#ft. civan
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benziies · 5 months ago
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                rápido,  entra  aquí.                 @csaylk               …              “  ¿y  para  qué?  ”  grita  de  regreso.  “  ¿para  esperar  a  que  esas cosas  llamen  a  la  puerta  y  me  muerdan  el  culo?  yo  paso  ”  en  su  mente,  la  idea  de  quedarse  encerrado  no  es  la  mejor,  aún  si  esas  fueron  las  instrucciones  que  llegaron  desde  los  helicópteros.   un poco surreal todo.
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nate-strauss · 2 months ago
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Nate and his bio-less instagram. ft. days at the library, his record player and one of his favourite albums, old date nights with @hollyparkcr (because he doesn't know he can delete posts and he rarely posts on instagram), card nights with @civanguneri, his gay fish and snow fights with his little sister.
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alarakcplan · 2 months ago
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a snapshot she grabbed of @selinymaz doing their favorite activity, eating; a fuzzy mirror selfie of her on her bike; documentation of her and her bestie, @civanguneri's special handshake; a snapshot of her practicing kickboxing; @coltonatwater after a night out blowing off steam from a particularly long shift; a pic Colt grabbed of her in her fire suit after getting her ass handed to her; a pic of her and her baby; a forbidded shot of the back of the ambulance rig; and a pic of her doing her favorite activity, eating.
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civanguneri · 3 months ago
@hollyparkcr BR New Years Eve Bash
He felt warm, his shirt wasn't even fully buttoned up but somehow he felt like he might be suffocating and everything was too tight. Big events like this had a way of triggering his claustrophobia, and every little brush of someone against him in passing tensed his shoulders. The mocktail in his hand helped a little, something idle to keep in his hand. If he wasn't keeping an eye out for a friend, honestly, Civan would've probably already dipped. On edge, his gaze searched the crowd and fell upon a familiar head of red hair. Before even really thinking about it Civan found himself moving through the sea of people towards her, Holly. Another one of Mariana's seemingly ever energetic friends. He wouldn't be brazen enough to assume he was her friend, but the man normally found Holly easy to talk to. Approachable. A life preserver in a sea of people he didn't, and didn't want, to know. "That is a very eye catching skirt," Civan offered in compliment on approach.
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lia-lozano · 3 months ago
Location: Chapman's Grocer Starter for: @civanguneri
It was a strange experience for Lia to run into her or her friend's ex boyfriends. If she ran into hers, she'd probably end up pushing her shopping cart into him and hightailing it out of the next available exit, even if that happened to be an open window. When she had spotted Nathaniel in town the other day, she had glared at him so hard, an elderly lady had stopped to check she was an actual psychopath. There was no way to explain that she was hoping a hole opened up and swallowed a man whole, so she'd just walked away.
But as she rounded the corner of the little grocery store and spotted Civan, she didn't feel any hatred she felt for her or Holly's ex. She still didn't know what had really gone on with him and Mari, but she had always liked Civan. Even if she was a little bit sure he had only just about tolerated her. Raising a hand in a wave as she approached him, she could only smile. "Civvy, it's been a long time." Even if he more than tolerated her, she couldn't say the same for the nickname she had given him once when she was drunk. "It's nice to see you."
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jaryoo · 5 months ago
# theia , civan ( @loveiiaz @csaylk ) enviaron : PERRO para un starter donde nuestros personajes toman un descanso de las actividades.
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“ofrecernos comida es lindo de su parte,” comentó, sosteniendo en su diestra un paquetito de galletas caseras recién horneadas por una de las ancianas de la zona, que en otra ocasión habría probado sin dudarlo. sin embargo, en ese momento, su apetito era nulo. se las extendió en señal de invitación. “—— pero si como algo en este momento, las nauseas no me dejarán pasarlo. ¿las quieres o te pasa lo mismo que a mí?”
