#fuck you temer
knightcallie · 10 months
Baldur's Bounties: Template Meme
Template credits to @arcandoria !
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Weichei as
Varying shades of lavender, for feminity and tranquility
Purple irises, his deity's flower
Vesper bats, for his family's deity
Cherries, his most favorite fruit
Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
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rivaiin · 1 year
sometimes. like once every couple of months. ill remember the spanish dub of berserk also dubbed the opening song and i just have to sit there for a minute like
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paramouradrift · 1 year
So anyway, I lied in my last post. I saw a passing reblog about a dearth of Zuko/Haru fanfiction, and remembered that not only had I written a short Zuko/Haru fic once upon a delirious 2 a.m. but also that it was extremely lean, a skeleton really, desperately in need of some filling out.
It has been consuming my waking hours. J&R is currently on hold until I exorcise this dark spirit.
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
Okay look, I can’t get another dog. Not least because the people who were asking me if I’d be getting another dog within literally days or hours of Mabel’s passing would be right that it’d make me feel better
#like i actually think i deserve some type of award for not biting people’s heads off#SIX HOURS after i sat on the floor of the private room of a vet’s surgery sobbing my head off after my dog was pronounced dead; my friend’s#mom asked if i’d be getting another dog. EXCUSE FUCKING ME. she isn’t even cold yet#you are damn lucky i’m in your house and that i was raised to not cuss people out or start fistfights with them in their own houses#then my ex-coworker who i already don’t like very much asked me 48 hours later#i gave her a flat no. when she asked why i said ‘i don’t think that would be healthy; trying to push all my feelings for mabel onto a new#dog.’ this bitch had the temerity to say ‘oh but it makes it soooo much easier! tilly died on a wednesday and on saturday i bought [forgot#the name of the dog she got] home’ i said ‘i’m sorry but that’s fucking psychopathic’#but she didn’t hear me because my mentor who has witnessed me go off on people before coughed really loudly and said ‘SO’#and then her baby did something and the conversation ended#it’s fucked uuuuuuup girl. and what’s more is they’re not the only ones. my grandparents have asked. my neighbours have asked… i think they#were actually the first to ask. i think they asked the morning BEFORE mabel was put to sleep. like 2 hours before or something#i was like ‘she is quite literally still in the living room can i fucking think about one thing at a time please’#and the most fucked up thing? i really miss having a dog. i miss mabel most of all though. but i can’t shake the idea that getting a new dog#would help me. i found a group for patterdale and similar terriers that need homes desperately and it’s not a big group but it’s very active#and i see her in all of their little faces and i just sob my eyes out#i’ve followed beagle rescue for a long time as well and my mom donates there sometimes and i’m like. i think the sheer chaos of a rescue#beagle would actually fix me. but it’s like. i don’t even have her ashes back yet#i haven’t processed this yet. november is a horrible time to get a new dog. it is too dark and cold out to have a brand new restless doggy#and it’s also like. UGH. i can’t let those people feel vindicated i can’t do it#who ASKS somebody that. i’m gonna start being really fucking rude i swear to god#she was a member of the family not a fucking table that broke. if your best friend died would you go out and try to get a new one?#get fucking real#i wish mabel was still in my life and some of these people weren’t#i quite literally care(d) more about her than i do about most people. they don’t GET it#personal
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wilwheaton · 8 months
What the actual fuck, Larry David.
So I heard about it, but didn't watch it until now. Holy shit it's even worse than I thought. What the fuck is wrong with that guy? Elmo is, like, the best friend to multiple generations of children, and is currently putting mental health and caring for others in the spotlight.
And Larry Fucking David ... did ... that? And thought it was going to be ... funny?
What an asshole. What a stupid, self-centered, tone deaf asshole.
Hey, fucko: First of all, you aren't even in the segment, but you just decided to barge in and draw focus because ... why? You couldn't stand that a puppet brought people together in a meaningful way that you can't? You couldn't stand that your appearance on national television to promote your wildly successful series was delayed for a few seconds while the adults talked about mental health?
I really want to know what raced through his tiny little mind, and why there was no voice or person who spoke up to stop him.
You know who is watching the Today show with their parents? Kids who also watch Sesame Street. Elmo is an avatar for children all over the world. Children who are too small to understand Elmo is a puppet will know that a man attacked him for no reason, and that will frighten them.
Elmo inspired a deeply meaningful and important moment of collective support among disparate people who have been struggling through the traumas of a pandemic, daily mass shootings, the rise of fascism and everything associated with Trump's violence and cruelty.
And shitty idiot Larry David couldn't stand it, for some reason. He had to indirectly tell everyone who opened their hearts to a Muppet that they were stupid, and he thought it was a good joke to physically attack and choke this character who is beloved by children and adults alike.
I've been bored by and totally over Larry David's brand of being an asshole to everyone because they had the temerity to exist around him since the day it started. It was easy to just ignore him. But this thing he did was hurtful, it wasn't funny, and his bullshit non-apology tells all of us everything we need to know about him.
Larry David strikes me as a person who mocks and belittles people who are vulnerable and sensitive, who is cruel because he enjoys it and is untouchable. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's who I see whenever I can't find the remote and he's on my television.
By contrast, Elmo and the Muppets teach and model that kindness and empathy aren't weak or stupid or any of the things people like Larry David and my dad think they are. Elmo and the Muppets teach children to be gentle and kind, to celebrate our different cultures and to embrace all of our complicated feelings.
I hope that, when the dust settles, Larry David's appalling behavior will be a footnote to a larger story about how, for just one day, a Muppet made a difference by helping all of us who are struggling feel just a little less alone and anxious.
A man who would belittle and mock that isn't much of a man at all.
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razrbladekiss · 15 days
GUILTY AS SIN? | Joel Miller
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SUMMARY: your dad’s ex-best-friend explains just why your old-man no longer associates with the man whose blood once ran through his veins.
PAIRING: dads(ex)best friend!joel miller x afab!reader. joel is in his fifties, reader is early twenties.
WORD COUNT: no idea i raw-dogged this on tumblr dot com.
WARNINGS: MINORS DNI, 18+ WORK BELOW THE CUT. kinda established friendship between reader and joel, despite not seeing one another for a few years. insinuated NSFW, nothing strictly dirty. just wordy shit.
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He’s a lot grayer than you remember. Broader, too. He looks positively stacked beneath the faded red flannel he’s donning today. For an old-ish man, Joel looks good.
Too good.
Much, much too good for a man who has the audacity—the absolute temerity—to show his face in this town after all that he said about, and did to your father.
Apparently—though, you’ve never been too sure how true the tale of brotherly betrayal had been—Joel had broken the “sacred” pact between himself and your father, when you had moved out of state four years ago, and neither spoke a word to the other since.
Joel left Point Pleasant and took with him his shame for whatever it was that he’d done. But now he’s back—to the dismay of your father—and you’ve just so happened to cross paths with him.
And though you don’t understand—or care to learn about—just what happened between the two who’d been friends since childhood, you respect your old man and his desire to keep you from Joel.
That was, until today.
When you bumbled through town—hunting for a padlock to secure the gate in your backyard that keeps blowing open with the fucking wind—you didn’t think you’d come face to face with him.
You’d waltzed into the hardware store on St. John’s Road, roaming the aisles—feeling uncomfortable in the mundane—for the biggest, brassiest lock you could find and when you got your hands on it, a familiar—though not entirely expected—voice filled the space between you and the monotony of being back home.
He showed himself and you all but shit yourself. You hadn’t expected to see Joel God damn Miller in your town, but you did. And it knocked you for six.
The two of you made small talk for a few minutes—mindful of who could’ve been around—before Joel was inviting you out for drinks later that evening. And being the sweet—slightly intrigued as to what happened between him and your father—soul you are, you said “yes.”
And that’s how you wound up in this position.
Joel sits opposite to you, puttering with the beer mat between his pointer finger and thumb. He flashes you a smile whenever you speak, and you’re filled with a strange sense of warmth in his presence. Nostalgia, perhaps.
“And college was a drag.” You say honestly. “I dropped out after the second semester, but I didn’t tell my parents.”
He laughs in disbelief, not for one second thinking that your father would’ve let that slide.
“What’d dad say?” Joel cringes when he realizes the way he’s spoken about your old man, remembering that they were no longer on friendly terms. “Sorry, Mike.”
Tight lipped, you smile.
“I didn’t tell him for six months. Mom knew, but she never told him.” Breezing past that hiccup, you tell him. “But when he did find out, he kicked my ass. Didn’t speak to me for a year. Didn’t want me back at home for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, my Birthday. Didn’t want nothin’ to do with me, ‘til I re-enrolled.”
“And did you?”
You shake your head. “No, sir. I moved to Atlanta, instead. Got a job in marketing, worked my way up to a senior position, met a great guy and got engaged, built the best life I possibly could’ve.”
Proud of you—genuinely pleased—Joel smiles. “So what brings you back here?”
The wine glass in your hand is suddenly bone-dry, empty of it’s once fruity contents. You laugh wryly. “Got fired. Fiancé cheated on me with the CEO of my company. Lost my house in the split. So I came back here last summer.. taken me ‘til now to be able to move outta dad’s place.”
“Oh, sweetheart..” He sense that you don’t want his sympathy, but he can’t help it. “How did d—Mike take it?”
Again, you laugh.
“Badly. Didn’t speak to me for a while.” You smile tight-lipped. “Common theme, that. Dad not speaking to me.”
Joel whirls his whiskey around its tumbler, refusing eye contact. “I know how that feels. Been four years since he last said a word to me, and I kick myself for that everyday.”
It’s sad. Meditative. Almost makes you want to keep your nose out.
“Yeah,” you put down your glass. “What happened there, then? ‘Cus nobody seems to tell me jack-shit here, anymore.”
Usually, Joel would say something along the lines of “darlin’, it’s best you don’t know,” or “none ‘a your damn business.” But he supposes that it is your business—what with it being your father.
And the fact that you’re the fucking reason for your dad wanting to murder Joel, and use his guts as drapes.
“Well.” He begins—feeling his chest constrict and heart pound wildly inside of its ribcage. Joel takes a deep, drawn out breath, and a swig of his liquor for some well-needed fucking courage.
But it doesn’t work.
He’s a trembling mess, now.
“Alright, you needa know…this ain’t somethin’ I’m proud of.”
You blink at him, feeling crimson bleed into your cheeks while simultaneously knowing that all color is draining from your face.
“And I’ve been on my own for years. Since Sarah’s mother died—“
“Joel.” You say, warningly. “Spit it out.”
He swallows thickly the residual bile on the tip of his tongue. Joel didn’t think he’d ever be in this position. Least of all today.
“Your father and I, we got drunk at a yacht party one night.” He begins. “Some hot-shot at his company invited us and I wasn’t gunna go, ‘til Mike convinced me.”
