#fuckin amazing 10/10 thank you reddit
life-of-eris · 8 months
goddamn having a job I don't hate is REALLY good for me
It just hit me that I started a new creative project, tried out a new cooking recipe, and started learning a new computer skill today and. Huh.
I don't remember the last time I had this much mental energy. Like, I'm rationing my duloxetine, my back hurts, I'm sleep deprived, but holy shit I still have mental bandwidth????????
I can never leave sales.
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samtheflamingomain · 3 years
more like the hypocratic oath
Fuck the Hippocratic Oath.
I've always loved to memorize things from a young age. I'm 26, and I still see the same doctor that saw my mother 10 years before my birth. So I've spent a LOT of time in her waiting room, unchanged for decades. She has a weird obsession with lighthouses. Also, a framed text of the Hippocratic Oath on the wall.
Being the only thing to read in the room, over the years, I kind of accidentally memorized it. It's shorter than most people think.
It's never really been useful. Whenever it would come up in conversation I'd sometimes say "did you know that 'First do no harm' isn't actually in the Oath?" but most people didn't believe me. I didn't really care. It never came up, and it was never really important.
But this week alone I've read 6 references to the Oath in the news, had 3 conversations about it, and had to nope out of countless Reddit threads, all along these same lines:
"Why can't we lower the priority of anti-vaxxers who need to be in the ICU?" The Hippocratic Oath, of course! First, do no harm. Second, triage according to whoever needs the most care the most urgently. Third, forget the first two because neither of those things, not even in sentiment, are in the Oath.
There's a LOT of people who seem to have been indoctrinated into following a dogma they don't even know the contents of. They hear "Hippocratic Oath" and instantly think "First, do no harm" and then stop there. Because we think we know the gist. "Don't wield your power of being a doctor to become an evil monster." You should be right, but you're not.
If we're going to argue medical ethics, let's see what this amazing oath is really all about.
It starts out pretty normal. Swearing to Apollo. "[A]nd Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses". Normal stuff. Oh, your doctor doesn't believe in Apollo? Breaking the Oath.
But then we get to the good stuff. Y'know what's so important that the Hippocratic Oath decided to address it directly and by name? Abortion. As in, "I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion". Forget what a pessary is, it's an ancient medical device. So, the entire profession of performing abortions? Breaking the Oath.
But hey, abortion's a touchy subject. What about something as neutral as kidney stones? Well, "I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from [kidney]stone[s]". Weird how if I were to walk into an ER with a kidney stone the size of a kidney bean they'd cut it out. With a knife. Verily. Breaking the Oath.
It's not all bad or oddly specific. The last bit basically says "If I walk into your house, I won't abuse you, even if you're a slave." How kind! And lastly, patient confidentiality. The end.
...Except, the Oath was rewritten in 1964. It cut out the abortion and kidney stone bits and comes in the form of modern English. Since it's not too long and wordy like the original, here's the full text of the "modern" Hippocratic Oath: (I'm cutting the first and last lines that just say 'here's the oath' and 'that was the oath', emphasis is mine to talk about after.)
"I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
"I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
"I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug.
"I will not be ashamed to say "I know not", nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient's recovery.
"I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
"I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
"I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
"I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm."
Let's work backwards. The last line I emphasized because I think it comes closest to being a good argument for why anti-vaxxers should be allowed to clog up our ICUs. Doctors have "special obligations" (which isn't specific enough for me) to all humans, even the "infirm". At a glance it seems like this says "Doctors have to help people who are well as well as those who are ill" but "sound of mind" really jumped out at me. To me, it is not of sound mind to be anti-vaccine. If "infirm" is the opposite of "sound of mind", then anti-vaxxers are entitled, like all humans, to whatever "special obligations" the doctors have. Like I said, I don't find that phrase specific enough for me to accept this as an argument, but it does come close. If we define "special obligations" as "the obligation to provide medical care", then yes, put all anti-vax Covid patients in the ICU. But "special obligations" could just as well mean "the obligation to put the needs of the many over the needs of the few", which is supported by the statement's previous allusion to being a member of society, in which case, kick those fuckers out on the street.
