#ft. washington family
hometoursandotherstuff · 10 months
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WTH House has been removed from the market. Built in 1932 in Westmont, Illinois, it's been renovated, but whoever did the reno must've been on shrooms at the time. 4bds, 4ba, and they're asking $849,900, which is probably why it's been taken off the market, b/c no one would pay that much for it, and it can't possibly pass a home inspection. Take a look.
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Weird entrance. I don't even know if the door clears that first step, but there's this ersatz elevated platform w/a small door and angled stairs so you can display a lovely collection of large vases. (Also note the off-center pot light shining brightly.) That abstract painting is a prophesy of things to come.
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The platform continues on around to the side entrance. Why do they need that thing at all? Unusual features: Light fixtures under the window sills and another one under the stair railing.
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I don't know if this is the family room or main living room, but it's normal.
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Observe the obstacles in the hall to get to the kitchen steps. The frame around the windows doesn't look right.
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You can see it better from here. They made an elaborate kitchen entrance, there's some room off the stairs, maybe a toilet, and the fridge is too close to the edge.
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Double doors in the dining area open to a bedroom.
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Floor tile on the bathroom walls.
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By the wild wood grain on the door to the primary suite, it looks like they used plywood to make the doors. There's a simple homemade kitchenette behind the door.
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PeeWee's Playhouse doorway to the en-suite shows the shower in full view. (Nope.)
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The mirror continues the theme of the ceiling angles and there's a long window seat.
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Okay, this deck off the primary bedroom is nice.
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This is another large bedroom.
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These angle-lovin' folks must've had all the mirrors cut to order.
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A monolithic column with niches stands in the middle of this bedroom.
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The best part is the basement, though, where there's a castle-like feel. Love the walls and the fireplace. I must say that the mason they hired was superior to the carpenter.
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This bath is nice and carries through with the castle theme.
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The levels and angles continue on the exterior of the home.
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Nice big yard. The house is on a .49 acre lot.
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not-your-bro · 1 month
do you have any ud hcs? It could be anything idc
ooh, free rein! sure sure. josh + chris are def the characters i most frequently rotate in my mind, so some stuff about them off the top of my head...
film studies major. i must admit i don't adhere to the psych major he's given in canon, though director/producer roles aren't my first choice for him either. he goes all-in on tangible stuff for his prank, so i put him in the practical effects arena.
artist in his spare time, but big surprise he's cagey about it. like, chris sees josh's sketchbook in josh's room all the time, but he's never actually looked inside.
with both movie sfx + art, josh is practical > digital, and he only dips into digital effects or art when he absolutely needs to. i just think he's a tactile sort of guy who prefers to make things with his hands, so creating on a screen alone doesn't give him the same satisfaction.
on social media in that he has accounts, but they're sporadically active at best. he can be slow to respond to texts/dms and his responses can be short, which gives off the impression that he's disengaged or bored. he isn't, he just doesn't want to be on his phone.
this is a longstanding hc of mine that i've absolutely mentioned before, but: designed hannah's butterfly tattoo! didn't really understand why, he was like you know your tattoo artist can do one for you, right. but she insisted, and he obliged.
gay as fuck. realized young, came out young, very comfortable. as demonstrated by the fact that, much to everyone's annoyance, he wears shirts that say shit like 'employee of the month at the dick sucking factory' in public.
ok, so i've reached the point where the chris in my mind looks different enough that i get a little jumpscared when i see him in-game LMAO. i hc him both taller and heavier. he's gotta be at least 6 ft. and a chris hartley who's thin is no chris hartley at all. not to me.
does not come from money, like lower middle class. i have two totally different hcs about his family that both feel real to me: one is that he's an only child, his parents divorced when he was a kid (old enough to understand, but not quite a teenager), and he lives with his mom. the other is that his parents are not divorced, and he has a big family - lots of siblings. i've been going with the former in my fic lately, but both work for me. the constant is that his family's economic situation is more precarious than most people in the friend group, and family trips with (and funded by) the washingtons were his primary vacations.
has adhd. i find 'always on his phone bc he just loooves technology' less interesting than 'always on his phone bc he has existing attention problems.' this went undiagnosed for a while, and his performance in school suffered for it.
speaking of, he is not all-around school smart. like, emily may have strengths and weaknesses (even if she'd never admit them), but she can swing As across the board. chris cannot. he's getting good grades in classes that interest him or cater to his solution-oriented brain, but he's terrible in any class where there's no right answer. english, art - he does not get it. love him to death but his media literacy is Bad
bi as fuck, but it was a journey. thought he was straight for a long time, dismissing any attraction to men as a 'who hasn't had gay thoughts' kind of thing. i think it took him a while to come to terms with it bc he had a lot of internalized shit to work through. if a friend came out as bi, he'd have been like cool 👍 but him? surely not! he got there eventually though.
wowee this is long. as a lil bonus hc for another character, i'll add that i don't think jess went to college - i think she went to a hair/beauty school. she loves what a social job it is, getting to chit chat with clients all day, and like josh, she does best when she's working with her hands.
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travelella · 5 months
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Plains Bison in Custer, South Dakota, USA
Stephanie LeBlanc
The Plains bison is one of two subspecies/ecotypes of the American bison, the other being the wood bison.
Status: Near Threatened
Population: 45,000
Scientific Name: Bison bison bison
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Subfmaily: Bovinae
Tribe: Bovini
Genus: Bison
Weight: 701 to 2,000 pounds
Length: 7-12 ft.
Habitat: Grassland
Range: Bison once roamed from Florida to Washington, Canada, and Mexico - The entire U.S.
Predators: Wolves are the primary predator of bison across the continent. Local knowledge also indicates that bears play a role in predation.
Diet: Bison are considered generalist foragers, meaning they eat a wide array of herbaceous grasses and sedges commonly found in mixed-grassed prairies. These types of plants include species such as Blue gramma, sand dropseed, and little bluestem.
Lifespan: The average lifespan for a bison is 10–20 years, but some live to be older. Cows begin breeding at the age of two and only have one baby at a time. For males, the prime breeding age is six to 10 years.
Importance: Bison graze the grasses at different heights, providing nesting grounds for birds. They also roll around and pack down the soil in depressions in the ground known as wallows. Their wallows fill with rainwater and offer breeding pools for amphibians and sources of drinking water for wildlife across the landscape.
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sporktato · 2 years
Ghost HCs because I’m in hell
(ft. Riley family, Price, and Soap)
- has piercings - no face ones though both because of the mask and because they make it easier to get hurt in a fight
- also paints his nails (no one’s gonna know, how are they gonna know?)
- long hair + undercut combo. Like hell will Ghost let anyone behind him with a blade, and really only Price knew he had long hair pre-MW2. When he does do his undercut he has to borrow a mirror from Price as his room doesn’t have any.
- doesn’t have dog tags. they were buried with Washington’s body, which Ghost had mangled to pass as his own body to ensure Simon Riley stayed dead (This raised a lot of questions from Soap once he realized he didn’t have tags)
- huge reader, really his only normal hobby at this point
- on the topic of reading, on Simon’s birthday Price will take him to a used book store and pay for whatever Simon picks out
- also wanted to be a librarian when he was a kid. The public library was a huge escape for him, and it was quiet and safe and full of knowledge and everyone there was kind and quiet and it was perfect
- has really weird music tastes. like not even necessarily bad, just like will shuffle through every genre you can think of in 5 songs, and none are by a band you’ve ever even heard of. Majority of these he’s picked up from others (Roach, Tommy, Price, Frost, etc.)
- can fight with a bo staff. Learned from Price, and when Price decides Ghost needs to get some energy/frustrations out or work through something, they’ll spar with the staffs (mainly to make it harder for Ghost to really hurt Price if he gets too in his head at any point)
- Price taught him to drive
- almost constantly wearing noise-cancelling headphones/earplugs to keep from being overwhelmed. also why he wears the over the ear headset instead of the in-ear that Soap does, they go over the earplugs
- VERY good with kids and tries really hard to be good with women too, but he knows he can be really intimidating sometimes. Has ordered many an Uber for random drunk girls
- regarding being good with kids, aside from the obvious of being an amazing uncle, kids are also just so much easier for him. Like when they’re sad they cry, when they’re mad they scream, when they’re hungry they tell you. He might not always know why they’re doing or feeling what they are, but at least he doesn’t have to guess
- first and last suit he bought was for his brother’s wedding. Price took him suit shopping, and when Simon’s mom learned that, she invited Price to the wedding too (Price went and danced with Mrs. Riley, there’s a video somewhere of it that cuts to a very embarrassed Simon)
- TOTAL momma’s boy!!! Once he got into the army, every dollar went to his family but he made sure his mom always had the best he could afford. Called her ‘Momma’ until she died. (Probably has a tattoo for her - maybe something in her handwriting?)
- speaking of parents, did more than just throw his dad out of the house when he came back from basic training - actually beat him to death. Only Price knows about this, as he’s the one Simon called sobbing, not knowing what to do with his dead dad’s body
- His sister-in-law, Beth, was Scottish. Ghost very much knows what Soap is saying. He also knows Scottish lullabies and other folk songs.
- Simon actually met Beth first, and once he deemed her worthy, then introduced her to Tommy.
