#fun fact I actually styled this outfit myself!
theabigailthorn · 8 days
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I walked the red carpet in Hollywood last night for the premiere of Identiteze, the new scifi film from Jessie Earl - and you can see it exclusively on Nebula, blah blah blah okay but this is tumblr and this is where you get the real shit so lemme tell ya
I lost my red carpet shoes. I realised literally 3 hours before the actual premiere that I had misplaced them somewhere in LA, probably when I wore them for the DEX wrap party, so the only options I had were my vans or these
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so I decided "Fuck it, nobody's gonna see my feet anyway - let's just be huge!" And that's why in all the group shots I am approximately nineteen stories tall!
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comicaurora · 10 months
If you still have Sailor Moon on the brain, did watching it at all give you any options you wish to share about other magical girl esk media you wish existed or your own take on how you would create a story in that media space?
If not, then maybe, if you're inclined to, recount some interesting findings about the connections that exist between shojo and shonen media?
(If neither then please disregard, sorry for imposing)
It was interesting! I was surprised at how much it had in common with shonen action anime. Half the boss battles get resolved with a beam clash and the only difference between Super Saiyan and Neo Queen Serenity is whether the hair or the outfit changes.
The one part I found myself sliding off of - due to personal writing preference - is how Usagi is the defacto center of the universe and everyone else is very explicitly playing support. That's part of why I liked the Outer Senshi so much - because they've all got their own ludicrously OP stuff going on, they feel more like equals to Usagi than glorified bodyguards. The inner planet senshi get their own character arcs, which is excellent, but after a while it's pretty clear that none of them can ever finish a fight without Sailor Moon. And that's fine, that's the pretense of the story - their jobs are very explicitly to protect the turbopowerful demigoddess moon princess while she gets her act together enough to remember she can win - but I prefer writing an ensemble cast where everyone feels like the hero of their own story, not the support in someone else's, and that's pretty much antithetical to the core premise of the show.
It also has a lot of the hallmarks of a soft magic system that I personally struggle with - the old "you win by believing in yourself" thing basically means "you win when the plot demands it would be most interesting for you to win" - but again, they can get away with a lot by letting the actual core premise of the universe's power system be stuff like "a pure heart gives you strength" and "the power of love will legitimately make you more powerful." And I respect that the show doesn't just give people powerups whenever - one of the parts I found most emotionally impactful was in the finale of season 3, when Sailor Saturn is going to fight the big bad all by herself and will 100% definitely die in the process, and because Sailor Moon has sacrificed the season's macguffin, she can no longer transform into her powered-up form to help - which doesn't stop her from screaming the transformation phrase over and over, because she is desperate to save Sailor Saturn even if she's been told it can't possibly work. When she gets her The Most Purest Heart Ever powerup at the last possible second, that feels excellent because it's a profoundly impactful character moment that's being supported by the plot with a tangible powerup. It's pretty telling that we don't even see the final bossfight; it's not about the spectacle or the beam clash, it's about the character arcs that surround them. I think that's a really interesting way to handle it and to add depth to an otherwise basic "whose number is bigger" style struggle.
I'm also deeply fond of paragons, and as the seasons go on I really like how Usagi's ultimately kind personality drives her to constantly help, no matter the personal cost or how aggressively people try to dissuade her - and I like that she gets angry and frustrated and even says or does harsh things sometimes, but will ultimately always do what she thinks is right. It makes her feel like a real human being, and the "weaknesses" and flaws in her character - aka the parts that make her something more complicated than a perfectly stoic problem-solving machine - are a lot of fun to watch.
Personal preference, I'd like to see more magical girl stuff where the central pillar of the plot is not a constant will-they-won't-they het romance - but I also like how Sailor Moon as a series is legitimately aware that this is not actually the de facto most important relationship for everyone. Surprising multitude of gay characters aside, I recently caught a season 2 episode where Makoto donates blood to save a close friend, and explains to Usagi that she isn't in love with him, but they have an incredibly profound friendship that's more important to her than any boyfriend, a concept with startles and confuses Usagi. It seems to be a case where the heroine has a Foundational Romantic Subplot that defines the course of her life and the plot, but the rest of the characters get to have more complicated dynamics where their life goals aren't "omg boys", and I liked that a lot!
When comparing and contrasting it to shonen action anime, I think the magical girl genre manages to integrate the lower-stakes slice of life elements significantly more smoothly, and to great effect - the 90% of the show that's silly and ridiculous makes the 10% of it that's extremely serious and gutwrenching much more impactful. That's something that a lot of shonen series struggle with, where the tone goes from "moderately serious with the occasional goof" to "extremely serious with major character deaths." The magical girl genre going from "the dumbest episode premise you've ever heard" to "extremely serious with major character deaths" is a much more precipitous plunge into icy water, as it were.
When I think about how I would write a magical girl story, I basically just smack into the premise of Exalted. Its worldbuilding has exactly what I want - an interesting system of powerset-reincarnation into worthy hosts that allows for complex interpersonal dynamics through varying levels of memory preservation, several different flavors of magical transforming person including Evil Versions, and the one thing I prioritize in my own writing - a world that feels like it can have a lot of main characters and heroes of their own story. Everyone in Exalted has their own shit going on and their own past-life drama, including former friend groups/adventuring parties, soulmates (both regular and evil versions), and anyone who might've previously killed them. Most importantly for my preferences, there's no default main character of the universe. If I were to make an urban fantasy magical girl setting, I'd probably use an extremely similar premise because I find the ramifications of it unbelievably interesting in a way the system itself is not designed to explore.
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bellewintersroe · 11 months
Sebastian Vettel x RBDesignEngingeer! Reader.
Set in 2013 during the GP, Jennifer is fresh out of uni and has made a name for herself within the F1 world. She joins Redbull-Renault as one of their engineer designers and easily fits into the team, forming friendships easily. Most of all, she captures the attention of three time world champion, Sebastian Vettel.
Part 7 omg time for some angst, let’s just say Sebastian doesn’t know how to handle his jealousy so well and it’s obvious when Jen has a conversation with his rival Lewis Hamilton… here’s the LINK to part 6.
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Hungary, July 2013.
“Look at you!” Sebastian face lit up as I laughed out loud, amused at the fact I was in his oversized Red Bull uniform. “You’re like a pint sized driver! I love it!” His eyes scanned me up as down as I couldn’t help but snicker. “Let me take a picture!” Sebastian pulled out his I phone, clicking several pictures of me. Others crowded around, amused at my outfit change. We were just having a bit of fun, even Christian and the bigger managers were finding it funny that I was practically drowned out in his jumpsuit. “She looks better than I do.” Seb then commented, standing up off the edge he was perched upon. “And I’m gonna steal her for myself.” He teased, wrapping both arms around my waist and lifting me off the floor. He practically took off as I held onto his shoulders, bouncing around.
Sebastian was giggling to himself, smiling and grinning wildly like a child who’d just stolen a handful of sweets from the shop. “Where are you taking me?” I asked I amusement, feeling him momentarily put me down and pick me up in a more bridal style manner the moment we got through the garage doors. “It’s a surprise.”
“Wow, so romantic.” I giggled as he smiled back to me, carrying me towards his car. “How do you get in?” “I’ll put you in.” He gently spoke, slipping my legs into the Red Bull as I felt a momentary feeling of horror that I was sat in something that costs millions. “I love it!” Sebastian clapped as I froze, holding my hands out. Gaining a burst of excitement, I started pretending to turn the wheel making car noises. Sebastian snapped more pictures of me as I giggled excitedly. I’d worked around these cars for years, never once had I actually been in one. “I think I could drive one of these.” I confidently nodded, Seb leaning against the car with a smirk. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” “You need a helmet first.” Sebastian pointed out as I pretended to press on all the buttons. “Fuck the helmet. I won’t be crashing.”
“Of course…” He played along as I looked up to him with a smirk, playfully rolling my eyes. “I can’t even drive in the first place.” “You can’t?!” He exclaimed. “No, I failed my test twice then gave up when I went to uni.” I glanced around the car, slowly pushing myself out. “It’s a bit dangerous with nothing in front of you, no?” I pointed back to the front bit. “Maybe… that’s why we have our helmets.” He knocked on my head playfully. I sat back down, analysing the car. “What do you think we need?” He asked, resting his his chin on his palm, on the side of the car. “Something for protection, that won’t obstruct the view. I dunno, I don’t know how many people would like something there.” I looked back, watching him attempt to see the same thing I was. “Would it be safer?”
“Yes.” “Then I agree with you.” I stood up once again, allowing him to help me out as I thanked him softly. “Do you want to come out for a few drinks tonight?” “Yeah, sure, who’s going?” I began unzipping the suit seeing as I was growing a little warm in Sebastian’s jumpsuit. “Uh- I can ask around…” he slowly spoke, giving me a funny look. “Okay!” It wasn’t until after that conversation did I realise what he was asking me. Did he mean drinks just him and me? Did I ruin that? On my way out I was deep in thought, not looking where I was going when I thumped into somebody’s shoulder, my phone going flying across the floor. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” The stranger spoke, running over to pick up my phone. Except, it was no stranger, it was Lewis fucking Hamilton. My breath hitched, “no, no, I’m sorry, I should’ve been looking where I was going!” I exclaimed.
“That makes two of us then.” He handed my phone back over. “Thank you.” I awkwardly laughed. “You’re Jennifer, right? You work at-“ he pointed towards the Red Bull garages. “Red Bull, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I do. It’s Lewis isn’t it?” I laughed, glancing back to see Sebastian looking over slightly. I offered him a quick smile before turning back to poor Lewis who I’d just barged into. “Yeah.” He laughed gently, showing me a row of his really white teeth. He definitely was a pretty boy.
“I was always a Mercedes fan growing fan growing up, don’t tell anybody.” I admitted. “Oh really?” Amusement lit up on his face. “Maybe you’ll have to come find a job in our garages.” He nodded back to the other one as I choked out a small laugh, surprised.
