#fucking rpi
lensdeer · 6 months
Just got hit with a borderline animal urge to build a cyberdeck
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐒𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫? [a theory]
⬦ So, as many asked here is my theory! I've been thinking of this since i read Punk Hazard. Law has never been a pirate for me, nor a marine... so there had to be something in the middle and that is SWORD! Let's discuss the reasons! (Also please, be careful this theory is full of spoilers since I added the last pieces of info given in ch. 1080).
⬦ Disclaimer: Please, if you don't agree with any of the points stated we can discuss them but only if you do it respectfully and calmly. This is just my POV and take on the story. I might be wrong, or not. It doesn't matter, it's just a theory!. If you are gonna use this theory anywhere please ask me first. I'm tired of seeing my stuff on twitter gain endless likes for other to take the credit. Also, any other info you can share that you think I might have forgotter will be welcomed! ⬦ tagging: @thepoisonpoison ; @husband-in-law ; @akhlys-san ; @ruby-white-rabbit sorry for the delay! but here it is! :3
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So! As I was waiting for the official release of ch. 1080 I didn’t write the theory sooner! I wanted to check if they had change something, especially the Rocky Port incident part! Apparently is all correct so here we go with my reasons for thinking Law is either a marine or a collaborator from SWORD!
Law was saved by a marine. This seems like a stupid and obvious point BUT is by far deeper than it seems; Cora lied to Law about being a marine because little Law was basically angry at them -but honestly, at everyone and everything in this world, too-. Now, we should recall properly who exactly was the real bastard that let the inhabitants of Flevance get sick and ultimately killed them: THE WORLD GOVERNMENT. Sure, the WG sent presumably marines to destroy the city; but… have you seen them? Cause I honestly we only saw people wearing the masks and suspiciously similar attires (not exactly the same) the guards of Punk Hazard wore (where do we see Law after the time skip? YES, PH. Remember there are no coincidences when it comes to ODA).
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But, why did the WG sent those “marines” to destroy the city? Well, they couldn’t take the blame for exploiting the island for the amber lead KNOWING the people were getting sick because of it. But who cares about Flevance’s lives when such metal is used for… for… FOR WHAT, EXACTLY? Isn’t it toxic to touch? Then why the fuck do you need such metal? Ah… WEAPONS! But… who uses such weapons? For what?. All in all, who is the real bad guy here? the marines or the WG? Yes. Law is by far more intelligent than most of the OP characters, he can understand who to blame. And because of it there is another reason WHY Law would prefer being part of SWORD and it is because -as Kuzan says: Sword members are marines who give up their marine code and do not have to follow protocols nor -this is the most important one- they DO NOT respond to the WG. SWORD is the perfect alternative to both uphold the law while being against the fucking bastards at the same time. (refer to ch. 1080 during the mini flashback of Koby being in front of BB).
Also, Cora-san wasn’t probably part of sword (maybe it didn’t exist back then, this is my guess. In fact I believe it was formed right after Marineford) because he still used his marine code (01746). HOWEVER… DID HE GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE PROTOCOLS? NOPE, HE DIDN’T CARE, HE WENT AND STOLE THE OPE OPE NO MI FOR LAW! Law has learnt a great example of real justice from a very young age.
2. The relationship with Koby and the Rocky Port Incident. What the actual fuck happened at the “Rocky Port”? we don’t know exactly, but Oda has given us 3 important pieces of information: 1. Law was the mastermind behind the RPI. 2. Koby became a marine hero after such incident. 3. Law became a Shichibukai after (do you believe in this? I don’t, exactly) giving 100 hearts from pirates to the marine. Who the fu- why? So, there is for sure a previous encounter -or a connection at least- in between Koby and Law. Koby, is with no doubt part of SWORD. Keep this in mind for later, we are gonna go back at this point but first let’s start back at Sabaody, please! Let’s go to point 3:
3. The relationship Law has with X-DRAKE (past and present) Who else connects with Koby? Yes, X-DRAKE!. Now, let’s go a little bit deeper (I know you, stop) about X-Drake and Law’s rs. If we go back in time to Vol. 51, chapter 498 “The Eleven Supernova” where we got introduced to them officially. First panel we see with Law:
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So the first time we saw Law he is directly referring to Drake who -as many believe- he has left his spot at the Marine to become a Pirate. Interesting how Oda decided to introduce such important characters this way, right? Is not exactly that he is trying to portray a connection between them… 🤭
Good, good! Let’s go a little bit back in time now. Do you remember who Cora stole the Ope Ope no mi from? X-DRAKE’S DAD. Who at the time was the captain of a stupid ass pirate crew (Barrels pirates) that decided to sell the Ope Ope no mi to the Marine.
