#fuck Oklahoma and fuck Kevin stitt
gwenpooll · 2 years
my coworker’s sister is pregnant and wants an abortion because her husband is a piece of shit and they already have a special needs kid they struggle to take care of. but we live in a red state so she can’t get one. i feel so heartbroken for her and all the other people in similar situations because of what fucking republicans have done. i hate them i hate them i hate them.
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fernsandbarnacles · 6 months
I am going to burn the state of Oklahoma to the goddamn ground
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boba21521 · 1 year
Okay so here's some Oklahoma headcannons because I need to draw stuff for my other idea thingy.
During tornado season, he basically experiences something similar to period cramps in the sense that his organs feel like they're being put on a tilt-a-whirl.
Another thing: Norman is essentially his version of Austin (though unlike Austin, Norman probably can't 'front')
Oklahoma has rose shaped birthmarks/tattoos, because Noble, OK is the roserock capital of the world (only interesting thing in noble other than the spider buggie)
Oklahoma is half-choctaw and speaks a little bit of Choctaw, as well as a little bit of Vietnamese. (If you look up our language statistics you'll see why on that one)
He's a pretty active person, and knows how to play a lot of sports, but his favorite sport is gymnastics. (People bring up the gymnastics teams a LOT around here, plus I like the idea that he's flexible.)
I think I've already said this here, but he's an on-and-off weed smoker (we have so many weed stores here it's fucking unreal I'm telling you)
He doesn't show it, but he's really smart. Considering that half of Oklahoma is just college town, it makes sense to me.
That's it for now, I'll probably make more later because he's my #1 pookiebear 😔
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naamahdarling · 3 months
Victory! Appeals Court Overturns Ruling Upholding Oklahoma’s Discriminatory Birth Certificate Policy
🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride!!!🏳️‍🌈
We are here to stay, you fucking moral coward.
We even know one of the people who filed the suit!
The court explained the Constitution requires that “there must be some rational connection between the Policy and a legitimate interest. There is no rational connection here—the Policy is in search of a purpose.”
IOW, "Can you show us a legitimate reason withholding this right is beneficial to literally any actual cause that materially affects actual people and not just their feefees? No? Bye."
Now we just need to make sure OSDH starts complying again and issuing amended certificates, and maybe we can get a little more goddamn respect up in here. Boyfriend can get his birth certificate changed!
I'm so proud of the plaintiffs! Rowan is so important to our local peer support community. I don't think I know the other two but they deserve a big hand as well.
Reblog this so people see that A) good things still happen to trans people in the worst places, and B) why not familiarize yourselves with what legal stuff like this is being done in your area, and see how you can support the cause? It matters so much!
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kekkuda · 7 months
holy shit I miss being able to stand and go to protests back home
I fucking hate Kevin Stitt and his wretched hounds for continuing to destroy what little the people of Oklahoma have left
I miss how anarchist groups were comprised of such solidarity between trans and indigenous folks because of how few Oklahomans have a damn about our respective issues. The solidarity and embrace of intersectionality in a state so hostile to leftist action is something I miss so much. There were so few of us, and it was so hard to keep up morale knowing we were shouting into a void, but putting up a show that we weren’t going to submit easily even with the odds stacked against us though they were. Even should we fail, there was a peace that came with accepting that we might see the fruits of our labor in our lifetimes
Nex Benedict belonged to the Choctaw Tribe, Nex Benedict was 2spirit
The Oklahoma government has quite the history of brutalizing trans and indigenous folk and counting on nobody caring enough to worry about covering their tracks, don’t let Kevin Stitt, Chaya Raichik, Ryan Walters, or any of those devils feel peace for how they continue to force queers out of the state under threat of death, and do not forget the inhumanity of those who continue to wreak havoc upon the tribes who were forcibly relocated to the state in the first place. Fucking robbed of their ancestral lands and given tiny slices of land in a state so undesirable it was considered no man’s land. And even then, the state of Oklahoma isnt content to let the cultures the tourist board endlessly commodifies have even the slightest of good things. The OKGOV is hungry. They want a slice of the consolation prize and now they get to squeal with glee that they got away with the murder of a member of the Choctaw Nation and the Queer community in one go.
By god I hope those absolute demons in the OK Capitol and the US Capitol live to pay for what they’ve done to permanently destroy any hopes the people of Oklahoma had left. absolutely unrepentantly evil
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mediocreclementine · 9 months
So uh. Bit of local news and rambling, since I really haven't seen anybody on Tumblr talk about it.