“Noo, I couldn’t do that.” He was smiling at me, in a way that seemed almost flirtatious, I couldn’t tell. “I’m just messing with you, it’s nice to meet you anyway, I’ll see you around.” He patted my arm. “You too.” I politely spoke before we moved back into our own directions. When I turned back up to the Red Bull garage, Sebastian had a frown on his face, as soon as he saw me look back he disappeared. Something about it didn’t sit right with me, but I continued making my way back to the hotel. I wasn’t sure why he looked so pissed off, or why exactly he was watching, I know Lewis was one of his biggest competitions, but we were just having a conversation? That evening I took all night to get ready, texting Loretta who had decided to come out for a couple drinks as well. I was walking around in my towel, taking breaks in between each makeup step. That’s when I noticed a door in between my hotel room and somebody else’s. Maybe nobody was in there? I curiously spun the lock, causing it to fling open. I gasped in a panic and it revealed no other than Sebastian laid on his bed watching TV. He had an immediate look of surprise on his face, not even moving as his eyes widened, taking in my towel cladded state. “Oh, hello.” He began laughing as nervous laughter racked through me. I love how he didn’t even question the fact I’d opened the door between our bedrooms.
“Hi- I got curious and started twisting it, I didn’t even realise it would open!” I quickly spoke as Sebastian shrugged. “I knew it was you, could hear you singing in the shower.” Great. “Oh- I’ll go now anyway, sorry.” “No, no it’s fine. Leave it open, I could do with the company.” “Company listening to me get ready for the next hour.” I teased as he smirked towards me. God, the way he was looking at me like he wanted to devour me. He nodded gently as I offered him another smile. “Okay. Fun.”
When I was ready he was wandering around my room, smelling my perfumes, watching the TV. “I saw you talking to Lewis earlier…” he pondered whilst looking through the several perfume bottles I had. Part of me thought he wasn’t actually interested in them, he just wanted to look occupied whilst bringing Lewis up. “Oh yeah?” I glanced back to him in the mirror whilst I topped up my lipgloss. “Mmmmh.” He hummed, smiling to himself. “I almost took him out, didn’t see him.” I giggled.
“He is quite… small I suppose.” I spluttered out a laugh. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I spun around, leaning against the dressing table with an amused smile.
“Nothing- you look beautiful.” He was quick to shake it off, the comment going straight to my cheeks that blushed a vibrant colour. “Thank you.” I giggled turning down to the floor. “Still, why is Lewis small?” I probed sensing he was feeling a little jealousy. “No reason.” Seb snickered, fixing his hair slightly in the mirror besides me. I made eye contact, smirking and glancing him up and down before spraying myself with 4 different perfumes. Excessive, but I couldn’t decide which one I preferred. Hannah and James knocked on my door, joining us as both Seb and I spilled out the room earning some weird looks. Nobody said anything but I knew exactly what they were thinking. The club was booming, the music was loud and the drinks were flowing too easily. I’d been drinking a lethal cocktail of alcohol, buzzing to be in the party atmosphere with all my friends.
“Was he flirting with you?” A voice questioned, I turned around to see Sebastian, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Who?” I spoke into his ear. “Lewis.” I playfully rolled my eyes, shaking my head.
“No, I don’t think so, why?!” “No reason.” He smirked. “You’re jealous.” With a bit of Dutch courage I poked his chest, “never.” Sebastian’s hand was grazing over my hip as I spoke to him, rubbing his shoulder. His head tilted to the side, smiling down to me with a knowing expression. “You are.” I firmed as it was his turn to roll his eyes. “No need to be jealous.” I shrugged, hand sliding off him. “No?” He asked. “No.” I firmed smiling back up to him. There was a singular second before I felt a hand on the back of my head, pushing both mine and Sebastian’s faces together. James. Way to ruin it! I sighed, taking myself back to the bar to retrieve another drink, stealing one more glimpse to Sebastian who was chatting a way to a bunch of mechanics. Maybe a little more alcohol would help me make a bolder move…
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diggitydoggo · 3 months
Beta Daisy and Dandy
I've actually been drawing Daisy for a while so I thought that I should at least dump all the old art somewhere. Time for a trip down memory lane!
First ever drawing
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Ah yes. When I promised myself not to make anymore OCs cause I already had a whole bunch of fnaf ones. So much for that.
Her colors used to be a lot less saturated which in my opinion didn't fit in with such a colorful cast. There are some parts of her outfit I kept like the overalls and her shirt. I just changed the sleeves so it actually looks like she's wearing gloves like I intended. Her attitude is pretty much the same.
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Fun Fact: Her Halloween costume is just her dad's old clothes.
He was also supposed to be dead.
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Still gay as fuck
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Next are drawings I made for old tiktoks of Daisy!
(If you wanna find them then my tiktok is linked in my bio)
"Maybe he's blinking when you're blinking."
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Second time ever drawing Julie! This is when I started to lean into my more cartoony style for Daisy. She still never trusted Wally.
"You're not my friend!"
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Finally leaned away from so much orange. I really liked playing around with Julie's design since she gives off Mable (Gravity Falls) vibes when it comes to fashion. Always wanting to change it up.
"Don't start picking fights with my costumers!"
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First time ever drawing Howdy! Really wanted to emphasize how tiny she is compared to him.
"Have you been there the whole time!?"
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First Wally drawing! Sneaky little guy. Definitely wanted him to look more off-putting in this one. And new Julie outfit! This one was a little Minnie Mouse inspired getup. I also like the idea of Julie's hair always being really big.
"I know saying someone looks gay is 'wrong' BUT LOOK AT HIM!"
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First ever Dandy doodle! This was after I made his beta design and wanted to tease him a little since beforehand I never actually mentioned Daisy even had a brother. Speaking of which.
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He used to actually be more two-faced and mean. Heck he wasn't even supposed to be living in the neighborhood originally. His appearance would've been exactly like those episodes in kids shows where a new "perfect" character is introduced but is mean behind closed doors to a certain character and the one character that doesn't like them gets brushed off as "jealous" but then it gets revealed they were bad the whole time to the others, then cue the group hug apology. Basically he would've been a meaner and more manipulative version of Daisy. Someone that really brought out her insecurities. Someone that loved being the "Better Daisy" Which is ironic considering he got replaced with a better version of him. As for his appearance I was trying to go for a more city-like look in contrast to Daisy's rough and tumble country vibe. But after a while to me it didn't feel "kid's show" enough.
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I completely forgot about this drawing so I'm adding it a whole two days later. But yeah they canonically have pets. Daisy has a flytrap she named Gertrude and Dandy has his pet mouse Mortimer.
Last drawings of Beta Daisy
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Some things really never change.
Well that's all of my old drawings of these goobers (Yes I only made three drawings of the old Dandy) It was nice looking back on some old memories. It's been a fun eight months having these two idiots live in my head.
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syrupyyyart · 2 years
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finally, finally finished the ~definitive~ designs for my main Motley girls :’)
Extensive design notes under the cut (mostly for documentation purposes, but also because i like talking about my ocs lol)
In my last post, I introduced the idea of giving each character multiple colors, rather than being one uniform color throughout the design. The idea is that the characters can earn up to 3 new colors as they age+experience new things.
For each color they earn, they’ll wear a new ‘evolved’ version of their previous outfit.
For comparisons sake, here’s the initial pass I took at trying to give my characters more colors:
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(euhg. theyre really really ugly. im honestly embarrassed i ever posted these at all lol)
Fact: it’s actually incredibly difficult to design monochrome outfits for characters without the designs looking extremely unfinished (to me, anyways lol). In an attempt to break up the monotony of the monochrome outfit designs, I found myself over relying on the outline colors to fill in their outfit pieces (cherrys pants, limes turtleneck, etc). This hypothetically works, but it ended up causing a lot of confusion as to how many colors the characters had actually earned, especially when the outline color was vastly different from the intended color. Basically, the tl;dr is that over relying on the outline colors felt like cheating, looked bad, and caused a lot of issues.
All of this explanation is to set up the 2 design rules I gave myself for the New Definitive Designs:
1. Outline colors MUST NOT be over relied on, and should be used as sparingly as possible
2. Nothing is sacred. If it looks bad, throw it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also decided to shift around their body types slightly, since I realized that practically every character had the same build with a different height (with the exception of Banana). Marshmallow is a bit curvier, Watermelon is slightly more muscular, etc. And, while you cant really tell because of their baggy outfits, Lime is much boxier and Blueberry is lankier and has wider shoulders than the others.
Finally, here’s some specific design notes for each character, how they changed, and why:
Cherry Pit - Cherry may not have had the most drastic changes, but hers were definitely the most important. She’s had the same hairstyle ever since the first time I drew her (back in ....... middle school lol), and as attached as I was to it, it caused a LOT of problems. It gave her an ugly silhouette, the sharp edges kind of ruined her circle motif, etc. So it had to change. I decided to give her a fluffier hair style to incorporate more round edges into her design, and I truly cannot tell you how many hairstyles I cycled through before I landed on that one. It was major development hell. But I think the new style is much much cuter! Due to story reasons, I also decided to give her 2 outfit colors instead of just one, and she seriously looks so much better because of it. Big fan of Cherrys new design lol
Blueberry Cobbler - Ohhhh where to start with this one. Blueberrys design has always been a headache to me. I found it difficult to draw consistently, and even when I got it to look how I wanted, it still didn’t look very good. So, my goal for her redesign was to overhaul her design while keeping the general idea behind it; most importantly, she needed to be Fun To Draw. So, I changed the silhouette of her sweatshirt by giving her a more exaggerated hood, replaced her bulky zipper with the hanging ties (idk what theyre called lol), and Changed Her Ugly Ass Tights into baggier pants. I also crimped her hair to make it more angular. In the context of this universe, cold colors have naturally colder body temperatures, so they have to wear insulated clothing to stay chilly; the overall baggier clothes really just fixed all of my issues with her design honestly. Better for her personality type, prettier silhouette, in-universe reasoning, etc. Scrumptious.
