#fullstop office
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a guy
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Shout out to @orpiknight, Good Omens Archivist, Avoider of Sleep, Maggot Governor Mod, who just FUCKING MADE ME BURST INTO TEARS BECAUSE THEY USED ALL CAPS AND NO FULLSTOP.
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jaythelay · 2 months
In every possible way this event is the worst thing to happen to Dump and R's. Everyone is always so scared they're randomly gonna form a coherent thought and run with whatever the world gives them and the fact is R's got a rudie goldberg machine that always ends in embarrassment.
"This is gonna make him a martyr!"
Actually no, it's further proof his own base are in fact Domestic Terrorists, a Republican tried to assassinate the republican candidate and ex-president. In Every Way this is not a martyr. It is a grifter who grifted the wrong one of his own cult he created out of violence, idiocy, and cruelty.
"Dump is gonna say it was Antifa!"
Good luck because we're already raiding the republican shooters home, he's got All Sorts of Social Media. Besides, Dump stopped the Secret Service from transporting him, while meat shielding him from bullets, to pose. He posed as a "hero" a "survivor" when he survived his own orchestrated near death experience. His own party tried to kill him and he acts like he's standing up against oppression, not knowing it's his own. Sad shit.
"There was a conspiracy!"
No. It really did happen for one, and for two, the reason this happened was because Literally Everyone Around Dump let the assassin get in position and take 3 shots. Witnesses saw the gunman with an assault rifle climb up a roof. Police did nothing when told. Secret Service did not secure the rooftop 400 feet away. Witnesses watched and said nothing. Nobody. Gave a shit. About Dump's Life. There's no conspiracy here folks. Nobody Likes Dump.
"The right is gonna be further emboldened to say we need guns to protect ourselves!"
Except the fact one of his own cult tried to shoot him with Very Surprising Accuracy using an unmodified assault rifle with no scope no nothin 400 feet away. We may joke he missed but apparently it was a good shot. Who knew. Regardless, the fact banning guns small scale at a rally for Dear Leader ended in bloodshed from an attempted assassination by some barely legally an adult with an Automatic Point-and-Click Kill Tool, none if the officers protected the dead and injured, nor Dump. It means we need widespread bans because telling people "don't bring guns to school or my business" Doesn't Fucking Work. Only country this happens in.
"The right is gonna-"
Fullstop. Shut the fuck up. Drink some choccy miluk. And start making fun of the situation. This is Actually The Worst Thing to Happen To Dump. 5 months from election folks! We got insane amounts of time for more damning info to come out implicating Dump in his own assassination.
This will only be a good thing for R's if you allow the situation to be serious. It is not. It is expected given Dump's demeanor. You don't act like Dump unless ya wanted political Violence, turns out however, being a grifter and liar may turn your violent base against you.
This. Is. Hilarious. Not serious. Funny! Not scary, Expected.
Besides. Dump needs to get over it.
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I wonder what that feeling is that you get when you had an idea, an idea for writing, I mean. More than an idea, a project.
A good one, that somehow involves you and what you found touching all of your life, and which calls so much inspiration to your writer hand, and that you know could work.
You have the whole story in front of your eyes like a film: you know how it begins, how it will unfold and how it ends. And you even know why it should be written. But you can’t sit down and write it.
Because your life simply doesn’t allow for it.
It’s probably useless to explain… However: breadwinner woman, always on the forefront, meaningless work hours and meaningful duties which dog you into your day, until there’s nothing left of you as a person, let alone as a writer.
But a thought still bugs you: about writers who wrote anyway, although being very poor, and troubled in many ways. Writers who put writing first, and made themselves scarce with family, no matter what. Writers who were writers, fullstop.
So you go: A-ha…. That’s it. If YOU were a writer, then you would write. You would put writing first.
But you’re an ant, or better, a cog, let’s not discuss the importance of the mechanism you serve in.
And so this thought brings a crumb of clarity, if not closure (just lately disturbed by a doubt: you’re probably not a very good cog, or ant, because frankly you look like you’re dying).
However, this idea I had, this project, was called “The Christmas Soldier”, about two privates from WW1, a British and a German one, meeting on the occasion of the fabled football game which was improvised for the exceptional and illusory truce of Christmas 1914.