- Tommy was super big into photography and videography. There’s hundreds of photos of Simon, Beth, Joey, and his mom floating in the cloud somewhere. He also had a photography account, so there are photos of Simon Riley still out on the internet (Bonus HC, Soap - like every artist - uses reference photos when he needs/wants, and found Tommy’s account, and has actually drawn Simon dozens of times over based off of Tommy’s photos without realizing)
- chronic pain, constantly. Has numerous ice packs, heating pads, and braces, but usually just ignores it and suffers through it
- knows how to braid hair. Learned when Beth was pregnant, because like hell would Simon let his niece or nephew walk around looking like a bird’s nest if they ever decided to have long hair. Beth came home one day to find Mrs. Riley patiently teaching Simon on her own hair and almost started crying right there. Nowadays he braids his own to keep it tidy under the mask
- once he decides he trusts Johnny, and wants Johnny to know Simon and how Simon became Ghost, will just dump the most traumatic stuff on Soap before carrying on. He’s self-aware enough to ask Soap for permission first, but once he’s given it, he’ll just talk. Johnny has sat through many minutes of Ghost telling him about the torture, the brainwashing, about snakes and prostitutes and drugs, about being buried alive and the rapes and holding his dead nephew’s still warm body, and then Ghost will sigh a certain way, and change the radio station, or start the kettle, and continue with life, seemingly unaware of the fact Soap is breaking apart for him, tears in his eyes and tense and wishing Simon Riley had been given an ounce of luck, and that Soap could kill those bastards twice.
That was a lot, but I did say I was in hell. Feel free to incorporate into any fics or art! (please tag, I’d love to see >:) )
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forever-eternal · 5 months
Hii!! 😭 ok. All of these songs are by The Tiny but all these songs when applied to your AU feel like your world’s stories going absolutely horribly wrong
Pet Sematary
Open Up (ft. Kelle-Kari)
Across the Bridge
Too Heavy a Burden
Just Like You
Never Coming Back
Second Time Around
That is a lot of songs- I hope you can listen to all of them lol
:D hi lovely!!
Pet Semetary:
This. Vibes are the States feelings after the Civil War — the States that thought Adam was dead specifically, so anyone before Minnesota.
Feels especially like Pennsylvania in that one story where he has a nightmare.
This sounds like Robin in the middle of a breakdown during the Civil War tbh. She was so stressed all the time— especially since her husband was actively trying to rip himself to pieces, and she had really young States to raise.
Adam may not talk about when he’s in pain, but Robin hides her stress and panic like it’s a competition.
Opened Up:
Feels like the thought process of several States when they were younger (such as Florida, Texas, Louisiana, California, etc.. States who were abused in their past lives) being comforted by their parents when they get scared of flashes they remember but don’t understand.
Across the Bridge:
Too Heavy a Burden:
Adam is insecure about his injury. He does not feel like he can be the strong pillar his family needs when he needs a back brace just to stand.
Those few months where the States who thought Adam died are getting to know ‘Gov’? When they realize he reminds them of someone they knew? This is the vibe.
Just Like You:
When Adam and Robin brought Greg back to live as an undead creature and adopted him. Could also be Robin comforting Hawai’i while Adam goes to…talk to Imperial Japan :)
Never Coming Back:
I think this is Robin in a middle of a spiral if Adam ever actually dies. Or Adam if Robin ever dies. It could be either to be honest. Most likely the day of their funeral (symbolic. There is no body to bury)
Second Time Around:
I cannot tell you what it is about this song but it gives me vibes from the one story I wrote about the Burning of Washington.
This song is making me punch the wall but I can NOT tell you what the situation is. Istg. It’s just emotional pain.
I’d love to know what you thought of when you heard these songs! I’m always excited to hear other people putting my characters into Situations!
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idkfitememate · 2 months
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Harry Motherfuckin’ Potter OC Pt. 2
Basic Information
Full Name: Eden Dolion Alaister-Harrow
Meanings: Eden; Place of pleasure and delight, Dolion; Deceit & Betrayal, Pagonis; Peacock/Vain & Showy, Harrow; To Ravage/Plunder/Seize or Capture
Nickname(s): Crow, Peacock, Big Bastard, Shifty Shit
Birthday: 9/24/1979 (Month/Day/Year)
Age: Eleven (At start); Twelve (when in school)
Zodiac: Libra
Gender: Nobody knows (Genderless/Neutral/Intersex/Fluid)
Pronouns: They/Them He/Him She/Her (They do not care)
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African-American/Greek
Current Location (Home): New York & Washington
Living Conditions: High-Class, Cleanly, safe
Title(s): The Bosses Kid, Next in Line, Underboss, Second in Command
Birthplace: Jersey City, New Jersey
Hometown: Stenhekin, Washington
Social Class: Upper/Higher Class
Education Level: Slightly elevated/Eighth Grade
Father: Alfe Bertrand Harrow (Wizard/Unknown Location)
Mother: Kalma Solanine Alaister (Mob Boss/Alive)
Sibling(s): None
Birth Order: N/A
Children: N/A
Pet(s): Parson’s Chameleon (Fem;Named Chel), White Bellbird (Male;Named Albert Anastasia)
Other Important Relatives: Aunt (Runs personal Safe House; Named Dionisia Hemkock Alaister)
Previous Relationships: None
Arrests: Wanted American Criminal
Prison Time: Over one life sentence
Occupation & Income
Primary Source of Income: Working under Mother (Mafia)
Secondary Source of Income: Mixologist/Bartender (Illegally)
Tertiary Source of Income: Underground Fight/Dog Fight ring (Super Illegal)
Approximate Amount Per Year: $3,476,450 USD (£672843.95 Pounds)
Content with their Job (Or Lack their Of): Entirely Content in their situation
Past Job(s): Barista
Spending Habits: Fast Food, plushies, weapons of all kinds
Most Valuable Possession: A Dakin Garfield Plush
Skills & Abilities (Ten point scale)
Physical Strength: 8/10
Offense: 10/10
Defense: 7/10
Speed: 8/10
Intelligence: 6/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Agility: 8/10
Stamina: 10/10
Teamwork: 5/10
Talents: Hand to hand combat, Marksmanship/Gun wielding, knife combat, blunt object combat, chemical weaponry, torture techniques, leadership, planing, intimidation
Shortcomings: Magic, listening, anger management
Language(s) Spoken: English (American & British), Modern Greek, Slav-Macedonian
Drive?: Able too (illegally)
Jump-start a Car?: Able too
Change a Flat Tire?: Able too
Ride a Bicycle?: Not able too
Swim?: Able too
Play an Instrument?: If screaming counts
Play Chess?: Not able too
Braid Hair?: Able too
Tie a Tie?: Able too
Pick a Lock?: Able too
Physical Appearance & Characteristics
Face Claim:
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(Found on Pinterest!! If anyone finds the original, please tell me so I can credit!!!)
Eye Color: Deep Brown/Black
Hair Color: Black
Hair Type/Style: Voluminous & Fluffy, curly and course; Large Afro puff that covers the eyes and stops on the bridge of the nose, back stops at the bottom of the head.
Glasses/Contacts: Needs reading glasses
Dominant Hand: Left hand
Height: Six ft One in; 182 cm
Weight: 150 lbs; 68 kg
Build: Sleeper
Exercise Habits: Every other day;Switch arms and legs every other day
Skin Tone: Dark brown with deep brown freckles
Tattoos: A Family Crest on the chest (above the heart) and sleeve of ravens/crows/the night
Piercings: Full ear, septum, snake bites, tongue, sternum
Marks/Scars: In general around the chest/neck/face; bullet grazing on the neck, rope burns on arms/chest, bullet wounds on one knee, a thin scar across the eye (no blinding)
Notable Features: Sharp teeth (shark-like), painted nails (usually black, green, or gold)
Usual Expression: A wide grin, teeth on full display; muscles are usually tensed (only un-tensed around trusted friends/family); eyes are wide and alert
Clothing Style: Black Tie/Formal; Suits, ties, long cocktail dresses, lace/velvet gloves, etc
Jewelry: A silver tooth, family ring on right pinky finger
Allergies: Fur, peanuts
Body Temperature: 99° F (37.2° C)
Diet: High carb, many vegetables, many fruits, hates banana
Physical Ailments: Ears are a bit shot/slightly deaf (blame the gunshots)
Jung Type: ESTJ-A
Jung Subtype: Extorvert
Enneagram Type:
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Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Sanguine/Chloeric
Element: Air/Fire
Primary Intelligence Type: Itrapersonal Intelligence
Approximate IQ: 120
Mental Conditions/Disorders: Paranoia, PTSD, schizoaffective disorder, BPD
Sociability: Extremely
Emotional Stability: Extremely Unstable
Obsession(s): Friendships/Relationships
Compulsion(s): Making sure area/position/place/building is safe, checking on friends to make sure they’re safe
Phobia(s): Autophobia, Aphenphosmphobia
Addiction(s): None
Drug Use: Cigar (tobacco)
Alcohol Use: Various kinds
Prone to Violence?: Absolutely, Extremely
Speech Style: Constantly joking with dark humor, uses formal language
Accent: Slight New York
Quirks: Runs fingers through hair, bites tongue and lips till they bleed
Hobbies: Mixology, roller skating, assembling/dissembling weapons
Habits: Spinning pencil/pen like a butterfly knife, unneeded flirting
Nervous Ticks: Punching solid objects, scratching skin
Drives/Motivations: Money, making others uncomfortable, defending friends
Fears: Getting kidnapped, Mother betraying them/Betraying their Mother, killing Mother
Positive Traits: Fiercely loyal, somewhat logical, physically inclined
Negative Traits: Batshit insane, heavy trigger finger, incredibly violent
Sense of Humor: Extremely dark and constant, a coping mechanism
Do they Curse Often?: All the God Damn time
Catchphrase(s): “Now, let’s fight like real men.” “Jesus motherfucking CHRIST.” “I’m going to rip your nerves out and tie you into a braided knot.”
