#fuck modi fuck hindutva fuck them all
shehzadi · 7 months
bjp will never tire of dickriding colonisers
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jackoshadows · 5 months
I loathe Rahul Gandhi so much. The best example of an useless nepo baby surrounded by corrupt sycophants who benefit from having him being in charge of the Congress party.
I hold Gandhi to be partially responsible if Modi wins because unfortunately as of now the Congress party is the only viable opposition party at the national level considering the regional parties can never appeal to voters at the national level in a country as diverse and different as India. Tamil Nadu's DMK will never win votes in West Bengal and, vice versa, Mamata's TMC will never win votes in Tamil Nadu.
And yet here is Rahul Gandhi, squatting like a giant toad at the head of his party after losing elections THREE fucking times, including in his own constituency. The way his greed has him holding onto power after the people rejected him IN THREE CONSECUTIVE ELECTIONS! Rahul Gandhi is a gift, a boon to the BJP. Every time Rahul Gandhi talks, I cringe. He has no idea how to appeal to the common Indian, how to connect with them.
And then the way he made this big show and talk about resigning after losing the last election and then held a sham of a party election where all his sycophants voted in a EIGHTY YEAR OLD MAN as a proxy puppet so that Rahul could continue to be the defacto leader and hold power and make decisions, while actually qualified leaders like Shashi Tharoor had to pretend he had any chance in this farce of a pretend party election.
The Congress party could have rebranded and remade itself anytime in the last ten years. Freed itself from the clutches of the Gandhis. Elected a brand new qualified young leader who could understand and connect with the people, the middle class, the youth and fight back against Hindutva with jobs, development, hospitals, roads, water, infrastructure.
And yet all the Gandhis care about is personal power, holding onto that power, fuck the country, fuck the descent into fascism and religious extremism, who cares about all that as long as this useless pos gets to stay as leader of the party and pretend he gives a fuck.
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tiredguyswag · 7 months
damn i love my religion but these entitled privileged brahmins need to shut the fuck up and stop victimising themselves and then blame the lower castes and adivasis when they don't get their desired seat like your gods modi adani ambani and advani are hellbent on wiping off adivasis and that is why these fuckers like to call them naxals and forest dwellers to justify ousting them out of their fucking homes good god no wonder users like hindulivesmatter magic-coffee vindhyavihasini are defending a fucking genocide these braindead genocidal maniacs. i know we should not spread such distaste against anyone but damn these people i feel so sick going through their blogs they are not even hiding that they want india to be a hindu rashtra don't they know if india does become a hindu rashtra, their rights over properties will be taken away, their husbands can marry again and more patriarchal casteist bullshit these nazi apologists can pull out. and absolutely seeing a radfem terf hindulivesmatter suddenly care about ram ji accepting trans people right before ram mandir fucking cunts. people who they think are "hinduphobic" and stalk their accounts are most of the times hindus themselves, and most all of them queer people themselves. so by that logic does it not mean these people are harassing queer people on this fucking site. forgive me for my rage but i used to follow some people who used to reblog these users and i am so fucking ashamed of them and myself. like they deny sati ever existed, IT DID THERE ARE RECORDS EVEN BEFORE JAUHAR. they say casteism is a western concept, the SAME PERSON WHO SAID THAT LITERALLY SAID SHUDRAS SHOULD NOT ENTER TEMPLES. like the hindutva mania is getting into children i am scared what these people will do to us as whole.
i saw the stuff your mutuals post and they're so funny it's hilarious how hindutvadis lose their minds over posts that doesn't even concern them.
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everything-is-crab · 1 year
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This is what I meant when I said both rightoids and liberals in India are equally dumb as fuck. Both are pro imperialists. She's not even lower caste and yet she's speaking on behalf of us. I have seen this trend in a lot of "anticasteist" upper caste women (who unfortunately have more voices than people like me, actually women from oppressed castes).