The second point I highlighted just because this was written by and for America, and somehow they remain the only developed nation where one's "economic stability" is absolutely never taken into consideration.
Finally, my big closer. Life and death. "If I manage to save a life, great, cool. But also sometimes I'm allowed to kill people. No, I will not elaborate".
But it has another meaning: "As a doctor, sometimes I will necessarily have to kill people." This is simply one of those times. I'm serious. If not now, when?
I highlighted the very first line because I think it sets the tone for the entire Oath, and because I believe that actively choosing to treat anti-vaxxers instead of people with "lesser" problems, that choosing to allocate ICUs to people who spit on your science is violating the directive to follow the "hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk". I can't imagine a 1940s TB nurse being teleported to present day, informed about Covid, taking a look at our hospitals and saying "well done".
It's a good thing it doesn't actually say "do no harm", because the Oath itself has violated that directive. As Ontario's ICUs continue to rise, doctors continue to harm society because they think triage is part of the Oath. It's not. Stop pretending it's anything more than a contract you sign when you work at fuckin McDonalds and you promise not to make dumb Tik Toks at work. Every job has its moral standards. Doctors have one of the most ethically and morally difficult jobs on the planet, yet we treat medical ethics as a settled matter.
The original was written in 275AD. It was rewritten 60 years ago. Maybe let's not wait another millennium to fix this glaring problem that isn't going to go away. In the meantime, let's try and work from actual facts and not what we think we know. A tall order these days unfortunately.
Stay Greater, Flamingos.
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diarybutablog · 4 years
Yesterday I had an amazing day!
I’m sorry I didn’t post anything since May but I really felt like I didn't had time to post anything and many things happened and I'll try to write the most important things in the other posts and now I'll try to say what happened yesterday.
The day before yesterday my father told me and my brother to got to sleep before midnight so we could wake up early. He wanted to go with us on a trip to Brighton because i wanted a comic from a Graphic Novel Shop that was there near the train station and also go somewhere to eat. Yesterday I woke up at 11 AM and he wanted to go with us on 10 AM… ALRIGHT. He opened our door to our room (i live with my younger brother in the same room in UK) and just said "So we're not going to Brighton?". To which i responded "Hello :>"… I guess he didn't like that because he just closed the doors. I waited in my room scrolling through Reddit on my laptop and seeing the same jokes reused with different images. I saw a meme where someone said the if you add Mr Bean to anything it will automatically become funny. It was so stupid that I felt weird because I wanted to chuckle for a moment when I saw this stupid picture.
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Suddenly 12 AM came on a clock and I decided to dress up. After I did that I went and washed my hair. I think I was washing it for really long because I came out of the bathroom an hour later. I decided to go to the main room.
It’s not living room because it’s too small.
My dad was as always on his phone on Facebook when I came out of bathroom and I told him that I am hungry so I made myself two toasts, one with butter and pate, and the second with pepper cream. I ate them and drank some soda. My stomach hurt because I don’t usually drink sodas. Anyways, my dad told me that we could go together without my younger brother because he's asleep, so we did. My dad bought 4 tickets for us. Each one of us had one for return and one for going onward. My dad was telling me to keep the tickets somewhere like my right back pocket so i won't lose it heh. When we were riding we discussed Poland and UK as well. After the gossip about horror and thriller movies we arrived. First we went on an expedition to find the Graphic Novel Shop to buy me a comic book but so we were walking and walking and… we found it.
(Kinda i did it because my dad was totally lost)
I was broke but my dad had some to buy me a gift up to 20 pounds. I was searching around and found some cool comic books like the ones about Scott Pilgrim and based on D&D. Also i saw the 13th volume of a series called Giant Days which chapters are called troubles.