Activity: Mixing drinks, rolling blunts, making money
Animal: Chameleon’s, Lyrebird
Beverage: Fluffy Duck (alcohol)
Book: Mob Girl ~ Teresa Carpenter
Celerity: Al Capone
Color: Teal, Crimson
Designer: Christian Lacroix
Food: Deep Dish Pizza, Strawberry ice cream
Flower: Chrysanthemum
Gem: Pearls
Holiday: Mother’s Birthday
Mode of Transportation: Car
Movie: The Godfather
Musical Artist: Frank Sinatra
Quote/Saying: “Gag me with a Spoon.”
Scenery: A dark warehouse only lit but a single cigar
Scent: Tobacco and gunpowder mixed with blood
Sport: Baseball
Television Show: Family Matters
Weather: slightly overcast, little humid
Vacation Destination: The Bahamas
Greatest Dream: To take over the Family Business
Greatest Fear: Failing Mother
Most at Ease When: With Mother/Friends
Least at Ease When: Alone with their thoughts
Worst Possible thing that could Happen: Mother dies by their hand
Biggest Achievement: Taking down a rival groups kid
Biggest Regret: Getting close to that kid and gaining genuine love/respect for them
Most Embarrassing Moment: Walked in on a meeting in pajamas
Biggest Secret: Has killed a few wizards (both knowing and unknowingly)
Top Priorities: Keeping friends safe, pleasing Mother, keeping Mafia safe
House: Slytherin
Wand: Pine wood with a phoenix feather core, 13 and rigid flexibility
Standing: Half-Blood, Metamorphmagus/Animagi
Animagus: Lyrebird
Pet: White Bellbird (Male; Albert Anastasia)
Top Classes: Transfiguration & Charms
Affinity For?: Dark Magic
Affiliation: Our fuckass group (name work in progress)
Eden was born to a single mother in the heart of New Jersey, and immediately their fate was set in stone.
They were destined to take on their mother’s business, being taught for day one that the world was cruel and not worth any light, only the darkness they will inevitably find.
They were hidden from public view for years, which severely impacted their psyche. Declared criminally insane, that’s what they all said Eden would be when they finally started to work…
It was fine, fun even! to be covered head to toe in the sticky red substance that others would call blood. What they did came naturally, weapons becoming an extension of themself. Teeth, bones, severed limbs, they all became trophies that proved Eden earned their spot next to Mother, as the Underboss.
It came as a shock that they were of magical descent, never believing in the mythological. There was no point, no physical evidence, at least, not until Eden subconsciously transformed into a past victim when speaking about the things they did to his corpse. Sure, they were used to looks of fear from their men but damn that weren’t this bad before.
It was a weird talk, having to hear about their Father who wore robes n’ shit and cast spell and blah blah blah, they honestly fell asleep in the middle of it all.
It ended with them getting a bunch of… Knuts, sickles and galleons?? And told they were going to a magic school for a couple years and that it would be safer????? Alrighty then, whatever Mother says goes.
Now they’re here, traumatized and tired, riddled with dark humor and the tiniest understanding of magic, a weird ass stick and some other guys.
Maybe they can make a Wizard mafia… wonder if any of these stick twiddlers know how to fight fist to fist.
They have killed before and will do it again.
If you really wanna get to know this bitch you’re gonna have to PRY-
They bring roller skates to Hogwarts and rollerblade around but always keep them under their cloak, so people just think their fast as fuck boiiii
Can and will tell you how to disassemble any gun imaginable and perfectly rebuild it from memory but will struggle with basic grammar
Can only swim due to assassination attempts. Can also taste/smell many types of poisons, same reason
They’ve beat up Draco before.
Fucking hate Dumblebitch (real)
They once opened an underground bar for ghosts and only closed it when the ghost started acting batshit insane and drunk and the smell could be traced back to the Slytherin
(Any questions please ask I’ll probably write a more cohesive backstory later I’m tired lololol. Questions are more than welcome tho I did make this bitch on a whim!!!)
@libraryraccoon I deserve a damn award for this.
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carrotcakecrumble · 9 months
FT ask game
8, 9, 10 + 11 🧡
(asking for sideblog reasons, so this is from @feelingpure)
8. How did you discover Fellow Travelers?
Ashamed to admit but, via clips on TikTok🥹 it didn’t take a lot of convincing though, mid-century queer love stories are my JAM and this show hit literally ALL the right spots <3
9. What are your favourite headcanons?
Ok so I LOVE the idea that Tim got to live out all the little relationship things he wanted to do with Hawk, maybe during the 70s? Dancing, eating in a restaurant, going to the theatre. I just know in my heart that San Francisco gave him all of that
Oh and, I have a LOT about Bob (the little priest guy Tim had his first time with in university) but i won’t write them all here because it would be an endless scroll - I have maybe perhaps written a whole fic about them that I’m going to post soon though so💅
10. if the show had one more episode, what would it be about?
Hawk keeping Tim’s legacy going😤 Being true to himself, using his job to help activist causes, all that good shit. “You’re going to keep lying about yourself even after your dead” not anymore baby. New trauma new Hawk girls, this tragedy is finally gonna be what makes him break the cycle
11. What era did you like the most?(50s,60s,70s,80s)?
50s!!!! Not only because queer romances set during the 30s/40s/50s is my bread and butter and whatever else goes on bread BUT also because !!! Their happy little pillow talk moments GIRLS !!! Tim showing hawk his little family photo album. Tim’s little ‘It is I🤓’ when Hawk first rings him. How Roy Cohn was written/acted. Marcus pissing on that one man’s shoes in the Washington Post bathroom. MARY’S PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!. ‘I can’t bear being this happy.’ And then every single Hawk/Tim scene also as just a minor add on <3
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part II): The Past Is Important to the Present
It's important to backtrack into the pasts of Bill and Tena Mulder before continuing with their history, as it is easy to lose track of their true motives in the tangled web of the Conspiracy (and the conflicting dates that constantly pop up in the series.) Without further ado, back to the past we go!
Musings of a CSM
1962 on Ft. Bragg’s Center for Special Warfare is the station where Bill Mulder and Spender are currently bunk neighbors.
After their morning run, Bill walks into the barracks smiling over his son’s photograph, 
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trying to engage Spender in a conversation so he can show off his son to his friend. Before Spender is called away, he finally takes the picture, studies it, and stares unemotionally as Bill’s proudly boasts: “My one-year-old just said his first word.” 
“What was the word?”
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He doesn’t notice Spender’s lingering eyes on Tena’s face, or that he continues to silently stare as it’s placed beside Bill’s bed. 
It's important to assess Bill and Spender's friendship, as it is pivotal to the slow, toxic ruin of Bill Mulder's inner peace and moral core.
The relationship between the two is friendly, but surface-level-- more warmth is on Bill’s side and more secrets on CSM’s. In hindsight, it’s easy to see that Spender was obviously smitten with Tena the fact remains there was more at work than Bill was aware of concerning his friend’s intentions. His easy-going nature and unsuspecting gullibility is readily exploited later by Spender and his associates. 
More importantly, there was no way that CSM could have been the father of Fox Mulder, unless he had had a fling with Tena right before her wedding in 1961. The creative writing team and their issues with canon's timeline aside-- Bill was newly married in '61 but was also married and had a family in the 50s while Travelers was taking place-- the two men have a cordial but not overly familiar relationship in ‘62 as next-door bunk buddies; but it’s not on the intimate level it is years later when CSM openly calls his friend Bill. If Bill and Spender met in ‘62 while they were in basic training, he was already a year too late-- Fox Mulder was born October 1961, and was already a year old in 1962 when this conversation took place-- meaning that Bill and Tena had married right before or after the birth of their son, making either him a baby conceived out of wedlock or a honeymoon baby. 
At the very least, Spender’s attachment to the photograph can be boiled down to longing for Tena in some way:
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either from having met her sometime after her wedding or having a more than casual interest in her beauty from the photograph. (I subscribe to that last thought, as it would be in line with CSM’s weird fixations he has on women that he’s never spoken to but subtly studied unawares-- it would also be in line with the rest of his behavior in this episode.) And even, perhaps, curiosity in her son-- unlikely, as he seemed to barely respond to Bill’s proud papa speech.
1953-- Bill Mulder leads the interrogation of a badly radiated Navy sailor. He begins by wheedling the dying man-- “That’s why we’ve come all the way from Washington, sailor. To hear your story. To make sure that justice is served”-- while maintaining a cool, monotoned inflection. 
As the sailor relates his crew’s suicide mission and the horrors of the black oill--
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Bill is disturbed; and becomes less steady as he further questions: “You called this… THING the enemy. You’re saying it was an entity of some sort?”
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During the interrogation, the other men in the room are constantly keeping tabs on Bill-- 
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surveilling his reaction to each piece of news. Every facial twitch and abhorred expression is noted and cataloged. It’s easy to assume that Bill is either inexperienced with firsthand witness questioning or that he has a reputation for being a risk in on-the-job situations. 
