#fuck ncose
mollyjimbly · 1 year
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starlover2 · 1 year
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fullhalalalchemist · 2 years
-ncose, exodus cry, ftnd, endsexualexploitation, are all far-right christian fundamentalist organizations who's goal is to eradicate all queerness and sexuality from the public sphere. they do not gaf about traffiking becaues none of their resources have ever actually gone to traffiking victims. leila mickelwait fucking post CSAM on TWITTER that she had saved on her phone. SEVERAL of these news articles take their info from them and use them as a source when they just lie and make shit up all the time about traffiking and porn. and all these news sites just repeat what they say with NO fact checking. they are not trustworthy sites and should never be used as sources on anything.
-there is NO medical consensus on porn addiction. it is not a 'real thing' and most of the time the source is some form of religious guilt, shame, depression, etc and sex is the quickest way to get endorphins. which is why porn is such a big economic influence. porn has always been one of the main drives of pushing innovation.
-linking a few studies does not prove anything. thats literally not how science works. yall need to also understand that porn is going to affect different people differently. cis men and cis male teens who already don't ever evaluate their role in society, or ever think twice about gender roles and already have their set-in-stone ideas about sex and gender are going to be affected differently. these studies never take into account the sociological aspect of these men and where they stand on sex and gender or how they interact with each other.
people are obsessed with sex and porn! they always have been! sex and sexuality is normal and desirable and yall need to stop acting like it isnt or is some huge taboo thing or that it NEVER has affected our society and shaped how we do things. people have ALWAYS been obsessed by it and it has always shaped laws and society.
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tieflingkisser · 6 months
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Partners With Anti-Porn Lobby NCOSE
WASHINGTON — Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez issued a press statement last week prominently highlighting her partnership with religiously-inspired anti-porn lobby NCOSE, formerly Morality in Media, an organization that seeks to criminalize all sex work and eradicate adult content, and has an extensive, well-documented history of championing state censorship and opposing LGBTQ+ rights.
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Well then it's absolutely fucked. Shoving it out of a committee without prepping it first means there's absolutely no chance it'll survive the broader Senate.
I don't fully understand what you mean by it not being prepped. I'm not too savvy on political terminology. And this is still scary; this thing has bipartisan support and is being pushed by a far right anti-LGBT group NCOSE.
I mean that bill is full of obvious flaws and legal loopholes you could drive a truck through and the instant it gets Senate attention it's going to be eviscerated. Tossing out a bill without even looking at it is like throwing your kid into a blizzard in their pajamas.
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brandilovevip · 6 years
Diane Black & The State of the Media
I have finally had some time to listen to the full audio of Diane Black’s comments on school shootings. I’ve been asked by a number of news outlets to comment. I have however,  refrained from commenting because I’m concerned about the underlying narrative. I’m disgusted by the attempts of the mainstream media & liberal media to equate every crazy thing to conservatives and or those of us who support President Trump.
If I were to simply say Diane Black is nuts. I worry that the message would then be extended to:  “conservatives are nuts” … just look at what has happened with Rosanne , Kanye etc.  The media is using every crazy statement made by a Trump supporter as an opportunity to extend that “crazy” to all Trump supporters.  
Politicizing what Diane Black said,  when we have a serious mental health & social issue that needs real solutions is the lowest of low. It’s represents a new bottom & to be honest I didn’t think it could get any lower.
What Diane Black said IS wrong. Maybe she is crazy. Maybe she’s pandering. Perhaps she’s an ideologue. I have no idea what she truly believes. All I know is what she said & what the media is trying to do with it.
It’s all disgraceful.
Due to the malicious media frenzy & Trump Derangement Syndrome, Diane Black’s statements have caused media outlets to ask me primarily two questions:
1.  How can you be a conservative or support President Trump when they/he want to ban porn?
2.  What are your thoughts on Diane Black’s statements related to school shootings?
I’ve decided to tackle both of those questions here.
