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alchemylight · 2 years ago
Leo Venus Star Point Early Manifestation
Leo Venus Star Point Early Manifestation ... SEC vs. CoinBase Lawsuit ...
Days after Venus entered Leo (and re-triggering the T-Square set by Mars in Leo, Pluto in Aquarius and Jupiter in Taurus-North Node conjunction) in the anticipation of the formation of the Leo Venus Star Point when she conjuncts with the Sun on 13 August 2023 as she retrogrades and comes close to Earth, we already have some indicators of what will unfold in the coming months. Since the imminent…
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scienza-magia · 1 year ago
Senza regolamentazione nessun ETF sulle criptovalute
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Bitcoin, perché tra la Sec e le società del settore cripto si trascina una guerra senza fine. La volontà della Commissione di regolamentare il Far West delle cripto potrebbe subire un duro colpo se dovesse perdere le cause intentate contro le piattaforme di trading Coinbase, Binance o Kraken. Nel 2024 la Sec entrerà nel settimo anno della sua campagna di regolamentazione delle criptovalute attraverso l'imposizione delle norme, senza che se ne intraveda la fine. L'autorità di regolamentazione sta conducendo diverse importanti battaglie giudiziarie che potrebbero determinare se le regole scritte per Wall Street si applicano agli asset digitali. Ma è improbabile che nel 2024 emerga un vincitore e non c'è nemmeno la certezza su chi regolerà le criptovalute. «Quando si regolamenta attraverso l’imposizione delle norme, questo è il tempo che ci vuole», ha detto Jan Folena, partner di Stradley Ronon che in passato ha affrontato casi importanti per la Sec. «Non ci sono scorciatoie. Non si può andare in tribunale e dire che abbiamo bisogno di una risposta veloce perché nessun altro sta facendo nulla». Il caso Coinbase Nel caso più seguito, Coinbase, la più grande borsa di criptovalute degli Stati Uniti, chiederà a gennaio a un giudice federale di respingere la causa della Sec che sostiene che la società viola le leggi fondamentali sulla protezione degli investitori. I tribunali di solito non respingono le richieste della Sec in una fase iniziale, quindi è probabile che il contenzioso si protragga fino al 2025. La Sec ha avvertito per la prima volta che avrebbe potuto controllare molte operazioni di criptovaluta nel 2017, quando ha pubblicato un rapporto che delineava la sua autorità legale sotto l'allora presidente Jay Clayton. Sotto Clayton la Sec ha perseguito le società che vendevano monete digitali a scopo di raccolta fondi. Da allora, diverse agenzie federali hanno svolto un ruolo di controllo sul trading di criptovalute. Ma è la Sec ad aver rivendicato il diritto più ampio su questo mercato da 1.700 miliardi di dollari. Il presidente Gary Gensler, che è succeduto a Clayton nel 2021, afferma che quasi tutti i prodotti crittografici sono titoli, che la sua agenzia regolamenta. Gensler: puntare ai pesci grandi Poco dopo aver assunto l'incarico, Gensler ha definito una nuova strategia nella lotta dell'agenzia contro le criptovalute. Invece di indagare centinaia di piccole startup che creano monete digitali, l'agenzia avrebbe indagato e fatto pressione sulla manciata di grandi borse che vendono cripto al pubblico. È così che la Sec ha intentato una causa contro Coinbase e altre due piattaforme: Binance, la più grande piattaforma di trading di criptovalute al mondo, e Kraken, il secondo exchange più grande con sede negli Stati Uniti. Il caso Ftx e la condanna a Sam Bankman-Fried Il fallimento di Ftx, uno dei principali rivali di Binance, nel 2022 ha confermato alcuni degli avvertimenti di Gensler sul «Far West» delle criptovalute e ha sottolineato quanto poco gli utenti di criptovalute sapessero del funzionamento interno degli scambi di criptovalute. Il fondatore di Ftx, Sam Bankman-Fried, è stato condannato lo scorso novembre per aver rubato miliardi di dollari ai clienti della borsa di criptovalute condannata. Le società di criptovalute considerano Ftx un caso anomalo e affermano che gli asset digitali sono significativamente diversi dalle azioni. Le criptovalute possono fluttuare di valore ma non comportano diritti come i dividendi o il voto per eleggere un consiglio di amministrazione. Il team che crea una criptovaluta non promette di condividere «i profitti, le entrate o i beni dell'attività dell'emittente», secondo i documenti legali di Coinbase. Ciò significa che la maggior parte delle criptovalute è una commodity piuttosto che un titolo, secondo Coinbase, che sostiene che il caso della Sec deve essere archiviato. Etf sulle crypto? Forse nel 2024 Coinbase e altre società di criptovalute hanno speso milioni per fare pressione sul Congresso affinché crei un quadro normativo alternativo per gli asset digitali. Alcuni Repubblicani della Camera sono ansiosi di concederglielo. Ma al Senato, dove i Democratici più importanti sono scettici e talvolta ignorano il valore delle criptovalute, i legislatori progressisti sostengono l'approccio di Gensler. La Sec deve affrontare altre battaglie legali con le criptovalute che potrebbero essere risolte nel 2024, tra cui la richiesta di lanciare fondi negoziati in borsa (Etf) che detengono bitcoin. Sotto la guida di Gensler e Clayton, l'agenzia ha sbarrato la strada agli Etf sul bitcoin, temendo che i prezzi delle criptovalute potessero essere manipolati. Lo scorso agosto, una corte d'appello ha criticato la Sec per il suo ragionamento, aumentando le aspettative sull’approvazione di alcuni di essi all'inizio del 2024. La Sec sostiene che le criptovalute possono essere titoli anche se non promettono contrattualmente una quota di profitti o gli sforzi continui del management per aumentare il loro valore. Secondo la Sec, diverse recenti decisioni dei tribunali hanno confermato questa visione della legge, tra cui una causa in corso in