#fun fact of this is the main reason why it took me so long to draw this is bc i switched to a chibi esque style for a bit
misshugs · 6 months
The Cameragirl || snc
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You've been Sam and Colby's cameragirl for some time now. Usually, nothing too crazy happened to you in most investigations, but this time...
warnings: paranormal activity, reader getting attacked, near death experience, strangling(?), cursing, angst?
a/n: took a bit of inspo after watching the boys' video of the asylum, but nothing exactly like it. just the fact that the place is an asylum
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
word count: 3.6k
[u n e d i t e d]
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As they were making their iconic intro and explaining what this new place was about, you made sure to have a sturdy pulse whilst filming them.
"Today, it's just me, Sam and our lovely cameragirl, Y/n." Colby said, letting you shift the camera towards your face and smile at it.
"Hello there." You said, making sure your face was extremely close to the camera, merely because it has become your way of introducing yourself.
"And since it's only us today like the good old days, we decided to make something fun. ALL of us." Sam explained to the camera and smirked, looking directly at you.
You batted your eyes, looking at them while they kept on smiling menancingly at you. "This wasn't a part of the contract." You said, gaining a laugh from both of them.
You zoomed onto his face and began talking with this soft, almost narrative voice. A voice you very well knew they enjoyed. "What is this oh so fun idea you seem to be hyping about, mr. Golbach?"
"Why thank you for asking." Sam nodded slightly, moving his attention towards the camera. "The three of us are gonna do a little challenge tonight." He clapped his hands together as you began unzooming the camera, putting Colby back on frame.
"That's right, we're going to walk alone, lights out throughout some of the most haunted corridors from this place." Colby continued. "The owners of this place told us it gets freaky when people are alone, so we thought this might get us some good activity."
"We have some cameras with nightvision but we're not gonna see shit." Sam added, "After a while, we all should find our way back to the main lobby."
"So stay until the end to see how that's gonna turn out." Colby says, getting close to the camera before covering it with his hand, making you stop the recording for the cut.
"That was pretty good." You said, looking at the video slightly.
"You're still good with the challenge, right?" Sam asked, looking at you. You scoffed.
"Please. I wouldn't have come if I wasn't sure about it. Remember you told me about it before the video?"
"I know, I know. Just making sure, you know how I am." He laughs. "Wouldn't want you to do something you're not comfortable with."
"You're saying that like we haven't known eachother for how long?"
He chuckles. "You're right. I'm sorry."
"Alright, so since we're all settled, should we start right away?" Colby chimed in, looking at both of you.
"Not yet. This place has some good cinematic potential, lemme cook first." You said, looking around with your flashlight.
"Aight, we'll let you do your thing, I'll go ahead and look for the equipment." Colby said.
"Oh, shoot. I forgot to ask the owners about something." Sam said, taking out his phone.
"Go out with Colby, I'll be here waiting." You said, fixing back your camera to start recording.
"Alone?" They both asked, looking at eachother and then at you.
"I do my best work alone, gentlemen. You know that." You begin walking towards the shadiest corridor you've seen in your life, without even looking back.
"Oh wow. Fearless. She's trying to do the challenge before us." Colby laughed.
"Alright, I'll be super quick. If anything happens, just yell. As loud as you can." Sam said, smiling.
"Copy that." You laughed.
In the blink of an eye, you were left alone. You were used to these type of things, so it didn't bother you much. You've somehow become numb to all of this paranormal adventuring.
And that was one of the main reasons why you liked to take control of the camera, since you were able to keep your cool in stressful situations, making it easier for the viewers later on.
Plus, you didn't know how to act on camera and they were the professionals... allegedly.
Whenever something odd happened, you made sure to try and record as much as you could, in the best angles possible. You liked to joke around and call yourself a professional in your craft, although sometimes it wasn't even a joke.
You were passionate about it. The videos and the ghosts, it was only natural to try and do more, risk yourself to do something more interesting and outgoing.
That's a piece of yourself they loved about you. You were simply a perfect match in their combo.
As you began to do your cinematic, you began to have shivers. A sudden draft of air passing through you, as if a window suddenly opened.
Looking around, there was no possible way of that happening. You were in the middle of the corridor, absolutely no chance of an air draft simply passing through so randomly.
You thought it might've been a bit odd, but nothing you haven't felt before anyways. While you kept on making some videos, an eerie feeling of someone watching crossed over your spine.
The sensation of a presence slowly getting closer to you behind your back.
Almost feeling the heat of another person behind you, towering over you.
Hurriedly looking back, you were met with Sam's hand almost touching your shoulder. He stopped midway, knowing he got caught trying to scare you. "You bitch." You spit out, making him laugh.
"Damn it!" He said mid laugher. "I was so quiet this time, how do you always seem to know?"
"I can feel you lurking closer, you stalker." You looked away from his gaze, trying to ignore the thoughts of his pretty face. You began walking back to where he came from, meeting Colby in the process.
"I'm not a stalker, if anything, I'm protecting."
"Quietly from the shadows, sounds like a stalker to me, but you do you." You smiled softly, looking at the confused Colby.
"I left for a second, what did I miss?"
"Stalker behavior, nothing else." You said, putting your camera up again and ready to record.
Colby shook his head from side to side, already being on your side of the story without even asking further questions. "I can't believe you brother."
"Wha- it wasn't-..." Sam sighed, defeated. He knew you were joking, so he wasn't going to win anyways.
You laughed and pointed the camera at them. "Ready when you are." They nodded and you began to record.
"So as you can see, in our hands we have some devices that we'll scatter throughout this first room. If you've been here before, you'll probably be familiar, but if you haven't, these are basically some motion censor devices that will let us know if something walks infront of it." Colby explained, turning one of the devices on and showing to the camera how it worked.
As they organized everything, the REM-POD immediately began beeping. "Oh, shit. That's the rem pod." Sam said, stopping on its tracks. "That was the temperature dropping."
You made sure the camera caught that as you got closer to it. "Oh fuck. I was feeling a bit cold since we got here." Colby added. "Alright. I think we're ready."
"Okay. If there's any spirit around that would like to communicate with us, we would like for you to use any of these devices we've put up for you." Sam started, as you made sure to get far enough from everything for the shot.
"You can touch these lights on the floor, or maybe this device I have on my hand." Colby continued, pointing towards the EMF reader. "We mean no harm, we'd just like to talk to someone."
A couple of seconds passed, looking around, waiting for something to happen.
"Maybe they don't want..." Sam began, before getting interrupted by the REM-POD beeping, making you hurriedly move your camera angle. "Oop. Nevermind. Thank you very much. Can you do that again if you're here with us? To let us know it wasn't something else?"
Silence filled the room for a while, before the device started to beep once again.
Excited, they began asking questions to this entity, expecting for it to be somewhat intelligent enough to give answers back.
Luckily, it was. It seemed to be someone that died inside the asylum, a woman. Curious about the story of this woman, they kept on asking questions. Some of them being answered, others being completely ignored.
Asides from the constant beep from their device, you heard a knock coming from one of the corridors. Quickly looking around, they stopped talking. "What?" Colby asked.
"Heard something." You whispered. The room went silent, followed by what sounded like footsteps getting closer. You turn the camera back at them and their faces were shocked.
"Holy fuck." Sam whispered.
"That was like... thumps. We're the only ones here, right?" Colby asked him.
"Yeah, we're supposed to be." Sam says, walking towards the place they heard the sound, quietly. You followed close behind. "Hello?"
Nothing. They kept on looking around, searching and at the same time waiting for something else to happen. "There's no one here." Colby says. "But that was clear as day."
"Super clear, the camera must've have heard that, for sure." Sam said, looking at you as you nodded. "That was crazy."
"Yeah, let's try something else but closer to this area, maybe it's more active." Colby said, and all of you nodded.
A couple of minutes later, and you were all set up. This time around, they turned on a spirit box to try and communicate better.
The idea was to first use it as normal, then for Colby to do the Estes Method.
And so, the spirits began to talk.
"What's this." It spat out. Colby and Sam looked at eachother, smiling.
"Hello, this is a spirit box, you can use it to communicate with us. Would you mind telling us who you are?" Sam said, looking around.
"Hi, hello." Colby responded. "Who are we talking to."
"I'm scared."
"Scared? Scared of what?" Colby asked, furrowing his eyebrows whilst looking at the camera.
"Behind you."
They quickly looked behind them. "Oh, fuck. I hate that." Colby said, as you smiled at their gestures.
It quickly faded away when you felt the familiar presence of someone behind you.
Heart racing, you looked around for a second, but there was nothing there. It didn't mean the feeling went away, though.
"Monster. Care..." It seemed the audio cut before finishing the whole word.
"Monster... care?" Sam asked, confused.
"Or maybe it meant careful? Like, careful of the monster?" Colby questioned.
"It would make sense. What monster are you talking about? Is it harming you? Are you scared of this monster... or... person?"
It took a while before responding. Last thing it said, before a screech filled the radio was... "Run."
Quickly, they turned it off. They looked at eachother. "That was terrifying." Colby said. Sam nodded and sighed.
"Let's try and look around for some other place. This doesn't feel safe." Sam said and everyone agreed.
For the past hour of recording, moving around and joking here and there, you felt a bit uncomfortable. Usually, you weren't the type to get scared over the paranormal, but this place felt more eerie than usual.
You heartbeat has been increasing slowly, as well as a slight pain in your chest that quickly faded. You felt watched.
There was a point where you even felt slightly touched, quickly warning the boys about it.
Due to this, they almost discarted the idea completely, thinking you might be getting targeted, scared that it might do something to you. It took you a couple of minutes of convincing them to keep on recording before the conversation was dismissed.
You tried to brush it all off, as 'something you've felt before', but deep down you were really anxious about it. Perhaps it made you feel better to think about it being just the nerves.
But you weren't the type of person to feel these nerves for no reason.
"Hey, you good?" Colby touched your shoulder and whispered to you, noticing you seemed a bit weird. "You seem out of it today."
"Yeah, I'm good. I was just zoning out."
"Yeah, I noticed." He chuckled, looking into your eyes. "You sure you're okay though?" He raised an eyebrow, seemingly concerned. "You don't look well."
"What? Do I look like a ghost to you?" You asked, smiling, which quickly made him show that gorgeous smile you loved.
"More like you've seen one." You shook your head.
"I'm fine. I've just seen some shadows running in the corners of my eye, but nothing too big to point out."
He batted his eyes. "You've what?"
"Calm down, you know I see those things all the time. It's nothing new." Half of it was true. The other half, well... there was a chance you might've seen a whole figure standing close to a doorframe, but you felt your imagination was tricking you too much tonight, so you didn't say anything.
You weren't a psychic or a medium or something close to it anyways. If anything, you'd probably consider it more like a hallucination due to the constant lack of sleep you've been having lately.
"I know, I know, but still. You could tell us about it, you know? Maybe we all see the same thing you do and since you don't point it out, we don't notice."
You rolled your eyes playfully. You were about to say something, but a breeze passed through your ear, a soft whisper saying "Come play."
You jumped, covering your ear and walking closer to Colby. "Shit." You whispered.
Confused, he held your shoulders. "What? What? You heard something?" His worry was enough for Sam to stop setting the cameras up and walk closer.
"What happened?" He asked. You looked around where you were standing.
"Did you guys not hear that?" You asked, the shook their heads. "I heard something like... right next to me." When you said that, Sam began recording once again.
"Alright, so... apparently Y/n just heard something right next to her." He began explaining to the camera, pointing it at you.
"It was like a whisper, it.. uh... it just said 'come play', like, the creepiest shit you can say. I even felt the air on my ear, that shit made me jump." You tried laughing about it to not let the mood down, but it wasn't working much.
"Although I really want to, maybe we shouldn't do the challenge." Colby said, looking at Sam straight in the eyes, genuinely worried.
"Guys. Come on. Don't back down when we're this close." You said. "We're basically done for tonight, this is the last thing we're doing and we're out, right?"
"...yeah." Sam whispered. "Let's..." He sighed. "Let's do it. Just like she said, we walk through the corridor and come back straight away."
Althought skeptical, Colby nodded. "Fine. Let's hurry up then. The quicker we begin, the quicker we're leaving this place."
And so, everyone held their cameras and said their goodbyes. The three of you went through your respective corridors and began walking, alone, with no light.
"Alright guys. I'm not good at, like, talking to the camera but I'll try." You sighed, pointing the camera at your face while slowly walking the dark corridor.
"Honestly? I'm usually not as creeped out when we come to places like this, but this one is like... up there. It's giving me the chills, making me paranoid, I feel like I'm... seeing thing. Or maybe I'm just sleep deprived. That's... that's also an option now that I think about it."
Looking around with the camera, although it's absolutely useless, you started feeling out of breath. Almost as if the air didn't reach your lungs anymore. "It feels... hard to breathe." You took a deep inhale and shakily exhaled.
You gulped, your throat suddenly feeling dry as the lack of oxygen was evident.
"I'm just gonna walk... faster. I wanna get this over with..." And so, you did. But the further away you got, the worse it all felt. You felt your vision starting to get blurry although you could barely see anything.
You paused as your vision began to get used to the darkness.
At the end of the corridor, what you could shape out like a human figure was standing there. Seemingly the same one you barely saw before.
This time, it didn't seem to go away.
You were also alone.
Unable to breathe.
You don't know when it started, but you were unable to breathe properly. You choked, trying to regain yourself from the feeling.
Your neck feeling tight, your stomach hurting at the sudden feeling.
Putting your hands on your neck, you coulnd't feel anything that would make you feel this way. You started to get worried.
You felt as if you were being choked. You tried to scream, but all that you could spat out from your lips was a soft, quiet, 'help'.
Trying to turn around and walk back, you saw the figure again and got scared, falling towards the floor. You coughed for air, sucking back as much as you could but being unable to.
Leaving the camera behind, you tried to crawl back to where you came from, but the lack of circulation on your body failed you as you coulnd't handle it anymore.
Your body falling on the floor, the camera seemingly recording your movements come to a halt.
Your eyes closing, leaving you unconscious.
It didn't take long before Sam and Colby got back to the lobby. Waiting for you, something seemed off.
They knew the corridor wasn't as long as theirs. You should've been the first one out by that logic. They've been waiting long enough and they were starting to get worried.
Even though the concept of the challenge was to be alone in the darkness, the idea of you being in trouble was too much to bare.
Heck, even if you were pranking them, the anxiety of you not coming back on time was driving them insane, they were ready for a scare if it had to come to that.
But the scare they were expecting wasn't the one they got.
Minutes of walking and calling out your name came to a stop when they saw you on the floor.
Hurriedly, they ran towards you and fell to the floor, yelling out your name. "This isn't funny, Y/n!" Sam yelled, moving your body, only to notice how cold you felt. His heart sank.
"Y/n, come on!" Colby said, putting himself on the other side, looking at Sam. The color from his face was gone when he felt her body. Colby, worried, touched your body and understood why he looked that way. "Oh, fuck. Fuck!"
Throwing the camera to the side, Colby quickly checked your pulse. "Sam. Call 911. This is serious." You still had a pulse, but you weren't breathing. First thing that came to his mind was CPR.
While Sam began to call, Colby was trying as hard as he could to help out. He began doing mouth to mouth, trying to bring some oxygen back to your lungs.
Tears streaming down both of their faces. Colby started making compressions to your chest, while Sam was talking to the 911 dispatcher and using the flashlight to illuminate Colby.
Luckily, they weren't too late. You began to cough and moved to the side to spit out some saliva. You breathed heavily and both of the guys sighed in relief.
As you tried to catch your breath, they softly held you up in place while your color came back to you. You blinked a couple of times, adjusting your view to your surroundings.
When you looked at them, they hugged you tight. "Fuck..." Sam whispered. "Let's get the fuck out of here right now." He held you softly and helped you out, as Colby grabbed all of the cameras.
It was hard for you to walk. It felt as if a ton of weight was keeping you from even standing up. It felt as if your limbs went numb, the lack of oxygen probably acting up.
Sam noticed, and didn't hesitate on holding you up and putting you on his back so that you could rest. They began walking as fast as they could, reassuring you that you will be fine.
You were focused on getting your breath back while listening to them scream at the spirits.
"You are not allowed to follow us home." Listening to Colby talk like this, while taking all of the equipment made you feel light. You started moving your arms and made sure to hold onto Sam, closing your eyes.
"You'll be okay. We're leaving." Sam reassured you, waiting for Colby to grab everything and get out of there in a rush.
After the police arrived and handed you an oxygen mask, you started feeling much better. You had some marks on your neck, like some hands were just squishing the air out of you.
Your body... at first, you could even see your veins pop out of your legs because of your lack of color. The poor circulation that ran through your body for a couple of minutes really drove your body to its limit somehow.
It took you a while to be able to stand on your two feet again, but before the police left you could walk on your own just fine. Sam and Colby however still managed to help you out.
"Let's head back home." Sam whispered to you. You nodded slightly and tried to walk on your own, only to be held up by Colby.
"Don't force yourself right now. You need some rest." He said, taking you back to the car. Your face having a rush of blood because of the gesture.
"I... I can walk."
"Let us do this. Please. It's too much already that you fainted right when we weren't with you." Sam said, looking at you, your heart racing at the look of his blue eyes upon you. You gulped.
"...f..fine." You said, resting your head on Colby's chest, making him smile.
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part two is up!! the link is in the beginning! <3
thanks for reading all the way! likes, comments and requests are much appreciated.
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foulphantomllama · 4 months
My Secret Desire | AESPA Winter x Male Reader
AESPA Winter x Male Reader (POV)
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Y/N is an abroad student from Europe. When he realizes he has feelings for his bully, Minjeong, their love-hate relationship made them push each others limits.
I will be releasing it in chapters. If you guys like it, i will make it as long as possible. And also I can take requests! Enjoy your reading.
The Exchange Student
It was always hard for me to go to school in the mornings. There were multiple reasons but the main one was my bully. Minjeong. But everybody was calling her Winter. Because she was stone cold, rude. Her attitude has a certain charm, I’m not going to lie. I guess this was the main reason I took the bullying for so long. I may be an exchange student but, i wasn’t really the type you expect to get bullied. After all, she was literally pocket size. I even can call her efforts cute. It was like taking a beating from a two year old. But little did I know that this cat has very sharp claws.
I had classes three days a week. So does she. She was not the brightest student, but she was always on time to classes. I don’t remember a single one that she missed. I, on the other hand, was pretty good at my grades and I knew my way around nearly all of the subjects. But still, she found something to make fun of me. But mainly me being a westerner. As time passed by, I get used to her attitude towards me. At some point I was addicted to her verbal abuse. She mocks my accent, my eating habits, the way I study. Everything. This toxic relationship started to grew inside me. It was just like I had found the motivation I needed to stop thinking about the choices I made with my life. And I was still getting pretty annoyed at some things she does but, overall, I started to fell for her.
Like I said, waking up in the morning always made me think about my choices. What the fuck I was doing in Korea tho? But I always ended up looking at myself at the mirror. Although my self-esteem was at its lowest, I was surprisingly pretty egoistic. Don’t ask me how that is possible. I don’t know either. Just like one of those mornings, I come to school, grab myself a freshly brewed americano and when I was on my way to the class, I saw Minjeong coming towards me. “Hi” she said with a soft, nice voice. Something I did not heard from her before. She got me. “Hi” I said back. “Look” she started to talk. I was nervous. Why I was nervous? “I’m so sorry for all my attitude towards you.” I was shocked. Did she just.. apologized to me? “Don’t worry about it. We’re adults after all, In fact I was starting to like it.” I answered. “Ha” she smirked at me. But that smirk was too evil and too inviting. She was fucking me up. Making me stand for everything I hated before. “So, can we just talk over there?” she said to me. I accepted. We started walking together.
After a little walk, we sat at a bench looking towards our building. She took my cofee off my hand and started drinking it. “Sorry, I’m so nervous.” She said. “I was probably never should have bullied you from the start.” She looked at me. Her face was to innocent to be guilty. But she was. I knew that but still, wanted to hear the rest. “Do you need something?” I asked. “How did you knew?” she answered back. “My father says If I don’t pass my classes this year It will be over for me.” “What will be over?” I answered. “School.” She said. “He says he will remove me from the school.” She put the coffee to the side. Something was seriously off. I could feel it. But I agreed to help anyway. She was so happy when I agreed to help her. Some of it felt insanely real. Was it real?
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elitadream · 7 days
Hi guys~! ⛅👋
Long time no see! Much longer than I ever intended, in fact. Truth be told, I wanted to make a public post sooner, but I've had a lot to catch up on in terms of notifications and messages since logging back in a few days ago. I've also made some changes that I will address shortly, but first of all I wanted to thank those of you who have reached out with so much care and understanding during my absence. Adjusting has been a slow and fragile process for me -still is-, and I sadly haven't responded directly to everyone yet because of it, but I wanted to say how much I appreciate your patience and support nonetheless. 🥹 🙏
Long story short, I was gone for five months due to a huge burnout, then progressively found my spark again somewhere along the way and have since mostly recovered. It was my wonderful friend @drones-of-innocence who reached out to me outside of Tumblr, and her sense of initiative is largely the reason why I managed to make this post in a somewhat reasonable delay. 😅💖 With that said however, I must also mention that I've deleted a lot of stuff from my page and have removed most of my work from the public eye as well. This may seem quite drastic and frankly a little unsettling, but I assure you that it was a thoroughly considered and reasoned decision! The thing is that I was still getting lots of notes on these drawings everyday and… To put it simply, I didn't want that anymore. 🙇‍♀️ Experiencing popularity was very detrimental to me in the long run and I needed to put an end to it for the sake of my own wellbeing; at least for now.
Which brings me to my next point.
After mulling it over for a while, I've decided that I would not be returning as an active creator in the Mario community this time around. 👐 Making fanart for this franchise (with such a high and continuously maintained degree of involvement) had a lot to do with my health's decline and I've come to realize that I wanted to direct my focus elsewhere going forward. For that reason, there are things which I know will never be repeated again in the future, both in regards to my art and online presence in general, but that's alright. Things change, as they do and should. I'm looking forward to reuniting with folks and would be very happy to stay in touch with those of you who wish to message me privately. Like my lovely pal @istadris said, what matters most about any fandom are the friends you make in it. ☺️
And speaking of which-
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@ody-and-fanatu That's so sweet of you, thank you! 💗 I'm glad you've enjoyed my contribution to the fandom. It was fun while it lasted! 💫 My visual ideas may be gone from my page, but most of my written posts and replies are still there for anyone who wants to revisit those at least, so there's that! And I'd also like to answer some of the asks I still have in my inbox at some point. Knowing that you hold my art in such high regard makes really happy! 🥰 Unfortunately, the other account that I have is reserved for my professional work and I prefer to keep them separate from one other, but the good thing is that I intend to go back to this blog occasionally. Hoping to see you around! Cheers! 🥂
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@heiressofdoodles Thanks, I appreciate that! ✨ I'm honestly doing much better than I was earlier this Spring. Back then, I was running on empty and on the verge of crashing without even knowing it. Being in constant physical pain was one thing, but feeling mentally and emotionally drained on a daily basis was another entirely, and something had to be done. It took me a moment to really figure out what was wrong, but thankfully I realized very quickly what was causing it and applied the breaks with all my might. One of my main priorities now is to be more alert and respect my own boundaries to make sure that this never happens again. 🥲
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@keakruiser Thank you. 🙏💐 I'm just glad to have found my footing again. Feels good to be able to create freely.^^ Hope you're doing well too!
Special thanks also to @pianokantzart, @jelly-fish-wishes, @katlyntheartist, @triniji and @wahooitsamee for their kind words. 🫂 Your graciousness and consideration means a lot to me. 💝
As for all the nice people who sent me anon comments and well wishes, I tried to summarize my thoughts as best I could in this update, but if there's anything else you'd like to say or know, don't hesitate to ask me anytime! Now that I feel like myself again, I think I'm gonna hang out on Tumblr for a little bit. I'll be excited to see what you guys have been up to in the meantime! 🤗 Wishing you all a very good day and pleasant Fall. 🍂
-elita 🌸
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lyingbard · 8 months
Why Nothing Sounds Quite Like LyreBird
Fans of RTVS may remember Joshua, beautiful baby boy of wayneradiotv. If you're like me, you might be wondering why Joshua stayed dead after LyreBird shut down. Why couldn't he be brought back with a different TTS? The fact is that LyreBird was a product of a very specific time in AI TTS. In March 2017, Google released a paper on Tacotron [1], one of the first AI TTS's with real success. In April 2017, LyreBird began showing off their TTS buisness [2]. As AI bros are wont to do they took that shit. LyreBird is a version of Tacotron. It incorporates technologies that would be published in the next few Tacotron papers [3] including multi-speaker, prosody encoding, and prosody prediction. And in February 2018, Tacotron 2 came out [4].
Tacotron 2 is better in every way. It's faster, better at imitation, and simpler. This makes it much more economical to run and fine-tune on a specific speaker, so every subsequent AI TTS is based off of Tacotron 2.
If you read the paper, Tacotron 1 has a lot of arbitrary and untested choices. It's clear that they published it in a hurry to prove that it could be done, but they hadn't refined it to cut the unnecessary fluff.
This brings me to why I'm writing this. I hope it's clear that I did a lot of research for this. That's because I did my best to recreate LyreBird, named LyingBard, and I've put it up for you to play with here.
You may notice though that it's not quite right. The main reason is that I had to go with a low quality version (reduction factor 5 for those who read the paper). A high quality version would take too long to train with my current set up and I'm almost certain that's what they used.
