#ft. alecto
sybillctrelawney · 11 months
during her sixth year when sybill was using her gift on any student who asked, she felt shame. she walked with her head held low both in an attempt to clear it but also out of disappointment in herself. in a moment when she looked up she ran into alecto before going into potions and saw something. she stammered and ran into the classroom, never letting alecto know what she had seen -- about amycus.
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dahliaxxgreengrass · 9 months
where: entrance to the great hall. who: alecto; @alecctoccarrow.
Dahlia and Alecto walked into the Great Hall arm in arm as sisters. Dahlia was beaming in her black, form-fitting dress. Being accompanied by Alecto was a privilege, one Dahlia took seriously. Though she would be lying if she didn't say she was full of girlish glee on the inside. She couldn't stop smiling or feeling like the luckiest person in the room.
As they stood in the entrance, Dahlia looked over at Alecto and asked, "Are you ready for this evening?" With a smile gracing her pale face, she answered her own question. "I can't wait."
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deirdresart · 2 years
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Alectamene early days where Aiglamene is Anastasia and something’s wrong with her but she’s God’s creation and so and so...
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theriverbeyond · 7 months
just woke up from a nightmare that I had gotten an early access copy of Alecto the Ninth, it was 6,833 pages long held together with zip ties and divided into 3 main sections:
the first section was arranged in an extremely long 5 act in-universe bible (1: Bones 2: Heuristics 3: Incrjdhshs (dream giberish) 4: Zryryryeie (more dream gibberish) 5: Appocalypse) with no relation to any of the existing named characters (including John) and included several in-universe calenders, stories about statues with teeth, moral exercises ft the vague frameworks of the TLT universe, and a forward from the author every 100 pages or so justifying this experimental take with each one more incomprehensible than the last.
the second section was extremely short (<200 pages) and was 1 act long called something like "Alectectaliakis" or some other dream giberish and was written from the perspective of Alecto about eating Harrow (??????????)
the third and final section was again extremely long about Gideon/Kiriona being very dead and living in some sort of recognizably-modern city pining about Harrow (who was as described earlier eaten by Alecto, but it's unsure if Kiriona knew about that specifically) and being very depressed but in the middle it devolved into a portfolio of fan art, sort of like those anime art books but all the art had been submitted by fans and none of it had any recognizable relation to actual events or characters of any of the books
Anyway in the dream I was sitting on the couch reading it surrounded by my friends and mutuals and we were all discussing how deeply incomprehensible and confusing these creative choices were but generally appreciative of Tamsyn Muir for taking a big swing. send post.
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Describing Alecto as inspired by Hollywood Hair Barbie is on the one hand objectively a genius choice and hilarious but it also undeniably did irreparable damage to the fuck up looking Alecto economy, I need more depictions of her looking like the frozen corpse that she is STOP yassifying my 8 ft tall rage filled lip biter!!!!
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softfocusgremlins · 6 months
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Truly hope Alecto the ninth picks up directly after this.
Ft. Ianthe as a drowned cat.
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catcas22 · 1 year
Height Headcanons
Made a chart with my approximate height headcanons for Prince of Death. Seeing it all laid out was... eye-opening.
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liesmyth · 10 months
has something from a tlt fic ever become headcanon to you? i ask because i find this happening to me all the damn time with this fandom but not others
OK SO, my tlt headcanons are like schrodinger's cat, they explicitly contradict each other sometimes and all of them exist at the same time in different quantum states of canon. So in that sense I've never read a fic and thought, okay, THIS is my canon from now on.
But I've read so so many fics that burst my third eye wide open and made me consider different perspectives on a character / dynamic, or helped me shape some I already had. A few favourites:
the soul that seeketh him by bittybelle — missing scene pre NtN ft. John and Kiriona. Wherein John Gaius meets his daughter, remembers the women he left behind, and deals poorly with being the male god of a universe in which the divine is essentially feminine.
AO3 user LesbianJesusLovesYou gave me Big Feelings about Gideon's childhood on the Ninth and her relationship with Harrow, Aiglamene, Ortus and Crux
believing in everything (and knowing nothing at all) — A series of childhood memories from the Ninth
when i call, will you come to me? — “My Lady,” Ortus wheezed, shifting uncomfortably. “I only thought you should know… Gideon Nav was flogged before the congregation.”
