#ft. bora winters
delilahcarreno · 2 months
bora 🍻 + “ if you could do anything in world, what would it be ?”
Delilah's eyes narrowed as she slid an olive off it's toothpick with her teeth, chewing thoughtfully.
"If it's going to be one of these kind of nights, I'm going to need another one." She informed, manicured finger tapping the rim of her empty martini glass, but even then she was rolling the question around in her head.
It's the kind that didn't mean much at forty five, long past the days of naivete that would've once allowed her to believe that anything she wanted to achieve was truly possible if she just wanted it hard enough. Truthfully, Delilah doesn't know if she was ever actually allowed that kind of thinking at all. She'd simply always known better, and if she had somehow missed the memo, it was only reinforced with each sibling dropped in her lap, kept pinned by the weight of responsibility.
(She didn't regret them, even as they scattered off and left her behind too, one after another, save for one. It was exactly what she'd wanted for them, and three out of four wasn't half bad.)
"Anything?" She clarified, suspicious only on the grounds that this was far more whimsical than their conversations tended to veer.
She'd indulge him though; she (almost) always did.
"I think I'd disappear."
With a fresh dirty martini slid in front of her, Delilah turned on her stool to properly face him. "I would get out of this place, and I would just..." Her head shook, taking a sip from her glass. "I don't know. Start over? Keep starting over, wherever I pleased. Eat what I want. Wake up when I want. Fuck who I want. Answer to nobody, answer for nobody but myself...." She laughed, like just the idea of that alone was ridiculous. "I used to want to be a writer. Did you know that? But even then, I'd dream of telling other people's stories, like I just couldn't imagine ever having any of my own worth sharing...so I'd like to think I'd go out there and finally make some for myself."
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drunken confession.
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joey-madani · 2 months
bo 🍻 + “ when did you choose to give up ?”
Joey steadfastly refuses to look into Bo's eyes, her teeth bite down hard on her bottom lip. "Don't." It's a warning, one given too late, because all of the rum in her system does nil to restrain any of her thoughts.
"I never gave up. Get it out of your cocky shit for brain that I ever did. But after that stunt you pulled, after you stabbed me in the back when we had a deal, I needed time realign my path because the one I had set out for me was destroyed by a selfish prick."
She is stupid, and stubborn, and it was all Bo's fault- but Joey's fingers ball into fists on her lap, trembling. All her adrenaline, all her fury has drained away, leaving nothing but fear and desperation, and somewhere, laced tightly between, something sickly and tenuous she starts to think of as heartbreak.
Not the romantic sort, no no no, but Bo had been a friend to her at one point, and through all of her life, he's the one who had ever done the worst.
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"Do you get off on trying to make me feel less than? It's entertaining for you, isn't it? You could just avoid me, but you just love looking me in the eye when you like to remind me about where I'm stuck because of you."
It's enough, she figures, and she excuses herself. With the scrape of the barstool against the ground (why did she even humor a drink with him?), and the strap of her purse thrown over her shoulder, she doesn't hesitate to grab the remnants of her cocktail and throw it in his face.
"Fuck you."
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cherryxkoch · 6 months
☎️ + bo
🚫 DO NOT CALL!!!!!! 🚫
🎧 the purge siren alarm
CHERRY: BOO! 👻 trick or treat? CHERRY: [ slightly nsfw photo attached ] CHERRY: ok i'm here! ❤️‍🔥 i'll be the redhead at the bar, come find me
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maura-cortes · 6 months
☎️ + bo
Send ☎️ And I Will Tell You:
What My Muse Has For Your Muse’s Contact Info
zaddy bobo 🚨
What Their Ringtone Is
She Bangs — Ricky Martin
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse
Maura: u need a new bouncer. Maura: urs keeps watching me and its giving the ick. Maura: fkn weirdo.
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone
(he wouldnt give her a picture so she just took one whilst he was walking past, lil weirdo)
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youremeimyou · 5 years
Promise Me(pt.1)
Part 1 - Part 2
pairing: Park Jimin x reader (ft. Kim Taehyung) genre: Fluff, angst and just drama.. word count: 5k warnings: alcohol consumption
Description: Y/N is Jimin’s longest and best friend. Certain feelings are caught and meanwhile, Jimin accidentally sets Y/N up with his other best friend. But not before getting her to make him a promise.
A/N: Lately, The image of Jimin being all tipsy in his ‘Saint Laurent’ t-shirt in that bring the soul episode has been either leaving me sleepless or appearing in my dreams. Gosh, whatta man.. So that infired me to write this story:) I hope you enjoy! I’d be really glad to have your feedback. Here, bless your eyes with the image I’m talking about:
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The boy’s dorm building was only across the road from the girl’s. And that wasn’t exactly a long walk for Y/N on a normal day. But this freezing winter night couldn’t be considered that normal. Plus, Y/N had to fight against the strong wind that nearly knocked her out of her feet more than once. All of the snow piled up on the ground wasn’t helping either. Again, on a normal day she would’ve loved walking on snow. But at that moment, she just wished to somehow activate her inner mutant so that she could teleport there or something.
If only she wasn’t too lazy to tidy up her room a little bit, it could be Jimin who was trying to make his way to her place right now. Maybe a bit of a selfish thought. But on the bright side, he would have the wind on his back, maybe even help him move faster as it blew from behind him.
It was then that Y/N felt a presence, swiftly moving towards her. Or rather, running up at her. She couldn’t see much through the huge scarf covering most of her face. So, assuming the presence would be a stranger, she engaged attack mode. As she was flopping her arms and legs without even managing to land them anywhere on the guy, the guy easily held her arms in place, not applying much force.
“Relax Y/N, it’s me.”
Ah.. the sweet, soothing voice of Park Jimin.. A little shakey probably from all the cold, a bit small and hard to hear through the blizzard. Nonetheless, it still made Y/N’s worries go away.
