#fujiwara shigeru
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apolocelot · 2 months ago
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My gift for @caljudai for @natsume-ss exchange! I hope you like it!!
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dreamer1084 · 2 months ago
Spoilers of Natsuyuu Ch.134
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Not a summary, just something I think interesting.
Spoilers under cut.
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Action! And Natsume was so cool even he's in the doll!
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Nice Sensei!
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Because now Natsume was the same height as Sensei, he knew that this was the that their home sensei had always seen. Looking at the high ceiling, he thought about whether the house that Shigeru saw when he was a child was like this. "if I had lived here since I was a child ──No, I can always see this place from now on (これから), and it just makes me─..."
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Shigeru-san and Touko-san, before Natsume moving in.
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Natsume opened his eyes and saw his room. But Touko's voice came from beside him, asking if it would be better to buy a desk and bed as well. Shigeru smiled and responded: "If you prepare too much, it might become a burden to the child. Even the comfortable home we live in is a rural place lacking entertainment for young people. Living in a place like this with us who are far apart in age── First── Let him want to be here... ──So, from now on (これから)... It's from now on (これから), Touko-san”
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Seeing Shigeru's smile, Touko also smiled and said: "Yes, that's right, from now on (これから)."
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Looking at Touko's happy smile, Natsume thought of the two bunnies he had hoped to give them. "Touko-san, actually I also..." But Natsume decided not to say anything in the end. after all ──That's right Let's find it again After all, it's from now on(これから)
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dailysmilingnatsume · 11 months ago
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Sweet Precious Little baby😭😭😭
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I am surprised he grew up so kind because this episode would have been my Villain origin story!
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I am so glad he found Nyanko sensei and the Fujiwaras 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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dragon-in-a-mug · 2 months ago
Man am I last minute this year (life got super busy)! This is my secret santa gift for the lovely @enbynoodle. I decided to go with the "friends and family taking care of Natsume" prompt. I hope you like it.
Happy new year!
A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
Relationship: mainly Natsume Takashi & Nishimura Satoru, but the others as well
Characters: Nishimura Satoru, Natsume Takashi, Madara "Nyanko-sensei", Fujiwara Touko, Kitamoto Atsushi, Sasada Jun, Fujiwara Shigeru
Additional Tags: Sick Fic, Sick Character, Friendship
Words: 4,235
Nishimura Satoru is a good friend and that means bringing homework to a bedridden friend (and maybe a little more).
Satoru shuffled up to the front door, hesitating for a moment before he finally knocked. He pulled his scarf a bit tighter while he waited. The winter day was clear and actually not too cold for early December but the wind was persistent and had just enough of a bite to be uncomfortable. He considered if he should knock again, but just as Satoru was raising his fist to do so, he could hear noises from inside. The sound of someone hurrying down the stairs and making their way through the genkan, the hint of movement visible through the paper screen before the door was finally slid open.
The frazzled figure of Fujiwara Touko appeared, a smile spreading on her face upon seeing Satoru, though the look in her eyes remained slightly distracted. She looked tired.
"Oh, Satoru-kun, what a nice surprise," she greeted him sincerely.
"Hello, Fujiwara-san. I hope I'm not disrupting?" Satoru wrung his hands nervously, but Touko waved him off.
"Not at all! And how often have I already told you to call me Touko? Do you want to come in?"
"If I'm not a bother…" And with her reassurance Satoru stepped in, closing the door behind him.
"Do you want tea?" she asked as she walked further into the house. "I need to brew a new pot for Takashi anyway."
And there was the reason for his after-school visit. A sick Natsume, probably buried under a mountain of blankets upstairs as they were speaking.
"No, thank you very much, Touko-san. I just wanted to drop off some notes and homework. And no need to worry, the notes are Tsuji's, so Natsume won't have to decipher my handwriting," he laughed and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, eliciting a giggle from Touko, which Satoru saw as a little victory.
