#fugaku uchiha smut
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13as07 · 9 months ago
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Birthright #9
(Uchiha Men Smut)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Hikamory'chi & TempestDH]
Requested by: The Devil
Word Count: 4,431
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Brother/Sister Incest
Father/Daughter Incest
Name Calling: Baby Girl, Onii-Chan, Princess, Whore, Daddy
Mentions of Virginity Loss
Emotional Manipulation
Child Abuse/Bleeding
Sex Toys: Belt, Vibrator
Two more parts :)
The sheets under me cling to my skin, soaking up the sweat coating every part of me. My head is buried deep into the bedding, shoulders pressed against the mattress too, and my on-show pussy clenching around nothing.
"Beautiful, Baby Girl," Onii-Chan coos, his hands rubbing against my ass that's arched into the air. "I think Leapfrog is definitely going to be in the top five."
"What?" I mutter, my words muffled even more because of the blankets.
"The position you're in," he starts to gently explain. "Your hips up," his hands squeeze my hips before sliding up my sides. "Your head and shoulders on the bed," he continues, his hands softly massaging my shoulders. "It's called Leapfrog."
After the loss of my virginity, Itachi insisted on another round even though we were on a time crunch. Hence, the position, my unhappily empty pussy, and the slow draining of his cum into my womb. It's a weird but erotic feeling, my brother's sperm dripping into the deepest parts of me.
His thumb ghosts over my pussy, teasing my aching hole as his eyes eat away at me, adding a burning hit to my sensitive spots. "I'm going to go shower real quick, you stay just like this while I'm away, okay, Baby Girl? By the time I'm out every ounce of me should be drained into your greedy womb."
"Stop calling me that," I whine, trying to smother my face deeper into the blankets. "I'm your Princess."
     "Yes, you are, and you always will be, but I already told you we need to get used to calling each other different things. It'll make life easier after the wedding."
     "What am I supposed to call you?" I ask, some of the chip of my tone gone because of the soft massaging Itachi is gifting to my lower back.
     "Anything you want, Baby Girl." My mouth clicks open, excited to extort the loop I see in his wording. "Except Onii-Chan." Just as soon as I see the loop, Itachi snags his wording, knotting the possibility of getting what I want.
     "I'm going to call you my little man because your dick is small," I snap, shaking my hips to try and knock his touch away from me.
     "Hey!" I yelp, this time jerking away because of the smack to my ass. "That was rude."
     "You're rude. Knock off the attitude," he snaps back, rubbing the sore spot in my butt. "Think of something else."
     "Dumb Lover Boy," I grumble, pulling a soft chuckle from Itachi.
     "That'll work, Baby Girl. I'll be right back, you just relax," he murmurs, dotting the smacked spot with a kiss.
     "Yes, Sir."
     His thumb swipes over the same spot, raking a new wave of aches through me before he steps away. His exit is signaled by my door swinging open and then clicking closed behind him.
     My body relaxes with his exit, more of my weight pressed into my shoulders. I do just as I was told, staying put as sleep slowly starts to overtake my senses.
     Just as my eyes droop closed, my door clicks back open. "You're back already?" I mutter, shifting my head so my cheek is pressed against the mattress. Is Itachi already done showering? How long has he been gone? Not long enough to shower, I don't think.
     A rough hand buries into my hair, picking my head up for a beat before shoving it back into the bed. "Oh, fuck," I whine, my cunt aching as he shoves his fingertips back into my pussy. "I can't take anymore. Please?" I whimper, squirming underneath him. The movement only makes me ache more.
     "Why the hell is your pussy stuffed full of cum?" Every drop of arousal drains out of me, quickly replaced with the icy voice of my Father. I try to sit up, stopped by his hand still buried in my hair. "Princess," the nickname feels like a pile of bricks between my shoulder blades, weighing me down. "Who took your virginity?"
     "I don't know," I whisper, squirming under his intense hold and the feeling of his eyes burning into my pussy.
     Daddy's dark chuckle wraps around me, squeezing my throat and stopping my airflow. "Fine, cover for your brothers. See if I care," he grumbles, his words barely covering the sound of clothes rustling.
     "Please don't!" I yelp, jerking away when the tip of his dick taps against my cunt. "I'm already sore. It's going to hurt so much, Daddy. Please?" He ignores me, shoving his length into me. Another yelp echoes in my room, forced out by the pain blooming from my pussy. "Stop. Please stop. Daddy, please? I can't." The word 'stop' shoots out after every one of his thrusts, slowly growing louder with more pain that builds up.
     By the time Daddy is moving full force ahead, slamming into me hard enough to inch me up the bed, my pleas and begs for stopping are just a heap of pain-soaked sobs. All I can focus on is the aches and the slight break every time he tugs his penis out of me.
     "I didn't know you were such a whore," Daddy barks, tugging on my hair so my neck arches, my head and upper body being lifted off the bed enough that I can look back at him. Sweat droplets drip down his face, forehead and lips scrunched in disgust, and his sharingans glowing in anger. "Look at you, crying your eyes out as I rape you. I'm sure you weren't crying when you let one of your brothers slip into your pussy. Do you not like Daddy raping you?"
     I quickly shake my head, no, my hands shooting back to dig my nails into his wrist. Daddy's hips jerk from my answer, the position making it easier for his tip to dig deeper into me, fresh waves of pain rattling through my body. "Maybe you should have thought about that before acting like a whore. Every time you let one of your brothers have sex with you, Daddy is going to rape you and beat your ass until you can't sit anymore."
     "Please don't," I wail, trying to tug his hand out of my hair. "I'm sorry, Daddy. Really! I won't let it happen again, I promise. Please just stop. Please stop raping me!"
     I must be in the grace of one God or another because I get what I want. Daddy curses under his breath, another rough shove of his dick into me before his movements stop. The newly found feeling of being filled with sperm shoots through my groin, tainting the stash Itachi left in me.
     "Fucking whore," Daddy growls, dropping his hold on me and tugging himself out of my pussy when he's done. My body crashes to the bed, legs shaking from the pain and chest pumping from the fear inked into my skin.
     His touch isn't gone for long, his thick fingers wrapping around my throat and gently squeezing. "Met me in the living room, just like this, in ten minutes or I swear I'll parade you around the council and show them how much of a used-up whore their future Chieftess is, am I understood?"
     "Yes, Daddy," I whisper, my eyes crunched closed as I try to will away the pain. The familiar sound of my door squeaking open and then clicking closed fills my room, a new sob filling the space left empty after my door closes.
     I allow myself to cry for a few moments, my focus shifting to trying to shove down my sobs. I didn't answer Daddy's question and I know all too well he always gets his answer. A new layer of fear coats my lungs as I turn over in bed and sit upright. I have no clue how he's going to get his answer, but I do know I won't like it.
     Slowly, I rest my weight on my feet and push myself off the bed. My legs wobble the whole way out, pain digging its sharp nails into my nerves as I inch out of my room and down the hallway into the living room. By the time I'm in the center of the room, Daddy's eyes bearing into me, fresh tears are sliding down my cheeks.
     His anger weavers, his scowl falling into a frown as he looks me over. "Come here, Princess," he murmurs, wiggling his fingers to beckon me forward. I make my way toward him, my steps as slow as a snail as I move.
     Daddy's arms wrap around me when I get close enough for him to snatch me. The strong safety of his arms around my waist counters the fear he left coating my skin, leaving me even more confused and forcing more tears from my eyes. "Shh, shh, shh," he softly hushes me, a thumb rubbing away my tears as his other hand balls up his robe. He softly pats my thighs causing the material to quickly get soaked and turn a darker color.
     My eyes stick to the soaked cloth, trying to figure out why the color is changing so deeply. "Daddy's sorry, he didn't mean to be so rough," he coos in my ear, tone soft and touch gentle. My sight rolls over my thigh, new fear blooming in my chest at the sight of blood gushing down my legs. I didn't bleed when Itachi fucked me, but he wasn't as rough as our Father. "I didn't want to make you bleed."
     "It's okay," I mutter, knowing it's what he wants to hear. A scream for Itachi sticks in my throat, wanting his comfort more than anything right now but that'll just make everything worse.
     "I'm still sorry, Princess. When I'm done dealing with your brothers we'll take a hot bath, okay? Then we can cuddle in bed and I'll get you an ice pack. Daddy loves you so much. I would never do anything to hurt you."
     Why is every time Itachi and Daddy want something - most times forgiveness - they remind me they love me? Why do they always insist they'll never hurt me even as they are or after they did? They confuse me so much.
     Daddy turns me in his lap so I'm sat sideways, his nose digging in my hair so he can slide his lips against my neck. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, wiggling in his lap to try and get more comfortable. After some trying I give it up, settling on the fact that I won't feel comfortable any time soon, if ever again.
     My eyes scan the room as my Father tries to make himself feel better about what he's done. He dragged two kitchen chairs into the living room, leaving them to rest across from where we sit on the couch. His belt sits on the coffee table, the warn-out brown leather one he uses on my brothers when they misbehave. The one I'm sure he used on Sasuke this morning.
     The pink vibrator he uses when he wants nothing more than to slurp me all night long sits next to it, making me squirm in more fear. It's not unusual for Daddy to leave me sobbing and squirming in overstimulated pain. He and Mom alike swear it's him just 'keeping control of his temper' and badgering me about 'not wanting Daddy to take his anger out on anyone else'.
"Be a Good Girl while Daddy punishes your brothers and I'll give you a reward," my Father mutters, his arms scooping me up again. This time, he lays me across the coffee table, ass in the air, and his hand buried in my hair to force my head upward.
My neck aches from being arched, my scalp yelling in pain from my roots being tugged on, the edge of the table digging into my stomach, and my pussy quivering in pain from the chill in the house alone. "What kind of reward?" I ask, trying to loosen his hold on my hair.
Daddy's hand does move around, pony-tailing my locks but still keeping a firm grasp on it. "Whatever you want, Princess. It'll be an open-ended reward. Anything you want, whatever time you want."
"Really," he echoes, coating gentle kisses down my spine. As soon as the moment starts, it ends, Daddy's only touch being his hand fisting my hair. "Itachi, Sasuke, come here!" Fear icicles down my back, replacing the soft love he wrapped around my spine.
My Father toys with my hair, flopping it back and forth as we wait for the boys. Sasuke appears first, poking his head around his doorframe. All the coloring melts from his face as he looks at us, his eyes large as he slowly slides into the room. "Father, how can I help?"
"Did you fuck Princess?"
"No," he rushes out, heat coating his face and almost shouting against the paleness of his cheeks.
"Sit down."
Sasuke does as ordered, sliding into one of the chairs. He tries his hardest to keep his eyes locked on our Father but does fail on occasion, flicking his sight down at me.
Itachi strolls into the room soon after, dressed in his clothes from earlier and his hair bone dry, not giving away his time in the shower. He tries to give off a calm vibe like he always carries, but the mask falls when his eyes trail over me. "What are you doing to my Baby Girl?" He hisses, fire flaring in his sight as he drags it up toward our Father. His anger doubles when he notices my blood soaked into Daddy's shirt. "What. The. Hell. Did. You. Do?" He carefully asks, his tone snapping more and more with every word.
"Sit down," Daddy sighs, his focus still on toying with my hair.
"I asked you - "
"Sit down," he repeats, eyes glaring back at Itachi with the same level of heat. "I came home to my poor Princess split open with her pussy stuffed full of cum. I'm curious to know which one of you took poor advantage of your sister."
"It wasn't me," Itachi answers evenly, trying to tie down his temper.
"Well, I sure didn't!" Sasuke snaps, jumping up from his spot. "I'm not getting another beating. I didn't fuck Princess. I'm not taking the blame for this."
"Both of you!" Daddy yells, yanking in my hair so I'm arched upward more, the edge of the table digging into my stomach deeper. "Sit. Down. Please." It takes a second but the heat between my brothers dies down and they both slide into their seats. Their eyes lock on me, Itachi's stoned and Sasuke's swirling with concern. "Since neither one of you wants to confuse, I'm going to beat Princess's ass until one of you cave."
     "Don't you dare."
     The boys answer at the same time, mixing with the arousal and fear in my groin. I knew it was coming, Daddy told me in my bedroom he was going to spank me until I couldn't even sit anymore. "Glad we're on the same page," he mutters, leaning over me to grab his belt.
     Daddy keeps me arched, making sure the boys can see my face. His hand rubs against my butt cheek, his fingertips and the worn leather massaging the flesh.
     "Onii-Chan!" The scream for Itachi rips from my lungs before I can stop it. I've been spanked before, plenty of times by Daddy and brother alike, but the pain has never itched into my skin like this.
     "Dad," Sasuke calls, his voice wobbling as his eyes flicker between our Father and me. Itachi doesn't flinch, the small squint of his eyes being the only change to his face.
     Daddy waits a moment, willing his sons to confess to their sins. When they don't, he turns back to his actions.
     Smack, smack
     A wet sob bubbles in my lungs, mixing with the sound of leather against my skin. Sasuke itches forward, sight fully locked on me. Itachi's eyes stay trailed on Daddy.
     Smack, smack, smack
     My hands shoot forward, trying to reach out for Itachi. My eyes have started to blur from my tears. "Make it stop! Onii-Chan! Please!"
     "Itachi," Sasuke hisses, flicking his eyes to the side. "Just confess already. Itachi did it," he points at our older brother, his face hard in a glare as he tips his head up toward our Father. "I'm telling you he did it, isn't that enough of a confession?"
     Smack, smack, smack. Smack, smack, smack
     "Please!" I wail because my ass feels like it's on fire from the constant assault on it. "Daddy, it hurts. It was Itachi! I promise it was Itachi! Stop!"
     The spankings stop for a moment, his hand back rubbing at the sores forming on my ass. It doesn't help, if anything it makes my skin sting more. "Is that true Itachi? Did you fuck Princess? Were you the one reckless enough to finish in your sister?"
     "No," Itachi answers without hesitation, his eyes not falling away from his stare off with Daddy. A sob of betrayal rakes through the room, quickly replaced with sobs of pain again.
     Smack, smack, smack
     My sobs are slowly morphing into screams of pain, screams for Itachi despite his betrayal. "Onii-Chan it hurts! Make it stop! Please? You're supposed to make it stop. You're supposed to keep me safe!"
     "Come on, Princess. You should know by now your Onii-Chan is a sad excuse of a man. He won't ever take care of you," Daddy utters, the words meant to hurt Itachi but managing to stab at my heart on their way.
     Smack, smack. Smack, smack. Smack -
     As I'm bracing for the next spanking, the belt falls short, resting against my butt instead of crashing down against my skin. "Shit," Daddy whispers under his breath, the belt and my hair slipping from his hands.
     My body hunches over the table, the pain from my lower regions so intense that it snacks up the bottom of my spine. The belt trickles to the floor, the metal of it clicking when it crashes against the wood. Warm liquid drips down my skin, quickly wiped away by Daddy.
     "I'm sorry, Princess. I didn't mean to, Daddy got carried away," he coos, his big and warm hands rubbing up and down my cheeks, attempting to massage the pain out of them as he spreads the sticky liquid around.
