#fuckiing niightmare
double-ended · 4 months
What' the poll¿
can't 2ee that la2t word, whatever iit ii2. and iif you mentiion iit two me agaiin ii'm goiing to make 2ure you joiin the voiice2 iin my head.
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dualiitree2 · 2 years
me: abiigaiil ii2 iin the graveyard. DK: I MIGHT PUSH HER.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 11 months
SOLLUX: jake ju2t yelled YAHOO and then got up and diid 36 pu2h-up2 iin the liiviing room. now he2 eatiing raw butter. liiviing here ii2 a niightmare
ERIDAN: evverythin i hear about this guy makes my resentment groww. wwe need to put him in a cage in a zoo like hes a bird
SOLLUX: youre 2tartiing another fuckiing chiittr 2pace about thii2 arent you.
ERIDAN: already havve. #jakeneedstobeputinacageinazoolikeabird join noww
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d00m2p0ken · 2 years
Whatever you're fuckiing wiith over there ii2 gonna kiill you and iit2 gonna 2tiick thii2 tiime iif you dont 2top
Thii2 ii2 the thiird niightmare iive had thii2 week about rabbiit2 and teeth
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tormentedapathy · 7 years
II’m IIn a 2afe place, wIIth lIIght and food and company, only barred from my freedom by a gla22 wall. II’m no longer caught IIn the voIId, or lIIvIIng a2 a chIIld IIn a nIIghtmare world II created.
Why 2hould II be 2cared?
2o, you know, the fact that II’m fuckIIng terrIIfIIed II2 probably ju2t coIIncIIdence.
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2twopiid · 6 years
△ what is your worst recurring dream
iidk how you knew thii2 wa2 the liiteral one que2tiion ii lea2t want two an2wer but here the fuck we are, and who am ii two deny a 2hiitty anon what iig ii promii2ed, lmao!
hopefully nobody read2 thii2, lmao!
iit 2tart2 liike mo2t of my niightmare2 the2e day2. ii can 2ee my2elf 2tandiing iin the deniizen’2 laiir, talkiing two hemera, and ii can hear her 2hiitty riiddle2, ju2t liike iif ii wa2 there agaiin, except iit 2ound2 all hollow and dream-liike cau2e why the fuck wouldn’t iit be. anyway ii’m ju2t watchiing thii2, and ii can’t do anythiing about iit, ii’m ju2t 2tuck watchiing my2elf make that 2twopiid fuckiing choiice all over agaiin. ii mean don’t get me wrong, ii know ii made the riight choiice, but FUCK.
whatever, anyway. the 2ame thiing happen2 every tiime, obviiou2ly. ii get fuckiing dead. iit2 alway2 the 2ame. burniing from the iin2iide out. ii’m watchiing iit happen two my2elf, but ii can 2tiill feel iit becau2e obviiou2ly! OBVIIOU2LY ii can feel iit! cau2e iit2 exactly the 2ame a2 when iit happened two me iin real fuckiing liife!!
oh, but that’2 not even the FUCKIING end!
ii’m 2tiill 2tuck watchiing my2elf 2truggle two e2cape the laiir, and iim 2tuck watchiing my2elf run out of energy riight out2iide. ju2t liike how iit actwoally happened LOL.
get thii2! there2 2TIILL more!
once my body2 all fuckiing liimp and dead, ii get two keep watchiing!! ii get two keep watchiing a2 ff tran2portaliize2 iin and follow2 my 2hiitty neon arrow2 two my 2hiitty dead body, and ii get two keep watchiing a2 2he kii22e2 my dii2gu2tiing crii2py corp2e.
fiine, whatever 2ollux, we all know what happened two you, there2 no rea2on you need two narrate the whole thiing, we all watched the liiveblog of thii2 2hiit. NO, fuck you. a22hole. thii2 ii2 where iit diiverge2 from realiity, and get2 fuckiing bad. but iig you need context two get the re2t, 2o here!
when ii made my “choiice” wiith hemera, my game 2e22iion era2ed iit2elf iin order two make room two re2tore my tiimeliine2 2e22iion, ok. that wa2 the whole poiint. needle22 two 2ay, anythiing left behiind iin my 2e22iion got era2ed two. do you 2ee where iim goiing wiith thii2? no? great. cau2e for 2ome fuckiing rea2on, dream-me, dude who2 watchiing thii2 2hiit, never expect2 thii2 eiither!
after ff reviive2 me wiith the corp2e kii22iing 2hiit, 2he ju2t chiill2 out for 2ome rea2on. iim watchiing all thii2 liike ‘plea2e for the love of fuck get OUT OF THERE’ but gue22 what? 2he doe2nt get out of there, and ii watch a2 everythiing get2 all era2ed. bye hemera. bye fuckiing hemera2 laiir. bye fuckiing 2hiitty 2ollux corp2e, and then ff get2 era2ed, 2HOCKIING! not dead, cau2e we all know 2he can fiix that. no, 2he2 fuckiing gone.
and then ii end up iin my reviived body iin that fuckiing tra2h hotel and iim frantiically po2tiing @ her liike “diid you get out of there?” and 2he obviiou2ly doe2nt reply and hone2tly iit2 fuckiing depre22iing a2 fuck and iit me22e2 my a22 up every fuckiing tiime cau2e iit ii2nt THAT unrealii2tiic.
tryiing two de2criibe iit make2 iit 2ound kiind of pathetiic, liike iit2 a fuckiing niightmare but iig iit2 not that “2cary” and obviiou2ly iit diidnt happen that way, but that wa2 ju2t 2heer fuckiing luck. can you even fuckiing iimagiine the aftermath iif that bull2hiit actwoally went down?
anyway, the poiint ii2 iit feel2 fuckiing bad, man.
oh and 2iince you probably are wonderiing: 3 tiime2 a week.
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limewlred · 6 years
and then there was. dashcourse, NP iin a bad mood, ED came over twoliight. ii haven’t seen hiim iin ages. iit’s really fuckiing hard not two blow my liid riight now but that’s the LAST thiing KK needs iis two have me giive hiim niightmares or some shiit.
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dualiitree2 · 2 years
thii2 hou2e ii2 a fuckiing niightmare. (affectiionate)
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dualiitree2 · 2 years
@jewelofafrica replied: A little bit of water and baking soda will help with that. Also I forgot the English words for baking soda and had to think about it real hard for a second. 
iim not 2urprii2ed thii2 language ii2 a fuckiing niightmare two remember.
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