#funny joco song time :)))
popfizzles · 4 months
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I actually did this way back in 2021 and I'm UNSURE I ever posted it anywhere? it might have been a patreon exclusive sketch dump oopsie
ANYWAY i think they're fun together :) its a nice role-reversal to have Boba (or I guess, Wrath) be the one in charge.
[also the dialogue is actually the lyrics of Skullcrusher Mountain!!!]
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dxppercxdxver · 1 year
hello hello! in preparation for the opening of @tf2shipswag's oc bracket For Real i have written a vaguely persons-of-the-tale-esque bit of propaganda fiction in which our unwitting ocs experience a historical anachronism and discover they have been entered into the oc bracket! if you like early enemies to lovers and a tasteful dose of meta fiction (along with aggressively 18th century styled prose) you'll probably like this! i call it "there's such a thing as an author" or "persons of the tale But Worse"
Somewhere just to the left of the story well known, Samuel Mundy sat perched in the bay window, long legs stretched across the whorled-grain boards with languid content. Liquid summersong pooled in his lap with all the warmth of a loyal cat, golden and simple. The glass panes were thrown open to let in the comfort of the season—what little could be snatched from the jagged-toothed forest filled with the crack of gunfire, anyway—and he clutched a chipped china saucer in his fingers, picking at a fresh bread roll.
Gazing across the Manor’s ill-tended garden, Samuel sighed nearly dreamily, a reflexive smile playing across his cracked lips. For once, his little world was quiet, nary a disturbance to be found.
Of course, however, his peace was not destined to last, and Miss Pauling’s far off cry of, “Mail, boys!” roused the rabble from deep within the house’s corridors, who all came a-bustling with the energy of an anthill, and idle chatter filled the air, quickly snuffing the silence. Samuel, pointedly ensconced in his window-borne nest, merely watched his compatriots greet their friend and sponsor on the lawn as she distributed the sheaves of parchment and carefully tied packages amongst them. They were permitted some personal effects at their stations, which included a small allowance for assorted trinkets and treasures, and thus the days Miss Pauling ventured into town were filled with a quiet sort of excitement. Much as they were soldiers of a secret war, and trained for such, it grew dreadfully lonely and dreadfully threadbare.
This day, though… Something about it was different.
While the great majority of his fellows dispersed from the lawn as swiftly as they had come, their spy, Laurent, remained, conversing with Miss Pauling. Samuel could hardly make out a word at his distance, but his eyes were sharpened by his particular profession, and the feeling between their persons was a tense one. Her brows were furrowed sharply over the silvery frames of her spectacles, and Laurent’s hands formed clipped gestures at his sides. Whatever it was they spoke of, it hardly seemed a pleasant thing.
After mere moments more, Laurent plucked a paper from Miss Pauling’s elegantly gloved fingers and held it out before him, pursing his lips as he studied it, before shaking his head, offering Miss Pauling a crisp salute, and trudging across the lawn.
In what appeared to be Samuel’s direction.
Growling softly, Samuel wrinkled his nose, staring firmly down at his plate in some vain hope Laurent would pass him by, that the mysterious business he appeared so perturbed by was kind enough to leave Samuel alone. The last thing he needed was another catastrophe atop the neverending tumultuousness of his wartime existence.
In spite of his willing, Laurent’s infuriatingly smooth voice lilted into his ears with a weariness that belied an intent beyond an obligatory passing greeting, and Samuel found himself looking up to meet his tired gaze.
The warmer weather had done a kindness to the spy; his sallow complexion and skeletal frame were given a new life in the sun, and the embroidery in his suit shimmered like the finest of jewels. And still, Samuel couldn’t help but find him dour, unpleasant, and downright infectious in his discomfort. Almost in response to Laurent’s hardened grimace, Samuel shifted in his seat, his skin itching ‘neath his clothes.
When the acknowledgement of Laurent’s presence failed to dispel him from Samuel’s immediate company, he sighed, and turned to properly face the equally beleaguered spy, letting his boots sway loosely beneath him.
“Unless it’s business, I’m not interested,” he said brusquely, fixing Laurent with a firm stare that he returned with unflinching readiness. Pale eyes bored into his own as Laurent shook his parchment bounty open with a sharp flick of the wrist.
“While my present port of call has little to do with our current occupation,” he said, calm and measured, “I have a feeling you will want to see this.”