If I got about $100 in donations, I'm pretty sure I could get a high quality version trained in about a month. It still wouldn't sound exactly the same. Due to the chaotic nature of training a neural network, anything short of getting the actual files off LyreBird (now Descript's) servers won't make it sound exactly the same.
Regardless, LyingBard is here to stay. It's hosted on a free server so I have no reason to take it down. I'll be posting about updates here on this blog. I'm working towards getting custom voices ready at the moment and I've got some ideas for new features and fun toys for the future.
Thanks for reading!
Here's some sources if you wanna learn more about stuff I mentioned:
[1] https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.10135
[2] https://www.pcmag.com/news/lyrebird-can-listen-and-copy-any-voice-in-one-minute
[3] https://google.github.io/tacotron/
[4] https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.05884
267 notes · View notes
twstfanblog · 10 months
*~Period Drama~* Monday
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A/N: SCREAMS. There was no reason why this took me so long to get out. But it's here and I hope you guys like it! Another thank you to @bun-lapin for allowing me to use their lovely OCs for this fic series! I love them so much and I'm having so much fun playing with them! Word Count: 8.4K Words (God damn the next part is gonna be even bigger...) Warnings: She/They Pronouns OC, Period talk, Mentions of labor and pregnancy. Pairings: JamilxOC (Poly), Paternal Crewel &OC ~TagList @twistedcece @deltrea @krenenbaker @koebishrimpuwu @cat100200 @emyluwinter Start, Part 2 (Octavinelle), Part 3 (Heartslabyul), Part 4 (Here), Part 4.5 (Diasomnia pt.1), Part 5 (Diasomnia pt.2), Part 6 (Pomefiore)
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Yuu felt awful, just total dog shit in a bag and on fire awful. But, that was to be expected when they had their period and hadn’t been able to take any pain medication. So, in all honesty, they should be fine.
Yuu checked themselves over in the bathroom mirror. Huffing under their breath and trying to get their hair to settle in a less haggard fashion. They weren’t too sure if they should even go to class. But then they thought about the fact they enjoyed school in Twisted Wonderland. They had teachers who, begrudgingly, took time out of their days to help them understand the coursework. It felt like some kind of disservice to skip out just to laze around their dorm in pain. Not to mention Crewel would have to either visit himself or have someone else bring them food and pain medicine for the day. It just sounded like a lot of unnecessary back-and-forth for everyone else that Yuu wasn’t in the mood to put their loved ones through.
 So, Yuu had put her big girl panties on - with a hand towel between her legs for blood catching, hoping she wasn't going to bleed through it - and got out of bed to go to school. She should also try to pick Grim up from Scarabia. While she’s sure her cat companion was having fun being held and hand-fed gourmet crackers, she did miss the furball and if Jamil’s update texts were of any merit, he was pouting about being away from her for so long.
Now fully dressed, and stiff with muscle aches, Yuu sighed as they walked out of their dorm. At least they were able to leave much earlier than they normally were. No Grim to drag out of bed and the fact they had been awake for hours beforehand playing a very key role. With the Sun just barely peeking over the thick woods, they started their journey to the main road to the school.
But, stepping onto the dirt path that branched off from the paved walkways of the school’s actual borders, Yuu pauses, calling out, “...Jack?”
Tall gray-furred ears perk up, the massive figure they were on freezing at the call of his name. Jack turned around slowly, almost in confusion at being called out to. But seeing it was Yuu who called to him, his wide-eyed expression shifted, his eyebrows creasing as his eyes darted to the dorm before moving back to Yuu, “Why are you outside?”
“No, no, good boy. This is still my property. I ask the questions first. What are you doing out here?” Yuu raises an eyebrow, walking closer to Jack and watching as he seemed to grow more nervous.
“I was…Just on my morning jog…”
“...At 7:30am?” Yuu smiles, tilting her at different angles with each question, “Without Vil? In your school uniform? Walking at a leisurely pace?”
“Yes, what of it?”
Yuu smiled, covering her mouth as she playfully batted at Jack’s arm, the other freshman scowling and twitching his body away from her hits, “Aw~. Were you checking on me?”
“NO, stop hitting me!”
“Oh, by the seven. I lived to see the day! Jack Howl, caring for his classmates. His heart has softened! He shows his emotions on his sleeve! His tail is wagging with glee!” “Shut up! It’s not!” Jack quickly looked behind him, just to double check his tail wasn’t actually wagging before he turned back to Yuu, “That’s not important! Why are you outside? Go back inside!”
“No? I’m going to class.” Yuu shrugs, moving to walk past him before the towering freshman steps in their path, “Jack. I was in a silly goofy mood, but not enough for this. Step aside.”
Shaking his head, Jack folds his arms in front of his chest, “No. You’re injured. You should be resting, not going to school. We’ll bring you your notes or something. Go back home.”
“No~.” Yuu tried to step past Jack again, only to lock them both into a half-step and jump dance that quickly had Yuu groaning in frustration, “Fucking move your enormous self!”
“No! You’re going back to Ramshackle to rest properly.” Jack moves forward, hands braced to clearly pick Yuu up to carry them back to the dorm physically.
“Jack.” Yuu steps back, a hand held up in a motion of ‘Stop’, “If you fucking touch me, I will eject blood on you so hard it’ll bruise you and never come out of your jacket.”
Jack instantly steps back, hands pulling back to his sides in mild fear. He…had no idea if that was even a thing. Was it a thing? Could Yuu actually somehow spray him with blood with enough pressure to harm him physically? He didn’t want to find out. Looking away, Jack steps back another pace, “I just…Should you be walking around? You don’t look good…”
Yuu sighed, tilting their head back, “I’m…gonna live. Don’t worry about it, I’m gonna get a quick pain potion from Crewel and just…fucking deal.” Rolling their neck, they shrug their shoulders and finally falling in step beside Jack to slap his back, “Come on, good boy. We got an education to get.”
“...” Jack sighed, quickly falling into pace with Yuu’s lazy stride, “Stop calling me that. Leona-Senpai keeps mocking me for it.”
“Good, you’re too big. You need to be mocked before you get any taller.”
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The walk to the main building was longer than Yuu cared to remember. It was only longer with Jack constantly pointing out that Yuu counted as ‘ill’ and that it would make sense for them to skip class for the day. Then, when Yuu would simply state they were fine, Jack would offer to just carry them on his back to the school since they were clearly in pain.
“Jack, you’re very sweet. I will literally bleed on you just to prove a point. Drop it.”
The beastman huffed, looking away in annoyance but not bringing it up anymore on their walk. But in the semi-crowded hallways, Jack didn't leave for his own class. He looked conflicted, glancing at Yuu then down the hall to where he was supposed to be. He didn’t want to leave his friend unattended. The scent of their blood was stronger the longer he walked with them and he could only guess how much stronger it would get during the day. Looking around, he could see the other beastmen glancing at them in various degrees of concern and bewilderment.
“Don’t you have to go to class?”
Looking from their surroundings, Jack turned back to Yuu. He sometimes forgot just how small they felt beside him. Sure they weren't the shortest of their friends and they wore heels whenever they could, not to mention they fit into Night Raven almost too well with the number of students they've sent to the medical wing. But smelling their blood, seeing how tired and simply weathered they looked…it made a part of him want to just scoop them into his arms. Try to hum and growl the obvious pain away, like how his own parents did when he hurt himself in his childhood.
But, he'd rather Yuu actually spray him like some kind of demented blood skunk than say that to them, "Yeah I'm…Yuu. You know you smell…weird right?"
The look in Yuu's eyes literally made a bead of cold sweat form at his temple. Piercing yellow eyes quickly looking away from deep, near soulless appearing black pupils as he stuttered. Yuu somehow managed to learn Crewel-Sensei's famous "I will skin you alive and wear it as a coat" glare, something that quickly put anyone on edge because they weren't sure if they'd actually try to do it.
"Not! Not like 'smell bad' weird! Just…off…like…" he blushes, a hand coming up to nervously thumb at a pinned back ear, trying to find the right words, "You…you smell like a lady…"
The glare had thankfully faded to a simple "That was the dumbest thing I ever heard in my life" expression. Yuu tilted their head both in question and to look Jack directly in his sheepish eyes,"..." They sigh, pinching the bridge of their nose and gesturing down the hall with their other hand, "Jack, go to class."
"Go to class."
"Bye, Yuu."
They sigh, watching Jack's hunched figure scurry down the hall and into a classroom. Honestly, the fucking men of this school…
With a spin on their heel, missing the crowd of beastmen who jump and scramble out of their way, they walk toward the teacher's lounge. Hopefully, they'll catch Crewel before he made his way to homeroom for the morning roll call.
Instead, Yuu ran into Jamil and Kalim. The two second-years standing in front of a classroom and seeming to be arguing. Grim held in one of Jamil’s arms and clearly pouting. Whether it was from the lazy hold or his own bad mood, Yuu couldn't tell.
"I can take Grim with me to class. You already have issues focusing and Grim won't be any help in that avenue."
Kalim pouts, trying to take Grim from Jamil only to be denied each time, "Come on! You won't cuddle with him and he'll be so sad until lunch. Shouldn't we do our best to keep him happy until Yuu is feeling better?"
Jamil rolls his eyes, smacking Kalim’s hand away once again, "Yuu doesn't even try to keep Grim happy at all times. He can handle not being cradled for a few hours."
Yuu walks up beside the two, hands easily snatching Grim from Jamil’s grasp in his surprise, "I don't indulge him, Jamil. There's a difference." Yuu smiles, feeling Grim instantly start purring under her grip, shifting him until he was able to rest his arms on her shoulders in a lazy hug, "Sup buddy?"
"Why the hell are you here?"
"Hello to you too, Jamil, my love."
Grim grumbles, nuzzling into Yuu's shoulder, but pulling his ears back at their scent, "You still smell weird…" his grumbles turning into purrs as Yuu scratches behind his ear.
"Yeah. I'm still on the bleed, but I should be ok."
"How!?" Jamil looked ready to either burst a blood vessel, or simply grapple them to the ground to drag them back to Ramshackle. Which was fair, but Yuu felt like if anyone besides Grim touched them they'd start swinging.
Yuu shrugs, "It's fine. I'm…living. I can handle a day at school. Did it all the time back home."
"Yeah, I don't think that was healthy…" Kalim gives them a nervous smile, clearly wanting to gather them up in a hug but having enough sense to take note of their expression, "You look…upset…"
"Oh, I am. But, that's normal."
Jamil finally relaxed, if only to pinch the bridge of his nose, "Why are you here? You should go home, you're not well."
"Jamil." Yuu placed a hand on one of his shoulders, stepping closer to press their sides together and let the second-year wrap his arms around them, even though the contact was slowly worsening their mood, "It's gonna be fine. I'm on my way to get a pain potion from Crewel. I'm going to be sitting all day. So unless by some miraculous, horrible, divine intervention and periods become contiguous? Everyone else is gonna be fine, too."
"..." Kalim suddenly stepped back, his hands covering his lower stomach in brief panic, "Wait, it's contiguous?"
"No, you fucking- I'm gonna go." Yuu pulls away from Jamil, managing to pry the second-year's hands from their jacket, " I'm gonna go before I clock Kalim in the face."
"Me!? What'd I do!? I'm sorry!"
"Stop talking." Yuu took a breath, moving their arms to properly support Grim slung over their shoulder, "No offense Kalim,  but the sound of your voice is activating my fight response. So I'm leaving before I put it into action." They nodded in farewell, almost stomping away from the confused duo. Missing the panic that slowly grew over Jamil’s face before he pulled his phone out and started texting someone.
Yuu walked down the hallway, doing her best to keep her mood above the poverty line. Beastmen bobbed and weaved through the crowds, watching Yuu through doorways and running back around corners when they saw she had noticed their staring. Normally she’d attribute it to Savanaclaw reacting to one of her and Leona’s public squabbles, but too many uniforms were sporting non-yellow ribbons to only be the Beast King’s dorm.
Showing up to the ornate door of the teachers' lounge, Yuu saw a group of beastmen from various dorms crowded around it, whispering sharply among themselves. Yuu stood back a few moments before speaking up, “Are you guys gonna move or go in?” 
The yowl the cat beastmen let out made everyone jump. Yuu stepped back as they all turned to look at her in what could be described as ‘horror’. 
“Do you need help!?”
“...” Yuu looked at the other beastmen, each one almost shaking with panicked expressions, “I gotta…get into the teachers’ lounge. So can you guys move?”
They move as a unit, one of them even shoving another to get him out of their path faster. They stood in a single file line beside the door, looking at them in a mix of respect and fear. One started to scramble to remove his jacket, placing it on the ground for Yuu to walk on as if it were some kind of tiny red carpet. The taller boy smiles sheepishly and gestured for Yuu to go into the room.
Yuu looked down, doing their best to not walk on the jacket, “Okay…Thank you…Please leave.”
There was a second scrambling, the same student shoving the other straight to the ground as they all tried to leave. The cat beastman doubled back. He stood fidgeting with his fingers and biting his lip. Looking at him closer Yuu could see he was from Heartslabyul. Seeming to gather up his courage, he looked at her with a firm nod, “You’re doin’ great!'' Then he turned tail and ran down the hall. The group of them peeking from around the corner before fully disappearing.
Grim pulled his head from Yuu’s shoulder, looking at them in sleepy confusion, “What was that about?”
“I…I wish I could tell you, Grim…Let’s just go see Crewel.” Yuu leaves the jacket on the ground, stepping over it awkwardly and opening the door, “Oh, papa dog? Your favorite puppy is here.” Crewel’s head snapped around from his seat at a fast speed, Ingrid giving his neck a concerned look at the audible pop she heard from across the table, “Why?” He looked Yuu over in bewilderment, standing up and rushing  to them, “WHY ARE YOU HERE!?”
“Well, I'm in this room to get some pain relief. But, I’m in the building to go to school? That thing you guys really want me to do? To get an education or something?”
“WHY-” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and trying to calm himself down. He bends down and places a hand on Yuu’s free shoulder, pulling her closer to speak softly, “My sweet puppy. My little mongrel. My mini menace…Why are you coming to school when you are actively bleeding from your vagina?”
“Because I’m not a little bitch?”
“You wanna repeat that?”
“Okay, okay!” Ingrid stood from her seat, gathering up the designs and fabric swatches she and Crewel were going over and quickly getting between the ‘father-daughter’ duo, “You two hotheads can cool down. Crewel, she’s here and willing to stay for classes. Now, as teachers, we’re not going to try to dissuade a student from attending classes now are we?” 
Ignoring Crewel’s grumbled response, the redheaded woman turns to Yuu. Her smile turning strained as she gets a good look at the first-year student. A part of her filing away the cutting remark of ‘hit by a truck chic’. But she keeps smiling, tilting her head in a questioning manner, “Yuu, are you…sure…you wanna go to class?”
Yuu sighed, taking one arm from supporting Grim to pinch at her nose. Copying the pose Crewel had just done only moments ago.
 Ingrid tried to keep her coo to herself. By the 7, she really behaved like a mini Crewel at times.
“Ms. Oster. I'm fine. This is totally normal, it'd actually be weirder if I didn't go to school. Unless I'm like…dying, there's no reason for me to not deal with my daily burdens while on my period. I just need a painkiller and I'll be good for the day or at least until lunch.”
Ingrid looks from the corner of her eye, taking in Crewel’s upset face before the bicolor-haired man scoffs. He rolls his eyes and turns on his heel, red bottom lace up loafers clicking against the floor.
“I swear, you were born to a damned dystopia. No one should be leaving their home, let alone their bed when bleeding like this!” He threw open the doors of a medicine cabinet roughly, fully stocked with all sorts of pain relievers though most of them were formulated for headaches. Being a teacher was hard enough, being a teacher at Night Raven College was a gauntlet.
Yuu shrugged, managing to catch the potion Crewel had flung at them. They were sure if they hadn't the teacher would have used their ‘decreased hand-eye coordination’ as a reason they shouldn't be in school. Uncorking the bottle, they gulped it down. While the pain was easing, none of the other symptoms did. They still felt awful, bloated, and as the fizzy thick syrup settled in their stomach, nauseous. 
Hearing the small groan Yuu made, Crewel clicked his tongue, “Puppy, I'm serious. Go back to bed, you're not well.” His stern tone dipped into worry on his last word, expression changed from angry to concerned as he walked closer to them.
Yuu waves not only him but Ingrid off, breathing evenly to get their body back in check, “I'll be fine…period never stopped me before, no reason for it to stop me now…” they sighed, letting Ingrid press a hand to their forehead briefly.
“...” Ingrid hummed, pulling her hand away to instead pick and straighten Yuu's uniform, “They don't have a fever…and they did manage to walk all the way up here. She might be okay to stay, Crewel…”
“Ha!” Yuu smiled at Crewel, “Get outvoted, bitch.”
“You wanna stay for classes!? Fine!?” Crewel slapped his crop in his hand out of frustration, growling under his breath before waving the crop as he walked, “Well then hurry up, puppy. Follow me to class. You're lucky it's a joint class day. Homeroom and potions will just be lectures.”
Even though Grim groaned in their arms, complaining about how boring just sitting was going to be, Yuu was pleased, “Perfect. I don't have the beans to actually measure shit out right now.”
“Amazing. It sounds like you shouldn't have come to classes.”
Ingrid chuckles, waving the two away as they leave the room, still nipping comments at each other in annoyance. Once she was sure they were gone, she whipped out her phone. Typing furiously into the teachers' chat room. If Yuu was going to be on campus, she needed to make sure Hui-Yan kept a certain someone in Diasomnia for as long as possible.
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Yuu and Crewel walked into the room, the teacher lightly shoving Yuu toward their seat, “Sit. And if I see blood on the chair when you leave, I'm dragging you back to Ramshackle.”
Their response was to quickly flip Crewel off, rushing over to their seat when the teacher raised his crop in a threatening manner. Sitting down, they nod their head in a greeting to their friends before placing Grim on the tabletop, “Sup?”
Ace and Deuce were staring wide-eyed, each leaning on the table in an effort to get a clear view of them. The duo looked at each other, then both looked across the room to Jack and Epel. Jack carrying a pinched expression, the look of guilt just barely coming across as Epel ogled aghast. The purple-haired boy gestured as subtly as he could, not wanting to call attention to himself as Crewel started to write on the board.
Deuce cleared his throat, hesitantly nudging his arm against Yuu's, “Yuu…do you really wanna be here right now? With everything going on?”
“Do you wanna die, Deuce?”
“...” The spade card soldier shared a fearful glance with Ace before answering, “No…?”
“Yeah, but you're gonna do it one day anyway. That's how I'm doing right now, so don't talk to me.”
Ace winches, tilting his head in confusion, “ If you don't feel well why didn't you just stay home?”
“Ace, I don't…wanna speak. I don't feel good. Just leave me alone and we can all get through today with our bones.”
The Heartslabyul duo clearly wanted to say something else, hoping to wear down their friend into going home. But the resting bitch face was stronger than normal, and neither wanted to test if Yuu was willing to actually attack them during class. So instead they sat quietly, taking their time to send messages with the other first years across the room.
Throughout the class, Yuu's glare only got worse. A headache almost forming from just how strained their facial muscles were. Crewel snapping his crop more than normal wasn't helping either. The professor kept dead stopping in his lecture to demand the attention of the class. Yuu didn't hear anything that would normally call his ire. Sparing a glance around the room, they noticed a few beastmen quickly look away from their eyes.
Yuu managed to make eye contact with one, the canine beastman jumping up from his seat, seeming to ready himself to vault over the table.
“SIT DOWN!” The crop hit Crewel’s desk so hard Yuu was afraid that the poor wand would just snap in half at some point.
The yell was enough to send the beastman crashing back into his seat. The Ignihyde student blushing furiously as he tried to curl away from the view of his classmates.
The class settled into an uncomfortable silence, Crewel grumbling before he turned back around to aggressively write on the chalkboard, the chalk squeaking harshly with each swipe.
Yuu sighs, gathering an already snoozing Grim into their arms and using him as a mock pillow. Laying their head down, they closed their eyes and welcomed the half nap that quickly took them over.
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If coming to classes was a ‘bad idea’, going PE was a horrible, shitty idea. Yuu had only gotten into their uniform by the grace of the Seven and however many other icons decided to help. The fact they'd need to change again after class only made their stomach churn.
By the time they walked out to the field, they were the last one to line up. Jack sends them a glance but straightens up as their teachers call for their attention.
Vargas boomed out a laugh, ��Now that you’re all here, let’s get those muscles primed and trained! Let’s do some quick stretches then you’ll pick which training to do today. Either endurance training with me or strength training with Professor Dubhghall.”
Iomhar Dubhghall was a tall, quiet man. From afar he looked like an average person, but standing closer, you saw just how large the man was, broad-shouldered and long-limbed. While he did teach physical education like Vargas, he spent most of his time focusing on a sparring-centered class that was only open to the 3rd-years. Yuu had met him only a handful of times, delivering staff handouts in Crowley's place was the only real way their paths crossed. He rarely spoke but Yuu had the impression he was pleased enough with her. He had once called her back during a delivery to teach her a few moves on a practice dummy before sending her on her way.
Yuu didn’t mind the other gym teacher, she kind of preferred his quiet judgment over Vargas’ bombastic demands to ‘build muscle’. Overall, a more balanced teacher.
Sadly, neither PE activity was high on their list to do. They groaned and grumbled through the stretches, Jack muttering back to them that the stretches were almost over, to hold on for just a bit longer. Touching their toes made their stomach roll, having to swallow down what they feared really was vomit. Once the warm-ups were done, Yuu groaned, sitting down on the ground as the other students quickly divided themselves among the activities.
Epel tried to walk closer, a nervous expression on his face before he was called back from one side of the field. Someone obviously taunting him about not being brave enough to spar. The Pomefiore first-year growled, looking at Jack before the two of them nodded, Epel running after the student who mocked him. Instead of picking an activity, Jack stood vigilant beside their seated form, eyes scanning the crowd. Every now and again, he’d growl or increase his glare in a direction.
Ace and Deuce ran around the track, Grim hot on their ankles as they would look over every time they passed her. The Heartslabyul duo checking on her in their own way.
Vargas looks from the side, opening his mouth to call Yuu over, only to stop at a firm hand resting on his shoulder. Iomhar didn’t turn to face Vargas’ confused glance, only shaking his head. Vargas huffed, folding his arms but not calling out to Yuu, “I don’t see why she should be allowed to sit out…If she had the energy to come to class, she’s got the energy to build her muscle.”
Iomhar shook his head again, “Just because she had the will to get to the mountain doesn’t mean she has the might to climb it. Not today at least…”
“What does today have anything to do with it?”
“...” The other teacher looked at Vargas with an exasperated look, “Do you not check your phone?” 
Yuu sat silently, hands gripping and ripping into the grass in a method to distract themselves. Luckily, Jack kept his strange guard around her. The Savanaclaw student every now and again rushing around to grab and offer Yuu a cold water bottle that she would only accept half the time. Mid swallow, a familiar Heartslabyul student walked closer, ears pinned back as Jack growled at the cat beastmen.
“Jack…Calm down.” Yuu titled their head at the Heartslabyul beastman, questioning glare just a bit fiercer than necessary, “What do you want?”
“...” The cat beastman suddenly got nervous, shuffling his feet and looking down before breathing out, “We made you something…Come see?”
“...I guess?” Yuu groans, standing to their feet and sighing, “What’s this thing?”
The student perks up, gesturing behind him to the bleachers, “It’s under there! Me and some others worked hard on it so it’d be extra comfortable for you.” A beat of silence passes before the beastman steps closer, “Do you need me to carry you?”
Fuck no? That was what Yuu was going to say. Instead, they had to force down a gag as they felt themselves being scooped up and jostled into large firm arms. Once the nausea faded they realized they were in Jack’s arms. Their Savanaclaw friend glaring daggers at the shorter student.
“I’ll carry them. Just lead the way…” Jack looks at their bewildered face, ears pinning back in embarrassment, “Sorry…Should've asked…”
“You shouldn’t have in the first place.”
Jack hummed in what had better be agreement, following the jittery Heartslabyul student behind the bleachers. When they arrived, Yuu still wasn’t sure what they were supposed to be looking at. On the ground, protected from the dirt by a tarp, was a pile of fabrics. It looked like a mess of school uniforms all piled together and formed to give it a side so that someone could lay lounge style. Looking longer. Yuu noticed a few pieces of clothing that belonged to her friends. Epel’s ruffled dress shirt, Ace’s tie with a playing card tucked into the back folds, and what seemed to be Deuce’s track hoodie.
Silence passed, until Yuu spoke up, “What the fuck am I looking at?”
The group all deflates, turning to start whispering to each other. ‘They don’t like it.’ ‘I told you we should have put food nearby!’. ‘We didn’t get enough of their friends' stuff…’
“No, don’t ignore me, tell me what the fuck I’m looking at!”
Jack huffed but didn’t demand an answer either. Readjusting them in his arms before turning away with a mutter of, “Pitiful…” Exiting the bleachers as the group of beastmen start to mobilize again.
“I’ll go grab snacks!” “You! Go grab some blankets and pillows from your dorm!”
“How did I not think of it!? Pomefiore is a haven of proper materials!”
Yuu scowled, upset from still being unanswered, “Jack. What in the green eyes of the thorn fairy was that bullshit?”
Jack glanced away, ears pinning back as a conflicted expression crossed his face, “...” He opened his mouth.
“Jack. If you tell me something along the lines of, ‘I smell like a lady’ again…something…will happen to both of us…”
And his mouth snapped shut, the clinking of his teeth being the only noise he made. Reaching back to their plot of free space, Jack moves to place Yuu back on the ground.