A couple days ago, OK governor Kevin Stitt signed an executive order (executive order 2023-31.) effectively destroying the diversity, equity, and inclusion offices of every public college and university in the state, more or less as a direct retaliation against recent campus protests about Palestine.
Below is a screenshot of the major points of the order, along with a quote from a member of the American conservative union, who likely had a major role in pushing for this order.
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I find it so, so ironic that this is being enacted in the name of "free speech." I find it sickening beyond belief that the governor of Oklahoma, a state that is LITERALLY a fucking settler colony borne of the genocide of Native Americans, would gut the ability of our already heavily-entrenched, heavily-biased, white-majority universities to provide resources and opportunities for students of color. All because a number of students used their right to free speech to voice opposition to a genocide being committed by another nation.
Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. Of the Cherokee Nation released the following statement:
I dunno. I know there's bigger things happening right now than this, but the fact that the legislature of my home state is currently hellbent on a return to white supremacist institutions and has embarked upon the steady march towards criminalizing queerness is a unique kind of rage and terror. Voting doesn't help since the districts are gerrymandered beyond belief. Representatives don't listen or engage when you reach out to them. It feels legitimately hopeless sometimes and I don't know what to do anymore.
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drfitzmonster · 2 years
inter-tribal council of the five tribes (leaders of the 5 largest native nations in oklahoma - cherokee, chickasaw, muscogee, choctaw, seminole) has officially endorsed joy hofmeister, the democratic candidate, for oklahoma governor
i believe the osage nation has as well
i really hope that we can get this fucker kevin stitt out because he is wreaking havoc here and has been for way too fucking long
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puppyboyumi · 1 year
[TW: Threats of murder, racism]
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The governor of Oklahoma has called for the resignations of the sheriff and other top officials in a rural county after they were recorded talking about "beating, killing and burying" a father/son team of local reporters — and lamenting that they could no longer hang Black people with a “damned rope.”
Gov. Kevin Stitt called for McCurtain County Sheriff Kevin Clardy, county Commissioner Mark Jennings, sheriff's investigator Alicia Manning, and Jail Administrator Larry Hendrix to step down after the McCurtain County Gazette-News published an article over the weekend about what was captured on the recording.
The latest furor erupted after [reporter Bruce Willingham], acting on a tip that the commissioners were illegally engaging in county business after the public meetings were over, left a recording device on March 6 in the commissioners' chamber, the newspaper reported.
When Willingham retrieved the device, he discovered that the conversation began with a grisly conversation about a fire victim being compared to "barbecue" before the group turned to talking about his son.
"My papaw would have whipped his ass, would have wiped him and used him for toilet paper," Manning said of the younger Willingham, according to the newspaper. "If my daddy hadn't been run over by a vehicle, he would have been down there."
Jennings then piped in, saying "I know where two big, deep holes are here if you ever need them."
"I've got an excavator," Clardy chimed in, according to the newspaper.
Jennings, according to the newspaper, then said he knew "two or three hit men" who belong to the Louisiana mafia.
"They're very quiet guys and would cut no f---ing mercy," he reportedly said.
Manning, according to the newspaper, discussed "who would get the blame if anything was done" to Christopher Lee Willingham's wife, Angie.
When the talk turned to who might run for sheriff against Clardy, Jenning recalled how a former sheriff "would take a damned Black guy and whoop their ass and throw them in the cell."
"Yeah," Clardy replied, according to the newspaper. "It's not like that no more."
"I know," said Jennings. "Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damned rope. But you can't do that anymore. They've got more rights than we've got."
[The full transcript and audio can be found here. Be warned, it’s horrific. Additional trigger warning for the graphic description of a burned body.]
And these are the people that the 3,400 black people in McCurtain County are supposed to trust with their lives and safety—their children’s lives? These are the sick fucks that any of the citizens are to trust with their lives? People who laugh when looking at the burned body of the victim of a house fire and compare it to fucking food? They made plans to murder a father and son, talking about knowing hit men and “pre-dug” holes and excavators, and showed themselves and their previous sheriff to be racist, revolting pieces of shit—and they’re just getting asked to resign. I feel physically sick. This is we mean when we say that the fascist, white supremacist, neo-Nazis thrive and are protected by the police departments and police system, and that they always fucking have been.