A few fics set right after NtN that really stayed with me:
never hear the sound of someone calling me home by @corpsesoldier — Kiriona Gaia returns to the House of the Ninth.
One More Son by captainpeggy — After Nona, Pyrrha Dve walks the Ninth.
two old broads split a cigarette by @forjodssake — Aiglamene/Pyrrha. “sometimes the girl you like becomes one person w her soulmate and you have to jack off about it”
Post HtN missing scenes:
Death in its season by @ancientannoyance — John holds Mercymorn's 24 minutes funeral
recognize them by their fruits by @ceruleanvulpine — John and Ianthe emerge out of the River
Other stuff that Stuck With Me
so I open the window to hear sounds of people by @sunderedstar — post NtN flashbacks. John and Alecto are the only two beings on earth, and he starts working on the Resurrection. This is harrowing and I'm absolutely obsessed with the implications in this fic of WHY John removed everyone's memory.
and they were roommates by @herenortherenearnorfar — pre Resurrection Mercy and Cristabel, from their first meeting onwards and it just really burrowed a hole in my brain and grew roots and sprouts and everything. Latin American nun Cristabel it's all I can see now, and YES they met working with climate refugees when M— was a bright eyed idealistic doctor. It also lines up great with the Asian Mercy headcanon that exist in my head (I have a whole elaborate backstory about M— aged 12 proclaiming to her Filipino Catholic family that she's an atheist now). Anyway, it's just a lovely, gorgeous fic. I think about it every day.
John 25:12 by @halfeatenmoon — pre-Resurrection, John and his friends escape the cow fortress to spend Christmas Day at the beach. With beer, salads, pavlova, and the corpses of a million fish killed by nuclear weapons testing. Ft. Southern hemisphere holidays in Mururoa Atol and 100% canon. To me.
Operation: The Most Honorable Man by @cadmean — Augustine has a proposal for the Saint of Duty (Dios Apate. That's the proposal)
lowkey cheating but I can't choose — absolutely anything AO3 user Raxheim has posted has been SOO up my alley. Every time I read one of their fics I feel like I'm enlightened by some never-before-considered detail. And mean ANYTHING, from Harrow Nova to Wake to Cytherea and the Lyctors to the Universe's #1 Sadgirl Gideon
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mercyisms · 2 years
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hello anon and apologies for promptly dropping off of the face of the earth after promising to reply to this. in the interest of trying to be useful, i'm going to dash something off-the-cuff, but i hope it helps! i think this idea is already routinely demonstrable in the text, but tamsyn muir was also kind enough to explicitly spell some of this out in this lovely interview: "That said, the God of the Locked Tomb IS a man; he IS the Father and the Teacher; it’s an inherently masc role played by someone who has an uneasy relationship himself to playing a Biblical patriarch. John falls back on hierarchies and roles because they’re familiar even when he’s struggling not to." one of the ways this is dramatized in the text is, y'know, john shoving some of the earth's soul into a barbie. pygmalion the earth into perhaps the most iconic form of white femininity. it's a move that may be complicated by details such as a) john's indigeneity and b) the queerness implicated in john preferring barbie to any of his more 'masculine' toys, but there's a lot to interrogate here on how john's proximity to systemic oppression (across various lines) is retained and the ways in which they're replicated despite his intentions, or the ways they come through even when certain axes of oppression (gender, race) operate differently in the nine houses than on contemporary earth, or what john prioritizes above altering these systems. so on one hand, thinking about john's affinity to tall blondes might lead you there. however, because the 6ft tall blonde is not just alecto but is, in fact, an enduring role, now you can open up some more questions. for me, these questions might look like: what is the relationship between this role and john and john's empire?