“Oh, sorry Chim. I couldn’t see it was you. Did I get you?”
Jimin laughed a high pitched laugh.
“Well, you hit me pretty hard but I guess I’ll live.” he teased her. Meanwhile, Y/N adjusted her scarf to be able to see him properly. His cheeks were all red and his lips almost went purple. Thankfully he had a big beanie with ear flaps to protect his sensetive little ears, Y/N thought. Although an ill and whiney Jimin was cute, exams week was closing up on them. Y/N made plans in her mind to prepare some of her mom’s magical power up soup for both of them, just in case.
“C’mon let’s go inside.”
With Jimin’s arms wrapped up around her, the wind didn’t stand a chance. They quickly went through the door and ran up the stairs to his room. As soon as they were inside, the warmness of the room welcomed them. Y/N loved and despised this room at the same time. Because it smelled way nicer, was way bigger and way warmer in the winter than her own. Well.. Jimin always was the lucky one of the duo. And Y/N had been taking advantage of that for over a decade.
“So, what were you doing outside in this blizzard?”
“I saw last minute that I had lots of booze and very few snacks. And I know better than to not give a certain snack monster what she craves. So I went out to quickly take care of that.” He sent a wink her way. Little action, but a power move.
Y/N saw him taking off his backpack and appreciated the apparent fullness of it. She couldn’t hold herself back from reaching it to grab a starter. Somewhere along the movements their hands came into contact with one another.
“Woah Y/N, you’re freezing! Come here.”
Jimin led the both of them to the couch where a blanket was already present. They wrapped it around themselves and Jimin took Y/N’s hands in his, rubbing them gently. Blowing his warm breath on them every now and then. Looking at her with the softest eyes. It was moments like this that reminded Y/N how she was a doomed, doomed girl. Jimin was maybe the biggest tease she knew. Used on others, it was flirtation. On her, it was the affection he had for his longest, most valued friend. Y/N knew the difference between the two situations. But that just didn’t help the way she felt.
“Booze’ll help us get warmer faster. Let’s get this party started already.” Y/N made an escape towards his mini fridge to get the drinks. “Did you pick a movie yet?”
“No.. I thought we could just chat tonight. We don’t really get the chance to have our customary deep conversations that much anymore. You know, just the two of us.”
“Oh? I thought it made you upset when the gang leaves you alone like this.”
It was true that Jimin didn’t like being alone the least bit. After their meet-ups with their friends when everybody would leave at some point, Jimin would whine and beg Y/N to stay more. “C’mon, a bit more.. let’s lay down.” he’d say. “Wait till I fall sleep?” And of course she would. Everytime.
“But I’m not alone, you’re here. Besides, Christmas Eve kinda became our thing by now, didn’t it?”
For the last two Christmases, both of their families were always either working or on vacation somewhere. There were no gatherings to celebrate the event. So, they didn’t go home for the holidays and spent it in the dorms. And since all of their close friends went back home, Y/N and Jimin were left on their own. They decided to have their own little celebrations where only themselves were invited. This year was also the same. It was starting to become tradition at this point.
That was actually how it all started for Y/N. The first Christmas Eve they spent alone, something happened. A wire in Y/N’s mind changed. And she was trying to deal with that ever since. Hoping tonight wouldn’t make everything worse.
Y/N was setting up the coffee table with the drinks and snacks. Jimin had already started with some champagne. He downed the first glass in one go. Then poured another one for himself. After that he opened up a bottle of soju for Y/N, as he knew she liked starting off with that. They could both hold their liquor but Jimin was drinking even faster than usual. And after a while that made him get very tipsy very soon. He was going all out tonight.
“Hey, I meant to tell you. I signed us up for the Spring Musical Project. Since we’ll be self producing most of the parts, I thought you’d want to know early on. Maybe you wanna get started on the scores.”
“Wow there, Chimmy! I thought we had to audition for that. And also why am I the one working on the scores may I ask?”
Jimin giggled when he noticed her glaring at him with squinted eyes.
“Hmph.. Not after I convinced Mrs. Bora we don’t. And I’ll try to help you out in anyway I can but music making’s your specialty, sweety. We’ve been partnering in crime for like 15 years. I thought you knew by now that I’m the charm and you’re the brains.”  
Jimin reached forward to tweak her cheek. Because of Y/N’s sensetive skin, the spot immediately turned red.
“Did that hurt?”
“Nope, not a bit.”
Jimin smirked.
“Good. Let’s even out the colors, then.”
He slided down from the couch to the floor, next to where Y/N was sitting. He was now pinching both her cheeks, making cute incoherent sounds. Annoying the hell out of Y/N.
“Cut it out Chim, or else.”
“Or else what?” he teased her.
She countered the attack by tickling him. His tummy and waist were his week spots and she knew that. It turned into a playful scuff and after some time Y/N won by pinning Jimin lightly on the ground. With the help of her body on top of his, of course.
“Okay, okay hahah.. you win ah- just stop tickl-“ he hiccuped suddenly from all the laughing. “..tickling me.” That was when she spared him from the torture. And that hiccup had to be the cutest thing she ever heard. Plus, his eyes had dissappeared from laughing too hard and he looked so… Then she realized how she was on top of him, completely pressed against his body and it was all too much. She tried to get up but her balance was off because of the alcohol in her system. As she stumbled between falling and standing, Jimin managed to get a hold of her from where he was sitting.
“You’re about to face-plant on the floor, Y/N. C’mere.”
He pulled her back on the ground and sat her between his legs. Y/N was tipsy but Jimin was drunk. He put his chin on her shoulder as he backhugged her. His speech was sluggish by this point.
“No one else has this, do they?” His hands went to her arms, then down to her hands to link them with his own.
“This.. what we have, I mean.”
