#fuck you jo nesbo
ladymacbeths · 1 month
i am so sorry for the macbeth spam reblogs im especially crazy about that play today for some reason. i think my almonds are just really activated. love them also you have increasingly correct takes.
have you read jo nesbo's adaptation? i do not think you would like it but that is just me - if you have, what did you think?
Hiii yknow what that’s perfectly valid that particular play fucks hard.
Also NO I HAVE NOT but I’ll look it up asap
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vera-dauriac · 1 year
Tagged by @i-own-loki. Thank you, dear!
🌸 Five comfort characters, five tags🌸
As always, I can never answer this without thinking about the definition of comfort character. At least for today, I’m defining it as a character who when I run into him/her after an absence, I think to myself, “Ah! It’s you again.” And I mentally curl up against the character and get comfy, even if said character is sometimes awful/prickly/difficult/murderous. Also, not picking any opera characters, simply because the specific performance is so vital to the comfort level. I mean, is there anything less comforting than a singer fucking up a character you love?
Athos (The Musketeers, particularly the Tom Burke version)
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Emma Woodhouse (Jane Austen)
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Cesare Borgia (The Borgias)
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Harry Hole (Jo Nesbo)
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Damen and Laurent (Captive Prince series by CS Pacat. Yes, they count collectively as one.)
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Tagging some of my newest mutuals! Feel free to skip this if it isn't your thing.
@ophvlia @hhorror-vacuii @sircarolyn @bobdobalina @ladythomasina
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funky-sea-cryptid · 5 years
(nesbo anon!) ah i completely get you! malcolm's entire character bothered me so much, and while i think what the author did with lennox was interesting (that twist hjfghh) it felt so weird. also yEAH WHAT WAS WITH DUFF & CAITH?? also that point about hecate--i never noticed that! tbh now that i think about it, having a male hecate DOES throw things off (also the author's desc.s of strega.... hfghh ugh)
oh hello again nesbo anon!! glad to hear from you again!!
oh my god im so glad someone else feels this way about malcolm i feel like he deserved so much better than what jo nesbo gave him!! he’s my baby son and i love him an unholy amount. 
okay i completely forgot about lennox working for hecate. i should address that here. what the fuck. why can’t hecate just know everything? it’s just way more spooky. i love lennox. he’s best thane (besides caith). but why was it necessary for him to be working for hecate? couldn’t he just work with macbeth like he did in the play? (speaking of the thanes, i forgot angus but i love him). 
yeah uh. why can’t caith just be her own entity? personally i hc her as a butch lesbian but whyyy is she dating duff it just doesn’t make sense. 
final point, strega’s description? yikes. the other two “witches” yiiiikes. jo nesbo what the fuck. 
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bisluthq · 3 years
A letter from Nat
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Hello my babies,
I promised some recommendations, so let’s go:
- Vonnegut’s Jailbird; huge fully automated luxury communism energy in my opinion (but y’all also know what a Bastani fan I am, and if you haven’t read that get on it, even if just to argue with me).
- Not a clinic read but since we’re talking “fuck capitalism but make it pleasant” Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work predates Bastani a bit, and is a bit dryer, but also a great read.
- For a more “fun” time, I enjoyed Jo Nesbo’s The Thirst. Very twisty turny, right up until the final few pages. I’d strongly recommend.
- “Sorry” by Josh Bassett is a bop. You guys, I’ve discovered a big soft spot for Josh B and his criminally bad music videos. Part of this is, yes, you know me well by now I want this man’s curly ass head between my thighs, but also “Sorry” is a bop.
- Older song but I’m in my feelings so indulge me: Dua’s “Homesick” is 10/10 for anyone in a long distance arrangement (that’s working, obviously, if it’s shit the song won’t resonate).
- Tw smoking. Not encouraging it but if you smoke say, because you have a fair amount of time for contemplation + it’s a permitted vice in your place of existence - hypothetically of course - L&M Loft Double Splash have a good mix of menthol, fruit + sweet ass nicotine.
- Seltzer! Any brand is cool. You deserve that bubble water.
- As always, huge fan of leggings that are comfy. No jokes, Klossy’s first collection is solid.
- Dove Cameron, just in general. I used to be not hot on her but I got in a youtube hole + her vibe is great, her music is fun, she’s super open about her queerness and I’m starting to find her hot.
- Monopoly, the OG kind. If you have 4–6 hours to kill, say from 19-23 or from earlier/til later, play Monopoly. Make up rules if you get bored.
