#funny rare polyships
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acesw · 6 months ago
Butterfly Touches
Its not so often that all three of them get to meet.
The Timekeeper has tasks to assign, the Genius Inventor has experiments to run, and the sick cannot be left outside for too long.
However, in those rare and quiet moments, two or all three of them will lay on each other as a means of comfort.
They'll remove a layer of clothing that binds them, and love each other in a hushed intimacy that their minds would allow.
Of course, they are all quite young, and none of them have no interest in engaging in anything beyond removed coats and folded sleeves. Instead, they trace the marks on each others' skin with their hands.
A firm hand traces along pronounced veins, a thin hand touches along the cheek under a unique eye, and a rough hand will rub against old wounds now healed.
Very rarely will they mark each other with subtle kisses, lips pressing against beauty marks and scars alike.
Sometimes they will go as far as taking off their upper garments to see large unseen scars, and leave butterfly kisses along them without making any further advances.
Their love is strengthened this way, as intimacy requires trust, and its hard to gain it from either one of them—much less maintain it.
Just like that, their quiet moment passes. Shirt buttons slip on and coats are well-adjusted. With quiet kisses on each others' cheeks, they greet farewell, and the three of them are separate individuals once more.
To everyone else, they do not yearn for this kind of intimacy, as they all have circumstances that limit them. But love knows no bounds, and they are such an example.
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northernyogurt · 4 months ago
Hello! It's so rare to see a Finn shipper in this fandom and I love your art!
I was curious as to what your thoughts are on a Finn/Jake/Piers polyship?
THIS IS LITERALLY MY LIKE. OH MY GOD. THIS IS MY KRYPTONITE I DIDNT KNOW OTHER PEOPLE THOUGHT OF THIS. jakinniers is the term me and a friend coined for this pairing and i have like three tagged posts with it; swear to god this is my favorite pairing of ALL TIME (i do not say this lightly) i just didn't really post throuple art very much. ITS SUCH AN INTERESTING DYNAMIC AND I . I. I DONT KNOW HOW OTHER PEOPLE HAVENT DELVED INTO THIS. there's the inherent tension of mullvans with the sickly sweet fiers and the cute funny pairing of macmuller and its like. oh my god. they all just complete each other. piers is the serious jake is the jokester causing problems and finn is the Peacemaker i have so many thoughts on this i don't even think i could get into it in one post like. like. like THEY MAKE ME SO SICK I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. it's such a deep and lovely dynamic i'd have to take several posts to explain it's just genuinely so good i have to draw them again soon they mean the world to me
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years ago
I honestly only had a handful of polyships for Disney’s Ultimate Spider-Man and at least one of them is kind of more on the taboo side and would get me a lot of flack for writing about, I’m guessing, so while it would have been my first pick, I decided to go with a safer bet! I used this prompt again and hope you all enjoy the headcanons for Ben/Reader/Flash!
Who cries when someone dies in a movie?
Not somebody, but goddamn, if a dog dies in a movie, Flash is in tears. Just please don’t let anyone know. He left the room whenever a scene like that came on early on in your relationship, with excuses like needing to pee or needing to grab more popcorn because he’s embarrassed about his reaction and didn’t want you to see. It’s only once the two of you are super close and he fully trusts you that he’ll let you see him tear up at those scenes and it would crush him if you ever let anyone, and especially Ben, know his little soft side.
Who wears the ugly holiday garb?
Flash definitely buys the three of you ugly Christmas sweaters, the absolute gaudiest ones he can find (with a distinct preference for ones with jingle bells or lights) to wear together on Christmas Eve. Ben scowls the whole time he’s wearing it but does it for you and Flash. The pictures Flash wants to take while wearing the sweater…yeah, those aren’t happening.
Who pays for the meals?
I feel like it would be you the most and that meals out are actually kind of a rare occasion. Both Ben and Flash didn’t grow up with lots of spare money and are really kind of frugal with the money they do get because it’s a security thing to them. They never want to live in that kind of poverty again and definitely don’t want that for the life they want to build with you. So suppers out are normally limited to special occasions or if  you offer to treat them and both men are always quite appreciative when you do, though Ben forgets his manners and saying thank you.
Who slams the oven door and who plays the trombone?
Ben doesn’t want to do this. This is dumb…so how did he manage to end up in sunglasses, scowling and mindlessly slamming an oven door while either you or Flash try to play a trombone and the other one films it all? Please someone tell him because he really doesn’t know.
Who brings home stray animals?
Flash always wanted pets growing up but his parents never let him have any. They just didn’t have the money to afford a pet and whenever, in his childhood, Flash would sneak a stray into the house, feeding it part of his meals, they’d end up throwing the animal right back out onto the streets when they found it and would ground Flash. Because of this, Flash, once out on his own and in a place where he can have pets, tends to adopt strays, both ones that stay outside and ones that he brings into the house. Oddly enough though, and it’s a bit of a sore spot for Flash, most of the animals take to you or Ben quicker than they do to him.
Who leaves the bathroom door open?
This is something Ben does. He wasn’t really taught much in the way of manners or of how to properly live with others and it’s definitely a learning curve for him. He still forgets every now and again, and it’s something you and Flash will have to either get used to or remind him kindly about.
Who tells the ‘dad jokes’?
Flash really isn’t funny, at least not when he’s trying to be, and a lot of his humour is puns and bad dad jokes. If you tell dad jokes too, it will turn into a little competition of seeing who can tell the worst one.
Who wants kids more?
This is either you or Flash. Flash definitely sees having children in the future, preferably a boy and a girl, just that classic all-American family. Ben, meanwhile, is very, very adamant that he doesn’t want children and he would hold that child-free attitude for most of his life. He doesn’t know how to be a father, doesn’t know how to handle children, and the whole idea just terrifies him, if he’s being honest.
Who travels more?
Both men will travel a fair bit in their work as superheroes, especially where they work with S.H.I.E.L.D. Whenever possible, they really like travelling with you as well. Ben hates making travel arrangements or planning things out more while Flash has a harder time remembering to be properly respectful of other cultures while out traveling.
Who spends more cash?
I mentioned above, but it’s likely you. As said, both Ben and Flash are pretty careful with their money and while Flash might spend big on more lavish purchases, like a car, he does so only when he’s saved up enough money to do so.