(I don't know why they call them troubles heh)
After searching for a while i noticed the comic section called LGBT and i wanted to check if something interesting was there AND THERE WAS! I really liked She-Ra and the Princesses Of Power and I noticed a book written by it’s creator Noelle Stevenson which is called The Fire Never Goes Out: A Memoir in Pictures.
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It’s basically her diary but she adds her doodles and thoughts to it. I highly recommend it to anyone and I think I might do a Twitter thread describing my day but that’s not important now and probably won’t happen. I also saw a little comic book that was about tweets from our lovely Donald J. Trump but ilustrated as satirical pictures.
Basically boomer humor.
I showed it to my dad and he told me kindly that he wasn't interested in buying that for himself or for anyone. After that me and my dad came out of the store and we went to get something to eat for dinner but… my dad wanted to buy a bag and something to put a gift in. We were walking around the stores and he was stopping like every 5 SECONDS to check the next store and see if they sell something to put a gift in. We entered the Pride Shop or something like that and I wanted to buy the mug that was on the exhibition which presented Batman and Superman kissing. Also I was looking at the pride flags and pride pins but I didn’t give any signs about them to my dad because I don’t want him yet to know that I’m trans, or I think I am. When my dad was coming to these shops, I was coming with him to some of them, but if I wasn’t I was just standing outside waiting for for. In one of them there was a Moomins Handbag which I really wanted but my dad told me that he only would buy it if it costed up to 3 pounds but it was worth 8 so I didn’t get it… When I left the Moomins Handbag store I heard and saw two goth kids coming right beside me and I only heard them say that the girl in this conversation had a Moomin faze and collected everything related to Moomins… 
Does that mean that I’ll become a goth kid as well?
We were looking for a place to eat for a couple of minutes and I noticed a place where last year I saw a dude that was playing drums very nicely and it was cool to listen to him. We didn’t stay there for long because we still went to the restaurant to eat something but before we went there a random lady gave FREE COOKIE ICE CREAM to us! While I was walking I held my book without it’s cover because it’s pink and I don’t really wanna go out with pink stuff because I feel like I am showing too much of my secret side with this color. Me and my dad ate these ice creams before we went inside the restaurant but my dad got angry because instead of physical menu to pick up we had to scan the QR code but he was too much NOT FRIENDS WITH TECHNOLOGY that he just came out of the restaurant and I went after him. We were walking and found a pizzeria that we went to last year and ordered two pizzas. Before we got our pizzas we got plates filled with olives, potatoes with onions and cream, eggplant parts and some weird green vegetable.
(Probably a zucchini slices)
Also I got apple juice with 4 ice cubes in it and my dad got one beer like a dad. We were eating our pizzas peacefully and suddenly something amazing happened. A obese young adult lady with red dyed hair FUCKIN’ stole my pizza and tried to run away… and she did, but one of the stuff workers chased her and saw her coming into another pizzeria and… did the same thing, but the whole thing wasn’t only STEALING MY PIECES but also taking someones pizza slice and throwing it at them, scratching one of the stuff ladies arm and when leaving this pizzeria blocking the exit doors and not letting the stuff member that was chasing her leave the restaurant. Instead of being sad because someone took my pizza I started to laugh under my nose quietly so others wouldn’t notice. My dad only saw my smirk and asked me if I feel alright and I said „I think it’s the most entertainment I had in UK so far”. I think I kinda understand why this woman took MY piece of pizza. It was probably because me and my dad sat on the seats next to the exit so it was easier for the crazy lady to take something that was near exit than at the back of the restaurant. One of the stuff members came and told us „I’m sorry but these FUCKING… I mean stupid people will not bother you anymore”. After that she left with the rest of my pizza and gave me a new one FOR FREE! I ate the one piece and we asked the stuff to help us pack the pizza to take it outside so they gave us a pizza box to take with us. My dad before coming out of the store with me asked the Scratched Girl if everything is fine and she said that it’s just a scratch and also asked where were we from, so my dad said „We’re from Poland” and she said „Well… I’m from Russia”. I have no idea what was the rest of their conversation but my dad made a joke that the EASTERN EUROPE was being attacked. If I was good from history I would make a historical joke or a meme now, but I’m not… so not joke for today. Before we left police came to check if everything was ok, but they weren’t stopping us from leaving so we… left. On the way back we were looking at the city of Brighton and right at the train station my dad checked if he had his train ticket and… IT WAS GONE! My dad started to panic but had an idea how to fix this problem. He took his ticket receipt and tried to show it to the woman that was standing next to the ticket receiver. Surprisingly it worked and we waited for our train. When our train came my dad wasn’t sure if it was the right one so he asked me to ask the conductor if we’re in the right one and he said that we were in a right one.