You can tell he’s trying to drag it out, and so you stare at him pointedly.
Joel clears his throat, continuing. “Anyway. We got hammered, told one another some shit and shared a few heart-to-hearts. And then I crossed a boundary that—darlin’—I know I never should’ve crossed.”
“Go on..” Apprehensive, you say.
He rubs his lips together, sending you a very apologetic gaze.
“I told your father that I had a crush on you.” Finally he admits, and your heart falls out of your fucking cunt. “Now—this ain’t somethin’ I ever wanted to act on—“
“You had a crush on me?” He nods, ignoring the venom in your tone. “Joel! That’s fucking—that’s—“
You can’t find it in yourself to be disgusted with him. In fact, you’re quite flattered, actually. Because for as long as you can remember, Joel Miller was desired by every single woman that he’d ever known, and yourself would’ve been included in that.
Despite being the father of one of your closest childhood friends, you often fantasized about what it’d be like to screw around with Joel. Because he was so handsome—so rough and rugged—and he made you squirm whenever he put a friendly hand to your shoulder or hugged you at a family event.
You’re completely dumbfounded, actually.
He says your name as you’re lost in your lascivious thoughts, hastily plummeting you back to reality.
“I’m sorry—“
“Don’t be.” Completely unfazed, now, you say. “My dad’s a drama queen. I should’ve known it’d be something stupid that split the two of you up.”
He stares blankly at you, brows fused together.
“If I’m being honest, Joel, I’ve wanted to fuck you for years.” Candid, you tell him. “So I guess that now you and my dad hate one another, I have nothing to feel bad about.”
“What the f—I mean—thanks? But, sweetheart, this is wrong.” He reasons. “Your father ground me into the sidewalk when he found out, and I can’t imagine what he’ll do to me if he finds out you’re sayin’ all these things—“
You wave, completely detached from reality. “Aw, fuck him. Never cared much for him, anyways. Was always tryna control my life.”
Joel actually can’t believe what he’s hearing. It’s like some strange music to his ears, but it feels so wrong.
“And, y’know what? He can’t control me now.” You say matter of fact before you’re hopping off your bar stool, and shifting to stand in front of Joel. “I’d love to hear his thoughts on this.”
In a moment of completely blind, unadultered passion, you fuse your lips to Joel’s. His left hand comes up to take purchase on the skin of your neck while the right lands on your waist. He moans, pushing his tongue into your mouth.
You laud the sweetness of Honey on his tongue, and drink the lustrous flavor of him. He’s so steamy. So beautiful, for an older man.
And now that you’re back in the same town, then who knows what’ll happen?
He hums against your lips, holding tightly your skin.
“Take me home with you.”
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getodrools · 8 months
dr nanami 😫 ? hes helping u while ur husband is on the other side? plsss, love ur work! :)
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NOTE. i am literally biting u nonnie ! why does a doctor role just fit him SOO well ??! ig his gaunt professionalism rlly just gets these engines going fr 🚂 … buutt thanku for requesting ! i hope u enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing this. muaaah ! <3
I 𝓲. I MDNI ୨୧ f! reader. modern (doctor) au. breeding. infidelity. mentions of: pregnancy, babies. praising. public sex (ultrasound room). squirting x2. fingering. creampie. cervix/ womb fucking. overstimulation. | WC –> 1.0k+ est ! !
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“your husband could apply some pressure riiight here.”
with a gentle poke to your tummy followed by a deep jab wiggling into the soft channel of spongy walls that flex around thick hands, you can't help but wriggle beneath him. wriggling beneath the doctor who watches how you pant out with hazed vision as he does his job. the very tempting job you inquired for after months of difficulties of getting round with baring babies for your loving husband, naoya…
and the assiduous doctor was more than willing to help, calling you in the very next day — leading to being pressed into a bed found in an ultrasound room with legs spread and a pussy being stuffed.
“juuust enough to make you cum harder.” nanami scissored with long digits ‘till squishy flesh creamed a ring to his second knuckle. even with the spurt of clear glitter rivering down a trench to his own, he saw beyond the obvious pulchritude of your cunt glistening with sappy slick; even spying through the webs that string between his fingers.
the slight tinker of metal clashing to the floor with pants crinkled below, you never grew wary or dared to question his esoteric abilities — not that it felt wrong to question, to begin with…
mr. nanami is your doctor, simply doing his job to heed your highest satisfaction — of course.
“now… it's a lot easier to get you expectant,” nanami laps a slimy tongue around soaked fingers. “see, when a woman cums, her hormone production and blood supply rises — which increases the chances of pregnancy.” he adds with a grim slash for a mouth and a handful of cock meat prodding at your side.
you've never heard of such treatment and help that can improve this process, but who were you — an unemployed housewife to a man who knows best for you to say otherwise?
though, as you lay with legs spread, your husband was never cognizant of his own truths and you didn't beg to differ. his — naoya’s, myopic stance scratched like chalk; etching along his very bitterness towards you, foaming that this was best as he sat in the very busy hall in cluelessness bordering on temerity.
but like any doctor, nanami had a clairvoyant way of knowing when a diffident patient was ready to burst out with a walloping scream for more as he stood tall between your legs. dragging your hips nearly off the edge to clap your rear against his pale pelvis.
“and, a little competition won't hurt,” your brows hook inwards, “my… sperm will get your eggs warmed up n’ ready for his later, ok?” trying hard to stay professional.
nanami smuged before aligning his thick, bulbous cock head and slowly applied pressure between your slippery folds. squishing the puffy flesh down ‘till they sucked him in with a scandalized gasp to follow.
he sheathed himself entirely into your warmth.
eyes knocking back, almost as too hard your head follows; slamming into the covers when the raw stroke of his cock rubs thickly along fleshy walls. the paper-like sheets rip trails beneath as you scrape into a fit of seeking a haven.
the ramming of every offered inch collapsed your chest; heaving into a puddle of pure bliss whilst filling the room with wet noises of slaps and clapping flesh. he was filling your spongy walls with a barreling, rhythmic pace, and at each heavy mass clapping into a full stride, he was reaching deep, “feel that?”
kento — mr. nanami, rubbed his soft prickly base against your sensitive nerves; forcing an ache of his bulbous tip poking right against your cervix. a jab and a prod, and a continuous tease up against your perk cushion raised your ongoing chorus. fevered at each bruising punch of his hips, you can feel a coil ready to spring.
with his cock rubbing in and out of you, the soft walls you tighten around his base spasm; gushing cunt spilling a new puddle beneath your ass as he fucked you raw. fucking you ‘till your mouth couldn't close for a mere second, only whines and brutal moans could escape.
“your husband might hear… do you need a second, miss?” nanami claps a barred hand between your lips as the other kept a vice that dug into the meat of your ass.
his lips tighten into a thin smile as your eyes unfocus, and he acknowledges he was fucking you in a way you never dreamed of; giving you thick dick meat was one, but a barreling pounding was another…
you shake your head and try to recollect yourself.
the pillar of his cock slowed and found its pace again once you caught your breath. a mere second that was.
dragging every inch of pleasure from your plush pussy and the aching satisfaction of having a weeping channel hug him raw was unbelievable.
squeezing his eyes to the blissful relief, he could feel a tingle at his balls.
the rapid satisfaction building at each clap of his hips, nanami dragged his heavy cock against your insides; scouring them. smashing every pleasure point before bashing at your womb. with a final gasp — from both, wet mouths, nanami’s balls tightened and were ready to pop. the rhythmic contractions from your snug tunnel was wearing him down to his final thrusts and helped him reach where he was heading…
cervix bruised and walls aching, a geyser of warm cum surged against the entrance to your womb.
nanami groaned with a resonant moan followed as he emptied out everything he had into your soft insides. filling every cavity with merciless intent of mindless-breeding.
your eyes glaze over.
shivering at the warm fill but could only suck in deep breaths between the gaps of his hand.
keeping you upright with his grasp, nanami slowly… ever so slowly, dragged his mighty cock out, and watched how the sticky mess slowly oozed from your pussy. but finally, with a lewd pop, his cock came free and bobbed downwards while a rush of baby batter came falling in drops.
he frees your mouth and followed, you gasp with a mixture of a shuttering moan and an aching whine; feeling the bruising blossom anew at your perk and now-filled womb….
“check in with me in nine or so months, alright? or unless you feel like you just need an extra boost.” your doctor takes a mental screenshot of your shivering body and plush pussy leaking milky white.
still yet, you nod your head with the last of your energy.
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obeythebutler · 2 years
Could you write the Dateables protecting MC? :)
Dateables Protecting MC
WARNING: Violence, Spoilers for all the characters.
You're supposed to be safe here, Diavolo affirms.
He had R.A.D. established right in his domain, in his capital, so that demons could be civilised (at least according to human rules of morality) and some familiarity could be achieved.
Every professor in this institution had been nitpicked, each student noted on paper. Appropriate measures taken to ensure safety—no fighting, no ragging, no running around unnecessarily—but what can you expect from demons.
It's hard to keep nature bound in chains.
What Diavolo didn't fathom was that some demons would have the temerity to lay a hand on the human exchange student.
His eyebrows furrow as he stops, a reticent smile still on his face. The students in front of him freeze; in the middle of having their academic documents signed by him.
"Please excuse me," He says, looking down at the demons. "I have a meeting to attend right now. Give the documents to Barbatos, and I'll stamp them by tomorrow." The students nod, bowing before leaving the room.
Although he should wait at least long enough so that they are out of sight to avoid suspicion, Diavolo can't wait, won't wait—
The safety perimeters around the campus have been breached.
Normally Barbatos or Lucifer would have taken care of such a situation, but Lucifer is back home and his butler is currently torturing a painfully arrogant noble in the Underground Labyrinth.
And it's Diavolo's magic which had formed the protective barriers, so that the Prince would know the affairs going around his academy. If it were ordinary demons he would have ignored the warnings and let the Council Members handle it, but it's a human which has breached the boundaries.
And there's only one mortal human in the Devildom. Solomon would have teleported, not blatantly ignored the infernal magic in the air.
The students lingering in the hallway step aside when they see their Prince walking with a sense of urgency to him. Diavolo knows they will gossip about him later, rumours will spread, but when they have not?
He only hopes you are unharmed.
He rushes past the gardens, disturbing the soil and the plants there. Devildom canaries, which normally would have produced the melody that the President of the Student Council loved to listen to are absent.
From what he's taught and what he knows, silence is ominous.
The forest behind the academy constricts on itself, as if wanting to hide away itself from outsiders. Still, Diavolo ignores, and forces the branches to wring away from each other and for the dense foliage to give way.
Or else he will burn the place to the ground.
You stumble on the the uneven ground, finding that the wind isn't enough to protect you against fire. Damn those demon, you grit your teeth and resume enforcing your boundary, careful to not any of the flames singe your clothes, so flammable.
