#ft. tanvi mishra.
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civanguneri · 1 year ago
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( @tanvi-mishra ) You can put your strength down. I'm sitting here with you, at your kitchen table. You don't need to say anything.
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civanguneri · 8 days ago
"I know." Civan persisted, eyes narrowed as Tanvi effortlessly moved into his personal space. He didn't immediately waver but his posture stiffened, shoulders rod straight, abruptly aware of how close she was. In the otherwise sterile facility he caught the comforting waft of her perfume. "This is hardly your brand of helping people." His head tipped to one side, momentarily trying to picture her as a CNA and a huffed scoff of a laugh parted his lips a second later. "Definitely not." He reaffirmed, though it was more so muttered to himself, half under his breath. When Tanvi tauntingly reached out Civan jerked his arm back, and took a retreating step— his gaze sharp and silently accusing. "Odd thing to consider, you could come to see me without potentially breaking any laws." He thumbed past her towards the lobby, "You know, the normal way." He couldn't contest that she was his favorite, they both knew that much to be true. Even in moments like this, where she was unquestionably up to something and it was disrupting his workflow. Somehow, the woman was still a welcome distraction. "If that were the case i'd be plenty happy to see you."
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Having to actively stop herself from reaching out to snatch the clipboard back from Civan's hands, Tanvi instead shoved her hands into the pockets of the too large scrub pants and silently reminded herself that she could look at the video from her glasses later to gather the information she was currently missing out on.
With her head tilting back and a grin on her features, the private investigator simply shrugged her shoulders at his words. If it was anyone else, she'd have come up with a lie and gotten the hell out of there. But it wasn't anyone else, it was Civan, and even though she could never lie to him she could have a little fun. "Why do you think that?" She asked, taking a step closer and invading his personal space in the way she both had a habit of doing and knew would probably frustrate him considering the setting. "For all you know, I've been able to keep a secret for once and I took night classes for two years and got a certification and got myself a job here. And now you're preventing me from doing my job and helping people."
Biting down her lower lip to suppress a smirk, she brought a hand up to rest on his his bicep and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You know, you'd think you'd be happier to see your favorite person after they've come all this way in hopes to see you." It wasn't a lie, per se, just a simple stretch of the truth.
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valentinaflorcs · 1 year ago
starter for: @tanvi-mishra location: septima poinsette clark library
Val had always adored Briar Ridge's library. Not only for the amazing history behind where the facility got its' name, but for the worlds it opened up for the brunette every time she opened a book from it. It had provided her an escape when the world felt too much, knowledge when she needed it, and so much more. So she spent a good bit of her down time browsing the shelves at the library.
Which was exactly what she was doing, when she spotted someone not so covertly trying to keep tabs on another library patron. Val's eyes lit up in excitement as she recognized Tanvi. Quickly, and as quietly as she could so as not to draw attention from anyone else, Val approached the woman. "Ooooh! Who are you keeping an eye on this time?" she asked excitedly.
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jiya-santa · 17 hours ago
Location: A street in Briar Ridge Starter for: @tanvimvshra
Considering Jiya had never once gotten lost in New York, even when she first started going out on her own, getting lost in a town as small as Briar Ridge really was a weird achievement. Turning yet another corner that looked nothing like she expected it, she could only groan in frustration. Of course the streets were quiet and of course her phone had died before she could get the directions back to her hotel up.
Walking along the street, Jiya tried to use the quiet to listen for the ocean in the hope she could walk towards the sound, but all she could hear was, well, nothing. All she could see were houses and a suspicious looking car parked up ahead. As she channelled her inner tough New Yorker, Jiya continued down the street in the direction of the car. It was only as she got closer that she caught a glimpse of who was in the front seat and she quickly sighed in relief. Thank god.
Hurrying across the street, Jiya smiled as she reached up to knock on the window. "Tanvi, is that you? It's Jiya from the bar the other night? I'm so glad to see you, Tanvi, can you help me with some directions?"