     Unshed tears wet Sasuke's eyes as he stares at me. Itachi's eyes have finally fallen, locked on our Dad's hands as angry fire flickers in his irises. "Look at what you two did. You want to save your asses so bad that you're willing to let your sister bleed for your sins." Oh, that must be the warm liquid leaking across my skin.
     Slowly, Daddy pulls me off the table, letting the two of us fall onto the couch. A shriek of pain crawls up my raw throat, the pain of sitting on my wounds being the moving force. He softly hushes me, tugging me closer until my back is pressed against his chest. "I know it hurts, Princess, but it won't be over until Itachi confesses."
     "I didn't do it."
     "Sure you didn't," Daddy mutters, his sympathy fake as he answers Onii-Chan. My shaky legs are moved, aching even more as they're hooked over his thighs, spreading me open so all three men can see my still-soaked pussy. The mess of my cum, Itachi's cum, and Daddy's cum is still coated over my pussy and caked on the inside of my thighs, keeping me slick.
     Daddy jerks forward, snatching the vibrator off the table before situating it against my clit. "Please?" I try begging, wrapping my fingers around his wrists. "I can't. I hurt, so much."
     "I know, Princess," he coos, switching the toy on and instantly turning it on to its top speed. Daddy's arms cage me in place as I try to squirm away from the vibrations. "The sooner your Onii-Chan tells the truth, the sooner I can stop it, but he's the only one who can save you right now."
     My head snaps toward Itachi, my whimpers on repeat as I try to use my eyes to will him to tell the truth. Daddy's nose slides against my neck, huffing in my scent as his fingers toy with my pussy, making my aching hole scream in disagreement again. "Itachi is so mean to you," he mutters against my neck, his lips replacing his nose against my skin. "Isn't he? Tell your Onii-Chan how much pain you're in because of him," he orders, shoving his fingers into me.
     "It hurts, Itachi. It hurts to sit on Daddy's lap. It stings having my clit rubbed against. I'm going to bleed again because of Daddy's fingers. I don't want my pussy bleeding again. It bled so much after Daddy played with me. Make it stop. Ple - "
     "Outside," Itachi cuts me off, shooting up from his chair.
     "That's not how this works," Daddy chuckles, picking up the thrust of his fingertips.
     "It is now. You made Princess bleed. I didn't make her bleed when I fucked her. There, happy? I confessed. I had sex with Princess. I took her virginity."
     Daddy's movements stall for a moment, his wicked smile pressed against my throat. "Let's go outside," he mutters, tugging his touch away before shoving me off his lap. I slump onto the floor, the wood sliding against my body roughly. "Be a good girl and enjoy your stimulation while we're gone," he orders, dooming me to remain in pain as they talk.
     A slap of Daddy's hand lands on my ass before he walks away, him and Itachi slipping out the door to stew in their fight outside.
     Once the door slams closed, the only sound in the house is the soft buzz of the vibrator, the soft sobs of pain spilling from me, and the mix of rough breathing from Sasuke and me. "Please?" I whine, managing to shift enough to look up at him.
     His lips are parted as he pants, eyes swirling with arousal and anger as he looks down at me. "I can't. Dad is already mad at me." His eyes scratch over my skin, his hand falling to his pants and giving it a soft squeeze.
     The chill from the action mixes with the heat of pain. I can't take anymore. I've already taken Itachi twice, had Daddy buried to the halt, have constant unwanted stimulation to my clit, and had Daddy's fingers toying with me. I can't, but Sasuke doesn't seem to care.
     He stands up from his seat, hands already shoving his pants and boxers down enough for his dick to spring out. His tip is red and already leaking, angry from being the only penis in the house that hasn't been inside me yet today. "I'm sorry, Princess, really." Sasuke whispers, falling to his knees behind me. A hand wraps around his dick, ready to aim it as his other hand grips my hips, dragging me across the floor.
     "Don't. Please? You can't. Daddy is going to be so mad, he's going to rape me again. Sasuke, don't!"
     He keeps apologizing as he lines himself up, his tip toying with the edges of my pussy. "Dad won't find out, he's too busy fighting with Itachi. Even if he does find out, why can't you get raped just once more? It's not fair that you're willing to get raped and beaten for Itachi and not me. Why don't you love me as much as you love Itachi?"
     "I do love you, but please, I can't - "
     "You can and you will," he whispers, shoving himself into me. Why did Sasuke have to get Mom's looks and Daddy's attitude?
     Once he's in me, his hand on my hip hangs on tighter and his other hand wraps around my mouth, muffling the sounds of pain and disagreement slipping past my lips.
     "I'm sorry. Really. I'm sorry, Princess. I can't help it. It's just not fair. Why do Dad and Itachi get to enjoy your barely used pussy and I'm stuck using Mom's warn out cunt? I want your pussy squeezing me. Not mom's, not Sakura's, yours. I want you all to myself but I can't have that because Itachi is so much more important than me," Sasuke rambles, his hips jerky and rough as he thrusts into me. He doesn't have the rhythm Dad does or the self-control Itachi does.
     My fight quickly dies, my body slacking against the floor as I take the continued sex. There's no point trying to stop it when I can't. Sasuke isn't going to stop and I'm stuck with the painful vibrations against my clit until the toy dies or until Daddy decides I've had enough.
     "Damn it," Sasuke hisses, his thrusts somehow getting less patterned. "I won't finish, not yet. Who knows the next time Dad and Itachi will both leave you unattended? I can't finish yet, I can't." Despite his words, his body doesn't obey. He leans more of his weight against me, his tip gaining another half inch because of it. "Fuck. Fuck you. Fuck Dad. Fuck Itachi," he grumbles, his hands balled up as they press against the floorboards.
     More sperm is shot into me, slushing around my groin and adding pressure to it. I've been filled too much, have too much cum filling my womb. I wouldn't be surprised if my stomach balloons because of how full the men in my life have made me feel today.
     Sasuke's breath coats over my shoulder, chilling some of the sweat drenching my skin. "I'm sorry. Really, Princess, I mean it." He nuzzles his nose between my shoulders, his hands sliding down to rub my stomach. One slides further down, pulling the vibrator away from my clit. "See? I'm willing to get in trouble for you. Itachi isn't, you know why? Because he's not sorry. Princess - "
     "It's okay," I babble, barely able to form the two words. I want that hot bath and the ice pack Daddy promised. I hurt so much and I'm too groggy to focus on anything except the pain. "It's alright, I forgive you."
     "Okay," he whispers against my shoulder, brushing a kiss across it. Sasuke leans more of his weight against me, crushing me between the floor and his body. "I'm really sorry."
     "It's fine, Sasuke. I'm not mad."
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dark-konohagakure2 · 5 months ago
Fugaku Uchiha mistakes his daughter for his wife and ravages her pussy without shame.
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tw: incest, father/daughter, accidental incest, noncon, drunk sex, abuse, cheating, somnophilia, manipulation
All characters depicted are 18+
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Fugaku is a very busy man, being the head of the Uchiha Clan, a husband, and a father of three, it can get very stressful, and while he's usually able to take it in stride, even he can get stressed out a times, to the point where he could really use a drink to take the edge off. He only really drinks when Mikoto is out of the house, he doesn't want his beloved wife to worry about him after all. Fugaku was only planning on sharing a few drinks with the police force, but one thing leads to another, and now he's coming home drunk in the dead of night.
He isn't terribly disoriented, but the liquor has made his mind a bit hazy, making it difficult to see, especially in the dark house, not only that, but the effects of the alcohol have gone straight to Fugaku's cock, leaving him with a leaking hard on that only his wife can fix. He knows how understanding and eager to please him Mikoto is, so he'll drunkenly look for her before quickly finding her. Fugaku's befuddled mind doesn't question why she looks a bit shorter, or why she's in their daughters bed.
Being drunk off his ass, Fugaku isn't really thinking straight, instead letting the head between his legs do all the thinking for him, a rare moment of irresponsibility for the clan head as he clumsily sheds his pants, just barely able to line up with the correct hole before thrusting into his 'wife' with a moan. All is well at the beginning, he's feeling relief for the first time in weeks, but he pauses for a moment upon realizing that it's not his wife he's fucking, it's his daughter.
If Fugaku was sober, he might consider stopping, but he's not in a sober state of mind, the only thing on his mind right now is getting off after such a stressful week, and if his wife isn't available, his daughter is the next best thing. She's old enough to get fucked, and inbreeding isn't very frowned upon in any of the major clans, so Fugaku feels no shame about what he's doing.
"Fuck... My mistake... you just look so much like your mother that I thought you were here... You're just as beautiful as her... and even tighter than she is..."
He's now completely aware that he's fucking his own daughter, but he's either too drunk or too horny to care. Fugaku has been needing this release for ages now, so surely his girl can be a good girl for her daddy and take whatever he dishes out, for his sake. He'll also cover her mouth with his hand as he's ravaging her pussy, he doesn't want her brothers hearing what he's doing to her, or gods forbid her mother walks in.
Fugaku is usually a precise and coordinated man, but all of that goes out the window when hes inebriated, his hips are shaky and sloppy as he pounds her into the mattress, his moans slurred while he practically drools over him. He's still able to maintain a small modicum of his usual strict personality despite his intoxication, reprimanding her if she struggles too much or makes too much noise.
The alcohol will loosen his lips somewhat, making Fugaku much more talkative than usual, although his words are slurred and just hardly legible, he'll switch between praising and degrading his daughter as he's recklessly pounding her tight cunt, letting her know how good her pussy feels compared to Mikoto's and how badly her daddy needed some pussy after the week he's been having.
He won't pay much mind to where he finishes, if he cums inside of or onto her body is of little concern. His main priority is getting to cum, and where he does it is of no consequence to him. In a moment of post orgasm clarity, Fugaku will have enough clarity to give her a demand before leaving her be for the night.
"That's my girl... Always so eager to please her daddy... Now don't tell your mother about any of this... We don't want to cause even more problems for the clan now do we..?"
Mikoto is going to start wondering why her husband has been so distant with her lately, rarely getting intimate with her anymore. Fugaku will assure his dear wife that their clan needs him now more than ever and that he's been too busy working on creating a better future for all of them, when in reality the true reason is that he's found a much tighter hole to stick his cock in every night.
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hailuchiha · 1 year ago
Hey! Your blog is right up my alley and I love your writing? I saw something similar on a different blog, and I really wanted to see your take on it. Feel free to ignore if you don't want to write it 😿💔
Req: Itachi has a younger sister close to his age. When she's of age, Fugaku wants to teach Itachi his place and duty as Uchiha heir and has him breed his sister.
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!! 18+ NSFW!!
!!ALL characters involved are 18+ NO MINOR CHARACTERS!!
incest; betrayal?; expectations; breeding; sibling incest; old customs; lineage; loss of virginity; first time; misogynistic behavior; impartial treatment; noncon; taboo
Know Your Place
While Fugaku was far less intense than some of the older generation clan heads, be it Uchiha or from other clans, he still had to uphold some practices, especially since all eyes were always on the Uchihas.
His beloved wife was loathe to put her precious children through that ritual, begging him to use his position as clan head to vote his children out of it. However, Fugaku was nothing if not dutiful. He would not show any bias towards his family. Ancient Konoha customs were especially sacred to the Uchiha and Senju, since they were the founder's blood.
After many fights and arguments, Mikoto had unhappily relented, seeing that she couldn't change her husband's mind. His heart ached for his wife as he could imagine where she was coming from. So, to spare her somewhat, he suggested she should go visit her friend the fated day and to even have a sleepover if possible.
While she had still not been happy about his decision and what would befall their children, she had thanked him for the suggestion, ever courteous, and went to sleep with her back turned towards him.
The fateful day finally came. Mikoto, despite being upset with her husband, had taken his suggestion and planned a date with Kushina to spend the whole day together and end it in a sleepover. She had already told Sasuke to come straight to Naruto's home with him after their training ended. If there was one silver lining in the situation, she figured it was that her baby would be spared the fates of his elder siblings.
Their daughter had come of age around a week ago. Fugaku knew what had to be done. And it had to be done today, with his wife safely out of the picture so as not to have to witness what needed to happen.
Sometime before noon, Fugaku came into the living room and called for both his eldest children in a booming voice. Itachi came first, coming in from where he'd been in the back garden, looking mildly curious. Fugaku gestured for him to wait, to which he obliged, knowing he'd find out whatever his father wanted once his sister came down.
His second born, and only daughter, tiptoed down the stairs, poking her head around the door to gauge the situation. She flinched upon seeing his intense expression and straightened up, quickly slinking into the room and sitting opposite him, beside Itachi.
"You're both old enough now," he got straight to business. "Itachi, you're my heir. You need to stake your claim. As for you," he fixed his daughter with a cold gaze. "You must ensure and strengthen his position. Your place is beside him."
She bit the inside of her cheek, looking towards Itachi for clarity, but he was staring in confusion at their father.
"I don't understand father," she said, trying to lower the intensity radiating off of both the men. "It's understood I'll make sure his position is strong... Why are you saying it like this?"
Fugaku breathed out through his nose, praying for patience to get through this. He kept his demeanor and tone harsh, knowing that was the most efficient way to get through this.
He barked at her to undress, that she was to do as she was told. That was her position. He ignored the angry, hurt tears welling in her eyes and kept his gaze focused on his son, whose fists were balled tightly on his lap.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his daughter looking to Itachi for help, but eventually realizing her older brother wouldn't take her side here. If the situation weren't so dire, he would have smiled in pride at his son's sense of loyalty. Fugaku knew how much Itachi adored his younger siblings, but to see that he would do whatever it takes for his clan and village made him proud.
His daughter slowly undressed, fighting back tears and looking forlorn. When she was completely bare, she folded her arms over her chest, trying futilely for some semblance of modesty. He could see the slight tremours in Itachi's arms as he fought for restraint.
Fugaku took a quick inspection of her folds, having her hold her cunt open, feet spread far apart. He nodded with satisfaction upon finding her virginity in tact. Now to move on to the next part.
Next, he had her lay on the low table in front of Itachi, barking at her to spread her legs and keep them open when she would start to close them, shaking from the absurdity of the situation.
Itachi hadn't moved an inch from his spot, still kneeling at his seat. He didn't meet Fugaku's eyes when the clan head turned towards him.
"Itachi," he called out sternly, although his voice was considerably free of the harshness he had used on his daughter. "You are to be the future leader of this clan. You must take her, and make sure to spill inside. She'll bear many children for you."
For a long moment, Fugaku feared his eldest won't obey. That this was where he'd draw the line and Fugaku would have to use stricter means. He fixed his son with a cold look, barely paying attention to his vulnerable daughter, who had hidden her face behind her hands. He let her hide for now.
Then, slowly, Itachi shifted, reaching out to grab the only item Fugaku had prepared for this occasion. He took the jar and opened it, dipping his fingers into the thick lubricant. Wordlessly, he brought the fingers to his sister's pink folds that were splayed uncomfortably in front of him. He didn't waste time in teasing or arousing pleasure, and simply got to work using his slick fingers to lubricate and open her up with quick motions as if sensing Fugaku's rising impatience.
The man pulled his daughter's trembling hands away from her face, revealing her teary eyes and conflicted expression. He wanted to give her a kind smile and comfort her, but he remembered his duty as a father and clan head were most important right now.