"Atsushi wanted to come too, but he had to run some errands for his father. He sends his regards though."
They had entered the kitchen and while Touko was putting on a kettle, Satoru busied himself with unpacking the school materials for his sick friend. After a few moments the silence, although not really uncomfortable, started to feed his anxious nerves. He paused his rummaging, clearing his throat before bursting out.
"How's Natsume doing? He really didn't look well yesterday." And really he'd looked like death warmed over.
When Natsume had met up with them on their way to school in the morning, he had looked more tired than usual. Which was a feat in itself. Natsume looked tired more often than he looked refreshed or, God forbid, well-rested. Atsushi's fretting had only been brushed of with an exhausted smile and reassuring words though and there wasn't really anything they could do about that.
Despite his clearly exhausted state, Natsume acted jumpy all throughout the morning, his body buzzing with a nervous energy. Leaving his friends mildly worried. Because sure, the boy was one weird egg and had done plenty of things that were much much weirder than his current tired, yet restless, behavior, but his friends still reserved themselves the right to be concerned about him. All of them tried to get him to take a break or at least make him admit that something was wrong, but alas they all failed in the face of Natsume's stubbornness. Even Tanuma and that's saying something.
So when lunch rolled around and Natsume all but disappeared as soon as the bell rang and none of them able to find even the smallest trace of the boy, their worry grew.
Natsume finally showed back up for gym class after their lunch break finished, just barely making it to the locker room before the bell. Somehow he looked even worse now than earlier. The dark circles under his eyes seemed even deeper than they had in the morning, which Satoru thought would be impossible.
"Hey, Natsume? Are you sure you're okay?" Achan had asked tentatively, the worry clearly visible on his face. Natsume just brushed him off.
"I'm perfectly fine. Don't worry. We should just get ready for PE. I'll be okay." He was all confidence and sunny smiles.
Famous last words apparently, because he was promptly proven wrong during their warm-up lapses, as he had barely started running before he crumpled to the floor. Atsushi, who had stayed close to the boy, his worry not allowing him to stray too far from their favorite trouble magnet, was only just able to catch him before he could hit his head on the floor and crack his skull. Only his quick reflexes prevented Natsume from gaining serious injuries from dropping like a sack of potatoes.
While Satoru dropped to his knees next to Atsushi, who had laid Natsume down carefully and was now leaning over the boy, he could see their teacher quickly approaching them. Their class had already started to form a circle around them, all whispering with concerned faces.
"What happened? Is he okay? Is it the anemia again?" Sasada asked anxiously. Atsushi shrugged displeased.
"I have no idea. He looked unwell the whole day, but kept saying it was nothing!" Achan was clearly frustrated by this turn of events. Satoru put a supportive hand on his shoulder. No need for Atsushi to beat himself up over this now. Their teacher had finally made his way through the gaggle of students and had listened to Achan's words. Now he lowered himself down next to Natsume's body as well, checking the boy over carefully, the others waiting anxiously for any verdict.
After he had made sure the boy hadn't injured himself during the fall, his hand brushed over Natsume's temple.
"He's burning up," he declared. "Kitamoto, Nishimura, do you think you boys can get him to the nurse's office?"
"Of course, sir!" they answered in unison.
With some struggle Satoru managed to settle Natsume comfortably on Kitamoto's back, piggyback style.
They made their way to the nurse in silence. Natsume often fell sick, sometimes at school as well (though often not as dramatic as today), but that didn't stop all of the worry to flood through them whenever something like this happened. Satoru held the door open as Achan entered the office with Natsume, the room more than familiar to them at this point.
"Hey, Obasan, we could use your help over here," Satoru called out. They heard rustling from the nurse's private office and a second later the door flew open.
"I swear, Nishimura, if you're trying to get out of a test again I–," she stopped her incoming lecture when she saw Natsume hanging over Atsushi's shoulder, unconscious.
"Natsume fainted again?" she asked, rushing over.
