#fuck you kyle davidson
annieqattheperipheral · 10 months
go girl give us nothing you stupid fucking chicago team
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Wtf is this lack of transparency. Why is he on waivers. What if another team actually signs him will you tell them what this shitbag did.
Unlike your team's fans, kyle davidson, who've stuck by you through everything and defended you throughout, most fans do Not want to support and defend teams that hire horrendous human beings.
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buzzingblues · 7 months
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georgie, georgette if youre weird.
— seventeen
— they/she
— 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 🩷💜💙 ??? understandable ???
— hatchetfield hs, class of ‘21. GO NIGHTHAWKS!
as in the arts kids, fuck football.
— you will most likely find me in the auditorium, somewhere in the witchwood, a smoke club meeting, or on a shift at pasqualli’s (gag)
#georgieblr: my tumblr 💫
#losers club: talking to friends! 💐
#i love music: current listens and/or recs!
#rb: reblogs
[ ooc info under the cut ⤵️]
hii this is @exalt1ora (maxie) !! this is my hatchetfield oc roleplay blog im very excited about it yippee
Georgie Davidson is a 17 year old student at Hatchetfield High School. She lives with her parents, Mr. Ken Davidson and Mrs. Carol Davidson, in a suburb near the outskirts of Witchwood Forest. She’s a music + theater nerd, a stoner, and an avid researcher of urban legends and local history.
Her relationships differ based on timelines and circumstance, but there are some through-lines.
- Best friends with Alice Woodward. They met at a CCRP take your kid to work day as elementary schoolers and have been inseparable since. Bill is also like a second father to her.
- Close friends with Ruth Fleming. Georgie started doing school theater very young, and pretty much knew everyone involved. Ruth joined the tech crew in middle school and, being a certified chatterbox, Georgie regularly spent her breaks trying to talk to the new girl. Eventually, she broke her down and they’ve been close since.
- Drifted apart childhood friends with Richie Lipschitz. In middle school, they rode the same bus and both ended up sitting next to each other one day. Georgie struck up a conversation out of boredom and something just stuck. They kept sitting with each other and talking more in school, becoming closer friends. But, Georgie started developing feelings for Richie and she didn’t understand them, so she began to distance herself. Now, they don’t speak at all.
- Family Friends (?) with Paul Matthews. Georgie was babysat by Paul as a child, often alongside Alice, as she’d frequently stay at the Woodward place. She still calls him Uncle Paul, a childhood habit.
- Charlotte Sweetly babysat Georgie once in a while, too. Mr. Davidson asked the employees of the office to look after his daughter as a last resort, and offered to pay as overtime. Charlotte accepted happily, and spent the night braiding Georgie’s hair, making cookies and singing with the girl. They did this regularly, until Mr. Davidson became uncomfortable with Georgie being around her husband, Sam. But, like Paul, she’s still Aunt Charlotte.
- Second-cousins with Zoey & Zach Chambers. They don’t see each other or talk like, ever. But, it makes Georgie feel very starstruck to be related to Hatchetfield’s finest actress.
- Friends with Deb, Trevor, Caitlyn, PJ, Reese, Rose, Ziggs, Sof, and Danny
- Dislikes Max Jägerman, Kyle Clauger, Brad Callahan, Grace Chasity, Brenda, Ted Spankoffski, The Metzgers
anyone not mentioned she has neutral feelings towards and would gladly be their friend <3 (ppl she dislikes feel free to interact still💪)
okay now some OOC maxie things !!
~ i’m new to tumblr rp so if i’m not great pls be understanding LOL thank u
~ multi-timeline blog, will try to appropriately tag specific timelines
~ open to multi-shipping on both ends like idc if you have other ships and i’m cool having more than one bc of the multi-timeline thing
~ as you can see i do have like. specific relationships planned out for her in MY story but anything can happen so i’m open to everything!! i honestly don’t care how u interact with them. befriend them, romance her, bully her, plot to kill them! do what you please
~ she is a minor character so no hardcore nsfw stuff
~ anyone can interact !! obviously not like, basic dni stuff. if ur a bigot and/or a sicko leave me alone. but like i said im new to this and as long as you’re a hatchetfield rp blog you are welcome PLS send me asks or dm or anything!!! love ya
i don’t really have separate timelines yet, so for rn, general in-world action will be tagged #hatchettrash
will tag ooc posts #ooc !!
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mydearlaurisdarzins · 2 years
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idknhlstuff · 3 years
Thoughts from a blackhawks fan
When I woke up that morning and saw Jonny's and Patrick's quotes I was shocked by how tone deaf and self centered they sounded, especially Jonny.
I've gotten a few questions whether I'll be continuing to support the hawks and I think that's the wrong question to ask here. Alsmost everyone who mishandled Kyle's situation is gone from the organization. Jeremy, Kyle Davidson and 21 out of 23 players on the team were not there in 2010. The real question everyone should be asking (and I asked myself) is whether I could still support Patrick and Jonny.
I took the last few days to think if I wanted to stay in the fandom. Being a hawks blog on tumblr with everything happening at once was overwhelming to say the least. I know that this maybe ~should~ have been too much to want to stay, but it just didn't feel like that to me. And I felt bad about it. Why can't I be better and just leave the fandom? Or even switch to a different team and start a new blog?
And after thinking about it I decided that I don't really care if I'm a good person for choosing to stay, I'm already a hawks apologist. I'm already in tumblr's version of purgatory what's one more thing on the list.
But most of all, I decided to just let myself have this one thing. Tumblr is where I go to relax and spend my free time. My real life is pretty miserable. I don't have a friend group that I could spend time with or talk to about my problems and share interests with. I'm stuck in a program that I didn't want to study, that I find extremely boring and difficult and am no good at knowing that that's what the rest of my life will look like. I wake up, I go to my classes, I come back to my dorm, I study then go to sleep and repeat. I don't have anything to look forward to in my life. And the one thing that distracts me from all of it even if only for a while is being a part of a fandom. Just having something to look forward to, no matter how small, helps me get through the day.
So today I'm going to be getting up at 3 am and watching the hawks lose for the 9th time in a row this season (to the fucking Blues no less) and It'll be miserable, but I'll still do it.
P.S I truly believe that the real life Patrick and Jonny would be horrified and would absolutely be AGAINST me staying and continuing to ship and objectify them 😔.
(P.P.S to the people who read this and are planing on coming to my asks on anon to tell me that I SHOULD feel bad.... Did you not read a word I said? I decided not to feel bad and I just told you exactly why.)
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awigglycultist · 3 years
Okay I might as well post this bc I know I ain't gonna write this as a fic anytime soon cause I'm lazy but anyway I've been thinking about a Hatchetfield swap au. More below cut
Here's whose swapped with who, if there's an arrow in between them (ex: A - B) then those characters both swapped with each other. If there's an equal sign between them (ex: A = B) then the person on the left is becoming/taking the role of the person on the right (ie A = B means A takes the role of B, but B does not also take the role of A) hopefully that makes sense.
*note. I'll mention on several of them that they're aged up or down, but that doesn't necessarily mean that characters that I didn't mention an age change on don't change ages, it's just I forgot to mention it on them or it isn't a huge difference/doesn't really change anything, just assume age changed if it makes more sense
Paul - Emma
Bill - Tom
Alice - Tim (Alice is not aged down & Tim is aged up)
Sylvia - Becky 
Jane - Bill's Ex Wife (Except Jane doesn't cheat on Tom they just fall out of love and get divorced)
Linda = Ted
Gerald = Jenny
River = Peter (River is older in this, but still doesn't get with anyone)
Trent = Max
Jordan = Kyle
Seaton = Jason
(River and the other Monroe boys are still siblings, Monroe boys are all only a year apart from each other in age, at the time of npmd Trent is a senior & 18, Seaton a junior & 17, Jordan a sophomore & 16, River a Freshman & 15)
PJ = Richie
Reese = Ruth
Bob Metzger = Charlotte
Louie Metzger = Sam
(sorta, ofc Bob & Louie aren't in a relationship, that'd be fucking werid, Louie's just in the HFPD & infects Bob, their situation turns into a "my sons never talk to me :(" thing)
Carl & Lars = other HFPD cops
Roman = Hidgens
Trevor (Jon's theatre kid in the bbq monologues bit) = Deb (but also is still there and is himself in NPMD also Tim & him aren't dating, just best friends)
Ted = Lex (aged down to be late 20s in 2018-2020)
Peter = Hannah (aged down to be the 15 in 2020)
Jenny = Ethan (also same age as Ted)
Sofia - Steph (but, as said before, Sofia & River don't get together)
Grace - Daniel
Holloway = MacNamara
MacNamara = Duke
Duke = Wilbur
Wilbur = Holloway
Howie - Xander Lee
Colonel Schaffer - Bob Morris
PEIP Nurse - Secretary of State
Charles = Wallace McNeil (Secretary of Defense)
Wallace McNeil = Joey's PEIP Agent
Detective Shapiro = Freddie Biggs
Freddie Biggs = Dective Malone
Dective Malone = Doug
Doug = Officer Bailey
Officer Bailey = Dective Shapiro
Paul23 - Emdriod
Mr Davidson - Nora
Harmony Jones - Obnoxious Teen
Gary Goldstein - Lucy Stockworth
Barry Swift - Jonathan Brisby
Brooke - Hatchetfield Bee
Lex = Zoey
Zoey = Linda
Sam = Gerald (Sam's still a police officer, just takes on the general role of Gerald in the stories)
Mimaw = Roman
Zach = River
Hailey = Other Monroe boys
(also just to be clear no Zach & Hailey are not Zoey & Sam's kids, Zach & Zoey are still siblings and Hailey is friend of theirs, Zach gets kidnapped and Hailey's a bitch to him)
Ethan = Sam (Ethan's still a mechanic not a cop, just takes on the general role of Sam in Honey Queen spefically)
Hannah = Zach
(except Lex, Ethan & Hannah are all closer than Zoey, Sam & Zach, also Lex & Ethan aren't cheating on each other)
Pamela = Mimaw
Shelia = Bob Metzger
Peanuts - Ezekiel
Squirrels - Nighthawks
Deb = Ziggs (Alice & Deb are still dating)
Sherman = the Metzger Brothers
Max = Otho
Boy Jerry - Dan Reynolds
Girl Jeri - Donna Daggit
Richie & Ruth = Rose
Rose = Kale
Kale = Charles
Frank - Eddie
Hidgens = Sheila
Charlotte = Sherman (Charlotte would Hidgens' niece or something)
Courtney = Thrash
Thrash = Skud
Skud = Courtney
I don't have all the details yet but feel free to ask questions or for clarification or anything if you want
(Courtney, Thrash & Skud are poly, I don't take criticism)
Lumber Axe = Willabella
Willabella = Chumby
Chumby = Lumber Axe
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backseatloversz · 3 years
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ok. three people said they would indulge me so here you go.
