#ft. célestine
reinaxc · 3 months
closed starter for @balteren | max & célestine
location: enjoying a serene ride on horseback along the shoreline of Paraty.
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The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the beaches of Paraty as Célestine rode her horse. The gentle breeze played with her hair, and she relished the freedom of these moments, away from the demands of high society. As she rounded a bend, she caught sight of a figure in the distance, instantly recognizing the familiar silhouette. Her heart skipped a beat—Max, her favorite uncle and closest friend. It felt like an eternity since she'd last seen him.
With a playful smile, she urged her horse forward, closing the distance between them. "Max!" she called out, her voice carrying a mix of excitement and a touch of reproach. "I was beginning to think you had forgotten all about your favorite niece!"
As she approached, Célestine slowed her horse to a trot, her eyes sparkling with both delight and a hint of mischief. "It's been far too long since we've had one of our talks," she said, her tone light but with an undercurrent of genuine hurt. "I've missed you, you know. What could possibly be so important that you haven't had time for me?"
She dismounted gracefully, leading her horse by the reins as she walked towards him. "I hope you have a good excuse," she teased, her smile widening. "Otherwise, I'll have to take it personally." The Redhead stood before him, hands on her hips, and raised an eyebrow in mock seriousness. "Well, I'm waiting. What have you been up to, and why haven't you shared any of your adventures with me?"
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dissvicious · 10 months
200 followers surprise! Face reveal! Art VS Artist!
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Ft some of my favorite buggy shitpost. Thank you so much for following, liking etc my silly work! I'm so happy you enjoy it! 🤡
The photo is from my professionnal author photoshoot, made by my awesome friend Anna-Célestine Barthélémy
This clowncore photoshoot was made waaaaaay before my obsession for Buggy even started, can you believe it ? Destiny !
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chimairasden · 3 months
Meet: Célestine ☁️
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from: My Candy Love — New Gen!
Height: 5 ft 9 Birthday: February 28 Sign: Pisces
Likes: anything tangerine-flavoured, Bridget Jones movies, sunday drives Dislikes: being caught daydreaming, malicious gossip, paperwork
Full name: Pascaline Céleste Dolga AKA: Célestine (by everyone), Ciel (by close friends) Pronouns: She/her
Blood type: B Dominant personality trait: Energetic Hair colour: baby blue (dyed), dark brown (natural) Eye colour: jade
Story: Her story follows the game canon events. This could change with the episodes development.
Gender & Sexuality: Célestine is a cis woman who is unsure about her sexual and romantic orientation. If asked, she describes herself as questioning or queer. She rarely had crushes and she fell in love just once. Casual sex was never a possibility. However, she would like to fall in love again. Gender is an insignificant element in her search, she values qualities like authenticity and will-power more. Also she is not closed to the idea of an open couple or polyamory, but it’s still something that seems far away from her reality. ☁️
Relationships with the canon LIs:
Roy Aquino: her coworker. Roy is one of the most easy-going and friendly people at Devenmentiel’s, so they bonded quickly; but the fact that he is really popular among girls and “too good to be true” makes Célestine itchy and suspicious.
Amanda De Lavienne: her coworker. After a rough start, Célestine learned how soft and playful Amanda can be and Amanda found in Célestine someone worthy of trust and respect, someone worthy of being called “friend”. Possible LI. 
Devon Okere: her boss. Célestine admires his genius and determination and has a little crush on him, but the terrible experience with her previous boss makes any kind of conversation not work-related between them difficult. Possible LI.
Thomas Rheault: her coworker. Their exchanges are rather cordial, but Célestine doesn’t really know how to approach him and Thomas doesn’t seem interested in deepening this relationship at the moment. 
Jason Mendal: her boss’ main competitor. They met only twice and fought each time, but since then, just hearing his name triggers in Célestine a rage and a competitive spirit which she wasn’t aware of. Possible LI.
Relationships with other people:
Brune Núñez: her coworker and friend. Célestine was really impressed by her look and her bluntness and started to mimic her. At first Brune was a bit concerned, but once they confronted she found Célestine's attempts cute and flattering.
Elenda Ueno: her coworker and friend. Elenda’s cheerful and positive attitude makes tolerable even paperwork! Célestine loves spending time with her and they often go strolling and shopping together. 
Méline Page: Célestine's distant cousin and childhood friend. They lost touch in middle school and reconnected recently, but time didn't change anything. They look out for each other and share everything, in sadness and in joy.
She believes in astrology and checks her horoscope everyday;
She and Méline have a matching tattoo on their wrist;
When stressed, she bites her fingernails.