"Yes ma'am," answered Atsushi diligently. With Satoru's help he laid Natsume down on one of the cots. The nurse checked his vitals with practiced ease, quickly discovering his fever as well without their help. A quick check with the thermometer proved a body temperature of 38°C.
"When will that stubborn boy learn not to push himself so hard," she said more towards herself than them, slightly shaking her head in exasperation. "I'll call his guardians. Will you sit with him until I'm back?"
She didn't even have to ask them as Satoru was already pulling over two chairs for them to sit as Atsushi was getting an ice pack from the small fridge and wrapping it in a towel. They settled in for a longer wait. The nurse disappeared back into her office to make the call.
"Do you think it really was his anemia again? Or maybe just the weather this time?" wondered Achan aloud, his eyes trained on Natsume's sickly pale face with feverish red cheeks. Nishimura sighed exhausted.
"Who knows. With Natsume it's always a gamble, isn't it?" To that Achan could only nod.
They filled the time with meaningless chatter, more focused on the rise and fall of Natsume's chest than their conversation. Even before the nurse could finish her call, Sasada joined them, arriving slightly out of breath with Natsume's bag in hand.
"Oh good, you're still here. How's he doing?" Sasada gave Natsume a critical once over, only grabbing another chair and dropping herself onto it when she was seemingly satisfied with her findings. The bag was sat down beside her carefully.
"Same as before unfortunately," provided Satoru graciously. "Say, shouldn't you head back to class? I'd bet you my lunch that Sensei only allowed you to leave long enough to bring Natsume his bag."
Sasada stuck out her tongue, but didn't deny his accusation only countering them with, "As if he doesn't expect the same from you two, but yet here you are. You're not actually nurses, you know that right? Not like the school actually pays someone to look after sick students." They both all knew the only reason Sasada was lowering herself to Satoru's level and bickering with him like this was because she was nervous and tense. Satoru understood her very well. He behaved the same way when he was in a stressful situation, always either lashing out at people or making everything into a joke.
Luckily for Atsushi the nurse chose this moment to reappear and prevent the oncoming argument between the two hotheads.
"Fujiwara-san said she'll be here as soon as possible," she informed them, not even commenting on Sasada's presence. She was probably simply glad that only three students were camping out in her office and not almost double that. Satoru had to say, five people occupying on bedside could be a bit of a challenge, both physically and mentally (for the nurse of course).
Touko must have flown, there was no other explanation for how fast she arrived at the school (or she just broke every single traffic law, also not unreasonable). She beeline for Natsume as soon as she entered the room, only acknowledging the other occupants when she had checked her boy from head to toe. After she greeted everyone with a calmness and familiarity that could only come from having been in this situation several times before (they all knew Touko only appeared composed and somewhat relaxed on the outside and that she was actually a nervous wreck on the inside the moment she heard he child was unwell), they helped her transport Natsume and his things outside to the car she had borrowed from one of her neighbors.
"Oh hey, that's not the usual car," Satoru noticed. A red one replacing the usual silver. Touko unlocked the doors for them and she and Satoru unloaded Natsume from Atsushi, who'd given the unconscious boy a piggyback ride again while Sasada stashed Natsume's bag on the back seat.
"Ah yes, the Yamadas are visiting their daughter a few towns over so I couldn't borrow theirs," Touko answered, distracted as they finally settled Natsume on the passenger seat, securing him with the seat belt.
"Will you manage to get him out of the car on your own?" questioned Atsushi, but Touko immediately reassured him.
"Thank you for all your help, but I couldn't possibly keep you from your classes any longer than I already have. I've got it from here and if not I'll just ask the neighbors. Take care now, kids" And with that, she pulled out of the parking lot, leaving the other three behind with their worries, but no other options but to carry on with the school day.
Touko sighed warily.
"There wasn't much of an improvement yet, but at least he wakes up enough for us to keep him hydrated and he isn't nauseous this time, so…," she trailed off. Satoru cringed a little.