The paper was rough and worn, stained deep yellow with the wear of travel, and the ink splashed across it was coming off on his skin and the leather of his glove in small flakes, but there was no mistaking the printing.
At first, Samuel blanched, presuming it a call for their heads, but as he read, the fear curdled into something far more baffling. Taking up most of the page was a sketched rendition of the two of them—sniper and spy—stood side by side, illustrated Laurent flashing a wry smirk at his ink-bound companion that the drawing of Samuel readily returned. Bold typeface toward the top spelled out “WANTED” clear as day, although there was no reward attached. Twirling arrows pointed to Laurent and him in turn, annotating precisely who was whom. There was yet more type at the bottom, but Samuel had rather stopped processing exactly what it said by then, and handed the sheet back to Laurent with an incredulous scowl.
“What in the hell is this?”
As Laurent crisply refolded it and placed it in an inner pocket, he replied, “We appear to have been entered into some sort of tournament.”
“Tournament?” Samuel’s mind whirled, spiraling out endless possibilities, each one markedly worse than the last, “As in… fighting?”
“Mercy of mercies, I do not believe so,” Laurent mused, crossing his arms and glancing into the distance. “Even with my considerable skill, we would hardly stand a chance with you on our side.”
“Watch your tongue, Frenchie.” Livid, Samuel snapped, instinctively reaching for the machete at his side. “Don’t pretend you’re not glad of this as well.”
Laurent snorted. “Of course I am, but it is hardly a matter of cowardice.”
“Yeah? What is it, then?”
“I do not wish to dirty my suit,” Laurent sneered, mouth curved sharp as his knife. In that moment, Samuel wished for nothing more than to knock that wretched expression from his face, but resorted instead to knotting his fist in the fabric of his shirt. It certainly would not do to lose his composure so early and in a place so visible to his superior, but oh how he longed to rattle Laurent around, maybe beat some sense into him along the way.
Samuel rolled his eyes. “Fine. If we’re not to be fighting, what exactly are we meant to be doing?”
“If I am interpreting the missive correctly,” Laurent said, smoothing the fine hairs of his wig, “it is really less of a gladiatorial affair, and more of a… popularity contest.”
“Oh.” Cocking his head, Samuel let the implications wash over him, feeling his body recoil in the wake. “Oh.”
“Strange, is it not?” Taking a deep breath, Laurent shrugged slow and deliberate. “Still, I suppose I might consider myself at an advantage. I have many a desirable quality to be considered…” He trailed off, but Samuel was suddenly alight with energy.
Held in his hands was the opportunity to be absolutely devilish, and he seized it with vigor.
“Oh, really?” he said, feigning innocence. “Like what?”
Laurent whirled, eyebrow raised in sharp relief. “Is this a joke?”
“No.” Samuel poured as much sincerity into his voice as he could, leaning forward with earnest. “You see, we’ve been friends for so long—” he stifled a laugh, “—and I’d never even realized! Please, tell me about these ‘desirable qualities,’ I would love to hear all about them, and at the greatest of lengths.”
For a long, terrible pause, Laurent only stared, and Samuel faintly worried he was about to receive a length of cold steel across the throat or wedged between his ribs, but then Laurent’s cheeks flared red beneath his powder, and his mouth hung agape.
“You— you arse!” he snarled, seizing Samuel by the cravat and drawing their faces close. “You would do well to mind your manners, bushman. I do not abide mockery, nor do I suffer a fool, and you, sir, are a prime example. Remember this, lest I be forced to remind you.” With this, he drew his suit back, revealing the delicately tooled sheath for his beloved dagger. Samuel swallowed, thought up every prayer he could, and grinned wolfishly, fiddling with Laurent's elegant sleeve cuff.
“Wouldn’t want to get this dirty, would you?”
Laurent’s nostrils flared, his breath hot on Samuel’s lips, before he released him, pushing him back roughly and huffing, indignant. Samuel massaged his neck, relief coursing through his veins. A scant few feet away, Laurent stood in profile, nearly serene if not for the subtle movement of mute, furious speech.
“Nice talking to you,” Samuel said cheerfully, and, strange as anything, Laurent actually laughed. It was a brief, choked thing, barely identifiable as humor, if not for the smile playing across his face.
“You, sniper,” he said, reaching out and taking a bite of Samuel’s bread roll, “are a ridiculous, ridiculous man.” With this last remark, he about-faced and trudged across the lawn, spine ramrod straight and be-ribboned hair flouncing against his back.