- Cats. Hope y’all appreciated Peach’s portrait yesterday. So yeah cats, but not the movie, fuck that horror show.
That’s it for today loves,
PS Also 10/10 recommend a funny, awesome girlfriend. Get you one of those, but not mine.
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wilwywaylan · 5 years
Book ask! 4, 8, 13, 17 and 22!
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
I discovered Richard Wagamese, a First Nation canadian author. His book was amazing, beautiful, cold and poignant at the same time. I need to read his next one. Pablo de Santis, a detective novel writer, about a club of detectives all around the world, in stories with a philosophical streak. And B.A. Paris, her book Défaillances was SO AWESOME !!!
8. Did you meet any of your reading goals? Which ones?
Read as many books as last year because I tend to slack off at each opportunity. And I did ! (also read more Brussolo) (I love Brussolo)
13. What were your least favorite books of the year?
Le Couteau, by Jo Nesbo. I’ve been ambivalent about his Harry Hole series, because there were still interesting stories, but I can’t get over the fact that his hero is a fucking Gary Stu, and his wife is just a sexy lamp that can’t get away from him unless horrible things happen to her. Glorious.
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
I certainly didn’t expect Les étoiles s’éteignent à l’aube to catch me like that, because I tend to go for detective novels, and I didn’t expect Défaillances to get such an awesome conclusion, it was awesome ! Also I did expect the last No Pasaran book to be good, but not THAT good. That end !! OMG !!
22. What’s the longest book you read?
This year... probably Le Signal by Maxime Chattam. You can kill someone with that thing.
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youngestk · 5 years
tagged by @daedreamingalldae thank you so much my dear, you’re the sweetest!! 😊💕
How tall are you? 1,65cm
What color and style is your hair? dark long curly hair but lately I've been thinking about painting a few strands of my hair in blue >.<
What color are your eyes? dark brown
Do you wear glasses? yes
Do you wear braces? nope
What’s your fashion sense? I like wearing jeans and tshirts but my true love is sweatpants and crop tops or tshirts
Full name? Thais
When were you born? October 2nd
Where are you from and where do you live now? Brazil, still here  
What school do you go to? school? Been there, never wanna go back hfsjdkdfs I've already graduated from college
What kind of student are you? I keep up with my responsibilities, that’s all.
Do you like school? -
Favorite subject? History. Since I'm now a historian/history teacher.
Favorite tv shows? Breaking freaking bad!!!!! And The Last Kingdom, Borgia, Narcos, many others.  
Favorite movie? Ok this is hard, since the lion king and the lord of the rings shares the 1st place.  
Favorite book? I’m not so sure tbh, but the leopard by jo nesbo made a impact on me, that was fucked up.
Favorite past time? watching tvshows/k-dramas/movies and my football team play. Love to just listen to music.  
Do you have regrets? Not so sure. I don’t think so? I am who I am now bc of my choices, so.... I’d rather believe that I don’t have any.
Dream job? I just wanna be a museologist :(
Would you ever like to be married? Nah. But if it happens, okay.  
Would you like kids? Definitely not.
How many? -
Do you like shopping? Not much bc I’m too indecisive lmao
What countries have you visited? None 🙁 tbh I went to Argentina but it was a reaaaally short visit
Scariest nightmare you have ever had? Uh I don’t remember any
Any enemies? I hope not 🙁  
Self-doubt? Too many
Any significant other? LOL I wish
Do you believe in miracles? Not until now but maybe??
How are you? Sleepy, stressed, depressed, thinking that everything is pointless but I'm looking forward to this food festival that’s gonna happen tomorrow and maybe things will be better
i’m not tagging anyone but if you want to, feel free to do this ^^ 
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xuxibelle · 6 years
Thank you to @sunshine112 or tagging me, The rules are:
Answer the 11 questions you had then make 11 new questions for the people you tag
questions for me:
1) last song you have going through your head - Honestly right now my mind is completely blank... all I hear is white noise and the rain outside
2) Ideal first date - nothing special. someplace where it’s easy to hear each other so we could talk. restaurant/cafe/coffee shop. something like that.  
