#fuck cef
apomaro-mellow · 1 year
im posting the eddie chapter of my barbarella!steve au here bc im so generous. all you really gotta know is Steve is a space explorer and on his advanced planet they only have sex w/each other for procreation and every other time they use toys and machines until he crash lands on a more primitive planet
AO3 link for those that want tags
There is a bit of Billy in the beginning but he does not show up past that.
Steve's outfit after he changes
“Didn’t think you’d want to be alone”, Eddie said, coming to the front of the bed. “You’re all alone on a foreign planet. I’ve got to be a hospitable host.” He reached down and lifted one of Steve’s legs by the ankle.
Steve watched as Eddie removed the boot, kissing his calf through the mesh on his leg. That wasn’t one of the erogenous zones he had learned about, and yet his heart skipped a beat. Eddie gently lowered that leg and did the same to the other, kissing his knee this time. 
“Very hospitable. Are you going to take care of me all night?”, Steve asked.
Eddie let his hand brush the outside of his thigh. “That’s all I wanna do, Steve.”
Steve felt an impulse and he followed it, spreading his legs a little, inviting Eddie in.
After his romp with Billy, Steve was promptly given a land speeder and granted permission to be on his way. This vehicle was archaic. It still utilized wheels rather than hovering off the ground.
“Having a bit of friction is a better feeling. Don’t you agree?”, Billy had said when he gave Steve the keys.
Steve’s clothes hadn’t survived Billy’s hands but he had been given a sleek little red number to wear, along with some boots that matched. 
“I told you I’d wrap you up in something pretty.”
Steve had thanked Billy for his cooperation. And then he took off. Feeling every bump in the road was probably a fun experience on a normal day, but not on this day. Not only was Steve still aching from his roll in the sheets, but the fatigue of his adventure was catching up with him.
In the past day he had crashed, been shot at, traveled over the mountains, been chased down, punched out a guy, and now he was still on the move. He was just thinking about the luxuries of home, a nice long bath, a soft bed, the lullaby of his ship’s beeps and chirps as he saw the horizon of a city come up. Black buildings jutted up towards the sky.
This place looked more developed than what he’d seen thus far, but he still would practice caution. And then he saw it. Plain as day, the satellite was right there on the edge of the city.
Steve stopped short of it. The CEF emblem was shown proud on it. But it was damaged badly. Thankfully, his job wasn’t to repair it. His signal was a little weak and he was walking around the satellite, trying to find a stronger one to send his coordinates when he heard some very loud whispering coming from behind a boulder nearby.
“Who is he?”
“Whoever he is, he’s messing with my discovery. Will, do something!”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“Disorient him or something.”
“We don’t know if he’s dangerous yet.”
“There’s a literal weapon hitched to him.”
“Guys shut the fuck up I think he heard you!”
“Um, hello? Whoever that is, I mean you no harm”, Steve called out, holding his arms up.
He took a step forward but before he could take another he felt a sharp pain like something hit his head. Steve fell to the ground as he lost consciousness. He was able to hear feet approaching him and what sounded like children arguing before it all went black.
When he came to, it was to a dark room and what felt like silk sheets under him. He let out a groan and that was when the room began to illuminate. Some lamps turned on, giving everything a soft glow without making it too bright.
“Where am I?”
“Far from home, it looks like.”
Steve jolted to a sitting position, not expecting anyone to answer. But he groaned in pain at the movement.
“Whoa there, no sudden movements now”, the voice said, starting to move.
“I’m not an animal”, Steve said, feeling a little annoyed from his discomfort.
“No, that would be whoever did this to you.” A man sat by him and gestured to the fresh marks Billy had left on him.
Steve brought a hand to his neck, suddenly self conscious in front of the man before him. His wild, dark curls spilled over his shoulders. He wore leather all over him, straps on his legs and a harness across his chest. The skin he could see was illustrated with tattoos.
“Then again, my little pack of beasties didn’t do much better. Let’s get you a bath, huh?”, the man said before standing up.
Steve looked himself over and saw that he was covered in dirt and other debris. “Your beasties? What happened to me?”
“Some of the children of my court. Said they found you messing around with that space junk. Part of it fell off and conked you right on the noggin.” He went through a door and turned a light on. In seconds, Steve heard the sound of running water.
He brought a hand to where he had felt the pain and let out a hiss. So that’s why. And he could guess at why he was so dirty now if a bunch of children found him but the man explained anyway.
“They dragged you all the way here. They could’ve just called for a transport but kids, you know? What’re you gonna do?” He came out and looked Steve up and down. “Can you walk alright.”
“Yes, I should be able to-” Steve ate his own words as he stumbled but was quickly caught before he could crash to the floor.
“Careful there, sweet thing.”
“Steve. My name is Steve.”
The man smiled. “And you can call me Eddie. Oh Runner of Baths, whichever floats your boat.”
Eddie helped Steve to his feet and led him to the bathroom. It was already steaming from the hot water. Steve could’ve cried. It felt like days since he had bathed. And now that he thought about it, it literally was. He moved away from Eddie and began to undress, thinking of only getting clean until he caught their reflections in the mirror. It hadn’t quite fogged up yet and Steve could see the look in Eddie’s eyes clear as day. 
The way Eddie was looking at him was…different. Different from the way that either Jonathan or Billy had looked at him. But Steve was coming to know those looks all under one word: desire.
He slowed his hands a bit, making a little show of undressing. He was also seeing the bites that Billy had left for the first time and wondered if they would bother Eddie. Wondered if he would see him as less desirable. But Eddie’s gaze only got heavier as more skin was revealed to him. Now Steve was wondering if Eddie would replace Billy’s marks with his own.
“Now how’d such a pretty thing like you fall into a dirty place like this?”
“I um, my ship. My ship, it needs repairs.” Steve felt like his voice was wavering and he didn’t understand why.
“Well”, Eddie held a hand out to Steve and helped him step into the water, looking as content as if he was the one sinking in when Steve let out a soft sigh. “We’ll see if we can do something about that. Your satellite too. Can’t have my kids running around broken equipment like that?”
“You mean they don’t make a habit of scavenging like that?”, Steve raised a brow. Those kids seemed hardier than most, ready to take out a full grown man at the drop of a hat.
“Oh they’ve got the tendencies of a junkyard dog. But they’re also clever. Almost too much.” 
Eddie took a step back and Steve almost grabbed for him. It felt like there was a string connecting them now that he didn’t want to break.
“I’ll get you a change of clothes. Take your time.”
Steve did, soaking and lounging in the bath for quite a while before actually getting to clean himself. He even dunked his head to wash his face and hair, then stayed for a bit, just savoring the feel of being surrounded by water. At some point, when was lost in one of these actions, Eddie had left a towel and an outfit on a hanger. Steve got out and dried himself off. He looked to the outfit he’d been brought and put it on.
