petro1986 · 5 months
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How I feel when I've walked into the bathroom with socks on and the floor is wet
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alienfangs-mov · 11 months
Hey uhhhhh Konami?
Can you make something original for once?
Literally copy Capcom. Make remakes and original SH games. Or better yet, fucking sell the rights to Capcom because that section in RE8 did Silent Hill better than you could ever hope to do.
Stop draining the life from SH2 and putting it into a garbage "game" like Ascension.
I am only holding out hope for the SH2 remake because Ito and Akira are involved.
But Jesus Christ guys. This "game" is the most predatory shit I have ever seen. Just make a TellTale version of Silent Hill if you wanted audience choices to be canon.
I am so fucking agitated right now. You fucking canceled Silent Hills and left the franchise to rot for 8 fucking years just so you could revive its rancid corpse for profit.
This thing has piss poor writing. Piss poor voice acting for the most part (I'm sorry to the VAs, I really am, I know they have a bad script to work with). Piss poor animation. And a piss poor execution.
I just... ooooooofgjgjgj. Fuck man. It hurts to see a beloved franchise screaming out in agony like this.
At least the concept art is cool. I guess. Ugh.
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kevinsreviewcatalogue · 11 months
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Courtesy of the makers of the newest Silent Hill "game" (sorry, "interactive series"). Presented without context. None needed.
Feel free to use as needed for any memes, snarky replies, etc.
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pandabibble · 11 months
Silent Hill Ascension: somehow the worst
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this sticker is a micro transaction you can buy so you can post it in the "chat" of a choose your own adventure structured live streamed Silent Hill game where the chat "votes" on which branch of the pre-made cg videos you get to watch next.
this is what Konami has done to a games series once renowned for it's tension and creeping psychological horror.
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300iqprower · 1 year
LimitedRun: We prooooomise that being bought out by Tencent doesnt mean anything will change :)
*smash cut to Konami's rom collection being sold like it should come with one of those godawful 'gold/silver/ultimate/FOMO edition' charts*
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razorvine · 2 years
Silent Hill 2 remake.
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Did they just announce a Silent Hill 2 Remake and then say ha ha exclusively for PS5, one step forward two fucking steps back Konami.. Jesus Christ.
Also listen i'm fine with a Silent Hill 2 remake but it's the safest blandest choice they could have made.. And the original Silent Hill needs a remake super badly if your out here handing out remakes.. Silent Hill 2 could have waited a year or two..  I guess I should be happy that Konami is touching Silent Hill at all given how fucking long we’ve been waiting...  But it’s still Konami and they still seem to make bad choices over and over... I have a wait and see approach here but they better hit this shit out of the park... 
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the-faxx-macheen · 8 months
I really hope that OD turns out to be Silent Hills with just a bit more of Kojima's freedom, like a backwards version of what Star Fox Adventures is to Dinosaur Planet or other such examples
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titleknown · 3 years
Cursed Thought: Since Team Rocket is the Pokemon universe’s equivalent of the Yakuza, complete with running gambling operations, you think they run the Pokemon universe’s version of Konami?
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I dont know if you heard about this but? I thought itd be hella unlikely due to separation of Kojima and Konami? I dunno how to feel bout this.
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These dropped at the same time. People love rumors lol.
As someone who likes Kojima more than for just whatever series he’s working on, I would prefer any rumors involving Konami stay rumors tbh.
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jimquisition · 3 years
eFootball 2022 is an impressively bad new direction for the formerly beloved Pro Evolution Soccer series. Konami has once again provided the world with something truly terrible to make delighted fun of. 
More than that, however, it's yet another example of how so-called "AAA" publishers continue to screw up their precious "live service" games by rushing undercooked trash to market. 
Oh, Konami, whatever will we do with you?
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thebelmontarmy · 3 years
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Pyramid Head
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pvtjoker22 · 3 years
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I don’t know how to feel about this news 
I mean Konami’s upper management is a garbage dumpster-fire that pushed away a ton of their prominent talent
but on the other hand
at the very least, the latest mobile Castlevania title, from what I understand, despite being a gacha game - was rather forgiving in terms of exploitative practices that those games are normally known for - and the content was genuinely well-written and a ode to the franchise as a whole (I chalk that more up to the bottom / mid rungs of the company actually being ya know, not the worst? Most people can empathize with the terrible boss experience)
Metal Gear being revived is heavily ironic because for yeeeeaaaarrrrssss Kojima kept trying to retire from the franchise and move on - MGS2 he had intended to be his last in the series 
now Komani will be forced to have someone new spearhead the direction for the series
and silent hill.....
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oh, silent hill....
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well, I was always told not to speak ill of the dead
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nesonkin · 3 years
Me: Silent Hill is dead to me. I will no longer let myself be excited over anything related to Silent Hill #FUCKONAMI
Also me, when I see a book about Silent Hill:
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Konami PR representative Olivia here. We have heard your concerns about our recent partnership with Bloober Team. We assure you that while overlooking the project that  we will make sure that Bloober Team’s new game will have all the sensitivity and tact dealing with sensitive topics that the Silent Hill series is kno- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can’t even keep up the Kayfabe. This is gonna be the biggest trashfire the franchise has ever seen, ya’ll.
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zekedms · 4 years
Me at 1:46 AM: “How scary can it be? You just walk forward and wait for shit to happen.”
Me at 2:16 AM: “Maybe I shouldn’t have waited for until I’m the only person awake in my apartment to play this.”
Me at 2:36 AM: “i’m not sure if I’m angrier Konami cancelled this game or that I’m going to have to wash my underwear before going to bed.”
Me at 2:37 AM: “i’m not going to bed, it’s dark in there.”
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chapter-17 · 4 years
They went OUT OF THEIR WAY to keep it from being playable. Fucking legends.
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