“Jimin, what-“
“Even couples don’t have.. this. I’ve never been this carefree with any of my girlfriends. I could never have this much of a good time without thinking about anything else. We become very aware of our actions and like.. what they could mean or something, in a romance based relationship. But I don’t even think with you. I just know you get me. I dunno- does that make sense?”
Y/N could feel the air around them getting thicker.
“Yeah, but why-“
He turned her head slightly so that he could look her in the eyes.
“Y/N. This is serious, okay?” When he didn’t continue, Y/N slowly nodded so that he would.
“Promise me you’ll never have this with anyone else.”
“Jimin, why-“
“Do you promise?”
It was suffocatingly silent. Y/N knew what her answer was instantly. But she had no clues as to why Jimin would ask that. Or why he was being like this tonight…
“Okay, I do.”
Jimin’s stiffened look slowly softened after that. He wasn’t staring at her dead in the eyes anymore, either. Instead he had averted his gaze to the wall across the room.
“Taehyung likes you.”
Y/N jumped up with shock. A few seconds later, she sat back in front of him. This time facing him with a look that screamed confused as fuck.
“Jimin, what are you talking about?”
“He’s liked you for a long time now. He’d murder me if he knew I told you. But I had to. He might be my best friend but you’re my- well, bestest friend. Just don’t say anything to him about it.”
Taehyung was Jimin’s other best friend. He came into Jimin and Y/N’s lives in highschool. And after the two boys moved in as roomates in freshman year of college, they had become like brothers. Their characters were weirdly compatible. Jimin liked to be teasing and flirty but he was actually just cute as hell. Taehyung was shy and giggly but unknowingly he was sexy as hell. And Y/N did have an undeniable crush on him during the end of highschool and the beginning of college. But ever since things changed for her on the Christmas Eve of freshman year, she had forgotten about that.
Christmas Eve, two years ago was a night just like this one with Jimin and Y/N drinking and alone. Except, the faint sound of Empire Strikes Back could be heard from the TV. They weren’t exactly paying attention to it, both had seen it billions of times.
Jimin was nearly falling asleep with his head on Y/N’s lap. And Y/N had her attention on his hair. Running her hand through it in hopes to help him relax. Because Jimin had broken up with his girlfriend, earlier that evening. When Y/N asked if he’d wanna talk about it, their conversation went a little something like this:
“What’s there to talk about?”
“I mean, you guys didn’t really look like you were having issues. And you never told me that something was wrong. I just don’t get why you’d call it quits.”
“I didn’t wanna reflect this on you. But I guess it doesn’t matter anymore.” He sighed and continued. “The fact that I have this close of a relationship with you had been bothering her for a while now. You know, because you’re a girl. And I’m tired of trying to explain it. Maybe no one but us can understand this.”
“So, you dumped her?!”
“No! I wouldn’t do that, you know me. I wanted to work it out but she.. asked me to choose her over you. And when I couldn’t, she just ended it.”
She wasn’t actually the first girl to ask that of Jimin. But it was the first time he talked to Y/N about it.
“Jimin.. I’m so sorry about that. Look, I’ll be more careful in the future. I’ll talk to her if you want-”
“No, Y/N. It’s okay. I already let her go.”
“But I thought you said you loved her.”
Jimin closed his eyes and turned away from Y/N before he said what he said next.
“I don’t love her as much as I love you.”
And that sentence made Y/N lose her shit. She was freaking out, trying not to take it the wrong way. And she knew that Jimin probably meant it in the most innocent way but her stupid heart wasn’t getting it. It didn’t make her think Jimin was in love with her. It just made her realize that maybe she wanted him to be. And so, her life had been very complicated after that night. Everything was the same except she now had feelings for her best friend. Perfect…
Tonight though, she just learned a brand new information and had no idea what to do with it. Also, she couldn’t make sense of the way Jimin delivered that information either.
“Jimin. If that’s true, then why are you telling me? And why now?”
“I guess the answer to both is because I’m drunk enough right now.”
Jimin got up, walked to his bed and plumped down on it.
“I wanted to say that- ugh I don’t wanna sound awkward.”
He just cared about her more than anyone. Because Y/N didn’t really find dating around easy or preferrable, there haven’t been any serious situations where he’d have to worry about her being hurt. But this time was different because he knew she had liked Taehyung in the past. The idea of things changing was stressful for Jimin. At least he got her to promise that they wouldn’t change.
“I guess I’ll be okay with it if you guys ever progress into anything.. more? Yeah.. Let’s go to bed. Tomorrow’s Christmas!” And with that, he lied down, loudly yawning and getting ready to sleep.
Normally Y/N would lie down next to him and cuddle. Jimin was a natural hugger. And although Y/N made it look like she didn’t like skinship at first, there was no way Jimin would buy that. He always remembered a little girl who’d come to him for hugs when she was sad, not caring about seeming strong around him. 
But tonight, Y/N went to sleep on the other bed instead. Because frankly, Jimin had annoyed her. He had just told her she was allowed date people, as long as she promised not to care about them more than Jimin himself. That was just selfish and inconsiderate in Y/N’s eyes. Cuz it wasn’t like he ever asked Y/N’s consent when he was the one dating people.
She decided to just sleep on everything that happened. So she closed her eyes and pulled the covers over herself. That was her first time falling asleep on Taehyung’s bed.
The next morning –afternoon, really- she was being called back to consciousness by a deep but muffled voice with a tall figure hovering over her. But she didn’t wanna get up yet. That’s why she closed her eyes that were barely even opened in the first place and burried her head under the sheets. Only to be welcomed by the balmy fragrance belonging to the owner of the bed she was in. The scent could easily pull her back to dreamland but the deep voice just wouldn’t go away. Then a hand softly made contact with her shoulder, nudging it only a little.
“Yeah, what?”
“Y/N, wake up it’s me.” Y/N’s brain slowly started to decipher the deep voice. It sounded more and more familiar until it clicked. Taehyung.