As the sailor continues to tear apart the Navy’s cover story-- “Whatever it was, we were sent to guard it”-- Bill’s look of horror grows, and he darts out to turn off the tape. 
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The crewman grabs his hand last minute, urging him to tell his story to the public.  Bill is torn-- he knows it will never get out. 
“The Navy will deny it. But you’ve got to make sure the Truth gets out. I can trust you to do that-- can’t I Mr. Mulder?” 
Internally agonized-- eyes reddening, nose flaring--
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Bill turns to CSM for guidance and personal reinforcement.
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Spender simply replies: “You can trust all of us.” 
A clear pattern emerges. While Bill was in deep with the conspiracy, he was terrified by its greater implications and shaken by the wrecked lives of everyone it touched. Fear kept him engaged; and cowardice had him constantly looking to Spender for reassurance to keep his head in the game. It’s easy to see why CSM looked down on most of his companions-- very few, including Bill, had “the stomach for it”, and would rather keep away from the gory details of the Project and its work. 
Dreamland II 
In a flashback, Mulder and Samantha are goofing off for the home video on Halloween  
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until Mulder’s Spock ear falls off and is stomped on in a fit of temper.
The camera takes the time to zoom in on his crumpled ear, the person behind the camera not caring to correct the behavior (most likely understanding that the kids are jacked up on excitement for their trick-or-treating night.) 
Tena pops into frame next, gathering her kids together like a proud mother hen, 
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instructing both of them to wave at the camera. 
But who is the one behind the camera? The only logical conclusion is Bill, since Mulder never mentions anyone else in his life that helped his mother raise the kids while his father was gone on business trips. So this appears to be a rare, happy moment with the family all together. It also gives credence to Mulder’s claim that they were a normal family before the abduction-- a little fairy sister, a mother in plaid and wild hair messing around with her kids, and a father who dotingly fawns over his kids while filming their escapades and cracking sunflower seeds comfortingly in the study at night. 
Tena’s caring and nurturing side is glowing around her children; and Bill’s sense of humor peeks through as he follows his mischievous children around with the camera, letting them run around in their childish ways. All in all, an important family moment. 
Two Fathers' Script Flashback
@x-files-scripts uploaded an important piece of the Mulders and CSM dynamic that, while it was cut from the episode Two Fathers, is highly relevant and must, by necessity, be included. (Link here.)
CSM shows up with Cassandra to Bill’s, interrupting a 4th of July event the Mulders had been throwing. While Bill is obviously uncomfortable, he stumbles to let Spender in. He is obviously steered around by his colleague, out of joint and running to rescue the barbeque burgers as a quick escape from the oncoming conversation. All of the guests notice Spender's arrival; and the awkward, tense atmosphere grows.
Tena stands between the house and the barbeque, essentially stopped in her tracks. Looking at Bill, with the Younger CSM in the background, she hisses through her teeth-- “What is he doing here?”
Bill anticipated her confrontation-- “He came uninvited. What was I supposed to do?” 
Tena is barely restrained with her response-- “I don’t want him in my house.” 
It’s stated there is obvious tension here, too (but no answer is given by the writers except a cheeky “Though we must guess why.”)
Tena is shown to be an active agent on her own turf: telling off her husband for inviting Spender in, disdainfully hissing out her dislike of the man, and severely implying that he fix the problem. It shows the cracks already straining their marriage-- cracks that are, conveniently, CSM shaped and sized. 
When Spender corners Bill over the Syndicate’s plans potentially being exposed and needing to think up an alternative, Bill’s dread builds and his resistance evaporates. He waits helplessly for his friend to drop Cassandra off somewhere so their conversation can continue. 
What’s interesting is that this implies so much about Spender and the Mulders' off-screen relationship: that at one point he was a welcomed guest, but that now he is vehemently not wanted; and that Bill is in a rock and a hard place between Tena's hatred of his colleague and his colleague's inability to be shaken off.
Mulder has freshly found the X-Files; and is intrigued by finding his father at the trail of convicted Communist Edward Skur in connection with Arthur Dales. 
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He tracks down Dales; but has better luck next time with a coffee in hand. 
Old man Dales is not easily won over, however: “Go ask your father.”
“My father and I don’t really speak.”  
So it would seem that the estrangement was, indeed, a well-established fact between father and son. 
Dales points out that Mulder must have had his suspicions already; and Mulder confirms, by indirectly asking how his father was involved. Poor kid is more open with a random stranger he’s met twice and bought a coffee for than his own father of twenty odd years. 
Dales relates that he’d crossed Bill Mulder’s path while tracking Skur, at first mistaking him for the falsely-labeled Communist.
Bill Mulder already has his wedding ring in the 50s,
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which makes no sense because he married Tena in 1961. So either it’s a continuity error (which is rampant throughout The X-Files); Bill was previously married (unlikely in that era without massive social repercussions); Dales got the dates wrong (he can be a bit of an alcoholic as stated in Agua Mala); or he plays the same ring game his son does in this episode: wearing one without any government documents tying him to a previous marriage just because he wants to. Those Mulder guys sure are something. 
“Skur?” asks Dales. 
“No.” Bill removes his hat and moves in, an emotionally honest and trembling note in his voice. “But I came here to warn you about him.” 
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Dales presses back, accusing his informant of murder. Bill rebuts that, stating he saved Arthur’s life from a man who the government turned into an uncontrollable creature. He warns Dales to be careful, otherwise he’ll get killed on his path for answers. 
He reveals that Skur isn’t a Communist-- that he and the other victims are patriots to the country and were used as scapegoats to coverup the horrendous experiments inflicted on them. 
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Bill is world-weary, worn down, emotionally broken so early in his career. 
When Dales presses for further information on why the men are trying to escape-- “What did they do to them?”-- Bill looks away first, unable to keep eye contact and fidgeting nervously. 
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Dales has to relieve the pressure by leaning back to get Bill to keep talking: “Look, you asked me here.”
Bill tells something revealing: “And I risked my career and… my family by coming here.” 
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That settles the ring question-- it is just a timeline inconsistency. 
“But the crimes that these people have inflicted on innocent people… I cannot have that on my conscience anymore.”
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The ‘anymore’ is such a crucial key. Bill is already deep in the conspiracy; and has seen so many cover ups and failures by the government to protect its innocents. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Unfortunately, no real justice is done even when he tries to help; and he never steps out of line again… until Anasazi, when he is shot before he can tell his son. 
(On a sidenote: Bill has always looked villainous even when he’s trying to do the right thing, so at least he’s consistent.) 
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His lack of answer to Dales's next question-- high how up does this go-- silently confirms that it goes all the way up to the Director and the Senate. 
The next time Dales sees Bill Mulder is when he’s intercepted at the Skurs’ house by government goons, Bill among them. 
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After a meeting forcefully recruiting Dales into catching Skur, Arthur asks Bill publicly if that’s why he met up with him privately. Bill’s demeanor is completely different as he casually replies “I follow my orders”, all while eyeing the other passenger in the vehicle. 
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The surveillance of Bill Mulder continues,
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marking him as, once again, a possible liability to the cause.
Mulder waits obediently in the car, trying not to betray his nerves while he and his companion listen to what they believe to be Arthur Dales’s death. 
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When his companion gives him the go-ahead, they both rush in, surprised to find that Dales had cleverly extracted himself from certain death. 
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Fox Mulder is shocked that his father allowed these men to “dictate his conscience”; but before that can break canon (and, consequently, his reunion with his father in Colony), Arthur Dales tells him “Oh, don’t fool yourself. None of us are free to choose.” He warns a cocky Mulder that he’ll be buried, too, if he continues to dig through the files. 
Dales has only rumors to surmise how Skur was allowed to live in obscurity for 38 years; but he never knew how accurate his guess truly was-- that some guy "with a conscience let him go." 
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Mulder asks, bewildered: “Why would anyone do that? Why let a killer go free?”
Dales sighs, and states: “In the hope that, by letting him live, the truth of the crimes that were committed against him and the others might someday… be exposed.” 
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Part 3 will be up soon, which covers the events from the Season 2 finale onward. In the mean time--
36 notes · View notes
newagesispage · 3 months
                                                                                    JULY 2024 
     Jason Cooper found a stegosaurus in Colorado. The skeleton is up for auction this month at Sotheby’s. ** Kevin Peterson found a new species of Pterosaur in Australia in 2021. It has now been called the most complete speciman of an anhanguerian from the mid-cretaceous and it had a 15 ft. Wingspan. ** A family in North Dakota found a teen Rex. ** In Montana a Lakiceratops was found. The Cretaceous creature was about 22 feet long, 5and a half tons and looked a bit like a rhino. There were 2 curving horns above the eyes and a headshield with blades and spikes. The plant eater was found only a couple of miles from Canada. 
JB Pritzker seems to have managed the budget in Illinois. For the first time in over 20 years, the state of Illinois is looking good in the finance department. Thank you, Susana Mendoza and the other hard workers that have made the state fifth largest economy in the U.S. ** JB has also unveiled a $41 billion infrastructure bill. Hell, we’ve already got so much done on the roads with the Fed bill, the place will be smooth as silk, 
Gov. Wes Moore of Maryland, pardoned more than 175,000 marijuana and drug paraphernalia convictions. The order was timed for Juneteenth to address decades of social and economic injustice. These are the kind of elected officials we need.  
Chad Daybell was sentenced to death. 