Lime Pie - I decided to swap out her cargo pants for a long skirt, and let her hair down. This was mostly because, with the monochrome outfit she needed to wear, the turtleneck+cargo pants combo just wouldnt work without looking Pretty Bad. It also helps her outfit stand out a bit more, as she’s now the only character in the main cast that is wearing a skirt. She’s meant to be an inversion of the “nerdy girl lets her hair down and puts on a dress and Now She Is Popular” trope, so the idea is that when she earns her 2nd color, she will start wearing her hair up again, and the cargo pants can come back. Maybe.
Marshmallow Fluff - I honestly hit the nail on the head with this one in the initial batch of concepts I did, so I didnt change much lol. The biggest change is that I made her hair light again. This was because shes obviously meant to have a cloud motif, but her sister (who I rarely post about lol) has a thundercloud motif-- basically, I’m just saying that the darker hair is gonna go to her sister instead.
Banana Pudding - Again, she looks almost exactly the same. I just changed the red outline of her original dress to be less contrasting, since I got a lot of people asking if she’d earned two colors or not. Hopefully, its more clear now that she’s only earned one.
Watermelon Sorbet - As much as I liked her original design, many many people told me she looked like a ‘cool yoga instructor’ character. Which, while not terrible, wasn't exactly what I was going for; she’s meant to be more of an ‘edm dancer’ kind of character. So, I decided to change out her pants for bigger legwarmers that I’m hoping make her look a bit more hyper active.
Thats all my notes lol. I have no idea if anyone is gonna read this far, but if you do, thanks :’) I fully realize that making so many notes about this looks silly, considering theyre OCs and not like ..... widely known characters. So Im sure a lot of what Ive said just sounds like gibberish. But its fun to ME!!!!!!!!
I’ve got more character designs to post over the next week or so; namely, the 3 Antagonists (Grape Soda, Orange Custard, and Angel Cake) + the parents (which includes 2 characters Ive never shown before, but Im very excited to share lol). Those posts wont be accompanied with longwinded notes like this one is; Im just the most excited about these designs and wanted to talk about them.
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karaonasi · 2 months
BaxterMC Week hosted by @minthe-drawings
Entry #2 for Date Night
Lovely artwork by @rui-drawsbox
Midnight Romeo
Playlist: Crazy For You
My hands shook as I held my phone in my hands. Honestly I wasn’t used to texting Baxter. Usually, we utilized our own little system of ‘calling cards’ left on each others’ doorsteps to communicate. But this time that wouldn’t work. It needed to appear out of the blue.
No. I deleted it.
[Good evening to you, Mr. Ward]
No. Lame.
I made a couple more attempts before I finally decided to just type something polite but to the point.
[I hope I am not bothering you this late.]
[Actually, I was just wondering if there was a ‘too late’ for visitors for our resident Night Owl.]
I bit my lip as I held my breath waiting for an answer.
In fact, I knew that Baxter was still up. I had watched from the front entry window as the downstairs light in his house went out. So he would have gone up to bed but would not be sleeping yet. Yes. I know it’s bordering on stalking my boyfriend. And I would be lying if I said it was the first time I had looked out our windows for our hot neighbor up the street--even before we had officially started dating. But this time there was a reason behind it.
My phone started playing ‘Made You Look’ which I had assigned to Baxter and I thumbed the screen lock open…
[My most charming neighbor, Kit. What a welcome surprise to hear from you this evening.]
I snorted. Yup this was my boyfriend alright. Sexy as hell but his texting skills…well, they were odd to say the least. I continued to read:
[I am accustomed to my schedule at university where 11pm is merely the start of the evening. So I would say that generally anytime before 2am would be acceptable. Was there a reason for your query? ~Sincerely, Your Suitor, Baxter Alexander Ward]
I had to take a moment to stop laughing my ass off before I could truly process the text. He really could be adorably ridiculous at times.
[Just clarifying appropriate…foot placement in our dance]
[Wouldn’t want to step on any toes]
I bit my lip and stared at my screen, trying to decide if and what I should send by way of a goodbye. I was saved the trouble by a new incoming message.
No. Not a message, a sound file! I pressed play to be blessed with the sound of a deep purring laughter. “Oh my god…” I breathed Cove’s customary epithet, falling back onto the couch, clutching the phone to my heart as if shot with an arrow. When my heart calmed enough, I propped myself up on my arms and made sure to save that amazing sound in my phone. Then I realized there was another message attached.
[My Dear Kit,]
[To clarify]
[For you, I am available for practice--or lessons at any time.]
[Sincerely, Baxter Ward]
Seriously…this guy was soooo bad for my heart…
Quickly I ran upstairs to change into the outfit I had created just for this evening. I had planned this for a while, intending something fun and unexpected. But after both relatively disastrous ‘drink’ dates, I figured a life lesson in simple things might be worthwhile for my type-A boyfriend.
Several minutes later, I was standing below the balcony on the back side of Baxter’s condo. I was relieved to see that the light was still on. I wouldn’t want to wake him up. I wasn’t sure what time in the early morning hours would begin ‘Morning Baxter’ and the last thing I wanted was for him to fall off of the balcony in his morning haze due to me.
I pulled out my phone, holding it over my head ‘Say Anything’ style and played the theme song from the 1968 Zeffirelli version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’. This was plan A. If Baxter didn’t come out, then plan B was throwing pebbles at his window. Luckily, I didn’t have to resort to such tactics. Out came the man in question, my heart clenching in my chest just from the sight of him stepping out onto the balcony.
Confusion was plain on his aristocratic features as he leaned over the railing, brown eyes blinking down in the darkness below. “Kit?”
“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Baxter is the sun.”
Yes, it was cheesy. And I had a hard time keeping a straight face as I recited the lines--with minor alterations. I almost wished Lee was here. Almost. Because I wouldn't have shared this time alone with Baxter.
“Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief
That thou, her master, art far more fair than she…
The brightness of his cheek would shame those stars…”
I continued to the end of the verses before taking flight, my feet finding footholds in the side of the house until I could grab the balusters and lift myself up to climb over the railing. I’ll be honest with you. This wasn’t my first attempt. While Baxter had been up in Northern California I maaaay have practiced this once or twice (or more than twenty times) until I could do it as well as I saw in the YouTube videos I had researched. I’m just lucky that the neighbors are used to the sight of me and Cove climbing in and out of our houses at any hour of night so that I didn’t get the police called on me.
Having made it safely onto the balcony, I sat perched on the corner of the railing, unable to suppress the fact that I was rather pleased with myself. I just hoped Baxter was as well.
Baxter simply stared at me, blinking for a moment and I thought that perhaps I had miscalculated and he had fallen asleep already and I woke him. But no. After a moment, he seemed to recover himself. “Kit, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company this evening?”
A shiver ran down my spine straight to my lower region with the slight but definite emphasis on the word ‘pleasure’. Not helping was the easy view of his very inviting queen sized bed through the open sliding glass door to his bedroom. Neither was his attire: black silk pajamas practically calling out to be touched. As opposed to his customary black and white button down shirts that were always buttoned to the very top, the collar of his pajamas, even fully buttoned, left an enticing view of the hollow at the base of his throat. Not to mention a glimpse of where the dip below his collar bones swelled slightly into the very top of a lithe but defined chest…all covered by pristine pale pink skin that made my mouth want to--
I swallowed hard, tearing my thoughts away from that dangerous line of thought. I hadn’t come here to lust on my boyfriend and, even if I had, I knew that these impulses of my newfound libido were more than I was prepared to handle. I blinked and refocused upon the handsome face of my much too tempting boyfriend. He leaned casually against the doorframe to his open bedroom and I had to mentally redirect my unruly body’s impulses again from the sensual grace with which he moved.
My lips tilted into a lop-sided smile as I stood, leaning against the corner of the balcony. “In the spirit of our discussion after the theatre outing, I thought we could have a nice impromptu date tonight,” I explained, though I was also looking for consent from him.
His gaze raked over my long body, taking in the medieval-style doublet I had managed to put together and tight leggings, making everywhere his gaze touched seem to tingle. Then he looked down at his own attire, holding out his arms to more effectively show off the pajamas. “Alas, I fear I am not attired for such an occasion.”
I shook my head with a chuckle at the fact that he was purposely speaking with more antiquated formality than even his ‘normal’ due to the theming. “No. You are perfect as you are, Bax.” I couldn’t help the slight huskiness of my tone from just how attractive I found him—and not just on the outside. I loved his playfulness and sense of fun (when he wasn’t berating himself for small offenses), as well as the sharp wit of an even sharper mind. I stepped closer to him, reaching over his head to the eve of the house and batted at the edge so that a string white twinkle lights that I had rigged earlier fell into view. “I thought we could simply have our date here—“ I pulled out my phone, turning on the playlist of songs suitable for ballroom dance and set it upon the railing. Then I turned to him with a formal bow and held my hand out to him, “if you would be so kind as to favor me with this dance.”
His beautiful eyes lit up in the twinkling white lights and he kicked off the doorframe to take my hand. “Certainly, my Dear Kit,”
My breath hitched as his other hand found my waist, pulling my body close to his as well as from the small endearment. And we moved in synchrony, making full use of the small space.
“See? Something doesn’t have to be ‘ideal’ to be perfect, Bax.” I commented as we danced. “I don’t know about you but I find this, tonight, pretty damned perfect,” I murmured slightly huskily into his ear. And it was: the lights, the warm salt breeze, the ¾ moon in the sky, and the boy whom I had dreamed of for so long in my arms.