She made a quick move to turn around and straigthen up on the bed. But since Taehyung was hovering over her and didn’t expect her to get up so suddenly she crashed into him. They bumped heads and it was both an embarrassing and a slightly painful experience.
“Sorry I- I’m so stupid-”
Taehyung couldn’t help but giggle.
“No, it’s okay. Are you okay?”
Y/N was also smiling. “Yeah..” Then she remembered who she was talking to and who’s bed she was in. Panic crept up to her brain in mere seconds. What was he gonna think about finding her in his bed, all messy and obviously hungover?
“Sorry I woke you. Your mom called. She couldn’t reach you. I guess Jimin was M.I.A for a while too, so she tried me. Lucky I came back early and found you. She sounded worried, maybe you should give her a call.”
Y/N’s mom had a habit of making a fuss when she couldn’t instantly reach Y/N. She searched for her phone, scanning through the bed with her hands. Until Taehyung reached over to the nightstand behind his bed. Doing this made his chest hover over Y/N once more, but this time at a much closer proximity cuz he was now sitting on the bed. He looked at Y/N and saw her stiffened posture because of that closeness, as he was pulling back.
“Oh, sorry.” His face was visibly getting redder. “Here.” He held out her phone. That’s right Y/N thought. She had put it there before going to sleep. As she was taking it from his hand, she saw how he was staring at the ground, timidly. He even scooted over to the other side of the bed to put the distance he unknowningly closed, between them again. And that summarized his sexy but shy character up perfectly, Y/N thought.
She decided to just text her mom instead of calling. It might’ve had something to do with being a little bitter about how her mom was always busy with other things on mostly every Christmas. Meanwhile she glanced over to Jimin’s bed and found it was empty. She thought about texting him. But then, her eyes landed on the coffee table and saw his phone was still there, where he left it last night. She found it to be strange. Why would he be in such a hurry that he’d forget his phone, on a free day like Christmas day?
What she didn’t know was Jimin had woken up in the middle of the night, feeling cold. When he realized the space next to him was empty, he looked around to find Y/N sleeping soundly on Taehyung’s bed. So that’s why he was cold. She had never slept anywhere but next to Jimin in all the times she stayed over. But as soon as he revealed Taehyung liked her, there she was, under the covers and all that. He hadn’t been able to sleep until the morning after that. So he had just up and left to clear his head.
“By the way, sorry for crashing on your bed. I uh- I know it looks weird-”
“Wha- No, it’s okay.” Taehyung could only appreciate the sight in front of him. “I knew you were gonna spend Christmas Eve with Jimin again, I knew you’d be here.” The twist was, he expected to find them curled up in Jimin’s bed as usual. But with him gone and with Y/N on this bed, he could sense something was up. He wasn’t gonna press about that, though. And Y/N appreciated it.
“So, why are you back so early?”
“Well, my parents planned a trip for three days including Christmas. But since we have exams coming right after the holiday, I thought I’d skip the whole thing. So we had a very early Christmas breakfast just before they left and I came here.”
“Oh. So you’ve joined the rest of us losers who get to spend the holiday here?” She joked around bitterly.
“Yeah. Kinda sucks how I spent 8 hours to go to and come back from home but I’ve only seen my parents for like 6.”
“At least you had breakfast with them. I haven’t had a proper breakfast since forever.”
It wasn’t like Y/N couldn’t cook or something. There just wasn’t much time for breakfast in their busy lives. With school, part time jobs and always getting up super early, days went by so fast. But today was a free day. And Taehyung had an idea.
“Well, we can actually make breakfast.. right now. Well, it’d be lunch but I’ve been grocery shopping before I came here.”
The offer put a smile on Y/N’s face, exactly as Taehyung wanted to achive.
“Can we make pancakes?”
They started off by searching for a recipe online.
“Got it. Pancakes for 2 persons-”
“We should probably double everything. Since we’re three with Jimin. Three with big appetites.” Y/N was proud of how much they all loved eating to be honest.
“Right, yup. Oh and by the way, do you know where he went off to?”
“Uh.. no.” She was starting to think Jimin left becuse he was upset with her for some reason. Her guess was close enough.
“Well, I’m sure he’ll show in a bit. And we’ll have breakfast ready for him.”
That cheered Y/N up a little. They were now trying to cook with two people in the very cramped up kitchen part of the room which only consisted of a stove, one counter and a mini fridge. It was a mess with Y/N bossing Taehyung around telling him what to do. Taehyung being mischevious and getting flour all over Y/N. Constantly bumping into each other and laughing like crazy. Total chaos but too much fun. And they were getting good looking pancakes as result.
All of this was helping Y/N remember why she had a crush on Taehyung and how it made her feel back then. Between all the giggling, they didn’t hear Jimin opening the door. They did hear the loud bang that came out when he shut it, though. Jimin was obviously not expecting such a view in front of him. He had a confused and somewhat hurt look on his face until he saw that the coffee table was set up for three people. He also saw his phone was there which was another relief for he had thought he dropped it somewhere.
“Taehyung, you’re already back?” He was talking to Taehyung but looking at Y/N.
“Yeah. No Christmas at home for me either this year. C'mon let’s dig in before the pancakes get cold.”
Only two types of conversation happened as they ate. Between Taehyung and Y/N. And between Taehyung and Jimin. Until Y/N decided to break it.
“Chim, where were you all morning?”
“I couldn’t really sleep from the cold all night. So I went to the coffee shop as soon as it was morning, to get warmer.” That was a figurative rock thrown at Y/N for not cuddling him, despite knowing how sensetive he was to cold. She rolled her eyes. But even though she had done it to kinda punish him last night, it still made her feel bad.
“Guys I should get going. Gotta take care of some school stuff.” Y/N said as she got up to walk to the door. “But tonight, I’m hosting Christmas dinner and you both have to come, no excuses.”
