#fun little thought- nightmare shapeshifting but his eye is still messed up
shaykai · 1 year
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Dreamtale doodles
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lazycats-stuff · 6 months
Bruce rescuing a reader who can shapeshift into a bat when scared, like he can hardly control it at first, he's the product of some experiment and of course Bruce has to take him in. So now Bruce finds himself with a small little bat snuggling into the crook of his neck at night because reader has a nightmare
Aw, that's adorable. Also, some cartoon bats
Summary: (Y/N) is a cute bat who can't really control it.
Warnings: human experiments, shapeshifting... Nothing too detailed.
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Bruce sighed quietly as he was sitting in a Justice League meeting. He knew that human experiments will always be persistent, but they had to eradicate it. It was almost like a plague at this point and he didn't like it in the slightest.
" We don't like it either Bruce. " Wonder Woman said from the opposite side of the desk. Bruce just looked at the location that was put on the hologram screen. The lab in America, but somewhere deep in the mountains. Probably somewhere underground... If this is something that the government funds, Bruce will lose his mind.
Is he crazy enough to dress a Bat and fight criminals, assassins and God knows what else? Yes. But the government? Eh. Sort of. If Tim hears about this, he will also flip the lid. Why? Because he can finally prove some conspiracies that circulate around the government. God knows Tim didn't sleep for days, trying to prove a single theory.
Bruce lost count of having to sedate Tim just to force his ass to bed and to sleep for at least, at least, 7 hours in a single night. Not chopped up during the day, just one single damn night. Just goddamn one.
" I would like to say that Red Robin cannot know about this. " Bruce stated, just looking at the screen.
" Why can't he know about this? " Green Lantern asked.
" Because then you will sedate Red Robin, just to sleep. "
Green Lantern look at him in shock. " I beg you pardon? "
" Yup. He refuses to sleep. Sedation was the last step. " Bruce gave a vague explanation and Green Lantern decided to leave it alone. He won't question Bruce in the slightest. He won't get an answer anyway.
" So when do we depart for this mission? " Bruce asked, waiting patiently for Superman to give him an answer.
" We are going tomorrow. According to the intel, there will be resistance, so stealth is very important. " Superman said.
" So that means one of you will mess up. Stealth is something everyone in this room lacks. " Bruce stated with a dry tone and Flash wanted to argue, but knew it was true.
Stealth was something that they all lacked.
" Either way, the goal of this mission is to get information and save people who might be in there. " Superman said.
" If there will be there. " Bruce said in his ominous tone, eyes darkening at the mere thought of it. Superman knew exactly what he meant.
Killing them to cover their tracks.
" Well, I'll hold out hope that they will be alive. " Superman said, still trying to be positive, but Bruce knew it was a low chance that anyone was even alive.
But hey, you never know.
The fight in the lab was fucking tedious. Turns out, Lex Luthor created this lab. Tim is really going to have a fucking field day with this. Bruce shook his head as he made his way down to the holding cells of the League.
They managed to find one person who was alive and that was just in the nick of time. Bruce managed to take a guard down quickly and he was shocked to find a hysterical bat, flying around the lab cell before landing in his arms.
Then the said bat shifted into a human and then back into a bat. It was fun to say the least. But Bruce had no time to waste back then. He took the man and just ran with a lone survivors, while others were busy fighting.
In the end, he had to sedate them man while in human form because everything was triggering the shifting. It was to make the fly back to the League headquarters. After an hour or so, everything was quiet and lab was secured.
They finally have a case against Lex Luthor. Thank God. Bruce still held (Y/N) in his arms while waiting for the others to come. The fly back was smooth and quiet. Everyone was tired beyond belief and in no mood to talk.
Once landing at the HQ, Bruce took the man to a holding cell where doctors were waiting. Bruce called Tim and told him to get to the Batcave as soon as possible. Tim sounded exhausted, but when Lex was mentioned, he was wide awake all of a sudden.
Bruce quickly used the zeta tubes to get to the Batcave. Tim was waiting and Bruce gave him an USB stick. After explaining the situation to Tim, Bruce took a quick shower while Alfred cleaned up the suit.
It was nice and refreshing. Besides, (Y/N) will be out for a few hours anyway. Bruce finished the shower and got into a clean suit that Alfred had ever so cleaned.
" Thank you very much Alfred. " Bruce thanked him as he put on his suit.
" No problem master Bruce. I overheard you conversation with master Tim. Is there really a lone survivor? " Alfred asked and Bruce nodded.
" Yup. He can shapeshift into a bat. " Bruce said and Alfred chuckled at that.
" Batman saves a little bat. How poetic. " Alfred noted, chuckling quietly.
" Yup. I'll go back now and wait for him to wake up to talk to him to see what we can do. " Bruce explained and yawned.
" I see... Is Lex Luthor really the founder of the lab? " Alfred inquired and Bruce nodded as he took the cowl in his hands.
" Yes he is. We finally have a case against him. " Bruce said proudly.
" Is that why master Tim is currently happy? " Alfred asked, glancing at his grandson, who was on the batcomputer, just typing away happily, a cup of coffee near.
" The moment he is done, please sedate him. " Bruce whispered and Alfred chuckled.
" Already ahead of you master Bruce. " Alfred whispered back and Bruce nodded as he put his cowl back on.
And the rest was history. Bruce learned that the little bat's name was (Y/N) and Bruce said that he would take him in. Of course Bruce would take the little bat in. They boys had so much fun with (Y/N) watching him shift.
But one thing that they recognized was the fact that (Y/N) couldn't control his shifting. If he got too scared, he would shift. Too anxious? You have a little bat on your hands.
Soon enough, Bruce fell in love and moved him into his bedroom so they could share a bed. Bruce was more than happy and so was (Y/N). But (Y/N), more often then not, had nightmares from his time in the lab.
And that's why (Y/N) was currently a little bat, moving closer to Bruce's neck. It wasn't to take a bite, it was to snuggle into it. Bruce smile, facing the little bat, but eyes were still closed. (Y/N) snuggled closer, folding himself in a ball and just sighing quietly.
Bruce smiled more as the feeling of his neck being tickled.
" A nightmare? " Bruce asked quietly and (Y/N) just gave a little chirp in return. Bruce gently patted (Y/N) before falling asleep again. This was going to be something very nice in the long run and Bruce couldn't wait.
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i have food poisoning and it sucks, but it meant i could just lie in bed writing, so here we gooooooo
As Tommy paddled the boat, Tubbo watched their communicator. “It sounds like she’s not at… wherever we’re going anymore.”
Tommy cursed. “Any clue where to go now then?”
Tubbo glanced down at the messages.
<CaptainSparklez> She’s not there anymore!
<Rendog> How? It’s surrounded by water
<CaptainSparklez> She’s a shapeshifter, not a hybrid.
<Crumbl> yuoll nrrver find mee sprinklez
<CaptainSparklez> Again. You’re a shapeshifter. Why are there feathers left behind.
<Crumbl> I dinit mumch them.
Tubbo looked up and scanned the ocean before pointing out on the water. “Those feathers over there! It’s looking like she left them behind.”
Tommy smiled and turned the boat to follow the trail of feathers. It took a little bit, but the pair did reach land near a forest, though it had started raining. “Where do you think she is?”
Tubbo shrugged. “Don’t know. We don’t even know what she looks like.”
A calico cat walked nearby, then ran as the pair walked near it, making Tommy notice it. “Hey, must be a village nearby. Maybe she’s there for shelter?”
“I hope so. But she might just be hiding under some trees.” Tubbo suggested. As they continued to walk, Tommy saw movement near a tree and started to run toward it. Tubbo watched him run and then noticed the coloring of the form. “Tommy! Wait! That’s a-” The mob exploded. “-Creeper…”
“Aw myan!” The cat said as it sat down next to Tubbo, making them jump.
“Did that cat just talk?!” Tubbo said, nearly shouting from shock.
Said cat changed into what resembled a cat hybrid that reminded Tommy vaguely of Fundy. “Ye! I’m Crumb!”
“Cool! I’m Tommy and this is my friend Tubbo!”
Crumb tilted her head. “Ooo, really? Well I came here with Sparklez, he’s my dad. But i’m hidin’!”
“Want to hang out with us while you hide?” Tubbo suggested and the shapeshifter nodded, changing back into a cat and flopping over Tubbo’s shoulder. “Let’s boat back to your place and show it to Crumb.”
The now trio got into the boat and Tubbo watched as Crumb used her paw pads to type on her communicator and send a message.
<Crumbl> sprakle i made frends!
<Crumbl> Im gonna play wit tonmi and tubbox
Tubbo laughed. “I actually can be a Tubbox.” Tubbo said, making Tommy speak up as well.
“Tubbo in a box, what will he do?”
“Uwwu I’m so good at this!” Crumb replied proudly and Tubbo could feel her purr.
“So is what the captain said true?” Tubbo asked. “Are you really a shapeshifter, not a hybrid?”
“Ye! I um, I’m a badass shapeshifter!” Tommy and Tubbo tried not to laugh at the sound of this cat with a voice like that saying something like that, but they couldn’t hold it in and Crumb also started laughing along. “I’m super strong and beat the Ender Dragon when we had lotsa random potion effects!”
“That sounds so cool.” Tubbo complimented Crumb and then the three of them continued to chat as they rowed along.
Sparklez was glad to see another message from Crumb and see she had made some friends. When he read their names, he froze for a moment. It couldn’t be. This was nowhere near where he should have been. He shook his head. No, it was just coincidence. Crumb probably just misspelled it when typing.
<CaptainSparklez> Alright Crumb, have fun. Just don’t get in trouble.
He laughed as a message came back, distracting him from his previous train of thought.
<Crumbl> No prmosed! Were ginna conmit crim!
“I’m a danger to society!” Crumb shouted as she pounced on a chicken, no longer just a cat, but looking like a very squishy cat that could be mistaken as a stuffed animal at a glance. She had wanted to stay a cat, but by complete chance, another calico cat showed up and Tommy and Tubbo nearly went after the normal cat. She also liked how the pair approved of such a squishy looking cat going left and right killing mobs.
When a parrot flew above her, she jumped to try and grab it, but it was just a little too high for her to reach. “Come down here! I wanna eat you! Mumnch and crumnch!”
The parrot squawked and flew over to land on Tommy’s head. “Oh, leave this one alone. I think this is one of Grian’s. Part of his pesky bird delivery service. 
“But it just looks so tastyyy! Crumb jumped again. It made Tubbo wonder how much of it was just how she acts, or if being a cat so long made her act like one.
“Oh, speaking of Grian. He sent me a message.” Tommy says as he pulls out his communicator. With the flood of messages from the visitors - well, one in particular - Grian sent the message on their own private chat.
<Grian> bring Tubbo if you want but it’s parrot brain hours
<TommyInnit> he probably won’t be coming. We made a friend with one of the guests. Don’t really want to leave her all alone.
<Grian> that makes sense.
<Grian> and bring any extra wheat you can
<TommyInnit> okay, definitely not letting Tubbo come. It’ll shatter my manly image.
<Grian> dad left me books about shifting and I’ve had plenty of time to read. Did you know I can just give myself a beak or talons without shifting completely?
<TommyInnit> woah, hey. Alright big G, I’ll be there as soon as I can.
Tommy looked up to see Tubbo glancing at their communicator. “He messaged me directly, H is talking too much.” Tubbo nodded. “Big G wants me for something. Okay if I let you two hang out by yourselves?”
“Ye! We’re gonna have lotsa fun together! And den we can go see my dad!”
“I can’t wait to meet him!”
Tommy waves and then starts to boat off, using it as a platform once he’s far enough out at sea to safely use his elytra. He stops at his base and goes through his chests, making some hay bales. Afterwards he flies to the mansion and up near the roof where he knows Grian is going to be. 
It was a room made in one of the side roofs of the mansion. The main one sat above the great hall with windows wide open, but the areas to the side were a little more closed off. This one also had a large window, but there usually wasn’t much in there.
Right now however, the place was littered with a few beds and wool and hay bales. Grian was in the center of it all, wings spread out. In the small room they looked much larger. 
“Hey, I brought the hay.” Tommy joked, holding out the bundled wheat. Grian immediately took it and started spreading it around. “Hoo boy. Are you sure you don’t want Mumbo here, orrrr?”
“Oh he definitely wants me here.” Mumbo’s voice speaks up as he pushes a wing off him, only for it to flop back down, pinning his legs. His tie is loose and his suit is a mess along with his hair. “It’s been fine for a while. Just stay in bed, maybe wake up in the middle of the night to a nightmare. I forgot how he gets when he’s like this.”
Tommy nodded. He had only really seen this twice. The first time he managed to decline, much to Grian’s dismay, but the second time there was no way out of it with Grian now knowing they were brothers.
Tommy knows he could have said no this time, but seeing everything that happened the day of the war and the night following made Tommy worried, and he wanted to be there.
Grian smiles as he finishes moving blocks and beds and carpets around. He nudged a few stray pieces of wheat and cotton around with his feet and wings. He knows it would be so much easier to use his hands, but it just doesn’t feel right. 
The avian stares at the nest he’s built. It’s perfect. Maybe a little small for right now, but that’s just because the kids are still on their way. He thinks that he could make it bigger. Big enough to fit the rest of his family, but they aren’t around. So he settles for Mumbo and Tommy. 
He pulls Tommy into the nest, making sure he’s comfortable before putting each of his wings around Tommy and Mumbo. Mumbo half bats the wing away as feathers get into his mouth, but he’s too exhausted from helping to set this up in the first place to complain much more.
Grian holds them close. He could lose everything else if he still had the people he cared about most. He would do anything to protect them.
Crumb is excited as Tubbo boats the two of them towards the shopping district. She really wanted her dad to meet her new friend. And Tubbo was very much a new friend with a nickname and everything.
When they landed, she hopped out of the boat and shifted to a hybrid form before running off to find her dad. Tubbo was left running behind her, aging a little trouble keeping up.
“Sprinklez!!! Look at my new friend!” She jumped into her dad’s arms, shifting back into her cat form. He looked around not seeing anyone for a moment before a panting Tubbo caught up.
“You… couldn’t have… waited for me?” Tubbo panted out, trying to catch his breath.
“Dis is Tubbox! He has another friend but but but I don’ have a good name for him yet so he’s just Tommy.”
Sparklez smiles and shifts Crumb to hold out a hand. “Nice to meet you. Captain Sparklez. But most people just use my last name or even just use Jordan. The one exception being Crumb who likes to call me Sprinklez or of course just Dad.”
Tubbo’s eyes sparkle. “Wait, you’re the Captain?! I’ve heard so much about you! You travel across so many worlds and are known for the songs you’ve written and your curse! I mean, the curse isn’t the most popular thing to know about, but uh…”
Sparklez just laughed. “It’s fine. I’m sure I’m going to get rid of it soon enough. Glad to meet another fan, especially if you’re friends with Crumb now.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty pog.” Tubbo jokes and they continue to talk. He doesn’t give his real name since Crumb seems to like using ‘Tubbox’. He doesn’t know how much it could change their life’s if he did.
The netherite blocks go up and there’s the sound of redstone being messed with. He looks out to watch as the lava slowly disappears. Across the chasm he can see an equally black and white figure. He can already feel the energy on them.
Even with his admin powers gone, he still has some tricks up his sleeve. And there are always strings to pull.
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lablass-2882 · 3 years
Broken Bridge Snip It.  Part 5.
Yo!  So... how are y’all doing?  I got nothing to say other then that I’m about half way through Wild’s chapter and thought that this was too good to not share a bit early. 
Anyhoooww.  Here is a snip it of Wild’s chapter.  
How in all of Hyrule and the lands beyond Wind, Hyrule, and Four managed to sneak off Wild will never know.
But he desperately wants to!
He hates being grounded.  Well, maybe not grounded.  If he was grounded, he thinks it would be more like when he gets “grounded” to stay at the campsite while the others get to explore.  No, he wasn’t grounded he was given a much worse fate.  
Babysitting Twilight……
Who, he was currently having a glare-off with.  
The aqua fairy…. Wild had forgotten her name…. had told Twi to sit still while the new magic bandages healed his leg and arm.   And Time being Time.  Told Wild to sit with him while he and the other went off to find the missing Links.
IE.  Wind, Hyrule, and Four were off having fun while Wild was stuck with Twi-sitting duty.  
Moreover, Twi was pissed that the fairy had told him no shapeshifting for at least another two days. Which meant no Wolfie for another two days.  Which meant Wild had to deal with an extra grumpy Twilight for another two days.  Great…..
Wild did have fun watching Twilight get scolded for being reckless.  Normally, it’s the other way around, and Twilight is the one scolding Wild over reckless stuff.  It was a nice change of pace, Wild admitted.  For once, he wasn’t the one in trouble.
HEY.  Quit it, both of you!
The fairy snapped her fingers to draw their attention.  Neither of you are going anywhere until those bandages stop glowing.  And unless I am mistaken…. Both of you have glowing bandages.  She tapped her foot against the ground and glared daggers into the heroes. Wild felt like she could glare down a Lynel if she wanted to.  