cui l'agenzia ha accusato l'imprenditore di criptovalute Do Kwon di aver frodato gli investitori e di avere manipolato le criptovalute che, secondo i regolatori, sono titoli. Sec contro tutti La Sec ha un «record piuttosto ineccepibile» nell'applicazione della legge sulle criptovalute, ha dichiarato Hilary Allen, professore dell'American University College of Law. La Sec ha dichiarato che potrebbe appellarsi all'unico caso importante in cui un giudice si è pronunciato contro alcune delle sue richieste. Da quando Gensler ha assunto l'incarico di presidente, la Sec ha intentato circa 55 azioni legali sulle criptovalute, secondo i dati di Cornerstone Research. Ma sono le cause contro Coinbase, Binance e Kraken quelle che contano. «Se la Sec perderà queste cause, non avrà più il vento in poppa come lo ha attualmente», ha detto Allen. Queste aziende hanno abbastanza soldi per assumere talenti legali di prim'ordine e fare ricorso in caso di sconfitta. Ci si aspetta che Coinbase combatta fino alla Corte Suprema, se necessario, un percorso legale che richiederebbe altri anni per essere risolto. Ma potrebbe valerne la pena. Secondo Elliott Stein, analista senior di Bloomberg Intelligence, Coinbase ha il 70% di possibilità di battere le richieste della Sec. Tra gli avvocati esterni di Coinbase figurano Steven Peikin, che ha guidato il programma di applicazione della Sec per tre anni, e William Savitt, un avvocato di Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz che ha sostenuto il caso di Twitter quando Elon Musk ha cercato di ritirarsi dall'acquisto della società di social media. Binance sta anche cercando di ottenere l'archiviazione anticipata della causa della Sec e si batterà per questo risultato il prossimo gennaio, due giorni dopo Coinbase. Ma Binance, una borsa offshore, ha un bagaglio maggiore rispetto ai suoi rivali statunitensi. Lo scorso novembre è stata accusata penalmente e ha ammesso di aver violato le leggi che impongono alle società finanziarie di avere controlli antiriciclaggio. Il fondatore Changpeng Zhao si è dimesso dalla carica di ceo dopo essersi dichiarato colpevole e rischia fino a 18 mesi di carcere. La sentenza è prevista per febbraio. Gli avvocati della Sec hanno recentemente dichiarato a un tribunale federale di Washington che molte delle ammissioni fatte da Binance e da Zhao supportano le accuse della Sec. Nella causa penale, ad esempio, Binance ha ammesso di aver servito illegalmente milioni di clienti statunitensi, un'affermazione al centro della causa della Sec. Il caso Ripple mette in difficoltà la Sec Tuttavia, la volontà della Sec di citare in giudizio i progetti di criptovaluta non spaventa il settore come un tempo, secondo Stuart Alderoty, responsabile legale di Ripple Labs, secondo il quale la maggior parte delle prime azioni della Sec ha portato a multe contro le società di criptovaluta più piccole. «Il processo è la punizione», ha detto Alderoty. «È un processo molto costoso. E li ha costretti a patteggiare». Ripple ha recentemente prevalso in una parte fondamentale della sua causa con la Sec. Quest’ultima aveva affermato che Ripple e due dei suoi funzionari avevano violato la legge vendendo 1,4 miliardi di dollari di una criptovaluta nota come Xrp. Ma il giudice distrettuale statunitense Analisa Torres ha stabilito che solo alcune delle vendite erano offerte di titoli, mentre non lo erano le compravendite effettuate in borsa. I l risultato è stato un vantaggio per le argomentazioni di Coinbase. La borsa cripto sostiene che le operazioni sul mercato secondario sono proprio come le vendite che la Torres ha esentato dalle leggi sui titoli. «L'importanza di Ripple è stata sismica», ha detto Ashley Ebersole, un ex avvocato della Sec che ora è consulente generale di 0x, un fornitore di software per gli sviluppatori di criptovalute. Cosa succede se la Sec perde le cause Se alla fine la Sec dovesse perdere le cause più importanti o se Coinbase e Binance dovessero ottenere vittorie sconvolgenti all'inizio del 2024, Gensler potrebbe cambiare strategia e spingere il Congresso a chiarire la giurisdizione della Sec sulle criptovalute. Ma scrivere regole specifiche per le criptovalute sarebbe un errore, ha detto Allen, professore di diritto dell'American University. A suo avviso, sarebbe come premiare un'industria con un set di regole più leggero che potrebbe essere sfruttato da altre società finanziarie che cercano di eludere la rigorosa supervisione della Sec. «Non c'è un'opzione senza rischi per la Sec», ha detto Allen. «Vedo molto da raccomandare nella strategia di imposizione delle norme, perché anche la creazione di regole comporta un sacco di rischi». Read the full article
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vcad67 · 1 year ago
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cryptosnewss · 1 year ago
Coinbase and Crypto.com Discuss Potential Acquisition of Struggling FTX Europe
According to documents examined by Fortune, Coinbase expressed early interest in acquiring FTX Europe as of September 2023. In the most recent report by Fortune Magazine, Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN), a cryptocurrency exchange, actively pursued the acquisition of FTX’s European branch to broaden its presence in the derivatives sector following FTX’s bankruptcy in November 2022. Although formal…
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kumar-pradeep · 2 years ago
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World Top Cryptocurrency Exchange in India
CoinCred Pro is a global cryptocurrency exchange that offers a wide range of features and services to its users, including high liquidity, low fees, and a user-friendly interface. It is one of the most trusted and reliable cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years ago
Warzel: Do you think most entities in the crypto space are insolvent and know it, and are just pretending right now, post-FTX?