Claudia Sheinbaum is Mexico’s next President. 
The largest Republican event in Illinois, the annual Lincoln Day Dinner was hosted by Mike Johnson with Darin LaHood. ** Why did Johnson invite Netanyahu to speak to congress on July 24. Why? 
Billy Ray Cyrus and Firerose are divorcing and blaming each other for abuse. ** Word is that Ben and JLo have split. 
L.A. and NY seem to be banning cell phones in school. 
Breaking will debut as a new Olympic sport in Paris. 
The California state fair is allowing cannabis tents for selling and smoking. 
Can’t wait for Longlegs with Nicholas Cage and Maika Monroe. Osgood Perkins directs and he also directs Stephen King’s The Monkey. 
Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley will be back for a 2 hour tribute: Ab Fab inside out. 
Watch out for Clay Higgins who was sanctioned by the Anne Frank foundation. 
Jimmy Kimmel is taking the summer off but has left the show with guest hosts. The first week started off with a bang with Martin Short. Kathryn Hahn, RuPaul, Lamorne Morris and Jeff Goldblum will also step in. 
L.A. Police found 3.4 mil in meth at a traffic stop. 
North Korea and Russia have signed a defense pact so that all available means will be used to assist each other. 
History never gets old. 
Stay awake or be arrested- Justice Sotomayor 
The Supreme Court seems to be dragging their feet on some things. They did uphold banning domestic abusers from owning guns. Thomas dissented, of course! ** The Court also allowed emergency abortions in Idaho on a temp basis. The court also weighed in on the census and won’t allow the citizenship question. The ruling about federal agencies allows that they should be able to fill in the details aren’t crystal clear which essentially undoes the Chevron decision. The Court also ruled that outdoor sleeping bans don’t violate the 8th amendment. That takes care of 1 problem the unhoused has. They also ruled that the charge of obstructing an official proceeding must include proof that a defendant tried to tamper with or destroy documents. 
About 2 dozen bottles of preserved cherries and berries have been found in Mt. Vernon. It is surmised that they were left there before the American Revolution. 
When will this selfie generation look back and realize how silly they look all holding up tiny boxes at concerts instead of jammin’? 
Washington Week has new digs. Was finally glad to hear on this show that Kamala Harris is a perfectly great VP and should be the pick IF Biden were to actually step aside. Yes! 
Louisianna has decided that the ten commandments should be in every school room.  The cult propaganda will be paid for by donations. ** Oklahoma is telling teachers to teach bible lessons after 5th grade. These Christian bullies are trying to get everything thru in case their power goes away. They welcome the lawsuits cuz they love this Supreme Court. 
Randy Travis spoke on Capitol Hill about intellectual property and the internet. 
Bolivia had a failed coup attempt. 
 Michael Crichton’s Eruption was finished off by James Petterson. 
The Hollywood Arby’s that has been running for over 50 years has closed. 
Georgia Jagger is having a baby with Cambryan Sedlick. She also has a lotion line called May Botanicals. 
The Panthers won the Stanley Cup. 
Chris Bell won the Xfinity and cup race on the June 22 weekend!!! 
Avery Sehorn, 18 was arrested for breaking and entering and larceny. 
Hunter Biden was found guilty on lying on gun paperwork.  
The U.S. has about 130 thousand orphaned oil wells that could contaminate local water among other risks. 
Jordan Peele will put out his next film in October 2026. 
Trump claims that Joan Rivers voted for him but she died 2 years earlier. ** Poor Debra messing must be in Hell for all the shit she must be getting. It came out that Trump was apparently attracted to her once. ** Scary Clown 45/34 announced he wants tariffs and no income tax. What? About 8 million people fell into poverty during his administration, I don’t think his ideas are sound. 
Biden and Obama had a LA fundraiser hosted by Goerge Clooney and Julia Roberts. Jimmy Kimmel interviewed the gentlemen. The Father’s Day weekend soiree made about $30 mil, a record for a single Dem event. Paul McCartney’s vegan get together pulled together the Stones, the Beatles, Springsteen, Austin Butler and some DJing by Taylor Swift. 
I am glad Jasmine Crockett gave us all the entire context of the ugly exchange between she and the green goblin. Lawmakers waited all day for MTG and her co -horts to get back from supporting their felon to even get on with the business of the people. All that and then MTG starts insulting others. Why do so many want to trample the rights of the rest of us? 
The Tonys were held on June 16. Winners included Daniel Radcliffe, Illinoise, Suffs, Hells Kitchen, Jeremy Strong and Sarah Paulson. The Outsiders won best musical. Angelina Jolie produced and daughter Vivienne was a PA. Hillary Clinton made an appearance as she produced Suffs. My best dressed were Idina Menzel, Erin Darke, Alicia Keyes, Lena Waithe, Paul Tazewell, Daniel Radcliffe, Arianna Debose, Renee Elise Goldsberry, Billy Porter, Elle Fanning, Cynthis Erivo and Kara Young. 
Would we be here if Trump and Netanyahu hadn’t torn up the Iran nuclear deal? Israel has trouble on all sides with Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran. Netanyahu behaves just like Trump in that he won’t talk to journalists who disagree with him. His cabinet is full of Jewish supremacists and extremists. ** Israeli minister Benny Gantz quit and Netanyahu dissolved the war cabinet. ** The U.S. has sanctioned an Israeli group for damaging aid to Palestine. 
Alex Jones is liquidating much of his empire to pay Sandy Hook parents. He can and is still spreading his lies. 
Jiminy Glick interviewed Bill Maher for Real Time. Maher’s book is #1. ** Glick also hosted Kimmel on June 27. 
We are now being told of the bad qualities of Scotchguard. Now that 3M has spread their poison to thousands of products and 50 years have passed since they found out, they have let us in on the secret. 
Aric Almirola was suspended for an altercation with Bubba Wallace after a Nascar race. 
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who prevent history being taught fully intend to repeat it. - Carole Mueller Mcintire 
The First Presidential debate took place on June 27. Dana Bash and Jake Tapper asked the questions on CNN. With 37 years debate experience, Joe Biden disappointed everyone. Trump was measured, firm and confident. Did he babble lie after lie? Yes. Did Biden make Fox news and the other Trumpers come? Probably. The debate was everything the right could have dreamed of. Did he have a cold? People looking for the senior moment did not wait long. I couldn’t help but think that it was almost the opposite of the famous Nixon/ Kennedy debate. People who watched thought Kennedy won but those who listened found it much more even. This time Trump looked mean and Biden looked weak so it was a wash with watching. But, listening, Biden was a mess. Every hesitation, every fumble, every distant stare was a gift to Fox. Biden is slow but rarely wrong. His words were mixed up but there were no outright lies (much) like his opponent. They both dodged questions because they were too busy with their pissing contest. Golf scores?? WTF? It is bizarre when trump is the one that thinks they shouldn’t act like children. Biden was too over rehearsed and Trump had no cohesive answers ** I did love the way they cut off the mikes. That should be a keeper!!!! There is so much wasted time when they talk over each other. I liked the lack of audience too. That is what rallies are for. ** Why does Trump think that Christians don’t vote? ** Back in the day, Presidents didn’t campaign, they let the work speak for them. If Biden stays then he might want to lean into that. I also get tired of Dems listing off those who should take Biden’s place and they never seem to think of our more than competent VP. Kamala Harris hit it out of the park when she was interviewed after. If Joe stays, I am glad she is there. If he feels he can’t go on, she should be our pick. Is it because she is a woman that we don’t think of her first?  She is ready!!! VP’s are always made fun of but let’s not forget how great those VP’s can be when called upon like Lyndon Johnson, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR. If Joe decided to go, Harris/ Pritzker please!! But.. Hey.. At least we are all talking about Joe and not Scary clown for a change. Joe has our attention. I still believe Joe has great people in place and had a bad moment but I am still confident. I don’t know any 81 year olds personally who have a lot of energy at 8 at night. I think we have forgiven Trump for MANY bad days so Joe can have get a pass on this horrid night. 
Debate performances can be overcome. At the first sign of adversity the spineless Democrats want to throw under the bus, their own incumbent President. - Allan Lichtman 
Did the late night guys have a feeling that Joe would blow it and they didn’t want to face it? They all leave on vaca at once? ** It is pretty sad that before the debate, journalists basically thought Trump would be ok if he could just act normal and Biden would be ok if he can stay upright. Both accomplished these small tasks but barely. ** I often joke that Trump must be trying to lose with the things he says but debate night, I wondered if Joe was on our side. Is he trying to lose? 
 I never watch the View anymore but I checked it out after the debate and I have to say I was alarmed by Sara Haines appearance. She always looked so natural and I could hardly see her for all the makeup. To each his own but I found it quite sad. What happened there?? 
I notice that on genealogy shows, the middle child is given away more than one might think. 
Julian Assange pled guilty to conspiring to obtain and disclose classified U.S. National defense documents. The Wikileaks founder was ‘on the run’ for more than a decade. 
The Surgeon General has declared gun violence a health crisis, loneliness as an epidemic and social media a problem too. 
KKK recruitment letters have been showing up in mailboxes. That sounds about right. 