Jimin smiled sincerely -for the first time that day- at how she could easily get bossy and motherlike.
“You’ll also be required to have some of my mom’s magic soup I’ll make to protect us from the cruel winter, so be prepared.” And with that, she walked out. Jimin’s eyes watched her with adoration as she left. But his face dropped when he saw Taehyung had the same expression.
“Bro, I wish you were here this morning when I came in.”
“Cuz I kinda freaked out when I saw her all snuggled up on my bed. I hope she didn’t notice.”
“I think it went okay, Tae. You guys had alone time like you wanted.”
“True. I just get so nervous, man. But I think there was something there while we were cooking together. I hope I’m not being crazy.”
There was something, alright. And it was all thanks to Jimin and his big mouth. But why was it this hard to even think about these two people he cared deeply for, becoming closer?
It was nearly evening when Jimin saw Taehyung getting ready, trying extra hard to look good. While Jimin himself was relaxed on his bed.
“Dude, going somewhere fancy?”
The confident Taehyung posing stiriking looks at the mirror, instantly turned into a giggly kid at Jimin’s comment.
“Well, dinner time’s closing in. I thought I’d go over to Y/N’s a bit early and maybe help out?”
“Oh..” Jimin got up at once. He was quickly getting ready, putting some casual clothes on in a rush and talking at the same time.
“Uhh, actually I’m supposed to go earlier because we were gonna work on some moves for the Spring Musical thing. I should probably hurry over there.” Jimin moved at lightning speed towards the door.
“O- Okay.. I should let you guys focus then, I’ll be over later.”
He was thoughtful despite being dissappointed so Jimin turned back just as he was about to leave.
“Sorry, bro. Thanks.” he said and darted out.
When Y/N answered her impatiently knocked door, she didn’t expect to find Jimin, looking soft in his oversized hoodie but staring her up with a fierce demeanor. Curse and bless that duality.
“Hey, angel.” He let himself in. “Do you need any help with the dinner?”
“No, I already have everything ready. But you can set up the table, Chimmy.”
Y/N was glad they didn’t seem to be at odds anymore. Neither of them was good at staying mad at the other.
Jimin went over to the little cupboard where he knew the utensils were and brought two sets of everything to her little table. Y/N thought of it to be habit, as it was just the two of them mostly. So she grabbed and placed another serving on the table, herself.
“Hey we should call Tae over before dishes go cold.”
Jimin rolled his eyes. “Right, I’ll text him.”
“Can you check if the soup has enough salt?” Y/N was holding out a spoonful of it for Jimin to taste. He leaned in with his mouth wide open but Y/N stopped him suddenly.
“Wait! It’s hot you silly.” She blew on the spoon. “Now you can have it.”
Jimin looked at her fondly before tasting it.
“Mm~ it’s perfect.” He booped her nose and she scrunched it. But she actually loved it when he did that.
“Did you text Tae yet?”
“I’m about to, woman. What’s the rush? Sick of me that easily?” He was whining and complaining like a child, Y/N loved it when he did that, also.
“What’re you talking about? Meals are gonna get cold.”
Jimin did text him finally, but not without frowning.
“Did you and him talk about- you know..?”
“Wh- No! Why would I bring that up? You shouldn’t either. Ever.” Y/N felt flustered enough as it was. After finding out about Taehyung’s feelings, she had become confused about her own.
“Why? Don’t you like him as well?”
“Jimin- Can we drop the topic? He might walk through the door any second!”
“No, he’d knock first. Even I knock.”
And he did knock. Right at that second. Y/N ran to answer it, all the while sending Jimin implying looks to get him to keep his mouth shut about the subject.
“Am I late?”
“Nope. Actually right on time.” Right on time for Y/N to escape Jimin’s interrogation.
“I was surprised when Jimin texted this soon. Did you already decide on moves for the musical?”
Jimin’s eyes went wide with panic. Caught in a lie. Fortunately, Y/N caught on quickly and didn’t want any fuss.
“Uh.. well no, not yet. What Jimin came up with was no good.”
Hurtful.. But Jimin let it go because she did just saved his ass there. Although he was sure she’d question him about it later.
Dinner went great with everyone having fun. Then, they were about to move from the table to where the small, shit TV Y/N brought from her family’s old house was. As mentioned before, Y/N’s room was smaller than Jimin and Taehyung’s. So was her couch. If they were gonna watch Home Alone as planned, one of them had to sit on the floor cushion.
After losing rock-paper-scissors Jimin was stuck doing the dishes. Y/N went to the TV to put the movie on and Taehyung took a seat on the couch, waiting for her to join him when she was done. But Y/N sat on the cushion instead, trying to be polite to her guests. As Taehyung was contemplating on how to get her to come up to the couch, Jimin appeared and went straight to sit next to Y/N.
“Guys, isn’t it cold to sit on the ground? Maybe we can all squeeze here.”
“There?” Y/N looked up to him over her shoulder and joked bitterly. “You don’t even believe that.”
“Alright but at least one of you can come up here. Y/N?”
“Nah, I’ll warm us up. C’mere, panda.” Jimin pulled Y/N to him until there was no more space and trapped her in his embrace. Taehyung wasn’t supposed to get jealous. They’d always do that. Cling onto each other any chance they get, casually hold hands and even sleep next to each other. But the eyeing look Jimin occasionally gave him over his shoulder made it seem like all this wasn’t just bff stuff. Taehyung felt that maybe Jimin was trying to keep Y/N away or even, to himself.
After the movie was over, Taehyung excused himself, saying he felt exhausted. He was awake since before sunrise, after all. Actually, so was Jimin but he on the other hand didn’t plan on leaving any time soon. Y/N was seeing Taehyung out, with a smile on her face. Taehyung returned it shyly, eyes on the ground until he gathered the courage to look up at her through the fringe of his hair.