For the two adversary soldiers it was instant love, as crazy and illogical as could be, but then of course they lost sight of each other, and the war went on.
My story developed into the 70’s, when one of the soldiers, the British one, who had become a medical officer in WW2, then a doctor for life, would write a book on his experience, and a young feminist journalist would be struck with interest and begin researching the matter. The book is received with niche approval, which spreads to wide fame when, some years later, thanks also to the young woman who chose to intertwine her destiny with those of the two boys lost in time, a film is made of the story. I keep the conclusion to myself.
Also because, in the meantime, not one, but two WRITERS have put out TWO books, mastering a recipe with my main ingredients: gay romance starting in WW1 and love confronting time and history. Although none of the two books are about one British and one German soldier, and my story IS different. But as they would say, the shot has been fired.
So, what’s that feeling called, when THIS happens?
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
Actually im done pretending…. The office IS funny like fullstop unapologetically funnyyyyy… i watched 2 episodes this morning for the first time in years and i nearly peed myself. Steve carrell makes the entire show tho. I think it was the scene where michael is in the conference room giving a really stupid speech and everyone is just transfixed on the dvd logo bouncing around the tv screen that had me in tears
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vegaseatsass · 2 years
Sam is more autistic coded in the present than in the past (her friends confirm it but the flashbacks don't), how could it be?
Anon, this is exactly why I call her autistic-coded and not just straight up autistic! Because I've noticed the same thing.
I would love to hear what other neuroatypical and specifically autistic folks have to say (to be clear: I'm the former not the latter, and really reaallly don't wanna speak over anyone!), and I'm not sure exactly what the text is going for, but for me there's definitely a masking/abusive behavior management narrative in what Sam's grandma does to her, and in the differences between what Mon saw in her as a kid and what she's like as an adult - except instead of Sam learning how to socialize/behave neurotypically, what her grandma instilled in her is a repressed non-expressiveness so that her resultant, masked behavior is what pings many of us as autistic/neuroatypical.
So it's almost like the real life direction of abusive behavior management and/or masking has been kind of flipped on its head? Adult Sam has learned to completely reconfigure how she expresses emotions at excruciating personal cost, but in the direction of being less interpretable by neurotypical people around her, and more familiar and recognizable to us neuroatypicals watching, instead of the opposite.
None of this means younger Sam and thus Sam herself CAN'T be straight up autistic - we definitely haven't seen enough of young Sam to know, Mon's memories seem to contradict Sam's friends' narration so who knows what's true, and there is so much more to autism than facial expressions - but certainly in Mon's recollection, Sam went from smiling naturally (and expressively-for-a-neurotypical-person) as a kid, to her forced fake smiles that terrorize the office. And Mon seems to bring the natural smiles back out, so regardless of whose memory of past Sam is correct, we know how Sam expresses happiness when she's not being pressured to produce a specific facial expression for other people, and it's very readable by any neurotypical person.
Like for ME Sam's textual story is one of abuse and trauma and repression, while the autistic story is in coding/subtext, but that autistic story is very very there, down to an arc about completely reconfiguring everything about how you hold your face or move your body or say your words at excruciating, exhausting personal cost, to satisfy your guardian and her determination of what society wants from you. Sam's arc feels autistic/neuroatypical, Sam's struggle to interpret everyone else around her and the blunt yet indirect/"inscrutable" ways she communicates feel autistic/neuroatypical, and I don't think there's a hard line between what's text and what's subtext. So for me, esp as a non-Thai viewer, there's so sooo much to read into and connect to about her, but I don't really have a clearcut grasp of what the text is saying about her yet.
EDIT: OKAY RIGHT AFTER THROWING THIS POST UP INTO THE ETHER it occurred to me that Sam's entire arc can be read as how abuse to try to force neurotypicality (and heterosexuality) on someone actually makes them infinitely less capable of functioning or socializing, fullstop. Like it's not that Sam expressed herself neurotypically as a kid but that she expressed herself naturally, and then her grandma came along and Fucked Her The Fuck Up and now all the things she's trying to do to meet expectations, from sexuality to neurotypicality, have left her absolutely chaotic socially/emotionally/sexually. Behavior Management DOES NOT WORK. Terrorizing your kids into straightness DOES NOT WORK. Look at queen Sam and reconsider your stupid, stupid fucking tactics, guardians of the world.