How are these people different from the white supremacists who say brown people are intellectually and socially inferior?
"At least the goras let us have meat" oh okay we're gonna ignore the 3 million lives lost in Bengal famine caused by Churchill's policies (after which he blamed it on us instead of his own greediness). Did he let those people eat meat then? Unhinged shit. They wouldn't let people fill their bellies cause sometimes instead of food crops they wanted our ancestors to grow cotton, indigo, spices, tea. Which also left areas prone to land disasters. Commercial stuff that they could sell at much cheaper prices in their own countries and others in the Western world as well. Also levied extremely unreasonably high taxes. Leaving us with no money. Delusional world these middle/upper class liberals live in where the British let us have meat. They didn't even let us have rice.
The British protected the caste system. Read Sharmila Rege's work about how the British introduced the process of "Brahmanisation" in colonial India.
This is the exact thing Hindu nationalists are doing rn! And have been doing forever! Protecting Western imperialists! Why do you think Modi is bootlicking the US so much? Do you think the farmers' protests and the after effects of globalization after 1991 are disconnected from Western imperialism?
Just because nationalists claim to be against white dominance doesn't mean they practice what they preach.
And this folks is why you need to incorporate class and gender in your analysis and not read about the work of only the middle class men of a community :)
Women and poor people matter too.
But unfortunately many earlier anti caste activists who were middle or upper class were anti Marxists and only later few like the Dalit Panthers and R.B More realized the importance of Marxist analysis for understanding modern caste based oppression more. Yes many Indian Marxists ignored casteism. But that does not mean we must dispose it as a useless theory.
But who tf cares about the Dalit Panthers or anyone else? Have you even heard of any other names that aren't Phule or Ambedka? Everyone followed and still follow people like Periyar, Ambedkar, Phule who were all from relatively well off family. And why will people who uncritically follow these people not think colonization was as bad? All of them attended British school and went for higher studies as well. The British was staunchly anti communist. They constantly resisted communist activists in colonial India. This is a privilege even today many people from oppressed castes cannot enjoy.
I have seen all these upper caste women, ignore people like me pointing this out. They think we're against education of oppressed castes (why would I advocate that for my own community?). But rather we take issue to these men ignoring their economic and male privilege and speaking on behalf of all of us.
A reminder that Periyar criminalized devadasis and read Ambedkar's arguments against Hindutva solutions to the Partition (hint: he cared more about the money that could be wasted in missionaries rather than the violence and human rights and unironically called Muslim people "tyrannical" and referred to "Muslim oppression" on Hindus). He was anti casteist, but he was Islamophobic.
To avoid with this kind of thinking, follow Dalit feminist theory. Dalit femininism from its inception has been pro Marxist (cause women make most of poor here). And they explain the effects of colonization on lower caste women (how the British introduced evidence act, a law that justified rape against lower caste women and let me remind you gang rape of lower caste women by upper caste men is a national issue. Ex the Manipur case, the rape of Phoolan Devi, the Hathras case etc). And how dowry (that earlier used to be a practice mainly amongst upper castes was now becoming dominant in lower castes as well due to capitalization of economy during colonial era). Maybe then you will understand why the British abolished sati but not any temple prostitution or other issues faced exclusively by women from oppressed castes. In fact they called upper caste women those who deserve to be protected but lower caste women were inherently deviant in their justification. But please go ahead and argue how imperialism brings "good things" sometimes.
Just read about caste reformation during colonial era. The choice isn't between hindutva and colonial era. The choice is between hindutva and hindutva along with colonial rule. Why do most liberals pretend the British never favored the Brahmins over everybody else?
White supremacy is so much better than Hindu supremacy for women of lower castes am I right guys?
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This is so much better?
Also reminded of the "breast cloth" controversy. Do not mistake that anti caste activism is always anti caste for both Dalit men and women. Sometimes it favors Dalit men. And oppresses Dalit women further. Cause usually the colonizers never cared about oppressed castes but when they did, it was only for the men.
