#full bore flow meter
digitalshree · 10 months
Saitech Flow Instruments & Control provide best Full Bore Flow Meter, Bore well water meter in Pune, Maharashtra, India, Odisha, Bangalore, Tamilnadu, Hyderabad, Raipur, Jamshedpur, Ahmedabad, Vijayawada, Kolkata, haridwar, Lucknow at best cost. It is the best Full Bore Flow Meter supplier and Bore well water meter manufacturer company in Pune, Maharashtra, India.
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salmonskinrolltf · 9 months
The Grind
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Todd really did enjoy working from home. He loved the perks of getting to roll right out of bed when his alarm went off, and he loved not being stuck in traffic every morning and evening on his commute. But recently, he was starting to feel like he couldn't focus. It was important to him to succeed at this job, so he could keep rising in the ranks at his ad agency, but there were too many distractions that weren't allowing him to prove himself: chores to do, food to eat, noise from his neighbors. Dear God, the noise!
The window of his home office opened right out onto the alley behind his apartment. It was summer, so he needed the windows open in order to snag that cross breeze and keep from boiling to death, but the teenage skaters that seemed to swarm the alley during summer break were out and about in full force.
He tapped his chin with his pen, trying to come up with a good word that a cat might use to describe the delicious new treats Todd's client was going to feed him, but he found himself distracted yet again by the noise from the skaters outside. He wondered how they didn't get bored, with their endlessly repetitive roster of lame-ass tricks that all sounded the same.
That's all Todd heard all day, over and over, with metronomic regularity. If he could harness one-tenth of the passion that these burnouts used when trying to learn ollies or whatever, he would be CEO within the week.
God, if only. He felt like he was working himself to the bone, with no results. A mighty headache was threatening to rear up and throttle his brain, too. He had been chugging Pedialyte, hoping to at least make it to the end of his shift. If he used even one sick day, he worried he'd seem like a slacker who wasn't committed.
OK, staring at his laptop screen wasn't working. He pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. Sometimes physically writing things down helped his creative juices flow. He tapped his pen on his chin with a maniacal rat-a-tat rhythm. It didn’t help. He sighed and hung his head in his hands. He just wanted to rise in the ranks. To get a better life for himself. Why was this so difficult?
Todd tapped his pen on his chin more slowly. Was it just him, or were the skaters kind of perfectly timing their tricks? It sounded almost like the percussion on one of his favorite classical compositions. He strained to listen.
Yeah, there was definitely a meter to the noises, so precise that his brain felt like it could slot perfectly into them. He realized the predictability of the noise would be beneficial in terms of helping him ignore the skaters and focus back on work. As long as he internalized the rhythm, it would just fade into the background.
He pulled the paper toward him and began tapping with fresh vigor, trying to let the noise sink into the back of his brain.
The sound was still present, but it was already becoming more like a gentle hum he was only vaguely aware of.
That’s right. He felt the noise begin to flow through him. It was just like living in an apartment by the freeway, he thought. You can ignore any noise if it becomes familiar enough.
Familiar… Familiar… Family! He scribbled on his notepad. “Your cat is a part of the family…” He sucked on the end of his pen. He couldn’t figure out what to put next, but it was a start. He stared at the paper for what felt like another ten minutes, continuously drawing a blank. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Fuck, that headache was building again. He knew he was only feeling bad because of stress, but how was he supposed to de-stress when he had a deadline? He stared at the paper intensely, willing words to appear on it.
A particularly loud thud jolted Todd out of his reverie. Fuck, he was getting jumpy. Maybe he should take a ten minute break. As soon as he figured out the end of this tagline. He sucked on the end of his pen once more, but as he did so, something weird happened. There must have been a hole in the clicker of his pen, because he felt it break open, releasing a hot, gaseous substance into his mouth.
He gasped in surprise, accidentally forcing the gas into his lungs, which began to feel like they were burning. He gave a panicky cough and a plume of smoke trailed weakly from his mouth. What the fuck? He closely inspected his pen, but everything looked totally normal. Perhaps the end was a little damp from him sucking on it. But he saw nothing that explained what had just happened to him.
The burning sensation still tickled his lungs, but it was quickly mellowing into something… something quite nice, actually. His toes felt a little tingly, and a sense of calm washed over him. He felt his muscles relax somewhat as he slumped back into his chair. His headache was even receding a bit. If he could get it to go away entirely, maybe he could finally finish…
Yeah, fuck it. He was gonna try again. He put the end of the pen in his mouth and took another deep breath. Once more, the top of the pen opened up and expelled smoke, which he took into his lungs and held there, enjoying the warming sensation before blowing it out in a tight stream.
That’s the ticket. He felt the headache recede entirely. He finally felt well and truly relaxed. He flipped his hoodie up over his head and drew the drawstrings. Wait, he hadn’t been wearing a hoodie, had he? Fuck it, he didn’t care. He was now warm and cozy, inside and out. He felt better than he had in a long time.
But it was still too hot under the hood. It felt right to be wearing it, even in summer somehow, but he could feel sweat glistening on his forehead. He wiped it away with the back of his hand, but he still felt himself grow hotter and hotter, yet strangely lazy and unwilling to actually do something about it because he was SO relaxed.
He began to sweat so much that his perfectly coiffed hair started to wilt, dangling down in front of his eyes. It then just… kept going. It extended down over his face to the point that he thought the sweaty strands might poke him in the eyes. His normal instinct would have been to sweep it back, but in his addled state, he instead gave a practiced flick of the head, gathering the hair at one side. The color began to change from a strawlike dirty blond, to brunette, to dark brown, to a black so concentrated it must have been dyed. But he never dyed his hair, had he? He liked being a natural blonde.
Fuck, it was SO hot. Why had he chosen to wear this hoodie? A memory blossomed of him putting it on that morning. Well, of course he had worn this hoodie. It was his favorite hoodie. He wore it every day, whatever the weather. Sure, he could do to wash it. It stank of sweat and pot smoke, but it was his and he loved it.
He needed to cool down something fierce, though. He made a move to pull the hoodie off from around his head, but his hands unconsciously ignored his intention, opting to flip up the collar of his open button-down instead. As he adjusted the collar to look perfectly mussed and careless, the material of the shirt turned coarse and thick as it became a battered denim jacket.
He was totally unaware that he hadn’t perfectly executed his plan, still feeling relaxed and a little fuzzy from his vape pen. That’s what it was, of course. A vape pen. He wasn’t sure why he'd thought it was an actual pen, like for writing. He chuckled softly. Suddenly, being confused about things felt like it came more naturally to him, somehow. At first, he was confused about that, but then he wasn’t. Being confused isn’t confusing, is it? Is that confusing? Shaking his head and laughing, he took another hit off his vape pen and blew a perfect smoke ring, letting the warm fuzziness flow through him.
He decided to return to his brainstorming. Although he was hot and not entirely clear-headed, he felt a burst of creative energy all of a sudden. He began to scribble on the notepad, working furiously as sweat began to pool on his forehead once more. He only noticed when it began to trickle down his face, tickling his cheeks and dripping from his chin onto the page. He scrubbed his face with his hand, not noticing that, as he did so, the hairs of his neatly trimmed beard were wiped entirely away, vanishing into thin air.
