#fukordani academy vbc and archery club
soranihimawari · 4 years
>>No Risk, No Reward >>
Master List & Character List:
Preface: I know I like telling stories, so here is a work in progress I was thinking about publishing on tumblr since I fell down a rabbit hole of funny what-ifs prompts. I chose to just run with this short story idea, so here is my “masterlist” of sorts for this tale.
Random details: maybe a pg-13 rating for suggestive language and fluffy (borderline nsfw, but not really) scenes between characters. 
Pairing(s): oc and bokuto; ot3: akaashi, bukuto, and oc
Tumblr media
to read, click in order seen here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 
Part 6          *:・゚✧
ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ :: the epilogue link!::
Epilogue Rocks
𝙽𝚘 𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚔; 𝚗𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍!
A story told in 1st person p.o.v.:
I have always been friends with both Akaashi and Bokuto for the past five years. We were inseparable during junior high and when it came time for us to chose which high school exams to take, Bokuto blurted out the name of the academy he wanted to go to. Akaashi folded his arms and nodded.
“I already took the entrance exam for Fukurodani last month,” I blurted out. “I won’t tell you two if I got in or not until Bokuto gets his results letter back. I’ll see you guys later. I’ve got to go make dinner for my mom. I’ll tutor you if you need some help with the practice problems in algebra one, yeah?”
“What happens if I don’t get in to Fukurodani and you do? I’m gonna be all sad,” Bokuto whined.
“Oh my god Bo. You’ll pass, don’t worry so much,” I heard Akaashi console him. “We’ll see you tomorrow after your final tournament!”
main characters:
Muda, Hotaru (narrator & p.o.v.) : the captain member of Fukurodani’s Archery Team//friends with Akaashi and Bokuto since junior high// 3rd year.
Muda, Tendmaru: Hotaru’s mother//physical therapist// (her thirst is unreal since her husband is away on a business contract) finds her daughter’s boy friends highly attractive, but treats both Akaashi and Bokuto like sons.
Akaashi, Keiji: friends with Muda and Bokuto since junior high// Fukurodani Volleyball Club member (setter)// vice-captain //2nd year
Bokuto, Kotaro: friends with Akaashi and Muda since junior high// Fukurodani Volleyball Club member (captain & ace)// 3rd year
minor characters:
Kaori & Yukie: Fukurodani Volleyball Club managers//acquaintances with Muda//friends with all members of their club.
Shuichi, Anahori: Volleyball Club member//setter//close friends with Akaashi since first year.
Hitoka, Shizumi, and Kuroo: mentioned or referenced in up coming parts.
@kaidasen @m0nstergeneration20xx​  & @smolbludandelions​ 
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soranihimawari · 4 years
No risk, No reward...
taglist: @kaidasen
Side note: I couldn’t format my texts in time since I use google docs for everything, so please be patient with the formatting of my long af text posts. I had a lot of fun writing this drabble. Tbh, I wasn’t sure how long I was going to make this story, but just know that I’ll have to queue up some parts. Thanks for reading! ::insert quarantine air five here::
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ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙: 
      to: ಥ⌣ಥmiserablerage_muda ಥ⌣ಥ 
     Frm: ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘blessed_setter keiji┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘
     I got a favor to ask you.
     to: ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘blessed_setter keiji┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘
     Frm: ಥ⌣ಥ miserablerage_muda ಥ⌣ಥ
Sorry, i was busy with putting away the archery equipment                             earlier,   so i just saw this. >.< i’m the worst senpai. T^T Is this about tutoring Bo-kun, right? 
     to: ಥ⌣ಥmiserablerage_muda ಥ⌣ಥ
     Frm: ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘blessed_setter keiji┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘
You’re not the worst senpai. We’ve been friends for five y e a r s. We just wrapped up practice too, could you please meet us on campus? Give me a few minutes. Bokuto-san is about to enter his dejected mode again. 
I glanced down at my phone and sighed. Of course Akasshi would text me this late in the afternoon especially when it comes to taking care of Bo-kun, I shook my head at the negative thoughts that were fogging up my tired brain.
“Doesn’t anyone on the Fukurodani Volleyball Club know that I have my own schedule to keep?” I mumbled to myself. My face was warm and sticky with sweat from archery practice. I was kind of in my own dejected mode too after I received news from the student council the Archery Club was going to be dissolved. I was the only active member now and when I pleaded in  my case for it to be saved, the treasurer scoffed. I wore my midnight blue archery jacket (the logo of the bubo blakistoni’s quill were embroidered on the front and the kanji on the back read: FUKURODANI ARCHER CAPTAIN): 
“There’s no reason to have an Archery Club when it only has one member here,” the secretary said. My hazel eyes darted around the room and it seemed like that vote was unanimous before I even stepped into their approved space.