Both heroes groaned in defeat. Twilight uttering out a quiet, Yes Ma’am under his breath.
“Ten rupees that Legend will find Hyrule before War finds Wind.”  Twilight signs once the fairy’s back is turned.  
“Naw, 20 says that War drags Wind back here before Legend can even pick up Rule’s scent.”
“Rule’s scent? And you’re on.”
“I swear that bunny boy got a nose for Hyrule related trouble”
“How did you even find out about that?”
“Sky talks in his sleep.”
“Can I-“
 Welp.  I’m bored, Wild thought to himself.
Very bored. Uggghhh.
So… very… bored…..
Time seemed to drag on for Wild.  He swore that he saw the clock stop twice now.  He didn’t even have his slate to mess around with.  What was taking the others so long!  
It’s hasn’t even been an hour, Wild.  You're fine.  Twilight sighed.  
“That clock stopped twice! And… Are you even looking at me?”
Twilight peeked open an eye to look at Wild, who huffed at him in annoyance.
“They’re taking too long. War or Legend should have been back by now.”
“It’s fine, Wild. Time said he’d come and grab us if anything goes sideways.”
“And these bandages are itchy!”
“You say that about every bandage.”
“Doesn’t make it less true.”
Twilight sighed.  Try to relax, will ya.  Proxi said that we have another 30 minutes before the healing magic is done.  You can wait till then.  
“I’m BORED!”
Take a nap.
“You sound like Sky.”
Do not.
“Do to”
Hey! I said quit it you two!  The fairy snapped back at them before returning to her work.  
Wild groaned and tossed around on his cot.  Flipping and spinning around like an irate cat. He hated being bored.  The only thing worse than boredom was being sick.  He threw a pillow over his head, letting out the loudest groan he could muster.
Twilight huffed. Groan all you want, we’re both grounded for the time being.
Wild turned to look a Twilight.  His eyes were closed agian and he had settled into his “sleep-brooding” stance. Shoulder hunched with crossed arms, head down, and a slight scowl across his lips.  Twilight's leg was probed up on a pillow and his injured arm was held in a sling.   Wild felt a tinge of guilt settle in his gut.  In truth, Wild’s own bandages stop glowing about 10 minutes ago.  Twilight’s were still bright with color and almost hummed with a magic aura.  
Was he really that hurt?
Wild didn’t remember much of what happened after the horns sounded.  He was too focused on the fight back the incoming hoard of monsters.   He and Twi had been back-to-back while on the bridge.  Slicing anything that got close and blasting anything else with a shock arrow for good measure.  One second they were tag-teaming a monster, the next…..
The next…..
Well, Wild didn’t want to think about what happened after the explosion….
He had enough nightmares to think about and he really doesn’t need anymore.  Especially not, ones where he watches Twilight fall into an inky black abyss or gets burnt alive in a wildfire.  He shuttered. The fire ones were the worst.
In all honesty, Wild didn’t remember much after he fell into the water.  Rule told him that he hit his head while in the river.  And Legend told him that he almost drowned too.   Yeah… another near-death experience to add to his ever-growing list of them.  
Wild huffed and turned over to lie flat on his stomach.  He was really tired of the universe trying to kill him.  Couldn’t the universe go bother Dark Link for a while?  He’s the one that’s messing with the timeline or… whatever… He deserves some trouble too.
No…… Wild thought to himself…. That’s mean….. Zelda said that it’s rude to wish death onto others…. Even your enemies.
It was at that exact moment, as Wild debated the ethnicity of wishing an entity of itchy bandages on your enemy, that….. he heard a squeak.
A very loud squeak…..
Wild looked down towards the source of the noise.  
It looked like…. Like a…. multicolored mouse….?
Is that FOUR!
His jaw in the floor, or pillow rather as he watched a mouse size Four run across the floor.  
HOW! In the… all of Hylia! Was Four moose sized?!
Can the hero’s spirit just randomly do that!?
Wait… can he do that?
Question for another time.  
Right now, Wild had to move.  Four was already across the room and ducking underneath the door that led out the back of the medical wing.  Wild followed him instantly.   He had to know what in Hyrule was going on.
If Twilight was shouting at him; he certainly didn’t hear it.  
Wild followed moose Four as best he could.  The little fella was quick and damn near impossible to see.   Wild swore he was teleporting or something.  How else was he bopping back and forth across the room? Before Wild knew it, he was out the back of the medical wing, down a random hallway, and smack into Hyrule.
….Oh… Hey Wild. What’s up?
“What’s up?... What’s UP!  You have half the group out looking for you and all you have to say is what’s up”
Yep…. Pretty much….
“Goddess… Rule….”
…… So…... you want to have some fun?
…….” yes”
Slight authors notes.....
Wild is mostly mute.  He can talk.... but nothing more then a horse whisper at best.  He vocal cords were damage during the fight with guardians and after 100 years of not using his voice.... he kinda lost.... his voice. It slowly coming back, but its nowhere near what his voice use to be. 
On the plus side.  Most of the heroes know sign language..... 
So there’s that.....
Peace out?
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moonprincemulti · 4 years
You Are Always Mine - Chapter 4
- 31 Aug 2020
- fourth chapter of a serie (YAAM)
- catboy/shapeshifter hyunjin & music producer chan
- top chan x bottom hyunjin
Hyun sat on the bed as Chan inspected his hair. Chan had scolded him only moments before, but Hyun knew Chan did it out of worry. The way he checked Hyun's hair and head for any bleaching damage made it clear that he was worried about Hyun's well-being. Hyun felt bad nonetheless, as he only was curious and in a playful mood. He never wanted to upset Chan. 
Chan sighed and stroked over Hyun's back when he was done. "Well, it seems like it went well, somehow. You didn't damage anything." Hyun glanced at Chan, pouting slightly. "Sorry.." "I forgive you, Hyun. But, if you ever think of doing something like this again, let me know. We'll do it together." 
Chan smiled gently, looking at Felix, who was still standing by the door. "Uhm so.." Chan got up and cleared his throat. "Felix, meet Hyun.. in human form. Hyun, meet Felix." Hyun looked up and smiled slightly at Felix, feeling a bit shy. Felix smiled back, still letting everything sink in. "So Hyun.. a shapeshifter huh?" "That's what Chan calls it. I'm just me. I've always been like this."
Felix nodded and decided to come closer. "And now you dyed your hair." "I thought it was just colours, actually. I read the box and thought I wanted to try it." Felix chuckled at Hyun's shy akward smile. "Don't worry mate, we all did something on a whim and regretted it later." Hyun glanced at Chan, who looked at the two of them talking. "Well actually, I kind of like this colour." Felix smiled and hugged Hyun. "Then that's great!"
Felix stayed over a while, chatting with Hyun and Chan. During their conversation, Chan and Felix discovered how little Hyun actually knew about being a human. Chan tilted his head as Hyun said he had never seen a computer. "Shut up.. you haven't?" Chan gasped as Hyun shook his head, looking at the two other males in confusion. "I seriously haven't. I don't even know what it should be." 
Felix smiled and ruffled Hyun's hair. "Oh you're so innocent. You'll have a lot to learn." Hyun shrugged and looked at Chan, beginning to get nervous. Chan saw the hint of anxiety in Hyun's eyes and he took a deep breath. "Alright. We'll do everything at a slow pace. Get him used to stuff. Don't worry Hyun." Chan smiled gently at Hyun, and was suprised as Hyun leaned against him, hiding his face in Chan's shoulder. 
Chan gently stroked over Hyun's head, gliding his hand through Hyun's blonde hair. "My Hyun.." Felix raised an eyebrow as he watched them. "Your Hyun? Seems like your worries from earlier have faded.." Chan looked at Felix with big eyes, a bit shocked at his remark. "Felix- I.." Chan sighed and wrapped an arm around Hyun, keeping him close. "I am your Hyun.. as a cat I am.." Hyun said softly, moving closer to Chan. "It's just a choice if I'm yours as well when I'm human.." 
Chan bit his lip and stroked over Hyun's back. "Don't say that.." "No, it's true. You were scared of me." "I was not.." Chan cupped Hyun's face, looking into his eyes. "I was caught off guard by my cat that turned into a full human. I.. I had to adjust to it. I had to know if it was real." Chan smiled as he softly booped Hyun's nose. "You're mine. Cat or human."
Days passed by as Chan and Hyun lived together. Hyun was easier with transforming back and forth, although he sometimes changed unknowningly as he slept. This caused some interesting situations, as the two were getting used to snuggling close to eachother while sleeping. Chan always felt his heart skip a beat when he woke up next to a naked boy, but he understood it and never said anything of it. 
He usually let Hyun sleep in as he got ready for work, stroking his hair or ocassionally placing a small kiss on Hyun's head before he left. Hyun spent his days exploring the apartment and everything in it, curiously studying all the items he hadn't seen before. Chan was therefore always bombarded with questions about several things as soon as he got back home. Chan loved having Hyun around, as the lonely feeling he had had for years slowly began disappearing.
He would always told Hyun all the answers he needed, and found it cute how Hyun would nod and stare at an object as he finally understood its purpose. Hyun disliked some objects and some foods. One time Chan had come home with an eggplant, wanting to use it in their dinner, but Hyun immediately had his doubts about it. 
After that night, Chan swore himself to remember that Hyun hated eggplants. Although Hyun looked adorable as he tasted the vegetable and his whole face had contorted into one of disgust, Chan luckily could keep himself from making fun of it.
As Chan came home one day, he froze as he saw Hyun dressed up in his old clothes. Hyun was looking in the mirror, the familiar frown on his face as he studied the unknown pieces of fabric. Chan closed the door behind him and smiled. "I'm home~" Hyun looked up and smiled. "Chan!" Hyun happily bounced towards him, showing off the clothes as he stood in front of him. 
"What do you think?" Hyun posed for Chan, smiling happily. "I don't know if I'm wearing it right, but I found them in between your other stuff." Chan chuckled and looked at Hyun, taking in his outfit. "Maybe we should get you your own clothes." "What?" Hyun tilted his head, looking down at the clothes. "Are they bad?" Chan smiled and ruffled Hyun's hair, pulling him to the bed. 
"No, they're okay. But when you have your own clothes, you can mess around with them as much as you like." Chan made Hyun sit down on the bed. "We'll go shopping for them tomorrow, okay?" Hyun looked at Chan, his lips forming in a pout. "You don't like it when I'm wearing your clothes?" "No no, that's not the reason. Just.. You're wearing something I'd rather not have you wear." Hyun nodded slightly. "And that is?" 
Chan leaned down slightly, taking off a necklace that Hyun had put on. "This necklace is special to me. Someone important to me gifted it a long time ago.." Hyun looked at the necklace, gasping softly. "Oh- I'm sorry. I didn't know.." Chan patted Hyun's shoulder. "Just change back into something normal while I make dinner, okay? We'll take the whole day tomorrow to buy you your own stuff." Hyun nodded and got up, changing into other clothes. Chan sighed before putting away the necklace and walking to the kitchen.
Chan pulled the blanket over himself and Hyun, who had already drifted off to sleep. Chan looked at Hyun's sleeping face, stroking a strand of hair out of the younger's face. Chan watched Hyun, until he began dozing off as well. Just before he drifted off, he snuggled close to Hyun, wrapping an arm around him. The hours went by, until one of them started to stir. 
This time however, it was not Chan, but Hyun. Hyun stirred a bit, his face changing into one of discomfort. He made small sounds, which turned into groans and mumbles. He pushed around, shoving Chan away. Chan groaned and got woken up, rubbing in his eyes as he tried to open them. Hyun resisted himself against Chan again, making Chan sit up out of worry. 
"No.. no please.." Hyun mumbled, a soft whimper leaving his mouth. Chan looked at Hyun, stroking over his head. "Hyun, Hyun it's okay. It's just a dream." Chan wondered what was going on, never having seen Hyun like this. Hyun kept wriggling around, his breathing getting irregular. Chan bit his lip, trying to shake Hyun awake. 
"Hyun come on.." "No... No it hurts.." Hyun whined and wriggled around a bit more violently. "What hurts? Hyun, just wake up!" Chan raised his voice slightly. He tried to pin down Hyun's arms, and right at the moment he had them down on the bed, Hyun gasped for air, his eyes shooting open. "STOP!" 
Hyun breathed heavily, his eyes darting around, not focused on anything. Chan let go of Hyun, stroking over his head. "Hyun shh, it's okay. It was just a nightmare.. Shh.." Chan tried to shush Hyun, trying to calm him down. Hyun's eyes focused on Chan, still shaken by his nightmare.
Chan smiled gently and pulled Hyun into a hug, holding him thight. He stroked over Hyun's back, humming softly. "It was just a nightmare. It can't hurt you anymore. It wasn't real." Hyun was trembling, still calming down. He was quiet for a while, just trying to get his breathing back to normal. Chan kept holding him, stroking through his hair. 
Chan moved a bit so they were in a comfortable position. He felt Hyun slowly relax in his embrace, his breathing going back to normal. Chan let out a small sigh of relief, still stroking through Hyun's hair. Hyun took a deep breath, wrapping his arms around Chan. 
"It wasn't a nightmare.." Hyun spoke softly, tightening his grip slightly. "It was memory.." Chan tilted his head, nodding slightly. "Just like mine. I guess we both get bothered by our past." Hyun shook his head slightly. "Mine's different.." Chan smiled. "Because they are in your cat form?" "No.." Hyun moved away from Chan, looking at him. 
The bit of moonlight that shone through the window lit up both of their faces. Hyun looked into Chan's eyes, doubting if he should tell about what he had seen. He was scared of his own memories, as this was the first time in a while he had remembered a bit of his past. Hyun looked down, biting his lip.
Chan didn't get why Hyun acted so differently. "Is there something wrong? Should I not have talked about it?" Hyun shook his head once more. "No no.. Chan... I'm made." Chan huffed. "What do you mean, made? Everybody is made, by their parents." "Not like that- I-" Hyun looked into Chan's eyes. "I'm not supposed to be a shapeshifter. I'm not a cat." Chan furrowed his eyebrows. "What in the hell are you talking about?" "I was made to be a cat! They made me a shapeshifter!" Chan looked at Hyun. "Who are they?"
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fadingcoast · 6 years
Death Of The Lie  ||  Chapter 17: Asgard
Summary: Odin and his daughter Hela are the perfect conquerors of the universe. The nine realms fall one after the other into their clutch. After Odin takes a second wife and has a son with her, he doesn’t need Hela anymore. Hela abandons her father and ends up marrying Laufey, a sworn enemy of the Aesir people. Not long after, she becomes pregnant with Laufey’s child. Odin cannot let that son be born, but against all odds, the boy survives. Odin is forced to bring him back to Asgard to be raised as his own until he could make further use of him. The half-Jotun-half-Aesir boy grows up to look and act a lot like his mother, which disturbs Odin, and makes him treat the boy horribly. Odin’s lies are deep and complex, but one day the boy will find out the truth about everything he is.
Feedback is always appreciated and reblogs are encouraged!!
Chapter 17: Asgard
Dearest Sigyn:
It is with great woe that I inform you that I have cut my hair. I imagine Gwyn will not be pleased with this, but I could never care for it as she did. And believe me, I tried. If I know you at all, right now you’re rolling your eyes wondering if my father had anything to do with my decision. I believe you know the answer to that, as he has been pestering me from day one to do this. I didn’t want to give in just yet, but even with the help of my magic, all I made of it was a mess. In this weather, though, it's probably for the best. It was getting a bit hot to maintain.
I have been in Asgard for so little time, but it already feels like decades. I want nothing more than to go back to Alfheim. To see you, to immerse in the Alfar world again. I miss the rivers, the lakes, the mountains… I imagine the berry fields must be ready for harvesting. It makes me sad not to be there to taste the first fruits. The castle is too quiet at night without a river nearby and at times I find it difficult to sleep. I had to conjure a fake one in my balcony just to get some rest.
Thor has become nearly unbearable in my absence. I had noticed his mannerisms becoming closer to Odin’s in the past, but without any opposing influence my brother has gone full brute. He talks often of the realms he wishes to keep under tighter control once he is king. Mother ensures that his rants don't go too far, but he treats her word more as a suggestion than wisdom. I fear he may one day become a victim of his own hubris, and the kingdom with him. I've not a clue what Lady Sif still sees in him but they are unbearably inseparable.
The news of our engagement is still quiet, as mother has not tested the waters of my father's approval yet. Odin appears to be somewhat relieved to have me back where he can see me and has kept his scorn to a reasonable level so long as I keep my nose clean. I suspect if he is not told soon he will either marry me off to a daughter of some random Aesir nobility and have us live in the castle or have me groomed to be the King's right hand when Thor takes the throne. It is with no exaggeration that I admit I would rather fling myself off the rainbow bridge than to do either, so I think I will have to tell him before long.
I hope to hear from you soon, as I know you are finishing up your last term at the Sanctum and I know you're terribly busy.
