#fun fact: I had so much stuff going on and wasn't gonna join because of it
httpsdana · 1 year
Can you write 136 with Jude please 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Heartbeat~Jude Bellingham
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
haven't wrote for Jude in a long time. I'm not gonna lie I can't look at him the same way because he plays for madrid. I mean I still love him but def not the same way
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers I write for
136-"Can you feel my heart beating that fast for you?"
"finally. we can relax for a while now" y/n said as soon as she stepped into her apartment with Jude in Madrid.
She was with him during the tour, flying alone because Jude was flying with his team, and sleeping in the same hotel as him. Her flight and Jude's arrived at the same time, so they went hone together
"that was one tiring tour" Jude said slamming the door behind him
"if you lost 3-0 to barça then it definitely is" she smirked, still rubbing it in his face
She was a die hard barça fan, and she couldn't deny the disappointment she felt when Jude told her he was joining the rival team, but she was still happy for him nevertheless and would support him all the way.
"it was because you were wearing a barca jerseyn it brought us bad luck" Jude replied, making her chuckle
"I don't think so. I just think we are the better team" she shrugged, making Jude smile
It was their way of joking. Making fun of each others teams, none of them would ever get mad at the other because of that.
"if you had the number 5 on your back, it would've motivated me so much and maybe I would've scored who knows" he pulled her closer, putting his arms around her waist
"I think the number 9 looked better on me no?" she teased, putting her arms around his neck
Of course she wasn't going to wear a Pedri or Gavi jersey and make her boyfriend jealous, so the Lewandowski jersey sounded good, plus he was one of the players she grew up watching
"nah the 5 would've been better" he leaned closer, pressing his lips on her forehead
"you're lucky I love you too much. or else I would've broke up with you long time ago" she joked, putting her head on his chest
Jude felt his heart skip a beat at her words. He still got nervous everytime she confessed her love to him, even though she has been doing it for a long time now
"Can you feel my heart beating that fast for you?" Jude said, as soon as she placed her head against his heart
"mhm you're cute" she mumbled, hearing his heartbeat speed up even more at her compliment
She smiled widely, looking up at him, watching his flustered face with his boyish grin. Something she loved about him was that he wouldn't hide the fact that he was blushing and was affected by her words
He leaned in, closing the distance between them by placing his lips on hers. A soft deep kiss that lasted a few seconds, before they pulled away and decided it was time to unpack their stuff.
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Aroace Alastor
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Hoo boy here we go- This one might make some people mad at me, so I'll preface by saying I do not want to start a fight and as long as you respect my business, I'll respect yours. But let's get this over with-
First off, I genuinely don't understand how some people can see the Ace-In-The-Hole quote and still believe that Alastor is only intended to be asexual and not also aromantic. Yes, the term Rosie used for purpose of the pun was 'ace', but can we look at the context of that moment before jumping to conclusions?
Rosie, motioning to Charlie: "Oh, who's this you brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you! Oh, I'm just kidding. I know you're an ace in the hole!"
Her original statement implies nothing sexual, only that he's involved in a relationship with Charlie, and she follows it up with why she knows that couldn't be because he's an 'ace in the hole'. I don't think you have to read too far between the lines to see that.
I would also like to say that when Vivienne has spoken about his orientation before, I recall her saying that she didn't want to confirm him being aromantic so that she wouldn't 'ruin anyone's fun', which I just feel like is an odd thing to say if she wasn't already explicitly picturing him as aroace. If she thought he had romantic attraction, why wouldn't she just say that? What fun would that ruin? I also feel like keeping things like this ambiguous just to appease the shippers is a little weird, but I digress-
And to those of you who I know are saying "But aromantic people can be in relationships too!!" *deep inhale* yeah I know. I'm not gonna pretend you're not right about that, but there are also aroace people who have exactly 0 interest in romance or sex at all. This is the part of the post that really is based on how I interpret certain moments, but to me he is absolutely one of those people. I don't really know where people get any vibes of him being interested in that stuff. I have never once looked at him and thought "Yeah I could see him in a romantic relationship with *insert character here*". Even aside from attraction in general, since that's what we'd be talking about at this point anyway, he just seems like the kind of guy who'd rather work and live independently instead of relying on anyone, whether practically or emotionally (which is also probably part of the reason he never joined the Vees, but that's another topic entirely). Hell, I'm pretty sure he's in heavy denial about even developing any kind of care or friendship with the people at the hotel (ie. the episode 8 scene with him and Niffty).
The only ships I see him involved in with people he doesn't hate (so ignoring RadioApple, RadioHusk, and StaticRadio. But to be real, maybe the fact all his main ships are enemies to lovers coded says something about the whole situation, but that's just me-) are Charlastor - which I will not even try to discuss here, people aren't gonna like this post as it is - and RadioRose. Rosie and him would at least be fair, if it weren't for one thing (which is also personal opinion on my end), and I don't know exactly how to word it. I'm tempted to say she has wingwoman vibes? But she knows he's aro, so that's not the right word, but there's vibes of like, she probably did act as a wingwoman before she realized that about him or something.. There's also something about her joking around like "Oh this is the girl? You have a girlfriend and I'm only now meeting her?" is almost giving motherly behavior. Idk man they're just besties to me, I could see them in a QPR though (not that they'd probably label it that way, considering the word queerplatonic is likely just complete gibberish to Alastor lmao).
So to summarize: It feels incredibly likely, if not practically canon, that Alastor was written with aromanticism in mind, even if Vivienne refuses to explicitly state it. Subtext and not-that-subtle implications can say just as much about a character as word of God, especially when that God has explicitly told us why she won't confirm or deny this information. Do I think any of this will stop people from shipping him romantically with literally any other character? No ofc it won't, and that's okay, that's just what fandoms do. I do think there's something to say for the fact the one aroace (or even at the very least asexual) character gets constantly shipped with everyone else in the cast, but this post is long enough I think. The only point of posting this is that I wanted to get information out there in one post to say "Hey, let's look a little bit past the surface for a second before saying there's no proof of him being aromantic"
Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you at least took something away from this
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shadowsnlace · 1 year
Heyo! This is the same person that asked if headcanon request are open :). I wanted to ask if you can make a NSFW headcanon where grimmjow figures out what a vibrator is and decides to use it on his S/O
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I saw this and started snickering because I could see him so clearly in my head. So, I had to do a scenario instead of headcanons because I had to do it justice. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it!
Note: Remember that look in the picture above, it is a great visual aid for what follows....
Smut so it goes below the cut. ;)
"Come On, It'll Be Fun" Grimmjow x Fem!Reader
by ShadowsNLace
You really needed a shower after the day you'd had. Work had really soured your mood and all you wanted was to stand under a hot spray of water to burn away the growling grumps you'd accumulated. Unfortunately, your boyfriend didn't take too kindly to being told that he was not invited to join you, especially since he was naked and ready for some fun in the shower. In fact, Grimmjow seemed to take your grumps and upped the ante to snarling, pouty huffs as he reluctantly left to let you shower alone.
Mistake No. 1 - Leaving Grimmjow alone in your bedroom pissed off and contemplating some form of revenge to exact on you once you came out of that shower.
Mistake No. 2 - Not hiding your "intimate" toys better.
Ever curious and quickly bored, Grimmjow began going through your room. He'd never really paid too much attention anything beyond the evil bottles on the vanity that you referred to as "perfume." He'd tried on several occasions to sneak one into the trash bin but you'd always find them and return them. He never would understand why you wanted to cover up your natural scent when it was so damn intoxicating to him.
The vanity didn't hold much mystery for him. He'd laid in bed many times and watched you prepare for your day by applying makeup.
He checked the nightstand: A book, a half-empty cup of tea, a pair of earrings, and the alarm clock that he'd had to buy for you after throwing yours against the wall the first night he'd slept over.
His eyes fell on the drawer of the nightstand. Oh-ho, what's this? I didn't know there was a hidden compartment here...
As the drawer opened his eyes, so quick to spot prey, quickly fell on a rather large object that looked like a penis and it was just laying there in the drawer daring him to touch it. Why does she have a cock in her drawer? His eyes narrowed as he turned to cast a look toward the bathroom door, a grin creasing his face. "Hey, babe, you gonna be in there all night or what?" He now had a weapon and couldn't wait to use it.
"I'll be out in a few minutes! Why don't you stretch out on the bed and relax?"
He reached for the object...something didn't feel right and he dropped it almost immediately causing a loud clatter when it hit the drawer. He scrambled to grab it and shut the drawer, hoping you hadn't heard the commotion.
"Grimm? Are you all right? What was that noise?"
Shit! "Uh, nothing, just knocked the tea cup off the nightstand."
You sighed, damn his temper, "I thought we talked about the cat compulsions --"
He interrupted, "It was an accident!"
You turned off the water and grabbed a towel. "Yeah, 'accident'" you walked into the bedroom to continue the scolding but froze when you saw him standing only a few feet away with your dildo in his hand. Shit!
"Why do you have a fake cock in your drawer? And why the hell is it purple?"
Heat crept up your neck so fast you felt like your hair was going to catch flame. "Why were you going through my stuff?" You made a grab for it but he held it up out of your reach.
"I asked first. No answering a question with a question, your rule, remember?" The look of near-triumph in his eyes would have made you giggle if he hadn't been holding your purple Pussy Pleaser up like an offering to the gods.
This situation wasn't going to magically go away. Best to just explain it to him and hope he gave it back. "It's called a dildo. Some people use them for sexual gratification."
He brought it to eye level to give it a closer look. "This thing? Babe, you've got me, I'm bigger than this," he gave you a sweet grin, "and I'm real, not weird like whatever this thing is made of." He sniffed it and you nearly spit out a laugh at the look of disgust. "Ugh! It smells horrible! I've smelled death pits in Heuco Mundo that smell better."