His lovely elfin face turned up to meet my eyes. “Yes,” he purred though his tone was softer, less…sensual than usual. “You know, we haven’t danced since that night at the Cypress. Not truly.”
Actually, we had danced on the boat Lee had hired for the day--even Cove. But that had been club dancing to a techno beat—which was definitely not the same thing as Baxter’s favored ballroom variety. Still it had been fun for the short time it lasted. I bent so that my forehead touched his. “No, but we are right now, which is what matters,” I murmured, caught up in the dreamlike moment that simply being with Baxter conjured…so much like 5 years ago and yet so much more. Eventually he rubbed the upturned tip of his cute little nose to mine. I returned the gesture. Before I knew it, my lips slanted against his. The kiss was light and sweet. But my body’s reaction was anything but. My eyes widened as I felt the sudden spike of desire and pushed away from him. “I'm sorry!” I blurted out, my cheeks flaring hot.
“It’s okay, Kit,” he soothed. He paused, with a speculative expression upon his handsome features. “Sometimes you make me forget about your dating history.” He nodded to himself and then held his hand out to me. “And there’s nothing wrong with that,” he repeated the gentle reassuring words he spoke that day on the shopping street. I bit my lip, still not able to meet his eyes. But I took his hand and felt him pull me closer once again, though perhaps not fitting himself against me quite so tightly. “Honestly, it’s rather flattering. And cute.”
It still was hard to meet his eyes, even as close as they were. “I bet you say that to all your partners,” I teased.
He paused and I wasn’t sure if I had made another blunder. I was about to apologize again but I felt him take a small breath, then he let out a soft but definite, “…no…” My gaze now did meet his, and there was something almost…sad in those beautiful deep brown eyes of his. But it was gone quickly as if it had never been there, to be replaced with a flirty yet somehow open smile. “In any case, it’s the truth this time.” I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my features, my chest warming with happiness at Baxter’s unexpected confession. I bent my head to his again, our foreheads touching as our bodies continued to move in time with the music.
We spent a pleasant evening just dancing with each other on that balcony and learning more about each other…like how his favorite style is the waltz, and how I had come to favor modern dance styles recently. We attempted to salsa to contemporary music that wasn’t quite conducive to it until we both fell into laughter. By unspoken agreement, we declined a repeat of the club dancing. While fine in a group on a boat for a bit of fun, here alone together in the middle of the night…well, I was struggling enough without throwing kerosine onto the fire.
When it was time for me to go, I kissed him. Slow and a little deeper than my previous attempts this evening…tasting the edges of his parted lips, sharing his breath… I let go of him reluctantly and I wondered if I felt a similar reluctance in how his hands lingered on my clothing, or if that was just wishful thinking.
“Thank you for a wonderful evening, Darling Kit.”
“Sleep well, Bax,” I replied, knowing my face must be glowing from the joy bubbling up within me as I collected my phone. I swung one long leg over the railing, but Baxter stopped me.
“You know, you could use the front door,” he suggested with lifted brows.
“What kind of Romeo would I be if I didn’t use the balcony?” I chuckled playfully.
Baxter’s eyes closed and he shook his head with his own laughter. “You Californians really are wild.”
I winked at him before slipping the other leg over the railing. Impulsively, I turned around, quickly leaning toward Baxter to give him one last brief kiss before lowering myself in a controlled drop to the ground. I took one last look up at the slender figure on the balcony, giving a little wave before bounding off, my run turning into a solo dance of slow twirls, feeling like Eliza Doolittle in ‘My Fair Lady’:
“I could have danced all night
I could have danced all night
And still, have begged, for more…”
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apple8ees · 11 months
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i am not immune to @comicaurora but pretty dresses (with colour help and suggestions from the aurora discord <3)
[closeups and colour/design notes under the cut!]
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(ignore the red lineart on the first one - these are progress shots)
I wanted Alinua to have kind of a dryad, nature spirit vibe? I was kind of inspired by seeing some photos of like aesthetic nature spirit photoshoots with chiton-style dresses. The green was based both on that sort of nature spirit vibe and on suggestion from the discord (thank you Mat :]). Girl pretty
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Falst my dear friend Falst! This outfit. actually has no justification really I just thought it would look neat on him. I went with a more muted colour scheme for the first outfit - I kept the dark blue-gray top and brown bottoms sort of deal his canon outfit usually has. The second one I literally just colourpicked from a picture of a lion lmao.
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I wanted to give Erin something with one of those corset over-dress things (partially because they remind me of his canon vest) and a jabot (because I'm dumb and gay), while keeping his pirate sleeves and a capelet sort of thing. Bonus: the little gem at the neck? Based on his emissary token. Both outfit variants are based on suggestions in the discord (from Mat, Coffee, and Ocean <3), and the gold on the dark purple in the first outfit is somewhat inspired by scale patterns (walter <3).
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The main premise for this outfit was Gender Goals. Dainix is transition goals for me and I am incredibly prepared to indulge myself. Both colour schemes are nebulously inspired by another discord suggestion (from Turtle - I didn't know how to do "pale reddish-purple" lmao). Bonus fun fact: second version colours are inspired by an oc (Vee my beloved <3) whose outfit is Also part of the inspiration for this fit. Dainix my beloved
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I put Kendal in a pretty elaborate robe sort of deal - I kind of took some inspiration from priest/prophet stylings? Vaguely? Basically he's got the body of a god and I wanted him to look appropriately fancy. The first version with the white and blue was both discord suggested (thanks Mat!) and what kind of fits best with Vash's whole blue thing, and the second one (suggested by Coffee and Ocean) was based on the idea of an actual Aurora [rimshot]. Also the blue gem on his chest with the gold detailings is meant to be closer to the symbol of Vash shown in the comic.
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
24 moar asks :}
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..That’s.. That’s a good point.
I’ve noticed recently that I’ve been trying very hard to get all these projects done, but I just cant seem to get past this writers/artist block.. Ingo and Emmet part 3, my FNAF AU, the Rosalina comic.. all of it has just felt really draining. I think its because I’m turning these projects into work, instead of a fun hobby.
I actually was working on the Petey Piranha comic last night, but I just couldn’t get past the sketching stage. So I took a break to draw what ever I wanted and.. I had a lot of fun.
I think I’ve overwhelmed myself thinking I have to do all these projects and get them done quickly for.. what ever reason. And its made art really draining.
I think I’m gonna take all of my projects (aside from my FNAF AU) and just. Put them on the shelf for now. I’ll draw them if I ever feel like it. 
Thanks for the little push anon.
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When ever I want. And it’ll be what ever I want :}
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If you see that someone has reposted my art and you want to do something about it, first of all thank you very much that’s really kind of you-
SECOND OFF, report it if you can. If you cant then leave a comment saying its stolen and link back to my tumblr or just mention my name. Thanks again! Its really cool that you’d want to do that for me- 💕😭💕
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I had planned that he could eat a fire flower and spit out a fire ball, but I later took away that ability. Yoshi ain’t got no fire powers :(
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They do exist, and Bowser does care about them.. but he doesn't show it as much as he does in canon. He’s a lot more stern and ruler like. A lot less touchy feely you know?
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The idea is that the 1-UP mushroom has fully left Mario’s body. So any effects or pain he experiences all lies in his trauma related to the incident.
Now, if Luigi were to die and be revived by a 1-UP? It would be the same. If the experience was traumatic and he suffered a horrible injury, he would probably deal with phantom pains too..
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For most of them I just referenced clothing that relates to the attraction/style they have in the game.
For Chica I looked up kids rock star costumes and took reference of what I thought looked good. For Bonnie I looked up old vintage bowling ally shirts and referenced the one that looked closest to his canon shirt. For Foxy I referenced pirate coats and costumes. For Monty I looked up old golfing outfits and picked out aspects that I liked and mixed it with punk/rock and roll. For Roxanne I referenced punk rock I think..? And old racing fire suits.
For Freddy though I mostly made it up.. but I looked at a bunch of different artists that made redesigns for Freddy and tried to capture the vibe of the ones I liked. Mostly the collar on his coat was something a lot of those artists drew-
For Gregory I just gave him a new outfit based on the story. When he went back to the Pizzaplex his clothes were dirty and worn.. so Freddy went and got him new clothes from one of the gift shops. So I went to google and referenced the sweaters and clothes you find throughout the game and gave him stuff that looked similar. Hope this helped! :}
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There is! But its not that deep don’t worry-
When I was designing my sona, I wanted something on my hands. At the time my hands were covered in Band-Aids due to cat scratched and dry/cracked skin. So I thought hey! I could have bandaged hands! So I added them.
They also work if you call them my “artist hands” lol-
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No, thank YOU for engaging with my content and sending me lovely messages! :D
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Oh he’s in the AU, he’s probably one of the smaller gorilla types that just kind’a vibes and does old man stuff. He probably has to eat the sweeter fruits though because his jaw isn’t so strong anymore. Much to his dismay.. 
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She didn’t cause any problems per say, the Toads didn’t even know she existed. Although she does create these shooting stars every time she comes to the planet.. but that doesn’t bother the Toads either, In fact they celebrate them. So the toads have no issue with Rosalina.
Also she apologized to Mario and Luigi for “disturbing” them because they heard her crying and they went to investigate. :(
And thank you! I’m glad you like my interpretations! :D
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Well you’re in luck! My FNAF AU is the only project I plan to not drop and keep working on! Hahaha!... haaahhhh
(Also thank you very much that was very sweet 😭)
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I don’t actually have a specific name that I tag my AU under.. but if you were to search “mario” in my blog search you’ll find just about every Mario related post I’ve ever made. AU and not AU.
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Not yet.. 👀
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The reason why Mario experiences phantom pain is because his first death was very traumatic for him. So whether or not he experiences phantom pains with his future deaths all depends on how he died, and how it effected him mentally.
Same goes for Luigi. If he dies a horribly painful/traumatic death.. he’ll likely experience phantom pains too..