Dear Loki:
I don't have to tell you how beautiful the land looks right now, how thick the air is with the sweet fragrance of ripened fruits and honeysuckle. This land is in your blood, and you would sooner forget to breathe than to not think about it. I hardly get to see it these days but I like to go to your old room and sit in the bay window to study. At times I will fall asleep there and I will awake with a start, thinking it's you tapping on my shoulder, but it's Gwyn. Soon I will take my final exams, just a few years out. I don't know how you did it.
You don’t want to know what Gwyn’s reaction was when I broke the news about your hair to her. You’d think the world was ending. Honestly, as good as it looked, I’m surprised you didn’t do it sooner, it must have been so heavy.
I hope the selection of fruits and ale I sent with this letter are to your liking, and that they didn’t end up on your head. I think I will need a sketch or drawing of your room to get familiar with it and pinpoint my teleporting spells, as I am not as familiar with it as you are with my chambers. This will make our exchanges happen a lot faster and no one else can read what we write. It will also help me practice my teleportation techniques.
Maybe one day before long I can visit Asgard, with the King and Queen's permission, of course, after our engagement is known.
The steady exchange of letters Loki kept with Sigyn was full of funny anecdotes and jokes, and it kept him from losing his mind most days. Lucky for both of them, they had perfected a tracking system so they could teleport letters, portraits and presents back and forth, bypassing the regular system. It helped time pass and it kept Loki’s sense of humor intact on days where all he wanted was to escape royal life.
It wasn’t odd for Loki to wake up to a room full of blackberry infused ale, or daffodils in blossom, and some other seasonal foods. It was quite the feat to explain to Frigga why he had so many turnips in his room before he sent them all to the kitchens. But the Queen knew to keep his secret and would help her son ensure gifts from Sigyn ended up where they needed to go, though Loki did prefer to keep the ale for himself.
The letters were also full of less pleasant things. Loki’s nightmares had made a comeback, and they were getting worse. Visions of him in an icy tomb, surrounded by bright blue cold light, where the most frequent. Other times he would be surrounded by darkness, no wind, no sound, lifeless. Sometimes he could even swear there was something calling to him in the dark, but he would jolt awake, covered in frost, before he could figure it out. He spent most of his free time in the library, trying to find an explanation, but most of what he found presented more questions than answers and made no sense.
Loki could not tell this to anyone. Thor wouldn’t care, Frigga wouldn’t be able to help him and Odin would probably berate him for not controlling his powers. As if I could control them while asleep. Sigyn was the only person who he knew could trust with this, and though she was too far away to really help him, she still sent him medicinal herbs, sleeping potions (dreamless sleep was better than no sleep, after all) and comfort food he would not find in Asgard. In addition, she would also send copies of manuscripts she thought could help him.
During the day, Loki fell into a routine, keeping his mind busy to keep out of his own head and fill the endless hours of the day. He was obliged to attend certain diplomatic meetings but only as an observer and only to learn more about running the kingdom. Forced to wear his ceremonial uniform - horns and all - Loki loathed them, but was still far more observant of visiting ambassadors than he let on. It was him who picked up on it each time one would try to lie or trick the Allfather, and after some time Odin wanted to use his skill at every meeting. It was a thankless job, but Loki knew he had to make himself indispensable to gain the Allfather’s trust, so he performed his duty with a sort of reluctant sense of responsibility. For the first time in almost his entire life, Odin stopped insulting him at every opportunity, and replaced his mistrust with indifference. Loki was no longer followed by Odin’s blasted ravens, or by the Einherjar, everywhere he went.
Even while being used, Loki found a measure of freedom in Asgard at last.
My Queen:
It’s been decades and I still can’t get used to being here.
I’ve been made very aware in more than one occasion that this is a world built for warriors, and I am not one of them. Thor has tried to include me in his tiny clique, but he insists on mocking my powers, unless he can make use of them.
“Some do battle, while others do tricks,” he says - but he’s perfectly happy with my “tricks” saving him, and then taking all the credit when an incursion goes well. In any case, is not like Odin would congratulate me, as he dislikes me using my magic when I‘m supposed to be using weapons and considers sorcery to be the cheater’s way. Nothing ever satisfies his impossible standards.
I must admit that I’ve used magic for more than saving my brother’s behind, though.
Fandral has gotten no more amenable, and wastes no opportunity to make crude remarks about my magic and my shapeshifting. This of course only happens whenever Thor isn’t around, the spineless worm. But I finally got my revenge.
In a recent trip, I suggested I used my female form, as the ruler of said realm was a fierce woman who wanted nothing to do with negotiations as long as Odin or Thor were conducting them. I thought, very accurately, she would be more lenient if a woman was the representative. To everyone’s surprise, except mine, it worked, and now interrealm relations are advancing.
That evening, in the revels of it, Fandral once again tried to make advances on me. This time, I was prepared. I had been working on a little something for some time, and it was the perfect opportunity to lace his drink with a very special concoction.
He spent the next two full days as a pig! His tiny brain managed to keep him safe from the slaughterhouse. Once the effect wore off, he tried to blame me for it, but he had no proof. Besides, it’s not the first time he has gone missing for a couple of days. Most believe his excuses just got out of hand.
I must say, potion making isn’t fun and it will probably never be my strong point, but the results are very satisfactory. Hopefully the goateed swine has learned at least a small lesson about underestimating me.
I believe the time has almost come for my father to be informed of our engagement, though if and when it happens it won’t likely be made public knowledge until after Thor’s coronation, which is at least another half century or more away. But it will stop Odin from discussing my possible marital prospects involving Aesir nobility for the foreseeable future. I will tell you as soon as I am able to do it.
PS: Please, tell Gwyn her blackberry pie was delicious, and that without her here to tell me not to eat it in one sitting, I ate it in one sitting.
My King:
Gwyn is both very pleased and very cross with your message. I could still hear her muttering about your sweet tooth and lack of self control well into dinner time.
I kind of want to feel sorry for Fandral, or at least tell you to make productive use of what you’ve learned. But I’m not going to, cause I am imagining a pig with a blond goatee, and I wish you could have kept some register of it.
As for our engagement, I have no better news than you.
My cousin, Princess Frikka of Vanaheim, has announced her betrothal and upcoming wedding. Every and all announcements will be on hold until after she weds and the new future king is presented. Her fiancé comes from one of the oldest houses on the realm and has been around the royal family probably since he was born. Surprisingly enough, they chose each other, which leads me to believe he must have some integrity and intelligence in him. Frikka is smart and strong willed, she wouldn’t suffer a fool.
I am guessing that for a ceremony of this magnitude and significance, Asgard will be sending Thor in Odin’s behalf. If you want me to, I can brew something to turn him into a goat.
In an unsuspected turn of events, my father has decided I’m the one to represent Asgard in Princess Frikka’s upcoming wedding. Thor, as usual, wants nothing to do with diplomatic visits or ceremonial commitments, and my father is once again incapable of putting his foot down with him.
I do regret that you will miss the chance to turn Thor into a goat. But there’s always more ceremonies and weddings, including our own, where you can try that out.
I look forward to see you in Vanaheim next fortnight. The prospect of you being there and seeing you again is the only thing that will keep me sane.
The week leading to the event, Loki found himself excited by the thought of reuniting with Sigyn, and wanted to do something special for her. For this, he enlisted his mother’s help, as he had no clue of where to get the gift he had in mind.
Loki had discussed their unofficial engagement with his mother several times in length, and while he knew the Queen had indeed informed Odin, it was rather odd that the Allfather hadn’t talked to him about it in person.
Loki wanted to question this decision, maybe even talk to his father himself. Odin had always been very adamant in controlling everything in his life. Why all of a sudden did he seem to not care about it? Or maybe he was looking for a reason to forbid Loki from marrying Sigyn, thus stopping him from leaving Asgard for good? Loki wouldn’t put it past Odin to do such a thing. It wasn’t until much later that the reason behind Odin’s silence became clearer.
As much as they tried to hide it, Odin’s dwindling health was a well-known secret. The whispers and rumors had not gone unnoticed by Loki. This only meant the palace would be making arrangements sooner than planned to proclaim Thor as King. Loki couldn’t help but feel bitter about it: as usual, he was being pushed aside for his brother to shine.
Yet, he had no time to dwell on it. Diplomatic trips weren’t something Asgard took lightly, least of all now, when such an important ceremony was involved. Loki had to get a proper outfit, take time to study and relearn some of Vanaheim ceremonial etiquette, and find Sigyn her gift.
When the day came, Loki found himself rather excited by the prospect of spending a few days away from Asgard. He told himself the butterflies in his stomach were from the responsibility invested on him to represent Asgard and the Nine Realms. They had nothing to do with seeing Sigyn again, of course not. Still, there was a little skip in his step when he and Frigga made way to the Bifrost chamber.
As in all the realms, Vanaheim had a special landing site for the Bifrost. It was very similar to the Alfheim one, except the stones that made the circle were blue. A wide stone road led out to the capitol, while other smaller dirt pathways led out to several shrines. Loki knew these were teleporting spots, portals that connected Vanaheim to other realms besides Asgard. Loki made way to the white Alfheim shrine to wait for Sigyn. His fingers traced the white stone, covered in familiar leaf patterns, and smiled to himself. His nostalgia was interrupted by a bright silver flash coming from the inside of the shrine.
Loki straightened himself and stood by the door and waited for Sigyn to come out. And what a vision she was. Her linen and silk dress was several shades of green, with golden leaves embroidered on the fabric that shimmered in the midday sun, making it look as if the light was going through the foliage of a tree. The golden and white sash on her waist was modeled after branches, and matched the design of the tiara on her head. Blue, red and yellow jewels embedded in the metal resembled little flowers.
Rendered temporarily speechless, Loki shook his head. In an attempt to get rid of the awkward atmosphere, he bowed theatrically, taking Sigyn’s hand and kissing it.
“Your majesty.” Loki chuckled.
“Your highness.” Sigyn bowed as well, trying to stifle a laugh. “What’s with the antlers?”
“Har-har,” Loki said, unamused. “Ceremonial regalia. It’s supposed to be intimidating, I think. I plan to get rid of it as soon as I’m allowed.” Sigyn’s face was red, and her lips pressed in a tight line as she tried not to giggle. “Laugh now, get it out of your system unless you want to enter the Realm looking like a strawberry,” he teased, rolling his eyes.
“I’m sorry!!” She broke down in hysterics, holding Loki’s arm to steady herself. “I’m sorry…” Finally she took a deep breath. “I’m fine now.” Loki stared blankly at her, and Sigyn broke down laughing again, unsuccessfully apologizing.
Loki shook his head a took a deep breath, smiling despite of himself while he waited for Sigyn to stop. She had tears in her eyes when the fit finally subsided.
“Okay, I am fine now. We can go.” Sigyn smiled at him.
He smiled back offering his arm for her to grab it. “You look beautiful.”
Loki and Sigyn were led into a carriage that transported them to the castle. Conversation was light and amenable, and Loki felt like he was floating on air sitting next to Sigyn again, becoming aware every few minutes that she had grown in his absence and blushing at this observation. Sigyn gently placed her hand over his as they approached the castle, openly gaping at the sight of the carved crystal palace.
Clearly Asgard doesn’t have the monopoly on gaudy castles, Loki mused, both amused and impressed at the Vanir capitol. The entire entryway was a giant blue crystal that thrust toward the sky like a beacon, its edges perfect and straight. At the tip of the crystal was a smaller but no less impressive crystal that Loki assumed was a massive diamond, by the way it refracted the natural sunlight into sparkling rainbows everywhere the light touched. Even the stone pathway leading to the castle glittered with every shift of the light.
“Look at it,” Sigyn breathed, her free hand resting on her chest in awe. “I haven’t been here since I was a child and the beauty of the castle still arrests me.”
The carriage stopped in front of the castle door and a servant assisted both of them out onto the front steps, bowing low and gesturing widely toward the open door to invite them in. Loki offered his arm to Sigyn and she gracefully placed her hand on his forearm, giving it a reassuring stroke with her thumb.
Already the front part of the castle was full to capacity with guests from other realms. Loki recognized a few members of nobility from Alfheim and Asgard and cringed inwardly. He was expected to play the part of the royal representative but he wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. Politely greeting people along the way as they bowed their heads to him, Loki led Sigyn through the throng and past the crystal door frame and heavy white amethyst doors leading into the throne room.
Loki had learned in his studies that Asgard was unique in its showcasing of ceremonial events, so he knew that no one would see the newlyweds until after their vows, since the Vanir preferred privacy for their weddings. The party would take place later. There were only a few people in the throne room aside from himself and Sigyn, and he could hear muffled voices in an adjoining room, where he assumed the happy couple were tying the knot right then.
The throne room itself was just as grand as the rest of the castle they had seen so far, nearly every surface all gleaming crystal and perfect edges. It was almost disorienting to the eye, the stark contrast between the sharp lines of the room and the organic curves of the people in it. The ceiling sloped up into a point and the blue crystal caused the room to be bathed in blue light that made one feel as though the room was underwater. Perched atop a white crystal dais, the throne itself was carved from several slabs of gold-laced white quartz. It was the only cushioned surface in the room, as the King likely spent a fair amount of time sitting on it. While beautiful, it was a kind of cold beauty that Loki found rather abrasive compared to the lush and green lands he had grown up in.  
Sigyn’s hand squeezed Loki’s arm and he turned to see her practically jumping up and down with excitement after seeing someone. She looked up at Loki with a smile before bounding off to greet a woman Loki recognized as her mother’s sister. He had met her a few times during his stay in Alfheim and knew she and Sigyn had a close bond.
Excited chatter began to filter from the ceremonial chambers and Loki supposed it was nearly time for the couple to make their entrance. As if on cue, more and more guests came from the foyer to mingle, and Loki suddenly felt as though the air was getting thicker by the second. Whether it was the dense group of people, or the flickering blue light that filled the room as the sun raised higher in the sky and which reminded him of his dreams, he could feel a chill brewing in his chest and he had to get out of there quickly before he made a scene.
As subtly as he could, Loki slipped through the crowd as the new Vanir Prince and Princess emerged amidst loud cheering from the ceremonial chambers, followed by the King and Queen and a High Priestess. His fingertips tingled with cold and he gasped for breath when he finally found a second door that led out to a balcony overlooking the castle gardens. Quietly he approached the railing and closed his eyes, focusing on the sound of the river below. Surely no one would notice him gone, even with the conspicuous absence of the ridiculous horns he had to wear.
Loki leaned on the railing and willed his breathing to slow and tried to ignore the clamor of voices insides. His eyes flew open in surprise when he felt a hand grasping his. Standing there patiently, her hair and skirt blowing gently in the breeze, was Sigyn, her soft brown eyes full of concern. She stroked his hand with her thumb and he couldn’t help but smile.
“Are you okay?” Sigyn meant it sincerely, and took his other hand in hers. “Want me to go back in with you?”
Loki considered this for a moment, and shook his head. “Not yet,” he murmured. “Just stay here with me.”
Sigyn returned his smile and leaned against his shoulder, still holding his hands. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, and Loki could sense his tension evaporating more as he moved his hands to pull her closer. Warmed by the sun, Sigyn’s hair smelled like roses, and the scent reminded him of all the time they spent together in Alfheim, the bond they shared, and the future he hoped to share with her.
“I nearly forgot,” Loki mumbled, freeing one hand to dig in his leather pockets. “I have something for you.” Finally he found it, and pulled it out for Sigyn to see. A quiet gasp was all Sigyn could muster when she saw the thin but elegant gold ring, the design made of intricate knots interwoven with branches and leaves.
“I promised you a real engagement ring, remember?”
Sigyn nodded wordlessly, her mouth still hanging open, eyes misting over. She held up her left hand and Loki was touched to see the original ring he had given her, a gold band from one of his braids that was covered in scuffs and scratches. He replaced it with the new ring, which fit perfectly and would last longer, and Sigyn grinned wide and stood up on her toes to press her lips to his. The sudden kiss surprised Loki but he held her like that for a few extra seconds before she took a step back to admire the ring.
Her smile vanished, however, when she looked past Loki toward the door.
<< Chapter 16  –  Chapter 18 >>
@igotloki @xalgaliareptx  @christy-winchester @silverhart93 @claiming-loyalty-to-loki @honeybournehippy @unseelie1963 @mischievousbellerina @manager-of-mischief @angryowlet @thelittlestlittlecutiepie 
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singingvio · 6 years
Chapter Two of my Haunted Castle AU!
(This is basically just the histories of the victims. So it’s a lot shorter than the prologue, but all the chapters will be shorter than the prologue, so yeah. Also it ends with some Vio/Shadow and Crazy-Grin Shadow. Also Vio gained a nickname Shadow uses all the time. it’s important to the story.)
chapter one!
Green smiled, at least his new friend would maybe be able to help. “Um, I want to know everything about the people murdered here as possible.” Vaati grinned even wider.
“So, all four of them? Or just one?”
“All of them.”