Block: Absolutely. That’s because of what I said earlier about crypto. There’s no value created by any of these companies. It’s all just moving money from Person A to Person B. And look at the economic conditions. You have interest rates rising; people and companies are being squeezed economically and not willing to gamble. The fact is that there are fewer suckers aping into this system, and Ponzi schemes rely on new money to survive. I think most crypto companies are, like FTX, just borrowing from customer deposits to keep things afloat. And even the companies that aren’t doing that—I think Coinbase, for example, isn’t doing anything illicit, but their business model is based on this ecosystem where new money comes in. And that’s stopping.
  —  Crypto Was Always Smoke and Mirrors
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mariacallous · 2 months ago
The price of bitcoin went over $100,000 for a few hours on Dec. 5, peaking at $103,400. The financial press can’t resist constructing a hand-waving story of market forces, so bitcoin going past $100,000 has been attributed to a market reaction to President-elect Donald Trump’s lining up a slate of pro-cryptocurrency cabinet, advisory, and regulatory picks after the crypto industry put more money into funding Republican candidates in this last election cycle than anyone had previously put into an election in history.
But crypto trading is thin and almost entirely unregulated—perfect conditions for commodity market manipulation. The public image of cryptocurrency is still shaped by the 2023 trial of Sam Bankman-Fried of the failed FTX crypto exchange, culminating in his conviction—and not to mention the hangover from the NFT fiasco. Crypto is seen as the domain of cheap scammers. Ordinary people are not flocking into crypto.
Coincident with the bitcoin price news was the collapse of the Hawk Tuah crypto token. Haliey Welch, who told an oral sex joke that went viral on YouTube, leveraged her momentary fame into a career as an influencer and podcaster. This culminated in the meme-coin cryptocurrency $HAWK, marketed entirely on amusement value, which crashed on launch in what looked very like a pump-and-dump—tokens were dumped on ordinary buyers soon after launch, crashing the price.
Welch denied that insiders had dumped her token and blamed automated snipers who bought the token the moment it was released, then dumped immediately. The Hawk Tuah-token fiasco only strengthened crypto’s image as a place where fools lose their money being foolish.
The price of bitcoin has recovered since the November 2021 peak of the last bubble—but actual-dollar retail trading volumes have not. Coinbase’s retail trading volumes are $127 billion so far in 2024—much better than 2023’s $75 billion, but nothing like the 2021 bubble’s $545 billion.
Bitcoin remains a strangely useless asset that doesn’t do anything. All you can do with it is buy, sell, or hold. The only use for cryptocurrency other than pure zero-sum speculation is bitcoin’s original use case: evading regulations, most often for illegal purchases, money laundering, or dodging sanctions. One might be justified in evading some regulations in some cases—but most are there for good reason.
The largest actual-U.S.-dollar crypto exchange is Coinbase. But price discovery takes place at the venue with the largest trading volume: the offshore exchange Binance. This exchange admitted a string of money laundering offenses in 2023, was fined over $4 billion, and was placed under stringent compliance monitoring by the U.S. Department of Justice and FinCEN.
But the Binance trading floor itself remains an unregulated free-for-all as long as U.S. entities are not caught trading there. Every market manipulation that would be illegal in the United States happens at Binance and similar unregulated, offshore floating crypto casinos—wash trading, flash crashes, delayed settlements, spoofing, and the exchange trading against its own customers.
Bitcoin trading volume is substantially against two dubious U.S.-dollar stablecoins: tether and FDUSD. These are minted in round billions at a time. It is frankly not plausible that anyone put billions of U.S. dollars into tethers or FDUSD to buy bitcoins on an offshore exchange with above-board intentions. They could have just used the money to buy bitcoins directly at a U.S.-dollar crypto exchange or, safest of all, to buy bitcoin ETF shares from any securities broker. The purpose of buying billions of tethers is to manipulate the price of bitcoin.
Each stablecoin is supposedly backed by a U.S. dollar held in a bank account—except when it isn’t. Tether Inc. has long created tethers out of thin air as loans, with the listed backing asset being the loan itself. Banks do this, too, but banks are regulated. Eighteen billion tethers have been created just since Trump’s election on Nov. 5, bringing the total issuance to 135 billion. How far could you pump the price of bitcoin with 18 billion instant pseudo-dollars?
