arosrose666 · 1 year
We have steak knives now!
(P.S. Sorry I've been gone for some time, off screen life is kicking my ass right now. Songs coming out soon)
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kandiwarrior · 5 years
Hear me out: PETA is absolute shit
I have read a lot about PETA on their websites and I was a fan of them for a long time. Cause I'm the opinion animals should not be harmed, and I thought they were too. But no.
I guess all of you heard about the steve irwin thing, or how bad zoos are in their opinion, or that sheep shouldn't be sheared or that cats can live vegan. Which is all absolute dumb assery.
Well this is going to be a longer story:
I am from a farm so I know a lot about this topic. And I am a volunteer firefighter. Well, imagine it's friday night about 2am and you are brutally awaken by the shrill sound off the fire fighter siren. You rush to the other volunteer firefighters. (Note: volunteer means they all have to go to work the other morning, they get no money for this and they still get up and do this.)
The mission is: 'fire in a farm'. There are a lot of other fire departements on the way, too. You arrive to a fully burning barn with pigs, a barn with hay not completely burning and a close house which is not yet burning. This is it from afar:
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The department chief decides to set up a water front that the fire can't get to the house. The barn with the pigs is so hard burning that the building can't be saved. Still firefighters get in, endangering themselves, to try and save some of the remaning pigs. The farmer had already managed to free some thus having bad burns and smoke poisoning himself. Meanwhile other firefighters try to extinguish the fire from the outside. For luck there are much hydrants near. Still 250 of about 500 pigs died this night either of smoke poisoning or of burns. The others had to be sold, because their barn was burned down to the whole and where else could they stay. For luck the house could be saved from greater harms.
This is a existance ruined. A farmer loves their animals and I saw a lot of firefighters crying. This is a rural region. A lot of people here are farmers or at least close to a farm. This was devastating.
Now a few days pass. The mission took to the next morning because there were many remaining embers which had to be extinguished. The ruin is still there reminding everybody of the horrible night. The farmer is back from the hospital to a ruined farm, ruins without animals remaining, a lot of hay and farm machines lost. And the is back to some letters.
Here is where PETA enters. They filed charges against this farmer. You want to know why? They claimed there was not a good system of water for the firefighters, they claimed that no pigs had to burn if everyone was vegan. They claimed it is impossible to help animals if there are to much in one barn.
They do not know any of this. They didn't even check if there was something wrong with the water systems. They just filed it. The county had invested 90.000 euros in firefighters and watersystems the year before.
Imagine your farm burns down, you lose everything and then some fuckers file charges even if they don't know anything.
PETA fucking sucks.
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anastyartist · 4 years
So if you do not know there has been a crazy lady on Tik Tok that goes by the user name Thatveganteacher that is one of those crazy vegan people that shame people for eating meat (I do know that not all vegans are like this lady) and it has come to my attention that she supports PETA and people have responded with stuff of why you should not support PETA but tiktoks can only be so long so I’m gonna write out and tell everybody why PETA should stop being a f*cking company. Because I hate PETA with a burning passion.
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I would first like to look at the shelters in take, for those that don’t know in the state of Virginia, according to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS),animal shelters are required by law to keep record of all animals that come in and out of their shelters, transferred to a different location, adopted, and euthanized or died of natural causes. Now it is open to the public to look and check these numbers which is what one website has done
 https://petakillsanimals.com/proof-peta-kills/ provides the records if you want to check for yourself
But if you take a look on average PETA takes in roughly 2,000 animals every year and every year more that 50% of those animals are euthanized, barely 5% of those animals are adopted, the highest number of animals that have been adopted in 1 year was in 2001 at 703. over the span of of 6 years, 2006 - 2011 when the death rates were highest, they euthanized 13,332 animals which isn’t counting animals that died of natural causes. Do you see this? 
PETA has also been investigated by the VDACS for poor care of animals back in 2010, Dr. Daniel Kovich was sent to investigate PETA. 
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This is just a sliver of the information gathered from the investigations, and would you look at that animals in PETA’s custody were, for some reason, deemed unadoptable looking further into the report it is also noted that 
“ The facility contains three rooms designated as animal enclosures. The rooms are not further subdivided into runs or cages.”-”The facility does not contain sufficient animal enclosures to routinely house the number of animals annually reported as taken into custody.”
“ The receptionist stated that PETA did not operate an animal shelter. When I indicated that PETA did report to operate an animal shelter and that this office has inspected in it in the past, an additional staff member was called to the desk and reiterated that there was no shelter.”
“ 2010 animal custody records were reviewed. 17 or 6% were recorded as adopted or in foster homes, 273 or 94% were recorded as euthanized. Of these, 245 or 90% were euthanized within the first 24 hours of custody.” 
These are all notes of the investigation done by Dr. Kovich, So we have PETA claiming to care for animals but then do not have correct housing for said animals, that 90% of the animals were euthanized near hours after getting taken into custody and people within the company reports that there isn’t even a shelter.  PETA’s representative also seem to suggest that animals in the shelter aren’t even open to the public so if you wanted to adopted from PETA you can’t.
 Later on in 2014 PETA was contracted to help find stray animals in a select area of mobile homes where people had left behind many large dogs , this is were 2 PETA employees can be seen on home security trespassing onto someone else’s property and kidnapping the family dog, the dog was a small  Chihuahua puppy names Maya given as a christmas gift to 9 year old Cynthia Zarate from her father. 