The being in front of you sneers before breaking the boundaries that you had just enforced.
Hastily you deflect the demon's attack, but the spell drains much of your human energy, and you fall on the stones below.
"I'd suggest you go back from whichever came you crept out from," You mutter, noticing the soil that clings to the demon's hands and legs. "Besides, things might not end well for you."
"Says the pathetic human dragging themselves on the earth."
He advances further, and your heartbeat quickens when you realise just how sharp his nails are. It reminds you of talons, like that one time you watched a human-world documentary with your demons about an eagle tearing into the flesh of a fish with their talons.
He swipes at you, and you manage to get up and turn in time to avoid a lethal blow, but you underestimate his agility.
The demon's foot collides into your back, and the force of it makes you fall flat on the ground. You groan, the pain intensified with your head banging on one of the rocks.
"Weak, pathetic human," He hums above you, and when you open your mouth to cast an incantation that will make your attacker be thrown two-hundred leagues into the vast forest, he steps on your leg.
Fuck. It hurts, it hurts, it fucking hurts—
There's a weight above you, and the fiend has now placed himself above you, and unfortunately for you demon biology dictates that demons be faster, stronger and heavier.
"Should have known better than to wander into the forest all alone," He mutters, and you feel his breath on your neck. "Lost, little lamb. Foolish human."
He sits up, his weight constricting your chest, rendering you unable to breathe properly.
"Where did your pacts go now, huh?" The demon taunts, scraping his nails against your back, and it draws blood. You hiss. "Where did the Avatars go now?"
Your hands come in contact with rocks. Small, jagged pieces, and you don't waste a moment further before throwing it above you.
From what you can deduce, one of the pieces has hit him right in an eye, given the way he spits and curses. "Insolent human!" A curse, and the sound of a snarl makes your blood run cold.
All words leave you in that moment. You freeze, expecting teeth to tear into your throat, but instead you feel the demon being hauled off your back.
"And to think one of my nobles would betray me this way."
A familiar voice, and when you are able to turn and be grateful to be able to breathe properly once again, you look up and see the fiend hanging in the air.
Diavolo, you can't help but mumble.
The demon's face is starting to turn pale, given the way the Prince is gripping him by his neck effortlessly. He struggles and kicks, but it's futile.
You've never seen Diavolo so angry before. The calm veneer he usually had has disappeared, replaced by furrowed brows and an anger that makes you tremble in fear.
Even the forest, which had seemed so constricting and so secretive earlier has opened up, as if for the rightful heir of the Devildom. Or maybe that's just his magic.
"You dare harm them?" A threat and a question, and you think you hear bones cracking.
But then Diavolo throws him down, rendering such a blow that the demon is rendered unconscious, lying haphazardly on the forest floor.
The Prince breathes in deeply, as if trying to contain his anger, and then he turns to you.
"Did he hurt you?"
"Was about to," You say, getting up with Diavolo's help. "Thanks," You say, as if it's a normal day in your life to be attacked by demons, but hey, that's what your life was in the House of Lamentation when you first came here.
You can't be blamed for being indifferent to some violence and threats on your life.
"How did you find me?" You ask as he checks you over for any injuries that may have gone unnoticed by you. "I thought I was sneaky."
"At the wrong time and at the wrong place." Diavolo breathes out, and you notice how his shoulders sag. "Certainly, a forest of all places to cause mischief? You could have been injured or killed."
"I know, Dia, I know," You say, dusting off dirt from your clothes. "I thought I was safe here."
"Well, a forest is not exactly a safe place to be in," He chastises, but places a hand on your shoulder all the same. "Why didn't you call for the brothers?"
You turn away, embarassed.
"Didn't want to appear weak," You pout, not quite able to meet his eyes. "But I think I should have—"
"What could have happened to you if I hadn't come on time?" Diavolo questions, and his tone is serious. Gone is the friendliness you're accustomed to from him. "Why did you sneak away?"
"I'm sorry. I just wanted a moment to myself, and there are so many restrictions as to where I can go about in the Devildom, I just wanted some peace." You apologise, hugging the demon. "I'll be more careful next time."
Diavolo breathes out, and then there are his own arms enveloping you, until you're pressed against him.
"I apologise too," A sincere apology, squeezing you softly.
There's only so much Diavolo can do too. He can enforce rules, regulations, punishments, but in the end, you can't change the perceptions of others so easily now, can you?
And Diavolo wants to be a just ruler. Unlike his father, who spurred by grief and hatred made his son what he is today, but Diavolo did not turn out like his father. The Prince doesn't want to repeat the sins of his predecessors.
He will work towards unifying the three realms, he affirms. He will work towards a world where you can roam around safe, where he and you can exist peacefully.
Diavolo vows as he holds you close.
And blame it on nature, but the demon can't help but drift his gaze towards the unconscious demon on the floor. Given lex talionis in Devildom law, it is only fair that a special chamber in the Underground Labyrinth be prepared for the perpetrator of such a grave offence.
When the butler had embarked upon another pilgrimage to the port market, he was expecting to purchase some fresh tapir for dinner.
The Young Master has expressed a desire for it, and so went Barbatos to the market. And again, it gives him an excuse to procure more goods. The demon walks and walks, past Majolish with its alluring glitter and R.A.D. with its elaborate pillars. Students would be having their clubs around this time, and night shops being set up. He navigates past them with the ease of a man who has traversed these routes since millennia, and he would know them blind.
He knows he has reach the market when the scent of the sea greets him.
And like a man on a mission, the demon buys fresh tapir first. Freshly cut and stored, and takes care to avoid bumping into the other demons around. They know better than to anger their Prince's butler, with his enigmatic smile and polite mannerisms.
There's a special side devoted to human-world spices. Cinnamon, star anise, cumin, mustard, bay leaves.....and the list goes on.
Barbatos expects a crowd consisting of demons from various layers. He doesn't expect you.
You'd almost blend in, if not for the malice radiating from the lessor demon that is gripping your wrist with such tenacity that it is sure to leave bruises. Your expression is one of panic, brows furrowed and eyes widened, and the demon's a leer.
"What the hell," You hiss, attempting to pry yourself out of the iron grip the demon has you in. "Can't anyone in the Devildom just let me live in peace?!"
"Can't ever catch the human alone with those Avatars around. Always thought your soul would be delicious, and the fear radiating from you makes it even more delectable."
"I think you've had enough for today."
The demon turns their head in surprise, not having anticipated being called out in a crowd. And the smug expression on their face disappears when they realise that they've been caught by none other than Barbatos. The expression on their face changes briefly before being replaced by a calm veneer.
"Ah, Barbatos, should have known you were found of human goods so much."
"It would be in your interest to let go of them right now." A threat, spoken with a smile.
The being in front of him wanes briefly; but doesn't let go. You focus your gaze on Barbatos instead, and watch the man for any signal to act.
"And what if I don't?" The demon scowls, baring their canines. "What if I want to feast upon the human's soul?"
The butler smiles. "I'd like to see you try."
You realise that the market has now turned silent—the usual cacophony of vendors and customers bargaining has disappeared—replaced by an eerie silence. Demons are watching, and this situation puts more pressure on Barbatos and the demon to act. There's a circle separating you three from the crowd, and you think you hear a camera shutter going off somewhere.
It would be all over Devilgram by now.
When you catch the butler's eye, he nods, and you get the signal to act. You utter the words under your breath, and by the demon hears them, its too late.
".....spirit of wind, protect me."
They fall flat on the ground, an invisible barrier now separating you both.
"Fucking hell," They groan, getting up. "The human's more bold than I thought, huh?"
A clawed hand reveals itself, and the demon pounces.
You flinch, but find that the attack is not meant for you, but Barbatos.
....He's as cool as ever.
"Cat got your tongue?" He asks, having successfully thrown the demon on the ground with a swipe of his hand. "You were so arrogant before."
They attempt to stand, but they aren't able to. Their legs won't support their weight, and they're trembling so much—was that a paralysing spell?
The crowd watches, and no doubt that the demon is being recorded, or going live on the net right now, for everyone to see them humiliated. And it provides solid evidence of their crimes.
Demons know to stay out of the way of those more powerful. But some are foolish, undoubtedly so, and hence must learn their place.
It sometimes entails choking on bitter medicine.
There's a crackle of magic in the air, you recognise, after having been through countless lessons with Solomon. Something powerful yet subtle.
Ah, so that is a result of his transformation into his demon form.
"You will be punished suitably, as your Lord deems fitting," He declares, letting his tail whip around in the air. "And the consequences will be severe."
His demon form is meant to bring his point home. No threats against you will be taken lightly. They will be met with the gravest of punishments, and sanctioned by the de-facto ruler of the Devildom.
"But I'll leave you here for a while—to ponder on your transgressions."
The demon can only protest, scream, cry, beg, but Barbatos will not budge. And even before they fear Barbatos, they fear public humiliation and punishment by the Avatars. They've heard of the time when the seven lords had strangled a group of incubi at the academy effortlessly, and it his perhaps his bad luck that they happen to be near Ristorante Six. Which is reserved for an event for the members of the student council today. How unfortunate.
"Did they hurt you?" Barbatos asks, expression neutral.
"I'm just a little shaken-up, that's all." You smile, attempting to convince the demon. "Couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the demon. Isn't leaving them like that too harsh?"
"Oh, not at all," He chuckles. "We demons are quite resilient, you see. What a fall from an eight floor building may do to a human body will only result in a few scratches or bruises at worst."
So that explains Lucifer's punishments...
"I think we can leave them, in that case," You declare, massaging your forehead. "They were being creepy."
"And it shall happen no more."
"I know, Barb, because of you." You say, and he only smiles. "Now, I think you should continue with your shopping. It's getting late—what are you looking at? Go away and leave us alone!" You address the crowd which gapes at you both, and they reluctantly disperse, a murmur passing through the demons.
"Would you like to help me with some of the groceries?" Barbatos asks.
There has already been one timeline where they all lost you—to hatred and anger. Quickly replaced by another you. But that doesn't help the nightmares that sometimes plague them all, even Barbatos is not spared.
And if there is even a single possibility where you are happy and safe in the Devildom, the demon will give all he has to make it into a reality.
Because he has grown to love you.
When you don't turn up for your promised sleepover, Simeon begins to get worried.
He thinks you're late, at first, having your time jeopardised by one of the brothers. Maybe Mammon roped you into one of his schemes again, and now Lucifer would be chasing after you both. The thought makes him giggle, for that is quite possible.
Or maybe you would have been tired and have fallen asleep.
Simeon begins to fret when the clock strikes nine, and he's just finished making himself a cup of hellfire rose tea. The beverage is supposed to soothe his nerves, but it does little to calm the growing restless in his mind.
He sends you a message, but you don't reply.
