripped apart, glass littering the floor. He was thankful that any rotted food was now so far gone, the worst of the smell no longer lingered.
'Why here of all places..' he answered his thought before he even could finish it. He had worked long enough to think like most of the people he hunted, and the last place anyone would truly look is here. A dilapidated, abandoned house, not even minutes away from Hogsmead. Yet, he also knew her well enough to know that no matter what was happening, she would never be able to stay away from Hogsmead for long, she loved it there, like a second home. 
Aesop cased the lower levels thoroughly, hoping his steps weren't too loud. He tried his best to match the creaking of the house from the wind, hoping it would mask the noise. His dread grew though as he looked to the rotted stairs climbing up to the higher levels. Immediatley, Aesop felt his leg protest, already tired from the journey to get to the House in the first place. But he wasn't about to let a few flight of stairs get in his way from the job at hand. Waiting once more for the wind to howl through, he grasped onto the dusted bannister, hoisting himself up the stairs slowly. As the house settled, a large groan sounded beneath him as his foot suddenly fell through the stairs, his hand clutching to the posts on the railing to keep himself up. 'Blasted fucking stairs.' He waited for another wind as he clambered his way out, making it to the first landing, another flight before him. 
At this point he had forgoed his wand into his coat, not wanting to risk another incident and lose it below. The only light that came through now was from the large window before him up the stairs, partly shattered and borded. Aesop's leg begged for some kind of reprieve, but resting now would be the same as signing a death certificate. Conjuring as much strength as he could, he continued up the staircase, thankful this time that the wood actually held his weight for the rest of the journey. 
As he made it to the second floor, Aesop was fully bathed in the moonlight, able to see a few doors ahead of him. All were closed, except the french doors immediatley to his right, one slightly ajar. Slowly creeping to the side, he could make out a large canopy bed on the other side, Empty and covered in destroyed sheets. 'If there was anywhere to start.' He slowly brandished his wand, his hand slowly pushing the closest side open for him to look around more. 
As he limped into the room slowly, he could suddenly feel the sharp tip of a wand jabbing into his neck. He knew he was Rusty, but he didn't expect this situation to happen so soon. He could not see the wand bearer, but quickly he grabbed their arm, leg sweeping the wizard and pinning them to the ground. The charm on the attacker faded, and as they both struggled on the floor, soon he was met with very familiar eyes, wide and staring back at him. 
CW: Violence, mentions of prior trauma from multiple characters, general mature themes, Potential smut for much later in the story, mentions of death and also descriptions of death as the story goes
An upcoming long slow-burn romance between Aesop Sharp and the Mc of Hogwarts Legacy set years after the events of the game itself. It will feature spoilers for the game so warnings will be posted just in case.
I will start posting the fic soon! Just wanted to post this to test the waters with readers! If you are wanting to be tagged for updates let me know! I'll be creating a masterlist of all updates soon enough!
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regalokitchens · 8 months
8 Modular Kitchen Design Tips For Compact Spaces
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Originally Posted On:- https://www.regalokitchens.com/8-modular-kitchen-design-tips-for-compact-spaces.php
Designing a modular kitchen design for compact spaces requires thoughtful consideration and strategic planning to maximize functionality without sacrificing style. Start by giving effective storage options like pull-out cabinets and vertical shelving units priority in order to make the most of the small space. Still, style and functionality don't have to be sacrificed for a small kitchen. You may build a kitchen that is both aesthetically beautiful and functional with the appropriate approach to design and smart use of available space. In this blog, we'll explore eight essential tips for designing a modular kitchen design in compact spaces, with a special focus on Regalo Kitchens, the leading brand in India known for its innovation and quality craftsmanship.
1. Optimize Vertical Space with Tall Cabinets
In a compact modular kitchen design, every inch of space counts. Utilizing vertical space effectively can significantly increase storage capacity without taking up valuable floor area. Pots, pans, and dry goods can all have plenty of storage space in tall cabinets that reach the ceiling. Regalo Kitchens has a selection of tall cabinets that may be customized to enhance vertical storage while preserving a sleek and contemporary appearance.
2. Choose Smart Storage Solutions
Innovative storage solutions are essential for keeping a compact modular kitchen design organized and clutter-free. Look for features like pull-out shelves, corner carousels, and drawer organizers that make the most of available space. Regalo Kitchens' modular designs integrate clever storage solutions that enable homeowners to maximize every available space in their modular kitchen while maintaining easy access to essentials.