Who buys the things in infomercials?
Now, while smart with his money, when he does have enough for a little spending, I feel like infomercials would definitely draw Flash in, or anything on the shopping channel. He buys easily into fancy words and graphics and if an item looks really cool or high-tech, he really will want to go buy it. He also really likes buying you stuff off the shopping channel and it’s where most of your birthday and Christmas gifts come from.
Who draws in the dust on their cars?
Okay, but when Flash has a car, there isn’t ever dust on it to draw in. He is so proud of his vehicle that he keeps it nice and clean. It becomes a hobby of his, cleaning and polishing and shining up his baby, who he will definitely let you name. Ben prefers a motorcycle over a car and while it might get dirty or messy, he gets pissy when anyone touches it and after a fight about it, neither you or Flash would draw on it. So, it would have to be your car that got drawn on and I think neither of them would really do that, honestly.
Who starts the snowball fights?
This would be Flash, no question asked. What else are you supposed to do in the snow, after all? And he’s got such great aim that he’s always going to hit you or Ben. Ben is easily drawn into a snowball fight because he hates being hit with snowballs and retaliation is his first instinct in most things. If you want to play, Flash is so happy and him and Ben take it easy on you, even though they say they don’t. That being said, Flash will get pouty if you just want to observe.
Who throws away the directions to things?
Both of these men can be completely stubborn asshats when it comes to this. They both insist that they already know what to do and they don’t need the directions. Just trust them, alright? And then, of course, hours go by and as much as you try to tell them what the directions say, they both tune you out or get snappy because goddammit, they are not losing to whatever contraption they bought.
Who puts up holiday décor?
Flash really loves Christmas. It’s a really strong headcanon of mine that it’s his favourite holiday, though he also gets really into Halloween and Easter and most holidays. They were big things for him growing up, really the only time his family splurged on much, and holidays play a huge part in his good memories. So when it comes to celebrating holidays with you and Ben, he wants to make those same kind of memories, wants to do all the holiday-esque things, especially when it’s around Christmas. He wants the three of you to deck out the house together, to drink hot chocolates around a fire place, to take Christmas card pictures, to build gingerbread houses. It really means the absolute world to him and it’s really apparent to both you and Ben, who do go along with him, albeit with some snarking on Ben’s part.
Who is more likely to forget to bathe?
This is easily Ben. Even canonically, he’s not really shown to care too deeply, if at all, about personal hygiene and while it’s something he improves on, he sees no big issues in going a few days to a week without showering or bathing or even brushing his teeth if he’s busy.
Who gets more obsessed about things?
Flash is more open about his passion for things, but Ben is more obsessive. Flash never really hyper-focuses on one thing. It’s normally ‘thought, act on thought, thought gone and done with’ in Flash’s mind whereas Ben broods terribly over things and has a really hard time banishing thoughts from his mind.
Who sings in the shower more often?
I feel like Flash definitely sings in the shower and, in a surprising twist, it’s normally show-tunes or musical numbers. It’s just a shame that he is such a terrible, terrible singer. Both you and Ben quickly learn to either wear headphones when he goes in to shower or to turn up the television or radio to drown out the noise.
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self-ship-or-die · 2 months ago
So, quick introduction while I'm on break. My name is Beth and I've been self-shipping since long before I knew what shipping, sex, and even romance was. I just wanted to be with someone who loved me, even if I didn't know all the different kinds were and thought love was just hugging and spending time together.
Im in a bunch of different fandoms and honestly, this blog is to keep all my stuff in one spot instead of spread across the 26 different blogs I have. I take part in multiple fandoms with at least one self-ship in each. Funny to say, but I'm very monogamous in my self-shipping and don't look for comfort in multiple characters in the same fandom, a romantic relationship with one being enough and anyone else a good friend. It's not like I don't self-polyship, but it's very rare and something I'm trying to get familiar with since it would be fun, I think.
I go into specifics later or when I feel like blabbing, but I self-ship for comfort and more recently, to help process trauma from how I grew up ( I.e. Bill Dickey hit a real sore spot and I didn't realize how much he reminded me of an ex in highschool/college until I worked on the outline for a comic/short fic I had.)
That's all for now, I'll have a better intro pinned to the top of my blog at a later date. If someone is actually reading this, hello! I hope you have a good day and I hope we have a great new year, we'll need the fucking luck.
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annwayne · 9 months ago
💚💖💕 for the unpopular ask game!
Thanks for the ask!!
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Oh boy. Well, to be honest of the sga fans I've seen, there haven't been any memorably bad takes about Rodney. I must be in a safe bubble ahaha. So I'll say something that might not be apparent if you didn't watch Rodney's every move like a hawk. Rodney is the most optimistic member of the sga team. Don't get me wrong, he catastrophizes and he jumps to worst case scenarios all the time. But this is the same guy who believes he can always succeed, more importantly, that his teammates can succeed in every situation. I think The Last Man really proves just how far his optimism can go. Sure, having a massive ego helps with that, but I don't think it's enough.
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
lmao, okay get ready for this one; upon first watch, I did not see any of the John/Rodney ship fuel. It had to be explained for me to pick up on it, so all those posts that talk about how obvious that John's sexuality is deep in the closet/how obvious the love story between John and Rodney is? I just don't agree it's obvious. And this truly is just an opinion on interpretation. Unless I really latch on to a character, I don't usually question what the show is telling me about them. And since SGA started as a casual 'on while playing video games, doing chores, and drawing' show, I really wasn't paying close attention.
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
Shall I be funny and say my oc/todd ship? xD No, no, I'm not sure what counts as unpopular in this fandom? It seems like every ship gets a little bit of attention. Todd/Keller is a ship I like more than most, though I don't think it's all that unpopular? I read a fic that really got me to like John/Dave in that very specific set up lol. Polyships seem less common, so I'll John/Rodney/Teyla/Ronon is another I like. Canon/canon just. Rarely gets me invested lol. At the same time, show me a ship and 99% of the time I'll go "cool!" There's rarely ever canon/canon ships I dislike.
Unpopular Opinion Ask Game
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My (kinda disjointed) thoughts on some Skylanders ships (part 1)
Trying something new today! It's gonna be hard to write an opinion on Skylander ships, considering the fact that most of them are crackships and half the characters have really basic personalities, but I'll try my best. I'm starting with the dragon Skylanders, but I'll eventually cover other Skylander pairings in the future.