Ik many upper caste Marxists are not good at anti caste politics but I cannot separate Marxism from my anti caste or feminist politics. And as a Marxist from a formerly colonized country, I cannot ignore the imperial divide between the West (that is white dominated) and the global south (that includes India). You cannot separate the conditions of brown and black people today in the global south from the past dynamics of the colonizer and the colonized.
Lower caste women are obviously very poor. The poorest of all with least social protection. These upper caste women can sit on their asses and write papers and blogs on how much white supremacy was much cooler. But the ones from oppressed castes and working class? They don't have this privilege. They have the same burden of upper caste women related to marriage and domestic work and everything. But on top of that they have to do labor as well. And after globalization, when condition of "blue collar jobs" degraded (wages lowered, subsidies cut, worker protection rights gone etc) , the percentage of women in these fields increased. That's not a coincidence. Men always force women into lower earning occupations that have little job security. I am not gonna ignore this.
Fuck Hindutva. But fuck white supremacy too. For me neither is better. Both go hand in hand in fact. Look at the Hindu nationalists in France allying with white supremacists over shared conservative interests.
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uc hindutvas have the weirdest fucking way to show their humiliation kink to the world. they want to be "oppressed" so bad but call the actual oppressed people liars and psuedo liberals when they are pulled from their perfect hindutva rashtra casteist fantasyland where all minorities are exterminated and might i say, rightfully called out for their blatantly visible islamophobia and casteism. people like these are a blot in the name of hinduism but then again, hinduism also has a very bloody history of oppression and bigotry so, not surprised at the slightest.
i am so sorry for venting out like this and, i really think you guys are very brave 💓💗 for standing up against these ignorant bigots who make no valuable use of their so called knowledge in history.
trigger warning for suicide, rape & an event of an ongoing genocide.
these fucking neo facsists claim to care for queer people, when in fact they support facsists like yogi and modi, so many of these hindutvas were in fact laughing in these instagram comments when a sixteen year old queer comitted suicide and called that child's single mom, very derogatory stuff. these guys like to claim that hindus don't oppress women 'like muslims do' but then none of them raised a tiny inch of their voices when bilkis bano's rapists were garlanded and an olympic wrestler's abuser was celebrated by this very fucking hindutva government and these people blamed sakshi malik for her "downfall".
for some people who claim to celebrate decolonisation and freedom from invaders, these same dumbfucks remain to chose dead silent when a genocide is (still) going on and then go on defend it because "khxmxs" and i kid you not, i have seen one of these hindublr accounts actually cheer on the genocide of palestinian people and say shit like they had it coming or what not.
for these so called "gopis" i hope kanha whacks them with their gada.
I'm still flabbergasted by how their minds cannot separate Hinduism from Hindutva. It's genuinely so hard for them to do so because they're so deep in the RSS propaganda rabbit hole that they can't see the difference between religion and religious nationalism anymore. These people will complain about Islamic nations and it's hypocritical because the end goal of their Hindutva nonsense is that India becomes a religious state too.
They want to flatten everyone down into the label of "hindu" because diversity hurts their cause. They want things to be homogenous, easier to control. These people would call everyone a Hindu while practising blatant casteism. When someone points out their casteism, they'll turn around and say that the person pointing it out is the one creating divisions. Like they weren't freely enjoying the benefits that their upper caste status brings them. It's so bizarre. They want caste to be invisible but still ever-present. It's easier to profit off of it that way.
Queer people are just tools to be used in an argument to them. They want to be so different from the abrahamic religions and yet they follow the same archaic attitudes about queer people as them. They will also completely ignore intersectionality and point to a successful rich savarna queer person as an example of how queer people are so accepted in India.
I saw some of them praying for Kalki to come and finish it all and it was funny to me. Do they believe Kalki would believe in Hindutva of all things? Be for real.