the 6 ft tall blonde is always john's bodyguard. that's another key point of comparison. we may consider: when the bodyguard is alecto, she is stylized as a (to really simplify it) romantic counterpart in some ways; she is a caretaker (i'm quite sure there's a line in ntn about how john is unable to sleep unless alecto strokes the bridge of his nose or similar; possibly the only one granted access into the fact that john is afraid); she, based on what we have to go off of, trusting of and ultimately deferential to john's judgment prior to entombment. she is also stylized as a highly, and traditionally, feminine person (see: barbie), though alecto is repulsed by and in conflict with her body and gender presentation. and then you might consider augustine. at the urging of his lyctors, john entombs alecto. john identifies augustine as one of the lyctors most repulsed by and mistrusting of alecto. in her vacancy, the lyctors come into their roles as the emperor's fingers, and augustine, first saint, takes up a particularly key role. we might also note that augustine is staked out by the text as deeply gender ambiguous (g1deon and mercy, among others, are gendered without hesitation. the narration questions augustine's gender), but frequently pivots on misogyny. certainly, he accuses mercymorn of trying to become A.L. bodyguard 2.0 but in a way that a) suggests she is failing and b) while mercymorn and M-- both function as guardians and protecting figures to John, both come to the table with a different texture. augustine (exchanging 'your mom' jokes, etc., with john pre- dios apate minor) and A-- (thinking especially of how john remembers only A-- calling his new eyes 'cool') is also fulfilling a role for john that his other (remaining) lyctors are not. humanizing confidante, perhaps. he is not only a thousand year old friend but a caretaker for a slightly more fallible and human john. augustine also reaches a point where he can no longer support john. where john-as-emperor and the goals and demands of his empire diverge from what augustine sees as morally defensible. and so he's replaced. augustine and john wrestle. they reach an equal impasse. and ianthe -- rather than save her mentor and overthrow god -- chooses to sacrifice augustine and take up his place. of course, kiriona is also present and given some nicer titles, but by the end of nona (see: the tower besties little fight before the tomb is opened) we understand gideon is being used by john, while ianthe is the bodyguard proper, choosing what information to feed back to john (NO new updates on his duplicitous sluts, thanks!) and working very hard to keep john separate from alecto, in order to keep mr. gaius in a state that benefits ianthe and ianthe's goals. ianthe also has some wild and fucky (complimentary) gender shit that may also be fun to track. also, notably, ianthe is not of particular interest to john, who vastly prefers harrowhark. the strain of desire is possibly broken. so we don't just have, you know, a very fun enduring bit of the 6 ft blonde bodyguard, but we also have an interesting progression. we can see how this role evolves. john shaped alecto in one way, and had to set her aside. augustine allowed himself to be shaped by and used by john, up until a point. ianthe is the consequences of john's empires and the decisions or neglect that coalesced into the nine houses' politics and hierarchies, but we've reached a point where john is now (wittingly and unwittingly) in conflict with these hierarchies. the 6 ft tall blonde is not only a signal that certain hierarchies, roles, and systems persist in john's empire, but i think you could compellingly map out ianthe is the logical conclusion of said systems & that provides a really interesting context to read her actions & plots, both in conversation with alecto (and her shifting position) and augustine, but also with john. (and the 'rebrand' john is engaging in during nona, as he moves away from the neo-roman lyctors to tower princes & a flirtation with greater indigenous stylings, ex. 'kiriona' over 'gideon'.) anyway! i hope some of this helped. i know i'm not necessarily spelling out the entirety of my personal reading here, but i hope i've laid out some of the pertinent points of analyses and also some of the 'work' (points of comparison or characterization, etc.) that i think is happening wrt to our tall, tall blondes.
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declanscunt · 2 years
“humanity touched him briefly, like a passing shadow” — harrow the ninth
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nona/alecto & john gaius — forsaken humanity
ghost in the machine (sza ft. phoebe bridgers) + nona the ninth (tamsyn muir)
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Hey Kids—Reading is Fun!
Dear Readers,
Your mods (@femme--de--lettres and @greyeyedmonster-18) are beside themselves with how many of you have participated in Cruel Summer Fic Fest: The Eras Tour this year.
From full novel-length fics to poetry, from microfics to multi-chaptered works and everything in between, we've been blown away—enchanted, even—by this year's submissions. This fest started as a labor of love for both of us as avid Swifties and HP fic authors and we couldn't have imagined in our wildest dreams the way you've embraced it with open arms.
