#fuck fuckfcuck i need a minute fuck hol d on )
endfought · 2 years
when do you gaze at your soulmate?
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when they're unaware. they don't always see you. but that's a good thing. this is when you love them most. when they are so absorbed in their thoughts you can just sit there and enjoy them existing. it's the way they move through the world which made you fall in love. the grace with which they walk their path. the stubbornness. the dedication. they know their place in the universe and somehow, that makes you feel a little more confident in your existence too. they know who and what they are and there is nothing more beautiful to you than the ability to witness it all. in the simple things and the big things. the expressions they make when they think no one is looking. the way they laugh when they're not holding back. the little swears under their breath for no one but themselves. you love it all and you want to spend the rest of your life being their life's witness.
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when they're dancing. you're not sure if they know you're there or not. you're not sure if it matters. you watch them sway to the music, watch as they twirl around and smile for no one but themselves. they're free and laughing. they're alive and vibrant. they're everything you might never be except when you're with them. so full of life it makes something in your chest tighten. there are frown lines at the corners of your mouth but your lips are smiling right now. rare. and often, only for them. they have light in their hearts and some days you fear the darkness in you might swallow it whole. but they'd never let you walk away. so make sure the darkness inside you keeps all the other monsters away from their tender heart.
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