This is now my preferred reading! Apologies to anyone who had to read through the wall of text above to get to it kdlfjskdfsd I still wanna know what other folks (esp specifically autistic folks) think thooooo!
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the-haunted-office · 1 year
I have updated the section on office lore!
It now includes a short description of the office strictly for threads with @fullstop-roleplays, and the office Stanley Johnson and Arthur are from. I'll update it when there is more information on them! 😁
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
I just submitted a post that breaks down the very likelihood that Harry does have ownership in his management company. His name is not directly linked most likely so when things go wrong his fans can blame management and not him directly. Instead a company he most likely owns in a partial owner of Fullstop Mgt. Harry witness how the fans always blamed Modest Mgt when the guys did anything they didn’t like.
Posting your submission here, so that it can be anonymous and go with your explanation:
O'Hana Group Artist Management, LLC (US company), filed on February 1, 2016 ;) there are then 2 officers/members (essentially owners) for this company: FSRD and Mytog. FSRD LLC (US company). this is jeff azoff’s company, he owns it. filed on January 28, 2015 (Full Stop Management was operating as a fictious business/name, with the parent company either being FSRD or Ohana, although it’s thought Ohana since FSRD is one owner of Ohana and Full Stop was named after Ohana was filed) Mytog LLC (US company), celebratory attorney dennis roach (who has connections with the azoffs) was listed as the registering agent, filed in december 2015. for awhile, it was just conjecture that harry was involved/an owner of this company. however, as of now, emma spring is now listed as a manager for this company, which creates a very strong link to harry. this is why a lot of people think, and i do as well, that not only did harry sign with jeff as his manager, but that harry actively went into business/has shares for full stop with jeff. nowadays, Full Stop Management, LLC is it’s own company - filed on april 12, 2017. this is when brandon creed joined with jeff to merge and created this new company^ and the partners of full stop management (no longer a fictious business name) are o'hana group artist management (frsd/mytog), azoff music management, and the creed company. Fully Stop Management, LLC and Ohana Group Artist Management are also foreign filings in california (as i believe are FSRD and Mytog), as they’re originally filed in delaware - most likely for tax benefits/reasons.
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255940g · 2 years
Any title ideas guys? Ch.26 - Unexpectedly desirable
Sam wakes up and is unexpectedly the stereotype of a sexy femme to settle down and sparkbond with. THis could Also explain Bee's more hesitant nature in Ch.17. This chapter has a few ties to Protection Protocall by Shelaar(JonathanAnnubin) on Ao3. (its a wonderful idea and I love re-reading it!)
It follows the idea that Sam is now considered highly desirable as a partner and eventual sparkmate. She is a breath of fresh air, kind to a fault, sweet, selfless, and badass in the way she took out Megatron. Before getting to the fact that she is the Allspark in cybertronian form and the main hope of their entire species. Just someone you can't help but smile around (even super serious Optimus Prime is often seen with a gentle smile around her) and adore in certain measures. This is also excluding Sam’s exceptional carrier/sire/parenting skills. (No one is sure which to use when she has accidentally touched a human toaster and it turned into sparkling. One which she adores but was incredibly surprised about.)
Bee literally plays sappy romantic love songs to woo her. When he found out about slow dancing the two of them did that during sunset, under the stars, under the rain - it's one of Bee’s favourite things to do with Sam.
When someone snuck some high grade into some energon Bee becomes known as the drunk who will spill his truest feelings for people. In this instance, a newly online Sam was the topic in question especially as she and Bee were the newest relationship to gossip about.
The entire time Bee was stating forcefully “Oh! No, no-no. I’m still surprised daily that she [Sam] feels anything outside of friendship for me. She is drop-dead stunning anyone with optics could tell you that. She’s incredible, but anyone even trying to get to know her would be able to tell you that within 15 minutes of meeting her if you were particularly dense in interactions. Even then, I’m telling you nearly braindead stupid would take that long.” Cutting himself off “Oh! She did something absolutely adorable yesterday” nearly incomprehensible mumblings and the listener could only really understand would be through the EM field that Bee was sending out, full of affection and love.