It was a shiny bikini set with mesh that covered his torso and legs. Despite the glittery top it was still darker than what Steve normally wore. Eddie wasn’t in the room anymore, so Steve decided to leave out and find him, possibly get a more concrete plan for his repairs.
Right away, he was met with a guard that led him to a grand throne room. “Your Eminence”, the guard bowed.
So when Eddie had said ‘children of his court’...
Eddie sat with one leg propped up on the arm of the chair. He was still wearing what he had before, but now there was a magnificent black cloak hanging off his shoulders.
“The man from the stars graces us with his presence. How was your soak sweet thing?”
“I told you, my name is Steve.” He realized he never got a chance to tell Billy. It was probably why he stuck with the pet name.
Eddie stood up and stalked over to Steve. “Well maybe ‘round these parts ‘Steve’ means ‘sweet thing’.”
Steve’s breath caught in his throat, but he was saved from answering when a door slammed open and a small horde of children came crashing through. They were shouting at Eddie, who held his hands up like he was being robbed, and then they were clamoring for Steve, asking him questions, someone even poked his side.
Eddie clapped his hands and shouted even louder than them, getting their attention and pushing himself between their curious hands and Steve.
“Alright you little monster, you can interrogate him later. It’s time to eat.”
And interrogate him they did, all through the meal that was served at a long table. It wasn’t just Eddie and the kids. Others were there also although introductions went too quick for Steve to catch their names. He wasn’t really able to hang on to the flow of the conversation until they started talking about what to do with his crashed ship and how to re-launch the satellite.
What really through him for a loop was how involved the kids were in the conversation. It was partway through it that Steve understood that they planned on actually working on it.
“Eddie told me you were clever, but I didn’t know it was to this extent.”
Eddie groaned as some very smug eyes turned towards him. “Now why did you have to go and give them an ego boost?”
“Eddie thinks we’re clever~”, one of them, Dustin he thinks, teased.
“Enough to brag about us to a stranger”, another one, Lucas said.
Dinner continued to be a lively affair and Steve felt like he’d already seen different shades of Eddie. He was a man of many faces, it seemed. When the meal ended, the kids tried to get his attention again, but Eddie tried to shoo them, saying that their guest needed rest.
“I don’t mind”, Steve said. It wasn’t often he was around children and he wanted to answer all their questions.
“Yeah, plus he’s been asleep for like a day”, Dustin reasoned.
“A day!?”, Steve exclaimed.
Mike nodded. “Eddie said we were this close to-”
Eddie clamped a hand over his mouth. “Let’s all go to the library!”
The library had physical paper texts, which Steve had only heard of. He answered the kids’ questions about his home, about the CEF and how things were done there. Every once in a while, he caught Eddie’s eyes and had to look away. Sometimes Eddie chimed in with what must be legends of the far off empire (“It’s a federation, Eddie.”) that Steve was constantly qualifying with the truth.
He could tell that the hour was getting late when they only asked him five questions a minute instead of ten and Eddie called bed time. Eddie ordered a guard to escort Steve to his quarters while he took the children to bed.
Steve took his time alone to look around the room. He saw a stringed instrument, perhaps Eddie played. There was a window that showed how high up he was. The city twinkled below him.
He let out a sigh as he sat on the edge of the bed, then spread out on it, loving the feel of silk under him. That was what Eddie came in on when he returned to the bedroom.
“Happy birthday to me.” He put the cloak on a hook, immediately softening his appearance.
Steve rose up just slightly so that he was resting on his elbows. Eddie was giving him that look again, the same one he had gotten in the bathroom.
“Why did you have me brought back here?” Steve was sure there were other rooms. It seemed very purposeful that Eddie made sure Steve came back to his own room.
“Didn’t think you’d want to be alone”, Eddie said, coming to the front of the bed. “You’re all alone on a foreign planet. I’ve got to be a hospitable host.” He reached down and lifted one of Steve’s legs by the ankle.
Steve watched as Eddie removed the boot, kissing his calf through the mesh on his leg. That wasn’t one of the erogenous zones he had learned about, and yet his heart skipped a beat. Eddie gently lowered that leg and did the same to the other, kissing his knee this time. 
“Very hospitable. Are you going to take care of me all night?”, Steve asked.
Eddie let his hand brush the outside of his thigh. “That’s all I wanna do, Steve.”
Steve felt an impulse and he followed it, spreading his legs a little, inviting Eddie in. He felt a thrill of power when Eddie practically pounced and kissed him. Steve let out a whimper born from happiness. He hadn’t known how much he wanted this until he felt those lips on his own.
Eddie leaned on him until Steve slowly leaned back to lie flat on the bed. Eddie kissed like a man dying of thirst at first, like he was trying to consume Steve, and then he slowed, drawing out small sounds as Steve was left wanting. Eddie nibbled on his bottom lip and tugged.
His kisses got a little sloppy as they moved down Steve’s jaw. Steve thought he might avoid the fading bite marks but Eddie acted like they weren’t even there. 
“Eddie”, Steve whispered against his hair as he kept his head in place, not wanting him to stop.
“Talk to me, baby”, Eddie said, bringing his hands to his hips. “Tell me what you want.”
Steve tried to think but it was hard when Eddie’s hands were inching further down. He thought about all he had experienced so far. And what he had learned.
“I want…I wanna take care of you too.”
“Oh yeah?”, Eddie grinned. “Whisper it in my ear, beautiful.” He leaned in close, his curls tickling Steve’s cheek while the other man murmured only to him what he wanted to do. If possible, Eddie’s eyes darkened even more.
Their positions had switched and now Eddie’s hands were tied above his head. He watched once again, as Steve slowly undressed himself. His fingers itched to touch and remove the clothes covering him.
“Come on, sweet thing, don’t be a tease”, Eddie said, voice a little rough.
Steve looked at him from over his shoulder. “You said you could be patient. Were you lying to me?”
Eddie shook his head. Fully naked now, Steve crawled on top of him and stroked his lips. “Use your words, Your Eminence.”
“No. I wasn’t lying. I can be patient.”
“I knew you could”, Steve smiled. His legs sat on either side of Eddie’s and he sat on his knees, just on top of the other man but depriving him of his weight and warmth. 
Eddie squirmed but Steve stilled him with a shush as his hands traveled down his body. Even back home, he never touched himself without the help of technology. And never with an audience as captive as Eddie. Eddie watched, hypnotized as Steve’s hand went to the tip of his cock.
His beautiful lips parted in a gasp like he was new to the touch. And from what he knew about Steve’s people, it probably was. He couldn’t believe just how lucky he was to be here. To get to watch this gorgeous man play with himself.
“Shit, baby. Is it nice? Does it feel good? Lemme help you feel good”, Eddie begged, his voice pitching closer to a whine.
