#funhaus AU
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joltning · 11 months ago
i think im understanding your geotah obsession .... rewatching rvb (again) and i got attached to PEAKE. FUCKING PEAKE ARE YOU SERIOUSSSS . oh my god. theres no food for him at ALLLLL i hate it here
oh wow maybe I really should write the slipspace x fh57 au then /j
Tbh i immediately became less interested in them when I found out they were jsut a funhaus ref and the characters were based on them but now that I think about it that’s like all the rvb cast they’re just a big ass rooster teeth reference at this point /j
nothing will get you more obsessed with a character than s14 limited screentime and content
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apathmakerstale · 1 year ago
I woke up from a nap and found out one of the foundational pillars of my youth shut down. Damn.
Rooster Teeth was my lifeblood as a teen, and I’ve been a fan from the first time I saw Tex vs RnB’s. RWBY is what made me starting writing. I remembered the exact time I started actually writing down my ideas, Feb 2, 2015 at 3:52 pm after confirmation study, a day after I learned Monty passed. It was a RWBY OC fic that I stopped after I remembered their words to stop focusing on other people’s work and work on your own to build your own brand. I still have it- the writing is meh though -and my first drawings were RWBY characters like the ones below. I owe my artistic creation to that. Maybe I'll post that first fic one day too.
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That gave me the time to build up a portfolio of original writing that I will soon be publishing online for myself. It inspired me and still does to this day as I enjoy RWBY and hope it will be finished.
I still listen to Gold, the music from RWBY just inspires such a sense of love from me. It can make me well with tears- which is not something easy do. I was apart of the RWBY WIKI! Back when we called Yang Yellow, and speculated White would be a cold high lady type and not girlfail. The Speculation House was my house. It was the first time I posted anything on the internet.
Anyway I was a superfan like from 2013-16 I lived and breathed the company, I watched every video, every channel, every podcast, I lived and breathed it. From Cow Chop, Sugar Pine, Funhaus, Gamefails etc. Achievement Hunter was why I came home from school to watch videos. I remember why RTX was a fandom wide event, and every single panel had mind-blowing information about something I loved. I was there for the first GTA V gameplay, and the first video on Let's Play. I have such a distinct memory of sitting down one Friday after school with a bowl of chef boyardee on a cheap white desk covered by a blue rag and chipped dark blue bowl, looking up at the ps3 3d wall-mounted tv, and watching the first Capture the Tower in Minecraft with such glee. It was my childhood.
I followed the King AU fan comic series on here and the FAKE AH crew AU. I was that heavy into it.
I READ A FEW REAL PEOPLE FICS. I was that deep. I've never done that for anyone else even in my deepest fandom days.
I remember being so excited when them and Yogscast paired up, they being another pillar and like them I am still a fan. Those TTT episodes are something special to me.
Like any company it had its flaws, and I remember every single controversy. Every. Single. One. God. I've diminished to someone who just keeps up with podcasts like F**ckFace and Red Web but I still called myself a fan. It was a foundation for me and a stabilizing influence when I was younger. I sincerely hope that the talented people there get help for this.
It only inspires my hatred of Warner Brothers more.
It actually does feel like a chapter has closed and I don't know how to feel about that.
Anyway here's Gold for your heart.
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nahsoupbitch · 8 years ago
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gta 5 au aesthetics/inspo for a dumb fanfic [15/?] >> FakeHaus
“They don’t call themselves a gang. They have no official leader. They’re just a group of people hellbent on making money and fucking things up along the way. Los Santos may have been a shitty city, but they make the best of it the only way they know how. They’re unafraid to do what Geoff of the Fake AH Crew put a strict ban against. Running coke through the city was their specialty, and Bruce made it known in the underground that they weren’t about to give it up just because Geoff said so. They did whatever they wanted to because they could, and it’s because of this reckless, disorganized logic that The Fake AH Crew deemed them their sworn rivals. Both crews continue to claw at each other for the crown and gain total control over the streets. The FakeHaus Crew wouldn’t have it any other way, to be honest. They get to wreak havoc and leave devastation in their wake.”