Spyro x Cynder: 9/10. Pretty basic, all things considered. It's the ship people choose because they were hardcore Legend of Spyro fans and shipped Spynder back then. I do think they have a good dynamic; Cynder's evil past is ripe with angst and hurt/comfort potential, and Spyro being the one to save her naturally makes him a perfect candidate to provide the "comfort" part. At the same time though, I understand the appeal of having them remain platonic since as of 2023, Skylanders is the only Spyro media to have both appear without any hint of romance between them.
Spyro x Sunburn: 6/10. It's mostly an ironic ship I thought of as a joke during the early days back when I only did incorrect quotes exclusively about the dragon Skylanders. I don't think Sunburn and Spyro would really have a whole lot of interesting interactions.
Spyro x Whirlwind: 1/10. I don't see the appeal. To me, they're just friends or coworkers. Nothing more than that. The only reason anyone ships this is that they hate Cynder or Spynder, but they also don't want to ship Spyro with the humanoid girls or Sonic Boom because "interspecies romance yucky"
Whirlwind x Cynder: 9/10. The opposite of Spywind. These two have a great dynamic, Whirlwind being ostracized for her mixed heritage, while Cynder's distrusted for her past as a servant of Malefor. The two could find a lot of comfort in each other due to their shared experiences. The only reason it's not a complete 10/10 is because I prefer pairing the two with other characters.
Whirlwind x Sunburn: 8/10. It's aight. I guess the way their backstories contrast is interesting, Whirlwind used to be hated for being a dragon hybrid while Sunburn was coveted for the same reason.
Whirlwind x Camo: 7/10. No strong opinions.
Sunburn x Camo: 8/10. I can see why it has appeal. Two pranksters goofin' off together is always nice.
Whirlwind x Sunburn x Camo: 9/10. Whirlwind and her two supportive bfs, who are also dating each other. I think overall I prefer polyshipping these three over their separate ships, but the reasons why are based entirely on fanon I made up regarding the three.
Whirlwind x Zap: 5/10 ...Eh? Nothing wrong with it, but I don't really see the appeal either. It's better than Spywind because the entire basis for the ship isn't just "a hetero dragon ship for Spyro that isn't Cynder"
Side note: Damn, Whirlwind has a lot of ships. Why is that?
Drobot x Camo: 8/10. I think it's really funny. Drobot the serious, intelligent, and logical-minded, while Camo is a jokester who makes fruit explode for shits and giggles. The contrast between serious and silly always makes for a fun dynamic, and I think if the two ever got meaningful interactions, Camo would be the guy who'd get Drobot to loosen up.
Bash x Flashwing: 8/10. This pairing actually has ground to stand on since it's one of the only ships that have actual potential for being canon. Bash falling in love with Flashwing is literally half of her backstory, and it's a standout trait for Bash and Skylanders in general. It's rare for Skylanders characters to actually have romantic feelings for anyone, much less each other, which is what makes this ship so appealing, it's potential for exploring this idea. Sadly, canon has not seen that potential. There's been no actual exploration of the pairing in Skylanders media, not even the comics or Skylanders Academy, which literally exist to flesh out the goddamn Skylanders. The closest we get is apparently from a book called "Skylanders Universe: The Complete Collection, page 39" which states Flashwing canonically likes Bash back, though she won't admit it out loud (don't quote me on this, I got it from the wiki). That's it. That's all we get. If the pairing actually got explored in official Skylanders material, then it'd be a 9 or a 10.
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jasonxnathan · 3 years ago
Gib me all your poly ships involving Nathan x Jason >:3 <3
Oh oh oh! Born 4 thiiis!
Jason x Nathan x Puppeteer
Jason and Puppeteer already have a funny balance, Jason loving the idea of becoming a doll himself He adores everything to do with Puppet. While on the more depressing side I can see Puppeteer drawn to Nathan's grief, feeding his urge to help this poor human overcome his emotions or offer the loving embrace that on puppeteer can offer.
Jason x Nathan x Candy Pop
Besties to lover arc? YES PLEASE! Candy Pop just bring life to the two and can add many...fun.. things to the dynamic. Jason and Candy Pop are already friendly rivals, but I can see an extra spice of involving Nathan in the middle. Candy spoils the two with many treats. If I may get a bit NSFW. I can see Candy Pop switching up all over the place, even topping Jason. -Jason x Nathan x Doll Maker
The two craftsman just chefs kiss! If I remember Doll Maker is afraid of men (don't blame the guy) So I HC that trust between the three was a very, very slow burn. To get even darker I can see dressing up Nathan's sister being the reason the three of them got together. Or, alternatively something that brought them closer, like something Jason and Doll Maker secretly plotting together for Nathan. -Jason x Nathan x Bloody Painter
I have to admit this one is more of my guilty pleasure polyships, As I never could think for a way to justify the three of them having a proper set up, other than MAYBE meeting through Puppet.
-Jason x Nathan x Eyeless Jack Another Guilty pleasure ship. EJ without a doubt came strolling in to eat some part of Jason's dolls. Or even smelled fresh meat with the two guys. Just a horribly messy ship and I am here for it.
And of course, given poly ships above. I have mixed them all together, on giant poly ship. Jason, Nathan, Candy, and Puppeteer
Nathan, Jason, Puppeteer, and Doll Maker Jason, Eyeless Jack, Candy Pop, Nathan, Puppeteer. ALLL OF THEM
You get the idea.
Its rare to see a poly ship working out, frankly I think we need more poly ships instead of monogamous ships. That's just my lifestyle however.
I have a newer ship, I will admit I dont know a lot about the oc but his name is Julius. I can just see the three of them just meshing too well.
Please anyone else have ships with Jason and Nathan, Give them to me! ALL OF IT! Not joking.