“Yeah?”, Steve smirked, lowering himself just enough so that his bare length brushed against Eddie’s tent. “You think you can?”
Eddie nodded then remembered to use his words. “I can be so good for you sweet thing. I promised I’d take care of you.” Eddie fought to keep his hips still. He didn’t want to be admonished. He wanted to be rewarded.
And rewarded he was when Steve opened his pants just enough to let his cock spring forth. Eddie was just letting out a relieved sigh when Steve started to grind into him.
Steve didn’t even know what he was doing. It wasn’t like he could go inside Eddie this way or the other way around. But it didn’t matter. He was running on desire, not logic. And he had learned by now that there was more to sex than just penetration, than just stress relief. It wasn’t just about having your genitalia stimulated and nothing more. Steve loved kissing. He loved feeling a warm body against his, hands with minds of their own. He loved having his neck bitten and being pinned down. He loved the little kisses to his legs Eddie had done before. Not meant to arouse, just meant to be there.
And right now he was loving watching their pre cum mingle as Steve slid his cock against Eddie’s. He was indeed being a good boy. Like he had promised. So Steve would keep his promise too.
Eddie bit his lip as Steve lifted and positioned himself. Steve let out little ‘ahh’s while sinking down, enveloping the other man in a heat so sweet he was seeing stars. He felt like he could cum just like this, just watching Steve take him. Steve must be a mind reader because he was smiling down at him.
“Don’t you dare. Not yet.” Steve’s body shook when he moved. “Not until I tell you to.”
“Holy fuck”, Eddie choked out, arms straining as he willed his orgasm away. It was a tall order when a man such as this was riding you for all you had.
Steve was in near disbelief. It wasn’t unlike having a superpower. He told Eddie to do something and he obeyed. The king of this land, obeying him, a traveler from another world.
“Eddie~”, he moaned, bracing his hands on the man’s chest, then grabbing at the harness. This must be what it was for after all.
Steve rocked his hips and bent down to kiss him, taking all of Eddie’s erotic noises for himself. He could tell Eddie was close when his whimpers turned to near sobbing and it spurred him on. 
“Go ahead Eddie. It’s okay. Cum for me, fill me, mark me. I want it. Make me yours.”
Eddie’s hips snapped once. Twice. Three times and he left out a cry but Steve didn’t let him stop even as he was cumming.
“Yes! Give it to me. Give it all to me and I’m gonna-I’m gonna-”
“You’re gonna give it back to me, baby. C’mon Stevie, take it. Use me, cum all over me-”
Steve’s gasp felt like it came from his soul as he splashed between their bodies. The cum from both ends made him slide to near overstimulation as the aftershocks ran through him. When he came back into himself, he untied Eddie’s hands which were on him in an instant, touching, squeezing, caressing. Eddie was kissing the bites he’d just made, licking his sweat, burying his face into his chest hairs.
“...I have to…I have to send a message back home”, Steve said between sighs.
“And pray tell, what do you have to tell them?”, Eddie asked, still catching his breath as he looked up from Steve’s chest.
“That my work requires that I remain in person at the damage sight for a while longer.”
Eddie smirked. “You got a place to stay?”
Steve wrapped his arms around his shoulders and placed a kiss on his lips, soft but deep. “I have a very accommodating host keeping me.”
“Oh fuck yes, I’m keeping you.”
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cdaae · 1 year
Cef also used to comb through people's likes and reblogs and question their allyship based on what he found. Are you sure you want to spend your time doing that?
I’m not going through people’s likes and reblogs
Comments are extremely visible on an Instagram post. It wouldn’t raise some questions for you if someone was helping to raise awareness to a situation on tumblr but leaving loving, supportive comments in the persons posts?
Cef was looking for people to add to his phandom blacklist and digging to grasp at any straw he could. I’ve already said I don’t intend to name names. I’m not going after anyone and everyone that follows her.
I’m calling out a fake show of support and an unwillingness to deal with an actual problem.
I love where your mindset already is though. Let’s focus on what I’m doing and make a fucking stretch instead of addressing the actual issue, right?
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msdowartyheps · 3 years
Tumblr media
People aren’t refusing to side with you because they’re transphobic or racist. People are refusing to side with you because you are an asshole who:
1. does nothing but harass people who don’t behave the way you want them to;
2. indiscriminately includes people in your blacklist who are actually trans, non-binary and/or POC;
3. refuses to acknowledge people who have apologized or asked how they can do better;
4. claims to be a voice for phans who are “othered”, but when said phans disagree with you, you mark them off as traitors;
5. portraits yourself as some sort of hero, yet does not confront the one real, actual TERF a lot of people already have blocked/do not interact with;
6. is a bad person in general.
This has been going on for a while now, but people haven’t spoken much about it because a lot of us were deeply hurt. Those who weren’t personally attacked saw their friends having to endure this. Some others who we thought were friends turned their backs on us. Talented, gifted artists and writers, who were a valuable addition to our community, left, or should I say, were chased off. Many of us are still wary of publicly interacting and producing content, whether it be fanfiction or pieces of art.
I do believe, though, that speaking up helps us heal. While I haven’t been personally targeted (yet), friends of mine have and were deeply hurt. I saw loved ones questioning themselves, wondering what they did wrong, trying to give this person the benefit of doubt and in return being lashed out at. But enough is enough.
To everyone who has decided to come forward and speak out, thank you. To everyone who has somehow been affected by the outcomes of this situation, you are not alone, and if you feel like telling your story, I encourage you to share it. Times have been rough, but we are coming out of it stronger and more tight-knit as a community.
As for you, cefantomeenhabitnoir or whatever name they call you now, I pity you. If you cared a little more about hearing what people have to say than about Being Right, maybe you’d be able to understand what an amazing, friendly and inclusive community we have. Try as you might, you can’t take that away from us. Phandom lives, in spite of you.
Fuck you.
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dykegonzo · 2 years
kendall roy is so goopy... hes just walking around unfinished. hes a little formless goop who never got made into a person bc his daddy didnt let him be a solid :^(
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wandaromanova · 3 years
shut your skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromesome metronome dimmandome genome full blown monochrome student loan Indiana Jones Overgrown flintstone x and y hornome friendzone sylvester Stallone Sierra Leoan autozone homophone cyclone head earphone ozone warzone jawbone unknown full grown patrone leave me alone hippodrome professionally seen silver patrone ping pong lin long suck my ding dong headass remote control stage four terminal brain cancer O´Riley autoparts silver bronze ash amino UV light pen sushi ram ramen harrison ford gamer bitch ass virgin lamb thermometer lean mean string bean Charlie Sheen limousine canteen trampoline serpentine anti histamine wolverine submarine unclean nectarine broken gine halloween detective spleen smoke screen james dean putting green tiny peen anti vaccine aquamarine eugene extra green nicotine vaseline jelly bean magazine protein ligthing McQueen vending machine whatchu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitchignore ur dad u left u for befted ceffed for death looking ass no dad bad looking brad with chad on chat no life no crime goody too shoes eat my poo call of doo doo advanced poo poo coo coo looking boo who crying loo loo a boo boo coon ass monkey ass ape ass warzone looking sheep ass beep ass looking mother fucking deep ass deadass forcast outcast no mask u virgin for life stabbed with knife idiotoctonife asswipe ugly ass feet licking creep listening to lil peep ass not neat looking roblox meep looking minecraft block headed beheaded deafened befended undeafened no leanded needing feeding fat ass bat to the head ur mom dead children not fed no that no but ur twist jutt like what the fuck ugly face ur life taken away whip nae nae ur dad fade first-aid kit looking ass donkey fuckey ducky ugly mother fucker on a trucker no lifer idiocter fat doctor so shut the fuck up bitch dick shit eater IT the clown mouthed downsided tf up
…..what the fuck is this????