As he continued to scribble, his newly clean-shaven face grew pockmarked and yet more youthful and supple at the same time. His mustache, the only thing unaffected, began to recede into his upper lip, slowly shrinking back until it was just a dotting of stubble that suggested he’d been trying to grow one out but this was as far as he ever got. As if to compensate, his eyebrows thickened, darkening to a deep brown that better matched (but not entirely) his new hair color. He didn’t even notice the dark black strands hanging down over his eyes anymore, or the careful flick of his head that he gave periodically when he needed to concentrate.
The warmth around his head eventually made him feel sleepy and dull, and he couldn’t stop yawning. So, after a couple more minutes, he sat back and looked at the perfect tagline he’d been working on, only to realize that he’d just been doodling little cartoons all around the edge of the page instead of actually focusing on work.
“Dude, get a grip,” he said out loud. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Dude? Since when did he say dude?
He decided to take a break, cool down, and grab a Perrier sparkling water. Returning from his fridge with the green bottle, he unscrewed the cap and took a deep swig. His tongue was suddenly awash with the taste of sugary battery acid, and he had to fight not to spit it out. What the…?
He looked down and saw that he had accidentally grabbed a bottle of Mountain Dew, not Perrier. He didn’t remember buying Mountain Dew, but maybe his nephew had left one behind when he had come to visit last? He thought about going back to the fridge to swap out the drinks, but it suddenly seemed so far away. And now that he knew what flavor to expect, the taste wasn’t all that bad, actually.
He took another swig of the soda, the sugary concoction lighting up his insides.
His skin began to feel itchy. Was he having an allergic reaction to the soda? He lifted up the hem of his hoodie and scratched at his stomach. As he did so, he felt the light blonde hairs of his treasure trail wriggling back into their follicles, leaving him perfectly smooth. What the fuck?
Finally, the shock of what he had just felt pierced his newfound love for the hoodie and he ripped it off, along with the denim jacket. He rushed into the bathroom, arriving in front of the mirror just in time to see his sparse blonde chest hair receding back into his skin. He ripped off his chinos as well, panicking as he saw the hairs on his legs vanishing into thin air. He did a quick 360 and checked in his underwear, noting that the only hair that remained on his entire body was his pubic hair and armpit hair, both of which seemed thicker than usual and were quickly darkening to a deep brown as though they were in a time-lapse video.
He watched this happen in horror, but even with his hoodie off, his head still felt warm and sleepy. His senses felt dulled, and he struggled to think of what he could possibly do next. He began to breathe faster in his panic, his belly jiggling slightly as he did so. Breathe. Jiggle. Breathe. Jiggle. Breathe… Nothing.
As he watched, his soft tummy had begun to recede as well, revealing cobblestone abs like the tide pulling out over a rock formation. His doughy chest began to firm up as well, shrinking into a pair of lean pecs, his round nipples shrinking and popping out from their perches on the hardened mounds as soon as they were finished forming.
“Holy shit, dude, I’m ripped!” he said, letting the slang tumble breezily out of his mouth without a second thought while he rubbed his abs with both hands. The ridges of his stomach made his fingers tingle and his arms shrank, lean muscles emerging from the surface while his legs followed suit, the thighs shrinking into the perfect fit for skinny jeans - where had that thought come from? - while his calf muscles rippled and stretched, their new bulging shape accentuated by his hairless, pale skin.
Todd felt the noise from the alley reverberate around his head. It sounded like someone out there must have fucked up a crooked grind real bad. ‘Gnarly,’ he thought, imagining how much pain they must be in. His mental image grew more and more clear and vivid. Somebody falling onto the asphalt on their elbows.
He felt a slash of pain across his elbows and held them up, seeing red in the mirror before it faded into a pair of scarred, scabbed patches that he felt like had always been there. He returned to his reverie. Somebody skinning their knee after narrowly avoiding hitting a tree. Another slash of pain and the skin on his knee suddenly looked knobbly, like it was still healing.
As potent mental images flitted one by one through his brain, scars and scrapes began to dot his body. Slash, slash. Two more long scars on the left knee. Slash. A long red scrape along his right pec that looked dope as hell. Slam. His palms became pockmarked and gravel-scraped.
Not even noticing the pain anymore as his skin toughened and ever-so-slightly tanned, he stood up straight to his full height, admiring the effect of his newfound musculature. He was too busy trying (and failing) to pop his skinny pecs to notice that his “full height” was a couple inches shorter than it used to be.
The sound of the skaters outside brought him back to the present. Wasn't he supposed to be doing something, other than checking himself out in the mirror? He got dressed, throwing his hoodie and jacket back on. He could have sworn he’d been wearing a different pair of pants earlier, but all he found crumpled on the bathroom floor was his favorite pair of joggers. Oh well, he threw them on too.
He was halfway out the door when he remembered he was supposed to be doing something at home. Where the hell did he think he was going? He shook his head, trying to remember. He still felt sleepy and slow, his thoughts inching along as he tried to remember what he was supposed to be doing.
He reached into his pocket for his vape pen and realized he’d left it on his desk. His desk! That’s what he was doing! He was still on the clock! He needed to work!
He wandered over to his desk, took a drag from the vape, and stared in consternation at the notepad in front of him.
He knew he was supposed to care about this dumb shit about cat food or whatever, but he really wasn’t feeling it. Something in the back of his mind told him that he’d get money if he finished it though, so he decided to give it a shot. He sat back in his chair and found himself falling, the chair’s seat vanishing beneath him. Before he hit the ground, however, he was caught with a soft flump in a squishy, slick mound.
He looked down and saw that he was in a beanbag chair. Something was wrong here. He could feel his brain slowly whirring. Was it the chair? No, it’s the one he’d brought from home when he moved in. He saw his initials carved crudely into the fabric on his right side.
What was wrong, then? Was it his desk? No, he didn’t have a desk, did he? He looked up and saw his entertainment unit in front of him, his XBOX still glowing green because he’d forgotten to turn it off earlier. No, all that looked normal.
So what was wrong? Was it the fact that he was worrying about money?
His parents paid for whatever shit he wanted as long as he kept his community college grades up, so there was no need to worry.
No need to worry at all, really. About anything. Or think, even. He barely ever went to class. He just wanted to hang with his friends at the skate park. But as long as he flirted with his professors the right way, he passed with flying colors. He was a studied flirt, even if he wasn’t a studied anything else.
Anyway, his parents would let him drop out once he proved he could make money as an X Games champion. He rubbed his dick through his joggers, not noticing as it plumped up a few extra inches while he fantasized about all the tail he’d get once he was a skateboarding champion with endorsement deals and shit.
No, he had all the money he needed. He just wished he was 21 already, so he could buy weed for himself at the dispensary. Then everything would be perfect. Just two more years, he reminded himself. He could survive on stealing shit from his older brother's stash at home until then.
