#fur bb
blulyiel · 10 months
Presenting, Princess! The beautiful skrunkly creatur- Ah yes.... He was once an angy Sai as well but I still find Princess Superior dw!
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bonefall · 4 months
I originally voted for StormCherry for Moonpaw, but I think I love the idea of Honeyfur for them instead - being named after her aunt is such a cute idea. Which led me to the next potential idea - Moonpaw as a FlipBay kitten (or PlumThrift), with any canonical siblings being for the other. Perhaps, just maybe, they end up with their kits at the same time - first time parents trying to figure out how to do everything, who end up relying on each other for advice for better or worse. If you do this, I'm not sure what kind of relationship they would have, but I imagine it would be fun to play with the dynamic of Moon and the other kit(s). Or like a sort of story of their parents struggles to be well... parents, told through the kit's perspectives of themselves/each other? I don't know if any of that made sense haha
It's a lovely idea, but I think I will try to avoid giving PlumThrift kittens unless it fits Moonpaw specifically the best. If I do end up doing it and Moonpaw comes with living siblings, I might go with the thought and give the extras to FlipBay though!
It would be useful genetically, for "futureproofing" the litter. PlumThrift can't have successful grandkids without tripping Rule 2, so if the writers grab a Moon sibling to have kits in the future I'd already be covered.
In a nutshell: PlumThrift Moonpaw, with siblings given to FlipBay.
That said, I'd love to explore the dynamic of "new parents helping each other out" with StormCherry and FlipBay instead, possibly with ShellFern in there if they have their litter around the same time. Then they'd be more like friends than family.
Plus, Stormcloud and Cherryfall are senior warriors while FlipBay and ShellFern are quite young in comparison. Something about that seems cute. Cherryfall would probably be stubbornly insisting she's got it all figured out and trying to pull rank, while Bayshine and Fernstripe conspire ways to get Stormcloud in the nursery more since he's obviously a better fit as a Mi.
Shellfur barges in whenever his love, Fernstripe, seems like she has a problem. Stormcloud takes any excuse to come and take care of everyone in there, probably becoming an assistant to Daisy for a while. Flipclaw has a surprising wave of maturity wash over him, finding out he's really good at weaving wicker bases for mossballs. Lots of little things like this.
I'll see what litters canon tosses at us in the next few books. I'm hoping Changing Skies opens up with a FernShell set to play with, or if we're REALLY lucky some kind of pregnancy announcement in the last book of ASC. Who knows. We might get a NightSun litter, which I'd IMMEDIATELY zap into SunFinch kittens.
If the nursery has less than 3 queens I'll deploy Leafshade and Honeyfur as StormCherry kits, who can grow up as Moonpaw's childhood friends.
(Provided Moonpaw doesn't become a StormCherry kitten herself, of course)
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bigbarabelly · 4 months
Can I just say? The way you draw Chilchuck is just so?????? Wooooooow
Trying to make him look not like a child because he’s truly just a Dad. Mans chest hairs are creeping over that collar and arm hairs getting twisted in his watch. He’s tired and forgets he’s more experienced so he’s short tempered but so caring, not even that deep down, under all his bitchingggg. He’s fun I love him
Have a Mr. Cillian Charles Tims the tall man office guy while I work on coms
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wulfhalls · 6 months
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marswasntthere · 9 months
Do u guys think vanitas is a chronic deftones listener bc I think be is.
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boolean-moved · 1 year
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cringetober day 1 - heterochromia
had a headache all day yesterday so starting a lil late but anyways! cryptid but a spider. i have also realized that i have literally never drawn a taruntula anthro until now somehow
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zestyderg · 4 months
Hey Zesty how are ya doing? I’m not fine because I broke my left foot just doing my laundry and now I can’t get into the pool for 6 weeks because I have to wear a cast and it’s going to be so hot where I live! Also can I give Werewolf! Joe a steak as a “Sorry your kids ended being wolves too” condolence gift? Gosh he can’t catch a breath huh? At least Cole, Lester and Lola stayed human lol! Here’s the steak 🥩 and have a better time than me! 🤕
Aw, sorry to hear about your foot, anon.