ive been spending my time on exactly two things recently; thinking about dead poets society and watching snl sketches on youtube. so can u imagine my DELIGHT to find they made a dead poets society parody sketch? its called farewell mr bunting and it came out 5 years ago so im very late to the game but im gonna talk about it now
cw for (spoiler) fake blood/gore. <3
first of all. this opening shot
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oh my god. the lighting. the stuff on the wall. the jacket on the back of the chair. the DETAIL. amazing.
im assuming this was intentional; whoever wrote this sketch must've been watching dps and saw that frame and thought hmmmmm. ok. but what if there had been a ceiling fan? this will be important later.
next i just really liked this part
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the arts in general are for women and homosexuals.
fuck dude they sure are!
after that first frame, its no longer consistent to dead poets society at all. (which, i'll admit, was probably intentional. it'd be boring if it was! anyway). i mean the continuity was already off in the first frame, there are no empty seats. then pete davidsons character is the only one who shares the namesake of a dps character; mr dalton. hes not in charlies seat though, hes in some random one in the middle/back. and his first line (or lack thereof) is todds? but then kyle mooney, (i think? do i know my snl cast members? no. i do not. the blond) who looks like stick and is in todds seat and has a line of camerons, is the first to stand on his desk? and its never made clear WHY mr bunting got fired. way to stick to the plot GUYS 😡😡😡
but then none of that matters cause the punchline (spoiler) is 6'3 pete davidson stands on his desk and gets decapitated by the aforementioned ceiling fan. and its very
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i love shock humor. 10/10 fun times on youtube.com/snl
and Honestly? im here for it. dead poets society deserved to have a genre shift! maybe not by gruesomely killing one of the students in the last minute, but . i do think we couldve done w/ todd and charlie living up to their want to kill mr perry. you know? we deserved that. they deserved that. ya know? yeah. ok.
thank u for listening. goodnight
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km-davidson · 4 years
I’ll Be Seeing You – 1944
Kyle couldn’t stop laughing. To anyone else, they would have kept down. Discretion was key in war, but Kyle? Untouchable Kyle? Discretion didn’t exist when he got to return back to civilisation. Greetings were always done when soldiers returned back to base after not being there for weeks. He only went by weeks because there wouldn’t be any other reason the others would show relief for their return. If there was someone louder than him, definitely it would go to Aaron. Mark did his usual of going to the closest restroom to feel like a civilised individual. Kyle was finally able to take his gun off of his person, not daring to see how he looked quite yet. He needed a drink, he needed a cigarette, and he needed actual food. “Yeah, yeah, fuckin’ got them. Of course we got them while y’all sit here like zombies while we do the dirty work,” he smiled wide.
He loved it. If he said he didn’t, he’d be lying. He loved being the reliable one. The one able to take out the issue before it became a bigger one. Only those there knew because they weren’t allowed to talk about the secret weapons of the war. Honestly, he didn’t mind it. From what Kyle knew, many good things were coming his way and he was being recognised for his determination.
“Davidson!” He did his best not to roll his eyes. Usually when that voice called for him so soon, he would be leaving the following morning before he was even able to get his bearings. “Captain,” he turned at attention, just as the others did to show their respect. When he put them at ease, the others dispersed leaving Kyle to pull the cigarette out and pinch it to turn off. “I need you in the armory with the rest of the squad.” He wasn’t going to show him the amount of ammunition they didn’t use. Hell, they didn’t even use bullets half of the time when hands and teeth did the job. He knew what Kyle was thinking by raising his hand. “They brought us new toys, soldier. Just gather them and meet there at ‘o nine hundred.”
 Kyle knew better than to complain about not being able to relax. That was how it always was, not being able to relax. No behaviour reports, no naps, no nothing. He couldn’t even eat. “Sir, I’ll grab some food and get them, if that’s acceptable,” he risked his dignity. Surprisingly, it was approved making Kyle sigh in relief. At least he’d eat. Aaron was already there, Kyle could see his shaved head all the way from where he stood. The majority with the same haircut… Except that one. He looked at the slicked back dark hair, perfectly placed. Familiar. But even his curiosity couldn’t get him away from the kitchen.
Both Kyle and Aaron were smacking Mark against the ass, laughing along with their full mouths. Kyle had nearly a tray of pancakes, not even taking the time to chew them. “Yeah, yeah, I heard there’s a broad with them, but she’s got a ring,” Aaron continued to ramble on about his findings. It had the assaults turning to him as they continued to the armoury. “I’ve already told your eight ball ass to stop. Like, after all this, I’m writing personal letters to these poor guys to tell ‘em about how their girls are fucking around with,” he paused to kick open the door, Mark continuing for him while he shoved another pancake in his mouth. “The biggest fat-head of them all.” Kyle elbowed him as their other friend ripped into him, he was enjoying his time for once. Food, cigarette behind his ear.
“Gentlemen,” their captain called them to attention, Kyle’s laughter shooting out of him at Aaron’s retaliation against Mark. Kyle stood near the back of the seven of them since he was the tallest – and also because he was still holding his food. Since they were still rowdy, he lifted his head. It was disrespectful, he knew, but they listened to him more than they did the captain. “Boys, give the lettuce wraps the respect, come on, they brought us more toys.”
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callmemythicalminx · 4 years
Book Review: Lessons In Corruption by Giana Darling
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Where do I begin to describe how much I love this book, this series and this incredible author. I can’t count on both hands how many times I’ve re-read each book in the Fallen MC series, that’s how much I dearly adore them. As a frequent reader of taboo and motorcycle club romances, I was especially siked when I first read Lessons in Corruption to hear that it was an age gap (which all the books in the series are) and was student-teacher too.
Cressida Irons has spent the better part of her youth living a life never fully her own. Groomed to be a perfect, higher society housewife by her parents, she married her much older next-door neighbour at the age of eighteen, believing she was going into a marriage of excitement and adventure. Quickly, however, she realised her naive teen fantasies wouldn’t come true with her husband. After having an epiphanic glimpse into a more fulfilling and exciting life after seeing a man who could only be described as a chrome king, she leaves her secure husband and family behind. Starting over on her own two feet, she never expects to see the man who inspired her to escape her meagre life, never mind fall in love with him. But when she truly meets him, a man destined to be a king of the lawless and free, rearing to show her the world at his feet, she can’t help but want to be his rough and tumble queen. Only one problem- he’s her student.
‘Before King (B.K), I’d enjoyed my books, going on long walks through Stanley Park and hanging out with my parents. A freaking pathetic list. Now, I loved riding on the back of King’s black-and-chrome customised Harley Davidson with my breasts to his leather jacket and my hair in the wind’
King Kyle Garro, a man of only eighteen, who holds the weight of his predestined path to become the president of the Fallen MC on his shoulders like a bad omen. Forced to be a protector and adult from a young age by the world around him, he’s mature and intelligent beyond his years, with a desire to be more than is expected from him. When he saw Cressida gazing enraptured at him across a sun-soaked parking lot, he knew that she would be his, even if it meant he’d have to corrupt her in the process. Their age gap or the fact that she’s his teacher does nothing to deter him from seducing and showing Cressida how to truly live, he’s a man that gets what he wants and with her, he’ll stop at nothing to get his queen.