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yasgeum · 5 months ago
starter privado para: @csaylk
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área de bebidas: no podía negar que william brown estaba resultando ser una compañía agradable. el anciano presumía una personalidad bastante peculiar, soltando vivencias y comentarios con fascinación. sin embargo, yasper comenzaba a sospechar que las bebidas ingeridas tenían mucho que ver con ello. lo miró a unos pasos, mientras el hombre charlaba con un grupo de amigos, aprovechando el momento para vociferar parte de sus pensamientos: “¿qué tan buena idea crees que sea que vaya por su segunda copa de vino?” giró la mirada para dar con su compañero por un par de segundos y luego la regresó hacia william, quien los señaló; él solo atinó a ofrecer una sonrisa amistosa y educada. “tal vez les esté diciendo que estamos emborrachándolo.” y aunque bromeó, en realidad esperaba que no fuera así.
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alarakcplan · 3 months ago
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seahm · 6 months ago
'¿Qué clase de bienvenida es esta?'
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" no sé, ¿te imaginas al final fuera un timo todo esto o algo? muy raro todo" sin duda, el contexto general de lo poco que llevaba conociendo lo había dejado un poquito desconcertado. " con razón no quedan tantas juventudes en este pueblo, ¿que hay con este servicio comunitario?" / @ahnella @csaylk
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niaxbailey · 2 months ago
"Keep up?!" She scoffed, voice dripping with melodramatic affection, "More like you've exceeded expectations! Putting me to shame, girl." Nia beamed, chuckling softly as her umber gaze watched the sparkle reflect in the ballroom lights. "Oh!" Her shoulders straightened, inherently making herself look more put together. "I'm doin'." A classic not answer from the woman, offered with a warm smile and the playful tilt of her champagne flute. "I've got company." A low husky laugh betrayed her, and Nia let a soft sigh part her lips. Her gaze briefly wandered out into the dense party crowd. "It's been busy, I never know how to not fuss at these things." Not when they were held here at the resort, especially. "I'm just a little out of it," work was not the only reason why, of course. "Are you having a good time?" Fingers were internally crossed it was going better for the redhead than Halloween had.
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Holly grinned as Nia pulled her into a hug, immediately feeling the warmth and ease of her presence. It was always so natural with Nia, like no time had passed since the last time they'd seen each other, no matter how long or how recent it had been.
"Girl, you know I can't resist boosting that ego of yours," Holly teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I can't believe you want to give me even more competition! Though, a charity auction for a kiss is definitely a good idea." She laughed lightly, the alcohol giving her a warm buzz. "Oh, you know I had to go all out tonight. You set the bar high, Nia—I've got to keep up!" She spun in place, letting the mini skirt shine beneath the lights of the ballroom.
"How are you really, though? I was surprised to find you over here, all by yourself."
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nate-strauss · 28 days ago
"I need to find a way to film this so you can see that she is genuinely terrifying. She's tiny but she's vicious." Nodding his head, Nate took a sip of coffee as if to assure himself that it really was good. "Aw come on, with a face like that you must have all the advice on women."
Smirking a little against the rim of his coffee cup, Nate couldn't hide the humour on his face. The two had enough in common that their friendship had been easy, mainly because they liked the same things and would happily sit in silence doing separate crosswords. But Nate was no stranger to his friend's nature, even if he did like teasing him about it. "We have matching cardigans, of course you're a secret teddy bear. They just don't know you like I know you." Nate touched a hand to his chest, trying to push a sincere look onto his face but failing as he chuckled almost instantly.
"Is there potential for a redo date though? I mean, would she be someone you'd be interested in?" Finishing his cup of coffee, Nate took the cup to the sink to wash it out. "Or are you just in a no dating zone?"
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"A... gun?" Civan scoffed, nearly choking on a sip of his coffee in the process. "I'm going with no. Maybe pepper spray." He was picturing something pink and glittering that went on her keys, at best. "The coffee is better than any advice I have when it comes to women," he admitted with a stiff shrug of his shoulders. "That is not an accurate summary." A frown visibly overtook his features, gaze narrowed on his friend. "There are plenty of people who consider me an insufferable ass." As was preferable, to some degree. Civan liked to think it made things easier. That was, until he was forced into a more social setting and blatantly reminded of the acute misery it was to deal with certain Briar Ridge locals. "You're in the minority if that is your opinion of me." It was difficult to answer Nate's question, Civan did his best to avoid breaking up the work to home cycle. His boring comfort zone. "There's not much going on with me, work as usual." Work, help with his mother's home care, and his usual allergic to people habits. "My Anne tried to set me up on a date, luckily it was with a woman who also works at the hospital and we both got called in." A saving grace. Though, it wasn't the worst blind date to be set up on.