After resetting his vocal coder - which was apparently by accident based on his expression “She always surprises me in the little interactions and big decisions. I absolutely adore her! Fullstop, I’m a scout - a brightly coloured known scout. I’m practically dead meat for multiple different reasons, not entirely too skilled in any field but y’know I can sorta fudge it in a few. There she is, in the medical and scientific field bringing inspiration, while being a wonderful fill-in for a communication officer, and she’s been helping Optimus with translating ancient cybertronian scripts and being an advisor with the humans.” ….
(From Bee’s perspective and the part of there is still part of the strict hierarchy he grew up with on Cybertron and to a point the current strict hierarchy within the military that they have going on. So Bee is both young, (generally) inexperienced, and of a lower rank. I looked online and there isn’t quite a good equivalent, but it certainly isn’t the rank of a newbie. TLDR; There is an internal caste system that Bee feels a part of - Optimus dosen’t bother with any ranks outside of official settings and with the humans - where he knows he is at/near the bottom while his beloved is slightly above the Prime, from a cultural perspective. The one to be protected even before Prime and themselves.)
HOWEVER, Sam is just going “Wow, I can’t believe that Bee would take a second glance at me romantically. Sure I knew we were close friends, but I never thought he felt anything romantically for me. He is far too kind. A real sweet spark.”
(The other bots view the two of them as a couple. An incredibly sappy young couple with even cuter younger children barely out of infanthood. (Think about the situation between Nani and David in the first Lilo and Stitch movie…but where Nani is Hope personified for the entire human species. David is just there completely supportive and his character is among my favourites from the entire Disney franchise continually) When the two of them do something completely adorable, like witnessing Sam and Bee slow dancing at sunset or in the rain the others roll their optics in fondness and decide to come back later unless the thing to bring to their attention is an emergency.)
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strangefellows · 2 years
Get ready for the great american novel
Atsushi, Chuuya, Arjuna, Nightingale, Moran, P5 Makoto
First impression
Atsushi: awwwwwwww babey
Chuuya: oh god oh fuck he's my type shit
Arjuna: huh! indian servant! i know literally nothing about indian mythology beyond names of gods/goddesses, so Okay I Guess
Nightingale: SHE'S WHAT CLASS NOW???? WHAT??????
Moran: MTP version? Like, "oh fuck he's my type huh"
Makoto: Oh. Oh god. It's just me. Mortifying ordeal time....
Impression now
Atsushi: AWWWWW BABEY X100 he's a precious angel with so much trauma and deserves to be protected, but also baby stop relying on Dazai so much.
Chuuya: HE'S STILL MY TYPE and I love him a lot and the concept of Arahabaki is fucking fascinating. There's a lot of potential there, but also I just. Love this bitch ass tiny mafioso.
Arjuna: He's not one of my favorite Servants, but he has his very cute moments as someone very serious or trying to be serious who gets dragged into Bullshit as not so above it all. His irrational rivalry with Karna is hilarious.
Nightingale: What the fuck do you mean she was this fucking weird in real life??? But also she's very fun, if terrifying.
Moran: I need to catch up on MTP but I still love him, and in general he's one of the more fascinating bit parts in the Holmes stories and has a lot of potential for fun.
Makoto: WE STAN A QUEEN. She's amazing. I love her. She's like me only ballsier, I wish I had her in high school.
Favorite moment
Atsushi: Probably either him rescuing Kyouka the first time on the train, or him beating the absolute mcfuck out of Fitzgerald. Be brave little tiger! Oh also him wrecking Shibusawa.
Arjuna: I'm not counting Godjuna, so probably him showing up in events to be overly serious and straight man and failing.
Nightingale: Her speech to Cu Alter at the end, her Santa event, her being so unamused with Dantes.
Moran: OH GOD IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I READ MTP....but his arc with his former army stuff was really good.
Makoto: Her awakening for sure, also her all out attack makes me giddy I love the freezeframe.