“Thanks for everything. Especially the soup. I had a bit of a sore throat but not anymore. You’re my hero.”
That last part came out with so much meaning, words dipped in his velvety voice. And it made Y/N beam at him.
“You wanna hang out tomorrow?”
Jimin stopped breathing. Of course he was listening in before, while pretending to be on his phone. But right now, they had his full, undivided attention.
It came as a bit of a shock to Y/N as well. It wouldn’t sound like a big deal -just hanging out, if it weren’t for the eager look on Taehyung’s face.
“Yeah..” The word just slipped out of Y/N’s mouth before she could even think.
It was Taehyung’s turn to beam. “Great.” With that, he bid his farewell and left, all the while grinning like a fool.
Y/N was also smiling while closing the door but that was only until she turned around and saw the we’re about to have a serious talk face Jimin had.
“You do know he meant that as a date, right?” Jimin had gotten up from his seat, panicked and jumpy.
“Why did you lie to him about coming here early?”
He scoffed at her attempt to change the subject.
“Because I wanted to talk to you alone, about all this. Would you rather I brought him along?” His voice was loud.
“What more is there to say? You’ve already told me you were okay with it!”
Jimin dropped all of his defenses at that. Because it was true. Why wouldn’t he be? Taehyung was maybe the only guy he could trust with Y/N. So he wasn’t really worried. What was the name of the feeling sitting heavily on his chest, then? He didn’t know.
“I know.” he said in a low voice that sounded like a whisper and sat back down on the couch. “And I want you to feel- I dunno.. happy. I see how you smile at him, too.” He was more mumbling than talking. Because it was hard saying all this, for reasons he didn’t understand. “You know I love your smile.”
Y/N blushed out of nowhere at his last comment. And the upset state of him softened her so she went over to him. Jimin continued:
“I just, I guess I don’t like sharing your smile.. or you.”
Y/N brought her hand on his chin to pull his head up and make him look at her.
“Chim Chim.. you’re worried about nothing.”
He tried to avert his gaze once more but Y/N held it in place.
“Hey, I mean it. Because it’s not even a big deal as you make it out to be and even if it was.. I already promised you, didn’t I?”
Jimin wanted to be relieved. And he pretended to be in that moment and said goodnight shortly after. But as he strolled outside in the cold he felt like there was more he wanted to say to her. He silently promised he would, as soon as he figures it out himself.
Author’s note: Hello:) That was long, sorry. I just can’t stop writing this one. Thank you so so much if you bared with me and read it, I hope you liked it. I’ve got more intense stuff planned for the story so this will have at least one more part for sure. What do you guys think? Who should Y/N end up with?
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study-psych · 5 years
Studyblr Tag Game
I was tagged by @jacobinstudies :D Thank you~!!
Nickname: Ray
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Virgo 
Height: 4 ft. 10 in. 
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Harry Potter House: Slytherin!!
Blanket Count: one (usually) and two in winter 
Origin: California, USA
Dream Vacation: Bora Bora 
Blog Birthday: January, 2019 (I think?)
Blog Purpose: I really need to focus and study hard! I want to become a better person. I made this blog to remember what kind of person I want to become and to remind me of my dreams.  
Tagging @gloomstudy @diaryofastemstudent @korastudies @vestiblr @isthsnametakenyet @studyquill @studyign and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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wheelerbitch · 6 years
1. 6. 9. 11. 12. 22. 26. 30. 32. 33. 38. 39. 44. 45. 47. 55. 59. 60. 64. 75. 78. 91. 113. 122. 127. 138. 140. 142. 145. 148. Have fun bitch ;) 😘
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
one of my co workers at work
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
funny, mature, smart, good-looking
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
not at all
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
“you sure??”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
* rockstar - post malone ft. 21 savage* pray for me - the weeknd & kendrick lamar* havana - camila cabello* finesse - bruno mars ft. cardi b* gods plan - drake
22. Where would you like to travel?
to europe, specifically england and the netherlands, and also australia and bora bora 
26. What do you do when you wake up?
go to the bathroom and then wash my face & brush my teeth
30. Do you ever want to get married?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
two guys: chadwick boseman & michael b jordantwo girls: jennifer aniston & blake lively
33. Spell your name with your chin.
cyhelse4a (damn this was pretty good)
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
just someone who is really funny, but still mature. someone who is loyal to me and loves me, someone who is smart and sophisticated and someone who i’m physically attracted to. good style/dresser & good hair is important to me too��
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
american eagle, forever 21, urban outfitters, topshop, dynamite
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
outer space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
the fact that i work almost everyday.. i’ll say work lol
47. Have you ever been high?
lmfao all the time
55. Favourite blog?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
i haven’t eaten yet
60. Ever won a competition? For what? 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
technically in kindergarten, i was pushed onto this boy and we kissed lmao but if that doesn’t count in grade 8 during truth or dare at a bday party
75. Favourite animal? 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
anything chocolatey!
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
not really
113. What was your childhood nickname?
122. Is cheating ever okay?
127. What makes you happy?
my family, my dog, my friends, my blog & tumblr friends :)
138. Curly or Straight hair?
140. Summer or Winter?
142. Favourite month?
may & october
145. Tea or Coffee?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“feed your dreams, & starve your fears”
thanks bittttchhhh!!!!!!!!