And when even Lucifer, the one demon that is the most level-headed out of all his brothers denies having seen you at home, stating that you had left an hour earlier, Simeon begins to grow panicked.
But he forces himself to calm down, and then the two brothers no more set out to search for you.
He picks up his cape and sets out, asking Solomon to take care of Luke for the time being, and keep an eye out if you come home in his absence.
"Don't tell Luke yet," He mutters, and Solomon nods. Simeon knows the sorcerer will search for you through his own unconventional methods.
His mind retraces the way to the House of Lamentation, the cobblestone slippery due to the recent rains. There's a slight chill in the air, and so the angel wraps his cape around himself tighter.
Living in the Devildom means that his eyes have grown accustomed to the perpetual darkness, so unlike that of the Celestial Realm. Even now so, Simeon is aware that he's far too bright for demon's eyes. It makes him more vulnerable to dangers in this realm, but Simeon doesn't care.
He's got no time to waste. One hand still clutches his D.D.D. in hopes of you calling him.
Flitting through these streets aimlessly makes him restless.
And that is a feeling that Simeon already had enough of.
A twig breaks nearby, and the angel's eyes dart towards the dense foliage, towards the forest that leads to the other levels in the Devildom. It's a foreign place for him, and he doesn't know whether he'll be even to able get inside.
But he walks in anyways.
Just like he did millennia ago, when the ground seemed to shake and Michael stormed the hallways, demanding to know who had freed Lilith from the dungeon.
And he'd refused to participate in the war which had led to their sister's demise.
Why must it be a sin to love.
Even now, when Simeon steals a glance at Celestial weapons, it seems to him that they reek of sin, stained with the blood of their kin.
He forces himself to swallow the lump in his throat and continue on the unfamiliar path, and stops abruptly. The earth, dampened by rain, has fresh footprints.
Simeon narrows his eyes.
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You open your eyes groggily.
It was a bad idea to let yourself go to Purgatory hall alone, but you had managed to convince Lucifer after half an hour of bribing him with vinyl records and Demonus that the demon had finally agreed to let you go, but on the condition that you would keep sending him texts to assure him that you were safe.
Ugh, after this he won't even let you step one foot out of the house without himself or his brothers.
Bless their hearts, but a human also needs alone time.
You'd managed to make it halfway to Purgatory Hall, but then you'd inhaled something in the air. It made you light-headed, and the last thing you remember was footsteps rapidly advancing before you blanked out.
You let your eyes wander. It's a forest, but its not the one you're familiar with in the Devildom. The environment is strange, and it leaves an unsettling feeling churning in the pit of your stomach.
You can fend off any animals here, that's for sure. But again, the most dangerous beings in a forest are those that walk on two feet.
"Whosoever kidnapped me, it was a bad idea."
You say out loud, hoping they hear. When no reply comes, you continue. "I was supposed to be warm and comfortable right now, but you've succeeded in hindering my plans. Loser."
"Shut your whining."
The voice sounds like the rumble of stones falling down a cliff, and it hurts your ears. You finally let yourself get up, dusting your clothes from the soil that clings to them.
Something tilts your chin upwards, and you shriek.
"What the fuck?!" You exclaim, trying to push off what seems like an invisible wall from you. You can't see the offending demon, they seem to have some special sort of abilities—being invisible—and it does not have good intentions in mind.
And, to make matters worse, your cheek is bleeding, from where it had clawed at you.
"First time I'm seeing a human here," It croaks, from somewhere around you, and you can't find out where the voice is coming from. "Knew the Prince had a programme, but he never included the other layers of the Devildom in it."
It almost sounds like the demon is fuming.
"Are we not his subjects?" He seethes, and something lunges at you. It grabs your throat, and you're grateful for the spell you had from Satan to defend yourself.
You hastily mutter the words, as much as they allow you, until the demon is sent flying back, or what you presume, given there's no longer invisible hands around your throat. A shudder escapes your body, and it brings back memories you would not want to relive again.
"Whatever vendetta you have against your Prince, sort it out with him. Not me." You cough, your voice hoarse. "Otherwise I'll be forced to attack you."
"You?" It drawls on, seemingly amused, and you prepare yourself for another attempt. "A human?"
Then they're awfully silent again.
You hate it.
You can't tell where the demon is, and there are no streetlights here, and the forest is so unfamiliar, and with the adrenaline running through your veins, it does little to help you.
A twig breaks somewhere, and you whip your head towards the source.
There's a guttural roar, and then your surroundings seem to brighten up all of a sudden, so much that it forces you to shut your eyes. You hear leaves rustling, a shuffle taking place, and you think you hear arcane murmurings—
You force yourself to open your eyes.
And your conscience did not prepare you for this sight.
There's a demon on the floor. Finally visible, you sigh in relief, but you can't make out their features. And Simeon stands over it.
His back is turned towards you, so you can't see his expression.
"You dared to harm them?" Simeon utters, and the words have a menacing tone to it. "I will not tolerate this."
The demon shrinks backwards, as much as their hands and legs let them ago, trying to back away and away and away from an angel that radiates wrath.
"You deserve to be punished."
Angels were created to do God's bidding. Protect the righteous, execute judgement and serve.
Justice is blind.
And so is anger sometimes.
Maybe other angels would have been forgiving, you think. Perhaps Raphael would have let a rain of spears rain down on the fool and present them to Diavolo, or maybe Michael would serve Divine Judgement.
But you are a human amongst demons.
And there is an angel in front of you.
An angel who has eons of wrath bottled up in him.
But he's not all-forgiving.
You can't see what happening, but Simeon bends down to whisper something into the demon's ear, and you can hear the fellow whimpering at his words.
He stands up again, and turns his gaze towards you.
"Close your eyes, please," Simeon says, and you hear him snarl, but you choose to ignore it all the same.
He's never going to be the same after this, you conclude, as the demon's screams reach a crescendo. You know the angel is on the precipice of falling.
Seraphim to archangel. Archangel to an ordinary human. Human to demon?
Is it love that will lead Simeon to fall, or the very ground on which he had established his angel-hood?
Wrath chokes you, makes the air thick and foreboding. It's alike Satan's rage, which spills over, and results in destruction. But the fear radiating from Simeon is something else, ancient anger which has been left to simmer for too long and has turned poisonous.
You had closed your eyes. Like a good lamb.
But you opened them too soon.
"Little lamb," He whispers, helping you stand. "Are you alright? There's blood on your cheek."
You think its guilt on Simeon's face. He's refusing to look at you now, choosing to instead stare at the moon which paints you both monochrome.
"I'm sorry," You say, trying your best to lighten the mood. "But thank you. I'm okay, it doesn't hurt."
"Still....you don't mind seeing me like this?" He hesitates, words trailing off in a whisper. Doubt fills Simeon's heart, but when you hold his hand so gently he caves in.
"Let's go home."
You don't tell Simeon that you saw white feathers turn black. You'll love him all the same—angel, demon or human.
Maybe Solomon has a penchant for sensing danger.
Blame it on being protective, but he knew he could not stand back and watch you venture into Siren beach alone. He knows it is an important assignment, a vital part of your training to become a renowned sorcerer under his tutelage. Solomon knows you are worthy, knows you are formidable, but you're still learning.
And he would hate to see you hurt.
So when the protective charm he had placed on you secretly breaks, Solomon drops the vial of hellfire mushroom essence on the floor and stains his carpet.
He curses in a language that human ears have not heard in a very long time, mutters a spell under his breath and creates a portal.
Long ago, he would have checked twice before entering any newly-manifested portal. But he learnt and learnt and made mistakes, and now, Solomon can recite the incantation in his sleep.
His room blurs and disappears and the very air seems to change, and then the sorcerer lands on sand.
Solomon dislikes the ocean.
It brings up memories he'd rather forget, and the smell of sand and salt in the air stirs something foreign inside of him. It twists his heart into knots, but he brushes off the feeling and continues towards where your magic is the strongest.
A siren's song echoes in the distance, and Solomon takes caution and blocks that noise from his ears.
It makes humans mad.
Your scream is the first thing that reaches his ears, and he teleports.
"Make it stop!" You garble out, barely managing to cover your ears while the sirens crowd around you. They all have leers on their faces, and their lips keep moving, singing songs which will drive you to insanity.
Thankfully he can't hear, but oh fuck, he didn't teach you any spells that would keep the worst of the chorus out.
A pang of guilt strikes him. How could he be this negligent?
You look at him so scared, so helpless, so defeated—
Eons ago, he was like you too. Scared and doubtful, until he made himself a king and earned wisdom which granted him everything else, everything but death.
"Get away from them!" He shouts, eyebrows furrowed.
The sirens steal a look at him, and freeze, confused at a human which is not affected by their voice.
"Strange," One says, with seaweed in her hair. "A mortal who is not maddened yet."
He strides towards them, until he's managed to be close enough to whisper the words in your ear that will protect you against their songs, and watches as you mutter the words he says and then sigh.
"Let us be, we are no ordinary humans."
"That makes the hunt irresistible." They reply, and Solomon smiles, and shares a look with you.
"They think we'll fall in no time," He chuckles, hand under his chin. "Want to show them who we are, MC?"
You grin. "Gladly."
Then one lunges, nails and teeth far sharper than on any siren he's seen before. He recites a chant under his breath, and she falls back, into the sea.
"Warned you."
The others hiss.
You ignore the adrenaline running through your veins and focus on the remaining sirens, reciting a hex that you learnt with the sorcerer a month ago.
"......let them be singed."
There's a shriek, and it seems to be coming from all directions—the sirens all retreat into the water, your spell having done its job.
You stare until the surface calms, still not trusting yourself to face Solomon. You're trembling slightly, and you were so scared that you were going to die—
"It's okay." Solomon whispers, voice weak. You turn around to gaze at him, the sound of waves hitting rocks a background melody. He's smiling, but there's desperation in his eyes. He's hiding his true emotions right now, and aren't you doing the same?
The sorcerer hides his face into the crook of your neck, and you feel him press his lips to the skin there. He shudders, and you don't comment on it.
"I should have taught you the spell before letting you come here," He whispers, his voice breaking off at the end. "I had almost lost you there. Forgive me."
You wrap your arms around him. "It's okay," You a press a kiss to his head. "I'm safe, you're safe, we are safe." You hope Solomon is comforted by your words, given he's never let himself be so vulnerable with you before.
"You'll grow to be as powerful as me." The man chuckles, breathing deeply. Relief floods his body, and now that the adrenaline has worn off it leaves Solomon lethargic. "My sorcerer..."
He just want to be with you.
"We should go home," You suggest, noticing the chill in the air. "It's getting late. The sirens may return.."
"You can take care of them just fine now, can't you?"
"Now now, don't get too chummy with me."
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Sorry Luke—
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therobotmonster · 2 months
The Fae Thought He Had Her, but She's Had Lots of Practice
Actual Title: "On Foreign Soil."