-Mod S
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hindulivesmatter · 8 months
Hey anon, you threw a tantrum in my inbox at midnight. But you know what, I'll address your ask bit by bit, because I'm nice.
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It's every news organization that is blatantly Hinduphobic and either refuses to cover actual cases or alters its headlines to be misleading. The Citizenship Amendment Bill you're speaking about is not taking away citizenship rights, oh my god. Do your goddamn research. Here is what it actually entails.
Next. I reblogged a-s fischer's reply because that was the one I was focusing on. Not to mention all the news articles in the other reblogs were all thinly veiled propaganda. My "sources" were all actual fucking cases, buddy. When did I pretend that's all there is. a-s fischer blocked me like a coward after replying to me.
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Huh. I'd love to know what your definition of Islamophobia is, because it seems like NOBODY ON THIS DAMN WEBSITE CAN SEEM TO AGREE ON A DEFINITION. I've defended every single thing Modi does? Absolutely not. BJP is a political party in the end, and they have members who are absolute pieces of shit. For example, Brij Bhushan Singh. I hate who he is as a human being, and he deserves absolutely no power. He deserves NOTHING. Understand this. Just because I talk about the positive side of BJP does not mean I won't condemn them when it is required. I will bash them when it's necessary, you condescending ass.
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Yeah, we are educating people about our cultures, because currently, all I've seen over Tumblr is hatred for our own religion, Hinduphobia and antisemitism running WILD.
Also, I am Indian? I'm literally Marathi. I wasn't even replying to tikkunolamorgtfo, i was replying to a-s fischer. The OP wasn't even who I was talking about. Why can't a Jewish person be Indian? When did I ever assume that? a-s fischer was literally calling Hindutva "Hinduva" for god's sake.
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Bro, you think we have an agenda, I promise you we don't. I'm an 18-year-old girl in college who's trying to spread awareness about Hinduphobia. That's literally it. Go piss your pants and cry about it somewhere else.
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Liar liar pants on fire. Let's not pretend that the media in India isn't heavily skewed. The prejudice is real, and the media is perfectly happy to twist headlines to frame us as villains. I'd tell you to use your critical thinking skills, but from this long-ass rant you sent me, I can tell you don't have any.
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tamlindudley · 9 months
it is so fucking annoying to see indian hindus expressing solidarity with the israeli occupation like they arent being blatantly racist towards indians. how low do u have to stoop lmao. have some self repsect and humanity, although the latter seems to be a lost cause.
(-a hindu)
and people who are bringing up the islamic rule and treatment of hindus in pak and bangladesh really fail to realise that two wrongs dont make a right and any hope of peace and harmony for either community lies in supporting each other, not in being violent and oppressive.
also, as you stated zionists do not care who they are killing. it is not only muslims but also christians that are being slaughtered, and if there were/is a hindu population, they will not bat an eyelid. there is no hope of solidarity and brotherhood with a genocidal state
also, you hit the nail right on the head with the maldives thing, which imo, boycott all you want idc but let’s also pay attention to far more pressing issues? i get being ‘patriotic’ ig but that should also mean lifting up and amplifying the voices of people in need within your own country. what kind of so called patriotism entails that you ignore the calls for help from your own people. people are getting murdered and assaulted, r**ed and what not. how can your priorities be that askew
Anon, I love you.
Honestly there is only one explanation and its Islamophobia. Hindutvas hate Muslims so much that their bloodthirst is more than their self-respect. If they had any self-respect at all they'd be against Israel after all the horrible comments from them but nooo because they kill Muslims and that's all that matters. Lets attack Maldives instead for calling out Modi for supporting Israel lol. They hate Islam so much that they drag Pakistan, Bangladesh and Mughals into the discussion when Palestine is literally a different land far far away from India. It would be funny if it wasn't fucking pathetic. Zionists really don't care about who they kill is all I was saying in my original post which brought triggered Indians to my blog smh. Indians will boycott Maldives but not boycott Starbucks or Mcdonalds and def wont talk about actual issues like Bilkis Bano or Manipur. And then wonder why we are the butt of so many jokes on the internet.