Days alert: Arianne Zucker and Shawn Christian have been engaged since 2021 and are now tying the knot!! ** Please more Tina Huang!! I wish her daughter and Abigail were alive on the always there island. Bring back Jen Lilley! I just can’t believe that I get my Days wish that Brady and Teresa are back together (if only for a moment ) but wrong actress. And seeing Teresa and Leo together really made me miss Gwen and Leo’s friendship. Emily O’Brien is a good Gwen. I hate Gwen. Soaps need those characters. That is the fun of a soap! Just let her go back to Gwen.** Oh no Johnny and Chanel don’t leave!! ** So great to see Clyde. Is he getting sexier? ** It was great to see Julie talking to Marie. Glad she is still kicking in the scheme of the show somewhere. ** I realize how much I miss the Kate and Lucas scenes. They are such a great Mother and son story. Heat that up!! 
Look for the new doc: Liza: A truly terrific absolutely true story. 
Travis Scott was arrested for disorderly intoxication and trespassing. 
The return of the Boeing Starliner has been delayed. Why is this company still going? 
It’s the age of hate. - Charlamagne the God 
The entitlement is that politicians keep raising their wages and giving corporations tax breaks but won’t give us $15 an hour. - Rev. Dr. William Barber, author of White Poverty 
Scary Clown 45/34 made a big show of himself at the Capitol. The ass kissers applauded for a scary long time. Trump told his people, “ Milwaukee, where we are having our convention is a horrible city.” He later clarified that that wasn’t what he meant. He claims that he was just concerned about the crime numbers and that he wants to be safe. Homicide is down 41%. Well, now Dems have billboards all over Milwaukee and there are t shirts on line with his hate. ** I love Milwaukee- Joe Biden ** and BTW, despite the insane fear mongering that Fox news spreads, crime is actually down across the country. When they are confronted with facts they claim that it doesn’t ‘feel’ like it. How do they live with themselves?? 
Al Capone would kill Mike Lindell. - Trump 
The Republicans blocked a bill to regulate the Supreme Court. I will never understand this need to let authority run roughshod over this country. And this pattern of distrust and secrecy from Nixon to Reagan to Trump and the Bush’s. Power and money is not enough, they must push the rest of us down. What is that about? Why do they want us to be Russia? The whining about the way the court behaved in regards to Trump is priceless. Let them go to court in Russia and see how fair it is. ** Trump wants to lower corporate tax rates even more. He visited a black church over Father’s Day weekend in Detroit. Detroit is 77.8% black.The black pastor tried to get more African Americans to come to the service. There were a couple of local rappers and a former mayor just out of prison. Cameras panned back to show the pews filled with mostly white men in MAGA hats and Trump mug shot tee’s. ** What is this obsession with water pressure? Is this just Florida?  I don’t know anybody that has these same problems. 
A fan at a Trump gathering apparently told him he had been to over 200 rallies. “Wouldn’t it be incredible if he voted for Biden? It would be suicide before Biden, right?” -Trump ** Trump has been upset about tele prompters lately. 
I have to hold on to hope that this cycle of hate will lead to a cycle of love and we will elect some smart, fair, loving people. C’mon future.. Spread the love!! Stop the loud and usher in the peace! We need more of those kick ass Gov’s who R getting it done!!!! 
Corey Booker and Tammy Duckworth have introduced a bill to protect IVF. 
Hollywood’s walk of fame welcomed Richard Blade. 
The Bike Riders stars Austin Butler, Tom Hardy and Jodie Comer.  
The Boston Celtics won the NBA title again. 
Upside down flags and designing their own hate flags are really becoming a thing. It is like a club for 12 year old boys. 
C’mon Jan 6 offenders: Pay your restitution. Why do so many folks think they should not have to be accountable? 
Thank goodness for Paul Saltzman and Deb Gendler and the like. It is great to see the bits of the Beatles story that they saw since the actual Beatles were a little busy. 
Florida is flooded. 
What this comedian said will shock you from Bill Maher is #1 on the Best sellers list. 
The rules are in place, the debate is coming and we need to hold their feet to the fire. **Polls show that over 50% of the country thinks Trump should drop out of the race. There are countries he won’t even be able to visit because he is a convicted felon. 
It is curious how many Republicans worked on and recommended the immigration plan and as soon as Biden liked it and set things in place, they turn on it. 
Tyson’s CFO was arrested for intoxication and was suspended. 
Hannah Einbinder has a comedy special: Everything must go. 
Mel Brooks got a Peabody which makes him a PEGOT. 
The Colorado GOP issued a call to burn gay pride flags because, “God hates pride.” 
Dr. Pepper is now as popular as Pepsi. 
Dr. Squatch has insured Nick Cannon’s balls for $10 mil. 
The movie 2000 mules about election fraud was pulled off market after a defamation suit. 
Rob Schneider was asked to leave a charity event for hospitals of Regina foundation in Canada. People started walking out after he was ranting about vaccines, women’s rights and how white men are persecuted. 
Julia Louis Dreyfus acceptance speech for her webby was great: Listen to old ladies Motherfucker’s. 
If it had been anybody but Hunter Biden, the gun people would have been screaming about rights. I thought the NRA wanted everyone to have a gun no matter what. 
Illinois new slogan should be: Come to Illinois where you can enjoy all your rights! 
Tokyo Vice was cancelled. 
Now they seem to be after Brown V. Board of Education. 
The Daytime Emmy’s came and went on June 8 hosted by Kevin Frazier and Nischelle Turner. General Hospital won most of the big ones. Dick Van Dyke won for guest actor on Days. Hooray for Robert Gossett and Thorsten Kaye. I was really hopeful for Eric Martsolf  but maybe next year. Melody Thomas Scott was awarded for lifetime achievement. My best dressed were Sunny Hostin, Steven Nichols, Linsey Godfrey, Abigail Klein, Lisa Yamada, Courtney Hope, Heather Tom, Paul Telfer, Jackee Harry, Suzanne Rogers, Jennifer Hudson and Danielle Pinnock.  
A giant bus covered with trump paraphernalia crashed into a sign. ** Rep John Rose’ kid showed us how ridiculous these mentally ill people are. We all want to do that when they start this mind- boggling complaining all the time. 
BTW, isn’t it time to turn the cameras off Trump? Watching and scrutinizing everything he does is not turning his core off. Out of sight out of mind. Oh, I know it isn’t going to happen but I can dream. ** The top biggest political donors prefer Trump. About 69% of his donations come from these wealthy donors. His tax breaks for the rich expire in 2025. Biden has vowed not to bring them back. He is working on those tax loopholes. 
Thank you, Don Jr. for never shutting up about Epstein. Curious people looked into your assertions that your Father had no connection there. Flight receipts show Scary Clown flew with Epstein at least 7 times. 
Alec and Hilaria Baldwin and kids are starting up a reality show, The Baldwins. Timing could be better 
Some of the things the house ethics committee have been investigating about Matt Goetz have been dropped. They are still looking into the sexual misconduct, illegal drug use, accepting improper gifts to dispense special privileges and favors to individuals and sought to obstruct the investigation of his conduct. 
Peoria’s Planned Parenthood reopened. The renovation is complete after the 2023 firebombing. Tyler Massengill is serving 10 years and has a $1,450,000 fine. 
Biden’s new program provides legal status to 500,000 immigrants. 
Wisconsin has charged Kenneth Chesebro, Mike Roman and Jim Troupis with forgery in a fake elector scheme. 
There is another elder lady movie , The Fabulous Four. This one has Megan Mullaly, Susan Sarandon, Sheryl Lee Ralph and Bette Midler. 
Books are an idiot’s natural enemy. - Josh Johnson 
2 moronic climate activists were arrested for spraying orange paint on Stonehenge. Hey, Just Stop Oil.. Why R U fucking up a historical site? There must be better ways to get your point across. 
Traitor Tulsi Gabbard is trying hard to get Trump’s attention. She does not fight hard enough for him though.  
The latest sexual assault news: Kanye West has been sued for sexual harassment. ** Howard University revoked Sean Combs honorary degree. ** Texas megachurch pastor Robert Morris resigned after an accusation from a woman who claims he has abused her since she was 12. 
Stephen Colbert seems awful proud of his EW cover. 
There is nothing loving about Dolly Parton’s false gospel. Parton’s version of love, which includes condoning immoral sexual behavior is unaligned with God’s vision for humanity. (Parton has said that you should be who you are.) - Ericka Anderson  I think she must be reading the wrong book. She has since said that she regretted using Dolly as an example for the point. She is still making the point! 
Jennifer Esposito directed, wrote and starred in Fresh Kills. The film shows us the female side of the mob. 
The Supreme Court took away the ban on bump stocks for firearms. 
Corporations are pussies. - Jon Stewart 
Saw this bumper sticker: Ted Bundy was a republican/ Ed Gein was a democrat 
The Daily show is right: Let Ticketmaster run the border. They know how to keep people out. 
Frasier is pulling out all the stops for season 2: Patricia Heaton, Spencer Grammer, Yvette Nicole Brown, Dan Butler and Edward Hibbert are joining in. 
OK.. The stills they are releasing for the new Waltzing with Brando with Billy Zane do look amazing. Richard Dreyfuss and James Jagger also star. Bad timing on the Dreyfuss front. 
Elisabeth Rohm directs Devil on Campus about Larry Ray, cult leader.  
Justin Timberlake was arrested for DWI. 
The Club Q killer, Anderson Aldrich was sentenced to 55 life sentences. 
Porn is truly unleashed on X. 
People were calling for Pat McAfee to be tossed off ESPN for calling Caitlin Clark a white 
Rep. Byron Donalds talked of his support of the Jim Crow era. 