“Got shit for it when I was a kid but I’m a romantic. Read fuckin’ Wuthering Heights when I was eight and got hooked on the classics. Always knew I’d meet a girl, want her, take her and keep her forever. That would be it for me”
Though this is, of course, a romance and this story does include snippets of all the usual love tropes, the budding romance between these two characters is beautiful, exciting and brutally realistic. Every encounter they have through the book is filled with passion, something which Giana does exceptionally well with all of the romances she writes. Something the geek in me particularly enjoys is her use of fantasy and mythological tales in her stories. Her characters are often reminiscent and akin to greek gods and goddesses, but this doesn’t make them feel any less real. They all feel so much more special, sexy as sin but as loyal and powerful as the mythical beings that once ruled the world.
‘A king at home in a grocery store parking lot, his throne the worn seat of an enormous Harley’
In many romances I read nowadays, I always find that the heroine is in one of two categories- she’s tough as nails, an independent woman or she’s fragile, needing the protection and adoration of her hero.  Cressida is a perfect blend of these, fierce yet vulnerable, strong yet willing to be soft in the arms of her King. She can defend herself when she wants and depend on her man too. She yearns to be adored and loved by a man who takes what he wants and will give her that roughness she’s always desired, to be taken and made to do the most sinful things. She finds that man in King, who is single-handily the most romantic and lyrically spoken hero I’ve ever read. He can be both dirty and swoon-worthy, reciting his own beautiful poetry in his seduction of Cress. He’s family-driven, just like his tough yet loving father Zeus and his fierce yet fun sister Harleigh Rose, who both get their own stories also. When we meet him, he’s young but has the maturity, talent and intelligence of a man twice his age. His seduction of Cress is beautiful, as he pushes her to accept him with his own assertiveness while giving her the freedom to grow and live free after escaping the restrictive clutches of her ex-husband and parents.
‘King was everything I’d dreamed a man should be: a real man built of loyalty, tenacity and verve, who laughed like the world was made just to entertain him and loved like crazy’
If there’s one thing I really love about this book, it’s definitely Cress’s character growth. She goes from being a social recluse, looking down on the world around her to a fun-loving, ready to take on the world babe. She’s still the same nerdy chick, using cute curses like ‘for Pete’s sake’ instead of swearing, but she’s wilder, ready to experience new things with her King at her side and the Garro clan at her back. Giana does this so wonderfully with all her characters, making them feel so realistic and complicated, that you can’t help but be drawn into their stories, feeling the pain and happiness of every moment. The different spoken text by the two characters, though a simple technique, adds so much to their character. Cressida speaks eloquently, tight-lipped in a way at the start of the book, as though the shadow of her old family is still present, but then she’s braver, louder, voicing her opinions and speaking from her true self. King is rough yet smooth even in tone, speaking in long sentences, choppy yet at the same time lyrical and poetic-like. Other characters, like Zeus for example, have this amazing tiny detail, creating even more personality for these characters and I simply adore it. Giana’s writing has quickly become my favourite thing to read, as each new story feels familiar but exciting and new. Though I’ve now ready countless MC romances, this series especially feels so special and memorable to me in particular, because I feel like I experience everything these characters do. As Cressida breaks free of the mental chains her ex-husband and parents restrained her with, we feel the same excitement when she takes her first ride on the back of King’s motorcycle and every moment between them after.
‘It didn’t really feel like me, not the new Cressida who rode on the back of motorcycles, got drunk on weeknights with strangers and let teenage boys feast on her pussy in the middle of her classroom’
And let’s not forget how good this story is steam wise- it gets real hot when reading any of Giana’s books. When you read as much smut and steamy romance as I do, sometimes you can find that sex scenes are lacking or just don’t live up to the building tension author’s have been creating with their characters. With this book though… it’s everything you’ve been waiting for and more! Each encounter is exciting and passionate between King and Cressida, placed beautifully in the story so that it feels exciting and new. What I’ve noticed especially with miss Darling is that her sex scenes never just come randomly. They always add more to the story, either it be by advancing the character’s personality or adding more fire to the burning romance we’re reading through. Each of Giana’s stories feel so well thought out and miraculously detailed that when you start to read her other books you begin to notice all the extra details she’s been hiding that lead on to new romances with her characters and events that were foreshadowed three books ago, that finally accumulate and cause havoc upon release. It’s exhilarating. It’s also genius writing and it’s just one of the reasons I love Giana’s work so much.
‘I’m asking you to risk everything to be my partner, to stand by my side and rule the Fallen men of Entrance, to lie, cheat and steal, to breathe my fucking breath, take my kiss and my cock and rule with me’
With Lessons in Corruption, it feels like I’m being introduced to the whole idea of a motorcycle club once again, especially with one so focused on family and love. Because of this, as you learn each member’s story, you begin to feel like your part of the family yourself and it’s such a lovely, warm feeling to have associated with these books. It feels like coming home when I re-read King and Cressida’s story and each one after. Giana’s beautiful writing and storytelling shine so brightly in this first story, sucking you into the world of The Fallen- I cannot recommend this story highly enough. For both newbies and well-versed readers of MC romances, this story is a stellar example of great characters, storytelling, steaminess and beautiful writing.
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Favourite Episodes of Season 7 of Charmed
Season 7 is a real mixed bag for me. I really like Zankou as the demon of the season - honestly the best demon on the show. But I didn’t really like the whole Avatar storyline. 
1. The Bare Witch Project
This episode is probably the most ‘in your face’ feminist episode the show ever did (there might be one more in season 8). Most of the feminism in this show is just really subtle - just having kickass woman fighting evil every day and having a ‘normal’ life. I think they could have gone a bit deeper on some things but I kind of like that it was simple empowerment. I just kind of like being able to watch it and not be reminded of shitty things happening in the world! 
But I just love this episode for how one small thing like Godiva riding horseback naked was such an important moment for women’s history. I just like how it was done. That final scene with Phoebe riding horseback naked for a cafe to allow women to breastfeed was EVERYTHING. I assuming Alyssa actually did it and it wasn’t double because it seems like an Alyssa thing to do
2. Cheaper by the Coven
One of the rare episodes where Victor, Patty and Penny were all in the same episode which is probably why I liked it! Also seeing the girls act like children was fucking hilarious! I loved the moment when Phoebe is calling Leslie and then hanging up immediately then Piper steals her phone and starts making fun of her and Victor is just watching smiling - its a simple moment but it was good. 
I loved seeing Patty as a mother. How she worked out what was happening with Wyatt because of what happened with Piper when she was little was cute. Also having her talk about how her and Victor would have made good parents, and how difficult it is to leave. 
3. Styx Feet Under
This episode is just Piper being fucking done with everything and everyone and it is hilarious! After she gets turned into Angel of Death and Paige is having to deal with the cops and having to deal with Piper yelling in her ear while acting normal was so funny. Piper telling her to act sadder and then yelling when the police started taking her body. 
I do wish there was a bit more emotion from Piper when she was about to take Paige to the afterlife. But I could understand that she realised that this was the way things worked in the world of death. Much like how Prue had to realise that death wasn't the enemy. 
4. Something to Witch Over Me
Maybe I like this episode because it has Chris in it... maybe that is the reason?! 
But I do like that we got to see more of the Avatars. We had seen them very briefly in season 5 when they recruited Cole. Which by the way I wish they fucking addressed in the show somehow. I feel that would have been a really good sign that they might not be a good thing. Them recruiting one of the most powerful demons as part of their grand plan sounds bad. 
I do feel like Leo didn't have much of a choice into becoming an Avatar. Especially since Piper and Phoebe were dead. He had to become one to save them. 
5. There’s Something about Leo
This one I feel was a good one watching live because of the fact Leo tells Piper and the sisters the truth and how shitty it turned out. 
Kyle was a fucking crazy person. I really didn’t like his character much. 
6. Witchness Protection
I LOVED THE SEER AKA KYRA I WANTED HER TO STAY! Phoebe and her bonding were so fucking adorable. I feel they all would have been good friends. 
Also finding out what happened to Sheridan was fucking messed up. Kyle was an ass!?
This is also the first introduction to Zankou who I love. 
7. Extreme Make Over: World Edition/Charmaggedon
I do wish that the sisters were able to live in this Utopia world and able to have the lives that they wanted to live but it just isn’t the case for them, unfortunately. 
It kind of annoyed me that as soon as they made Utopia Leo then started questioning shit. Like why weren't you questioning this at the beginning? Like there is obviously going to be a catch to living in a world where there is no conflict. 
Phoebe having to get Piper to feel Leo’s ‘death’ was so sad. Making her listen to her son’s crying and then her feeling her grief was so sad. Paige as well. Paige crying and saying ‘i don't want to’ broke my heart
I didn’t like Kyle much and I don’t really think he deserved to be a whitelighter but like of course the Elders made him a whitelighter *eye roll* 
8. Show Ghouls
I don’t know why I like this one. Especially since this episode gave me nightmares when I watched it live. I am someone that is terrified of fire and the thought of being stuck somewhere that is burning with no escape is fucking horrifying to me which is probably why it gave me nightmares. 