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beth-is-trash · 7 years
Get To Know Me
1. What’s your first name? Bethany
2. What are you listening to right now? Palette by IU ft G-Dragon
3. What was the last thing you ate? 3 Haribo Strawbs 
4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My Mother
5. Do you drink? Occasionally
6. Do you smoke? Never.  
7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? Shoes and smile
8. What is your hair color? Right now it’s blue and purple, but is naturally a dark ashy brown
9. What is your eye color? Green
10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? Contacts
11. Dogs or cats?  cats
12. What’s your favorite animal? wolves
13. What’s your favorite television show? Right now, it’s probably How To Get Away With Murder, but The Mighty Boost is always a good fall back if I want something mindless/background noise
14. What’s your favorite movie? The Nightmare Before Christmas
15. What’s your favorite band/singer? Dude so many, but anytime I hear Jin’s voice it kills me and I am so proud of him
16. How old are you?  21 (fuck I’m old)
17. Do you have a crush on anyone? Does Jin count? Because it’s been him for the last four years
18. What’s your sexual orientation? Pan
19. What’s your favorite color? Any shade of blue and pastel pinks/purples
20. What was your most embarrassing moment? my entire existence.
21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? I wish I was a better version of myself, because even though I really don’t like myself I don’t know how to be anyone else
22. What were you like when you were a kid? Definitely more outgoing and trusting than I am now, but life changes people
23. What would your dream house be like? Somewhere with lots of natural light and clean, open space, and a really big kitchen
24. What last made you laugh? that ‘onionhasheyo’ post
25. What is your favorite word? hmmmmm... cosy?
26. What is your least favorite word? crusty, when not used in relation to bread
27. What turns you on? Playfulness, affection, good manners  (is that weird?)
28. What turns you off? being patronised, someone assuming that I owe them anything, demanding respect and not earning it
29. What is your star sign? Capricorn
30. What are your favorite books? Anything by Derek Landy, he’s a YA author, but is so sarcastic and actually knows how to write dialogue the way people speak. I highly recommend that you look him up!
31. Do you have any siblings? One older sister
32. Do you like to dance? YES! I’m great at choreoghraped dances but don’t really freestyle (i get super anxious and I’me really self-conscious)
33. What is your definition of cheating? Flirting or texting with intent (sexting, suggestive text, exchanging pictures) and anything physical
34. Have you ever cheated on someone? No. I know how heart-breaking it is to be cheated on. If I lost interest in the relationship or needed time or to get out, I’d just confront it head on. But when I want to date someone, it’s because I can see myself in a long relationship with them.
35. Do you regret anything? so many things, mainly allowing myself to be pushed around by my family.
36. Do you have any phobias? spiders. and death. mostly dying alone. (thanks, psychology teacher)
37. Ever broken any bones? wrist, knuckles, a toe. possibly my nose ( I was really young for that one)
38. Ever come close to death? yes.
39. What is your religion, if any? I float around the Greek system
40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? Not really, but I probably should.
41. Are looks important in a relationship? I’d say initially, yes. Because that’s usually how you become interested in a person, right? But when I get to know more about a person is when I fall in love.
42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? My mother, although I’d rather be like neither of them.
43. What is your favorite season? WINTER
44. Do you have any tattoos? 4
45. Do you have any piercings? ears and nose
46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? any that I consider serious/lasted longer than 3 weeks? 0 (see question 54 for why none have lasted past that mark)
47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? yup
48. Who is your celebrity crush? Kim Seokjin, Kim Hyoyeon, Lili Reinhart
49. Are you a virgin? No
50. Do you get jealous easily? I try not to be, but abandonment issues, so...
51. What is your favorite type of food? Frozen fruit 52. Do you ever want to get married? I think I’d like to, but it all depends on meeting the right person
53. Who was your first kiss with? some guy in primary school
54. Have you ever been cheated on? yes
55. What is your idea of the perfect date? picnics, fairgrounds, takeout in blanket forts watching movies
56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? ambivert
57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? yes
58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? I’d like to be able to sing well.
59. What is your saddest memory? My grandmother dying, she was the person I wast closest to in my family and one of two people who ever supported me. I was 8.
60. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
61. Do you believe in soul mates? I’d like to
62. Have you ever dyed your hair? I’ve been dying my hair since I was 13
63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Yeah, several from several people.
64. Would you go against your moral code for money? Let’s be realistic, it depends on the issue at hand and the money being offered. I’m human, after all.
65. What are three things most people don’t know about you?
I mean, there are two people who know about this, but I have an eating disorder
I’m terrified of failure and of falling in love, because I don’t believe that anyone would even look my way
I’m on the verge of a breakdown 98% of the time.
66. Who are you jealous of? anyone with confidence. examples: @questionable-mash and @angelfacehobi
67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? no
68. How long was your longest relationship? three weeks
69. Is the glass half empty or half full? half empty, because over time the contents diminishes.
70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Honestly I have no fucking clue.
71. Who are your closest friends? @angelfacehobi, @questionable-mash, @worthyourweightinfanfiction and my friend who lives in Busan
72. Are you in a relationship? No
73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? N/A
74. Are you a bad person? I’d like to say no, but I probably am
75. Are you a lover or a fighter? 70/30 l/f
76. What did you do on your last birthday? Had absinthe cocktails and tequila shots then went to work
77. What is your favorite quote and why? Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
78. If your best friend died, what would you do? clear their search history
79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? I would have told my family to fuck off when they bullied me into making decisions that fucked my life up.
80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? eat
81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? I’ve had this nightmare since I was a child that I’m running through this flat expanse of land that is filled with bridges and I’m being chased by a monster that turns into the material of each bridge it runs under to catch me.  And there was this one time I had a dream that some guy I knew sacrificed me to a horde of zombies for a happy meal on the steps of a tower in a decaying castle.
82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? Probably in a relationship, if I had a decent one.
83. Who were you in a past life? no clue
84. What is your happiest childhood memory? cooking with my grandmother, and my dance classes
85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? yeah
86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? yep
87. If you were the president, what would you do? hand power to someone better suited for it and who had ideals I agreed with
88. What is your ideal career? author
89. What is your political affiliation? left
90. Are you conservative or liberal? liberal
91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection? every body that I’m attracted to, this is all subjective
92. Do you like kissing in public? depends on the length of the relationship and the level of said kissing
93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? one thing? make abortion legal everywhere.