July 1 will see Steve Bannon back to jail. He seems to love the attention it brings him so it all works out. ** He fought it but the Supreme Court said he has to go. 
The Kansas Supreme Court decided that voting is not a fundamental right.  
The co -editor of Variety, Ramin Setoodeh has a new book, Apprentice in Wonderland. Citizens of NY were apparently in stitches when they got word of Trump hosting the Apprentice because they all knew what a horrible business man he was.  
Biden weak? FDR was in a wheel chair and he got a lot done. Why are we so prejudice about age and handicaps?? 
Will Trumps gun permit be revoked in NY because he is a convicted felon? The ads showing him as a convicted felon have begun. 
Martha Alito really hates pride flags and tells us so on tape. Her husband is determined to make this country rich with Christians. Why did we come to America to begin with? These people need to live in the real world and realize there are people with other thoughts than their own. ** Funny how they want to keep women in their place unless it is their women then no rules! 
Micheal, You were the only husband I ever had and one of my lifelong friends. I will miss you forever my Bam Bam, my friend. Micheal Dale King 1963-2024 
R.I.P. Marian Robinson, Martin Starger, Bette Nash, Jeff Kreiner, Orlando Cepeda, Bill Cobbs, Alan Scarfe, Tom bower, Betty Anne Rees, William Anders, Enchanting, Jerry West, Tony LoBianco, Seven, Kevin Brophy, Mark James, Angela Bofill, Erich Anderson, Tamayo Perry, Al Schultz, migrants thrown overboard by the Greek coastguard, Tony Mordente, Anouk Aimee, victims of the Ecuador landslides, heat related deaths all over the world including over 1300 in Saudi Arabi ,Willie Mays, Spencer Milligan, Bill Cobbs, Kinky Friedman,  Taylor Willy, Gary Weaver, shooting victims, Donald Sutherland, Martin Mull and Mike King. 
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OMG, this large church, converted in 2015 in Grand Haven, MI has been turned into a mansion. It's like no other church conversion that we've seen. 3bds, 6ba, $2,595,900.
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Check this out. Is this not gorgeous?
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I think that the reason why all of these converted churches are coming on the market is b/c they don't consider the long winters. The high ceiling open spaces have to be a bitch to heat, and the costs outrageous, when you're still freezing your butt off.
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The kitchen is a stunner. Look at the ceiling. There are probably high energy costs, as well.
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Small dining area with a bar in the corner. They removed some of the stained glass windows and put in clear glass to brighten it up.
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And, this is the formal dining area. Note the architectural feature dividing the space.
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Love these gates.
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Nice corner to relax in.
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At the top of the stairs is a mini fridge for drinks, snacks, etc.
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Primary bedroom on the main level has a fireplace and sitting area.
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Look at the fancy entrance to the en-suite.
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Very large bath with glass block features.
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There's also a walk-in closet.
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Another piano in the loft. It's a large space, there's still room to spare.
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Stairs to the lower level family room.
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Another cozy sitting area in the basement.
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Pool table, golf simulator, and wet bar.
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The wine cellar.
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The covered pool and patio are on the roof.
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Pull the car right into the rec room. It has its own fireplace.
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Two other bedrooms are down here.
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This one has an en-suite.
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8,712 sq. ft. lot.
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delilahcarreno · 6 months
👪 + buddy
"I still remember the way that my stomach dropped the day that our parents told us they were having another baby. The kids were a little older, I'd just turned sixteen, gotten my license, and things around the house finally, finally, felt like they were settling...so of course, of course, that's when August and Daphne decide sure, let's add another into the mix. The worst part was I couldn't even bring myself to be excited about it, about him, because all I could think about for those next six, seven months was changing diapers and formula and how long it would be before some sit-in in Washington was more important than getting him through teething--he was their baby, but it was only a matter of time before he'd become my responsibility, another responsibility, and all I could feel was dread. He wasn't even born yet and I already resented him for what he didn't even know he'd taken from me."
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"But I remember sitting in that hospital waiting room, the other kids asleep in their chairs, and I was the only one awake...and I remember dad coming out, still in those plastic blue scrubs? And I remember him, and the look on his face, asking if I'd like to come meet my baby brother...and the next thing I knew, I was holding him in my arms, this pink little wrinkly alien looking baby, and I remember thinking, first: this kid is not a Matthew. But I also remember thinking that if I had to do it all over again, balance late night feedings and algebra and colic...I would, for him. He was innocent--probably for the first and last time in his life, if I had to say now--and I wouldn't punish him for what was really my anger towards our parents."
"And then...life happened. I didn't expect to get married so young, or that as they got older, mom and dad would slow down, seem to be around more...not as much as they should've been, but more, and he still had the others, and I...at first, I think I was sort of relieved, that I'd get to be just his sister, and not his caretaker. I thought that our relationship could be different, and it is, but I'm not sure it's for the better. I had Sophie, was trying to navigate my marriage and new parenthood and paying rent and the rest just...fell by the wayside. It wasn't on purpose, but it's one of those things that you keep in the back of your mind and tell yourself that you're going to work on, you're going to fix, and then one day you wake up at forty five and realize he's almost thirty and all these years have passed are too late to get back, and the time to fix things passed with them."
ft. @buddywellls
send 👪 for my muse to talk about a family member of theirs.
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travelella · 5 months
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Plains Bison in Custer, South Dakota, USA
Stephanie LeBlanc
The Plains bison is one of two subspecies/ecotypes of the American bison, the other being the wood bison.
Status: Near Threatened
Population: 45,000
Scientific Name: Bison bison bison
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Subfmaily: Bovinae
Tribe: Bovini
Genus: Bison
Weight: 701 to 2,000 pounds
Length: 7-12 ft.
Habitat: Grassland
Range: Bison once roamed from Florida to Washington, Canada, and Mexico - The entire U.S.
Predators: Wolves are the primary predator of bison across the continent. Local knowledge also indicates that bears play a role in predation.
Diet: Bison are considered generalist foragers, meaning they eat a wide array of herbaceous grasses and sedges commonly found in mixed-grassed prairies. These types of plants include species such as Blue gramma, sand dropseed, and little bluestem.
Lifespan: The average lifespan for a bison is 10–20 years, but some live to be older. Cows begin breeding at the age of two and only have one baby at a time. For males, the prime breeding age is six to 10 years.
Importance: Bison graze the grasses at different heights, providing nesting grounds for birds. They also roll around and pack down the soil in depressions in the ground known as wallows. Their wallows fill with rainwater and offer breeding pools for amphibians and sources of drinking water for wildlife across the landscape.
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libertariantaoist · 10 months
News Roundup 12/4/2023 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 12/4/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
Sen. Wyden Threatens to Block Vote on NSA, US Cyber Command Nominee. The Hill
Secretary of State Antony Blinken dismissed reports that the US was pushing Ukraine towards negotiating an end to the war with Russia during a meeting of NATO foreign ministers. At the summit, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Ukraine had a “de facto” NATO military. The Institute 
Ukraine Military Eye Proposal to Expand Conscript 100,000 New Soldiers. Boston Globe
US Official Says Washington Aims to Cut Russian Energy Exports By 50% By 2030. FT
Russia to Add 170,000 Soldiers to Armed Forces. TASS
Zelensky: Counteroffensive “Did Not Achieve the Desired Results.” Kyiv Indpendent
NATO Chief Stoltenberg: We Should Be Prepared for Bad News About Ukraine. Politico AWC
Ukrainian officials speaking to media outlets on Friday claimed that the CIA-backed Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) blew up trains on railways deep inside eastern Russia. AWC
Washington Will Expand AUKUS Accord to Include AI, Electronic Warfare and Quantum Technology. The Hill
China Says US War Ship Illegally Entered Chinese Waters. Yahoo
Brazil Plans to Join OPEC+ Next Year. Yahoo
South Korea Scraps F-35 Damaged By Bird Strike. Yonhap
North Korea: Interference with Satellite Is a Declaration of War. The HillThe Institute
Washington Is Profoundly Concerned About Turkish Ties to Hamas. FT
IDF Chief Tells Blinken Military Operations in Gaza Will Take More Than a Few Weeks. AxiosAWC
Gallup Poll Finds Only 32% of Americans Support Biden’s Handling of Israeli War in Gaza. UPI
A report from +972 Magazine published on Thursday detailed how Israel is intentionally targeting civilians in Gaza as part of its war strategy even when Israeli forces know strikes will kill young children. AWC
NYT: Israel Knew About Hamas Attack a Year Before October 7. NYT
Israel Has Arrested More Than 270 Palestinians in Crackdown on Free Speech. Chicago Tribune
Tel Aviv has been relying on an AI Program dubbed the Gospel to select targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. In past operations in Gaza, the IDF ran out of targets to strike in the besieged enclave. AWC
The Financial Times reported speaking with sources who said that Israel plans to wage war on Gaza for over a year. In a little less than two months, Israel has killed at least 15,000 people, damaged 100,000 buildings, displaced 1.7 million Palestinians, and destroyed most of Gaza’s medical facilities. AWC
Israel Abuses Justice System to Target Minors and Break Up Families. LA Times
The Wall Street Journal published details about the White House’s secretive arms transfers to Israel since October 7. The US has provided Israel with 57,000 artillery shells and 15,000 bombs, including over 5,000 with 2,000-pound warheads. AWC
Doctors Without Borders Says Israel Responsible for Attack on Medical Convoy that Killed 2. DWB
Babies at Gaza Children’s Hospital Left to Die and Decompose After Israel Froced Hospital Staff to Evacuate. NBC News
Blinken Told Netanyahu the White House Will Begin Banning Violent Israeli Settlers from Entering US. Reuters 
Israel Withdraws Negotiators From Hostage Release Talks. AJ
Limited Number of Aid Trucks Reach Gaza After Israel Resumes Bombing. AJ
Sec Def Austin Says Israel Risks “Strategic Defeat” By Mass Civlian Killing in Gaza. VOA
Israeli Forces Operating Throughout Gaza: IDF. The Guardian 
The House on Thursday passed a bill that would force the president to permanently freeze $6 billion in Iranian funds that were briefly made available to Tehran as part of a prisoner swap deal. AWC
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said two of its members stationed in Syria as advisors were killed by Israeli airstrikes, The Associated Press reported Saturday, citing the IRGC’s website. AWC
US Official Says Single Rocket Fired at Base in Syria. VOAAWC
US Strike in Syria Kills Five Iraqi Fighters. MEEAWC
Houthis Launch Missiles and Drones at US War Ship and Commerical Vessels in Red Sea. Politico AWC
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💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Thank you @theartofblossoming! Warning - long post ahead!