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pacificrey · 8 years ago
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It Isn’t Fair - A playlist for @bugjjuice's Funhaus zombie AU (mostly because I love it and this is like the only way I can show my love) 
Halsey - Now or Never // Wye Oak - Civilian // Fall Out Boy - Just One Yesterday // Heavy Young Heathens - House of the Rising Sun // X-Ambassadors - Unsteady // Rag’n’Bone - Human // Lorde - Liability // Daughter - Run // OneRepulblic - Let’s Hurt Tonight // Peter Gabriel - Heroes // Lee DeWyze - Blackbird Song
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fuckyeahrtfanfic · 6 years ago
Heya! I was wondering if there's any Lawrence/Reader or Lawrence centric fanfics out there ? They're dead rare ! Thank youu 🤙
Path found you a few that we don’t think are on the blog!
Reader Insert
I’ll Catch You by ThnksfrthMmrs121
Summary: A heist takes a turn and (Y/N) has to be saved by Lawrence. Lawrence/Reader [N] [PG13]
WC: 488
[Tags: Funhaus, AU (GTA), Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort]
Happy to see me? By jessicalives
Summary: Tumblr prompt! instead of lester its Lawrence who helps criminal reader/ flirts with. Lawrence/Reader [F] [PG13]WC: 3,257
[Tags: Funhaus, AU (GTA), Hurt/Comfort]
- Path, featuring the formatting and posting powers of Ave
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nether--prince · 7 years ago
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a commission i did for the wonderful @kovntag! it’s his monster au, which i help on 
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mavinsheartbeat · 7 years ago
My Side Blogs
@fahcpattillo - Fahc Jack blog💖
@fakecrewbabe - Fake Chop, Fakehaus, Fake Ah and FakePine blog❤️
@fahctreyco - Fahc Trevor blog💞
@chainstoneraleks - Cow Chop blog 🔥
@slowmodan - Slow Mo Guys/Dan the Man blog💙
@funhausmirror - Funhaus blog 💛
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diyvampyrism · 8 years ago
so theres a fake ah crew, fakehaus, and fake chop does this mean fake pine 7 or fake pine crew???
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dangerous-eyes-official · 7 years ago
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orphanbrigade · 8 years ago
Home Alone 2
Orphan Brigade [Baby Years]: The story of how an infamous crime lord became the guardian of three children and a teenager.
Continuation Of Home Alone
[Trigger Warning: Guns]
Geoff sighed with relief as they stepped of their plane. They were spending the week in Miami and he couldn’t wait to relax. He had been looking forward to this holiday for months.
Guiding their little group to the baggage claim, Geoff grabbed the first bag, which was marked with various bear stickers. 
Geoff passed it to Jack. “Give this to Michael.”
Jack passed it to Ryan. “Give this to Michael for me? Thanks.”
Ryan passed it down to Gavin. “Give this to Michael.”
Gavin passed it to Ray. “This is Micoo’s.” 
Ray turned to pass the bag to Michael, but no-one was there. “He’s not here.” He said as he passed it back to Gavin.
Gavin pulled at Ryan’s jacket to get his attention. “Micoo isn’t here.” He said as he passed the bag back.
“Michael’s not here.” Ryan sighed as he passed the bag to Jack.
“...Geoff. Michael's not here.” Jack stated quietly.
“....FUCK!” Geoff exclaimed. “Not again!” 
Meanwhile Michael looked up at the Statue of Liberty, a determined look on his face. “It’s okay. This is just New York. I’m from Jersey. I can handle this.” He told himself as he headed towards the nearest hotel. 
Luckily for Michael, Geoff had asked him to keep a hold of his backpack before they boarding the plane. Which meant that Michael had Geoff’s wallet. He managed to use Geoff’s ID and wallet to pay for the most expensive suite in the hotel. 
He spent the next day exploring the city. He excitedly searched the toy store, buying gifts for Ray and Gavin. 
“Where did you get all that money?”  The man behind the till asked with a bemused smile. 
“…I have a lot of grandmothers.” Michael improvised as he stuffed a handful of bills into the collection tin for the Childrens Hospital. 
“Hey.” Lawrence tapped James to get his attention, they had been wandering around the toy store for an hour now, planning out their latest heist. “Isn’t that one of the Fake AH brats?” 
“Oh shit. It is!” James gasped, the Fake AH Crew had quite the reputation, but the Funhaus Crew had a personal vendetta to settle. The last time they had gone head to head, the Vagabond had killed Kovic and Bruce. “Let’s grab him.”
Lawrence grabbed James shoulder. “Let’s get him outside, you know, where there are no security cameras.”