Uhum… yes. So, after the raid, both Cora and Doffy made a little bit of ruckus and ultimately the Donquixote family ended with Drake dad’s life. Little dino daddy (aka Drake) was able to scape just in time so he saved his life. AND Law’s life, too. Why? Because he was the kid Tsuru found and that was what the DQF heard through the radio! “a Kid had been found crying by the Marine” so, while Law was able to scape thanks to the sacrifice of Cora, he also got lucky that they found another kid. But, if it had been Law the one found by the marine… he would have been raised as one (as happened to Drake).
So, maybe at this point Drake didn’t know exactly who the other kid was, but, since he was raised by Sengoku and Tsuru* (*who now we know has a grandaughter that’s part of SWORD too) he probably learnt the real identity of Law back (or even before the introduction Oda give us at Sabaody).
UGH THERE IS A LOT, BUT WAIT WAIT, THERE IS MORE. And this is the main point: their interaction at Wano: WHEN DID LAW AND DRAKE SPOKE WHEN LAW WAS SENT TO JAIL TO TRADE HIS LIFE FOR BEPO, PEN AND SHACH’S LIFE WITH HAWKINS? Because BOTH fooled Hawkins into thinking Law was going to be in jail with no way of scaping. MANGA DOESN’T SHOW IT. ANIME EITHER. There is something previous hidden that has to be shown at some point! In Wano we have confirmation that Drake is no other than Koby’s superior in SWORD. Do I have to explain ANY FURTHER?
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(also, I love Law but it was hella funny how XDrake to keep with the act hit the hell out of our poor doctor. We can say he is finally relieved of punching Law after what happened in the past)
4. Now, back to the Rocky Port Incident: IT HAPPENED AT DAMN HACHINOSU. This was only shown 3 days ago! While I was reading I passed the page and had to come back like WAIT… WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Cause LORD! Can you see the relationship? It’s crazy! For how long has Oda been cooking this? Isn’t a LOT of coincidences that Law didn’t know anything and was a simple pirate when he planned the “incident”??  which at this point -in my opinion- is no other than a lie they decided to show the world to undercover such growing Supernova! I strongly believe that Law had been contacted by either Drake or someone close to him to be part of SWORD and together they worked to bring the RPI alive. Now, we can either think 2 possibilities: 1. Law has already been at the New World (even before Luffy) because Hachinosu is there (and pretty close to Laugh Tale I might say) or 2. Because it is only stated as “the masterMIND of the RPI” he wasn’t there, but, he had planned it from somewhere else. I think both are interesting, both in any case had to be done with the help of others; aka SWORD or Marine. This has yet to be shown by Oda at some point for sure.
I’m sorry I can’t give more info about what exactly happened there because there isn’t any more than what I’ve already discussed.
5. PUNK HAZARD, Smoker and Aokiji.
Do you remember when Luffy was getting closer to PH that they received a call from marines asking for help? Do we have that clarify? Who the fuck called the Sunny? We don’t exactly know. And you won’t know until Law’s true nature is shown. What a coincidence… right? Law encountered Luffy and proposed an alliance right in the island where he was staying and to where Luffy was called in the middle of their route by random marines… 👀👀 INTERESTING, a shichibukai on an island that belong to the WG… Sure, he was there to start his plan to avenge Doffy, that’s clear. But I think there is more than we can already tell.