“Alright…” Jack stood up straight, keeping Yuu in his arms. Eyes scanning the surrounding area for various “dangers”.
From the side, Vargas looked up from his phone and groaned, “Iomhar, look at this! They’re not even sitting anymore! Howl’s carrying them around. I’ve had plenty of muscle cramps in my life, this can’t be as bad as everyone is claiming it is.”
Iomhar again shook his head, “Yuu’s already primed to fight anyone they please. It’s even more so now and I don’t believe any fondness they hold will keep them from actually trying to hurt someone…So if they attack you, I’m not pulling them off of your neck.”
“Phhht. I doubt they’d be able to reach my gloriously robust neck. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of fighting Little Ramshackle?”
“I don’t fight children, Vargas. I at most spar with them, and at least, train them.”
“Oh, and I assume flipping the Schoenheit boy three times in one match was sparring.”
“It was. It was in the ring and everything.”
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Yuu glared at her friends, Grim held firmly in her arms, “Literally…All of you?”
Epel smiled, a bead of sweat just barely rolling down his temple as he tried to steady a clearly distressed Sebek who was clawing at the hallway wall in a bent-over position, “Sorry…Sebek’s really not feeling well. Ace, Deuce, and Jack are helping me since Diasomnia gives me the creeps. We’ll try to be back by lunch! To keep you company!”
Yuu shook her head, walking past the group of nervous boys, “Don’t worry about it. Take little bitch boy Sebek back to Diasomnia. I’ll…take notes or something I don’t know…”
Deuce spoke up, nervously rubbing the back of his head, “Do you…wanna come with us-”
“NO!” Sebek jumps up from his huddled position, the panic clear in his expression as though Deuce just suggested they all go line up to punch Malleus in the face. He realized his outburst, turning to Yuu with a fearful expression, “Uh…I mean…Please don’t come to Diasomnia.”
“...” Yuu blinked before shaking her head and walking into Trien’s room. Whatever was going on today with everyone was something she did not have the bones nor spoons to try to figure out.
The potion had started to fade, already feeling the tightening pressure doing nothing to help their rolling empty stomach. Their mood had also not gotten any better. For the rest of gym class, the same beastmen students had continuously called Jack to carry them back behind the bleachers and show off increasingly elaborate piles of fabric. They still refused to just tell them what the fuck the mess was supposed to be, only growing more determined to ‘get it right’. But when they had failed by the end of the class, they had actually apologized to them profusely and wished them luck before rushing off to their own classes.
So, by Night Raven boy standards, very fucking weird.
Yuu should have asked at least one of her friends to stay behind in class with them. One of them to act as a buffer against the wide-eyed stares of various first and second-year students who possibly hadn’t seen them yet today. She clicks her tongue, looking around the room and breathing a sigh of relief seeing Ruggie. The hyena beastman had a half-eaten donut shoved in his mouth, slowly chewing to make it disappear, and rifling through his beaten-up bag. And just her luck the seat next to him was empty.
They sat, letting Grim crawl out of their arms and getting comfortable, as much as they could with the cramps slowly returning and the feeling of a moist hand towel against their pussy, “Hey Ruggie.”
“Hey-Hold the fuck on…” Ruggie whips around, looking at them as though they were back from the dead. The hyena leaned closer to them, sniffling deeply before pulling back so hard he almost tipped out of his seat, “By the seven, are you okay!?”
Grim gave Yuu a nervous glance, waving a paw as he tried to warn Ruggie to calm down his concern, “Uh…Hey listen-”
“Ruggie, do you wanna be okay?”
“...” The Savanaclaw sophomore actually looked down, seeming to weigh his options before he looked up and nodded, “Yeah?”
“Okay, then I’m gonna need something from you.”
“Sure! What ya need? You want some water? I think I got a bottle left, hell just take the one I had too. You must be hungry, you’ve probably been working hard all day. Let me see if I got anything in here to eat-”
“Ruggie.” Once Yuu was certain they had his attention, they motioned him to lean closer again. He did, though he looked mildly reluctant to do so. Once he was close enough, Yuu gripped him by the collar and pulled him even closer to whisper, “I want you to shut the fuck up. Just…Just shut the fuck up for the whole class. Can you do that for me?”
“Less intensity.”
“Yeah, I can do that…Do you want the water though?”
“...” Yuu sighed. Maybe water would help their growing nausea, “Fine. And a sucker if you got it.”
Ruggie turned and searched through his bag, quickly pulling out a fresh water bottle and a handful of brightly colored suckers to dump on the table, “Here you go. Made them myself. The yellow ones are lemon; you like lemon right-”
“Sorry.” The hyena raised his hands, scooting away as much as he could without pressing against the other student beside him.
The joint history class was passing by. That being the best way Yuu could describe it. Trein’s dry voice, while being the dullest kind of ASMR, was a calming effect to Yuu's thoughts. While it was history here, Yuu couldn't help but hear the lecture as a very detailed fairytale being read aloud in a fancy library. She could feel herself finally relaxing, stomach being only slightly appeased by the sweet-flavored lemon suckers.
If she had bothered to look around, Yuu would have noticed how the beastmen around her were finally calming too. The clearly distressed mood from the Ramshackle prefect doing more damage than she thought it would have.
But the peace was broken, just as Yuu crunched down on their second sucker, the cracking being more audible than they were expecting. But seeing how Trein didn't stop speaking or even turn to them, they grabbed another sucker and started to open it-
“Sensei? Is Ramshackle supposed to be eating?”
It was like time had frozen. Trein’s writing had stopped abruptly, the chalk in hand snapping off in his tightened grip. Every beastman nearly stopped breathing, turning to glare at the Scarabia student who had spoken up.
Ruggie turned to Yuu, opening his mouth to tell them to not mind the student, they could keep eating their sucker. Only to jump back as Yuu stood up, slamming their hands on the table.
Trein felt his face pinch, watching Yuu gather up the half-empty water bottle and numerous unopened suckers. He sighed as Yuu walked toward the small wastebasket by the door, “Yuu, you don’t need to-”
“No, it’s fine!” Yuu shrugged in an almost frantic motion, slamming the water bottle into the wastebasket hard enough the poor plastic bowl had nearly tipped over, “It’s fine. I just can’t fucking have anything!” They had moved onto the suckers, whipping each one into the basket with enough force that everyone was able to hear the candy being broken on impact, “It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine!” At the end, they simply threw all of the suckers into the trash.
The room remained silent, waiting in bated breath as Yuu stomped back to their seat, ignoring the concerned looks from Grim and Ruggie. Without saying anything, Ruggie slipped his hand into Yuu’s, holding it firmly as a form of silent support. They looked over, expression clear that they were not pleased, but didn’t pull their hand away.
Trein looked over his class. The beastmen not close to Yuu were spending their energy glaring at the student who had spoken up, those closer were trying to subtly pass items to Bucchi. Hidden juice packs, different candies, savory snacks. All things that were forbidden in his classroom besides a Pomefiore beastmen trying to hand over his gallon-sized personalized water bottle. He sighed. If he had the time to properly speak, he would have told the student to pay attention to the lesson and not his classmates sitting silently, minding their own business.
Sighing, he turned back to the board, grabbing a fresh piece of chalk, “Now…as I was saying…”
The lesson continued on, the air clearly tense as Yuu started to tap on their table in an increasingly aggressive manner.
 Trein turns to the class, “Can anyone tell me what was the tactic used in the battle against invaders of the East Kingdom?” Seeing no one raising their hand, he unfortunately fell back on muscle memory. Yuu had shown great promise in his class, excitedly asking questions about historical events and even reading text for the second or third-year classes on their own time. So it didn't occur to him that calling on them in their current state was not the right move to make, “Yuu? Would you care to enlighten the class?”
“...” Yuu stood from their seat, leaving behind a confused Grim and Ruggie, and walked out of the room. The door slamming hard behind them and rattling the surrounding frames.
Trein sighed, turning back to the chalkboard and continued writing, “Does anyone have the answer?”
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The botanical gardens were always pleasant. Perfect temperature no matter the season, full of fresh smelling air. Even when the magical dome had its annual rainshower, Yuu wasn't above gathering their friends and sitting under a tree to chat in the sprinkle. Which is probably why the gardens were the first place their legs took them.
Just where he normally was, Leona laid down with his arms folded under his head in a relaxed pose. The third-year napping peacefully in his patch of overgrown grass. She sat beside Leona, moving to stretch her back as she did during gym.
Leona’s eyes snap open after a few beats of silence. He sat up on his elbows, looking at Yuu with wide eyes, “...” He tilted his head, eyes flickering to their lower body, “Are you okay?”
Yuu sat up, winding back their fist and punched Leona directly in the chest.
“AUH! You little-” Leona had pulled his hand back, fully prepared to backhand Yuu in retaliation before he paused. Taking in Yuu's face, he noted how pathetic they looked even though they were glaring at him. He groaned and clenched his hand tightly. Having to remember his key reasons for not just striking back the non-magical student at every sucker punch Yuu managed to land on him. ‘They were younger than him’. ‘They didn’t have magic’. ‘They knew better than to just hit him, so they clearly want him to do something’. He breathed in, putting his hand back down and raising an eyebrow at the angry scowl on Yuu’s face, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with everyone else!?” Yuu waved their arms around, as though Leona could see the examples all around them, “This whole fucking day, everyone’s been acting so weird! Jack was basically a fucking bodyguard for me during gym! Hell, Ruggie was almost trying to hand-feed me during history!”
Leona mumbled under his breath, realizing just how late in the day it had become, “Fuck, I overslept…”
“Plus, like, I think every beastman is acting like I’m about to explode if they don’t treat me like the most delicate little flower.” Yuu turned to Leona, confusion easily bleeding into their scowl, “Like, what the fuck is going on today!?”
“...” Leona points to between Yuu’s legs, nose wrinkling as he sniffles the air softly “What’s happening down there?”
“I’m on my period…”
“Yeah, because I clearly know what the hell that is, Feral.”
Yuu groans out, the force of it almost making them slump over before they snap back up, “I’m bleeding out my pussy. Don’t freak out, it’s normal for me,”
Leona brought his fingers to his temple, sighing, “Yeah, that’ll do it…”
“Do what!?”
“Send everyone into a fucking panic. You smell like you’re in active labor…” Leona suddenly looked at them from the corner of his eyes, “You aren’t, right? If that lizard actually knocked you up while you’re still in school-”
“I’m not pregnant! This is literally happening because I’m not pregnant!”
Leona leaned away, doing his best to not roll his eyes, “Okay. By the seven…I'm just saying if he did, you can sue him over that.”
“Leona, I'm not suing my boyfriend just because you've got some kinda one-sided blood feud with him.”
“One; it's not one-sided. Two; it's sound legal advice. You two had a binding agreement and if he broke it you have right to-”
“Words can not express how much I want you to shut the fuck up…”
Leaning back, Leona scoffed. Arms going back to their folded position as he reclined on the grass, eyes closing, “Fine. Get fucked over for all I care…” After a beat of silence, he sighs out, cracking an eye to look at Yuu, “What happened? You're supposed to be in history. You're a little goody for Trein normally.”
“...” Yuu sighs, taking the standing silent invitation and laying down beside Leona, hands folded over the growingly tense muscles of their pelvis, “It's just been…a lot today. I can normally handle my period just fine but…” 
The following silence quickly sombered their conversation. Leona gave Yuu his full attention, raising an eyebrow as a silent gesture for Yuu to continue. His concern almost showing on his face when they don’t respond to him, “Yuu-”
Leona’s ears press against his head at the yell echoing in the garden. He grumbles under his breath and sits up again, sniffing in the direction of the yell before calling out, “Stop making so much noise. We’re over here.”
Ruggie comes rushing around the corner, Grim just barely hanging onto him from his shoulder. In his arms were blankets and multiple kinds of snacks and drinks, “There you are! Are you ok? Ya hungry? I got some cold juice on the way over here. Leona, how's it looking? Are the contractions far apart still?”
… Yuu rolls over to fully press their face into the ground, frustrated screaming slowly growing in volume as they banged their fists against the grass. Ruggie had attempted to rush over, dropping the bundle in his arms only to be stopped by Leona’s outstretched hand.
“Calm down, she’s not pregnant. Just being a little bitch.”
“Wait, what?”
The screaming had died down, Ruggie and Leona speaking in quick mumbles to each other. Grim slipped off of Ruggie’s shoulder, cautiously nudging at Yuu’s prone arm.
“Hold on…this is normal?”
Leona shrugs, running a hand through his hair as he sighed, “I’m guessing from how pissed they’re being about people worrying over them…” His green eyes looked over Ruggie, noting his empty arms before he scowled, “And where’s my lunch?”
Ruggie rolls his eyes, clicking his tongue and picking at the collar of his too-big button-up, “Well, forgive me for being more worried about the potentially pregnant person about to pop out a baby to get you a damn sandwich…”
“That’s not an excuse to not do your job-”
Grim whined, pushing against Yuu’s arm even harder than before, “Yuuuuuu! Come on, henchman, I'm hungry! Don’t you wanna go get lunch-”
“NO!” Yuu snaps up, their yelling sending Grim rolling away from them and scrambling to hide behind an equally stunned Leona and Ruggie, “No! I wanna take a shit and die. Just fucking pass away from the mortal coil!”
“It shouldn’t be this fucking hard!” Yuu pulled themselves up from the ground, kneeling as they look at their hands, trying to find the answers to their boiling-over questions and concerns, “It’s normal! It’s fucking basic as fuck for me normally! Periods shouldn’t be this hard, things shouldn’t be this hard!”
Ruggie and Leona share a look with each other, the second-year trying to step closer, “Hey, bud, it’s okay-”
“IT’S NOT RUGGIE, AND THAT’S THE PROBLEM!” Yuu was almost shaking from the force of their welling emotions, “Everyone is acting like something’s wrong! And that has never happened to me past just ‘Oh fuck, your period started? You need a tampon?’ And that’s it! Like, I knew things were different here, obviously. But I don’t think about it, you know? But now I am because everyone is acting weird when it’s just my period, it's not a big deal! But it is a big deal here! A lot of shit is a big deal here. And I'm thinking about where I came from a lot now and holy shit, I'm never gonna see those people or places again. And I'm okay with that! But, oh my fucking God, I am craving comforts and shit that I'm never going to have again. And I'm spiraling thinking about the few things I do regret and how I'm never gonna be able to fix them, I won't even get to try! Does anyone even know I'm gone? Did anyone care? I'm in a place where I don't actually exist, bleeding out my pussy with basically no support, and I'm realizing I have never felt more alone.”
The only sound was Yuu’s harsh breathing, the magicless human trying to take deep breaths to calm her rolling stomach and fight against the tears threatening to spill. The three males all shared a look, having a silent conversation with a series of eyebrow raises and glares. In the end Leona sighed, leaning over to place a hand on Yuu’s shoulder.
“Oi…Feral…You okay?”
“...Yeah…” Yuu’s face pinches up, a single sound of struggle slipping out as she shook her head, “No…” Turning, she dry heaved into the grass.
“Oh, by the Seven…” Leona moved, reaching over and pulling Yuu’s hair back in time for them to let out a wet-sounding retch that finally brought up a bit of watery bile. He held their hair, silently directing Ruggie to wrap up the food items in one of the many blankets. He only looked back to Yuu once the vomiting had stopped, helping them to sit up, “Feel better now?”
Yuu looked at Leona, tears clear in their eyes and quickly losing the fight to not cry. They shake their head again, tilting it down as they whimper, “I wanna go home…”
“Alright…” Leona slips his arms around Yuu’s body, easily scooping the smaller into his hold and cradling them close, “You shoulda stayed home in the first place…”
“Shut up…”
Leona looks to Ruggie, using one of his hands to grip the makeshift bag of treats, “Watch the weasel, I'm taking them home.” He made his way out of the garden, calling over his shoulder, “And you better have my lunch by the time I’m back!”
Ruggie sighed, sharing a look with Grim before he gave a disgusted look to the puddle of vomit on the ground, “I should find a hose or something to clean this up…smells awful-”
“Uh…Ruggie?” Once Grim was sure he had the hyena’s attention he pointed a paw to the top of the greenhouse dome, noting the fast-rolling dark clouds, sparks of green lightning seen inside them, “Should we be worried about that…?”
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“Cozy?” Leona pulled away, making sure Yuu was completely covered by the blanket. The prefect was curled up on the couch, sniffling and getting themselves fully comfortable before nodding their head, “Good.” Leona pulled a basket closer, the snacks Ruggie had gathered filling it almost to the top as he offered a juice box to them.
Yuu took the box, the tops of their arms leaving the warmth of the blankets to open the drink. Sipping once from the tiny straw, before speaking, “Thank you…”
“Yeah, yeah. You owe me for this. Coming to school when you were basically sick and then throwing a tantrum like that…you know better, Feral.” but looking at Yuu's pitiful face, he felt his own frown soften. Kneeling down, he pets at Yuu's head, subtly checking for a fever, “...Are you gonna be alright alone?” he asked it so softly Yuu almost missed it.
They smile, sniffling and wiping at their eyes, “Yeah…I think I just need a good cry…if it gets bad, I'll call someone. Promise.”
He nods his head, standing up and walking to the doorway of the lounge, “On or off?” At Yuu's soft call of ‘off’, he flipped the light switch. With the room in darkness, Leona gave one last grunt of goodbye, walking away as he heard Yuu's silent crying turn to choked-back sobs.
Outside of Ramshackle, he noted the shift in weather. The clouds he had noticed on the walk in had completely taken over the sky, still rolling like the bubbles of an overheating potion. And as he stepped onto the path leading away from the building, he saw a growing spark of green lightning. The lights crackling and seeming to follow the path of something, or rather someone walking in the direction to Ramshackle.
Leona sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking forward. Seems like he'd have to be the one to talk to Malleus…
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maureen-corpse · 6 days
All the news that's fit to print from r/fountainpens
So, I alluded yesterday to drama about fountain pen retailers and then I promised in the notes that I might write about the drama. And by golly, I'm going to do that!
First, caveats: I am not deeply involved in r/fountainpens (I only read and never post). I have seen some people talk about a related Discord server, which I am also not a part of. I am generally not deeply involved in the fountain pen community at large. I did join Fountain Pen Network at some point but I haven't posted in years. So, I was not involved in any of the interactions I'm going to talk about, and because some things have been deleted or only talked about, I'm going to be going off of my recollections. Remember, witness testimony is not always reliable! And witness testimony of witness testimony? Goodness gracious.
Also, this may get long, so buckle up.
Now, let's get started.
This is about the Goulet Pen Company. The Goulet Pen Company (GPC or Goulet) is a Virginia-based online seller of fountain pens and related paraphernalia: ink, paper, accessories, some glass dip pens, an occasional rollerball, etc. GPC also features a lot of useful educational tools, such as videos about pens and their various types and the handy Nib Nook, where you can compare the writing of different nibs with most variables removed. Goulet isn't really unusual for this; JetPens, for example, has guides as well. English does love alliteration, though, it has to be said. Go read Beowulf.
Goulet has also been producing a podcast, or as it is more commonly known, the Goulet Pencast, for some time. The main face of the Pencast is Drew Brown (along with Brian Goulet). Now, here's the big thing: Drew is no longer with GPC. The Pencast took a brief hiatus, and people who follow it were concerned, and the most recent episode confirmed that Drew would no longer be a part of the Goulet Pen Company or the Pencast. Drew is a much beloved figure. I personally never got into the Pencast (listen, the episodes are long!), but I saw him in product videos and never saw a reason to dislike him, so I'm sure that the Pencast was a way people really got to know and love him.
Now, Brian and Rachel Goulet, in the most recent episode, did not go into detail about why Drew was no longer with GPC; they confirmed his departure and expressed their sadness. Many r/fountainpen users would like to know more, and so they began speculating. Some came up with benign or not actually that fun for subreddit drama reasons: maybe Drew just moved on. Maybe there was a dispute over pay. Maybe Drew or a family member had a health issue he needed to leave to focus on. Other things were proposed: maybe it was actually a difference of political opinion--Drew seems to lean more liberal whereas the Goulets seem to lean more conservative.
At some point, someone pointed out this portion of a Goulet newsletter that had been sent out (apparently in August):
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(transcription in alt text)
I admit: To me, this reads like a pretty typical "Hi we are a small business in the southern United States so here are three vague paragraphs about our life so that this marketing material we're sending has that personal family touch" thing.
However, some redditors latched on to the bit about them being on the startup team for a new church, and that fueled some of the speculation that Drew left Goulet because of political differences.
Now, here's where the Lockening began: someone figured out what the startup church was, probably using known facts about the Goulets (their location in Virginia and the date of the first service noted by Rachel above), and they found the startup church's parent church. And they found a podcast put out by that parent church and they hurried to r/fountainpens to post screenshots of a transcript from that podcast where the speaker compares homosexuality to murder. In the sense of "glorifying sins" or whatever, not saying "killing a man is the same as fucking him." This is the kind of rhetoric I see a lot, so I don't really get surprised and appalled by it the way some folks do. Anyway, the issue then became: do the Goulets espouse these beliefs?
Well, not to worry: someone else found a statement of belief from one of the churches and posted that! (No, I don't recall if it was the parent or the startup, and sadly, I don't have a screenshot.) Anyway, yes, they weren't big on homosexuality, and they were fans of male headship of the family. So fun. There was, interestingly, a line about how complete agreement wasn't necessary for membership in the church.
We don't actually know, still, if the Goulets espouse these beliefs. They're part of the launch team for this church, but I've seen people go to pretty big extremes for churches they don't share beliefs with simply because they like a style of worship better. People put blinders on all the time for things. (Am I making excuses for the Goulets here? I don't know. Maybe I'm trying to be a North Carolinian saying something nice about Virginians for once. I still don't like how they drive.)
Someone also pointed out that fairly recently GPC did advertise products in Pride Month. I don't think it's something they do consistently and the instance someone referenced was in 2022 or something, but that's not a long time ago.
Anyway, that thread was quickly locked, and as far as I can tell, has been deleted. This has not stopped other redditors from making new threads to try and discuss the Goulet Problem further, or to decry the actions of the mods, or to recommend queer-friendly fountain pen stores. These threads are also being locked.
An added bonus is that now without that thread for easy reference--even if it's just locked that means it can't stay at the top for discussion--some people now think Brian was on a podcast saying homosexuality was identical to murder. So! It's a mess! The fountain pen users are pretty cranky. I think that's where we are now, and I think that sums it up, for the most part. I welcome corrections and additional screenshots if people have them. 🫡
And I have not even gotten into the Noodler's thing here. And you know what? I don't think I will.
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mncein · 1 year
hii!! can i request newjeans with with an extremely sweet, kind, romantic, and affectionate s/o?
okay, will do !! light blue theme ! and was so high i couldn't perfect placing the photos correctly ⬇️ 💀
new jeans masterlist | main masterlist
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"what is taking minji so long?" you mumble, either fidgeting with your fingers or checking your phone time to time. the sky was very blue and the day was nice, a perfect time to schedule a date.
chatting her a simple, "can we meet up?". panicked, she quickly typed, "we are not breaking up.". her answer is literally far from your expectations. laughing at her message, you type in your date details, where to meet up, what both of you are going to do, etc.
even if she's far from you, you knew she let out a large sigh of relief. chuckling at the thought, you took a shower to get ready for the date.
after what felt like 15 minutes, a pair of arms snake around your waist. you saw a sharp nose in your peripheral vision, a small smile forming almost immediately on your face. it was minji.
you turn back and hugged her tightly, oh minji, so lucky. even if she teases you, nearly everyday, you never got mad at her for as simple as that. she felt so loved that she doesn't want to never ever let go of this feeling. knowing the fact that you always keep photos of her, taking screenshots of her in the mv or their films. was the best feeling ever.
"hi baby girl." minji greets, purposely making her voice deep and intimidating, wanting to show dominance on the hug.
"i am no baby, bro." you mimic what she calls some of the new jeans members, she laughs with you, gripping on your clothes gently, not wanting to let go of you.
"how are they?" you ask, referring to the members, they became your friends almost instantly, it was nice to have them as your friends.
"hanni is currently obsessed with the bunny ears she bought. danielle, still beaming like the sun. haerin speaks about having a dog. hyein wears summer shades almost everyday. but they're all okay." she smiles and chuckles, ruffling your hair. she loved how you always ask how are her members doing, always so caring and kind.
"good to hear." you nuzzle into her chest, enjoying her warmth. you just want this moment to last longer...
"oh right, the date. where do you wanna go?" you ask.
the whole day is filled with nothing but sweet quality time together and a couple bonding. indeed a very fun day, deserved to be enjoyed to the fullest after a load of work paining the back. minji arriving back to the dorms, she plops down the sofa with the group.
"had fun today unnie?" hyein sweetly asks, all of them looking over to minji. and there is their unnie, staring into space with a large grin on her face.
"her face explains." hanni snorts.
"yeah, yeah... she was so beautiful..." minji continues to ramble about the day with you on her mind, living with no rent.
"i kinda wanna spend time with y/n-unnie now." haerin raises her eyebrows as her way of smiling while suggesting something. hyein and danielle nods.
"oh, you're not gonna regret it." minji replies with a smug grin, she plans the hangout with her members as if it was a family meeting.
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"hi, hanni, this is your girlfriend speaking."
"yes? why is my girlfriend calling?"
"i just want to let you know how much i am missing you the whole day and how much i love you, your cuddles, your warmth, your voice, the way your eyes look at me, and everything else about you. oh and as simple as your presence could make my whole day. that's all, bye."
hanni's eyes were widened, she was totally not expecting that kind of call from you. were you teasing her? oh, you would never do that to her, despite when she always does. hanni calmed down from her state of shock, looking over the mirror to check how red her face was.