“Our Volleyball Club has actually put Fukurodani Academy on the map. We’re a powerhouse school because of how strong our team is,” the vice president reminded me; she folded her arms over her chest when she leaned in. I couldn’t state my case since I knew she was right, so instead, I thought of the best solution for the student council.
“V. President-san, may I have one request before you hand the club sponsor the termination form?” I inquired. 
“What is it Muda-senpai?” although she was a second year, she did add the honorific as a sign of respect. I might not like what this meeting was about, but what I do understand is that my club had consistently seen a decline of interest over the last six years at Fukurodani. 
“There is a tournament next month,” I placed my hands in my jacket pocket. “Please let me use the equipment for solo-practice until the day after the tournament.”
The vice-president of the student council drew in a breath and when she exhaled, she nodded in approval. She wrote on the school’s official document and placed her signature stamp on the bottom of the form. 
“The president of student council is absent today due to hay fever, but I will personally let him know of the situation. I’m really sorry about the formalities of this meeting Muda-senpai,” her voice was sincere this time.
“It’s quite alright and thank you. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” my voice sounded polite, but the student council members who knew me from last year saw my lips pressed flatly into a scowl. I bowed and departed for the closest women’s restroom where I locked myself in the first stall and began to let frustrated tears run down my face for a few minutes before I patted my cheeks dry at the sink. I gazed at my reflection (my hair was a bit frazzled due to the rain this morning), yet the thought of clearing out the photos of our team through the years were what really got me down. I worked so hard to be in a club for a sport I am the most passionate about, which required the most patience to learn (and teach in physical education starting in junior high) was being taken away from me in my third year of high school by the volleyball club.  
Akaashi, Bokuto, and I have been friends throughout junior high and as luck would have it after much deliberation and late night jungle gym talks, we decided to take the entrance exams for Fukurodani Academy. I’ll never understand why those two friends of mine chose the volleyball club over the archery club, but over the course of the last three years I was able to witness the rise of one of the top five aces in Japan. 
Maybe it was my own selfishness being the only female student they would listen to, or perhaps it was the fact that I defended their honor from insulting rumours about who they were dating or crushing on in our adolescent years, but we were inseparable. Only until recently, I noticed that other members of their team would approach me when I had a tournament (mostly it was Kaori and Yukie wishing me luck after classes were done for the day). 
The two owls I had befriended in junior high were high caliber players for the volleyball club. I never really paid attention when both of them grew into their features quite nicely; as Akaashi grew taller, Bokuto and I began to have height competitions. There were days in the fall where I’d forget my gloves because both of them would hold my hands like I was gonna lose them in my own neighborhood. I never really understood why Akaashi was always in charge of buying me a birthday gift and Bokuto was in charge of purchasing the card until I heard them planning what to get me earlier this past October:
“Akaashi! Muda already has this charm for her bracelet, right?” Bokuto asked. He seemed a little deflated that day due to the fact that all his ideas were being put in the “maybe we’ll see” list of ideas.
“You know, you could just ask me, right?” I said when I snuck up behind them. Akaashi laughed when Bokuto yelped as he jumped back in surprise. “And yes, I do have that owl charm. You gave it to me last year. You could always buy me more Jun Ito mangas.”
When the school day was over, I immediately walked home to begin my nightly review for the calculus exam planned for Tuesday morning. Mathematics and chemistry were my strongest subjects; modern literature and poetry were my free period classes, but my grades were high enough to secure a passing grade; and finally American English was my weakest subject. I was barely passing it at the start of the second semester, but for some reason, Bokuto was actually proficient in American English. Akaashi was always hovering over my workbook when we would study in the campus library and noticing my grammatical errors. 
One day before fall break, I told Akaashi that I wanted a recording of Bokuto talking in English to one of the reporters when his name gained traction for being one of the Top 5 Aces in Volleyball Monthly. 
“You hear him talk all the time,” Akaashi said. We were having lunch together outside on the covered terrace. He stuck a straw on the top of his milk box while watching me eat my mother’s homemade salmon onigiri.
“Maybe hearing Bo-kun speak English might help me pass this class,” I said in between bites. “I’ll even throw in some maths group study. Our boy is this close to failing trig and then he can’t play volleyball. I’m not babysitting him this time, Keiji.”
“You’re fingers are actually touching this time,” Akaashi said when he noticed my hand gesture. He handed me a juice box when he realized I was trying to laugh. I poked the top of the box with the spear like straw and began to take a few sips.
“I’ll text you after practice,” he said as soon as he stood up. “It might just be Bokuto though since I don’t know what our coach’s strategy is for the upcoming tournaments.”