"I only use that when you're not around." You gave him a look of affection, "No sex toy could ever make me feel as good as you do. It's just something to ease the ache until I can have you." You smiled, "And, well, there is one function it has that you don't."
"Oh, really?"
"Push that button."
He did and it roared to life. Startled, he nearly dropped it again. "What the fuck?!" The astonishment was rapidly replaced with a wicked grin, "I need to see this in action."
You shook your head, "No way. You're not using that on me."
"Oh, come on, it'll be fun."
You started to back away, "I -- I ---"
He caught your wrist, whirled you onto the bed and crawled on top of you. "I promise, I'll be gentle."
"Honey, 'gentle' isn't in your nature. I don't want to have to explain to an ER doctor why I have half of a broken sex toy stuck in my cooch."
He cast a dubious look at the toy, "Do these things really break so easily?"
"I don't know but if anyone can it will be you."
"How about if you show me how you use it?" He just wanted you naked and doing something he'd never seen before. This could very well be a kinky experience and he wasn't going to miss out. He pulled the towel out of your hand exposing your body before sliding his bare chest against yours. His lips hovered over yours, voice husky, sultry, "The King will bend to your will. Show me." He moved to lay across the foot of your bed for the best place to view you.
Damn his hide, he knew just how to make your belly flutter and your core ache. Worst of all you knew the sensations would be pleasing and that having him watch you had been one of your fantasies. "OK." you couldn't believe the words were leaving your mouth. "you can watch."
Grimmjow's eyes were riveted to your hands as you took the toy and spread your legs. As always the sight of your welcoming, tender flesh sent his desire soaring. He licked his lips, wishing for a fleeting moment that his tongue was about to be caressing those lips instead of that purple thing.
He watched closely as you got a bottle of clear gel out of the drawer. "What is that?"
You popped the cap, "It's lubricant. I can't just stick it in. The material needs to be slick." A few drops on the tip then a finger to work the lube down the length and you were ready to start.
You watched Grimmjow's eyes grow wide in proportion to his grin as you rubbed the purple cock over your clit to get your desire climbing. Your face and chest felt flushed. You couldn't believe you were letting him watch you do this. His look of complete fascination made you feel bolder. Then, you slid the dildo inside of you and Grimmjow went stone still, the look of a predator about to pounce on prey was written all over his face. He watched every stroke you made, heard every huff of breath that increased little by little as the pleasure began to take over.
He inched toward you, eyes flicking from your eyes to your hands and the toy, waiting for you to tell him to stop or allow him to get closer. He laid his head against your inner thigh, one hand lowering to stroke his cock. "Fuck, babe, this is so hot." He nipped lightly at your skin, enjoying your flinch and soft moan that followed.
You kept a slow pace, then you pushed the button for vibrate. A deep groan, a slight arch in your lower back as the pleasure radiated throughout your pelvis. Grimmjow growled in response. You saw his face and knew how much control he was exerting to keep himself still. "Give me your hand," your voice was breathy. He stopped stroking himself and let you guide his hand to the toy. "Just remember, not too hard." You let your hand fall away, allowing him to take over.
He took over stroking the vibrating toy in and out of you. After a few strokes to gauge the feel and function, he shifted to prop over you and use his other hand to push your folds open over your clit. A deep growl was all you heard before he lowered this head and gently sucked your clit.
Your whole body bucked, "Oh my god!" The feeling of full penetration and Grimm's lips on your clit was new.
"Mmmmmm," he purred into your flesh.
You moaned so loud you drowned out the sound of the vibrator. You were wrong, Grimmjow definitely came with a vibration function!
Grimmjow chuckled, swirled his tongue around your clit before looking up at you with a grin. "I had a feeling you'd like that."
"More. More now, my king!" You wanted that sensation again.
He smiled, his voice sinful and silky, "As my queen commands." His mouth returned to the task.
Lick. Lick. Stroke. Suck. Purr. Lick. Lick. Lick. Purr. Stroke. Stroke. Suck.....Grimmjow kept varying the rhythm keeping you suspended in a never-ending maelstrom of ecstasy that seemed like it would go on forever. He went on and on until your thighs began trembling. You were about to cum and he knew it. He increased the pressure of this tongue and lips, leaning against you enough to keep your legs spread wide enough for him to keep going until you were spent.
"Grimm-j-jow...please..." Your hitching pants garbled the words.
He lifted his head, "Did you say something?"
Your eyes pinned his, "Get rid of the toy, I need you now."
No hesitation. All you saw was a purple blur flung over his shoulder. He said nothing as he moved over you, pulling your legs up. Firm, hot flesh replaced the vibrator. Sinking deep, he growled as his lips captured yours. Tongue delving deep into all the soft recesses of your mouth, he set a pace that had you halfway to another orgasm.
Nothing was more sexy than watching Grimmjow as his gorgeous body sent you to the heights of pleasure. But, what always sent you over the edge was his passion. He was wild for you and it was in every move, every kiss, every growl, pant, and moan.
He held you tight, moving so fast. His mouth was on your neck, teeth scraping at your skin. Your mouth was near his ear: words, moans, unnameable sounds spilling out. You were way past any control over your body. Grimmjow was practically a force of nature and the orgasms wouldn't stop until he stopped.
You were beginning to feel tingling throughout your body like all your nerves had tuned into the same frequency when Grimm went stiff for a few seconds buried deep inside you. You heard him grit "Fuck" against your neck then a few more jerky thrusts wrung growling grunts from him.
He turned his head to kiss your face. His cock was still deep inside you, throbbing and sending pulses of pleasure. You could tell from the sound of his pants that he was smiling. You opened your eyes to confirm it. He kissed your lips, "See, I told you it would be fun."
You chuckled, "Yes, you were right."
He slipped out of you, shifting to stretch out next to you. "You never answered my question."
Your brows furrowed, "Which one?"
"Why is that thing," (you knew he'd never refer to the dildo any other way, ever) "purple?"
"Because I like purple."
He looked thoughtful, ran a hand through his lush blue locks of hair, "Do they make them in blue?"
You started laughing, reaching over to stroke his uniquely beautiful hair, "Nothing compares to the blue one I already have...you."
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
OKAY Okay i love the sex pollen fic with Emily. So I was wondering if we could get a part two where Emily and reader would be like. ‘The pollen was quite actually fun. Let’s do it again but this time we know what are we getting into so we’re going to have it under control.’ But guess what they didn’t and it lead to rough and toe curling smut?
Could there also be face sitting and squirting?
Thank you so much and have wonderful pride month <3
Who's in control 18+
*Authors note~ the long awaited part two for my first ever sex pollen fic*
Trigger warnings~ oral face sitting dom Emily sub r squirting strap a vibe praise kink degrading kink daddy kink mutual pinning mentioned
Prompt~see ask^^^^^
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Of course when you awoke and went to meet the team before boarding the plane, Derek couldn't hold eye contact, JJ looked at you both with knowing smirks and Rossi was conversing with Hotch about what could've caused such odd reactions. Spencer was a clueless as ever. "So you two, did the pollen give y/n a reaction?" JJ teased spotting the hickeys on your neck. "N-no?" You whimpered feeling embarrassed and shy at them seeing them. You weren't embarrassed of Emily rather knowing you felt worthless compared to anyone else who could want her. "Daddy? Oh sorry Prentiss, your girl is rather loud I thought you were murdering her" Morgan teased causing you to flush bright red and Emily to come and hold your waist, your back to her front as she kissed your neck, "jealous because my game is better than yours?"
"Your girl" was going round and round in your head. Being Emily's girl. As you sat on the jet fiddling with your own fingers as you were in your own world remembering the night before. So stuck in your own mind in fact, you even missed the fact the raven haired women had moved to sit near you, only realising when she smoothly slipped her hand into yours. "Hey pretty girl" she whispered to you. Instead of responding verbally you just allowed your head to lull to the side and rest on her shoulder, "hey."
The ride on the jet was peaceful as the two of you caught up on the sleep that you missed the night before. The power nap on the jet allowed you to get through the paper work of the case before grabbing your go bag and intended to head home. "Angel! Wait up" you caught before leaving the pen. "Em?" You whispered, getting lost in her eyes. "Come back to mine? So we can talk."
And that was how you found yourself on the way to Emily's apartment. You allowed Emily to guide you to the sofa as she went around to feed Sergio before coming to join you. "The pollen stuff, can we do it again? But more of us in control?" She murmured watching as you nodded rather shy. "Why so shy angel? You weren't shy last night" she teased and you flushed a bright red colour. "So fucking pretty!"
Your lips soon found one another as if it was a decades old dance. You being tugged onto the other woman's lap as her hands found your skin. And it wasn't long before you were subtly rolling your hips against Emily in hopes of finding some friction. Only when breathing became necessary did you tilt your head, exposing your neck to the raven haired woman who was now happily biting and sucking on your pulse point, adding to the marks that already lay there.
To say Emily was fit was an understatement so there was no surprise when the woman lifted you up and carried you to her bedroom and gently placed you on the bed without losing contact with your throat. "Daddy" you whined hoping she would get the message. "Shh Angel, daddy's gonna take care of you" was mumbled against your throat. Clothes torn from each others bodies as your hands roamed familiar yet unknown skin. "Daddy, please I need to taste you" you whimpered causing a smirk to adorn her lips.
That was how Emily found herself straddled your head gently as you hooked your warms around her thighs. A small tug from you had the older woman sitting on your face, allowing you to lick and suck on the soft skin of her thighs before finally bringing your mouth to where she wanted you. "Oh fuck Angel, god I've wanted this for so long" she mumbled in between curses of overwhelming pleasure.