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aviantrolls · 3 years
F(r)ight of your life
Inspired by reading one of @jazztrolls old drabbles from a CEF ask.
Errina had been in the ring long enough to think he was actually starting to get the hang of things. He knew what he was physically capable of, and that was quite a lot. He also took advantage of his competitors underestimating him due to his size and the lack of apparent muscles. So far, he had mostly been in throw matches to just pull in money for his sponsor, which he wasn’t very happy with at first, but he learned to swallow his pride. At least he’d get paid that way. 
He had met a troll– a blueblood that went by Chow– and had actually watched him fight a few times! He was an inspiration, but now that they were at least..  acquaintances, he wouldn’t admit that to his face. He wouldn’t risk embarrassment like that.  Your ego wouldn’t handle that well at all. Oh- there he was now. Crazy that your fights overlapped. You’ll at least get to watch from a good spot tonight. 
He couldn’t believe it. His first real fight, after.. Nearly a sweep now? He had already started to lose count of how long he had been in, his sponsor had thrown him in so many easy fights. He pulls out his tiny flip phone, and shoots Chow a text. They had gotten closer after a few months, and he would even go as far as to call Chow his brother. Chow would just call him soft and punch his shoulder just hard enough to bruise. 
Shortstack: Chow! I’m getting my fi/)st /)eal fight. Get you/) ass to the /)ing /)n. I know you’/)e hanging a/)ound he/)e, dumbass. 
Shortstack: Don’t igno/)e meeeeeee
Shortstack: you love me!
Shortstack: Chow
Shortstack: Chow
Shortstack: Chow
Shortstack: Chow
Shortstack: Chow
Shortstack: Chow
Punching Bag: what do you WANT
Punching Bag: what do you fucking want rrin.
Punching Bag: that you had to spam my phone THAT much.
Shortstack: Fight @ 7
Shortstack: I bette/) see u in the c/)owd o/) in the locke/) /)oom befo/)e :///
Shortstack: u know its my fi/)st /)eal fight.
Shortstack: I stick around for u/)s!!!!!
Punching Bag: …
Punching Bag: …
Punching Bag: fiiiiine
Punching Bag: ill see you then, brrat. 
Shortstack: >:D
It was 6. Just an hour before the fight, and Rin, surprisingly, didn’t feel any butterflies in his stomach. His tail wasn’t lashing nervously. He does snap his gaze to the door when he hears it open, though. Finally, Chow showed up. He grins, and gets up to punch his shoulder. 
“About time you made it, asshole! I was starting to think you wouldn’t show,” Rin cackles, and he steps back, smirking up at Chow. All he was greeted with was a scowl and a roll of eyes. “I keep my worrd, you know.” Chow muttered under his breath, but took Rin into a side hug. “Beat theirr asses forr me.” 
Rin grinned, enjoying the brief contact and being squished against the other’s side. Oh.. he totally planned on it. He squirmed out of Chow’s grip and went back to the bench, stretching his hands above his head. They were wrapped, but clearly, Chow saw a problem with the wrap, as he approached and started to undo them. 
“I thought I taught you betterr. What arre you.. Fucking stupid?” 
“Yeah. I was still on painkillers when you were showing me.” Rin grinned, but let Chow fix up the wrappings. He knew he had done a good job, but Chow was picky. Big Brother Chow at least. He wouldn’t dare do this for anyone else, only for the kid he intended on rescuing from this hell hole. 
For the hour until the match, the two sat and chatted, Rin mostly keeping the conversation going with dumb jokes he knew would egg Chow on. Then, the call. Rin stands, and he socks Chow’s shoulder before standing and doing one last stretch before heading out to the ring. He heard Chow’s faint footsteps follow, and smiled, knowing his brother was watching. He tries to catch a glimpse of his competitor before he gets in the ring, but his height prevents that. When he gets into his corner though, he nearly stops breathing.
A hulking fuchsia. Built like a brick wall. Canines that could rip through his skin without any effort. He swallows, but calms himself. This was his first real match! He couldn’t let the nerves get to him. He could do something about this, even if his usual tactics wouldn’t work. Yeah. He could do this. Especially with Chow watching. Cheering silently from the sidelines. He’d make his brother proud. 
Before he knew it, he was grasping at what fabric he could get a hold on, biting at the hands reaching for him, and trying to keep away from those damn spikes. This troll knew how to use his tail to cut. Then, he felt a grip at the nape of his neck and he’s tossed right into one of the poles, and all he saw was stars. Even though he couldn’t see, he pushes himself up, trying to move from the spot he was thrown. 
The fuchsia was too quick, though, and he was slammed to the ground, and he couldn’t breathe. He scrapes at the single hand- fuck, it only took one hand to encompass his entire neck- around his throat, digging his nails in until he feels cold, pink blood warmed by the lights on the ring. The grip didn’t let up for what felt like an eternity, then it was gone. All Rin could do was lay there stunned. It took.. So long to be able to push himself up, or at least.. It felt so long. He stumbles out of the ring, brushing blearily past a figure he was sure was Chow, because it turned to follow him, grabbing his bicep. 
Almost on cue, Rin collapses, and Chow is on his knees just as quick, keeping his head from slamming into the ground. He pulls him up and close to his face, grip a little tight. 
“RRin..” Chow growled, “RRin look at me.” He couldn’t. The light was so bright. He couldn’t even move his tail. He could barely process the words Chow was speaking. Something.. must’ve broken when he was thrown or.. slammed into the floor of the ring. Maybe a punctured lung? Probably. 
“RRRRIN. LOOK. AT. ME.” Oh.. that.. sounded urgent. He could just almost meet Chow’s gaze. He could feel something warm on his cheeks. Was he crying? “Dont you fucking go.”
Oh.. he must be really hurt. That fuchsia did a number on him. He gasps, and he feels more liquid dripping down his cheeks. Oh.. that hurt. He almost lurches forward, but one of Chow’s hands press down on his sternum. “I don’wanna go.” He whispers, even though it hurts now. “Don’wanna.” 