Todd leaned back in the beanbag and reveled in that sound. His favorite sound. He loved it so much. He never wanted to stop hearing it. With his eyes closed, he didn’t notice the rest of the room change around him. The tasteful Pier One art being swapped out for posters of busty babes and retro Tony Hawk video games sloppily scotch taped onto the walls. The cream-colored couch he’d saved up for was now scuffed, stained orange in patches from crushed Cheeto dust, and stank of weed.
The wall that formerly held potted plants was now devoted to a rack of the sickest custom boards anyone had ever seen. Not that he’d made any of them, he didn’t have time for that shit. He just paid other people to bring his dope-ass ideas to life.
Todd was rubbing his dick absent-mindedly again and came in his underwear. Fuck. He hadn’t prematurely ejaculated in months, now. As he changed his underwear, leaving the cum-drenched boxers on the floor by the beanbag, he worried about doing that in front of a babe he wanted to score.
He needn’t have worried. Todd didn’t know it, but he would never have worries again. Inside that underwear, which would remain on the floor forgotten for the next two weeks, contained the last vestiges of his previous life, expelled through pure pleasure at the life he got to live now. What he left behind was a person he would never remember and who he would shudder to think had even existed in the first place.
No, he was destined for a dope life. In a clean pair of underwear and his favorite kicks, he wandered his way into the back alley, watching his friends Tate and Landon practicing tricks while offering them tips and taking a hit off his vape. The grind was over for Todd now, though that word already meant something entirely different to him at this point.
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hirocimacruiser · 2 months
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Tommykaira Tuned Legacy M20tb.
The challenge from GT to racing sports, the fastest wagon
Tommy Kaira's pedigree on the wagon. TUNED LEGACY M20tb, the flag bearer of the wagon era
A high level of perfection that can only be achieved by Tommy Kaira's complete car, which pursues total balance. Thorough pursuit of the well-established BOXER-4. The 297 horsepower produced by its reliability and high level of perfection gives it the edge of a sports car, and even though it is a wagon, it is enough to stimulate the true sports car mindset.
The torquey power that rises smoothly from the low rotation range brings you a world of endless possibilities.
It makes wagonists forget about the body and truly invites them into the world of sports cars.
The suspension tune is also the traditional Tommy Kaira tune, and its biggest appeal is the unique flavor that pursues the fun of sports driving while taking advantage of the appeal of 4WD.
The M20tb will demonstrate its true worth in all environments and conditions, including winding roads, highways, and if you're looking for a full-fledged circuit.That's the true joy of driving with the M20tb.
Powerful form
The front bumper spoiler, rear bumper spoiler, and roof end spoiler are Tommy Kaira Aero originals, and 17-inch wheels and tires are standard on the suspension. Completely tuned car, Tommykaira's status is modeled. It can be said that it is an object that harmonizes with any world in which wagonists drive.
Max Output: 297ps/6600rpm
Max Torque: 35.3kgm/5800rpm (GT-8:5MT)
Max Output: 278ps/6600rpm
Max Torque: 33.3kgm/5800rpm (GT-8: AT)
Max Output: 270ps/6400rpm
Max Torque: 32.8kgm/5300rpm(GT: 5MT.AT)
BODY Length: 1680mm Width: 1695mm Height: 1490mm Wheelbase: 2630mm Tread: Front 1470mm Rear 1460mm.
BOXER MASTER-4, DOHC 4cam 16Valve Twin Turbo with Multi-cup Intercooler Bore x Stroke: 92.0mm×75.0mm Piston Displacement: 1994cc
LAYOUT 4Wheels Drive 5-Speed Manual/E-4AT
Brakes: 2Piston Type Caliper+Ventilated Disk
Wheels: 7.0Jx17(Front & Rear)
Tire: 215/45ZR (Front & Rear)
Suspension: Strength Sports Spring
Steering: Rack&Pinion
A comfortable design that lets you enjoy sports driving.
It features a shift knob made of aluminum, a 20-meter console that stands out in Tommy Kaira red, and an original meter made of three-dimensional carbon.
The 297 hp power effortlessly guides the driver into the experience zone from the moment the car starts. Easy-to-handle engine characteristics are the hallmark of Tommykans.
●Front view
The originally designed spoiler with large openings above and below the bumper line maximizes cooling effectiveness. Together with the large integrated sub-light, it creates an impressive front view.
●Rear view
The fiberglass sports stabilizer and spoiler create a dynamic range that improves stability through downforce at high speeds.
●Fender decal/side decal
Flowing Tommykara, the confidence of a tuned car.
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odayaka1 · 1 year
Chapter 6: Knowledge of Seals
Wow I just threw some chakra bombs to pass my time and the level went up by so much that it maxed out.
I think it's due to my new control. The bomb now comes to me as easy as breathing.
Now I don't want to train in chakra control. I feel bored, so  I started rolling my 150 meter body on the floor.
Lets train harem style shadow clones for a month as relaxation.
As I created a mountain full of clones turned into naked women and a notification came.
'Oye-Oye! Don't go and say all those things like it's true. I mean I did steal it to mess with Naruto but I am not a degenerate.'
Why is it still a level 9 system ? What does it lack to reach level 10?'
So Naruto was more of a degenerate than I thought. Well now back to training.
For the next five years I went on intense grind in which I took the topic I liked the most, the seals.
Seals are divided into several categories: Basic seals. This includes the same and more knowledge that Uzumaki have till advanced levels.
Like sealing chakra in things, affecting senses, gravitational seals.
There are many seals like sensory seals, chakra blocking seals, 4 element seals etc. These are all in beginners level.
In intermediate level. It comes to the knowledge of sealing living beings, making soul weapons.
The Death Reaper seal was also included in it. It is one of the most forbidden knowledge of Uzumaki. Now I know its variation without any price. I also have a counter for the same skill.
Cursed seals are also part of the course. Better than what pedomaru could even think of.
Seals for conscious or mind palace altering. I even got enough knowledge to make better seals of tailed beasts than them.
Advanced seals are way above the previous level. They consist of seals to slow time or increase it.
It can create teleportation channels amongst two seals with enough chakra provided.
Gravitational forces can be altered in larger planes or areas like a whole city.
I was able to learn how five elements or other elements are mixed to form Kekkei Genkai also known as bloodline limits like wood style and many more.
Just using seals and having enough element affinity which is no problem for me being a beast with all affinities.
I made seals with the knowledge and imprinted on my body which negates my weakness to wood style and also my tails sensitivity is now under control, yes even the ears.
These weren't  shown on the system panel as it was not an ability but a seal.
I just scratched the surface of advanced seals as it is a vast topic.
After advanced seals there are forbidden seals which divulge information regarding the forbidden knowledge of the universe like altering fate, increasing luck without any consequences.
In the advanced version fortune requires equal exchange like for your lucky day everyone around you has a bad day.
These types of seals are usually affecting the flow of reality which one should not touch unless they have a proper grasp or understanding of their nature, they always have a chain effect on things like a time loop.
'Mess with reality and it messes with you, huh'
I will never use this seal. I made a seal to passively increase the quantity of chakra while maintaining the quality. It is  very slow but I don't  have to focus on it because it's automatic and I can focus on other things.