With that said, we're pleased to offer the below list of this year's love stories. Due to tumblr restrictions on tagging, we weren't able to tag all of the individual author tumblr accounts (something something look what you made us do something something) so we've tried to link to ao3 as much as possible, but if you like a fic—check out that author's ao3! We've tried to connect you as directly to the mainstream of what each author writes in that respect, so if you happen to find a new fave, you can show them more love on the rest of their works!
To make a long story short, the majority of these works can be found in the Cruel Summer Fic Fest: The Eras Tour collection on ao3—with a catalogue of over 100 works, there's something for everybody, and we hope you'll take a peek at this year's truly incredible works.
We've had the time of our life fighting dragons with you, but sometimes, you know in your soul when it's time to go.
Thanks for making this cruel summer another one for the books.
Until Next Time,
Your Mods (Grey and Andie)
Cruel Summer Fic Fest: The Eras Tour
(all fics are followed by the character, relationship, or pairing that each work focused on. for the purposes of our list, both "x" and "/" indicate some level of romantic relationship, while "&" entails a platonic or otherwise friendly one)
Era One (Debut/Midnights)
Stay Beautiful (Regulus x James)
Sweet Nothing (Ted Tonks x Andromeda Black)
Midnight Rain (Sirius x Remus)
A Perfectly Good Heart (Harry/Fred/George)
Bigger Than the Whole Sky (Lavender x Pansy)
Anti-Hero (Sirius x Remus)
Tim McGraw (James x Lily)
Invisible  (Harry x Ginny)
Should've Said No (Ron x Hermione)
Dear Reader (Draco x Astoria, Part 1 of 6)
Glitch (Bellatrix Black x Voldemort)
The Outside (Ron x Hermione)
Bejeweled (Ron x Hermione)
Maroon  (Ron x Hermione)
Teardrops on My Guitar (Ron x Hermione)
Mastermind (Ron x Hermione)
Era Two (1989/Evermore)
Wonderland (Snape x Trelawney)
Dorothea (Sirius x Remus)
New Romantics (Regulus x Lily)
You Are In Love (James x Lily)
Wildest Dreams (Sirius x James)
Long Story Short (Draco x Harry)
This Love  (Pandora x Lily)
All You Had to Do Was Stay (Hermione x Pansy)
Shake It Off (Draco x Harry)
I Wish You Would (James x Lily)
Blank Space   (Ron x Hermione)
I Know Places (Draco x Hermione)
Gold Rush (Ron x Hermione)
Welcome to New York  (Sirius x Remus)
Style (Bellatrix x Voldemort)
Happiness (Narcissa Black x Emmeline Vance)
Tis the Damn Season (Harry x Bill Weasley)
It's Time to Go (Teddy x Victoire)
Cowboy Like Me (Astoria x Hermione)
Champagne Problems (Draco x Astoria, Part 2 of 6)
Era Three (Red/Lover)
The Moment I Knew (Ron x Hermione)
You Need to Calm Down  (Draco x Harry)
Sad Beautiful Tragic  (Draco x Astoria)
Nothing New (ft. Phoebe Bridgers) (Ron x Hermione)
All of the Girls You Loved Before (Sirius x Remus)
State of Grace (James x Lily)
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince Draco x Astoria, Part 3 of 6)
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Harry x Tom Riddle) 
The Last Time (ft. Gary Lightbody) (Ron x Hermione)
All Too Well (Ron x Hermione)
The Archer  (Pandora Lovegood x Lily Evans)
Babe  (Ron x Hermione)
Run (ft. Ed Sheeran) (Narcissa x Lily)
Cornelia Street (Percy Weasley x Oliver Wood)
Everything Has Changed (ft. Ed Sheeran) (Sirius x Remus)
The Very First Night (Ron x Hermione)
Girl at Home (Alecto Carrow x Narcissa Black)
Forever Winter (Draco x Astoria)
Afterglow (Ron x Hermione)
Holy Ground (Romione)
Stay Stay Stay (Blaise Zabini x Daphne Greengrass)
False God (Bellatrix x Voldemort)
Era Four (Fearless/Reputation)
Come in With the Rain (Ginny & Hermione)
Look What You Made Me Do (Ron x Hermione)
That's When (ft. Keith Urban) (James x Lily)
Fifteen (James x Lily)
Tell Me Why (Harry x Charlie Weasley)
The Best Day (Percy x Oliver Wood)
Call It What You Want (Ron x Hermione)
You Belong With Me (Ron x Hermione)
Untouchable (Narcissa x Lily)
Change (Ron x Hermione)
Superstar (Draco x Hermione)
Forever and Always (Piano Version) (Draco x Astoria)
King of My Heart (Ron x Hermione)