For me PH is no other than the first clear showing of the cooperation of 3 main forces in the universe of one piece (that sets precedent for future wars): MARINES (smoker), PIRATES (Luffy) AND… LAW’S SIDE: SOMETHING THAT’S IN BETWEEN: at that point he wasn’t a marine, but he was a pirate protected by the marine. Sounds familiar? Yes, pretty similar to SWORD. ➡ this is pure personal analysis of Oda’s writing style.
Please don’t forget Law telling Smoker about Green Bit! – this leads us to a new probable member of SWORD too! Smoker is a vice admiral who is kinda rebellious if you think about it! He wants to uphold the law and always be on the justice side… but is the WG always the “justice” side? Nope. (Smoker worked with Luffy twice)
The appearance of Kuzan – he was the one who saved Smoker from the sharp threads of Doffy’s attack. And Kuzan has been a repetitive character that’s -at least for me- appeared in very important moments of the story. Is not a coincidence that he appears at PH after Law tells Luffy to hurry the fuck up with the banquet.
And it’s not a coincidence that he has left the marine because of fighting against Akainu. WHY DID THEY FIGHT? Because IT’S CLEAR that both have different visions of justice. While Akainu believes justice is to be purely with the WG and hate pirates, Kuzan probably believes that justice is not about who you have on your side but to do the right thing. (Garp, KNOWN now as a member of SWORD did exactly that during God Valley)
This being said, let’s go for the next point:
6. Is Kuzan really a member of Kurohige’s crew? Is he a double agent?
Isn’t it quite sus that Kuzan is part of the BB crew and SOMEHOW Law encountered BB on the route he chose? (YES, LAW CHOSE THAT ROUTE. He used the lack of neurons of Kid and Luffy to make them pick the other two routes. Now, the fact that Kid encounter Shanks and it wasn’t Luffy is just for the sake of the plot, we know it Oda)  
My guess is that Aokiji is a double agent from SWORD acting like Cora with Doffy. BB is a stupid guy, he doesn’t even know shit about what sword is, so I strongly believe he doesn’t suspect anything. So, maybe, the plan was simple (sounds simpler than it’s done): Kuzan informed SWORD about BB setting sail with some of his generals from Hachinosu, leaving the island alone with a couple of them (Vasco shot, Shirui, Pizarro); Law will encounter BB and fight while Garp and part of Sword goes to rescue Koby at Hachinosu. (Don’t underestimate Law, so many people downgrade his powers when it’s not the case at all) – this is pure theory, of course.
7. DRESSROSA & SENGOKU. Besides the emotional panel of Sengoku teaching Law not to look for more reasons for love but just love, I am sure there has to be something else hidden. In any case, it is super important to address the way Law acts towards Sengoku (in manga, not so much in the anime); he is being absolutely respectful (and not “mean” like he is used to be with anyone) and I believe Law wanted to search for Sengoku for 2 reasons: one, the one we explicitly read: asking about the “D”. And, 2, to tell this man, who represented a paternal figure for Cora, about how and why Law’s saviour died. However… Why and how does Law know Sengoku was like a dad for Cora? HERE is the key. Who told Law such information? Law didn’t know exactly who was the man Cora spoke to through the den den mushi before going to find the ope ope no mi. (He only knew it was a marine, cause baby Law was pretty intelligent). Perhaps is a very VERY small detail, BUT, what if he knew because of Koby and SWORD? Wouldn’t be surprising, Law needs information and he gets it from somewhere we haven’t seen yet where.