“I know you are, but what am I?” Samuel called after him, and Laurent retorted with a sharp, “Go fuck yourself!” which Samuel could only meet with a thrown bread roll. It collided with the back of Laurent’s head with a satisfying muffled thunk, and Samuel cackled as Laurent let loose a long stream of French obscenities, harshly adjusting his wig so rudely whacked askew.
“I hope you know I despise you,” Laurent hissed once he had deemed himself presentable, and disappeared inside the house with the slam of the heavy oaken door.
“Yeah, yeah, hate you too,” Samuel said. Tucking his legs back into his window seat, he inhaled the lively summer air, and discovered he could not stop his beaming.
[as ever, flintlock fortress is a collaboration with @chiropteracupola]
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kingdomoftyto · 1 year
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Made a rough scale of some musical comedians / comedic musicians and how much their songs make me genuinely worry about their mental wellbeing
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good-morning-tucson · 10 months
madelaine - i don’t know what the point or meaning of this song is. but i think i understand it anyway. by that i mean every time i listen to it i understand it less. i like how he says madelaine.
when you go - there are very few songs that make me cry. but this is one of two joco specific songs that does it. the way its written to leave whether its family, friend, or a significant other either leaving or dying gets me every time. the a capella is done so well i forget that’s what it is. i could write an entire separate piece on the lyrics. Good song!
code monkey - THIS IS A SIN BUT CODE MONKEY WAS NEVER ONE OF MY FAVORITES. it’s cute. it deserves to be a joco staple. but i don’t know man. i could still fuck this up at joco karaoke. jocaraoke. i also like it significantly more when i’m listening to it than when i think about it
the presidents - i think this song is really funny. i have nothing to say about it outside of that. the ending makes me giggle. his voice sounds fun in this too i can’t put my finger on why.
just as long as me - i like this song and like. nothing more. i think it’s cute. nice fiddle. i love joco songs that are straightforward silly weirdness like this
till the money comes - gold digger divorce joco is so real. i think i like this song more than i should. i like when songs have two people who are both jerks for no real good reason. him going “ugghh oww” at the end is him tripping over his bass <3
tom cruise crazy - this song is SO funny to me. all of joco’s other songs are normal but this has the double whammy of a gay joke AND the r slur. and the whole idea and concept is super amusing. thank you joco!
famous blue raincoat - i listen to this song when i have a bad headache. his voice is very pretty. i don’t have much else because this is a cover song
soft rocked by me - JOCO SEX‼️‼️‼️‼️ i love how live performances of this are done with paul and storm. i think it’s very cute. :) i could DESTROY this at a jocaraoke night. this song is the epitome of freaking it sensitive style
not about you - THIS SONG WOULD MAKE AN INSANE OC/SHIP ANIMATIC. does anyone else see the vision. he was so real for this one. this is definitely a breakup song, but i see it like. an anti love song yknow
rock and roll boy - i can never remember this song exists. but i don’t dislike it. i think it’s very cute and very silly. i like the funny vocals joco does the most. thank you rock and roll boy
drinking with you - this song is inherently queer to me. i know it’s written as straight but this song is very gay in my eyes. i think it’s all of the painful yearning. and also the yearning is spreading to me (a gay man)
pizza day - this song fills me with emotions around a childhood memory i don’t even have. i love this song but i never listen to it. thank you joco thank you pizza day
i think i can firmly say that things a week 2 and 3 are tied for my favorite. if you ask me my top favorite it’d change by day. this one feels a lot more somber than the past two, despite it also being full of comedic songs. i enjoy it a lot. :)
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tetsunabouquet · 9 months
Because @evelhak said she'd be interested in hearing Dutch parodies and funny folk songs, I will hereby share some of our funny music. First up, we have some classics of musical parodies in Dutch.
This is a lyric video to a famous Dutch parody on Basshunter's Boten Anna. It's very nostalgic to me because of how it is low-key jumpstyle and that was such a dance craze when I was growing up.