Currently, it's a toss-up between Cry Mercy (which has a chapter ready to upload, but uh...I need to upload it) and Sparrow's Story (Fly Away Little Bird) and Frankie & Beau's story.
Cry Mercy because...yeah, this story has been pulling me along for well over a year now. We're over 150K words (I think), I'm getting into the last 1/3 of the story, and I'm looking towards part 2 - which I'm tentatively titling No Mercy. Mercy is just great to write. So much emotion, so much grit, so much poly craziness. And incorporating SS2 has been interesting. A new way to look at the game and plot. Of course, this story started the insane OC creation between @alder-berry and I and the weird and wonderful Jamaica Plains settlement so yeah...I have a lot that I love about this one.
Fly Away Little Bird and Sparrow are dear to me. So very dear. She's my favorite OC. She encompasses so much of who I am, what my struggles are, my hopes and dreams and more all wrapped up in a 4'9" package. She's morphed from a character who was made on a whim into somebody living and breathing and worthy of a story of her own. One that will span Cry Mercy and end with No Mercy. A story about found family, loss, love, friendship, and growing. She's dear to me and when her story is done, I will probably mourn it. I've never written a story about a character I love so much, and yeah...yeah.
Frankie & Beau's story (title to be determined still). Alright. Frankie is my second most beloved character. I mean - it's really close here. She's all of my Southern wrapped up in my religious trauma (poor Frankie) who found love in an unlikely place and now has to go home to realize it was never home to begin with. Her story spans from Jamaica Plains to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas and then up into the Cascades of Washington state. Besides Darcy in Fly Away Little Bird and Grace Williams, Sparrow's adopted mother and @alder-berry's most amazing character ever, Beau just has my heart 110%. Look - if Beau Adams stepped into my life right now, I'd just go with him. He's just...he just IS. A man who doesn't want to kill anymore, but for the person he loves, for his family, will kill anybody. And for Frankie? He'll ride that motorcycle to hell and back if she asked. Not that she would. Though going to Texas kinda feels like it. Hah.
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
Made wit smoked chipotle pepper and sweet pineapple 2 Towns Ciderhouse releases Piña Fuego.
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image sourced from 2 Towns Ciderhouse
Press Release
Corvallis, Ore. – June 26, 2023 -Reminiscent of a desert dream, 2 Towns Ciderhouse releases Piña Fuego, a chipotle pineapple cider slated to hit stores in June 2023 as part of 2 Towns’ Limited Release line.
Crafted with fresh-pressed Northwest apples, smoked chipotle peppers and sweet, ripe pineapple, Piña Fuego is the next adaptation in the 2023 Limited Release line. Tropical and smoky, this cider creates a sweet heat fiesta for your taste buds!
“Piña Fuego is the perfect pairing for your tropical BBQ,” said Dave Takush, head cider maker. “It strikes a beautiful balance of sweet and smoky flavors with the ripe pineapple and chipotle peppers – makes you want to grab a horse and ride bareback into the desert sunset.”
Specs 8.0% ABV | Chipotle Pineapple Cider Made with NW apples, smoked chipotle peppers, and sweet pineapple
Cider Profile Deep earthy chili balanced by ripe sweet fruit and a nice kick of heat at the end Grilled pineapple in a bottle
Piña Fuego will be available in 500mL bottles, ½ bbl & ⅙ bbl kegs through distributors in Oregon, Washington, California, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, and Idaho.
About 2 Towns Ciderhouse 2 Towns Ciderhouse was founded on the belief that the long history of cidermaking demands respect and deserves to be done right. Starting with the highest quality, whole ingredients from local farms, we take no shortcuts in crafting our ciders. Over the years our company has retained these core values to branch out into different segments within the alcohol beverage space to become a premium total beverage company. Our goal is to create the best craft beverages on the market and continue to develop and evolve the beverage space in innovative new ways.
From humble beginning in 2010 in an old 900 sq. ft. 2 car garage we have grown into one of the largest craft beverage companies in the northwest now employing over 100 individuals, distributing to 15+ states and running 3 different production facilities totaling almost 100,000 sq. feet. As a family-owned company, we are committed to the growth of our team and enrichment of our communities. We take pride in producing true Northwest craft beverages. For more information on 2 Towns Ciderhouse, visit www.2townsciderhouse.com.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/46luymf
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Big Wind Day
National Big Wind Day is observed each year in the United States on April 12. The day commemorates the recording of the highest natural wind gust measured on the Earth’s surface. It was on the afternoon of April 12, 1934, that winds blowing at 231 miles per hour were recorded by Mount Washington Observatory. Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288 ft. It is said to be the most notable mountain east of the Mississippi River. While it is difficult to say if the day will receive strong winds as it did in 1934, one can still expect that it will be windy on Mount Washington.
History of National Big Wind Day
Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288 ft. The mountain is the most prominent in the east of the Mississippi River. It was from the Mount Washington Observatory where observers Wendell Stephenson, Alexander McKenzie, and Salvadore Pagliuca reported the record-breaking wind gusts in 1934. In 1984, the observers returned to the observatory to celebrate the event’s 50th anniversary!
The record of 231 miles per hour held for several decades. However, this record was broken in 1996. A typhoon struck a small island off of Australia with wind gusts of 256 mph. However, the reading from 1934 remains unchallenged in America.
National Big Wind Day or not, we all have to face the occasional windy day. Even without a hurricane or a tornado, it can get extremely windy. Windstorms display the power of nature – they can be dangerous, damaging, and sometimes even deadly. It can disrupt electricity and water supply, uproot trees, and even cause infrastructure damage. On the other hand, the wind is also our friend. It helps to keep us cool on a hot day. Wind also powers the sails of mighty ships. Wind-powered turbines are dotting the landscape globally. These turbines provide increasing amounts of clean electricity and help to build a sustainable future.
National Big Wind Day timeline
1888Wind Power Generation
The first known U.S. wind turbine created for electricity generation is built.
1897Wind Power Plant
The first wind power plant is established in Denmark.
1900The Great Galveston Hurricane
The deadliest hurricane in American history is recorded.
2001William Kamkwamba
The Malawian inventor gains fame for using wind turbines to power the appliances at his home.
National Big Wind Day FAQs
When was the windiest day?
On April 12, 1934, the staff of the Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire, recorded the highest surface wind ever measured on Earth. This big wind was officially recorded at 231 miles per hour.
Where is the windiest place on Earth?
It is not just Antarctica’s temperatures that are so extreme. Wind speeds on the continent often exceed 100 mph each winter.
What is the least windy state?
The top five least windy states are Mississippi, Florida, Kentucky, Georgia, and Alabama.
How To Observe National Big Wind Day
Share your story
Visit an observatory
Advocate for green fuel
Hold onto your hats and umbrellas while sharing your windy day stories on National Big Wind Day. Invite your friends and family to do the same.
Visit an observatory near you on National Big Wind Day to find out more about how they study atmosphere changes, weather, and wind changes.
Highlight the sustainability and efficacy of wind turbines and mills on National Big Wind Day. Speak to your counselor about how these can be used to generate power.
5 Facts About Wind Power That Will Blow Your Mind
Wind power has been around for centuries
Wind turbines are complex
It is becoming popular
Wind technology is bird-friendly
Hawaii has the world’s largest wind turbine
Windmills are often associated with Holland but date back as far as Ancient China in 2000 B.C.
A single wind turbine has around 8,000 different parts.
Wind energy is the fastest-growing renewable energy source in many countries.
Wind farms have taller and slower-moving blades which are safer for birds.
It stands 20 stories tall and has blades the length of a football field.
Why National Big Wind Day is Important
It reminds us of the incredible powers of nature
It’s a reminder to be careful
It gives us ideas for a green future
National Big Wind Day reminds us of the fury and incredible powers of nature. A strong gust of wind is powerful enough to remind us how inconsequential we are.
National Big Wind Day also reminds us to be careful while heading out on a windy day. Take stock of your hats, umbrellas, and raincoats.
When the winds are strong on National Big Wind Day, it gets us thinking of sustainable energy. Use the day to think about other green fuels and how to incorporate them into your life.
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