"Well, that's something, I guess. Small victories." Touko gave him a tired smile at that.
"That's true." The kettle whistled and she took it off the stove, pouring the water into the prepared teapot.
Suddenly Touko paused in her idling and looked towards Satoru.
"Say," she started, "do you have any plans for this afternoon? Are your parents expecting you back immediately?" Satoru tilted his head and thought.
"No, I don't think so. I told my mom I'd drop off some school work at yours, but she didn't give me a time when to be back. Why?" Touko wrung her hands.
"I know this is a lot to ask of you, but would you mind looking after Takashi for a bit? I hate to leave him when he's like this, but we're running low on fever syrup and there's some other stuff I'd like to pick up. I could wait for Shigeru, don't feel pressured by me," she assured him, "but I really wouldn't mind having them in the house as soon as possible."
That was an absolute no-brainer for Satoru.
"Of course I'll look after him. I'll just text my mom real quick to let her know in case she is expecting me back earlier, but other than that I'm all set. Anything specific you need me to do other than watch him?" Satoru immediately got to business.
"Oh thank you!" Touko gave him a quick hug that made Satoru blush.
"You only need to keep his towel wet and cold and maybe get some liquids in if he's awake." An easy task that Satoru was eager to get to. Helping out like that made him feel less helpless.
Touko filled a big thermos with the freshly brewed tea and wrote herself a list of things she'd need to get and a list of stores she'd be visiting in case Satoru needed to get a hold of her. With one last heartfelt thank you from Touko and a reassurance from Satoru that he could handle this, she left the house with quick steps and he started his guard duty.
When he entered the room, the first thing he saw was Natsume pale, but with feverish skin, buried deep in his blankets. The second thing Satoru noticed was Natsume's ugly ass cat sitting beside his head like some gargoyle (or protector, but probably gargoyle). Satoru stepped inside and closed the door behind him. The cat was following his every step with its unnervingly green eyes. Had they always been that green? He shivered.
Shoving his slight unease aside, he settled on Natsume's other side, immediately checking the towel on his temple. It was still moist and cool, so Satoru instead put down the thermos beside him and prepared himself to wait. It instead took him only a minute or two before he found himself in a staring contest with the cat. Honestly, how Natsume could have given this beast such a ridiculously adorable name as Nyanko-sensei was a mystery to him. Not to mention that he himself was more of a dog person anyway, but there was something unsettling about this cat sometimes.
Apropos cats! That reminded him of something.
"I got something from Taki for you. She told me to put it under your pillow," he murmured, not actually talking to the sleeping Natsume, but still addressing him. He was only slightly jealous of Natsume for receiving a gift from Taki, but he'd overlook it for now, if only because his friend was sick and Taki was just being her caring, thoughtful self.
He pulled a small pouch out of his pocket. It was a talisman. Taki had told him it was supposed to ward off illness and evil spirits. Maybe a little late for a talisman now as Natsume was already sick, but Satoru still thought it was a cute gesture. The cat was eyeing the pouch a bit too intensely for Satoru's taste. He held the talisman out for the cat in a silly effort to quell his nerves.
"Well? Does it pass the vibe check?", he asked and the cat proceeded to inspect and sniff the item thoroughly before responding with something that could have been a cat noise in another life, but sounded unnervingly human for some reason. Satoru decided to say fuck it and just take this as approval before more-or-less carefully shoving the talisman under Natsume's pillow.
Suddenly, as if satisfied with his actions, the cat got up, stretching its stubby little legs and sauntering away. Satoru didn't know if he should be relieved or not. No matter how weird this cat was, both behaviorally and visually, it did always seem to look after Natsume. Which, he assumed, wasn't too uncommon, he had heard about pets forming a special bond with their owner.
At the door the lucky cat turned towards him again, assessing him one last time. He didn't know what exactly possessed him to do it, but he gave the cat a small nod.