"Look at him," he said instead, words as stern as his eyes. "Don't bring your hands up again!"
Pleased with his work when her hands dropped to her sides on the tabletop, clenched into tight fists, Fugaku went behind Itachi who was lining up his manhood to his sister's prepared cunt. With a hand on his son's shoulder, Fugaku watched as his thick, engorged head breached his daughter's virgin entrance, telling him to keep pushing as she began to squirm.
He didn't comment when Itachi's hands went to her waist, holding her down as he spoke gentle words to calm his sister down and reassuring her that the pain would subside.
“Easy, love. Just a bit more… It’ll get better,” Itachi murmured against the skin of her neck before pressing a gentle kiss there.
With a few more thrusts, he was buried inside her, having successfully breached her cunt. Fugaku winced, having caught sight of the thin streaks of blood from her hymen coating the length of Itachi's fat cock as he pulled out to thrust back in, the red now pinkish from mixing with the white lubrication Itachi had used generously while preparing her. The clanhead patted his son on the back as he finally started to fuck his sister properly, seemingly having gotten over the inhibitions from earlier. Content in knowing that his work was done, Fugaku quietly exited the living room and retreated to his study.
As he leaned back in his chair and lit a cigar, he wished Mikoto would return home tonight instead of sleeping over at her friend's house after all. He was only human, and the past couple hours had aroused his need for his wife.
He blew out a ring of smoke, letting his eyes fall shut as the muffled sounds of his son breeding his daughter filtered through the thin walls to his office.
NOTE: edits and corrections may come along as i have time and notice them
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st-kitten · 3 months ago
brat party pt.4
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warnings: smut, degradation, unprotected sex (no creampie), piv, spanking, choking, hair pulling, slapping, sasuke being dramatically defensive
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on the day sasuke’s family was leaving, you felt like an accessory more than anything else. his parents didn’t seem to mind your presence—just raised their eyebrows slightly, as if trying to figure out why their son had brought someone along for what was clearly a family affair. you ended up squeezed in the backseat of their limo, sandwiched between sasuke and itachi, trying not to overthink your pink-and-red top while the rest of them sat there looking like a perfectly coordinated fashion campaign in blue and black. you couldn’t help but wonder if they had a dress code you’d missed—or if sasuke had set you up for this.
"why did i bring her?" he muttered under his breath, shooting a sidelong glance at itachi, who regarded him calmly from the seat beside him. his older brother’s expression gave nothing away, but sasuke could sense a knowing look in those piercing gray eyes.
he turned his attention back to you, sitting there engrossed in the passing scenery, your profile a delicate outline against the tinted window.
his mother, mikoto, decided to break the silence.
“sorry, you’re stuck with us, dear,” she said, smiling politely.
you returned her smile. “i should be the one saying that...”
mikoto’s polite smile didn’t falter as she turned her attention to sasuke, her tone carrying a subtle edge of rebuke.
“sasuke-kun, please make sure y/n-chan has everything she needs during her stay. we wouldn’t want her to feel uncomfortable.” her gaze flicked to you briefly before returning to sasuke, the unspoken message loud and clear: take responsibility for your surprise guest.
sasuke bristled at the implication but bit back a retort, knowing full well that his mother’s approval was practically law in the uchiha household. “of course, mother,” he replied stiffly, shooting you a tight-lipped frown when he caught your barely concealed amusement.
"so, sasuke never told us what you’re studying," itachi said, his tone polite but curious.
you glanced at him, feeling the weight of his calm gaze. "masters in international governance and diplomacy," you replied simply.
itachi hummed in mild approval, a subtle nod acknowledging your choice. at least it wasn’t something embarrassing. sasuke, meanwhile, decided it was safest to let you handle the conversation and stayed quiet, though his silence wasn’t entirely by choice.
while he appreciated itachi’s measured interest in your academic pursuits, he couldn’t help but feel a flicker of irritation at being sidelined. still, he knew better than to interrupt or risk shifting the spotlight back onto himself.
fugaku’s deep voice cut through the small talk. “what about your family?”
there it was—the thing sasuke had been equal parts dreading and fearing. his father’s habit of investigating into every detail of his life, no matter how trivial, had now extended to you.
you answered politely, keeping your tone steady. “my family is back home. my mother is an architect, and my father is a business advisor.”
sasuke sat stiffly, resisting the urge to groan. fugaku gave a small nod, his expression unreadable as he processed your answer, but sasuke could already feel the weight of his father’s silent scrutiny.
the limousine rolled to a stop before the imposing gates of the uchiha estate. sasuke stepped out first, his posture rigid and guarded as always. he glanced back at you, catching the way your eyes widened at the sheer grandeur of their ancestral home.
“welcome to uchiha manor,” he said coolly, his tone almost bored, as if the sight was nothing worth mentioning.
you followed him up the long driveway, still taking it all in. “uh... do you guys... like, own the whole country or something?” you muttered, half-joking but genuinely curious.
sasuke gave you a side glance, his lips twitching as if fighting off a smirk. “not yet.”
fugaku’s voice was firm. “sasuke, show her the manor. then join us for tea.”
sasuke inclined his head, his expression neutral as he acknowledged the order. without a word, he turned to you and gestured for you to follow him.
the polished marble floors gleamed beneath your feet, catching the warm light of the sconces lining the walls. as you walked, sasuke’s commentary was brief and clinical, more like a tour guide forced into service than someone trying to impress.
“this wing houses the family chambers and private study areas,” he said, his tone flat. “the east wing is for guests and formal receptions.”
you stopped at the base of a sweeping staircase, the banister carved with intricate gold filigree. sasuke’s fingers grazed the pattern absentmindedly as he continued, “the second floor includes more private quarters and the library. don’t get lost.”
you raised an eyebrow, half amused. “is that advice or a warning?”
his lips quirked, but only slightly. “both.”
"is that a fucking rembrandt?" you blurted, your jaw dropping as you stared at the painting, completely captivated.
sasuke’s gaze shifted to the portrait, his appreciation hidden behind his usual air of detachment. he gave a curt nod, his eyes scanning the canvas with a practiced discernment.
“yes. it’s one of several rare pieces in our collection. the uchihas have always been patrons of the arts, supporting and acquiring works from renowned masters throughout history.”
you turned to him, still wide-eyed. “so, what, you guys just casually have rembrandts lying around?”
he shrugged slightly. “we don’t ‘lie them around.’ they’re displayed with intention.”
he moved on to the next room.
the space was dimly lit, the air thick with the scent of old books and parchment. shelves lined the walls, packed with leather-bound tomes and ancient scrolls.
“this is the library,” sasuke's voice cut through the stillness. “it contains many valuable texts and historical records, documenting the uchiha clan's accomplishments.
he glanced back to see you still frozen, eyes wide as you stared at the painting like it had personally insulted you. with a resigned sigh, he grabbed your wrist and dragged you inside the library.
your eyes sparkled like a kid in a toy store. it was clear to anyone that books were your weakness. sasuke’s smirk tugged a little wider at the sight of your excitement.
he leaned against a nearby shelf, crossing his arms over his chest, watching you with a mixture of amusement and mild condescension.
sasuke continued to lead you through the sprawling manor, each room more opulent than the last. you passed through grand hallways adorned with more art and luxurious furnishings, but it wasn’t until you reached the terrace that the true scale of the uchiha estate became clear.
he stopped at a set of glass doors that opened to the large terrace, and as they swung open, a gust of salty air hit you. the terrace stretched out before you, its stone railing offering a perfect view of a sandy, grey, pebbled beach below. the waves lapped lazily at the shore, the sound distant yet soothing.
there were a few ruins on the beach. broken pillars with cravings that had faded over time. before you could ask, he said, "those are from an old structure. nothing of particular importance. just some remnants from a time before the uchiha family acquired the land"
sasuke leaned against the railing, his posture more relaxed now, as he watched you take in the view. "if you’re looking for quiet, this is about as close as it gets around here."
you took another look at the beach, the grey stones glistening faintly in the fading sunlight. "well, it’s definitely peaceful," you said softly, "but... I’m guessing you’re not a fan of the beach."
he glanced at you, his usual aloofness creeping back in. "sand," he muttered, "gets everywhere."
the seabreeze made his raven hair sway. he looked pensive. almost too pensive. you watched him for a beat, noticing the rare shift in his demeanor. it was as if the quiet of the beach had drawn something from him—something unspoken, tucked away behind the cool, detached front he always wore.
the beach seemed to draw you in, especially those ruins. something about them—ancient and mysterious—called to you, as if the weathered stones were whispering a story you weren’t meant to know yet.
you took a step closer to the edge of the terrace, your gaze fixed on the ruins, but sasuke’s voice broke through the quiet.
"after this, let's join father for tea. delays aren't... so forgiven," he said, his tone lightly laced with warning.
when sasuke saw that your focus was locked on those ruins, he grabbed your jaw, pressing a distracting kiss to your lips.
"let's not forget our manners, y/n. we have company waiting."
you bit your lip, blushing. "yep."
sasuke led you back through the manor and into the salon, a traditional japanese room with tatami mats, sliding paper doors, and a low, elegantly set hot table. the room had an old-world charm, a perfect blend of history and quiet sophistication.
fugaku’s voice broke the stillness as he looked up from his seat, offering you a polite nod. "welcome, welcome. how did you find the uchiha property?"
sasuke took a seat at the hot table, his back straight, and you followed suit, sitting beside him. you could feel his eyes on you, but you focused on fugaku instead, taking in the slightly expectant look on his face.
"oh, it's definitely an architectural marvel," you began, choosing your words carefully as you glanced around.
"the uchiha estate has been in our family for generations," fugaku explained, settling into his seat with a calm, commanding presence. "we take great care in maintaining its beauty and functionality."
you nodded, absorbing the weight of his words, then your gaze flicked back toward the library. "and i think the library might be the true monument," you mused, your fingers absentmindedly tracing the rim of your tea cup. "i noticed you have The Complete Poems of Catullus by ovid. that’s a rarity."
fugaku’s eyebrows raised, mildly surprised. "you’re familiar with it?" he asked, his voice betraying a hint of curiosity.
you smiled, a bit proud of yourself. "i’ve always had an interest in classical literature. it’s one of those books you don’t often find outside of very well-curated collections."
sasuke, who had been silently observing the exchange, suddenly shot you a look—something between grim and shocked. his expression almost seemed to say, when did you manage to memorise the books in there?
"and where do your inclinations lie?"
fugaku asked you, clearly aiming for a character assessment. you could practically hear the "tell me everything about you" in his voice.
"well," you began, "i indulge in everything that fascinates me, but i admit, i’m a bit biased towards languages."
fugaku nodded approvingly, like he was checking off a box. "the uchiha clan has always placed great emphasis on mastering the subtle nuances of language, particularly when it comes to negotiation and manipulation."
there it was again—the uchiha clan. jesus, this guy could probably work it into casual conversation. 'did you know the uchiha clan invented breakfast? we’re that good.’
you figured that little snippet about the "uchiha clan" was probably meant to scare most guests away.
"a little machiavellianism never disappoints, yeah?" you said, sipping the hot tea offered to you.
"do you believe honesty is always the best policy, or do you think there’s a time and place for calculated deceit?" fugaku asked.
sasuke’s face morphed into an expression that was a mix between horrified and, well, suicidal. what the fuck was this conversation? OVER TEA?
sipping the tea served to you, you put on your sweetest smile and agreed with fugaku's words. "a spoonful of sugar makes honesty easier to swallow," you said, your tone saccharine and completely unbothered.
and why were you enabling him? thought sasuke. he wanted nothing but to drown in his teacup. till the bubbles stopped.
fugaku, for the first time in ages, looked at his son, sasuke, with a glint of approval and pride in his eyes, like he’d just discovered sasuke had an acceptable taste in friends. at least for the "uchiha clan."
sasuke, ever the stoic, held back any outward signs of emotion, but you could see it—just barely—a flicker of something beneath his calm exterior. deep down, his inner child felt... validated, as if this moment, despite the weird conversation and intense tea time, was some strange win for him.
fugaku looked at you with an air of expectation. "i trust my son is a good comrade to you," he asked, his voice calm but carrying a certain weight.
sasuke tensed at the question. he knew exactly what his father was implying. he’d been a mean, cold bastard to most people, and to you? well, he had been more or less a casual hookup with a mild, alien thing for that he kept hidden behind walls.
but to his surprise, you responded to fugaku's question genuinely. "it's difficult to find a friend in seniors at college," you said, your voice clear and sincere, "but i’m glad i found one in him."
sasuke's grip on his cup tightened slightly, but his expression remained unchanged. what the hell was happening?
a part of him wanted to correct your perception, to reveal the harsh reality behind his aloof exterior, but he held back. it wasn't the time or place for that, and deep down, he knew you wouldn't understand it anyway.
fugaku nodded, clearly pleased with your answer. he threw another approving glance at sasuke, this time even more pointed. that was twice in just a few minutes. never had his father been so expressive with approval—especially not toward sasuke.
sasuke felt a strange mix of irritation and... something else. his inner child, the one who had never been good enough in his father's eyes, wanted more. it was almost like a craving for validation he’d pushed aside for years.
he realised, in that quiet moment, that just by having you there, in his house, things had already changed. the balance had shifted slightly. he wasn’t just the aloof, distant son anymore. no, now he was... well, something else in the eyes of his father. and it unsettled him more than he cared to admit.
as if you could sense sasuke’s quiet desperation, you patted his hand on his lap affectionately, a small, almost reassuring gesture. but before he could react, you pulled away, turning your attention back to your cup, sipping the tea with a casual air, as if nothing had happened.
sasuke blinked, caught off guard for a second, but his expression remained carefully neutral. he wasn’t sure if that was comfort or mockery, but either way, it made his chest tighten in a way he wasn’t used to.
mikoto, ever the gracious hostess, interrupted the moment with a soft, almost apologetic tone. "sorry for my intrusion, but y/n-chan, your eyelashes are so pretty. and long! may i see them?"
you gladly obliged, leaning slightly toward her and closing your eyes so she could inspect them.
"waouw! truly beautiful!" mikoto exclaimed, her voice warm with genuine admiration.
you smiled and thanked her, returning the compliment about her appearance too. mikoto blushed and accepted the compliment, making sasuke acutely aware of the intimate setting between the one woman he held dear in life, and the other he'd been inexplicably attracted to in proximity. that made severely anxious. too soon. too fucking soon.
itachi, as observant as ever, raised an eyebrow. "your features aren’t japanese. where are you from exactly?" he asked, his tone casual yet probing. even fugaku seemed to take interest.
you replied with calm confidence, "i'm from india."
fugaku nodded thoughtfully. "a rapidly developing nation indeed. that must mean you practice indian religions."
jesus, sasuke thought to himself, his eyes narrowing slightly. is he going to do a whole profile on her right now?
you took a sip of your tea, clearly unfazed by fugaku’s assumption, and answered, your voice steady and clear. "well, india is home to more than one religion. hinduism, which is the flagship religion, the one i follow. then islam, buddhism, jainism, sikhism. the epistemology goes on and on."
you paused, meeting fugaku’s eyes. "i like to think of mine as a way of life rather than a religion."
sasuke simply listened, his fingers drumming lightly on the edge of his cup. he’d seen his father ask countless questions over the years, but this... this felt different. his world of cold formalities had just collided with yours in a way he couldn’t quite wrap his mind around.
fugaku's expression shifted, and for once, there was a glint of genuine approval in his eyes. "fascinating," he said, nodding thoughtfully. "i approve of your resolve to find your own meaning."
sasuke almost choked on his tea. his father—the man who’d never been anything but critical, harsh, and stoic—openly approving something you said? what. sorcery. was. this.
sasuke's mind began to spin. a mild, stationary anxiety attack crept up on him, and for a few moments, he zoned out entirely.
his surroundings blurred—his father's approving gaze, your calm demeanor, even the soft clink of tea cups—everything faded into the background. the only thing he could focus on was the tight knot in his chest, the rising tension that had nowhere to go.
why is this happening? he thought, a strange feeling of vulnerability washing over him. his father never approved of anything he did. and now, here he was, praising someone else—someone who, in his mind, shouldn't even matter this much.
but of course, it did. and that only made it worse.
when sasuke snapped back to his senses, the conversation had shifted entirely.
you were now talking to itachi, with fugaku listening intently.