Emily whined in surprise as your tongue slipped into her soaking hole. Your nose bumping her sensitive clit as her hips ground down against you. "Oh god! Yes fuck me y/n more please" she mewled finally approaching that edge. "Oh god Angel, gonna cum fuck!" Was all she offered before her legs began to shake and she drenched your chin and mouth with her slick.
It took her a few minutes to gather herself before shimming down the bed and spending your legs. Your scent hit her instantly like a freight train. "Oh Angel, did pleasing daddy really cause all this?" She muttered trailing her fingers through your slick. "Oh daddy knows just what to do with you my slutty little fuck toy" her filthy words turning you on even more, so much so you missed her leaning over to grab a small vibrator and a strap that you honestly thought wouldn't fit. "Daddy it's too big" you whined, eyeing the strap on cock curiously.
"I'll make it fix Angel but first we are gonna attach this first okay?" With a nod from you she easily attached the little toy to your sensitive clit and strapped up. "Daddy please" you whimpered as your hips involuntarily bucked upwards, only to feel the vibrations start rolling against your clit. Your whimpers and pleads for more had Emily slipping her thick faux dick into your slick folds. "Oh daddy! Fuck please" you whimpered as she began to move in a rhythm. It was maddening, slow but deep strokes managing to hit your G-spot every time.
But before long Emily's patience faltered and she slipped from your quivering slick hole, flipping you on your hands and knees as if you were nothing more than a mere rag doll. She was quick to re enter your cunt hitting a new depth. "Daddy daddy fuck gonna cum" you chanted over and over, "please god please daddy can I ?" Instead of a verbal response Emily thrusted her cock into you harder and faster than before. "Cum my slutty doll" she purred as you tumbled over the edge.
Fucking you into oblivion was quickly becoming Emily prentiss's favourite pass time. The little whimpers and pleads and mewls of pleasure before you crowed out for her as you tumbled over the edge over and over. Yes, Emily was obsessed with you. So it was only natural the woman kept up her brutal pace as the vibrations rolled mercilessly over your clit. "Daddy! No no no more too sensitive" you stumbled only to be ignored, the toy being ripped of your sensitive bud and you were roughly flipped onto your back once more. Her talented fingers rubbing tight fast circles as she whisper the most filthy yet beautiful words down your ear. "Cum for me darling" was murmured to you causing you to let the coil snap.
"Such a pretty slut for daddy! Gorgeous girl" she praised as your body shook with the waves of pleasure. "Daddy no stop please gonna- I'm gonna" you whimpered before wetness gushed from your abused cunt. "Oh god I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't" you whimpered fearing the worst, that had never happened to you before. "Oh you good good girl! So pretty Angel, you did so good for daddy! I have so many ideas for your slutty cunt Angel" her praise doing wonders in calming your nerves. "Just need to clean you up sweetheart okay?" She murmured and gently cleaned you up as quickly as she could without hurting you. The sheets swiftly changed as you dozed in her bed. And truly she had that crazy un sub and a wild night of passionate sex, months of pining for each other to thank for this moment.
Word count~ 1394
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genericpuff · 1 year
it's legit been a hot minute since i've read an LO episode from start to finish so I decided to read the new free episode
wow i'm really not missing a dang thing am i, jfc
I've talked about it before how the dialogue in these comics really feels... non-human, but now I'm at a point where I wouldn't even be surprised if I find out the comic was being written by one of those script bots or some AI Chat GPT tool. It's just so stupidly clunky with very little context or build-up to what's being said, the characters feel like they're just talking at each other rather than with each other, if you know what I mean. It's giving Shenmue 3.
But let's have some extra fun with this and go through it panel by panel.
I'm not gonna talk about the Apollo scene, not yet at least. But I DO want to talk about the dialogue exchange between Persephone and the demigods she's chosen to be judges.
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First off, we get this cut to Persephone saying "Thank you so much for coming today." But the stuff that follows really feels like these guys have no idea where they are or why. Like, the first thing the guy on the left has to say is "you're a woman", why is he making this observation now if they intentionally made the decision to join her? If he's supposedly sexist on that line alone (which is what a lot of people in the discussion circles assume) why would he even join her on the boat in the first place if he wasn't willing to listen to a woman?
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Oh, okay, so they HAVE had this conversation already, great exposition, Rachel! But again, it still makes no sense why he's making this observation out of nowhere if he already knows he's going to be working with her and chose to come along with her on the boat ride. Why is he repeating what he's already said? Why not just have this conversation happen organically instead of doing the whole sitcom "cut to the middle of what's happening and explain it matter-of-factly for the audience to catch up so we don't have to actually show the entire conversation???" bit?
It's such a cliche overused tactic to try and skip informing NPC's of what the audience already knows but that only works if we, the audience, know what's going on. Such a tactic is meant to benefit the AUDIENCE, not the characters. It's a pointless waste of time for everyone involved if they're doing it the other way around where the NPC's know but the audience doesn't and the characters have to re-explain everything they already know for the audience. It's clunky exposition.
And then of course, we get Persephone acting all high and mighty with people who, again, don't even seem to know what the fuck is going on, they don't even seem to be functioning at full brain capacity with how repetitive and pointless their dialogue is (especially the "I'm a son of Zeus" guy but we'll get to him later). If Persephone's thankful for them joining her, why is she being such a bitch? This isn't a power move, she's not being a "boss babe", she's being that bitchy manager that complains about high turnover rates completely oblivious or uncaring to the fact that she's the reason people quit the job in the first place.
"It's listening to the Queen of the Underworld time", bitch you have done NOTHING to earn that title or demand for respect. NO ONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE. Anyone who DOES know her only knows her as a consort of Hades from that one tabloid pic from ten years ago. So... yeah, literally no one knows her. Even if they saw her in that weird broadcast during the Kronos fight (which, why would they, everyone was asleep as we were told and that news chopper was from OLYMPUS), she has done nothing to organically earn the respect and admiration of the people. As far as anyone's concerned, she's just this weird pink thing rolling into town and the only reason she has power at all is because the King has a flower nymph fetish and wanted a replacement for the girl that "got away" and married his brother.
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IDK if this was an attempt at a joke but I feel bad for this guy because he clearly has no idea where he is, why he's here, or why he's going to work for the Underworld when he's a son of Zeus and would maybe prefer a job in Olympus somewhere. Look at him, those aren't the eyes of a man who knows what's going on.
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"RAWR, I'm edgy and in control, shut your whore mouth while I'm speaking, peasant!"
She doesn't even look intimidating here, she looks severely constipated.
This is also legit just a copy paste of the Hera/Apollo/Echo scene from S2 which just further drives home how Persephone is an emotional replacement for Hera and a physical replacement for Rhea (while also satisfying that aforementioned flower nymph fetish).
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Again, Persephone has done nothing to earn the admiration or respect of her people (unlike, y'know, Hera) and it's bullshit that she pretended to be all thankful at the beginning of this only to then treat them like shit as soon as she was able. Like, again, she seems to have just kidnapped these guys and they undoubtedly have questions and instead she's steamrolling all over them for zero reason beyond stroking her ego. If she's so bothered by the first guy being a sexist, why is she hiring him in the first place???
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girl he's literally trying to escape from your bullshit, why are you treating him like a toddler or a hamster who can't control himself
it's painfully clear now these guys absolutely did not sign up for ANY of this and even if they DID sign up to be judges for Hades, they clearly were NOT aware it would include being berated and snipped at by his moody toddler of a wife, she's the ONLY one here who has zero self control or qualifications. push her in the river, please. put her in the hamster cage.
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so yeah, it's not "thank you for coming with me today", it's "thank you for shutting up and being good little hostages so mommy can play pretend ruler, if you even THINK of ignoring me i'll have my daddy Mads Mikkelson- I mean, Hades chop your balls off, teehee!" seriously can SOMEONE please push her in the river, she's got like 50 pounds of hair, she has zero chance /hj
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"i found a way for my husband to do even less work than he already does, like a good little billionaire!"
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ms. brian griffin, no one knows what elysium is
we, the audience, haven't even seen elysium
no one knows what you're talking about and no one has anything to thank you for because so far you've spent the majority of your time in the underworld since the time skip dicking around and acting like a Karen
literally sit down and eat your oatmeal
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we don't even know what 'nu-tartarus' is, who wants to bet rachel watched sci-fi the week she made this with the 'nu' spelling, jfc
what did she do to warrant the 'nu'
in fact, is tartarus even accessible right now??? what happened to Kronos locking himself up in there and refusing to let anyone in??? Did they seriously dig a hole in the ground and call it "Nu-Tartarus"? Fuck off.
Hermes, pal, you're seeing this shit, right? How can you sit there and watch her act like this??? This ain't the girl you used to make out with in the mountains.
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"My husband serves in the military, you know! You'll regret not giving me that 2% discount!"
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for those of you in the audience who don't know this, this is what we call panel filler. i.e. pointless repetitive panels that RS uses to fill her panel quota each week. LO always has at least 2-3 of these per episode. Go ahead, fact check it yourself, I'll wait.
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Diva Plavalaguna wore it better, honey.
(also why do her ARMS look the same as her hair, they look like sausage casings 😭)
Such a weird cut though, from her making that "lol can you believe the things I put up with ????" face to her just WALKING AWAY FROM THE MEN WHO HAVE NO IDEA WHY THEY'RE EVEN HERE.
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what- um, why are we cutting to this? I get that it's RS still trying to exposit instead of write organically but Hermes literally didn't ask and he should probably already be aware of what's going on if he's ON THE BOAT WITH HER. Also why are you explaining to him what a demi-god is? Again, it's Rachel trying to do the "and that's my plan" shtick not understanding that only works for OTHER CHARACTERS who aren't "in on it", NOT THE AUDIENCE. When you try to have your characters explain things JUST for the sake of the audience, it makes them all look stupid and it wastes the audience's time.
