globalascension · 11 years
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globalascension · 11 years
Oshan Om Shan Tea teanotprison.com
From Oshan Anand Facebook: Sunday August 4th 2013 10:51pm
Hi here are all the answers of frequently asked questions. Oshan Anand was convicted guilty for distributing psychedelics at a 2nd jury trial on Nov. 1st, 2012. He was sentenced to 12 years & 7 months in federal prison, with no rights to parole. We hope that Oshan's conviction will be overturned on appeal due to legal flaws in the trial process. We are raising money to pay for legal fees for his appeal. -Oshan will be writing an open letter soon to give you an update about his current situation. -Visits For at least the next year, Oshan will be staying at FCI Englewood in Littleton, Colorado, just outside of Denver (http://www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/eng/) If you want to visit, send me a personal FB message and I'll send you the application instructions and regulations. Once you mail the application form in to the prison, the approval process usually takes under 3 days but could potentially take up to 3 weeks." -Communication If you wish to communicate with Oshan, please send me a personal message with your phone number, email address and/or mailing address. Oshan will enter your email address in the system and you will receive an invitation. -If Oshan calls you, the caller ID will say "Unknown Corrlinks: After you receive The Corrlinks invite from Oshan here are the instructions for how to set up the free email notifications 1 Login to www.corrlinks.com 2 Click Account Management 3 Click Manage My Inmate List 4 Click the box under email alert next to the inmate's name If you received a notification from "corrlinks" that says Oshan denied your request stay patient and he 'll get in contact with you) Oshan unfortunately can only have 30 email addresses in his electronic message contacts at a time and he is full at the moment. He' ll try and rotate and add people later on after he is done communicating with other people. Sending letters to Oshan Oshan Cook 14619-111 Federal Correctional Institution 9595 West Quincy Ave Littleton, CO 80123 *All incoming general correspondences will be opened, inspected and read by the mail room officer -You can send Letters, beautiful photos with nice images, Art (just in paper) and postcards - Unfortunately we cannot send Polaroid, no glitter, glue or tape in papers/letters, no books, pornography, personal items, cash, stamps stationary or tea. -Books  You can order books from Amazon.com or publisher. -Commissary  If you feel inspired to donate money to his store fund, which he uses to buy food, clothing, health and beauty products, phone & email time, photocopies, mp3s and craft supplies: for ceramics, jewelry making, paint & drawing. You can put money on commissary. Payments should be made by Western Union Quick Collect. You can go to a western union location. 1.Pay to Name or code city: FBOP  Account number: 14619111COOK  Amount $...  Attention: Oshan Cook 2. Choose payment speed: Urgent, Next day or 2nd day  You can go online www.westernunion.com or By phone using a credit/debit card: call 1-800-634-3422 and press option 2. If you send Oshan money via western union, please contact Oshan's mom Linda ([email protected]) and let her know how much you sent so she can keep track of it. -Donations  We still need to raise $15,000 for Oshan’s appeal. Here is the link where you can donate. Thanks https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=5uDjL_WgwUdZwFT5_UgYEEwUfyQ4O9IfI1QDQRlrPkxkqGqkAWvrInTUe2u&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d92b37e35c82a7c965120dd5a9b6ad0e3 -Fundraisers and benefits: Feel free to organize fundraisers; There will be a large benefit party coming up on September 15th at Public Works nightclub in San Francisco. If you can help, contact Andy Fusso ([email protected]). We are especially looking for well-known performers who can draw a big crowd, as well as people to volunteer at the event and help with publicity, silent auction etc. I will post info soon, whenever the FB event is ready please share and spread the word. -Om Shan Tea Om Shan Tea's teahouse and mobile tea service are closed. Nat ([email protected]) & Travis ([email protected]) run a similar mobile tea service. Contact them if you want a tea lounge at your conference, festival, party, wedding, etc -We love Oshan Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/535604313135488/?ref=br_tf This page is to  ~Support him as he spends time in prison ~Share stories about Oshan, visits with him, letters, etc. ~Brainstorm ideas for projects that honor Oshan's mission ~Work together to reform the prison system and end the Drug War More info about Oshan’s legal case  http://www.teanotprison.com/ -Yes, Please keep your prayers and keep sending magic, love, and strength to Oshan. Also for his family and community. Please spread Oshan’s story far and beyond and educate your friends about the War on Drugs. -QUESTIONS If you have any more questions please let me know. It has been a pleasure to keep the community informed and together. Do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. Free Oshan,  Mumu Mariane Charline https://www.facebook.com/mumumarianecharline [email protected] 415 832 9592
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globalascension · 11 years
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globalascension · 12 years
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globalascension · 12 years
MEAR-ONE ART of a revolution
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globalascension · 12 years
Imogen Heap sculps music  3dimensionally with magic gloves, welcoming us to the Future.
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globalascension · 12 years
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globalascension · 12 years
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globalascension · 12 years
The Mowgli's premiered their first music video today, "San Francisco" ! Shot in one take, this video captures random acts of kindness. A feel good do good kinda vibe. I LOVE it! The world needs more of this.