3. Embrace Multifunctional Furniture
In a small modular kitchen design, multifunctional furniture can help maximize utility without overcrowding the space. Think of adding a kitchen island with built-in seating and storage, or go with modular pieces that can be used as both a sink and a chopping station. Regalo Kitchens provides a range of adaptable modular pieces that may be customized to meet your unique requirements and space limitations.
4. Prioritize Workflow Efficiency
Efficient workflow is crucial in any kitchen, but it's especially important in compact spaces where every movement counts. Design your kitchen layout with the classic "work triangle" in mind, positioning the sink, stove, and refrigerator in close proximity to streamline meal preparation. Regalo Kitchens' expert designers can help you optimize your modular kitchen design layout for maximum efficiency, ensuring that your culinary workspace is both functional and ergonomic.
5. Emphasize Light and Bright Colors
Light hues can give the impression of visual space expansion and airiness in a tiny modular kitchen design. To maximize natural light and create the illusion of more space, use backsplashes, counters, and cabinetry that are white or light-colored. Additionally, strategically placed task lighting can brighten up work areas and enhance visibility while cooking. Regalo Kitchens offers a wide range of finishes and color options to suit every taste and style preference, allowing you to customize your kitchen to perfection.
6. Incorporate Clever Design Elements
Small modular kitchens require creative design solutions to make the most of limited space. Consider features like fold-down countertops, wall-mounted storage racks, and magnetic knife strips to maximize functionality without sacrificing style. The modular designs from Regalo Kitchens are expertly built to include cutting-edge design components that improve both form and function, making entertaining and cooking easy in even the tiniest of spaces.
7. Keep It Streamlined and Clutter-Free
Clutter can quickly overwhelm a small modular kitchen design, making it feel even more cramped and chaotic. To avoid clutter, remove superfluous items from counters and make smart storage investments. While maximizing available space, built-in organizers and concealed appliances can help retain a streamlined appearance. Regalo Kitchens' minimalist designs prioritize clean lines and uncluttered surfaces, creating a serene and inviting environment that inspires culinary creativity.
8. Personalize with Thoughtful Details
Even if it's little, your modular kitchen design should be a reflection of your tastes and style. Decorative elements like artwork, potted plants, and colorful linens give the room personality and coziness. Customizable features like cabinet hardware and backsplash tiles allow you to infuse your personality into the design while maintaining a cohesive look. Regalo Kitchens offers a range of customization options, allowing you to create a modular kitchen that truly feels like home.
Designing a modular kitchen design for compact spaces requires careful planning and attention to detail. Your kitchen can be made to be both elegant and useful while making the most of every square inch of available space if you prioritize workflow efficiency, embrace smart storage options, and optimize vertical space. Your little kitchen may become a gourmet haven that perfectly captures your own style and way of life with the help of Regalo Kitchens' creative designs and adaptable features.
For more information about Regalo Kitchens and their modular kitchen solutions, visit their website or contact their expert design team today!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How can I make the most of limited countertop space in a compact kitchen?
Buy appliances that fit into cabinets, including slim-profile induction cooktops and under-counter microwaves, to make the most of the countertop area in a tiny modular kitchen design. Furthermore, adding pull-out or fold-down worktops can add more workspace as needed without taking up any important floor space.
2. What are some space-saving storage solutions for compact kitchens?
In addition to utilizing vertical space with tall cabinets, consider installing narrow pull-out pantry shelves, drawer organizers, and corner carousels to optimize storage capacity. Magnetic spice racks, hanging pot racks, and wall-mounted utensil holders can also free up valuable cabinet space while keeping frequently used items within easy reach.
3. How important is lighting in a small kitchen, and what are the best lighting options?
In order to improve a compact kitchen's use and aesthetic appeal, lighting is essential. To light work spaces and create a cozy and welcoming ambiance, use ambient, task, and accent lighting. Under-cabinet LED lights, pendant fixtures, and recessed lighting can all help brighten up the space and make it feel larger and more welcoming.
4. What are some clever design tricks for visually expanding a small kitchen?
Light colors, such as white or pale neutrals, can help visually expand a small modular kitchen design and create a sense of openness and airiness. Mirrored backsplashes, glass-front cabinet doors, and reflective surfaces can also bounce light around the room and make it appear larger. Additionally, minimizing visual clutter and keeping countertops clear can contribute to a more spacious feel.