The aforementioned parody that reframes the Dutch love song, 'Ademloos' (breathless) to be about a frustrated mistress who is fed up with her lover and just wants him to go back to his wife. Waardeloos means worthless, and throughout the song they roast him including an entire bridge just comprised of words ending with 'loos' such as hopeloos (hopeless) and smakeloos (tasteless). I am willing to bet my money Izuki Shun from KNB and Joco from Shaman King would appreciate this bridge. It is sung by three Dutch drag queens, which gives this song a layer of gay to. (I wanted to share the video to a more recent parody that got quite big, which is Ponkers doing Justin Bieber's Sorry but it is age restricted. IDK why, perhaps it is the Justin persona having sung about accidentally killing Selena's Gomez cat that he pretends to bury at the beach and touching on the disturbing cut 4 Bieber thing). Some funny Dutch folk songs:
The aforementioned song about the woman who loses her panties at the pub which she suspects to be stolen by the owner and she laments how cold her ass is. (Cor is Toos' husband who plays the accordion, before anyone wonders wtf the dude is as only the woman sings) (also, considering the name appeared twice, to anyone wondering how to pronounce 'Toos', it is like 'Toast' but without the t at the end)
Sung by Connie Schouman, this is 'Een Beetje Geld Voor Een Beetje Liefde' meaning 'A Little Bit of Money For A Little Bit Of Love'. This comes from a collection of Dutch old dirty songs. Obviously from the song's title, this song is about a prostitute with lyrics such as 'Wanneer je me zoekt, ik zit in de yab-yum, verdien dan mijn boterham met mijn tum-tum' which means, 'When you are looking for me, I am at the Yab Yum, where I earn my money with my tum-tum. ' I love that rhyme so much. (Yab Yum was an old famous brothel and tum-tum are Dutch candy produced by Lemco. They're especially popular during winter season with bags of Dutch holiday candy such as pepernoten mixed with tum tums. Tum tum gummies are my 2nd favorite type of gummies in the world and minor confession time, but when I wrote in that one headcanong of Murasakibara getting addicted to cannabis candy as an young adult I felt that because cannabis based tum tums are my fucking kryptonite).
This is a little less folk but it is a comedic song sung by famous Dutch comedian, actor and singer Wim Sonneveld. He is regarded as one of the big 3 of the Dutch cabaret after the WWII period. Tiny bit of trivia, but my grandmother loved this song and named my mom after it. So every time I listen to this song I am grinning at the lyrics with warmth because Margootje's stubborn and silly nature does reflect on my mom.
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ergothereforethus · 1 year
Rules: shuffle your repeat playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten ppl (thanks @when-did-this-become-difficult !)
1. Creepy Doll - Jonathan Coulton. Listened to this one a bunch after I saw a creepy doll in a shop window
2. Sister Golden Hair - Jonathan Coulton. This is one of those covers that adds nothing to the original. It's a purely lateral move
3. Dancing in the Dark - Lucy Dacus
4. We're All Gonna Die - Joy Oladokun (with Noah Kahan)
5. vivir en los dosmil - Gala Nell
6. Dog Bite - Stella Birdie. This is one of those songs that is really like 2 songs. The first half I tolerate to get to the second half
7. Bug Like an Angel - Mitski
8. Heartbreak Feels So Good - Fall Out Boy. Funny because I've been skipping this one every time it comes on lately since this was a rare album my ex and I both actually liked
9. Sister Golden Hair - America. It's kind of like the joco version
10. Nemeses - Jonathan Coulton (feat. John Roderick). Lots of joco on here. I love his silly songs<3
Tagging @sweetwateriver @ionlycareaboutyou @quinnmorgendorffer @nontrivialproof
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skater110599 · 6 years
A Music Tag
I was tagged weeks ago by @sana-halla and @smileyrametta to do two similar music challenges. I’m finally getting around to it!
One was for 10 songs on shuffle (no skipping), and one was that plus a favorite lyric from each song, sooooo yeah! That’s what I’m doing. Also a short commentary bc I don’t know how to not talk.
My jams playlist has such a variety of songs! You never know what you’re gonna get.... let’s go.
Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra
this song is just so happy and optimistic and I love it. Also! fun fact: this is what I skated to for my first solo in one of our shows <3
"See how the sun shines brightly in the city / in the streets where once was pity / Mr. Blue Sky is living here today”
More Than Words - Extreme
lol this one is definitely on my playlist because of Skam
“What would you say if I took those words away?”