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radiantmists · 4 years ago
getting into jongerrymartin is funny because i’m pretty sure most of us started out shipping jonmartin but also shipping jongerry because seriously they have so much chemistry in that one meeting etc. so we mash them together. 
but this then leads to thinking seriously about what gerrymartin is like, and at some point you realize that it actually has so much potential and you’re left shipping not only a non-canon polyship, rare enough, but also shipping two characters who have literally never met and barely even acknowledge each other’s existence in canon, and it’s wild
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zirkkun · 3 years ago
So I won't say much about it in this ask, since I already basically said my piece in my rb of it, but I will say it again, that I agree wholeheartedly w/ your recent ramble/rant post about Sans (kind of), I also like some of the additions. Now, to talk & ask abt what I mainly wanted to talk abt here, since I thought it work better as an ask.
So, yes, I agree Mettasans is so rare, & I actually really like the ship &/or relationship. Kke Insans & Metta's bond is a fav of mine in ALIVE, & liked talkingsoup's small one-shot(s) of Mettasans for some examples. Basically, I like it, and I wish there was more of it, but I take what I can get.
Not ship-y at all, but the like, one interaction Sans and Metta had in AtF I thought was funny, he just took and disappeared Willo away from Metta to talk to himself, idk, I just thought it was funny. Makes me wonder if there will be an chance for interesting Sans and Metta inteactions in ULR. Ask 1/2. Doing this as 2 asks, because tumblr loves to eat asks in general, but esp. longer asks. So just in case, this ask will be 2 asks; hope that is ok w/ you.
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Sorry, this took me a while to get to because it’s a lot of stuff and I’ve just been really too tired to answer it until now 😂💦
For Metacrit and Ace interactions, there is some planned stuff that happens but at the moment I’m not wholly certain how much of it will actually make the cut. I have mentioned and showed some stuff here before I think(? But they’re a little more well-aware of each other than Mettaton and Sans were in UT, and have a completely different dynamic from their UL counterparts as well. There’s also like... nothing right now planned for Metacrit and Duo interactions. I know Papyton was a big thing in the original UL but with how I wrote ULR they just sort of... never get the chance to meet? 😂 Oops. I don’t mind if people still make Papyton stuff outta them though, go wild however you want, hehe.
As for the polyship AU, oh boy, it’s a big mess. It’s like, self-insert, reader-insert, and also somehow happens to have a major hovering subplot of Ink just being with basically everyone at some point, and now I’ve been using some of them for RP’s as well just to make things more confusing because now technically with that there’s two Errors, two Killers, and two Swap!Sanses fdbhas. There’s a LOT of characters now, and the blog I made for it ( @ut-polyship ) is EXTREMELY outdated right now. The main characters are basically “the human,” “the creator,” “the vessel,” Sans, Lust, Ink, Blue, Mal, Nightmare, Killer, Cross, and Dream. Other characters also show up in some parts. I’ve also sprialled off and made splitting timelines from it already... I really need to post more about it FDSBHA
I don’t know whether or not I’ll make anything with MettaSans in the future. It’s really a toss up for how motivated I feel to make it. I don’t usually make a lot of ship content more than I consume it -- UT is actually probably the only fandom since like, Elsword that I’ve been in that I’ve actually made ship content for. And I was in the Elsword fandom in like. 2014-2016. LMAO. It’s a miracle I’ve made like the couple of ErrInk pieces and one Cream piece. And also an accidental KillInk shipkid. And an Inkmare shipkid I don’t remember if I posted or not. These things happened. They also happen to be brothers. Jesus I need to post more. LMAO. S’alright, I have a fic and sideblog in the works for them already actually 👀
As for the VN’s you mentioned, I have heard of them! The creator of Nightmare’s Castle is actually helping with Act to Flirt as well ^^ and Sparks of the Heart I don’t know as much about, but I remember seeing it and sending it to a friend who’s a total Grillby simp. They both look really cool!! I’m excited to see more about them. 
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uchihashisui-kun · 4 years ago
Those headcanons about Shisui's anbu team are so funny, d'you have more?
Ah, happy to know someone liked them XD I do have some more, I'm... Basically creating a whole-ass team where Shisui is the only canon character and I spent like two hours looking for names for them, so Imma have fun *Evilly rubs his hands*
Every single one of the squad has a different hobby
Crane knows how to stitch and make embroidery, and she's the one that stitches someone's uniform if it get ripped. She also always stitches the kanji for Tori on everyone's new uniform
Owl makes origami, and she writes little things inside of them. She likes to leave them around for the squad to find, even if they rarely open them to read whatever Owl wrote, because they always feel bad when they ruin them
Hummingbird likes to draw, especially landscapes. He has a lot of drawings about the forest surrounding Konoha, and every time he goes somewhere far for a mission he always makes sure to take some time to draw the new landscape
Names time!
Crane's name, when she's out of her ANBU persona, is Kaede Morimoto. She's a little spitfire with hair as red as a maple tree. In fact, 'Kaede' means 'maple', while 'Morimoto', her family name, means 'to live in a forest' and 'born from the origin, starting from the root'
Owl's real name is Takara Hyuuga. Her parents gave her that name because 'Takara' means 'someone precious, to cherish like a jewel'
Hummingbird is Shun Aburame. 'Shun' means 'a fast and talented person', but also 'living in the moment'
(I'm a nerd who loves meaningful names, what can I do)
Crane's main chakra affinity is water, but she can also use fire and earth
Owl's main chakra affinity is fire, but she can also use lightning
While Hummingbird's main chakra affinity is earth, but he can also use fire and wind
Crane and Parrot (Shisui) are the most explosive members of the squad, and there's a rule to never let them alone for a long period of time
Last time it happened, they started trying to combine their jutsu for a joined attack, and while combining water and fire to create boiling hot steam is, in fact, very useful, trying to combine fire and lightning almost made them blow themselves up
-10/10 the nurse was not amused when they showed up at the hospital with more burned skin than not
The Hokage and the rest of the squad even less when they both had to be put on medical leave for a training accident
Crane and Shisui are both Jōnin, while Owl and Hummingbird are Tokubetsu Jōnin
Team Tori knows very little about modesty, and sometimes they sleep all together like a big cuddle pile and decency be damned
An ANBU recruit once found them sleeping in Shisui's apartment all in the same bed, all of them more naked than dressed
They are not in a polyship, they're just familiar enough with one another to not give a damn
Hummingbird, even after all the years together, sometimes still finds it wild that they don't mind/feel disgusted by all the little holes littering his body and the fact that insects live inside him
Crane has a crush on Anko, and it's terrible. She loves deadly and lowkey insane people, so of course she had to pick one of the most unhinged and insane people of all Konoha
Shisui is not surprised, he's had a crush on Anko, too, for a period of time
Hummingbird and Owl pray for Crane and Anko to never even become friends, let alone lovers. It would be the end
Despite her... Explosive personality, Crane is the best of the squad when it comes to infiltration, because she's small and can fit almost everywhere
Owl is the squad's sensor, coupled with her Byakugan it makes it almost impossible to sneak up on her
Shisui tried once for a prank, and found himself with a broken arm because Owl thought it was an assassination attempt
Rule number 1: Never sneak up on an ANBU
One would think that Shisui would know these rules, and he does. He just ignores them most of the time
Shisui finds himself more often injured from training accidents than from missions. Hummingbird has given up on the idea of trying to beat carefulness into his thick skull
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sinsbymanka · 4 years ago
If you ever have an issue with how something is tagged on this blog PLEASE feel like it's okay to send me a dm. I do try my best to tag appropriately, although there's always a chance I've fucked up.