5. How can I personalize my compact kitchen without overwhelming the space?
Add individual touches and decorative details, including vibrant textiles, artwork, and live plants, that express your own style and individuality. Select modifiable elements such as window coverings, backsplash tiles, and cabinet hardware to give the room personality and coziness without overwhelming its compact size. Remember to keep decorative elements cohesive and thoughtfully curated to maintain a sense of balance and harmony in your compact modular kitchen design.
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Posted awhile ago and it hasn't sold. It's a very neglected fixer-upper that can be a stunning home. Built in 1969 in Chappaqua, NY, the large home has 7bds, 6ba, and is priced at $1.8M. Looks like the roof only has some old tar paper and the deck has been neglected.
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There's a ladder on the dome- wonder if it's leaking.
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It's really a shame. Looks like they just didn't have the money or didn't care about maintaining it.
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Well, their furniture is all worn and not maintained, either.
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Look at how beautiful the pool under the dome could look from the living room.
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They have an office set up in this area.
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The dining area with access to a sun room.
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Tables taking the place of cabinetry. So, the new owner would need to put in a kitchen.
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Something is going on w/the plumbing in the kitchen- the pipes are still exposed.
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Powder room. Not bad.
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The pool doesn't look too bad.
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On the 2nd level there's a loft area with nice floating shelves and a ladder.
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They started to work on the primary bedroom. It's very large, has lots of potential.
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This secondary bedroom is also large.
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Nice children's room. The bedrooms don't need too much work besides decor.
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Even the carpet looks pretty good.
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This one isn't being used. There are 7 bds. That's a lot.
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Not a bad shower room. Nice sink.
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The deck should be sandblasted and refinished.
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There's a cute log cabin on the property.
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8.86 acres of beautiful trees.
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The original plans.
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Curious as to why you would love to live in the converted drs office if u dont mind sharing
hello! i don't mind sharing at all. (the converted dr.'s office in question, for those who haven't seen it)
firstly, i am just tickled by the novelty of living privately in a building that is so obviously designed "for the public".
but specifically, "public use" buildings like this one have features that genuinely appeal to me, because they're designed as working spaces. in my current bedroom (and the rest of my house), i often feel like i don't really have a great work space --a lot of my art supplies and things like that have to be stored in a way that makes them somewhat inaccessible or invisible, and i don't have a nice big table, workbench, or countertop to sprawl over. the converted doctor's office building has that lovely office space with an enormous desk and cabinets (that could easily have their doors removed to make their contents visible). this 'house' would be great for someone like me who hopes to build a career that primarily involves work-from-home. built-in cabinetry and counters in most rooms, including bedrooms, appeals to me for other storage and functionality as well. the reception window in the waiting room provides a compromise between the breeziness of an open floor plan and the guidance of a wall, which i think contributes to good furniture placement and a really cool vibe as a social space. the checkered linoleum and low/no-pile carpet are intended to be durable and easy to clean, even under lots of foot traffic, and the drop ceilings, as well, are designed for ease of maintenance.
certain features of the building are not for the employees, but for the customers: the hydraulic self-closing door, the lit exit sign, the bathroom handrails. those features wouldn't be bad to have in a private home, either! the building also has its own parking lot. as someone who loves hosting guests for parties, this would be really convenient for me and my friends.
i will acknowledge the obvious lack in the bathrooms and kitchen. however, i don't think it would be too unreasonable to have a shower or two installed to make (at least one of) the restrooms into full bathrooms, and the kitchen is even easier to rig up with appliances that you can just plug in and use, like a portable cooktop (or multiple) and a toaster oven (or multiple) --and, of course, a refrigerator, which you often have to provide when you buy a regular house anyway. the sinks in the breakroom, exam rooms, and lab area are not huge, but they're definitely big enough to wash dishes in --possibly even laundry, although i would probably just take my clothes to the laundromat if it were impossible to hook up a washer and dryer in the building.
so those are my thoughts on the clinic-turned-house! thank you for asking. i was really excited to give a thorough answer!