Love Me - The 1975
and this one is from Love, Simon haha I don’t really know the words
“I’m just with my friends online” bc that’s a mood
L’ultimo giorno della Terra - Thegiornalisti
Ooooof I promise I have lots of songs that aren’t from tv shows or movies..... this one isn’t actually in Skam Italia but someone recommended it and I liked it
I don’t know any of the words.... but it’s a nice song?
Håper du har plass - Cezinando
another Skam song aaldksjfj
“Jeg kommer hjem igjen / Hva enn som var hjemme igjen”
Let’s Hear It for the Boy - Deniece Williams
this one is just a classic Footloose jam
“and maybe he sings off-key / but that’s alright by me”
I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
so... funny thing...... someone used this in a Skam fanfic and that’s what led me to add this song to my playlist. Maybe I have more Skam-related songs than I thought....
“Woke up... from this dream where she was trying to show me / how a life can move from the darkness”
Something I Need - OneRepublic
finally! I’ve loved this song and this band since long before Skam
“I stayed awake and stared at you / so I wouldn’t lose my mind”
Smile - Mikky Ekko
from the Paper Towns trailer! That trailer kept me going for months before the movie finally came out gosh
“I wanna be somewhere away from this place / and somewhere just a little closer to grace”
Wherever I Go - OneRepublic
their first single after Native came out 2 years prior... I listened to this song on repeat when it first came out
“some people lie, but they’re looking for magic”
anddddd we’ll do 5 more with no lyrics just bc I got tagged twice and I feel like it
All This Time - Jonathan Coulton
JoCo calls himself “kind of a niche artist”. It’s true but I love him.
Vi er perfekt men verden er ikke det - Cezinando
another Cezinando song from Skam season 4 that makes me emo
Old 45s - Chromeo
my friends recced this to me and it’s a jam
Good Morning Tucson - Jonathan Coulton
another JoCo!! I don’t understand any of his songs but they’re really nice to listen to
Farlig - No. 4
JAMMMM!! I discovered No. 4 from Skam but I love their music so much. I have put them on shuffle for my hour drives to and from school so many times. Also, one of the few foreign languages songs that I actually know all of the words to.
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good-morning-tucson · 11 months
i plan on doing this for every joco album. at least the studio ones. i’ve done this for other artists so i got this. WHOOPEE!
see you all in hell - i kind of view this one as a bit of a nothing song given how it’s one of the automated voice sample ones. but it makes my brain feel really nice. thank you jonathan.
my monkey - i came around on this song big time. i like thinking of it as an argument, or post argument, or some kind of hardship and using it as a way to apologize to a partner or loved one of some sort. very cute. 
w’s duty - man. i can’t come up with anything. ask me about this one later. 9/11.
shop vac - GOD DAMN. BOY HOWDY. shop vac makes me EVIL. i think it’s painfully good at describing what it sets out to, and as someone who was in a similar situation, it makes me want to cram a .44 in my skull in the nicest way. thanks mr. coulton!
baby got back - honestly. this one just makes me think of my best friend/gay lover aspen. joco’s baby got back is ingrained into my brain as aspencore. based and aspenpilled. aspenmaxxed. his mom was mad that it’s good.
someone is crazy - he was so real for this one. it would go crazy as a late night road trip song with some good pals. he was insanely real for this one. i really like how he frames the subject of the song and the language he uses to address them. have i mentioned how real he is?
brand new sucker - i like viewing this as both a breakup between two people, using creative language and such, and also just as like. a vampire or a blood sucking insect partner of some kind. he was CRAZY for “everybody says you shouldnt be a stranger but everybody likes it better that way”
sibling rivalry - i don’t have much to say? it makes me imagine two siblings that desperately want to reconnect and be close again but both have something stopping them from doing so? i dont know. it fills me with a weird amount of anxiety.
the town crotch - this one also grew on me a TON. the town crotch makes me long for something that never was and never will be. i think about the accompanying tidbit and joco being into tall and dangerous women frequently
podsafe christmas song - joco yelling got me feeling some type of way
My lawyer told me to apologize for that previous statement.
furry old lobster - this song makes my brain shut off. i like his voice in this. :)
drive - THIS SONG MAKES ME FREAK. i know its his least favorite song but oooooh little monkey brain is Thrilled with the Fun Music by the Funny Man. im sure if i could drive i would also feel like sexy
overall, thing a week 1 is pretty danged solid. no immediate skips, but only one of these songs (shop vac) is really outstanding to me. i think it’s definitely a great kick-off to thing a week as a whole, though.
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