When we were heading back to Hastings I decided to start reading Noelle’s book. It was very touching and nice to read. When we arrived to Hastings I was on the 132nd page and I had to close it for a moment and when we came back home I needed to use a toilet and also I used this situation so I could continue reading this amazing book. I finished the entire 194 paged book in a day but everyone probably would do that. After finishing reading it I wanted to tell my friends about my day because I think it was great. After telling some of my friends how was my day I decided to eat my supper and watch with my dad the second episode of Beastars. My dad did like this episode and the whole show. We watched it because we made a small tradition while I am in UK. One day I read one chapter of one of my Warrior Cats books, and the other day we watch a singe episode of Beastars. After all of that I decided to sit and write my day down as a Tumblr Blog post.
Thank you for reading my summery of my day. 08.08 was an amazing day I probably won’t forget because of this post and maybe because I told my friends about this. As I said I'll try to post tomorrow how my other days have been because there’s so much stuff I wanna get off my chest.
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reddit-lpt · 6 years
LPT - If a windshield wiper arm breaks a temporary solution is a hydrophobic silicone polymer like Rain-x
LPT - If a windshield wiper arm breaks a temporary solution is a hydrophobic silicone polymer like Rain-x
In 2008 i drove 10 hours from Northern Ontario Canada, to Chicago to see Lollapalooza, on the way however the window wiper arm on the driver side decided to give up on life forcing me to figure out a way of getting home with no wiper. I didnt have the money, nor the time to get it fixed with a 40% POP the next day i chanced my luck and got fucked. Luckily, while in the crowd for Kanye West, i was telling a random that i had struck up a convo with about my issue and he told me to get rain-x, he swore me it would fix my problem, like he swore up and down that i was gonna be flawlessly driving home... And sure enough that fuckin dude was right and i wish i had a way of thanking him, we backstreeted out way to a pep boys and got Rain x, and applied it under the canopy of a shut down gas station. It requires you to spray the window, and then essentially wax on wax off it into your window. On the day i applied it, the second i hit about 15 km/h (like 7 MPH) the water just flew off my car. it was amazing and i honestly sometimes thing i like it better than a windshield wiper.
Rain x saved my ass in a pinch, broken wiper, use rain x.
by pretty_jimmy via reddit
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booksbroadwaybbc · 6 years
Lets Transform Ourselves Day 20 "Rebirth" (Pics on /r/dailyprogression) via /r/selfimprovement
Lets Transform Ourselves Day 20 "Rebirth" (Pics on /r/dailyprogression)
Background information:
I'm a 20 year old Middle-eastern guy who's very figgity, impulsive and really only thinks about the short term benefits of everything. I used to be addicted to Gaming, but ever since i became 18 years old i decided to leave that part of me behind. I live in a lower-class home, we live off of welfare and I've had the fortune of being born with an above average-IQ which has led to me being able to go to university with a loan.
Last year 2017 December 17th I quit university, broke up with my girlfriend (whom i lived with for 4 months), ditched all my junky friends and moved back to my hometown.
So this is what I'll be doing every single day.