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There was a comic planned for how they met him actually.
They got lost in the woods and stumbled upon King Boos mansion. Like an idiot Mario goes in and Luigi follows. They both ended up getting tormented and pranked by the Boos. They were separated at one point but then met back up on the second floor. Mario sees a fire flower in an old flower pot and grabs it.
As soon as he becomes fire Mario.. the entire mansion goes completely silent..
Then, all the windows and doors slowly shut. Some of the lights come on and Mario and Luigi follow them. They follow the lights down the hall, down the stairs, through the main room and wind up led to the front door..
The front door is wide open. Mario and Luigi walk out.. only for the door to slam shut behind them. Locking them out.
Mario harnessing a fire flower was so bizarre, so impossible! That King Boo knew he was outmatched against him. So King Boo just silently let them out of the mansion without a fuss. 
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I’m not sure how they would react to the Koopalings, but I imagine they wouldn't hurt them. It doesn’t take a genius to tell that the Koopalings are just kids..
As for their behaviors.. I think its close to the canon interpretations, except for Ludwig and JR. I had planned that Ludwig was going to be much bigger and more stern like his pa. Because he is the heir to the throne.. but then google told me that Roy is the oldest so there goes that plan-
For JR though his plans stick. JR is supposed to be smaller and younger. More like a toddler then a kid. He’s the youngest and the one Bowser is most protective of. 
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Thank you! I’m glad you like my AU! :D
As for if anyone will find Gregory.. I haven’t planned if anyone will or who it will be. Although it will likely be Chica or Monty.
Since Chica is so close to Freddy, she is bound to find out about this entire child that he has kept secret-
As for Monty.. I liked the idea of Gregory hiding for some reason.. and he calls for Freddy through his fazwatch in a panic. After a few minutes he hears big thumping plasticky foot steps approaching. He comes out of hiding thinking its Freddy..
But it was Monty.
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I made them brothers because I could :}
Although I’m questioning it now. Maybe they could just be friends. They could just be two idiots who found each other and decided to reek havoc together.
Oooor they could be brothers., Hmm.. I’ll have to give it some more thought XD
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If Bowser had gone straight for Luigi, first of all he would have to land a fatal blow twice. Because the power of the Ice Flower would Protect Luigi from one big hit. That’s actually why Mario died in one shot. Because the Fire Flower had just run our of power.
But anyway- after loosing the ice flower and getting hit? Luigi would just die.. and stay dead. Only Mario had consumed a 1-UP mushroom at that point..
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I imagined them as these strange monsters that live in the woods. They don’t work for Bowser, or Peach, they just do their own thing. I also imagined them to deal with dark magic and rituals and stuff. 
Wanna hear how Mario and Luigi first met one?
The plan was that the bros and Yoshi were exploring when they found a shy guy with its leg caught in a tree root. Mario carefully approached to try and help.. but the closer he got. The longer and more deformed the shy guy became.
Yoshi ended up snatching them both up and running away. Mario mysteriously had a fever that lasted for a few days after that..
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Me waiting for my platonic kiss on the forehead be like:
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My favorite character? Oooo that’s a good question. There’s a lot to choose from.. but one of my favorites is Hal Monitor. Always love it when he’s on screen XD
I actually like stupid Mario sometimes, he’s pretty funny XD
So far my favorite arc is the lawsuit arc. Mostly because I’m not caught up on the other arcs. The little nuggets of Mario angst/wholesomeness we got in that arc was delicious XD 
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If the Monkeys were to eat the red beets they would gain more muscle mass overtime. But its not a matter of them not being able to eat them, they just don’t like them.
The blue fruits are very sweet and juicy, and the beets are dry and bitter. The kongs that like bitter flavors eat the beets and grow to be huge. and overtime they develop a dislike for sweet tastes. And vice versa.
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bp-trio · 7 months
you’re watching….
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Outfit | Makeup | Hair style | nails
( ALL IN ENGLISH ) ( questions searched on the web about Sol)
"Hey, I'm Sol and this is the Wired Autocomplete interview," Sol said smiling. Sol was given aboard. A medium-sized board where the questions were stuck with a paper and she has to peel it off to open the question. “Let’s see what you all are curious about”
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"Have you ever googled yourself before?" Interviewer.
"No. I try not to."
"Alright, first question," Sol said before carefully peeling off the sticker that was covering the full question that was searched on the web about her.
[ WHAT ]
"What is Sol’s full name? My full name is Solaire Victoria Raeya Ivanov and I know it's a long name. But my parents liked it." Sol answered and smiled.
"What does Sol like in a guy?" Sol chuckled at the question. "Wow, did someone actually search this on the web?" Sol asked as she looked at her staff behind the camera and giggled. "What I like in a guy is honesty and just be good to me."
"What is Sol’s net worth?" Sol smiled at the question. "why do you guys care about this? but to be honest I don't even know what my net worth is."
"What is Sol's zodiac sign?" "Aquarius, I am. Fun fact, I actually share a birthday with Rosé. I was told recently about some of the characteristics of the Aquarius. Think I maybe have like, three of eight."
"What is Sol's phone number?" "That is a question I won't be answering. I don't give my number to anyone. So, it is maybe impossible to get my number. Sorry." Sol said and smiled blandly.
"What is Sol's accent?" Sol laughed at the question. "Honestly I have no idea. I would say British on most occasions. it also depends on where I go. When I got to America. my accent changes to American English and when I'm in Paris, I speak in a Parisian accent. Or these days it feels like I’m getting Aussie accent because of Rose. It is a bit confusing I don't know what my accents are." Sol chuckled.
"What is Sol doing right now?" Sol exhaled and chuckled " Talking to you. that's so funny people would google that. what is Sol doing now, like Google's gonna know"
"What was Sol's first song?" "The very first song I wrote was for my mom on her birthday when I was like six years old, and it was about when I grow up, can I be as pretty as you? when I grow up, can I wear your dress? and still, my parents and my siblings make fun of me sometimes."
Sol throws the medium-sized board on the floor and grabs the one handling to her.
[ DOES ]
"Does Sol have pets?" " Yes, I have 4 pets, three dogs and one cat. I have Shiba Inu named Cain, Samoyed named Chico, white Pomeranian Cece, and a Manx cat named Cleo. I adopted all of them from a rescue shelter. They are my angels."
"Does Sol speak Spanish?" Sol smiled. "Yes, I can speak Spanish because I taught myself and I'm proud of myself for doing that because I can now communicate with my fans who speak Spanish," Sol said and continued smiling as she peeled off the sticker that covers the next question and read it.
"Does Sol play guitar?" "Yes, I do play guitar. In fact, I play a lot of instruments. My grandpa taught me how to play the Violin and Piano. during my trainees days, I learned to play drums, electric guitar, ukulele, recorder, flute, and Saxophone recently. since I have much free time this year because of the pandemic, I spend my time mostly learning new instruments and learning online." Sol answered and nodded.
"Does Sol has tattoos?" "That’s a secret" she giggles, “but I do, I have four tattoos and each one of them has a meaning.”
"Does Sol watch anime?" "Do, and my top three animes are the seven deadly sins, my hero academia, and One Piece."
“Does Sol know how to play games?” “Yes, I love playing games. It’s my hobby.”
[ CAN ]
"Can Sol sing?" Sol laughed at the question. " I bloody hope so, otherwise I have no idea what I'm doing here."
"Can Sol rap?" "Yes, I can rap. I’m the lead rapper in the group."
"Can Sol drive?" "I can drive.  I actually passed my driving test the first time. I do really love the freedom of just getting in your car and going wherever you want."
"Can Sol come to my birthday party?" Sol laughed."I wish I could but I think you would have to speak to my agency and my manager about that."
"Can I date Sol?" Sol laughed and grinned. the staff also laughed "that's an interesting question. Maybe but I think you would have to speak to my agency and my manager about that too." Sol said and shrugged with a chuckle.
[ HOW ]
“Okay last board, How old is Sol?" Sol read off as she peeled the tap. "I'm 26 years old."
"How to get Sol's face?" Sol laughed. "Seriously? I don't know. surgery, I think?" Sol said and shrugged with a chuckle.
"How did Sol become famous?" Sol chuckled. " by releasing good music."
"How many languages can Sol speak?" Sol smiled. "I can speak 7 languages. Korean, English, Japanese, French, Mandarin, Spanish, and Russian I'm hoping to learn Thai and German by next year." Sol answered.
“How does Sol stays in shape? By working out.” She stated. “I don’t like dieting and I was extremely bad at it. When I was training to be a singer, I had this extremely diet and I just failed. I couldn’t resist my love for ice cream.”
“How does Sol keep her hair healthy?” She smiled, “I use a specially made shampoo and conditioner provided by my wonderful stylist aka Lina.”
“Well, that’s it?.” She asked, throwing the cardboard away when the staff members nodded. “It’s been fun! They weren’t as scary as I thought they would be.”
“I hope you enjoyed the video, thank you. Mwah.” She says, staring directly into the lens and blowing a kiss at it.
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sassykinzonline · 3 months
What was your Coachella of 2016?