"hanni, did you see my slippers? danielle said hyein was planning to throw them out the trash for some unknown reason- oh, what happened to you?" minji leans over hanni's door, checking on the smaller girl.
"oh- nothing. and why would you even ask if i know where it is?" hanni snaps, covering her face in embarrassment while minji chuckles.
"chill bro, just incase. what has gotten you all tomato-tomato?" minji asks.
"it's none of your business." hanni puts her phone down her bed, glaring at minji.
"it's y/n, i assume. what is the tea?" minji laughs.
"she told me some sweet things you don't need to know." hanni smiles at the thought, she always loved your attitude. and has no plan to stop loving it and you. she just wants to come over and cuddle with you, but she's gone to film jeans' zine with the others. always missing you day and night, not a single day without calling you for hours when she can. casually stealing glances on her phone if she had received any messages from you, so despite to talk to you.
and hanni didn't know she was rambling all that to minji the whole time. the other girl listening carefully like a good leader that cares for all of her members and a best friend them. hanni appreciates that fact, thanking minji for listening to her rambles before pushing the taller girl out of her room. at least she told someone about her thoughts.
"give me a break from thinking of you, y/n. just for a minute." she sang with a smile, she loves you, really.
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"so bored~" danielle hums while slacking on the couch, waiting for the other members to come join her by the living room. her eyes dart around, seeing if any of them are entering the room. she sighs as no one came to join her. then she just misses you so much.
"dani? are you there?" hanni leans over and waves her hand in front of danielle. snapping her out of her thoughts, she smiles.
"yes? why?" danielle answers, fixing her posture.
"you've been silent lately." minji adds.
"just been thinking..."
"about that someone?" hanni finishes for the girl, danielle blushes. how did they know? like she wasn't babbling about you during the ride back to the dorms. hanni chuckles.
"before you ask, of course we know, she's been close to us, remember?" hanni smiles, putting her hand over danielle's knee.
"mhm, you couldn't even last a day without talking about her." minji chuckles.
"besides, we support you. she matches a lot with your energy and you look really happy with her." danielle almost bursts into tears and tackled the two into a big hug.
"you have no idea how much your words made me happy." danielle replies, almost sobbing from her tears of joy. she didn't know you were coming over to spend time with her and with the girls, but she patiently waited and hoped that you'll drop by. and here you are, entering the living room.
"dani? they said you're here- oh! hi, hanni and minji-unnie!" the two got startled and turned to look at you, leaving danielle behind their back as she peeks to see you.
"hi, dani." you smiled at the girl.
the night was fun, spending time with the famous new jeans, and of course, your danielle marsh. hanni and minji observed you as you cling onto danielle while you guys are watching a movie, they saw you like another version of danielle. seeing you so happy to finally be with danielle and to spend time with her. kissing danielle time to time, saying how you missed her so bad and telling her how much you love her. it's enough to make her cry again, but you stopped her, saying that it's just you can't help but say i love you to the person you love the most.
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"hey, can we meet up? needing you asap." you said over the phone, you missed her a lot after a few days without meeting. she's been really busy with their comeback, asking her if everything goes as planned every now and then.
haerin lets out a pleased sigh, hearing your voice just now got rid of her exhaustion. with her members, her eyes remained on the movie playing on the tv, waiting for the next thing you will say.
"i know you're very tired, just open your door." this made haerin perk up, but at the same time, confused on what you just said.
"no time to explain, hurry, i feel like it's gonna rain." you spoke, keeping the phone onto your ear as you wait for haerin impatiently. she abruptly stood up, drawing the attention of the others, also discarding her phone on the sofa.
"where are you going?" minji asks, lifting her head up from her arm, her eyes following haerin.
"someone came to visit." hanni smiles, nodding at haerin to go, in which the girl rushed to the door.
opening the door, she was embraced with a tight hug, that familiar scent filling her nose as she smiles. and as soon as she hugged you back, the rain fell. resting her head on your shoulder, taking a deep inhale.
she loved this kind of moments, exhaling with content of your presence here with her. just the sensation of your warmth against her offers comfort.
"missed you so much." she whispers, just enough for you to hear and comprehend.
she meant what she said, missing every part of you. the care, the affection and the love you give her. loving the way you show your love for her, that alone can make her whole day up. the human version of the sun, lighting her whole world up.
"missed you too like crazy. i had to walk here so i didn't know what my eta is." you chuckled.
"took you long enough." haerin nuzzles further in your shoulder, wanting to get more warm due to the cold and rainy weather.
"not as long as you opened the door, so slow." she laughs when she felt you poke her sides, smiling then looking up at you.
"you said, a-s-a-p, baby." haerin giggles.
"you never asked for my eta." you reply.
"mhm, what's your eta?" she asks with the tone of the song.
"no need, i'm already here."
"forget about that, lets just stay like this, okay? just for a minute."
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opposite. you have to be there asap. she treats you well, but you have to treat her, extraordinarily. simple message, "come over", you have to get ready immediately and go there asap. telling her that the princess theme on their omg mv suits her well, you're not really complaining or anything but now she acts like a princess and you have to treat her that way.
"yes, yes. you'll be getting cuddles soon." you lift your phone on your eye level and fixed your beanie, almost like showing it off to her.
"are you on your wayyyy?" asked hyein, putting the camera of her phone close to her forehead, trying to act so cutely. you look over your phone, chuckling.
"i wanna borrow your hat sometimes, can i wear it on our date tomorrow?" hyein's eye sparkled, hoping for a yes.
"yes, you may. but a date, like, tomorrow?"
"mhm, you know you can't refuse me." hyein smiles smugly. it drops to a pout once you turned your camera off.
"why did you turn of your camera?" she asks, waiting a moment for your answer.
"hello-" the call ended.
"yes? wait- huh? i thought the call ended- ah!"
hyein turned over her bed, looking at you with wide eyes. since when did you get here?!
"where is my welcome hug?" you open your arms out, waiting for her to embrace you. she watches you in disbelief, did you just teleport out of nowhere?
clingy or more clingy, it doesn't matter, as long as you're present she doesn't waste any time and jumps right in to your arms. especially when you're wearing comfy and warm clothes, and her clothes. she absolutely loves seeing you in them.
you daze off in her beauty, staring at her pretty face. thinking all of the sweetest things that could happen tomorrow on your date. but right now, you're planning to spend the night in her dorm, it'll be fine since you can just borrow her clothes.
cuddling with her all night, talking about her day, the funny things she and her unnies did, watch their funny moments created by their fans. a lot of sweet words heard every now and then, a simple moment like this will put hyein into a deep sleep in your arms.
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ps: took more longer than expected, again. i am so sorry bc i had to deal with my cousins 😭 dw i received all of your requests and working on it rn!
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your-ne1ghbor · 11 days
Asha's Animal Side Kick
Now presenting...
the one...
the only...
BONSAI !!!!!!!!!
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It was either between a possum, ferret, or a great eared nightjar/type of bird, but either way, I had to go with the possum.
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I liked the light brown possum a lot personally since I thought it was really cute yk??
It was also based off of this possum:
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OKOK, you may be wondering why I changed Valentino, or Bonsai into a possum.
There are 2 reasons:
Numero Uno:
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I think my friend @sewerpalette said it best here:
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Nothing can convince me otherwise. His design is just SO ugly to look at. It is not pleasing.
And it doesn't help that I wanna punch his stupid fucking face like it is so punch-able
OKAY SURE, the concept versions of Valentino is cute...but ever but I didn't like how I drew goats in my style. It could be just that I'm not good at drawing them, but I also didn't like my color pallet I did for him, which was a lot like what Bonsai has color pallet wise, and it fitted Bonsai more than Valentino.
Numero Dos:
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It is basically a repeat of what we have already seen, which I didn't like.
Just because you aged down a goat does not make it ORIGINAL.
What I'm trying to say is that Valentino feels like a refrence to Huntch Back of Notre Dom, which this movie has a thing with adding stuck out refrences instead of making it subtle. I mean I know it was a 100 year aniversary, just make it more subtle though so people can rewatch it and find refrences they didn't notice first time watching.
Some fun Facts about Bonsai:
Bonsai is actually a little dwarf, and the runt of his family. Asha adopted him when she found out Amaya told Charo (Charo is a lynx btw) to get rid of them all since she thought they were rats (even though they are fucking HUGE) (PLUS IT IS TO EMPATHESE ON THE FACT THAT THEY ARE MISTAKEN FOR RODENTS WHEN THEY AREN'T, THEY ARE APART OF THE MARSUPIALS FAMILY AND THEY GET RID OF RODENTS/EAT THEM)😭
(I might actually make him slightly bigger than how I drew Bonsai, but who knows yk?)
So Asha took the responsibility of taking care of the little Possum, since she didn't want the possum to grow up alone, and so that she can have some company.
IT TOOK A LONG WHILE for Bonsai to warm up and trust Asha, but in the end, he saw her good nature and swore to protect Asha like how Asha protected him from getting eaten from Charo. Which is why he dislikes Star Boy A LOT (mainly because he doesn't trust how this creature can literally transform into anything and doesn't want him to end up being something like Charo 😭)
He is just a little guy that wants to make sure his friend doesn't get hurt by a celestial force.
This is basically how I imagine how they both would meet:
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(Just wait till he finds out Asha likes him. He is going to be so judgemental)
To get this part out of the way, if I end up having Bonsai speak, it would sound like a child, since I DREADED when the goat started...TALKING LIKE A GROWN ASS MAN LIKE NO PLEASE NO. And it would be more adorable yk?? :3
Lastly, here is the first doodle I did of him.
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@oh-shtars @annymation @signed-sapphire @chillwildwave @spectator-zee @uva124 @rascalentertainments @tumblingdownthefoxden
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I might also go with a different color pallet for Bonsai but idk yet
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
let's fall in love for the night // colby brock
A/N: wow, this fic felt like it took a decade to write. and fun fact, after finally finishing it (editing wise), come to find out it's one of my longest fics. not the longest, but one of them. so now it makes sense. so, the inspo for this fic is the song, and i hear it all the time at work. i love it a lot, and thought it was a good fic idea. hopefully that translate well. it's not a direct interpretation of the song, it's more just a couple of the lyrics at the beginning and end and the rest is vaguely related to the song. sorry this one doesn't have an outright happy ending, but i promise the next fic will be. please let me know what you think, and i'll see yall later :)
inspired by the song "Let's Fall in Love for the Night" by Finneas
prompt: it was simple idea: act like the two of you were dating for one night. what possibly could go wrong in just a couple hours? || colby brock x fem!reader
trigger warnings: light smut (but no sex), pretend dating, angst, possible happy ending (but still heartbreaking), club scenes/partying, drinking, romantic moments, super cheesy at times, fluff, cursing??
word count: 5590
Let's fall in love for the night / And forget in the morning
It started out as a silly joke - "let's pretend to date for a night". You were the one that brought it up, but immediately felt embarrassed by it. Of course, you were joking. You would never want to actually date your best friend, Colby. The only reason you even suggested it was because after a long night of talking about life, you both confessed how lonely you guys felt. How you both deeply wanted someone to be in love with. How much you yearned to have someone that was yours. But there was a lot of things in your way. For Colby, he didn't trust many. And it was hard for him to open up to those he wanted to be close with; including you, at first. And for you.... it was a bit of a laundry list of reasons. The main one? You just weren't sure there was "the one" for you. And for that reason alone, you didn't feel like breaking your heart over and over again just to search for someone that wasn't even real.
So, your suggestion was quite simple: pretend to date each other for one night, to get the experience of being in love. Maybe pretending even for a couple hours might alleviate some of the desire you felt. Maybe it would cool the fires in you that only came out when drunk and vulnerable.
Colby at first was against it, only because he couldn't imagine actually dating you. You were one of the few girls in his life he never had a thing for, but that wasn't because he didn't find you attractive. You definitely were, which is why he found it hard to believe your love life was as dry as his. But him... dating you? It felt strange. But the more he thought about - not spending a night alone again, going out on a date, actually planning one for the first time in months, holding someone's hand - it sounded nice. Relaxing, even. And having it be you and not someone he had to keep his guard up around made it all the more enticing.
He eventually said yes weeks later, which surprised you immensely. Especially given the distain look he had when you mentioned it, you thought there was no way in hell he would say yes.
"How do we do it?" He asked, taking a sip from his drink.
“Well... we would only date for the night. Until midnight. Tomorrow.” You stated.
He agreed. “That sounds good. Where would you like to go?”
“Where would you take a girl you've been with for a while?” You queried.
He snorted, “It's been a long time since I've had to worry about that.”
“You’ve got until tomorrow at seven to figure that out. Maybe a bit before. I would like some time to get ready for our date.” You grinned, raising your eyebrows.
“Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow...” Colby paused, his eyes locking with yours. “Girlfriend.”
You rolled your eyes jokingly, “And I'll see you tomorrow, boyfriend.”
The rest of the party you guys stayed away from each other. And all night all you could think of was what will tomorrow bring. Your stomach flipped with anticipation. But you tried to settle it down by thinking repeatedly it's just a "date" with Colby. There's no reason to be hyped for it.
You were just playing pretend.
It was after five in the evening when Colby finally texted you about the date - you guys were going out to eat. But he wouldn't tell you where. All he mentioned was that you guys had to dress semi-formal.
You started getting ready, not really sure what was completely in store for you. You showered, did your hair, and makeup in record time. Now... for the outfit. You weren't sure how "formal" Colby was actually going to be. That man very rarely ever dressed formal. But you figured the red cocktail dress you bought a couple weeks back would work well with whatever you two were doing tonight.
The benefit of living with Sam and Colby in this scenario was that if Colby wasn't dressed as formal as you, you could get change, which did calm your nerves a bit.
Slowly walking down the stairs, you could hear someone in the kitchen. As you reached the bottom, you turned and saw Colby waiting for you, staring down at his phone.
You inquired, “Calling an uber?”
“Yeah it should be here soon.” He mentioned nonchalantly.
Colby finally picked his head up, gazing at you. His eyes widened for a split second. He collected himself, calmly saying, "You look beautiful."
You giggled, trying not to notice the way he looked you up and down. "Thank you. I'm surprised to see you in actual dresswear."
You glanced at his outfit: black dress shoes, black slacks, and a dark maroon button up. He had his leather jacket on, giving him that little edge that you were used to seeing.
A shy smile came to his face. “Yeah, I don't really get a chance to get dressed up so I figured tonight would be a good time to do it.”
“You look really nice.” You admitted.
He nodded quickly. "Thanks."
There was a moment of silence between the two of you. You weren't sure what it was from - nervousness, lack of conversation, or just waiting for the uber. Either way, you hated it.
“The uber's gonna be here in a moment. Want to head outside?” He asked.
“Sure. Sounds good.” You replied.
You grabbed your jacket on the way out, slipping it on quickly. As Colby locked the door, the slight chill in the air made you shiver. Colby began to walk down the path to the street, his hand reaching out for yours. At first you were surprised to see him do that, but then you slipped your hand into his. His hand was warm and soft, somehow making your body feel even colder. The uber pulled up, and you two got in. He let go of your hand for a moment, only to grab it again.
The ride was quiet the whole way to the restaurant. You couldn't tell if it was your nervousness or his, but either way you could cut the tension with a knife. As you finally arrived, you felt your heart flutter.
Like many restaurants in Vegas, it was inside a hotel. And this was one of the nicer ones, from the way there was a doorman that propped the door open for you as you entered. Colby knew where he was going, so you followed right along with him; his hand still embracing yours. You cupped his arm with your other hand, squeezing him lightly. He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but you doing that made his heart race.
Finally reaching the restaurant, you could see by the name that it was an Italian place - and an expensive one at that. Everything on the outside seemed bougie, and that continued inside the restaurant.
“How did you get us into a place like this?” You questioned under your breath.
He smirked down at you, “I have friends in high places, I guess.”
“Good evening.” The hostess spoke.
“Hello, table for two under ‘Brock’.” Colby stated.
The hostess looked at her screen and nodded her head. “Okay, follow me.”
You glanced around as you followed behind Colby, feeling out of your element. You weren’t used to places like this. No man had ever taken you out to somewhere this nice. The last time you went somewhere like this was for a dinner Sam and Colby had thrown after a successful video series.
“I hope this table is to your liking. Your waiter will be with you shortly.” The hostess smiled, walking away.
Colby pulled your chair out as you slipped your jacket off, resting it on the back. He slid into his seat, you both finally making eye contact for the first time since leaving home.
You picked up your menu, Colby following suit. You both mumbled what you planned to have to eat that night, you settling on the three cheese ravioli, and Colby was getting some pasta dish neither one of you could pronounce. The waiter came to your table a moment later. You ordered the food and drinks, and then stared at each other again.
Why does everything feel so awkward? You and Colby had been friends for years, could talk about anything and everything. Why was now so strange?
Sure, you were pretending to be dating but... it shouldn't be that weird.
After the waiter came back with the drinks, you paused until he left to finally speak. You blurted out, "Is this not kinda awkward, or am I just going crazy?"
Colby sighed, happy that you picked up on the uneasiness between the two of you. "Yeah, this is a bit strange. Don't you think?"
You shrugged. “A little. Maybe it's because we aren't playing pretend enough.”
He raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”
“Well, if we were an actual couple, there wouldn't be all this tension. Assuming we've been together for a while.” You remarked.
“How long do you think we've been dating?” Colby added, “Hypothetically.”
You bit your lip and then thought for a moment. "Hypothetically, I could see us maybe having dated for... two years? Maybe going on three?"
He sat back in his chair, “Hmm, interesting. What would have been the starting point of our relationship?”
“I'm not sure... maybe us hooking up at a party?” You suggested, sipping your drink.
Colby grimaced, “No, I don't think so.”
“Well, what do you have in mind?” You responded.
"Hypothetically," Colby stared at the flicker candle at your table, then looked up at you. "I think we would have just happened to start dating. Maybe, we would have been on double date with Sam and Kat or something."
“You mean, basically any time we all hang out?” You laughed.
He shook his head. “Yeah, no. An official, actual date? We've never done that as a group.”
“I don't know, I feel like if that scenario did happen, we would have had to have been drunk at some point during the night.” You commented.
“Why do you say that?” He squinted.
You whisper-yelled dramatically. “We're both nervous as hell right now, and this isn't even a real date!”
He chuckled. “True, I guess. But the real question is what would make us want to start dating?”
“Ohhh, that's a good one.” You both paused for a second. You spoke first, “Hypothetically?”
He nodded his head.
“I think.... Oh! Two years ago, do you remember when we all went to that haunted hotel, but we weren't filming?” You described.
He blinked, “You're gonna have to be more specific. It's kinda my job to go to haunted places.”
“Shut up," you deadpanned. "Remember, we had a layover when flying to New York for some event, and we had to stay because the flight was cancelled due to the weather. And the closest and only open hotel was the –”
“Annamarie Inn, or something like that?” Colby chimed in.
“Yes!” You exclaimed.
“Oh my God, I remember that place. That was....” he shivered. “Fucking creepy.”
“It was so small, borderline a motel. And the front desk person was mean.” You remembered.
“Well, if no one had stayed at my place for months on end, I too would be annoyed by some out of town LA-ers.” He snickered.
“It didn't help you were wearing a Fendi hoodie.” You jeered sarcastically.
He gaped. “It was cozy!”
“You're a brand whore who sticks out like a sore thumb in the middle of Nowhere, America!” You sassed.
He glared, “If we were actually dating, I would break up with you right now.”
"Aww, don't like being roasted?" You mocked, pouting.
“Not when I'm paying, no.” He replied dryly.
You sat back in your chair crossing your arms, scowling jokingly. You took a swig of your drink, and then continued. "But anyway, that night would have been the beginning of us, in theory, I think."
“Why? What even happened?” Colby cocked his head.
“We had to share one bed, remember? Kat was insistent on sleeping with Sam because the building creeped her out, and so we shared a room instead. But when we got to the room, it was a single bed.” You recalled.
He hummed, agreeing. “Yeah, you're right. But why would that have been the night we started dating?”
“Well, I remember us sharing the room and I remember it was really cold and we just cuddled with each other, and I think being that close could have caused something to happen.” You stated.
“Maybe...” He mumbled.
"I just know that that night was really stressful but us being together in that room was..." Your mind drifted off to the memory of that night. You could remember studying Colby's face in the dark, how relaxed he looked after the stressful day you all had. You couldn't understand how he looked even more handsome up close. You remembered having to hold yourself back from touching his face, his lips.... "Nice. It-it was really nice."
You took another sip of your drink, hoping that Colby didn't notice your cheeks and how red they had become.
He did notice, but he didn't say anything. And part of him remembered that night. That was the night he woke up with your head lying on his chest and it was all he could think about the rest of the trip.
“Did you have a different idea of when we would have hypothetically started dating?” You asked.
Colby cleared his throat. “Sort of. But I kinda like your idea better.”
The idea he had in his head was also during an investigation, but it was when the cameras were off. You both had crazy things happen during the night; during the Estes Method it said your name, and Colby at one point thought he saw a figure at the end of a hallway. Everyone was taking a break outside, and you asked for a hug. Of course, he gave you one, and you offhandedly told him that you felt safe in his arms.
It took a lot to make Colby speechless, but you did it so easily in that moment.
The waiter interrupted Colby's memory, bringing out the food. You both chowed down, the pasta tasted extra delicious. You continued to talk about your made-up relationship, and also just talked about life in general. You ended up skipping dessert, and asked Colby if there was anything else planned for tonight.
He informed you, slipping his jacket on. “There's a new bar that opened up in the next hotel over that I was thinking we could check out.”
You smiled. “That sounds good.”
He slid his phone out, turning back to you as he walked. “Do you want to walk or catch another uber?”
You followed him, placing your jacket on again. “We can walk, I don't mind.”
Colby grabbed your hand as you left the restaurant. You felt giddy this time around, all the tension from before now gone after talking with each other for a couple hours. You couldn't help but smile as you walked outside onto the Vegas strip. The sky had grown dark but was somehow darker than usual. A distant boom bounced off the buildings on the strip. Thunder.
He glanced up at the sky, turning his head to you. “I think it's about to rain. Let's walk a little faster.”
You nodded your head, picking up the pace. Colby stayed near you, even though he could speed walk faster than you could run. He wasn't going to leave you behind. Finally crossing the street, you made it to the other hotel. You still had to walk to the doors though. But suddenly, the skies opened up and rain poured down onto you and everyone around. Some rushed into the hotel, others pulled out umbrellas. Colby pulled you two under an awning, his arm wrapping around you.
“Do you want to wait here until it lets up a bit?” He queried, getting close to you.
“Sure.” You nodded.
You stared out at the rain, watching it splatter as it hit the ground. It very rarely rained in Vegas, so to see it come down like this was both strange and fascinating. And somehow, for a moment, there weren’t that many people around. Most had ran inside, leaving the two of you out on your own. Having a solitude moment in Vegas was even more rare than the rain. A thought popped into your head: go dance in the rain. You didn't know why, but you had to do it. You slipped out from under Colby's arm and walked out into the street, letting the rain hit your skin and clothes.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” He called out to you.
You let the rain slowly soak you, turning towards Colby. "Live a little! Join me."
Colby shook his head slightly, squinting at you in amusement. A moment passed. He sighed and stepped out into the rain.
You started jumping up and down, laughing at him as he opened his arms wide. His maroon shirt grew darker as the rain drenched him. He turned back to you, grabbing your hands and spinning you around, almost dancing. You cackled as he pulled you close and picked you up for a split second. He spun around with you in his arms, and only stopped once you wailed at him to do so. Your eyes landed on each other’s and time froze. You felt hyper aware of how Colby's hands were on your waist, and how yours were wrapped around his neck. Your bodies were close to one another, his heat radiating onto you. You couldn't contain yourself, even if you wanted to. The closeness made it all the more easy to lean in, and Colby followed suit.
This wasn't your first kiss with Colby; that one happened a long time ago during a truth or dare drinking game. But this one blew that old one out of the water. Back then, you felt embarrassed to kiss him, kind of wishing you had just taken the five shots that was given as an option instead. But now, all you could think of was that you hoped this kiss never ended. Once his tongue slid across your bottom lip, you knew whatever relationship you had with him was going to be permanently changed.
He felt the same as you. There was a sudden craving that raced through his body the moment your lips touched his. How was it possible that all this time he had missed out on this? On you? There's no way the first kiss was like this. If it had been, he would have asked you to be his that night. Maybe he had been so wrapped up in his own bullshit, he couldn't have imagined asking you out. It was crazy to think that pretending to date for a night got him here.
And then it hit him: this wasn't real. You guys were on a fake date, pretending to be a couple. The light pain in his chest made him pull away, but part of him wished he never did.
“We... we should stop.” He voiced, breathlessly.
You stammered, trying to calm yourself. “R-right. And, uh, get out of the rain.”
"Yeah." He stepped back farther away from you, needing some space so that he could think again. "C'mon, let's get inside."
You both raced in, not wanting to get anymore wet than you already were. The cool hotel air hit you and made you shiver, Colby doing the same.
"So... where's the club at in here?" You asked awkwardly.
A brief smirk passed his face, his hand finding yours again as you walked. “It's a speakeasy, so it's hidden behind the back of some store. It's similar to the other one we go to all the time. Made by the same people.”
You exhaled, “That's fun.”