The other use case for tethers is crime. Zeke Faux’s Number Go Up details the value of tethers as a dollar substitute for those too crooked to get dollars—it’s the favored currency for “pig-butchering” romance scams run by human traffickers. The U.K. National Crime Authority and the U.S. Treasury recently cracked an international money-laundering ring that used tethers to serve drug dealers, ransomware groups, Russian espionage operations, and sanctioned entities; the NCA called tether, not bitcoin, the “cryptocurrency du jour.” The news of the bust came out just before bitcoin hit $100,000. Tether-fueled bitcoin pumps seem to coincide with bad news mentioning tethers.
Tether Inc. is sensitive to the criminal use case for its coin and frequently freezes tainted tethers on the requests of the Office of Foreign Assets Control and FinCEN—but only after the fact. This requires Tether Inc.’s operations to be much more organized than they have been previously—such as during the years when the reserve was tracked, not in proper accounts but in a shared spreadsheet that was often out of date. Despite its compliance efforts, Tether Inc. is the subject of an ongoing federal criminal investigation by the Manhattan office of the Southern District of New York into possible anti-money-laundering and sanctions failures.
Tether Inc. has worked to mend its reputation in the corridors of power. The company does not operate in the United States, but it does keep much of the cash portion of its reserve in U.S. Treasury bills. These are custodied by Cantor Fitzgerald, whose CEO, Howard Lutnick, wanted to become Trump’s new Treasury secretary and will be brought in for commerce. Cantor Fitzgerald recently bought a share in Tether Inc.
After the crypto industry’s success with directing unheard-of quantities of campaign funding to the cause of electing Trump, we should anticipate further such attempts to curry favor. The Trump family’s own crypto project, World Liberty Financial, was set to fail until crypto entrepreneur Justin Sun, proprietor of offshore crypto exchange HTX, dived in and bought $30 million of its WLFI coin—taking World Liberty over the threshold so Trump would get a $15 million payout from the project.
Sun is given to flashy stunts, like purchasing Maurizio Cattelan’s duct-taped banana artwork Comedian (with cryptocurrency) and then eating the banana on stage. These give the media something to talk about other than Sun’s legal and regulatory issues, most recently the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s ongoing suit against Sun for securities violations. Sun looks forward to a more “friendly” U.S. crypto market under the new administration, with the pro-crypto Paul Atkins as Trump’s planned SEC chair.
One of the greatest channels for payback to his crypto allies may be Trump’s proposal at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in June for a U.S. strategic bitcoin reserve, apparently on the basis that the nation needs a store of this speculative commodity largely used for crime. Trump originally proposed that the government hold onto bitcoins that had been seized as proceeds of crime, rather than sell them off.
The current proposal to bolster crypto is Senator Cynthia Lummis’ Bitcoin Act of 2024, in which the Treasury and the Federal Reserve would buy 200,000 bitcoins each year for five years. The U.S. government would become the bitcoin holder of last resort, and the beneficiaries would be the crypto industry—and not ordinary Americans.
The incoming U.S. administration wants to clear “experts” from the bureaucracy. If the incoming executive branch wants crypto to operate freely, it will do its best to force crypto through and remove all possible impediments. Crypto’s perennial issues with fraud and impoverishing retail investors, and regulator’s fears of the risk of contagion from crypto to the wider economy, are likely to be glossed over so as to ensure market opportunities for administration insiders.
But in the end, gravity still works, and a balloon can be inflated only so much. The bitcoin bubble is an artifact of market manipulation and has no more economic substance than the Hawk Tuah coin does. The U.S. government may be ripe for plunder, but other nations need to take steps to shield themselves from the impact of rug-pulling on a global scale.
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blockchainxtech · 5 days ago
Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Scripts you should know in 2025
In thi Article about Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Scripts you should know in 2025, Read it out.
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What is Cryptocurrency Exchange
To purchase, sell, or trade cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, you go to an online marketplace called a cryptocurrency exchange. Cryptocurrency exchanges work much like stock exchanges, except instead of issuing or trading stocks, you trade digital currencies.
In simple terms, it’s where Buyers and sellers meet to exchange cryptocurrencies. You can buy cryptocurrency with ordinary money (such as dollars or euros) or swap one cryptocurrency for another. Some exchanges allow you to store your crypto in secure wallets held on the platform.
There are two main types:
Centralized exchanges (CEX)
Decentralized exchanges (DEX)
What is Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Script
The Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Script is a ready-made program that simulates the technical features and functionality of popular cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, or Bitfinex. Compared to developing from scratch, the clone scripts significantly ease and shorten the time required to set up a cryptocurrency exchange network for an aspiring entrepreneur and firms.
These sort of scripts are somewhat equipped with all the basic features to run a cryptocurrency exchange, like user account management, wallet integration, order book, trading engine, liquidity management, and options for secure payment gateways. The whole idea of a clone script is to give you something out-of-the-box that can be customized, thus allowing you to skip the whole painful development process but still be able to modify the script to suit your needs.
Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Scripts
There are many clone scripts for cryptocurrency exchange development, but here are the top 6 of the cryptocurrency exchange clone script.
Binance clone script
Coinbase Clone Script
Kucoin Clone Script
Paxful Clone Script
WazirX clone script
FTX Clone Script
Binance clone script
A Binance clone script is a Pre-made software that is almost ready for use to create your own cryptocurrency exchange platform, along the way simulating Binance, one of the largest and most popular exchanges in the world. This “clone” is a reapplication of some of the features and functionality of Binance, but it can allow for some level of customization depending upon your particular brand and need.