3) favorite cinema snack - sour patch kids
4) last film seen - AQUAMAN
5) recommendation of a good show on Netflix - Bodyguard, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Haunting of Hill House, Daredevil
6) Last show you watched live on TV - WWE RAW
7) Last book you finished - The Snowman by Jo Nesbo
8) Favorite actor and actress - ugh... just one each?? Fuck ok... well it changes all the time anyway... right now I’m stuck on Timothy Olyphant. for actress let’s go with...Emma Stone
9) Have you ever seen a play? what was the last one you saw? Not a big name one no, but I’ve seen like my high school ones lol
10) What was the first music you bought/paid for by yourself? Backstreet Boys
11)  Which book have you read that you think should be adapted into a film? Staring whom? Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha van Leer. Harrison Osterfield as Prince Oliver and Elizabeth Olsen as Delilah
My questions for   @nerdraging4point0@sleepwalkingdragon @summernykole@hollandsosterfield @empressdreams @fanficparker@marvelownsmyentireass @aspiringwildfire @hazspancakes @fucking5sos@harrystylescuredmydepression @twilightparker @johnsambrosemcclaren@bearsbeetsbarnes @hollandroos @starksparker @sincerelymlg@tomhollanders2013 @h-osterfield @marvelousxtsh
1)  favorite movie and why?
2) Do you have any tattoos? If you do, how many? If you don’t, do you want any or would you get any?
3) Favorite happy moment?
4) any TV shows you would recommend?
5) favorite band?
6) what’s one place you want to go in the world and why?
7) favorite animal and why?
8) any movies you would recommend?
9) favorite food?
10) something you hate to love?
11) first job, if you’ve never had one - what do you want to do?
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dontcxckitup · 2 years
1, 3, 6, 8, 12, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25
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Book asks
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1. What’s the last book you read? // I actually just finished Moonraker today and will now move on to the next Bond novel!
2. What’s the next book you want to read? // I loved Schnipp, Schnapp, Schnupp! As far as I remember it’s basically just a collection of short stories that revolve around nature. I still have the book.
6. What is a book you thought you’d hate, but ended up loving? // Honestly? Casino Royale. I had read it about fifteen years or so ago and hated it with a passion, so I was a bit wary to re-read it now. Turns out it was just the German translation that sucks lol
8. Would you rather have a good plot but mealy characters, or great characters and a shaky plot? // If I can’t stand the main character, the plot doesn’t really matter. I once started one book three or four times because the character was this whiny little bitch. I somehow made it through the book.
12. Are there any books you’re embarrassed to admit you like? // I can’t actually recall any book right now. I read what I read lol Okay, maybe I don’t like to tell certain people about my obsession over WWII romance novels…
17. Are there any books you associate with certain seasons or holidays? // Snowman by Jo Nesbo, because I read that one around Christmas time a few years ago. Other than that…not really.
18. What is a book more people should read? // Huh. The Constant Gardener, maybe? It’s such a beautiful and painful book. I need to talk about it to someone!! Lol
21. How do you feel about the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover?” // It’s kinda true. Some book covers are boring but the book itself is good. Then again, I often buy books by the cover *coughs* Ralph novelisations *coughs* The covers are basically the ad, so like if the cover looks stupid, I probably won’t bother looking at it twice. Oh I don’t know lol
23. What is something in a book that will make you stop reading it immediately? // When sex scenes become too graphic or too long. I get it, you can write that stuff, congrats – but do they really drive the plot forward? Do we need five pages of fucking?
24. What sort of characters do you like the most? // The shady, mysterious ones. And helpless dorks.
25. What sort of characters do you like the least? // The characters that can do everything and anything, the know-it-alls. I want characters who aren’t perfect, who have flaws!
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lumifuer · 7 years
Deep End
Pairings: Harry Hole x Reader Words:647 Warnings: Alcohol abuse Request: Could you do something w/Michael's character from the snowman? A/N: Angst is my go-to mode so I hope you won’t mind, Nonnie! Sorry for butchering your man, Jo Nesbo
Summary: Harry Hole has been given so many chances that he no longer expects to receive more.
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Harry was leaning against the window frame, cigarette still between his lips. But he didn't even remember about it. Scared to move an inch, his eyes were glued to the silhouette sitting in the dark car. It wasn't a suspect in the ongoing case observing his house to memorize his schedule and try to silence him or an eager inspector worried about his drinking problems. Still, he'd choose their presence over hers at least in this situation.
After the last accident, she didn't utter a word. His calls were left unanswered and so were his messages. He tried to get her back despite knowing all too well that it was a lost cause. He was a fucking lost cause. Then she suddenly called and asked for this meeting. Knowing her, it was meant to be a goodbye. A firm, confident one. At least for her.