Basically the outfits you wore throughout the years (doesn’t matter if we only see them once) and rate them and why you wore them?!
thank you for elaborating because i have 0 idea what coachella is
i cant be bothered to find an individual picture for all of these so heres a reference and i'll just talk about them in order
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kiddo fit : was comfy and matched my brother, 6/10. could be more individual and fun, but was sentimental.
new graduate fit: still comfy, unique colour for the uchiha. i think i chose that shade of blue because it made a statement without being....garish. i wanted to separate myself from my brother. short-sleeves because i run pretty hot. 7/10, still basic but more individual.
genin fit: iconic. form, style, and function, as i mentioned in a different ask, the leg and arm warmers worked to hide ninja tools like my strings. 10/10, i think when most people think of me they think of this.
chunin exam fit: this one was a functional outfit. i spent pretty much all that time training in the middle of nowhere with a technique that was dangerous and painful. the bandages and the braces are to help stabilize my arms for the chidori without being a fire hazard like the arm and leg warmers would've been. i also had a lot of burns and sprains that i needed to treat while still training. 5/10, at least it's useful but i'm not proud of the fact that i chose a romper because rock lee wore a jumpsuit.
otogakure fit: another iconic fit. this is actually a combination of function and a fashion statement. the hakama was open because i didnt want to buy new clothes every time i used my curse mark. the obi and the blue cloth help me carry kusanagi while also maintaining the samurai silhouette. to be brief, i represented myself as a samurai because i was single-mindedly dedicated to the honour of my clan. 10/10, perfect.
renegade fit: this is actually my favourite outfit. it was comfortable both in terms of fabric and movement. i like the colours. i think it's attractive and makes me look dangerous. the bandages were necessary but still look cool, and the ones on my forehead make you wonder "is he reclaiming konoha?" 11/10.
akatsuki fit: my hair was a disaster so i kind of wish i had made more use of the hood. at the same time though, i wanted the fear that my face and the akatsuki cloak combined would inspire. 4/10, the only points here really come from the improvement on the cloak. youre welcome obito.
konoha crush pt 2 fit: i...am ambivalent towards this look. it kept me cool and it looked nice. i think the return to the short sleeves was some sort of reclamation of my youth, but it also feels confused and speaks to my mental state. it made me recognizable but still not exactly the same as before. 8/10.
vote 2 fit: i mean...the silhouette changed to something really similar to my brother's clothes under his cloak. the clothes were torn. im glad i wore short sleeves since i ended up losing an arm. 4/10, somehow the result of a lot of effort and no effort at the same time.
from this point on, i didnt actually wear any of these outfits as they are so i'll just comment on what i like and what i actually wore.
10. ronin fit: so i did wear a headband but i wore it under my bangs, but that was because i used a bow often to hunt for food. i think this outfit is ugly and im annoyed at it. 3/10 for the poncho. i did wear a poncho type thing, but i wore it more like the otogakure outfit--folded down around my waist for access to my weapons but easy to pull back over myself for warmth. i wore a long sleeved mesh shirt for compression to help with the phantom pains in my arm, and a shirt and pants that looked like my brother's but in a darker blue. you can imagine something similar to what gaara wore the first time we met him with the asymmetrical visual of a japanese archery uniform. in my mind i was thinking more artemis/ancient greece.
11. interpol fit: i dont hate this but i dont love it. it doesnt really fit for the purposes i wouldve been using it for because it just stands out a lot and looks like a military outfit. 4/10 because it's not ugly, but the form betrays the function. in actuality i wore something similar to the renegade fit, just in more plain colours and a full haori. think a farmer's outfit in tan with black accents and black pants. dark blue haori over everything to keep warm and look plain. i was trying to blend in with civilians.
12. dad fit: i feel like this is something more like what itachi would wear at that age, but i do like it. the cloak seems cumbersome at this point though, i would overheat fast. 7/10. since im nowhere near this age, i'll comment on what i wear these days for missions. it's pretty similar to the renegade fit as well, but the hakama is left fully open and worn more like a vest. in a kendo uniform, you tie up the sleeves but in my case i tie them up to essentially make the hakama sleeveless. i just wear a somewhat loose tank top under that. picture charasuke. on the bottom i wear athletic shorts that i suppose are similar to the ones i wore as a genin but longer and maybe a bit looser. long shin guards and ninja sandals as well, so it looks a bit similar to the bottom of the otogakure era clothing but more kendo than samurai. colours vary but i tend to keep it all black, grey tank top. if im feeling festive then grey shorts, black tank top, blue hakama. i do own an orange tank top thanks to naruto. naruto also made me a necklace with just one pearl on it. it looks both like the full moon but also his sun mark, so it's nice.
around the village i just wear a dark blue haori with sweats and a t-shirt. nothing too interesting because konoha doesnt deserve that from me.
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noatpad · 7 months
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I've been rather busy with grad school projects lately (and it'll probably last a bit longer), but recently a friend surprised me with some gift art of my dnd lad and his own. Since the campaign has been put on hold (and also wanting to scribble another idea related to it), I had an itch to scratch.
This is a "what if" redesign of my boy, alongside some of my personal scribbles I've done of him over the past few months that I'm still fond of
So a bit of exposition!
I say "what if", 'cause Tint here is a special case where his design was intentionally left untouched, or well, intended to keep his outfit and general look the same as my art style matured. Reason why is that I wanted to keep it consistent with his ongoing campaign, and I found it fun to draw things as it developed. So any different takes of him I did (which there is at least one of, that being his Metronome look) was like an AU or was what actually part of the campaign, which you'll see with all the scribbles below.
Though the thing was that back then, I made Tint as more so a one-time, hypothetical character. At the time, I actually didn't think I'd ever get the chance to play dnd 'cause of constraints I had (how wrong I was). But hearing a couple of friends talk about how fun it was for them, I basically made him just to imagine that "what if" (just noticed that that first sketch was actually posted here, and yeah I even said it was a hypothetical on the canvas, hah).
Because of that though, I went for a rather basic design: purple tunic, round glasses, long scarf. Fun fact: foxfolk was picked mostly just because I was comfortable drawing it after scribbling Note and Clef so much (and magic seemed rather fitting for a fox given the ethereal side of folklore involving them). I still like him since I grew attached to playing him, don't get me wrong! But now that I know a good bit better on anatomy & character design, and Tint's story took shape, I figured it'd be fun to explore what he'd look like if I were to redesign him.
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As a tangent, gosh it's so surprising to me how my ability to do anatomy and structure on a character has grown in just the past couple of years. Not to say I dislike it, but I conditioned myself to only be capable of drawing that style consistently. I think I only could've had this growth because of the friends and inspirations I slowly learned from.
And yeah! There's a lot more intent on his palette being themed around light or radiance (and I've been informed it looks reminiscent to the colors on Isaac from Golden Sun, which is a funny coincidence), and hopefully he looks more adventurous yet studious type of mage!
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mindiemakes · 1 month
Hello there, I just came across your profile and i absolutely love your style and self-insert!!<3 Would you mind sharing a bit about them? 👉👈 I’d love to hear more about them. :>
(You have no idea how happy this ask made me LOL)
First off, thank you so much! I’m glad you like my art it means a lot :]💕
Second off, I’m sorry for such a late ass reply, I’ve had family visiting this weekend and we’ve been out and about :,) so thanks for your patience!
I haven’t really been able to talk much about my self insert, so I’d be happy to share some stuff about them!
They’re kind of an extension of myself? At least that’s how I draw them teehee <3
They’re a college student majoring in education, so they needed to gain more experience working with children. When they saw the advertisement for working at the Superstar Daycare they instantly applied and got the job (despite this being their first experience working with kids). Their job at the Daycare was originally being a stand-in for Sun and Moon when they would go in for maintenance checks, but after Sun and Moon got too attached to them, they were “promoted” to being assistant to the Daycare Attendant.
Here are some fun facts about them:
Their little bandana they wear for their uniform is actually reversible and they interchange wearing the designs everyday
They’re very caffeine sensitive (which Sun learned the hard way after giving them a Sundrop candy)
The Daycare attendant thought they hated them at first because they are very quiet unless spoken to first
Sometimes they go into the arcade during their breaks and play the dancing games
They get into the most arguments with Moon over stupid things like how the storage closet should be organized
They LOVE animals! Though they don’t have a pet themselves
And here’s a doodle of them in their outfits too muehehe
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the-ocean-in-motion · 4 months
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A post for publicly sharing the products of my Drawfee Lalafell idol project!
(if u don't know what the fuck I'm saying just scroll on)
NOTE: I am not affliated with Drawfee I just stole their logo for that edit. I'm not making money Julia pls don't sue me
Q: Why do this? A: Fatal case of brainworms
Q: How long did you spend on making these? A: Too long. Enough questions
Jokes aside, here's a proper intro to what this is for people who aren't in that one very specific discord: As a creative project of sorts, I decided to make 4 Lalafells in FFXIV based on the Drawfee crew (youtubers). SPECIFICALLY these are based on their Newsday Comic Designs, because there's only so much staring at real people's faces really zoomed in I can do before I start feeling like a creep.
So, No, these are not "lifelike" or even "as close to life like as i can make potato people in a 10 year old video game". They're based on stylized ideas of people, warped by my creative liberty. That left me more space to make them cute instead of uncanny valley, which I'm sure any drawfee members that see this post might appreciate too.
They're also all heavily modded. It's more fun for dressup.
With that said! Onwards to the pictures (and design notes)!
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Nathan: I actually "made" the beard for this myself - or, rather, I refitted it from a modded beard for Roegadyn. I even made an effort to mold it into a rough flower shape, but I'm afraid it doesn't show up that well. Still, remembering that there is no full beard for Lalafell in the vanilla game, I think it actually looks quite cute! For this "casual" fit I made an effort not to make Nathan look too fashion-y. Of course, they're idol photoshoot style pics, so I still had to dress him up a bit! With this sporty fit with the fun big red boots reminiscent of early video game character designs, I think I landed in a pretty nice middle ground.
Julia: This is the only design I paid real life money to make. I spent forever futzing with free hair mods trying to find one I liked, but in the end I forked over a few bucks to an experienced hair modder's online shop and got this hair that comes with all the features I wanted. Can't say I regret the purchase, it's very pretty. For the outfit, I knew what I wanted pretty much immediately. I have had this outfit mod for a long time, but I've never really known what to use it for. It feels very Julia, even if I can't remember necessarily seeing her wear this kind of thing before. Maybe it just feels French, and I associate Julia with France?