Key Features:
User Registration and Login
Multi-Currency Support
Trading Engine
Multi-Layer Security
Admin Dashboard
Wallet Integration
KYC/AML Compliance
Liquidity Management
Mobile Compatibility
Referral and Affiliate Program
Trading Fees and Commission Management
Live Market Charts and Trading Tools
Coinbase clone script:
The Coinbase clone script is a ready-made solution that allows you to set up a cryptocurrency exchange platform exhibiting features and functionalities similar to the world’s most popular and user-friendly crypto exchange, Coinbase. These scripts are bundled with all the necessary features to run an exchange while still offering ample customization to cater to your branding and business requirements.
Key Features:
User Registration and Account Management
Fiat and Crypto Support
Secure Wallet Integration
Quick Buy/Sell Functionality
Multiple Payment Methods
P2P Trading
Admin Dashboard
Launchpad Functionality
Staking Feature
KYC/AML Compliance
API Integration
Kucoin Clone Script
A KuCoin clone script is a ready-made software solution replicating all functional attributes and operational features of the KuCoin, which can also be customized according to your brand name and business requirement specifications. Fast and feasible for launching your crypto exchange, the idea is to save yourself from the headaches of developing everything from scratch.
Key Features:
Spot trading
Margin trading
Future trading
Crypto derivatives
Advanced security transactions
Escrow protection
User registration
Wallet integration
Advanced analytics
Currency converter
Paxful clone script
A Paxful clone script is a ready-Made platform for opening a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency exchange for users to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies directly among themselves without any intermediaries. The script replicates the core features of Paxful operated using its server; you can customize it to your brand and business needs.
Key Features:
Secured Escrow Service
Multi Payment Processing
BUY/SELL Ad posting
Real-Time Data
Referrals & Gift Card options
Multi Language Support
Online/Offline Trading
Cold/Offline Wallet Support
FTX Clone Script
An FTX clone script is a ready-made software solution that will allow you to set up your own cryptocurrency exchange like FTX, which was formerly one of the largest crypto exchanges globally before going under in 2022. This script mimics the core features of FTX, such as spot trading, derivatives, margin trading, token offering, etc., so that you can fast-track the launch and operations of your own exchange with customizable branding and features.
Key Features:
Derivatives Trading
Leveraged Tokens
Spot Trading
User-Friendly Interface
KYC/AML Compliance
Staking Functionality
WazirX clone script
A WazirX Clone Script is a pre-made software solution for the creation of your cryptocurrency exchange platform akin to WazirX, one of the top cryptocurrency exchanges in India. The clone script replicating the essential elements, functionality, and WazirX’s user experience enables you to swiftly put together a fully fledged cryptocurrency exchange that would accept a number of digital assets and trading features.
Key Features:
Escrow protection
KYC approval
Trading bots
User-friendly interface
Stunning User Dashboard
SMS Integration
Multiple Payment Methods
Multiple Language Support
Benefits of Using Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Scripts
The use of a cryptocurrency exchange cloning script entails great advantages, particularly if one is keen on starting an exchange without having to do the full development from scratch. Below, I have listed the primary advantages of using cryptocurrency exchange cloning scripts:
Quick and Profitable Launch
Proven Model
Customizable Features
Multi-Currency and Multi-Language Support
Low Development Cost
Continuous Support and Updates
Why Choose BlockchainX for Cryptocurrency Exchange clone script
In the opinion of an entrepreneur set to develop a secure, scalable, and feature-loaded cryptocurrency exchange clone script, BlockchainX is the best bet. Since BlockchainX provides a full-fledged solution that replicates the features of flagship cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase, and WazirX, the entrepreneur gets all the additional features required practically out of the box. With the addition of certain basic offerings such as spot trading, margin trading, and peer-to-peer (P2P) capabilities along with more advanced ones like liquidity management and derivatives trading, BlockchainX provides a holistic set of solutions to carve out an exchange rightly fitted for newbies and pros alike.
In conclusion, the Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchange Clone Scripts in 2025 are high-powered and feature-rich solutions which any enterprising spirit would find indispensable if they were to enter the crypto market very quickly and efficiently. Whether it be a Binance clone, Coinbase clone, or WazirX clone-these scripts offer dynamic functionalities that enhance trading engines, wallets, KYC/AML compliance, and various security attributes.
Choosing the right clone script, such as those provided by BlockchainX or other reputable providers, will give you a strong foundation for success in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency exchanges.
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tokenlauncher · 7 months ago
A Comprehensive Guide to Solana : How to Buy Meme Tokens & Using Solana Meme Coin Maker
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, Solana has emerged as a powerhouse blockchain platform known for its high speed, low fees, and scalability. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the crypto scene, understanding Solana’s ecosystem can open up numerous opportunities. This guide will explore how to buy Solana, delve into the world of meme tokens on Solana, and introduce you to our platform, SolanaLauncher, a cutting-edge tool for creating your own Solana meme coins.
What is Solana?
Solana is a high-performance blockchain that supports decentralized applications and cryptocurrencies. Launched in 2020, Solana aims to provide fast, secure, and scalable blockchain solutions. Unlike many other blockchains, Solana can process thousands of transactions per second (TPS), thanks to its unique Proof of History (PoH) consensus mechanism.