"but shouldn't our names be pronounced as they are without change? they are proper nouns after all," itachi mused, his tone thoughtful.
you nodded, sipping the last of your tea. "true as it may be, every language has its own phonemic inventory. so sounds that exist in one language may not exist in another. so, in such a case, you can't expect speakers of the other language to articulate the sounds of your language."
fugaku nodded, his eyes sharpening as if he understood the deeper layers of the conversation.
"look at japanese itself," you continued. "in your phonemic inventory, you have syllable-based sounds. but even certain romanic sounds don't exist. like 'ta,' 'te,' 'to'—but 'chi,' 'tsu'—and not 'ti' and 'tu.' they're not phonetic defects, just products of articulatory evolution from old japanese. they occur in different tactical environments, making them individual phonemes."
itachi nodded, a subtle spark of understanding flickering in his gaze.
sasuke, on the other hand, was lost. he didn't even understand what a fucking phoneme meant, and he wasn’t sure if it was safe to ask. so he just stared blankly, nodding along like he got it. he didn't, but he figured it was just something smart people talked about.
fugaku's voice was calm but assertive, "i believe you are right. one cannot declare claim over languages. one must accept them as they are. one must—"
you, without missing a beat, finished his sentence,"—let one's purism go."
truly unheard of in the uchiha household. most people couldn't even keep up with fugaku's sharp, rapid-fire thinking, let alone predict his next words. even itachi, who had mastered the art of unreadable expression, let out a soft, barely audible gasp.
and then, it happened.
fugaku, after a brief, stunned pause, did something no one at that table thought they'd ever see: he smiled.
a real, unguarded smile.
you'd spoken so casually, as if you hadn't just pulled off the most shocking move of the day.
sasuke's jaw dropped a fraction. was that—did that just happen?
thinking it was best to leave fugaku in that mood, the tea hour wrapped itself.
sasuke, still processing what had just happened, silently led you to the guest room you'd be staying in.
the room was, as expected, gorgeous. plush bedding, soft lighting, the kind of luxury that made you feel like you were in a high-end hotel, but with more family legacy sprinkled in.
sasuke stood in the doorway for a moment, staring at the room. then, as if on instinct, he opened his mouth to say something—almost as if he were about to ask you the million-dollar question. but he didn't.
he left you to unpack and settle in.
at dinner, the conversation was minimal, but surprisingly, nobody sulked. the clink of cutlery against plates filled the gaps in between bites, and for once, you found yourself appreciating the quiet, even if the occasional glance from sasuke made you wonder if he was still thinking about that smile. was it really that rare? you wondered.
as itachi and fugaku smoked cigars outside on the patio, the evening air filled with their quiet conversations, sasuke lingered nearby, his eyes scanning the distant horizon.
fugaku’s voice broke through the calm, stern as ever. "i did not expect you to bring company this year." his tone was calculated, and for a moment, sasuke almost braced for a scolding.
but it didn’t come.
sasuke bit back the urge to snap at his father. engaging in a heated argument with fugaku was futile; he knew better. instead, he chose his words carefully, trying to placate the situation without losing his edge. "i deemed it necessary to extend hospitality to her, father," he said coolly, hoping the formality would keep things in check.
fugaku gave him a long, steady look, then took a slow drag from his cigar. "i never said i disproved," he muttered, his voice deep with an edge of something unreadable. he shifted his gaze to sasuke. "she is no fool, sasuke. that girl is smarter than she looks."
sasuke's brow furrowed slightly at that, but he said nothing, letting the words hang in the air.
fugaku exhaled a puff of smoke, then continued with a rare hint of approval, "and that is precisely the kind of people the uchiha acknowledge."
sasuke blinked, and for a moment, the air felt charged. his father, the man who hardly ever showed his approval, had just given it... for you, someone he'd only met once briefly.
seeing sasuke’s rigid and tensed figure, fugaku let out a long, controlled sigh. "needless to say, with... 'friendships', i trust your taste," he said calmly, taking another drag from his cigar, as though the whole conversation had just been a casual afterthought.
sasuke’s eyebrows shot up in mild surprise. a concession? the flicker of intrigue that crossed his face was brief, but it was enough to make him reconsider his usual wariness. did his father... just compliment him?
for a moment, sasuke considered pressing for clarification. was this a rare show of approval? did fugaku mean something else entirely? but the old uchiha’s enigmatic nature made him hesitate. no, better not to push it.
sasuke had learned over the years that if his father even remotely bestowed a good word on him, he was going to take it. he simply nodded, masking any trace of surprise behind his usual cool exterior.
later that night, after you'd settled into the guest room, the soft hum of the house settled into a quiet stillness. you'd stepped out of a much needed shower, a thick white towel wrapped around your body, your hair slightly damp, curling even further.
meanwhile, sasuke had quietly slipped into the guest room, his footsteps barely a whisper on the thick carpet.
"boo," his deep voice whispered, low and husky, sending a shiver down your spine as you spun around, nearly socking his jaw, but he easily caught your wrist.
"jesus... you have all the subtlety of a hand grenade," you said, panting, sitting up in bed as you blinked in disbelief.
sasuke’s eyes gleamed with a mischievous spark at your startled reaction, a faint smirk tugging at his lips. he knew full well that his sudden appearance had caught you off guard.
sasuke reached out and gently tugged the towel loose, allowing it to slide down your body and pool at your feet. his hands skimmed over your bare skin, tracing the curves of your hips and waist before coming to rest on your shoulders, his arms lazily hung over, hands locked behind your neck.
"didn’t think you'd be this... enthusiastic to see me," he remarked, his voice a mix of amusement and sarcasm.
you looked up at him, a small smirk curling at your lips. "look at you. fornicating with the guest," you teased, your tone dripping with sarcasm.
a low chuckle rumbled in sasuke’s chest at your cheeky remark, the sound low and almost dangerous.
"careful now," he warned, his voice dropping into a seductive purr. "insulting the host could lead to... unpleasant consequences."
without waiting for a response, sasuke claimed your mouth in a searing kiss, his tongue delving past your lips to tangle with yours in a passionate duel. you let out a breathy moan and kissed him back, letting your hands travel up his chest. he wrapped his arms around your hips, cupping your ass and lifting you off the ground as he walked backwards towards the bed, never breaking your heated kiss.
sasuke laid you down gently, his body covering yours as he continued to ravage your mouth with unbridled passion. his hands roamed over your curves, exploring every inch of skin he could reach, mapping out the contours of your body with reverent fingertips.
he took of his shirt and you marvelled at his chiselled body, his abs, even the faint scars.
feeling your eyes on him, sasuke's confidence grew, and he allowed himself a small, cocky grin. slowly, deliberately, he reached for the fastenings of his pants, undoing them with practiced ease. ss the fabric fell away, his boxers followed suit, exposing his hardened length to your hungry stare.
now in his territory, the esteemed uchiha manor, he wanted to assert his dominance. he wanted to test how submissive you could be. because of course.
"on your knees," he murmured, his voice low and commanding. loving his eagerness, you did as such, getting down on the floor, on your knees.
"suck" he instructed, his tone brooking no argument.
you rolled your eyes.
and a sharp slap echoed through the room, your cheek stinging, silencing your insolence instantly. the same hand gently caressed your reddened cheek, oh what irony.
you hadn't expected him to do that. but fuck if you weren't turned on. sasuke raised an eyebrow, not expecting you to be turned on his slap.
his large hand cradled the back of your head, guiding your mouth towards his rigid member once more, letting your taste the precum beading at the tip. the expectant look in his eyes left no doubt about what he demanded – total obedience, and nothing less. you took his head in your mouth, coating it with your saliva, letting your tongue run up and down his slit, and around his tip.
sasuke breathed heavily, his fingers tangling in your hair as he guided your movements, urging you to take him deeper, your tongue flattened beneath the underside of his dick.
you took him in deeper. to fuel his need to dominate, you locked your own arms behind your back, and sucked his dick with your mouth, bobbing your head, doe eyes looking up at him.
jesus. sasuke wanted nothing more than to solder that sight into his mind. his thrusts grew more forceful, his hips pumping upward to meet your bobbing head. the lewd sounds of slurping and gagging filled the air as he used your mouth mercilessly, driven by an insatiable need to claim and conquer.
"cheap whore" he whispered, his head tilting back as the pleasure augmented. "my whore"
his breath hitched at the vulnerable, pleading expression on your face, your wide, trusting eyes locking onto his as he ruthlessly claimed your mouth. the dichotomy between your innocent appearance and the depraved act unfolding was intensely arousing. were you always this shameless? fucking perverse? so fucking...
"perfect," he hissed as he kept fucking your mouth.
sasuke's grip on your hair tightened, pulling your head back to deepen the angle of penetration. he relished the gagging noises you made, the way your body struggled against the intrusion, the tears that began to well in your eyes.
as the first wave of his orgasm hit, sasuke snarled, his vision blurring as he erupted deep within your convulsing throat. jet after jet of scorching seed pumped into you. he continued to pump his half-hard cock through the aftershocks, ensuring every last drop coated your tongue and the back of your throat. only when he was completely drained did he finally allow you to pull back, gasping for air.
you whined softly as you swallowed. seeing his cum drip down your lips was fucking erotic. sasuke couldn't resist pulling out his phone to snap a picture of you, the flash accentuating your hazy appearance, specks of white glistening on your swollen lips. a photo just for him. meant only for his eyes.
sasuke's gaze lingered on your ravaged features, a twisted sense of admiration mixing with the residual lust. he couldn't deny the thrill of dominating someone so willingly, so completely. it was intoxicating, addictive – a high he intended to repeat with his delectable little plaything.
hastily, he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you up, tossing you back into bed, pinning your wrists above your head, looming on top of you, his gaze intense; a silent promise of further degradation and pleasure.
sasuke leaned in close, his breath hot against your ear as he whispered. "i'll break you, remake you, mould you into the perfect, submissive slut. and you'll thank me for it, won't you, whore?"
mind blank, you just whimpered a series of 'yes'.
a sadistic smirk played on his lips as he read the submission in your response. he ground his hips against yours, the hard length of his erection pressing insistently into your soft flesh.
"good girl," he praised, his tone dripping with condescension.
he flipped you over, face down ass up, his hands grabbing at your flesh, squeezing it till it accepted the marks of his fingers.
a resounding smack echoed through the room as sasuke's hand connected with your ass, leaving a vivid red imprint. you let out a startled yelp, instinctively trying to pull away, but he held your hair fast, his grip unyielding, making you cry out.
sasuke delivered another stinging blow, harder than the first. it was clear now that you were enjoying this humiliation just as much as he was. his relentless spanking continued, each blow landing with precision and force.
he slid a finger between your thighs, seeking out your slick heat. he groaned at the discovery of your arousal, even in the midst of punishment.
"masochist," he whispered, as his finger glided effortlessly through your dripping folds, coating itself in your juices. he circled your sensitive clit, applying gentle pressure, and watched you tremble beneath him.
he continued his deliberate, torturously slow strokes along your sensitive skin, pushing you closer to the edge without allowing release.
"who knew you were such a needy slut, getting off on being spanked." he scoffed, watching as your arousal glistened against his finger.
he pushed two fingers inside, stretching your wet cunt. but that's all. he didn't move with his usual speed. instead, he prolonged his ministrations till you were writhing and whimpering.
"tch. all good things to those who wait, y/n..." he murmured in your ear, leaning forward against your back.
"you thought you were entitled to your orgasm just because I touched you?"
sasuke's hand closed around your throat, pulling you up against his chest, your head falling on his shoulder, applying just enough pressure to make your pulse race. his other hand kept pumping his fingers in and out with maddening slowness.
your body began to shudder, signalling your impending climax. so sasuke released your throat and pulled his hand out, provoking a stressed whine at the loss of his touch. he brought his hand to your mouth. he pressed his wet fingers past your lips, demanding you suck them clean of your own arousal. "taste how wet you are for me"
sasuke groaned at the sensation of your warm, wet mouth enveloping his fingers, your tongue swirling around them as you sucked eagerly.
"s-sasuke... please," you whined. "-wanna...come"
with a groan, he pushed those two fingers deep back inside your clenching heat, curling them to stroke that sensitive spot within, pumping in and out now at a frenzied pace.
he added a third finger, stretching you open as he worked you towards climax, his thrusts becoming more urgent. you just moaned as he fucked you hard with his fingers. "f-fuc...fuck"
your needy moans and desperate curses only fuelled his own arousal, his cock throbbing with the need to be buried deep inside you.
with a final, brutal thrust, sasuke sent you careening over the edge. your pussy clenched rhythmically around his digits as you came hard, waves of pleasure crashing through.
"shit..." he breathed, withdrawing his fingers to bring them to his lips. he licked them clean, savouring the taste of your release.
you turned around to face him, your hardened nipples brushing against his chest, hands clawing at his shoulders. "please, sasuke... fuck me."
his hands roamed your curves, palming your breasts roughly before pinching and tugging at your nipples.
"such a greedy little slut, always begging for more," he sneered, his thumbs rolling over the sensitive peaks.
"please..." you whined like a bitch in heat, draping your hands around his neck. "you can fuck me raw, just please... fuck me"
he didn't have to be told twice. that's all he wanted.
he pushed you down onto the bed as the mattress dipped under your weight. he slapped your thighs, parting them. he stepped between them, aligning his throbbing member with your soaked entrance. he taunted, the head of his cock nudging against your clit, "nasty slut. begging to be fucked senseless, to have your insides stretched and pounded until you can't remember your own name. yeah?"
"screw my name... i'll remember yours" you moaned as his cock teased your folds.
a wicked grin spread across sasuke's face at your defiant declaration, your moan of anticipation fuelling his lust. with a single, powerful thrust, he sheathed himself fully inside you, burying his cock to the hilt.
"fucking perfect," he groaned, his eyes rolling back momentarily from the intense sensation of being encased in your tight, slick heat.
"your cunt was made for me."
sasuke set a relentless pace, pounding into you with brutal force, each snap of his hips sending shockwaves of pleasure rippling through both of you. the bed creaked beneath you, the sound mingling with your ragged breaths and the obscene slap of skin on skin. his pace never faltered, his cock plunging into your welcoming depths with ruthless precision. the wet squelch of your sex filled the room, a symphony of debauchery that only heightened his desire.