Like, never mind the fact that Hermes himself is technically a demi-god in LO as his mother is a non-god.
This would have worked better if she was explaining who these men were specifically, like the fact that they were Kings when they were alive, or why she chose them, but no, she just starts it and leaves it at "well they're related to Zeus, so they're demi-gods" with zero lead-up or context as to why she's explaining this to Hermes of all people in the first place.
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Also, "Hades is going to restore some of their humanity"??? Guys, do you realize the implications of this?
If this is something he's always been able to do, that means he's always had the ability to grant the shades working for him autonomy and will, but chose not to.
Give them enough sentience and autonomy to work, but not enough to question why they're working for the system in the first place.
Great job Persephone, this is soooo much better than what Hades was doing before. You've made life so much better for the dead.
Fucking hell. I started this essay with the intent of talking about the weird clunky dialogue exchanges and as I sat on it and wrote on it longer and longer it just got so much WORSE and turned into discussing Persephone's lack of morals and how she's become the very thing she always claimed she stood against.
I say "great job Persephone" but we also have to give credit where credit is due - great job Rachel, this is soooo much better than just ending the series in the first two seasons or actually resolving the plot threads you started in Season 1. You've made your comic so much better to please the stans and spite the haters.
Christ. I'm not even done talking about everything I wanted to talk about regarding this episode but I figured I should cut it off here to at least keep it all on theme. I do wanna talk about that Apollo scene and the Hermes/Persephone conversation but I'll probably do that in separate posts.
Despite how fired up I got, I am glad about one thing - I really am not missing anything. I have lost nothing from unsubscribing from LO and uninstalling the WT app. And frankly, neither will you if you've been contemplating on promoting yourself to a non-reader. There is zero FOMO here. I get just as much if not more entertainment from just following along with the hilarious conversations in the Discord and subreddit each week, because at LEAST those are fun and don't make me feel dead inside like LO does. LO isn't entertaining, it's hardly even so-bad-that-it's-entertaining at this point, maybe it still is for you, but I'm assuring you right now for those of you "hanging on", it's not going to magically "get better", even the episodes that some people CLAIM are better really aren't because of how low the bar is nowadays. I am giving you full permission to free yourself of these shackles if you've been looking for a way out. Take this as your metaphorical key.
The LO we all fell in love with is long, long gone.
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leoruby-draws · 6 months
hello hello hello
i just want to say i love your little drawings so much they're adorable and so full of life and everything feels exciting in them and i love how you draw and make really fun stuff for many of the minor characters, you're doing such a good job with them and it gives me so much joyy
Hi Hi Hi
Thanks for liking my stuff! Happy to bring you joy, drawing these brings me joy!
Also its fun to get into and draw minor characters because their reading lists are super short lol! But I like to give a little love to characters that most people might not know about, in fact here's some random drawings that I had in the back-burner for the past year! Never could find a chance to just post them:
Here's a cute drawing of Cyclone, Maxine Hunkle! Wanted to give her a cute costume makeover. Kinda has a magical girl look to it huh? Took a bit of inspiration from Ojamajo Doremi, but also she's meant to resemble Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz! Both the princess and the witch. I have a bit of idea of what I'm going do with her, but that's for later.
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Got a drawing of Gan, Jason's friend from the Knight White books. Not sure if she exist in my Training Wheels au, but I like her a lot. Her rapport with Jason was fun to read.
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Here it looks like the Outlaws are trying to recruit new members, from the Relative Heroes group, Damara Sinclaire (Allure) and Tyson Gilford (Blindside). They're not likely to join, preferring to stick with their own group. Just as well since Damara's powers might make things a rather chaotic, she doesn't need that drama in her life lol. Tho I like the thought of Tyson helping out now and then, his invisibility would be pretty useful.
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Here's some random assortment of heroes, Ray Terrill the...Ray. Amethyst, tho top pic is uncolored (im lazy) but theres a Sailor Amethyst to make up for that.
There's the first Green Lantern (Alan Scott) with his kids,Jade (Jennifer Lynn Hayden) and Obsidian (Todd James Rice). Wonder why their babies here, de-aging mishap?
Jason and Toni gossip about their fellow teammates, and down below Jason decides to annoy a young Kyle Rayner. A universal constant!
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Todd can't help but join in!
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Also some cute father-son bonding! I sent this to someone else earlier, so imma just stick here too.
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For a really minor character, here's Jay, Eddie and Rose meeting up with a very strange new friend!
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And lastly here are the Metal Men, or should I say the mini-Metal Men. Read some comics about them, including a bit of silver age as well (they get destroyed pretty often, kinda funny ngl). I thought about what kinda sidekicks they could have, but I didn't want to look up metals or learn about metallurgy or chemistry or whatever. So I just made them smaller, its just temporary though, aren't they cute? Look at poor Copper, she just wants to join in!
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Anyways, hope that wasn't too much, tagging all of this is gonna suck.
Sorry I haven't been posting, due to Tumblr being a pile of shit and trying give our stuff to ai websites. So I thought I would download nightshade and glaze, but that didn't work out at all (I got a new laptop but it still wont render for me at all). So I'm just gonna hope my opt-out in the settings will be enough for now. Sigh!
Hope you like all this anon, might be a while til I post again. Later!
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littleseasalt · 9 months
ok, i worked out fueled by grief over qforever, had breakfast and took a shower so now im more recomposed to be sappy about forever like kia did on her profile despite the fact that i did not sleep at all this night. full text under the cut to not clog the tag and YES I AM GONNA TAG THIS TEXT BECAUSE WE DROVE THE FOREVER BUS I FEEL LIKE WE'RE ALLOWED TO DO THIS IF WE WANT TO 🗣️🗣️
The qsmp is my first direct experience with mcrp and this kind of smp. Previously, my only contact with stuff like this had been dealing with Dream stans on twitter so uh. Not a good light. Before the qsmp i really had a negative view on mcyt and its fans in general (specially when it comes to shipping because i didnt really understood at the time). Then, suddenly on my twitter I saw a commotion about brazilians joining a gringo minecraft series, and that kinda make me go "? interesting", but I didn't really thought much. Then, my uruguayan friend send me the brazilians announcement when it happened, asking me if I knew those streamers.
Now! Fun fact! Unlike 95% of the brazilians in this fandom, these people were, in fact, not my childhood. I knew who Cellbit, Felps and Tazercraft were, of course, they were/are famous as hell. But, at the time they were at the peak of brazilian mcyt, my side of mcyt was the opposite of theirs (I was a rezendeevil fan. long story one day we need to put all the gringos up to brazilian mcyt lore), and previously I had only watched the old guard of brazilian mcyt (venom extreme kind of stuff). FUN FACT! I HAD NO FUCKING IDEA WHO FOREVER WAS! I had literally never heard of that man before and it just seemed so random to me, a random ass guy put along Cellbit, Felps and Tazercraft FEKWGFOIKWRRE
Now, due to them not being my childhood, I didn't really care about the qsmp. Like, oh, cool, brazilians are joining. But that was it to me, I had no interest in watching it at all. Then, the brazilians first day happened while I was sleeping, and my tl was FLOODING with videos about it. I saw fun clips of Cellbit, Felps and Tazercraft and found them funny, but that was it. After that I was just gonna ignore whenever it showed up on my timeline, block tags if necessary.
...And then I started seeing clips of Forever and Philza. And it was the most HILARIOUS stuff I had seen through the week. It was their interactions that made me be ok with the qsmp constantly showing up on my timeline, and it was their interactions that made me be somewhat more okay with mcrp.
So, fast foward a month. By then, I was used to qsmp clips showing up to me and some tweets about it, and then regret arc and guapoduo happened. This made me actually get interested in actively keeping up with the qsmp instead of just waiting for stuff to show up at my timeline. After a few days, I decided I'd hope on a qsmp stream just to see how things are.
This is the fun part: I was meant to be a Cellbit main, considering how it was regret and guapoduo what motivated me to watch a qsmp stream. But when I decided to hop on, Cellbit wasn't streaming but Forever was, and I was like "oh its the philza guy right? yeah im okay watching him" and decided to hop on. I think the first stream of his I watched was the one where he set up the Jaiden stasis chamber at the ordo.
And honestly, at first I tried really hard to keep up with Cellbits pov whenever Cellbit was streaming at the same time as Forever, but it just got harder. I don't know exactly what called me into Forever's pov at the time- maybe it was his relationship with Richas, maybe it was the way Forever was handling rp at the time, which had (and when he's not 100% loreing, still has) a thin layer of meta that just aligned with my current views on mcrp at the time. But Forever ended up being the pov I grew most attached and used to. I'd watch tazercraft during afternoons, sure, and I love them! But the moment Forever would open stream I'd come over running to him. I'd watch Cellbit when Forever wasn't on, but between the two, I'd always pick Forever.
And honestly, as a main Forever pov with a private twitter account and a tumblr lurker at the time BOY it was hard. my man was getting hate for some stupid shit and elections arc is a whole can of worms im not gonna open right now. But I'd never expected to grew so attached to a minecraft pov and to actually keep up with a streamer before- after 2016 I kinda just fell out of keeping up with youtubers/streamers.
And then we have the happy pills arc. This arc CHANGED my brain chemistry. But the pre happy pills arc stream, the one with the clock, I think that's the marking point for me. Because I cried when he wrote the letter to Richas, and let me tell you something, I don't cry easily watching media. The only times I had previously cried were:
Opening up KH3 and hearing dearly beloved for the first time (I had spent MY WHOLE LIFE SINCE 2013 waiting for KH3)
"Unsaid Emily" from Julie and the Phantoms (I have issues with my mom.)
