menubot · 7 months
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Only $7.00 for Pouilly Fuisse White Burgundy at Monte Proser's Copacabana? Bargain! http://menus.nypl.org/menus/30080
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winewhineweiner · 6 months
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Ooooh. This was lovely. 10/10! Smooth, tasty and blind tasted with the youngest child who instantly recognised it as special.
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mywinepal · 8 months
Galileo Wine & Spirits Portfolio Wine Tasting
Galileo Wine & Spirits Portfolio Wine Tasting. Quality Italian and French wines. @GalileoWine @zenatowinery @DelamainCognac @vignamaggio #Chianti #Valpolicella #Amarone #Bordeaux #cognac
If you are a lover of French and Italian wines, then you should love the portfolio of wines from Galileo Wine & Spirits. There were so many excellent wines to choose from. Here are a few of the wines that I really appreciated.  My Wine Tasting Notes Chateau de Fuisse Macon-Village 2022, France – A medium lemon colour.  Fresh, medium-intensity stone fruit nose.  Medium plus body, dry with a round,…
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tasteofsavoie · 1 year
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Enjoy a weekend in Beaujolais
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latinare · 4 months
my magnum opus:
Salve, mihi nomen est Hebenus Tenebrae Dementia Corvus Via, et capillos promissos hebeni coloris habeo (quod est quomodo meum nomen mihi datus sit) paucis purpureis lineis attingentes usque medium tergum et oculos glaciales et caeruleos similes limpidis lacrimis, etiam multi homines semper mihi dicebant meam faciem esse similem faciei Amatae Lee (Adnotatio Scriptoris: si nescias quae illa sit, abi ex hinc!) Non sum cognatam Gerard Viae sed volo me fuisse cognatam quod valde speciosissimum est. Sanguisuga sum tamen candidis et rectis dentibus. Pallidam et albam cutem habeo. Maga quoque sum, etiam ad magam scholam appellatam Hogvartensem Anglia ibam ubi in septem annum sum (in duodeviginti aetatis annum sum). Gotham sum (si non potueris intellegere) et plerumque nigras vestes gerebam. Tabernam appellatam Gratiossisimam Rem amo et semper omnes meas vestes ex illinc emebam. Exempli gratia, hodie nigra adminicula pari ornato et subtili textili cingente id et minimam castulam factam ex corio gerebam roseis textis tibialibus et nigras caligis. Nigrum pigmentum in ore, album pigmentum in vultu, stibium et rubeum pigmentum super oculos gerebam. Extra Hogvartense ambulabam. Ningebat et pluebat ut sol deesset, ob quod maxime gaudebam. Multi parati me spectaverunt. Medium digitum ad eos sustuli.
oh my GOSH @anneonomus
have you done/are you doing the whole thing??
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kisulandia · 8 months
blah blah blah⁶¹²
⁶¹²hi est me, Johnny Truant, hic tecum loqui de erroribus schizophrenicis meis! de morte, sexus an utroque futurum est? Suspicor te futurum fuisse ut ante legerem ut videam.
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sed peccasse iuvat, vultus componere famae taedet: cum digno digna fuisse ferar.
- Sulpicia
Ah, it is a pleasure to ‘sin’ and exhausting to hide my face for rumour’s sake. Let me be known as a worthy woman with her worthy man.
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necrophilologist · 3 days
Caelium oratorem fuisse iracundissimum constat. Cum quo, ut aiunt, cenabat in cubiculo lectae patientiae cliens, sed difficile erat illi in copulam coniecto rixam eius cum quo cohaerebat effugere; optimum iudicavit quidquid dixisset sequi et secundas agere. Non tulit Caelius adsentientem et exclamavit : "Dic aliquid contra, ut duo simus!" Sed ille quoque, quod non irasceretur iratus, cito sine adversario desit. [seneca de ira 3.8.6]
Caelius the orator, it is well known, was the worst-tempered man possible. It is said that once he was dining in his own chamber with an especially long-suffering client, but had great difficulty when thrown thus into a man's society to avoid quarrelling with him. The other thought it best to agree to whatever he said, and to play second fiddle, but Caelius could not bear his obsequious agreement, and exclaimed, "Do contradict me in something, that there may be two of us!" Yet even he, who was angry at not being angry, soon recovered his temper, because he had no one to fight with. [source]
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astroswrites · 6 months
The dispared ilusion.