Waking up in the morning at 7:30 AM
Meditate for 10 minutes
Practise a skill/craft in my case Programming for 2 hours (not currently bec of holiday)
Walk for 2 hours per day
Do 60 Pushups + 240 Situps And Plank for 1 minute straight
Read a book (Currently : 4-Hour work week) for 2 Hours
Go cycling for 1 hour (not currently bec of holiday)
Be hygienic
Eat clean and track the calories that i'm taking
Log of 24th of August 2018 - Current time 00:00AM :
Guess who's back, once again sharing his log? Well... it's me. You know. Gara. Yeah Gara is my name, if you didn't knew this before you do know it now great fact right? Alright lets get this going, today was an absolutely amazing day and you'll know once you start reading the rest. I woke up at a very early time in the morning at about 7 AM, I didn't want to be woken up so quickly but it happened so ... Yeah.. I just went back to sleep and woke up again and this time at around 9 AM which was a good time to wake.
Once I got out of my bed I noticed my ankle that i bruised the day before was still hurting and I wasn't able to walk without feeling a bit of pain. I thought it would be wise to not go out today, my mother and siblings were going to the mountains of Tirana to hike. I wasn't feeling it, so I told them i didn't wanna go because of the suffering I experience when walking, and there's obviously the chance that the bruise will get worse or maybe even break my ankle since they'd walk on a mountain. I got shit for not going but in the end it was okay. So today I didn't walk for 2 hours obviously, it would've really killed my body. The bruise is because of all the walking I did previously, i walked 2 hours a day at a minimum for a month straight even before this transformation. I did notice a strong increase in appetite as well to eat proteïn foods and carbs, maybe it's because of my body wanting to heal the bruised ankle? who knows.
At around 12 PM I took a nap till 4 PM, i needed this because i hadn't slept good the past days due to jet lag and just absolutely ridiculous temperatures. This did me really well and my ankle felt less sore. Oh and I drank some Albanian Vodka before going to sleep, it costs 3 euro's for only half a litre which is incredible. In holland it'd cost you at least 10 euro's for the same amount. It also tasted better and didn't burn as much as dutch migrated Vodka. Now this wasn't the wisest decision ever, but i was very bored because I couldn't do anything really i was placed on my bed and that was it.
When I woke up I decided to hit up my customers, I had some orders pending and I made a shit ton of money about 0,5K worth of sales, which is just incredible I still can't believe that you can make so much money just by putting some effort into E-commerce. At some point around diner time I got really hungry, my family was still out in the mountains and I munched some bread with butter and cheese (7 pieces of bread), also drank shit tons of soft-drinks because the water here tastes like sewer water. It's a bad excuse since it's possible to buy good water in the store, i'm just too lazy to get it.
Yesterday I was really upset about not being able to do my routines and just skipping entire parts of what i want to be. Today I made a come back and did most of the things that I was supposed to do. For starters I tried doing push-ups, I did about 15 before my ankle just gave up and started hurting a lot. So push-ups weren't going to be it today, and I started doing my sit-ups which worked perfectly fine since there's no legs or ankle movement incorporated really. I did the 240 sit-ups with a bit of struggle and after that I also did the difficult part of the whole exercise which is : Planking. It's incredible how planking an exercise so simple looking can be so hard to perform. I did the planking for 1 minute and it has gotten a lot easier over the last few days that I've been doing it.