“All right, Green, get ready for about an hour-long history lesson.” Vaati said, pulling multiple papers and books out of backpack, which Green now is sure that it’s magical. “Which one do you want to know about first?” Green thought for a moment.
“The advisor, I guess.” he didn’t mention that the advisor, Vio, was the first he saw in the castle. Vaati laughed.
“Cool, that one’s my favorite! But I don’t know a lot about him, no one does, really.” he said. Vaati took out a photograph of Vio and Shadow, but they weren’t wearing the same outfits from Green’s dream/vision/crazy person thing. Vio wore a plain long-sleeve purple shirt and white pants, not the purple robe-thing. Shadow wore pretty much the same thing, but the eye that was red was yellow, and his hair was plain black.
“This is Vio Oshitsu, the royal advisor, in the castle courtyard with his friend, a half-demon named Shadow Lorule.” Vaati said. Green frowned.
“Why does Shadow look different than in that picture up there?”
“Easy. One: he’s a shapeshifter. Two: this was apparently taken early in the morning, and it was common knowledge that Shadow can’t keep a single appearance when it’s early.” Green nodded. “Vio was the youngest royal advisor in history, and known to be one of the smartest people in Hyrule at only sixteen. He rarely left the castle, but when he did, it was either with Shadow or his twin brother, Blue. he was really secretive in general, and the only one he was known to share secrets and such with was Shadow.”
“Why Shadow? Why not Blue?”
“I think it was because Blue and Vio didn’t get along as children, and Vio and Shadow met when they were really little and Shadow saved him from something, and they trust each other more than Vio trusts Blue.”
“Oh, okay. Anything else about Vio?”
“He was well-liked by pretty much everyone that met him, and was really quiet, spending most of his time in the castle library. No one knows why he was murdered, or why anyone wanted to murder him at all. Lots of people expected Shadow as the murderer, because he was half-demon and went everywhere with Vio, and even if he hadn’t killed him, he should have seen the murderer.”
“Was he the murderer?”
“No, he was killed a week later, right after Vio’s funeral.”
Green sat back in his chair. “That’s… messed up.”
“Yeah. No one known who the murderer, or murderers, was. Want me to keep going?”
“Sure. Tell me about Shadow.” Vaati grinned.
“There’s a LOT about Shadow, but a lot of it is rumours that he probably spread himself. Where do you want me to start, because there isn’t a lot of info about him that isn’t maybe a rumour other than his family history, which is confusing.”
“Start with the family history and the maybe-rumours that are more… realistic?”
“All right, let’s do this. Shadow Lorule was born in a kingdom neighboring his one named Lorule, and he was raised in a royal household. He wasn’t part of the royal family that much, though. His father was a demon and died shortly after his birth while his mother was the sister of he king but worked as a servant in the castle, not wanting any royal stuff because she thought it would give her a huge ego like it did her brother, and so Shadow lived a poor but also somehow fancy life with his mom. When he turned ten, he discovered his shapeshifting powers and the fact that he learned from his father’s sister that the form he had currently was not his true form. His true form is what you see in the picture, except pitch black. So eventually, since the townspeople got scared of him because he was a demon kid, he ran away, and his mother understood and was fine with it.”
“And then the mom died. So then Shadow, full of grief and somehow thinking his mother’s death was his fault, which it wasn’t, made it to Hyrule Castle, where the twins, Vio and Blue, found him half-dead from starvation, since it took him a full month to get there, and people kept throwing rocks at him because demon. So they nursed him back to health, but mostly Vio because he had more free time than Blue, and the three became friends, and Shadow lived in the castle with them. One day, some monster or mean jerk tried to kill Vio for some reason and Shadow just kind of went berserk, severely injuring the person but then regretting it, and yeah, he  saved Vio’s life.”
“Wow. that’s kind of sad.”
“I know. Took me forever to find the whole story that wasn’t over-exaggerated by some idiot who thought that Shadow killed his mom or terrorized the townspeople for fun.”
“Any facts about his role and such, like why someone would want to murder him?”
“The main reason someone might want to kill Shadow would be that he was half-demon, but that’s just kind of racist and also Hylians were pretty accepting back then. Also, Shadow was surprisingly really nice to everyone, despite him pranking people a lot. The kids loved him, too, and he played a lot of games with his powers, mostly shapeshifting. One was just walking around the castle in a different form to see who would recognize him first. I don’t think anyone would have wanted to kill him unless they really hate demons, which is pretty untrue in Hyrule. Lorulians just collectively hate demons, though.”
“Actually, there were three people that hated Shadow to the depths of their being by a lot of accounts from the second murder case. The first was actually suspected for Vio’s murder, too, and Blue’s. The second was from Lorule and also, hated Shadow and all demons, and also claimed that Shadow was just plain mean as a younger child, which was a complete lie. The third just didn’t like anyone that was constantly being mean to Shadow and Vio for some… dumb… reason… that he never tells anyone the reason for, by historical accounts. There’s also a weird rumour that I think actually might be true.”
“What was it?”
“It was that Shadow and Vio were dating, but I’m pretty sure that was told by Blue, who just loves spreading gossip almost as much as Shadow, especially about Vio because they don’t get along a lot, and I guess it’s a twin thing.”
“I could actually believe that, I haven’t seen any picture or anything in the castle with Vio or Shadow that didn’t have the other nearby.”
“Yeah. Wanna do Blue next? There’s not a lot about him, either, but that’s mostly because he didn’t trust strangers.”
“Okay, also, you’ve heard a lot from my Vio and Shadow lists. Twin of Vio, best friend of Vio and Shadow, son of the captain of the guard, one of the best knights despite being so young, et-cetera, et-cetera. He was known for losing his temper a lot, and when he wanted revenge or held a grudge, it was really obvious. He was also really easy to calm down before going on a rampage, usually by Vio or Red, one of the servants in the castle.”
“Yeah. he was also known to charge right into battle without orders, and somehow never getting an injury worse than a broken bone. Also, he was really stubborn and hated sitting still. Being bedridden because of his own stupidity in battle drove him slightly crazy. He loved keeping things clean and neat, too, and did more work than the butlers and maids did cleaning things, mostly because he didn’t let them do some work. He was also loved by kids, like Shadow, but because he loved to play with them, either rough games like play wrestling or something like dress-up with a little girl.”
“Wow. he seems to have a lot of mood swings.”
“Yeah. he was also really close to Red, more than Shadow and Vio. Red’s used to babysit Blue’s little sister, Sky, a lot.” Vaati showed Green a picture of the knight, Blue, wearing a navy hooded cloak with water designs on the edges over a dark blue outfit, an arm slung around Red, who Green realized was a lot shorter by about five inches. Red was wearing all red, the bottom of his red cloak similar to Blue’s with a flame design on the ends. Holding Blue’s other hand was a little girl with platinum blond hair like Vio’s and sky blue eyes with tan skin. She was wearing a puffy yellow dress with blue and white swirls, blue bows in her hair.
“They’re all dressed up.” Green commented.
“Yeah, I think it was at the queen’s birthday party? I don’t really know, some kind of party.” Vaati replied. “One left, Red Sage.”
“Okay, how much information?”
“A lot, none of them rumours except for, like, two, but I’ll just hit you with the basics because Red tended to overshare a lot of things about himself. First, he was the grandson of Arcy, the castle cook, and spended a lot of time in the kitchens. He loved sewing and anything to do with fire. He lit his hair on fire more than once, but not on purpose. He once participated in some type of talent show. He did fire poi, some type of dancing with, of course, fire. He won second place, too. He also loved to sing, and would do so all the time. There was a special lullaby he used to sing ky to sleep, and one or both of the twins if they couldn’t sleep,either. Mostly Vio, who had pretty bad insomnia, but also Blue, who had nightmares a lot. His personality, described by the prince, princess, and Sky after he died, was ‘sunshine in human form.’”
“Is that it?”
“Unless you want to sit here for another hour with me telling you all the stupid rumours about Shadow and everything about red, yeah.”
Green and Vaati leaned back in their chairs,noe exhausted from the fact overload. “So, why did you need all that, again?”
“You’re gonna think I’m crazy.”
“Try me, I’ve heard some really weird things researching this castle that you don’t want to know about.”
“Okay, here goes.” Green stared at the floor. “I’ve been seeing ghost-like scenes of these kids, Red, Blue, Vio, and Shadow, just hanging out and having fun. I was really creeped out. The first was in this library, at that table over there…”
Neither of them noticed a pair of mismatched glowing eyes looking at them from behind the bookshelf.
A wispy, translucent figure floated from behind the bookshelf. From the waist up, he looked as he did when he was alive. He had messy purple hair, black horns sticking out of his head. His teeth were like a wolf’s, sharp and pure white. He had tan skin and mismatched eyes, one blue and the left a blood red. He had clawed hands with sharp black nails, the left holding on to the bookshelf, the right holding the hand of another ghost. The demon-like ghost had on a long-sleeve white shirt with a black short-sleeve over it.
He was frowning at the two strange boys by the fireplace, talking to each other with wide eyes. He turned to the boy whose hand he was holding, who was gesturing at the living boys.
“See? I told you so!” the boy whispered. He had platinum blond hair, two long strands on the sides of his face trailing down to where his body faded into a wispy purple tail and the rest cut short. Purple earrings hung from his pointed ears. He had pale skin and purple eyes that looked like a cat’s. He wore a light purple long-sleeve shirt and sleeveless purple robes over it. The demon ghost removed his left hand from the shelf and waved it.
“Yeah, yeah, you were right. We’ve got visitors that we don’t really want. You got me. What should we do, Vio, you’re the smart one.”
“They need to leave, Shadow, they’re unwanted here, this is our castle that we share with Blue and Red.”
A maniac grin spread on Shadow’s face.
“Well, then, let’s get to it, dear Violet.”
“... don’t call me that.” Shadow laughed.
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sandersimagination · 6 years
Wassup, ST here! You remember that information Sleep said we were gathering? Well I’m here to present it to you. Well, at least some of it. So here’s some general facts about those of us available for asks!
Lives off coffee
Poor child has horrible nightmares and refuses to sleep until he just crashes
The only way in which you could bribe him to sleep is with cuddles (They chase away the nightmares)
He is the epitome of clingy when sleeping
Ironically, or unironically depending how you look at it, he has the ability to knock someone out cold (putting them to sleep not punching them Anxiety, chill)
Hates Anxiety with a passion like nobody's business (None of us can figure out why though, asides from Emile but he refuses to share claiming “doctor, patient confidentiality”
Whenever there’s a concert you can bet your money that Sleep will be there, dragging Virgil along with him
You know that bag he has with him? Ya he never leaves it unattended and no one knows what’s in it.
Has photophobia (That’s why he has those glasses he never takes off) The cause has not been determined, although Emile thinks it might have something to do with Sleep’s glowing eyes.
Has no sense of direction
Says he’s going to the store, next thing you know he calling asking you to pick him up cause he’s somehow found his way to The Witches Tower (Which is all the way across Ro’s kingdom from the city)
He moves quietly, you could be sitting in the living room with nothing on (it’s so quiet you can hear a pin drop) and he’ll come through into the kitchen then back out the front door without you even knowing he was there.
If he doesn’t want to be found, he won’t be.
Emile Picani:
Is a psychologist
Meaning he’ll do more than just relationship therapy
He’s not a medical doctor, there the Surgeon for medical emergencies
He’s taken to studying somethings in terms of magic for anyone of Ro’s kingdom (and Sleep) who might need assistance
Loves childrens shows.
He finds small messages or characters to relate back to his patients
Tends to be the one to aid Sleep in his adventures
This is because he doesn’t really have any other patients at the moment aside from the steven universe team
And won’t until there’s another episode of Cartoon therapy being produced
This also doesn’t mean they all have continual issues, asides from poor Elliot, it more means that they go there to talk with PIcani about things not necessarily relationship wise
When exploring the town with Sleep you better bet that he carries around the cheeseburger backpack
He also makes sure to get them both donuts at some point while exploring
Has a sweet tooth
Can’t consume coffee cause it makes him jittery and he can’t focus well
Missy (Misleading Compliments):
He’s the Thomas from the misleading compliments vines
Sweetest bean
Look like as cinnamon roll and is one but he can still kill you
Mess with his friends and they’ll never find your body
… this time it’s not a compliment
Really flirtatious, but knows when to stop or tone it down
Sometimes he’s a flirt without meaning to, but it’s just in his nature
Might accidentally say an innuendo without meaning to most of the time
Is also a gentleman
Will open a door for you and refuse to let you pay for dinner, even if he just met you
Anytimes Deceit comes around he can be easily influenced by the false compliments
When Virge reveals however who Deceit actually is (He lied about his identity the first meeting) Missy is the first one to deck him in the face next time he shows up
Will fite you behind Dennys if you try to talk bad about yourself
Pranks (Pranks with Friends):
He’s the Thomas from the Pranks with friends series
Avid lover of Pokemon and his love of Disney can rival Roman’s
April fools is his favorite holiday
He makes sure that any pranks he pulls are harmless
Of course this doesn’t mean that there haven’t been a few that have caused some issues
One of his pranks went horribly wrong and he’s avoided the mention of it since
The largest goofball/dork you will ever meet
Of the trio he’s the most innocent
Deceit gets the brunt of any/all of his pranks
Wears hoodies 24/7/365
As soon as Pokemon Go came out he’s been all over it
He made ST and Missy play as well. Of course they had to all choose different teams
Pranks:Instinct. Missy:Mystic. ST: Valor
Hurt his friends and he’ll pull the most harmless, yet annoying pranks to get back at you.
As a warning. After that it’ll get physical
ST (Narrating your lives):
ST (Short for Story Time) is the Thomas from the Narrating Your Lives vines
Will also respond to Narrator
He’s an Extra™ boi
If you can’t find him with the other two then head to Ro’s village,he’ll be there directing and writing plays with Roman.
If this was a human AU or they had actual history as kids in school then he definitely would have been the one to be bullied.
When narrating people’s lives he has been punched before
If we’re playing the who’s most innocent with the trio, then he’d be the least
Aims to add puns in where ever he sees fit
Or if he comes up with one
Missy normally winds up beating him to it though
Kind of impulsive
Impulse control? Who’s she? Never heard of her.
Intrusive thoughts are powerful in this one yes.
If your friend jumped off the bridge would you?
The answer yes, by the way
Also the little shite actually ate a tide pod
The only reason he’s not dead is cause he’s a figment of Thomas’s imagination
He did become terribly ill though
Now they have to be locked up on a high shelf
That has not stopped him from summoning more unfortunately
Within the short amount of time Anxiety has been around he’s become Brain’s babysitter
He can be mature and reasonable when he wants to
For some reason that goes just as horribly
Duet (Drive-by-Duets):
The Thomas from the Drive-by-Duet vines
He randomly breaks into song
He's a precious bean
Encourages everyone planning on trying out acting or some music based career
He's also can be found with Roman and ST in the village
He is an less Extra™ boi but he is still extra
Can play literally any instrument
Dorky gentleman
Where Missy is smooth Duet trips over his own feet trying to pull out your seat for you
He is also clumsy when not trying to be smooth
He is not allowed into the kitchen unsupervised
Can sing like an angel but can't dance to save his life
Smol bean
Must be protected (Sleep’s words not mine)
Listens to “emo” music (Like MCR, Evanessense, Set it Off, to name a few)
He loves his boyfriend, he really does and he swears Michael loves him too (Sleep would beg to differ, but doesn’t try arguing)
When Sleep and Virgil go off to concerts they always makes sure lend the invitation to Elliot
While he doesn’t always accept the offer, he does appreciate the thought.
They haven’t really felt like sharing much so this all there is currently
Sloane and Corbin, precious beans
Sleep claims that Sloane is more dangerous than he seems
Sleep also claims that Corbin has not much of and idea what he got himself into by dating Sloane
He refuses to say why he thinks this way
Sloane takes life as it comes and doesn’t let bad things deter him.
Corbin’s a bit more of a prepare for the worst and hope for the best
Aaannnd Corbin refused to let us ask anymore questions after that so that’s all for now.
Larry and Dot are rebellious teen adults.
Dot doesn’t know her own strength sometimes
They pick on each other occasionally, but it’s all in good fun.
Larry tries too hard occasionally to be… hip? Would that be the word to use??
Dot’s one of those teachers that’s awesome as a person, but aggravating as a teacher
Anything else was found by Emile, who keeps claiming doctor patient confidentiality
Vitani (The Dragonwitch):
Despite what was mentioned before about Roman’s characters being the least aware, she’s actually as aware as Sleep and us.
She’s dubbed herself Vitani because it’s easier than always calling her dragonwitch.
Don’t  tell Roman though
The head witch and alpha dragon
She’s got her work cut out for her.
Can shapeshift like the sides, through the use of her magic.