She left the car and locked the doors. He smiled. What an irony it would be if someone decided to break into the car right below his windows. He turned towards the door, biting the cigarette. For some reason, this damn thing seemed to be the only thing keeping him in one piece. When she leaves, he'll need more than one to not break down.
The bell rang and he opened the door. She did have a key but she no longer felt comfortable enough to allow herself inside like she had in the past.
Harry liked to think of himself as enduring but her eyes alone made it hard to keep his mind clear. She stared back and he could swear those beautiful eyes were telling another story than the one her lips were bound to share with him.
"Can I come in?" she asked and he felt torn between laughing and crying hysterically. With a brief nod, he welcomed her and moved away to leave her some space. She stopped in the corridor and looked around as if searching for something. Recent signs of his addiction? Carelessly thrown bra? He couldn't tell. His hand was still placed on the door and he felt too weak to let go.
"Harry," she spoke her voice a mere whisper. He tensed up and turned to look at her. Her eyes were covered with a thin layer of water and tears were threatening to fall at any moment. He suppressed the urge to pull her into a tight hug but it was tempting.
"You don't have to say anything," he assured, finally letting go of his smoke. "I know I fucked up, you have the right to move on."
She tilted her head and opened her mouth only to close it again. He noticed a slight trembling. "I didn't come here to end it, Harry."
Suddenly he was able to stand on his own. His bloodshot eyes were searching hers for an answer but his experience in looking for clues proved to be useless.
"I forgive you. I promised you, I will be there if you decide to fight the bottle and I will," she whispered. "I know what happened. And I would be happy to put this one slip behind us."
He didn't believe it. Maybe he didn't throw away all the bottles or better yet, visited another shop to bring some more and this was a product of his vivid imagination. He wouldn't dare to ask for another chance and he could swear it would never come so easily. He reached out to touch her soft her and shoved it away from her face. Then, without much more thinking he pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her body, feeling how tense she was.
Harry has been offered so many second chances, but this one was the most important of them all so far. And he would use it well.
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are always appreciated! 
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Get to Know Me
I got tagged in 2 of these, thanks @craftynidan and @obsessedwithpretty79! 😘
Rules: Answer 30 questions. Tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Nickname(s): Sez
Gender: Female
Sign:  Taurus
Height: 5’6
Time: 10:46 am BST.
Fav band(s): Okkervil River, The National, Florence and the Machine, Haim, Frightened Rabbit, The Decemberists, ABBA, Fleetwood Mac, Simon & Garfunkel, The Avett Brothers, Tegan and Sara, Dawes
Fav solo artist(s): Josh Ritter, Jenny Lewis, Neko Case, Jewel, Gregory Alan Isakov
Song stuck in my head: “Defying Gravity” from Wicked
Last movie I saw: Kedi - a wonderful documentary about street cats in Istanbul
Last show I watched: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
When did I create my blog: December 2014, I think?
What do I post: A whole lotta celebrity men I fantasize about being in love with.
Last thing I Googled: “Picturehouse Crouch End” (to check movie times)
Do I have any other blogs:  I have a primary blog here on tumblr but I very rarely post on it now.
Do I get asks: Very rarely.
Why did I chose my URL: It’s pretty well descriptive of what I came here to do!
Following: Oh fuck...938. But I haven’t cleared it out since I joined tumblr in 2008 or something, so I’m sure 75% are inactive.
Followed by: 1,513! I was gonna do one of those “Thank you, followers” posts when I hit 1500, but I’m tumblr-lazy lately and never got around to it. I can’t believe there are so many of you. Thanks for being here!
Average hours of Sleep:  7 on weekdays, but I aim for like 10 on weekends.
Lucky number: I’m not superstitious.
Instruments: Nope. I wish I played acoustic guitar though.
What I am wearing: Harry Potter PJ pants and a tank top with a cat on it.
Dream job: National Geographic photographer...only in my head though. I’m not adventurous enough, enjoy comfort too much and hate planes. That, or celebrity stylist (ie Ilaria Urbinati’s job 😉)
Dream trip: Greece
Fav food: Bread, potatoes, pasta, chocolate, peanut butter, any kind of baked sugary thing.
Nationality: Canadian 🇨🇦
Fav song: That’s way too hard.