It was nice to see Phoebe having fun with the witch stuff again. I also really liked Drake and his sense of humour. He was able to bring out that fun side of Phoebe again which was great. 
9. The Seven Year Witch
150 episodes of Charmed! I loved that they bought back Cole/Julian. I do wish he had some scenes with Alyssa but nevermind. 
I loved when Piper collapsed and she is like oh am I dead again? Piper and Cole is a combination we never saw that much in the show so it was kind of cool to see Julian and Holly play off one another. 
I am still really pissed off with the fact Elders interfered with that test Leo was on. They are the fucking worse. They are all high and mighty but they would hate it if they were proven wrong aka Leo choosing his family over his job. 
The only good Elder is that female Elder. She is the only decent one.
8. Death Becomes Us
This episode (and the next episode) are probably the best of the season. I loved how Zankou made the sisters vulnerable. Bring back innocents that they had lost to come and attack them was fucking brutal. I would have thought Inspector Davidson would be more pissed at Prue considering she was the one that didn’t save him at the end. But I could also understand why he was pissed at Phoebe as well. 
I wish we could have recognised who Piper’s innocents were. One of them would have definitely been that Doctor that died because he had their powers in season 2, in my opinion. Imagine if Zankou bought back Prue as a final hit... that would have been fucking rough! Especially since Piper had to blow up the bodies to save her and her sisters! 
9. Something Wicca This Way Goes
This episode would have been perfect as a series finale. It was intense. It had elements of the Season 3 finale. I remember watching this when it was live in New Zealand I was freaking the fuck out thinking that it was the end of the show, which was obviously their intention because they didn't know if they were going to be renewed. But I was so sad thinking my favourite show was going to end. 
I like they mentioned things from the past like Quake, past demons like Banshee. It had the nostalgia factor I personally love. I liked that they also mentioned Prue and had her be a major part in them surviving. Also having her in spirit close the door at the end was amazing. 
The scene when Piper was saying goodbye to Wyatt and Chris not knowing if they were going to make it out alive was fucking heartbreaking.  
I also loved that Darryl figured out the sisters were alive by one simple look. I loved Darryl and I wish they gave him more to do in the show - got to see more of his family and him on the job or something. 
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trashkweeen-blog · 6 years
Believe Me - Yolanda Hadid
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Have you ever wanted to see pictures of a housewife’s shits? I mean, not Vicki Gunvalson’s, of course, as she does not shit. As a side note, I don’t understand why this isn’t talked about more. It’s literally my favourite thing that has ever happened on any RH episode since the beginning of time. Vicki Gunvalson does not shit. First of all, she thinks it’s gross. Second of all, her body just doesn’t do it. 
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The fact that Vicki Gunvalson does not ever shit is the most incredible fact I have ever learned in my life, and honestly, I think about it like at least once a week. When Vicki Gunvalson dies, her body ought to be preserved, cross-sectioned, and displayed in science museums forever. The woman who just decided it was too messy to like, get rid of the calcifying waste inside her body???? Honestly, find me a better metaphor for how Vicki lives her life. 
Aaaaaaaanyways. You know who does shit? Yolanda Hadid. I know this as a full-colour, high resolution fact because Yolanda Hadid felt the need to take photos of her deformed shits in order to prove to the world that she has Lyme. 
This is what we have brought upon ourselves. Or, rather, this is the price we must all pay for the sheer blessing of Lisa Rinna’s existence. That bitch came in hot, found a first season storyline and fucking ran with it (which is why she’s still around and miss Eileen Davidson is not, thank you). Yes, in order to gain Mama Rinna, we had to all experience the Munchausen arc, and now we have to look at Yolanda Hadid’s shits. 
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Yet somehow, in a book filled with diarrhea and ass worms (worms that lived in Yolanda’s ass, of course), the biggest piece of shit around was David Foster. 
Here is a (stool) sampling of Mr. Foster’s offences:
Required Yolanda, a beautiful nymph who made him dinner every day and packed curated outfits in labeled ziplocs for his every trip, to be financially independent throughout their marriage. Just trash. If I had a wife like Yolanda, bringing me goddamn picnic baskets of lunch at work, gifting me glossy books of her bangin’ nude bod, and making me fresh lemonade from her ORCHARD, I think I’d fucking share my excessive wealth with her. The list of garbage ass husbands who encourage their wives to do the show as an exit strategy is a guest list for the seventh circle of hell.
Refused to support Yolanda’s kids from her previous marriage (you may have heard of Gigi, Bella, and Anwar?). Such fucking barf. You have a $27m house and you’re gonna be such a scrooge that you can’t support your stepchildren??????? Absolute trash of the highest order. 
Got his balls in a knot when Yolanda removed her implants because they were like, idk...LEAKING INTO HER CHEST CAVITY?????
Ended his marriage ON THE PHONE like the way you break up with your grade seven boyfriend when summer comes cause you wanna be a ho at summer camp
Told Yolanda her SICK CARD was up. Because as we all know, marriage consists of counting the other person’s hardships, and tapping out at the designated threshold. 
Honestly, there are more, but I cannot talk about David Foster for another second, other than to say that as a citizen of British Columbia, I rebuke thee and hereby excommunicate your trash ass from our beautiful province you horrible shit monster. 
K. That’s done. Let’s talk about the ass worms. 
The whole crux of the book is that this poor woman felt compelled to prove to the world that she was sick. This is a legit problem. Women are so often misdiagnosed or placated when reporting pain and chronic symptoms to doctors. It’s a thing, and it’s awful. There are so many instances throughout this book where men tell Yolanda that she’s making herself sick by working too hard, or assume that Bella is lazy because chronic fatigue isn’t real. it’s garbage, and it sucks. 
Now, I get that neurological Lyme is like, a controversial diagnosis and whatever. But you know what:
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What I do know is that this woman shit out a series of long worms, ass worms, worms from her ass. And I know this because she took pictures of them. So, like, yeah, she’s sick. I don’t think you can give yourself ass worms by “working too hard for your little woman body”. So, I believe you, Yolanda. 
THAT BEING SAID. These rich white women have GOT to stop promoting “alternative” treatments for serious illnesses. Rinna had a point in all the Munchausen mess, which was that Yolanda was trying every possible treatment under sun all at once. Overlapping antibiotic rounds with detox centres, sketch as hell blood oxidizing in questionable Mexican alleys. And like, whatever. If no one is taking you seriously, and all you can do is get colonics and stand in industrial freezers, then sure. What else have you got?
But you know what’s not cool? Referring everyone you fucking meet to the same Lyme doctor, who diagnoses literally every person alive with Lyme, and then sends them through a suite of expensive alternative treatments by the same doctors. This is a goddamn racket, and these doctors are making a killing off all these gullible patients who think getting their dental fillings removed is gonna cure them. A lot of this gets uncomfortably close to Jenny McCarthy, anti-vax territory.  
Please do not tell normal, middle class, suffering people that the answers lie in essential oils, illegal stem cell procedures, starving yourself with lemonade, and doing ayahuasca and mushrooms in Bali. This is bad advice. 
Overall, this book was gross as hell and I did not enjoy reading it. It made me sad that women’s pain is so diminished that books like this exist. It made me mad that David Foster exists. It honestly made me not want to be a millionaire if it turns people into the kind of lunatics who bottle and preserve their own bodily disgustingments for research because when you’re rich, people tell you that’s acceptable behaviour. If a poor person did that, she’d be on several TLC shows and none of them good. 
I truly hope that there is less diarrhea in the next book I read. Like, what an effort to get me to a point where looking at Simon Van Kempen in leather pants would be a reprieve. 
Quick Stats:
Pages: 312
Did it need to be that many pages?: NOOOOOOOOO so much diarrhea. 
Did it change my mind about the housewife?: Ugh. Like, not really? Who could ever dislike Yolanda?
Real-ass book rating: 📖📖/5 (It’s like, heartfelt and genuine, and kudos to Yolanda for writing through impaired brain functioning, and for being so candid, but it just kinda reads like a series of sad blog posts cobbled together with instagram screenshots.)
Junk food book rating: 💎💎/5 (like yeah, there’s some shade thrown at Kyle Richards, which I’m like, all about. But a good beach read has more shade than diarrhea.)
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brido · 6 years
Your Opening Week Baseball Guide
Well, March Madness is over. Your bracket probably sucked anyway. So you probably need to get caught up on the first week of baseball. I’m here to help you. And while it’s probably way too early to draw any real conclusions from the first week, I don’t want you wandering around looking as clueless as Gabe Kapler. EARLY SEASON BURN. It’s okay if you don’t get that joke yet. You will. Let’s start...  
AL East  
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Current Playoff Team: Red Sox
Projected Playoff Teams: Yankees, Red Sox
See, what did I tell you last week? Winky smile. After the Red Sox blew a comfortable lead on Opening Day, I’m guessing that every psychotic Boston fan wanted Alex Cora run out of town. Now they’ve rattled off 5 wins in a row and we’re contemplating whether or not the Red Sox might have the best rotation in baseball. I mean, probz not. But a week in they sure do. 