The fae was having a grand old time with his latest toy. Mortals were easily befuddled with the magic of contract-and-courtesy. He'd taken pretty much all he could from the family: several names, the mother's attention, the son's concept of friendship... Even the life of the father.
He'd taken that one taking just the right moment of his time, the one where he moved just out of the oncoming car's path. That also took out the youngest daughter and making a new neverwas to lurk in the pockets of lost time around the home.
The tricks made him strong. The sense of betrayal and regret humans had when they realized how screwed they truly were was like honey: rich, sweet, and immune to spoilage. If anything, in the last sixty-some-odd years he'd been home the humans had gotten more petulant and even easier to trick.
It was a veritable buffet.
So when the eldest daughter returned home from college, he expected her to be easy pickings. The young were always foolish and prideful, and very often rude. They gave him so many opportunities.
So when she threw open the door, and stared at him with cold green eyes, he immediately laughed in delight. His face took on a distinctively 'David Bowiesq' aspect, a trick he found worked well the last time he'd been to the mortal lands.
"Oh, hello. May I have your name, lass?" He cooed in a cocky-yet-soothing voice.
"My name is Alex, and no." She said.
He raised a brow. She was canny, or at least half-canny. She knew enough to object to him taking it. Still, she had answered, and by the laws of the fae, the latter objection did not override the former offer.
So why wasn't he Alex now?
It was odd, but sometimes mortals were a little resistant to magic. He worried for a moment she was a skeptic, but she couldn't be. Her response meant she knew, or at least suspected, what he was. Moreover, he didn't feel the painful chill and sluggishness empiressence caused, nor the crushing weight of the explicable upon his bird-hollow bones.
No, she was just lucky, or was carrying an iron horseshoe, nothing he couldn't handle in his, or someone else's sleep.
"And what the fuck are you calling yourself, asshole?"
He blinked.
The impudence hit him like a slap. She'd just given him the opening to do anything he wanted, but the raw temerity of the insult, it's artless crudeness, it's utter lack of respect stunned him too much to enjoy it. His rage and petulance rushed into the hole left by his shock, and he sputtered.
"You rude little beast, you have no idea what you've brought upon yourself!"
He raised one pale hand, the flesh fading from it to leave nothing but blackened bone, and he pointed the index finger at her in a silent gesture. He let fly his curse. Not just any curse, but his, the one he had made for just such an occasion.
Alex stared at him. Arms crossed. Her hair was the color of the fae's own rage.
"What's the matter, cat got your brain?"
The fae's confidence wavered and the flesh returned to his hand.
"Where are the spiders?" He said. "There... there ought to be spiders! There should be spiders!"
She rolled her eyes.
"You broke the laws of courtesy and decorum! I can do as I please as a wronged noble! You should be spiders!"
"Whose laws?" It was Alex's turn to smile.
"Why, the only ones that matter, the laws of Faerie, as laid down by Oberon and Tita-"
"And Titsforbrains, yeah. I was five once and I can read. I know your dumb politics. Slight problem. Where are you now?"
"The mortal realm?"
"More specifically?"
"The Earth. The United States."
"Exactly." Alex smiled. "And while you might come the land of the platonic ideal of inbred nepobabies, in the United States of America, no law says I can't call a fuckface a fuckface. Fuckface."
The fae tried a different curse, yet Alex was not being twisted into any sort of goat, ironic or otherwise. "But, that doesn't matter! We're a higher form of being, our laws override yours."
"No they don't." Alex said with a confidence reserved for honey badgers and humans of age three. "Now undo all your bullshit and get out of my house."
"Nuh-uh!" The Fae's cocky smirk returned. With a flourish, he pulled out a deed. "It's my house, I got it off your mother, fair-and-square. She traded it for the heart your little brother so foolishly traded me. So you should get out of MY house."
"Contracts signed under duress are non-enforceable." She said in a bored, dismissive tone.
The Fae started to object, but the contract was already crumbling into dried daffodil petals in his hand. He tried to pretend this wasn't terrifying. Inexplicable happenings were supposed to be caused by him, not happen to him. "Are you a wizard?"
"Don't be stupid. I just know my rights." She said. "I'm betting you didn't disclose the full terms of the contracts either?"
The Fae shook his head, more from fear than as a response to the question. Of course he hadn't. If the mortals didn't do their due diligence and couldn't read Linear-B, that wasn't his fau-
The thirty years he stole from the youngest boy ripped themselves out of his body. A half dozen other deals began popping at the seams.
"How are you doing this?" He gasped.
"I'm not doing it. You are. You're idiot who runs on rules and laws who decided to come scam innocent people for your own profit and amusement."
"But it always worked before-" The Fae ran his mind through all his previous romps. Every single human had whined and begged about how unfair things were. Why was this one different?
He ran through those memories again. They were among his favorites so it was easy for him to see every detail. An old man trying to argue Fae law with him. A shepherd girl trying to use her own word games to trap him. A hippie saying almost the exact same words about non-enforceable contracts.
He ran through the memories again and again. Always impressed or terrified or blinded by greed, the mortals always argued on his terms, always went back to his wording of the deal or contract, always appealed to the laws of his people and his own noble position.
None of them had ever argued jurisdiction. Once one of them had, it applied, not just now, not just to these toys, but retroactively, and, from how it felt, with interest.
"Oh." Was all the Fae could say.
"Yes. 'Oh.'" Alex smiled like the cat that ate the proverbial canary. "Children can't sign contracts, either, you know."
Everything the Fae had done to the boy snapped back at once. It felt like every seventh tendon in his body had been snipped simultaneously with tiny scissors.
"Nor can someone sign away the right to kill them to someone else, or sell themselves or others into slavery."
Alex's father reappeared in the living room, looking dazed. In his lap was Alex's youngest sister, now remembered by all present as a person that existed. The return of the father's moment was a minor loss, but there was one less neverwas in the Castle of Paradox, and the Baron would blame him for its unmaking.
"Also, names aren't transferable between people, nor are they the whole and sum of a person's identity in this country. The closest thing we have to that is a social security number. And if you steal one of those, well, identity theft is a crime here."
Mr. Baxter, Mrs. Baxter, Julie and Sam's lights all turned on at once, though they were still groggy and half-asleep and would be for hours to come.
A fortune in names, first, middle, last, with nicknames and pet-names and all between, all vanished from the Fae's purse. He could feel its lightness in his pocket.
The Fae turned on his heels. "I fear I must take my leave, so sorry for the inconvenience!"
He was halfway to the door. The impact on the back of his skull knocked him forward off his feet, sending him slamming into the polished wood floor. The projectile that laid him out bounced and landed by his head.
He'd been right about her having an iron horseshoe.
"You don't get to walk away." She said. He felt her steel-toed boot, soles made of entirely synthetic rubber and cleats of cold steel, press against the base of his spine. His hollow, bird-bone spine. "You don't get to fuck with people, say 'my bad' when you get caught, and run."
"Y-your law!" He gasped. He felt his bones cracking. He wanted to turn into something else but he couldn't focus. She was pressing down harder now, because she was half-kneeling. Her hand picked up the fallen horseshoe. "You have to let me go, or arrest me, turn me over to your police, right? You can't just murder me!"
"What are you?"
"I- I'm a Faerie of Arcadia, a sub-Prince of the House of-"
"So not a human. And not an animal." She kept him pinned.
"No!" He growled. Blood the color of an oil slick on the highway began to fill his mouth. The pain made him forget his fear for a moment, and he bared his true face, something between a bug, a wax store mannequin, and a pug-dog. "We-we're a higher form of life! Far beyond anything this miserable pile of dung you call a planet has to offer! You will pay for this impertinence the moment you break the law that holds me!"
"You're a lot of things. A bully, a pest, a liar. But you're not human. And you're not an animal. In fact, as far as the laws of this land are concerned, you aren't real."
Alex lifted her boot to kick him onto his back, then pinned him again.
"Th-then you can't kill me!" He laughs. "You can't kill something that's not real! You've trapped yourself! You'll have to let me go!"
"You haven't been to our 'pile of dung' in some time have you?" Alex asked. She nodded to a strange white book-shaped object that sat unopened, upright, next to the television, next to a pair of white and black crescent-moon shaped objects studded with small white and black buttons.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Six hours later, a notification popped up on Alex's dorm room computer.
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johnwaynegayscene · 6 months
my former boss is refusing to pay me a month's worth of stolen backpay plus my last check and i need to raise another 200 bucks to cover my rent this month while i wait for the labor bureau to do their whole thing, if anyone can help a broke ass trans woman who just got royally fucked over by a shitty libertarian get through a fucked up surprise hurdle i will be so deeply grateful, my c@$h and v3ŋm0 are both punkyrooster and literally just a few dollars can be huge if i can get enough help from people sharing this as well 💜
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this is her response to me being upset that after a month straight of busting my ass to build and open a new shop from the ground up and being her only employee, working every day and long hours at that, that she wanted to "just let you know that if it comes up, i can do your job easily and better, i just don't want to." and that she still has other applicants standing by in case i started thinking i wasn't expendable, after i pissed her off by having the temerity to ask what exactly was going on with my paycheck because i had just learned that she had never actually submitted any of my hours to the payroll service.
so that's been fun
seriously, anything at all will help and i fucking hate that i have to ask like this again but jesus christ this whole thing got so shitty so fast lol so yeah again my c@$h and v3ŋm0 are punkyrooster and just sharing this will help me immensely, thank you thank you thank you 💜
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mariacallous · 9 months
It’s telling that both Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais decided to end 2023 by releasing specials in which their comedy pivots to poking fun at the disabled. Could they be more obvious about finding new ways to punch down than targeting people physically unable to fight back?
In a false promise near the opening of his brand-new special and seventh for Netflix, The Dreamer, Chappelle boasts: “Tonight, I’m doing all handicapped jokes,” because “well, they’re not as organized as the gays, and I love punching down.”
Similarly, Gervais decides to have a bit of fun at how we’ve decided as a society to say “disabled” instead of “handicapped” and what that says about us, and suggests further in his special Armageddon, released on Christmas Day, that he’d mock Make-A-Wish kids if given the chance to make videos for them.
And, of course, both men take yet more cracks at the trans community.
Early in The Dreamer, Chappelle tells the audience trans people make him feel like he has to go along with them pretending, as if they’re method acting like Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman: “If you came here to this show tonight thinking that I’m gonna make fun of those people again, you’ve come to the wrong show,” only to keep going back on his word.
He says he hoped to “repair” his relationship with the LGTBQ+ community – by writing a play for them in which a black trans woman only identifies as the N-word to trip up liberals. He also jokes that if he went to jail in California, he’d identify as a woman so he could tell the other inmates to “suck my lady dick.”
But it’s all just jokes, right? Can’t we just take a joke? Have we lost our sense of humor? Or have they?