I do follow standard tagging conventions here because I feel like they're most thorough. So I tag:
manka writes - my writing tag
Fandom - usually dragon age and then the specific game
Ships and background ships if they're a major part of the story (they're not always) listed in alphabetical order (female cadash/varric tethras)
Individual characters that appear in the fanfiction
Whether or not it's smut using shameless smut and/or lemon
Events I'm writing for (DA Drunk Writing, Rare Egg Hunt, Smutquisition, DA Polyshipping Day...)
Any other pertinent information such as if it's part of a longer story or an AU or has content warnings
Funny bullshit
I probably won't be changing this system up because I think it adequately covers all my bases. However if I miss something above - let me know. If you want to share for others to see how one person thinks about tags on tumblr, feel free ���
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yamsgarden · 5 years ago
So you polyship? Because I see that Formaggio/Melone/Ghiaccio and my heart...
OHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIII-- as dumb as it may sound when i like one ship i stick to it and will rarely see one of the two with someone else ;dfjsjkdf i dont mind seeing other’s art i just dunno if i could draw it myself WAHA XD BUT HGN I-- I DON’T KNOW ADFHSFKGH.KJ i think this trio is rly cute and funny together but IDKFORPOLYSHIPADOFSLHDJSHFJ
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lettercastauthor · 5 years ago
Spider-Barista: Part One, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Extra Whip
AU Summary and Warnings: Tony Stark survived the snap that killed Thanos and only lost his arm, Steve Rogers has returned from his brief time travel escapades after realizing he’s not as straight as he thought he was, and his feelings for Tony went far beyond friendship. Tony, Steve, Peter, Rhodey, Pepper, and Nebula are in a polyship and were living at Stark’s private New York residence located somewhere in the city “near all the action,” also close to Peter’s school. Peter, 18, is finishing senior year. Recently, Pepper and Morgan Stark have left for upstate New York to begin Morgan’s private school. Overprotective “auntie” Nebula joined them due to her own safety concerns, leaving the boys to fend for themselves. Unknown to everyone, Tony is having a secret sciencey-fling with Bruce Banner, kept private for shy Bruce’s sake. Aunt May is on a cruise in the Bahamas.
Tony has offered to pay for Peter’s college, but Peter is being stubborn and wants to earn it for himself, so he gets a job at the local coffee shop and quickly finds a love for the job. In fact, he loves it so much that he begins to neglect his Super-Hero duties. At first Tony is supportive of a break from the dangerous life of saving New York on the daily, despite Cap’s urging Peter to take on bigger baddies and hone his skills. But they both soon realize Peter’s interest in coffee is mainly tied to a cute customer who comes in on Peter’s every shift. Unbeknownst to Peter, this customer lives a double life. This will be a serial story, updated when I have time. There will be NSFW content, each section that includes NSFW content will be marked accordingly so the reader can choose to enjoy the story while skipping the lewd parts should the desire.
Everyone in this story is 18 or older.
Tl;Dr: Adult Tom Holland Spider-Man is working as a barista post-blip. He’s in a polyship with Tony, Steve, Rhodey, Pepper, and Nebula. He has a crush on one of his patrons and is neglecting his heroic duty. There’s NSFW stuff in here. 
Part One: “Pumpkin Spice Latte, Extra Whip”
Warm yellow sun pierced through the sepia tinted windows of the coffee shop. It was a nice clear day. The taxi cabs sat bumper-to-bumper, the people hurriedly walked the sidewalks like a fashion-show runway, carrying their coats over their shoulders on this uncharacteristically warm November afternoon. A flash of green dashed through the crowd of customers as Peter Parker raced round the back entrance of the counter to clock in. His apron whooshed around him as he stopped at the register, punched in his employee ID number, and jumped into the flow of things, watching the front door intensely as he worked the hot bar with lightning speed. 
Customers loved Peter. He was quick, he never messed up a drink, and he always served with a smile. Pete’s co-workers loved him because whenever he worked, everyone got higher tips. The manager liked him because he always showed up for every shift, but she felt he could be better at the cleaning part of the job; she made sure to mention that in his quarterly review. Right on time, five minutes after 2:00 p.m., Peter’s favorite customer walked in. He told all the customers they were his favorite, but this one in particular was actually his favorite. 
The bell chimed and a man walked in, brown coat draped over his arm, gray knit sweater hugging his broad shoulders and chest just tight enough to portray a hint of modelesque musculature. This was Jamie. Jamie always wore a steel-blue tie, pulled tight around his white collared button-up shirt. Today, he sported a pair of well-fitting khaki slacks, brown oxfords, argyle socks. Clothing tells you everything about a person in New York City. Jamie’s clothes told Peter this: that Jamie had a job in the city, a real job, the kind you do in an office that looks over the hustle and bustle of the commoner’s everyday lives. Or so Peter imagined. He looked like most New York businessmen, but to Peter he was the definition of heaven. He was also unattainable. Peter rarely worked the register, due to being what the manager called “too friendly.” All his chatting with the customers slowed up the line. Unfortunately, Pete’s normal position at the bar fixing drinks kept him behind a wall of glass and noisy machines. The barrier made it near impossible to communicate effectively with customers.