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You think Giancarlo Stanton is under a microscope in New York? Dude already got booed. It’s all fun and games in New York when you’re crushing two home runs on Opening Day, and it’s a lot harder four games later when you’re 0-for-5 with 5 K’s in football weather in the Bronx. I think he’ll be fine. Maybe Yankees fans should worry more about Dellin Betances.     
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AL Cy Young: Dylan Bundy, Orioles.
For all the deserved accolades of Boston’s starting pitching, the best in the AL so far as been Bundy, whose WAR leads the league, accompanied with a 1.35 FIP and a 0.69 ERA. That being said, the rest of the conversations surrounding division are a guessing game about where the Blue Jays will be before the trade deadline and whether or not they should trade Josh Donaldson. Right now, FanGraphs has them a game off the second wild card spot and FiveThirtyEight has them at 26% to make the playoffs. That’s a tough call if that happens. It’ll probably be a much easier decision for the Orioles, so we’ll see who gets to slobber all over the chance to land Manny Machado for the postseason.       
AL Central
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Current Playoff Teams: White Sox, Twins
Projected Playoff Teams: Indians, Twins (FiveThirtyEight only)
If you’re a Twins fan, you’ve got to be loving this early start from Brian Dozier. And Jose Berrios. And Eduardo Escobar. Right now I’m feeling confident in their chances. I’m probably even more excited if I’m a White Sox fan, since projections have them around 68-73 wins and they’re currently on pace to crush that. Yeah, they’re only 5 games in. I don’t want to get too excited. But the Sox have homered in every game. Matt Davidson’s 3 home runs on Opening Day were just a blip on the radar compared to the attention Stanton got. And this is a young team already headed in the right direction. The national sports media is still waiting around for the Indians to get hot before they care about any of this. 
AL West
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Current Playoff Teams: Astros, Angels
Projected Playoff Teams: Astros, Angels (FanGraphs only)   
Did you see all the fancy Astros ring and banner celebrations? It’s looking like that’s gonna happen a lot down in Houston. George Springer led off the season with a home run for the second year in a row. They’re widely considered to have the best staff in the Majors (sorry Boston... and I guess everyone else). They’ve got four guys playing the outfield. And if the Division wasn’t looking so tough, we might be able to project the Astros at a billion wins this year. Speaking of which...
AL MVP: Carlos Correa, Astros.     
This Opening Week shit can probably get eye rolls for most things, but Correa wouldn’t be a bad pick to be MVP, anyway. Right now, Correa leads the League in WAR and he’s been the second-best hitter, so I’m giving him the early lead over Mitch Haniger of the Mariners and Didi Gregorius of the Yankees. 
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AL Rookie of the Year: Shohei Ohtani, Angels. 
Remember when this guy fucking sucked in Spring Training? That was kind of fun. Now the Babe Ruth comparisons aren’t actually that insane. Ohtani might be the hardest-throwing starter in baseball. His hitting is starting to resemble the power exhibition he puts on in batting practice. And maybe we don’t need BREAKING NEWS every time this guy gets a hit, but this is one of the only over-hyped stories of the young season that actually has my full attention. Oh yeah, and he’s only 22.       
NL East
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Current Playoff Teams: Mets, Braves, Nationals 
Projected Playoff Teams: Nationals, Mets (FanGraphs only)
I think there might be an East Coast bias when Derek Jeter sitting in the stands in Miami gets more attention than actual games in the Midwest. But a lot of the attention is actually warranted so far. The Mets are going to be interesting this year. They only won 70 games last year, which made me skeptical of picking them for a Wild Card. Right now, they’re projected anywhere from 81-88 wins. Maybe Mickey Callaway is changing the culture there. I don’t know. But after the first week, I’m actually going to say...
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NL Cy Young: Matt Harvey, Mets.   
He’s back, baby! Or not. Like I said, nobody knows. But I’ll take that 0.00 ERA and 1.56 FIP as a good sign. Plus, it’s not like he has to be ‘the man’ in Queens anymore. 
NL MVP: Freddie Freeman, Braves. 
He’s been the best hitter in the League so far. And he’s probably the best player in baseball that America and your girlfriend have never heard of. The Braves have had the best offense in baseball early on. Freeman is a big reason why. Because he always is.     
The Nationals always seem to have fifteen different compelling storylines over the course of a season. There’s the lingering fact that they’ve never advanced in the playoffs. They have the impending free agency of Bryce Harper to talk about over and over and over again. I’m sure Nats fans love that shit. And since Harper always seems to be amazing in April, it’s not going to slow anything of those talks down. How anticlimactic will it be when he re-signs with Washington? Anyway, Adam Eaton has also made a big splash in his return from injury. So there hasn’t even really been much attention on their non-Dusty-Baker manager just yet. It’s just a matter of time to see who they’re gonna lose to in the first round. HUGE BURN to their zero fans that I know of.     
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You know which new manager is getting scrutiny? Gabe Kapler of the Phillies. It seems like every team has a new manager, but only one pulled their starter when he was dealing on Opening Day and then blew a 5-run lead. And only one called to the pen with nobody warming up. And only one looks like he’s not gonna be done reigning down destruction on Philadelphia until every one of their relievers have Tommy John surgery. That’s probably harsh. But it’s also probably funnier to me because he also looks incompetent anywhere outside of a cross fit box or a gym that only plays butt rock. I’m guessing he figures it out eventually. 
Hey, look! Derek Jeter is sitting in the stands with Papi and Posada! 
NL Central
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Current Playoff Teams: Pirates, Brewers 
Projected Playoff Teams: Cubs, Cardinals.  
Is it ever too early to start freaking out about the Cubs? I mean, Ian Happ was great in Spring Training. Then he homered on the first pitch of the season and after that, it’s basically been suck city. The Cubs offense is setting all-time records for striking out. They’re 2-3 after playing the Marlins and Reds, who are projected to win a combined ZERO games this year. Maybe we can blame the 17-inning game against the Marlins on Day 2. Maybe it’s way too early to be worried about anything. Maybe I should take solace in the fact that their bullpen has looked dope AF and that was a huge problem last year. They’re fine, right?   
As far as the rest of the division goes, you’ve got a fast start from the Pirates, who have only played in frigid weather. The Cardinals picked up Greg Holland, which could be huge for their chances at the Wild Card... or the Division, I guess. The Cardinals and Brewers played in a game that started and ended with back-to-back home runs. And Paul DeJong has probably been the most interesting story for STL. He’d be my second pick for MVP, after Freeman. He also hit .257 last year so whatever. 
NL West
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Current Playoff Team: Diamondbacks
Projected Playoff Teams: Dodgers, Diamondbacks (FiveThirtyEight only)
If you’re a Dodgers fan, what’s freaking you out more; bad outings and decreased velocity from Clayton Kershaw or bad outings and decreased velocity from Kenley Jansen? Because both things are happening. Kershaw is 0-2 and you can hear the whispers about whether or not he’s past his prime, even though everyone was blowing him in Spring Training. Jansen has an 18.00 ERA. Is this the dreaded World Series hangover that is obviously not happening in Houston? I’m looking at the rest of that staff and thinking they’re probably going to be fine. The moral of this post is that everything is fine. Probably because as a Cubs fan, I’m trying to convince myself that everything is fine.    
As far as the rest of the Division goes, Nick Ahmed has had a hot start in Arizona. Joe Panik’s solo home runs in the first two games led to two 1-0 games for the Giants, which was super fucking weird. And Charlie Blackmon actually hit on the road for the Rockies... where he’s staying put. And just for fun...
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NL Rookie of the Year: Christian Villanueva, Padres.      
Maybe the Phillies should call up Hunter Greene to make anyone give a shit about NL rookies this year. But Villanueva is tied for the NL rookie lead in WAR and he’s mashing for the shitty Padres. The Cubs actually got Villanueva with Kyle Hendricks in the Ryan Dempster trade. But they decided they probably didn’t have room for him in the infield, since he doesn't strike out every time at bat. Oh man. SELF BURN.   
So this is a good place to start. Everything will look completely different in a week. But that’s part of the fun. Baseball is fucking awesome.  
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doom-doom-doom · 7 years
SRS Business
Metro, Rebecca Lewis, Youtuber PewDiePie drops N-word during live stream weeks after distancing himself from Nazism
Eurogamer, Jeffrey Matulef, Pewdiepie threatened DMCA takedown following his use of the N-word on stream eam
Buzzfeed, Ryan Mac YouTuber PewDiePie Says Racist Remark During Live Stream
Kotaku, Patricia Hernandez, Indie Dev Calls For Copyright Strikes Against Pewdiepie After He Says N-Word On Stream
Gamespot, Eddie Makuch, PewDiePie Uses Racial Slur During Livestream, Dev Calls Him "Worse Than A Closeted Racist"
Perez Hilton, Seriously, PewDiePie, What The FUCK?!