"I'll be watching over him for now, don't worry." The cat gave him a slow blink before it turned away, pawing open the sliding door and squeezing through the gap. This cat definitely wasn't a liquid, more like a ball of playdoh, Satoru thought. He smiled before refocusing on his current charge.
Natsume's skin emitted waves of heat and his cheeks were burning red. He looked bad, but not that much worse than yesterday, so Satoru assumed that was a good sign. Of course, he also didn't look better than the day before, keeping his optimism in check. He reached out his hand to change the towel, but Natsume choose that exact moment to jolt awake, sitting up straight, knocking Satoru's hand away with his body in the process. His breathing was labored and way too quick. Satoru tried to steady him, but as soon as he touched him, Natsume recoiled, his fearful eyes unrecognizing. Satoru retracted his hands, holding them up in a placating manner.
"Hey, bud. Everything's okay, it's just me." He talked softly like speaking to a wild animal. The boy blinked at him, his gaze still fogged by sickness, but his expression slowly opening up. He still didn't seem to register Satoru as, well, Satoru, but the tension in his body seemed to slowly subside, his mind not set on immediate flight anymore, curiosity seeming to win out.
"You're not a monster," he observed.
"No, I'm not. I'm a Nishimura. You know, your friend?"
Natsume sagged with relief.
"Oh, that's nice. I'm glad. I hate when the monsters come when I'm weak like this," he mumbled.
He was delusional, decided Satoru as he stared at his friends with wide eyes. And then he decided, who cares? Natsume said all kinds of weird things when he was healthy as a horse (well, healthy as a scrawny, anemic horse could be), so was it really that surprising that an unwell Natsume said even weirder stuff? Not really. His friend was sick and the monsters, may they be real or fake, seemed to really bother Natsume, so wasn't it his duty to assure him and provide him with a sense of safety? Satoru had promised Touko (and the cat) that he'd take care of him after all. Though, to be fair, he wouldn't have needed the pressure of a promise to make Natsume feel better.
"Don't worry, Natsume. I'll protect you!"
"Really?" he asked with bright, admiring eyes. Then he seemed to shrink back into himself.
"Sensei always gets grumpy when I get like this. Sorry, to be a bother." And to Satoru's absolute horror, Natsume's already fever glazed eyes started to grow wet and his face crumpled. Well, Satoru couldn't have that.
"Hey, come now. Don't say that." He reached out and slowly put his hand on his friend's shoulder, gently pushing him back down on the futon.
"You never have been, nor will you ever be a bother. Especially not when you're sick. You needing help isn't bothersome for anyone. We're happy to take care of you. Even your cat," he explained slowly like to a toddler (which with Natsume's stubbornness towards accepting any kind of kindness without rebuttal, it seemed appropriate to him) as he fixed the blanket around the thin boy, carefully tugging him in until he almost looked like a swaddled baby. Satoru grinned. His friend, kind and brave and so so stupid, could be so silly sometimes. And could make Satoru say silly things too, apparently. Going so far to vouch for a cat. Honestly! As if even a cat could get mad at Natsume. Ridiculous!
"Not that we like to see you sick or injured," clarified Satoru, not even giving Natsume's mind time to misinterpret his words. He pushed a few strands of sweaty hair out of his face. Natsume was looking at him as if he were the most curious thing he'd ever seen. It was enough to make Satoru go slightly red and he withdrew his hand from the boy's feverish temple. Natsume whined displeased at that and who was Satoru to disobey him when he was like that. So after he picked up the rag that had fallen beside the futon and re-soaked it in the water bowl, he started to run his fingers lightly through the blond hair. Natsume all but melted under his touch. The way his friend behaved like an overgrown cat, Satoru couldn't hold back a slight chuckle.
"Go back to sleep, Natsume. You need all the rest you can get." Natsume put up a valiant effort to stay away, his eyes always fluttering back open when they closed for too long. Satoru sighed fondly exasperated.