8. Law’s character and backstory. This last point is more of a personal analysis about his personality and real intentions:
Law hates, despises chaos. He upholds the Law. (not a coincidence he is called this way)
Law never EVER shown desires to find the One Piece. Not even when he first set sail. In One Piece Novel: Law (canon) he states the purpose of his journey: avenge Cora-san. Law couldn’t stand staying at Mr. Wolff’s home without doing nothing to end with Doffy. When his trauma had been resolved (but not over) and he started trusting people again, he began learning more about surgery while gathering money and resources with Shachi, Penguin and Bepo at the city. Once he turned 15, Mr. Wolff gave him not only Kikoku, but also the Polar Tang…
The Polar Tang: NOT A PIRATE SHIP. HIS JOLLY ROGER HAS NO SKULL! Law is not a pirate like the rest, he is not ruled by piracy aesthetics.
His name has had already a lot of hints, let me show you: TRAFALGAR – Battle of Trafalgar: Britain vs Spain. SPAIN LOST – dressrosa/doffy lost. WATER LAW / WATERLOO – battle of Waterloo: last battle of NAPOLEON – Napoleon is Big Mom’s sword – who won against BM? Law (and Kid). WATER’S LAW – Who are the ones who uphold the law in the seas (waters)? Yes. Marines.
Bepo, Shach and Pen’s way of referring to Law: CAPTAIN! *use the marine sign* *all of them wear hats like marines* *all of them wear uniforms like marines*
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Law’s “disgust towards pirates” in Wano, after stealing food for the people of Okobore town he says: “Pirates shouldn’t do such a good deed!” BUT LAW… YOU ARE A PIRATE, YOU ARE A DOCTOR, YOU HELP PEOPLE!
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And, maybe, a lot more that we might have missed or aren’t still fully shown! I will add them here! :3
But all in all, I do believe he is in the middle; not a marine, not a pirate either. That’s why I think SWORD fits him best. We will see what Oda has in store for the next few years! I hope that it’s even more exciting than this theory!
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bisexual-engineer-guy · 2 months
Rather than dropping your income on Lovense and telegraph keys, buy a single Raspberry pi or equivalent and use it to bridge between your existing plug and telegraph key.
I'm certain connecting the telegraph key to the pi will be easy. Buttplug.io seems to have a set of documentation reverse engineered from the lovense toy BTLE connection.
Write some code and then get ready to receive messages.
You fucking genius. I already have a few rpi sitting around and some Bluetooth-enabled arduinos...I like this idea.......
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raspbian-official · 3 months
I would like to get my collection of *ahem* legally acquired movies from Point A to Point B using any of the four consoles I have plugged into my TV, with subtitles, without making a Plex account and the answer to this problem seems to be "fuck you"??? The PS3 at least gets points for DLNA support, but then I can't have any subtitles :( this is why us single-board OS girlies are the best but sadly my RPi is broken :( :( @jellyfin-official you're the only one who can save me please release a homebrew PS3 client
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laserlesbians · 2 months
sometimes you're fucking around with an rpi that you have for 'speriments and you find out bad enough that you need to OS the box and start over.
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(🐍: wait actually I gotta check after I respond to your FIFTY TWO FUCKING ASKS. For real it’s cool if you are for reallies)
♥️: … I LOVE YOU TOO!!
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getsemantic · 2 years
I took physics 1 at community college, taught by an ASTROPHYSICIST who did his doctorate at RPI in upstate ny (one of the best stem colleges in the country). He loves teaching and is so unbelievably good at it that he killed my math phobia in one (1) semester. That physics class had 11 people in it.
I am taking physics 1 again, in a class of 300, with a professor who clearly doesn’t care about teaching or students on an individual level. This version is arguably worse, and I am learning less in three days a week plus lab than I did a year ago, one day a week with combined lab/lecture.