Last book I read: “The Bat” by Jo Nesbo
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Harry Potter, Marvel, Buffyverse
I’m not tagging anyone ‘cause I took so long to do it, I think it’s gone around to all my friends already. 😂
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galaxy + parchment ?
galaxy; what fascinates you?
there’s honestly. a lot?? space, the question’s name is really fitting. nature. computers. kindness. people too. to some point.
parchment; favorite book?
once again, why is it so hard for me to pick one?
orwell’s 1984 is a book i think everyone needs to read at some point of their lives. i had been thinking about it for 4 months after i had read it (did i fuck this sentence up(english is hard)), it’s so powerful. the main character is nasty, the whole world that orwell showed us was bad but it’s so, so true. it makes you sad, terrified, too. but it’s all true.
jo nesbo’s books are all good. i used to like a particular one very much, called the son or something like that, don’t know the english title. but it was before i knew i was a lesbian and i had such a big crush on the protagonist??? idk if i’d still like it that much now djsiofjsdfdufshi anyways he writes well, with good plots and even better plot twists.
since holidays are coming up, i plan on reading a lot (idk how will that go, tho). im currently trying to finish 3 books at once (dostoevsky’s crime and punishment, gombrowicz’s ferdydurke, leslie feinberg’s stone butch blues) and i plan on reading lem’s the cyberiad, nesbo’s macbeth and sapkowski’s the witcher, on which, you guessed it, the witcher game series were based on. i probably wont finish those before the next school year tho, it’s like 14 titles, duh.
i need to read more books written by women. any recs??
thank you, rachel!! 💞💗❤️️💕
pick a question, hit me up!
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vera-dauriac · 3 years
3, 55, 62 & 75.
Thanks so much for asking!!!
3 a stand-alone that you wish was part of a series
Jo Nesbo’s most recent novel, The Kingdom, I think is meant to be a standalone, but it could totally be the start of a new series. If it turns out to be the latter, I will be very pleased.
55 a book with a satisfying ending
The best Jane Austen novels have the such satisfying endings, not merely because the heroine gets married, but because the fact she is getting married at that moment to that man is the only possible correct ending. See: Emma, P&P, Persuasion, and Northanger Abbey
62 a book with a forgettable plot but amazing characters
What exactly even happens in Notes from Underground? Dude complains about stuff then tells a story and running (literally) into people and meeting a prostitute. But Underground Man is pretty fucking memorable. “I am a sick man…I am a wicked man. An unattractive man. I think my liver hurts.” Who needs plot?
75 a book featuring the I’m not like other girls trope
Um…honestly, when this is done intentionally, it annoys me. When it’s elegantly integrated into the story (Eowyn in LOTR, for instance), it’s excellent, but at that point, I’m not sure if it still counts as a trope.
I’m still open to more questions from this list!
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funky-sea-cryptid · 3 years
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porlockstompf · 7 years
                                                            my favourite books of the year
my overall favourite book of the year:
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     david keenan “this is memorial device” [faber & faber] (2017)
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01 nick harkaway "gnomon" (2017) 02 kim stanley robinson "new york 2140" (2017) 03 m john harrison "you should come with me" (2017) 04 gardner dozois (ed) "the year's best science fiction: thirty-fourth annual collection" (2017) 05 james morrow "the asylum of dr. caligari" (2017)
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06 annalee newitz "autonomous" (2017) 07 cory doctorow "walkaway" (2017) 08 dave hutchinson "acadia" (2017)   + dave hutchinson "slow companions" (2017) 09 ed finn (ed) visions, ventures, escape velocities: a collection of space futures" (2017) 10 bryan thomas schmidt (ed) "infinite stars" (2017)
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11 allan kaster "the year's top hard science fiction stories" (2017) 12 nina allen "the rift" (2017) 13 charles stross "the delirium brief" (2017) 14 simon morden "at the speed of light" (2017) 15 ada palmer "seven surrenders" (2017) & "the will to battle" (2017)
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16 yoon ha lee "raven stratagem" (2017) 17 john joseph adams (ed) "cosmic powers" (2017) 18 mur lafferty "six wakes" (2017) 19 taiyo fujii "orbital cloud" (2017) 20 andrew bannister "creation machine" (2016)     + andrew bannister "iron gods" (2017)
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21 gareth l powell "entropic angel & other stories" (2017) 22 ann leckie "provenance" (2017) 23 monica louzon (ed) "catalysts, explorers & secret keepers: women of sf" 24 ian mconald "wolf moon" (2017) 25 neal stephenson & nicole galland "the rise & fall of d.o.d.o." (2017)
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26 adam roberts "the real-town murders" (2017) 27 tim pratt "the wrong stars" (2017) 28 jim c. hines "terminal alliance" (2017) 29 charles stross "the empire games" (2017) 30 james s.a. corey "persepolis rising" (2017)     + james s.a. corey "strange dogs" (2017)
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31 allen steele "avengers of the moon (captain future)" (2017) 32 neal asher "infinity engine [transformation III]" (2017) 33 jason m. hough "injection burn" (2017)   + jason m. hough "escape velocity" (2017) 34 donna scott (ed) "best of british science fiction 2016"/una mccormack "star of the sea" (2016) 35 david marusek "upon this rock"/john scalzi "collapsing empire" (2017)
& a couple of re-readings: richard k. morgan "takeshi kovacs trilogy" in view of the coming netflix series and colin harvey "damage time" (2010) ... no further reason needed!