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globalascension · 12 years
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globalascension · 12 years
12 Piano notes made visible for the first time
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Shannon Novak, a New Zealand-born fine artist, commissioned us to image 12 piano notes as inspiration for a series of 12 musical canvases. We decided to image the notes in video mode because when we observed the 'A1' note we discovered, surprisingly, that the energy envelope changes over time as the string's harmonics mix in the piano's wooden bridge. Instead of the envelope being fairly stable, as we had imagined, the harmonics actually cause the CymaGlyphs to be wonderfully dynamic. Our ears can easily detect the changes in the harmonics and the CymaScope now reveals them--probably a first in acoustic physics. Capturing the dynamics was only possible with HD video but taming the dynamics of the piano's first strike, followed by the short plateau and long decay phase, was tricky. We achieved the result with the help of a professional audio compressor operating in real time.
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globalascension · 12 years
2013: Decolonisation Zones and the New Planetary Culture AKA "Too Weird For Wired"
2013: Decolonisation Zones and the New Planetary Culture Among the numerous countercultural movements that have rapidly emerged over the past couple of years, such as the Transition Movement, alternative currency networks, and the global festival scene, there looks to be one major trait that will bring them together in 2013: subversive communities are largely giving up on the idea of repairing (or protesting against) corrupted political and corporate systems, and turning instead to building new models of community, art, ritual and sustainability to tackle the looming challenges of peak oil, climate change and financial instability tidal-waving towards us. The coming year will see a massive expansion of these “decolonisation zones.” Here, participants reprogram from the “death paradigm” of our techno-industrialized society -- which daily pollutes our land, skies, and waterways – and discover an unusual neotribal alchemy where hacker activists collaborate with urban homesteaders, steampunk artists with open-source programmers, renewable energy developers with holistic health workers to create a rare space where sharing and cooperation foster human interaction and generosity rather than the divisive models of competition, greed and fear so endemic to consumerist societies. In the past, the Burning Man Festival in Nevada served as the Mecca for a growing “future-tribal” culture, where revelers engaged in communal, celebratory rites of passage alongside massive digital art projects and computer-driven beats. This year, you can dissolve the carbon footprint of traveling to the deserts of Nevada and visit the hundreds of regional consciousness festivals exploding in population.  Lightning in a Bottle (Los Angeles), Transformus (North Carolina), Bass Coast (Vancouver), and The Philadelphia Experiment might be higher priority than watching the Man go down in flames.  Just as “sustainable” and “organic” have become omnipresent words for the environmentally minded, “reskilling” and “local resilience” are leaping to the top of the list. Initiatives like 350.org, Energy Action Coalition, the International Rainharvest Alliance, and the Transition Network (now in over 400 cities worldwide), will attract those wanting to grow their own food, repair bikes, sew clothes, use renewable energy, and collect water in order to avoid reliance on untrustworthy stock-market-beholden giants like Wal-Mart, Target, Safeway, and Exxon.  While the Occupy Movement may continue to experience diminishing protest turnouts, the slow-money mobilisation -- which develops time banks (now in over 250 towns across the UK), local currencies, barters, swaps, crowdfunding, and gift circles -- will convert more and more citizens bogged down by debt and declining incomes due to a faltering global economy.  Alternative medicine facilities and holistic healing centers will continue their rapid expansion as more people seek help beyond the profit-driven insurance companies and hospitals of the medical industrial complex.  In a similar manner that LSD influenced the 60’s, the Amazonian shaman’s healing brew ayahuasca (and its active ingredient “DMT”, which is sometimes synthesized and smoked) will shape the countercultural landscape. As more and more people look toward this medicinal elixir to treat mental and physical illness (as well as seek visionary experiences), this “class a” illegal substance will continue to spread across the US, Canada, and Europe. The techno-indigenous styles and digital fantastical realms of ayahuasca and DMT are forging a unique genre of art, music, and literature -- “The New Edge” as I have called it in Huffington Post essays -- covering a complex amalgam of mystical initiation (associated with plant medicine ceremonies, yoga, and meditation), new media activism, punk attitude, and eco-fashionista aesthetic. This year, expect visionary painter Alex Grey, psychedelic writer/icon Daniel Pinchbeck, Sacred Economics figurehead Charles Eisenstein, trip-hop DJ Random Rab, and “DMT” film director Mitch Schultz to become living legends in this flourishing underground scene. Where the corporate monoculture offers the youth soul-deflating fantasies of Coke Zero, Transformers 4, and Tommy Hilfiger jeans, these new artists are weaving new dimensions of hope and re-imagined community into our reality. With 2013 promising another “winterless winter,” further tottering American and Eurozone economies, and the expansion of GMO “Frankenfoods” by swelling agribusinesses like Monsanto, an interconnected ecosystem of permaculture farms, healing centres, reskilling seminars, festivals, and alternative money systems will rise up to take a much-needed stand. Given the rapid rise of this movement, as well as global sea levels, we won’t need to wait long to measure their success. Talat Jonathan Phillips is the author of “The Electric Jesus: The Healing Journey of a Contemporary Gnostic” and a Bioenergetic healer. www.TalatHealing.com
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globalascension · 12 years
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Permaculture 101
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globalascension · 12 years
This Renewable Energy Idea Is So Obvious I Smacked My Face
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globalascension · 12 years
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Art by Chris Dyer
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globalascension · 12 years
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globalascension · 12 years
LUN Clothing- Intricately crafted galactic Elvin designs!
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(Photo: Newly Weds in Custom Designs)
The wearable art of Washington based Louisa McCuskey, combines tribal elements with psy-fy mystique, creating a style all her own, for the people of Now!
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(Boldly bright, intricate designs, well stitched and fitted for your delight!, for available on Etsy for $650) http://www.etsy.com/listing/103367964/custom-made-galactic-fairy-dress-coat?
Custom orders, pants, vests, jackets, headresses, etc. 
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