Moral of the story? The distinction between calc based and algebra based physics does exist for a reason (to note the connection between calculus and physics for those who can’t infer for whatever reason) and algebra based physics IS calc based physics if taught well. Fucking take and apply my credit, you shithead bureaucratic fucks
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aquilathefighter · 7 months
numpy why do you fuck up so often on this goddamn rpi
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jaywritesrps · 9 months
oi, Jay! feliz natal (atrasado) e feliz ano novo (adiantado). te mandando essa ask porque uma das minhas resoluções de ano novo pra esse mundinho rpgístico (além do básico que a gente sempre espera, mas nunca muda) é que a tag rpi br volte à ativa, sabe? porque eu sempre tive muita vontade de jogar rp indie, mas com a tag brasileira abandonada, o que nos resta é tentar a sorte na gringa. o problema (no meu caso) é que tenho 0 confiança no meu inglês e tenho medo de meter a cara por lá... e eu imagino que outras pessoas também se sintam assim: cansadas ou sem gostar do 1x1, sem tempo ou paciência pra entrar em comunidades, ou problemas afins, mas hesitantes de se enfiar na tag gringa. minha pergunta é: você acha que a tag rpi br ainda pode ter um "revival"? porque eu penso muito que se houvesse um esforço de sistematizar ela (talvez criar uma central, um blog aqui no tumblr, um servidor no discord, enfim, um lugar pra reunir os blogs indie e as pessoas interessadas), talvez, ela pudesse fluir de novo. acho até que você, ou outra pessoa da tag, não lembro agora, já falaram sobre algo assim, mas não sei se vingou ou se ainda pode vir a vingar. enfim, é uma dúvida misturada de desabafo. de qualquer forma, obrigada pela atenção!!!
Oi anon, desculpa a demora. Feliz Natal e Ano Novo pra você também!
Então, acho que o RPI br pode ressuscitar sim, mas não com a potência q já foi um dia, porque pra isso a tag tinha que desaprender e desapegar de muita coisa e não sei se os players BR tão abertos pra essa mudança.
Por exemplo, a tag BR é muito apoiada em plotagem antes de começar e em indie, como é vc, deus e seus personagens contra o mundo, plotagem acaba sendo um desperdício de energia, e nesse cenário, se vc plota a vida inteira do personagem previamente, o que você vai desenvolver?
Outra coisa é que uma boa parte dos players acha que RPG é igual escrita coletiva de um livro, e não é, rpg é um jogo de interpretação, vc não tem como controlar todo o cenário, e no Indie, isso fica mais evidente do que em jogo fechado, pq cada um tá em controle da sua própria história, então você pode escolher melhor o rumo da sua história e nem sempre a sua história vai bater com a do outro.
Mas assim, acredito que a ideia de uma central de indies é uma boa, porque pelo o que observo, hoje, a maioria da tag é de lobos solitários que tem no máximo um ou dois parceiros de roleplay, essa galera tá cansada do drama e palhaçadinha que panelas, talkers e players obscuros fazem na tag independentemente do período do ano, e acho que a maioria desse grupo toparia esse tipo de iniciativa. Na tag gringa tiveram alguns grupos assim como o Fuck It RP e o Serotonin HQ, até tive a ideia de fazer uma coisa assim um tempo desses, mas acabei abandonando porque não sou lá uma das pessoas favoritas da tag, né, ai já sei que ia flopar kkkkk Pode ser que com outras pessoas a ideia vá pra frente, mas enfim. Se você decidir fazer algo pra mudar isso, pode contar comigo que qualquer mudança aqui seria super daora.
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bizarremachinist · 11 months
<- Anyways back to the post
Why is there no fancy picture on the photo of the e-paper displays? Why is the repository all fucked? Why does the images of the code seem off? Well,,,, This project was going great until the ribbon cable on my first display broke. Then I got a new screen that's going to need me to update the code, and I only got 1 picture of the old screen working, and I wanted to move the code over to Linux, and now I want it on an ESP instead of a rpi, and honestly at this point I just want to put this out. It's been a trip
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sifwithagun · 2 years
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finally sourced a RPi and got my pi-hole (network-level adblocker) set up last night. no obvious false positives so far. holy fuck. how do we all live like this.
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danny-chase · 3 years
Yer a lil cutie patoot :)
Also lol what if Young Justice were all actual RPI students? What’s everyone’s major? What clubs are they in? Are they RAs/LAs?