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dumb-cdc · 9 months
the Standpoint of being "Chosen"
It is a journey into distortion to understand the positionality of Evangelicals and Zionists, and their ideological siblings in MAGA under Trump and Hindutva under Modi.
This is a positionality not often discussed in Standpoint Theory™️, which posits that all knowledge of the self and the world is informed by social position.
Black feminists like Patricia Hill Collins describe Standpoint™️ as the place where one finds themselves within a 'matrix of oppression'—an individual's standpoint is located at a unique nexus of the intersecting systems of race, gender, and class. When this standpoint is located outside of hegemony, you have a clearer vantage point of the cogs in the greater machine and the contours of these intersecting oppressive systems. From these standpoints, we can better see the violent churn of bureaucracy down to the interpersonal mechanisms of violence.
What happens, then, when the 'matrix of oppression' is replaced with a 'matrix of exceptionalism'? A matrix where entities believe that they sit at the centermost nexus of race, gender, and class systems, a standpoint nestled within hegemony rather than one thrown to a distal area from it. A matrix where the resulting standpoint is one of being "chosen."
Not just exceptional by ordinary standards, but "chosen": singularly "chosen" by God and Nation. Now that is a data validation conundrum.
How does this standpoint of being "chosen" understand equality, equity, or justice? Human rights or humanness itself?
When trying to understand this, I think to a scene from the miniseries Midnight Mass. The series follows a congregation "chosen" by an angel (sorta vampire?) that is now tasked to decide which church members should survive to see the New World Order. A show 100% about epidemiological investigation (ie new incidence of vampires), featuring communicable and zoonotic diseases.
The scene is Annie (neighborhood mom) speaking to Bev ("chosen" church leader, vampire) after much of the town has been sacrificed for the New World Order. Annie to Bev: God doesn't love you more than anyone else. You aren't a hero. And you certainly, certainly aren't a victim. Bev: I wouldn't lecture Annie Flynn. [...] (Gives a bitchy read of Annie's parenting skills because her sacrificed* son killed a child during a DUI.) Annie: And God loves him. Just as much as He loves you, Bev. Why does that upset you so much? Just the idea that God loves everyone just as much as you. (Get her Jade!)
In the 'matrix of exceptionalism,' how does one conceptualize love from God and Nation? God and Nation can certainly love beings that aren't equal to the "chosen." God and Nation can certainly love them less. The love itself does not have to be equal.
Meanwhile, in the 'matrix of oppression':
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*see above
All this to say: those of us scattered across the 'matrix of oppression' can look at hegemony and have an outside vantage point of the Master's House™️ per se (coined by Audre Lorde).
I believe that those inside the Master's House are scattered across the 'matrix of exceptionalism.' Nestled within hegemony, they have a proximity to something else.
And perhaps through a keyhole, a crack in the door, a few inches between the window pane and sill, we on the outside see what it is:
The Cuckoo Clock in Hell™️
This is how Kurt Vonnegut describes the innermost mind of the far-right in his 1961 book Mother Night. This mind is a machine so fundamentally broken, random, and pointless, that it functions only enough to simply keep its shoddy machinery operating and whirling.