“Yeah, me and Sam were gonna check it out last week but never got around to it.” He turned to you, studying your face. “But if you don't want to, we can just –”
"No, I don't mind." You stopped Colby lightly, pointing at the signs for the bathroom. "Maybe before we go in, I should use the restroom and make sure I don't look like a complete mess."
He glanced down at himself, “Same here.”
You went inside and looked at yourself in the mirror. Not too bad for being drenched, weirdly enough. Your makeup had survived the rain, thank God for waterproof, and all that really looked a bit messy was your hair.
Realistically, while you were going in here to make sure you didn't look bad, you were really in here because of how nervous you were. It had finally really hit you that you two just made out in the rain. Something you had wanted to do with someone since you were a kid and saw 'A Cinderella Story'. And now you did it... on a fake date, no less.
Maybe he was the one for.... no. You couldn't allow yourself to think like that.
You dried your hair as best you could: drying the ends under the hand-dryer and running your fingers through the rest. You pinned it up with a clip in your bag, checked your makeup again, and then stepped back out into the busy walkway of the hotel. Colby was leaning against the wall waiting for you, looking ridiculously suave for no reason. He perked up when he saw you, sliding his phone back into his pocket.
His shirt looked mostly dried, and his leather jacket had been wiped down - something he had done in the bathroom while you were gone. He hoped you didn't notice; he didn't want to seem like he was doing too much. He prayed he was pulling off the effortlessness he could usually get away with.
You noted it, but didn't say anything.
Colby grasped your hand again, pulling you along silently to the store in question that housed the speakeasy. It looked like a regular Vegas gift shop. He stopped at the back of the store, in front of a "Employees Only" door with an eye-slot on it. It opened up, and a man asked "Password."
“’I'm looking for Piper.’” He quoted.
The man nodded, closed the slot, and opened the door. Inside was a dark, booming club. You were shocked to see it. Knowing how the other one looked, this was somehow more impressive. It was packed and the music was loud and fun. Colby smiled at you and pointed at a free table across the way.
“Wow, this place is crazy!” You yelled over the music.
He glanced around, “I know. I'm surprised how many people are here tonight.”
“What time is it?” You questioned.
Colby looked down at his watch. “It's... a little after ten.”
Your heart skipped a beat, hearing the time. “Oh.”
“What is it?” He furrowed his brow.
“We only have a couple more hours until midnight.” You explained.
“And then...” His voice grew quiet, “our fake date is over.”
The two of you stayed silent for a moment, Colby breaking it by looking up at you. "Well, we better make the most of it."
You ordered drinks, downing them within minutes. The upbeat music made you want to dance, so you grabbed Colby's hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. Colby didn't really like dancing. He was more of a people watcher when he was at the club. But you were not taking no for an answer.
You swayed your hips to the music as you faced Colby. He watched you, stepping back and forth to the beat. His hand still held onto yours, eventually spinning you and gliding you into him. He slid his hands down your body, cupping your waist sweetly. His body pressed against yours, his breath fanning across your neck. Your back arched at his closeness, causing goosebumps to form across your skin. How was it possible that he was doing all of this to you? You had danced with Colby on countless occasions, spent multiple times in your life at the club with him. But tonight, after everything... things really felt different.
Colby's mind was reeling just as much as yours, if not more so. He started out the night thinking this was going to be a fun night, but nothing too crazy. And now... he had to do everything in his power not to jump your bones in the middle of this club. But your ass pressed against his crotch was making that very hard to do.
His grip on your waist tightened as you grinded back into him harder, teasing him. You felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled. He buried his face into your neck before whispering "Fuck, Y/N, what are you trying to do to me?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." You smirked.
Colby suddenly spun you around, pulling you close. He leaned in, keeping his eyes on you. Somehow, even in the dark, his eyes almost glowed with lust. He kept his mouth close to yours, lips brushing against each other. But he never fully leaned in.
“Kiss me.” He dared.
You exhaled, closing the space between the two of you. The kiss became intense in no time. One of his hands landed in your hair, pulling lightly on your locks causing you to open your mouth, gasping. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside. You could taste the fruity cocktail he had finished not long ago. Your hands drifted up to his chest, tugging at his button up and jacket. His other hand snaked down your body, cupping your ass softly.
Your breath hitched, surprised by his forwardness. "Too many people are looking at us. Let's go home."
He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you off the dance floor. “Sounds good to me.”
The intensity had stayed between the two of you the whole time you were in the uber on the way home. You were nice enough not to make out in someone's car, but you couldn't help but squeeze Colby's hand every so often, knowing you guys were getting closer to home. He would do the same back, his eyes snaking up your body.
You weren't sure what was going to happen between the two of you, but you were excited nonetheless.
You both rushed inside after getting dropped off, thanking the driver quickly. Colby had you against the front door the moment it closed, kissing and sucking on your neck. You couldn't help the little noises that fell from your lips, him finding all of your most sensitive spots. All you needed was for him to take you to any of the bedrooms in the house, and you would be set.
Colby's hand drifted up to your shoulder pushing your jacket off, but suddenly his hand froze in place; his eyes staring at his wrist.
“What? What's wrong?” You murmured, breathlessly.
He hesitated. “It's.... five minutes to midnight.”
Your heart sank. And you would never know it, but so did his.
You inhaled. “Oh. So our date is-”
“Done.” Colby grunted.
He backed himself away from you, his hands falling to his sides. You leaned back against the door, running you hands through your hair. You looked back up at him, his eyes still on the floor.
“Why don't we just.... ignore it?” You felt bold saying it, but the way Colby looked at you made you realize you said something wrong.
He shook his head, “N-no. No, we can't.”
“But why? I mean, we had so much fun tonight.” You stepped towards him, trying to close the space again.
He turned and walked away, going to the kitchen. “I know we did, but it was... pretend.”
You couldn’t help but scoff at his words. “Oh, so none of that was real for you? You were just what, faking it? Pretending to want to kiss me?”
“Well no. Of course I wanted to kiss you but the whole point of tonight was just to... live out a fantasy we both wanted.” His voice lowered, hoping you wouldn’t hear him say, “Needed.”
“Colby, you can't be serious. The night started out that way, sure. But after we kissed in the rain, there's no way that that was just part of the plan,” you argued. “Or making out in the club. Or what we were literally going to do until you saw the time.”
“We both needed that, yes. But that isn't reality.” He clenched his jaw, “You and I are meant to be friends.”
You challenged, leaning across the island. “But we could try for more.”
“No, we can't.” Colby didn’t like how his voice trembled.
“We worked so well together tonight, why not give it a try?” You pleaded.
"I'm not willing to lose you as a friend. I care about you, and this was nice. But.... no.” He stuttered, trying to catch his breath. “I... I won't lose you as a friend just because I'm lonely.”
You almost winced, your mind going to the worse thought. “So, none of that meant anything to you. That was all just pent up hormones?”
He glared, his stare turning your body cold. “That's not what I said. Don't put words in my mouth. But what about you, huh?”
“What about me?” You sneered.
“How did tonight make you feel?” Colby asked plainly.
You huffed, “Clearly enough of a way to make me ask you to continue this!”
“What exactly are you feeling, then? Tell me.” He walked around the island, his eyes on yours.
“Well, tonight I felt...” You trailed off.
A certain word came to mind, but you shook it off. There's no way you were going to say that. There's no way you felt that way about Colby, especially not after one date.
He got in front of you, his arms on either side of the counter as he spoke. His voice was gentle, but intense. “Tell me. Say anything. Tell me what you're feeling.”
You gulped, “Right now, you're making me nervous.”
“Why?” He whispered.
You closed your eyes, his stare making it hard to form words. “Because it's hard to think when you're this close to me.”
“But other than that?” He questioned desperately.
You stayed silent, trying to figure out the feeling. A million words came to mind, but none felt quite right to say. They were all too vulnerable, too personal. And him staring down at you intently made it even harder to speak.
He stepped back, his face dropping. “That's the problem, Y/N. Neither one of us knows how to express how we feel. Which is why we went out in the first place. We don't trust ourselves enough to find someone and to trust them in return.”
“Why are you trying to make this more difficult than it has to be? Why can't we just... try? And if it doesn't work out, so what? We can still be friends.” You bargained, trying to make him understand.
He moved towards you again, his voice almost frantic. “You want me to be honest? To tell you how I'm actually feeling?”
“Yes.” You whispered.
“I'm terrified... of not having you in my life. That if we did try this, I would just make you miserable, or vice versa. I can’t give you everything you need. And I can't imagine you not in my life so I would rather take the safe route than try this.” He confessed, not able to even look into your eyes longer than a second.
“When have you ever taken the safe route on anything?” You insisted.
He bit his lip hard, shaking his head. “I'm not willing to bet on this. You are too important to lose.”
You whimpered, “Colby...”
“Maybe one day, we could do this. Maybe one day, this could be us. I'll take that chance later,” he laughed bitterly. “But having this happen tonight? No.”
“Can you promise me that? That we'll try.... later?” You grabbed his hands, holding them once more.
He nodded, doing his best to hold it together. “I'll give it my best shot. When we're both emotionally ready for this, when I'm ready for this.”
There was no way to persuade him, and you didn't want to lose him as a friend with. So... you just accepted what he said.
“Well, you know who to call.” You smiled, brokenly.
He slid your hands out of his, leaving the kitchen slowly. He turned back, not even knowing he was breaking your heart more. "This was nice, Y/N. Thank you for... helping me feel less lonely for an evening."
“You too.” You croaked.
As he walked to his room, he never felt more alone. Each step made him regret every single word he said as he got closer to his bedroom door. All he wanted was to run back to you and hold you as close as he could.
You followed him with your eyes, trying to hold back tears. You watched him go into his room, shuddering out a breath. How long were you holding it, you didn't know.
It took a lot to make you speechless, but he did it so easily in that moment.
I know better / Than to ever call you 'mine'
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twst-drabbles · 6 months
Scarabia 7
Summary: An iridescent feather was all it took for Kalim to pack up his bags and drag Jamil to the kingdom of the faeries. Jamil has trouble understanding this odd fascination he has. In fact, it’s almost scaring him a bit.
(Trust me when I say this AU has not been exiting my mind. It’s been floating around in there, but for some reason my fingers could not get it out. The fingers and brain would much rather churn out other things. Weird weird brain. Hate having to wrestle with it so. Also excuse the errors, I am kinda sleepy.)
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From birth until death, Jamil will always be expected to entertain all of the wills and whimsies of Kalim. He cannot deny him any request if it is within his means, nor should he scorn him when he clearly is making mistakes. A servant, a guide, and a source of comfort all wrapped up in one. And all he has to do is keep this facade perfect until the day Kalim dies.
…what a joke, such a thing won’t happen. His services will likely be passed onto Kalim’s child, if he even makes it to that age. And if not his child, then the next sibling. Retirement is a dream meant for the privileged, and so long as those privileged few exist, Jamil will be made to serve them.
Jamil cannot ask too many questions, especially when it carries the possibility of offending the master.
He cannot ask Kalim of the origins of that iridescent feather. Cannot question why Kalim has spent the entire week simply gazing at it. Cannot even ask if he can look at it, no matter how familiar it may seem to him.
His dreams, they don’t matter, so he must always stifle them.
Clearly this wasn’t his place, and all Jamil can do is sigh in frustration when Kalim locked himself in his room. And sigh even deeper when Kalim burst out his room one day, claiming he wished to vacation in the main kingdom of faeries. Wanted to see the sight where the most beautiful feather came from.
And off they went on a personal caravan. And onto the dark stone they walk.
“And what will you do with this bird, if you end up finding it?”
How silly. Jamil already knows the answer to it already.
“Hmm? Ah, well I’m gonna keep it of course!” And the smile on Kalim’s face was as big as ever. Any wider and it would seem manic, but that’s simply the way his happiness works. He feels it in all of its intensity, even should it warp his features into something almost unplesant.
“Though, with how big of a cage you purchased, I’d predict I’ll have to take care of it sooner or later, won’t I?” As everything does. Cute novelties always lose their luster within half a year. Such was the fate of Kalim’s private zoo when he asked for it for his birthday. There were other servants to take care of it, but it never sit right with Jamil to just, let them do part of the work when he can perfectly take care of it himself.
That and his parents scolded him for daring to slack off, even though he pulled multiple muscles in his back. He could never quite lay back on his chair the same way ever since.
“Oh no, I don’t want you to touch them.”
Jamil stopped his tracks, the frankness of Kalim’s tone and the never wavering smile on his face almost had him believing he imagined it. “…Kalim?”
Kalim paused himself, blinking before his mind was pulled from his thoughts. He waved his hands, fumbling about in his nerves. “Ah, I’m sorry! That didn’t come out right, did it?”
“Whether it came out right or not doesn’t matter. If you don’t want me to touch your newest pet, then so it shall be,” Jamil shook his head, sighing out in hopes the urge to bit his lip will also pass.
“Sorry sorry…”
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What Kalim doesn’t know won’t hurt him. The role of the perfect servant isn’t something that Jamil can simply be. It’s an act, a mask, and every so often Jamil has to pull it off.
Kalim was always a heavy sleeper, even more so when he’s been drinking from the various wines he had Jamil bring. Under the guise of some jovial fun, Jamil coaxed Kalim into drinking much more than usual. No thunderstorm would be able to wake him up. Kalim once almost drowned outside in a storm like that, napping without anything to protect him.
Jamil doesn’t sleep in the same room as Kalim, but here he was nonetheless. He took a glance to Kalim splayed out in his pile of pillows and blankets, sighed, then continued digging through the various bags and luggage.
Finally, Jamil’s fingers hit something. He pulled out a large, gold gilded, black box with a keyhole in it. He didn’t have to look for the key. It was tied with a silk ribbon right at the bottom of the box. Really, Kalim needs to be more careful, but Jamil certainly won’t tell him so. Perhaps later, but not now.
He opens the box and he was almost… disappointed at the sight. The feather was dull. All the rainbow light that would scatter upon the surface of the walls when daylight hit it wasn’t there. The plumes still pulsed with those delicate colors, but it didn’t hold the radiance that Jamil knows he saw when it was Kalim’s hands.
From his dreams, the shape was the same, and yet it was missing just about everything else. What was it, beyond its glow? The lack of numbers? The sturdy feeling of wings against his body? The face that was connected to it?
Face… what face? No matter how hard Jamil tried to claw through his memories, that face he wanted to see was no clearer.
Even with his disappointment, Jamil plucked the feather and held it in his hand.
Only then did its glow come back. A kaleidoscope of colors flowed forth and blinded Jamil’s unprepared eyes. He winced and held the feather to his chest, just in case it woke up Kalim.
He waited, but only heard a snort and a shifting. He’s still asleep.
Jamil blinked, tears dotting the corners of his eyes from the brightness of it all.
There it was, the beauty he’s been seeking, that Kalim had been hoarding all to himself.
How silly. How stupid to be so taken by a feather. To have this simple item that was nothing more than a gift from a pen pal to Kalim to haunt Jamil so. To haunt both of them, actually.
Even with all those reservations in mind, Jamil lifted that feather and laid a gentle kiss on the body. It felt nice, feeling the plumes brush against his lips.
…he should put this away and go to bed. Kalim must never know what he just did.
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year
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since the last twst update i've seen some people disliking the knight of dawn's copy and paste design and discussing the theory that he actually looked different in reality but has simply taken on silver's face in lilia's dream--which i do think is a fun idea that's definitely plausible! but i'm here to admit that this design choice not only doesn't bother me at all, but... i actually actively really like it, to be honest.
my initial reason for why i didn't feel bothered by it was that as we all know by now, silver is clearly twisted from aurora, and so many of the disney princesses look identical to their moms with aurora herself being no exception. so i just took our disney princess boy looking identical to his dad as a sort of homage to this!
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but my second reason, the one that made me grow to really like the knight of dawn's seemingly silly sameface design once i realized it, is the fact that malleus is literally also a copy of meleanor. maybe it's just not as immediately noticeable, but look, he is.
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silver and malleus already have so many fascinating parallels and this latest main story update just added even more: they are both the royal children of enemy kingdoms in a war from centuries past. a war in which their own parents directly fought against each other, both just trying to protect their loved ones and their people, only for them both to meet tragic ends with meleanor even dying at knight of dawn's own hand. but it's because of everything that occurred back then--the knight of dawn choosing to save lilia and help him escape with malleus's egg in spite of everything, malleus needing a couple extra centuries to hatch from his egg without his parents there to give him their love, silver being put into an ageless sleep and not having anyone whose true love could wake him for hundreds of years--that malleus and silver were both able to be taken in by lilia and grow up alongside each other.
and it also just so happens that they're both near-perfect reflections of their parents who fought and died so long ago. but when they look at each other now, they don't see the face of an enemy, but of a beloved member of their family, of someone who they would do anything to protect.
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munstysmind · 5 months
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WARNING/S: non-con, rape, loss of virginity, rough sex, rough vaginal sex, rough oral sex, rough anal sex, unprotected sex, multiple men, blood, assault, abuse, slavery, trauma, threats of forced prostitution, mentions of kidnapping/abduction, mentions of death, mentions or murder, mentions of injuries, mentions of suicide. If I’ve missed anything, please let me know.
You and you alone are responsible for what you choose to consume online.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Thank you to @dragonsneversharetheirtreasure for being my ideas gremlin, and @themaradwrites for beta-ing. This wouldn’t have been written without your help.
please let me know if you would like to be added to a tag list
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{54 BC}
Her heart pounds in her chest as she slowly walks down the hall towards the man she despises more than anything in this world.
Dominus Julius Fabius. Her owner. Her master.
She wishes she could stick him in the neck with a dagger and watch him bleed to death, just like all the men he condemns when he forces them into the arena.
He’s pure evil.
The kind of evil Orcus uses to make an example of. The God of punishment and the Underworld is going to have fun with her master when he passes into the afterlife.
She’s lost count of how long it’s been. Five years? Probably more, if she’s being honest with herself. She doesn’t even know who she is anymore.
Except her name.
To everyone around her, she’s a thing. An object meant to do as she’s told. No exceptions.
She runs her finger along the cold iron bolted around her neck, her slave collar.
Thirty coins. That’s what he paid for her. She didn’t know you could put a price on someone’s life but that’s what hers was worth, thirty whole coins.
“There you are girl” he growls as he grabs her wrist tightly and drags her towards a door at the end of the hall “I’m in a right mind to give you a lashing for making me wait”
“I’m sorry, they… they wanted to make sure everything was perfect” she mumbles, keeping her eyes on the floor to help hide her tears as she recalls the looks of pity on the faces of the women who got her ready.
She knows they know what her Master’s plans are, and she suspects the reason they took so long was to keep her from her fate for as long as they possibly could.
“I don’t care. Those fighters in there won me a lot of denarii today. You’re going to let them do whatever they want to you. All. Night” her master tells her, getting so close to her she can feel his warm, vile breath across her face.
“I… I’ve never…” she stammers, her eyes going wide as she realises what he’s saying.
“I know. I know you’ve never laid with a man before, they checked you when I brought you. That’s why I chose you” he says, a smirk spreading across his face. “Maybe I should put you in the Lupanar and whore you out after they’ve broken you in. Gods know you’d make me a fortune”
It takes everything in her not to turn and run as fast as she can as she swallows down the bile rising in her throat.
It would be pointless though, there’s guards everywhere. She wouldn’t make it to the end of the hall before they caught her. She’d be guaranteed a lashing too, a public one at that. Just like Vesta.
“I mean it girl. You’re theirs tonight. I don’t care if it hurts… in fact, I want it to. A lot” he whispers, pulling out a small dagger and cutting one of the shoulders of her dress, exposing her breast.
He runs the dagger tip over her nipple, pressing it into the sensitive bud until it breaks the skin, making her let out a small whimper of pain.
“If you resist, or put up a fight, you’ll be punished, and it’ll be much worse than what they’re going to do” he growls before pushing her into the room.
She can’t help but flinch as the large wooden door is slammed in her face, the echo of the metal latch being closed ringing in her ears.
She just stands there, staring at it as she takes shuddery breaths.
She knows what’s about to happen. What she’s about to go through. And there’s nothing she can do about it.
She’s trapped.
Locked in a room with three blood covered fighters.
Their reward for winning their master 5000 coin.
She’s their prize.
“Turn around” a deep voice commands, making her jump.
She closes her eyes, praying to the Gods that she wakes up from this nightmare as she slowly turns around.
She sees the man the voice belongs to and her breath catches in her throat as she fights back tears.
He’s the one who killed her brother.
Champion gladiator August.
“Name” he growls, slowly approaching her with a look similar to the lions in the arena before they attack.
“Am… Amina” she stammers, stumbling back against the door as he towers over her.
She can smell death on him. The twang of iron, of blood. Was it her brothers?
Her stomach churns at the thought and she wants to be sick.
“Amina” he repeats “honest, faithful. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman”
Under any other circumstance she might have smiled and thanked him for his compliment, just like she was taught, but not this time. She just can’t.
“I like to know their names before I take what I want” he tells her with a smirk.
He remembers them, every name. All the women he’s taken this way. Amina’s the latest entry on his ever growing list.
He grabs her dress and tears it off her body, letting the fabric crumple to the floor.
She instinctively tries to cover herself, but he stops her, prying her hands away from her body before grasping her breasts and squeezing.
A grin spreads across his face as he continues to grope her, pinching and rolling her nipples tightly between his fingers, making her whimper in pain.
The noise makes him let out a low growl from deep in his chest and his eyes go dark, almost black.
Before she can fully register what’s happening, he grabs her by the back of her neck and yanks her towards the small table on the other side of the room, forcing her onto her back.
He takes her legs behind the knees and pushes them open, exposing her to not only him, but the other two men in the room who are now standing behind him and looking over his shoulder.
Her stomach churns as she stares at the ceiling, her face burning with embarrassment as she tries to think of anything to distract her from the way he’s inspecting her.
She bites back a whimper as he touches her, his fingers playing with her most intimate area before spreading it open.
He lets out a satisfied hum, a smirk spreading across his face when he sees she’s intact, just like their Master promised.
“I’ve never had a pure one before” he says, to no one in particular as he pinches the small bundle of nerves above her opening, making her gasp loudly.
“They’re my favourite. Oh, the noises they make” one of the other men says excitedly, much to August’s annoyance.
“She’s mine, Lloyd” he growls, glaring at the man before turning his attention back to her, really looking at her for the first time since she entered the room.
And as much as she tries to look away, to look anywhere but the face of the man that’s about to brutalise her, she can't. Her green, terror filled eyes just stare at him, transfixed.
He’s seen her eyes, and that look, before. He knows he has. There’s something so familiar about them and it takes him a minute to place it. The man he killed in the arena a mere hours before. Her brother.
“You’ve got his eyes” he tells her before turning his gaze back between her legs.
She’s so caught up in the flood of emotions at what he just said that she doesn’t notice his finger pushing into her until it’s too late.
She lets out a loud yelp at the sudden pain between her legs, her body instinctively trying to close her legs and move away from the beast of a man in front of her.
He lets out an angry growl and yanks her up by her arm, turning her around and bending her over the table with so much force all the air leaves her lungs when her chest makes contact with the wooden surface.
“Don’t move” he growls, kicking her legs apart with his feet.
She grips the edge of the table, so tightly her fingers hurt, as tears well in her eyes. She prays the talk of his stamina is wrong, that it will be over quickly.
But it won’t.
When he’s done with her, there’s two more waiting.
And they have her all night…
The sound of his armour dropping onto the ground behind her makes her heart pound.
It’s happening.
Right now.
She squeezes her eyes shut, trying her best to relax when she feels him prod at her again, but it doesn’t matter.
He snaps his hips forward and tears into her with force, pulling a scream of pain from her that makes him grin.
In all the beatings she’s gotten over the years, she’s never felt pain like this.
It’s like a searing hot poker being forced into her over and over as she’s split in two.
The tears in her eyes escape and spill onto the table as he thrusts into her, over and over and over again. It feels like the more she cries, the harder his thrusts become.
“Best one I’ve had yet” he grunts as he lays over her, pressing her against the table with his full body weight, and starts grinding into her, moaning loudly in her ear.
He’s enjoying this, getting pleasure out of hurting her. How can he not? He’s a sadistic bastard!
Little does she know she’s not the first woman he’s forced himself into. It’s the whole reason he’s stuck fighting in that gods forsaken arena in the first place. And unless he dies there, she won’t be the last.
“You’re mine now, gonna take you like this whenever I want” he pants, making her let out a loud sob at the thought of him doing this to her over and over.
It all becomes too much and her stomach churns as bile rises in her throat, burning it as she chokes and coughs it up.
His moans start becoming louder as he ruts into her hard, his hips slamming her body into the table over and over and over.
“Oh Gods!” he roars, moaning loudly as his hips stutter then still before he thrusts into her as hard as he can, filling her with a strange warmth.
He says something to her, but she doesn’t hear a word of it, unable to hear anything except the loud ringing in her ears.
She lets out a loud whimper as he pulls out of her before kneeling and pushing her legs wider, smirking at the blood mixed with his spend dripping out of her.
He catches some with his fingers and pushes them inside her, forcing it back into her as she lies on the table, her entire body shaking and twitching from shock as she takes shallow, gasping breaths.
“My turn” the second of the men says, all but pushing August out of the way before grasping her by her hair and pulling her to her feet, making her cry out.
He pushes her to her knees, making quick work of removing his armour as she glances behind him at August drinking wine from a goblet and sees the size of him for the first time, enough to make Priapus himself blush.
She looks back at the second man, terror spreading through her yet again as she comes face to face with his member.
She can’t tell if he’s bigger, but it doesn’t matter. He’s going to defile her the same way August did without a care for her.
He hooks his finger into her mouth and forces it open before pushing himself in until she starts to gag.
