celebrantspain · 6 years
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Celebrating Special Days. 
 Anniversaries and Special Days are not always easy to celebrate when the person you want to celebrate with is not with you. 
 Perhaps it's distance that separates you, in which case you can hopefully still reach out and connect with them. 
 Perhaps you have lost the person you would celebrate with, in which case the memories and the "missing " come into sharper focus. You can still reach out and connect if it helps... write the card, light the candle, talk to them, acknowledge the memories and the feelings. 
Just because your loved one isn't with you, doesn't mean you shouldn't celebrate them. 
It is UK Mother's Day today. I come from a hugely matriarchal family. Thinking of all the mums in my family... those I have lost and those who are very much with us including my own beautiful mum and the mother of my gorgeous grandchildren. Happy Mother's Day!
Debbie Skyrme, Celebrant Spain was at La Herradura, Andalucia, Spain
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celebrantspain · 6 years
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Celebrating Life. One woman's insightful and honest account of her experience of growing through grief from @riteofpassagefunerals A tale of love and loss and finding new light. . As a funeral celebrant in Spain, feel free to contact me any time about the practicalities of death and dying in Spain, preparing for your end of life, Celebration of Life ceremonies and memorials. . www.celebrantspain.es/funerals . . . #celebrantspain #celebrantcollective #thecelebrantdirectory #humanist #humanistcelebrant #humanistminister #humanistceremony #funeralsinspain #funeralcelebrant #funeralminister #funeralceremonyinspain #funeralceremonyspain #funeralcelebrantspain #humanistfuneral #humanistfuneralspain #humanistceremony #humanistceremonyspain #celebrationoflife #celebrationoflifeceremony #dyingmatters #areweready (at La Herradura, Andalucia, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvQznocFgY5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p20ht0xfm0bo
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celebrantspain · 6 years
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Celebrating the micro climate equation, sun + sugarcane = rum!! 
 I went mountain walking in Motríl today with an ace group of mixed nationalities, assorted ages and different work backgrounds. All living in the Costa Tropical to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle and micro climate. And we got to talking about the sugar cane which grows in abundance all over the countryside here. 
Motríl is historically known as little Cuba for the rum produced from the sugar cane. This port town is dotted with sugar cane factories and at the local distillery of Ron Montero you can do that wonderful tour and taste combo. 
This lead me to ask my fellow walkers how I can easily tell the difference between sugar cane and bamboo... well right now, the sugar cane is flowering a feathery white plume. And apparently bamboo only flowers once in a period from 20 to 160 years... and it all flowers together, then dies. Isn't nature awesome? 
#celebratelife #storyteller 
Debbie Skyrme: crafting Celebration of Life, Vow Renewal, Wedding and Naming ceremonies. 
Celebrant Spain was at Ron Montero https://www.instagram.com/p/BvHb4e2BXxH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=roxkpkqry25b
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celebrantspain · 6 years
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Celebrating just Bee Cause! 
 Plant the seed of a memory at your ceremony. 
With the trend to give away little momentos or "favours " at Wedding Ceremonies and Celebrations of Life, why not go one step further, inspire your friends and family to grow wildflowers and help the bees at the same time!?! .
Friends of The Earth has teamed up with Wildflower Favours to create pretty seed packets, with a bee design that are printed on recycled manilla paper and can be personalised with names and dates. 
You've heard of a spelling bee, well here's my wedding bee! 
Did you know.....? ★St Valentine: is also the patron saint of beekeepers. ★Honeymoons: in ancient times a honeymoon referred to the time of year when bee honey was ripe and cured to be harvested from hives or from the wild. It was literally the sweetest time of the year. This was usually around the summer solstice near the end of June. 
Celebrant Spain was at La Herradura, Andalucia, Spain
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celebrantspain · 6 years
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Celebrating the Craft of Creative Writing! 
 Creative writing needs something that lights your fire, sparks your ignition and every other metaphor that means you find a starting point and suddenly the words come gushing out... stimulates your creative juices as it were. 
When writing a ceremony script, whether it is for a Wedding or Funeral Celebration of Life, the client is always my muse. I write for my couple or the person who has passed. I am a genuine, natural-born wordsmith.... from pages and pages of outpourings of youthful emotion in my diary as a child to countless press releases in national newspapers during my career. 
There is a book in everyone
When I moved to inland rural Spain nearly nine years ago I wrote a personal account of the challenges and personal successes of restoring a ruin by hand using traditional methods, immersed in a largely off-grid small Andalucian community where water came from your own well, there was no glass in the windows although temperatures ranged from minus 8° and snow in winter to 6 months without rain and over 40° shade in summer. Internet did not exist and mobile coverage was random. One day, I'll write the book, I know I will. 
So nowadays I write ceremony scripts. I often use inspirational quotes as a basis to craft the wording, emotion and vision around the client, my muse. 
Oh yes, and I blog too! I am passionate about promoting southern Spain as a Destination Wedding location. Lost for words? Me? Never! www.celebrantspain.es/blog.htm 
Celebrant Spain was in Andalusia https://www.instagram.com/p/BudUTZXhQ2r/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6zpsb4k1embl
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celebrantspain · 6 years
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Celebrating Life Laundry. 
Embrace what does you good and let go of what doesn't. 
The 7 Cardinal Rules of Life are a great reminder of how we are responsible for our own happiness. 
You cannot change other people, you can only change yourself. I am a people person. I love connecting with people. And I especially love connecting people with each other. But I don't get on with everybody. And if someone is not "healthy " for me, I move on and leave them behind. 
Now that's way too many platitudes for one post! So take what you will from this #inspirationalquote and feel free to share. 
Photo credit: Lindsay Philp Photography
Celebrant Spain was in Andalucía
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celebrantspain · 6 years
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Celebrating ancient ritual! 
Imagine Stonehenge, with a huge slab roof and covered in an earth mound - that is the wonder of Los Dólmenes in Antequera, Spain. 
A place of ritual and ceremony since early megolithic man. This UNESCO World Heritage Site has only recently been excavated and opened to the public, you can walk all around inside both the ceremonial chamber and the burial chamber and it's totally free! 
www.celebrantspain.es  was at Dolmen de Viera
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celebrantspain · 6 years
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Celebrating some kind words. Contact me today to talk about your ceremony. [email protected] Whatsapp +34689691582 #wedding #elopement #vowrenewal #civilpartnership #celebrationoflife #humanistfuneral #babynaming #adoption . . . #mcc #moderncelebrant #celebrantspain #celebrantcollective #thecelebrantdirectory #humanist #humanistcelebrant #humanistminister #humanistceremony #funeralsinspain #funeralcelebrant #funeralminister #funeralceremonyinspain #funeralceremonyspain #funeralcelebrantspain #humanistfuneral #humanistfuneralspain #humanistceremony #humanistceremonyspain #celebrationoflife #celebrationoflifeceremony #dyingmatters #areweready https://www.instagram.com/celebrantspain/p/Bse_s37FzYf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r4vnri9d50oz
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