01 matthew mcintosh "the mystery.doc" (2017)
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02 sébastien roger "les désordres du monde. walter benjamin à port-bou" (2017) 03 laurent binet "hhhh" (2012) 04 + laurent binet "the 7th function of language" (2017) 05 jean echenoz "special envoy" (2017)
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06 paul stanbridge "forbidden line" (2016) 07 ryu murakami "tokyo decadence (2016) 08 aifric campbell "the semantics of murder" (2008) 09 mark vernon "darker with the day" (2017) 10 magnus mills "the forensic records society" (2017)
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01 mckenzie wark "general intellects: 25 thinkers for the 21st century" (2017) 02 claude lefort "wat is politiek?" (2016) 03 ger groot & sam ijsseling "dankbaar en aandachtig" (2013) 04 martin heidegger "beiträge zur philosophie (vom ereignis)" (2003) 05 hannah arendt "totalitarisme" (2014)
06 daniel birnbaum & kim west "life on sirius: the situationist international & the exhibition of art" (2016) 07 ger groot "de geest is uit de fles" (2017) 08 sean gaston "the impossible mourning of jacques derrida" (2006) 09 bas heijne "onbehagen: nieuw licht op de beschaafde mens" (2016) 10 giorgio colli "ecrits sur nietzsche" (2017)
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11 frédéric neyrat "échapper à l'horreur" (2017) 12 slavoj zizek "against the double blackmail, refugees, terror & other troubles with the neighbours" (2017) 13 henning mankell "quicksand" (2016) 14 jacques rancière "en quel temps vivons-nous? conversations avec eric hazan" (2017) 15 alain badiou "je vous sais si nombreux... " (2017)
16 alain badou & jean-luc nancy "la tradition allemande dans la philosophie" (2017) 17 tom mccarthy "typewriters bombs jellyfish [essays]" (2017) 18 valeria luiselli "tell me how it ends: an essay in 40 questions" (2017) 19 fredric jameson "raymond chandler: the detections of totality" (2016) 20 umberto eco "chronicles of a liquid society" (2017)
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01 chris petit "pale horse riding" (2017)   + chris petit "the butchers of berlin" (2016)   + chris petit "the human pool" (2002)   + chris petit "the psalm killer" (1996)
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02 john le carré "a legacy of spies" (2017) 03 david hewson "sleep baby sleep" (2017) 04 mick herron "slow horses" (2010)   + mick herron "dead lions" (2013)   + mick herron "the list" (2015)   + mick herron "real tigers" (2016)   + mick herron "spook street" (2017) 05 jussi adler-olsen "the scarred woman" (2017)
06 jo nesbo "the thirst" (2017) 07 ben fergusson "the spring of kasper meier" (2014) 08 e.o. chirovici "the book of mirrors" (2017) 09 toni coppers "de zaak magritte" (2017) 10 james r. tuck "mama tried (crime fiction inspired by outlaw country music)" (2016)
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01 philip pullman "la belle sauvage" (2017)
01 cosey fanni tutti "art sex music" (2017) 02 david keenan "this is memorial device" (2017) 03 joanne demers "drone and apocalypse" (2015) 04 + joanne demers "listening through the noise" (2010) 05 robert barry "the music of the future" (2017)
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06 richard cabut & andrew gallix (eds) "punk is dead: modernity killed every night" (2017) 07 butt gavin, kodwo eshun, & mark fisher (eds) "post punk then and now" (2016)" 08 sandra garrido "why are we attracted to sad music" (2016) 09 tomas serrien "klank: een filsofie van de muzikale ervaring" (2017) 10 marlies de munck "waarom chopin de regen niet wilde horen" (2017)
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11 daniel warner "live wires" (2017) 12 will carruthers "playing the bass with three left hands" (2016) 13 steve hanley "the big midweek-life inside the fall (2016) 14 tex perkins "tex" (2017) 15 mark lanegan "i am the wolf" (2017)
17 simon reynolds "shock & awe" (2016) 18 andrew o'neill "a history of heavy metal" (2017) 19 bryan ray turcotte "the fucked up reader" (2007) 10 bob batchelor (ed) "literary cash" (2017) 20 simon webb "a 1970s teenager. from bell-bottoms to disco dancing" (2013)
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         both bell-bottoms and disco dancing can be had @ muntpunt !