It will let me handle the other things on my plate as I leave the chakra to the seals. Creation of seals is only limited by your imagination. It is not just a set of action or pattern, it requires sequence and what outcome you desire from the seals. 
Depending on your thinking process you can make the worst seal using the best knowledge and you can also create the best seal just using the basic knowledge.
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rjcarburetor · 2 years
HSR45 Smoothbore Replace Carburetor fit for
1990-2006 Harley-Davidson 
Bad Boy Dyna Fatboy Low Rider Night Train Road King Heritage Softail Heritage
Springer Softail Softail Springer Electra/Street/Super/Tour/Road Glide Series
link here 👉 bit.ly/3IBXE7u
The re-designed the popular HSR42 Performance carburetor and upgraded it with a 45mm venturi to accommodate for large cubic and High Performance Big-Twin engines.
The HSR45 carburetor has the same proven quality features as the HSR42 with only a larger venturi for a bigger airflow, which is needed for highly modified engines.
It is absolutely the best carburetor available today if you don't want to have any restrictions in your incoming airflow for a maximum air-fuel mixture.
Kit comes with carburetor, jet kit, K&N air filter, and chromed air cleaner cover. Works with stock style throttle cables as used on 1996 to present models.
Available for 1984 thru 1999 Evolution Big-Twins with or without manifold and 1999 thru 2017 Twin-Cam models complete with manifold. For custom applications the carburetor is also available separately.
Throttle and idle cables for use with the HSR42, and the HSR45 carburetors Early style HSR42 and HSR45 carburetors have the cable wheel on the left side of the carburetor and use cables as in the table below.
Late style HSR42 and HSR45 carburetors have the cable wheel on the right side of the carburetor and use 1990 or later OEM style cables as used on Big-Twin models. Most cables are available in black vinyl or braided steel.
Compared to comparable carburetors with larger venturi bores, the HSR 45 carb produces higher peak power at full throttle. While the HSR 45 carb's smaller, yet higher velocity flowing venturi and advance fuel metering system deliver a stronger overall powerband with greater ridability at reduced throttle openings, respectively.
The HSR 45 Carburetor Easy Kit should produce an appreciable 10% boost in power and torque on a stock engine with no further modifications, and up to a 25% increase in power and torque when paired with a higher flowing intake and exhaust system.
Note: 1993 to present models need ZPN232234 crankcase breather kit. 1984 thru 1989 models also need 1990 thru 1995 stock Big-Twin style throttle and idle cables.
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allservices01 · 3 months
Full bore Flow Meter, Bore well water meter Supplier, Manufacturer in Pune, Maharashtra, India, Odisha, Bangalore, Tamilnadu, Hyderabad, Raipur, Jamshedpur, Ahmedabad, Vijayawada, Kolkata, haridwar, Lucknow
Saitech Flow Instruments & Control provide best Full Bore Flow Meter, Bore well water meter in Pune, Maharashtra, India, Odisha, Bangalore, Tamilnadu, Hyderabad, Raipur, Jamshedpur, Ahmedabad, Vijayawada, Kolkata, haridwar, Lucknow at best cost. It is the best Full Bore Flow Meter supplier and Bore well water meter manufacturer company in Pune, Maharashtra, India.
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sakaiyuji234 · 4 months
Female General’s Code, Fight for His Majesty
Chapter 4
Xiaolu's injury is almost healed, and she can jump around like before.
    Last time, Chen'ai and Xiaolu talked about the Jade Blood Sword. Xiaolu really wants to go and take a look. Besides, the rich man Bai Yang's house is not far from Dongyu Village, it's quite close. It would be even better if she could see the most beautiful woman in the world.
    Xiaolu told Chen'ai about her thoughts, initially Chen'ai was reluctant to let Xiaolu go. However, since Xiaolu had decided to go out on her own, he was unable to stop her.
After sending her thousands of miles away, finally they must say goodbye.
    Chen'ai waved goodbye to Xiaolu, knowing in his heart that she was about to embark on a journey over rivers and lakes, not knowing when she would come back.
    But for Xiaoluzi, who has no family feuds or national hatred, she is worry-free, so what is there to be afraid of?
    Zidu City has been very prosperous in recent days. The flow of people is more than five times that of usual times. Both inns and many small shops are crowded with people.
This place is now filled with individuals of all kinds, each with their own set of eyes and ears. Many people come here for the Jade Blood Sword, but they also come to admire the world's most beautiful woman. Not only that, many assassins are waiting for an opportunity to hide in Zidu City.
    Xiaolu walked in the crowded crowd, and after asking around, she learned that in the past few days, Chu Sheng and Bai Yang would trade at the largest "Fulai Inn" in Zidu City.
    Thinking that she didn't even have a place to stay tonight, Xiaolu looked around all the way, eager to find a place to stay for the night.
    But curiosity made her walk all the way to the Fulai Inn. At this time, the Fulai Inn was heavily guarded. She wanted to go in and take a look, but was stopped by the soldiers at the door. They scolded, "Where did you come from, you ignorant girl, get out!"
    Seeing that the soldier ignored her, Xiaolu felt tired, so she sat down on the side of the road ten meters away from the Fulai Inn.
    At this time, a voice suddenly rang in Xiaolu's ears, "Little ghost is here to watch the fun."
    The voice sounded mature, and there was no lack of provocation in the words.
    In front of Xiaolu, a man in his early forties appeared. He had his hands folded in front of his chest, wearing plain clothes, with a little stubble on his face. In his hand was a tattered sword.
    Xiaolu stared at the sword with wide eyes, wondering which great god was this? She didn't provoke him. She was just an insignificant spectator among the many people in Zidu City.
    Conquered by the dumbfounded look of the little girl, Feng Er pointed his sword at her and said, "What are you looking at? I'm talking about you, little brat."
    Xiaolu could only look at the uncle who was looking for trouble with a blank expression.
    Feng Er laughed, "Are you scared by my majestic and imposing manner?"
    Xiaolu looked up. He was looking down at her, and his figure was facing the sun. Her eyes and his head just formed a diagonal line with the sun.
    The scorching sun made her shrink her head and cover her eyes tightly with both hands. It was dark, so how could she see it carefully?
    So if she had to give this uncle a score, six points for his appearance, and full marks for his narcissism. Xiaolu nodded and said, "You are very handsome, you are very handsome."
Xiaolu, who had just started out, did not dare to offend this narcissistic hero, because he had a sword in his hand. This big city was not as simple as that small fishing village. If she said something wrong, her head would probably be separated from her body.
    Feng Er just thought that the child was terribly stupid, and said, "That's about it. You have nothing to do. Let's go."
    After that, he walked away with his tattered sword. He was just bored, but he found a girl who was more bored than himself, so he chatted with her, but the other party was so clumsy.
    Xiaolu shook her head secretly for the uncle who chatted with her for no reason. She was a little tired. After a while, she fell asleep against the big pillar in front of the inn.
