#fuckwith me
amethyinst · 6 months
"im so delulu" girl ill show you a fucking crazy person.grow up. you wouldnt know a delusion if it sucked your dick and fucked you in the ass. you goddamn fucking child.
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bigbigtruck · 11 months
It's getting chilly again so I'm gonna share a cheap hearty easy recipe I like to make in winter
1 tube-thingy hot & spicy sausage (my mom always used Jimmy Dean; I've used turkey sausage and spicy Impossible sausage, your pref)
2 russet potatoes, chopped into bite size pieces (you can use red or gold potatoes, but they aren't as cheap and take a little longer to cook)
1 can black beans, undrained
1 can kidney beans, undrained
1 16 oz can tomatoes, stewed, whole, diced, whatever (I like the fire roasted kind)
1 white onion, diced (yellow is fine too)
2 or 3 cloves garlic, diced
1 or 2 bay leaves
chicken broth or water (I combine them), enough to cover
salt, pepper, thyme and herbs to taste
Sweat the onions in a pan with a little oil or fat; add garlic, add sausage. Stir frequently til sausage is crumbly and brown and onions are caramelized. Throw EVERYTHING in a pot. Stovetop at medium heat or crock pot, whatever. Just dump it all in there. (stir it up of course) I prefer crock pot bc less supervision. Cook til potato chunks are soft. It's good out the pot but way better after 24 hours in the fridge, plus you can skim any excess fat off the top after it's been refrigerated.
Ideal if u live alone for bean reasons but also bc it runs me $7-10 to make 5~6 servings depending on where I shop (but we already have the herbs/bay leaf)
anyway it's good and SUPER fuckwithable if you need substitutions.
I hope nobody reblogged this before I remembered to add the canned tomatoes
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inflatablelugia · 4 months
Ok at first i would feel like very very scared and ashamed of gay thoughts/attraction to the older men i am friends with at shelter and now im like ok whatever im just a humans this is normal i guess but i still dont know what on earth to do with these feelings i feel like still full pf fear and shame do you understand (shaking you so violently ) i never even felt like i experience physical visual attraction in a sexual way of irl bodies until like 5 months ago from hrt changing me i was only able to fuckwith looking at cartoons do hou undersand me (breaks my cane in half in front of you) god damnit
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So I've had a super stressful few days and hence I can't help but groan as I notice that there's a letter inside my door that I missed earlier, an official looking one. Ohshit.
Thankfully, it turns out to be good news. Long term followers of this blog might remember how Dundee City Council fucked me over by charging my council tax for an entire year and a bit after I moved out of there because my asshole landlord pretended that I hadn't told him I was leaving and was charging that + rent and sent the court summons to the vacated property. My ex, who also lived with me at that address in 2015, was the one who told me all of this as her wages started getting docked. That was the first either of us heard about it all.
Unfortunately she was only able to get her lawyers to overturn the cost against herself, as I moved out on a different day and me being someone unable to afford costs and since all I could do was prove I lived elsewhere ("We can give you the discount for dwelling in multiple properties as this does not prove you did not also live here in Dundee" Fuck off ¬_¬ ), it was another unearned debt to my name that I just had to put up with because of capitalism and legal aid cuts. So back to today's letter. It's from Dundee City Council, who at some point seem to have decided that pursing me for the amount wouldn't get them as they indeed didn't have proof that I lived there it turns out you do indeed need to prove that someone was resident at a property and not prove someone was NOT resident at a property. That or my landlord had to officially declare the truth as part of some kind of paperwork. He was a semi-illiterate adult (I swear I'm not joking. Nothing is more alarming than realising this about someone you need super-important paperwork from. This is another reason why I couldn't prove I moved out, because the dumb fuck didn't seem to understand the need for paperwork, nevermind supply me the right kind) so maybe the fuckwith failed at defrauding the council of tax he should have owed them, and now Dundee City Council looked at their records and noticed that my account is in credit to the value of all of the payments I've made to it ever since I realised I couldn't fight them without thousands of pounds extra to my name for a solicitor, and are asking me to send them a bank account so they can refund this credit.
And...it's a substantial amount. Not huge, as due to my financial circumstances I got away with making fairly small payments, but it's been many years since 2016-2017 when I first got this bad news and now here I am. This amount, if I do end up getting it should be super super helpful, though I still don't know if they'll pull out some last second excuse to claw the money back, so who knows. I'm just about to go to their website and fill in my details. Wish me luck!