Ostensibly able to 'make the trains run on time,' but always in a super fucked up way.*
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*see above
In Vonnegut's words:
I have never seen a more sublime demonstration of the totalitarian mind, a mind which might be linked unto a system of gears where teeth have been filed off at random. Such snaggle-toothed thought machine, driven by a standard or even by a substandard libido, whirls with the jerky, noisy, gaudy pointlessness of a cuckoo clock in Hell. [...] [The far-right] wasn't completely crazy. The dismaying thing about classic totalitarian mind is that any given gear, thought mutilated, will have at its circumference unbroken sequences of teeth that are immaculately maintained, that are exquisitely machined. Hence the cuckoo clock in Hell - keeping perfect time for eight minutes and twenty-three seconds, jumping ahead fourteen minutes, keeping perfect time for six seconds, jumping ahead two seconds, keeping perfect time for two hours and one second, then jumping ahead a year. The missing teeth, of course, are simple, obvious truths, truths available and comprehensible even to ten-year-olds, in most cases. The willful filing off of gear teeth, the willful doing without certain obvious pieces of information - [...] That was how my father-in-law could contain in one mind an indifference toward slave women and love for a blue vase - That was how Rudolf Hess, Commandant of Auschwitz, could alternate over the loudspeakers of Auschwitz great music and calls for corpse-carriers - That was how Nazi Germany could sense no important difference between civilization and hydrophobia - That is the closest I can come to explaining the legions, the nations of lunatics I've seen in my time.”
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^^ a cuckoo clock, not pictured in hell
In respect to Black Lives Matter, Trans Rights, and Palestine, those of us glimpsing inside the Master's House through a keyhole or opening have seen the faces of friends, family, and community members in there.
More often than not, I see white queers speaking Zionist rhetoric while staring directly into the Cuckoo Clock in Hell™️ --
They agree with it. On the same day pro-Palestine protestors shut down the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, and Holland Tunnel using ACT UP's 1995 "bridges and tunnels" protest techniques. On the same day over 400 persons were arrested for this act of defiance. On the same day ACT UP NY announced fully-funding bus tickets for the ACT UP block going to the January 13th March on Washington.
I see white queers agree with the Cuckoo Clock in Hell™️ and listen to its dissonant whirling. To them, I want to ask: Why do you feel so safe inside the Master's House? You will eventually be evicted, displaced, and discarded. Do you actually believe you are "chosen," a credit to your kind?
When I think of Palestine as a Standpoint™️, I think of what the Castro district of San Francisco, CA has come to mean for queers across the nation (and even globally).
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^^ photos taken by me, 2023
When you're in the Castro, you know you're in Castro-- Rainbow crosswalks, rainbow banners on lampposts, a historic 'rainbow walk' with plaques dedicated to famous LGBTQ+ figures, and a giant rainbow flag (20ft x 30ft) flying over Harvey Milk Plaza.
The SF AIDS Foundation has a beautiful multi-story wellness center serving the community. The historic Twink Peaks Tavern sits atop Castro St.; its large panoramic windows were uncovered in 1973, making it the first gay bar to stop hiding its patrons from the public.
The graffiti says 'Protect Trans Kids' and 'Dykes Hate Techies.' There is an ease around queer public displays of affection and sexuality. The Castro 'Welcome Center' plays Kim Petras' album Slut Pop over the sound system.
The historic Castro theatre visually distinguishes the neighborhood's main drag from anywhere else.
Harvey Milk's old photo shop is now an art space called Queer AF.
Dildos are in a fair amount of store windows. And you will probably pass a nudist on your morning coffee run.
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^^ photos taken by me, 2023
The Castro's response to Palestine was immediate and visible.
After Israel's retaliation to Hamas' October 7th attack had begun, Palestinian flags went up in storefronts. Sandwich boards said 'Free Gaza' and 'Let Gaza Live.' Messages of solidarity were written on printer paper and taped to windows. Residents hung Palestinian flags out of their apartment windows. We marched to the Civic Center.
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^^ photo taken by me, 2023
And so, when I see white queers parroting the Cuckoo Clock in Hell™️, I want to ask: What would it mean for the queers of Castro to become forcibly displaced?
Would it be a stretch of the imagination for windows to be broken, residents to be threatened, stores to be trashed, or pedestrians to be beaten? Would it be a stretch of the imagination for the few franchises among the queer-owned local businesses to pull out of the neighborhood with enough political pressure?