I hope you'll love her as much as I do! If you have questions or any suggestion, feel free to interact 🌻
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nnjzz · 7 months
à Les Nautes
1 Quai des Célestins
75004 M° Sully-Morland
P.A.F. 6€
20:00 portes
20:42 action!!
ANLA COURTIS ar feat. VOMIR fr Un LP documentant une collaboration inédite et à distance entre les deux Messieurs est paru sur le label parisien L'Eau des Fleurs en juin dernier. Ils vont essayer de ne pas re-jouer tous les morceaux à la note près.
Si je comprends bien :  Alan / Anla commencera tout seul - pour être par la suite rejoint à un moment donné par Roro Perrot ( aka VOMIR ou l'inverse ). Mais peut-être ai-je mal compris - - - - ?
La musique d'Alan ( aka Anla ) Courtis oscille toujours entre art sonore, musique électroacoustique, drone, noise, entre improvisation et composition. Avec souvent un petit quelque chose de pataphysique dans ses manipulations de bandes, ou d'enregistrements numériques, son approche d'instruments, ou d'outils informatiques... etc. La liste de ses collaborations ressemble à un Who's Who des musiques ( et des non-musiques ) expérimentales des trente dernières années : Pauline Oliveros, Phil Niblock, Lee Ranaldo, The Nihilist Spasm Band, Eddie Prevost, Jim O'Rourke, Mats Gustafsson, KK Null, Sigtryggur Berg Sigmarsson, Andy Bolus, Sir Rick Bishop ,Yoshimi P-Wee, Masonna, Günter Müller, Jason Kahn, Toshimaru Nakamura , Solid Eye, Daniel Menche,Thomas Dimuzio, Rudolf Eb.Er, Kouhei Matsunaga, MSBR, Tetuzi Akiyama, Lasse Marhaug, Aaron Moore, Damo Suzuki, Makoto Kawabata, Ashray Navigations, Michael Snow, Birchville Cat Motel, The New Blockaders, Avarus, Kemialliset Ystävät, Merzbow, Keiji Haino, David Grubbs, L’Autopsie A Révélé Que La Mort Était Due à L’Autopsie, etc, etc, etc… Depuis de nombreuses années, fort de son expérience au sein des Reynols ( dont le percussionniste Miguel était atteint du syndrome de Down ), il a aussi développé un travail d'éducateur / animateur dans des ateliers des pratiques brutes de la musique avec des personnes atteintes d'un handicap mental.
Romain Perrot est un (non)musicien touche-à-tout performeur bruitiste autodidacte, improvisateur sans frontière, fondateur - en tant que VOMIR - de la pratique et philosophie connue sous le nom de Harsh Noise Wall, concepteur et exécutant de la ShitFolk, papa de Broken Impro series, déployant en parallèle une activité plastique sous le nom d'ABSURDUM, membre de JOAN JETT FANCLUB, M_D_R, Falot, Rompral Eltron, Descendeur ( entre autres ) ... .. 
LENA CIRCUS +HIROKO KOMIYA fr / jp Intimisme psychédélique ? Nous sommes ravis de recevoir pour la troisième fois cette collaboration récurrente entre le trio parisien et la performeuse japonaise ( évoluant la plupart du temps dans l'univers butô ) oùune synergie et une entente exceptionnelles se mettent en œuvre pour aboutir à faire naître un univers sonore d'une grande densité, toujours surprenant, avec un sens du détail et une cohérence organique.Formé en 1999 par Antoine Letellier (guitares, instruments à vent) & Nicolas Moulin (guitare, électroniques), LENA CIRCUS est d'abord un duo (avec à son actif neuf EPs publiés à un rythme mensuel, sur divers labels indépendants), avant d'être rejoint en 2003 par Guillaume Arbonville (percussions). Suscitant des comparaisons avec les expérimentations de Sun Ra, Don Cherry ou TajMahal Travellers, leur univers, fruit d'une communication quasi-télépathique entre les musiciens, fait preuve d'une alchimie sonore singulière, toute en finesse et en tension permanente.
Hiroko Komiya recours aux sons tirés de la nature à l'aide d'une collection d'objets au son magique, comprenant des coquillages, des cloches, des heurtoirs, des hochets, des récipients en étain et des instruments traditionnels spécialement sélectionnés. Elle utilise également sa propre voix, créant ainsi des improvisations musicales non harmoniques, remontant aux archétypes de la culture orientale.