Joe would absolutely appreciate a steak! He deserves it.
As for Lester, Lola and Cole staying human, however...
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Yeah probably not gonna stay that way for long...
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murderboisblog · 8 months
For what it's worth I would follow you multiple times if I could. No unfollowing, just a stack of BBs growing ever larger like they're coming out of a clown car •<|:O)
How am I supposed to fit all of you in the basement? No mitosis in the basement please, I only have so much room. Some of you are gonna have to share chains
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He fishes his jacket off the tile and deposits the earring into the pocket, leaves them both on the floor. Before he exits the bathroom, he studies his sterling reflection. He’s not who he once was. No Christ, no Jacob, no Jeremiah. And he shouldn’t be. Because he’s twenty-four karat, twinkling, not just otherworldly, unforgiving, untouchable, not just a god or a man—but a trophy at last.
actually, sometimes I really do feel bad for Harrison <3
#he's so baby here#very happy you think you're a trophy babe <3#all of BB has been genuine losses for harrison and#I think this is actually a brief but very genuine win#the funny thing is he actually looks WILD here#cowprint cowboy hat? check#fur coat? check#just smothered his entire face in silver pigment? check#mascara on his eyelids? check#but he's actually TRULY confident here haha#I'm happy he sees himself in that mess <3#from one chaotic 21-yr-old to another... get 'em!!!#also there are many greyson chance easter eggs here#(in the greyson chance special interest era again)#(which little known fact about me I was ENTRENCHED in as a 12-14 yr old lol)#and actually BB is a love letter to all of his music#putting little references here and there just because#end of feb and all of march were... astronomically difficult times for me#(which is the exact time I started BB HAHAHA)#and his music largely kept me going!#and YOU GUYS TOO!!!#anyway 'he's not who he once was' is a reference to the 'i don't want to be the man I was' lyric in “athena”#and the trophy bit i've already mentioned is a reference to the live version of “nobody”#where he goes 'i'm not the trophy you think i am'#which is actually not in the studio version#which to me is 80s pop vibes but in 2021 lol#ANYWAY the LIVE VERSION is a sad piano ballad of THAT#so anyway I love that the trophy line which is 'i'm not the trophy you think i am'#was cut from the studio version but is in the sad piano version lol#don't know how to more articulately describe harrison's psychology in BB except for... that
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troutfur · 11 months
bonefall rewrite piece where owlstar and sparrowstar meet at a negotiation of some sort.
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I target BB!Owlstar on my side of the field to special summon canon!Owlstar in attack position and canon!Pebble Heart in defense position.
Anyway! My bad attempt at a joke aside I'm gonna have to hijack this prompt for my own ends because I've always thought that the Pebble-Sparrow-Owl trio could have a really cool dynamic as a trio in the aftermath of DotC. I need Pebble Heart to be a separate character from Owlstar because both from his position as a meddie and his characterization in canon I have him serve as a mediating influence, as an anchor that keeps his siblings from drifting too far off from each other. Plus I think trios just generally give a more stable ground for character dynamics than mere dyads.
This one I based on a fic I that's been rummaging in my mind for ages about Sparrow facing a coup from Skystar's kin following his death and having to convince her brothers to lend their aid in her campaign of guerrilla warfare to reclaim her position.
(Want to submit a prompt of your own? Check out my guidelines and send it in! I'm only slightly likely to hijack it with a lame Yu-Gi-Oh! joke.)
With labored breaths, Sparrow Fur sat against the rough bark of a tree with a trickle of blood going over her left eye.
Everything since the ambush had been a blurr. Skystar hadn’t even been cold in the ground for more than before one of his brats got cocky and decided to organize an insurrection. There’d been no shortage of cats to stand behind him, the downside of Skystar’s system of advancement by merit was that there would always be a gaggle of malcontent cats eager to stand behind the first cat to promise them a place by his right paw.
Though she had barely the energy to move she attempted anyway to rise to her feet before she was gently guided back down onto her back.