The last thing he sees before his eyelids feel too heavy to hold up anymore, was a blur and his knuckle scraping on the mottled concrete wall of the locker room. The last thing he heard before he went under was the curse of a name. Chow knew the person he was fighting? 
Thankfully, Cosmit burst into the locker room and just dragged Chow off behind her, not letting him explain. She knew just by the fact Chow was crying something was really fucking off with that little lime in his arms, and she gets him into a hospital bed and under watch. Chow is by his bed every day, even sleeps in the chair beside him. She felt pity for him, and the little lime in the bed. Kam had really roughed him up. He had been in a coma for a week now, showing no signs of improvement. 
Chow begged for another week when she came in that night, looking sadly at Rin. She.. oh, she couldn’t deny that. It wasn’t that uncommon either, but.. she didn’t see much promise in it, that it’d just extend Chow’s suffering. She walks out of the room with a soft promise of one more week.. but only one more. 
Rin did wake up, just a few days before the end of the extra week he had been graced with. He struggled to sit up,  feeling so, so sore. Immediately it feels like his hand is being crushed, and he looks over.
“..Chow?” He rasped, voice rough and throat dry. “..what are you.. Doin’ here? Where am I..?” He was surprised at the sound of his voice. “..how long was I..?” He shudders, feeling the cold of the room. Where were his clothes..? Whatever was on him was scratchy, and he hated it. It was thin, too. 
“Almost two weeks.” Chow croaked. Oh.. there were tear trails. Rin paused, squeezing his hand gently back. Then, he smiles softly. “You were crying over me? Softie.” Chow squeezed his hand harder, and Rin laughed, then gasped at the sharp pain in his side. 
“Fuck.” He wheezed, and this time he squeezed. “F..fuck that hurt.” He whispered. 
“..you had a puncturred lung. Frrom when Kam thrrew you. They.. they say you’rrre rrecoverring. Despite it all. You… won’t come out of it… without.. Uh.” Chow had to pause to think. He couldn’t remember what the doctors had said. “Medical… things.” He finally decided on, though it was clear he wasn’t fully sure about what he was saying. 
“Speaking of-” Chow took his hand back, but Rin snatched it back. He swallows, flushing, before pouting at Chow. He lets him hold it, and reaches with his other hand to press a button. Within a few minutes, a nurse shows up, only peeking into the door before leaving for a doctor. 
A month later, and Rin is wheezing on Chow’s couch, frustrated tears pooling in his eyes before he curses and throws a pillow angrily at the empty wall by the couch. Dogdad peeks in, then pads over, carefully climbing into Rin’s lap and nuzzling into the now empty hand. He whined softly, and Rin looked to him, anger fading a little as he started to pet through the lusus’ fur. Chow joins shortly after, hearing the curse. 
“RRin..” Chow mutters, looking at the pillow on the floor, then his lusus in Rin’s lap. He sighed, going to sit next to his sibling. He wraps an arm over his shoulder, tight enough that Rin couldn’t shrug him off if he tried. 
“Worrds, fun-size.” He was speaking softly, and that just pissed Rin off. He keeps his touch gentle on Dogdad, though. He would never dare take his anger out on him.
“I can’t- I can’t fucking.. Live my life anymore!” He spits, and he bites at his lip, trying to think before speaking again. “I’m.. I’m fucking winded doing- doing things I could do so easy! I.. can’t even fucking..” He draws in a breath, hitched, and Chow knows just where to knead to ease away the flare up. Rin lightly smacks his hand, but Chow knew he didn’t want him to stop. 
After a few minutes, the pain subsides, and Rin finally leans into Chow. “..I’m useless.” 
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girldraki · 3 years
cef or francis? for the pet peeve ask game?
a clef one came in so we're just gonna do francis here. also bc of the wikicanon thing this will be aha very short
favorite thing:
wikifrancises tend to be very flat. we like that despite generally being depicted as exceedingly Normal they're presumably the kind of person who would have clef/ukulele as headmates, even if nobody bothers to explore that
least favorite thing:
is there a wikifrancis out there who doesn't exist to experience trauma so clef can happen. like i know clef HAS to happen but can we see some fucking variety in how that plays out at the very least
fanon pet peeves:
already elaborated on: we just, like, desperately need people to stop treating them as a Secret Bonus Clef kondraki gets to date after getting clef's Affection Points to the Traumatic Backstory Threshold
new-ish: francis uwujciechowski isnt nearly as bad as uwuberg in terms of endemic nature but theres a lot of it and it's. Well it sucks especially bc 99% of francises are written after the example of numbercanon and im sure we dont have to elaborate on the Weird Implications such characterization inevitably produces
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chowtrolls · 3 years
“You know what? I was wrong. You never really meant anything to me. You’re broken, you’re beyond fixing, you’re not something I want to take the time to handle. Simple as that.”
Send a sentence + i’ll write an angst drabble!
You laughed. It was hilarious- he had to be joking, right? You sat on your couch as Rin entered your hive- the hive you worked so hard for, the hive he was welcome in whenever he wanted. The hive you had designed with high spaces for his lusus to avoid your dogs. The hive closer to his forest but far enough away from your mate’s beach. The hive where pictures of Rin lay scattered among pictures of other trolls who give you reason to be alive, tucked away in your bed stand. Only, Rin wasn’t laughing. 
You rose to your feet, concern flashing over your face before being washed out with anger. You stood before him looking like garbage. Dirty clothes, messy hair, an unkempt appearance not even your moirails witnessed. A piece of softness, of weakness, that was foreign to many. You felt pathetically small and horrendously angry. But most of all, you felt fucking stupid. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” There it was again, that funny little feeling. The anger that consumed you to protect you. The sharp teeth you swore never to use on Rin, the one troll more family than anyone on this godforsaken planet. “After everything I’ve done for you, that’s just it? None of it even matters anymore, huh?” 
As you step up to the limeblood, eyes turning a pale orange, you’re begging internally for him to laugh and say its a prank. To call you a wuss, to tease you for caring. To tackle you and wrestle like you always did. You glare into those lime eyes and see the young lime fighting to survive in an underground ring. You see the troll, barely an adult, battered and bruised, who looked up to you. The troll you ran to when there was nobody else. The troll you risked so much for- fuck, the man you loved was a mutant-hating hemoist, for fuck’s sake, and you still would’ve left him up if it meant Rin was safe. You knew as you sized him up with anger on your face, that he could see the sorrow and pain in your pale eyes. 
“What the ever loving fuck has crawled inside your head and gave you the fucking audacity?” You did little to hide your voice cracking. 