Kadjska I've thought about this too much after seeing this (for those of you who don't know that's our goddamn college's freshman dorm)
Aight lets go, majors (slashes are dual majors we do that):
Tim - undeclared engineering -> CSE because Bart wanted someone to take data structures with and now he's in too deep, minors in cog sci and phys
Bart - GSAS/CS -> GSAS/E-arts
Kon - Business, math and econ minors
Cassie - MechE/Aero
Anita - EE/CSE (best majors I'm biased)
Cissie - ME -> BME, minor in math
Greta - Biochemistry minor in physics
Various headcanons
They're all in board game club (pshh I'm not biased), which is how the girls group met the guys group
Tim, Bart, and Kon all procrastinated and didn't pick roomates and got signed up to triple in Barton together
Tim and Bart are in the Pokemon Go club
Kon is (not so secretly) in the yugioh card club
Cassie, Anita, Cissie, and Greta have a DND campaign going, Anita's DM they met through the club freshman year and get an apartment together sophomore year
I feel like Anita and Greta would make great LAs and Cassie and Cissie would be awesome RAs
Bart plays ultimate frisbee
Kons a hockey player
Cassie is a mentor for the local robotics team
Cissie's on LEAP this is non negotiable
Anita is a math mentor for IPERSIST
Greta's in WMP (women's mentoring program), she ropes all the other girls in the following year
They all play intramural dodgeball together, despite Tim having multiple concussions throughout their season
Cissie is in RPI players and archery
Anita and Greta are in key club
Greta is in band she plays the tuba cuz i said so
Tim is in the radio club and later joins the embedded hardware (i think that's it's name) club
Kon does the improv comedy club
Anita is on ballroom dance team and NSBE
Bart's also kinda in game dev and is totally in the DDR club
Cassie, Anita and Cissie are in SWE
They tear the boy's door of its hinges and sled down EMPAC hill freshman year
Tim and Bart die in data structures together, no one sees them for 2 weeks straight and all of a sudden they're back again, they probs take it first semester with Cutler (Tim signed up a week late, they both had comp sci credits)
Anita would get on with Prof. Sawyer really well and probably be a TA for Circuits
Anita and Tim gripe about how hard ECSE is all the time guys it sucks it's awful I'm okay
Tim and Cissie both had breakdowns due to data structures and intro to eng design respectively, Cissie screamed at her group ala Cissie yelling at the JLA style, and now they both go to counseling
Kon is relentlessly bullied for being a business major but the inherits Lex's business sense and makes more than everyone combined
They all explored the basement of West Hall, Greta pretended to stay behind, but instead she ran over there first and freaked the fuck out of everyone pretending to be a ghost
Barts part of the underground furry ring
Tim cosplays for genircon
Bart was fine at CS he literally just got bored during algo and switched
Barts that one GSAS student who does immaculate work but if he's bored he does nothing at all, so only like 3 people can work with him - 90% of the battle is keeping him invested in the game
Cassie and Cissie climb up on the roofs of buildings to make out get time away from the chaos
Dick dropped Tim off at school because Bruce was on a business trip, and did that thing that my mom did and invited a random person (Greta) to dinner so he could ensure Tim had at least one friend
Tim got out of arch because he got a summer internship at WE, Cassie got out for academic reasons
The girls definitely have bathroom talks at least once a month
Kon dresses as SIS man for halloween
The boys use the barton couch cushions to make forts when they live there
I can keep going but i think this is too much already keiajdifo guys RPI's a fucking nerd school and i for one am a fucking nerd
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fomtooley · 3 years
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View On WordPress
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virtuallghosts · 4 years
— It's getting dark and serious shit happens at night, do you have a place to sleep?