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (James x Lily)
Fearless (Ron x Hermione)
The Way I Loved You (James x Lily)
Gorgeous (Ron x Hermione)
Bye Bye Baby (Ron x Hermione)
White Horse  (James x Lily) 
…Ready for It? (Blaise Zabini x Daphne Greengrass)
Don’t You (Ron x Hermione)
I Did Something Bad (Draco x Astoria, Part 4 of 6)
The Other Side of the Door (Sirius x Remus)
Era Five (Speak Now/Folklore)
Haunted (Bellatrix x Lily)
Enchanted (Ron x Hermione)
Innocent (Draco & Narcissa Malfoy) 
Back to December (Ron x Hermione)
The 1 (Ron x Hermione)
Exile (ft Bon Iver) (Ron x Hermione)
Mad Woman (Draco x Harry)
Invisible String (Sirius x Remus)
Cardigan (Ron x Hermione)
Epiphany (Padma Patil x Theodore Nott)
Mirrorball (Draco x Harry)
Mine (Harry/Fred/George)
Mean (Ron x Hermione)
This Is Me Trying (Marcus Flint x Percy Weasley)
Timeless (Ron x Hermione)
My Tears Ricochet (Ron x Hermione)
Seven (Sirius x Remus)
I Can See You (Sirius x Remus)
Foolish One (Angelina Johnson x George Weasley)
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Between the text of the first three Locked Tomb books themselves, the back matter in Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth, and a few interviews, I think that Tamsyn Muir has provided us with enough information to semi-confidently predict at least one major plot element in Alecto the Ninth. It has to do with Harrow, the Resurrection, and what’s beyond or underneath the stoma.
In the Gideon the Ninth back matter Tamsyn says that Harrow is “named very specifically for the harrowing of Hell” (GtN p. 468 in the paperback). The harrowing of Hell is an event in the traditional Christian theology of Jesus’ death and resurrection where He descends into hell and brings salvation to righteous people who died before His time. As Kate Mary Warren’s “Harrowing of Hell” article in the Catholic Encyclopedia of 1907-1912 puts it:
This is the Old English and Middle English term for the triumphant descent of Christ into hell (or Hades) between the time of His Crucifixion and His Resurrection, when, according to Christian belief, He brought salvation to the souls held captive there since the beginning of the world. According to the "New English Dictionary" the word Harrowing in the above connection first occurs in Ælfric's homilies, about A.D. 1000; but, long before this, the descent into hell had been related in the Old English poems connected with the names of Cædmon and Cynewulf. Writers of Old English prose homilies and lives of saints continually employ the subject, but it is in medieval English literature that it is most fully found, both in prose and verse, and particularly in the drama.
The Biblical citation for this is I Peter 4:6, which describes Christ preaching “even to the dead.” Historically the way this was understood was that people before Christ who had died without “deserving” hell but for whom Jesus Himself hadn’t died yet went to a morally and hedonically neutral underworld space like we see in Ancient Greek religion. It was this particular space in hell that was harrowed. More recently the view has been advanced that He just emptied the place and gave out salvation like Oprah giving out cars, and there is some early evidence for this understanding too (Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom; I Corinthians 15). In the interview that Tamsyn did on the Nona the Ninth release day, she tells us bluntly that “Harrowhark is in Hell”.
So that establishes--in my opinion--that Harrow is, is or is going to go, beyond the stoma and release someone, or something, trapped there. One might think based on what we’ve seen of the stoma so far that this would be a very bad thing. “[W[here the things are that eat us,” as Ianthe puts it (GtN p. 382), seems like an awful place filled with awful people, or beings--the thing that possesses Colum in the climax of Gideon the Ninth, the horrifying-looking stoma itself, and of course the devils that the Empire is fighting on Antioch and that have made it to the Ninth House by the end of Nona the Ninth.