Solana: How to Buy
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Setting Up a Wallet
Before you can buy Solana (SOL), you need a digital wallet to store your tokens. Some popular Solana-compatible wallets include:
Phantom: A user-friendly wallet with excellent integration for Solana dApps.
Sollet: An open-source wallet that offers advanced features for developers.
Solflare: A secure wallet with staking capabilities.
Purchasing Solana
Once you have a wallet set up, you can buy Solana from major cryptocurrency exchanges. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Choose an Exchange: Select a reputable exchange like Binance, Coinbase, or FTX.
Create an Account: Sign up and complete the necessary KYC (Know Your Customer) verification.
Deposit Funds: Deposit fiat currency (like USD) or other cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin or Ethereum) into your exchange account.
Buy Solana: Navigate to the trading section, search for Solana (SOL), and place a buy order. You can choose a market order for immediate purchase or a limit order to buy at a specific price.
Transfer to Wallet: Once you have purchased SOL, transfer it to your Solana-compatible wallet for security.
Exploring Meme Tokens on Solana
What are Meme Tokens?
Meme tokens are a type of cryptocurrency inspired by internet memes and cultural trends. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, meme tokens often derive their value from social media buzz and community engagement. They can be highly volatile but offer unique opportunities for investors who can identify viral trends early.
Popular Meme Tokens on Solana
Solana’s high-speed and low-fee environment makes it an ideal platform for meme tokens. Some popular meme tokens on Solana include:
SAMO (Samoyedcoin): Inspired by the Samoyed dog breed, SAMO has garnered a strong community following.
COPE: A meme token that aims to provide users with a sense of community and belonging, COPE has seen significant engagement.
Creating Your Own Meme Token with Solana Meme Coin Maker
Why Create a Meme Token?
Creating your own meme token allows you to capitalize on viral trends, engage with a community, and even raise funds for projects. Meme tokens can serve various purposes, from entertainment and community building to innovative financial instruments.
Introducing SolanaLauncher
Our platform, SolanaLauncher, simplifies the process of creating meme tokens on Solana. With SolanaLauncher, you can generate your own meme tokens in less than three seconds without any coding knowledge. Here’s how you can get started:
Sign Up: Create an account on SolanaLauncher and log in to access the token creation tool.
Fill in Token Details: Enter the required details, such as token name, symbol, and total supply.
Generate Token: Click on “Create Token” and your meme token will be generated on the Solana blockchain instantly.
Benefits of Using SolanaLauncher
Ease of Use: SolanaLauncher is designed for users of all technical levels. You don’t need any programming skills to create your own token.
Speed: Create and deploy your token in less than three seconds, thanks to Solana’s high-speed network.
24/7 Support: Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you with any questions or issues.
How to Promote Your Meme Token
Build a Community
Community engagement is crucial for the success of any meme token. Use social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Discord to build and interact with your community. Regular updates, engaging content, and interactive events can help foster a loyal following.
Leverage Influencers
Collaborating with influencers in the crypto space can help boost the visibility of your meme token. Influencers can provide endorsements, share your content, and help drive community engagement.
Provide Utility
While meme tokens often start as fun projects, adding utility can enhance their value and longevity. Consider integrating your token with decentralized applications, offering staking rewards, or creating exclusive content or services for token holders.
Investing in Solana Meme Coins
Research and Due Diligence
Before investing in any meme token, conduct thorough research. Understand the project’s goals, the team behind it, and the strength of its community. Be wary of projects that lack transparency or seem too good to be true.
Diversify Your Portfolio
Diversification is key to managing risk in the volatile world of meme tokens. Spread your investments across multiple tokens and other types of cryptocurrencies to mitigate potential losses.
Stay Informed
The cryptocurrency market is highly dynamic. Stay informed about market trends, news, and developments in the Solana ecosystem. Following key influencers and joining relevant communities can provide valuable insights.
Solana offers a robust platform for buying, trading, and creating meme tokens, thanks to its high-speed transactions, low fees, and scalability. Whether you’re looking to invest in popular meme tokens or create your own, Solana provides the tools and infrastructure to succeed.
With SolanaLauncher, generating your own meme token has never been easier. In just a few clicks, you can turn your idea into a reality and engage with a global community. By leveraging Solana’s strengths and following best practices for investment and promotion, you can capitalize on the exciting opportunities in the meme token space.
Start your journey today with Solana and SolanaLauncher, and be part of the next wave of innovation in the cryptocurrency world. Whether you’re an investor, developer, or enthusiast, Solana’s vibrant ecosystem offers endless possibilities. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this revolutionary platform.
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reddragdiva · 7 months ago
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beardedmrbean · 2 years ago
Feb. 8 (UPI) -- A former employee of the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase pleaded guilty to insider trading by using confidential information from his company to determine which crypto assets would be listed on the exchange.
Ishan Wahi, a former Coinbase product manager, admitted on Tuesday to giving information to others about cryptocurrencies that the company was going to be listing on its platform. Wahi is the first person to plead guilty to an insider trading case involving cryptocurrency, U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said.
"Whether it occurs in the equity markets or the crypto markets, stealing confidential business information for your own personal profit or the profit of others is a serious federal crime," said Williams.
Beginning in October 2020, Wahi worked at Coinbase as a product manager on the asset listing team. He used his job to provide confidential information about which crypto assets would be listed, to his brother Nikhil Wahi and Sameer Ramani. Wahi and Ramani then sold the assets for a profit after they were announced.