"Jouée par une formation free-jazz au demeurant non violente, cette musique est hypnotique, forçant l'attention vers une jubilatoire tension de l'écoute, où les objets sonores pétillent, irradient.Hiroko Komiya, qui double les sons d'un geste, est une partenaire parfaite : elle malaxe et fait crisser des coquillages dans une main, tapote des tringles, froisse des fibres, jouant de l'instrument et du son comme le chat avec un caillou, une souris ou une pelote de laine. La matière sonore extrêmement dense est toujours sensuelle, ce qui rend très amicale une trame pourtant complexe." (Marteen B., Mille Feuille) " 
Surprise du chef. Commande very spéciale du Non_Jazz - en étroite collaboration avec le GRM ( Parallèle ) . Première mondiale.
Entre new new age, ambient, krautrock ouateux, spoken word susurré et electronica, inclassable,  Audrey dispense des so(i)ns atmosphériques - comme une invitation à l'introspection et à la ( douce ) rêverie à base de nappes synthétiques, guitare, basse, flûte, vibraphone... Son premier album "Quelque chose s'est dissipé" est sorti en juillet dernier chez Métron Records.
Entre larmes de cire et moulages de béton, Leandro fait gentiment suer sa Fender Jaguar ( et ses amplis ) à moins qu'il ne s'en prenne à son synthé fait maison avec plein de boutons et plein de bougies plantées là où ça fait du pas bien. Performeur bien performant, il a bien plus de tours dans son sac encore mais on ne va pas en faire un inventaire exhaustif non plus hein.
Il s'agit d'une association inédite - pas de lien disponible à ce jour ( donc ). À découvrir sur place.
https://www.15questions.net/interview/fifteen-questions-interview-audrey-carmes/page-1/ PRZEMYSŁAW SANECKI pl a débuté sa carrière en tant qu'artiste de performance au début des années 2000. Au fil des années, son travail a connu de nombreux changements et, depuis 2014, il réalise des œuvres exclusivement avec des méthodes « computationnelles ». Ces dernières années, il s'est concentré sur la réalisation d'œuvres vidéo dans l'esprit du cinéma structurel et matérialiste en utilisant des méthodes programmatiques. Son travail sur le son a toujours occupé une place importante et, en plus d'être membre du groupe de rap d'avant-garde KOT, il a été très actif sur la scène noise en Pologne. Il sort actuellement sous le nom de THSHLT, principalement sur son propre label PEIG (en collaboration avec Emilia Wysocka) et prépare ses débuts sous le nom de CZANEL. Il utilise le Pd patches comme instrument principal ainsi que des synthétiseurs analogiques modulaires et semi-modulaires.
NB / #envoiedubois
Fly Jo L'Indien
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aspvnr · 3 years
( 💬 )   :   cél.
célestine: a que no sabes quién me envió un mensaje anoche.
aspen: ¿quién? 👀
aspen: ¿cómo estás? ¿algún síntoma de resaca?
aspen: toma mucha agua y si quieres te llevo un jugo :)
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fridvj · 3 years
𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞 ( 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧 ). frida se encuentra comprando algo y cél decide pagarlo por su cuenta ( @celestinv​ ).
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era la primera vez que entraba a una tienda de diseñador ella sola ( las veces pasadas habían sido con su jefa y algunos especialistas en moda ) y lo cierto es que se siente un poco abrumada, aunque intenta disimularlo lo mejor posible. va caminando, mirando la ropa sin animarse a medirse nada, todo valía mucho más de lo que podía pagar. es ahí cuando encuentra una blusa preciosa, que parecía ser de su talla y de su color, la toma en sus manos y nueva decepción se lleva cuando mira en la etiqueta el precio, devolviéndola a su aparador.
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linvkai · 3 years
envía ”#” para saber cómo está agendado tu personaje en el teléfono del mío: ft. @celestinv​
su nombre: 𝘊𝘦́𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨
su fotografía:
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su ringtone: modo silencio
el último mensaje mi personaje envió:
- Célestine, hola - Creo que no llegó a boxeo - ¿Puedes hacerme un favor? - ¿Podrías disculparme con el profesor?
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chimairasden · 3 months
Meet: Méline ☀️
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from: My Candy Love!
Height: 5 ft 7 Blood Type: A Birthday: May 21 Sign: Gemini
Likes: body horror art, plushies, sculpting clay Dislikes: rainy days, someone touching their glasses, sleeping alone
Full name: Méline Page-Ainsworth AKA: Atomic Blonde (by Castiel), Didonis (their nom de plume), Mél (by everyone), Mél-Mél (by close friends), Melinda (by their family and husband), Miel (by everyone) Pronouns: They/He
Hair colour: blonde Eye colour: bleu de France
Story: Their story follows most of the game's canon events. Since the game has a lot of seasons and Méline often changed LIs, a more detailed post will be published soon.