Heavy, Paul Meekin, WATCH: PewDiePie In Hot Water Again: Drops N-Word During PUBG Stream
Mic, Tim Mulkerin, Video emerges showing popular YouTuber Pewdiepie using a racial slur while streaming a game
Comicbook, Liana Ruppert, PewDiePie Under Fire for Racial Slur Used in Recent PUBG Stream
Press X Now, Damian Seeto, Firewatch Developer No Longer Allowing PewDiePie To Stream Their Games
VentureBeat, Jeff Grubb, Firewatch dev plans DMCA takedowns of PewDiePie’s videos over use of N-word
GameInformer, Javy Gwaltney, Update: PewDiePie's Racial Slur During PUBG Stream Spurs Firewatch Developer To File DMCA Takedowns
Polygon, Owen S. Good, Firewatch creator vows DMCA retaliation against PewDiePie for racist slur used in stream
PC Gamer, Shaun Prescott, PewDiePie uses racial slur during stream, prompting developer action
AV Club,Sam Barsanti, PewDiePie did something racist again, indie developer decides to cut him off
Business Insider, Ben Gilbert, YouTube's biggest star, PewDiePie, used a racial slur in an expletive-laden outburst during a livestream
GameChump, Kartik Mudgal, PewDiePie Slips Up During Stream, Uses Racial Slur, Devs Upset
BBC, YouTube star PewDiePie makes racial slur
CBBC Newsround, PeeDiePie is in trouble again
Engadget, Daniel Cooper, PewDiePie in trouble once again for racist outburst
Mirror, JJ Nattrass, YouTube sensation Pewdiepie uses racial slur in live stream as he courts controversy yet again
The Guardian, Alex Hern, PewDiePie: YouTube megastar's N-word outburst sparks developer backlash
The Sun, Victoria Garo-Falides, YOU SHOOED Who is PewDiePie, what’s his net worth and why has YouTube star Felix Kjellberg been caught in a racism row?
Star Magazine, YouTube star PewDiePie faces backlash over racial slur
The Daily Dot, Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, After latest racist incident, an indie game developer is striking back at PewDiePie
UPROXX, Jason Nawara, A Game Developer Is Filing Copyright Strikes Against PewDiePie After The Streamer Uses A Racial Slur
AusGamers, Kosta Andreadis, Firewatch Developer Takes Aim at YouTuber PewDiePie After He Uses the N-Word During a Stream
NZ Gamer, Keith Milburn, PewDiePie Uses Racial Slur During PUBG Stream, Firewatch Dev Plans DMCA Takedowns
Hi-tech Beacon, Lula Armstrong, PewDiePie Slips Up During Stream, Uses Racial Slur, Devs Upset
Attack of the Fanboy, Dylan Siegler, PewDiePie Forced to Remove Videos After Usage of Racial Slur
NY Daily News, Kate Feldman, YouTube star PewDiePie blasted after using N-word during live stream
PC Authority, Alayna Cole, PewDiePie proves that videogame culture is still as toxic as ever
DVS Gaming, Jessica "DVSuccubus" Timms, PewDiePie Uses Racial Slur During Stream, Indie Dev Calls For Copyright Strike
Vulture, Halle Kiefer, YouTuber PewDiePie Faces Backlash After Saying the N-Word During a Live Stream
htxt.africa, Nick Cowen, PewDiePie drops racist slur in livestream, indie dev lashes out
Hollywood Life, Scott Baumgartner, YouTuber PewDiePie Uses ‘N’ Word & Fans Accuse Him Of Racism — See Tweets
TechCrunch, Jon Russell, PewDiePie, the world’s most popular YouTuber, is back making more racist comments
Slate Magazine, Matthew Dessem, YouTube Star PewDiePie Casually Used the N-Word During a Livestream, and Game Developers Have Had Enough
NME, Samantha Maine, Highest-paid YouTuber PewDiePie makes racial slur during online broadcast
Evening Standard, Francesca Gillett, https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/youtube-star-pewdiepie-in-fresh-race-row-after-using-nword-in-video-a3631466.html (Archive failed)
Newburgh Gazette, Jacquelyn Byrd, Firewatch Developer No Longer Allowing PewDiePie To Stream Their Games Newburgh Gazette http://newburghgazette.com/2017/09/11/firewatch-developer-no-longer-allowing-pewdiepie-to-stream/
Lifehacker Australia, Chris Jager, Here's The Clip (Most) Pewdiepie Fans Wish Didn't Exist
Blasting News, Diana T., Twitter reacts to PewDiePie's use of N-word in recent live stream
STV News, YouTube star PewDiePie uses racial slur during video
Wccftech, Rajesh Vishwakarma, Firewatch Developer Sends Copyright Strikes to Pewdiepie for Using N-Word
BetaNews, Mark Wycislik-Wilson, PewDiePie is back with his own brand of casual racism
Greenman Gaming Newsroom, Rob, PewDiePie Uses Racial Slur During Livestream Causing Outrage
LADbible, James Dawson, PewDiePie Used The N-Word During A Gaming Live-Stream
eTeknix, Cernescu Andrei, Campo Santo Files DMCA Takedown for PewDiePie’s Firewatch Video
Alphr, Lee Bell, World’s richest YouTube star PewDiePie shouts racial slur during live broadcast
Videogamer, Chris Hallam, Firewatch developer is filing a DMCA against PewDiePie following his use of a racial slur
Memeburn, Andy Walker, PewDiePie flamed on Twitter for using n-word in livestream
Glamour, Kat Brown, YouTube star PewDiePie apologises for saying the N-word, but why the F did he say it?
Telegraph, Mark Molloy, World's most popular YouTube star PewDiePie accused of making racial slur
Mashable, Gianluca Mezzafiore, PewDiePie uses N-word during live stream, game developer takes action
XNewsPress,YouTube mega star PewDiePie drops racial slur during livestream
PCGamesN, Ali Jones, Firewatch devs threaten DMCA takedown of Pewdiepie vids after racist outburst
International Business Times UK, Ben Skipper, Multi-millionaire YouTuber PewDiePie under fire for dropping n-bomb during livestream
The Local Sweden, Swedish YouTube star PewDiePie in hot water over N-word slur
Alive For Football, Christopher Zimmerman, PewDiePie uses racial slur during stream, prompting developer action
We The Unicorns, Benedict Townsend, PewDiePie Receives Drastic Punishment From Firewatch Creator For His N-Word Outburst
New Statesman, Amelia Tait, Will a copyright strike put an end to PewDiePie's racist behaviour?
ClickLancashire, Lawrence Kim, PewDiePie Uses Racial Slur During Livestream, Faces Industry Fallout
Game Debate, Neil Soutter, PewDiePie Uses Racial Slur During PUBG Livestream - Facing YouTube DMCA Takedown Notices
eSports Pro, Jake Tucker, Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg dishes out N word during PUBG livestream
Game Rant, Dalton Cooper, Game Industry Turning on PewDiePie After Latest Incident
TheStreet, Edward Hardy, The World's Highest-Paid YouTuber PewDiePie Uses Racial Slur During Live Stream
TechSpot, Rob Thubron, YouTube Star PewDiePie uses racial slur during stream, developer files DMCA notice in response
DigitalSpy, Rianne Houghton, Controversial YouTuber PewDiePie uses racial slur in livestream video
Daily Mail, Harvey Day, World's highest paid YouTuber PewDiePie under fire for shouting the n-word during a gaming live stream
Coventry Telegraph, James Rodger, YouTube star PewDiePie faces backlash after using n-word slur
Inverse, Mike Brown, PewDiePie Slammed After Outburst: ‘Worse than a Closeted Racist’
Indialivetoday, Avinash Nandakumar, YouTube star, PewDiePie, uses the “n-word” while playing a video game live
Jakarta Post, Popular YouTuber PewDiePie uses racial slur during live stream
Belfast Telegraph, YouTube megastar PewDiePie used the n-word in a live video and people are celebrating his ‘downfall’
Sputnik International, YouTube Star PewDiePie Triggers an Online Storm After Using the N-Word
The Daily Caller, Ian Miles Cheong, Popular YouTuber ‘PewDiePie’ Threatened With Copyright Strikes Over Racial Slur (A bit more than 10 articles Ian)
The Root, Yesha Callahan, YouTuber PewDiePie Uses Racial Slur During Live Video Game Streaming
n3rdabl3, Aaron Richardson, Campo Santo’s DMCA on PewDiePie’s Videos is Warranted, but Worrying
WJLA, Wenn, YouTube star PewDiePie faces backlash over racial slur
GameSpace, Suzie Ford, PewDiePie Under Fire For Racial Slur During PUBG
Eagle Radio, PewDiePie: Gaming companies vow to block YouTuber over N-word use
Gamasutra, Chris Kerr, PewDiePie sparks dev backlash after using racial slur
Nicki Swift, Emily Surpless, YouTube star PewDiePie uses racial slur during livestream
GameZone, Steve Knauer, PewDiePie Uses Racial Slur in Livestream, Can of Worms Reopens
PC Invasion, Paul Younger, Backlash begins over Pewdiepie’s racist remark on live stream
Ars Technica UK, Kyle Orland, FireWatch dev uses DMCA against PewDiePie after streamed racial slur
Clevver, Alexandra D'Aluisio, PewDiePie Says N-Word Yet Again, But Claims He Didn’t Mean it in a Bad Way
Neowin, Richard Tyr Blewitt, PewDiePie uses n-word while live streaming to millions
National Post, Sadaf Ahsan, After once again using a racial slur, why do PewDiePie's fans continue to defend him?