When a lawsuit was put out against PETA their attorney had something to say about it “this filled with twisted allegations and outright fabrications and has no basis in law." -  "It is a money grab against a charity that had been called in to help a community, did its best, and made one tragic mistake for which it has tried hard to make amends."
Did you get that? a lawsuit about their dog is just a “cash grab” and lies, PETA doesn’t care about animals or people, they don’t care about what the impact has on others, but lets keep digging further into this shit shall we?
Going back to security cameras the showed that the two PETA workers tried getting  two children in the neighborhood lure Maya off the porch and when that didn’t work they decided to just up and take the dog, which they would then go on to euthanize a few hours later, when the family called PETA to ask for their dog back PETA claimed that they hadn’t even been in the area. A couple days later PETA had arrived the dog owners home with a fruit basket to break the news that they had put down their dog.
PETA is also known for dumping large amounts of dead cats and dogs in dumpsters, in 2007 two PETA employees were tried for animal cruelty and littering as they had been caught in a late night stakeout dumping the bodies, images of the animals bodies can be found but I will not subjugate you to those. Many people who and given those animals into PETA’s care were under the impression that PETA would be finding homes for them.
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This is the front cover of a comic PETA tried giving out to children in 2003 in more than 15 different states. 
That shit isn’t how you get a point across, traumatizing children is wrong especially when you do it without parental consent, what is supposed to be a family outing is ruined because they want to scare you into believing what they believe.
PETA also has had contact with violent extremist, people like Rodney Coronado an arsonist, Former campaign coordinator Bruce Friedrich said “blowing stuff up and smashing windows is a great way to bring about animal liberation” 
PETA has also compared slavery to animal abuse, eating meat to killing Jews in the holocaust. Just all around bad shit that nobody should be saying, you do not compare the suffrage of slavery to eating a god damn burger
News Articals about PETA that you can take a look at.
- https://web.archive.org/web/20141116095105/http://wavy.com/2014/11/12/man-claims-peta-stole-killed-family-pet/
- https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/oct/28/peta-women-meat
- https://www.nbcwashington.com/local/peta-displays-graphic-images-on-mall/2099758/
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debleb · 5 years
Dear Peta
Dear Peta,
Fuck you. Pets are fine. Dogs are practically evolutionarily bound to humans at this point. You don’t care about animals. You care about control and profit.
~A Pissed Off Dragon who Feels Strongly about Animals because she Protected a Forest
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wildmontanasoul · 6 years
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Fuck PETA...PETA sucks! Steve Irwin was my fucking hero and he didn't just preach his shit like PETA...he actually lived what he preached! PETA is a fucking joke of an organization. Steve was a true champion for animals, nature, and taking care of this world. PETA can never measure up to Steve's greatness!
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nightmare116 · 6 years
Nothing has brought the world together more than PETA’s disgusting and disrespectful Post about the animal God, Steve Irwin. I’m glad we could all bond over this and unite as one against one of the biggest hypocrisies in the world.
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mholquinn · 5 years
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#petasucks #fuckpeta #petaareterrorists https://www.instagram.com/p/B0m2GklAHzC/?igshid=1mlpayluxdyqu
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Thinking of making this wooloo into a sticker, what do you guys think? 🐑🐑🐑🐑 #wooloo #fuckpeta #pokemon https://www.instagram.com/p/By6SjJSD001/?igshid=10ahylvc72dd3
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cent-the-proto · 6 years
Upon looking through PETA’s twitter it seems that they try to hide behind statistics with the same video every time their euthanization statistics are brought up, in addition to that they are hypocrites, they accused someone of animal abuse for holding a lobster above water, even though they at one point commited mass lobster genocide by putting lobsters into the Missouri River, in all, PETA is a narcissistic company who cares more about their ego than actually saving animals
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noahjager-blog · 6 years
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incorrectratm · 6 years
Tom: I have come to the conclusion that Zack hates animals. He may be vegan, but PETA are also vegan, and they hate animals.
Zack, completely serious: I hate PETA. If there were no reprocussions I would burn down their headquarters and euthanize them like the euthanized the pets that they abducted.
Tom: I have come to the conclusion that Zack is a scary motherfucker.
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gildelamadrid13 · 6 years
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#fuckpeta https://www.instagram.com/p/BsObXF_H0D_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ambh0aomin3
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notawizardbob · 3 years
How can I destroy the establishment known as P E T A ?
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raxcl · 4 years
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#fuckpeta #banpeta #banpeta🚫 #shutpetadown #crime #abuse #animal https://www.instagram.com/p/CCnJ7AbFOoB/?igshid=szpiz70cd0l9
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bkshowofficial · 5 years
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PETA 1, Your mom 0 . . . . . #offensivememes #petamemes #fuckpeta #cowspiracy #crueltyfree #cowshow #cows #memes #animals #petaapproved #vegan #peta #edgymemes #vegansofinstagram #dankmemes #meme #veganfortheanimals #cringememes #veganlife #yourmom #cowsfordays #yourdailydoseofcows #love (at Ely, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9fver7FBKe/?igshid=bbipv1o2kltr
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mholquinn · 5 years
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Credit to @peta.kills.animals : Sent by: @stand_with_seaworld_24 Just a reminder that PeTA are filthy imbeciles and dirty hypocrites #petakills #peta #petasucks #fuckpeta #petaexposed #neverpeta #antipeta https://www.instagram.com/p/BvamMPHAHHq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7qz5za07qv2y
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