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bystreetlight · 2 years
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I posted 211 times in 2022
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#rafael nadal - 15 posts
#art - 15 posts
#jeremy allen white - 13 posts
#the bear - 11 posts
#roger federer - 11 posts
#very good - 9 posts
#fedal - 9 posts
#photography - 7 posts
#the newsreader - 6 posts
#iconic - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 68 characters
#this would be me if i was ever on the big screen at a sporting event
My Top Posts in 2022:
Finally feeling like I’m coming up for air after a, frankly, traumatic couple of months. Bought a house at the end of October (YIKES!!!) and then had to spend the settlement period stressing that we would regret it and that the house would be horrible and that none of our stuff would fit in it. Struggled to source a bunch of tradies to do some essential pre-moving in work (painting, floors, electrical) and then when we did book some in, worried that they would all get c*vid right before they had to start work and it would throw out our insanely packed schedule. Spent all of January worrying that *we* might get c*vid and had to basically do a risk assessment before making any sort of social plans. Had to deal with the World’s Worst Property Manager™ when moving out of our rental and trying to work around open for inspections and the prospect of not getting our bond back for whatever stupid fucking reasons property managers make up and also some real reasons (didn’t get the carpets steam cleaned!! left a broken key in a lock in the back door!!!). Decided to get a removalist to do the big stuff and do the small stuff ourselves in the middle of the shittiest humid heatwave Melbourne had had in decades. The bank took the money out of my account twice at settlement leaving me with -$50k and didn’t even really think it was a big deal?!? The cleaner that we booked through Airtasker to clean the house before we moved in did the worst job I’ve ever seen and we had to re-clean the entire house and we only paid her because we needed her to leave the house and never see her again. Spent SO MUCH MONEY in general I don’t know if my inner anti-capitalist will ever recover. Also had to change jobs in the middle of all of this against my will - my old role was a 12 month contract but I loved it and my team so much and didn’t want to leave and start something new.
On the plus side, the internet got connected without a single hassle (WHAT). We bought a dishwasher and it somehow fit the random space in the kitchen cabinetry perfectly. Actually, *all* of our stuff fit perfectly, even the messy awful things like CDs and DVDs are now neatly tucked away. The backyard has an original Hills Hoist and I never thought I could derive so much pleasure from watching the clothes spin gently around in the sun. Got all of our bond back in the end! Sarah and I barely had a cross word with each other despite feeling hot, dirty and stressed 24/7 for about 4 weeks and also having to assemble a number of pieces of flatpack furniture. Discovered after 8 years of owning my washing machine that it doesn’t need a special hose to connect to the hot tap and the machine heats the water itself so we can wash on a hot cycle! Rafa won the AO (still not over that)!!!! Found out that the reason the bathroom smelled so damp was because of a blocked sewer pipe that the greywater couldn’t go down so it was just running under the house (not good) but it only cost $300 for a plumber to fix and now the bathroom doesn’t smell!! Even the scary bits of the house that I thought I’d never be brave enough to go into (the roof storage space, the filthy outdoor garage) are now clean and accessible and useable. I’m feeling calm more often than not at the moment, for the first time in a loooooong time.
Long story short, hi! 
0 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
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See the full post
1 note - Posted January 9, 2022
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Angus O’Callaghan - Young & Jackson Neon 1968-71
2 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
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Forgot to post this before the end of the year and obviously the world will end if I don’t do it 😂
2 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Went into hospital yesterday for a laparoscopy to treat my endometriosis, which has been getting progressively worse with each passing year, and not to brag or anything, but the surgeon said the endo was “EVERYWHERE” when he came to talk to me afterwards 💁🏼‍♀️
3 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
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joinersstirling · 10 hours
Joiners Bridge of Allan
Bridge of Allan, a picturesque town located just outside Stirling, is known for its beautiful architecture and a strong sense of community. The town’s historical significance and scenic charm have made it a desirable place to live, and as a result, there has been consistent demand for high-quality craftsmanship, particularly in trades like joinery. Joiners in Bridge of Allan have established themselves as skilled professionals who are essential in both the construction of new homes and the preservation of older, historical properties. Joinery in this region isn’t just about construction; it is a craft that combines tradition, precision, and artistic expertise.
The Role of Joiners in Bridge of Allan
Joiners are highly skilled tradespeople who work with wood to create structures, fittings, and furniture. Their work is integral in both residential and commercial buildings, covering everything from doors and windows to staircases and cabinetry. In a town like Bridge of Allan, where there is a mixture of Victorian-era buildings, modern homes, and commercial establishments, joiners play a vital role in maintaining the town’s character while adapting to modern needs.
Whether it’s a new build requiring intricate woodwork or the restoration of an older property that demands attention to detail, joiners in Bridge of Allan bring their craftsmanship to bear on a wide variety of projects. The local environment, with its historic buildings, lends itself to bespoke joinery services, which are essential when working within conservation guidelines.