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01 jonty tiplady "zam bonk dip" (2010) 02 murray lachlan young "how freakin' zeitgeist are you?" (2017)
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01 peter-andré bloch "sils-maria - "l'île bienheureuse" pour nietzsche" (2017)
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02 willem vanhuyse "atlas van de imaginaire verklaringen: het complete handboek vor de 'patafysicus'" (2017) 03 reinhard kleist "nick cave: mercy on me" (2017) 04 william gibson "archangel (a graphic novel)" (2017) 05 a. uderzo, didier conrad & jean-yves ferri "astérix et la transitalique" (2017)
01 thibault damour & mathieu burniat "mysteries of the quantum universe" (2017) 02 brian cox & jeff forshaw "universal: a journey through the cosmos" (2017)
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01 james acaster "james acaster's classic scrapes" (2017)
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02 chris wade “the story of derek and clive” (2017)
01 frederik bakelandt "grinta! de bergen: 10 legendarsche wielercols" (2017)
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02 lucien van impe & filip osselaer "de dag dat ik de tour verloor" (2017) 03 jonas heyerick & jelle vermeersch "bahamontes #17-#20" (2017) 04 frank strack "the hardmen: legends of the cycling gods" (2017) 05 matthias m. r. declercq "de val" (2017)
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… tsundoku !
may your home be safe from tigers, leroy, x HNY!
the TBR pile grew with...
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lászló krasznahorkai "the world goes on" (2017) samanta schweblin "fever dream" (2017)
peter mark, peter helman & penny snyder (eds) "the mountains in art history" (2017)
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alvin lucier (ed) "eight lectures on experimental music" (2017) rhian e jones & eli davies "under my thumb: songs that hate women and the women who love them" (2017)
arne dahl "watching you" (2017) philip kerr "prussian blue" (2017) antti tuomainen "the man who died" (2017) jon michelet "the frozen women" (2017) nicolás obregón "blue light yokohama" (2017)
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alex lamb "exodus" (2017) c robert cargill "sea of rust" (2017) chris brookmyre "places in the darkness" (2017) d nolan clark "forgotten worlds" & "forbidden suns" (2017) dan moren "the caledonian gambit" (2017) elizabeth moon "cold welcome" (2017) ferrett steinmetz "the uploaded" (2017) greg egan "dichronauts" (2017) ian whates "the ion raider" (2017) jaine fenn "the martian job" (2017) jamie sawyer "pariah" (2017)
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jeff noon "a man of shadows" (2017) joe m mcdermott "the fortress at the end of time" (2017) joe zieja "communication failure" (2017) john kessel "the moon and the other" (2017) john meaney "destructor function" (2017) jonathan strahan (ed) "best sf &f of the year vol 11" & "infinity wars" (2017) kameron hurley "the stars are legion" (2017) kay kenyon "at the table of wolves" (2017) malka older "null states" (2017) marina j. lostetter "noumenon" (2017)
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martha wells "all systems red" (2017) neil clark (ed) "galactic empires" & "more human than human" (2017) paul mcauley "austral" (2017) r.e. stearns "barbary station" (2017) robert kroese "last iota" (2017) sage walker "the man in a tree" (2017) stephen baxter "obelisk" (2017) + stephen baxter "the massacre of mankind" (2017) sulari gentill "crossing the lines" (2017) the justified ancients of mu mu “2023 a trilogy” (2017) wendy n. wagner "an oath of dogs" (2017)
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sunshine-ita · 7 years
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January 2018.
2017 is over. FINALLY.