He holds onto the sides of her head and starts thrusting, hitting the back of her throat with each snap of his hips.
A smirk spreads across his face as he moves one of his hands to the back of her head and forces her down onto him, deep throating her.
He holds her there, moaning at the feeling of the muscles in her throat squeezing him as she chokes.
“We can’t kill her, Lloyd” August warns as she starts scratching at his legs, trying desperately to get air.
He lets out a growl as he pulls himself out of her mouth and slaps her hard across the face before grabbing it and pulling her to her feet.
“You’re going to pay for that” he hisses, manhandling her onto the small bed in the corner of the room.
He climbs on after her, roughly pulling her hips up and slamming into her from behind.
“Gods, I’ve not taken a woman this good in years” he moans, throwing his head back and gripping her hips tightly as he thrusts hard, spurred on by her cries.
“I wonder if her other hole’s just as good?” August says with a smirk, leaning against the table he just had her bent over.
“Let’s find out” Lloyd replies, spitting on her ass. He pulls out and lines himself up with her tiny puckered hole before pushing himself into her, moaning loudly at the muscles squeezing him tightly in an attempt to force him out.
She lets out a shriek of pain, her body going rigid as she tries, and fails, to get away from the man violating her in a way she didn’t think was possible.
He lets out an evil laugh and pushes her face into the bed as he starts thrusting, going out of his way to hurt her as much as he can.
The noises leaving him as he uses her body for his pleasure are burned into her mind as she prays to the Gods to take her and put an end to the indescribable pain coursing through her body.
He looks down at where he’s thrusting in and out of her and smirks proudly at the sight of blood.
“It’s even better” he grunts to August, gripping her hips so tightly his nails break her skin.
“I’ll have to try it next” August says, slowly stroking himself as he watches Lloyd pound into the woman at their mercy over and over again, moaning to himself at the sound of her cries.
Lloyd lifts her hips higher, thrusting as hard as he can into her at the new angle, turning her cries into screams with every snap of his hip.
He lets out a long moan, throwing his head back as he cums hard, filling her with the same strange warmth August did.
“Gods, I’m doing that again” he pants as he slowly pulls himself out of her bloody back passage before slapping her ass, making her yelp as she collapses into the bed.
“You’ll get your chance. It’s your turn, Nick” August says, getting the attention of the third man standing on the other side of the room.
Until now, he’s not paid much attention to the events happening in the small room, trying to drown out her cries and think of anything other than what he wants to do to her.
It’s wrong, he knows it’s wrong, but he doesn’t care. He wants her. And it’s his turn to take her.
He slowly walks towards her, removing his armour as he does before gently turning her over and climbing into the bed.
“No more… please” she begs quietly as he spreads her legs with his knees and settles between them.
Asking for mercy is useless, she knows that. All she is to them is an object to seek pleasure from, to defile.
The only thing she can do is close her eyes and brace herself for the pain as he slowly pushes in, a long moan leaving him as he fills her.
But when he starts to move, the pain doesn't come.
She opens her eyes and stares at him, confused, and scared, by what she's feeling.
Why doesn’t it hurt?
Why is it so different?
Why does it feel… nice?
“Gods” she gasps, her eyes fluttering shut as he starts to speed up, letting out a moan that drowns out the one that slips past her lips.
She has no idea what he’s doing differently to August and Lloyd but she prays he keeps doing it because it feels good, amazing even.
Her mind races as she tries to understand what’s happening. Why does she feel bad, so embarrassed and ashamed, when what’s happening right now feels so good?
He moves his hips faster, harder. The sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room as he gropes one of her breasts before pinching her nipple hard, pulling another moan from her.
He slowly glides his hand up her chest to around her neck, squeezing the sides. The sudden restriction of air makes her panic and start clawing at his hands, making him squeeze even more.
Her eyes roll back as a weird pressure builds between her legs, making whatever he’s doing to her feel even better.
It suddenly breaks, making her moan loudly as a pleasant burning sensation washes over her, before everything goes black…
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VENERIS FILIA TAG LIST: @dragonsneversharetheirtreasure @themaradwrites @secretaryunpaid @pixie88 @aussieez @identity2212 @fanfics-r-us-official @km-ffluv @ktficworld @sillyrabbit81 @juliaorplI78 @kingliam2019 @thebejeweledwatercat @red-write-hand @queenzee27 @therockandaroll
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shxyss1n1st3rr3ads · 1 year
red light-woosan
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pairing- dancer! woosan x chubby POC ! reader summary: You go out to a club with your friends and find yourself in a 0-100 situation.
      Walking into any club can make you extremely nervous. But this one for some reason, made my stomach do weird things. As I walked in, trailing behind my friend Livia, I started to notice the red lights coming from down the hall, in the direction we were going. As we entered the main area, I quickly looked around liking to know what my surroundings always looked like. As I look around more and more, I start to notice some of the men are dressed alike. They were all dressed in ripped loose pants and no shirt. The red lights around made their bodies look Godly.
            No wonder Livia chose this one.
            “Aren’t they so hot?!” Livia yells next to you. I pull my eyes away from the beautiful men and looked at her nodding. I don’t say anything because this whole situation makes me so nervous, and I didn’t want to sound stupid. I continue to look trying to find a safe spot I can go so I don’t feel in the way of the entrance.
            Livia had mentioned that this club had a no foreigner rule, so everyone that walked past me took a long look. And I mean they didn’t even try to hide the fact that they were staring. But being in Korea as a thicker POC, it’s expected.
            We walk further inside, and I notice that all the men are dancing with pretty girls in pretty dresses.
            “They are the dancers here! They are supposed to just walk up to anyone and ask them to dance.” Livia yells over the music. That’s actually a good idea since a lot of the clubs have people just standing around. But I also couldn’t imagine dancing for hours on end.
            I couldn’t help but to notice how all the guys were dancing with smaller and pretty women. I’m not insecure, but things like that makes me a little sad because there’s no chance any of them are willing to dance with me. I’m bigger and not Korean. I don’t feed into my insecurities though. If they don’t want to dance with me then its their loss, not mine.         
            I head to the bar as my friend heads to the dance floor wanting to dance right away. She fits perfectly in with the crowds. A daunting thought in the back of my mind makes me think that I would take up most of the space so why even attempt to go down there. I’ll probably be the only one not dancing with someone. But that’s the thing, I don’t need anyone to have fun and I knew Livia had my back and would drop any guy to help me out, she’s done it before. There were also times where I had to push her back because I didn’t want her dropping everything when I’m a little down.
I ordered the strongest drink and continued to look around. There are regular lights here at the bar. The red lights are mainly on the dance floor, so it was much easier to see around me. As I look around, I notice so many pretty women, and I stare in awe. The men were also drop dead gorgeous.
            I’ve gotten used to being the bigger girl here. For the first 6 months of living here. It did hurt a bit when everyone seemed to go after Livia more. But she fit the beauty standard, especially since she is half Korean herself.  I’m black and white. A thick girl, standing at (height) and (weight). I wore it well, at least I thought I did until I got here.
            After about a year here, I was used to how they treated me. Concluded that I’m not here for love, I’m here to experience Korea itself, and to enjoy myself. I started to go to the gym more as well, makes me feel better overall.
 I sipped on my drink when I got it, enjoying the sight of Livia dancing with all types of people. I laugh when she pushes another dancer for one of the shirtless guys.
            On the far side of the room, the floor rises a bit and there was a metal fence along it, allowing people to lean over and watch the dancers. I couldn’t help but notice two shirtless guys leaning against each other and staring in my direction.
My heart starts to beat fast, there’s no way they are looking at me. I look around and see other girls standing next to me at the bar, either ordering a drink or trying to get their man to get them one. I sigh finishing my drink, I turn around and order another one. I start to wonder when I would get the balls to stand up and go dance with Livia.
            I peek over at the two guys again. They are now leaning over the railing. Its like they noticed me looking there way again because at the same time they both look up in my direction. My eyes widen and I quickly turn back around as if I got caught doing something that I wasn’t supposed to be doing.
Dammit, I think to myself. Now they know I was looking there way. Fuck it, I peek again. I could hardly tell them apart other than one being slightly taller than the other and the body was built slightly different. The red lights are not helping. They both look like they have black hair, brushed back with some strands in front of their faces. One runs his hand up into his hair, pushing some back.
            The taller one looks over to the person who walked up to him and talks to them. I noticed he had a half up and half down style. He then gets pulled away. I quickly look away when the bartender slams the drink down next to me and moves on to the next order. I grabbed it and held the straw against the ice so I could drink it all at once. I set the cup down and look back over seeing neither of the men. Damn, they were a nice sight to see.
            I looked back down to look for Livia, but I couldn’t see her due to there being so many people. But I did peep at her white dress amongst the crowd, allowing me to calm down a bit. I don’t want to be left here alone.
            I think that I want to just chill here at the bar until Livia is ready to go. Maybe another night I will feel more comfortable. I order another shot wanting to get a little more wasted.  
            See, I don’t mind being a bigger girl. In fact, I love my body. But other people’s eyes and thoughts on my body practically shove me back into the insecure locker I was trying to desperately get out of my whole life.
            Like I thought, the shot made me feel great. I spun around in my seat to maybe get a look for Livia again and maybe join her, but someone was blocking my view. It was a shirtless guy, and he kind of looked like the one you were looking at earlier across the room. His hands were tucked in his front pockets, he slowly tilts his head while keeping eye contact with you. I suddenly get really confused and look around and even behind me (Even though there was only a bartender behind me and helping someone else.) He slowly walks up and stands in front of me. His thighs hit my knees as I sat in the bar stool. I couldn't help but to think that if I opened my legs a little, he could fit right between.
            Oh! Maybe he wanted a drink. I slowly try and move around him, but his eyes never leave me.
            “Sorry, Ill get out of your way…” I mumbled, hoping that he would get the hint and move back a little so I could leave without bumping into him accidentally. But his hand reaches out and stops me. I pause and look down at his huge pale hand caressing my arm.
            “You’re not in my way.” He leans in and whispers in my ear. Maybe he said it normally, the club is loud, and I can’t really hear anything over the sound of my rapidly beating heart. Little did you know, you were making his heartbeat extremely fast too. He doesn’t drink, and this is his job, meaning he rarely gets nervous. He’s confident in himself.
            “Why aren’t you dancing?” He asks me with a little smile. I just shrug my shoulders, not really knowing how to answer him. He grabs both of your hands in his and he rubs his thumbs across the top. I can’t help but stare at our hands together. He slowly brings one of my hands up and my eyes follow. He slowly leaves a kiss on top of my fingers smiling at the fact that our eyes are now connected. His lips leave a warm touch, making my heartbeat faster.
            “A pretty girl like you must be waiting for someone to ask her, mhm?” He says smoothly. I really had a hard time saying anything. His eyes were so sharp, his skin so smooth. His gaze hurts, so I quickly look away.
            He suddenly brings both of my hands up and lays them flat against his chest. One hand feels the pounding of his heart and the other one feels the warmth of his chest. His heart starts beating faster as his hands push my hands down, to trail against the hard muscles on his torso. I couldn’t help myself but bend my fingers at the tips and allow my nails to scratch him along the way. Making him flinch and lean into me. I squeeze my thighs at his reaction.
            “Fuck,” He whimpers in my ear. Now my heart is beating out of my chest. I feel his breathing calm down a bit. “Dance with me. Please dance with me. I want-no. I need to feel you against me while we dance.” He pleads in my ear. Two thoughts come up. In America there is these people called fat fuckers or chubby chasers. Who simply wants you because you’re a BBW. Now I may be thick but I’m not extremely fat. But to Koreans, shit I could be. But the second thought is saying fuck it. This god of a man is standing in front of you, leaning into you. Take the fucking dance. So, I nod my head and take his hand as he pulls me in for a dance.
            We make it to the dance floor and get swallowed into it, now it feels like I’m in the middle of it. I’m not too sure what to do now that I’m under the watch of this beautiful shirtless man. The song ‘Stay Ready’ by Jhene Aiko comes on, and it makes you smile. A good song I can just vibe too.
I’m not too sure how to impress people, I like to be myself and hope that does the job. The alcohol that I drank earlier is running through my system. I look over at the male in front of me and he smiles softly at me and backs up a bit giving me room to do my thing. He starts sways to the music.
            I bring my hands around and move my body to the beat of the song. Swaying to the rhythm, my hands follow the curves of my body. I close my eyes to feel the music through the floor. My butt is moving a little more, my neck moving my head in slow circles. I lean my head back and run my hand around my neck really feeling myself. They lead into my hair, my full body now enjoying the song. I open my eyes and look at the man. He stopped moving and his eyes seemed darker than before. The red light of the club is not helping any. He bites his lower lip and grabs my hand spinning me around. I instantly bend over and grind my ass against him. I can’t help but smile and I feel both of his hands suddenly grab ahold of me and he pushes into me harder. I lean up and his hands take the chance to feel me up even more. I pushed myself away from him and continued dancing in front of him, knowing that he was extremely turned on because I felt the same exact way.
Kendricks part just ended and that’s when I feel hands on my waist. They pull me into a hard body. My eyes pop back open to see the guy lean into my ear and whisper. “God, you’re so fucking hot.” I could feel his hard on as we danced against each other. Our eyes never leave each other’s. Noses bumping against each other’s, lips almost touching.  
As the transition of the song comes on and suddenly another set of hands grabs ahold of me and pulls me away from the body I was against. I spun around and then held onto. I look up at a man that was slightly taller and notice him from earlier. His hands trailing from my hips and going up.
            “Hi gorgeous.” He mumbles against my skin as he leaves open mouth kisses against my skin. That’s when I realized that maybe they were really looking at me before!
            “Hi…” I let out breathlessly. One of his hands lowers itself and lets my hips sway to the song. I soon feel the other guy come back and close me into a shirtless man sandwich.
            The next song is ‘Get You’ By Daniel Caesar and Kali Uchis. I thought we were done dancing, but they kept their hold on me. The taller one with the bun holds on to my lower waist and his head leans against mine, our ears almost touching. While the lower one tucks his arms around my waist, just below my breasts and leans his head against my back. Our body moves slowly and in sync to the song. The male behind me, his hands keep moving everywhere and squeezing. He thrusts into my ass every now and then.
            The taller one keeps leaving random kisses on my forehead and cheeks and neck. Everywhere he can reach but my lips. It makes me think that maybe they do this with chosen girls, and maybe lips are off limits. They certainly know how to make a girl feel special. The taller one continues to softly sing into my ear as we sway.
            The music becomes foggy as I get deeper in my thoughts.
            The shorter man, (He is still much taller than me. Two inches maybe?) He lets go and moves letting the cooler air hit my back. I’m already missing his body heat. I thought he was just going to leave but he walked around and stand next to the guy in front of me. He pries one of his hands off me and he join in wrapping both of his hands around me and the other guy. Now that I’m seeing both guys in front of me and side by side. Red light or not, I couldn’t deny how fucking gorgeous they are.
            “I’m sorry, I might get fired for this, but I can’t help myself.” The shorter one says and brings the arm that was wrapped around the other guy up and grabs the back of my neck and brings his face to mine. His lips crush mine. I feel him groan against me and they both squeeze me in closer. At this point he was in the middle now and the taller man was blocking anyone from really seeing.
            “San…” The taller one says in a warning voice. I went to break away, but he kept me in place. He leaves a couple more kisses on my lips.
            I’m honestly in shock. This is such an out of body experience. I lose any words that come to mind.
            “We have to go now but I hope to see you again.” The taller one says and leans in and leaves a slow and long kiss on my cheek and gives my ass another small squeeze. “San importunely cut our time here with you short.” He glares at the shorter one. You realized why he was kissing everywhere else so much.
            “I’m Wooyoung by the way.” He smiles and drags San away.
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i-am-beckyu · 9 months
One Small Gift
HELLO! I TOLD YOU I'D POST ONE MORE FIC THIS YEAR! And I am very proud of myself for making it a Christmas centered fic! I can't believe it's actually been a year since I last posted a Christmas fic. Like where did the time go and how did this thing spawn?
I'm gonna ramble a bit more at the bottom of this fic about me and the community but lets not hold you up any longer so I give you: The Christmas Fic- One Small Gift :3
cw: fear, death mention (but no actual death), lying, panic and anxiety, fluff- Like, ALOT of Fluff, hidden identity and of course happy endings. You know, the usual angst/fluffy Beckyu fic :3 word count: 8351
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
Why did the walls always have to be so damn cold? 
Tommy’s mind couldn’t help but linger on the thought, as the Borrower shivered making his way through the maze that was the inside the house walls.
Human Beans invented heaters AGES ago for the insides of their houses to keep warm, so how was it that the inside of the walls were still always so flippen freezing? 
Would it kill them to think of the little guy freezing their butt off just once?
Well no, maybe not. But it certainly would Tommy. 
As much as the young blonde would love to cuss at the home owner for not giving him a proper source of heat, the Borrowers code quite literally FORBID them from ever telling a Human of their existence. Not to forget the fact that it would mean doom for a borrower if they ever did. All the horror stories of Borrowers being squished or experimented on from the elders to go off being proof enough.
Death by Human Beans?
HA! Absolutely NOT!
That’s exactly the reason why he is trying to get supplies for the Winter to warm himself up, before it gets even colder! 
Tommy grumbled to himself as he ducked and weaved past forgotten cobwebs about how it was such a pain to be in this position in the first place. He’d had a perfectly fine home in a tree nook in the forest that had always remained nice and cosy warm during the colder months. 
Even if that meant he’d been living on his own, Tommy had been happy living as an Outie borrower for as long as he could remember. Well at least he had, before some tall, pretentious brunette freak decided his home would be the perfect tree to cut down and drag all the way back to his stupid freezing cold house. 
But it gets better, because even though the main part of his home was actually still intact under the now stump, the Bean still took the top half of the tree- 
With Tommy still inside it! 
They flippen took HIS house and wrapped it in a net; effectively trapping the poor borrower and then strapped it to the top of their car and drove hours and hours to a Human Town with him hanging on for dear life.
And that’s not even the worst part because not only did the flippen Bean steal part of his house, but then they had the audacity to cover the tree's dying corpse in fancy decorations and shining lights. 
Like seriously WTF?!
A Bean kidnaps him from the only place he’s ever really known and covers his once thriving residence all merrily in ornaments, while he’s forced to flee his only real known place of safety with nothing but the clothes on his back, and the few supplies he did have stored in the upper levels of his now dying home. He hadn’t wanted to leave, but it was the only choice he really had. 
Stay in the tree and get caught, or try and survive in the Beans' walls until Winter passes.
He chose the latter of course- (It’s not like staying would have helped him anyways) 
Getting down from the top of the tree had been, well- less than a fun time for the Borrower. The big purple bruises across his back were a throbbing reminder from his impact on the floor at times, but he managed. 
Instead, Tommy had started to navigate his temporary ‘soon to be home’ in the walls getting an idea of the layout and where the best places were to borrow from. He just had to make it through the Winter and then he could go home. Trying to get back to his nook now would be impossible with all the snow cover on the ground, but he’d get back to the forest even if it killed him.
Which might be the case soon if he doesn’t get some new clothes and heat source quick.
That was the main issue with being kidnapped after all. You only have what’s on your back and well, Tommy hadn’t exactly been expecting to get yoinked away in his scrappy T-Shirt and shorts. He had proudly made them himself with the few scraps of fabric he’d managed to find from some Beans that had been passing through years ago on a camping trip, but the fabric was light, and not made to be worn in such cold conditions. 
He’d only meant to go up and check what the heck the loud thumping outside his tree was like any normal person. He was expecting a deer or maybe a bear using it as a scratching post, not a Bean cutting their house down and taking him along with it. You don’t exactly have time to think about putting on proper clothing when your everything is at stake.
So that was step one: Find some material and make some clothes- a jacket the top priority.
Tommy is very thankful that he had his borrowing bag on him, that he still has his self made needle and some old thread so he at least didn’t have to start from nothing. Finding the material hadn’t been too difficult to locate either. When he first scouted the place, he discovered pretty quickly that the Bean had a habit of leaving stuff all over the place, so borrowing supplies hadn’t been difficult to do without being noticed. It’s how he found the most perfect fluffy woollen red sock to make a coat and blanket from. He would already have it now though if the Bean hadn’t come back before he could swipe it.
The Borrower had tried to come back for it later, but the Bean had decided it was time to clean their room up because he had some guests coming for this thing called ‘Chris-mass’- whatever that was- and the sock was gone.
So instead he grabbed what he could and made his way back to the walls with just enough fabric to make a new pair of pants and some crackers for dinner.
But it still didn’t fix the whole freezing situation.
What Tommy really needed was a candle. 
To a Human Bean it may seem to be an insignificant source of light, but to a Borrower it could literally be the difference between a warm nights sleep and becoming a Borrower popsicle! But that was easier said then done because all the usual spots Beans would normally keep candles, were replaced with flippen electric ones!!!! 
What’s wrong with fire on candles!? Why would you want a fake candle that just flickers and produces less light than a real one?
That or something for a bed. At least that way he’d have a comfortable place to sleep and trap his own body heat.
He really wishes he could have taken those socks…
As if this Bean wasn’t bad enough, not only did they lack the materials Tommy so desperately needed, but they wouldn’t shut up talking into the black box (a fone he thinks it’s called from memory) to other Beans with how excited they were about them coming to stay for the Hole-lid-days and spend time huddled together by the fire or something dumb. 
“Come on Dad! Let me host. If you let me host, I’ve got the coolest surprise planned for you and Techno I swear!! Plus don’t you want to come and see me?” 
Lucky prick. Got a Dad and a brother…
Now don’t get him wrong, Tommy is a big man, if not the biggest man to ever exist and he doesn’t need anyone. But he also couldn’t help but long for someone to share the cold season with like the Beans did. It had been so long since he’d seen another Borrower like himself and though he’d never admit it, living alone did get a little bit lonely sometimes. It would be nice if just once he could share a night cuddled up close to a loved one, and just bask in each other’s company. 
But Tommy didn’t have time to be sentimental about things he’d likely never have.
He needed to find a way to stay warm and get warm now.
But the universe decidedly hated Tommy because, tonight was apparently December 24th-
Chrisymiss Eve.
Tommy had been here about a week or so and in his short stay still wasn’t 100% sure what this whole Khrislermas was, but it appeared to be a BIG deal to the Beans. 
Apparently, all the Beans get together whether it’s family or friends to spend time together and exchange gifts. It’s about being thankful for what you have or whatever and something about showing how much you love someone by giving and receiving presents. 
Tommy thought it was actually quite a nice thing the Beans did and wished that Borrowers had something similar themselves in their culture. However, there was one thing he still didn’t quite understand about this whole holiday thing.
Who the heck is Santa Claus?
He’d been taking some more crackers the Bean had left out from the kitchen while this ‘tv show’ played on the Bean's big Black box that was talking about this Santa guy. Apparently, he was some elusive, big fat man, dressed all in red with a big white bushy beard, who climbed down the Beans chimneys, and left gifts for all the little boys and girls of the world. He had this list too that knew if you’d been naughty or nice and would leave the good children gifts and the bad children coal in their stockings. 
Children could write letters to Santa or he’d visit and children could sit on his knee and ask him for a gift they would like and he would deliver the toys to children all over the world on Christmas eve when everyone was sleeping, only to have disappeared by daybreak.
Tommy hadn’t thought much of this Santa at first- not when it was just another Bean to avoid. That was until he learned two very important details.
1- Santa delivered presents to ALL children of the world. 
And 2- Santa wasn’t meant to be seen by Humans either.
So not only did this Santa guy literally just give out free gifts, but Tommy literally had a way to get exactly what he needed for the winter!
All he needed to do was talk to Santa and he’d be saved! 
Now you might be thinking: But Tommy, you said it yourself. Santa isn’t meant to be seen by anyone so what makes you the exception? 
Borrowers aren’t meant to be seen by Beans and neither is Santa.
Which means just like Borrowers, Santa must not want to be caught (which if he thinks too hard about it makes sense since he literally breaks into houses but anyways) and unlike with Beans, there is no rule that says Borrowers can’t see Santa!
All he has to do is wait for Santa to visit Crystamas eve, and then he can ask for his gift! Santa probably even knows what he wants, being made of magic and all! He just never knew Santa existed so he’s never asked for his gift before! 
If he were a more greedy Borrower, he could ask for so much more to make up for all the years he never got a gift, but that would probably put him on Santa’s naughty list. And while coal would be good, Tommy doesn’t exactly want to burn the house down with him inside it. So this was his best shot to get exactly what he needed. 
The hard bit though, was waiting for Santa to arrive. That meant not only having to be out in the living room where the fireplace was, but also meant he had to wait for the Bean to fall asleep. Which really meant that it would be AGES before Santa would come because the Bean of the house was terrible at sleeping at night. 
The man literally had no sleep schedule and would stay up till terrible times in the morning before drifting off. Normally that wasn’t much of an issue for the Borrower having observed this early on, but right now it was very much a hindrance because it could be hours before they went to bed. 
It also seemed that they wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon, because the amount of energy and excitement the Bean had displayed the whole day about his family coming home was overwhelming. He’d come home at one stage with this big bag of stuff talking on the black box about how his super cool surprise was coming along and how it would be awesome since they let him host Chrimpmas- whatever that meant. 
Tommy had hoped with the excitement of the holiday they’d have been ready to pass out by now, but he couldn’t be more wrong with the amount of commotion he could hear from down the hall- and that’s through the walls. 