    When she woke up, the people on the roadside had surrounded her. Seeing them laughing at her, Xiaolu was puzzled.
    A child holding a gourd string laughed and said, "Beggar!"
    Everyone laughed at the word beggar.
    There have been many beggars in the Purple Capital City. She has become a rarity!
    Facing the pointing of the crowd, all directed at her face. What on earth is on her face!
    At this time, another child shouted, "Ah, the black-faced Guan Gong!"
    She subconsciously wiped her face with her hand, stretched out her hand and saw that all five fingers were black!
    Oh my God, could it be that her death date has come, so this time travel has turned this miracle into decay, her face began to turn black... fester... turn into bones... disappear...
    She wanted to faint directly, she was sitting on the ground, but no one came to help her!
    It turned out that Feng Er made a brilliant appearance while she was sleeping soundly. He used a brush to write the word "beggar" on her forehead solemnly, but it was still not enough to satisfy him, so he painted her face black, nodded and happily flew to the opposite tower.
    So, he just lay on the chair, drinking and humming, watching her jokes with great peace of mind, and she was completely unaware.
    Perhaps attracted by the crowded crowd, Shi Sanfeng, the shopkeeper of Fulai Inn, came over all the way shyly. She thought something big had happened, but it turned out that it was just a beggar who had sneaked into the Purple Capital City at some point.
    Shi Sanfeng gently blocked her face with her feather fan, and saw the girl's dark face, shabby clothes, and stupid look, and couldn't help laughing softly. Then, she took out a silver ingot from her pocket and threw it gently in front of her.
    Seeing this, the onlookers also untied their silver bags. Of course, only a few threw silver coins, and most threw the resounding copper coins to her.
    Listening to the rustling copper coins on the ground and looking at the people who were so kind to her, she always felt that something was wrong. So, Xiaolu put her finger to her nose and sniffed. She found that it did not smell like her own skin, but more like ink.
    She realized that it was not that she was going to die, but that someone had smeared ink all over her face for no reason, and she slept like a dead pig, completely unaware of what that person had done!
    By the way, who was so bored to stage this prank!
    Liu Huansheng and his two siblings happened to be on their way here. When Liu Xianer saw this girl begging openly, she flew to her and said, "Pick up the silver in front of you. From now on, you will follow me and be my personal maid. I guarantee you will not starve to death."
    Liu Xianer thought to herself, although this girl is ugly, she is chivalrous and righteous. She is so pitiful that she has to be helped.
    When Liu Xianer arrived, there was a ringing sound of bells.
    Standing in front of Xiaolu was a young and lovely female warrior. She was carrying a beautiful sword, wearing pink, with many silver bells around her waist, and of course, there was a rope around her waist, with a pink whip tied in the middle of the rope.
    In Xiaolu's opinion, this female warrior had a wide range of hobbies.
    Xiaoluzi replied "Oh" obediently, then gently picked up the various loose silver coins in front of her, held them in both hands, and handed them to Liu Xianer, saying: "Girl, I won't go with you. I came to this city to see the Sword of Blood and Jade."
    What a country girl, do you deserve to see the Sword of Blood and Jade? Shi Sanfeng, who secretly mocked Xiaolu in her heart, walked up to her gently, gently held her hand, and said: "Girl, you should go with this girl, it's better than begging here. You are so young, you should find a proper job."
    Hearing this, Xiaolu looked a little aggrieved. The noblewoman in front of her had a gentle expression and spoke in a sincere and generous manner. Although she spoke with conviction, as if she wanted to give the whole universe to warm herself, she was not someone who only wanted to make a living by begging.
    Xiaolu stared at everyone with her eyes. She first thanked them and then said to them respectfully: "All kind people, I appreciate your kindness, but I really came to see the Jade Blood Sword."
    Liu Xianer, who had already received the silver, saw that the girl was so unwilling to listen to her advice, so she stepped forward and dragged her, saying: "What are you looking at the Jade Blood Sword? Come on, follow me to wash my clothes for the past few days."
    For Liu Xianer, a martial arts practitioner, it was easy to capture Xiaolu. Seeing that Xiaolu still had some resistance, she gently tied her two wrists tightly with a rope, and then pulled her up at the other end.
    Seeing that Liu Xian'er was so unreasonable, Liu Huansheng started to deal with beggars as she did, so he said righteously: "Liu Xian'er, don't mess around."
    Liu Xian'er immediately blinked at Liu Huansheng and said pitifully: "Brother, this girl is so pitiful, don't you see the word beggar written on your forehead!"
    She would pretend to be pitiful to her brother, but she couldn't stand the little deer who was begging with great fanfare, so how could she ignore it!
    When the little deer heard that there was still the word "beggar" on her forehead, there was also embarrassment on her dark face, but she could do nothing about it. She didn't understand who was playing a prank!
    No hatred or resentment! He actually played with her like this. But think about it, this Liu Xian'er! This is not the righteous person in the mouth of Brother Chenhui, why is he so barbaric and willful. The little deer was going crazy. It was nothing for everyone to laugh at him. If she had to follow her as a slave in the future, how could she make his way in the world!
    A sharp cry came from the little deer's mouth.
    "Let me go!"
    But Liu Xian'er didn't care how she yelled, she thought she was helping her! Seeing this, Liu Huansheng could only shake his head secretly and walked away.
    Such a little deer, naturally, could not get any help from heaven or earth, and could only let Liu Xian'er drag him around the street.
    And Feng Er, who was still on the tower, couldn't help but stand up, holding the sword, and looked at her with a laugh.
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krunaldigitalads · 5 months
How do Flow Meter work? What are the different types of Flow Meter?
Flow meters are instruments used to measure the rate of flow of a fluid, typically a liquid or gas, through a pipe or conduit. A flow meter is a device used to measure the flow rate. We are manufacturer and supplier of Flow meters.
Types of Flow Meter
Ultrasonic Flow Meter & Pressure Differential Meter
Electromagnetic Flow Meter
Gas Turbine Flow Meter
Mass Flow Meter
Vortex Flow Meter
It can measure the flow rate or quantity of a gas or liquid moving through a pipe. We supply flow meters like fuel transfer products, ultrasonic flow meter & pressure differential meter, electromagnetic flow meter (full bore type), gas turbine flow meter, and mass flow meter vortex flow meter.
For more Details Click here : https://www.sspumpsindia.com/
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leomiflowmeters · 1 year
The automation of sewage treatment plants is becoming more important every day due to complex processes and complex processes. uneven wastewater quality due to modern lifestyle and a variety of pollutants. In order to optimize the treatment process, many important parameters must be monitored. Wastewater treatment mainly depends on the wastewater loads and the aeration process. Various techniques for flow measurement of liquids are emerging today. Processing Conditions.