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rosyronkey · 1 year
the colour green but a darker and/or khaki green
i like green i fuckwith this
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areyouafraid · 1 month
dont Ever fucking Fuckwith me
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blarrghe · 3 months
Happy Talk Shop Tuesday! What's one trope/cliche that you would never get tired of (reading and/or writing)? What's one that you love but you think it's overdone/not typically done well? And what's one that makes you dnf? <3 - @fieldsofview
I don't think I'll ever get tired of putting Taren x Dorian into Situations, but thats not exactly a trope. I love the developing relationship stage, especially with a dramtic misunderstanding or two, and doing that in all my ships is very fun. Enemies-to-lovers has been a blast that I'm sure to try again. Looking at all my writing, there are definitely a few staple things I reuse, but I think they're less tropes and more character features. I love banter, and dumb jokes, and character foils... Flashbacks might be one of my bingo-card Things. I love me a flashback to events before our story for some character development/depth.
I dont read enough fanfic to say what's overdone or not typically done well. I think the main issue that I find myself disliking is just when a character is ooc as part of the Situation. Like, throw that guy into a wildly different scenario and explore what it does to him still being that guy, not "and thus he is already an entirely different guy." You know?
AUs and reimaginings are something I love doing, so it's something I guess I'm picky about. And I'm almost certain you could find me fic where the character being ooc as part of the situation was a really well done part of it ;) I'll try anything if its well written. And what well written means to me is subjective and subject to change...
I dont know what dnf means but I'm reading it "do not fuckwith" do not follow? and honestly, Idk. A lot of things can be made compelling that I wouldn't have thought I'd like. I'm sure theres stuff out there for ships and tropes that sound wildly awful to me that are just being done so well. Never say never. I back out of stuff for sheer not liking it reasons all the time, and it's always something I clicked on thinking I'd enjoy, but then I got bored or annoyed by some quality of the writing. I get sick of my own shit that I wrote for me all the time too! Then I have to go write new shit with what I learned. Mostly it comes down to form.
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f0xd13-blog · 5 months
Of course I will still joke.bout u think u can make this shit and shut me up lol i'm literally the joker u fuckwith me i'm going to laugh it out the pain. Give it me the pasta yah don't stop.the fetucini now
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royvalentine · 10 months
erm erm.. tewi for the character ask game 👍
doing all of them!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
well u must understand she is the funny rabbit
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
i like her design a lot! it's simple but that doesn't make it bad
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
she needs to be in more games.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
i think she should be in a 24/7 bird feeder livestream
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
her imperishable night stage theme!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
oh i have no idea uhh. we r both schemers
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i like when ppl draw her as an itty bitty little thing who is very small. this is because she is very small.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
some touhou fans are weird and i will keep it at that.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
oh absolutely not she would scheme so much
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
yeah probably!
11. Would you date this character?
no... i am already taken
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
i think the idea of her actually being the white rabbit of inaba is funny like yeah she's almost as old as like, eirin and yukari and she looks like this -> :3
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
obviously :3
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
idk i don't know stuff about that
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
none of them...
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
idk i just don't ship her with anybody i don't do a lot of touhou shipping in general
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
see above
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
i think her and reisen are funny bc of how fuckwithable reisen is
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
this would require tewi to interact with more characters...
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
these are so specific... idk like i said her and reisen are funny
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
i haven't written a lot of touhou i will have to tho
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
because sometimes touhou fans are weird i try and not look at the ao3 for it... so i do not read much
23. Favorite picture of this character?
whatever this thing is (from mystia's izakaya, the best game ever made)
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
i kind of think about her and roy fireemblem at the same time a lot despite them not having a lot in common but this is only bc roy is also rabbit (To Me!)
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
i knew her from an iosys song and thought animal funny... now i know more about her and i still think animal funny
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castielsparkle · 1 year
I need to macrodose vaccines so i can get more autism and transsexualism. Ill snort a fucking vaccine Fuckwith me
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911ineedhelp · 5 years
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Spot on for my day!!!!!
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valebatcattusmoved · 3 years
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“I thought it meant Eevee boy?”
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awesomeface · 2 years
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Don't fuckwith me
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I'm the Spade man! skbibiibiobbobobibiibiiiibivi
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solohux · 4 years
Hiya Lottie I need your help ranking Adam Driver characters in terms of softness; from excessively soft to hard man (dnfw). I’m thinking Paul Sevier is probably the softest, Clyde Logan somewhere in the middle —fairly soft but he also fire bombed a motorcycle that one time so...— and Flip Zimmerman as the hardest most un-fuckwith-able of the lot. The others though I’m stuck Kylo ? more or less hard than Matt TRT, who is softer Garupe or Jude, Philip Altman and Charlie Barber tie ??? Thoughts ?