Rin’s blank stare melted into a bitter smile. He gave a little shrug, one you’d consider nonchalant if it didn’t hurt so much to see. “Someone you know, actually!” His voice sounded hallow and breathless. You blinked in shock. Rin’s lime eyes now purple and glowing did little to help the terror rising in your chest. 
“Hello little one!” That wasn’t Rin’s voice. It wasn’t Rin’s smile. Because it wasn’t Rin. The Rin you knew and loved was gone and now you had to run. You turn on your heels and make a mad dash for the window. Blood rushed to your ears, barely drowning out Staran calling your name from Rin’s mouth. Chow! Chowow! Chow!! 
“Chow!” You wake with a start, frantically pushing away from the arms that grabbed you. The arms that desperately tried to restrain you. Your heart was racing so fast it hurt. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to think. You pushed against the arms that held you like your life depended on it. All you could think about was Rin, gone, trapped in Staran’s mind games, hating you, selling you out. Your fight quickly was lost and you succumbed to being held. You didn’t even care who was holding you at this point. You had dreamt of everyone being killed or gutted or beheaded by that awful clown. Everyone but Rin. The mental image of Rin’s fuzzy, chubby face with Staran’s purple was one that would never leave you. 
Tears flowed down your cheeks, followed by shaking. You turn your face into the chest of the man who held you and allowed yourself to wail. 
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bisluthq · 3 years
Some people are saying (not gaylors or kaylors or joe antis they're just book twt people) that cef might tank... fo u think it will? Imo the hype for the show is way too much for it to tank yk?
Bro I mean I can find people who think ANYTHING will “tank” that doesn’t mean they’re living in reality. Book Twitter, film Twitter and mainstream media are all fucking pumped for CWF like babeeeee just chill lmao.
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Like people are AMPED.
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august-anon · 4 years
august, my dear friend, what the *fuck* is a zerbert ~🌵
It’s just another word for a raspberry!! Tbh when I first started looking at tickling stuff on tumblr, I was so confused as to what a “raspberry” was. And then I was like “oh wow only my family calls them zerberts what happened in my family that we call them this absolutely wild thing” and then Cef and I were just talking and her family called them zerberts too so I’m not crazy!!!! Lol
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cdaae · 3 years
When you take a “shoot first, ask questions later” approach to callouts, you’re the one who turned it into drama. 
Consider calming the fuck down and talking to people next time before you make a blacklist of people that don’t even know you exist. You made assumptions because I guess you thought that everyone on tumblr carefully vets every single blog they ever come into contact with but buddy, that’s just you. 
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fandom-go-round · 5 years
Cef for Reaper please.
Warnings: General Sex, Cum Kink
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
             You whimpered as Gabe grabbed your nipples, pinching them hard before letting them go. He chuckled darkly, stroking himself over you face and leaning back so you couldn’t reach him.
           “Beg me for it.” Your face was hot but you whined, pressing your thighs together while you kneeled.
           “P-Please Gabe, please, I want you to cum.” He groaned, his fingers moving faster and faster. You could see him start to twitch and opened your mouth, the man above you giving a shuddering moan before he came. You squeezed your eyes closed as he shot over your face, some landing on your chest and throat. His chuckle had you opening your eyes, the Reaper not planning on moving away from you any time soon.
 Gabriel loves cumming all over his partner, especially their face and chest. It gets him hot knowing that you let him cum wherever and beg for it.
 E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
             You head hit the wall hard, fingers digging into Reaper’s head. A deep hum came from between your legs and you moaned, muffling the sound with your palm. Gabe’s fingers came up to pinch you butt and he laughed at the sound that you made.
           You sighed from the vibration of his mouth, the humming getting more intense. You bucked towards his mouth and he groaned, not moving and letting you rut into his face. You half sobbed as you came, Gabe not stopping until you tried to pull his head off of you.
           “Again. I want to see you cum again.” His voice was wrecked and you whimpered, not stopping him from going down again.
 Gabe is very experienced in sex and loves to take care of you. If you’re not careful he’ll make you cum for hours and not notice it.
 F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
             “Squeeze me harder baby, fuck.” You moaned and bounced harder on him, Gabe smirking at you as he pulled your hips closer. You gave a grin over your shoulder, rolling your hips slowly and making him groan. He was such a tease and this was the best way to get back at him, torturing him with the best view and the slowest pace.
           “God you’re such a tease.” His hand landed hard on your ass and you moaned, speeding up and determined to bring him to the edge with you. By the stuttered moan of your name and the hip squeeze you think you’re pretty close.
Gabe’s favorite position is reverse cowgirl. He likes having you on top and being able to stare at your ass. That’s always a plus.
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longoriolidia · 2 years
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"I have a skull thick enough to take on the world but my toughest enemies are not external, they're inside my skull and they like to fucking dance right before my sleep." - Daniel Saint [@daniel.saint] ✓ https://www.instagram.com/p/CeF-3XTrtZA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ElDewrito Dev Update (12/10/17)
Late again, but late’s better than never. It’s been 11 days since our last update, so we’d like to fill you in on what has happened since the last update, as well as give you an accurate depiction of what work needs to be completed before we release 0.6.
Q: Why haven’t you released yet? What is preventing you from releasing right now?
A:  During our last large-scale testing session, a couple rather important issues showed up that we didn’t see in our previous test sessions due to those usually being smaller-scale tests.  I’ll highlight the remaining things that need to be finished before we release. 
1. We’re working on a new updater. While it’s very close to being finished, it’s not 100% finished/tested.
2. When lots of players are in the game (13-16), the UI elements rendered with CEF (Scoreboard, medals, chat) can become very laggy, and cause some pretty bad fps drops on anything other than high-end rigs. For example, when you die and the scoreboard pops up, sometimes it would stay on the screen for an additional 2-4 seconds after you spawned, preventing you from seeing where you’re going. Obviously this is not good. Note: The videos posted below are from a higher end rig where the issue is not as prevalent.
We’ve narrowed down the culprit, which is the method and frequency at which we’re sending information to the scoreboard layer that’s eating up a huge amount of CPU, and are working (with promising results) on a fix which will resolve this. 
3. Crashes. We’ve gotten most of the crashes fixed, but there are a couple remaining that we’re finishing tracking down. 
4. We’re putting some final touches on UI elements, including the forge UI (which a video of is posted below).
Q: How long will these things take to finish? 
A. Honestly, not long. I know we sound like a broken record at this point, but we are very close. The end is in sight! 
Q: Do you have any new features or gameplay to show us?
A: Yup. 
The almighty unk_1 has been hard at work doing more badass stuff with forge. The forge UI got a pretty hefty (and awesome) overhaul. Here’s some of the changes:
All lists now supports LT/RT, PAGE UP/DOWN page scrolling
Loading/saving prefabs from within the UI
Tool Settings
Material thumbnails
Quick search now allows spaces in the query
Recently used items
Recently used materials now supports colors
Object properties color pickers
Engine flags/gametype options allows you to select which gametypes an object will be spawned in. Useful to reducing the number of spawn points needed to facilitate multi-gametype maps.