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Karina: Karina's face sculpt mod was very easy to decide. Looking at the list of the free female Lala faces, I saw one that looked like a little shit - and named "Give Me the Phone" - and immediately knew it was perfect. I had to edit this hair to become hat compatible for later outfits, but overall this one was full of easy picks. Maybe I'm projecting too hard, though? I even dressed her in a top I modded for myself, after all.
Jacob: Jacob's design is one I agonized over, because finding a hair for him was quite hard. Short hair mods are rarer than long ones, and Newsday Jacob's hair is very distinctive. In the end I had to settle for a more realistic style, but I'm told it still reads as him. I wound up putting Jacob in maybe the cutesy-est outfit of the four. I don't think he'd mind, but either way the funny little overalls were too big a temptation for me to resist. Accessorising with bandages is where my weeb roots really shine through, though. Portraits done, here's the additional materials I've made!
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Drawfee Kindergarten Field trip! Fun fact, I took this screenshot mere seconds before the dungeon I used as a set kicked me out, which means I spent the entire instance timer just deciding on accessories and posing! Where are they going? To see the big squid at the Aetherfont's center, of course!
The first music video! Motions not by me, I'm not that talented, these are retargeted Project Sekai dances (retargeting also not by me lmao animation modding scares me)
Childish war is such a fun song and dance, never mind the fact that none of the "personalities" really work for drawfee. It's dancing lalas! Who cares!
That's it! I might do more music videos or photo shoots in the future, but that's highly dependent on my brain chemistry, so truly nothing is certain. If you made it this far, I hope my silly little project brought you some joy! (and olive) And hey!
Check this out!
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alltimefail-sims · 9 months
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Hi friends, and happy Friday!
Yesterday the sims team released its first stuff pack since Paranormal Stuff, so I wanted to give my thoughts and pseudo-review it for you all. I'm not sure if these little reviews are helpful in any way, but I've found that forcing myself to take the time and really isolate the new features, CAS items, and objects has made me appreciate, incorporate, and analyze them among the existent content a little better.
So, with that being said, here's my long and unbiased review of the CAS items from the Home Chef Hustle Stuff Pack! ↓
Let's begin with the outfits shown above. This pack provided items that I absolutely love and have been asking for whilst also giving items that are just...meh at best. (By "meh" I mean that after this review, they'll be forgotten in the catalogue.)
There are multiple variants of apron outfits for both frames and I liked all of them. I'm serious, I even liked the apron dress: it's a little frumpy, but it feels like a perfect cuddly grandma or elderly sim outfit. Also that shirt with the little towel over the shoulder in male frame? Love love love that. Crazy about it, in fact! But beyond the outfits themselves, I really like the color swatches in this pack and the fact that they have clean and dirty swatches. I say it every time, but I love the lived-in, imperfect CAS and Build/Buy items that the sims team has been rolling out lately and I hope they keep up with that style.
I also really love the turtleneck jumpsuit and honestly, it may be one of my favorite CAS pieces to date. I love all the swatches and the way it fits on sims of all sizes. They have been giving us a lot of jumpsuits lately, but this one stands out from the others in a positive way.
As for the clothing items I didn't care for and/or could do without: the one pair of pants that came with this SP. It's not that they're bad or anything; the swatches are fine, they just don't stand out as a staple item to me. Same with the chef coat - it's a nice piece, it has a variety of color and style options, but I'm not sure how often I'll use it as it's so specific/niche. Both perfectly adequate for what they are though!
However, the hoodie, t-shirt with the little ascot, and graphic tee did nothing for me. Some of the swatches on the t-shirt were good (the fire chicken for example) while some felt weird and wildly out of place with the existing animation style/graphics in the game. The shirt with the ascot is just okay, I like how it fit my sims but some of the designs are a bit on the nose and corny. I can't emphasize enough that some of the designs on the shirts were just decent while the other half were really, really bad.
The single pair of shoes in this pack aren't great either. I just thought they looked a little underwhelming, I had higher expectations I guess. I have clog/croc cc that looks much better than what came with this pack if I'm being honest, so I could leave these out all together. Plus, they warp the male ankles significantly, so I couldn't even use them on my male sim as demonstrated in the picture below.
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I've seen a few people confused about the gloves that came with this pack, but I actually like them. I especially like the latex/rubber gloves: I would have a home chef wear these at their pop-up-shop for the play pretend impression of food prep safety (like in real life). It's silly, it doesn't impact gameplay, but it helps my imagination and storytelling so that's a fun touch to me. Any touch of realism is a win in my book, and they're also nice to have if you have Dine Out as well! Come to think of it, a lot of the CAS items from this pack would incorporate quite seamlessly with that pack if not for the fact that Dine Out is virtually unplayable. Anyway!
The earrings and necklace are cute, even though the knife is a little chunky. I love silly jewelry though, so I will definitely use all three of them. The tattoo, I'm sorry to say, is kind of goofy as fuck lmao. Just not my personal taste. "A" for effort though? I feel like they could have kept with the chef/foodie tattoo concept and been less on the nose, but it's fine. If nothing else, it's silly and it is in a good location at least? At least they've been trying to add tattoos in the last few packs after going a long while completely ignoring that category all together?
As for the hats...
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Need we talk about the hats? They're bulky, chunky, they don't lay on any sim's head properly and it only gets worse as they get younger. We all joke about it, but I don't know that the Sims team has ever seen an actual human wearing a hat before. You'd think after we complain and make jokes about it every pack, they would get the message.
Regardless, the hats themselves would have been, objectively, super adorable if they fit correctly... but they don't. The swatches are pretty fun, the texture is actually nice. So annoying! I hope someone comes out with a default replacement fix because I would use these for my younger sims a lot.
Now...the hairs!
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The first scarf hairdo in fem frame looks SO GOOD. Why it did not come in male frame, I will never know. It's one of my favorite hairs to date. Also the curly hairdo for male frames is so cute and like nothing else we have in the game, so that was nice too (and it also should have came in fem frame, but again I digress). I want to give them props as well for the short cut with shaved sides - that is one of the more fashionable, practical, reusable male hairs that have come with a pack. They always somehow manage to mess "staple" pieces up by doing something funky (looking at you Cats and Dogs hair with a fucking pawprint shaved on the side lmaoooo) but this hair is simple and good. Love that. I do feel like there are similar cuts to this already in game, but they don't look as good... so congrats to them for finally doing this haircut right on try 4 or 5 lmao.
I so so so wish they would do what CC creators do and create a headband overlay in the hats category so you could change the hairband color because I actually love the different swatches... I just hate that they're limited to certain hair colors! It's not like anyone is pairing a hat with a hairdo that has a scarf or headband, so whyyyyyy aren't they giving us that option yet? Hopefully cc creators pull through on this one as well.
Otherwise I genuinely have no complaints about any of the hairs. I think they're all quite nice!
Now onto the least exciting part of this review...the littles.
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Not much to say about any of this: it's all the same stuff from the adult CAS items, with a lot left out. I would have liked to see an item made specifically for these life stages in mind, but that didn't happen, unfortunately. Everything they converted felt kind of random, and there were things they didn't convert that I thought were a missed opportunity.
For instance: I don't know why the hoodie didn't get converted, or the pants? They didn't make anything original for children, so I don't think it would have been much trouble to convert one or both of these items. In my opinion, the swatches on the hoodie would have probably suited kids better than the adults, and I feel like hoodies are a staple item in every child's closet so you can never really have too many? But yeah, big miss.
The random onesie for infants was weird and I felt like it had fewer swatches than it should have. Maybe they're trying to throw infants in as they're a new life stage and we have so little for them? I don't know. I thought it was weird toddlers got nothing but one singular hairstyle and the giant hat (all life stages got that). They could have at least given toddlers the onesie, too...or even the t-shirt. Regardless, this pack wasn't for kids/toddlers/infants, that much is clear, but they could have been incorporated better with a little more effort, and that's what frustrates me the most!
I'll be talking about gameplay in the next post. If you read all of this, I love you very much. You could have googled "Home Chef Hustle CAS items," but you didn't!! You read my rambles instead and for that I am so thankful. Big smooch on the forehead from me to you. <3
That's a wrap for now. See you in the next one, friends!
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archerygun · 2 months
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Guys I’m sorry. A single person asked me to elaborate. I’ve gotta elaborate now. I have permission from an internet stranger. Also, yes, I think I should be locked up and studied for science but exposing my insanity on the internet is the next best thing. @dye-it-rouge-et-noir this one is for you buddy.
This is a follow-up/part 2 post. If you’re seeing this post before part 1, part 1/the context is here = https://www.tumblr.com/archerygun/749484004313579520/alright-i-was-chatting-to-a-friend-about-james?source=share
(Splitting it up into sections because I want to try and contain myself from rambling nonstop for five straight minutes)
Sean Connery - A friend of mine did most of the design, I added the bottom half, the gun, the colours and a couple of motifs. I chose Thunderball as the film of focus because my friend mentioned his swimsuit was traumatising, and also because it’s the film with the jetpack in it. Generally focused on circular shapes and tear shapes because y’know… water. He’s orange because of the orange swimsuit that my friend called out lmao. And the flower on the neck bow is supposed to look like the one from the iconic white dinner suit that I tend to default to drawing Sean Connery Bond in because when he isn’t in dinner suits his dress sense is generally not as fun as I would like. The gun is based on the one from the James Bond image. You know the one.
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I put simultaneously not enough thought and too much thought into this Jesus Christ. I think he’d have some sort of jetpack power-up or something. George Lazenby - He only did one film, so that did limit sources of inspiration. Fortunately, OHMSS is my favourite Bond film because everything about it is earnest and completely insane. I had to include his bowler hat from the intro because it was amazing and not enough Bonds wear hats, so he’d at least look distinctive. It’s set in an icy location for most of it, so that’s where most of the theming came from, the colour, etc; the diamond motif might have suited Sean Connery better all things considered but too late now. I took some costuming inspiration from his kilt outfit because it was strange and iconic and I think all Bonds should be made to wear it. He only really has one promo shot with a gun so I had to give the position of tiny gun guy to George Lazenby. He wields it well.