94. Where would you like to live? Korea and I have plans.
95. Where would you go on your dream vacation? Korea, Japan, Bora Bora and I’d definitely go back to Crete!
96. Describe yourself in one word. wrong.
97. Describe yourself in one sentence. I may not look like it, but I feel very deeply.
Tagging @gigglyoongi, @starwburrycutiepie and @mymisstina ~ let’s get to know each other  better
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limeandfreesias · 8 years
The lovely @gendryatrash tagged me in this (I love it when people tag me in stuff! I may take forever to answer but I love it) so let’s start 2017 talking a bit about myself
 Gender: Female
Star Sign: Scorpio, and I fit every description and trait very accurately
Height: 5,15 ft
Sexual Orientation: het
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Pride!
Favourite Colour: black, red and maroon
Favourite Animal: dogs, wolves and horses! 
Average Hours of Sleep: let’s not open that door…. An average of 4 hours on weekdays when I have classes. I know I know it’s bad
Cat or Dog Person: Dogs own my heart
Favorite Fictional Characters: this is the question that always takes me the most to answer. I have a thousand faves, I’ll probably forget so many and feel awful. Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing, Ron Weasley, Arya Stark, Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Chandler Bing, Lorelai Gilmore, Amy Brookheimer, Dan Egan, Mike McClintock , Gary Walsh and Selina Meyer from Veep ( I love all of them I can’t help it), Kathleen Kelly from You’ve Got Mail, Jake Peralta from Brooklyn 99 ….
Number of Blankets I Sleep With:  one at the moment because it’s crazy hot here. A bunch in winter
Favourite Singer/Band: gosh another hard one. Queen, Led Zeppelin, The rolling Stones, The Beatles and Fleetwood Mac are the ones I can listen to non-stop (they are classics, I’m sory). I’m currently obsessed with Bastille it’s seriously embarrassing. I love Lorde, Florence and The Machine, Mumford and Sons, Maroon 5, The Kooks. Barbra Streisand and Carole King own my heart since I was a child. I could go on and on
Dream Trip: It’s New York. I have so many other dream places to go to that I haven’t been yet (All of Europe! India! Bora-Bora! Mexico!) but NYC is my soulmate and I’m flying there next week for the fourth year in a row and could never get tired of that city
Dream Job: journalist (dream place: The New Yorker). But my real dream job would be to become a writer in the style of Nora Ephron 
When was this blog made? February 2013
Number of Followers: 329
What made you decide to create this blog? I think I used to stalk tumblr to search for my fandoms (I think I started with harry potter and hart of dixie and Suits) and then created it to have a place to vent on my obsessions and I really got into it when I started watching the mindy project and was part of a great active fandom
Tagging: @gendryxaryatrash, @philosoph-ie, @overanalyzingtelevision, @mygiu and anyone who wants to start the year answering these!
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joey-madani · 2 days
👄 + bo!
"What's there to talk about?
The fact that he's a conniving, lying bastard?
How any promise he makes means nothing?
Or about how he's a sadistic asshole for liking to sit at my bar, reminding me what a big shot he is for stealing my dream? Because yeah, I don't think it's far off the mark thinking he loves looking me in the face when he asks me to pour him a whiskey."
And she has to, when she's at the Golden Hour Lounge. It's her job. If Joey had it her way, she'd throw the glass (and handle) right at his face.
"And the worst part about it all is that I can't hate him. I hate what he did, I get angry when I see him, but I miss everything from before. When I thought we were going to make a good team and build Oasis into something great."
She scoffs.
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"Clearly, he decided he didn't need my help, or just that he wanted to royally screw me."
Truthfully? He didn't, but Joey stands by that it doesn't excuse anything. She would never justify it.
"I can be something without him. I don't need his help, and then I don't have to look at his stupid smug face from behind a bar ever again."
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joey-madani · 2 months
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be?
"Only one thing? God, I talk about him so much, and I'm trying so hard to not let him live in my head this year, but I can't help it when it comes to that asshole. I wouldn't have made that agreement with Bo. I would've played my own cards to get Oasis instead of agreeing and planning on a co-ownership. Everything would've turned out so differently after that."
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joey-madani · 5 months
If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
"Is murder off bounds? Because there's someone I would like to take down with me. I'd make that my last to-do."
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joey-madani · 5 months
14. someone whose choices have drastically impacted their life
"Well, I wonder who that might be. What dickhead sent my life on a downhill spiral? Who falls in that category in my life? I wonder, hmm?"
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joey-madani · 3 months
😠 - what is something or someone your muse has ever hated or hates
"I hate listening to people chew. Not just open-mouthed chewing, but if a room is too quiet when you're eating a meal with someone, sometimes you can hear it.
I also hate what Bo did to me. I want to hate him directly, I will always tell him when I see him or anyone who mentions him that I do, but there's this small part of me that is just hurt about it. I try to squash it out, the asshole doesn't deserve anything but my resentment, and I don't care if that means I've lost or I'm weak-willed. No matter what, the grudge is still there."
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joey-madani · 6 months
☎️ + bo
send ☎️ and i will tell you:
what my muse has for your muse’s contact info:
Lucifer (don't answer)
what their ringtone is:
That blaring alarm on iPhones 🚨 
the last text they sent your muse:
joey 📲 next time you show your face at the lounge, you're leaving in a body bag
what image my muse has for your muse in their phone:
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joey-madani · 1 month
👻 GHOST — is there someone or something that you feel is missing from your life? do you know if there's any way to find it/them?
“Not someone. I can’t sit here wishing and wanting what I used to have with Scott, for example. I don’t miss my family, and I wish Bo would go missing, Unsolved Mysteries missing, so I don’t have to look at his smug face anymore.
What I do want is something I’ve worked for. Success. In something more than bartending. Using my degree to be what I wanted to be with no one to stop me, so I can prove, mostly to myself, I’m more than what my parents tried to lay out for me.”
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