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civanguneri · 22 days ago
Civan had a way of walking in brisk long strides, from point a to point b with minimal distractions or unnecessary interactions. It didn't make him the most approachable presence in the hospital halls but he liked to be efficient and knew from experience how quickly one could get caught up in some intern's melodrama. He didn't have time to coddle anyone. "Watch where you're—" his voice was curt, until altogether it wasn't. Words dissipated mid-grumble. He blinked, dumbstruck by the sight in front of him. It was difficult to be annoyed, if partly because the sight of Tanvi draped in his too big scrubs was both comical and oddly endearing. A brow arched. "Mishra." Civan strived for some neutrality in his tone and sharp eyes shifted aside, watching the everyday traffic of the hospital carry on alongside them. Unaware to his predicament. "I'm not the oddity here." He reached for the clipboard in her grasp, immediately suspicious. There were few reasons for the PI to be skulking around, in stolen garb from his closet, and visiting him was not on the list. "I think you've got the wrong patient." Mainly because she didn't have any. Adorable or not, Civan wasn't capable of letting her wander off with someone's private medical information.
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WHO: @civanguneri WHERE: The Hospital
Tanvi didn't find herself in the hospital for work often, but when she realized the subject her client hired her to follow spent an inordinate amount of time in the ER there was really only one thing for her to do. So she borrowed a pair of Civan's scrubs (even though they were far too large for her smaller frame), slapped on a medical mask, and excited slipped on her newly purchased glasses with a built in camera and spent the day with a clipboard in hand, pretending to be a nurse as she followed the stranger around.
She'd gotten away with it so far, the hospital being busy enough for her to stay unnoticed by most busy doctors and nurses, and she was getting some great footage. But it all came to a screeching halt when, while sneaking a peek at her subject's chart, she turned and ran directly into a strong, solid, chest.
"Oof." The sound escaped her lips in a huff as she was momentarily confused, head tilting back to look up at the doctor she'd just run directly in to. She'd had an excuse ready on the tip of her tongue but when she saw who she'd encountered, a wide grin overtook her features. "Jaan, fancy seeing you here."
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valentinaflorcs · 1 year ago
Wincing at her blunder - Val should have known better than to approach Tanvi while the other woman was clearly preoccupied with remaining hidden - she reached out to gently squeeze Tanvi's arm apologetically. "Sorry, chika!" Glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one had noticed and that they hadn't garnered too much attention, she turned back to her friend a cheeky grin on her lips. "Maybe you should hire me to do the sneaking for you." she teased, knowing full well that the fact she actually caught Tanvi unawares was because the brunette was focused entirely on keeping an eye on her mark. As she pointed out who she was following, Val's eyes lit up with excitement. "OOOH! That sounds exciting!! Need an assistant??" she asked, raising her brows conspiratorially at her friend. "I could act as a decoy while you snatch his phone? I mean... have you see how good I am at confusing myself? I'm sure I could keep his attention off his phone for a good long while."
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Tanvi had a Kindle, multiple murder mystery books on her shelves, and even a few books in her Audible app from free trials she'd gotten throughout the years and yet... the PI wasn't sure the last time she actually read anything for fun. Which was why, as she pretended to peruse the shelves of the library while following the older man she'd been hired to catch selling company secrets to the brand's biggest competitor, Tanvi looked incredibly out of place. They were in, what was her humble opinion, the most boring section- the reference section, and she couldn't even muster up the attention span to focus on a single book she pulled from the shelves. Luckily, the man she'd been hired to watch was none the wiser to this shadow, as he was too preoccupied with trying to look inconspicuous (and failing) while glancing down at his phone.
Using the positioning of the shelves, Tanvi pulled out her camera and snapped a few photos of the shady looking man. She was about to try and busy herself with looking through yet another book as both she and her mark waited for his mysterious companion, when the voice from behind her caused her to nearly jump out of her skin. "Shit!" She whisper-screeched, turning around quickly with her hand over her chest. The only thing that saved her camera from falling to the ground was the strap around her neck. "Val," The color in her features was finally coming back and quiet laughter left her lips. "You scared the fuck out of me." She admitted, glancing back over her shoulder to ensure the jittery man hadn't noticed and taken off. Luckily, he was still in his seat, eyes glued to his phone. "Creepy man in the cubicle in the back. His boss thinks he's in cahoots with their competitors and is getting ready to turn on the company like in 13 Going on 30. I think I'm about to get the proof I need, because there's no reason someone should look that shady in a library."
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