“Good idea.” James smirked, exiting the building to wait for Michael. 
“Hello Son.” Lawrence's hand clasped down on Michael’s shoulder as he passed them. Lawrence knew from past experience that he didn’t want to draw too much attention to themselves in public and normally kids would just go along with whatever. 
Michael however, wasn’t an average kid. “Who the fuck are you?”
“I’m a friend of Geoff’s.” He smiled as reassuringly as he could. “He sent us to pick you up.”
“Yeah? What’s the code word?” Michael folded his arms across his chest.
“Code word?”
“Get the fuck out of here.” Michael shook his head. “Geoff didn’t send you.” He turned to leave but James grabbed his wrist. 
“Listen here you little shit-”
Michael knew that he wasn’t strong enough to get away. So he did the only thing he could do. He screamed. 
Heads started to turned and James quickly let go of his arm, which gave Michael enough time to run away. 
Lawrence and James spent the rest of their day hunting Michael down. They eventually found which suite he was staying in and broke in around midnight. 
The plan was simple, grab the kid then take him back to their headquarters. Having one of the Fake Ah kids would be great leverage in the future. 
They soon spotted Michael asleep on the king sized bed. There were two other boys in bed with him as well. 
“Jackpot.” James gasped when he realised all three of the Fake AH kids were there. 
“Where did they come from..?” Lawrence wondered. At that moment a gun was pointed to his temple. 
“I’m going to need you to back the fuck up away from my sons.” Geoff snarled. 
“Shit.” James raised his own gun but it was too late, the Vagabond was already stood behind him. 
“I’d shoot you right now, but I don’t want to wake the lads up.” The voice behind the mask stated. “So we’re going to take a little trip up to the roof.” He explained, firmly shoving James out of the door, Geoff followed along with Lawrence while Jack looked over the sleeping lads.
“No-one threatens our boys and lives.” 
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oathofsecrets · 5 years ago
For what is welcomed and allowed, 
Let’s Players, Streamers/Youtuber’s, (example: Minecraft players, Markiplier, Funhaus, RoosterTeeth, etc), and OC(s) are welcomed!
As well as any mythical creature from greek, roman, and/or rumoured, but it has to be set in the past, rather than the present day kind. The roleplay is ONLY set in medieval times and is fantasy based, hence why mythical and mystical things are allowed.
Oath of Secrets is for anyone, but due to the need of a bio template for which muse(s) you’ll be using, the discord server is invite only.
In submit there is a template of what should be put in the bio when you send it here or on Discord if you DM me.
my DIscord by the way is: goat banana#4495
Only message me on Discord if Tumblr isn’t being friendly and if you cannot get the template. There is a mobile friendly post of it as well that’s connected to a Google Doc, there you can copy and paste it and edit it to your needs as you type in the correct information about the muse that you’re wanting to use for the roleplay.
As for muse wise, there is a reserve and a taken list, if you’re wanting to reserve a character before writing the bio, feel free to tell me who it is and i’ll write a post talking about the reserve and how long it’ll take before it expires, but for taken, i’ll either message you about it or you could scroll down and see the posts that say the character who’s taken by somebody else.
This is all the information for now, but as I said before, feel free to message me here or Discord if there’s any concerns or questions about the Roleplay.
Thank You.
A fresh new start to Oath of Secrets is about to happen. With the still lingering members, we’ve settled to start reviving the whole server once again. Whether or not things will stay the same or become different throughout the period, it’ll still be a welcoming roleplaying server for anyone that’s interested in a fantasy/medieval au.
But for a new introduction,
Oath of Secrets is settled in the past, where medieval knights, royals, outsiders, clef-hooved, web-footed and mythical/rumoured creatures roam the cobble-town, New Cresthill. Any fantastical being has stepped foot onto the stoned area, somewhere abode the outskirts or in-skirts of the newly found lands; many either seeking havoc or to help with the poor town.
With the new type of creatures surrounding New Cresthill, there is no doubt of mistreatment in the area’s as humans and non-human beings had never been quite at peace with each other’s existence, but that could all change with just a few outsiders being friends rather than foes to those that are unknown to the public eye..