Where is wastewater treatment required? The wastewater treatment process requires accurate and reliable flow measurements to determine treatment conditions. The main areas where flow measurement is required in wastewater treatment are: Influent (raw sewage) from municipal sewers or waste water Treated primary sewage Treated secondary sewage Air aeration in the sewer line, aeration to optimize dissolved oxygen (DO) Close monitoring of chlorine dosing Precise dosing of the corrosion inhibitor
FLOW METERING TECHNOLOGY Flow measurement technologies used in wastewater treatment processes are as follows: Electromagnetic Flowmeter (Full Bore or Plug-in) Non-Contact Ultrasonic Flowmeter Insertable Thermal Mass Flowmeter Ultrasonic Flowmeter Open Channel Flowmeter Coriolis Flowmeter Orifice Flowmeter Die The main flow measurement technologies mentioned above are used to monitor and monitor flow measurements. Control of wastewater treatment processes. We explain each of the above flow measurement techniques, as well as the advantages and limitations of their use.
COMPLETE ELECTROMAGNETIC FLOW METER Electromagnetic flow meters use Faraday’s law of induction. Inside the electromagnetic flow meter is an electromagnetic coil that creates a magnetic field and electrodes that pick up the electromotive force (voltage). Even if there appears to be nothing in the flow tube of the magnetic meter, the flow can be measured. According to Faraday’s law of induction, the movement of conductive liquids in a magnetic field generates an electromotive force (voltage) where the inside diameter of the pipe, the magnetic field strength and the mean flow rate are proportional.In other words, the flow rate of a liquid moving in a magnetic field is converted into electricity. (E is proportional to V × B × D)
ADVANTAGES is a true volumetric liquid flow measurement independent of temperature, pressure, density, viscosity and temperature. Velocity Profile Improves Reliability No moving parts with negligible pressure drop Also performs well in solid sludge with air bubbles with loop dampening Ideal for sewage streams and sludges. Sludge, raw water, sewage, etc. LIMITATIONS Liquids with low electrical conductivity (<1𝛍Siemens/cm) such as hydrocarbons and solvents, etc. cannot be detected In the case of large diameter pipes, more expensive than ultrasonic flow meters The contact of the flow technology should wear out and not be recognized. Contamination of tips and electrodes.
Electromagnetic flow meter is proven flow technology for liquid flow measurement with long term reliability and accuracy. There are other alternatives emerging to compete with where existing technology has limitations in performance and initial cost is a concern.
If you want to learn more about this subject please contact us at [email protected]
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manas-microsystems · 2 years
Electromagnetic Flow Meter (Full Bore)
Full Bore Electromagnetic Flow Meter by Manas Micro called SROAT-1000 virtually approaches the ideal flow meter suitable for a wide range of liquid flow measurements even with very low conductivities. The meter offers no resistance to flow hence the pressure drop is almost negligible. The measurement is based on Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, which is independent of viscosity, density, pressure & temperature of the flowing medium. The measurement is not affected by solid impurities, as long as the minimum conductivity of 5µs/cm is available. It is true volumetric flow measurement. We offer various materials of construction for meter lining & electrodes to cover the majority of corrosive liquids.
Model approved with Weights and Measurement Certificate and Seal
Excellent Linearity & Accuracy
Typically better than ± 0.5% Pulse or frequency output also available optionally.
Measurement is independent of any density, viscosity, pressure, temperature, solid impurities, and conductivity variations (> 5pS/cm).
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Things You Must Forget To Do On the Ladakh Tour
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The first thing that attracts travelers to Ladakh is its location. North of Ladakh lies the Karakoram mountain range, and to the south lies the mighty Himalayas. Perhaps the most amazing place any traveler can dream of! No matter what type of excursion you are planning in Ladakh or even Kashmir, Kailash Expeditions offers the best packages, including your bookings for Hotels in Nubra at the best prices.
Here is a list of things you should not miss in India on your trip to Ladakh…
Don’t forget to go river rafting in Ladakh.
The Indus River is known to the locals as Singh Habab. This means coming out of the Lion's Gap, flowing from northwest to southeast, and passing through Ladakh. The Indus River begins near Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar in western Tibet. From June to the end of August, the water level is high, making it the perfect season to participate in rafting excursions. River rafting in Ladakh offers stunning views of the mountains of Ladakh and Zanskar, with Buddhist monasteries perched on high cliffs.
Safari in Ladakh is extremely important for a refreshing vacation.
Located at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level at the northernmost tip of India between the Himalayan and Karakoram mountain ranges and surrounded by land, Ladakh is a world-famous adventure tourism destination. It is known for its abundant natural beauty and many adventure sports. Ladakh is a great place to enjoy mountain safari that must be part of your Kashmir Tours. Tourists can enjoy mountain burning, camel riding, and jeep safari nearby. On trekking, tourists enjoy visiting many huge snow-capped and majestic mountains, rich surrounding flora and fauna, and many historical and important spiritual places.
If you are bored with your daily life and want adventure, then a safari in Ladakh will be quite a refreshing vacation.
Trekking in Ladakh for adventure lovers
Surrounded by the Himalayas and the super mountain pass of the Karakoram Range, Ladakh is captivating with its high terrain with amazing trekking opportunities. In northern India, bordering Tibet, Kashmir, and the Karakorum, this serene Himalayan country offers unmissable natural wonders for all. Different routes. Fascinating and adding more flavor to further Trekking in Ladakh, you will find detailed descriptions of various treks through the Ladakh and Zanskar regions. These popular excursions are especially aimed at the strict and enthusiastic beings who love to explore nature with a touch of action.
You should not miss the Ladakh festival experience.
In Ladakh, all events are represented by the singing of local folk songs, dancing, and abundant meals. Harvest, Luzar, also called New Year, marriage, newborns, the commemoration of the origin of the monastic lama, flowering, all these make up the elements of their current cultural heritage.
Most of Ladakh's festivals take place in winter, but the most popular festivals take place in summer. The festivals celebrated in the monasteries are central to all Ladakh festival attractions. The monastery ceremonies are performed by monks wearing colorful silk robes and various face masks.
Explore Ladakh by bike.
Mountain biking in the Himalayan highlands of Ladakh, northern India, is breathtaking. The perilous journey to Ladakh is full of surprises. Enjoy exciting mountain bike excursions on the world's most exciting moto trails and cloud-filled bike tours at high altitudes.
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blogvipul · 5 years
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akshaykamble75 · 5 years
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hirocimacruiser · 11 months
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Tommykaira R-z brochure translation.
The wonders of Tommykaira Magic that you can experience while driving. R
Total balance with a high degree of perfection commensurate with 530ps.
The displacement has been increased to 2700cc, achieving a maximum output of 530 horsepower and a maximum torque of 54.52kgm. To achieve this, various types of tuning have been applied. For example, the crankshaft, which is the most important element for bringing out the best performance of the engine, is an original crankshaft manufactured by Fandon in the UK. Highly rigid full counter type provides excellent balance performance. Furthermore, the R-z uses an H-section connecting rod and forged aluminum piston, making it both highly rigid and lightweight. What's more, it achieves well-balanced tuning. In addition, the R-z uses metal head gaskets, high-lift camshafts, valve springs, and racing plugs to bring out the best in the pistons, connecting rods, and crankshafts that are the main moving parts. Composite Radiator Improves cooling effect by using NI water pump.
I got it.