Surprisingly enough I had a lot of orders coming in on my E-commerce website, so I was busy with that after the exercise. I really wanted to walk outside, do my 2 hour walk but I couldn't do that obviously which sort of got me down... I started a meditation session and did that for 10 minutes. I hadn't done it in ages and it felt like a fresh breath of air. Just cleansing the mind and letting my spirit heal, so I can endure more suffering and stress and overcome anxiety. I've finished my basic meditation pack that comes with headspace and the next pack is called "motivation" so it's definitely going to be different. We'll see what it's all about soon enough :)
Now I also wanted to go reading, and this time I actually did it. at 10 PM when my family was already back I told my brother (10 year old) to pack my bags and luggage and i'd let him go on my laptop for 1 hour. Surprise surprise he actually packed it all neatly and clean, then i let him go on the laptop patted his head and went reading. I went to the living room of our appartment and closed the door to be able to completely focus on my book "4-hour workweek" by Tim Ferris. This time around I managed to read from page 80 to 100, which is a lot better than 0 pages. I'm very proud that I managed to do this despite the many distractions that were around me. This time I learnt about how to improve your habits and efficiency + effectivity. Perfection is not about adding stuff to increase somethings value, but it's all about not being able to reduce things because it's so perfect. I learnt that "elimination" is key to making a habit more powerful and effective. Other than that The book is getting really interesting and the stuff that I'm learning is very applicable in real life which is just great.
Now guys I managed to do almost everything that I wanted to do other than the 2 hour walk, which is a tragedy since my ankle is bruised. I will be able to walk properly again soon, so it won't be a big problem. I hope you guys like to read my posts and if you do please leave behind feedback, it's greatly appreciated :) Ciao !
Pictures per usual are on r/dailyprogression
We're all going to fuckin' make it, it's not about having money or being strong and muscular. It's about believing in yourself, having the spirit and not giving up when times are tough, fuck mediocrity you're better than that you have always been better than that... All this time... You just couldn't see it.
Thank you for reading.
Submitted August 25, 2018 at 02:01AM by AttackPrince via reddit https://ift.tt/2o9w2vO
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teddy-taron · 8 years
whiplash 2014
whiplash was fuckn AMAZING will be my  studyspo to some extent because i admire andrew’s determinatio even if it almost killed him :o
love the end scenes and bloody rehearsal scenes were super gripping kinda like the movie ‘hard candy’ where you want to look away but you cant. i read a lot of forums on reddit too, like the idea of who is better ‘father figure’ (Andrew’s own father who just says ‘good job’ or fletcher?), the shirt colour idea (the lighter the shirt, the lower in power the character is- you can track each character’s narrative arc like this omg), and  I SWEAR TO GOD that was the best movie ending I’ve seen in a long time since (unlike in Inception which is my other favourite ending) it seems like there’s a sense of closure, and yet we end on a climax, and yet at first we feel satisfied that Andrew finally ‘proved’ Fletcher wrong but in another sense Fletcher actually won because it showed that Fletcher’s belief that pushing students beyond the limit is what’s needed to make a great artist. AND THANK FUCKIN GOD they didn’t try to force a romantic ending and let any love interest fade away. so much more like reality, i really appreciated it - so goddamn refreshing because that wouldve seen so terribly out of place if he got his old girlfriend back. in fact, even if he got a new girlfriend after quitting drumming, i wouldve been very much in doubt because it’s not true to his character (and another good thing is that it shows he wasn’t really ready to leave the music world)
Also I realised (and now can appreciate) SO MANY TIES with La La Land ie. the different theories on how Charlie Parker got the name bird, and how using j k simmons in La La Land now seems hilarious. Even the shots that have those blurred back and forth aspect (eg. between Mia dancing and Sebastian playing the piano vs. between Andrew playing and Fletcher conducting) is such a signature thing? like i’ve never seen it in a movie before? and
also miles was fuckning amazing in his drumming and he had that innocent boy look down pat, and j k simmons really pulled off the shitty-turd-of-man-whose-trying-to-make-a-legend thing.
honestly, probably the best movie i’ve ever watched. in its purity (like all the scenes have Andrew in it, to avoid us being distracted from his arc), in the way it’s almost like a psychological thriller but seems very, very real (which i mean it’s true, you could find music teachers/conductors like that anywhere- i was strongly reminded of my own high school conductor when watching Fletcher), and such a clean storyline that actually opens up to more debate the more you think about it
solid goddamn movie 10/10
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