What if you heard that queer residents on the outer blocks of Castro had their homes bricked. They left in fear. The city quickly seized the property. Squatters and developers moved in. The violence may move inwards towards the heart of the neighborhood.
Now more people want these dykes, fags, trannies, groomers, pedophiles, and perverts out of here.
And they found a system for doing so.
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^^ graphic design is their passion
So let's just stop here. This is the most benign level of forced displacement. This will not create refugees or a humanitarian crisis. This isn't even on par with raiding gay bars like in the good ol' days.
This isn't police beating up queers in the street or arresting them for now being 'unwanted traffic' in public space. This isn't vigilantes telling "the queers" to get out of their homes and businesses at gunpoint. This isn't throwing all of your belongings out of the window and into the street.
This isn't making flying the LGBT flag illegal.
This isn't tearing down the sign for Harvey Milk Plaza.
This isn't defacing the Castro Theatre.
This isn't even a loss of life.
This isn't even war.
I want to posit this to all the white queers fixated on the Cuckoo Clock in Hell™️. I want to ask why they feel safe from state violence that, given the current anti-LGBTQ+ landscape, is only one move of the needle away.
When you are no longer "chosen," how will you return to and face your community again? And better yet: can you? We protect us, after all.
This article is dedicated to you.
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In fascist thought there's frequently an ‘international menace’ to whom Nouvelle Droite-style ethnopluralism does not apply. For Nazis (save for the more astute pro-Israel ones like Spencer), it's Jews and thus Israel is just the base of operations for ZOG and the degeneracy of Anglo-American liberalism. But Muslims doing Muslim things in like, the Middle East, well that's alright (leading Heimbach to declare solidarity with Middle Eastern Islamist groups in the common fight against Jewish globalism). I mean, it's not actually ‘alright’ to them because despite the differentialist obfuscation they'd still do global, Turner Diaries nuclear genocide in a heartbeat to build a white supremacist empire if given the chance, but you're not... supposed to notice that?
Anyways, in Hindutva it's Muslims, leading Golwalkar and later Hindu nationalists to declare solidarity with Zionism against the transnational Islamic conspiracy to subjugate and destroy great nations, be they Hindus or Jews. In almost a mirror image of the purported international Jewish conspiracy to weaken racial integrity by waging ‘globalist’ foreign wars and promoting multiculturalism and miscegenation, everywhere Golwalkar turns he sees a far-reaching Muslim conspiratorial plot to dominate the ‘Hindu Nation,’ displace Jews from their natural homeland in Palestine, and so on. Hindu nationalists still talk about liberating themselves from Muslim colonizers — for instance, were you aware that India only truly achieved its independence in 2014 when Modi came to restore Hindusthan?
It's also a very bizarre bit of historical illiteracy, which I only half-understand the motivation for, that he insists that the only Jews displaced by the Roman occupation were the community that became Bene Israel in India, whereas every other diaspora Jew was apparently displaced specifically by Muslim rulers. Which significantly shifts the timeframe of almost two thousand years of Jewish history, obviously. Also, in his insistence on constructing an eternal, atavistic cultural conflict between Muslims and Jews, Golwalkar like... almost lets the Romans off easy a bit? He greatly narrows their role in destroying Second Temple Judaism?
There's also the matter, which Zionist fascists who believe that all Jews and only Jews should live in Israel always skirt around, of a voluntary Jewish diaspora predating Roman colonialism in Judaea. Because post-Enlightenment ethno-national politics were absolutely alien to fucking first-century kingdoms.