Her magic color is green cause Every Villain Is Lime
She’d much prefer a shade of Red-violet but it can’t be helped now
Is very Sassy™
Can and will shapeshift into a dragon at will
Can be found hanging out with Virgil is some of her spare time
This you also don’t tell Roman
Not just for her sake but for Virgil’s as well
On that note don’t mention it to the others that Virgil comes here period
Steer clear when she and Roman are in the midst of battle
Anxious boyo
He’s not kidding don’t tell the others he’s here doing this
Favorite band is Evanescence 
Is normally here either to talk with Vitani or go to a concert with Sleep
Virgil is normally the one Sleep ends up cuddling in his sleep
Virgil allows it because it has mutual benefits
Sleep will, well, sleep and Virgil can rest easier
No one is too sure what he and Vitani do when they’re hanging out
Any questions about the others? Just ask us and we’ll see if we can answer.
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 4 years
(Cleaning out my drafts, and found a series of posts on this subject, so I’m going to publish them all in a batch. Please keep in mind that they’re from before SUF aired)
Humoring the idea of a gem AU, because of course I am.
Setting and basic plot are the same, the only difference is that gems exist-- not in great number, but they aren’t horribly rare either. They’re also on their own side of the organic/robot debacle, since they aren’t technically either.
Gem choices are half based on attributes, half based on visuals. Same goes for placement.
Ratchet/Tiger’s Eye: the site I was using linked it to protection, creativity and balance, which seems appropriate, even if the last one is something he has to work on. Obviously it has a gold/brown color scheme, stripes and is cat-related.
Overcooked, gem on his left palm, from a kindergarten in the Polaris galaxy. Wields a wrench. Has a decent handle on shapeshifting/has claws and will use them. Extremely fast and surefooted.
I’m thinking since tiger’s eye is technically a quartz, the caste may be field mechanics or something designed with combat in mind.
He emerged pretty messed up, and had no idea what he was supposed to look like or even really what he was. The first person he met was Kaden, on the run from Tachyon, and he helped hide him during an initial sweep. He wanted to help him get off-planet by shapeshifting and causing confusion, but Kaden refused, knowing what would happen to him if he was caught. Even after that plan got shot down, he still wanted to help somehow, and Kaden had to destabilize him before he could do something stupid.
It’s worth pointing out that, even though he’s pretty good at shapeshifting, a) this was a first attempt with any of his abilities and b) being a defect warped the likeness. There was certainly a resemblance, but up close, it wouldn’t fool anyone.
When he finally reformed, he was in a completely different galaxy with no idea what just happened. He adopted the lombax form permanently, took to wearing gloves and started using a proper name as rising tensions between organics, robots and gems took hold of Solana’s social climate.
Clank/Optical Calcite: I liked the emphasis on clarity and energy, and the transparency/white fit really well imo. I wanted something just a little different from other types of the same stone, for plot reasons, and this just clicked.
Extremely overcooked, even moreso than Ratchet. His gem would be on his forehead, but the way things turned out, it’s on his antennae. Technically from Solana. He can scan/see through machines, and has a chameleon/camo effect. Eventually, his weapon is the time bombs.
The kindergarten he emerged from was repurposed as the Blarg robot factory, and not knowing better, he just wandered in and assumed he looked like one of the robots. Being so small, there’s not much of a resemblance, but an attempt was made. He befriended the AI, and was eager to help her stop Drek, but couldn’t do that on his own. Crashed/poofed on Veldin and was found by Ratchet.
The kindergarten he was from wasn’t actually creating Calcites, and how/why he came from there is a complete mystery. Another mystery is the optical effect his gem exhibits; it’s flat-out unnatural, and no amount of research has turned up anything quite like it among other gems.
Bonus fact: because his gem is on his antenna/looks like something any robot might have, people tend to assume he is a robot. The only person who hasn’t made that assumption is Ratchet who a) is also a gem and b) found him before he reformed, which really made it obvious.
Since gems don’t work 100% the same way, I think their fusion could potentially be Hiddenite, for its association with unconditional love, hope and gratitude. I’m also sorely tempted to make it Cat’s Eye Hiddenite, just to bring the cat association and weird optical effects back around. Failing that, they’d be Cat’s Eye Golden Beryl (confidence, willpower, empathy).
As up in the air as I am about what the gem would be, I do know this much:
Small for a fusion. Given his off-color components, it’s not surprising.
The would-be forehead gem is on his forehead. Thanks, Clank.
Half well-intentioned cloud cuckoolander, half legitimately-brilliant mad scientist. Cycles between intense curiosity, extreme introspection,  enthusiastic infodumping and building/creating.
Has been known to write/sketch out blueprints, equations, etc.  during his thoughtful moments. They’re a nightmare to interpret.
His later formations are extremely stable. It would take a dedicated tool to tear him apart if he wasn’t willing to separate.
That being said, earlier on, he was liable to split whenever his components had contrasting opinions on something.
Likewise, his components’ love and respect for one another contribute to his unwavering confidence in himself and his abilities.
Personally offended by misplaced self-importance. Guess why.
Comes off as a little distant and isn’t immediately friendly. It takes some time for him to warm up to most people, but he does come around.
Genuinely wants what’s best for people, and to help reach that goal. Just has weird ideas about what that means/how to get there.
Is incredibly adept at fighting with just his hands.
Can definitely use the wrench and time bombs, and possibly combine them into something akin to the Chronoscepter.
Depending on where I go with this, it might also have elements of the Praetorian omniwrench, but we’ll see.
Rarely formed specifically for combat. Since we’re still playing with the universe that spawned the RYNO, fusing only helps so much; a lot of the time, they’d be better off as two individuals cooperating in a fight.
I like the idea that he can teleport using a Portal-style mechanic.
Between this and the inherited agility and time bombs, you’re never gonna catch this fool.
Well post-canon, he may be something approaching a permafusion.
Would absolutely deliver the line “We’ll always be twice the gem that you are.” I don’t know who he could possibly say it to, but oh boy, he would.
I also think it would be fun for Qwark to be a half-gem organic. So far, I like Uvarovite for him (abundance, self-confidence, expression). It’s very green.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #301
“Cat Armor, Fake Eyes, All That Remains, NOTCH the Monster”
[Lie] Urges her offensive pod to retreat back up towards the ceiling before heading out of the cage-
-As the group is walking up they see Buff jogging quickly towards Notch's house, and there's a pronounced thumping as he knocks on Markus's door-
[Notch] Opens it - Buff?
[Buff] Need- To - Talk- To Dofta!
[Notch] Okay? - he pulls out his phone and calls her-
[CP] Tries to fireball Buff from where they are-
[Buff] Gets hit and looks around in confusion- Cp?
[TLOT] Ignore him, he's being a dick.
[Lie] - Sorry Buff!  He's in a really bad mood!
[Buff] I can see that! - He's dancing around a bit like he needs to pee.
[Dofta] Hello?
[Buff] Snatches the phone and runs into Lie's house for some privacy.
[Lie] - Er...
[Traveler] Two more NOTCHES?
[Notch] Ummm.
[TLOT] I found my NOTCH Markus. - indicates her- This is Traveler. Traveler, this is Markus. The original Notch.
[Traveler] Inward hiss- The supreme NOTCH... Sir...
[Notch] That's not nessesary....
[Lie] - There are three other NOTCH ai's here Traveler...  Including mine
[Traveler] Why so many?
[Notch] These guys collect Herobrines, they tend to each come with at least a Steve, and Alex or a NOTCH.
[Traveler] Uh... okay?
[Lie] - Luckily not all the NOTCH's follow...- She rubs CP's ear a little
[TLOT] How much do you know about my previous NOTCH?
[Traveler] Scowls- Enough to realize he was unbalanced.
[CP] Considers fire balling Notch-
[Notch] Can I have Cp Lie?
[Lie] - He may bite...
[Notch] I'm used to it.
[Traveler] Who is this cat-brine to you Supreme NOTCH?
[Notch] My son.
[Lie] Hesitantly hands CP over-
[Notch] Gives him a hug- I know you're upset. Lie told me why. But I'm here for you when you go to fight, you'll have my enhancements on your power and my shield if you need it.
[Traveler] Who are you intending to fight?
[Lie] - The one who destroyed his original NOTCH and turned him into what he is
[Traveler] Are the odds against him great?
[CP] Is trying to bite Notch's face-
[TLOT] Yes.
[Notch] Ow. - He tries rubbing Cp's ears-
[Lie] - Harvestman has a sword that with a single small scratch can completely delete you
[CP] Yowls angrily-
[Traveler] Has a rather thoughtful and far away look-
[TLOT] So what kind of powers do you have anyway?
[Traveler] I know I'm your opposite in many ways, that's all I'm divulging for now.
[Lie] - So why did Buff need your phone?
[Notch] He wanted to talk to Dofta-
[Lie] - I wonder why...
[Buff] Comes back out looking more relaxed, and gives Markus his phone- Thank you.
[Lie] - So what did you need to talk to Dofta about Buff?
[CP] Very angry tail flicking-
[Buff] Oh.. just NOTCH stuff...
[Traveler] What kind of NOTCH stuff?
[Buff] Erm... OH! I don't think we've met! I'm Buff!
[Traveler] I can see that....
[Lie] Groans a little-
[Lie] Spawns a bit of catnip and slips it into CP's collar-
[CP] Hisses-
[TLOT] Winces-
[Lie] Glances at TLOT- Errrr...  You should probably tell them...
[TLOT] Mentally- I found my new NOTCH and they kinda followed me in.
[Traveler] You're doing it again...
[Doc] Are you in danger?!
[TLOT] I'm going to say no for the moment
[Lie] - He's doing what?
[Traveler] He's talking to someone else, I can tell by his face.
[Buff] He's psychic! He does that a lot.
[Lie] - Yeah, several of us are psychic...  The rest have pretty much learned to just think really loudly if they want us to hear them
[Traveler] Is my being here that much of a problem that everyone needs to whisper?
[Steve] You are a NOTCH...
[Buff] Slightly hurt look-
[Steve] That we don't know!
[Lie] - Part of it is just explaining to the other native brine what's going on, since last I saw they were still at the bar.  It's really useful for long distance communication
[Traveler] Again, am I causing a problem?
[Lie] - Uh...  Well, technically this place is supposed to be for brines, so any NOTCH that does end up here does cause some tension at first, mostly due th=o the fact that many of the brines here have been traumatized by their NOTCH's
[Traveler] Gives TLOT a calculating look- including him.
[Lie] - Yeah, he and CP may have had it the worst
[TLOT] I still have nightmares if I sleep alone...
[Lie] Looks at CP, knowing the same holds true for him-
[CP] The catnip is finally starting to take effect-
[Steve] Stays near his mate protectively- we've destroyed NOTCHs before! You better not cause any trouble.
[Traveler] And the priest is just as brave as his reputation suggested.
[Buff] They're good people, just trying to get by...
[Lie] - And this place is a rare place where we are welcome
[Notch] I presume you respect my opinion?
[Traveler] Oh, yes sir.
[Notch] this is a sanctuary for the hurt and lost, be at peace and you'll be accepted.
[TLOT] Also it's generally accepted that the brines are semi- responsible for any AIs from their home seeds...
[CP] Just flops in Notch's arms, a bit overwhelmed by the catnip-
[Notch] Strokes Cp a little bit- That's better.
[CP] Small grumble-
[TLOT] Puts his hand on his chest and starts, forgetting he took off his chestplate. - I need to go into town...
[Traveler] Steps up like she's going with him.
[TLOT] Um....
[Steve] Just so you know, this village of Testificates worships him, he's their king. Don't embarass us.
[TLOT] Blushes a little - They needed a protector.
[Traveler] What exactly are you afraid I'll do?
[Steve] a bit exasperated-  We don't know! That's the point!
[Lie] - Would you like me to come along?
[TLOT] Is trying to say please without cluing the NOTCH in.
[Lie] Looks at Notch- Here, I won't impose you with my husband
[Notch] Gives Cp a hug, - it's okay either way. - He's holding Cp in a way she can either take him or pass easily
[Lie] Takes her husband and cradles him-
[TLOT] Takes a deep breath, eyeballing Traveler nervously-
[Traveler] Puts up what's left of her hood, her poncho is shredded.
[CP] Little yowl-
[TLOT] Heads off and they're soon at the gates.
[Lie] Waves at some of the villagers as they walk by, exchanging some greetings-
[Traveler] Shadows TLOT, keeping her head down a little.
[Steve] Runs a bit ahead and knocks on the door
[Drilby] Father Steve? To what do we owe the honor this time?
[TLOT] Comes up as well- The usual... sadly
[Drilby] Oh dear, I'll get him.
[Aurum] - Oh dear, usual's are lucrative, but tiresome at times
[Tungsten] cheerfully- Our king has a bad habit of shapeshifting in a way that balloons out his chestplate.
[Arurm] - Hmmm, If the chest plate were made of smaller pieces you could use the stretchy string I should you how to make and use it to hold the armor together.  It would then expand when he does
[Tungsten] Perhaps, but then he wouldn't have an excuse to visit us.
[TLOT] Huffs-
[Firebird] - meandering castle, a bit  near the lab-
[Doc] Is pacing around a bit, annoyed with TLOT
[CN] Following, just looking at everything-
[Aurum] - It's just a suggestion
[Lie] - I'm sorry...  Who is this?
[TLOT] Takes out the enlarged plate and sets it down. It's big enough for him and Steve to wear it together right now.
[Tungsten] Whistles-
[Steve] Oh, Lie, This is Aurum. He's the genius that made Cp's obsidian stuff.
This message has been removed.
[Lie] - Oh!  Well thank you for that, his armor has helped me a few times
[Aurum] - And you are?
[Lie] - His wife
[Firebird] - spots Doc a pacing away - Doctor?
[Doc] Notices Firebird and Cn, - Oh good, I was hoping you had Cn.
[Steve] Aurum, This is Lie.
[Firebird] Yeah, held him hostage til he finished molting. I uh... Heard you make fake eyes?
[Doc] Perks up a bit- Oh yes! Haven't had any use for them in forever, but they're fun to make.
[Aurum] Looks her up and down- Hmmm, a few minor adjustments would have to be made to the original plan, but I could finish it now...  Or rather Tungsten could
[Tungsten] Adjustments?
[Drilby] Who's this?
[Firebird] Could i.. Have one?
[Aurum] - To her armor
[Lie] - My armor?
[Aurum] - Well yes, I had started a set of obsidian armor for whoever his mate would end up being
[Traveler] Looks up just a little and Drilby hisses in fear-
[Drilby] A NOTCH!
[Doc] Absolutely! What colors? - Xe reaches up on a shelf with a lot of organs and various unidentifibles and takes down a large jar of eyes - Just take some, I can make more.
[TLOT] She's my new NOTCH Drilby. Don't yell.
[Aurum] - New NOTCH?
[TLOT] The new parameters generate one when one is killled. That's how Doc got Buff after Dn was slain.
[Firebird] That's a lot to choose from... How do I put it in? - picking put a few-
[Doc] I'm just glad to have them appreciated by someone.
[Aurum] - Interesting.  So where's old sourpuss?  I'm surprised he's not with his lovely wife
[CN] Comes over to look- Ewwwww....
[Doc] They're just glass Cn.
[TLOT] Thumbs at the cat- He's had a bad day
[Aurum] - Oh dear...  Do I need to make cat armor?
[Steve] That would be awesome!!!!
[Aurum] - Tungsten we need obsidian!
[Firebird] -has settled on a purple one for now - How do i put it in? Just.. Push it?
[Drilby] It needs little spikes!
[Aurum] - But of course!  And we'll need measurments!
[Doc] You just have a hole where the other one is missing right? Move your hair a bit so I can see.
[Drilby] Scampers off to get some string to measure with.
[Firebird] - great hesitance-....
[CP] Annoyed noise but with the cat nip still in his collar he can't really focus-
[Doc] I could just fix your eye if you want. I know how to do it. Otherwise I'd be blind on one side too- Indicates hir own eye scar.
[Traveler] Is it always like this here?
[TLOT] Let them have their fun.
[Aurum] - Don't forget a quill and paper too Drillby!
[Tungsten] Is arranging chunks of stone and putting on the gauntlets-
[Firebird] -pushes hair aside and shows the heavily scarred empty hole- I don't want it repaired, that way I don't forget what got me into my mess to begin with.
[Doc] Suit yourself, but I'll need to shrink or swell the eye a little so it doesn't fall out. - Xe measures the hole with hir fingers and squishes the eyeball a little. Xe looks down- Um.. Cn? Are you glitching? You have a tail.
[CN] Turns red and talks quietly- Can't get rid of it
[Doc] Well you can always ask TLOT. If I remove it it may be missing if you shapeshift again.
[Firebird] Alright. And I still think it looks nice CN.
[CN] - Just no more seeds
[Doc] Gets the eyeball the right size and cleans it throughly in some hot water. - Just tip your head back and put it in. Just remember to blink if you lean over.
[Firebird] Alright. - does so, pausing at last moment - will this shift with me? Or should I take it out when I want to go bird?
[Doc] Is your eyesocket about the same size as a bird?
[Firebird] A bit smaller.
[CN] - I wanna poke it
[Doc] Then just just take two. I'll make the other one smaller and you can switch them as needed.