But hell is by definition a weird and horrible place with weird and horrible things in it. What if, in the case of at least some of the “things that eat us,” that isn’t their fault, and isn’t how it’s meant to be?
I’m indebted to my IRL best friend and Locked Tomb pusher @mayasaura for pulling these quotes and page numbers for me, as well as realizing a certain numerical discrepancy in the first place:
Twice in the first two books, “ten billion” is given as a figure of people being “avenged” by Blood of Eden (and a certain evil cougar well-known to us all). Cytherea declares herself the “vengeance of the ten billion” on GtN p. 405. Wake gives the same figure on HtN p. 465. Yet suddenly in Nona we get a figure of eleven billion as the capacity for Jod and the OG Lyctors’ cryo ships (p. 13), and ten billion as the figure that The Trillionaires “le[ft]....behind to die, having stolen financing and support and materials” (p. 395). There are a few possibilities here: either The Trillionaires took a billion people with them in their own fleet, Jod is very bad at math for a scientific and medical genius, or the eleven billion capacity for the cryo fleet was supposed to give extra room just to be safe (this is what I think is likeliest). Either way there’s a slight ambiguity about the pre-Resurrection population of the Solar System in general, which, when I noticed it, got me thinking about the other big ambiguity with population figures in these books: the fact that the Nine Houses ten thousand years in the future do not have a population in the high ten digits or even close to it; even the mid-sized individual Houses only have a few million people each (NtN p. 30; the Seventh and Eighth Houses sum to nine million), and the total population is maybe a hundred million at the very most.
So where is everybody?
Jod did not resurrect everybody who lived in the Solar System when he and Alecto “went full fucking Hungry Caterpillar” (NtN p. 409). We know this for a fact; this is where the neo-Niners came from when he fulfilled his promise to Harrow to repopulate her House (HtN p. 35-36). As Jod puts it, “I set many aside, for safety.” Whose safety from whom?
Here’s Jod describing what’s beyond the River in Harrow the Ninth (p. 340-341):
"A genuinely chaotic space--chaos in the meaning of the abyss as well as unfathomable...located at the bottom of the River. The Riverbed is studded with mouths that open at proximity of Resurrection Beasts, and no ghosts venture deeper than the bathyrhoic layer. Anyone who has entered a stoma has never returned. It is a portal to the place I cannot touch--somewhere I don't fully comprehend, where my power and my authority are utterly meaningless. You'll find very few ghosts sink as far as the barathron. If I believed in sin, I would say they died weighted down with sin, placing them nearer the trash space. That's what we've been using it for, in any case. That's where we put the Resurrection Beasts. The rubbish bin...with all the other dross."
Note the deeply dehumanizing and condemnatory language. Rubbish, dross, trash. “Very few ghosts” are down there, supposedly--but do we really think John Gaius would do that? Just pontificate to his Lyctors and tell lies? Lies about the number of pre-Resurrection people whom he’s hated and dehumanized for ten thousand years, the proportion of the human race that for whatever reason he thought couldn't or shouldn't hack it in his brave new thanergy-powered world?
I do. And I came away from Nona the Ninth with a more sympathetic view of his original intentions than did most of the fandom!
I think that at least some of what's on the other side of the stoma is, or are, the souls of the people Jod in his infinite wisdom decided not to resurrect. The world below the bed of the River is directly associated with hell both in the text of the series and in interviews with Tamsyn, and furthermore I think that Harrowhark is going to replicate her namesake's "triumphant descent” and free at least some of these souls, who are in turn at least as likely--probably likelier--to wreck up Jod and impose real consequences on him as Alecto is. I think that this fits the plot, the themes, and The Locked Tomb's overall structure as a story from its cosmology and theology right down to the names of its main characters.
In ten months we’ll see if I’m right!
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dahliaxxgreengrass · 10 months
send me a 🔮 and I'll tell you where I think your muse will be in 20 years.
alecto will have been seen as a hero for her work in the war. no one will be able to deny what she did for the cause and will praise her for it. she will take all the encouragement well into her later years. it’s what she worked so hard for. she’s alecto and will always be someone dahlia will look up to — if she lives that long.