At least he could observe everything going on from his place on the bookshelf. It was right next to a small crack in the wall he could just squeeze through, but it gave him a good view of the living room but also enough cover from prying eyes unless he made his presence known. However, being out of the walls had one difference the blonde hadn’t accounted for.
The fire had been lit and was keeping the whole room nice and toasty warm compared to the harsh bite the walls somehow managed to keep. The whole atmosphere made him almost want to curl up and fall asleep. It had been so long since he’d been able to just enjoy the warmth in the air and not be shivering to keep alive.
Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt if he had a nap before Santa arrived.
Just a quick one….
Tommy was awoken to a rather loud THUNK as the Borrower shot up from where he had fallen asleep atop the shelf. 
It took the blonde a moment to realise where he was and not panic about being out in the open before his eyes settled upon a figure. 
Sprawled out across the floor in a heap of red and white was the jolly big man himself.
Santa Claus.
The one and only.
“Santa!” Tommy yelled excitedly as he hurriedly manoeuvred to stand. “Santa you came!”
Santa’s head snapped up from the floor alarmed, as they pushed themselves to stand and take a defensive stance.
“Who said that?!” they shouted, looking around wildly panicked. “Show yourself!”
Tommy giggled to himself. Santa was so silly. 
“Up here Santa! I’ve been waiting for you.” The blonde waved as the man's head turned and their eyes fell onto his small form. 
Tommy grinned at the magical man taking him all in. 
Just like the figure on the big black box, Santa wore a big red coat with white fluff lining the ends of his sleeves. A big black belt was strapped around their waist, fastened with a fancy golden buckle and sturdy black boots on their feet to keep out the snow. Their head was adorned with an oversized big red hat, with a giant white fluffy pom pom on the end, and they had a long white beard that travelled down their chest. And last but not least was a pair of gold rimmed glasses perched on the tip of their rosy red nose which accentuated their big brown eyes that were staring at him in wonder. 
He could have sworn that Santa's eyes were blue.
“I can’t believe you came! I wasn’t sure if you would since I never sent a letter but you must have known anyway cause here you are!” The little borrower stated excitedly as Santa removed his glasses, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. 
“I’m so glad you’re here! I really need my Crimpmess present.” 
“I’m sorry you’re what?” the man’s eyes furrowed in confusion as they processed what the younger had said.
“My present!.” Tommy rolled his eyes. “You know, the whole reason why you’re here.”
Santa didn’t exactly seem like he knew what was going on. Right now all he was doing was staring and Tommy was getting a bit annoyed. 
Was that not why Santa was here? To deliver his present like the show had said?
Tommy huffed annoyed he had to explain all this. Wasn’t this like his job? He should know!
“I’m sorry,” Santa began slowly as if trying to process. “I didn’t actually know you were here.”
“Why else would you have come then?” Tommy crossed his arms unimpressed. “I’m the only kid here, but don’t tell anyone else I said that. I’m a big man! The biggest ever!”
This finally seemed to warrant a different reaction from the older, as they looked the boy up and down unimpressed by this so-called ‘fact’.
“A big man huh? You look more like a child. What are you- 12?”
Tommy feigned a gasp, grasping his chest offendedly. “I’ll have you know I’m 14 and the biggest man alive! I’m only a child for the purpose of getting my gift tonight and tonight only!”
Santa couldn’t stifle a laugh as he watched as the small child stomped his foot in a mini tantrum at being called 12. It was endearing in a way but he still wasn’t sure how to proceed with a tiny child standing on their bookshelf.
“Well whatever you say I guess, but I still I didn’t know you were here.”
The blonde shrugged before moving closer to the shelfs edge. “Ah well it doesn’t matter. You’re here now so I’d like my gift please! You have it right?” 
“If I didn’t know you were here, then how would I have your present with me?” Santa asked.
Well he did make a good point. It’s not like he sent Santa a letter and he hadn't met him to tell him like other human bean children had until now. 
“Oh right. Guess I better come sit on your knee and tell you what I’d like than.” Tommy stated matter of factly, as the small Borrower moved to the edge of the shelf and stabbed his hook into the wood, quickly jumping off to descend on his rope to the ground.
“Wait, DON’T DO THAT!” 
The blonde yelped in surprise, moving instinctually to protect his ears at the sheer volume the man shouted, in turn losing his grip on his rope, quickly plummeting down to the ground below. Santa lunged forward with an outstretched hand as the boy slipped down the rope at a rapid speed, catching him before any real harm could be done. He semi slammed into the wall, clutching his hand to his chest as they did so before quickly unfurling their hand.
“Oh my prime! Kid- kid are you alright?” Santa said frantically checking over the boy he now held in his palm. 
Tommy shook his head, dizzy from the sudden force that had rammed into him only moments ago. He tried to steady himself grabbing, onto the nearest thing his hand could find as he begun to regain his bearings.
Oh he was going to ache tomorrow…
“As soon as the world stops spinning, yeah.”
Santa sighed in relief as Tommy allowed himself to regain focus. It was then that he really took note of where he was. 
Normally, if a Borrower was sitting in the hand of someone almost 100x his size, he would be kicking and screeching to get away. But this was Santa Claus’s hand and Tommy felt only wonder. 
It was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. The thing he had grabbed onto was apparently Santa’s thumb and it was almost as big as his head! Even if it was a bit weird sitting on the leathery texture of their skin, the warmth radiating beneath him was heavenly, and the way the man’s fingers curled slightly over him protectively felt nothing but comforting. 
Santa hadn’t moved since he caught Tommy mid air, and was staring at Tommy as if they would disappear. They seemed stuck on what to do next, but also amazed he was sitting there at all.
“You alright there big man?” Tommy raised a brow confused at why the man would act this way. Santa was literally made of magic and had flying reindeer for goodness sake! A borrower existing surely was no cause for such amazement? There were surely way more interesting magical things to see than a lowly Borrower like him. 
(But then again, he was a pretty poggers Borrower if he did so say that himself, so staring could be justified for that reason)
This finally snapped the old man out of their wondrous stupor, as they squinted their eyes open and shut with a quick shake of their head. 
“Uh yep. All good um. Let's- go sit down. Yeah- yeah, let's do that.” Santa said, confirming more to themself than Tommy.
Santa brought the boy protectively to their chest to brace them before they moved away from the book shelf, smoothly walking over to the couch where the old man sat down ever so slowly to not jostle their small passenger. The second they were bending down to sit though, Tommy was launching himself off Santa’s palm for his knee as the bearded man frantically tried to stop them in their escapade.
“Kid, would you stop doing that? You’re going to hurt yourself!”
“Pfft please. This is nothing compared to how I got down from that tree over there.” The boy grinned as they pointed to the far corner of the living room.
The man's head followed to where the boy was pointing, the Christmas tree displayed proudly in a large pot tied with a red bow, small lights flickering on and off in changing patterns.
“Tree? You mean the Christmas tree?”
“Yep!” Tommy stood proudly popping the p. “I had to get down somehow and my hook would have gotten stuck in amongst the branches if I had tried to abseil down. So I did what any logical Borrower would do and jumped.”
“You jumped?!” Santa’s eyes widened, as he looked back and forth between the boy and the top of the brightly decorated tree. He grimaced, imagining the boy throwing themselves from the upper branches like they had done only moments before onto his knee. 
What was with this kid and being so reckless?!
“You jumped from the top of the Christmas tree!? Why were you even there in the first place?”
Tommy rolled his eyes, crossing their arms in front of their chest. 
“It’s all that stupid Beans fault.”He huffed annoyed. “He just came waltzing into MY forest, decided to be very rude and put their grubby hands all over MY house wrapping it up in some ugly net, only to cut it down with me still in it!”
Tommy didn’t notice the way Santa’s brows furrowed and their expression changed to one of horror as he continued to ramble on.
“They literally kidnapped me, Santa! They’re so lucky that the main part of my house is under the tree’s trunk and not the higher branches because I swear I would have murdered that Bean in their sleep by now if they had!”
Tommy was very pleased to have finally gotten to vent some of his frustrations to someone other than his internal self, but now he was finished he had a good chance to register the other’s reaction.
Santa looked horrified.
His eyes seemed glossed over as if he was holding back tears, and one hand slapped over their mouth, the other gripping their wrist tightly in an attempt to ground themselves. 
Uh shit. He hadn’t meant for that to happen…
“Uh but don’t worry Santa!” Tommy was quick to add. “ I wouldn’t actually do that. That would be a bad thing to do and put me on the Naughty list! I promise I won’t actually murder anyone!” 
Phew, that was a close one. He couldn’t jeopardise his only hope with a silly joke!
Santas’ face had yet to change and Tommy subconsciously started to fidget feeling nervous to how the older was reacting. Maybe he had blown it and now he was on the naughty list. Another glance at the old man's face seemed to confirm those fears.
He’d blown it.
His one shot at survival and he practically threw it all away with a vent. No wonder he ended up all alone.
“Please don’t put me on the Naughty list Santa. I need my gift.” Tommy spoke timidly. “I didn’t mean it.”
“I- no. No you’re not on the Naughty list.” Santa dragged his hands over his eyes a few times strained. “I'm just trying to process. It’s more of the whole kidnapping thing. ” 
If Tommy had been paying better attention, he may have noticed the few stray brown curls poking out from under the man's hat, but he was more thrown by their following question as the magical man continued on.
“If you were in the tree, why didn’t you say anything?”
Tommy drew a deep breath, before sighing as the boy shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Because Santa, Beans aren’t supposed to know that Borrowers like me even exist.”
“Human Beans Santa. You know, big people like you, but not magical and stuff.” The Borrower explained. “There’s no way I could tell the dumb Bean he was cutting my house down! Do you know what Beans do to Borrowers like me?” 
“Um no?” Santa fiddled with his hands as he looked away, eyes downcast to avoid the youngers gaze as they continued.
“They get rid of us. To them we’re just pests or things to be used.”
Tommy hugged himself tightly, anxiety pooling in his chest for the first time that night. He wished it wasn’t true, but Beans just held far too much power for their own good. Their greed often outweighing their need to do good without reward. 
“I’d rather risk jumping out of a tree than ever fall into the clutches of a Bean.” 
“But how do you know that?” Santa suddenly said, muscles tensing as they clenched their hand into fists. 
Tommy flinched at the sight of hands so close. Closed so tightly that he couldn’t help let slip the thought of himself in the mercy of their grasp, begging to be freed like all the stories had said of the Borrowers trapped in agonising pain. The man noticed his discomfort, and immediately loosened their fists, moving their hands away and under their thighs so as to not startle the boy any further than they already had.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Santa said with a sense of guilt.  “But I just- How do you know that though? Who says that they would have hurt you if you had just made your presence known? You wouldn’t have had to jump or gotten hurt.”
Santa turned away sheepishly, whispering sadly. “They could have helped you.” 
Tommy swallowed hard, his shoulders sagging as he observed the sad look Santa had as they stared at the Christmas tree. It was obvious they were blaming themself for what had happened. He was far too kind for that.
“Santa, it’s not your fault.” the boy sighed, “Every borrower is taught this from birth. It’s a known fact that Beans are all cruel, power hungry beings. They always want more and just take, take, take.”  
“But what if this ‘Bean’ didn’t know.” Santa shot back, causing the Borrower to falter. “What if you had said something? They would have stopped and left you and your house alone? How do you know they wouldn’t have helped you?”
“Because Santa,” Tommy turned and faced the man head on. “That’s just how Beans are. To them, we're just another thing to take and control.” 
Tommy wanted to believe Santa, he really did, but it was hard to just ignore years of being brought up to beware Human Beans and their cruelty. He’d seen it even from when Beans had once come into the forest with their fire sticks, and took down a friendly deer. It was unnecessarily cruel and was all the convincing Tommy needed to deem all Humans bad.
Santa nodded sadly in some kind of understanding, but Tommy couldn’t understand why Santa looked so hurt. It wasn’t his fault the Bean took him and his home, but he seemed so convinced that hiding and not asking for help had been the wrong thing to do. 
He thought they were the same, that if Beans caught him on Christmas Eve, then something bad would happen to him like it would for Borrowers. That’s why they had to stay a secret. Why no one could know they were here. 
But Santa wasn’t a Borrower who lived in hiding unknown. The Beans knew about the jolly, present giving man that only appeared in December. 
He could live among the Beans and it would be fine if he asked for help. Everyone liked Santa. He didn’t take things just to survive. He gave toys and gifts so he would have no worries about the repercussions of taking a paperclip just to get around. He wouldn’t have to worry about Beans hurting him if something went wrong. He would just use his magic and be fine.
It was Santa’s choice to stay hidden as an extra precaution to protect that same magic. 
“But you’re different from the Beans Santa.” The boy perked up instantly remembering why he was doing this in the first place. “You only come out of hiding at Christmas and everyone knows who you are! You only hide to keep your magic safe from Beans so they can’t have that too!” 
The man gave a small smile as the boy continued to ramble, pacing back and forth on his thigh as he did so.
“But I don’t understand why you give children presents when they already have so much!” Tommy stopped, his lips pursed together as his voice dropped to a whisper.
“Unlike me.” He confessed quietly, lifting his head to meet Santa’s sympathetic gaze. 
Santa was staring at the young boy again, leaned forward in concern listening as the blonde  continued to share his story.
“It's why I need my gift Santa.” Tommy wringed his hands together with a nervous glance to see Santa’s reaction who nodded in approval, gesturing for him to continue. 
Tommy steadied himself.
Now or never.
“I was brought here with basically nothing. Forced to move into the Beans walls or risk being seen. I’ve barely been able to get anything for basic survival and the walls are freezing!” 
Tommy shivered remembering the way the air had nipped at his nose as he struggled to keep warm. Clutching himself tightly in a poor attempt to retain any kind of body heat. The one time he went up stairs without his coat and of course he gets kidnapped.
He needed this. 
More than anything.
Wilbur had just wanted to have the perfect Christmas.
It was his first time hosting and had decided he HAD to go all out.
More decorations than his little house needed both inside and out, homemade hot chocolate from scratch and had promised his Father and brother a very special Christmas surprise if they let him host.
Their first ever living Christmas tree and a surprise visit from the Big man himself- Santa Claus.
He’d done a bunch or research into the best spots to go where he could get a tree and quickly had been recommended from several sites about the fir trees in Logstedshire, and quickly made the trip out to find a tree.
What the websites failed to mention, was that said fir trees might be inhabited and the home of tiny people that are terrified of Human Beings. 
So if you asked: No, Wilbur was not having a good night realising he had kidnapped a child that was deathly afraid of him and only okay right now because he thought he was the real Santa Claus. 
In a way, it was a good thing the kid hadn’t realised yet, because if Wilbur had never dressed up in this silly costume, he probably would have never known about the child freezing to death in his walls.
The child was so cold despite their lively spirit when he’d caught them after they launched themself off the top of the shelf. The fact it wasn’t the first time they’d thrown themself from such a height made Wilbur sick knowing had they not been lucky, could very well not have made the long fall. But the fact the kid had been struggling, terrified and afraid in his walls when he could have helped had the guilt eating him away as the boy rambled on.
They were so sure of themselves with the cruelty of humanity too that they had him so on edge. If the blonde knew he was really the guy that had cut his tree down, he very much doubted they would be this enthusiastic. He was talking about how much he needed his gift- the gift he still had no clue what it was, but just hearing the little blondes tale, and seeing how thin his clothes were had Wilbur making a very long list of things he needed to get to help the kid out. 
A kid which he still doesn’t know the name of.
The boy's eyes had brightened, as he bounded up and down on the balls of his feet eagerly, talking about what this gift would mean for him. He was actually quite endearing despite their seemingly dire situation.
“If I tell you my gift, then you can give it to me now and I’ll actually have a chance to survive the Winter!” He explained excitedly, grining.
Wilbur pushed down his anxiousness for the boys well-being. They had already suffered enough from his mistakes. He didn’t want them to suffer any longer than they had by them accidentally discovering the truth.
“What’s your name kid?” Wilbur mentally slapped himself  that he hadn’t asked sooner.
The tiny boy chuckled to himself as they crossed their arms. “Oh come on Santa, you know my name don’t you? You have a list with every child's name on it.”
Ah- right. Santa did have that Naughty and Nice list didn’t he? Curse Santa for having to live up to magical standards.
“Uh- I came here in such a rush, I um- ah must have left my list back at the North Pole.”
“So?” The boy argued, raising a brow. “You’re magic. Don’t you just know?”
Did he say endearing earlier? How about difficult for making him use his brain at 9pm at night. (Shut up. Don’t judge him for it)
“Well you know there’s like 2 Billion kids in this world and I see them all in one night. You don’t expect me to remember every name without my list do you?”
The kid hadn’t seemed to account for this, and thought it over before shrugging in agreement. 
Oh thank goodness for kids being young and naive. 
“I guess that’s fair. But you’ve got a s*** memory in that case Big Man. Getting old.” 
Actually, make that an annoying gremlin.
“I think if someone wants their present, they should be more careful about insulting their elders.” Wilbur teased with a chuckle. The boy rolled his eyes with a groan. 
Okay, an endearing gremlin then.
“Fiiiiiiiiine.” they drawled letting their arms drop to their sides before extending their hand up in greeting. “The name’s Tommy.”
Wilbur carefully lifted his arm up and slowly extended his pinky finger out for the boy to take in an oversized handshake. 
“Nice to meet you Tommy.” His finger dwarfed the boy entirely, his pinky finger only slightly shorter than the boy's total height, but nevertheless, Tommy took the tip and shook it lightly.
“Now, why don’t you sit down and tell me what it is you’d like for Christmas?”
Wilbur couldn’t help but smile at the little boy excitedly sharing in exact detail what he wanted. What the Borrower wanted wasn’t even that difficult to get, and he knew exactly where to find it. Tommy continued to ramble on for a bit longer about what he had been doing since coming here and Wilbur made mental notes of the few places where Tommy talked about entrances in out of the walls for future reference.
He was going to have to look out for Tommy from now on and if he wanted a shred of hope in getting him to trust him as Wilbur, he was going to need a plan.
“So could I have my gift now? I would really love it now and you still have a lot of other houses to visit tonight right?” Tommy asked innocently.
Wilbur really didn’t want to stop talking to Tommy. Tommy trusted the magical Santa Claus; not regular Human Being Wilbur Soot. He knew that if he let Tommy go now, it was unlikely he would see the kid again, but if he didn’t leave as Santa now, they would most likely get suspicious, realising he was a fake and panic. 
Wilbur sighed as he brushed a stray hair of fake beard from under his cheek.
“I- yeah I guess so. Best get you to bed then too.” 
“Awwww but I’m not sleepy yet!” The blonde pouted. “This is normally when I’m awake so it would be a crime to make me sleep now.”
“Well good little girls and boys go to bed when they’re told if they want to stay on the nice list.”
“You’re not the boss of me!” Tommy stuck his tongue out in defiance and Wilbur had to bite his to stop himself from bursting out loud laughing. 
This kid was going to be the death of him he swears.
Wilbur extended his hand to the Borrower, keeping it steady as he waited for Tommy to climb on. He’s still a little huffy at first realising there was no room for argument, but climbs on anyway, sitting down in the middle of Wilbur’s palm bracing themself before he moves.
The brunette curls his fingers over the boy slightly, bringing his hand to his chest protectively. He tries not to linger too long at how it felt to hold an entire person in one hand for the second time tonight before moving to stand. 
Steadily, Wilbur makes his way over to the book shelf and cautiously raises his hand up for Tommy to climb off of. He sets his hand down on the wooden surface and Tommy takes no time in hoping off to stand, waiting expectantly for his promised present.  
“Okay I need you to close your eyes just for a second.” Wilbur asks the boy who quickly covers his eyes with his hands, only to peak out from behind his fingers seconds later.
“I mean it Tommy. Keep them closed.”
“Ugggghhhhh Fineee!” the boy said huffing, but relented nevertheless. 
Wilbur quickly whirled around and crouched down beneath the Christmas tree, snagging a gift from the floor and hastily tearing the gift tag labelled- Technoblade; from the gift before setting it next to the small borrower child. 
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” 
Tommy removed his hands and squealed in delight, quickly reaching down to hug the gift. 
“Oh thank you Santa! You really are the most poggers man ever!!!” Tommy spoke rapidly, smiling so much his cheeks hurt. “Well after me of course, but only by a little bit!” 
Wilbur chuckled as he gazed affectionately at the blonde hunched over the brightly wrapped gift. “You’re welcome Tommy. I’m glad you like it.”
The boy quickly stood, and started hauling the gift to the crack in the wall, as they tried to shove the gift through. Unfortunately while the crack had been enough for Tommy to squeeze through, it wasn’t quite wide enough to let the present go in without getting a tad scrunched up and paper torn. 
“Um, Tommy? Is there perhaps a bigger entrance I could take this too?” Wilbur suggested, cringing slightly as the boy gave another hard shove on the gift, intent on getting it through no matter what.
“It’ll fit. Just gotta keep pushing it in.” 
After a few more attempts, the boy did in fact give up and relented their efforts allowing Wilbur to pull the now crumpled present back out from the crack, instructing him to take it to the kitchen and place it behind the toaster, assuring him he would get it before the Bean woke up explaining how the electrical socket actually came off as a secret entrance.
He offered to take Tommy over to it too, but the stubborn boy refused, insisting that he had done enough and needed to hurry up and deliver presents to the other children before the night was over.
Taking one more long look at the boy, Wilbur watched as Tommy disappeared through the crack into the walls, the sound of tiny footsteps pitter pattering away before Wilbur himself quietly crept back to his room before he removed the Santa costume and flopped down onto his bed. 
He’d just met a tiny child.
A tiny child trying to survive in his walls.
That was deathly afraid of him.
Quickly Wilbur shot up from his bed snatching his phone from the night stand; a plan forming in his mind. The screen read 9:31 pm before he hastily unlocked it and dove into his contacts, quickly stopping on a profile of a girl with light pink hair, dialling their number shortly after.
The phone rang twice before a woman answered on the other end.
“Niki? Hey! How’s the holidays going?” Wilbur asked as he grabbed his coat and gloves from the wardrobe.
“So I need a favour…”
Tommy awoke warm for the first time that week.
He opened his eyes blearily, almost willing himself to fall back into dream land before his eyes snapped fully open. Tommy rubbed his eyes a few times, eyes going wide trying to comprehend that this was real and not just a dream as the thoughts of the previous night played through his head.
He was in his Christmas present: A brand new pair of bright red, fluffy woollen socks- the most perfect bed ever and exactly what Tommy had asked for. He had basically run to get his gift as fast as possible, before hauling it back through the walls to a space close by the bookshelf; the space seemingly much more homely after last night's introductions. 
He hugged the woollen fabric tightly, smiling as he remembered the soft smile Santa had as he watched him go and how kind and gentle he had been with him the entire time.
The Borrower was so pleased and grateful that he had been able to meet the Santa Claus, and would cherish the magical night forever.
He stayed snuggled in his new bed for a little while longer before his stomach grumbled in protest that he should go and have something to eat. Albeit a little grumbly, his hunger eventually won out and Tommy made his way through the walls back to the kitchen so he could gather some food before the Bean woke up.
Stealthily, he removed the electrical socket, expecting to make it a quick supply run; stepping out into the open before freezing in surprise.
Laid out in a neat pile behind the toaster was a small stack of brightly wrapped gifts all wrapped in different coloured and patterned paper, and right in the middle, an envelope with his name written in gold cursive. Tommy smiled brightly, as he eagerly ran forward to the awaiting stack of gifts, quickly grabbing a gift reading the label. 
To: Tommy From: Santa
Tommy denies that he cried that day. 
That he took each gift home and opened each one oh so delicately, afraid if he didn’t they might just disappear, happy tears trailing down his cheek as he opened a gift revealing a beautiful, blue knitted sweater- and in just his size. 
His tears didn’t cease as he opened the other gifts revealing several new pairs of warm winter clothes, new rope and hooks for climbing, some tea candles with a tiny piece of flint and steel to light them, and the tiniest iced cookies he had ever seen. He could actually hold this in one hand like humans did and he had a whole bag of them!!! His prayers had been answered and he couldn’t be more thankful.
Soon, the only thing that remained was the envelope.
He dried his face as best he could, doing his best to not smear any tears or snot onto the pristine surface as he opened the envelope, revealing a card with a picture of glitter candy canes decorating the front. 
Settled back into his new bed, Tommy opened the card and read the message inside.
Dear Tommy, It was lovely meeting you and getting to know your story. I figured you might  like some extra gifts as well to help you be more comfortable in Wilbur’s walls. I think you should try talking to him.  You might be surprised. Sincerely, Santa Claus
P.S- He’s not as scary as you think.
Tommy’s smile became puzzled as he reread the last few lines.
Who the heck was Wilbur?
Was that the name of the Bean that lived here?
Oh come on, that's not fair! How come Santa knew Wilbur’s name but not his!
He grumbled a little bit at the thought, but his mind kept drawing back to the last line of the card.
‘He’s not as scary as you think.’
“Hmpf, you keep saying that.” Tommy grumbled. 
What was with Santa’s insistence on this?
As much as he wanted to be annoyed at Santa for putting forward such a ridiculous idea, Tommy decided to drag himself out of bed and to the book shelf crack. The Bean had gotten up not long after Tommy had made it back to his new home, but he’d been a tad too distracted to really care about how slow and heavy they had been trudging about this morning unlike their usually poised self.
Currently, said Bean was sitting on the couch, the exact same spot he and Santa had been last night, absentmindedly staring at his hand.
How could Santa think this guy was any good? They had kidnapped him unknowingly, almost let him die from hypothermia unknowingly, destroyed the top of his home unknowingly and Santa still thinks they won’t hurt him?