[Firebird] Alright - pops it in and blinks a bit, surprised at the feeling of his eye socket not being empty anymore - Thats gonna take some getting used to.
[CN] - Firebird!  Let me poke it!
[Firebird] - exasperated noise-
[Doc] It makes you unique Cn. NOTCHs don't have to all be the same. And if you ever want some hair, you only have to ask.
[CN] - Why would I want hair?
[Doc] Doesn't your head get cold? And Firebird, if you decide it's not comfortable I can always make it into a pendant for you or something. It's yours.
[CN] - Well yeah, but I'm a NOTCH, we're supposed to be bald
[Doc] Silently points at Firebird, who has a copious head of hair-
[CN] - Yeah but he's a bird
-Some og it is also definitely feathers-
[Firebird] And so are you now, bud
[Doc] No pressure though.
[Firebird] Thank you Doctor.
[Doc] Thank you for putting me in a better mood. TLOT found his new NOTCH and let them in without warning me.
[CN] - Another one?
[Doc] Yeah, and hopefully it is someone who won't make him crazy. He's still a bit scared of you guys. Well, except for Markus and Buff.
[CN] - Why would he be scared of us?
[Doc] Because his NOTCH was a monster.
[CN] - But I didn't do anything!
[Doc] You hurt your pet. That scared him.
[Firebird] When all you know for a NOTCH is an absolute monster, you're scared they'll all be like that, CN.
[Firebird] That too.
[CN] - Oh...
[Doc] That's why he punished you so harshly and suddenly. He was just as helpless to fight back against the pain and terror his NOTCH put him though as your pet.
[CN] Stays quiet and scuffs his foot on the ground-
[Doc] Kneels down close to Cn- You have to understand that players often feel the same way about Herobrines. Some of them are mean like Mb and they learn that the eyes mean trouble, and go after them. Even the ones who haven't done anything to deserve it.
[CN] - So it's the players fault?
[Doc] No, they're just scared too.
[CN] - Oh...
[Firebird] Its the few bad ones in the bunch that ruin it for others.
[CN] - I wanna go home...
[Firebird] Mine, or Lie's?
[Doc] Lie is probably wondering where you are.
[CN] - Lie's...
[Firebird] I'll walk you there.
[CN] - Thank you
[Doc] Anytime. - Smiles
[Firebird] Have a nice night, Doctor. Let's go CN.
[Tungsten] is happily shaping a chunk of obsidian into a tiny chestplate with flame designs
[CN] Takes Firebirds hand as they go-
[Traveler] Is watching curiously.
[Lie] Is keeping CP calm-
[Aurum] Is instructing Tungsten on a few of the more fine details and how to make them-
[TLOT] Has put down a wool block to sit on and is making a few flitters to calm his nerves. They're mostly purple or red and the finished ones are flitting around the forge-
[Steve] Make it spikier!
[Lie] - Oh that's right, Doc wanted to talk to you about small birds TLOT
[CP] Irritated noises-
[TLOT] What about them?
[Lie] - To make them, they seemed a bit inspired after our trip to the zoo
[TLOT] I'm not sure how confident I'm feeling making birds with that psycho peacock running around.
[Lie] Gives him mental images of normal bird behavior-
[TLOT] It seems innocent enough. It's the programming I'm worried about. - He looks at Steve for the barest moment
[Traveler] Ah... the undeads...
[Peacock] Is stalking Firebird and Cn-
[Lie] - You've gotten really good at that, plus I'm sure Doc wouldn't mind helping.  Hell Dofta might even be willing to help you
[Firebird] - walky walky with CN, pointedly ignoring stalker bird-
[TLOT] Looks unsure and unhappy that Traveler mentioned his biggest failing so casually.
[Peacock] Moving a bit closer---
[Tungsten] Is now working on some teeny leg armor-
[Aurum] - Careful, take this slow, you don't want it to crack because of how thin it is
[Tungsten] Looks a bit silly working the tiny piece in his huge hands- I'm going slow...
[Peacock] Suddenly charges Firebird and jumps against his back, swatting him with their wings-
[CN] Startled, he runs for the town-
[Peacock] Is all over Firebird -
[Firebird] - very panicked bird squawking before taking off full speed, hopping and swatting trying to get peacock off him - NOOOO! GET OFFFFF!
[CN] Runs right for the forge-
[Peacock] Is either trying to hump Firebird or kick his butt. It's entirely unclear.
-bird screeching noises-
[Traveler] Jumps as Cn barrels into her legs- What the?!
[Lie] - CN!
[CN] - Lie!  The peacock's on Firebird!
[Lie] Sets CP on her lap and opens her arms to hug CN-
-Firebird vanishes into distance, still screeching and hopping like a madman-
[TLOT] Face in hands- I think I'll stick with my bugs
[CN] Moves into Lies embrace, snuggling in closer-
[Lie] Feels the tickling of feathers on her legs- Um... CN?
[Traveler] Looks down at Cn and mumbles a string of numbers- are you following your protocols little NOTCH? Is this your brine?
[CN] Makes an unsure noise and presses closer to LIe-
[Lie] - Yes this is my NOTCH, and he does very well at his job, plus he gets lessons from a much older NOTC/h
[Traveler] May I ask why he has a tail?
[TLOT] aggravated groan and he vanishes in a puff of bedrock fog.
[Steve] Suprised jump as a glowing eyed endermite crawls onto his shoulder and nuzzles into his hair.
[Traveler] Interesting trick...
[Lie] - I'm wondering that myself...
[CN] Blushes- I couldn't change all the way back...  But Firebird says he thinks it looks nice!
[Traveler] It does look pretty, I was just curious
[Tungsten] All done! - He fits the armor onto the lethargic cat and steps back to admire. It's black with decorative tongues of flame incised into it. There's a row of wicked spikes on the back and a sort of frill behind the tiny helm to protect his neck. There are also two little horns over his eyes.
[Drilby] Yeeaaah! Awesome!
[Steve] I like it!
[CP] Tiny hiss, there's catnip sticking out of the opening around the neck since it hadn't been removed-
[Lie] Can't help but laugh a little-
[Traveler] I take it he doesn't have a sense of humor and would be murdering the lot of you if he wasn't on whatever herb you've given him?
[Steve] Probably, but it still looks really cool!
[Tungsten] basks in the praise and starts working on TLOTs chestplate.
[Lie] - We'll probably pay for this later
[CN] - I'll protect you!
[Drilby] it's still awesome. He looks great. Fiercest cat ever!
[Lie] Smiles a bit- Yeah, he is
[CN] - Lie, Firebird didn't tell me I could change back until today!
[Steve] That's not very nice...
[CN] Huffs and crosses his arms- He said it was because I was molting...
[Traveler] so are there any actual players here I need yo be concerned about?
[Steve] oh! Is that why you're colorful now?
[CN] - Yes...  But he wouldn't let me have my other feathers...
[Lie] - No, there are no players here
[Traveler] That's going to make my job rather easy. I suspect that my brine isn't a danger to anyone here, and is unlikely to need protecting either?
[Steve] He's not dangerous!
[Drilby] He runs the village with a light hand, mostly just lending us his guards for defense against the mobs.
[Traveler] Guards?
[Steve] My brothers, skeletons whom I've earned the respect of from our native seed.
[Traveler] I see...
[Drilby] They're a nice bunch once you learn the lingo.
[TLOT] Mentally and loud enough for anyone to hear - Whos shirt is Cn wearing and why?
[Lie] - Steve's brothers will swing by my place when they know CP isn't around just to make sure I'm alright, and because they know I can understand them
[Firebird] -In chat- gffffffffffffffffffffh MINE
[Firebird] -A bit later- HE NAKEY WHENHKFFF TURN BACK
[TLOT] Understood - Settles back down into Steve's hair-
[Lie] Sneaks a pic of CN's tail to send to Dofta-
[CP] Flops over with a clank-
[Aurum] Just starts laughing-
[Drilby] Gently right Cp with a little squeak of armor - It's not that heavy!
[CP] Just flops the other direction-
[Drilby] Is laughing now despite himself and arranges Cp into a loaf-
[Steve] Quietly took a picture. -
[CP] Small quiet purr-
[CN] Is looking at stuff around the forge-
[Tungsten] Is taking his time with the gold chestplate, he's enjoying listening to them laugh and chat- Hey there kiddo. What's new?
[CN] Shrugs- Nothing
[Firebird] -In bird form- -Shoots into the forge and proceeds to scale the wall and then cling to the ceiling. He snaps up his tail and cranes his neck to stare at the door he'd left open.-
[Peacock] Goes squwaking by outside
[Traveler] Hello?
[CN] - Firebird!
[Steve] Firebird!
[Drilby] Is there an echo in here?
[Firebird] -stares at door and stays clung until peacock has passed-
[Firebird] -Leans head toward door to listen a bit before looking down at them-
[Lie] - I think you're safe now Firebird
[Tungsten] Watch your feathers birdie, you're a tad close to the lava trough. -tap tap tink-
[Traveler] More birds?
[Firebird] -Starts to scale back down before looking over at lava. Scoot a bit toward and chirp-
[Tungsten] Um? Yeah, it's hot.
[Steve] Hey Firebird, look at the awesome armor Tungsten made for Cp!
[Firebird] I hate that thing. -Loses interest in lava and scales the rest of the way down, laying in a feathery heap- Hmm?
[Firebird] -Scoot scoot and look-
[Aurum] - Huh, feather's that match the lava
[CP] Is still very dazed-
[TLOT] Tiny unhappy noise in relation to the peacock-
[Firebird] Nice. Reminds me of my old stuff...
[Drilby] Is admiring Firebird in general and pulls out a piece of paper and a quill-
[Firebird] -Finally rights himself and lightly preens his feathers to calm down from being chased and jumped-
[CN] - Firebird, where did your eye go?
[Steve] He's always been missing an eye, hasn't he?
[Firebird] Scrkk. -beakful of feathers- I took it out when I changed. I got a false one from the Doctor.
[CN] - But I didn't get to poke it!
[Steve] Why would you want to poke it? They're just little glass balls.
[CN] Shrugs-
[Tungsten] Has finished with the chestplate and holds it out to Steve.
[Steve] Perfect, thank you Tungsten - He holds it up and lets it suck into TLOT's inventory.
[Tungsten] So what's this about eyeballs?
[Firebird] I got a fake one to replace my lost one...
[Drilby] Still drawing- I could make you a leather eyepatch. That would be dashing.
[Aurum] - My, aren't we being creative today
[Drilby] Beams with pride-  We still have some glass from the glassblowers place too.
[Firebird] -Notices Aurum- Oh, a spirit. That's cool. -Tilts head a bit- Haven't seen many in.. Ages.
[Tungsten] I'd go white, maybe with a little swirl?
[Traveler] In honor of your Herobrine?
[Tungsten] Nah, it's just good contrast to all his red feathers.
[Lie] Carefully picks CP up and puts him in her lap to pet him-
[Firebird] -Stretches before slowly scooting back toward the lava trough- Hmm?
[Tungsten] Unless you're fireproof as well, be careful.
[Firebird] I'm sun proof, even better.
[CN] - Am I sun proof?
[Firebird] ....... -Slowly- Nooooo.
[Traveler] I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I am a very stable NOTCH.
[Steve] What do you mean, stable?
[Firebird] I'm not. -Snorts and leans head real close to the lava, basking in the warmth-
[Traveler] Points at TLOT - He's fluid. I'm... not.
[Drilby] Why are you unstable Firebird? Do you have a glitch?
[Firebird] Probably. I meant more mentally though. Ahh, this is warm. I love it.
[Drilby] As long as you don't get in the way, feel free to come around anytime. - He holds up the piece of paper. He's drawn a pretty good likeness of firebird with his wings spread and mouth open like the birds on knights shields.
[Tungsten] Leans over- Nice.
[Lie] - I love how warm it is in here
[Tungsten] Is shirtless under his leather apron and gloves and sweating a bit. - I'm used to it, but it's pretty hot all the same.
[Firebird] That looks nice!  I'd ask for a copy but I don't want to switch back for hands. If that bird comes back I want to be able to escape fast..
[Drilby] Is too skinny to be overheated-
[Steve] Is by the open doors where there's a breeze.
[CP] Little yowl-
[Drilby] Don't you have an inventory?
[Steve] Poor Cp. He's really upset....
[Firebird] Well yes, but I have a harder time with it like this...
[Lie] - I know, and it worries me...  I spoke to Endrea briefly, but she'd have to go over there to contact Winston...
[Drilby] Well... I'll just hang it up over here. Then you can see it when you visit. - Puts the page on an item frame and sticks it to the wall by the door where it won't catch fire-
[Steve] Has she gone already?
[Lie] - No, I told her not to yet until we had some sort of plan in place.  I don't want to run the risk of her becoming very injured or dying
[Traveler] Do you need any assistance?
[Lie] - It would be appreciated, but I'm not sure how my husbands mobs would react to you.  They are aggressive towards NOTCH's, especially after what Harvestman did to CP and I
[Traveler] Ask Cp how fast I am.
[Steve] She is pretty tough....
[Firebird] If I'm available I'd love to help, Lie.
[Lie] - We could try...  TLOT?  Do you mind watching CP?
[TLOT] Mentally- I don't mind. But please be careful Lie.
[Lie] - I will be.  Are you two ready to go now?
[CN] - I wanna go!
[Lie] - No CN, you stay here with TLOT and Steve
[Traveler] I am ready.
[Drilby] Come on Cn, we could draw?
[CN] - Crayons?
[Aurum] Chuckles a little at the child's enthusiasm-
[Firebird] I'm good to go. -Moves away from lava trough-
[Lie] Takes a nervous breath before creating the opening to CP's office and goes through-
[Traveler] Follows her curiously- Portals on portals, where are we?
[Lie] - My husbands seed, the place where I was first brought in
[Firebird] -Scampers through after them and takes to the air to try and land on Lie's shoulder like a parrot-
[Lie] Yelps and falls forwards, using CP's desk to support herself-
[Traveler] In the Nether though...
[Firebird] Heavy am I.
[Lie] - Come on, we need to find any of the generals...
[Traveler] Pulls out her daggers and follows with them concealed against her hands.
[Lie] Opens the doors leading to the hallway and stifles a scream as she quickly steps back.  The hallway is filled with the corpses of mobs-
[Firebird] -Stoops a bit on Lie's shoulder, craning his neck out to look around- ..Oh.
[Traveler] What in the nether? Why... and they have not despawned?
[Firebird] That's a thing that happens on some seeds.
[Lie] - That's how it is on this seed...
[Lie] - We need to keep moving- She begins using her vines to create a path and begins going down the hall leading towards the main entrance of the fortress.  As she rounds a corner she stops at the sight of a great hulking corpse- Grayson...
[Traveler] This one you knew? I am sorry. Only a player drunk with power or a madman would kill so many...
[Firebird] That's.. Huge.... And the rest.... -Slowly raising in temperature on Lie's shoulder-
[Lie] - He was one of my husbands generals...  He wasn't the brightest, but he was very strong...
[Traveler] I think this is quickly becoming a rescue mission.
[Lie] - Indeed, let's hope the overworld is in better condition
[Firebird] Indeed.....
[Lie] Heads for the main doors and pushes them open, leading out into the expanse of the nether- If I recall correctly, the closest nether portal is that way- Points off to the left- That would be my best guess as to where they went...
[Traveler] Let's hurry. This is rather disconcerting-
[Firebird] -Looking around from his perch on Lie's shoulder, alert.-
[Lie] Leads them along past the corpses of ghasts, pigmen, and blazes.  Soon the nether portal comes into sight and Lie slips through it, into the cold taiga beyond-
[Traveler] Puts her hood up again, she's all but lost against the white snow-
-Warm bird is a blessing-
[Lie] - Winston?- She's hoping the general is near
-There's a bit of movement from the shadows-
[Firebird] -Head snap around to look at movement-
[Traveler] Is scanning around for any sign of ambush-
[Firebird] -Toasty Toasting Lie with Proximity-
-Four Wither skeletons silently slip out of the shadows-
[Lie] Breathes a sigh of relief- Oh thank goodness, at least you four are alright.  Do you know where Winston is?
[Skeleton] Nods and motions for Lie to follow before heading off deeper into the trees-
[Lie] Follows deeper into the trees until they reach a rather well hidden cave, the skeletons push aside the brush in front of it and motions Lie and the others through.  Deep inside there is signs of fire and Lie heads straight for it-
[Traveler] Is making sure they aren't followed and sweeping away their tracks in the snow-
-Winston is sitting gathered with a few nether mobs as well as Blake, Magnolia, and Eliza.  They are all that remain-
[Lie] - Winston...
[Winston] - Mistress!  What are you doing here!  It's too dangerous!
[Firebird] -Eyes them from Lie's shoulder-
[Traveler] Looks up at them and her beady black eyes glint in the torchlight-  We came to rescue you.
[Winston] Leaps up and draws his sword- NOTCH!  How dare you come here!