Earlier this month, we lost two pillars not just of the comedy community but of our American community writ, as Norman Lear and Tommy Smothers stood taller than most anyone and everyone else in television, standing up to the establishment and protesting the powers that be for the sake of civil rights and humanity.
Now we’re left with Chappelle and Gervais—two titans in terms of Netflix ratings and paychecks—who are fighting for… the right to utter slurs onstage and tell already marginalized people that their existence is a joke for reasons that are nearly impossible to divine. Especially when there’s so much in the world to talk about right now, that they’ve chosen anti-trans rights as their comedy cause célèbre is dispiriting. As Mae Martin said in their 2023 Netflix special, Sap: “Big multimillionaire comedians in their stand-up specials are, like, taking shots and punching down at a time when trans rights are so tenuous and slipping backwards.”
Lear and Smothers used their clout on TV to speak truth to power about America’s involvement in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, the hypocrisy of religion, racism, abortion, homosexuality and civil rights. While great trans comedians such as River Butcher and Jaye McBride resorted to releasing their stand-up specials straight to YouTube this year, which famous straight comedians can you recall sticking up for the rights of trans people in America?
It feels so frustrating to sit and watch comedians with the stature of Chappelle and Gervais devote so much of their time and energy to bullying the LGBTQ+ community when they could be doing anything else on stage. And then they have the temerity to question us, the audience, for not laughing with them.
For his part, Gervais willingly misdefines and misuses “woke” by suggesting, “if woke now means being a puritanical, authoritarian bully who gets people fired for an honest opinion or even a fact, then no, I’m not woke. Fuck that.” Is Nazism or transphobia an honest opinion that shouldn’t get you fired? He then claims in his closing bit that “all laughter’s good,” a concept that would be news to 2005-era Chappelle when he cut ties with Comedy Central precisely because he could hear racism in the laughs during a taping of Chappelle’s Show.
In his Grammy-nominated lecture to students at his alma mater, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, What’s In A Name?, Chappelle claimed: “The more you say I can’t say something, the more urgent it is for me to say it. It has nothing to do with what you’re saying I can’t say. It has everything to do with my right and my freedom of artistic expression.”
But that’s not comedy, either—much like Gervais’ admission in his special that as a university student, his idea of a joke was calling his mother and pranking her by saying he was hospitalized and potentially blind. Gervais said her mom could’ve had a heart attack, but in his mind, he remembers it now as “they could take a fucking joke, right?”
At least Sam Jay, in her 2023 HBO special Salute Me Or Shoot Me, wrestles with her conscience and moral compass over the use of certain words in her act and concludes that having empathy for others is key. “How do the rest of us get here? I don’t know… I’m not going to pretend that I have the answers,” Jay says, adding: “So we’re doing things like we’re policing words, but we’re not policing behavior.”
Anthony Jeselnik, who has built his comedy career on brandishing himself as an offensive caricature of a comedian, told fellow comedian and podcaster Theo Von earlier this year that too many stand-ups would rather get into trouble by saying the wrong thing instead of focusing on their job and saying funny things.
“People think — oh, as a comic your job is to get in trouble. But they don’t want to get yelled at. It’s like, it’s OK to make people mad, but they don’t want any push back. And I think that’s wrong,” Jeselnik said. “As a comedian, you want to make people laugh. This is a quote attributed to Andy Warhol that I love: ‘Art is getting away with it.’ You know, if you put out a special and everyone’s pissed, like, you didn’t get away with it. You know. You need to make everyone laugh that they’re like, ‘Yeah, he talked about some fucked up stuff, but we’re all happy.’ That’s art. Otherwise, you’re just a troll.”
Kliph Nesteroff, a comedy historian whose newest book is Outrageous: A History of Showbiz and the Culture Wars, similarly told me last month that some while comedians see themselves sometimes as “philosophers” he believes they are “betraying their job description because you’re supposed to make people laugh, and philosophers are supposed to philosophize.”
Comedians may claim they can’t joke about anything anymore, but they joke about more now than ever before. The real problem with stand-up today is that too many comedians would rather kick people when they’re down, then lecture us on how we’re too sensitive for not laughing about it.
When Chappelle, Gervais or their acolytes have to incessantly explain that their jokes are just jokes, then they cease to be great comedians—or even comedians at all.
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alyrasturnz · 4 months
PETER {{ matt sturniolo }}
— part 2
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summary — you find yourself grappling with the passage of three long years since the promise was made, yet the anticipated return remains elusive, casting a shadow of uncertainty over your heart and mind. the lingering question of whether he will ever fulfill his sweet nothings linger like haunting whispers in your thoughts
warnings :: mentions of being drunk , swearing
— angst && a sprinkle of fluff
part 1
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"y/n?" matt’s voice reverberated through your consciousness like an entrancing symphony, an inescapable tune that wove itself into the very fabric of your thoughts, refusing to be dislodged.
your thoughts swirled in a tempest within your mind, each one blending into an indistinguishable blur as you struggled to stagger away, the world around you dissolving into chaos.
the sheer fucking temerity that this man possessed.
the audacity this man possessed to shatter his promises and elevate your hopes, only to dismantle your dreams, fragment by fragment, with a cruel precision.
the sheer temerity this man exhibited to obliterate every delicate fragment of your being.
and even after all that devastation, he continued to follow after you with relentless determination.
to what end? to merely shatter you anew?
you could not allow such a fate to befall you.
"y/n!" matt’s voice echoed faintly, swallowed by the roaring symphony of music that thundered above his desperate call.
"fuck off, matt," you slurred, your steps faltering as you stumbled away, yet Matt's hand swiftly ensnared your wrist.
you turned to face him, and in that instant, all the torment that had consumed you mere moments before dissolved into the void.
it had metamorphosed into a profound, encompassing love.
you gazed into the eyes you had yearned for with such fervent longing.
you observed the tension in his jaw, a stark contrast to the gentle softening of his eyes.
your eyes traced the perfect chiseled lines of his face, lingering on every exquisite detail as if committing each curve and angle to memory, a silent reverence for his sculpted visage.
in the stillness of that moment, you both stood rooted to the ground, a profound silence enveloping you. an ocean of unspoken words swirled within, yearning to escape, yet the beginning eluded you like a distant shore.
"hi," matt murmured, his voice a gentle whisper, as your eyebrows knitted together in a subtle furrow.
"why did you do that?" you slurred, your voice thick with anger that seeped through every word.
matt furrowed his eyebrows, inclining his head ever so slightly—a gesture so subtle it would have gone unnoticed had you not been meticulously observing his every move.
"do what?" he inquired, his voice laced with bewilderment.
"you swore you would return for me!" you exclaimed, your voice rising and words still slurring, as his face softened with a tender expression.
"you know I couldn't," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper, as you shook your head in utter disbelief.
"it's always 'couldn't' and never 'could' with you," you sighed, rolling your eyes in exasperation. "your words are like a constant fucking drizzle, dampening every spark of possibility before it even has the chance to ignite."
as matt parted his lips to form words, you swiftly interjected, silencing him before his thoughts could take flight.
"why make such a promise?" you implored, desperation dripping from your voice. "i fucking waited, matt. i waited with a heart full of hope, believing you'd return."
"i swear, i intended to return!" matt declared, his voice earnest, as you scoffed in disbelief.
"here we go again with your empty promises," you sighed, stepping back and shaking your head. "why did I ever trust you?" you questioned, turning away.
"y/n!" his voice echoed through the bar, resonating like a haunting melody as you stumbled through the crowd.
your hand meets the frigid door, its coldness seeping into your skin. With a surge of determination, you push it open, the weight of your emotions propelling you forward.
as the door creaks and yields, you step out into the night, leaving behind the echoes of a past that clings to the air like a ghostly whisper.
it’s raining.
the heavens weep, their tears cascading down in a symphony of sorrow, drenching the earth in a melancholic embrace.
the air bit at your skin with a chilling fervor as you emerged from the sheltering shade into the relentless rain.
each droplet wove through your hair, and streaks of mascara traced mournful paths down your face, mingling with the tears of the sky.
you lifted your gaze to the heavens, where raindrops cascaded down your face like a thousand whispered secrets, soaking your clothes and mingling with the tears you dared not shed.
how you longed for the rain to carry you away, to cleanse your soul and dissolve your burdens into the earth, leaving nothing but whispers of your existence in its wake.
never have you perceived the rain as something grand, violent, or fearsome. to you, the rain has always been a gentle reminder that when it descends, the world pauses and listens, attuned to its quiet symphony.
but in this moment, you yearn for the rain to be vast and hostile, wishing it were acid rain that could sear your delicate skin as you surrendered to the merciless hands of zeus.
you despised the lingering love you felt for him, despite all the wounds he inflicted upon you. you strive to be resilient, yet all you truly desire is to unleash a torrent of screams and sobs.
yet, the weight of blame rests solely upon your own shoulders.
"you can't walk out on me, y/n!" matt’s voice, strained and desperate, was almost lost amidst the symphony of rain crashing onto the pavement, the cacophony of honking cars, and the relentless hum of the city's bustling life.
"feels like déjà vu, doesn't it?" you shout back, your voice cutting through the tension as matt scoffs in bitter acknowledgment.
"please, sweetheart," Matt implored, his voice laced with desperation, "let's unravel this tangled web with words."
that endearing moniker alone halted you in your tracks, your eyes fluttering shut as you surrendered to the tears, letting them merge seamlessly with the raindrops that adorned your face.
"i’m sorry, okay?" matt's voice, raw and strained, battled against the cacophony of the bustling city. "forgive me for my selfish actions, for abandoning you here with empty promises of return. forgive me for failing to better myself so that we might reunite. but believe me, I tried. I tried with every fiber of my being," matt choked out, tears carving paths down his own face.
"i’m sorry," matt whispered, his voice a fragile echo of his heart's turmoil. "fuck— I’m sorry. I am so, so sorry," he murmured as you turned away. "I am sorry for—" he began, but before the words could find their way, you cupped his face and sealed his apology with a tender kiss.
your scalding tears mingled with his, cascading together as his hands encircled your waist, rekindling a sensation you had yearned for through countless, silent nights.
after a lingering embrace, you slowly withdrew, your eyes fluttering open to reveal a smile that met the depths of his cerulean gaze.
enveloping his torso with your arms, you nestled your head against his chest, losing yourself in the symphony of his heartbeat, a melody you had longed to hear once more.
matt gently rested his chin atop your head, a soft smile playing on his lips. "this is really fucking cliché, isn't it?" he chuckled, his laughter blending seamlessly with your own melodic giggles.
"shut up and let me savor this moment," you murmured, closing your eyes to fully immerse yourself in the fleeting serenity.