Here’s a video highlighting some of these features: 
Some other things that have been done/fixed since the last post:
Hitmarkers can be enabled/disabled on a per-server basis. You can also choose to disable hitmarkers if the server has them enabled. 
Active Camo movement penalty is fixed. 
Overshield decay is fixed. 
Added controller support for right-click mute/unmute options in scoreboard 
H3 landing responses - removed camera shake when landing.  
Multiple crashes have been tracked down and fixed. Also, you know the infamous bug many AMD users have where the game doesn’t crash but the screen completely freezes, and you can still hear sounds? It’s a very complicated issue, but we think we’ve found the culprit and are confident we’ll be able to fix it. 
Here’s a video (courtesy of tester RabidEskimo) of a match on a variant of The Pit that I made that has a bunch of forge lights and map modifiers placed. 
We also experimented with some new gametypes. Here’s a Big Team Multi-Team match (4x4x4x4) on Standoff Heavy. It was kind of a Cluster-Fuck.
Here’s a match of 2 Flag Heavy on Valhalla:
Here is a video of an assortment of gameplay on forge maps (courtesy of Clutchism):
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reseau-actu · 5 years
Extinction Rebellion suscite de plus en plus de doutes au sein de la gauche radicale. Je reviens ici sur toutes ces critiques : tendances new age, relation ambigüe avec la police, fascination pour la prison, greenwashing, manque de diversité...
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Disclaimer : ces critiques portent essentiellement sur la branche anglaise, qui a fondé le mouvement. XR est un mouvement décentralisé et XR France se distingue souvent de la ligne anglaise. Disclaimer 2 : ces critiques ne sont pas dénuées de jalousie, face au succès de XR.
1. Une inspiration new age Dans un long thread critique, Jutta Ditfurth, cofondatrice des Verts allemands engagée dans la gauche radicale, qualifie XR de "secte ésotérique croyant en l'extinction précoce de l'humanité et recommandant le sacrifice de soi"
Unroll available on Thread Reader
Jutta Ditfurth ne donne pas de preuves de ce qu'elle avance. Mais il est vrai que XR crée un certain malaise avec ses mises en scène façon Eyes Wide Shut. La "Red Rebel Brigade" est censée symboliser "le sang commun que nous partageons avec tous les espèces".
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Le programme de l'occupation du Châtelet a suscité de l'ironie chez des militants de la gauche radicale. "Une certaine idée de l'enfer" selon @Nantes_Revoltee. Ambiance new age : soins énergétiques, accro yoga, cérémonie de gratitude issue de la culture chamanique péruvienne...
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Sur le site français de l'organisation, on trouve cette image décrivant le concept de "Culture Régénératrice", central dans la philosophie XR. (je n'ai rien compris)
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Extinction Rebellion Nous faisons face à une urgence mondiale sans précédent. Les gouvernements ont échoué à nous protéger malgré les solutions connues et préconisées. Il est don... https://extinctionrebellion.fr/qui-sommes-nous/#culture-regeneratrice
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Pour mettre en oeuvre cette Culture Régénératrice, des "sanctuaires" sont aménagés lors des actions de rebellion. Ces espaces sont animés par des thérapistes, guérisseurs, professeurs de yoga ou praticiens holistiques.
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Wellbeing - Extinction Rebellion A Regenerative Rebellion Regenerative Culture seeks to bring a different approach to climate and other activist movement. It is how we move towards a practice and demonstration of the change we want … https://rebellion.earth/act-now/resources/wellbeing/
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Gail Bradbrook, cofondatrice de XR, prône la "désobéissance psychédélique" en ingérant des drogues à des fins politiques. Ce n'est toutefois pas la ligne de XR. La branche française proscrit d'ailleurs l'alcool et la drogue sur ses occupations.
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Extinction Rebellion founder calls for mass psychedelic disobedience Gail Bradbrook, a co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, has called for a mass ingestion of psychedelic substances in protest against the criminalisation of drugs https://www.newscientist.com/article/2213787-extinction-rebellion-founder-calls-for-mass-psychedelic-disobedience/
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2. Une trop grande proximité avec la police Cette critique se retrouve en Allemagne ou en Angleterre mais est encore plus vive en France, où la forme prise par les mouvements sociaux ces 3 dernières années ne tend pas exactement vers l'action non-violente prônée par XR.
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La tension entre XR, adepte de la désobéissance civile, et les défenseurs d'une action plus radicale s'est faite ressentir lors de l'occupation d'Italie 2 le week-end dernier. Des militants de XR avaient effacé sous les huées un tag "fuck le 17"
XR ne voit pas la police comme un ennemi, et fait même le choix stratégique dans certains pays de collaborer avec elle. Pour XR, l'amour est plus important que la haine, et ce, y compris avec les policiers. ACAB, très peu pour eux.
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FAQs - Extinction Rebellion https://rebellion.earth/the-truth/faqs/
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3. Amateurisme juridique et fascination pour la prison La question juridique est d'importance pour un mouvement qui prône la désobéissance civile et expose ses membres à des arrestations. Au R-U, plus de 350 militants ont déjà été jugés et 320 condamnés (mais pas de prison).
L'amateurisme juridique de la direction de XR pose sérieusement question. Le groupe d’entraide juridique Green and Black Cross (GBC) a publié un communiqué en mai pour se distancier d'XR et dénoncer leurs nombreuses failles. greenandblackcross.org/statement-on-e…
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La stratégie de XR (au moins en Angleterre) est fondée sur des arrestations massives : "Ce n’est que par le sacrifice - la volonté d’être arrêté et d’aller en prison - que les gens prennent au sérieux ce que vous dites", écrit le cofondateur Roger Hallam.
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Now we know: conventional campaigning won’t prevent our extinction | Roger Hallam I helped to found Extinction Rebellion because only non-violent civil disobedience will stop the destruction of our natural world, says Roger Hallam https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/may/01/extinction-rebellion-non-violent-civil-disobedience
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Les fondateurs anglais sont soupçonnés d'entretenir une fascination pour la prison. "Il n’y a pas de meilleur endroit pour faire face au déchirement du changement climatique qu’une cellule de détention", dit Gail Bradbrook, une des fondatrices. source:
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Extinction Rebellion : Ce n’est pas la lutte dont nous avons besoin, Partie 1 Première partie d'une critique en trois parties de Extinction Rebellion, axée sur leurs attitudes envers la police, le système juridique et la prison. Ceci est une traduction d'un texte de Out of (..… https://mars-infos.org/extinction-rebellion-ce-n-est-pas-4242
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4. Extinction Rebellion ferait-il du greenwashing ? XR est en partie financé par le Climate Emergency Fund (CEF), un fonds lancé par le milliardaire Trevor Neilson pour financer des actions de désobéissance civile pour la planète.
