The [Millennial] Debt Crisis
America is facing a debt crisis.
No, I’m not referring to the $19.2 trillion national debt. (We’ll save that monstrosity for another post)
I’m talking about the $1.25 trillion outstanding student loan debt that is significantly limiting the potential of Generation Y a.k.a. “Millennials”.
And can you believe that the amount of student loan debt exceeds credit card debt? Yeah, I wish I were kidding.
Student loan debt is a BIG problem, especially for Millennials. On average, they owe $30,000 in student loans after graduation, a 60% increase from the 2004 average of $18,550.
While Millennials are more likely than any other generations to hold a college degree, they are also paid the least.
But before you argue that Millennials do not deserve to make as much as older, more experienced employees because they are newer to the workforce, allow me to continue.
After adjusting for inflation, Millennials make significantly less money on average than their parents did at their age. We are said to be the first generation this century to be worse off financially than our parents.
Read more: http://www.millennialascent.com/the-millennial-debt-crisis/
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“Conservative Exception-ism”
“What does is mean to be a conservative?”
This very question is at the heart of an inner-party war between the “tea-party” and the “establishment”.
While the “tea-party” is accused of being too conservative, the “establishment” is accused of not being conservative enough.
Apparently, we must be “just the right amount” of conservative. If we fall short of these mystical standards, we are labeled RINOs. But what does conservatism even mean nowadays? As we suffer through an embarrassing election cycle, we are forced to consider our own definitions while struggling to reconcile with each other.
Defining “Conservatism”
According to Google, a conservative is “a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.”
Along those same lines, Merriam-Webster defines a conservative as someone “not liking or accepting changes or new ideas.”
By those definitions, I am not a conservative.
Read More: http://www.millennialascent.com/conservative-exception-ism/
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The Ascent.
Thanks for checking out our site! As you can tell by the name of the blog, I am a member of Generation Y, a.k.a. the Millennials. And in case you haven’t heard, my generation recently ousted the “baby boomers” as the largest voter bloc in America! #represent
Yes, that’s right. This year, political campaigns better shake up their game if they want to win us over. May the odds be ever in your favor.
I am also a Republican. Republican Millennials are more common than many people may think.
Now… If you’ve been paying attention to the shifting political tide, you know that my generation is full of people like me.
We may refer to ourselves as Republicans, conservatives, moderates, or libertarians…
But when we identify as Republicans, we often feel the need to clarify our personal stances on certain issues. Many young conservatives are hesitant to call themselves Republicans because of the negative stereotype Republicans have acquired by their backward stances on social issues.
Contrary to what many liberals will argue… we are not all the spawn of pompous, wealthy, homophobic, bible-thumping, backward traditionalists against birth control.
So yes, we’re fully aware that Republicans have been given a bad rep.
And yes, we know we can’t resurrect Ronald Reagan (unfortunately). But the sooner we accept this reality, the sooner our generation can begin building our own legacy. This is OUR time.
Read more about Millennial Ascent: http://www.millennialascent.com/welcome-to-the-millennial-ascent/
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