1.  How can you be a conservative or support President Trump when they/he want to ban porn?
Conservatives Don’t Want Porn Banned.
I have talked about this extensively on Twitter over the past two years. The research is clear and irrefutable. “Conservatives” ( Red States ) purchase & consume more adult entertainment & adult products than “Liberals” ( Blue States ).  It’s WHY I have such a steadfast and loyal fan base. I’m one both THEM. A Bible believing, non church going, politically conservative, fiercely Constitutional woman who loves God,  human sexuality & sex.
While there is absolutely a far right religious conservative hatred of porn,  Some of the fiercest challenges to adult entertainment have come from liberals.
President Lyndon B. Johnson
In 1969, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Stanley v. Georgia that people could view whatever they wished in the privacy of their own homes ( THANK GOD! ). In response, the United States Congress funded the President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, set up by President Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat) to study pornography.
LBJ was HOPING to find proof of the negative effects of pornography.
He didn’t. They didn’t.
What they discovered instead is that there was NO reliable evidence that porn hurts anything or anyone.
Iceland ( Very Liberal):
In a country that is considered one of the most liberal in the world there is an active and ongoing effort to ban adult entertainment.  Iceland's proposed ban on “porn” can be seen as a continuation of earlier legislation to regulate the sex industry.
In 2009 it introduced fines and prison terms for those who patronise prostitutes. Most interestingly, and in my opinion disgustingly, they do not apply the legislation to the prostitutes themselves, which lawmakers consider  victims. In 2010 it outlawed strip clubs. And distributing and selling pornography in Iceland has actually been illegal since 1869.  
According to an article in The Economist, the main reason behind the proposed ban seems paradoxical: it is a result of Iceland being a highly liberal place. The country was run by the world's only openly lesbian prime minister, while 65% of Icelandic children are born outside marriage (more than any other country in the The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or… mostly non shithole countries for those of you in Rio Linda.
MeToo Movement
I couldn’t loathe a movement more than the MeToo movement and so should those in adult entertainment. Why? because of the the strange alliance between #MeToo and the right wing religious conservative anti-porn movement. When these two groups are aligned on an issue you KNOW something has gone haywire in the universe.
Nevertheless, MeeToo and right wing religious conservatives joined forces and sang kumbaya in April THIS YEAR. As noted by The Guardian, the mood was upbeat this week as hundreds of activists gathered near Washington to share stories, talk strategy, and canvass lawmakers on their agenda at a conference organized by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), which recently notched up a major PR victory in getting Walmart to ban Cosmopolitan magazine from checkout counters.
Cosmo. Fucking Cosmo. There’s your MeToo movement at work.
I could go on and on citing statements and legislative efforts from liberal organizations such as “Stop Porn Culture” ( Liberal )  , Dr Gail Dines ( Liberal Feminist ), Dr Diana Russel (Liberal) Sociologist , and let’s not forget the folks behind California’s Proposition 60.
Here are just a few:
“Is it Ok to become aroused by sexual torture which is what porn is.”
“Men become predisposed to rape from viewing pornography”.
“The most popular form of pornography f it shows the woman enjoying being raped which is common in pornography”
2.  What are your thoughts on Diane Black’s statements related to school shootings?
What Diane Black said during a listening session in Clarksville, TN  IS wrong.
Maybe she is crazy. Maybe she’s pandering. Perhaps she’s an ideologue. I have no idea what she truly believes. Regardless of her beliefs or motives,  to equate the increase in school shootings to adult entertainment is dangerous and irresponsible.
Some of Diane Black’s stated positions aren’t crazy however.
For example she said this:
“In response to mass shootings, liberals have called for banning and confiscating all guns. We must recognize mental health issues are the cause of mass gun violence, not the guns themselves,”
That is correct.
We do need to figure out what is going on and why. This isn’t a second amendment issue. This isn’t a “porn” issue.