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Prosecutors said the three men made $1.5 million in illegal profits.
Wahi faces a maximum of 20 years in prison and is set to be sentenced on May 10. Nikhil Wahi was sentenced to 10 months in prison. Ramani has also been charged.
The charge comes as cryptocurrency exchanges face increased turbulence and scrutiny following the collapse of FTX.
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Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, pleaded not guilty last month to eight federal charges ranging from wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering, to conspiracy by misusing customer funds as prosecutors said he used users' funds to purchase expensive real estate and to donate millions to political campaigns.
In the wake of the FTX scandal, Coinbase announced that it would lay off about 950 workers 900 and incur $149 million to $163 million in restructuring efforts, including severance packages and termination benefits, citing "market conditions" for the move.
Last month, the New York State Department of Financial Servicesordered Coinbase to pay $50 million to settle charges it failed to conduct proper background checks on new user accounts and another $50 million to bolster its compliance program.
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roseberry12 · 2 years ago
🔥🔒 Top Attorney: Ripple Won't Settle with SEC! 💥
In a high-stakes showdown, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse boldly rejects the idea of a settlement with the SEC, stirring up controversy! 😮🤚🚫
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Ripple's Defiance: 💪 Garlinghouse takes to Twitter, slamming SEC Chair Gary Gensler's so-called "pro-innovation" stance as laughable! 😂🤔 He accuses the SEC of desperate tactics, trying to divert attention from their mishandling of the FTX situation. 🙈🔍
He says, "🙅‍♂️ It's embarrassing to watch an unelected bureaucrat flail like this, masking his agency's lack of power. No one is fooled!" 😤🙄
Prominent Attorney Weighs In: 💼 A curious Twitter user asks attorney Jeremy Hogan if Ripple's firm stance means a trial or appeal is imminent. Hogan, a renowned figure in crypto law, cryptically replies, "⏳ Any talk of 'settlement' was premature."
SEC's Legal Blitz: ⚖️ The SEC shifts focus, filing lawsuits against crypto giants Binance and Coinbase! 📜🔍 Ripple's XRP curiously absent from Coinbase's case, fueling speculation about the regulator's stance on Ripple amidst the legal chaos! 🤔💥
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vcad67 · 1 year ago
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cyberianlife · 2 years ago
One year after the Crypto Bowl, which saw many crypto companies spend big money to advertise during the Super Bowl...crypto is totally absent from this year's big game. Brandon Sutton of The Discourse joins Matt Binder on Scam Economy to discuss what happened to companies like Coinbase, Crypto.com, eToro, and, of course, FTX. Also, who *is* advertising during the Super Bowl LVII?
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voroxpete · 10 months ago
OK, so this post is actually from 3 years ago, but it's getting shared around again, so let's talk about what's happening with crypto.
Is it actually dead? Well, yes and no.
2023 was, for crypto, the awful no good very bad absolutely terrible year. Basically, the SEC got to reeeeaaallly busting heads on all of the illegal bullshit that the crypto industry is propped up on (they claim its not illegal because they used a different kind of software to do the illegal things; this is, obviously, bullshit). So, thanks Joe Biden for that one I guess. You're a soulless neoliberal ghoul, but god damn did you get a lot of really good shit done (genuinely, if you guys don't know, he's quietly been one of the most effective presidents you guys have ever had... And the "quietly" part - combined with his utterly reprehensible support for Isreal - means you're all gonna stay home this year and let Trump get in instead).
The upshot of this is that the CEO of Binance is facing criminal charges, Sam Bankman Fried of FTX is in jail for 20-something years (and FTX is still a smoking crater) and Coinbase are trying desparately to not get kicked out of US markets.
So why did Bitcoin just post its highest price ever? Well, the long and short is that the whales are really, really desparate to cash out. Anyone who knows whats going on can see that the whole system is dying. Unless they can get a much more favourable regulatory environment very very quickly they're basically locked out of American money, and even that won't fix the fact that consumers are just generally done with crypto.
The price is higher than its ever been (well, kinda... it's basically stalled at the previous all time high), but the actual number of transactions, and especially the number involving real dollars, is lower than its ever been. In other words, the price doesn't reflect what someone will actually pay in real money for crypto. It is, more than ever, a made up number, largely created through price manipulation by Tether.
Tether, for those who don't know, is a crypto that's always supposed to trade 1:1 for a US dollar. This is backed by... well... bullshit. Tether claims to be backed by real reserves, but these claims are blatant lies. In practice, they just print fake money out of thin air, claim its just like real money, then use that fake money to buy other crypto (mostly bitcoin) which pushes the price up. And because so few people actually buy or sell bitcoin now, one big customer can move the price by a lot.
So, the all time high price right now is mostly down to Tether working overdrive to push the price up. This big push has been spurred by two things; Bitcoin ETFs, and the halvening.
Bitcoin ETFs are basically a way to trade bitcoin as an asset without actually holding bitcoin. Instead, someone else holds the bitcoin, and you just buy notional shares of what that bitcoin is worth. Crypto enthusiasts have been treating these as the coming of Jesus, though in reality they just give institutional investors even less reason to actually touch crypto directly. But they are a big marketing opportunity to tell the remaining suckers that this is it, this is when crypto finally goes to the moon (ie, a chance for the people who run the whole scam to cash out their remaining crypto on another injection of idiot cash, or so they hope).