A 50/50 year, I must say. 50% very good, 50% relatively meh. 
A new year is starting. So let’s store 2017 in a box and focus on what’s ahead.
Here are my resolutions/thoughts/goals for the year to come... Or the next 360 days-ish of it.
Keep listening to myself: something very important I did more and more in the last year, and I intend to keep that good habit for the rest of my existence. I feel better in my mind & body because of it, and going into therapy surely helped with that part.
Be more present for my online peps: in 2017, or a good part of it, I was a wannabe hermit. I moved back on my own, after two rock-and-roll years at my parents, and I think I needed to be alone for a while. In 2018, I want to be an accessible social-hermit, if that’s a thing, ha-ha. Basically, I want to manage a nice balance between social/family time and only-me time. Since January 1st, I’ve managed to get this kind of balance and I intend to keep on track.
Reconnect with my geekness AND SHOW IT HERE: I want to retake Tumblr in 2018 and show the universe the things I’m a fan of. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Witcher, Skyrim, LOTR, Disney, Sherlock, reading, writing, and much more.
Read at least 30 minutes each day before bed: so far, since the first day of the new year, I managed to do it. I’m currently reading The Bat, by Jo Nesbo, a Norwegian thriller writer. I missed reading, dear universe!!! And I’m proud of myself on this one. Already 4 days in the bag! Yes!
Win the 85K90 challenge: if you don’t know about it, here’s the link. Goal: write, edit and publish a book in a year, with 90 days (with +1 months of grace) to write 85,000 words. I’m currently working on the outline of an original thriller novel, which I’m writing in French Canadian, my mother tongue. I intend to go from point A to point Z with it. I do have an AMAZING crew of writers and friends with me, who encourages me everyday to be creative and try to achieve this goal, even if some days, I would throw everything by the window. I think it’ll be an interesting adventure, in which I’ll grow as a human being, a creative person and a writer!
I could add the classic for singles “Find love in 2018″. But you know what?? I’m actually ok single for now. If I do meet someone, it’ll be totally random. I’m not searching for it. And fuck online dating. SERIOUSLY.
Thanks for reading, folks :-)
I wish a marvelous 2018 to everyone out here and there, and may everything you wish for or want to achieve come true in the next 360-ish days.
With love,
Sunshine-Ita xo
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felicityssoliver · 7 years
I was tagged by @laurelsprettybird (i love those games!!thank you!)
Name: Ellen 
Star sign:capricorn
Height: 1.70m
Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 6 songs to pop up? 
So it goes-Taylor Swift
Arsonists Lullabye-Hozier
The Weeknd-Starboy
Ocean Drive-Duke Dumont
Sorry not sorry-Demi Lovato
Grab the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. what’s line 17?:Well my book is in greek and i am bored translating it.
Ever had a poem or song written about you?: No, but I write songs if that counts lol :) 
When was the last time you played air guitar: A long time ago I used to play the actual guitar.The air one I played  a couple months ago.I sing constantly though.
Who is your celebrity crush? Well my list is huge so i will mention a couple of names.CHRIS FUCKING EVANS IS MY BABYYYY,Chris Hemsworth,Stephen Amell,Grant Gustin,Keiynan Lonsdale(my cutie),Danielle Panabaker,Charlie Puth,Shawn Freaking Mendes,Harry Styles,Cole Sprouse,Ed Sheeran(aka my Ginger),Halsey
What’s a sound you hate? what about love? Well I hate car horns and I love the sound of rain!
Last book you read: Well I don’t remember because I usually read fanfiction lol :) but I am currently reading a book and it’s Headhunters by Jo Nesbo 
Do you like the smell of petrol: Yessss I love it!
What was the last movie you saw: Well last movie was, I think Beauty and Beast or Wonder Woman.I currently watch a lot of series though.
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?: Well I had a lot of injuries but 2 weeks ago I got the cast off my arm.I broke it and I almost had surgery.
Do you have any obsessions right now?: Well I am always obsessed with something like art,gifs,shoes,shows.
Do you tend to hold grudges against anyone who’s done you wrong?: Yes especially if they hurt me emotionally.But I will always talk and try to resolve the problem with them.
In a relationship?: No I am emjoying my singlesness
I’m tagging @felicity-smoak-is-my-goddess , @dracoharry , @pleasantfanandstudent , @allensbellisario and everyone else who wants to do it!(it’s not obligatory or anything :))
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