"s-sasu-ke" you muttered, your voice breaking as he pounded into you.
"what, slut?" he hissed, not really wanting to have a fucking conversation when his cock was buried inside you.
you looked into his eyes, and asked, shamelessly, yet so... pathetically "slap me... please..."
for a moment, sasuke froze, his cock still buried deep inside you as he processed your unexpected request. then, with a snarl of disbelief, he pulled back and brought his hand down in a sharp slap across your cheek.
"there, happy now?" he spat, his palm tingling from the impact. "is that what gets you off, being treated like a piece of shit?"
he didn't wait for your response, his chest heaving with exertion and anger, ready to deliver another blow if needed. but a part of him, the darker, more twisted aspect of his nature, revelled in the power he held over you, in the ability to inflict pain and degradation on someone who craved it just as much.
the way you moaned and clenched around him told him what he wanted to know.
sasuke's eyes narrowed, a cruel smile twisting his lips as he realised the true extent of your masochistic desires. he leaned in closer, his hot breath ghosting over your ear as he whispered.
"you're such a sick fuck, aren't you? getting off on being abused, degraded..."
without warning, he delivered another stinging slap to your other cheek, the sound echoing through the room. your cries of pleasure only spurred him on, his cock twitching with renewed arousal.
shit, you were so turned on. sasuke couldn't believe his eyes. you were his most twisted fantasy come true. he'd always been drawn to violent sex. his previous hook ups, one-night-stands had been crybabies. so were you, but you were sensitive in a way that was carnally beautiful.
"you're perfect," he rasped, his fingers curling possessively around your throat as he pulled you into a brutal kiss, tasting the salt of your tears on your lips. 
"a depraved little slut, just like me." with a low growl, sasuke surged forward once more, driving his cock into your clenching depths with reckless abandon.
on the brink of orgasm, he fucked you manically, pulling out at the last minute to spill all over your stomach, watching you come undone just as fast.
he looked at your blissed out state, flushed cheeks, dreamy eyes, lips parted to gasp for air. you innocent, almost ethereal appearance in the aftermath of your debauchery struck a chord within him, awakening a facet of his psyche he had long suppressed.
"why do you have to be so damn beautiful?" he murmured aloud, his thumb brushing gently over your plump lower lip.
the sight of you lying on the bed so... devoid of caution sent a pang of connection, of something deeper than mere physical attraction. it was fleeting, a momentary lapse in his emotional armour, but it left him oddly disarmed.
your fingers pushed away the damp strands of hair stuck to his sweaty forehead.
"don't expect me to go soft. you're mine to fuck. we're not... anything," he said, a hint of his usual steel creeping back into his tone.
you smiled, "aw... acting like i don't use you too."
a faint, wry smile tugged at the corner of sasuke's mouth at your playful retort. you was right, of course. your "relationship", such as it was, operated on a mutual exploitation of each other's desires. he enjoyed using your body, but you clearly got off on submitting to his darker impulses.
"i suppose we're evenly matched in that regard," he acknowledged, his fingers intertwining with yours.
"it's not... bad," he admitted. "but don't ask for anything more than sex."
you looked at him, your gaze steady and pensive as opposed to his, which was a tornado of uncertainty.
"sasuke, don't act like you haven't already shown me you're capable of more than that. i don't mind the sex, the making out, the touching. but i'm human. not a sex doll. if you just want a hole to put your dick in, buy a donut. don't fuck with who i am because you're afraid of human connection."
sasuke held back a flurry of insults, letting you continue.
"your boundaries won't be violated. but there's a standard to the people i tolerate. if you plan to treat me like shit outside of the sex, end this, and go find someone else."
sasuke's jaw clenched at the implication, a flicker of defensiveness sparking in his eyes. the notion that he fell short of your standards, that he was somehow lacking, grated against his proud nature. but he pushed aside the irritation, recognising the validity of your expectations.
he reached out, tilting your chin up to force eye contact, his grip firm but not painful. "i'm not that heartless. but understand me clearly, y/n. i'm not capable of providing what you might crave emotionally. my heart is closed off, and it won't change for anyone, including you."
"you trynna convince me or yourself?"
"don't put words into my mouth."
"ever the pessimist, aren't you? you speak as though you'd rather end this right now, but you act as if you'd do this for hours."
"fine," he snapped, his patience wearing thin. 
"maybe i do enjoy your company more than i should. but that doesn't change the fact that i'm not equipped to handle emotional relationships." sasuke's gaze turned introspective, a shadow of regret passing over his features. he hated admitting weakness, but your probing had forced him to confront the chasm between his actions and his professed beliefs.
"i'm torn, y/n."
you gently traced his face, his straight nose, his lips, his chin. "who isn't..."
he warned, his voice low and husky. "touching me like that... it's dangerous. i'm not built for this kind of intimacy."
despite his words, sasuke made no move to pull away, his body responding eagerly to your subtle advances. he was acutely aware of every point of contact, the electric tension crackling between you like a live wire.
"sasuke..." you said his name softly, like a prayer, "if you're brave enough to fuck me like you just did, slap me, and degrade me... then you're brave enough to feel this touch"
"fuck you," he snarled.
you kiss the tip of his nose, "done"
sasuke's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks flushing a deep crimson. "bitch..."
despite his protestations, sasuke couldn't suppress a small, pleased smile. there was something undeniably charming about your carefree nature. perhaps that's how you were able to calm down his growling doberman.
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lethalempathy · 2 years ago
by nightdreamer11
Por culpa de Ino y Naruto, Sakura se encuentra atrapada en un programa de citas con quince hombres que intentan llamar su atención. Estos quince hombres tendrán que vivir juntos por siete semanas y pelear por las atenciones de la pelirosa. ¿A quien escogerá Sakura?
Words: 2575, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Español
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Itachi, Sasori (Naruto), Hidan (Naruto), Hyuuga Neji, Yamanaka Ino, Hatake Kakashi, Gaara (Naruto), Inuzuka Kiba, Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Mikoto, Tsunade (Naruto)
Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura/Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Itachi, Haruno Sakura/Sasori, Haruno Sakura/Hoshigaki Kisame, Haruno Sakura/Hyuuga Neji, Haruno Sakura/Inuzuka Kiba, Haruno Sakura/Hidan, Gaara/Haruno Sakura, Deidara/Haruno Sakura, Haruno Sakura & Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura & Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura & Nara Shikamaru, Haruno Sakura & Hyuuga Hinata, Haruno Sakura & Tenten, Haruno Sakura & Temari, Haruno Sakura & Namikaze Minato & Uzumaki Kushina, Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Fugaku, Haruno Sakura & Uchiha Mikoto, Haruno Sakura & Tsunade
Additional Tags: Creepy Orochimaru (Naruto), Todos quieren con Sakura tbh, Sakura y Naruto son hermanos, OOC, Randomness, Modern Era, Eventual Smut, posiblemente, Fluff, BAMF Haruno Sakura
from AO3 works tagged 'Gaara/Haruno Sakura' https://ift.tt/hNxrILP via IFTTT
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ao3feed-hashimada · 2 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jaAMBiw
by Anonymouskuchiki
Sasuke goes over to break up with Jugo and runs into his hot roommate instead
Words: 6228, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Road to Ninja Hyuuga Hinata, Uzumaki Menma, Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Boruto, Namikaze Minato, Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Izumi, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Sarada, Ootsutsuki Asura, Ootsutsuki Indra, Uchiha Kagami, Deidara (Naruto), Yahiko (Naruto), Konan (Naruto), Gaara (Naruto), Temari (Naruto), Nara Shikamaru, Nara Shikadai, Other Naruto Character(s)
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Menma, Deidara/Sasori (Naruto), Uchiha Itachi/Uchiha Izumi, Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Fugaku/Uchiha Mikoto, Namikaze Minato/Uzumaki Kushina, Katou Dan/Tsunade, Konan/Nagato | Pain, Uchiha Shisui/Yahiko, Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Hatake Sakumo/Orochimaru, Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna, Ootsutsuki Indra/Uchiha Naori, Mitsuki/Uzumaki Boruto, Kawaki/Uchiha Sarada, Ootsutsuki Asura/Uzumaki Mito
Additional Tags: Female Uchiha Sasuke, Female Uchiha Izuna, Female Senju Hashirama, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Genderbending, Ashura and Indra are not related, Red-Haired Uzumaki Naruto, tattooed Naruto, Naruto and Menma are twins, Boruto is Naruto’s brother, Sarada Is Sasuke’s sister, Past Relationship(s), Cheating, Nipple Piercings, Genital Piercing, Sasuke has tattoos, Uchiha Sasuke Has a Crush, Good Parent Uchiha Fugaku, Shameless Smut, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Smart Uzumaki Naruto, Beefy Uzumaki Naruto, Large Cock, 69 (Sex Position), Accidental Voyeurism, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Female Orochimaru (Naruto), Female Hatake Kakashi
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jaAMBiw
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mysticalaurorasblog · 3 years ago
Warning ⚠️: Contains graphic material, 18+, MDNI.
Characters : Madara, Sasuke, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Fugaku, Genma, Toji, Sukuna, Laxus, Gajeel and Gray
When you have been a brat all day so your husband decides to punish you by rubbing and fingering your sensitive pussy over and over again, until you can't take it anymore.(Video link)
(REQUESTS ARE OPEN. You can request either a twitter link or a NSFW/SFW fanfiction for your favourite characters. Please do check the rules here.)
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starazuras · 3 years ago
Warning non con !
Fugaku and minato raping their son's friend one by one filling her with cum
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actuallysaiyan · 4 years ago
Can someone get a part to of losing your virginity to Uchiha men. It was so good. Can it include shisui uchiha please 👉🏼👈🏼. Thank you :)!!
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Word count: 2,505
Pairings: Shisui x reader, Izuna x reader, Fugaku x reader, Indra x reader
Warnings: Unprotected sex, swearing, creampies, virginity loss, the usual smuttiness
A/N: Thank you anon for requesting this! I tag @iicha and @beneathstarryskies <3 thank you both for supporting me while writing these spicy headcanons! Find part one here!
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Shisui is playful and gentle with you, and he prefers to let things go by instinct. What he does know is that he loves you and wants your first time to go well.
Shisui is fairly experienced, and he knows what you like based on the times you’ve both fooled around. He starts by kissing you softly, stopping only to make silly faces and laugh with you.
“I love you so much,” he says, nuzzling his face in your neck. His fingers start to remove your shirt, and he’s very aroused by the fact that you aren’t wearing a bra.
He pulls on your nipples, earning him a surprised squeal from you. You blush as he continues to play with your nipples, but he just reassures you by calling you beautiful and gorgeous.
His hands feel so good on your body, and you’re a whining mess by the time he takes off your pants and panties. He chuckles at how needy you are, and then he leans down to kiss your inner thighs.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetie. I can’t wait to taste you,” Shisui says, licking his lips before diving in. He sucks on your clit, while his fingers tease your leaking hole. You need him so badly.
You buck your hips gently at him, which makes him laugh against your wet cunt. The vibrations drive you insane. You’re gripping the sheets as Shisui laps at your slick. You can feel your thighs tense as you near your climax.
While you start creaming and gushing, Shisui licks it all up. You taste so good to him, it’s making him so hard. He ruts against the mattress, hoping to get some much needed release.
Finally, he looks deeply into your eyes and kisses you passionately. He pulls away to let you catch your breath while he undresses. He’s so well-toned and beautiful, you can’t help but admire him.
“Are you ready, sweetie?” he asks as he spreads your legs. You nod at him dumbly, and he begins teasing your wet cunt again. It feels so fucking good. You’re so ready for him.
Shisui uses all his willpower to not just bottom out with one good thrust. Instead, he eases in slowly and watches your reaction. Your mouth falls open at the delicious sensation of Shisui’s fat cock stretching you open. He snickers at this, but it feels just as good to him as it does to you.
He grips your hips as he starts a slow pace, and with every thrust, your tits jiggle and Shisui finds it very amusing. He leans in to suck on your nipples, which makes you card your fingers through his hair.
“Oh please, Shisui!” you beg as he hits your sweet spot. With a smirk, he picks up the pace and fucks your harder. You can feel your thighs tremble as your climax is nearing once again.
With his mouth latched onto your nipples, his hand reaches between you and rubs your clit with expertise. Your vision cuts to static as your orgasm hits you fucking hard. You can feel your juices gushing all over Shisui as he continues to fuck you.
Your walls contract and pulse around him, which makes him moan and mutter praises. He’s so fucking close, and your tight cunt is milking the soul out of him. It feels so fucking good.
When he cums, he makes sure to thrust deeply inside of you to give you every last drop of seed. He kisses you lazily as he finally comes down from his high.
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This man is completely devoted to you. He wants to build his clan up, and he will do anything to protect you.
Though, he can get competitive and jealous from time to time. You’re going to have to reassure him that there’s nobody else for you except for him, and definitely do not mention his brother. He doesn’t want to be compared.
Izuna is gentle and experimental, and he’s also a virgin. He loves you so much, he wants your first time to be very special. He’s not as rough with you as his brother would be with someone, but he does get possessive.
His lips are on yours, his tongue in your mouth and he’s grinding against you. It’s been a long time since you’ve been able to get some alone time, and you know you want to have sex. Izuna is ready as well, and he’s rock hard before either of you are undressed.
“Please,” you beg as Izuna sucks on your bottom lip. He gives you a smile before he removes your kimono. Underneath, you are almost completely nude except for a pair of silky panties. Izuna groans when he sees your tits.
“You’re so beautiful, kitten. I can’t wait to be inside of you,” he confesses, kissing your neck and playing with your nipples.
You gasp as he rubs your clothed pussy. He’s smirking at how wet you are already, and his lips latch onto yours in a heated kiss. You buck up against his hand, and his name falls from your lips when he pulls away to give you air.
Izuna pushes your panties to the side, rubbing your bare clit and smearing your juices all over your throbbing cunt. You’re an incoherent mess of begging and pleading, and Izuna absolutely adores this. He’s eating it all up, and it’s definitely stroking his ego.
Izuna kisses a trail from your tits down to your wet slick, and you’re just watching his every move. He winks at your before licking up your juices, and he groans at your taste. It’s so sweet, so tasty...he’s growing even harder as he continues to devour you. 
His fingers slide deep within, making you squeal in pleasure. You need this so badly, and Izuna knows what he’s doing with you. He may not be rough, but he knows what he likes and what you like. His lips suck on your clit, bringing you so close to the edge.
With one final curl of his fingers, you tumble over the edge and cum hard on his face. He becomes drenched in your juices, and all Izuna does is lick it all up. Once he’s done, he leans in to kiss you. Tasting yourself on his lips arouses you even more.
You’re quick to start undressing him, and he loves the way you’ve chosen to take charge now. Once he’s nude, you pump his cock lovingly and gently. He coaxes you with praise and love. You take his cock into your mouth, and Izuna is trying not to buck up against you.
“Oh such a good little sex kitten...taking my cock like this in her mouth,” Izuna moans as you continue to suck him off. His fingers curl into your hair, tugging slightly when you increase the pressure. When he hits the back of your throat, he knows he needs to stop or else he’ll cum quickly.