"Sleep. Don't worry, I've got you. I'll protect you from the monsters," he promised, lightly ruffling Natsume's hair before going back to stroking it.
That seemed to finally put him at ease because he proceeded to snuggle deeper into his blanket. Then he gave Satoru an almost dopey look.
"Thanks, Nishimura. You're a good friend." His eyes slid shut and his breathing, though slightly labored due to the illness, began to even out. In that moment Satoru was overcome with so much love for his friend. He shook his head with a soft smile. He was starting to behave like Natsume, the old sap. Or maybe this was a Satoru thing too? Achan told him before, how much of a softie he was. Which had been vehemently declined at that moment because Rude! I'm the manliest man that ever man-ed. I'm as soft as a block cement. But maybe he was onto something. Not that Satoru would ever give his best friend the satisfaction and tell him that.
"You goof. That's just what friends are for and one day you'll learn that," he whispered, getting himself more comfortable so that his arm that was currently tasked with petting Natsume's hair wouldn't get tired.
That's how he spent his time, occasionally re-wetting the towel and changing the water when it got to warm, never leaving Natsume's bedside longer than a minute, until Touko returned with her purchases. And he continued to sit next to his friend, running a hand through sweat-greased strands, until she finished preparing a chicken noodle soup for Natsume. Touko joined him upstairs as soon as the soup was simmering on the stove.
It also wasn't long before Natsume's ridiculous pig-cat joined them as well, in a surprising display of affection curling up on Natsume's legs on top of the covers. It blinked up at Satoru, giving him something that could pass for an approving look. Satoru felt like he'd done his job well, weirdly proud of himself.
At this point the sun had unfortunately long started setting. Satoru had to bid Touko goodbye and head home for the day. Natsume was still asleep at this point, so he had to settle for a last hair ruffle and a kiss on the head.
As he's leaving the property, he runs into Shigeru.
"Dropping off homework?", asks the man kindly. At Satoru's nod, Shigeru's face crinkled with a warm smile.
"You're a good friend." he patted Satoru's shoulder.
"I'm glad he has friends like you looking after him." Satoru blushed at that, but was quick to wave him off.
"We're the lucky ones. I just hope he gets better soon."
"Me too," he sighed. "Now get home before it gets fully dark. Thanks for visiting Takashi. I'm sure he appreciated it. We got him now, but don't hesitate to come back. Your support is just as good for him as Touko's delicious cold remedies."
"Thanks, Fujiwara-san, will do!"
Satoru had no doubt in mind that with such a warm family, Natsume's illness would soon be a thing of the past (the thought that he himself could have a similar healing property as the lovely Fujiwaras seemed preposterous to him, though that didn't stop a treacherous little part of his heart to swell at Shigeru's words).
And Satoru was right. A few days later, just as the first snow of the season started to blanket the world, Natsume returned, trudging along Tanuma towards school. His face not red from fever but from the cold air biting at what little of his skin was exposed (Natsume's parents had done a formidable job at wrapping him up, he looked a little like the chair of shame in Satoru's room where his clothes piled) and his eyes were shining again, not from sickness but from the life sparkling in them.
The whole friend group ecstatically welcomed Natsume back and Satoru didn't even had it in him to tease the boy about any prior happenstance, he was just so darn happy to have him back. Winter and life in general were just that much warmer and brighter for having Natsume Takashi in them.
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found-family-tournament · 2 years ago
Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 22 Group 108
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Fujiwara Family: Fujiwara Touko, Fujiwara Shigeru, Natsume Takashi, Nyanko-sensei
Justice League's Founders: Clark Kent/Superman, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Princess Diana/Wonder Woman, Barry Allen/Flash, Arthur Curry/Aquaman, Hal Jordan/Green Lantern & Martian Manhunter/J'onn J'onzz
Submissions are still open!