Changes to the intake and exhaust system have resulted in a significant increase in efficiency through the use of a stainless steel exhaust system with suction from the front pipe and a racing type intercooler. By increasing the size of the fuel system parts and strengthening the drive system, you can enjoy ample torque even when driving at low rpm around town. What's more, the sense of power, extension, and revving at high rpm will captivate anyone sitting in the driver's seat.
suspension tuning is
"High ride comfort and handling"
Balance in Dimensions.” During normal driving
Passenger-friendly ride
While realizing the taste, wine day
It is sharp and has excellent turning performance when turning.
Tomita has achieved this goal and has received rave reviews from many quarters.
It's a magic called Kaira Magic.
The front brake has been strengthened to control the 530 horsepower. Uses AP 6-pot calipers, AP brake rotors, and PFC brake pads. This is a highly reliable braking system that responds precisely to the driver's wishes.
engine body
・Cylinder head/port polishing
・Cylinder block/boring, internal polishing
・Original crankshaft made in UK Fandon
・Special H section connecting rod
・Special forged piston
・Titanium coated piston ring
・Metal head gasket
・High lift camshaft
・Reinforced valve spring, valve guide
・Racing plug
computer unit
・R-z dedicated computer unit
cooling system
・Large capacity water-cooled oil cooler
Water pump for high speed N1
Intake and exhaust system
・All exhaust system
・Large capacity intercooler
・Special turbine
fuel system
Large capacity air flow meter
large capacity injector
・Large capacity fuel pump
drive system
・Twin plate clutch
Reinforcement parts
・Strut tower bar (with master cylinder stopper)
・Reinforced engine mount
・Enhanced mission mount
Brake system
・AP 6-pot caliper & rotor (F)
・PFC brake pad
・Bilstein original shock absorber
・Original spring (F)
Original double spring (R)
・Forged magnesium cut wheel “PRO R” 9.5×19+22
Reinforcement parts
・Stainless mesh brake hose
・Front tension rod (pillow ball)
* [Exterior] and [Interior] are the same specifications as R-s.
PRICE ¥10,500,000-
Max Output 530ps/7300rpm
Max Torque 54.52kgm/6000rpm
RB26DETT STRAIGHT-6 DOHC Turbo with multi-cup Intercooler
Piston Displacement: 2700cc
Bore x Stroke: 87.0mm x 75.7mm
Length: 4620mm
Width: 1785mm
Height: 1335mm
Wheelbase: 2665mm
Tread: Front 1496mm
Rear 1496mm
4 Wheels Drive
Transmission: 6MT
Brakes:(F) 6 Piston Opposed Type Caliper + Ventilated Disc
Brakes:(R) 2 Piston Opposed Type Caliper + Ventilated Disc
Wheels: 9.5JJX 19 (Front&Rear)
Tire: 275/30ZR19 (Front&Rear)
Suspension : Original Shock absorber + Original Coil Spring
Steering: Rack & Pinion < SUPER HICAS >
*Price is vehicle price delivered at Kyoto store, registration fees and consumption tax not included US specifications, data, etc. are subject to change without notice. *Detailed options, equipment, body color, etc. are based on genuine Nissan. Catalog photos may look different from the actual products as they are printed materials. For inquiries and requests..
dream factory
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beanswrites · 2 years
"The Special Tea" Asra x MC, from The Arcana
Guys, here you go, have a nice little one-shot before I do some requests!!
Fun fact: This is the first The Arcana one shot I've ever written! I found it recently (and edited it, because my God was it cringy)!
I know that I was gone for a little bit of time but hey, I'm back, and requests are open! Feel free to request anything, but check out my rules for requesting first! Or, you could also pick something from my prompts!
Also available on AO3!
masterlist | rules for requesting | prompts list
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Word count: 1557 words
Trope: Fluff, Slight Angst
Pairing: Asra Alnazar x fem! MC
AU: none
Warnings: drugging (technically??), truth tea
Picture from Pinterest!
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As the apprentice of the great magician Asra, everyone expects that your life is full of wonders, adventures, and magic. Well, they couldn't be more wrong. Asra never lets you come with him on his trips because he wants to keep you safe, so you get stuck in the shop.
You are in charge of running the shop and helping the customers while you wait for them to come back from their unpredictably long trips. This time, Asra wasn't back for a month. That was a dangerously long time to be away from him.
Honestly, chilling at the shop was getting pretty boring after that kind of time because there was nothing to do. You couldn't even play with Faust because the little purple python always hung around Asra's neck in his adventures.
The white-haired man would sometimes send you postcards and letters just so you know that he's okay. Julian and Portia visited every once in a while, so you couldn't exactly say you were lonely. That didn't mean you didn't miss him, though.
The winds were breezing that night, with hints of magic in the air. That usually meant a strong magician is in town, and there wasn't a better magician in the whole Vesuvia than the man you gave your heart to, Asra.
Okay, he maybe gave you his heart physically, but what the all mighty magician didn't know was that you reserved your heart for him and him only. He was indeed very handsome, incredibly smart, and would always keep you safe, which is why you started liking him in the first place. Sure, he can be annoying with his mysteries sometimes, but in all other ways, he was everything you wanted.
The clock struck 7 PM, so it was the time to put the shop's sign to 'closed' and clean the place up for tomorrow. You were exhausted since you had five tarot readings today. The brush you were sweeping with brushed every part of the wooden floor as you hummed the light song Julian has taught you in the Rowdy Raven, just like every day.
Out of nowhere, the wooden floor screeched, and you yelled out: "Sorry, we're closed!" but the person didn't seem to get the hint. The mysterious figure continued walking in, going fastly through the shop, getting close to the private part where you and Asra lived.
"Um... EXCUSE ME, but we are closed. You are welcome to come back tomorrow when we will be open" You repeated, but the shadow man kept coming forward. Somebody's deep breath echoed just a couple of meters away from you, which put shivers through your body.
Oh no.
What if it was someone who wanted to hurt you?
Or who wanted to hurt Asra?
What if Lucio came back?
These were the questions circling in your mind as you thought about what to do.
If your master was here, he would probably tell you to use your mind and let the magic flow. As he would usually tell you, you took a deep breath and grabbed a potion from the shelf that you could use to stop the potential intruder.
"Don't come closer! I have a weapon!" 
You said, but the man came into the room. Listening to your instincts, you threw the bottle onto the figure.
You didn't see much, but you figured it was a man and not an extremely large one. Maybe you could have tackled him down. Maybe he wasn't a threat. You figured out it wasn't one of your male friends, but nor Lucio, as the figure was physically a bit smaller than all of them.
Suddenly, the figure spoke.
"Ouch, MC, I know you've missed me, but you don't have to push me down! Can you please help me up?"
As soon you realized who it was, you jumped on him and tackled him with many hugs.
He laughed, and his wonderful purple eyes shined. He put his hands on your back and brought you in another warm hug, which almost made you melt right there in his arms.
"Come here MC! let's make some tea so I can tell you about my adventures and you can tell me why did you jump on me like I was robbing the store."
You blushed as you followed him into the kitchen. You grabbed a jar full of yours and his favorite herbs, but he stopped your hand and placed the jar back on its shelf.