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Ed’s journey this season is going to perfectly mirror addiction and recovery, and I am so fucking here for it. Watching these first three episodes of S2 was like watching a highly dramatized AU of my own descent into rock bottom (except everyone was dressed wayyyyyy cooler than I ever was), so I have a lot of thoughts, reactions, and insights that I want to share with other fans. I’m sure many of us who have struggled with our mental health connected with Ed in these episodes, but I think addiction is the most appropriate lens through which to view him because addicts (more often than people who struggle with other mental illnesses) so wholly destroy their own lives and utterly devastate those of their loved ones. I want to share - from the perspective of someone who has steered her own ship straight into a storm and woke up alone to face some very hard choices - what is going on with Ed at the start of this season and what I think is coming.
Let me start by saying that Ed isn’t literally addicted to any one thing, despite his heavy use of drugs and alcohol, but his goal is the same as that of all addicts: escape. He does not want to sit with the pain of Stede leaving him on an immediate, surface level; on a deeper, more habitual level, he doesn’t want to sit with the pain of his own self-loathing. Of course the two are related: the former brings the latter to a head. Stede abandoning him dredges up and brightly illuminates all of his insecurities, and now Ed has to run. Get out. Escape. Don’t think about it. So he is fighting, stealing, drinking, snorting, shooting, killing - whatever it takes to not think about it.
“Demon? I’m the fuckin’ devil.” People in recovery often talk about addiction as if it were a separate, sentient monster living within them. Ed taking on the mantle of demon - a creature known specifically for possession, for removing the host’s free will - is intentional. So is his insistence that he’s not just any demon but the demon. The worst there is. (More on that when we get to The Innkeeper.)
Izzy’s confrontation of Ed in the captain’s cabin and then on deck is a form of intervention. Izzy is trying to help Ed, but of course this goes terribly for him and for Ed because interventions (I cannot stress this enough) are maybe the worst thing you could do to an addict. All addicts know things are bad, but they cannot be pushed to change one single second before they’re ready. Ed knows things are bad. He’s well-aware of how he’s spending his time, how his crew feels about him, how disappointed Izzy is. Being confronted with all of those truths by Izzy was always only going to make him do two things: 1) dig further into his unhealthy coping mechanisms, never mind that they don’t have nearly the effect that they used to; and 2) lash out at the person who forced him to think about it. Izzy lost his leg the moment he stepped into Ed’s cabin.
The impossible bird. You guys remember the song Chandelier by Sia? The one about her addiction to alcohol? The whole thing may as well come right out of Ed’s mouth at the end of that first episode, because that experience is exactly what he’s trying to convey to Frenchie. Nevermind that Frenchie has the temerity to tell him the bird can’t exist, that it has to come down sometime, that flying forever isn’t sustainable. The bird can come down on its own terms, or crash… but Frenchie’s definitely not going to say that much. Still, “that sounds like something that can’t exist” hits Ed, and leads us to the next episode.
Now we’ve got Ed forlorn, heartbroken, almost catatonic while playing with his cake toppers. We don’t actually see him crying in the opening of the episode, which is the point. He’s done crying now. The impossible bird can’t exist, and Ed has already resigned himself to this. He’s decided to die. The only sure-fire permanent way to not think about it.
When next we see Ed, he seems to be doing better, but this is a huge red flag for anyone who knows to look. He’s giving away his responsibility to Frenchie; he’s cleaning the cabin for the closure. He knows the end is coming fast, and the relief that knowledge brings him leaves him weirdly at peace. It is he eeriest part of these episodes, IMO.
Then he goes to find his first mate, the person who knows him better than anyone else in the world, the man he just fucking shot and ordered killed. Ed needs his low opinion of himself validated, and of course he thinks he’ll get it from Izzy after everything he’s done to him. He wants the one person who has stuck with him through everything to confirm that he’s now irretrievably broken and no longer worthy of his love. Ed wants someone to tell him that he’s right: he should die.
He doesn’t get that from Izzy. Interestingly, Izzy doesn’t tell him he should die. He says “Clean up your own mess.” Izzy has learned the lesson now that Ed isn’t ready to get better and that he can’t make him be ready. (This post isn’t about Izzy, but hoo boy - I have big feels about that man.)
Ed has been indulging in various forms of self-destruction in order to not feel his feelings, and steering the ship into the storm is his worst indulgence yet. This is the worst of his crimes - not beheading or arson or a red wedding. It’s when he tries to bring down everyone who has ever loved him into his misery, into believing what he believes. The audience generally (and Ed’s audience of Stede specifically) can forgive him for hurting strangers and for the non-specific mayhem whose victims we’ve never met; but it is much less certain that anyone will forgive him for hurting the only family he’s ever known.
The storm itself is the perfect metaphor for Ed’s attempt on his and, incidentally, everyone else’s lives. One of the most common metaphors used by friends and family members of addicts is that of a hurricane: that their addicted loved-ones tend to destroy everything they touch, anyone who was foolish or brave enough to stick around. And, like hurricanes, addicts aren’t malicious. Ed’s primary goal here is to get himself killed, not to kill everyone else. He wants the ship to go down so his death is certain. His firing a cannonball into the mast and asking Jim and Archie to fight to the death isn’t malice: it’s utter and complete nihilism. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing and no one. The end is near, and he’s so fucking drunk and high off these distractions that he couldn’t think about it if he tried. He’s manic with relief. (See also: “Finally.”)
And now for the finale: Purgatory. Buckle up, because this is where the addiction analogy gets real *chef’s kiss.* Purgatory is the equivalent of the morning after the worst, most rock bottom binge night of your life. You wake up with no one for company but the ghosts of your former selves. Now what?
Well, first - who is Hornigold to Ed? Why is he the guy Ed sees? It’s because Hornigold is another addict, if you will, but one who is (in this Purgatory hallucination) farther along in his recovery. He can impart some wisdom from that place, but he can also stand in as someone Ed can loathe because they’re not as different as Ed once thought, even if Hornigold can say he’s grown.
Hornigold tries to give him soup. He tells Ed, “Gotta get these nutrients into you,” and then literally shoves soup down his throat. That’s what it’s like in rock bottom. You don’t want to take care of yourself, but some lizard brain survival instinct takes over and makes you drink water, eat a piece of fruit, take yourself to the hospital. These things don’t really happen voluntarily that morning after, but you can still count on that instinct to kick in with some damage control.
Ed telling Hornigold how he “got here.” Hornigold says “Mutiny. It’s always mutiny.” Ed insists his mutiny was special, worse somehow. This whole scene is exactly what happens in your first recovery support group meeting. You go in thinking no one has ever been as fucked and fucked up as you are, which makes you feel isolated and alone. But then you get there and everyone else in the circle has done the same shit, been through the same shit. Ed’s not actually the devil; he’s just another demon, like many demons before him.
Ed worries he’s insane when he reflects on everything he’s done. Hornigold’s reply that “Feeling bad isn’t going to rebuild an abdominal wall” is a concept that people usually learn a little bit later in recovery, so I expect we’ll see more on this theme from Ed. Guilt is a useless emotion that only serves to conversely make the addict feel better but doesn’t help the harmed party: the addict feels like their suffering is cleansing, but it’s not - feeling guilt is just more self-indulgence, more self-destruction. Hornigold - a fellow addict in this moment - is trying to get this lesson to him early. It’ll return.
“You’ve got to move on or blow your brains out.” We’re getting back to Purgatory as the metaphor for the morning-after rock bottom, because this is the exact calculation that every person in recovery has done. They all had to answer that one big question. Your whole life is a mess, and you made the mess. Do you want to clean it up? Or quit? (Or make some soup? Yeah. That big question can’t be answered without basic needs having been met. So let’s eat. Let’s start there. It’s easier.)
Now we have Ed’s fantasy about opening an inn: This is also a common part of the morning-after rock bottom. You start thinking about the wrong turns you took, the mistakes you made, the way your life was supposed to go and all the reasons you’re not where you wanted to be. (And all the people you can blame for the fact that your life didn’t go as planned.) And when that honest part of yourself starts telling you that actually it’s all your fault… well, a) you don’t wanna hear it, and b) you can’t silence (kill) that monster, no matter how hard you try. You’ve got to face it. Face all those truths you’ve been running from for years. Now you have to think about it.
So now the big question, the inevitable math. Hornigold suggests looking at the pros and the cons. That’s the easiest way to break the calculation into manageable variables. This is probably my favorite moment of the episode, because when you’re sitting there, morning after the worst night of your life, everything is fucked - these are the exact variables that go into your equation. Do I really want to live? You ask yourself that, and because your life is in fucking shambles, you come up with the stupidest goddamn reasons to keep going. You wanna see the next seasons of Good Omens and Loki. You wanna eat your mom’s spaghetti again. Sometimes it’s nice when someone hugs you. It’s never the big things that save your life; it’s a bunch of the littlest things. The smallest comforts. The big things… they’re too unattainable. They’re too much to hope for, and they’re more than you could possibly deserve. What are the pros of living for Ed? Warmth, good food, orgasms. This is a stunningly accurate representation of the things that will keep you alive once you’ve hit rock bottom.
And then the cons: “I don’t think anyone is waiting for me.” This is why addiction is the better metaphor. There is no human experience more isolating than addiction. You are alone in more ways than you’ve ever been before. You have pushed away or pissed off everyone who ever cared about you. And even the ones who will maybe still be there for you - they can’t help you clean up the mess you’ve made. You have to do the work alone, even if they’re still willing to stand next to you. And this con… it’s the scariest one. Your list of little pros looks so pathetic next to the horror of being utterly fucking alone. Who is going to brave that for some stupid shit like Tom Hiddleston sexily flipping his hair back in that Loki way he does? Why should Ed carry on just because blankets are cozy and marmalade is pleasant?
This is where we get to the moment on the mountain, and what Stede represents. Hornigold tells Ed “You’re unlovable, and you’re afraid to do anything about it.” Ed could do two things about being unlovable: He could try to fix it, or he could end it all. Hornigold represents the worst part of Ed: his weaknesses and cowardice. And if Hornigold is in the driver’s seat, he’s going to end it all. He throws the rock off the cliff, and Ed gets dragged down into the water to drown. (Let’s also talk later about how often addiction is compared to drowning, and how nothing else in the show actually threatened Ed’s life - not Izzy with a gun, not all the rhino horn, not Jim’s cannonball - like drowning in his own mind.)
But then there’s Stede. Stede is how the pros win over that one big, horrifying con. Stede is hope. Stede is just a glimmer of hope. Hope is the most important thing you need in the morning-after rock bottom. As much as I enjoy the idea that it was love that saved Ed, I don’t think that’s a wholly faithful interpretation. Because Stede’s love for Ed doesn’t solve anything, doesn’t fix anything - it certainly doesn’t fix Ed. It cannot fix Ed. Hornigold just told Ed that he’s the one who has to “do something about it,” because Ed is the only one who can save himself. But even if Stede’s love for him in itself isn’t what saves Ed, Ed’s trust in Stede combined with that love gives him hope. Stede loves Ed, truly loves him, came back to him even though he knows Ed’s nature, knows his list of crimes, knows what he’s done to Stede’s friends and family. And maybe Ed can find in himself what he trusts Stede truly sees. It’s a “maybe,” not a certainty. But it’s hope. Someone loves him. Maybe he can love himself, too.