“Mmkay. I’ll be at home today. I told the archery coach I was going to be doing some solo practice in lieu of the free gym being under reconstruction.”
Akaashi nodded and left back to his classroom.
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soranihimawari · 4 years
No Risk, No Reward
taglist: @kaidasen
Side note(s): umm... muda and bokuto have a lot of physical strength between them, right? so i don’t know how much bokuto lifts, but my guy can raise more than spirits.  
next >>
ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟝:
I went into my room and closed my front door behind me. There was a few more heavy footsteps heard through my door and when I saw the soft glow of the kitchen light turn off, I knew Bokoto would be able to sleep on the couch. I sat down on my bed and plugged in my phone to charge. My bedside table had a lamp which I also turned on since I had to rearrange my bow and quiver canisters that were laying on the floor at the foot of my bed. Afterwards, I laid myself down to rest. I had a difficult time relaxing my brain because apparently I started throwing out what-if scenarios in the theater of my mind (mostly because my one of my best friends is the captain of our school’s volleyball team was sleeping outside and the way he showed affection today was something I haven't seen him do around the other girls at school recently). 
I turned over my bed and stared at the wall for a little while, but before I closed my eyes, I heard a knock on my door. What happened if I didn’t answer? I squeezed my throw pillow hoping he would leave me alone to wallow in the dark. Then I heard Bokoto’s voice on the other side. 
“Can you let me in? C’mon, I know you’re awake in there,” he pleaded. Oh no, dejected mode was still going to happen.
Damn it all to hell, I thought. I rolled off my bed and took the next three steps to open my door. Who sponsors your energy? The sun? I laughed at my own joke noting if we should hang out with that Nekoma VBC, I was gonna tell that pun to their captain. Right now, I had a snowy owl in human form to take care of outside. I twisted and pulled the door knob to open my door. His eyes traveled up and down my body. (Akaashi told Bokuto a little while before we were friends  in junior high that  it was rude to stare at a girl once and I laughed when Keiji confessed this story to me this last week during free period). W-was Bokuto checking me out? Excuse me, but I am tired sir. Please don’t do anything reckless. I thought.
“What is it now, Ko? Can’t sleep?” I asked perplexed by his energetic self. I raised an eyebrow at him; I never really took into consideration how many times he said he liked me. I thought he was being a dork, but when Akaashi confessed to me earlier last month that maybe Bokuto actually did develop a crush on a girl in our year, I scoffed and reminded Akaashi that our friend has had a crush on a different girl  every day this week.
The next thing I knew, I felt Bokuto’s hand tilt my face up before he pressed his lips on mine. It was short and sweet, like the first sip of a mango-pineapple bubble tea. I had to pull away first because I didn’t know which spirit possessed this friend of mine, but my heart was maintaining a steady pace. I’m a fool, I thought. Maybe Akaashi was right and I was the dumb one because I liked how Bokuto’s hand felt warm on my face, especially since his thumb was continuing to trace the corner of my mouth. 
“I just wanted to say good night,” his breathing wasn’t steady like mine was and it caused his voice to sound like spun silk to my ears. Maybe it was because he felt the same electricity run through my veins? What the hell Bokuto? Now’s not the best time for you to be this affectionate around me. 
I blinked to make sure I wasn’t going insane. (To be fair, my mother thought Akaashi was going to be the one to act out how he felt, but the joke is on her since it was only Bokuto and I who returned from the cafe).
Bokuto had the goofiest grin on his face because he knew I wasn’t going to let him off the hook that easily. I mustered a little more confidence and sprinkled it with the same vitality I used on the archery field when I raised my right hand to move his hand away from my face and moved it to my back. With my other hand, I tugged the collar of his shirt with a smirk and brought him down to my eye level. His brows were also raised in playful delight when he noticed I took a step back because I did want him to almost crash into me when I pulled his face close to mine. I better not wake up tomorow and regret this, I thought. 
“You can’t just kiss me and tell me ‘good night,’” my whispered voice was livid with mischievous intent, but I didn’t want to wake up my mom who had already turned in for the night. 
The distance between our faces closed as soon as I pressed my lips against his. This kiss wasn’t gentle; it was abrasive and tactical. I had loosened my grip on his shirt when I wrapped my arm around his shoulder; then, I felt his hands reach under my thighs and in one swift motion he hoisted me up. I could feel his smile against mine when I wrapped my legs around his hips for balance; I was just thankful I kept my attire from the cafe on because if my mother weren’t here, I’d have let his love consume me body and soul. God damn it, just how strong was Bokuto really? I think this was the first time I actually was grateful I didn’t care if Akaashi knew this was going to happen or not. I tucked those thoughts back into the nocturnal regions of my mind. 