Traditional Joinery in Bridge of Allan
One of the most respected aspects of joinery in Bridge of Allan is the emphasis on traditional methods. Many joiners in the area pride themselves on using techniques passed down through generations. These methods include hand-cutting joints, shaping timber with planes, and using classic mortise and tenon techniques to ensure that each piece is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Traditional joinery often comes into play during the renovation of the Victorian and Edwardian buildings that are common in Bridge of Allan. Homeowners and businesses alike seek out skilled joiners who are able to maintain the historical integrity of their properties, whether it’s repairing sash windows or creating custom mouldings to match the original designs.
In addition, many joiners in the area work with timber sourced from Scotland, which not only supports the local economy but also maintains a connection to the region’s natural resources. Oak, pine, and Douglas fir are frequently used materials, each offering unique characteristics that can enhance the beauty of a space while providing durability.
Modern Joinery in Bridge of Allan
While there is a deep respect for tradition, joiners in Bridge of Allan are also well-versed in modern techniques and technologies. As the construction industry has evolved, so too has the work of joiners. Many firms and independent craftsmen in the area now combine the best of traditional woodworking with cutting-edge tools and design software to deliver high-quality finishes that meet contemporary standards.
For example, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines are now widely used in joinery workshops to achieve precise cuts and shapes that would be difficult to replicate by hand. This ensures that joiners can offer both speed and accuracy in their projects, whether it’s crafting a custom kitchen or fitting out a modern office space.
Modern joinery in Bridge of Allan is also focused on sustainability. With growing awareness of environmental issues, many local joiners are taking steps to ensure their work is as eco-friendly as possible. This might involve using sustainable timber sources, reducing waste in the workshop, or choosing finishes that are less harmful to the environment. Many customers are now seeking out joiners who can offer environmentally conscious options for their projects.
Bespoke Joinery Services
A key aspect of joinery in Bridge of Allan is the emphasis on bespoke services. The nature of joinery means that much of the work is custom-made, tailored to the specific needs and tastes of the client. This bespoke approach allows joiners to showcase their creativity and craftsmanship, whether they are designing custom furniture or creating unique architectural details for a property.
Bespoke joinery is especially valued in a town like Bridge of Allan, where homes often have unique architectural features that require custom solutions. For example, a Victorian home might need a staircase designed to fit within a particular space or custom-built shelving that complements the character of the house. In such cases, joiners work closely with clients to understand their vision and deliver a product that enhances the home’s aesthetic.
Many local joiners also offer bespoke furniture-making services, creating one-of-a-kind pieces that reflect the personality and style of the homeowner. From hand-carved tables to intricately designed wardrobes, bespoke joinery allows for a level of personalisation that mass-produced furniture simply cannot offer.
The Importance of Joiners in Heritage and Restoration Projects
Bridge of Allan has a rich architectural history, and joiners are often called upon to contribute to heritage and restoration projects. These projects require a deep understanding of traditional building techniques, materials, and historical context. Skilled joiners in the area are adept at working on listed buildings, ensuring that any repairs or alterations comply with conservation regulations while preserving the historical significance of the property.
For example, sash window restoration is a common project for joiners in the area, as these windows are a hallmark of Victorian and Georgian architecture. Restoring or replicating these windows requires precision and an understanding of the historical design, which is why many homeowners and developers turn to local joiners who specialise in this type of work.
Joiners in Bridge of Allan are essential to the town’s building and restoration landscape. Whether preserving the historical charm of Victorian and Edwardian homes or creating modern, sustainable woodwork for new builds, these craftsmen combine tradition, skill, and innovation in their work. As demand continues for both bespoke and restoration services, joiners in Bridge of Allan are likely to remain an integral part of the town’s architectural identity for years to come. Their commitment to quality and craftsmanship ensures that they are not only preserving the past but also shaping the future of this charming town.
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sarang7jk · 2 days
Essential Furniture Hardware: Drawer Channels, Locks, Organizers, and More
Furniture hardware plays a crucial role in ensuring that the furniture we use daily functions smoothly and efficiently. While often overlooked, the right hardware can significantly enhance the usability, security, and aesthetics of drawers, cabinets, and other storage units. Here’s a closer look at essential furniture hardware like drawer channels, locks, organizers, handles, and more.
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1. Drawer Channels
Drawer channels, also known as drawer slides or runners, are mechanisms that allow drawers to open and close smoothly. Available in different types, drawer channels are critical for both the functionality and longevity of furniture.
Ball Bearing Slides: These provide a smooth, gliding motion, even under heavy loads. They are durable and commonly used in kitchen cabinets, office desks, and storage units.
Roller Slides: Simpler and more affordable, roller slides are ideal for light-duty drawers, offering a basic, reliable mechanism for everyday use.