[Lie] Notices that one of Winston's arms is missing- Winston, your arm...  And it's alright, she's not here to hurt you, she's here to help
[Eliza] - Mistress, are you sure about this?
[Firebird] -Slight tensing on Lie's shoulder, talons digging in. He's homed in on Winston a bit-
[Traveler] Her blades shine in her hands- I dare to go anywhere I please. I am NOTCH the Traveler.
[Lie] - Everyone please calm down...  Winston...  Is this all that's left?
[Winston] - I'm afraid so Mistress, other than Endrea and her children that is...
[Lie] Bows her head in sorrow-
[Traveler] They will be avenged. My coding includes exceptions for eliminating mad NOTCHs. We are not meant to hunt and torture mobs.
[Firebird] -Relaxes on Lie's shoulder-
[Lie] - We need to hurry before-
[Harvestman] - Well isn't this a surprise- His voice seems to emanate from everywhere
[Traveler] Seems to twitch, it's almost like a nervous tic-
[Firebird] -Tense, Lie is very, very toasty.-
[Lie] Searches frantically for the source of the voice-
[Harvestman] - And here I thought I had completely eliminated you...  So does this mean that blasted brine is still alive as well?
[Traveler] If you wish to fight, you should show yourself. - She puts her blades away and takes out a grass block.
[Firebird] -Looking around too-
[Lie] looks in confusion at the grass block-
[Harvestman] Throws down the four wither skeleton skulls of the ones that led Lie to Winston before stepping into sight.  One half of his face is scared and looks almost as if it were liquefied and then frozen solid again, there's a small trickle of blood coming form his mouth as well- I suppose I'll just have to eliminate you again, and this time for good- He begins drawing his sword
[Traveler] Shakes her head and her hood falls away, she spits a string of numbers like a curse. - Abberation. You are an embarassment to your kind-
[Harvestman] - No, I should be the only one of our kind kit
[Firebird] -Shifts on Lie's shoulder, parting his beak a bit- -Toasty fire forming at the back of his throat-
[Lie] - I will not allow you to harm the rest of my husbands mobs
[Harvestman] - Husband?  Well now, perhaps I should keep you around as bait then
-a lone enderpearl is flipped like a coin in the air and Traveler is suddenly right in Harvestmans face-
[Traveler] Shoves the grass block at him and for a second it ceases to be there, dirty pixels flying off her hands in a cloud as it's center is revealed. She's clutching the hilt of a broken black and red sword with only a few inches of blade remaining. She jabs it at his chest and viciously draws a ragged slice across his torso, throwing blood across her already soiled poncho.
[Harvestman] Is a bit surprised but is quick to swing his sword at her- Impudent little bitch!
[Traveler] Is dodging out of the way but can't avoid the sword as it hits her. Suprisingly it bounces off her naked arm and she reels sideways from the force alone-
[Firebird] -Clicks his beak before surging upwards and slightly towards Harvestman, unleashing a torrent of superheated flames and staying just out of reach of sword- -Vague screeeee noise-
[Harvestman] Tries shielding himself with his arm-
[Lie] - Quickly opens a portal- Everybody through!  Now!
[Winston] Urges the others ahead of him-
[Firebird] -Hovers in the air, spewing fire and waiting for the others to get through-
[Traveler] Lurches to her feet and helps hurry the mobs through the hole, making sure no one is left behind-
[Lie] - Firebird!  Come on!
[Firebird] -Snaps beak shut and spins in the air, diving for the portal-
[Lie] Once firebird is through she slips through and quickly shuts the portal-
-They emerge into a rather tense scene with a backdrop of very loud growling. In the center of the village is an enderdragon nearly as massive as Endrea but with TLOT's glimmering eyes, they're so bright they're hard to look at directly. On his head is Steve clutching a still lethargic Cp in one arm and hanging onto Cn with the other. Under the dragons sheltering wings and inside the curl of his tail are nearly all of the Testificate villagers and the human children, the rest have run inside and are hiding-
[TLOT] Is vibrating slightly as he growls and holding his paws up to swat any mob that comes close-
[Traveler] Is again holding a grass block and just puts it away. - Now that's something I never thought I'd see.
-Tungsten and Zile are at the head of the small, sheltered mob, both ready to fight anyone who comes close-
-There's a bit of commotion as Steve's brothers jump the village gates on their skeletal horses and take aim on the crowd of nether mobs as well-
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heeeatofthemoment · 7 years
Delirium x Reader
Next one in my Endless x Reader fics. This one was a lot more fun though I’ll admit the ending isn’t the best XD Either way enjoooy!
“I like the ribbon,” you hear a small voice say from behind you.
“Uh huh…” you answer, only half paying attention, your eyes not breaking contact with the mess that is your work on the wall. Though you suddenly snap back to reality, exclaiming, “Wait-” as you turn to find the voice.
Your caffeinated brain not fully registering what was before you.
“Red is a good colour, only when it stays inside though, outside it gets messy and everywhere,” said the small girl who was sat on the edge of your bed.
“How did you get into my room?” you ask, looking at the door to see if it was open.
“Well I turned left from my place, walked upside down for a bit in this dark place and came to a door. It was pretty easy to get past, as long as you know how, which I do,” she replied with a beaming smile before flopping backwards onto the covers.
“But it was locked, and we’re on the third floor of my campus apartment?”
“I did meet someone on the way here, and they were quite shouty. I think I made think a penguin was attacking him, but I’m not sure. But the door wasn’t hard. I just asked it nicely. Or was that the man?”
This girl spoke so quickly it was giving you a headache. Or at least, a worse one, which was the last thing you needed at the moment. This university project was driving you nuts, because it was due in a week and was taking up all of your time.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with you family or something?”
The girl sat up and tilted her head, gazing at you with her… eyes. Which were mismatched, one being blue and the other green.
“Well… A lot of them scare me, especially Despair, Destiny and very muchly Desire. Dreamy is kinda sweet, but I think he’s judging me behind his frowning. Death is always nice to me, she’s cool, and likes to chat when she’s not busy…” she pauses for little while. “…and I had a brother but I don’t know where he is and I miss him… but he gave me a Barnabas, and I like him a lot!”
You blink. In the process of explaining… whatever it was she had told you, you were pretty sure her hair had changed colour. It was a vibrant green, but now had turned to a dark blue with yellow highlights.
“Right… Well, please, can you go? I’m sorry I just have this thing-”
“Ooo, what is it?” she interrupts you, springing off the bed and climbing up onto your desk, examining your work. As she passes you notice she smells kind of like sour wine.
“Hey! Careful! It’s my latest class project,” you protest, but before you can stop her, she’s looking at everything. All across the wall you have various papers, articles and other pieces of information stuck on via a mix of tac, pins and tape, and connected via strands of red ribbon. You had spent weeks carefully putting it all together and even though it looked like an unorganised mess, it made sense to you.
“I met a solving man once, he called himself Dee Tektiv,”
“Do you mean he was a detective?” you ask.
“Um… yes. But anyway, he had a wall like this, though he used boring blue ribbon, which isn’t inside or messy. His wall had a man who stabbed someone, though he wasn’t sure”.
“That sounds delightful…” You mumble to yourself. In the blink of an eye the girl is suddenly an inch from your face, glaring into your eyes with her own from the on top of the table.
“That isn’t me. Not now me. A while ago me. I don’t like thinking about Delight me. It hurts. Like it did to that stabbed man who was stabbed”.
Before you can apologise, even though you weren’t sure what you or her had said, she had turned back to the wall as quick as she’d looked to you.
“Where are the stabbed people on your wall?” she asked inquisitively.
“I’m not a detective, there aren’t any dead people there,” you pinch your brow in frustration. “If you must know, I’m doing a psychology project assignment on why nightmares are so vivid”.
After hearing this, the girl jumps off the table and starts jumping up and down, clapping cheerfully as she does.
“Oh, oh, oh! I know someone that can help you! I mentioned him earlier, he’s great with all the stuff about dream stuff, I’ll go ask him”.
With that she disappeared, with a sound that resembled a quick trumpet note. Like straight up gone before your eyes. For a second, her shadow still remained on the floor before also blinking out too leaving behind a faint smell of spearmint. You don’t move for a good minute, eyes fixed to the spot she was just stood. You drop to the bed and place your hands over your face.
“I’m losing my mind,” you muffle, letting out a large sigh. “It’s just the stress, why else would you be seeing things?” you assure yourself. Taking a deep breath, you open your eyes. Only to be met with blue and green.
“Hello, sorry if you were sleeping, or were dead, or both. I used to know a woman who had that happen too,” said the girl. She was standing by your bed and was leant over your face. You aren’t even annoyed by her presence.
“What happened to her?” you ask, unsure as to why you are playing along with what was clearly a hallucination at this point.
“Oh… she died. Or fell asleep”. She shook her head violently. “Speaking of, I spoke to my brother about helping your wall. He said he was busy and didn’t know what I was talking about, which I thought was odd, since I’m sure I used words”.
At this point you had given up trying to understand… whoever she was. The way she disappeared like that and the way her hair kept shifting was unsettling. In fact, her clothes had changed slightly too. She was wearing a pink shirt with a leather jacket over it and ripped jeans. But now her leather jacket had changed to a simple red hoody.
“Who are you?” you finally ask, since you realise you don’t know her name.
“People have called me lots of things, I’ve forgotten a few of them though. I think they have too, I’d like to know where they left them… Usually my sister calls me Del and I like it when she does. Barnabas calls me ‘girl’ but I think he’s just jealous I have hands, see?” to prove her point, she waved her hands wildly.
You stare at her for a second or two, then sit up and lean back against your wall, resting your hands on the top of your head.
“Am I going mad? Is that it?” you sigh to yourself. It was the only thing that made sense. As a teleporting shapeshifting teenage girl wasn’t possible, so your brain must be fried from all the overworking you’ve been doing.
In response, Del gazed deep into you, slightly tilting her head as she did. She narrowed her eyes, looking like she was genuinely considering the question.
“Not quite,” she finally responds. “You’re almost in my realm, but not really. Like, the door is unlocked but you’re undecided”. She said this with such certainty you can’t help but believe… whatever she was saying. The way she spoke made it seem this was a topic she understood, which was no less comforting.
“How do you know that? What do you mean by your realm? And are you even real?” you ask, firing out questions like malfunctioning conveyor.
“I just do. I know a lot of things, more than my oldest brother, though he doesn’t like admitting it. My realm is a cool place, though someone not… um… with screws loose, wouldn’t like it, what with all the hurty. And real is difficult. Sometimes things are real and I don’t mean it…” She trails off during this sentence, as if distracted by something.
“Uh, hey? Del?” You wave your hand in front of her face and she snaps back.
“Yes? Oh sorry I was thinking about these butterflies my sis-bro stole and made them set themselves on fire. I didn’t like that,” she huffed and sulked, sitting cross-legged on the floor.
You blink, slightly frustrated you didn’t get an answer for your last question. Relenting against your better judgement, you get up off the bed and look down to her.
“Listen… I have no clue what you want with me, but are you thirsty at all?” you ask her, crouching down so you’re eye level.
“Do you have any mango juice?” she responds quickly.
“No I don’t, sorry”.
“Good, cause that stuff is bad. Can I have a bowl of water please?” she looks at you and smiles in a cutesy way, and you can’t help but oblige, despite the odd request.
“Sure thing Del”. You stand up and walk out of your room and into the common area kitchen. You bump into a friend who gives you a confused look when they see you filling up a cereal bowl under the sink, though they dismiss it and leave you to it. You pour yourself an apple juice and make your way back to the room, where she is still sat.
You walk over and sit in front of her, handing the bowl. She claps in excitement and produces a straw and handful of some powder from her coat (which was now a green denim one, that was two sizes too big for her). She drops the powder into the water and puts the straw in her mouth. Taking a deep breath, she then proceeds to blow into the liquid, producing several bubbles.
Somehow, each one was a different shape, with spheres, cubes and even cylinders now floating around your room. One floats over and pops on your nose, creating an odd smell of a freshly peeled banana. You can’t help but let out a laugh, an honest outburst of enjoyment that you hadn’t felt since before this project.
Del also lets out a giggle, before blowing more bubbles. Another one pops near you and it somehow makes a noise like a miniature foghorn, which almost makes you spit out your drink. After producing another wave, she jumps up and begins to try and catch them, popping bubbles left and right and producing various sounds and smells.
Acting quite unlike yourself, you also stand up and burst a single bubble, delighting in the honest-to-goodness cartoon ‘POP’ sound it makes. You can’t help yourself as you continue. Before long, you and Del are running around your room like children, and you couldn’t care less.
All your worries fade away as you revel in the childish endeavour. At some point, you knock over the drink you left on the floor, though you aren’t fussed by it. After a while the bubbles are all gone and you slump to the floor to catch your breath. Del picks up the bowl and drinks the rest of the liquid, which is followed by a sharp belch as a frog shaped bubble flies out her mouth and pops on the floor.
“Ok, I’ll admit that was fun,” you pant, smiling at the mess all over the room. “Seriously though who are you? And are you real?”
This time, she doesn’t avoid the question, and shuffles over until she is sat right in front of you. She gingerly lifts her hand and reaches out, gently, but kind of firmly, poking you on the nose.
“See? All real!” she says, confirming with a second prod. “As who I am, I told you it depends who you ask, but I’m happy with Del”.
“Ok…” you are still just as confused but you continue, “what are you even doing here?”
“Um...” she says, genuinely confused by the question. “I can’t remember, I’m pretty sure I was looking for something?” she taps her chin and looks around the room, as if looking for something that will jog her memory.
“Looking for something?”
“Oh, I know! My friend Barnabas! Have you seen him?” she says, looking at you expectantly.
“Not that I know of, what does he look like?”
“Small, grey, very talky, four legs?”
You pause for a second, confused at what she’s saying, before you work it out. “Wait, is he your dog?”
“Oh you have seen him then?”
“No, I haven’t, though I can help look if you-” before you can finish you hear a loud bark from outside your window, and all of a sudden, Del disappears with a sound that resembles a champagne cork.
A second later she is back with a dog of the description she gave.
“Is this Barnabas then?” you ask, somehow unfazed by her teleportation.
“Yup that’s me,” says Barnabas. For a small moment you almost lose it, but regain your composure as you realise this isn’t the weirdest thing you’ve seen all day.
“We were playing catch in her realm when someone threw it too far and it landed here!” the dog turned and looked judgingly at Del, or at least as much as he could as a dog. “Then you get distracted and come here?”
“I’m sorry Barney, but the door was closed and I couldn’t turn it down!”
“That’s not how that works Delirium”.
“Aaaand there were nice ribbons!” as she says this she points at your project wall.
“Yes, yes, very nice, can we go home now?”
“Oh fine! I just need to get my penguin”.
“Your what now?”
And with that both of them blink out, leaving no trace behind. You sit in still for several minutes, thinking on what to make of the whole experience.
Soon though, you stand up and walk over to your bed, where you see a small plastic tube. You pick it up and with a smile you read the label “Bubbles”.
Thanks for reading this far! :D
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swan-archive · 8 years
6 and alex/laurens with a healthy dose of shapeshifter au if you so choose
6. I have loved since you.  But when the new paint gets scratched, there you are underneath. (My heart is layers of scar.)
“Your son’s trying on another face,” says Eliza with a wry smile the moment Alex steps through the door. “Just a heads-up, when you go upstairs. Don’t be too surprised.”
“Oh, he’s my son today, is he?” Alex sets down his papers on the end table before kissing Eliza on the cheek. “I thought we decided he takes after you. Hi, darling, by the way, it’s good to be home.”
“He’s always your son when he’s misbehaving,” says Eliza, accepting the kiss. “Especially when it’s…” She makes a vague gesture, wiggling her fingers. “…that sort of misbehaving.”
“Oh, dear.”
“Do you know, he managed to get into your office this morning? I put him down for a nap and went to go tidy up and next thing I know he’s rummaging through your desk.”
“Got in under the door, I assume?”
“He must have, it was locked when I heard him in there.” She frowns, goes a little pale. “Unless he’s figured out how to get inside the walls…”
“I’m sure he hasn’t. It’s much harder to go that small and stay that small than it looks,” says Alex soothingly. “Besides, it’s not as if there’s much trouble for him to get into in there. Worst-case scenario, he’d get in, get stuck, and we’d have to cut a hole in the wall to pull him out.”
“Yes, thank you, that’s very comforting, Alexander.”
“At least he distracted himself with the face thing, though, right?”
“Mm. This one’s a new one, he seems quite fond of it. He’s been wearing it all day. I can’t think where he would’ve picked it up, I swear I’ve seen it before but I just don’t know who…”
“Probably just playing around. You know how children are. As long as it looks a little like us, right?” Eliza grimaces. “…That bad, huh? Well, don’t blame me for being optimistic. I’ll have to have a talk with him.”
“Please do. It’s not terrible, but it’ll be…well, difficult to explain. If you can get him to change it…”
“I’ll do what I can.”
“Thank you.” Eliza bites her lip. “I’m sorry. I’m being silly. It’s just, he’s almost four, I’d really thought him settled, and now this happens. We can’t keep him hidden forever.”
