#fuck this town
Wendy's only gave me 8 nuggets in my 10 piece, and they filled my "sprite" with water. I don't mean soda water without syrup, though that has happened to me before, I mean they just gave me a cup full of ice with a little squirt of tap water to fill in the cracks.
The McDonald's I used to go to would always shortchange me and refuse to print a receipt, and this Wendy's has given me 9 nuggets before, so there seems to be a fast food racket in this town. Is that a thing? Franchisees systemically underserving and shortchanging people? How lucrative would that be? A few pennies per transaction? It's gotta add up over the course of a busy day, a busy week, a busy season.
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autristic · 1 month
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fuck this country town and their townies.
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Bro fuck my towns parking enforcement. How the fuck am I supposed to pay a meter that's been CUT THE FUCK OFF????!!!! HHHMMMMM???? WTF DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO PAY A 10 dollar FINE BC THERES NO FUCKING METER????!!!???
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nolanhattrick · 4 months
downtown changing all of the two and four hour parking to one hour parking and also increasing parking violations to $50 instead of a written warning is insane
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danepopfrippery · 1 year
What happened? Finethingswell fucking cut me out of our drag means slay a show i did 90% of the work for and im sure will say im hysterical.
First they forget only one bag, out of 10, a massive dress sized garment bag. I wait 8 mins for them to show only to be all oopsy doodle. This bag was not only massive it was in the middle of the room. Now i gotta drive 40 mins back and forth to get my wig and stuff.
Ofc im crying by now. And in the meantime Eli messed up getting the show on and the livestream on cuz they had no idea what they were doing. And the show started juuust as i entered the bldg with them going first. I crafted that setlist and asked for their input. They gave none. After them was someone unrelated and then their bestie. I know they knew we were 5 mins away and i know they had no idea on the stream cuz they were asking me and didnt reply to me or keep me in the loop (but did their roomie who was w me).
I cant stop crying. Oh im so sorry so sorry. I say i just need to stop crying. They moved me only 4 songs from when i entered and i was still crying so id be end of act 2 minus the star. Btw never got to meet vico at all, that was nice.
I finally stop crying, they see this they know this. Intermission. 2nd song their a prop. K cool i know that. They never came back. After that was supposed to be our thank us. They never asked if i was up for it. They also didnt even mention my name.
I had it. I was leaving. Sorries began again. I said your clearly not so stop. I mean ffs maybe one thing was an accident but ALL OF THEM? CANT EVEN SAY MY NAME IN THE THANK US? I LITERALLY DID ALL OF THIS WHILE U JUST TOOK DIRECTION AND DID SMALL HELPFUL THINGS?!
I refunded the livestream money, ppl can donate if they want but im sorry it was a shit show. I dont want to interact w this or any other fandom anymore. Had to pay $40 to get back to my place. I cant even attend c2e2 im too poor so i drove 9hrs to be fucked in the back apparently. Didnt get tips didnt even get thanks.
Id recommend watching out for these people. Fuck i named it our drag means slay ffs
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herarcadewasteland · 1 year
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i’m obsessed with this song TT i like just found it and it’s been on repeat for 20 minutes now
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fuchsbaumaedchen · 1 year
"And all this shit I can't control it, yeah, I wish it would stop. And I'm never coming back because:
I said fuck this town and like everyone in it."
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lettherebemonsters · 1 year
Not even a hundred pages into the book Hex and I want to Chuck Norris-style beat the piss out of these adults who think chaining their kids and forcing them to live in tiny town USA for the rest of their lives is a-ok. And torturing them if they have subversive ideas.
And Grim? Yeah....
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I hope the witch eats your balls.
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lezzysel · 1 year
um guys there’s a stake with a bunch of deer and fox carcasses impaled on it like stacked up behind the hobby lobby. i’m not kidding it’s there
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hailieshapedbox · 2 years
i live in a dumb little town that doesnt allow weed dispensaries🙁 does anybody else struggle with this?
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valtsv · 10 months
obviously people steal things from other people it's one of the oldest tricks in the book but it still always surprises me to learn that people plagiarise because my introduction to the concept was basically being told that if i ever plagiarised anything i would be executed by firing squad and my head would be removed and displayed on a spike outside the walls of the hallowed academic institution i was attending as a warning to others
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ioletia · 24 days
I fucking hate the town I live in. Recently, there was a rumor that the local homeless shelter was going to be moved to a defunct correctional facility on the southside of town. This would have been a great idea, since this facility had been closed down for years. It would have provided ample space for anyone suffering from shelter insecurity. Let me remind you, this was a rumor, one that wasn't really substantiated by anything.
AND YET, the NIMBYs came out in force at the local city council meeting to literally bitch for three straight hours about this. The facility is surrounded by businesses, most of whom cater to the poor. The only housing nearby is a trailer park, of which those people are one paycheck away from being homeless themselves. But these NIMBYs were the people who live in the gated communities in cookie-cutter houses down the road- like way down the road.
And this is a constant thing. We can't build more housing in general because the NIMBYs don't want low income housing in their area, or it's an historic area so you can't build more housing period. Every major business has to be vetted before being allowed to set up shop, which would be lovely if it kept out Walmart- but it didn't. We have two. And we can't remove the racist statute downtown because the NIMBYs say it's part of their heritage- yeah, if calling indigenous people "savages" is your heritage, maybe you should be torn down with the fucking statute too.
God I fucking hate this town.
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nationmckinleyscorset · 2 months
The fact my extremist Christian mother who birthed, named and raised me can accept the fact I've changed my name and people my age who never even knew me before I changed it can't is simultaneously disturbing and confusing
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the-ugly-ly · 3 months
just drove around for two hours because i didn’t want to be at home. i hate this county there’s fuck all here. i couldn’t even find anywhere to stop and smoke. so i just drove and drove…
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nando161mando · 1 year
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Rehabilitation, not Devastation. Fuck The Police.
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strhwaberries · 1 year
the dude just announced there will be an after match party in front of the stadium with more music ??? thank you very much for all the people who have a life and have to wake up at 6:30 bc they work at 8
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