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alarakcplan · 1 month ago
She could tell she’d struck a nerve. And the rational, sensical part of Alara that the alcohol in her system was fighting to drown out, felt a twinge of regret. Civan didn’t deserve to be collateral damage to any part of her self-sabotage tonight. And while she hadn’t intended to make light of his feelings in any way - she was too absorbed in her pain tonight to even think of his own- she could tell that she had. 
In an uncharacteristic show of deference, especially when she was in a mood like this, Alara murmured a quiet, “Üzgünüm.” The sincerity ringing true in her voice, even if she wasn’t making a big production of it. Letting out a big breath, she sighed. She had intended to make a mess of things tonight, but not with her best friend. Looks like she’d have a lot of making up to do in the new year. 
At his declaration that he wouldn’t quit, Alara felt her heart squeeze as  warmth flooded through her. Civan was far too good for her. Especially in moments like this when all she deserved was his ire. Bumping his hip with hers affectionately. “You’re too stubborn for your own good, canım.” she replied, returning the sentiment easily. “Of all the things to be bullheaded about though, you pick me? I should be flattered, but honestly, I’m mostly concerned for your decision-making skills.” Self deprecation for the normally far too assured of herself woman was just about the biggest form of apology one could get from the brunette. 
She shook her head, an affectionate smile finally tugging her lips upwards, finding herself unable to slip beneath he crashing waves of her despair any longer, thanks to Civan. “Alright, you’re on.” She agreed easily, beginning to head in the direction of the bar. “But I promise I’m not holding back on the spice this time!” 
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Unfortunately, Civan was not entirely impervious or immune to the other end of Alara's sharp tongue. He could handle many things, but this had a particularly bitter taste to it. Defensiveness flared within the man, and it took a lot of his willpower to clamp down on it — Civan had been a teenager when he lost his father. Teenagers were selfish creatures. Of course, he had regrets and said things to his father that haunted him even now. But he knew that defending his ego and the right to his own pain didn't help the situation. So Civan stared her down, jaw tight for a moment as he swallowed the flash of anger. "Don't." He breathed out in answer only once he'd reigned in some of the bite it might've initially been saturated in. "You're entitled to your pain," and self-pity "but do not presume to know how I feel." Civan straightened to his full height, not allowing himself another second of thought on himself. "Alara, canım..." Despite the emotion of it all, he couldn't contain the hint of a challenging smirk. "I'm not going anywhere." A shrug decorated his bulky shoulders as he squared off with her. "I don't quit. Besides, who else am I going to spend my evening with on a night like this?" He turned an open palm toward the crowd. Loud cheers broke out somewhere, people chattering away loudly in every decked-out corner of the ballroom. "How about... for now... you do me a favor?" Civan turned towards the bar himself this time, "We've got a new Mocktail to invent, hm? Make the bartender squirm?"
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marcoscntos · 1 year ago
Marco was spending as much time as he could at the beach these days. Soaking up the last remaining dregs of warmth that he could. Besides, after being locked in a cell for five years, the freedom a wide open beach offered, was something he had a hard time staying away from. He had spotted the group of people playing volleyball up ahead, but he was still a ways away and didn't pay much attention to who was playing until he was closer. He saw one of the players separate from the group and began heading towards the person who was walking several feet ahead of him. Only as he continued walking, getting closer to the conversation, did he begin to recognize the man who had left the game and hear what he was asking. Civan. Marco winced inwardly at the awkwardness of running into the son of the woman who owned the house Juan had broken into five years ago. He tried to speed up, hoping Civan wouldn't notice him, but as the person Civan was talking to turned down his offer and the younger man's eyes turned towards Marco, he knew there was no avoiding it now. "I'm guessing you don't need another team player that badly?" he offered, glancing over Civan's shoulder at the group of people waiting around the volleyball net.