New Cresthill is an ancient, forgotten town that lingers with stoned, hidden grounds and many different architectures that fill in the empty spaces of the town’s enviroment. The place is filled with different antiques, homes for those in need, and wanderers that have made themselves known around New Cresthill’s township. Stables, bars, brewery, and much more, have all made their home downtown in the town-square for citizen or passerby to check. Without the founders of the mystical place though, the lands would be destroyed by nature’s wrath due to the lack of liability and stability with the structures. But throughout the months, new pieces have been connected and New Cresthill is becoming a bigger republic for newcomers upon the ancient grounds.
Forest and seashores rest on the lands around New Cresthill, which makes it unique for its own being as well. It’s the motherland and the heart of those who stay put on the grassy plains and the creaking woodlands that lead to a deep, dark and foggy corner of the forest where the unknown is kept and those who step foot, get lost within seconds.
The province is full of wonders that are still to be found, and those who are brave enough to walk foot into the unknown territories of nature, will be the outstanding’s of New Cresthill’s population.
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pythmaw · 8 years ago
Working on some VERY fun stuff that I'll hopefully finish by tomorrow or Thursday. It's gonna be p big
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fakeahblue · 8 years ago
FAHC blog here!
Hey y’all!
My dash is hella dead and so if you’re interested in everything Fake AH Crew from aesthetic based picture sets to au’s and headcannons - hmu! If you post anything:
ah headcannons
ah au’s
ah fics
anything b team
anything including ray/tina
own drawings / fics
rebloggings of other peoples ah stuff
pretty much just anything RT
like this post and i will follow you back <3
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pacificrey · 8 years ago
Just Give Me This (Zombie AU)
“This is it. isn’t it? This is the end.”
When the apocalypse arrived, it was merciless. Adam knew that far too well. 
Tags: Character Death, general gore 
Inspired by the amazing @bugjjuice ‘s funhaus zombie AU (I really wanted to try and write something) 
X (AO3 link)
The streets are overrun. Adam is glad that him and Lawrence were able to get out before the worst hit. The protest had turned into a riot, which had turned into a full on civilian massacre. As soon as they realized some of the people were infected, the police were just shooting blindly into the crowd. Turned or not, people began running, causing more panic. The police were getting attacked by the infected. Rioters began to throw Molotov’s. The smell of burning flesh is something Adam would not forget. Lawrence and him had managed to slip out a side street and wind their way back to Lawrences apartment. It was getting darker now, but the streets were illuminated by trash fires and the flashing of gunshots. They snuck in the back, and Lawrence immediately began to barricade the door as Adam slipped in. Adam ran over to the windows, pulling the shades. 
“Is this really happening?” Adam choked out. Lawrence glanced back at him, then went back to pushing the dresser in front of the door.
“Is that a rhetorical question or…?” 
“Lawrence this isn’t funny. Those were innocent people that the police gunned down.” Adam raised his voice, pointing outside. 
“Yeah ok! This is real! It’s happening! THE APOCALYPSE!” Lawrence was yelling in Adam’s face now, and Adam took a step back. The veins bulged out of Lawrence’s forehead, and he had a sickly yellow sheen to him that illuminated briefly as the fires filtered in through the window. This anger was unnatural, even for Lawrence. There was suddenly a crash from outside and both men froze. There wasn’t another sound, so they relaxed a little. 
“Lawrence,” Adam whispered, “I’m sorry to get you worked up like that.”
“NO! It’s not fucking ok!” Lawrence was yelling full volume now. Adam tried to shush him, but it seemed to just make him angrier. “It’s the fucking end of the world!” At that, something was pushing at the door, growling and snarling. Adam jumped, but Lawrence just rolled his eyes. Adam saw that the anger was still in his eyes.
“Lawrence, c’mon,” Adam breathed, barely forcing out a whisper, trying to lead him to the bathroom. Lawrence begrudgingly took his hand, and they tiptoed to the bathroom, locking the door behind them. Adam collapsed on the tile floor, forcing himself deep into the corner of the room. Lawrence sat down with his back against the door.
The house was silent. They could hear the muffled shuffling outside, but even the gunshots seemed to have stopped, at least for now. And in the calm, Adam began to cry softly. It began with a few sniffles, and then the tears began to fall down his face, splashing onto his jeans. 
“It’s not true, is it?” He was sobbing now. “Tell me you didn’t get bit.” Lawrence’s eyes were misty. He lifted his pant leg, and even in the poor lighting of this side bathroom, Adam could make out the distinctive bite mark, which was now red and inflamed. 