Izuna spreads your legs, spits on your already slick cunt and slides in with ease. You cry out as he bottoms out, and he pushes himself out...then back in once more. He teases you with these long and deep thrusts.
Once you beg for more, he asks you if you’re sure. You nod your head at him, and he begins to pick up the pace. Izuna is grunting and groaning, and he knows he probably won’t last long.
Your pussy twitches once he reaches that sweet spot inside of you, and you praise him with moans and sweet little naughty whispers. Izuna is trying to focus on making you cum, but he’ll probably cum before he can make you cum again.
With one final thrust, Izuna fills you up with so much cum. You’ll probably become pregnant, but that was the point right?
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Fugaku seems very strict and stern, but he does like to have fun from time to time. He absolutely loves you, and he will wait until you are ready to lose your virginity.
Actually, he wants to marry you before he even thinks about taking your virginity. He’s fallen in love with you, so he thinks it’s proper to marry you first.
That night, you are going to consummate your marriage. You’re a blushing little thing, but Fugaku will take very good care of you.
His large hands caress you and he massages you to ease you into this act. You’ve both fooled around before, but you’ve never really gone this far with your relationship.
“My beautiful bride,” he compliments. He kisses you hungrily, and he grows hard as you squeak with every move he makes. He loves how meek and timid you are around him. Especially when it comes to sex.
He undresses you carefully, making sure to watch your reactions as he removes different articles of clothing. When he sees your weeping pussy, he’s drawn to it so quickly.
Fugaku gives you a stern look, “Already this wet? Have you been having some naughty thoughts?” You nod, blushing hard. He laughs deeply, and he slides one of his fingers through your folds. You gasp as he teases your slick.
There’s this bossy and controlling aspect to Fugaku that always turns you into a babbling mess. He just makes you feel so weak, but in the best way possible. He’s always had that effect on you, and now it was so much more intense.
His eyes scanned your naked body as he kissed a trail down your body. When he placed a kiss to your clit, you were already so close to cumming. He was building up everything, and you were just putty in his hands.
“Does my beautiful bride love this? Does this feel good?” he asks as he licks your pussy. You nod and plead with him, and he just chuckles and continues to devour you. 
His fingers slide into you, and he curls up to reach that spot inside of you that makes you squeal in pleasure. Your cheeks are red from the lust and want, and you’re just panting. You can hardly form coherent sentences.
Fugaku loves the way you sound when you cum, and he revels in the fact that you tumble over the edge so quickly and basically over nothing. He knows he’s going to enjoy being deep inside of you.
With your legs spread, Fugaku slides into your virgin pussy. It’s fucking tight, almost constricting. He needs to focus on his breathing to not cum right then and there. It’s so warm and inviting, and he can feel you twitching.
“You’re twitching, my beautiful bride. Do you need my fat cock?” he asks in a teasing but stern tone. You nod your head, and he smirks. “Use your words,” 
“Ah, please fuck me!” You beg and this is what spurs him on. He grabs your hips and fucks you hard and deep, but never too fast. He needs to steady his stamina so as not to cum too quickly.
But when you tumble over that edge once more, he’s right there with you, painting your insides white with his hot cum. It feels so sticky and so warm. You love every second of it.
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Indra can be loving and patient, but he’s usually very jealous and prone to bouts of anger. It’s not his fault, he’s just made that way. He will be rough, he will take what he wants, but he will most definitely think of your pleasure too.
He’s a virgin, but he knows exactly what he wants. He wants his cock buried deep inside of you, pumping you full of cum and having a big family with you so he can bury his problems from the past.
He kisses you with hunger and passion, but he’s gripping onto you hard and pulling you closer forcefully. It feels so good, you feel like your skin is on fire.
“Oh, Indra…” you moan as he bites your neck. He leaves red-hot hickeys all over your exposed skin. His hands skillfully take off your shirt as he continues to kiss and bite your skin.
He loves the sound of your voice, and he’s going to absolutely go wild when he finally hears you screaming his name when he fucks you. It sounds so good coming from your pretty little mouth.
Don’t get too mouthy, ‘cause he’s going to shut you up with a rough kiss. His tongue slides into your mouth, and he grinds up against you. You can feel his erection through his pants.
“My stupid little needy baby,” he comments as you whimper against his lips. He knows you need this as badly as he does, but he doesn’t show his own need.
He shoves his hand down your pants, rubbing your soaked panties. He smirks as he sucks on your bottom lip, and you moan. You’re grinding against his fingers as your thighs squeeze his hand for some much needed sexual relief.
Indra is quick to pull his hand away, chastising you for being way too needy. Yet, he can’t help himself when you beg for more. He pulls down your pants and panties, and he licks his lips when he eyes your cute little pussy.
He leans in to kiss you clit, which leaves you trembling. You need so much more than this teasing, but you know it’s a bad idea to tell him what to do. Instead, you allow this orgasm to build up deep within you as Indra takes his time with you.
Indra enjoys watching your reactions as he slowly parts your swollen labia, and when he licks you clit ever so softly, he enjoys watching your head fall back and your mouth fall open. He chuckles darkly with every reaction you make to his teasing.
It’s not long before Indra can’t contain himself, and he spreads your legs wide. You’re so close to cumming, you can see stars in your field of vision. Indra pumps himself into you, and you squeak in surprise. His fat cock stretches you, and he just laughs.
“Ha, I guess you were ready,” he says in a mocking tone, but he’s quickly shut up by the sensation of your twitching and tight cunt. It feels so fucking good, and Indra needs to keep his composure.
His pace is rough, but it’s not without love. He kisses you tenderly as he drills himself into you, reaching that spot that is making you tremble and whimper. Your legs wrap around him, and he pulls you closer.
You’re both so close to the edge now, and Indra mutters how much he loves you. You’re a little surprised, but it brings you over the edge...well, that and his fingers flicking your swollen clit.
With your walls pulsing around him, Indra buries himself deep within you as he cums. He groans against your breasts, having buried his face between them while cumming hard.
You’ll probably be pregnant, and you’re happy about it. If not, Indra will not hesitate to fuck you until you are.
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awintersrose · 3 years ago
He drops his rucksack in the genkan as he sheds his sandals, and the sight that eventually greets him is not exactly the sweet welcome he’d looked forward to during hours spent trudging through the midsummer misery of Hot Water Country. 
It’s better.
Pairing: Uchiha Fugaku/Uchiha Mikoto/Uzumaki Kushina
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None, just adult ninjas doing adult things, with a lot of laughter and a couple spankings to go around XD
For @naruto-smut-monday ‘s May prompt - ‘Is that a kunai?’ and a long overdue Kinktober request from @caffeinatedgremlin for FugaMikoKushi and Threesome.
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13as07 · 9 months ago
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Birthright #6
(Fugaku Uchiha Smut)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pixiv Id]
Requested by: Nada
Word Count: 4,717
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Incest (Father/Daughter)
Name Calling: Daddy, Princess, Sweetheart, Good Girl, Harlot
Strip Tease
Mentions of Child Abuse and Hickeys
Titty Play
Clit Stimulation
Jerking Off
Improper Use of Underwear
Gentle Face Fucking
Improper Use of Money
Sexual Assault
Daddy is buzzing next to me, at least his version of excitement. Kenzo is a few steps away from us, swimming in the pile of dresses I've picked to try on. "You're going to look so beautiful," he compliments, his arms wrapped around my waist as he nuzzles my hair.
     Since entering the boutique, the other customers have filtered out, doing their best to not be caught in the glares sent their way by the two men with me. The associates stuck in the store with us, three or four of them, keep their eyes cast down, trying their best to seem busy.
     "Thank you," I mutter, flicking through the dresses on the last rack in the store. There aren't a lot of white options for dresses, upsetting me a bit.
     I'm already betrothed so I'm expected to wear white to the ball. Married women like Mom are expected to wear black, whereas those unmarried and unbetrothed wear red. Those not on the marriage court wear blue. Next year I'll hopefully get to wear black, as long as Itachi takes over and we have the wedding before the ball.
     I softly sigh as I slide the last dress across its hanging bar, even more disappointed than before. If I don't find a dress here we're going to have to go to another boutique. I enjoy shopping but trying on dresses isn't my idea of a fun shopping spree.
     "Stop sulking, Princess," Daddy coos, his fingers jumping up to tip my head backward. "Let me see that pretty smile of yours," he mutters, his lips brushing against my temple. I do as told, painting a toothy smile on my face for him. "Good girl," he praises, his lips strolling their way across my face. It doesn't take long for them to tumble onto mine, the leftover flavoring of syrup from his breakfast coating my mouth.
     I give him a moment to soak in the kiss before jerking my head away. "Can I just try on my dresses?" I mumble, quickly getting fed up with Daddy's suffocation and my want for Itachi. I barely saw him today and only got a sheepish kiss before he raced out of the house. I want my Onii-Chan.
     "Stop being so pissy, Sweetheart," he hums, his fingertips massaging my sides. "But yes, we can go try on your dresses." With that, his arms tighten on me, softly tugging me away from the clothing rack. I fall in line, letting Daddy drag me toward the back of the store, our loyal servant trudging behind us as he tries not to drop anything from the pile.
Daddy whisks me behind a curtain, finally letting go of me once we're in the dressing room. Now free from his grasp, I head toward one of the smaller curtained rooms lined against the wall, planning to leave the two men in the showing space of the changing room. "Where are you going?" He asks, one of his hands lunging forward to grasp my wrist.
"To choose a changing room," I answer, pointing to the five little divided sections of the big room, each hung with a separate curtain.
"Why in the world would you do that?" Daddy mutters, pulling me toward the circle of chairs resting in front of three big mirrors. He settles in one of the chairs, leaving me to stand in the center of the showing section of the dressing room.
"Because that's what you do when you try on clothes?" I mutter, completely lost on what he's trying to get at. Do I not know how changing rooms work?
Daddy softly hums, his eyes rolling over me in a way that sends shivers shooting up my spine. "Yes, it is." Oh, okay, so I do know how changing rooms work. "But there's no one else around so why waste time walking back and forth to change when you can do it here?"
My face heats up at the order disguised as a recommendation, my eyes flickering to find Kenzo. He's settled my dresses on one of the empty chairs, himself standing behind Daddy's chair now.
"But - " I start, quickly getting interrupted by Daddy. It seems to be something he likes to do.
"But nothing, Princess. Like I told you, there's no one here but us. You will change out here and save us time." After the order, he waves his hand, motioning for Kenzo to settle in the chair next to him.
My eyes jump around the room as I sway my weight between my feet, trying to find any sort of argument that'll make Daddy give in. "There's still workers outside and Kenzo is here," I mutter, more embarrassment slowly twirling itself around my veins.
"I doubt the workers will bother us and Kenzo knows what your body looks like. He's gone swimming at the lake with us multiple times. Now come here, Princess." Slowly, I walk forward, keeping my eyes on the ground to avoid looking at Kenzo as I take a few steps toward Daddy. "Aw, my poor Princess," he coos, hands settling on my hips to pull me between his knees. "Don't look so embarrassed. You know I love your body and you know Kenzo will feel honored to get to view it."
Daddy's hands slide across my sides, petting me like it'll help calm down the storm of emotions in my chest. After a moment his hands jump up, starting to push Itachi's dress shirt off my shoulders. "Good girl," he hums right before his lips settle on my stomach, brushing kisses across my skin.
I squirm in his hold, trying to will away the tingles that build from his soft touches and his descending kisses; I squirm from a bit of embarrassment too, a feeling I'm quickly losing hold of. "Daddy, please?" I try begging, vibrating even more when his hands latch onto my shirt and start tugging the material up my body.
"You'll be fine changing out here, Princess. There's not much of a difference. We've both seen your body and a worker can just as easily walk behind a changing curtain as they can walk behind that curtain," he mutters, nodding toward the long cloth standing as the only divider between us and the workers.
My shirt goes tumbling to the ground at the same moment Daddy brushes his tongue over my lower stomach, the wet muscle poking under the waistband of my shorts. "You're just trying to humiliate me because of my hissy fit at the flower shop."
"Maybe, maybe not," he utters, hands falling to toy with the button of my shorts. "Maybe I'm just trying to make you feel better, Princess. Maybe I'm just trying to remind you why it's so great to 'come from an incest-ridden clan'," Daddy coos, snapping my shorts open before slowly tugging them down my legs.
I spare a glance up, getting a peek at Daddy's strained pants. He's a lair, he's doing this to get back at me for my tantrum or because he's still worked up about last night, maybe both. "You're being mean."
Daddy's head shifts upward, his chin resting against me as his fingertips ghost over my panties. "No, I'm not. If I was being mean I would have beaten your ass like I did to Sasuke because of last night. Is that what you want?"
"No," I murmur, shivers sliding up my spine from his light touches. "I don't want that."
"I didn't think so," he grumbles, pressing his fingertips against me, starting to slowly rub circles against my clit. "Take your bra off, Princess."
I hiss in a breath, trying to keep my breathing even as I answer. "I don't need to take my bra off to try on dresses."
"Are you going to wear one with your dress?"
"Well... no," I murmur, my hands settling on Daddy's shoulders to steady myself. I want Onii-Chan, even more than before. He'd make me feel good, make me cum. He wouldn't be teasing me like this, he wouldn't be touching me in a dress boutique. I want Itachi.
"Then you need to take it off so we can get a proper viewing of your outfit, don't you?" No, I don't, but I'm not going to win this fight with Daddy. He's not going to let me win. I cave, my hand stretching backward to unclasp my bra. "Good girl," he coos again, tugging the material down my arms before adding it to the pile of my clothes on the floor.
Daddy's head tips upward again, his lips pressing delicate kisses across the hickeys on my chest, the hickeys Itachi gave me. "I want Onii-Chan," I whine, tightening my hold on his shoulders.
"Oh, I know, Princess. I know," he coos as his tongue lashes at one of my nipples, slowly rolling back and forth across it.
When Daddy gets tired of that, he latches onto me, roughly sucking on my titty. "I want Itachi," I whine again, the knot in my stomach slowly tightening. He hums in response, curious fingers jumping down to press my panties against my pussy before they slide back up to continue teasing my clit.
We stay like this for a few beats, Daddy sucking on my breast as his fingers tease me enough to make me needy but not enough to finish. I stand still, letting him have his way as I squirm and whine for Itachi.
"Alright, Princess," he finally mutters, pulling away from me to relax in his chair. His eyes eat at me again, staying stuck on my panties. Daddy's tongue clicks a couple of times, paired with a slow head shake. "You can't try on dresses with soaked panties. It's unethical and unfair to the store. Take them off."
"Daddy - "
"Off," he repeats the order, his eyes hardening for a second before they go soft again. "You want to be a good girl, don't you? A good representation of clan?" I let out a huff, continuing my whining fit for a few moments before I cave again. My hands fall to my hips, pushing my panties down my legs. He's being mean, doing this on purpose because he knows he can.
"Good girl," he utters, his hand stretching out to me. Reluctantly, I hand him my panties, the embarrassment from before starting up again because of the action and because of my bareness in the room. My eyes trail his arm, watching it flick to the side before quickly being followed by his head. "I can't have my dedicated advisor lacking in the fun."
