#fuck paypal all my homies hate paypal
his-tamine · 4 months
SPIDER'S ATTEMPTING HIS VERY FIRST COMMS!!!! RAAAA!!!!! (I’m legit sooo fucking nervous - everyone point & laugh /lh)
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Info below ↓ (looks like way more than it is)
- As I said, this is my first time doing commissions, so thank you in advance for your patience with me. Contact me via email ([email protected]), Tumblr DMs, or Discord (eldritchwhore_) - whichever you’re most comfy with - if you’re interested! I'm also open to using other social media(s) you prefer, just let me know what. :]
I WILL draw:
NSFW (only of 18+ characters)
SFW (characters of all ages)
Fan art
Ship Art
etc. (just lmk)
I WON'T draw:
The obvious (anything hateful or illegal)
Furry (genuine skill issue on my part)
Mecha (again: skill issue)
you can always request to see my progress, but I will show you when I am halfway finished, either way, incase you want to make any changes.
$ up front - it won't be spent until after completion.
Payments via Paypal, Cash App, or Venmo.
If you do decide to commission me, first of all, thank you sooo much in advance! And Please keep in mind, that there is a vanilla family member currently holding and running all of the financial service apps (Paypal, Venmo, Cash App.) They do know that I draw adult content, but they do not know the specifics of what kinds of adult content (& I'd love to keep it that way lol.) So if you do decide to leave a note with your payment, please, please, PLEASE, make sure that the note is appropriate, otherwise blank is also completely fine. Have mercy on my soul, basically. If you are getting some NSFW artwork and wanna talk specifics, please do so with the email provided above (& again right here: [email protected]), Tumblr DMs, Discord, etc. so that you know you are talking to me.
Also, if you contact me & don't get a response right away, my timezone is EST (I could be asleep,) and my life's been a little stressful lately to say the least. But I promise that I will get back to you ASAP. Furthermore, if there are any delays during the process of actually making your commission, I will immediately reach out to you and keep you in the loop. - major shoutouts to my homies, @indulgnc - for helping me figure everything out. He helped me with the base sheet, some common art terms that I somehow didn't know the meanings of, coming up with good prices, & basically walked me through the entire process. I would’ve been way too clueless and way too chicken shit to even attempt this without him.
and @dsnzfb - for allowing me to use a drawing I made of her ocs Cactus & Rose, as one of the examples above. I needed a good example of a colored bust-up, & dye’s color palette for her characters is so gorgeous. thank you guys for always being so supportive - y'all rock. I don't know if I can actually do anything to help dig myself & my family out of the hole we’re in with ocs, & kink art, but goddamn it, I will certainly try. -
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tbhimnoteasyonmyself · 10 months
2 Eps into Only Friends and so far what I got was:
1- Sex
2- Mew being fucking 5head VS Top being fucking pushy (they both have their own agendas and at this point it's not a relationship, it's a battle)
3- Ray slays severely (except for the alcoholism)
4- Cheum <333333 (although she gives terrible advice but she's crazy and I'm here for it, go gurl 💅🏼)
5- Sex
8- Fuck Boston. All my homies hate Boston.
9- Sex, I think?
10- Nick is a wet cat and he needs cuddles really badly
11- Sex
12- Sand 🤝🏼 Me
something is a
mistake and doing
it anyway
13- Yeah definitely sex
14- If Ray wants to pay me 20.000 THB as well I take cash, checks and paypal
15- Sex
16- Oh, did I mention sex?
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dingdongitsbees · 3 years
finally fixed my kofi thank fuck 😭 and i mean... if any of you want to buy me a drink it will be surely appreciated 😏
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computerram · 4 years
love it when my paypal with just under 500 quid decides a 6 bucks i recieved is suspicious enough to warrent limiting my account to the nth degree where all i can do is recieve fucking money and gather interest lmao
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curiously-a-dreamer · 4 years
When the last time I complained about money to y’all ?
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pupcrimes · 4 years
paypal give me my money challenge
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csmeaner · 2 years
UGHHH i've been waiting for people to call bunnochi out on that paypal bullshit for SOOO LONG thank god fucking honestly i hate that stupid minor and their stupid whiney bitchass.your blog inspired me to finally make my own blog on this dumb kid myself, so people who've also had the unfortunate time of having to deal with this child can have a place to vent their fruestrations.
fuck bunnochi all my homies hate bunnochi lol
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vobocaloid · 4 years
canadian to american currency conversions be fucking ass. you pay $23.15 cad just to send $14 dollars to somebody
fuck paypal fees all me and my homies hate paypal fees
my bank might call me and be like "wyd u have 23 cents in your chequing account"
and if you think i am lying no i am not
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i genuinely have 23 cents left because i had to send someone in america money
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computerram · 4 years
crozbow replied to your post “love it when my paypal with just under 500 quid decides a 6 bucks i...”
PayPal SUCKS they just took £30 out of my account which I don't have with no explanation? All the homies hate paypal
the FUCK is their problem??? just with no explaination??? thats way worse wtf thats so shady
dmbakura replied to your post “love it when my paypal with just under 500 quid decides a 6 bucks i...”
Dont ever keep large amounts of money in your paypal. They can do this shit with absolutely no warning. They held several thousand from my friend for like 6 months. Fuck paypal
yeah im learning that now >;/ i know a 6month limit is Probably gonna happen but i feel so bad for your friend though several thousand is Devastating...
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