“Easy there,” Pebble Heart instructed, pressing a wad fo wet most as he wiped the spot on her head from where the blood was oozing. “I haven’t even finished cleaning your wounds, Sparrow. Are you like this with Acorn Fur as well?”
She didn’t reply, instead just letting the twitching of her tail to give the message. It had been humilliating enough to be forced to flee her own territory, to hide among the dampness of ShadowClan and forced to rely on kin she thought she’d have no debt to anymore. Yet here she was, SkyClan’s deputy reduced to such a sorry state.
“I know, I know,” the dark-gray tom soothed., adding with a sigh, “It’s so hopeless with you, SkyClan cats.” Briefly he turned around to retrieve a herb from the stash he’d managed to bring alongside him from his nest. “Will you calm down if I tell you that I have someone who can help you out with your predicament?”
“Pryyp?” Sparrow Fur mrowwed. It’d been the first word the ShadowClan medic had heard her say in hours.
“Pebble Heart?” a familiar voice asked approaching the makeshift clinic fashioned from the cover of a fallen tree.
For a moment Sparrow Fur vocalized a sound like a growl. The recently-arrived tom widened his already large eyes in surprise, standing there for a moment before rushing to the side of his brother and sister. It was Owlstar of ThunderClan.
“Do you know who did this to her?” Owlstar asked. “How did this happen? When?”
“I found her a couple sunrises ago,” Pebble Heart explained. “I don’t have all the details and she hasn’t been well enough to tell me herself but I’ve got an idea of what it was, and she’ll need your help.”
“No!” Sparrow Fur immediately snapped, causing her brothers to tumble back as she labored to go back on her feet. She found it hard for the words to come to her mouth but she could say that much. “No! No! No! NO! Not ThunderClan!”
“This is no time to be proud, Sparrow,” Pebble Heart insisted. “If you want to reclaim leadership from Tiger Tail--”
“Wait,” Owlstar piped up, his sight brightening. “Skystar’s dead? And it was one of his sons and not Sparrow who took the leadership? This is excellent! From now on we could--”
Owlstar was stopped in his enthusiasm by a growl from his sister and a scolding from his brother. “This is no time to be thinking of a battle! Sparrow’s hurt and her would-be murderers are chasing her and this is what you think about?”
“Well, I have to think of ThunderClan!” Owl Eyes defended himself. “And SkyClan’s been nothing but a threat. Why shouldn’t I think about our rivalry now?”
At least there was something she could agree with her brother on...
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bbygrl-666 · 2 years
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bonefall · 1 year
BB!Acorn Fur -> Acorn Swoop
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[ID: The Better Bones version of Acorn Fur, now called Acorn Swoop. She is a sleek, chestnut-brown cat with smooth, round accents, scotty-dog whiskers, and amber eyes. She's running and giving the camera a salute.]
One of Thunder Storm's greatest allies, a loyal childhood friend with a penchant for always showing up in the nick of time!
When Clear Sky rejected his son Thunder Storm, infuriated by his missing hind leg and the gall of the ancestors to try and challenge him, Tall Shadow broke off her supporters in protest to this continued cruelty. Hawk Swoop and Jackdaw Cry were with them, giving birth to their children in Shadow's Clan.
Acorn Swoop, Lightning Cry, and Thunder Storm grew up together. A little trio of terrors, always getting underfoot. Even though Thunder Storm's path eventually drove him to investigate SkyClan to learn from Clear Sky, he always knew they would welcome him back when he came home.
Acorn Swoop was there, watching in horror, when Turtle Heart died in the attempt to retrieve her kittens from Tom. It only became worse, when she returned home with the children, to find that Tall Shadow had decided Bumble was no longer welcome without her mate to hunt for her.
But even Bright Storm, closest friend of the deceased Gray Wing the Wise, was accepting the ruling. She felt her rage drain away, replaced by self doubt. Was this right? It was true that Bumble couldn't hunt or care for herself...
Thunder Storm returned shortly after, having seen the truth about Clear Sky, shocked into fury. When Bright Storm tried to explain everything to him, she was cut off. "I didn't think I'd come home to find another Clear Sky!"