Oh my gosh, what a task!!! Whilst this isn’t a serious thing and I’m taking it seriously with what I’m about to say, I think a lot of ‘softness’ in Adam’s characters comes from the headcanons that we make about him! For example, I agree that Paul Sevier is a soft boy but we don’t have much to go on from the movie! I suppose what I’m trying to say is please don’t hate me if you disagree with me!! And I’ll just rank our fandom favourite Drivers 💕
Softest 🌸
Paul Sevier
Fransisco Garupe
Clyde Logan
Charlie Barber
Philip Altman
Kylo Ren
Adam Sackler
Flip Zimmerman
Hardest 💥
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jess-21990 · 5 years
Screw, Marry, BFF
I found this game on @lin-ful tumblr and I thought it would be fun I'm replacing one though because I dont like Metro PD and replacing it with one and I'm replacing Irresistible Mistakes (cause I havent read enough of them) adding one and adding one separately! Do as many as you like! It sounds like fun so imma give it a shot!
SCREW: Hikaru
He would seem like a wild one to have fun with plus hes sexy!
MARRY: Rhion
That's my boo thang in the KBTBB series hes so sweet and mysterious and hes hot to boot
BFF: Ota & Baba
I like them both but all three together would make for a hell of a fun time always they're the comic dynamic duo
SCREW: Rikiya
Hes got the bad boy vibe yet sometimes he can be gentle you never know what you'll get and is super sexy I think hed be a fun one to have in the sack.
MARRY: Hidetaka
He is my favorite Voltage character of all time! I love him so much plus that smirk just makes me melt!
BFF: Kenzo
He always looks so chilled he seems like hed ve fun to be around plus hes actually pretty wise with his advice and besides I could hang out with Professor too!
SCREW: Minato
Hes cocky as hell about himself completely including in the sack makes me curious enough to see if he can back it up
MARRY: Shusei
Hes super sweet, kind and protective but he also has a little bit of flirt to him all around perfect.
BFF: Chiaki
He seems like the type that would constantly spill the T! Hes also kinda sneaky so sure I'd have to be careful but I think I could have a ball with him!
He would be a wild one in the sack and a major flirt I love it! Hes my favorite blonde (which personal wise I'm not really into blondes much just a personal thing nothing wrong with being blonde)
MARRY: Nozomu
Hes such a nerd it's to adorable plus hes super funny and cute. Plus his pet Goat is AWESOME!
BFF: Kiyoharu
Hed be the friend I could fuck around with and mess with through jokes hes super laid back. Hed be like the big brother you enjoy messing with.
Hes dark and sadistic it would make for an amazing evening one where I never get outta bed.
MARRY: Kyohei
Hes sexy and cocky but hes super dedicated to his work he has so much passion and I admire that
BFF: Nagito
Hes hilarious! And he would be the perfect shopping buddy!
SCREW: Ichigo
I feel like his sex would be kinda possessive and that would be amazing
MARRY: Johji
Hes mature, caring, sweet and hes dedicated to his work and his community. I also think if we ever had kids hed be the perfect dad
BFF: Ryuzo
Hes protective like a big brother and funny hed be a blast to spend time with.
Hes sexy and could probably bring any women to their knees including me!
MARRY: Icthys
Hes adorable and incredibly funny but when it's time to get serious he can which is rare but it's a sight to see
BFF: Dui
Dui is super sweet and seems to always be there for you. Even though he has a darker side which isnt a big deal
SCREW: Keith
He would be domineering and I think the aura he would give off would make it the best sex of my life.
MARRY: Yakov or Zain
Both were my major favs in this story both are sweet in their ways and charming but Yakovs body whew!
BFF: Roberto
Hands down would be the best BFF ever! Super nice,funny and is always there for you
SCREW: Oliver
Hes gorgeous definitely my all around type. Even though he would also be put in the BFF category because he like Roberto would make the perfect BFF I'd rather have him take me then just hang out with me lol.
MARRY: Sieg or Werner
Sieg is one of my all time Favorites in this story! When he cares for you he really cares even though sometimes he has a funny way of showing it. I could fuckwith him joke wise but still have the sweet moments best of both worlds.
Now Werner doesnt have a story I know this but he is my baby in this story. Hes stoic yet hes sweet and really cares plus him with Oliver is hilarious so he has ahis sense of humor moments.
BFF: Gaston
He as well has no story but FUCK IT! hes my ride or die bitch I love him hes fabulous and his love for prince Ivan is hilarious and he would definitely spill the T.
I considered doing more because I also loved love letters of a theif and Btuler until midnight but that's as far as I wanted to go I thought anymore would be to much!
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😳❤🍒🥳 my good king...
😳: what do you think of me
honestly ur one of the few people who care me and i appreciate it . u listen to people better and u actually care how other ppl feel and treat people kindly regardless and thats a good way 2 b. 
♥️: am I your favorite mutual?
yea one of them !
🍒: make a moodboard/aesthetic for me!
this image seemz like an aesthetic for u 
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thi🥳: what would you give me as a birthday gift?
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This Giant FuckWith A Bow Tie. 
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