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sauveteen · 5 years
I genuinely feel like you're being very radical about the whole Modi situation. I agree that he's not compeletly clean. No politician is clean. They are all corrupt. But the lack of an even avergae opposition means that's India's best bet is modi. Atleast the 5 years he had India he did something. Congress fucking DESTORYED us for 10 years.
modi CAUSED the hindu muslim riots of 2001. he paid off poor men and gave them cheap alcohol and had them burn entire fucking buildings to the ground. both muslims and hindus had to stay up all night huddled together because they were scared that’d be their last time together. he has been behind so much fucking shit, his hands are RED WITH BLOOD, and he’s still the most powerful man of our country. and it makes sense, doesn’t it? cause riots, say there’s disunity between hindus and muslims, push hindutva onto the people and the muslims out of the country. you think the supreme court, the judiciary, is independent of the executive like it should be? think again lmao modi and amit shah are fucking criminals. sorry i can’t excuse the deaths of hundreds of thousands of citizens just because he’s swooping a fucking broomstick through the country. i can admit modi has done some good, but it will never, ever erase the crimes he’s done— crimes he’s continuing to do
the modi government is leading the country towards a communal war. do you realise how fucking scary the implications of that are?
also, i never said i supported congress, because i don’t. BJP had good leaders. now BJP has a bloodthirsty man disguised as a smiley lovable oldie who shakes hands with other countries and goes on man vs. wild. fuck that.
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foolgobi65 · 5 years
thank you so much for all your comments on that modi post it is concerning how many people will read the og post and actually buy into it unknowingly
That’s actually why I’m engaging at all – if this was just their personal blog it would be terrible, but it wouldn't necessarily be worth direct, repeated engagement. The fact that they’re a popular blog spreading Hindu nationalist rhetoric and talking points under the guise of progressivism and anti-imperialism, particularly as the type of account that is meant to educate people from other communities on examples of bias, makes them in my opinion dangerous. I don’t want non South Asians to believe that the anti-imperialist position is supporting Hindu fascism, and I certainly don’t want young justice-minded Hindu Indians on this site seeing OP’s posts and thinking that supporting Hindu fascism is the correct, progressive position. The Hindu American mainstream, particularly the Hindu American Foundation is already doing much of this work, mainstreaming Hindutva while positioning themselves to Western governments and progressive faith organizations as the sole voice, and that too a progressive one, of modern Hindus. Anyone who supports the BJP, Hindutva, Hindu nationalism, the RSS, is a Hindu fascist, or at the very least a fascist apologetic. OP can’t talk shit about the Empire while ignoring the material ways Hindutva is killing minorities in service of some broader, completely fucked up perception of “indigenous power” and post-colonialism. 
I’m safe sitting halfway across the world, and what little family I have in India is safe as well which means the literal least I can do is try to debunk posts that trade in flawed islamaphobic rhetoric re: indigeneity as it applies to the subcontinent, a flawed understanding of how post-colonial nationalism has developed in the last 70+ years, and honestly outright fascist apologia which OP would never let slide from anyone else on any other topic. It’s dishonest of OP to give Modi leeway they don’t give any other politician -- if OP supports Tulsi because of Tulsi’s belief in the power of peace and non-intervention, what does OP think of Modi’s behavior post Pulawama? Anyways, like I said this is literally the least I can do. Unfortunately for us all OP has a seemingly inexhaustible amount of terrible opinions on this topic, and I plan on responding to, at least, the most dangerous ones I see. 
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starkshipper · 5 years
At EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN HINDU posting to boycott Netflix for spreading anti-Hindutva message, under the comments section of the 'Leila' trailer on YouTube,,,,,,GO. FUCKING. DIE. KILL. YOURSELF. Seriously, the world will be far better off without you whores and cunts. Hinduism is the world's worst religion. It's a fact. @ anyone who says that Hindus are peaceful, no they aren't. They have plundered this country in the name of peace. Yes there have been others, but don't use them to make it seem like your religion is better, cause it isn't. Do the world a favour and sacrifice your life. Or better, don't access social media at all.
And also shout out to people I know who are Modi bhakts whose true colors came out in 2014, jao aur kutte ki maut maro. Tum log jaise bhasad logon ko jeena zaroori nahin.
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