Acorn Swoop couldn't believe she'd ever believed such a thing! That moment was the birth of ThunderClan, breaking away from ShadowClan to charge into the woods, their mission; find Bumble. Some say it was a stroke of great luck that they found her just as Clear Sky did, intercepting his thrashing. Acorn would gleefully counter with, "A swoop always arrives in the nick of time!"
After her death, she is hailed as a Patron of Prra, an untranslatable Clanmew concept roughly meaning "promptness" or "good timing." She's invoked for hunting, humor, and for things to begin and end when they should.
Alignment: Proto-ThunderClan
Family: Swoop & Cry
Time Period: Dawn Era
Relations: Hawk Swoop & Jackdaw Cry (parents), Lightning Cry (brother), Red Claw (mate), Shell Claw & Sleek Swoop (children) Lightning Storm & Feather Cry (nespring)
More changes below the cut!
BB!DOTC has a brand new naming system! Ancient Tribe cats have a last name system, arbitrarily inherited from the mother or father.
So Swoop and Cry both have their parent's last names! Hopefully this will help everyone not forget they're siblings. I did consider calling her Acorn Cry, but I think the Swoop Family is a really cute one.
Unlike canon, Bright Storm is one cat, and she is a major part of the story. Thunder Storm considers Shaded Flower his adopted father.
Gray Wing the Wise was the first cat to die during the Sun Trail.
Acorn and Lightning are not Thunder's adopted siblings in any way.
Thunder and Lightning become mates by the end of DOTC, making Acorn his sis-in-law.
In-canon she's described as being short and stocky and kinda cutesy. That doesn't quite fit what I mean to do with her, so Acorn Swoop is gangly and leggy.
In a more anthro universe I feel like she would be a great mailman, somehow
Because Moth Flight's Vision is now Moth Flight's Vow, and a completely different story with a new reasoning behind the Cleric's Vow, Acorn Swoop does not have the canon conflict with StarClan trying to shame her choosing medicine or marriage.
And, because I refuse to magically conjure up characters to be convenient mates for the main characters, Thunder's canon litter has been split in 2.
Shell Claw and Sleek Swoop (prev. Sleek Fur) belong to Acorn Swoop and Red Claw. Lightning Storm and Feather Cry are born to Lightning Cry and Thunderstar.
But, I'm not sure yet if this is before or after Thunderstar's Justice. I do know, however, that Lightning Cry doesn't live to see his children.
Acorn Swoop is very close to them all as a result, plus her children being the same age as her nespring. She's always been there for Thunderstar in the past, and that's not about to stop any time soon.
You may eventually notice some similarities between her and Sharpclaw when we get there. That's intentional! She is one of his distant ancestors!
By extension, she is the ancestor of Hawkwing, Violetshine, Twigbranch, Rootspring, and Needleclaw.
She also has some descendants in most Clans just by virtue of exponential ancestry, but it's uncanny for the Sharpkin.
In terms of personality, she's cheerful and daring. Acorn takes pride in herself and her family, but can still doubt herself at times. She's a fantastic hunter, and catches well above her share of food to provide for the Clan. Thunderstar is beyond grateful to have her on his side.
In the Modern Era, many of the cats of BB!DOTC have long since been venerated. By now, Acorn Swoop has become an ancient and powerful Patron of Promptness. We might consider her a sort of god of 'chance,' but to Clan cats, "Prra" is a virtue that's hard to translate.
It's perfect timing. It's prey who only looks up when it's already too late. It's a friend of another Clan whose patrol happens to sync up to yours. It's primroses that poke through the melting frost just as you believe winter will never end.
She's invoked when you're stuck anticipating, or when you have to time something just right. It's perfect moments and comedic timing, things that can't just be replicated on a whim.
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Suede freezing their asses off in 93/photo by Denis O'Regan
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wulfhalls · 6 months
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slashpaws · 2 years
the only reason i'm doing the ucn roster challenge is that on day 48 i get to make my 7th scraptrap stimboard
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boolean-moved · 2 years
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bloodlet and vila. two bugs that try very hard to act like theyre normal. they are not
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