Soft-Close Slides: Equipped with dampers, these prevent drawers from slamming shut, offering a quieter and smoother closing experience. These are often used in premium cabinetry to protect both the drawer and the contents.
Why they matter: Drawer channels directly affect the functionality of your drawers. High-quality channels make drawers easier to use, reduce wear and tear, and prevent issues like jamming or misalignment.
2. Drawer Locks
Drawer locks are crucial for securing valuable or sensitive items. Whether for office use, home, or retail environments, installing drawer locks ensures that your personal belongings or important documents remain safe.
Cam Locks: The most common type, these are simple yet effective, used in office furniture, filing cabinets, and storage units. They are easy to install and can be used for both drawers and cabinets.
Push-Button Locks: Often used in modern or high-tech furniture, these locks open with a simple button press, offering a sleeker, more sophisticated option.
Digital and Keyless Locks: Increasingly popular in office environments, digital or keyless locks allow for more advanced security without the hassle of keys. They provide options like combination codes or even biometric access.
Why they matter: Drawer locks are essential for privacy and security, particularly in shared spaces or professional settings. A good lock ensures your belongings stay safe from unauthorized access.
3. Drawer Organizers
Drawer organizers are indispensable for keeping spaces tidy and well-organized. Whether in the kitchen, office, or bedroom, a well-structured drawer makes finding and storing items easier and more efficient.
Cutlery Trays: These organizers are perfect for kitchen drawers, keeping utensils, knives, and cutlery neatly arranged.
Adjustable Dividers: Ideal for customizing drawer space, adjustable dividers allow you to change the configuration as needed, whether for clothing, office supplies, or tools.
File Organizers: Commonly used in office furniture, file organizers keep documents and folders in place, making it easy to access paperwork without clutter.
Why they matter: Drawer organizers help maximize drawer space and improve efficiency. They also contribute to a cleaner, more organized home or office environment.
4. Drawer Handles and Knobs
Drawer handles and knobs are the finishing touches to any piece of furniture, combining both style and function. While they might seem like small details, the right handles can transform the look and feel of your furniture.
Pull Handles: These are long handles typically used in larger drawers or cabinets. Available in various designs, from sleek and modern to ornate and traditional, pull handles are easy to grip and ideal for heavy drawers.
Knobs: Smaller and more discreet, knobs are often used for lighter drawers or cabinets. They come in various shapes, materials, and finishes, offering a wide range of aesthetic options.
Recessed Handles: Popular in minimalist or modern furniture, recessed handles sit flush with the surface of the drawer, providing a streamlined, sleek look.
Why they matter: Handles and knobs not only make drawers easier to open but also enhance the overall design. Choosing the right style, material, and finish can elevate the appearance of your furniture while maintaining practicality.
5. Drawer Hinges
Though more commonly associated with cabinets, drawer hinges are essential in any furniture with swing-out compartments or special folding drawers.
Concealed Hinges: These are invisible from the outside, offering a cleaner, more polished look. They are ideal for contemporary furniture that focuses on seamless design.
Soft-Close Hinges: Similar to soft-close drawer channels, these hinges prevent doors and compartments from slamming shut, making them quieter and more durable.
Piano Hinges: Also known as continuous hinges, these run the full length of a drawer or compartment, offering more strength and stability, particularly for heavier components.
Why they matter: Hinges determine how a door or compartment opens and closes, directly affecting the user experience. High-quality hinges add durability and prevent wear over time.
6. Drawer Latches
Drawer latches are small but essential hardware components that keep drawers closed. Latches come in handy for drawers that need to stay shut while moving, such as in mobile furniture units or during transport.
Magnetic Latches: These use magnets to keep the drawer closed, ideal for lightweight drawers or display units.
Touch Latches: A modern alternative, touch latches open with a simple push, eliminating the need for visible handles.
Mechanical Latches: Common in toolboxes or furniture designed for transport, these latches provide more secure locking mechanisms, ensuring drawers stay closed even when moved.
Why they matter: Latches help keep drawers secure and ensure they remain in place, preventing accidental openings.
Furniture hardware like drawer channels, locks, organizers, handles, and latches plays a pivotal role in the overall functionality and usability of furniture. High-quality hardware not only ensures smooth operation but also enhances the longevity and aesthetics of your furniture. Whether you're installing soft-close channels for convenience, securing valuables with drawer locks, or adding stylish handles to match your décor, the right hardware can make a significant difference.
Investing in good-quality hardware is key to making your furniture more efficient, durable, and visually appealing.
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