Warnings: A bit of horror? Use of Google translator
Sinopsis: a hero? Awakes without memories in a strange room,
Tumblr just randomly published it while I was still writing it.
use of made up pronouns to see how long can I keep it up
Part one of many
Vei awoke in a room, vei did not recognise the room. Panic struck vein.
Questions filling veir mind, where were vei? Why can't vei remember? Who were vei??.
In their panick vei did not realise that a maid had entered the room, she seemed surprised.
"Oh my!" Exclaimed the maid "You woke up!" Vei looked at her, and went to try to move but the maid stopped vein, "Nir Astralas, please don't move, you must rest, please wait here"
Astralas nooded, right that was veir name, vei guess that vei should listen, vei moved a hand to veir forehead.....
"Bandages....." vei muttered.
The maid soon was back.
"What........ happened? Why am I here?" Astralas asked as the maid was putting like a mini table to be able to put the food over? Ya know the thingi?
The maid answered hesitantly "uhm.... you were found with a.... head injury" the maid put the tray in the table thingi, "Don't remove the bandages, it's... what the doctor said" the maid gestured Astralas to eat.
Astrlas hesitantly stabbed the food.... what was it? Vei had the words in the tip of the tongue. From what vei remembered it was extremely exotic.
Vei took a bite... it tasted good, familiar, comforting....... it felt as it there was a bad after taste though, Astralas realised that vei ahd already finished.
The maid, went to take the tray and the table thingi. "The king will come soon to speak to you.... le- he will be pleased to see you awake" the maid said before leaving the room.
Astralas looked aroun the room....
No windows, it was an expensive room in the way it was decorated, but there were no windows.
Astralas narrowed veir eyes, for some reason something felt wrong.
There was a desk near the bed, Astralas went to reach, moving.
Astralas froze, and moved veir leg again.
"What the...." Astralas suppressed the urge to swear. And moved veir hand down, under the blankets, to touch near veir ankle.... nothing. Vei moved veir leg again, and felt it... for just a split second, a chain, it was tangible for a split second.
Astralas felt panick, and a sense of dejavu...
Astralas took a deep breath. And tried to calm veirself down. 'I'm stuck without memory, chained to a bed by a chain spell, in a room without windows nor mirrors'
Astralas froze... 'Chain spell.... how do I know what it is........ wait.... were are the mirrors....' vei looked around the room more.... 'No reflective surfaces....' Astralas felt panick, but tried to compose veirself....
The door creaked, a man?..... the clothing looked extremely expensive, his eyes were tired, when he saw veir his face lighted up.
"You are awake!" The one who probably was the king said "Nir Astralas" he moved closer he moved to touch, but decided to not.
"Who are you?" Astralas asked, his beautiful eyes..... were.... familiar, but for some reason looked wrong in the face. It didn't fit.
The king was taken a back... seemingly saddened, but only for a second, "I'm King...D" did... did he pause? "King Avireta, we... knew each other... but I see you must have forgotten..." his eyes expressed worry, "Can you remember anything?"
"Not.... not much, the fruit i ate... I remember the taste..." Astralas said, omitting other things.
"Anything else?" His eyes were looking into veir eyes in an intense manner, as if to catch veir lying.
"Your eyes.....are familiar to me..." the answer pleased Avireta...
He mumbled something "Fuisse nimis potentem"
"Wh... what?" Astralas was confused for a second.
"Don't worry about it.... just... thinking out loud" he gave veir head a pat... "You... you should rest, if you need anything there are servants available at all times."
Astralas face betrayed veir hesitation to trust him. Causing him to sigh. "I... I can't make you trust me... I know that, but you have my word that you will be safe here."
He was being genuine.... more genuine than anything he said before.
Astralas nooded.
"Good, I have to return to my duties, please... rest well" and then he left the room closing the door.
Astralas resigned to resting, as there was probably nothing left to do aside from counting the tiles of the floor. Vei closed veir eyes, the bed was comfortable and warm. Sleeping seemed like a good idea. And so vei fell into slumber.
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Homo novus. Sic, ambulabo andronem et vidi, vir novus, parvus, imminens apparitus est hodie. Cum Iuliane discutabam et mihi confessus est his puerum suspectum collegam nostram cras fore. Atqui decidi eum venustum esse. Visus est tenuissimus et reverentissimus, sed mysteriosus atque speciosus, eum amavi - crudissime. Se miraturus esse volui omnem rem facere. 