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queencryo · 4 years
hm. i should start over on that tumblr post saver. now that i actually know [literally anything at all] about webdev and web apis and shit, i bet i could do a WAY better job than my previous 'reblog 200 posts to another blog' attempt, because franlly that script sucks dick, is worthless, and i never even bothered to set it up such tjat it ran continuously (had IDEAS to run it off an rpi, but never even got ariund to figuring THAT out. jeez...)
id defijitely also want to get/make a viewer, too. because, frankly, exporting a shitton of xml or json or whatever the fuck? not even helpful at all. lame!
though, hm. i have... no idea, how to make working webpages (cuz if u cant get stuff of a certain tag whassa point)
maybe a self-contained exe that runs both the server and the client? that might not be a terrible idea
viewer levels:
literally just xml
generate a basic html file that contains all da posts
make it have css too (how?) (i dontnknow right now fuck off)
allow tag filtering based on runtime arguments (postviewer.exe -tags 'honk, fuck, kill' -reblogs false)
allow tag fiktering from within the viewer, by clicking on tags. like tumblr does jow, kinda.
search up tags, too.
would also wnana be able to capture pictures. other media forms would be good, but pictures are franjly mandatory. (i dont feel thatd be super hard tbh. download image, rename it according to the post id, have that be accessible in the folder. append a cointer for multiple images in a post)
multiple post types is a potential worry. how are dialogues handled? has the way tumblr stores / encodes posts changed since the strt (surely, right)? how are reblogs hanxled, in the code?
would probably be helpful to find or make a test blog. fkr experimentation, and testing. on a blog.
i like this idea, i feel ike its smth i could actually do AND that is actually useful. maybe i could start over christmas break. plus, if i getthis working good and reliably, maybe i could let other ppl use it, too^_^ (for showing off to irl ppl, include one of the sandsverse blogs as an example. nice and weird, but so weird it works imo? plus iirc a nice variety of post types. not so good with taghing though iirc. check that later, maybe one is betterthan the other ones.) (yeah just went and checked sandsvendor. no damn tags. cmon seymour.)
anyway. might be a good idea to slot all the posts into a database? could sort by notes and shit, that way... but it also kinda implies rails (cuz thats tje only database-oriented stuff i interact with...)
doing thus in rails feels kind of stupid. plus, load time on start? should NOT be long, prederably under thirty seconds imo. idk hlw achievavle that is with rails or an sql darabase in general, since i know my blog for example has like 30000 posts or more if u include everything. which wasnt the initial plan, but... meh.
hm. okay. so.
initial plan: save all posts on a tumblr blog with one/more of a given set of tags. eg, the set [blog, saved, later] would catch posts woth tags [blog, i hate you, five dogs] and [later, saved, i love this so much] but not [aaaaa, you you you you, two] or []. Images (and possibly other media) attached to such posts are to be saved as wrll, in a format in which they can be retrieved at time of viewing. This process must be enactable with minimal user input, beyond choosing the tags and the blog url. Posts must be saved in a non-volatile format, ie they must be retrievable not just by this program. (bare minimum)
A viewer should be included, which is capable of rendering the posts in a manner that is human-readable. Posts must have all text, tags, timestamps, and images (possibly other media) as when they were on tungle.net.
Optionally, posts ij the viewer should be sortable and filterable. Users should be able to filter by tags (and possibly also timestamps, and whether the backed-up blog is the OP of a post). Users should be able to sort by timestamp both ascending and descending (if u need to sort by anything else well nyeeeeh)
okay! so. i THINK that really the main thing that rails kr another web framework would be needed for is tgat last point, and maybe the formating. i have no idea how hard/easy adding css formatring to straight html is (probably hard lol<_<)
hmmmmmm. okay. ill be real w u here. doing this in rails feels... dumb? Im not here to build a web app.
then again, filtering by tags, sorting? those are practically what databases were MADE to do. so if i want those (and, franjly, i do!), then it may be wise to resign myself to needing to use something of that nature.
maybe i could look into what those homestuck viewer people did? thats basically the platonic ideal of what i want this to be: a familiarish interface used to sift through the wreckage of the past.
hm. well, if any of yall have any ideas, feel free to chime in! hopefulky i end up actually doing this, so any tips would be super appreciated! (esp on how to handle the iewer part <_< thas the psrt that turns this from a script to a real projext imo)
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