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Who | open ( capping at 3 ) Where | the beach. In the slowly dying out glimpses of summer heat, a deep chest rattling sigh escaped Civan as he was volunteered by his teammates to find a last minute substitute player. Why he of all people had been entrusted with the task he would never understand - but he begrudgingly obliged the others' urging. Bare feet carried him across the warm beach, stopping at the nearest beach goer who looked to be by themselves and of an age wherein they might actually agree to the favor and enjoy themselves. A hand raised to shield his eyes from the sun so he could look them in the eyes, offering what was a bit of an awkward forced smile. "Hey, uh, any chance you're up for a game of volleyball?" He'd gesture to the ball tucked under his left arm, as if that might be necessary. "Me and those guys..." he'd turn to glance back behind him to an equally shirtless crowd of adults around a volleyball net. "We're trying to get in a few season end plays, just for fun, and we had a no show."
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benziies · 5 months ago
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                   “  ¡sí,  tal  vez  debería  hacer  eso  y  gritar!  cuanto  más  rápido  vengan  todos,  más  rápido  podré  volver  a  dormir  y  dejar  toda  esta  mierda  ”   continúa  a  los  gritos  que  le  depararían  un  sueño  eterno,  más  que  seguro,  pero  pft,  como  si  ese  fuera  el  mayor  de  los  pecados:  interrumpir  su  tranquilo  sueño.  maldita  sea,  incluso  estaba  teniendo  un  bonito  sueño  antes  de  todo  —  no  es  que  lo  recuerde,  pero  lo  sabe.  refunfuñando  y  casi  dispuesto  a  seguir  quejándose  y  gritando  desde  el  jardín  delantero  —  subconsciente  le  traiciona  al  robar  un  vistazo  a  interior  de  vivienda  que  no  le  pertenece.  está  cansado  de  correr.  ni  siquiera  tiene  a  iggy  para  hacerle  entrar  en  razón,  pero  el  pensamiento  de  su  hermano  es  suficiente  para  aceptar  malhumorado  esa  invitación  y  se  apresura  a  entrar  para  escapar  del  caos  que  le  rodea,  empujando  un  poco  a  vecino  en  lo  que  cruza  la  puerta. 
                   tsk,  tsk,  tsk.   “  a  todo  esto  —  ¿por  qué  invitas  a  la  gente  a  entrar?  ¿eres  idiota,  no  tienes  sentido  de  la  supervivencia  o  algo  así?  ”  se  atreve  a  reprender  al  otro  una  vez  dentro  en lugar de agradecer como debía ¡gracioso  viniendo  de  él,  quien  carecía  de  ese  instinto  en  lo  absoluto!  “  podría  estar  a  dos  segundos  de  que  me  de  un  chus  en  la  cabeza  y  arrancarte  la  tuya  porque  me  pareció  apetitosa,  nunca  se  sabe.  ” 
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                       ' ¡sigue gritando, imbécil! ¡atráelos hasta aquí! ' propio volumen también se elevó ahí, súbita frustración fue más grande que el interés por no llamar la atención. incluso surgió el deseo de dejar a aquél tipo a su suerte, pero como no era alguien que se dejara guiar tan fácilmente por los impulsos, se mantuvo en la entrada de su vivienda. un ademán fue hecho invitando a pasar dentro, molestia contenida no tardó en vibró en su voz, por mucho que pasó a intentar serenarla. como si con un niño pequeño hablara, hiló: ' ahí fuera te alcanzarán más rápido, cierra la boca y entra. trabaremos la puerta. ' ignoraba la posibilidad de que el rubio supiese de un refugio más seguro que la casa del saylak, claro, el camino que ofrecía no tenía por qué ser el objetivamente conveniente.
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nate-strauss · 1 month ago
“I mean sure, but it could also mean that she wished I’d never come back and I should take my dumb ass back to Washington. Both are equally as possible, honestly.” As much as he knew he’d run into Holly when he came back and as much as that had been a reason he’d come back, Nate wished he’d have more of a plan and not just run into her at the cafe like he had.