Maybe however, there is a tie to the erosion of the family unit? Maybe there is something to constant exposure to violent video games. Maybe there is an issue with social media, low expectations, bullying , parental abdication etc.
We do need to get to the root of this regardless of what that says about… or how it challenges our individual world views.
Until then,  there are things that should and could be done in my opinion.
On Location Solutions:
1. Student ID Cards - Only those with them may enter building ( We have this at our local public school ... it works) 2. Metal & gun powder detectors 3. Random unannounced locker checks 4. Armed, retired military/ police on campus .. not just one for a whole school. ( We have this at our local public school ... it works) 5. Student Youth Advocacy Groups 6. Zero tolerance policy regarding bullying 7. Bulletproof locking classroom doors & “safe rooms”
Political / Cultural Solutions:
1. Drain the swamp 2. Real commitment to mental health. ( It’s sickening what we do now ) 3. Balanced media 4. Real parenting 5. Respect for life, marriage & family 6. Respect for the constitution 7.  Equal justice under the law 8.  A shared patriotism as Americans 9.  Faith 10. Culture shift
Regardless of whether or not Diane Black’s comments are right or wrong. There are a few things I’m sure of.  One; The mainstream media outlets are seizing upon every opportunity to divide us. Two, we need get to the actual root of the issue. And Three, we need to implement common sense solutions like the ones I listed above at each and every school.
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fullhalalalchemist · 3 years
how would the EARN IT act effect content posted on ao3 & FF.net? could users be arrested for posting things that qualify as obscene? what about DMs and messages? what happens if ur talking about “obscene” things with someone? im very confused about what all of this means for the average tumblr user. thank you for bringing it to our attention tho!
Nothing on the internet is sacred if this bill passes. NCOSE hates gay people. They claim anything porn leads to 'sex trafficking'. So..
As for dms and messages, bc the bill kills section 230 and encryption then those would be scanned and even flagged to the DOJ if they contained anything "against regulation". Like, when I say it's bad I mean its really fucking bad. Imagine worst case scenario. This is *worse* than that.
We need OTW and ao3 to put out a statement. We need the entire internet to do SOPA-like blackouts because of how urgent this shit is.
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fullhalalalchemist · 3 years
the Christian far-right has failed over the course of decades to keep it's hold on America's conscious, kicked out from the public sphere socially. and with the rise of the internet, everything that goes against that white ethnofascist theocratic ideology is here. look at queer culture online. look at kink culture. look at how sexually free everything is. look how accessible talking about disabilities is. look how easy it is to learn and meet and talk to people who are of different religions, different races, different everything.
and those same white supremacist forces for years have been crying about how they have no more power, so they force their way through. economically, politically, socially. and now they're forcing their way through on the internet. with the EARN IT Act, this bill will force the entire internet to basically censor anything that US state legislatures decide "harms children". you know, the same US legislatures that are banning books about the holocaust like Maus because it has "pornography".
and by attacking the internet, the core of this society at this point, the public sphere, the only place in the world where people have equal voices, a power over white supremacy, where people have their own space, their own voice, can do their own thing, can just simply exist....no. that is a threat to them. has always been, and groups like NCOSE, who used to be Morality in Media, the group formed in the 60s that paraded against anything "obscene", anything "indecent", anything "profane", is behind this bill, just like they were behind FOSTA/SESTA, a bill that forced tumblr and other sites to purge nsfw and lgbt content that was "unexpected collateral". yeah, sure.
and now, if this bill passes, NCOSE executives are going to be put on that 19-member commission that the bill creates to write regulation on what is and isn't allowed online, what is and isn't a 'danger to children', what is and isn't obscene. and that coalition's name is NCOSEP. wow, surely the likeness in the acronym is nothing but a coincidence. sure.
because that's the only way they can win. by being bullies, by forcing their way into our lives. by colonizing the internet and erasing everything that makes the internet open and free and for everyone, fuck everyone else, this is for the White American Christians only.
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