Idea for a story
Atsushi: Honey get a vacation. Go to the beach. Do normal teenager things.
Chuuya: exploring Arahabaki in venues other than Stormbringer, hellyeah.
Nightingale: Interactions with the rest of the Chaldea Nursing Staff would be very fun.
Makoto: As with all my P5 answers for this, More Akechi Interactions, I want them to talk about her dreams for commissionership and how she understands forcing yourself into a Perfect Little Japanese Teenager box to fit in and meet expectations.
Unpopular opinion
Atsushi: I don't know opinions on him? Whoops.
Chuuya: While I don't mind the stuff Stormbringer did as much as most people seemed to, I do agree that I think Asagiri leaned too much into Nasu's "magic is computer science" mindset.
Arjuna: ....I don't have enough opinions on him oops.
Nightingale: What are opinions on her even?
Moran: .....I don't like BBC Sherlock. Fullstop.
Makoto: I think she needs to really reflect on what her dream means considering her relationships with Akira "burned hard by the justice system" Kurusu and knowing Akechi and what he went through, and she needs to be aware of what it means to be a police officer.
Favorite relationship
Atsushi: More than him and Dazai, I love him and Kyoka and the rest of the ADA and the found family needs to get explored more.
Arjuna: Obviously him and Karna, lets go boys.
Nightingale: I don't ship it, but her and Dantes' thing they've got going where he calls her Mercedes as a nickname and he thinks she's fucking insane -- not that he's not, but not in that way -- it's hilarious.
Moran: Him and James and the rest of the Moriarty team are always good.
Makoto: Her relationship with all the PT is very good! If I didn't ship shuake as hard as I did I'd definitely like her and Joker together.
Favorite headcanon
Atsushi: Teach this boi how to do normal teen stuff please, he doesn't know things most teenagers should.
Chuuya: Not sure! I don't have many headcanons.
Arjuna: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Nightingale: She can will and HAS knocked people out to make them at least get five minutes rest. She's terrified even the other Berserkers by this point.
Moran: God I cannot remember.
Makoto: I don't think I have too many headcanons for her!
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tamaki of full stop office
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honeybunny-sawamura · 4 years
jade im having major daichi brainrot, specifically fire fighter daichi 😫
also hi bby, I hope you’re doing well. Mwah! 🥰
😳 Sandie babe firefighter Daichi is like 🥵🥵 LIKE OMG CAN U IMAGINE ??? all that training and being in action just makes him so much THICKER and BEEFIER and damn his hands are so big like you can’t help imagine how those fingers must feel inside of you. they’re so rough and callous BUT THEY’RE SO GENTLE especially on you when they guide you on how to move on him. and damn those fireman pants hanging loose around his hips when he comes home that you have to hold back jumping him first thing. FACK litter that nice broad and tan back with scratches as he pounds into u on the kitchen counter HAAAA and those ass and thighs??????? darling FIREFIGHTER DAICHI IS A WHOLE FULL COURSE MEAL like fack dig your nails into his ass cheeks when he bottoms out and pours all that warm thick cum into your cunt i- plz i love fireman Daichi so much plz
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okayto · 3 years
The thing about that “weeding = burning books” post is...
Are there bad reasons to remove books from libraries? Yes! There are terrible reasons to remove books from libraries, and a bazillion people are currently trying to do so in the USA! In fact, many states have politicians trying to remove books via legislations, or making it easier (via legislation) for people to force libraries to remove books - the American Library Association has a whole page (X) for news and tweets from their Office of Intellectual Freedom that covers these things.
The thing is, the books that are actually getting challenged, removed, and/or banned are not generally full of racist caricatures, or outdated information. They’re predominantly books that portray queer people in a positive light (or in a merely neutral light in the sense of they exist), or show Black people encountering discrimination, or showing racism existed after 1965, or have a single curse word in a book aimed at teenagers, etc.
They’re things that make predominantly white, Christian, “color blind” people uncomfortable in a way that they can’t sit with or acknowledge, to the point where they don’t think those books should be available to anyone’s kids...or anyone, fullstop.
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fullstop-roleplays · 2 years
Woah new Pinned? What am I, competent?