Super Sonic in Sonic 2 movie ( Im a big sonic fan lmao)
So the fact that I cried with that letter SHOCKED ME. Never in a million years I'd have thought I would be crying over minecraft rp. And then in the next day he pulls the rug from underneath out of his viewers feets with the happy pills arc, surprising EVERYONE. The happy pills arc is still my favorite qsmp arc of them all and I hold it very close to my heart.
I think it's kinda funny that I kinda had the same evolution towards rp as Forever did- at the beginning the thought rp was cringe and said he'd only play normal minecraft in the qsmp, and now he delivered us two AMAZING arcs full of rp (I'm never getting over him smiling and crying to richarlystone and the black make up with the bleached hair, what the fuck)
I think I just fried my no sleep brain after writing all this cause Idk what else to write LOL. I appreciate cc!forever a lot for all he has brought to the table in the qsmp, for how he started as "haha funny brazilian man with his antics screaming and being funny obsessed over philza" and ended with one of the most tragic qsmp characters ever. I appreciate cc!forever for changing my view towards mcrp.
And also thank quackity for inviting forever to the qsmp and thank philza for having a urahara skin LMAO things would have gone very different for me if it wasnt for them.
I'll be keeping up with stonkscraft 3, but whenever forever comes back to the qsmp I'll be ready with my arms open to embrace what this man brings to the qsmp <3
also I WAS NOT KIDDING WHEN I SAID MY GRIEF OVER QFOREVER SERVED AS A FUEL FOR MY WORK OUT. i never progressed so much weight before (my leg press is insane wtf) and never did such a well done cardio on a >leg day< before what the actual shit
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swarmishstrangers · 1 year
hello fellow mspa reader fan :> what do you think mallek's and mspar's first kiss was like <33
This one admittedly took me a bit to think about. So! Just walk with me while I ramble before answering.
The thing I like that factors in a lot to the relationship Mallek and Mspar have with each other is the fact that both of them tend to have a different way of looking at love because of the differences between Earth and Alternia's ways of romance and such. Alternia with the quadrants and stuff. I mention that cause them being aliens to each other make both of them fucking DORKS when it comes to romancing each other.
Like?? Y'all saw that guy call mspar cute and fucking STUMBLED AND FLUSHED LIKE!! GRGH!! I don't think Mallek was shy in trying to show attraction to them, at least in the ways that didn't involve words cause his mouth is faster than his brain and he gets tripped up and embaressed over potentionally saying something wack and stupid to them. But what may be obvious for him to show that he's attracted and has a bit of crush on them they either don't understand the significance/it flies over their head and they don't catch that. Which Mallek keeps in mind and doesn't blame the, ya know, alien for not taking what he's putting down. And vice versa on Mspar’s part.
One of my favorite headcanons is that things seen as little acts on Earth are considered to be deeply intimate to trolls. Scratching someone's back when they're having a hard time getting it themselves? Being genuinely invested in the person? Sleeping when the other person's around leaving yourself vulnerable? Any kind of scenario that leaves you both vulnerable to each other? Heart eyes motherfucker. Heart. Eyes.
Okay, so!! While I've established that, let me actually get to your question. (Under a read more cause hoo boy this is gonna get long)
I like to think there was this period in Mspar and Mallek's friendship that ended up turning into this very ambiguous situation of friends??? Or ♡??? Cause neither of them confessed yet, but both are becoming aware that there's clearly signs of attraction that's mutual on both ends, but again, both are kinda like "woah. they're like, actually into me? in a red way? oh, but what if I'm reading it wrong."
So it was within time where I think their first kiss happened.
I imagine it a night where they were staying over and hanging out with Mallek at his hive. He wasn't coding at the moment. His eyes were actively stinging, and he needed a break, so he was just hanging out with mspar. Specifically, he was lying back on his lounge plank with Mspar joining him, and the two were being cuddly and whatnot. Friends can cuddle! It's not something that Mallek found to be a huge deal as 1. The dude's touch starved. He doesn't mind at all. 2. He likes to leech off their heat as much as they like how cool he tends to run. 3. It wasn't their first time cuddling. It was just nice. They both liked it.
He had his eyes closed the whole time they were talking to each other, not hitting the hay, of course. You know this guy's sleep schedule is wrecked beyond repair. They were recounting their past few nights, and the stuff they were up to with their many other friends, he gave them updates about his coding and other projects he had going on. They devolved into more idle chatter, talking about video games, poking fun at one another, and laughing. It was a good time, and it was certainly helping Mallek destress.
After coming down from their laughter, it got quiet for a moment, pleasantly so. They had one of their arms pushed under where the hood would be and the other on his chest, playing with his hoodie strings while they rested their head on his shoulder. Mallek was still just laying there, grin on his face wide enough for his longer tooth to poke out just a little bit. He had one arm around their waist and his other one resting in his hoodie pocket. His eyes still closed. He could feel them looking at him for a while, almost tempted to crack an eye open to tease them and ask what they were staring at, but before he even could, he felt lips pressing against his cheek and it made his mind go blank. Did they..was he registering this right?
Their face was red, they didn't know what came over them, they weren't thinking! He was being so quiet, his cheeks and the tips of his ears were turning blue. The quiet was making them nervous! They had sputters of apologies on the tip of their tongue and were about to unleash them. Mallek, with a sudden boldness, shifted under them, bringing his hand from his pocket to grab at their hoodie strings. With a yank, he abruptly brings them down, and now they were registering that they were kissing.
They don't move for a couple of seconds, having to grapple with the fact that this is real and they were living in the now. Before their eyelids relaxed, they scooted up a little so their head wasn't tilted so awkwardly, adjusted their arm against his chest, and deepened the kiss.
Mallek was. Thrilled. Over the moons even. He kissed them, and they were reciprocating! Which. Oh, thank God. He got really nervous when they didn't move.
It lasted for just a few seconds before they separated. Mallek's head fell back against the arm of the couch, and Mspar lied their head back down against his chest. Both of their faces flushed, both of their hearts going crazy (and they could hear his.)
They go back to cuddling. No words are exchanged. But there's a new air to the room that neither mention, but both are happy to be in right now.
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iamawolfstarsimp · 9 months
Sup bitches im back
decided to throw out a cute lil unprompted summer fluffy fic for ya'll (cause who doesn't love those)
hope you guys' first week of 2024 has been good!
So yeah enjoy
Summer break was probably Sirius' favorite time of year. Which was funny to him because he remembered a time when he hated summer break.
Hogwarts was the first place that truly felt like home to him, so departing from that place was devastating. Ever since he had separated himself from his family and the god-awful house and spent summer break with James, it had been amazing.
He could go and do whatever he wanted in town, got three delicious meals everyday, and spent all of his time with his best friend.
It just got even better when Remus was allowed to spend summer with them as well. When Sirius first got word that Remus would on fact be spending summer with them, he anxiously waited everyday for any letter from Remus.
After what felt like forever, Mr. Potter was sent a letter and instructed to go and get Remus to bring him to the house safely. Sirius spent the whole morning waiting excitedly (which included looking out the front window every two minutes, bouncing his leg, and immediately jumping up when he heard a noise outside), much to James' amusement.
When Remus did show up, it didn't budge Sirius' newfound excitement to show Remus everything they did for fun at the Potter's. He spent the whole day dragging Remus around town showing him all the shops they went to, the mini quittitch pitch James had in his backyard, all the many rooms in the large house, introducing him to the house elves, and helping him unpack. Remus was tired but enthusiastic.
This particular evening, Sirius and James had pleaded long and hard enough to James' mum that she had let them sleep outside under the stars. Peter had brought two large sleeping bags that they would share, two in each bag and they all camped out, listening to Sirius point out all the different stars and constellations.
"-oh, and, the "star" next to the moon isn't actually a star, it's Venus." He said, folding his arms behind his head after pointing to Venus.
"Wow. How did you learn so much about astronomy?" Remus asked, probably the only on actually paying attention because he could distinctly hear Peter and James quietly giggling from their sleeping bag.
"It's one of the things mum wanted me and Regulus to know a bunch about. Partially because a lot of the black family names have to do with astronomy." Sirius shrugged.
"I think it's cool that you know so much about the stars and stuff." Remus answered quietly, sensing Sirius' embarrassment.
"Heh, thanks." Sirius smiled at him. Remus could faintly see the blush dusting Sirius' cheeks.
"Don't go shy on me now, that's my thing." Remus poked Sirius in the side. Sirius grinned and batted his hand away.
"Oh, what's this?" Remus grinned back, his grin meaning something different than Sirius' though.
"S-stohop!" Sirius giggled when Remus continued his poking, using his other hand as well.
"Be quiet, you're gonna wake up the others." Remus scolded.
"They're already awake!" Sirius kicked out, aiming for Remus' shins. Remus laughed and kicked back, poking anywhere he could reach.
Sirius rolled away but only ended up tangling himself and Remus in the sleeping bag. They both giggled as they rolled across the ground before bumping into James and Peter's bag.
James grunted. "What are you two idiots doing?"
"He's killing me!!" Sirius shouted, grappling with Remus' hands.
"He's fine!" Remus laughed along with Sirius.
Soon enough after hearing Sirius' complaint, James came crawling out of his own sleeping bag to help mess with Sirius.
"Noooo!" Sirius groaned as James crawled into the sleeping bag with the other two, smushing Sirius between Remus and himself.
Sirius was lost in his own mirth as James and Remus tormented him, not being able to cover up or protect himself wasn't helping.
Some time after James had joined them, Peter also crawled inside but mostly kept to himself and laughed at their antics.
"-stop stop stop stop, ple-hehehe-please!" Sirius had given up on trying to fight back and put all his efforts in curling into a ball.