Roger Moore - I kinda just took the fact that he was the first Bond in space and ran with it. Used stars as a motif, etc. Particular inspiration was taken from this outfit:
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And partial inspiration from his weird marine navy commander-style getup (for the shawl thing). It was legitimately way too hard to find a gun that wouldn’t accidentally cross over with a gun from another Bond so I picked the most Seventies gun I could possibly find for inspiration assuming that no other Bonds would ever use something similar. The upper body pose as usual is directly from the reference image. I felt like if I put all the Bonds in skirts, it’d get a bit repetitive and start looking bad, so I figured if any Bond was going to get trousers it would have to be the one that actually wore flares.
Basically just how I’d pitch the three Bonds I’ve done so far if they were a group dynamic instead of solo iterations. Gonna do it in bullet points so it’s more comprehensible. (I don’t have any rhyme, reason or lore for this. It’s literally just me assigning three Bonds distinct personalities).
Sean Connery:
The group leader/group elder/tired old man
He can still be a slut if that’s what you want but minus the creepiness. Mutual engagement in passive flings? No problems with that.
Seen so much shit that he’s sorta nonchalant about everything and believes he’s overqualified for just about anything he’s asked to do.
✨War trauma✨
Suaveness and charm level 100. He’s a crabby old man most of the time but he’s so charming that the group let him get away with it.
He’s desensitised to like, literally everything. He will not hesitate to kill a man in cold blood if the situation demands it.
Pretty much believes that human beings are fundamentally bad, himself included.
Ultimately the one that’s willing to make the hard calls.
George Lazenby:
Like his actor before him he is the least qualified and probably lied to get into the secret service.
Optimistic, perceived as naive, ready to try and fight the narrative to change his fate.
The group child (and the youngest).
Quit the secret service after his new wife was assassinated on their wedding day and only comes back because shit has hit the fan (plot reasons. I don’t have a plot, I’m just speaking as if I’m pitching a TV show).
Doomed By The Narrative™️
Ridiculed or forgotten by everyone except the other Bonds
Sean Connery’s Bond respects him a great deal and secretly envies his more idealistic worldview, but won’t let him make the tough calls because he sees him as too naive and too unstable (willing to risk everything)
Roger Moore’s Bond HAS adopted him.
Roger Moore:
Literally feral
Master of British understatement (“Oh. That’s a bit of a shame.” as the world is literally ending around him)
He’s besties with Sean Connery’s Bond as the other sort of group elder
Despite how manic and wired he appears, he is terrifyingly competent and capable of being very serious
Team leader when Connery’s Bond is out of action
Dad figure. Not just to the other Bonds, but as a default personality. He will go parent mode on anyone he thinks he’s capable of saving.
Although if he doesn’t think you’re saveable he will not hesitate to shoot on sight if he runs out of options.
As far as ideas for the other three, Timothy Dalton is going to look evil and edgy but he’s just an enthusiastic dork and Daniel Craig is a stone cold killer with trust issues draped in bright pink bows. I haven’t seen any Pierce Brosnan movies so far so I might just have to vibe check him based on plot synopsis.
Closing thoughts? I want my brain removed and replaced with a better one. I’m sorry for everything you have witnessed today.
Also, these are based exclusively on the movies and not the books. I’m more digging into what makes each actor and era special and distinct.
If you sat through all that, well done, thank you, please don’t report me to the asylum and enjoy this image of Sean Connery.
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lake-archive · 3 months
An Outfit For You
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AO3 Link - Fling Posse Selfship / Yumeship Masterlist
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Ann Wolff (OC), Ramuda Amemura
Pairing: Ramuann (Ramuda/Ann)
Words: 1,265
The rare sight of a ponytail, even though a tiny one. A shirt with the lack of sleeves and a green tie, having a fitting jacket (which however had decided to slide down enough to not cover the shoulders) as well as a pair of jeans. Not to mention two hair clips at the right side of the hair.
It was a start, at least a different sight from the usual. Anything else and Ann would have probably collapsed on the spot so Ramuda had to ease them into a style change. But they looked way cuter than they would in their usual clothes! Maybe it had been their tiny ponytail hanging down and the hair clip. Or perhaps it was both with the mixture of a blush and trying to avert his gaze, an attempt to not come off as too flustered, too embarrassed… Except that was the only thing they were looking like and honestly, it was a little amusing.
Ramuda himself couldn't help but hum at the sight, unable to hide his smile even. He could just barely hold himself from letting out a teasing quip or running over and just hug them right then and there. After all, he had to make sure that everything was fitting, from head to toe – Not being too tight but not too wide either, just fine and comfortable to wear. Work first, fun later!
“So so, how are you feeling Ann–Chan? “ He asked, though he could already think of the answer, judging from their face.
“How am I… Feeling?” They repeated, trying so hard not to stutter and somewhat shiver. And yet… “Uh… Can I just change back?”
“Nuh–uh! Not after I've spent weeks making this!” He protested with a rather playful pout, hands on his hips. “Also that doesn't really answer my question!”
They stayed silent for a few moments, their gaze wandering around. Left, up, right, down – Always going from one direction to the next. They were clearly too flustered to answer, whispering something under their breath. It was too embarrassing apparently. But they will get used to this. They have to get used to this because Ramuda will make sure that they won't escape his grasp now! But one step at a time…
“Uh… I mean it… Fits. “ They then slowly said after seconds had passed, the blush not fading. In fact it only got worse, sort of.
“Really? Nothing is too tight?”
“No, nothing is.”
“Haha, I'm glad that I got that right then! But I might have to check that myself later.”
“Eh!? S… Seriously?”
“Yeah, of course. In case your clothes still need some adjusting.” He responded. “But it's best if you calm down first. You have to stay still for that.”
As if caught red handed Ann turned to him in one swoop, first somewhat shivering in some way before getting themself to force themself to calm down. “I… Uhm… Er… Sorry!” They even apologized.
And yet it only received laughter as a response. “Hey, don't apologize. It's cute actually~”
“C… Cute?” They said, gaze once more turning a little bit to the side at least. “Uh… Ramuda… Can you not say something so embarrassing? Besides, I'm not–”
“No way! I told you before, didn't I?” The fashion designer interrupted them abruptly, not wanting to even hear them finish that. It was going to be the same as usual. He had heard it plenty of times to know where this was going. “Ann–Chan is cute! And anyone saying otherwise is just a blind dummy!”
And he got them to flinch on the spot yet again, their body having visibly gone a little stiff. All from a compli— No! Not a compliment! He was stating the truth here, the absolute truth! And there was nothing they could do about it! And he was not going to give in for even a second! 
“I… That…”
“Want me to repeat it over and over?”
“Repea— You wouldn’t dare! Ri—”
Oh he would. Of course he would. So he interrupted them, not even allowing them to finish, saying one sentence over and over. “Ann–Chan is cute!” And he was not stopping for breath either. Though it did get exhausting fast yet he didn’t care. He had to get a point across here and they will have to listen. So he has to literally hammer it into their brain, even if verbally!
One quick glance up right at their face and one could see their expression only becoming more and more shocked, their face redder than any strawberry Ramuda had ever seen on any shortcake. In fact, a strawberry may as well look pale in comparison. They were that flustered from this, weren’t they? That was very adorable. It only made him want to keep pushing their buttons one way or another, not stopping. So he just kept on repeating it. Over and over and—
“Ah yeesh! I get it!” Ann interrupted out of nowhere, steam may as well be rising from their head now. They looked as if they were burning after all. “Please, have mercy!”
It only left him to grin for a moment, feeling rather powerful in this situation. “So you won’t deny it anymore?”
“I… I…”
“If you keep going then—”
“Ok fine! I give, I give! I won’t deny it anymore!” They said though only time will tell if they will keep that promise.
“Alright, I’ll stop then… For now that is~” Ramuda said ever so playfully before stepping closer, finally. “Ok, time to stay still! I have to make adjustments where it’s needed! And then I also need to take some pictures!”
“P… Pictures?”
“Yeah, pictures.”
“Is this a model photoshoot all of a sudden?” They asked, almost deadpan sounding.
“Hmm… I mean if you want to try yourself as one of my models—”
“No no no! I will never! That’s too embarrassing…”
He looked at her, almost like a sad puppy, as if at the brink of tears. “Eh!? But You’d make a great model! Plea—”
“No! That’s one thing you can never make me do! Ever!” They said, awfully defensive. Ah, they fall for the silliest of jokes, don’t they?
“I’m kidding, I know that. You’d probably  hate being a model anyway.” Ramuda said, chuckling. “Besides, I want Ann–Chan as my private model if anything.” He added as he finally started to observe the outfit from close up, even tugging onto the clothing sometimes to check if it felt… Well, right. And also if there were any mistakes of any kind. So he couldn’t look at their face for the time being and only heard their voice.
“Private? What… Are you implying?”
“Nothing nothing. Except that this isn’t the last outfit for you.”
“Ah— I have to do this again!?”
“Yeah. This is the first of many.”
“Please tell me you’re joking…”
“No, I’m not. There’ll be plenty more clothes for you to try.” The thought may have gotten him a little excited even. Maybe he was being a little selfish with this but… “So prepare yourself~”
“Sh… Shouldn’t you focus on making outfits for your work instead?”
“Oh, I am. Don’t worry. I like doing it. I can make outfits for you here and there.”
“Sounds like a waste…”
“Too bad, I’m doing it anyway! And you can’t escape!”
“I… Guess I can’t… Hah… You’re impossible sometimes.”
“Thanks. I’ll take it as a compliment~” 
And besides, he wants to see them in the outfits he makes more often as well… Yeah, he was going to enjoy this a lot.
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