This Woman’s Work: I read this song as referring more appropriately to Ed’s relationship with himself, in no small part because Ed literally made himself the woman in the cake topper couple. All the things that should have been done, should have been said - they’re things Ed needs to do and say to himself. He’s got a little life and a lot of strength left. The journey has just begun.
I want to pop back quickly to a few other moments in The Innkeeper that resonated, starting with Stede and Izzy’s discussion about what happened to Ed: “He went mad. He was a wild dog.” Izzy describes Ed’s breakdown as if he was no longer the same person he once was; this is exactly what addiction does to a person. Ed hasn’t been himself; he’s been held hostage by his need for escape, and he’s become something else. Possessed, if you will.
Izzy: “You and me did this to him, and we can’t let the crew suffer any more for our mistakes.” I’m not writing an essay on Izzy (yet), but this is a very interesting perspective that says a lot about Izzy. Stede and Izzy both owe apologies to Ed, but they are not responsible for his actions. I predict we’re going to see this theme explored in later episodes as a part of Ed’s healing process and recovery. And also hopefully in Izzy’s growth.
Frenchie’s line that “We’ve been living second-to-second for a while now” is a callback to the impossible bird idea. Which, again, is just Chandelier x Sia. “I’m holding on for dear life, won’t look down, won’t open my eyes, keep my glass full until morning light ‘cause I’m just holding on for tonight.”
So what’s next? For me, it was learning to sit alone in a quiet room with my thoughts. It was apologizing to the ones I hurt, because even if I didn’t mean to hurt them - even if I was suffering also and worse - they still got hurt, and in the end it didn’t matter why. It was developing the habit of liking myself, and acting on whatever self-love and affection I could conjure up. And yes… it was new seasons of Good Omens and Loki, my mom’s spaghetti, and hugs.
So I think Ed has a lot of accountability, reflection, and breaking of old habits in his future… but also warmth, good food, and orgasms. And good for him. That’s the beauty of recovery: we get to come back.
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hannahssimblr · 3 months
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“Come on!” Jen giggles, “Just one! One little eeny-weeny teeny puff!”
“No! Get it away!” 
With one hand locked behind my neck, she tries to slot a joint into my mouth. I gently but firmly peel her hands off me. “This is the textbook definition of peer pressure.”
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“Oh, you should tell your parents what’s happening to you. They’ll think I’m evil.”
“They already half think that.”
“Come on!”
“I’ll vomit.”
“You might not this time. It might be different.”
“There’s something deeply insane about that statement.”
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“Here!” Shane interjects, holding his hand out for the joint. “Give it to me, sure it’s only wasted on him.” He pops it between his lips, and when he smokes it, the end crackles, a dot of smouldering light in the dark. 
Standing around watching my friends get stoned has been a regular fixture of the summer. We spend most of these long, lazy evenings hanging out in some unkempt corner of the caravan park, where the sun’s warmth lingers on the fractured tarmac and damp beach towels are drying over the wire fence around the tennis court. 
Last night, some man in his thirties complained that our chatting was disturbing his kids’ bedtime and that he could smell the weed smoke inside his caravan. Except he didn’t call it weed. He called in ganja, and when he went back inside, we snickered about it until he hissed out of the window that he was going to phone the police.
So tonight I am standing around watching my friends get stoned in town instead. It took me forty-five minutes to cycle in to meet them, and my reward for that is the ends of the Chinese takeaway that they didn’t finish and a wonky joint being forced into my mouth.
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“Fuck, that’s shite,” Shane hacks out a bone-dry cough, and he pushes the joint towards Joe, who has the temerity to look offended. “Hey! My brother sold me that.”
“Did your brother fish it out of that bin at the back of the chipper?”
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Joe smokes it to prove a point. “It’s lovely,” he insists, eyes watering, “I think that’s… that’s actually the nicest weed I ever had.”
“It tastes of stale crackers.”
“My brother wouldn’t sell me bad stuff! Don’t say that about-” his eyes bulge and he breaks off into wheezing coughs, doubling over with a hand clutching at his throat, “Okay, right enough,” he manages as we passively watch him struggle, “it’s a bit dry.” 
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Kasper is waving in the distance, doing a little half-run across the pedestrian crossing. He’s coming back from the off licence with a school bag packed so full of cans that he hasn’t been able to zip it up all the way. 
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“I saw Liam,” He says, eyes dancing as though he has spotted a cryptid in the woods, “And girlfriend eating at restaurant.”
“Just now?” Jen says. 
“Yes, five minutes.”
They must be on a date. I wonder did he ask her to his debs. I wonder if she said yes. I wonder why I am invested. 
“Oh! Cute! Maybe they’ll come and hang out.” She produces her flip phone and begins texting. 
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“No,” Shane protests with a waving hand, “Don’t. Don’t invite them.”
“Too late. I’ve asked her.”
“No. It’s weird! I don’t want her to see me stoned.”
“She knows you smoke weed.”
“She doesn’t.”
“Well, she’s about to find out.”
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My stomach does strange things at the thought of seeing Evie again. It’s ridiculous and makes little sense because she’s just some random girl who hangs out with Kelly Healy. It would be easier to dismiss this sensation as weird hunger pangs if I hadn’t eaten less than half an hour ago, so instead, I conclude I am experiencing a sudden onset anxiety disorder and concentrate on ignoring it.
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When she arrives about fifteen minutes later, I ignore the feeling even harder. She is smiling, but Liam is not. He drags his feet behind her, pointedly miserable, while Evie drifts over and hugs Jen, oblivious to him. 
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I’m there too, somehow, holding out my arms to hug her. I make sure it’s brief, because I am still somewhat attempting to be nice to Liam, and suspect he considers my touching or looking at Evie in any way to be bullying. I give him that awkward, closed-lip smile afterwards, and he does the same in return. 
The smell of Evie’s jasmine shampoo lingers in my nose even after she is gone. 
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“What happened to your face?” Shane asks her. She goes pink and wipes a knuckle under her eye. “Nothing happened. Kelly did my makeup.”
A laugh bubbles from his lips. “Well, you look mad.”
All I noticed was the dark makeup on her eyes and some lipstick. It’s not exactly shocking stuff.
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Jen rolls her eyes as she takes the joint from Joe. “Don’t mind him. You look lovely as usual.” She takes a long, luxurious drag. “You want?” 
“Ah, no. She can’t have any,” Shane pushes Jen’s arm away. “I wouldn’t let Evie do any of this stuff. She’s only a baby.”
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Jen doesn’t rest, she just swings her arm to Liam instead. “How about you?” And I wonder if the quality is really so bad that she’s offering it to him. I feel it’s just as good in the rubbish bin. Smirking, I catch eyes with Evie, who is trying her hardest to look serious, and wonder if she is thinking about the story I told her about him at the gallery yesterday. The memory of her guilty laughter makes me feel like I might lose my cool completely.
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Liam brushes some curls across his forehead and straightens up haughtily. “No thanks. I’m probably not going to stay for long, anyway. I have to get up at six for work.” He takes his phone out of his jeans. “Actually, I think I’m going to text my dad to come and get me now, so if you want a lift, Evie, you can come.”
“No,” she says, a little too quickly. “I think I’m going to stay.”
His brow furrows. “Will you just get a taxi then or what?”
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“We’ll get her home safely,” I say, and a rigidity comes over Liam. He won’t look at me, and a muscle pops in his cheek. 
“Will you? But sure, you’re all stoned.”
“I’m not. She’ll be fine with us.”
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“Okay,” he says, though it’s clear it’s not at all, but what does he expect? You can’t exactly force a girl who is so clearly repelled by your presence to hang out with you. In fact, Evie spends the next half hour chit-chatting with Jen and ignoring him while he sulks in the background, waiting for his dad to collect him. When he leaves they exchange awkward goodbyes, and she continues as she was, as though she’s already forgotten he was with her. I should probably feel bad for him, but I am oddly triumphant. 
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Corresponding LG Chapter
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thephantomcasebook · 2 months
Why are you making out earlier Helaemond was gonna happen like you knew something when it turns out he's just fucking throwing her to the wolves to fight for his god complex completely disregarding her autonomy and just weaponizing Helaena
First of all the actors were making out that Helamond was gonna happen, the leaks on reddit, which were accurate for the most part, made it sound like Helaemond was gonna happen. But, no ... some loser dip-shit in my inbox thinks I'm the one that told everyone. So it must be true.
Also, you obviously didn't watch those scenes carefully, not that this message proves that you're capable of critical thinking - or counting past your fingers and toes.
1.) They're outnumbered and out gunned and the situation is dire at the moment, it's all hands on deck. If they lose their entire family dies. This means they all pitch in, no matter the condition. Helaena fights or her daughter and brothers die - its that simple.
2.) Later on, when they're alone, Aemond is basically asking her to run away with him, to help him, because he's alone and he needs her. Not just Dreamfyre, but her, Helaena.
3.) Helaena rejects him, because, of what he did to Aegon, turning against their family, for his own gain. She also warns Aemond about his death if he goes to Harrenhal. She's chastising him, but also making sure he stays put. Cause, Aemond doesn't go to Harrenhal at the end of the episode he stays in King's Landing with Helaena. Royally fucking Alicent's plans and leaving a nasty surprise for Team Black when they try to attack King's Landing.
That's it, you don't get anymore, dip-shit. you just tried my patience with your double hissy-fit asks because I had the temerity to hold Olivia Cooke responsible for her own contributing to Alicent's character assassination.
I'm ignoring you, your messages will not be read, they'll be deleted, and the only way you're getting back on this blog is if you get off anonymous and put your name on the next tirade.
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agressivieandrophilia · 5 months
FUCKING FIGHT! You are a man, every man needs to fight, feel the sweat running down his back, endure the pain, face the difficulties, not fear the challenges. For a man to reach heights it is necessary to learn to fall, to have a body strong enough to fall. There is no glory without failures, without defeats, without overcoming. Man needs to learn to bleed, to heal his wounds to find true virility.
LUTE PORRA! Você é um homem, todo homem precisa lutar, sentir o suor escorrer pelas costas, suportar a dor, enfrentar as dificuldades, não temer os desafios. Para um homem se alcançar as alturas é necessário aprender a cair, ter o corpo forte suficiente para a queda. Não existe glória sem falhas, sem derrotas, sem superação. O homem precisa aprender a sangrar, a curar suas feridas para encontrar a verdadeira virilidade.
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