James and Remus backed off, letting him breathe. Sirius immediately unfurled himself and attacked Remus though, digging into the werewolves' ribs. Remus yelped in alarm and burst out laughing, throwing his head back and squirming away from Sirius.
Peter and James laughed as well, joining in on playfully torturing the next victim. After a few minutes of tickling though, Remus managed to crawl out of the sleeping bag and run away from the others.
Sirius immediately hopped up chasing after him, James hot on his trail. Peter stayed where he was, watching the whole scene go down.
Remus (for once in his life) thanked his werewolf abilities which enabled him to see in the dark and run faster than the average teenage boy.
He out-ran the other two boys til they got tired and trudged back to their little camp. Too tired to actually tuck himself in, Remus plopped down on top of the other sleeping bag next to Sirius who was panting.
James was the first to speak. "I hope we spend every summer like this."
"Of course we will." Sirius nudged him. "We're marauders. We'll always stick together, no matter what."
Even though Sirius' mini speech was sappy, Remus quietly hoped that Sirius was right. He couldn't imagine summer any other way.
Hope you liked
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thegeminisage · 2 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. saturday we did voy's "basics part ii" and "flashback," and last night we did voy's "the chute" and "the swarm." not really last night changed bc i am writing this at fuck o clock its going up tmrw w/o me but w/e
basics part ii:
this one was fine. or rather the a-plot of this was boring, the b-plot fucking ruled
like, what do i care about the surface of this planet? ik there's a whole season that happens after this, nobody important is gonna die. even the critter was no that interesting
also, FUCK the baby not really being chakotay's. i was so fucking devastated. i wanted him to have a little guy sooo bad. they gave it to me and then snatched it away. imagine how he must feel...the whole ship in danger to save the kid that wasn't really his, and two people DIED in the process. the a-plot was terrible.
but ohhh the doctor and lon suder taking on the kazons alone. mwah.
first of all, what a match-up. the doctor can't be killed or harmed, not really, not the way suder used to enjoy hurting people. so that puts them on totally even terms
secondly, the fact that suder FINALLY almost overcame his violent impulses and now he has no choice BUT to give into them for a cause greater than his own needs (to have peace with himself)...that's juicy stuff. his struggle when he came back after killing that one guy was absolutely incredible.
finally, i love that out of any two people who could be stuck on voyager, you get the idea that these two people had the best chance of doing what they did. like the doctor is quite literally PART of the computer that runs the ship, and suder has all the violent impulses of his former life now combined with tuvok's methodical nature and his own hard-earned patience. truly a force to be reckoned with. it doesn't really push your suspension of disbelief when he takes out all those guys at once because part of him has been waiting to do that for a looong time
genuinely i'm only disappointed they killed him...a character like this could have EASILY been a regular. i'll miss him so much
the undiscovered country was not my favorite tos movie by far (it ranks near the bottom actually) but i wish i had skimmed it at least before watching this. the movie footage being there was so so fun, and JANICE RAND! i'm always so happy to see her turn up, she deserved so much better, even if most of her tos scenes did annoy me to death
anyway, imagine being in a show and 30 years later they are calling you on the phone asking if you would like to do another episode of the show. star trek really is so unique in that regard, very few franchises have that same kind of staying power. m*rvel who? get the fuck out of here.
i looooooved getting more of tuvok's backstory. i think it's really hilarious that spock's parents almost disowned him when he joined starfleet but after that vulcan parents are like pressuring their kids to join to be more like him. poor spock and poor tuvok i wish they could have met onscreen just once
janeway in the old uniform!!!!!!!! she looked amazing
mixed feelings about janeway's speech about how things were different in the tos era and that's why sometimes they didn't do the prime directive. actually, it's funny because i got a little huffy at her "they were quicker to reach for their phasers" comment like GIRL NO THEY WEREN'T and then like the very next day i watched "taste of armageddon" where kirk did immediately start blasting because the disintegration chambers triggered his tarsus iv trauma and had to reluctantly forgive her
that said. spock mention.
the chute:
something lgbt happened on star trek voyager...i don't ship this couple because i'm still kirby with a gun re: tom paris, but i'm incredibly happy for people who do. i think about how i would have been if this had been chakotay and janeway instead (besdie myself) and i just KNOW the harry/tom shippers were eating
i wish harry kim got more to do...he had a little more this time but his solo scenes didn't have much meat to them, it was his scenes w tom paris that really stood out
and like i didn't hate those scenes, but the "shitty hellhole prison" plot itself also kind of bored me, because we just saw a far superior version of this happen to o'brien on ds9 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and to me one half of tom/harry is kinda boring and never gets his chance to shine, and the other is eternally on probation for being too annoying in season 1. so i had a hard time staying invested
that said it was very fun when janeway came down through the hole guns blasting. now who's playing cowboy, captain?
the swarm:
this was another one where the a-plot sucked and the b-plot ruled
i know janeway doesn't wanna add another 15 months, but man, come ON...it was very dumb not to go around. it was even dumber to not go around WHILE YOUR DOCTOR WAS BROKEN. take a few days to fix him and THEN go. also WHAT HAPPENED TO HER IDEALS? the showrunner really needed to keep this shit straight this was wildly out of character for her. that plus constantly brushing off kes...not her finest episode tbqh
the doc losing his memory was great though. kes is SO kind to advocate for him as she does and she and b'elanna were just great in general. kes even gave him a little kissy!! treat him really niceys: the episode
the other doctor hologram was really funny too although his usage of the "it" pronoun made me flash back to my rage when people did that to data during tng
it was actually so true to life how people with dementia act...kes did a great job of keeping him calm until the end :(
and the humming!!! i can't believe they left it there, but i suppose the implication is he gets it all back. and what a breath-taking spot to end it, honestly
TONIGHT: ds9's "apocalypse rising" and voy's "false profits" (i read the summary and good god someone HELP me)
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king-of-vertigo · 2 months
fuck it. I am sick of having so much oc lore and having it just sit in my brain. so. ((plus I'm pretty busy with art fight atm, I'll be posting attacks soonish?))
time to ramble about toni.
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btw, he is on art fight if you wanna draw him >:DD
I put some of the stuff here on his pfp already, but I'm gonna go more in depth. read if you like, ramble is under the cut + a smidge of backstory/headcanons for a couple canon characters <33
I'll start off with a silly fun fact. I made him before I got the second bendy novel where there was a mention of a Mr. Russo. completely unplanned and sheer coincidence-- but it inspired a lot of his lore.
family originates from Italy, it was his grandparents who moved to New York. however, his father was the one to properly find quite well paying work. it was because of that work that Toni was born to a decently well-off family that already had ties in the entertainment industry.
Rodolfo, his dad, often helped direct productions trying to get off the ground, and though he's given up a role in the director seat in more recent times, he still helps financially back certain projects in the industry. a somewhat short-tempered, traditional, and blunt man. not fond of pleasantries unless they're strictly needed, in which case-- he can be quite charming. or at least charming enough. Rodolfo has very high expectations for his son, and found the whole cartoon thing quite childish-- until he realized how much money could be made. he doesn't consider it in the same league as actual movies, and Toni isn't saved from the snarky comments when he comes over for dinner-- but the job pays well enough.
Antonio's mother has been out of the picture for some time now, becoming very sick when Toni was very young-- he doesn't remember much about her, and his dad is quite cagey when discussing the subject. Toni's made peace with it, even if he sometimes mourns the relationship there could have been.
there was still a motherly figure in his life growing up, though. and that came in the form of his aunt, Clara. though she is incredibly kind, make no mistake, she can be fierce when needed. growing up with a brother like Rodolfo, she learned how to push back against loud personalities. Clara is sweet, but honest. she'll comfort and soothe, while also holding whoever accountable. one of Antonio's most trusted confidants, only coming second to Clara's daughter and his cousin, Isabella.
Isabella, while only being his cousin, is loved like a sister. she's a constant source of stability in his life, though as an up and coming actress she can be a bit dramatic. they're a duo, the one who loves the spotlight, and the one who would rather stay behind the scenes. they were joined at the hip as kids, and while both are now busy working adults-- they still find time for each other. Isabella does her best to get Toni out of his shell, and has provided a huge boost in confidence the last few years. she's incredibly quick witted, cheeky, social, and just generally a gem of a human to be around.
Antonio has always been a bit on the quieter side, so as his fascination with movies and cartoons matured, he became really interested in the work that happened off the big screen. specifically in sound effects. how objects were used to make noises for completely different sounding things. him trying to break into such a specific part of the entertainment industry lined up perfectly with Joey expanding his Music Department, though a couple more stars had aligned before to lay the groundwork.
he'd been a fan of Sammy and Jack's shows for at least a year by this point, even if Toni himself wasn't entirely musically or vocally inclined-- there was something so charming about the pair that he couldn't resist. and seeing as they were often hired to play at ritzier parties, Antonio could see them perform on a mildly consistent schedule if he could get himself invited by the right people. of course, his family wasn't infamous by any means, and Toni hated to throw around his last name as leverage... but in this case-- it was a guilty pleasure, and did no real harm to anyone. plus, his family was happy to see him get out more.
the way Antonio ends up getting hired on is-- still in the works. but the idea I'm probably going to go with is this: while Sammy was given full control on who was hired in his department, the people he knew were all very-- refined artists. classical folks. people who performed for the sake of the art, and not for movies and such. Jack had a better hand in it, as I imagine he tried to get a start in comedy, which didn't end up going anywhere. one way or another the name 'Antonio Russo' travels down the grapevine. Sammy is a very critical man, very hard to please. Toni probably still doesn't know what earned him a spot in the studio's employ-- but he's so thankful for it regardless.
