crystallinegeode · 3 hours
hey parents: there is literally no non-abusive reason a person would want the ability to read someone’s emails, track their location, and go through their calls and text messages without their knowledge or consent.
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crystallinegeode · 4 hours
One of the weirdest thing about growing up suicidal is that you assume you have no future, you don’t even try to envision it because you see no point. So eventually, you start assuming everyone else sees nothing in your future either. Recently, my friend and I were talking and she said something about how at her wedding I could wear a suit or a dress as long as it matched her bridesmaid’s dresses because the butler of honor has to make a good impression. This hit me so hard because I had never realized before how other people thought about me. She said it so casually like it wasn’t even a hard decision, just a given fact. She loves me so much she saw me at her wedding, standing with her on one of the most important days of her life. And you know what? There are so many people who think about you that way. If that isn’t proof that you should keep going I don’t know what is.
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crystallinegeode · 4 hours
why do i have to explain to grown ass adults that human rights r called human rights bc every single human is entitled to them bc they r human, n they should never b taken away no matter who they are or what they did. and that advocating for the removal of human rights, nomatter who the target of it is, is not only incredibly cruel but will eventually spiral and lead to oppression. didnt we learn that shit in like 5th grade.
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crystallinegeode · 5 hours
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During this International Week of Deaf People and in Deaf Awareness Month, I would love to bring attention to Basem, a deaf journalist in Gaza who has been reporting on news in Palestine in sign language. He works to keep information accessible not only to Palestinians, but to the deaf community globally.
There isn’t a lot of discussion about how Israel’s attacks on Gaza affect the over 15,000 deaf Palestinians, but Basem has been continuing to raise awareness and highlight the challenges deaf people face during this genocide.
You can donate to Basem’s evacuation gofundme for him, his wife, and his young daughter here.
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crystallinegeode · 6 hours
oh yeah btw, I don't go by they/them.
I've noticed people have been using that for me a lot, even in art tags, I use he/him only, thanks.
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crystallinegeode · 7 hours
While my T itself is only $15/mo my needles make it $40/mo and I’m paying $60/mo for student loans so I’m just paying $100/mo and I feel insane. Medicine and education should be free.
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crystallinegeode · 7 hours
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groundbreaking study: people want to die when they get stripped of their human rights
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crystallinegeode · 7 hours
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crystallinegeode · 8 hours
it's really bleak to think about bisan winning a peabody and now an emmy tonight for her reporting like yeah with one hand the american elite are giving her awards for her fearlessness and bravery in the face of unspeakable horror and with the other hand the american elite are the ones sending the bombs and the rest of american journalism and media as a field are constantly actively manufacturing consent for the genocide that forces her to keep getting in front of a camera to say it's bisan from gaza and i'm still alive. something something liberals don't believe in politics anymore just in bearing witness to suffering, except the suffering is something they are actively creating. just horrific dystopian shit
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crystallinegeode · 8 hours
Courtney Demone is a trans woman currently undergoing hormone replacement therapy and, as such, is starting to grow breasts.
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Given this opportunity, she has a found a brilliant way to #FreeTheNipple.
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Demone is launching the hashtag #DoIHaveBoobsNow and will post topless images of herself on Facebook and Instagram, “until those networks decide that my breasts have developed enough to be sexualized and worthy of censorship”
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Demone is exposing privilege and hypocrisy all at one.
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crystallinegeode · 8 hours
list of (HIGHLY ETHICAL) USA military jobs where you don’t have to kill anyone:
Public Affairs. Have you ever wanted to make literal government propaganda? Well now you get to.
Emotional Support Animal Handler. The emotional support animal in question is a mutt that one of your Battle Buddies “rescued” from Afghanistan. He named the dog “Kunduz Hospital Airstrike”
Depleted Uranium Munitions Handler
Recruiter Who Specifically Targets Teenagers
Priest Who Tries To Convince Murderers That They Aren’t Going To Hell
Guy who brings Hot Pockets™ to drone operators and fruitlessly discourages them from using the term “Bug Splat”
Guy who keeps the buildings full of munitions from catching on fire. (It’s really really important that those munitions dont explode until they impact an apartment block in the global south)
Guy who stands on the deck of Coast Guard vessels and hollers threats at migrants in the worst Spanish you’ve ever heard
Guy who maintains and repairs multimillion dollar murder machines
Guy Who Trains Guys To Kill Without Hesitation or Remorse
Sex Trafficker (Army)
Sex Trafficker (Navy)
Sex Trafficker (Marines)
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crystallinegeode · 8 hours
Why does my pan "seared" meat always turn out grey instead of pretty and brown :<
You're either cooking it on too low of a heat, OR you're fucking with it too much.
How to Sear Meat Good:
While you're waiting for the pan to heat AS HIGH/HOT AS IT'LL GO, salt the outside of your meat. Use BIG FLAKE SALT, or CHUNKY SEA SALT. Using fine table salt you'll end up with really overly salty food.
Get your pan RIPPING hot. Like, when you toss a drop of water on it, that fucker dances across the pan.
Add oil enough to coat the bottom fully, and wait for it to also be ripping hot.
Place your meat in the pan
Seriously. don't touch it until you see the grey 'cooked meat' color creeping up the sides. Once you see about a full centimeter of cooked-color up the sides of the meat, THEN you can flip it over.
Cook on that new side until the 'edges' of the meat look completely cooked. You can then check if it's browned properly, and poke at it or cut it to see how 'done' the inside is.
At that point for a steak I'd turn the heat down or off entirely, and let the residual heat cook through the middle.
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crystallinegeode · 11 hours
yes it is malicious degendering when a cis person clocks us and decides to refer to us exclusively as they/them
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crystallinegeode · 11 hours
"what was your first _____" "when you were a kid what did you _____" "how old were you when ______" i don't knowwwww i don't knowwwwwwwwwww i can't rememberrrrrrrrr
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crystallinegeode · 11 hours
did you know? its possible to talk about a trans woman WITHOUT mentioning that she has a dick!! did you know that? did you fucking know???
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crystallinegeode · 11 hours
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crystallinegeode · 11 hours
to sum up: eric adams defrauded the city of millions of dollars using fake donations from the authoritarian erdogan government to earn matching money from the municipal electoral public funds program (in fact, matched 8-to-1, e.g., $2,000 for a $250 donation), then enacted austerity, claiming the city had no money, cutting library, education, and homelessness funds, while boosting the NYPD budget, salaries, and overtime pay. cartoon-level villain
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