His only chance was at the passthrough area, where he would set each hand-crafted beverage and call out the name of the customer it belonged to. Jamie changed up his drink often, which both frustrated and intrigued Peter. He wanted to be able to make Jamie’s drink quick enough that he could have a second to drop him his number on a napkin, but by the time Peter learned Jamie’s drink (usually three or four shifts), it was usually too late. He’d switched it up again. But Peter liked that about him, too. Jamie clearly liked to try new things. It was a good sign. 
So, as Jamie placed his order, Peter rushed to fill it before the payment was even processed. Today, Jamie ordered a pumpkin spice latte with extra whipped cream. Pete lucked out. He could make that drink in his sleep! Since the seasonal drink made its yearly debut in September, he was making hundreds of these each day. As he steamed the milk, Jamie looked over and gave him an easy smile. The light danced off his brown skin, his eyes twinkled. Peter felt his cheeks tingle with blush as he returned the grin. Milk frothed and mixed with the pumpkin spice flavor, the drink was almost complete. The payment processor beeped its approval to Jamie, and Peter raced to put the extra whip and autumn seasonings on the drink, meeting Jamie at the passthrough counter and carefully putting the lid on the cup.
As Jamie reached for the drink, Peter slipped a napkin toward him. “Don’t forget your napkins, Mr. Jamie, sir.” He’d written his number on it this morning, in preparation for this very moment.
Jamie smiled again, “Thank you, Peter. I’d hate to get coffee all over my suit.”
“You’re welcome, sir.”
Jamie took the napkin and left without showing signs of having seen the number written on it. All Peter could do now was wait. Waiting was hard. The time ticked by slower than usual today, but finally it was closing time. Peter helped clean up the floor, sweeping, mopping, and wiping frantically. His co-workers joked about him having a hot date, but when Peter blushed they realized he might actually have a hot date! So they pushed him for answers as to who the mystery guy or girl could possibly be. 
“I don’t have a date, guys. It’s just that I - uh - I have school in the morning. You know, senior year and all. Gotta finish strong,” he said.
At this, Tammy the night shift manager, bursted out with her typical hyena-cackle laughter. “Okay, sure Pete, you have school on a Saturday. Dumbass, it’s Friday night. If you didn’t have a date tonight I would be worried. You need to loosen up, Peter. You can’t just stay single forever!”
Peter’s co-workers had no idea he was actually dating, like, five people, so he just grinned and laughed, “I guess you’re right! Well I have to go now, goodbye!” He clocked out and dashed out of the store as quickly as he came in. As he walked home, green apron hanging over his shoulder, visor flipped backwards, he turned on his phone and waited impatiently for the messages to load. One-by-one they came in.
Aunt May: “Just arrived at the port in Jamaica, having a lovely time on the cruise!”
Cap: “Peter, please remember to do your laundry tonight. Your room smells like feet.”
Mr. Stark: [sent you a picture message]
Ned: “LEGO building party tonight at Josh’s, are you coming? 10pm.”
Pepper: “Morgan says hi!”
MJ: “LOL You look so funny in that coffee uniform.”
But nothing from a mystery number that could possibly be Jamie’s. He responded to the messages somewhat halfheartedly, then descended the subway stairs to take the train home. Headphones in, he thought about Jamie’s smile as he was ordering. His chest felt tight again, blood pumping, music blasting. He daydreamed until his stop, then took the headphones out for his walk home. He entered the tall apartment building and took the elevator up to the top. Nothing but the best for Tony Stark and his family! The penthouse smelled of a home-cooked meal. It was Cap’s turn to cook, so they were bound to have a feast. Rhodey was setting the table and greeted him first.
“Peter! How was work?” He laid down the last fork at the big oval dining table.
“It was good, I made some tips today!” Peter put on an extra layer of cheer to compensate for the disappointment of not hearing from Jamie.
“That’s great, Pete.” Rhodey was Peter’s metamour, Tony being their shared partner. Occasionally there was tension between them. It wasn’t jealousy, but they were known for calling each other out on their bullshit, and Peter could tell Rhodey’s bullshit detector was going off.
But before Rhodes could say anything, Steve Rogers walked in carrying a turkey pot pie. His kiss-the-cook apron, denim cut-off booty-shorts, and crab-claw oven mitts really made for a unique kind of vibe far and away from the Captain America the rest of the world saw. The daisy dukes certainly showed off America’s Ass in the least wholesome of ways. Peter and Rhodey both gulped, eyeballing that thicc snack as Cap bent over the kitchen table and set it at the center. The pot-pie didn’t look too bad either. Both had been interested in Steve for quite some time, but were not sure how to approach that, since he was so newly out of the closet.
“Where’s Tony?” Steve asked, pulling the oven mitts off and reaching back to untie his apron.
“I don’t know, I just got home,” Peter shrugged, heading up the loft stairs.
Steve turned to Rhodey and asked, “What’s up with the kid? He seems off.”
Rhodey wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist and pulled him close, “Don’t you ever take that apron off.” He grinned, then released Steve and headed to the kitchen to grab the green beans and bread rolls. Steve stayed stuck there for a moment, trying to control the blush that spread across his face before going upstairs to check on Peter and find Tony.
Since Peter’s room was down the hall from Tony’s workshop, Steve decided to stop there first. He poked his head in and spotted Pete sulking at his desk, staring listlessly at his phone. Pete didn’t notice him, so he observed and admired for a minute before knocking and entering. “Hey Pete, don’t you have laundry to do?”
Startled, Peter jumped up and threw his phone under his bed. “Yes, that’s exactly what I came in here to do, laundry.” Frantically, he searched for the laundry basket. Unable to find it, he quickly picked up some of his dirty clothes and balled them up in a pile in his arms. Once his hands were full, he used his toes to pick up the boxers and socks that littered the floor.
“Pete…” Steve tried to get his attention.
“I know, Mr. Rogers it smells like feet in here…”
“Pete… well, I mean yes it does but Peter—” he stepped in front of the teen. “Peter, stop.”
“What?” Peter was clearly upset, though his face wasn’t visible behind the pile of clothing that filled his arms.
“Put the laundry down.”
“But my room smells like feet…”
“Fine,” he dropped the laundry on the floor, then plopped defiantly on the bed. “What.”
Steve sat gently beside Peter. “Pete, you’re upset.”