Gender & Sexuality: Méline has always known they were pansexual, but figuring out their gender and their relationship orientation was a troubled journey. Romance and sex have been a form of escapism and a source of validation for years and they have come to terms with it only recently. Thanks to their family and friends' unconditional support, Méline finally can say they are «loudly and proudly trans*, pansexual and polyamorous». They are not planning to go on HRT, but they are saving up for top surgery.
Relationships with the canon LIs & with other people:
Since MCL has a lot of LIs and NPCs, a more detailed post will be published soon. Here you can find some:
Lysander Ainsworth-Page: their boyfriend at high school and later husband. Their relationship has been rocky since the start, due to their different attitudes towards life and believes, and they first broke up when Méline started University. But even distance hasn't been capable of extinguish the flame...
Leigh Ainsworth: their friend and brother-in-law. They support each other when they struggle with an art-block or problems with the respective partners.
Castiel Velmont: their friend and meta-partner. They have always got along well, making a duo of bickering troublemakers, and their love for Lysander brought them even closer.
Rayan Zaidi: their ex-fiancée. Méline doesn't like talking about him and their heart still bleeds for the end of this story.
Chani: one of their best friends. Méline has always encouraged Chani to pursue her artistic talent and Chani has always been Méline's confidant in difficult times. There is a certain chemistry between them, but Méline hasn't addressed it yet.
Célestine Dolga: Méline distant cousin and childhood friend. They lost touch in middle school and reconnected recently, but time didn’t change anything. They look out for each other and share everything, in sadness and in joy.
They are thinking about going vegan;
They and Célestine have a matching tattoo on their wrist;
However, needles scare the shit out of them.
If you want to compare, you can find an old version of their card here🌻
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mini-kirin · 1 year
TWST OC story arcs
details: story arcs ft. my OCs & other canon characters!! this list is not placed in any chronological order, as i’m still figuring out when each event will occur. all names are subjected to change, and some arcs are shorter/more like side stories than others.
MAIN STORY ARC: follows the in-game’s main story, including Zhen and Misun’s attempts at returning home. includes certain in-game events (ie: Fairy Gala, Beanfest, etc.).
THE EXCHANGE PROGRAM ARC: follows the students of Silver Mirror Arts Academy and Dire Wolf Academy as an exchange program between all three schools take place. includes Yoru, Aria, Célestine, Dayita, Iona, and Chrys (among others).
RIVALS TO LOVERS ARC: a mini-arc which follows Rook and Izumi’s relationship, from Izumi’s position as Vil’s assistant.
THE XUAN DYNASTY ARC: follows Zhen’s journey to rediscovering their origins, biological mother, and their birthright as heir to the throne.
MISUN IN THE AFTERGLOW ARC: follows Misun and Leona’s relationship, and her first visit to meeting Sunset Savanna’s royal family. includes Ishir Chahal of the Royal Family of Niloustan.
THE INTERNSHIP ARC: follows Vil’s 4th year placement in the Idyllic Tropics, where he works alongside brilliant potionologist and alchemist Linh Quyen.
OLYMPIAN CONFLICT ARC: follows Aria and Idia’s journey upon leaving their respective schools and fulfilling their roles as members and heirs to their respective families.
FAMILY TIES ARC: follows Else, Jamil, and Riddle’s individual conflicts and traumas regarding familial affairs, and how their relationship overcomes all of them.
THE LOST MONARCH ARC: follows Mariya’s journey to her past, with the help of Kalim.
THE BEAST OF FLOWERS: follows the mysterious journey of Célestine, Ruggie, and Rollo as they venture through the haunted mansion said to be home to a beast. features Solène Lucien.
THE LOST ROSE ARC: follows Scarlett Droll, the disowned homunculus child of the Rosehearts, and their unlikely romance with Dire Crowley.
THE FALLEN KINGDOM ARC: follows Lilia and Xenia, the princess of the discordant kingdom of Eremopolis.
THE HEIR OF TWO ARC: follows Sebek and Qianjin as they serve to protect infant Jian Xuan-Draconia, the heir to both the Far East and Briar Valley and child of Zhen Xuan and Malleus Draconia.
NEXT GEN ARC: follows any of the kids’ stories
MISCELLANEOUS: other stories featuring other OCs, often occurring during other major arcs (haven’t decided which though). includes Basil, Lupesina, Saoirse, Juno, and Atticus.
THE STAFF: other stories featuring the staff. includes Athalie, Arsène, and Axel.
RSA: other stories featuring events at RSA. includes Sparrow and Harley.
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