"No, not that one today. I have a very special tea that I want you to try"
He said as he brought a small jar of purple powder back into the room. The suspicious substance smelled like lavender and moonflower. It was unlike any other tea you have seen before. Still, you would trust Asra with your life, so you let him cook tea for the both of you.
When the hot drink was finally finished, he brought it over to the table in front of you, when you noticed something strange. The only purple tea was meant for you, which means Asra only wanted you to drink it.
"Don't worry, I would never poison you, MC! I wouldn't be able to stand the fact that you're hurt." He said like he could read your mind.
Those words relaxed you a bit as you took the first sip of your tea. The feeling it gave you was warm and bright, it was magical. Suddenly, you began feeling very light and sleepy, and the last thing you remember is Asra's warm smile, as he whispered: "Sweet dreams, MC.."
You woke up the next day in Asra's bed, with no memory of what happened. At first, you were scared and very confused.
'Shit, what if we slept together?!'
That thought quickly went away as you realized that you were fully clothed in what you wore the day before. You slowly made your way from Asra's room into your shared kitchen, where you've spotted him making some kind of traditional Vezuvian dish for breakfast.
"Good morning MC, my love, did you sleep well?" He said as he stirred the dish in his pot.
A crimson shade flushed over your face at his comment.
"What do you mean Asra? Why are you calling me that?"
He laughed like what you asked him was the funniest thing in the world.
"Oh right, sorry, you don't remember... I always forget that after the truth potion you can't remember things! Why am I calling you that? Because you kind of confessed your love to me last night, MC.."
Suddenly, your anger rushed thru the roof as you realized what he said.
"Hey, that's not fair! You put me on a truth potion! You basically drugged me, Asra! Plus, how do I know you're not making this up? And care to explain why was I laying in your bed?!"
The handsome, white-haired man came closer to you and held your hands in his.
"Listen, MC, I know I shouldn't have... I just really wanted to know if you feel the same for me..? I swear I'm not making it up, I can make a vision right now just to prove it to you. And I swear, I would never take advantage of you like that, you were lying in my room because I brought you there! You were too weak to walk, and my room was the closest, so I put you to sleep there.."
You thought for a few moments before answering him. He was a jerk for making you confess everything when you didn't know what was happening, but at least he knew your real feelings, right?
"Ughhh, fine... But at least, tell me... What did I say to you? How did I confess..?"
He turned his facial expression into a huge grin, while he was going back to his meal.
"Well... I asked you how were you feeling, because you looked very funny, almost drunk, and you said you were okay. Then, I didn't want to pry too much, but then you suddenly asked me: "Heyyy, Asraaa, you wanna hear a secret??" Which I, of course, wanted to hear. Then, you told me: "Asraa, I loveee youuu". Now tell me, MC, were you telling the truth?"
You blushed spread on your ears and chest, as you looked at the wooden floor.
"Well... It was a truth potion, wasn't it..?"
Asra quietly nodded as he approached you.
"But.. Asra? How did you respond? I mean... Are you okay with me, feeling this way..?"
He grabbed your chin and slightly brought your head up so you can look up at his eyes. He stroked your cheek a few times and smiled lightly.
"MC, no star in the sky shines as bright as you... The only thing that keeps me homesick for this town is the fact that you are waiting for me... I love you too, MC, my love, and I told you that yesterday too."
Since that day, only a few things changed. Asra would still go on his adventures, but would sometimes take you with him. And when you were left in the shop, every time he came back he greeted you with a loving kiss. Now, you have completely given your heart to the purple-eyed magician, all because of Asra's special tea.
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sailor-sun-18 · 2 years
Genre: Fluff/Comfort
Character: BEIDOU
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Waves softly hit the black wood, gently flowing on its curves and forming small drops in its imperfections. 
Sun rays beat the calm sea that stretched beyond the horizons, where the line between sky and water was indistinguishable.
With your head resting on the palm of your hand, you sighed, your legs slowly swayed over the blue that seemed to take the shape of a floor, fixed on the surface but always moving inside. If you had leaned a little more, perhaps you could have touched it with the tip of your shoes, but the numerous wooden planks, stacked under you, reminded you of the actual distance between you and the sea. It stretched for meters and meters. But the water seemed so close.
The big white clouds behaved like a mirror. Your imagination projected on them all the events of the morning. The images were clear, like the ones belonging to the liquid crystals of a phone. A small pout formed itself on your lips. Morning had already come to an end and you had done nothing. You huffed, your annoyed gaze settled on the plaster that held your arm hostage, the cause of your unproductive morning. The sailors of the tall sailing ship had forbidden you any kind of task you had wanted to do. 
“You’ll help us when you recover, now you should get a good rest” they said. Their intentions were good, but you hated sitting around.
You had tried to cook, but the cook herself had thrown you out before you could hold a knife. You had even tried bribing Kazuha to let you help him with his chores, but he had only smiled. It goes without saying that all your attempts had proved to be futile.
So there you were, bored to death and without anything to do. Maybe you could appreciate the newfound tranquility and moment of rest... you snorted, you didn’t want to. You sighed once again, you felt like a burden, maybe you should have just stayed in your small house in Liyue. You shook your head, you would have come anyway, with or without your captain’s permission, not that she could have done anything about it. She knew how stubborn you could be.
The wind, that full of pride inflated the sails, tickled your cheeks as a comforting caress or as a mocking pinch. Which one was of the two, you didn’t want to know, if it was the latter, you doubted you could win a fight against air.
A loud boisterous laugh caught your attention. Your shoulders were suddenly held in a strong half embrace. The voice of your captain echoed in your ears.
“Admiring the sea, yeah?” her bright pink eye was filled with mirth, “Today the sea is calm, wish the winds would blow a little more!”
A bored look adorned your visage. A lethargic, unenthusiastic ‘yes’ left your lips. Beidou looked at your slightly bent figure, a small smile rested on her lips.
A loud slap hit your back almost making you lose balance. “Chin! up!” she exclaimed while you were massaging your poor aching back.
“Today, you can’t do anything, but tomorrow! You can do anything you want.”
A silent grumble was your only response.
“C’mon, c’mon, sometimes, rest is necessary to regain strength, yeah?”
You looked at her from the corner of your eye. 
“If you say so” came your response.
The brunette crossed her arms and sighed, “Wait here- she said -I’ll be right back.”
As the wood creaked under her footsteps, your hands itched, ready to do something. Your bored [e-c] irises returned their gaze towards the vast blue. Fishes jumped out of the slightly rippled waves. Their scales reflected the rays of the sun for a few seconds, before returning to the water embrace. Your lungs swelled, salt tickled your breath. 
The wood creaked once again under heavy footsteps. A rice dumpling was placed in front of you, you looked at the captain standing by your side. Beidou smiled, gesturing you to take it with a nod of her head.
You took it, your hand lightly squeezed the soft rice.
“Now eat- she said, eating her own dumpling -if you do, you’ll recover in no time.”
And for the first time, that day, a small smile took shape on your lips
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