Proxime die:  "Cubitum eamus" - aio. Hic puer vertit. Oculi stellis simili, bruneti crines... Dicam faciem suam imaginem phantasma fuisse. Non ipsum videbam postmodo. Somno caso, meum congressum cum eo finxi et cogitavi quem spectavissem.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
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Hart to Hart 1x13 - A Question of Innocence
Jennifer: Do you remember where we were last year at this time? Jonathan: Last year, at this time, were, uh, in Nice. Jennifer: Right. And wasn't Nice nice? Jonathan: Oh, it was wonderful. Jennifer: Well, since we can't go to Nice, I thought I would bring Nice to us. Voila! Some Pouilly-Fuisse, some pate, and you.
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mercuriicultores · 1 year
Pedro Calderón de la Barca – La vida es sueño, Jornada II, 1163
Es verdad, pues: reprimamos esta fiera condición, esta furia, esta ambición, por si alguna vez soñamos. Y sí haremos, pues estamos en mundo tan singular, que el vivir sólo es soñar; y la experiencia me enseña, que el hombre que vive, sueña lo que es, hasta despertar.
Sueña el rey que es rey, y vive con este engaño mandando, disponiendo y gobernando; y este aplauso, que recibe prestado, en el viento escribe y en cenizas le convierte la muerte (¡desdicha fuerte!): ¡que hay quien intente reinar viendo que ha de despertar en el sueño de la muerte!
Sueña el rico en su riqueza, que más cuidados le ofrece; sueña el pobre que padece su miseria y su pobreza; sueña el que a medrar empieza, sueña el que afana y pretende, sueña el que agravia y ofende, y en el mundo, en conclusión, todos sueñan lo que son, aunque ninguno lo entiende.
Yo sueño que estoy aquí, destas prisiones cargado; y soñé que en otro estado más lisonjero me vi. ¿Qué es la vida? Un frenesí. ¿Qué es la vida? Una ilusión, una sombra, una ficción, y el mayor bien es pequeño; que toda la vida es sueño, y los sueños, sueños son.
Petrus Calderonius de la Barca – Vita somnium est, II, 1163
Verum est ergo… reprimamus hanc ferinam condicionem, hanc furiam, hanc ambitionem, ne sit, ut simus in somnio. Nam sumus in mundo adeo singulari, ut vivere tantum somnium sit; et experientia ostendit mihi, quod homo vivens, dum vivit, somniat talem, qualis sit, se usque ad surrectionem.
Somniat Rex se Regem, et sic vivit in hac fallacia: imperans, regens et iubens; et hunc plausum, quem acceperat praestitum, in ventos et in cineres convertit mors (acris miseria!): ah, quis conaretur imperare, sciens se debere surgere postea in somnio mortis?!
Somniat dives in suis divitiis, de quibus magnopere curat; somniat pauper se pati angustias, miserias et paupertatem; somniat, qui meliorari incipit, somniat, qui consecrat et molitur, somniat, qui damnat et offendit, et in mundo denique omnes somniant, quod ipsi sunt, etsi nemo id intelligit.
Ego somnio me exstare hic, ex istis carceribus sublatum; et somniavi me in alio statu leviore, molliore, fuisse. Quid est vita? Phrenesis. Quid est vita? Illusio, umbra, fictio, et summum bonum parvum; nam tota vita somnium est; et somnia, somnia sunt.
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lena-l · 2 years
Sulpicia I - (1 sec. a.C.)
Hi, my name is Alena and here I am pursuing my goal to spread the thoughts and words oh women from the ancient world, which had always been undervalued, if not forgotten completely by history.
Sulpicia is one of the few female writers whose words are still surviving: her six elegies are part of the so-said "Corpus Tibullianum", therefore were attributed to the elegiac poet Tibullus, who attended the same literary circle as her under Valerius Messalla Corvinus' patronage.
I elogy:
❝ Tandem venit amor, qualem texisse pudori
quam nudasse alicui sit mihi fama magis.
Exorata meis illum Cytherea Camenis
attulit in nostrum deposuitque sinum.
Exsoluit promissa Venus: mea gaudia narret,
dicetur si quis non habuisse sua.
Non ego signatis quicquam mandare tabellis,
ne legat id nemo quam meus ante, velim,
sed peccasse iuvat, vultus componere famae
taedet: cum digno digna fuisse ferar. ❞
At last the love I've waited for has come.
(No shame to say so: more to cover up).