He knew if he had any chance of having Holly back in his life, whether that be a second chance or just a friendship, he had to do more than back off. After all, that’s what had put him in this position in the first place. “Okay but does Lia have a gun? Because if so, I’m going to go for other friends first.” Nodding, Nate made a mental note of it though. He might joke about his ex’s best friend, but he knew Civan was right. “Thank you, you know I do really appreciate the advice. The coffee as well, mainly the coffee.” 
With a sip of the perfect cup, Nate readjusted his position to lean his hip against the countertop. “So what’s going on with you? Still pretending you’re an ice man whilst we all know there’s a warm teddy bear inside?” Smirking against the rim of his cup, Nate took another sip. “Because obviously we all know how warm and fuzzy you really are.”
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"Nate, is it not the first time she's seen you?" Civan asked, brows arched. "Anyone would head for the door. Not sure that means 'stay away forever' or anything drastic." Still, the pair of them were both just taking shots in the dark. A pensive silence prevailed, broken only by the sips of necessary caffeine. "I might not be the best person to ask." He finally amended. "I'm used to Alara." A stiff shrug decorated his shoulders, "— and the only way to get through to her is stubborn persistence. Which I excel at." She wasn't the only woman in his life the concept applied to by a long shot, but that didn't mean it was helpful for Nate. "I hate to admit it," because he vastly preferred straightforward solutions, "but there's never a perfect answer. Just what you're comfortable with, hope is best, and whether or not Holly responds positively to it." Civan didn't think a brief, random run-in was anywhere near enough of an attempt to show interest in being in her life again, but that was merely his own potentially ill-fitted opinion. "Really, truly, if it was me I would..." he sighed, trying to think. "Try to greet her every time I saw her around downtown, buy her a gift, face down the death penalty with her friends to ask them about it. Fail a million times until something clicked."
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nate-strauss · 2 months ago
"When she murders me, I'm going to need you to not say that at the trial. If she does do it, just don't let her get away with it." He couldn't remember exactly, but he was even sure one of the most vicious texts he'd received after it was clear he wasn't coming home was from the petite singer. "Hurt one of her best friends and we'll go into hiding together."
Picking up the coffee cup, Nate instantly took a sip of the coffee, even if it was going to be scalding hot. He'd been doing it for so long now, he barely even registered the intense heat of the drink. "But surely it's worse to not leave her alone when she wants space? She couldn't have got out of that cafe quicker, Civan, she obviously doesn't want to be around me." With another sip of coffee, Nate shrugged a shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere, she'll see me around town, but should I really be actively trying to be around her if that's not what she wants?"
In reality, he had no idea on how to approach the situation with Holly, having never ghosted anyone before, he wasn't sure on the protocol of what to do when the ghosting was reversed. "Is it not better to try and just let her come to a decision and then go from there?" Looking down at the coffee in the cup, he watched it the liquid move for a few seconds before looking over at his friend. "What would you do?"
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"Before," Civan admitted with a shrug as he turned to busy himself pouring a fresh cup of coffee. "Before you left. Just some older guy, a teacher at her school. I'd have been difficult." Now, well, maybe it was better if they didn't know. They had a lot of property to hide a body. With a spoon he dropped a singular sugar cube into his friend's mug and placed it down diligently in front of the other man. "Lia is not capable of murder." Civan countered, as unhelpful as that was in the grand scheme of things. Civan turned to rinse the spoon and meticulously placed it back on the holder by his coffee station. "You what?" He looked over his shoulder, caught off guard. It wasn't exactly the response he'd expected. "I'm no relationship expert," hell he'd barely been in maybe three his entire life, "— but I am unsure that's the best idea." His hip leaned back against the kitchen counter, "You left. Your solution now that you're back is to... leave her alone?" Civan mulled it over, unable to think perhaps it was all a double-edged sword. Holly might need space, that was an unavoidable truth. He personally did better with it himself. "Showing some dedication theoretically would be better." His head tipped aside, pensive. "Even a 'I'm not going anywhere' verbally," Civan shrugged. "Reassurance more than an apology."
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