The halvenining is this thing where every four years the crypto payouts to miners drop by half. Miners don't actually create (ie, "mine") bitcoin, that's a myth. What they do is move it; their computers validate transactions so that money can move, and they get paid new bitcoin in return. With payouts halving, the price needs to go up in order for the miners to even keep the lights on. If they start shutting down their systems, the whole system could just seize up, or become vulnerable to takeover by one determined group. Miners are also heavily intertwined with the exchanges and the stablecoins like Tether. So, the price is being manipulated up to keep miners in business.
Right now it's still floating around that all time high, and has struggled to maintain any sort of upward momentum past that point. I suspect it's going to tumble back down soon enough, but I could be wrong. Again, this "market" is so heavily manipulated that price action has no connection to reality.
Is crypto dying? Basically, yes. There's the appearance of life in the corpse, but it's just the big players puppeting the body to make it seem alive. Institutional money (big investment firms) bailed a while back, and they're just trying to trap as many retail (regular Joe) suckers as they can before the whole becomes pointless and they all pivot to shilling AI products.
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
The US crypto business is having an identity crisis, which could become an existential one. Are cryptocurrencies commodities, like gold and pork bellies? Or securities, like stocks and futures? The Securities and Exchange Commission, America’s top financial regulator, is so convinced that cryptocurrencies are the latter that it’s suing one of the world’s largest crypto exchanges, Coinbase, for breaking securities laws. The SEC has instigated an aggressive campaign of “regulation by enforcement,” going after companies for all kinds of alleged violations and insisting that they register with the agency—something crypto businesses say is all but impossible.
But another regulator, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, has also sued one of the industry’s biggest players, Binance, alleging it has broken commodity trading laws.
The confusion over what crypto is and who sets its rules has left the industry on edge. On Wednesday, senators Cynthia Lummis and Kirsten Gillibrand—a Wyoming Republican and New York Democrat, respectively—will unveil a new version of their proposed regulatory regime for the fintech industry, which hopes to settle the question.
While there’s plenty new in the revamped Lummis-Gillibrand Responsible Financial Innovation Act, its centerpiece is a measure that would classify most cryptocurrencies as commodities, putting them under the purview of the CFTC. It’s a clear rebuke to the SEC, which, Lummis and others say, is stifling innovation in financial technologies.
“The domestic industries really are trying to comply, for the most part, and they’re just getting the cold shoulder,” Lummis says. “That’s not how we regulate in this country.”
The content of the legislation seeks to prevent a repeat of the apparent failings in the crypto industry, which led to a series of high-profile collapses in the industry over the past two years that have left many investors with losses.
According to a person with knowledge of the act, the legislation, if passed, would compel crypto exchanges to keep their customers’ assets in third-party trusts and stop them from so-called “proprietary trading”—essentially, trading with their own funds on their own exchange. It would also give the CFTC the power to supervise “material affiliates” of exchanges—such as Alameda Research, the sister company of the collapsed FTX exchange, whose founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, is awaiting trial on fraud charges. FTX allegedly lent large amounts of customer funds to Alameda to cover its investment losses, ahead of a liquidity crisis on the exchange that led to its downfall.
The act also bans “rehypothecation,” which essentially outlaws lenders’ ability to finance digital assets with collateral already pledged for different loans, the person says.
The SEC and other agencies were consulted on the content of the legislation, according to Lummis, who still worries they’ll try to kill the measure. “They have seen it. We asked them to tweak it, and we’ve incorporated some of their changes,” she says. “After all of our efforts to reach out to them and work with them, I do not want them to come in at the last minute to put their kibosh on this.”
The proposal comes at a point where there is significant animosity toward SEC chair Gary Gensler within the Republican-controlled House. Republicans have even introduced a bill meant to dilute Gensler’s power by adding a sixth SEC commissioner and killing the chair position altogether. But lawmakers admit that they’ve created the space for the regulator to act—often unilaterally—on crypto because of inaction on the subject in Congress.
“The reason [Gensler] is having this opportunity is because Congress hasn’t acted,” says Senator John Boozman of Arkansas, the top Republican on the Agriculture Committee.
After the senators drop their bill Wednesday, the hard legislative work begins. Digital assets fall under the jurisdictions of numerous committees—Banking (which Lummis serves on), Agriculture (one of Gillibrand’s committees), and Finance. Even the Environment Committee wants a say on crypto mining. That’s just in the Senate.
Each of these committees comes at crypto from a different angle. Take the Senate Banking Committee. Its Democratic chair, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, has focused on risks to consumers, while Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Massachussettes Democrat, has found the issue a bridge to the other side. Last year she teamed up with first-term senator Roger Marshall, a Republican from Kansas, on the Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2022, which would place crypto firms under the Bank Secrecy Act—a 1970 law that requires financial institutions to monitor and report money laundering, among other regulations critics say would crush the crypto industry.
That measure hasn’t been introduced in this 118th Congress, possibly because Gensler and the Department of Justice are all but implementing the bipartisan legislation in real time. Even as industry leaders, investors and their congressional allies accuse the SEC of crippling crypto, what’s become clear in recent months is, if Congress fails to act, again, securities regulators will aggressively go it alone.
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