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valancietrinit · 1 year
tlt fic links masterpost
modern setting fics
griddlehark roommates smut set after gideon has a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
htn arc harrianthe phone sex + harrow/the body (who may also actually be gideon) simultaneously bc this girl has layers
griddlehark pwp w/ vv light bondage & also feelings
kiriona/nona plot w/ some porn ft. nona as amnesiac harrow & kiriona learning to let her go :')
semi-swim team + fwb au ft. harrow as a competitive diver w/ privacy issues & gideon as a mechanic who drives her to & from practice
a diner au (inspired by the bear), where griddlehark are chefs with a turbulent history, who fuck after a bad shift (now ft. a gideon pov sequel)
semi-swim team au sequel ft. cam/pyrrha pov, heavy whump, & background griddlehark!
modern ntn-divergent harrianthe marriage of convenience shenanigans
canon verse fics
wake/pelleamena (pre-canon) (more plot than porn) w/ wake managing to enter the tomb by forcing pelleamena to help her
post-avulsion scene in gtn pwp griddlehark get down & dirty (re: devoted & tender) in mercymorn's lyctor study
campal post-htn, pre-ntn decide to compartmentalise w/ vv horny-sad vibes
kirianthe on antioch (post-htn, pre-ntn) being sad, pathetic, lonely girls & taking it out on each other, psychosexually
griddlehark (post-htn canon divergent), gideon stays in harrow's body after the river, gets sad abt it + dream sex
griddlehark (post-htn, canon compliant) pwp dream sex (again)
post-ntn (atn speculative) (loosely!!!) harrow/alecto -> griddlehark character study w/ porn tacked on the end (all chapters posted!)
post-ntn whump character study (ft. gideon&alecto, griddlehark, & harrow&alecto)
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melanielocke · 10 months
Most anticipated 2024 books!
I am anticipating a lot of books. To keep track of them, I made a 2024 tbr shelf. It has 123 books. I certainly won't be reading all 123, but since I can sort the list by release date it helps me keep track of new releases. Unfortunately, 123 is so many that half of them I don't even remember adding them or what they're about, so I decided to boil it down to 10 most anticipated new books and 10 sequels.
Faebound - Saara El-Arifi - Jan 18
Voyage of the Damned - Frances White - Jan 18
Fathomfolk - Eliza Chan - Feb 27
A Botanical Daughter - Noah Medlock - Mar 19
Otherwordly - FT Lukens - Apr 2
The Sins on their Bones - Laura R. Samotin - May 7
Not for the Faint of Heart - Lex Croucher - May 7
The Honey Witch - Sydney J. Shields - May 14
Running Close to the Wind - Alexandra Rowland - Jun 11
Swordcrossed - Freya Marske - Oct 10
The Cursed Rose - Leslie Vedder (book 3 of the Bone Spindle, final book) - Feb 6
The Eternal Ones - Namina Forna (book 3 of Deathless trilogy) - Feb 13
Merciless Saviors - H.E. Edgmon (sequel to Godly Heathens, final book) - Apr 16
Heavenly Tyrant - Xiran Jay Zhao (sequel to Iron Widow, final book) - Apr 30
Mirrored Heavens - Rebecca Roanhorse (book 3 of Between Earth and Sky trilogy) - Jun 4
Hearts that Cut - Kika Hatzopoulou (sequel to Threads that Bind) - Jun 4
The Unrelenting Earth - Kritika H. Rao (Book 2 in the Rages trilogy) - Jun 18
The Lotus Empire - Tasha Suri (book 3 in the Burning Kingdoms trilogy) - Jul 18
Celestial Monsters - Aiden Thomas (sequel to the Sunbearer Trials, final book) - Sept 3
Alecto the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir (book 4 in the Locked Tomb series) - release dat unknown, likely late 2024
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peridyke · 4 months
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bri's nasty old man drawings are soooooo good its fucking insane i could never reach this level. this is her nasty old man character lionel ft. his gay puppet wizard underling alecto who you can't see the face of
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