“I know. I know.” Alex kisses her again, moves a lock of hair behind her ear. “It’ll be fine. I’ll talk to him. It’s just a phase, I’m sure. Like his other phases. Remember the eyestalks? We thought he’d never grow out of those.”
“How could I possibly forget?” Eliza says with a little laugh. “The first time I walked into the bedroom and saw him watching me over the side of the cradle—”
“I’ve never heard you scream so loudly. But he doesn’t do that anymore! Well, hardly ever. It’ll be just the same. You’ll see.”
“I hope so.” Eliza jerks her head toward the top of the stairs. “He’s up in the nursery with Angie. She just fell asleep, so try not to scold too loudly, will you?”
“I would never,” he says, pressing a hand over his heart and starting up the stairs. “I’ll make sure Phil’s not getting into the walls while I’m at it, how’s that sound?” Eliza snorts and shoos him away, and he hurries up to the landing, turns the corner, and enters the nursery.
“Where’s my boy?”
“Papa!” A small figure crashes into him and seizes him around the waist, buries its face in his coat.
“Hi, Phil.” Alex strokes Philip’s hair, gone to a mess of loose curls. Ooh, he’s already understanding what Eliza was worried about. Might be difficult to explain those away, if anyone sees, although they could always say Philip is taking after his Grandpapa Schuyler. That’s where Angelica and Peggy get their curls, right?
But he’ll deal with Philip’s face in a moment, can always make some sort of game of it to make it easier for Philip to swallow. First, the unpleasant business. “Phil, your Mamma told me you were in Papa’s office today.” Philip’s shoulders tense up guiltily. “You wanna tell me what you were doing in there?”
“I wasn’t, I didn’t…” Philip says, before trailing off into unintelligible mumbles. He burrows his face a little deeper into Alex’s coat.
“I can’t understand you, Philip. Look at Papa when you’re talking to him, please.”
Philip takes a long, shaky breath, but loosens his grip, looks up at him with his little jaw set stubbornly, and his eyes—
—his eyes—
“Papa?” says Philip, from a long way off, Alex can hardly hear him over the dreadful thunder of his own heart. His legs give out and he falls to his knees, so his face is on a level with (not Philip’s face, that is not Philip’s face). He reaches out with one hand but can’t quite bring himself to touch. The features softer, obscured by baby fat and Philip’s inexpert mimicry, but it’s the same face, the same shape of the nose, the same framing of dark curls, the same pattern of freckles, the same eyes.
Those eyes. That precise and striking shade of hazel. Oh, he knows those eyes.
“Philip,” Alex says, very faintly, “where did you see that face?”
Philip shakes his head. Frightened tears starting to gather in those hazel eyes. Alex would like to throw up.
“Where. Did you. See it.”
“I, it was, in your office, I didn’t mean to,” squeaks Philip. He’s starting to lose his grip on the shape in his confusion and fear, and the freckles begin to crawl over his face, his eyes wide and doubled-tripled-quadrupled in shining clusters. “I’m sorry, Papa, I’m sorry, I didn’t…”
Alex isn’t listening. He stands, and turns, and stumbles out of the room, down the hallway to his office. Fumbles at the knob. Locked, Eliza must’ve locked it back up after she got Philip out—without even taking the time to consider fetching the keys, Alex dissolves, spills to the ground in a nightmare of boneless limbs, squirms out of his suit and squeezes himself through the crack between the door and the floor. Just like Philip. Philip in a mischievous mood, Philip sneaking into his office and going through his Papa’s desk just for fun, maybe accidentally finding the false bottom of the second drawer down on the right hand side, reaching in—
Alex coalesces into something vaguely bipedal and staggers over to his desk. Babyish scribbles and inky fingerprints-pawprints on the blotter. Papers shuffled around. The second drawer on the right pulled out, its false bottom half pushed back down. 
And there, sitting on the edge of the desk, as though Alex himself had left it there, the miniature of Laurens.
Oh, god.
Your fault, Alex says to himself, collapsing into his chair. Your fault, your fault, why didn’t you hide that better, why did you keep it at all, why do you still have it if it hurts so much to see?
Why does it still hurt so much to see?
He hadn’t gone to the funeral. Simply not enough time to make the trek down to South Carolina, even if there hadn’t been the baby and his work to think about. He hadn’t seen the body. Gave the whole thing an air of unreality. If he’d worked hard enough, during those horrible months after receiving Henry Laurens’ letter, he could convince himself that it was all just a horrible dream, that this was just one of their periodic separations, and wasn’t it typical of John, not to have the courtesy to send a letter once in a while. 
It had always been easier to tolerate those times, before, with something to distract him, so distract he had: thrown himself into studying, and writing, and loving his new family with as much of his heart as he could spare. Still that little sliver that belonged to John, but surround it with enough other stuff and he could—forget about it. For a while.
But now there’s a ghost in his home, and Alex feels like he’s betrayed John in the worst way, even though he knows, logically, that John is far beyond caring. See how I lock you away where no one will ever know what you were to me, see how I never let your name cross my lips, see how quickly and how well I forget. See how I give your face to my son, overwrite the last of your legacy with my own. 
Soon it will be like you never existed at all.
Philip has followed him under the door, is standing there tugging at a lock of his curly hair as his body wavers back to human. John’s frown on his lips, the sad, tentative cast to it just like when John would come to Alex after a fight in which he’d known he was in the wrong. Alex can barely look at him without wanting to scream.
“I’m sorry, Papa, I know I was wrong, I can be in trouble. I shouldn’t’ve opened it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I can go to my room.” A fresh wave of tears starts to roll down his cheeks, but he doesn’t run and hide or try to argue. “It’s my fault—”
“Oh, Philip.” Alex closes the distance between them and gathers Philip up in an odd assortment of arms, holds him close. “No, sweetheart, this isn’t your fault, not at all, you’re not in trouble—well, no, you shouldn’t have gone into Papa’s office without his permission, you shouldn’t have gone through my things, that was wrong. But it’s okay, I don’t care, just never do it again, promise?”
“I promise, Papa,” Philip snuffles into Alex’s shoulder.
“And one more thing,” Alex draws back, cups Philip’s face, looks into John’s eyes, trying to ignore the ache in his heart at the tears on those familiar lashes. “You mustn’t wear that face anymore, do you understand me?”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s—it’s not—you remember, you remember how Mamma and Papa told you, not everyone can change like us? Not everyone can wear different faces. And most little boys—little boys who can’t change—look like their parents. So if you don’t look like Mamma and Papa, people won’t like it, people might start to ask questions, and that would be bad, because people can’t know you and I are like this—” 
And it might kill me to see John’s face in my home, every day, and be reminded every time that he’s really, truly gone, but of course he can’t say that. 
He seizes the shreds of his self-control and drags himself back to two arms, two legs, normal human face. “Can you change with me, Phil? Just try to look like Papa. That’s it.” Philip scrunches his face up, concentrating, and the curls fall out of his hair, the freckles fade to a faint scattering just over his cheeks, the lines blur and shift. When he opens his eyes, they’ve gone a safe dark brown. Like Alex’s. Like Eliza’s.
“Did I do it right, Papa?” Philip asks.
“Yes, sweetheart, that’s just right,” says Alex, breathing out in a dizzy rush of relief. He plants a kiss on Philip’s forehead. “That’s perfect. Now, can you remember that this is what you ought to look like? That—that other face—that it isn’t you? Can you do that for me?”
The hazel has already started to bleed back into Philip’s eyes.
“I’ll try, Papa.”
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celesstialdreams · 6 years
i’m still waking every morning
Fandom: Steven Universe
Characters: Steven Universe, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl
Word Count: 1936
Pairing: None
Note: This was written as a request from an anonymous asker! The prompt was  ‘can u write a lil fluff fic between Pearl, Garnet, Steven, and Amethyst ?? Maybe a Gem sleepover or something family fluff related.’
Read on Ao3
On the fifth day of sleep deprivation, it was impossible for Steven to pretend that the bags under his eyes were from that night five days ago when he’d stayed up to help Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl on a mission. The Gems may not have ever become fully adjusted to human culture, but he’d been living with them for so long that they knew the signs of exhaustion, now.
Sure, he did his best to hide the dark circles, but there was only so much he could do with the makeup that Amethyst had decided would be a good present for him (he was pretty sure she just found it lying in the middle of the floor in her room and wanted to get rid of it, though). It was only a matter of time before Pearl talked to him about healthy routines again, or Garnet told him how badly he’d mess up on the next mission because he wasn’t sleeping. He was sure of that.
Steven was so sure, in fact, that when Amethyst came to talk to him, he was completely caught off-guard by her request.
“A sleepover?” he repeated, staring at the purple Gem with comically wide eyes.
“Yeah, man,” she responded, sliding off her perch on the kitchen counter. “We’ve been too busy recently to just chillax and hang out, you know? Plus,” she snickered, “then I’d have a real excuse to eat toothpaste.”
He couldn’t help but feel a tad bit skeptical. Pearl was normally the one to organize things like sleepovers-not to mention how he was sure Amethyst had at least five tubes of toothpaste and two bottles of mouthwash somewhere in one of her garbage piles.
Clearly, she’d noticed his raised eyebrow, as the Gem sighed and continued to speak before Steven could voice his suspicions. “Okay, look, dude. Garnet and Pearl won’t give themselves a break. They both decided to make up for losing some of those corrupted gems five days ago, but neither of them are really up for it.” Still, he didn’t answer, and she groaned, running a hand through her hair. “C’mon, just for tonight? They really need it,” she pleaded, and...
He could tell she really wanted him to agree.
So despite knowing exactly what could go wrong during a sleepover (the Gems might leave halfway through on a mission, they might notice his reluctance to sleep, he could have another nightmare) he nodded his head, said he was ‘totally up for it!’, and let Amethyst go to inform Garnet and Pearl of the new plan while he sat in his bed thinking over his recent life choices.
The sun set far too early, in Stevens opinion. His three caretakers had left around lunchtime, splitting up to go search for corrupted gems on their own, with the promise that they’d return by sundown. He’d spent the time he had alone setting up blankets, sleeping bags, pillows, and toothpaste, but he’d finished the preparations early, and neither Garnet, Amethyst, nor Pearl had returned.
Without a task to distract himself with, Steven found his thoughts returning to his recent lack of sleep, and how to hide the cause of it from the Gems. Obviously, he couldn’t just sleep and hope for the best. He’d wake up screaming and cause them even more stress. They had enough to worry about-that was the reason for the slumber party in the first place-and they didn’t need to waste time dealing with his nightmares along with everything else.
He could try to exhaust himself to the point where he was too tired to dream, but he’d never been able to tell just how well that worked. For all he knew, he was only worsening the nightmares. The risk was too great. And refusing to sleep at all? That was out of the question. The chances of him falling asleep without even an hours rest as a buffer to keep him focused were too high, bringing him back to square one.
That left him with only one option. It was a stupid, unnecessarily complicated plan, but he was desperate. He’d have to sleep just long enough to ensure the Gems thought he would be asleep throughout the night, and set an alarm on his phone that would wake him up before his traitorous mind could remind him of everything that had gone wrong because of him. Anything was better than giving Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl another problem they’d feel obligated to solve.
The crystalline ringing that signified the warp pad had been activated cut through his thoughts. The orange glow of the sunset was overtaken by the blue hues of the warp stream for just a few moments. He sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of his bed, and peered down into the main room of the house. Sure enough, the three Gems were stepping off the piece of advanced technology, observing the the piles of blankets and pillows covering the floor.
Amethyst was the first to speak. “Hey little man, where’d you run off to?”
“Up here!” Steven called back, pushing himself off the edge of the mattress. Grabbing his phone, he bounded down the stairs, flashing a bright grin at the Gems. “Are you ready for a slumber party?” he cheered as he fiddled with the sleeves of his pajamas, hoping that they’d assume his inability to stay still was from excitement rather than anxiety.
Amethyst barked out a laugh as she made her way to the kitchen, pulling open the door of the fridge. “We’re not ready until we have the pizza, duh!” she retorted, taking out a box that had been haphazardly shoved onto one of the shelves. She quickly got to work, dumping the pizza onto a plate that was way too small for all eight slices. She found a solution to that problem quickly, though-she stacked the triangles into two wobbly towers, and shoved the plate into the microwave, setting it to heat up their food for a full minute.
She turned back to the other two Gems, placing a hand on her hip. The expression on Garnets face was unreadable. “Now, we’re ready.”
Pearl eyed the pizza disdainfully, shaking her head. “Personally, I would’ve been just fine without pizza.”
“Yeah, uh, that’s because you’re lame, P.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Guys, guys!” Steven interjected, holding his hands up in a placating gesture. “We’re supposed to have fun, not fight! Amethyst and I can eat the pizza, and Pearl doesn’t have to eat any. No one is lame.”
For a moment, he feared the Gems would continue to argue, but the high-pitched beep of the microwave distracted Amethyst. She sniggered as she snatched the plate, a worryingly mischievous smile on her face. Dread began to pool in his stomach-he recognized that look. She had an idea, and it probably wouldn’t be one that was good for anyone but her.
“I wonder how toothpaste would taste on pizza.”
Despite Stevens protests, Amethyst had squeezed an entire tube of toothpaste on her pizza, luckily sparing his four slices. Instead of just throwing out the plastic, she dropped the container on top of her so-called ‘homemade delicacy’ and shoved it into her mouth. She smiled wide, revealing her teeth were covered in mint-colored goop and flecks of tomato sauce. Pearl had made a remark on how her breath might actually smell decent for once in their very long lives, but she decided that taunting Amethyst wasn’t in her best interests after the purple Gem threw a glob of toothpaste right into her hair.
For a while, Steven managed to keep the three from checking the time (and keep his mind off the inevitable moment they’d realize it was time for him to sleep). They occupied themselves with video games, watched three different movies, and even played charades for about half an hour. Amethyst kept shapeshifting and giving away the answer, and once she was bored of that she started transforming into the most random objects she could think of, which caused them to abandon that idea sooner rather than later.
Eventually, long after the moon had reached the middle of the night sky, Pearl finally took notice of just how late it was. “Oh, stars, it is far past your bedtime!” she proclaimed, turning to face Steven. “It’s almost three in the morning, according to that clock. You need to go to bed.” She picked up the remote, pushing the button that would power off the television.
“Awww, Pearl!” Steven whined. “I’m not tired!” Even as he spoke, he fought to hold back a yawn. Truthfully, he felt like he could pass out against his bed at any moment, but that wasn’t an option. He’d set the alarm, but his phone wasn’t with him at the moment-it was still downstairs.
“No buts,” Garnet said. “You’re going to sleep.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, knowing he just needed to get downstairs. He got to his feet unsteadily, and if it weren’t for Garnet catching him, he probably would’ve fallen.
“Maybe I should carry you,” the fusion suggested in a light tone. Presumably taking his lack of protest as agreement, she picked him up as she stood. Shooting a warning glance at Amethyst, who seemed about ready to burst into laughter, she began to make her way down the stairs, the other two Gems following her.
Gently, she set Steven on the carefully arranged stack of blankets that the three had agreed he should sleep on. As he lay his head on the pillow, he relaxed, knowing his phone was somewhere under the pillowcase. His alarms would wake him up he was sure-Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl wouldn’t learn of his awful sleeping habits today.
He listened to the soft rustles of the other sheets and sleeping bags on the ground, knowing the Gems were settling into their own makeshift beds. Surrounded by his family, laying on the soft comforter taken from his mattress, he could almost convince himself he’d be safe sleeping. A yawn escaped his mouth, and he burrowed into the blankets, unable to keep his eyes open any longer. Not a minute later, he was already deep asleep.
“You got the phone?” Amethyst whispered.
“Of course I do,” Pearl hissed back.
“Quiet,” Garnet interrupted. “This entire plan was to get Steven to sleep. Don’t wake him up now.”
The two bowed their heads, muttering apologies in unison.
“Do you think this will even work?”
“Yes, Amethyst. Don’t worry.”
“It’s a little hard not to worry when he clearly hasn’t been sleeping for almost a week.” Pearl crossed her arms. “We’ll just have to wait and see. Hopefully he’ll stay asleep for a while. He really needs it.”
“I think he will. Let’s return to the living room-he spent a lot of time on setting up the sleeping bags. We shouldn’t let them go to waste.”
Hours later, when Steven woke, he was greeted by three smiling faces.
“It’s about time you got up!” Amethyst plopped down next to him. “It’s past lunchtime by now!”
“Quiet, Amethyst,” Pearl cut in. “Good morning! Or maybe good afternoon would be the correct greeting at this hour?” She shook her head. “Good afternoon, Steven. Did you sleep well?”
And as he pondered both her question and her strangely hopeful tone, he realized that yes, he’d slept well. He wasn’t sure what had happened to his alarms, but he’d slept through the night-and apparently the entire morning-without being woken up once by a nightmare. He felt more rested than he had any day in the past week.
“Yeah,” he responded. “Yeah, I really did.”
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