How many times must we be met with the glaring evidence of root-deep corruption and hate until we throw away the whole damn system? Who knows how many times they’ve done this shit, or ended a black life just because they fucking could, and got away with it—not to mention the other unspeakable things cops have done to people of all races without a single slap on the wrist. This is everyone’s problem. It’s time to get rid of these damn pigs and the systems that give them power.
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johnnyrobish · 2 years
Newly Reelected Gov. Kevin Stitt Prays ‘God Will Have His Way With Oklahoma’
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After winning reelection, Gov. Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma stepped out of the statehouse to say a rather bizarre prayer, which went “Father, we just claim Oklahoma for you.  Every square inch, we claim it for you, in the name of Jesus.  Father, we can do nothing apart from you.  We don’t battle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and darkness.  And father, we just come against that, we just loose your will over our state right now - in the name of Jesus.  We just thank you and we claim Oklahoma for you with the authority that I have as governor and the spiritual authority and the physical authority that you give me.  I claim Oklahoma for you, that we will be a light to our country and to the world.  We thank you that your will was done on Tuesday and father, that you will have your way with our state, with our education system, with everything within the walls behind me.”
Hey, he sounds like a really fun guy.  So, if I’m correct, Gov. Stitt is not only gonna govern in the name of Jesus, but he’s also dedicated “every square inch” of the state to Jesus.  Oh, my, that could have a big impact on real estate markets.  Of course, it’s also another way of telling every Native American, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, and agnostic who lives in Oklahoma “to go fuck yourself,” but he’s doing it in the name of Jesus, so it should be fine.   
Now, what I’d like to know is, what’s with all this business about telling God “we want you to have your way with our state” kind of talk?  Now, I realize Gov. Stitt’s a hard-core protestant evangelical, but “having your way with our state” sounds like a slogan even Catholic priests might be interested in pursuing.  “Have your way with me, Lord” does have a certain ring to it, after all.
Anyway, it sounds like, under the leadership of Gov. Stitt, the state government of Oklahoma is now basically an “evangelical protestant church.”  I assume this means gatherings of the state legislature will no longer be in English, and all state assembly business will be conducted through “speaking in tongues” from this point on.  Can snake handling be far behind?  I mean, move over David Koresh.
That said, I still don’t get all this talk about “battling against principalities and darkness.”  After all, it was God who put you guys right smack dab in the middle of “Tornado Alley.”  Why pick on everyone else?  I mean, I thought the whole idea of the USA, was we don’t do “Lords and Kings” anymore.  Of course, I realize it’s not really Stitt’s fault.  After all, it’s pretty obvious the poor guy has “Stitt-for-brains.”
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I’m from Oklahoma. we’re fucked.
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Last week, The Root reported that Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed into law yet another Republican white fragility bill prohibiting teachings in K-12 schools that include conservative’s favorite new boogie man Critical Race Theory or any other race-based curriculum that causes “discomfort, guilt, anguish or psychological distress” to (white) students. The bill pushed by people whose salty white tears could fill the Georgia Aquarium was denounced by both the Oklahoma City Public Schools Board of Education—but what the hell do they know? They’re only literal fucking educators—and the Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission, of which Stitt had the caucasity to be a member of...until now.
The Associated Press reports that the commission—which was formed to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the day patriotic Americans decided that hundreds of Black people should die violently rather than be affluent and free—announced Friday that it removed Stitt from his seat on the panel because he doesn’t get to sign legislation than bans teaching about the brutality of whiteness in America while serving on a board that does just that.
I mean, the commission didn’t say all that, but we know that’s why Stitt got the boot.
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mariacallous · 4 years
Gov. Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma tested positive for the coronavirus, as cases surge in his state. He is the first U.S. governor known to be infected.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020 1:22 PM EST
Mr. Stitt, a Republican, said that his own infection had not prompted him to second-guess his response to the virus. The governor has resisted issuing a statewide mask order, and continued to do so on Wednesday.
“I’m probably getting tons of texts right now from other governors around the country,” he said. “I was pretty shocked that I was the first governor to get it.”
fucking dumbass
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ingridb1148 · 2 years
"We want Oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country," he said. "We want to outlaw abortion...As he signed the bill, Stitt sat behind a desk with a sign proclaiming "life is a human right."
translation: we don't understand the Constitution, we don't understand the 14th Amendment, and we write laws that will never withstand a SCOTUS challenge but we do this for attention. it's easier than fundraising. and fuck women.
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justsquidd · 6 years
Imagine having a gay governor that would be fucking awesome instead I'm stuck in Oklahoma with Mary fallin and Kevin stitt because his dumbass won the election
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