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Des mécènes financent la désobéissance civile sur le climat Le Climate Emergency Fund, fondé par un investisseur américain, soutient des actions radicales pour lutter contre le changement climatique. https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2019/08/16/des-mecenes-financent-la-desobeissance-civile-sur-le-climat_5499929_3244.html
Le cofondateur de XR Roger Hallam assume: "Si des gens ont beaucoup d’argent, et qu’ils comprennent que leur vie, les gens qu’ils aiment et leurs communautés vont être détruits, alors c’est totalement logique qu’ils financent le mécanisme le plus efficace pour changer"
Cette position ne fait pas consensus en interne. La branche française de XR, rebelle parmi les rebelles, a refusé de recevoir 50.000 euros du Climate Emergency Fund, pour ne pas risquer de cautionner du "greenwashing".
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Extinction Rebellion et ses militants de « Base » La désobéissance civile, les nouveaux activistes l’apprennent sur un forum. Plongée dans le centre névralgique et hautement sécurisé d’« XR ». https://lesjours.fr/obsessions/extinction-rebellion/ep2-la-base/
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En avril, gros malaise au sein de XR: la cofondatrice Gail Bradbrook publie une lettre dans le Times annonçant la création de "XR Business". La missive est cosignée par une trentaine de businessmen, dont l'ancien PDG d'Unilever. jeremyleggett.net/2019/04/22/let…
Face au tollé, l'initiative XR Business, qui se voulait un pont entre l'organisation et le monde de l'économie, est annulée.
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Mistaken Identity: XR Business is no more. - Extinction Rebellion A letter to the Extinction Rebellion community from Gail Bradbrook in response to the issues arising from the creation of an entity called XR Business in April 2019. Hi Everyone, I’m Gail Bradbrook f… https://rebellion.earth/act-now/resources/communities/mistaken-identity-xr-business-is-no-more/
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5. Un manque de diversité Avec son inspiration new age, XR ne s'inscrit pas vraiment dans la nouvelle grammaire militante, soucieuse de diversité et d'inclusion. La "regenerative culture" prônée par XR paraît bien éloignée de la "woke culture".
"Même s’ils essaient de s’ouvrir, ses membres sont essentiellement des Blancs, très éduqués et issus du secteur public, des professions libérales ou de l’économie créative" estime Graeme Hayes, professeur à l’université d’Aston, interrogé par Le Monde.
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Extinction Rebellion, portrait du mouvement écologiste qui bloque des places et des ponts à travers le monde De Sydney à New York en passant par Londres ou Paris, les militants écologistes ont entamé une « rébellion internationale » pour dénoncer l’inaction « criminelle » des gouvernements face à la crise c… https://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2019/10/08/qui-est-extinction-rebellion-le-mouvement-qui-bloque-des-places-et-des-ponts-dans-le-monde_6014616_3244.html
Le Guardian a récemment publié un article: "XR a-t-il un problème de race ?" L'attitude avec la police et la stratégie d'arrestations massives posent problème pour de nombreuses personnes de couleur. XR mène une réflexion sur le sujet.
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Does Extinction Rebellion have a race problem? Critics say group is not doing enough to involve people of colour, or expose links between climate crisis and inequality https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/04/extinction-rebellion-race-climate-crisis-inequality
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Paradoxalement, XR est aussi critiqué pour sa trop grande ouverture (y compris jusqu'à la droite). Tout le monde peut rejoindre XR du moment qu'il adhère à ses principes. L'organisation refuse de se classer à gauche.
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Dans une itw à Die Zeit, Roger Hallam a tenu des propos qui ont choqués en Allemagne : "Contrairement aux mouvements de gauche classiques, nous n'excluons personne. Même ceux qui pensent un peu de manière sexiste ou raciste peuvent nous rejoindre"
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Kommentar zu Extinction Rebellion: Ein bisschen rassistisch und sexistisch ist schon ok? Die soziale und ökologische Grasswurzelbewegung Extinction Rebellion ist der breiten Öffentlichkeit noch weitgehend unbekannt. Nach einem ZEIT Interview soll sich das nun ändern. Schade nur, dass der… https://www.belltower.news/kommentar-zu-extinction-rebellion-ein-bisschen-rassistisch-und-sexistisch-ist-schon-ok-91059/
Conclusion : La plupart de ces critiques sont en fait adressées aux fondateurs anglais, R. Hallam et G. Bradbrook. Leur force est d'avoir réussi à entraîner derrière eux une jeunesse qui ne militait pas forcément avant.Leur faiblesse est d'être bien différent de cette jeunesse.
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Extinction Rebellion Ile de France a publié aujourd'hui un statut Facebook pour répondre à certaines de ces critiques, rappelant "que XR n'est pas un mouvement homogène et que diverses méthodes et opinions coexistent afin d'atteindre un objectif commun".
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dead-insides-blog1 · 7 years
((Ooc: yay! Death and destruction! :} )) Cef nodded at Roman's answer while still reinforcing the wall. They looked up at Shane and grunted through their toil. "You might be right, but thats no reason to-CRAP!" The boarded up patch to the side closest to Logan and Andy burst open and three zombies intruded. "Argh!" Cef ran at the first one running them through. ((Ooc: Is cussing allowed?)) -Cef Leecot
((ooc: yep! curse like a goddamn sailor if you want lol))
“I fucking told you! Jesus Christ!” Shane yells as more zombies pile in. He jumps down, and pulls Patton out of the way as he continues shooting.
Roman takes out his gun, and helps Cef. Logan, and Andy help out, but they’re outnumbered. Shane rushes over, but he’s too late. Andy is pulled down into a small crowd of zombies as he screams, and tries to fight them off.
“Andy, no!” Patton tries to run over, but Shane pushes him back. “Patton no! It’s too late! He’s.. He’s gone, son. Just.. go back inside!”
Patton starts crying, and runs inside to tell his mother what happened.
Roman slams his hammer into a zombies face, and shoots the four remaining ones still coming in through the hole. With the majority of the herd focused on who was once Andy, Roman sneaks past them, and helps Logan down. Logan immediately collapses into Roman’s arms his breath heavy, and uneven. Roman groans, and lifts him up bridal style then makes his way over to Cef, and Shane.
“Alright, new plan. Cef, I need you to run into the shed, and get me a sheet of metal. Should be some near my workbench. Roman, you bring Logan inside to Aunt Gina, but do not tell her what happened. I’ll break the news to her later. Come back out when you’re done. I’ll tell you the plan when we all meet back up.”
Shane nods to Cef, and Roman then climbs back up onto his watchtower. Roman brings Logan inside, and checks on Virgil. Virgil is still panicked, and immediately clings to Logan. Roman exchanges a small smile with Gina then heads back outside his gun still drawn.
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