Being locked in both Bokuto’s arms and under his kisses, it dawned on me that I do in fact like him this way. Six years of laughter (minus one for Akaashi), birthdays, and volleyball games built up our rapport so of course I had to calm down so he could too. Picking me up and continuing to move expelled most of my desire to sleep. 
“Shh,” his breath hummed against my lips when he realized my breathing was shallow. One of his hands traversed it’s way under the back of my shirt and stopped above the small of my back. I had half mind to tell him to put me down, but I drew in a sharp breath:
“Just shut up Kotaro and kiss me again.”
He pushed my back making me lean forward and our lips met again over and over; I felt my lips turn upward when his breath was still uneven. We were leaving each other breathless little by little to the point where I bit the corner of his mouth playfully first when both of my hands wrapped around his neck. In return, we slowly began to deepen our liplocked embrace. He traced every inch of the inside of my mouth with his tongue and every now and then our teeth would clash and we both feel the chortle bubbling to our throats.
When we had to break apart for air, I rested my head against his chest again. Bokuto carried me to the edge of my bed and sat down for a few moments. In doing so, I exhaled short bursts of air against his neck. He did the same thing to me when he marked my neck with his deliberate and strategic kisses; I felt his hand lose itself in my hair and when he found my hair tie, he quickly pulled it out of my shoulder length mane. 
A soft moan escaped my lips to expel some excess heat on the last one, he nudged his nose against the coolest spot under my ear. Bokuto paused for a moment when making sure I was alright. I hummed confirming I was when he pressed his forehead against my own to study the minute details of my dewy face. 
“I like you. A lot, apparently,” he told me. “Don’t worry. Akaashi knows. He just wanted me to figure out how to tell you on my own.” 
“I’m not worried about Akaashi right now,” I quipped. 
I saw his eyes were darting left, then right until they came back to me. I stared right back at him; his pupils were dilated when I saw my reflection in them. My own eyes must have been too because now I was more alert and calm than ever. 
“I’m going to help you catch your breath with me, Kotaro.”
I shifted my weight around so my center of gravity didn’t throw him off balance. His breathing was shallower than mine, yet I knew we were both going to overheat if I didn’t take the lead here. Breathing techniques were part of the archery club’s unique teaching methods for steadying our hands when we prepared to aim (our coach was the first one who introduced us to various techniques to calm us down right before we fired our first set of arrows).
“Breathe in time with me,” I said. I pressed a palm firmly on his chest to calm him.
“Three. Two. One,” he counted for me. With every inhale and exhale I felt his erratic heart beat calm back to it’s normal pace. We stayed stagnant in comfortable silence because when he pushed me back into his embrace, I felt my eyes grow heavy with sleep.
“Your kisses are like morphine, Ko.” I was a little high on serotonin pumping through my veins at the moment. I didn’t think this was what either of us had in mind when we were just hanging out at the cafe earlier. 
At the very least, we both realized we reached an equilibrium of stability. I had reached my fatigued induced over-stimulation quota for one night. To be honest, if we both were well rested, I would have endured much more teasing and perhaps if I would have a bit more responsible, I would’ve let Kotaro fuck me thoroughly, my thoughts were on par with his it seemed.  
“Tell me you’re mine,” Bokuto demanded. His voice was serious and dangerously low sounding. It was coarse against my ears. When I chose not to answer by instead kissing the top of his nose, his face twitched in annoyance. I knew I should have pretended to be asleep instead of answering because Bokuto sank his teeth into my neck and didn’t let go for a few seconds. The mark of his teeth left an imprint on my flesh and I tugged on the collar of his shirt with enough force to make him let go.
“Ko, that hurt,” I growled through gritted teeth. I was angry at him, but I realized I was angry at myself since I did like to bite people. Wait a second, d-do I have a biting kink?! Oh well, maybe I do! My thoughts were mortifying, yet I didn’t care. One of my dearest friends had me in his arms and he just bit me thinking it was an “ok” move. Kotaro admits he likes you and you’re not gonna make a move Hotaru?! What is wrong with you? I heard my inner monologue quip at home. About minute goes by when it dawns on me I shouldn’t keep him wondering.
“Tell me you’re mine,” Bokuto implored. His mouth pressed the area he bit to soothe the love bite that would be forming there. I pushed his shoulders back and studied his eager face. He wanted to make sure the feeling was mutual. Emotions were high on both our parts, but I didn’t need to tell him how I felt because for the past half hour, we let our carnal needs for physical affection get the best of us. 
Bokuto leaned his face into my left forearm while I placed my right palm on his cheek. His hands were still resting comfortably on my hips, but he did a damn good job of trying to focus on my face. 
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