Destructoid, Mike Sounders, Firewatch developers issue DMCA takedowns against PewDiePie
Raw Story, David Edwards, Highest paid YouTube star shoots ‘fcking ngger’ in live video stream — and gamer dudes rush to his defense
RealGear, Eddie Randolph, Pewdiepie Under Fire for Dropping Racial Slur During Livestream
Salon, Taylor Link, PewDiePie drops n-word on live stream and reaps the whirlwind
Rolling Stone (Glixel), Blake Hester, Pewdiepie Streams Racist Slur, Prompts DMCA Threat from Gamemaker
Carbonated.tv?, Ramsha Sadiq Khan, YouTube Star PewDiePie Calls Opponent The N-Word During Live Stream
PC Games Insider?, Alex Calvin, Firewatch developer threatens DCMA takedown following Pewdiepie racial slur
Dextro, Chris Marsh, YouTube Star Pewdiepie Racial Slur Could Have Significant Consequences
Daily Beast, YouTube Star PewDiePie Uses N-Word During Livestream
Hollywood Gossip, Simon Delott, PewDiePie Slammed for Racism AGAIN, Roasted by Twitter!
TheSixthAxis, Tuffcub, Casual Racist PewDiePie Continues To Be Casual Racist
Variety, Todd Spangler, PewDiePie Blurts Out N-Word During Video-Game Live Stream, Faces New Backlash
RT, YouTube star PewDiePie under fire for branding rival gamer with n-word
TechDirt, Mike Masnick, It Doesn't Matter How Much Of An Asshole You Think Someone Is, That's No Excuse To DMCA
Complex, Trace William Cowen, YouTuber PewDiePie Uses N-Word During Livestream
Ok! Magazine, Kathryn Knight, YouTube star PewDiePie faces controversy after using racial slur during live stream
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idknhlstuff · 2 years
ok ok ok, dont come for me yall. pls.
after taking a week to process everything, and such i think that the trades/free agents were good BUT didn't like the cat one. i also didn't like how they did not resign strome BUT this is for the better of the team. think of pre 2010 team- we SUCKED bad. in order to get good picks like kane or toews- we do need to tank. (imo we were already doing that but...) however, it still fucking sucks. also dislike jones and think he's shit but we cant do anything yall.
also, i actually like davidson and think that he's doing what he thinks is best AND he has the wirtz family behind him, that should say enough. they know they'll lose money in the next few years but it'll be worth it- hopefully. i know davidson's plan to get rid of the previous dudes decisions was difficult and had to be done.
with that being said, lets get behind our rookies, prospects and minors-- they are the future. lets also get behind Richardson, he deserves all our support. his plan this season is gonna be different but a good different. either google it or listen to Blackhawks talk on podcasts or CHGO Blackhawks podcast too.
we arent done yet, yall. we arent gonna be Arizona or buffalo who can never get their shit together.
Honestly, tanking for a shitty team is always nescessary, however the Cat traid showed that kyle hasn't got a single thought behi d those eyes. Tanking is easy, it's what comes afterwards that's hard.
In order to rebuild you need free agents to want to sign. Kyle davidson has been nothi g but a shitty liar. Chicago is not a great team to be on as it is right now, but players would ALWAYS talk about how great the organization has been to them and their family, but guess what? That organization is gone through the last 2 years the staff turnover has been huge the fucki g comentator just quit and davidson is going to develope the same reputation vegas has over how shitty they are with trades. Every single hawks player has said they did not expect to get traded at all, people don't like that.
And the fact that he gets along with wirtz is not a good thing.... Idk if you remember but the old one has done nothing but cause more bad press for the team.
And honestly, I'm into hockey not for the teams I'm in it for the players. If I lived in chicago I would be all in on the wild cup chase, but I'm not. And since kyle is the one who is quite literally chasing everyone I like out of the team he is the thing that is ruini g hockey for me.
1988 or at least Patrick were supposed to be hawks for life and he made it impossible. Patrick wants to stay so bad, but at this point it's very clear he's not welcome and there are so many other teams dying to have him now.
And yeah hawks are gonna be different than arizona and buffalo as in people won't feel the least bit sorry for them and openly mock hawks fans.
All in all, kyle personally ruined the hawks for me.
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How about that little werewolf tiff Kyle stirred up at the last council meeting?
How about it then, huh? Kyle Davidson ( @kmdavidson ) sure must think he’s hot shit, right? Like he has the right to say and do anything he damn well pleases. Who is Kyle, really? Who does he think he is? He wants the werewolves to take a stand, good fucking luck buddy, because I can tell you already, there’s been a werewolf stand in the making for months if not for a whole year. And I get it, I really do, you weren’t a werewolf way back then. But I tell you what, this isn’t a game little friend. Consider this a personal warning because it’s not cute anymore.
Kyle was a good seed gone bad. The Council meeting was only the beginning of the awful things he’s going to try to do. Perhaps if the Council stays strong and united, they will be victorious. Kyle will be missed. 
But, you didn’t hear that from me
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velmaemyers88 · 5 years
The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team doesn’t just tolerate religion, it embraces it – ThinkProgress
The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team has been getting a lot of attention and well-deserved adulation over the past 10 days, ever since they won their second consecutive Women’s World Cup in dominant fashion over the Netherlands in Lyon, France. But as night must follow day, any praise for loud, outspoken women must be counterbalanced with bad-faith, ill-informed criticism.
You’ve probably heard the complaints by now: They’ve partied too hard; they sign autographs dismissively; they say the word “fuck” an awful lot. But this week, another narrative emerged: they’re anti-Christian.
This latest attack surfaced when a conservative activist on Twitter, Ekeocha Obianuju, shared the story of Jaelene Hinkle, a defender in the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) who refused to play with the U.S. national team in 2017 when she found out she would have to wear a jersey honoring LGBTQ Pride month.
“Apparently, the US women’s Football team is not a very welcoming place for Christians,” Ekeocha wrote in a tweet that went viral.
This quickly led to conservative outlets publishing articles like this one in the Washington Examiner with the headline “While Megan Rapinoe is celebrated, a Christian player got pushed off the USWNT for not being woke enough.” But it didn’t take long for one prominent member of the team, backup goalkeeper Ashlyn Harris, to speak out against this notion.
“Hinkle, our team is about inclusion. Your religion was never the problem. The problem is your intolerance and you are homophobic. You don’t belong in a sport that aims to unite and bring people together,” Harris wrote on Twitter. “You would never fit into our pack or what this team stands for.”
Later, Harris added, “This is actually an insult to the Christians on our team.”
Don’t you dare say our team is ‘not a welcoming place for Christians’. You weren’t around long enough to know what this team stood for. This is actually an insult to the Christians on our team. Same on you.
— Ashlyn Harris (@Ashlyn_Harris) July 15, 2019
Harris’s tweets followed those of Kyle Krieger, the brother of Harris’s fiancée and USWNT teammate, Ali Krieger.
“As someone close to the team, I know this is false. The players have an inclusive bible study, they pray before and after the WC games, and they are open to whatever faith you follow. Not all Christians are bigots. Hinkle, on the other hand, hides her bigotry behind her faith,” Krieger tweeted.
Now, it is worth noting that it was Ekeocha, not Hinkle, who explicitly stated the USWNT was not a welcoming place for Christians. However, Hinkle has openly portrayed herself as a martyr for stepping away from the team in 2017 because apparently God spoke to her and told her that she would be defying her religion if she wore a jersey that supported the LGBTQ community.
“I just felt so convicted in my spirit that it wasn’t my job to wear this jersey,” Hinkle told CBN at the time. “And so I gave myself three days to just seek and pray and determine what He was asking me to do in this position.”
As both Harris and Krieger noted in their tweets, it is false bordering on comical to paint the USWNT as being anti-Christian. Many players on the USWNT are extremely vocal about their Christian faith. There is a group — including Moe Brian, Crystal Dunn, Allie Long, Mallory Pugh, Jessica McDonald, Emily Sonnet, Tobin Heath, Julie Ertz, Alyssa Naeher, Alex Morgan, and Kelley O’Hara — who kneel in a prayer circle in the middle of the field after every game. After they won the World Cup, Brian posted a long note on Instagram that began by thanking God, and Heath and Ertz both shared messages that said, “glory to God.”
Christianity is a very visible part of the USWNT. So too, however, is support of the LGBTQ community. Multiple members of the team are open about being in same-sex relationships — including head coach Jill Ellis, co-captain Megan Rapinoe, Harris, Krieger, Tierna Davidson, Adriana Franch, and Kelley O’Hara. And a large portion of the fan base in women’s soccer is LGBTQ as well. When Hinkle refused to even put on a jersey with rainbow-colored numbers on it, it was a clear rejection of the very humanity of the queer community. That isn’t faith. That’s hate.