My Camenae called on her in prayer,
and Cytherea brought him to my heart.
Venus kept her promise: now she can tell
my tale of joy to those who don't believe.
I hardly want to give this letter up
so no one else sees it before he does.
I'm glad I did it — why wear a prudish mask,
as if he wasn't good enough for me!
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transthomastaylor · 1 year
Hōc diē 2776 annōs abhinc Urbs Rōma condita est. Versūs Quīntī Ennī praebēbō dē condendā Urbe quōs legere vōs velim, adjiciamque commentāriolōs ubi sat ērudīta mihi videor.
Puerī Remus et Rōmulus ā lupā inveniuntur (apud PHI versūs 66-68):
Indotuētur ibī lupu’ fēmina, cōnspicit omnīs.
Hinc campum celerī passū permēnsa parumper
Conicit in silvam sēsē.
In prīmō hōrum versiculō prīnceps verbum ‘intuētur’ solet dīcī, sed apud Ennium potest prōdūcī in ‘indotuētur’ numerōrum causā. Simile fit in illō posteā ‘induperātor’. ‘Lupus’ dīcitur ultimā litterā nōn ēnūntiātā. Lupus fēmina campum celeriter (celerī passū) trānsgreditur (permētītur) et in silvam currit (conjicit sēsē).
Cōnsequuntur versūs 71-76:
Ubī potitur ratu’ Rōmulu’ praedam,
Cūrantēs magnā cum cūrā tum cupientēs
Rēgnī dant operam simul auspiciō auguriōque.
In †monte Remus auspiciō sedet atque secundam
Sōlus avem servat, at Rōmulus pulcher in altō
Quaerit Aventīnō, servat genus altivolantum.
‘Potitur’ brevī mediā syllabā dīcitur. ‘Ratus’ et ‘Rōmulus’ item ac prius ‘lupus’ patiuntur ultimae litterae dīmissiōnem. Auspicium atque augurium secundum rōmānōs in maximā cūrā pōnī dēbēbant, quod quidem hīc patet; nōn enim vī, sed auspiciō auguriōque rēx ēligitur. ‘In monte Remus’ nōn scanditur, quārē vitiī arguitur liber. ‘Genus altivolantum’ nīmīrum ad plūrīs avīs spectat, quod vocābulum compositum est ex altō et volantī.
Sequuntur versūs 77-78:
Certābant Urbem Rōmam Remoramne vocārent.
Omnibus cūra virīs uter esset induperātor.
Disseritur tandem dē Urbe et causā parricīdiī Rōmae prīmī. ‘Remora’ Ennius crēdit futūrum fuisse nōmen Urbī sī Remus imperātor esset creātus. Hīc etiam discernimus quod multīs annīs posteā Horātius Flaccus Rōmae occāsūs causam crēdiderit quum caneret (Epōdī 7.16-20):
Sīc est: acerba Fāta rōmānōs agunt
Scelusque frāternae necis,
Ut immerentis flūxit in terram Remī
Sacer nepōtibus cruor.
Hīc ‘ut’ temporālem significātum capit.
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"Is that so?" said Quartilla, "Is she younger than I was when I took on my first man? May I receive the ire of Juno if ever I remember that I was a virgin. For even as a young child I was stained with those of my own age, and soon after I applied myself to older boys until I came of age. I think this is the reason that old saying came into existence: the one who can lift the calf, can lift the bull."
"ita" inquit Quartilla "minor est ista quam ego fui, cum primum virum passa sum? Iunonem meam iratam habeam, si umquam me meminerim virginem fuisse. nam et infans cum paribus inquinata sum, et subinde procedentibus annis maioribus me pueris applicui donec ad [hanc] aetatem perveni. hinc etiam puto proverbium natum illud [ut dicatur] posse taurum tollere, qui vitulum sustulerit."
–– Petronius' Satyrica 25.4-6
Quartilla, the priestess of Priapus, is speaking to Encolpius who is objecting to the "wedding" between his boyfriend, Giton who is sixteen, and Pannychis, a girl who seems no older than seven. Gareth Schmeling (2011) argued that while unusual, marriage to a girl this young was not illegal. That is mistaken. It was illegal for a girl under the age of 10 to become engaged and she had to wait a minimum of two years before she could legally marry, making twelve the most accepted minimum age of marriage for a Roman girl.
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ayliffe · 2 years
utinam ne sic egisses. vel utinam ne sic fuisses. man whatever
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