I'll maybe make another post about his inky arc, because that's it's own can of worms-- regardless, I'll probably add little pics of his family as I make references for them.
but now-- sleep. cause I am tired. if you read all this, thank you. it means a lot :DD
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valentineclown · 9 months
This was longer than I expected do if you're not looking to read anything long , skip it.
i honestly don't know what to do at this point. I'm gonna try not to leave anything out and if I realized I did I'll edit it.
But basically, I don't do my chores as often as I'm supposed to but it's also because I'm a big procrastinator and I begin to overthink the amount of things I have to do even if it's not the much. And it's really started to affect my relationship with my family because even when I do take the time to do the things I need to there's always something wrong with how I did it and I just feel like nothing I do is going to at least make them somewhat happy. Like ik my mom likes a clean house and when I do make the attempt to make the house look clean or neat, she automatically has to point out something I missed whether it be an unwashed pot that hadn't I gotten to yet or not sweeping and mopping. And that just really discourages me but anytime I try to bring it up I'm always labeled lazy which I can understand, in some situations with the dishes I can be lazy but being labeled as such 24/7 just hurts at this point. And I'm honestly tired of feeling like a just bum or whatever. Like just recently, I had joined the cheer team as a manager. And I knew there were going to be a lot of fun benefits too such as parties, competitions, and sleepovers at a hotel. And the coach just made it apparent to us that we'd be going on our first sleepover at a hotel after our Christmas break. I had brought it up to my father on our way back home then when my mother comes home he tells her and she says that I can't go. I wasn't personally involved in the conversation but I did overhear them talking about it and it kinda made me sad because like it's not just for me but a gift to the entirety of the team for Christmas and I basically can't accept that gift because I won't be able to go. And I've been wanting to get out of the house more but it seems like any time I do it's no because I didn't do something like a chore. That I can also understand because I didn't complete my chores but other than that, what else do you want me to do? Cuz even when I try to impress anyone it just never seems like enough. Like I can try to get better grades in math which is my weakest subject but no one cares.
And it's not just that, like I understand what they mean by I'm basically spoiled because I get so much of the stuff I want and I'm very grateful for it, I am. But downright being called selfish because I didn't do something right or calling me spoiled because I was disappointed by the fact I couldn't get a small piece of my hair bleached especially when I had asked you previously to do it and you said yes just when I was older, doesn't mean those things. I was just a little disappointed by it that was all but you had to make it into a bigger thing so now imma actually do something that you may not like but I have no other way of expressing myself to you and you may yell at me and I might begin to cry because I don't like when people yell at me. (ik it sounds like I'm being sensitive but that's just hoe I am) then we stop talking for a while, no one ever apologizes but me because apparently I'm the one that's wrong because I'm a child. Theres not much else I know to talk about so I may just l ave it at this and come back and add to it if I really need to. But this was something I really needed to get off my chest because it's just been eating away at me and it's hard for to ask my parents to get me a professional to talk to as we're currently on a tight budget.
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lavenoon · 2 years
Specialty as a fanfic writer, let's go!
(Here I am taking that post very literally, so I'm gonna choose a specialty that is relevant specifically to it being fanfic, because I think it's an interesting way to think about it instead of just general writing, and I hope to explain myself well kfdjhgskñjgh)
I am assigning you "never forgets the fun! "
(And here I'll say, I really need to learn from your example on this one fjkhgkjsh)
Because Luce, literally following what you come up with is so much fun!
And that's what fanfic is! Fun! A hobby! Something that can be frustrating at times, but also is supposed to make us happy! And I just love that about what you make, because it's so clear how much you enjoy it. And just for the sake of clarity, you are an awesome writer! These are not mutually exclusive, of course, and in fact I think these aspects work so well together for what you do! You have so much fun creating your story, you know your characters so well, that placing them in a dozen variations of the same premise is absolutely no problem and I would (and have) read each and every one of them! You care so much about the connections between characters and the themes you explore and you have a blast while doing it too! And I have a blast witnessing it!
When someone makes an offhand comment and you suddenly go "Oh?", I just can perceive the little lightbulb turning on above your head and I just know we are in for a treat! Because what you make is just so genuine and heartfelt that the enthusiasm is just contagious! All the things you explore, be it by drabbles, or multi-chapter arcs, or your comics (comics are literature too and no one can change my mind on that XD), and the way you just opened a gate for other people to have fun with your AU too, it's just all so wonderful! The possibilities are endless and they're all there waiting for you to choose which ones inspire you the most!
What you make just represents the spirit of fanfic so terrifically and I am all for it, all day every day!
(and... if I'm being a little sappy for a moment here, I've always been just a bit too selfconscious about truly indulging and having fun so freely and trying stuff like this at all and I have some trouble coming out of my shell sometimes, so following along with AU and all the discord shenanigans has just made me feel the tiniest bit better about joining in on the fun, so you get a very heartfelt thank you from me for that <3)
I was gonna say the post said "on anon" but yknow, if you had sent this in on anon that would not have been anonymous anyway GFHDJS <3 That being said...
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I'm blaming the fact that it's early but I really am just a little weepy and it took me like three times of reading to finally formulate some thoughts but most of them are just blubbering and or happy keysmash
Wanted to say that I just can't not explore things - but I realize I could. But where would be the fun in that? Fun has me in a chokehold and I'm never even considering not to indulge!
It makes things hard to follow and I'm self-conscious about that at times, which may make the weepiness partly out of relief/ reassurance. Always happy to hear that it's fun to follow along wherever my adhd brain takes me, and it is fun to explore - I love doing it!
I write fanfic for my fanfic, and apart from those bouts of "oh god no one's gonna be able to follow this mess of an AU" I'm so so happy to do it! There are so many different ways things could have gone, and I'm a huge sucker for the "soulmates in the 'in every universe, I'd choose you' way" trope - they choose each other, again and again and no matter how they meet, it turns out okay! Even the (discord exclusive (so far) because I wasn't confident enough to post Glamrock stuff before) version of AU where Robin works for Abra Fez with the Glamrocks - they still get to have fun with their boys! There's a happy ending! (and lots of shenanigans on the way gfhdsj)
The dynamics change and that's a lot of fun, and yeah I really just. Have to agree with your judgement - except I think fun would never let me dare forget it gfhdjsk
I love seeing what other people come up with - fanart and fanfic and the agentsona shenanigans, I always intended for this AU to be a sandbox to play in! I do it at any given moment, and it's so much more fun with other people enjoying themselves too! It can be silly, it can rely on so much suspension of disbelief, as long as it is fun! That is the most important part, and I'm glad to deliver!
(Also very glad to coax you out of your shell - it can be scary to be self indulgent when you feel so observed! Cringe culture is dead but its effect lingers! But I'm always gonna be very vocal about my support for self-indulgence because it is so much fun, that's even more dynamics to explore! It's nice, it's fun, and hurts no one - so I wish you heaps of self-indulgence in your future <3)
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
Thoughts on Sonic Prime, the Netflix series? ^^
I binged it yesterday bc I got curious from seeing from the gifsets you were reblogging (oh, messed up alternate timelines my beloveds) and I really enjoyed it! :D
So, any notes? Anything in particular that caught your eye or that you'd like to see in future episodes? 👀
Well, I mean, I haven't really thought about it too much since we've only got eight episodes so far so I'm gonna wait till we've got the whole thing before I judge the series. But from what we've got so far:
I really like it.
It's not my favourite Sonic series, that's still Sonic X but nostalgia and the fact that it has a lot more episodes probably plays a big part in that so I'm not gonna hold that against Prime.
This personality for Sonic is a little bit different than what I'm used to but I still think it works really well and he manages to carry the show with his little comments.
I adore the alternate universe versions of the characters and how they take one aspect of them and change it, i.e Tails is a genius but if he never met Sonic and learned to have confidence in what makes him different so he becomes Nine, Amy is extremely kind and empathetic but if she couldn't talk about her feelings they go out of control and she becomes Thorn, etc. It's a simple concept but it works so well and they do it in a way where you don't need prior knowledge about the characters but if you do, you get some more enjoyment from it.
The worlds are all really interesting, my personal favourite so far is the pirate one, probably because there's no "We can't trust you!" Kinda thing going on like the other worlds 'cause that kinda conflict just irritates me after a while. And also just... Pirates are fun and the voices they have in that world are fun.
Speaking of voices, the voice acting is really, really good. I was a little nervous when they said the cast was gonna be different from the games because like... The voices have changed so many times... And it always starts arguments... But I really like this cast, especially Devan Mack as Sonic. Like he's not copying anyone, it's his own version of the character and he's got the cockiness, the cheekiness, the awkwardness, everything works perfectly. Not to mention, he nails the more serious scenes too like when Nine shows him the Grim and he has to turn him down. Apparently a lot of the cast were in MLP but I never saw that series, it wasn't on any channels I had growing up so I can't really comment, but they sound great in this series!
Another thing I love is the animation. I love the sheer amount of squash and stretch they use, it really gives Sonic's speed this zippy quality and just gives off this really fun vibe. And the fight coordination is really good, like that fight between Sonic and Shadow in Green Hill was great to watch. Not to mention, the effects they use for the prism powers look great. And my absolute favourite thing: They animate Sonic's ears to convey emotion. Instantly won me over with that.
Although, the thing I'm most looking forward to seeing more of has to be Shadow. Ngl it's been quite a while since he was written this well. I like the IDW comic version but even that has its problems sometimes. But I like how he is working towards what's best, he just sucks at communication and butts heads with Sonic because they both think they're doing the right thing. And while I don't like the characterisation of Shadow fighting Sonic on sight every time he sees him that most modern Sonic stuff does, I will say in Prime it's completely justified. I still find it funny that the first thing Shadow does when Sonic joins him in the void is punch him in the face.