My face heats up more at the sentence, embarrassed tears prickling my eyes as I watch Kenzo cautiously take my underwear from Daddy. Once his hands are free again, they settle on his pants, shoving them - and his boxers - down enough for his hardened penis to pop out.
     Daddy's hands fall to my hips again, gripping them before he starts tugging me onto his lap. "Come on," I whimper, planting my hands on his chest to keep a bit of distance between us. "Just let me try on my dresses."
"You can in a second, Princess," he mutters, situating himself against me. Daddy tugs on my hips, grinding me back and forth on his dick. My arms tighten around his shoulders, my head buried in his neck to hide the small whimpers and moans that spill out every time his tip brushes against my clit.
"Chief?" Kenzo calls, reminding me of his presence only a few inches away. This is way more embarrassing than the events of last night.
Daddy's head turns to look at him, my forced grinding only getting faster because of the reminder. "When Itachi was younger," he starts, pulling another whine for Onii-Chan from my lips. "I would often find him with Princess's panties wrapped around himself as he got off. You won't get to enjoy your Majesty like I can but I figured that would offer you something. Help you make a final decision on whether or not to try for a daughter."
"Daddy," I hiss, more embarrassment building in my chest. Why is he always so mean? Why would he offer such a thing to Kenzo? It's not like he'll cash in on the offer.
     He ignores me, tugging on me a few more times before he releases me. "Alright, Princess, go put on one of those pretty dresses," Daddy mutters, wrapping his hand around his dick to lazily rub it.
I scurry off his lap, taking the chance to part from him before he can change his mind. I spare a glance at Kenzo as I shift through the pile of dresses, trying to decide which one I want to try on first. My cheeks flash before I tear my eyes from him. He took Daddy up on his offer, just as lazily rubbing himself with the cloth of my underwear sandwiched between his hand and his cock.
     My fingers ball up one of the dresses, tugging it out of the pile and on myself. I know dressing myself isn't going to help anything but it still brings a bit of comfort. At least none of the associates will walk in and accidentally see me. My hands mess with the material, straightening it and tugging it into place.
     "Come here, Princess. Let me zip your dress for you," Daddy calls, the dark glow of his and Kenzo's eyes on me. My legs feel shaky as I walk over to him, my nerves bouncing like crazy as I obey him. "Good girl," he sighs for the thousandth time, a hand back on my hips to turn me around.
Sparks explode across my back as Daddy's hand wanders, tugging on the dress before settling on the zipper. Each tick upward sounds loud and yet so slow. Once it's fully closed, his hand falls back down to squeeze my bottom. "Hey!" I yelp, jerking away from the touch.
The two men softly chuckle at my reaction, burning some of the embarrassment away to replace it with irritation. "You look beautiful, Princess," Daddy hums, leaning forward so he can wrap his arm around me.
His fingers grip the material covering my stomach, yanking on it so it slides up and exposes my bareness underneath. "Knock it off," I whine, trying to tug his hand off of me.
"I just want to look, Princess. Why are you so whiney today? You spend too much time with Itachi. He caves to you too much," Daddy mutters, his hand cementing itself on the skin of my abdomen, keeping the skirt of the dress tugged up. His head tips to the side, eyes locked on the mirrors painting our image. Painting the image of Kenzo getting off to me in the same way.
Their eyes wander my body, always falling back down to my pussy. Daddy's fingers flex against my stomach, routinely rubbing lines into my skin. I avoid looking into the mirror or at either of the people I'm stuck in the room with, my eyes glued to the floor.
Daddy is just throwing a power trip, reminding me I got my way because he allowed it. Reminding me I can ignore him all I want and it won't stop him from touching me, that it won't stop him from getting his way. Reminding me that until Itachi becomes chief, at the end of the day I answer to him, not my brother.
"You should do your Daddy a big favor," he mutters, dropping his hand away from me. It's only gone for a second, soon present again, pushing against the back of my knee. "Daddy needs to finish and I don't have anywhere to put it or anything to clean it with."
     I let myself sink to my knees, my chest brewing with what he's implying. I should have known he wasn't going to let Itachi off so easily after he found out about our time by the dock. Daddy was just waiting for a chance to get back at Onii-Chan and this situation fell directly into his lap.
     "Turn around, Princess."
I do as I'm told, like I always do, slowly turning around with my knees still planted on the floor. "Daddy - "
"Don't start your whining," he hisses, eyes sharp and cast on me. "You weren't whining with your pretty lips wrapped around Itachi, were you?"
"No, but - "
"I have been more than patient this week. I let the stuff by the lake go, and then what happened? Itachi went and let you get used by Sasuke. I am sick and tired of trusting him with you just for you to get used as a harlot by your brothers. Open your damn mouth and shut up," Daddy continues to hiss, his face soaked in irrational.
Instantly, my mouth clicks open, my tongue hanging out just as Itachi told me. A hum spills from Daddy, his shoulders slouching in relaxation. "There's my good girl," he coos, his fingers sliding into my hair, gently toying with it as he sticks two or three inches of himself into my mouth. "Don't worry, Princess, I'll be gentle," he mutters, continuing his light tone.
Daddy slides in and out, never going far enough to make me gag or choke on him. What he doesn't thrust into my mouth he continues to rub his fingers against. He stays true to his word, his pace slow and steady. "Deep breath, Sweetheart," he orders after a couple of thrusts.
Like always, I comply, sucking in a deep breath. Daddy shoves more of himself into my mouth, a groan ripping from his chest as his cum spills out. The taste of him coats my tongue, the salty wet paper-like substance leaking down my throat. "Good girl. You're a good girl. Such a good girl," he rambles, twirling strands of my hair around his fingertips.
I wait a second, making sure he's finished before I pull backward, letting his limp dick drop off my lips. A glare sets onto my face, aiming itself at Daddy whose eyes are screwed shut and whose chest is pumping from his climax. When his eyes open and his head tips up, a soft smile rests on his lips. "That's going to cost me, isn't it, Princess?"
"I'm mad at you," I huff, crawling back onto my feet.
"Oh, hush," Daddy silences me, lunging forward to wrap his arms around my waist. "Let's play a game," he hums, turning me in his arms, and setting me back to face the mirrors as my back faces him.
I can see Kenzo's reflection in the glass. His face is red, his chest huffy, and his hand is still sliding up and down his cock. My panties are still wrapped around him, reminding me that he lusts after me just as much as Daddy and my brothers do.
Daddy's hands push on my abdomen, folding me over. My hands fall to my knees, helping to support my hunched-over position. "You're so pretty, Princess," he mutters, shoving the skirt of my dress up, letting it settle on my waist.
"What game?" I ask, trying to peek behind me. My question is ignored, like always. Instead, Daddy slides my feet further apart before his hand digs through his pocket. My curious eyes trail his movements, watching him tug his wallet out and snap it open.
I shift, trying to get a better view of what he's doing. My sight catches on the dollar bills he's pulling out of his wallet, a few crisp ten-thousand yen. Daddy's fingers carefully roll the paper, ten pretty rolls lining his leg before his attention is back on me. His fingertips ghost over me, settling to spread me open again. "What are you doing?" I yelp, squirming when the feeling of paper rubs against my pussy.
"We're playing our game. Your pretty pussy is going to hold a hundred-thousand yen while you try on your dresses. Every bill that's left in you after you're done playing dress up you get to keep. Sounds fun, right?" He asks, carefully stuffing my cunt with the money. "Want to play, Princess?"
     "Fine," I utter, knowing I don't have a choice. Daddy always gets what he wants and this is what he wants, might as well get some kind of payout from it. My pussy aches with need as he keeps stuffing it full of cash.
     "Your Majesty," Kenzo grumbles, tugging Daddy's and my attention toward him. I try to tug my eyes away but I can't help but watch as he cums, ruining the panties he was using to jack himself off with.
     Itachi is going to kill Kenzo when I tattle and he's going to pick a major fight with Daddy when I tell him about our little game. At least I'll get a hundred thousand yen out of it.
"We'll be back, Princess," Daddy repeats for the hundredth time, his lips brushing against my wrists to coat me in more kisses. "We'll be right outside the curtain, at the register paying for your dress."
    "I know," I mutter, dragging out the last word as I tug my arm away from him. "I'm more than capable of getting dressed by myself."
     A soft string of chuckles comes from Daddy, his kisses focused on my cheeks now. "And remember, keep your pretty kitty stuffed and I'll double the money," he adds, peppering a few light kisses on my lips.
     "I know," I repeat, gently pushing on his chest. "Go pay for my dress already." Daddy is a little excited about our game, more so that none of the bills slide out so he's extended it. It's uncomfortable, having money stuffed in my pussy but worth it, especially if I win and get two-hundred thousand yen.
      "Alright, alright, alright," he murmurs, pressing one more kiss to my lips before he pulls away from me. "Right outside, Princess."
     "I know," I grumble, rolling my eyes at him as I step away. I swear, I don't know who's more overbearing; Daddy or Itachi.
     With that, Daddy leaves, walking out of the dressing room to pay for the dress I choose. "Princess Uchiha," Kenzo mutters, bowing his head before he slides out of the room too, off to follow my Father and give me five seconds alone.
     A deep sigh pushes past my lips, my whole body relaxing with the sound. I'm sick of Daddy for the day and I'm counting down the minutes until Itachi rids the world of Kenzo.
My focus shifts from the events of the day to finding where my clothes have been littered around the room. Luckily, Daddy left them in a pile by his chair. As I kneel to grab them, the sound of the curtain rolling across its bar fills the room. Another sigh leaves me, this one annoyed, as I climb back to my feet, my clothes pressed to my chest. "I already told you, I'm perfectly capable of - "
Standing in the room with me is most definitely not Daddy, nor is it Kenzo. The boy just a few years older than me who was packaging pick-up orders is the person standing in the dressing room with me. My eyes flicker behind him, glancing at the curtain as I debate what to do. Accidentally walking in on me isn't worth death so I probably shouldn't call for -
     "Don't do that," the boy rushes out, his voice strained as he takes a few steps further into the room.
     "Don't do what?" I murmur, jerking backward to keep the gap between us, my hands tightening on the clothes I'm holding to my chest.
     "Whatever you're thinking, don't do it," he says again, his tone deep and hissy this time, the fright from before gone from his tone. "You're just... pretty," the worker murmurs, taking a few slow steps forward; I match each one with a step backward.
     "I appreciate the compliment but I would appreciate you leaving more," I tell him, trying to keep my tone even and strong like I've heard Itachi do. It doesn't work, my voice breaking when my back hits the mirrors hanging on the wall.
     The boy takes the chance to lunge at me, his hand wrapping around my mouth to muffle any sound I was planning to make. "Pretty girls like you come in all the time," he mutters, using his weight advantage to pin me against the glass. "Pretty girls who don't spare me a glance. Pretty girls with Daddys with deep pockets."
Is he attempting to kidnap me? Is that what this is? That's almost... funny. I wonder what he'd set my ransom as or how he plans to sneak me out of the boutique without Daddy or Kenzo finding out.
One of the boy's hands trembles as it slides over me, shaking my clothes out of my grasp before it crosses over my thigh, his fingertips poking at my pussy. Oh, no, he's not planning on kidnapping me. Maybe Daddy and Itachi are right about not leaving me alone. "Pretty Uchiha girls aren't left alone long enough for me to touch them. Tell me, is it true that daughters of Uchiha men get touched by their fathers?"
The boy - tries - to shove his fingers into me, being met by the bills Daddy tucked into me. He jerks backward an inch or two, his eyes falling.
His eyes glance up at me for a second before tumbling down again, both his hands sliding alongside his sight to tug the bills out of me. "Well, that's a yes," he chuckles, letting the bills fall to the ground. I lost the game with Daddy, I guess.
Once I'm bill-free and emptied pussy-ed, the boy focuses on running his hands over my chest, twirling and tugging on my nipples. Maybe I should call for help. Though, if the delinquent is just going to play with my chest the safest option is to probably let him do as he wishes until Daddy wanders back in to collect me. After all, for all I know the guy has a weapon.
     "What?" The young man mumbles, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Do you not have any fight in you? Or maybe you're enjoying it?"
"Not particularly. I'd prefer if you stopped."
"Nah, you're enjoying it. Why else wouldn't you be fighting me off? You Uchiha girls are kinky," he chuckles, gripping my chest rougher. "Kinky girls that like getting assaulted by strangers and their fathers alike."
"I'm not fighting you because I know Daddy is going to kill you. Why put in effort if he'll do all of it?" I ask, rolling my eyes at the guy. This isn't those brutal assaults or fear-striking gropings I've heard other girls talk about.
The man continues to chuckle, his hips grinding against my nudity now, his boner pressing against my bare cunt. "Oh ya? And who might your Daddy be?" He asks, his hot breath curling against my chest as he bends down to suck on my breast.
"Fugaku Uchiha."
     "What?" The man yelps, his touch falling off of me because of the jump back he takes. "No... no, you're bullshitting me," he mutters, unsure and nervous laughter replacing his egotistical chuckles.
     "Daddy is at the register paying for my dress now. You can poke your head out and see for yourself if you don't believe me."
     "You Uchihas are insane," he barks, glancing at me once more before he starts scurrying toward the exit.
     "Hey, Princess, are you - " Daddy starts to call, pushing the curtain to the side. The man freezes for a second, glancing between the two of us before he darts out of the room. My Father looks after him for a second before slowly turning his eyes back toward me. "Princess?"
     "I think I was just assaulted," I slowly say, replaying the event in my head. That didn't feel like the assault other girls talk about. "He pulled all your bills out of me but technically they didn't fall out so..." Daddy's sharingans snap on, the rest of him frozen as he slowly blinks at me. "Can I keep the money?"
     "Sure," he whispers, his voice shaky and chest pumping with the single word.
     "I won."
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dark-konohagakure2 · 1 year ago
Mikoto teaches daughter-reader how to please her future husband using Fugaku as a example
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tw: incest, parent/child, dubcon, misogyny, training, cock worship, praise, age difference, kissing
All characters depicted are 18+
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Mikoto absolutely adores her only daughter, sometimes even treating her like a mini me, so when her daughter finally becomes an adult, she feels it's her duty to teach her how to please her future husband, and there's no one better to help Mikoto train their daughter than her beloved husband Fugaku.
Fugaku is of course a very willing participant, wanting his daughter to be prepared for whatever demands her future husband might have, and Fugaku himself is a very stern husband and father, so he's perfect for training her.
Mikoto is better at teaching their daughter things like cooking and cleaning, while Fugaku is better at teach her the physical side of serving a man. He'll teach her kissing first, dominating her inexperienced tongue with his own, showing her just how her future husband will want to be kissed.
Eventually things will progress from kissing to actual lewd acts, putting his daughter on her knees and making her watch while Mikoto sucks and licks his cock, having his daughter join in and pleasure him alongside her mother.
"That's my girl, now just follow your mother's lead... She knows exactly where I like to be touched, so you better pay close attention..."
Mikoto will show her just where to lick and kiss on Fugaku's cock, knowing exactly where her dear husband is sensitive, she'll take the lead initially before having her daughter use her own mouth on her father, trying to follow her mother's example.