“We had made it out of the main crowd.” Lawrence started, avoiding eye contact with Adam. “I…I lost you for a moment. And I stopped, stopped just for a second to look around to find you, and,” Lawrence’s voice broke. “And one of those fuckers had their teeth around my ankle.” Adam knew what was going to come next. 
Both of them did. 
“I won’t do it,” Adam shook his head, his eyes red. Lawrence crawled over to him, placing his hands on his shoulders. 
“You have to.” Lawrence looked into his eyes, and Adam could see the pain. “You know that I can’t be saved now.” 
“You don’t know that.” Adam pleaded. The crying was getting worse. “I don’t want to kill my friend.” Lawrence gripped Adam’s shoulders tighter. 
“But I will kill you if you don’t.” Lawrence’s voice was so matter-of-fact. Adam knew this. 
“Can…can we please decide in the morning?” Adam begged, and Lawrence smiled. 
“Sure.” Lawrence pulled Adam into a hug as tears pooled in his eyes.
Lawrence knew he didn’t have that long.
Adam’s sniffles soon trailed off, and he was fast asleep, wrapped around Lawrence’s arms. As gently as possible, Lawrence untangled himself from Adam, and quickly wrapped him in a blanket. Adam shifted in his sleep, but showed no signed of waking. Satisfied, Lawrence got to work.
Adam awoke to a pounding on the door. Jerked awake, he realized he was alone.  Adam stood abruptly, scanning the room, looking for Lawrence. The banging subsided, and Adam glanced under the curtains. The sun was barely peaking over the horizon, illuminating the carnage of the street. The banging started up again, and Adam turned to the door, looking around for some kind of weapon. The bathroom was empty. Wearily, he crept to the door, and softly called out. 
“Lawrence?” A growling answered. “Lawrence,” Adam repeated, but his voice trailed off at the end. He cracked open the bathroom door, peaking out into the hallway. It was clear. Adam opened the door more, listening for any footsteps or noises. It was quiet again. “Lawrence?” Adam called out, louder this time. He was answered again by a loud growling. Just go, Adam thought to himself. You know what you’re going to find. Adam treaded as silently as he could down the hallway, the blanket wrapped around his shoulders. The growling and banging were coming from Lawrence’s room. No, no, no, no… Adam reached the door, and the banging ceased. There was a note taped to the door:
Dear Adam, I’m so sorry I had to say goodbye like this, but it’s the only way that would ensure that you live. Please leave me. By the time you read this, I’ll already be completely infected, and I’ll be as good as dead. I’m so sorry. I love you, Lawrence PS - I left you a backpack full of food and supplies that might come in handy in the kitchen. 
Adam wanted to cry again. He couldn’t leave Lawrence in there. He reached for the door, but as soon as he touched the handle, the door shook on its frame, bending to the pushing of the undead behind it. Adam recoiled and shook his head. Defeated, he began walking to the kitchen. 
Lawrence was always the smarter one. He knew that there’s nothing Adam could do for him now. Adam grabbed the backpack and did a quick inventory. Some dried food, water, an emergency blanket and tons of medical supplies. Next to the bag, there was also a change of clothes and some running shoes. Adam put the bag down and picked up the clothes.  As he did, something clattered to the ground. A knife. A huge hunting knife. It must have been the only weapon that Lawrence could find in the house. Adam picked it up, feeling its weight, balancing it in his hand. He glanced back at Lawrence’s room. He would help Lawrence, end the suffering he was going through. 
No. He thought. 
I can’t kill my friend.
He put the knife back on the counter and changed his clothes, putting the extra pair in the backpack. He grabbed the knife and attached it to his belt, and swung on the backpack. The thumping of the door continued, in an almost rhythmic pattern. Adam tried to ignore it.
“It’s not him, its not him, it’s not Lawrence…” Adam kept repeating to himself. But he just still feel Lawrence’s arms wrapped around him, hear his voice trying to calm him in hushed tones last night. Adam screwed his eyes shut, but the thumping just seemed louder. He wiped the tears from his eyes. 
“Shut the fuck up!” He screamed at the monster. “You’re not him! Lawrence is dead!” His voice broke on the last word, partly out of strain and partly out of fear. Who knew if all the commotion would attract more of the undead. All Adam knew was that he had to leave. Now. He stopped at the door. Last chance. He thought.