Fujiwara Family:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
Justice League's Founders:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
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nimbusnight28174 · 1 year ago
Safe amongst shards
read on ao3
One of the little moments Natsume realises he might just finally be safe.
Abuse isn't something you just get over. Even now, with months behind him of peaceful living - or as peaceful as it could get, dealing with yokai bussiness - with the Fujiwara's, Natsume still found himself waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like now, as a glass shattered on the floor, and he felt his body lock up, mute and with anxiety tearing at his insides, even as he bent down to gather up the pieces. It was best to keep his head down, in these situations; and he had learned this well, as he was an accident prone child, even without interferrance. It would not stop the yelling, but if he looked sufficiently cowed, and didn't make eye contact, it would stop sooner. Otherwise he'd seem standoffish at best, and rebellious at worst.
So when a hand appeared in his periphery, reaching towards him, he didn't know what to think. The Fujiwaras, had never been anything but kind so far, giving him his own room, regular meals and let him keep Nyanko-sensei who he'd unexpectedly brought to their home, but maybe this was it. Maybe they'd put up with enough. Natsume's heart raced, and he clenched his teeth as he waited.
But Touko's hand covered his own gently, and her voice was calm, as she told him to be careful of the shards, and don't you worry about it Takashi-kun, these things happen, I'll get the brush and clean it right up. And she stroked his hair with a kind smile, before telling him to sit go sit down at the table, and perhaps Shigeru could fetch another glass? He could, and he patted Natsume on the shoulder as he placed it down, offering him a smile of his own in silent reassurance.
And as Touko rejoined them and they dug into the homy meal, the glass was already a distant past, and when sensei came stumbling in some time later, complaining loudly at their headstart, it was to lighter spirits and a boy thinking that he might finally be safe.
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picolelasarts · 2 months ago
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My part of @natsume-ss ‘s Natsume Yuujinchou Secret Santa. For @nlg734, hope you like it!! 🎄
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ladyloveandjustice · 4 months ago
Writing my Natsume's Book of Friends fanfic did force me to contend with who, if anyone, has a car in Yatsuhara (Natsume's town). It's obviously a very walkable place and thanks to Japan's actual robust public transit it seems like they take the train or bus everywhere so a lot of people probably don't.
I don't THINK the Fujiwaras have a car since we never see it and the layout of their house doesn't look like it has a garage or car anywhere. I guess Shigeru takes the train or walks to wherever he works.
So I just ended up choosing Nishimura at random as the one whose family has a car because it was convenient for the fic's plot.
It also made me realize absolutely nobody in Natsume appears to have any kind of cell phone. I guess either it perpetually takes place in 2003 or there's just like. absolutely no service in that town.
There's actually not any super modern technology now that I think about it...these kids don't even seem to have a Playstation. what the hell.
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akabloom · 2 years ago
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day six of @natsumeweek home / travel
might be a little ooc but i think they need to hug :)
ID under the cut
[ID] a digital drawing of touko, shigeru and natsume hugging. Natsume face is out of view and his arms are wrapped around touko and under shigeru’s arm. Touko is looking fondly at natsume with her arm around his back. Shigeru is also looking fondly at natsume with his arm around natsumes back , touching touko’s arm. The background is a soft pink with a white cloud forming behind them. There is writing on the top left hand corner with the words “Day six: home”. [End ID]
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dspd · 2 months ago
It just occured to me while rewatching Natsume Yuujinchou s3e12 that the Fujiwara probably think Natsume tried to commit suicide by throwing himself off the mountain when he got injured sealing the one-eyed youkai. Otherwise, why would Shigeru-san say he need a a quiet place to rest his mind?
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dailysmilingnatsume · 7 months ago
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dreamer1084 · 5 months ago
Some Strange Feeling I found in Natsuyuu Ch.131
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Ever since I finished reading this chapter yesterday, posted the spoilers here, went to bed and then got up to go to work, I have been having a strange feeling in my heart.