“I am not upset, I’m fine.”
“Did you have a rough day at work?” Steve scooted closer, leaning into Peter. He smelled sweetly of coffee. Peter said nothing. “You can tell me, I’ll keep a secret.” He wrapped a reassuring arm around Peter’s shoulders.
The young man looked up at him, eyes red from both tiredness and emotions. “There’s a guy.”
“A guy?” Steve had only come out of the closet three months ago. He could feel the blush coming back to his cheeks. He glanced toward the door, secretly hoping Tony would come in and fix everything. Tony could always fix anything, especially Peter’s broken heart.
Pete sniffed. “He’s a customer. His name is Jamie.”
Suddenly suspicious, Steve perked up. “Is he the reason you turned off your police scanner and keep picking up extra shifts at the shop?”
Peter rolled his eyes and sighed. “You have no idea. How hot. He is. Like, he walks in the room and I can’t breathe. And he doesn’t even know I exist beyond that I am some guy in a green apron who works at a coffee shop.”
“I know what you mean, sport, but you so many of us here who adore you, you know?”
“I know, but…” Peter stopped and suddenly realized what Cap was insinuating, “Wait a second… Mr. Rogers are you saying you’re—?”
Just then Tony knocked on the door. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
Steve stiffened up and suddenly there was a whole 12 inches between him and Peter. “Hey Tony! Peter had a rough day at work. I told him he needs to do his laundry… ah… dinner is ready, bye!” Steve bolted out of the kid’s room and down the stairs before Tony or Peter had a chance to respond.
“What’s his deal?” Tony asked, sitting down in the warm spot where Steve’s butt just was.
“I think… actually I really don’t know, Mr. Stark.” Peter stood to pick up his clothes.
“Hey, kid, come here for a second.” Tony pulled Peter back onto the bed and pinned him down, his mechanical hand caressing Peter’s cheek. Peter had a momentary flashback to that day but shook it out of his head. He focused on Tony’s piercing eyes.
“You are clearly not okay. And from what I heard, because you know I hear everything that goes on in this house, it has to do with some boy at work?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “It’s nothing…”
“Yes, that’s absolutely right, it is nothing. Hey. Look at me, kid.” He waited until Peter turned his head and made eye contact. “Whoever this guy is, maybe he’s cute. Maybe you even gave him your number on that little napkin from breakfast, but in the end when you’re like us, like you and me and Cap and Bruce, you just can’t date civilians. It never works out. They don’t understand the pressures of the job... or worse: they get killed. Ask any super hero you’ve ever met.”
“But you and Pepper—”
“Yes, Pepper is a special lady who also does the super hero things from time to time. Pep and I have a kid together, but there were years of turmoil before Morgan was born. Stick with what you have, dating outside our kind will only make it hard for you in the end.”
Peter sighed. “I guess… you’re probably right. He’s just so handsome, I… there’s something about him.”
“Pete, I’m not saying don’t go knocking on that door, I’m just saying… be safe about it.”
***NSFW INCOMING. Look for the 3 asterisks at the end of this passage if you wish to skip the naughty stuff.***
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Peter glanced up at Tony, feeling flush. Thinking about Jamie, feeling the weight of Tony pressing down against him, it had all started to become a little too much. His hard-on strained against the fabric of his black work pants. “Tony, I…”
“I know, kid,” Tony went in for a kiss. They were still eager and new, Peter only having turned 18 less than three months ago, but the kiss was so familiar and comforting. Tony pulled back and smiled, unbuttoning Peter’s pants. “I don’t want you thinking about that guy anymore. It’s just you and me in here, alright?” He pulled out Pete’s member and rubbed a finger at the base of the head.
“Yes, Mr. Stark, sir…”
“It’s Tony.” He palmed Peter’s cock, then slowly stroked.
Peter could only whimper in response.
“Good boy.” He released Peter. “Get naked for me, I have something I want you to try on.” Tony left the room to grab the skimpy maid outfit from his bedroom closet while Peter disrobed and hastily threw his dirty laundry in a pile in the closet. 
As Peter cleaned, he muttered to himself, “I really should have listened to Cap and done this last week… Where’s that fabreeze?”
Meanwhile, Tony bumped into Steve on his way to their shared bedroom at the other corner of the massive loft. “Steve, what’s up with you today?”
“What are you talking about?” Steve feigned coolness.
“Do you have a thing for Pete?”
“Who? Pete? The kid? Nah. Not me.” Steve sped up, walking quicker toward the bedroom, but Tony caught up with him easily.
At the doorframe, he stopped him, cornered him, pushed him back against the wall. “Steve, I want you to join us.” His lips were so close to Steve’s. Steve quivered.
“Join you?” Steve chuckled nervously, turning red again. “Tony, even if I liked him, how could I handle both of you at once?”
“Yep, that’s it you’re coming with me.” Tony gripped Steve’s forearm tight with his bionic hand and pulled the protesting Captain back toward Peter’s room. The maid outfit could wait for another day, but breaking Steve in with another young buck had to happen someday... and today was as good as any!
By the time they entered the room, Peter had made it spotless. Not a single smell of feet to be found. Tony and Steve both knew he had probably just shoved everything in his closet, but the bed was made and the desk was cleared and the room smelled nicely of linen fabreeze. Peter was nude, sitting on the bed, waiting patiently for Tony to return with some outfit or other. He was shocked to see Steve Rogers standing in the doorway beside Tony, looking shyly down, cheeks frosted rose.
“Mr. Stark… you said you wanted me to try something on… D-do you want me to try on Mr. Rogers?” His voice broke a bit.
Stark sighed. “Kid, how many times do we have to tell you? it’s Tony. And Steve. And... there was a change of plans. Remember how I said it would be only you and me in here?” Pete nodded, swallowing hard as he saw Steve’s growing erection through the tight daisy dukes he’d donned to prepare dinner. “Well, now it’s you and me. And Steve.”
“S-steve, sir, I would love that... it’s just…” Pete had never seen Captain America be so shy. “I think your dick might ruin me…”
Steve glanced at Peter. Tony glared at Steve. “Say it, Cap. Go on! Tell him.”
“Peter.” Steve was looking at him lustfully, passionately now. “I want you. I want you to take me. I need you... I need you inside of me.”