Adam pushed out the back door, and the outside world was too bright, too alive, too mundane for what was happening. The sun was out, there were a few birds flying overhead. It didn’t feel like he had just left his friend for dead, or that his friend was more than likely a cannibalistic, mindless monster. Stop that. Adam thought to himself. It doesn’t matter how much I think about it, its still going to change anything. Might as well get used to it.
Adam ran around the corner, trying to come up with some kind of plan. He didn’t know if a car would be much use, especially if the highways were blocked. But he definitely wouldn’t last on foot, he knew he wasn’t fast enough.
After a few seconds hesitation, Adam decided on a car. The truck in the neighbors driveway had keys over the dashboard; he’d seen the girl get out of the car almost daily and stash them in the visor. He made a beeline for the truck. He reached the door, fumbling for the handle for a few moments before the door flung open. Adam jumped in, his hands shaking.
The keys.
Adam reached up, pulling down the visor and the truck keys fell into his lap. Something slammed into his window, making Adam jump. A bloody mass of flesh and teeth where pressed up against the window, its mouth opening and closing, trying to gnaw its way through the glass,. It’s rotten hands were reaching through the crack in the top of the window, and Adam started up the truck as fast as possible. The infected was reaching further in by the time Adam was able to back up out of the driveway, and in the process pulling off the creature’s arm as it was dragged backwards. As Adam drove off, he pushed the arm out, gagging. He swerved a little, getting himself back on the road. He looked back one last time in the rearview mirror. 
He had to go find someone. Anyone. He didn’t want to be alone. 
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fuckyeahrtfanfic · 7 years ago
Peake x reader (fluff and/or smut) :)
Reader Insert
Untitled by writesamwrite123
Summary: The sudden feeling of a hand on your shoulder makes you jump out of your skin. Matt P./Reader [N] [PG] 
WC: 1,288
[Tags: Funhaus, Established Relationship, Fluff]
May i have this dance? by jessicalives
Summary: Your desk was right next to Matt's, so you ended up spending most of your time together. Matt P./Reader [F] [PG]
WC: 5,209
[Tags: Funhaus, Fluff]
Naps and Nights by MarshHaus
Summary: Matt Peake is sleepy, you are slightly tipsy and both of you just so happen to end up at the same place at the same time, which happens to be the funhaus office at 2 am. Matt P./Reader [F] [PG] 
WC: 1,506
[Tags: Funhaus, Fluff]
The Girl All the Bad Guys Want by gussorolex
Summary: You walked onto the elementary school playground an hour past curfew, your heavy combat boots leaving prints in the soft sand. Matt P./Reader [F] [PG]
WC: 1,567
[Tags: Funhaus, AU (Modern), Fluff]
To See You Alive by aplaceforrtprompts
Summary: “Matt, where are we going?” Matt P./Reader [N] [PG]
WC: 776
[Tags: Funhaus, AU (GTA), Established Relationship, Fluff, Proposal]
- Ave, Featuring Special Guest Raua
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streetsworn · 5 years ago
stolen from the dash because hey, why not, new friends get to know me a bit ??
name/alias.   lexi ! birthday.   february 3rd . . . a week from today, actually gender.   female! relationship status.   in love with  MANY  fictional characters ( single ) zodiac sign.   aquarius!  siblings.   two younger brothers and a few step siblings that i can’t keep track of pets.   we’ve got 4 dogs and 6 cats in this house but only three are mine: a corgi named comet, and two cats named hank and jemma! also, i basically consider all the dogs at my work, my pets time.   7:36pm! feels way later though. i’m ready for bed type of phone.   samsung galaxy s9. with a huge crack.  love or lust.   love lemonade or ice tea.   LAVENDER lemonade! cats or dogs.   although i primarily work with dogs, i actually consider myself more of a cat person coke or pepsi.   pepsi. coke tastes like syrup.  day or night.   night, even if i’m always tired and go to bed early makeup or au natural.   natural! way too lazy for makeup met a celeberty.   uhh, i met bryan dechart and amelia blaire at PAX! they were SUPER nice and i abt exploded. and jack from achievement hunter! also at PAX, also very nice and he signed one of those like... custom headset pieces and gave it to me! i can’t afford the headset tho so it sits with my figures. AND i met funhaus bruce a while back . . . at PAX! chapstick or lipstick.   chapstick. ya gal needs it. last song you listened to.   the DMC5 ost lmao
stolen from: the dash! tagging: everyone! lemme get to know you guys
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