Eventually Mikoto will trust her daughter enough to let her take the lead in pleasuring Fugaku, letting the younger Uchiha use her oral skills to please her father, she'll occasionally lend her daughter a hand if she's struggling too much with the task.
The sight of his beautiful wife and daughter both on their knees for him and servicing his cock is too much for the Uchiha patriarch, and Fugaku ends up having an intense orgasm from the stimulation, making sure to praise both of his girls as he does.
Mikoto will praise her daughter for a job well done, cleaning the cum and pubic hair off her daughter's face and telling her how good of a wife she'll be for some very lucky man in the future.
"Good job, dear. I just know you'll make a great wife one day... Maybe next time I'll even let you watch me and your father together, wouldn't that be nice?"
These little "lessons" will go on for quite some time, their poor daughter is just so inexperienced and naive, so she'll need her mommy and daddy for guidance and support.
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fictionalquacker · 4 years ago
Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Pairing: Fugaku / Mikoto Uchiha
Tags: Thunderstorm, Married couple, Canon compliant, Smut with Feelings
Summary: In times of peace Fugaku still dreams of war, but he wakes to warmth and safety.
Written for @naruto-smut-monday for the April prompt “Thunderstorm”. 
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bridgetotheskyyy · 2 years ago
Yearning | Four. |
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Chapter Summary: The past and present are both bittersweet for Itachi. Chapter Warning: no smut, smut next chapter lol, ALL angst, family drama, conflict between Itachi and Fugaku, Itachi makes Fugaku's blood pressure go up lmao Word count: 1.2k A/N: I'll be crossposting this entire series over to tumblr over the next few days so please be patient with me!
Read on AO3 here.
“The clan is what is most important, Itachi.” 
“You will help to ensure the strength of the Uchiha clan, Itachi.” 
“The clan —” 
A lump formed in his throat every single time he was forced to suffer these lectures.
 I know. I know. 
It held him down in a vice he was sure would suffocate him, was sure would be with him for the remainder of his life, however long that was. 
And now there was another problem:
You … were not an Uchiha.
Which was all well and good but — Itachi had learned long ago — the Uchihas would accept nothing that did not offer them power. And you did not offer them power. 
You offered nothing. Except, for him …
When he was with you, he was free. Surely, that would matter to the Uchiha head — to his father, Itachi thought with clenched fists —  and leader. Surely, the prospect of him seeing someone that brought him joy would be of interest to Fugaku. But Itachi knew better; someone outside of the clan with no recognizable kekkai-genkai would be shot down almost before he finished tell him about you, the thought.
Surely, the two of you would be found out, no matter how sure Itachi was of his abilities, his skills; he was still surrounded by his kin, and they were a suspicious, xenophobic lot if there ever was one. 
He’d sit at the edge of the bed, sometimes, in darkness. He’d close his eyes, eliminate any further light by placing his hands over them, and dream.
He’d imagine you and him, Sasuke, Shisui, somewhere — by the lake, strolling the streets of Konoha, he didn’t care. As long as it was somewhere with the four of you and away.
Away, away, and away.
And in his quieter, more intimate moments, he dreamed of you. 
In these dreams, you were always alone with him, in some sort of pocket dimension he had created, untouched by time, by duty, by obligations. Somewhere where his spirit could mingle with yours, free to pursue and feel what it wanted, go wherever it wanted. 
The mere thought of you, soft and inviting, made the edges of his mouth turn up, twitch with the accompanying sense of peace.
“(Y/n) …”
Then he would close his eyes and allow himself to be unmade.
“Big brother? Father wants you.”
Itachi lowered his chopsticks. Uchiha matriarch, Mikoto, who had been previously piling more rice on to Itachi’s plate (”You never eat enough, Itachi, geez, you’re so skinny.”) stopped as well. 
She faced her son with a quizzical expression. “Hm? Itachi? What’s this about?”
Itachi forced himself to loosen his grip on his chopsticks, frustration rising in him, loud and harsh as a snake’s hiss. He thought he knew what this was about.
Don’t let Sasuke see, he thought with eyes closed.
Fugaku — father — always needed him. Always. 
For something. 
What is it this time?
“I’m sure it’s nothing, mother,” Itachi graced Mikoto with a reassuring smile and began to rise from the table.
And before he could allow himself to think something he would immediately regret, he offered Sasuke the same smile and answered him:
“Thank you, Sasuke. I’ll be there in just a second.” 
As expected, Fugaku Uchiha was stationed in his personal quarters.
Itachi slid the door closed once he came through, fearing the worse. 
His father sat at the center of the room, watching as Itachi drew closer. He simply couldn’t wait for Itachi to sit before — 
“I’ve heard some troubling rumors, Itachi,” Fugaku said. 
Ah, so it was what he thought. Itachi met his father’s eye, allowing for his expression to remain as inscrutable as he could manage.
“You shouldn’t believe rumors, father.” 
Itachi saw his father’s eyebrow twitch.
This was meant to be a standoff, and if so, Itachi was sure to give nothing. 
“Don’t play the fool, boy,” Fugaku continued, voice rising. “You know what this is about. Where were you last night? And don’t say training; none of the others saw you at the usual grounds.”
Itachi resisted the urge to clench his fist. It's come to using spies? “I was training. And I don’t use the usual training grounds; you know I mostly train alone.”
Fugaku’s expression had not changed, was of stone. “Who is she?” 
“Who is who, father.”
Fugaku stood then and began to approach Itachi. 
“If you insist we speak as men, then we will, Itachi,” he said. 
Itachi sighed internally, rising himself. “It’s nothing you should concern yourself with.” 
“I would hope so,” Fugaku searched Itachi with his eyes. “But I’m not too sure about that.” 
“If you refuse to believe anything besides what you want, then you make it certain you won’t.” 
Fugaku lowered his voice, after a while, to say, “What is wrong with you, child?” 
Itachi felt a heat rise within him.
You. You are what is wrong.
Itachi looked away at last. “May I go back to the table with Mother and Sasuke?” 
A dissatisfied grunt was his only reply.
Itachi turned to go, feeling a heat rise within him as he slid the door open.
“You will not fraternize with the likes of that girl if you want to be apart of this household, Itachi,” Fugaku said as the door began to slide closed. “This will be your last warning.” 
The memory of that meeting rose, every once in a while, to set fire to his insides and torment him.
He loved Sasuke.
He loved you.
But what am I?
The only reason he could kiss you, touch you, hear your voice, know you, was because …
Because …
The way we think is different, but I'm still proud of you… You truly are a gentle child.
The sound of his name brought him away from the past and into the present; he saw you rear the corner, offering him a smile. 
"Are you leaving?" You asked.
"Yeah," Itachi replied. "Did I wake you?" 
You shook your head and came toward him, pinching a bit of his Akatsuki cloak between your fingers to pull him forward.
You will not fraternize with the likes of that girl if you want to be apart of this household, Itachi.
He leaned toward you — 
— Father was right about a great many things — 
and he kissed you.
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ao3feed-hashimada · 2 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cMaDxUI
by Anonymouskuchiki
Words: 2394, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Road to Ninja Hyuuga Hinata, Uzumaki Menma, Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Boruto, Namikaze Minato, Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Izumi, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Sarada, Ootsutsuki Asura, Ootsutsuki Indra, Uchiha Kagami, Deidara (Naruto), Yahiko (Naruto), Konan (Naruto), Gaara (Naruto), Temari (Naruto), Nara Shikamaru, Nara Shikadai, Other Naruto Character(s)
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Menma, Deidara/Sasori (Naruto), Uchiha Itachi/Uchiha Izumi, Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Fugaku/Uchiha Mikoto, Namikaze Minato/Uzumaki Kushina, Katou Dan/Tsunade, Konan/Nagato | Pain, Uchiha Shisui/Yahiko, Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Hatake Sakumo/Orochimaru, Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna, Ootsutsuki Indra/Uchiha Naori, Mitsuki/Uzumaki Boruto, Kawaki/Uchiha Sarada, Ootsutsuki Asura/Uzumaki Mito
Additional Tags: Female Uchiha Sasuke, Female Uchiha Izuna, Female Senju Hashirama, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Genderbending, Ashura and Indra are not related, Red-Haired Uzumaki Naruto, tattooed Naruto, Naruto and Menma are twins, Boruto is Naruto’s brother, Sarada Is Sasuke’s sister, Past Relationship(s), Cheating, Nipple Piercings, Genital Piercing, Sasuke has tattoos, Uchiha Sasuke Has a Crush, Good Parent Uchiha Fugaku, Shameless Smut, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Smart Uzumaki Naruto, Beefy Uzumaki Naruto, Large Cock, 69 (Sex Position), Accidental Voyeurism, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Female Orochimaru (Naruto), Female Hatake Kakashi
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cMaDxUI
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lady-lunaaa · 3 years ago
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Pairing: Itachi Uchiha x Fem!reader
Rating: Mature, no smut but suggestive themes, minors dni
Warnings: fluff, soft Itachi, hurt/comfort ig? (just Itachi feeling inadequate in your ethereal presence), Uchiha's-playing-happy - family AU (oh and also, they're rich), they leave the hot chocolate to go cold heathens
Word Count: 1.3K
a/n: this was written for my beautiful wife, soulmate, and bestest friend @dabilove27 I love you more than I can say, so let this speak for itself I guess. I hope you like it, I couldn't help but write your soft man for the holidays 💙 thank you to @karikarasuno and @gixxie for reading over this for me and hyping me up, and an extra thank to you, Kari, for the beautiful banner. It's perfect! I love you dearly <3
Lullaby: link here
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It was Christmas eve. The bitter chill of winter frosted the darkened windowpanes and the late afternoon wind howled around the forest cabin you were secluded in.
It was the Uchiha family's holiday cabin, although really it was more of a residence, the log structure the largest holiday home you had ever stayed in. There were multiple sitting and lounge rooms, an enormous open plan kitchen/diner, a games room, too many bathrooms to count and even a small library, complete with plush armchairs and tall, brass lamps for reading in the dead of night.
There were also several decently sized bedrooms and tonight the rest of the family would arrive for the Christmas break. Fugaku and Mikoto would be arriving with Shisui, and Obito had called that morning to say that he would be driving up with Sasuke and would also be bringing along his fiancée, Kakashi Hatake.
You and your husband had arrived early this morning to stock the fridge and pantry with enough food and alcohol to satisfy an army. You had spent most of the day unpacking everything, dusting the furniture and washing bedsheets. Fugaku had suggested calling the family maid to come out the day before Christmas to clean the cabin but you, feeling the notion ridiculous, insisted on arriving early to clean the place yourself. It was tiring but satisfying work and by the time you had stepped out of the shower and slung on your sleep shorts and oversized tee, you were about ready to drop with exhaustion.
Several minutes later, you placed the steaming mugs of hot chocolate in each hand onto the coasters on the oak tabletop, before settling yourself on the L-shaped sofa in the main sitting room. Itachi was finishing up lugging the heavy boxes of decorations from the back room into this one. He had gone out earlier in the day, while you were cleaning, to pick the best fir tree on the property and hack it down. Him and the boys would heft it through the front door and into the sitting room later tonight for everyone to decorate. You had asked to help him move the boxes before your shower, but he had insisted that you not do any heavy lifting, and cheekily insinuated that you wouldn't be much help anyways, before sending you into the bathroom with a peck on your forehead.
He put down the last box, muscled arms flexing as he did so, and wiped his brow with a hand. He was wearing his usual at-home attire, loose fit black joggers and a fitted grey tee that clung to his frame. As he stretched out the aches in his back, arms to the ceiling, his shirt rode up and provided you with a glimpse of toned, pale skin. He caught you staring and smiled knowingly at you, but even that teasing gesture was sweet, just like the rest of him.
You signalled to the mugs in front of you and shifted over on the sofa a bit, "Come sit". He nodded and made his way over, the soft padding of his feet on the floorboards mingling with the ticking of the clock above the crackling hearth. You tried to stifle a noisy yawn behind your hand but failed miserably, the quiet and the heat from the fire proving too much for your heavy eyelids.
Itachi stopped by the table, hovering just in front of you. You looked up just as he took your left hand away from your face, pulling it towards him. He looked at the sparkling ring on your finger, and the matching platinum band that was partner to his, before dipping his head to kiss your hand. His midnight bangs had come loose from their ponytail and fell around his delicate face. He looked like a sinner seeking absolution, frame limned with glowing gold from the flames behind him, casting his face in shadow. He stared into your eyes with such reverent adoration that for a moment your breathing stopped, breath hitched in your throat with a rush of emotion.
He never ceased to be able to take your breath away, not even after three years of marriage, and the many before that. But he never lost that sombre quality, that air of inadequacy about him, as if he would never quite be enough for you. It heart your hurt in these moments to see his beautifully dark eyes, usually warm and alight with affection, dimmed in self-doubt. The only natural response was to hold him close to you and kiss away the insecurity and uncertainty.
You tugged him down towards you, meaning for him to join you on the sofa, but instead he fell to his knees on the rug with a soft thump. You opened your mouth to question him, but only received a long finger pressed to your lips in a silent shhh. You swallowed thickly as a finger lightly traced your ankle bone and then his warm hands slid up your leg, ever so slowly gliding over your bare skin. When they reached your knee, he pulled and hooked your leg over his shoulder in one fluid motion. You gasped in surprise and pitched backwards, splaying a hand on the cushions behind you to keep yourself upright. He smiled softly, turning his head to the side to press a gentle kiss to your ankle, your calf and then to the inside of your knee, right where his hands had been moments ago. You breathed in sharply before letting his name tumble from your lips in a shaky exhale "T-tachi."
His eyes lit up at the sound of his name spilling from your pretty mouth, a well of emotion bursting in his chest and lodging itself in his throat. He swallowed audibly as his grip tightened on your ankle and he eased you back onto the couch cushions. His lips followed your movement, brushing past the curve of your knee and up to the soft flesh of your thigh with tiny pecks, murmuring words you couldn't decipher as your heartrate picked up alarmingly, blood singing in your veins in response to his careful touch.
And he was always so careful with you, always gentle, even in his desperation. He couldn't help but take his time and revel in your scent, your small gasps and little moans, the feel of you beneath his hands, arching into his touch so willingly. It was intoxicating and it was not enough, would never be enough, that you chose him. In sickness and in health, the bad with the good, until death do you part. He was the luckiest man alive; he knew it and yet he couldn't quite believe it, even now.
Even now with you starting to show, soft stomach beginning to swell with his child. Your child.
A perfect, living embodiment of your love and oath to one another. A tiny miracle that would bind the two of you for an eternity and, selfishly he thought, would mark you as his. And tomorrow the world would know. He saved his last kiss for his unborn child, moving your baggy shirt aside and brushing soft lips across the curve of your belly with a blissful smile. Your fingers met in his hair, brushing the messy strands from his forehead. You looked at him so tenderly, giving him all your love and willing him to see it. In the curve of your lips and the crease of your eyes, in the fingers that intertwined with his and grounded this image in reality.
And as you parted your plush lips and spoke words that made his heart soar and head spin "You're gonna have a little girl, daddy" your voice lowered on the last word and eyes dark with want, he knew this must be his own personal heaven and that you were his redemption.
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Page divider by @/firefly-graphics
Thank you for reading! 💙
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