Okay so maybe it wasn’t their fault all those things happened just because they didn’t know he was there, but that doesn’t mean they’re not still very capable of hurting him for having to do all those things. But then again, Santa knew who was naughty or nice. And he wouldn’t ask him to do something that would endanger his safety if this ‘Wilbur’ guy wasn’t a good person right?
Tommy observed the Bean a little longer, as they ran their thumb over their palm. Their normally neat curly hair was all over the place and he could have sworn there were black bags under their eyes from lack of sleep. They suddenly turned their head and were staring straight at his crack by the book shelf. The Borrower was certain they couldn’t see him from the couch, but ducked back just slightly in case.
The Bean simply sighed as a small smile graced their features. Tommy was right about the black bags. Bean did not look like they had slept at all. 
He thought back to what Santa had said. 
I think you should try talking to him.
They certainly didn’t seem dangerous. Maybe they really weren’t bad like the Jolly man said?
But was it really worth taking the risk and talking to this guy?
Before he could dwell on it for much longer, the door bell sounded and Wilbur snapped his head to the sound before standing and stretching; their limbs popping and cracking slightly from their limited use. Before he left the living room, the man stopped and stared at his crack once more. Tommy didn’t dare breathe as they simply smiled and shook their head, before exiting and headed towards the front door.
Tommy allowed himself to exhale as the sound of footsteps got further away.
“Weirdo.” Tommy muttered to himself as he pushed himself back from the crack and began to head back to his bed for a well deserved rest.
He’d think about what Santa said, and just maybe he’d talk to this- Wilbur. If not, he hoped he'd meet Santa again so he could thank them in person.
Once he was back in his bed, Tommy quickly slipped in snuggling down, allowing himself to drift off to the chatter of beings much larger than himself from beyond the walls.
“Wil! So good to see you! It’s been ages!”
“Hi Dad, thanks for letting me host. I’m so glad you and Techno could make it!
“So are we, but you look like shit mate. Up late again? Wouldn't be related to that surprise you were telling us about?”
“You could say that…” 
Tommy never did meet Santa Claus again.
The card proudly on display in his new home, a secret hope he would one day and a constant reminder of what Santa had asked him to try.
And maybe one day, Tommy would finally take up the old man's advice and go and speak to Wilbur, and discover perhaps they may have been right.
Maybe then he’d finally have a friend to keep him warm during the holiday seasons and to rely on like he had wished. 
One that seemed to always know just what he needed despite never telling them, and was very insistent about never wearing Santa costumes.
No matter how many times a little boy begged….
 ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗   ༺𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂༻༺𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓼༻  ˗ ˏ ˋ ★ˎˊ ˗  
That was a lot of words....
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING TO THE END! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it and it means a lot you read all the way through <3
Tag List: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @da3dm @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker @colossal-red @nobodywritingao3 @nata2343 @bad-author777 @crazyfoxgirl10
And cue rant: Honestly you guys have no idea just how much you all mean to me an in this community and the impact you've had on me in the last year alone. I could not be more thankful for being apart of this and getting to know you guys. Getting so back into writing has been really good for me and rekindled something I love so I can't thank you enough.
And even though I know I've been a little quieter online, I'm still here lurking about and working on projects. A lot has happened in the last few months alone and I'm quite happy that I'm limiting myself to be a bit more healthier with my online habits.
Anyways thanks so much if you read this far!
Thanks to my Beta readers @a-xyz-s squishy and munchkin for reading this for me, and I wish you all a very safe and wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
-Beckyu ❤️
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justcallmecj · 24 days
Pact Mark Location Headcanon: Belphegor
Alright, I know it's been a bit since I last updated this series but I was really feeling the motivation after all the tiredness of school has faded so here! Also, this is the last one! I was contemplating doing special ones for Diavolo and Barbatos, so y'all tell me what you think and I can come up with some ideas. Again, under the pretext that you are together, either all the brothers or just you two, you pick! And on we go-
But of an angst warning on the last one btw
Across the back:
Listen, Idk why, but I love the idea of Belphie's mark manifesting as a large back tattoo.
Now, I have no clue what shape any of the pact marks would be in (other than what each brothers' symbols look like in the game, anything else can be fandom interpretation)
Regardless, I just want the mark to stretch across the back.
My main fuel for the hc is this situation:
You and Belphie napping somewhere comfortable, you laying on your stomach and him on top of you. Let's say that, for whatever reason, your back is exposed and the mark visible.
I think Belphie would find such comfort and peace in being able to see the mark and also acknowledging that, to be able to see it, you have to be truly vulnerable with him
(bc you are either shirtless, wearing something that has a hole in the back and only reaches down so far, or your shirt has ridden up and you are comfortable enough to not fix it)
And for Belphie, with everything he's done, all the bad things he's said, and how rocky your relationship was in the beginning, it's gotten better. He's fixed things, and can now cherish it all.
Also, a sleepy Belphie rubbing his hands on your back and subsequently the pact mark while indulging his sin of Sloth.
Inner thigh:
Belphie is a thigh guy, and I will die on this hill.
Whether it be for someone he's in a relationship with or platonic friends with, thighs make perfect pillows and he will use them to nap with!
And while I gave Mammon the outer thigh for his pact mark hc, I always planned the inner thigh to be saved for Belphie.
Plus, I hc so hard that where Belphie is stifled in showing affection like a normal fucking person, his tail is his greatest expression.
When in demon form, it was gently sway when he's calm, swing violently when he's angry, curl under himself when he's scared and all that other jazz.
Most importantly though, it curls around anything he is fond of. Beel is a common victim of the "oop, Belphie's tail wrapped around me, guess I can't move anymore" (bc he usually passes out soon after)
(God he is such a fucking cow cat)
And, more recently, you have also fallen victim to this random wrapping of tails. And where does Belphie's tail just so happen to natural curl around?
Your thigh, right where your pact mark rests! Funny, huh?
And this is where the angst come in
(Now, mind you, I haven't gotten to this point in the game, so I'm not the most knowledgeable on these events. I'm just lagging in playing but I've known of all of this for a long time)
Imagine that after everything that happened. After all the fighting, the tension, the slowly growing used to each other and eventually comfortable enough to make a pact and get over what he did-
-His pact mark manifests as a ring around you neck, in the exact spot where his hands had once upon a time wrapped themselves around and squeezed you to death, watching the light leave your eyes as you took your final breath.
I can't say that this was a fun time for either of you. For you, it was almost like a phantom feeling of hands around your throat, reminding you of the what is was like in the moment.
For Belphie, it's a constant visual reminder of what he did to you, of how messed up he once thought. A reminder of the fact that it was him who took your life.
And it took a long time after that for the awkwardness to fade, for the guilty looks to taper off and become affectionate again, for Bephie to feel okay to touch you again and you to not flinch when he tried.
And after so long, you both found ways to make it a positive thing.
Belphie now loves to trace the marking when laying in bed with you, allowing his hands to be close to your neck but only to show affection and care.
And you now wear the pact mark with pride, growing comfortable in your own skin and even flaunting it off, just to show him that you've both grown and can be normal with each other again.
And neither of you could be happier.
And there is Belphie's! Just want to add, the whole 'connecting marks' thing I said in my Beel hc also applies here, I just didn't feel the need to repeat it. Again, the marks just connect somehow.
I will say it again, feel free to comment some of your own location headcanons! If you want, I can write some scenarios of either your hc or these ones.
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enhasfever · 2 years
. . . loading enhypen as your rival.pdf !
╰┈➤ [ cast.txt ] ot7 + gn!reader (jake's specifies a female reader)
╰┈➤ [ contents.txt ] rival!enha, school!au, angst, fluff, mention of blood in jake's part
╰┈➤ [ word count.txt ] 4k
╰┈➤ [ summary.txt ] in which you find that maybe the person you've been beefing with isn't as bad as you'd once thought.
╰┈➤ [ notes.txt ] i might've gotten carried away with some... either way, i hope you enjoy! and yay for my comeback fic!
╰┈➤ [ heeseung.txt ]
there was nothing in the world that irked you more than listening to heeseung being praised over every little thing he did. he was the first to turn in an assignment? the teacher gave him a beaming smile and uttered a comment on how punctual he was. he led vocal warmups during music class? he was showered with compliments of his beautiful voice. he finished all of his lunch? you were sure his mother praised him for it when he got back home. it was infuriating, especially because you could do exactly everything he did yet nobody batted an eye at you.
you distinctly remember a time in grade 3 when you had mastered your multiplication table ahead of everyone else and all you'd received in celebration was a dumb sticker from your teacher. but when heeseung had finally caught up to you, what did he get? a lollipop of course. were you still salty over that lollipop to this day? absolutely.
so when the two of you were paired up for a project in your music class, you seriously debated on dropping the course. now, heeseung wasn't oblivious to your dislike towards him. though, he made no effort to even acknowledge you and your one-sided beef with him and that, for some reason, made you hate him even more. that nonchalant smile he gave you as he took a seat beside you made you want to roll your eyes but you refrained.
"hey, y/n," he greeted you casually as he opened up his school issued macbook and began navigating to the assignment your teacher had sent out to everyone. when you didn't make an effort to reply, he continued to speak anyways, "i'm actually very happy we got paired together, i think you have a really good voice."
you scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest, turning away to hide the rising blush on your face at the unexpected compliment. "you could be paired with beyoncé and still get all the recognition anyways, it doesn't matter," you huffed in reply.
it was silent for a few moments and, out of curiosity, you turned towards heeseung only to find him frowning perplexedly at his laptop screen. you almost exploded at the thought of him completely ignoring you in favor of whatever was on his screen until he shifted his gaze to you.
"it's never my intention to take away from you or anyone around me, you know. you're not the only one who feels this way towards me and it's not exactly fun having so many people dislike me out of jealousy for something that's out of my control..." he paused for a moment before letting out a gentle sigh and offering you a grim smile. "i'm sorry, y/n."
you were taken aback, completely baffled at the sudden apology that you never expected to receive. you'd dreamt of this day for so long, for the moment that he would acknowledge you and his unfair place on the school's pedestal, but why did it feel... wrong? a sinking feeling settled in your chest as you registered the words he had spoken to you. maybe all this time, he had been letting your dislike towards him get under his skin. why did it feel bad knowing that your long term wish had in fact been true all along?
"if it's okay with you, i was thinking you could sing a majority of the main vocals and i could do the supporting vocals," he suggested, turning back to his laptop screen.
you shook your head defiantly, "we split the work evenly."
heeseung spared you one last glance, and for the first time that you could recall, you gave him a small but reassuring smile. maybe he wasn't as selfish as you'd thought.
╰┈➤ [ jay.txt ]
you and jay weren't rivals by choice. sadly, middle and high school pressure forced the two of you to constantly be at war for the dumbest things. who had the most friends? who could get the most people to show up for their birthday party? who could talk their parents into getting them the more expensive car? who's dog was cuter? it had quickly become ridiculous.
it was senior year and although the feud was still going strong, you were so over it and it was clear he was as well. the only reason why you two were still social rivals was because of the constant egging on coming from your friends.
"y/n, did you see that jay got more likes on his instagram post?"
"y/n, did you see the way jay flirted with your project partner?"
"y/n, did you see that jay got the same colored shoes as you?"
you were ready to throw your own self in your locker at this point. in all honesty, jay was probably one of the few chill people at your school and you had no real problem with him. any time the two of you somehow managed to get any time alone, it was just good vibes and laughter. it felt stupid to be putting on a show for your classmates. finally, you decided you were going to put a stop to this ridiculousness.
"park jongseong," you greeted him, slamming his locker door shut and startling him as well as the few of his friends gathered nearby.
"can i help you?" he scoffed, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow at you.
"actually, you can," you smirked. without hesitation, you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close. you pressed your lips against his messily and gave him no time to react properly before you were releasing your hold on his shirt and stepping back. "now, you'll tell your friends that this stupid fight is over and i'll tell mine the same. deal?"
jay nodded dumbly, his expression showing just how shocked he was by your sudden bold move. you smiled, feeling pleased with the results of your impulsive decision, and sauntered away with jay and his friends gawking at you until you were out of sight.
╰┈➤ [ jake.txt ]
"you kick like a girl," jake's taunting voice called out from the line of players behind you. you gritted your teeth and took a deep, wavering breath as you tried to calm your frustration. you aimed at the goal and drew your leg back before sending the soccer ball whirling past the goalie and into the net.
"what was that?" you baited, whirling around with a triumphant smirk on your face as you moved to the back of the line of your teammates.
being the only girl on the guys' soccer team unfortunately wasn't all you'd dreamed it would be when you'd first signed up. you were made fun of by some of them, especially jake, and you were labeled as your school's pick me girl. a new rumor about you flirting with the entire soccer team surfaced every week, courtesy of jake. it was a disaster, but you'd die before you gave jake the satisfaction of running you off the team.
the drill ran for a few more rounds before your coach decided that a practice game would conclude the workout for the day. you and jake, unsurprisingly so, were picked as the captains of the opposing teams. the game hadn't even been in progress for more than two minutes before jake was taunting you again despite being reprimanded by your coach countless times.
eventually, the biting words and mean snickers got to be too much for you and, without thinking, you sent the ball flying at jake. you held back a satisfied cackle as you watched it hurdle right towards him, though that smugness quickly morphed into panic as the ball cracked him right in the face and sent him falling to the ground with a pained cry. clearly your aim had been off, you'd only meant for it to hit him in the gut at the very least.
you rushed to jake's side along with the rest of your team to find him cupping his bleeding nose. your heart dropped into your stomach at the sight of his injury and the tears that ceaselessly cascaded down his cheeks. your coach hurried him down to the nurse's office and you knew you were in for a harsh scolding when he returned.
it wasn't until the next day that you came face to face with jake again as you were exiting the girls' locker room with your duffel bag full of your soccer equipment. you were relieved to find that his face looked normal considering the force of the hit he'd taken. he stopped in his tracks and frowned confusedly at you.
"what are you doing?" he asked, eyeing the bag slung over your shoulder.
"going home," you shrugged.
"we have practice," he replied, still confused as to why you were heading the opposite way.
"you have practice," you emphasized, shifting back and forth on your feet as you lowered your gaze away from his own.
it took only three beats of silence for jake to register what you were implying, and you braced yourself to be mocked and ridiculed for being kicked off the team. but, you were met with something far off from what you were expecting.
"what? you mean..? but that's not fair!" he blurted out much to your surprise.
"but i injured you purposely," you answered sheepishly.
"because i deserved it. we're gonna go talk to the coach," he commanded, hastily grabbing your wrist and dragging you towards the sports field.
"what, why? i thought you wanted me off the team?" you asked in pure puzzlement of his reaction.
"no, i don't," he huffed, hiding his burning cheeks from you as he called out to your coach who was taking attendance at the sidelines. "i play better when you're around. i need you, y/n."
╰┈➤ [ sunghoon.txt ]
"are you even listening to me?" you grumbled, waving your hand in front of sunghoon's face.
"unfortunately i have to," he rolled his eyes, swatting your hand away.
"don't even act like this isn't the highlight of your day," you taunted with a knowing smirk. "i know you like me, park sunghoon."
sunghoon laughed incredulously and raised his brows at you. "really? says who?"
"says the entire student body. says a little birdie who goes by the name of park jongseong. says this little note of yours i found on the floor of the chemistry lab." you only smirked wider as you held up the crumpled corner of a notebook page.
sunghoon's eyes grew wide in panic and he hurriedly snatched the note away from your hand, his face turning bright red as he read over the note written in his own handwriting.
"you think i'm cute when i'm mad at you, huh?" you teased, laughing delightedly as the blush on his face reached the tips of his ears.
"i– no! i wasn't even talking about you!" he feebly tried to deflect but you weren't believing the lie for even a second.
"who else could you possibly be talking about? everyone else adores you, the only person you have a problem with is me," you pointed out, tilting your head with that same smug look on your face. you'd caught him red-handed, and red-faced as well. bonus points!
"actually, i also happen to have a problem with kazuha so..." he trailed off, crumpling the note back up in his hand and shoving it into the pocket of his blazer.
you quirked up an eyebrow. "kazuha?"
"yeah, she's been trying to spread rumors about me," he shrugged, drumming his fingertips against the top of his desk.
she was? not on your watch. "why? what did she say? i'll go find her right now," you frowned, quickly rising from your seat only to have sunghoon yank you back down.
he met you with the same smug smirk you'd given him just moments prior and it took all of five seconds for your actions to sink in. suddenly, you were just as red as sunghoon had been as you slumped down defeatedly in your seat.
"looks like you like me, too," he murmured victoriously, giving your arm a gentle squeeze before facing the front of the room.
a little smile painted your lips but you said nothing in return because, truthfully, you did like him. very, very much.
╰┈➤ [ sunoo.txt ]
you and sunoo had quite the odd relationship. more often than not, you were on each other's last nerve and it didn't take much for the two of you to trade petty comments and backhanded compliments to one another. you were forced to hang out consistently because you unfortunately shared many mutual friends. however, on the rare occasion that you two got along, it was short lived and only prompted by a mutual and deeper dislike for someone or something else.
"hey guys!" you chirped as you met up with your friends in the school cafeteria. "what are you all wearing for wacky wednesday tomorrow?"
"looks like you're celebrating early," sunoo snickered from across the table, taking an overly dramatic sip of the tea he'd gotten from the vending machine.
you glanced down at your outfit and rolled your eyes, seeing nothing wrong with it. he was just being sunoo. "yeah? and it seems like you're still partaking in crazy hair day. it ended yesterday, love," you fired back. you both gave each other sarcastic smiles before going back to your food.
"i have these wild looking clown pants–" one of your friends began to answer your question before sunoo interrupted them with a laugh.
"you're dressing as y/n tomorrow? why didn't i think of that?"
you shot him a seething glare which was returned with a menacing smirk. "i didn't realize i had such a fan. i know you copied my twitter layout but i didn't think you'd be bold enough to go this far," you bit back.
before sunoo could burn you back with his response, your catfight was momentarily silenced by the presence of the one friend in the group that you mutually disliked.
"he copied your instagram story last week, too," they chimed in on your behalf. normally you'd be grateful for anyone taking your side, just not this particular person.
"at least he doesn't steal crushes," you retorted, giving them a side glance before promptly returning to your food. you didn't miss the little triumphant look on sunoo's face from your peripheral vision.
"i haven't stolen yours," they answered back with a sly smirk, pointedly glancing in sunoo's direction. your breath hitched in your throat as your gaze shot up to train on them.
if there was one thing you knew about sunoo, it was that he was impeccable at detecting even the smallest of actions and changes in tones. he definitely hadn't missed what was being implied, and you felt a big ball of dread settle in your gut as he sat up straighter in his seat. your friends eagerly stayed invested in the events unfolding and you were almost relieved when sunoo demanded that you follow him to the vending machine across the cafeteria.
"is it true?" he asked the instant you two were out of earshot.
"no," you denied, shaking your head vigorously.
"you're lying, your voice pitches higher when you lie," he observed, slotting some coins into the machine and pressing one of the many buttons.
"no it doesn't," you deflected uselessly.
"just admit to it so this will be less painful for us both," he huffed, rolling his eyes.
"even if i did, it's not gonna change anything between us," you answered back bitterly.
"says who?" sunoo turned and handed you your favorite drink, taking you by surprise as you hesitantly accepted it. "maybe the feeling is mutual."
you blinked, taking a bit too long to let his answer process in your head and not realizing he had left you standing dumbly on your own until he was nearly back at the table.
"hey, wait! kim sunoo!" you called after him.
╰┈➤ [ jungwon.txt ]
you paced around relentlessly just outside of the auditorium with tears cascading down your face. you were due to go on and give your speech in less than five minutes and you'd lost all of your cue cards. that, and you'd also somehow managed to bump into a student who spilled their coffee down your front. they'd been kind enough to take you to the restroom and tried their best to help you wash out the stain, but your choice to wear a white shirt had finally backfired on you.
you'd worked so hard the entire semester to win the hearts and votes of your fellow classmates to elect you as student body president and all of that work was about to be washed down the drain. you had to win, you had to be the best. you had to beat yang jungwon. he'd been a pain in the ass to you since fifth grade, there was no way you were going to lose to that snot-nosed brat.
as you heard the principal coming to the end of his speech before he'd allow the two of you to take the stage, that feeling of anxiety strengthened inside of you. you slid down the wall with trembling hands that ran obsessively through your hair, surely messing up the hours you'd put into styling it that morning.
"hey, you okay?" his voice was the last one you wanted to hear in that moment.
"does it look like i'm okay?" you snapped between sniffles.
"no, you look like a wreck," jungwon stated matter of factly as he stood before you with his hands shoved into the pockets of his pants. he looked perfect with his ironed uniform and soft looking hair styled with peak precision. even his skin glowed. you hated him for it.
"thanks, captain obvious. if you're here to gloat about your assured win now then get it over with," you huffed, swallowing down the sob that wanted to leave your throat.
instead, jungwon crouched down to your level and reached out, gingerly taking your shaking hands into his and giving them a firm squeeze. you glanced up at him warily, unsure of where this sudden show of comfort and care was coming from. surely he had some ulterior motive, right? he'd probably play nice until you got on that stage and then completely rip into you.
"what do you need?" he asked simply, scanning over your disheveled figure.
"huh?" you furrowed your brows skeptically.
"clearly you're struggling with something, and although i'd love nothing more than to win against you, it'll be more satisfying if it's at least a fair battle," he replied, rising up to his full height and in turn pulling you back onto your feet.
he took immediate notice of the stain on your shirt and, without missing a beat, began shrugging off his blazer. "what are you–" you cut yourself off before you could finish as jungwon wrapped the blazer around your shoulders.
"being a fair competitor," jungwon shrugged, trying to pass his gesture off as nonchalant even though the growing warmth in his cheeks counteracted his attempt at brushing his kindness off.
he waited until you'd slotted your arms through the sleeves of the jacket and buttoned up a few of the buttons to conceal the stain.
"you're being nice," you commented dumbly.
"you can thank me after i beat you fair and square," he smiled faintly, reaching up to fix your tousled hair. "and uh, i also stopped by to drop those off," he nodded towards one of the pockets on the blazer, "you dropped them near the stairs earlier."
your hand flew to the pocket and a relieved sigh left your lips as you pulled out your cue cards. your racing heart finally slowed to a normal pace and you wiped at the tears left on your face.
"thank you," you murmured quietly, holding the cards close to your chest and bashfully training your gaze on your shoes.
"you're welcome," jungwon hummed in response, leading you backstage just as you heard a round of applause from the students in the audience, "and good luck, vice president."
you shot him a challenging look and were met with the usual smirk you'd grown accustomed to seeing. for the time being, you ignored the flutter in your heart.
╰┈➤ [ niki.txt ]
you sat your bag down near the back of the room after changing into your dancing gear and plugged your phone into the speaker you'd brought along. you navigated to the song you'd been assigned to dance to and put it on loop as you hurried to the center of the room to start on your stretches.
you'd worked long and hard to secure the lead position of this choreography and you wanted to ensure that you nailed it. after all, you not only had yourself and your dance instructor to prove something to, but also your team's best dancer, nishimura riki.
riki had been furious to learn that you'd be leading the choreography for the upcoming competition. he was always the one to lead, and rightfully so as the most skilled dancer, but you couldn't help feeling envious of his golden child reputation. it was more than satisfying getting to see the scowl on riki's face throughout the entirety of the practices as you stood at the front of the room.
so, you'd decided to take it upon yourself to rehearse on your own when you had the time for it in your busy schedule. what you hadn't expected, however, was the door of the practice room to burst open just as you were finishing your stretches. you shot up in alert and met the eyes of none other than the golden child himself through the mirror in front of you.
"what are you doing here?" he asked in bewilderment.
"what are you doing here?" you bounced the question back at him. "you're not the lead for this number."
"that doesn't mean i should slack and let you hog the spotlight," he scoffed, dropping his own bag down next to yours before joining you at the center of the room.
"that's rich coming from the guy who's gotten the lead in every number up until this point," you rolled your eyes annoyedly.
"i get the lead because i deserve it," he shot back. "maybe if you had more of a natural talent for dancing, you'd start getting more leads also."
you pushed your tongue in your cheek vexedly and stood up after finishing your leg stretches. "you're just being a crybaby because you didn't get your way. grow up, nishimura," you bit venomously as you waited for the song to finish its last few seconds before it would play again.
"oh please, i'm ten times the dancer you'll ever be. if you think you're so good then you'll get this on the first try, yeah?" he challenged.
"fine, and i will," you accepted confidently. luckily for you, you'd been running through this routine in the space of your bedroom. you preferred it here for the open space.
riki watched from his spot on the floor as he continued to go through his stretches while you counted yourself in and began to dance through the routine. you felt his eyes on you the entire time without even having to catch his gaze. why did it make you feel nervous?
the dance came to an end and you held the ending pose for a count of five before dropping it with a tired puff of air and turning triumphantly towards riki. "so?" you prompted, placing your hands on your hips and shifting your weight to one side.
riki tilted his head slightly and studied you for a few moments, letting his gaze drag down your figure before flitting back up to meet your own. "your transitions are weak," he finally said, causing your jaw to drop.
"i'm sorry?" you asked, baffled.
riki wordlessly stood up and moved far too close to you, grabbing you by the hips and turning you to face the mirror again. "you do it like this," he murmured as he maneuvered your body through the dance movements in slow motions. only after he was satisfied with your now perfected moves did he step away from you, leaving you with shallow breaths and a racing heart.
"now at least i'll have been beaten by a decent performer," he smirked to himself before counting you both in as the song looped once more.
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