Honestly, the only thing I'm not enjoying about Prime at the moment is the Chaos Council. I just don't find them funny or threatening. It's literally "oh here's five weird versions of Eggman with their own gimmick" like... Cool. Can we have just plain Eggman back please? The only thing I like about the Chaos Council is Rusty Rose. They might get better in the new episodes but I'm not holding my breath. They just really don't appeal to me.
But honestly on the whole, I'm really enjoying the series so far and I love all the small details they put into it like the aforementioned ear movements, how Rouge sleeps upside down, how Tails' tails are a lot thicker than Nine's tails because he actually uses them, the fact that the story ties back to the original Sonic game's themes of anti-industrialism in different ways, etc. Not to mention the little easter eggs like Tails' passcode being 1992, the year he debuted in Sonic 2, and Big's New Yoke identification code being 1998, the year he debuted in Sonic Adventure. I hope we get to see more things like that because they put a smile on my face.
Honestly, I hope the new episodes put more focus on Shadow now that he's finally got Sonic to come pick him up but I think he really has a lot of potential. And I'm really, really curious to see what Rouge's world is gonna be like. A lot of people are saying they'd like to see a Western style place which I agree would be pretty cool. And I hope more of the alternate universe characters interact with each other like how Rusty Rose and Black Rose did because that could lead to some interesting dialogue.
I didn't mean for this to become an entire goddamn essay but apparently I had some Opinions. Also none of my mutuals are really into Sonic so I don't get to talk it often so I guess it all just kinda exploded here.
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ducknotinarow · 8 months
03/07 MikeyVon - [🎁] our muses exchange holiday gifts
| SEND AN EMOJI FOR A STARTER ! ↳ winter season & holiday based
Mikey heard of the whole baby shower thing a long time ago it was mentioned off hand a lot in just all kinds of media he consumed mostly the chick flicks he would watch with Von and April during their girls nights. They both sort of filled him in on the concept and idea of it. Von's answer was of course very much like Von a very cut dry explanation on what the idea of one was. April's? sounded more sociable and fun like she been to one before. Which made sense to Mikey. Even if Von was human before she got mutated she never really lived a life like April herself has. Hell Mikey felt he could place a bet on the fact Von had even less experience with human like stuff than him and his brothers. Least they had some friends and even held parties like their Christmas get together a few years ago where they had guest from all over the place join them. Poor Von. Mikey knows she not the usual type to be seen as fun cause of how she comes off but Mikey thought Von was one of the most fun people to hang out with.
Long as she wasn't interviewing him on his experience of being a mutant. On being a battle nexus champion? oh sure he'll talk here ears off on that.
Must not be easy to feel connected when you also were sort of isolated from stuff like that for years. He guess that would explain her dry response on what a baby shower was like something she would never be part of. No different than when she FINALLY explained the whole butterflies drinking blood thing to him. It was all just facts and information she had. Though unlike that because she manged to squeeze out that more fun side of hers out at the time. Donnie and Von had been trying for a long time. Donnie mentioned his dream to Mikey so long ago and Mikey always felt like Donnie would make a great dad and well he felt the same on Von being a mother. Sure to some Von seemed cool and distance but Von was very maternal deep down as well. She was supportive, empathic and her love was always unconditional. She was kind of the first person Mikey told his confusions towards after all. When it came to how Mikey felt when it came to his gender.
Von looked at him like he was telling her his name, that sometimes he didn't always feel like a guy sometimes he liked to be feminine. Mikey liked to wear pink things, he liked make up and nail polish and indulging in things that may seem more like a girl would enjoy like the enjoyment of stupid romance movies. And not once did Von seem to think anything of it she kind of fed into it if anything and eventually? he found himself okay with how he saw himself enough to tell his brothers even. That felt pretty motherly to him? accept your child as they were and making them feel they can be that even? Supporting this idea so Mikey could find his grounding on the though? Mikey really did think they be good parents to whoever that ugly alien thing from the photo Donnie shared with them would end up being.
Which was why he may gone over board on the party planning. Feeling they had to cram in every thing possible into the one party alone. Look when else were they gonna get to throw a baby shower? Even if it seemed like Casey and Raph had a touch of baby fever themselves? he doubts they would let him do it for them. Raph might smack him for the thought. Might be way he was keeping his distance through out the whole fun. Mikey noted when he had lifted his head up from his bowl of water all three pacifiers in his mouth. Smirking brightly he was on a high from all his wins from the night. Meaning his brothers were going to hate him for the next couple of months when he would start to brag about it. Spitting them out hands above his head "That's right I aint just a battle nexus champion I am also a champion at all things!" Mikey beams happily when he eyes Von over on the couch with Raph. He saw the gift bag in her hand and let his beak fall open.
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"Hey no fair Raph!" Mikey near exclaims on the top of his lungs over the sight as if he had caught the pair of them committing some unforgivable crime. Which they had in Mikey's book at least that is. He fixed them with a glare. "I can't believe you two! just cause he's your bestie Vonnie mean he should get to give you his gift first!" The orange banded turtle near whined before looking at his older brother "For shame Raphie, imma tell Casey!"
Ignoring Raphael questioning why he would bring this up to Casey Mikey took off to where they had set all their gifts up for Von to open later. If Raph could give his gift to her then so could Mikey. He decided moving to join them on the couch sitting on Von's left side now before he stuck out his tongue to Raphael. "Rude!" He switched his attention to the mother to be and smiling. "I hope you like it Von, I got help with it clearly but still counts as a gift I feel" Mikey mentioned as he hands over his own gift box, his name written out on the top of the wrapping paper to make it clear it was from Mikey in the first place. He seemed more excited about her opening the gift than Von might have and nearly ripping the paper himself but he behaved for the time being.
"It's a mobile!" He states when it was finally free from its container, decorated with sea shells, and sea glass strung up on old pipes. That being the bit he needed help with so Donnie knew what his gift was at least since he needed help welding the metal pipes for the framing of his gift. "I figure ya live by the ocean so it should be ocean themed oh and! for Donnie" He points out the small Ariel figure in the center with the prince of the film. "You just know Donnie's gonna teach her science and to love that movie so figure I help" he slightly kidding with his remark, well he might not be kidding at all in truth. Taking it to hold it up he gently pushes it letting the shells, and glass tap against each other softly to make a low little jiggling sound. "I shall some humans made wind chimes with the shells and got the idea from that. So it won't break or anything don't gotta worry about that. "Think she'll like it?"
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troutfur · 9 months
1️⃣ and 📝 for the warriors ask game!
Ask game
1️⃣ : was warriors your first animal based fantasy series? if not, what series was?
I think so! And I'm kind of surprised to be honest! English is not my first language and Warriors wasn't translated into my native language (Spanish) until I was outside the primary audience. (And even then I wouldn't have paid attention to the translated editions because by then I was transitioning to reading exclusively in English, but mostly the popular YA things everyone my age was reading.)
However I had been aware of these books' existence for years due to hanging out in furry circles before first reading them at around age 17. And I didn't join the fandom until years after that.
📝 : if commanded to, without warning, approximately how many paragraphs could you write about your favorite warrior cat before you ran out of things to say
Let's find out together!
Ah, Jayfeather! Jayfeather, Jayfeather, Jayfeather. What can I say about you I haven't said before? Where can I even begin to spill out my brains about this grey kitty?
I think first things first it's fair to admit my liking for him stems at least a little bit from familiarity bias. As I said above I had been aware of his existence years previous to ever reading a Warriors book let alone a book he features in. In fact, due to the kind of discourse that I was a distant witness to, his name had been seared into my mind for a long time. I barely knew the basic facts about him but from the beginning I was like "So... where's this Jayfeather I hear so much about?"
But ultimately I think he's legitimately a character that has many elements that appeal to me. From the top, the idea of a character that has a contentious relationship with the priesthood is gonna connect with me. His relationship to his religion and position of authority is not really all that similar as my experience as an apostate gay Catholic who was formerly an extreme zealot. But it touches on similar points.
The issue of his ableist treatment by the narrative goes hand in hand really. One sticking point for me has always been how he, a congenitally disabled twelve year old is heavily pressured into swearing himself to celibacy. The confluence of these two factors of course inspire much sympathy and vicarious outrage but also touch on my own very complicated relationship with the concept of celibacy which allow my engagement with the canon material to turn self-reflexive at times.
Taking a crack at fixing canon is a very rewarding experience and his writing is so mired in poorly thought out implications, plotlines that ultimately go nowhere, and a flanderization problem after his run as a protagonist that the challenge cannot be anything but alluring. And just the fact writing him involves pretty interesting in my opinion research and the added challenge of not using visual imagery.
To get personal for a moment. Upon reflection I think in some part the reason I'm so engaged by research into blindness to write him is because it reminds me of my late grandfather. He used to work for the organizing committe of a fundraiser lottery for a charity that provided services and accomodations for deaf and blind people. He used to involve my brother and I in the organization's work and taught us a fair amount about deaf and blind culture and the stuff his organization did. I'm very grateful for him planting that seed of empathy in me.
But anyway, to the guy I'm writing all these paragraphs about! He's also just fun to read about! I'm entertained by bitchy characters, simple as! I don't even think they need to have commeupance for being mean to justify their existence or whatever. Although I will always point out a) he's mostly bitchy in his inner monologue, out loud he's surprisingly subdued if you read Po3, and b) the idea that he's softer to children or his patients is a canonical part of his characterization, not a fandom invention, even if it's been dropped since.
And everyone knows I'm the sibling dynamics guy still right? That's of course another thing that's important about him, he has siblings! And his protagonisthood revolves around them! Idk, that's just one of my particular obsessions I can't really explain. But it definitely helps.
From here the thoughts become more vague and it's more just me going "blorbo!" as he rotates on the mental microwave. But yeah.
That's... 7 paragraphs. Yeah I can write 7 paragraphs on him at the smallest prompting.
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