Peter gave a breathy sigh. Partly from the way Cap’s words made his own dick throb, and partly from relief that he wouldn’t have to try to take the horse-sized dong that seemed to be endlessly growing in Steve’s shorts. He stood, approached Steve, and smiled. “I would like that very much.” He glanced over at Tony, unable to hide his surprise and apparent elatedness that Steve was in fact a bottom, and also that his dick really was that huge.
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*** End NSFW Section***
So, that’s it for now! What do you think of part one? Do you like the partition for the SFW vs. NSFW content? What do you think will happen next? Part 2 takes place the next day. It will be coming soon! Probably tomorrow, or next week, depending on when I find time between work and school.
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imnevergonnagiveyouup · 6 years ago
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[yes my icons will just progressively get more and more ridiculous with the mun memes because it captures who i am just right awraxa]
NAME: Apollo! ALIAS(ES) / HANDLES: I have a discord, if interested please ask! I have two (2) other blogs that are not active/low activity and are upon request @thiefwho​ and @leoharted​ ARE YOU OVER 18? Yes / No IS YOUR MUSE? Yes / No WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED? I have no idea but I know its been a few years now or so?? 
   W R I T I N G
No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people)  /  Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people)  /  Private (mutuals only)
No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people)  /  Yes (some people) /  Highly (few people)  /  Private (mutuals only)
Not at all  /  A little (Headcanons)  /  Some  /  Mostly  /  Strictly  /  Not Applicable
One Liners  /  Single-Para  /  Multi-Para  /  Novella
No  /  Gifs  /  Icons  /  Yes {THIS IS SO FUNNY TO ME IT MAKES ME THINK OF THAT ONE MEME WHERE SOMEONE’S LIKE “so how much of this or that would you like?” and they answer with “yes” awraxa SHUT UP I’M STUPID I KNOW}
No  /  Yes (disrcod...... ..once in a blue moon does that happen though awraxa)
Unplotted  /  Open-Ended Plots (set up a meeting and see what happens)  /  Semi-Plotted (one or two steps ahead)  /  Fully Plotted Epics (plotted beginning, middle, and end)
Very Slow (more than a month)  / Slow (3-4 weeks)  /  Average (1-2 weeks)  /  Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days)  /  It depends (it depends...... ..a lot)
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!)
Fluff  /  Angst  /  Smut  /  Violence  /  Tragedy /  Domestic  /  Family  / Conversational / ADVENTURE / WELL-ROUNDED (BITS OF EVERYTHING ARE MY JAM OKAY I LOVE THESE THE MOST)
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!)
High Fantasy  /  Supernatural  /  Science Fiction  /  Historical  /  Horror  /  Comedy  /  Romantic [okay hear me out i think it’s great and cool and all and I love it but I don’t think I’m very good at romantic shit it’s why this is italicized and not bold but I do dig it and stuff]  /  Drama  /  Action  /  Adventure  /  Espionage
No  /  Yes  /  Sometimes / Besides that which should be obvious? No. p.s: i don’t have triggers per say but I don’t shy away from saying no when I know i’m not feeling something or it’ll just make me not comfy but generally I’m pretty chill
   S H I P P I N G
Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial / Enemies / ALL OF THEM
Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  / Enemies ( romance is a chemistry-must for me, not something i’ll just jump into sorry. )
No  /  Chemistry Only  /  Yes
No  /  Yes  
Heterosexual  /  Heteroflexible  /  Bisexual  /  Pansexual  /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual  /  Demisexual  /  Sapiosexual  /  Asexual 
Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  /  Biromantic /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic  /  Panromantic  /  Demiromantic  /  Sapioromantic  /  Aromantic / [cloud vc] what’s this romance you speak of?
No  /  Selectively  /  Yes ( chemistry in general and comfort zones are important to me for this awraxa I’M NOT VERY GOOD AT IT AND IT LIKE NEVER HAS HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE OKAY UNTIL...... ..RECENTLY *heart eyes @ @kissafist* )
Autoship  /  During plotting  /  *After a couple IC interactions  /  *Several IC interactions  /   slow burn  /  Never ( * meaning if the chemistry is there and we both feel it. neither rare nor common, it happens and I love it regardless. )
No  /  Selectively  /  Yes   
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (incest, canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.)
Only to the “complicated” part, other than that strikes on everything else.
*No  /  Selectively  /  Yes   ( I have issues seeing cloud with more than one person, not because I don’t think it’s possible more because of who and how he is as a character, the whole shipping scene is a complicated and tangled mess of things for him in general but as it stands right now I can’t really see him in that type of thing. )
Never  /  Sometimes  /  Yes (once i ship with one (1) version of a muse then I won’t ship with another of that same muse)
No  /  Yes [it can awraxa hasn’t yet though but it’s open!]
tagged by, the cool and chill @verumace (thanks!) tagging, anybody! please go for it!
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vigorous-vagabond · 8 years ago
Roleplay Preferences Sheet!
Tagged by stole from: @redjaybird (;0)
Please repost, do not reblog!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones, bold all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– B A S I C S –
NAME:  Ruvik ARE YOU OVER 18?  Yes / No IS YOUR MUSE?  Yes / No WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED?  Last Summer, I only just started using it however.
– W R I T I N G –
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only) / Sideblog
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / NA
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para (rarely) / Novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Yes
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / Open-Ended Plots (set up a meeting and see what happens) / Semi-Plotted(one or two steps ahead) / Fully Plotted Epics (plotted beginning, middle, and end)
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week) / Very Fast (less than three days) 
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Violence / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Conversational
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic /Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage (bolded regarding this muse)
ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? (not triggers) No / Yes (really depends on how I feel)
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial (canon) / Familial (OCs) / Romantic (OCs)
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial (canon) / Familial (OCs)
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No (not with this muse anyway) / Chemistry Only / Yes
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Pansexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual (grey-asexual)
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic /Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic (grey-aromantic)
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During plotting / After a couple IC interactions (rare) / Several IC interactions in /Slow burn / Never (not open to romantic ships)
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / Yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes (age difference will always be a no, otherwise please ask)
DOES CRACK SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? No / Yes (not yet but it could be funny and I’m open to it)
– T A G G I N G! –
Anyone who’d like to fill it out~
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