ANYWAYS HIHIIII!!! this is a RP blog! Main is @fullstop-your-beloved !!! I go by any pronouns but am mainly masc-aligned<333
Current muses under the cut! I'm not really accepting any RP requests at this time because, well.. one is enough hehe, but that'll likely change in the future!!
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Age: ??? (Roughly early adulthood)
Name: Character Rodney
Gender & Pronouns: [gender], He/They and sometimes It (it varies depending on which sounds better in writing-)
General Info: In RP with @parables-for-days ! Drawn into Cyrus and Thursdays office by way of strange beacon, character remembers next to nothing about who they are, which arises the question; was there ever a THEM back then anyways? Generally has a very innocent and curious disposition, though it's mostly due to the fact that his surroundings are very new. Inner thoughts tell you that he isn't exactly stupid, but can be somewhat easily manipulated when it isn't clear it's happening right off the bat.
Other: if you stare at his face for too long it'll eventually start morphing into other weird faces, kinda like AI deepfake technology that tries to randomize a human face and ends up with something that could rival uncanny valley. His face just cycles through a bunch of those until you look away, in which his cheerful disposition is back!! If you were to try to draw this 3d-ish, it'd basically be a dotted-lined smooth and almost featureless transparent mask! Save for when it starts doing the weird face stuff.
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harrytheehottie · 2 years
between Adam and Michelle branch’s ex the fullstop offices are literally working overtime 😭
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larentsbabie · 3 years
Why don't you ever check facts? Harry literally co-owns FullStop and is making money out of it. No one is making Harry who is a rich white A-list male celeb do anything. He is literally building arenas with Irving, has a cut in the Demand project. He is making money out of it while you persecute women and blame them for your "poor baby" a white rich man who makes profit out of it. No one is forcing him to do anything he doesn't want. Pure misogyny.
You illiterate idiot! I'll tell you what it all is.
These are the 3 companies that Harry owned.
Erskine Records Limited (UK company) (private limited company)this is harry’s independent record label that was incorporated on may 5, 2016. harry is the director/owner of the company, and emma spring was added as a co-director on september 1, 2016. harry’s deal with columbia was most likely made with erskine records instead of harry styles himself, and his music you’ll notice is released with this copyright: “2017 Erskine Records Limited, under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment”
Erskine Touring Company, LLP (UK company) (limited liability partnership)this is harry’s touring company that was incorporated on february 13, 2017. harry styles and erskine records limited are the officers of the company, with harry being the ‘person with significant control’ (which means that the ownership of voting and right to surplus assets, for harry, is 75% or more).
HSA Publishing Limited (UK company) (private limited company)this is harry’s publishing company that was incorporated in February 25, 2014. harry is the secretary and director of the company as of june 24, 2014, and emma spring was added as a co-director on august 3, 2017. alan mcevoy (who was part of 1d’s companies) was a director for the company from february 25, 2014 until march 24, 2016. his association with the company has ceased though as noted.
Harry has no part in full stop management as of now. Neither did he ever have. So, the one who needs to do their research here is you. And artists get handled in many ways by their music managements and record labels all the fucking time. If you don't know anything about that then seek a way out of talks like these cuz it's embarrassing when you try to accuse others of not being informed when you're the one who needs to study! Him being a rich white A list male has no effect on the managements. Ever. He is what he is today partially becuz of the managements he's worked with. He is rich becuz his managements know where to invest! He might be the beauty but his management is all brains. He invested in all those projects. He's a sleeping partner! And those projects have nothing to do with Full stop management. It's just another joint venture. And LMFAO, did you ever see me say that Harry is a poor helpless baby in the whole Holivia stunt? Lastly, I'm not even going to get started on why it isn't misogyny to dislike Olivia Wilde or maybe hate her. Her past decisions and actions say a lot about her and she's just as pathetic as you are. As blissfully ignorant to the fact that many of us are educated enough to know and understand about her connections with groomers and abusers and assaulters. Having no respect for such women isn't mysogyny. Disliking women and calling them out for their shit personality isn't misogyny. The same way, kissing the ass of the most problematic women isn't feminism. Get the fuck out of your little bubble and take some time out to educate yourself, yeah?
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