Hinkle has long been open on social media about her homophobia — she was against the legalization of same-sex marriage — and ever since she refused to play for the national team in her first call-up in 2017, there has been speculation by many in the conservative community that the only reason she isn’t on the team is because of her anti-LGBTQ views.
There’s no real way to know if that’s the case, though. Even Harris would not be privy to the full extent of that decision-making process.
Hinkle has only been called up to a national team camp once since 2017, and she was only there for a few days before being cut. Ellis has repeatedly said the decision to exclude Hinkle was based on her lack of versatility — she only plays left back — and experience level. It’s about soccer, she says, not beliefs.
“If you look across the back line, all of those players can play at least two positions,” Ellis said, as reported by Yahoo Sports.
“One of the things our staff and I do is, we go through worst-case scenarios over and over and over again,” Ellis continued. “So looking at depth and versatility is a big part. And it becomes harder, I think, for a player that plays one position … a player that’s locked to one position — I do think that’s part of the decision-making.”
But team chemistry plays a part in these selections, too. As it should. The World Cup is a grueling affair. Relationships are tested. The media scrutiny is at all-time high. Trust is paramount. Hinkle was a bubble player already, meaning her inclusion on the roster was far from a sure thing. Harris’s tweets this week made it clear that there is tension between Hinkle and some members of the team, which is understandable given that she openly wants to deny the right for her teammates and coach to marry the person that they love.
This doesn’t mean that everyone on the team feels animosity towards Hinkle. Hinkle plays with a few members of the USWNT on the North Carolina Courage, the team that won the NWSL championship last season. Clearly she can co-exist, and even thrive, as a part of a diverse locker room.
McDonald, a teammate of Hinkle’s on the Courage and a member of the USWNT, came to Hinkle’s defense last year after the CBN interview was released. In a recent social media post, McDonald referred to Hinkle as her “best friend.” But while McDonald is also very open about her Christianity, she is supportive of LGBTQ equality and seems to be close with all of her teammates. This week, as the controversy around Hinkle was erupting, McDonald posted a photo on Instagram of her son holding the World Cup trophy and getting kissed by Rapinoe.
That, more than anything, proves what Harris and Krieger were saying this week: The USWNT is a welcoming group. The only caveat is, the love and respect has to be mutual.
Credit: Source link
The post The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team doesn’t just tolerate religion, it embraces it – ThinkProgress appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/the-u-s-womens-soccer-team-doesnt-just-tolerate-religion-it-embraces-it-thinkprogress/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-u-s-womens-soccer-team-doesnt-just-tolerate-religion-it-embraces-it-thinkprogress from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186365986602
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reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team doesn’t just tolerate religion, it embraces it – ThinkProgress
The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team has been getting a lot of attention and well-deserved adulation over the past 10 days, ever since they won their second consecutive Women’s World Cup in dominant fashion over the Netherlands in Lyon, France. But as night must follow day, any praise for loud, outspoken women must be counterbalanced with bad-faith, ill-informed criticism.
You’ve probably heard the complaints by now: They’ve partied too hard; they sign autographs dismissively; they say the word “fuck” an awful lot. But this week, another narrative emerged: they’re anti-Christian.
This latest attack surfaced when a conservative activist on Twitter, Ekeocha Obianuju, shared the story of Jaelene Hinkle, a defender in the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) who refused to play with the U.S. national team in 2017 when she found out she would have to wear a jersey honoring LGBTQ Pride month.
“Apparently, the US women’s Football team is not a very welcoming place for Christians,” Ekeocha wrote in a tweet that went viral.
This quickly led to conservative outlets publishing articles like this one in the Washington Examiner with the headline “While Megan Rapinoe is celebrated, a Christian player got pushed off the USWNT for not being woke enough.” But it didn’t take long for one prominent member of the team, backup goalkeeper Ashlyn Harris, to speak out against this notion.
“Hinkle, our team is about inclusion. Your religion was never the problem. The problem is your intolerance and you are homophobic. You don’t belong in a sport that aims to unite and bring people together,” Harris wrote on Twitter. “You would never fit into our pack or what this team stands for.”
Later, Harris added, “This is actually an insult to the Christians on our team.”
Don’t you dare say our team is ‘not a welcoming place for Christians’. You weren’t around long enough to know what this team stood for. This is actually an insult to the Christians on our team. Same on you.
— Ashlyn Harris (@Ashlyn_Harris) July 15, 2019
Harris’s tweets followed those of Kyle Krieger, the brother of Harris’s fiancée and USWNT teammate, Ali Krieger.
“As someone close to the team, I know this is false. The players have an inclusive bible study, they pray before and after the WC games, and they are open to whatever faith you follow. Not all Christians are bigots. Hinkle, on the other hand, hides her bigotry behind her faith,” Krieger tweeted.
Now, it is worth noting that it was Ekeocha, not Hinkle, who explicitly stated the USWNT was not a welcoming place for Christians. However, Hinkle has openly portrayed herself as a martyr for stepping away from the team in 2017 because apparently God spoke to her and told her that she would be defying her religion if she wore a jersey that supported the LGBTQ community.
“I just felt so convicted in my spirit that it wasn’t my job to wear this jersey,” Hinkle told CBN at the time. “And so I gave myself three days to just seek and pray and determine what He was asking me to do in this position.”
As both Harris and Krieger noted in their tweets, it is false bordering on comical to paint the USWNT as being anti-Christian. Many players on the USWNT are extremely vocal about their Christian faith. There is a group — including Moe Brian, Crystal Dunn, Allie Long, Mallory Pugh, Jessica McDonald, Emily Sonnet, Tobin Heath, Julie Ertz, Alyssa Naeher, Alex Morgan, and Kelley O’Hara — who kneel in a prayer circle in the middle of the field after every game. After they won the World Cup, Brian posted a long note on Instagram that began by thanking God, and Heath and Ertz both shared messages that said, “glory to God.”
Christianity is a very visible part of the USWNT. So too, however, is support of the LGBTQ community. Multiple members of the team are open about being in same-sex relationships — including head coach Jill Ellis, co-captain Megan Rapinoe, Harris, Krieger, Tierna Davidson, Adriana Franch, and Kelley O’Hara. And a large portion of the fan base in women’s soccer is LGBTQ as well. When Hinkle refused to even put on a jersey with rainbow-colored numbers on it, it was a clear rejection of the very humanity of the queer community. That isn’t faith. That’s hate.
Hinkle has long been open on social media about her homophobia — she was against the legalization of same-sex marriage — and ever since she refused to play for the national team in her first call-up in 2017, there has been speculation by many in the conservative community that the only reason she isn’t on the team is because of her anti-LGBTQ views.
There’s no real way to know if that’s the case, though. Even Harris would not be privy to the full extent of that decision-making process.
Hinkle has only been called up to a national team camp once since 2017, and she was only there for a few days before being cut. Ellis has repeatedly said the decision to exclude Hinkle was based on her lack of versatility — she only plays left back — and experience level. It’s about soccer, she says, not beliefs.
“If you look across the back line, all of those players can play at least two positions,” Ellis said, as reported by Yahoo Sports.
“One of the things our staff and I do is, we go through worst-case scenarios over and over and over again,” Ellis continued. “So looking at depth and versatility is a big part. And it becomes harder, I think, for a player that plays one position … a player that’s locked to one position — I do think that’s part of the decision-making.”
But team chemistry plays a part in these selections, too. As it should. The World Cup is a grueling affair. Relationships are tested. The media scrutiny is at all-time high. Trust is paramount. Hinkle was a bubble player already, meaning her inclusion on the roster was far from a sure thing. Harris’s tweets this week made it clear that there is tension between Hinkle and some members of the team, which is understandable given that she openly wants to deny the right for her teammates and coach to marry the person that they love.
This doesn’t mean that everyone on the team feels animosity towards Hinkle. Hinkle plays with a few members of the USWNT on the North Carolina Courage, the team that won the NWSL championship last season. Clearly she can co-exist, and even thrive, as a part of a diverse locker room.
McDonald, a teammate of Hinkle’s on the Courage and a member of the USWNT, came to Hinkle’s defense last year after the CBN interview was released. In a recent social media post, McDonald referred to Hinkle as her “best friend.” But while McDonald is also very open about her Christianity, she is supportive of LGBTQ equality and seems to be close with all of her teammates. This week, as the controversy around Hinkle was erupting, McDonald posted a photo on Instagram of her son holding the World Cup trophy and getting kissed by Rapinoe.
That, more than anything, proves what Harris and Krieger were saying this week: The USWNT is a welcoming group. The only caveat is, the love and respect has to be mutual.
Credit: Source link
The post The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team doesn’t just tolerate religion, it embraces it – ThinkProgress appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/the-u-s-womens-soccer-team-doesnt-just-tolerate-religion-it-embraces-it-thinkprogress/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-u-s-womens-soccer-team-doesnt-just-tolerate-religion-it-embraces-it-thinkprogress from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186365986602
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