So I'm going to share about what makes me feel strange. Well, maybe I just think too much, but I don't feel comfortable without talking about it.
Spoilers under cut.
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First, just like what I said yesterday. Natsume talked about things sometimes got weird at home with his expression nature.
Maybe he had finally gotten used to the fact that Youkai often come to Fujiwara's house. But just...not like that?
If there was really something strange at home, shouldn't he worry about the Fujiwara couple's safety first?
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Than, in this page. I saw someone else mentioned that Tanuma's reaction was a bit strange. Personally, I don't think it's an issue. Maybe he just didn't understand cuteness well LOL
But the point is, when Taki asked Natsume who he wanted to give it to, this page does not directly say who. It is odd. Because Natsume wanting to give Touko-san a gift is not something that needs to be hidden. We readers understand everything. I think only a line of dialogue is needed, like "because Touko-san said she likes rabbits, I want to give it to her", it doesn't even take up much space. And Tanuma's respond also didn't have the subject ('who' will be happy?) , though it is normal in Japanese grammar. From the context of the context, we can assume that he wanted to give it to Touko-san. (And got another one for Shigeru-san) But why do the dialogue need to be hidden here?
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Natsume thought that Sensei would catch mice. This did make me feel a little odd, but it wasn't really weird.
But the scene of Touko leaving the house should be on a different day than before ('I also have something to do today'). It's just the panels of this page that made me think it was the same day when I read it at first glance. There is no scene change from day one to day two. I don't think this is a storyboard(name) issue, maybe it's intentional?
OK, I am not saying Natsume in this chapter is not Natsume. But he felt too relaxed. Someone said the whole chapter is like in dreaming, I start feeling the same...
Or maybe I really just think too much.
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animegoil-vnc · 4 months ago
I watched the first three or four seasons of Natsume Yuujinchou over ten years ago, and just recently found out there's a fifth and sixth season?
And at first I was like c'mon I did love this series but a lot of it hinged on Natsume's slowly growing discovery of friendships and attachments to others and overcoming his baggage and pain, and by the third season he had several friends, the dog circle, nyanko-sensei obviously and the Fujiwaras along with many wonderful and filling experiences. So how much more could they milk? How long is Natsume going to stay in high school too lol?
Then I get to the episode with Shigeru and Touko and how they adopted Natsume and I'm like ah, I see, they can still punch me in the gut with feelings.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 4 months ago
Summary: Touko Fujiwara is not a woman who gets easily flustered. But she has to admit that she gets a bit nervous when Nyankichi streaks down the stairs into the living room where she’s sitting with Shigeru, the golden bell on his red collar jangling wildly.
Author: @badwolf36
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puddingcatbeans · 9 months ago
I don't have a prompt really but I always love your natsume content 🥺 and he is both tender and reckless XD
(i don't recall having written natsume before but you are absolutely right. what a lovely boy. can't wait to see him in colour and motion again!) ===
Takashi hisses as Fujiwara-san dabs at his knees with the cotton swab. She winces in sympathy, but holds him still again.
"Sorry," he says, the word familiar and sour in his mouth. "I didn't mean to get the clothes dirty so soon after laundry day."
She shakes her head. "You're a teenage boy," she says warmly, looking up from the first aid kit to smile at him. "You're supposed to be running about getting into trouble. I am just glad you are not too hurt."
Takashi reaches over and takes the bandage from her. "I'll be more careful next time," he says.
"That's good." Fujiwara-san stands and leans in to press a kiss to his forehead. It's not the first time she's done so, though it took a while for Takashi to allow her to come this close without tensing up. Her casual affection, and Shigeru-san's quiet concern, the gentleness that layers over everything in this household -- Takashi is still scared, sometimes, of waking up and discovering it was all a dream.
"What would you like for dinner?" she asks, cleaning up the supplies.
He hesitates for only a moment. "How about tempura? I'll help."
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