#ft. alaric
fadinglights · 3 months
continued from here, @englishsunshiine
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"nothing  —  i  could've  handled  it  myself."  yisoo  sighs,  her  pride  standing  in  the  way  of  expressing  her  gratitude  for  his  unrequested  display  of  chivalry.  "i  just  don't  want  you  to  get  hurt  because  of  me."  she  adds,  her  voice  laced  with  a  concern  that  feels  perilously  familiar.
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luvburn · 5 months
closed starter    ⋆    somewhere at the masquerade,   ALARIC MORMONT.
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the  god  of  madness  was  glad  their  mask  for  the  night  covered  majority  of  their  features for  he  was  unsure  if  he'd  be  able  to  control  the  look  of  boredom  he  was  currently  adorning.   what  sort  of  noble  stops  another  for  a  conversation  regarding  the  subtle  difference  between  chiffon  and  georgette  when  there  is  anonymous  revelry  to be had all  around  them   ?   finally,   the  sight  of  a  passing  @wcrfcres granted the essosi an idea for escape.     “     ah, my love !     ” he exclaimed, reaching out for the hellhound.     “     i could recognize you anywhere. excuse me, my liege, i simply must accompany my betrothed. you understand.     ” a rushed excuse is offered to the dull courtier and bacchus is off with ... well he's not sure.     “     my apologies. i needed a reprieve and you seemed well suited for it.     ”
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alafissaerotante · 13 days
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Short S.29 Stirling
Lo Stirling fu il risultato della specifica B.12/36 emessa dall'Air Ministry britannico. Con questa richiesta il ministero intendeva acquisire un velivolo capace di trasportare un carico bellico, composto da bombe da 227 (500 lb) e 907 kg (2.000 lb). Doveva poter trasportare 3.600 chili di carico bellico su una distanza di 4.800 km o un raggio di azione di 3.600 km con un carico di 6.350 kg. La velocità del velivolo doveva essere di 370 km/h ad una quota di 4.500 m. Il velivolo doveva essere dotato di tre torrette difensive - anteriore, caudale e ventrale – armate con due mitragliatrici da 7,7 mm. L'equipaggio doveva essere composto da sei persone. Il peso massimo del nuovo aereo era ipotizzato nell'ordine dei 21.773 kg ma poteva arrivare ad un massimo di 24 865 kg nel caso venisse effettuato un decollo assistito. Il ministero precisò anche che l'apertura alare massima consentita doveva essere di 100 ft (30,48 m). Questa richiesta non era dovuta tanto alla necessità di ricoverare il velivolo negli hangar allora disponibili, come spesso ritenuto, ma piuttosto alla volontà di limitare il peso totale del velivolo e di migliorare le prestazioni in decollo, riducendo la corsa necessaria, ed in atterraggi
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whumpbug · 2 months
GUYS IT'S TIME. i now introduce.....
(scarab is the name of the ship they are all on do you guys get it. because. whumbug. beetle. scarab. the ship is shaped like a beetle--okay im done)
the vibes/tropes are: sci-fi/space fantasy, dysfunction junction, found family, accidental child acquisition, AND MORE!!!
HUGE thank you to @lemlem21 for listening to me Yap about them and helping me iron out a lot of the details!!! also for recoloring some of the skincolors!!!!
i apologize in advance. this is a long post. please please feel free to ask questions because this can get confusing. there are 6 characters all with complex traits and names so please ask me for clarification if you need it! i apologize for all the reading guys (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥⋆)
OKAY! ONTO MY SPACE SILLIES! they are Everything to me.
okay just before i start, i want to briefly explain why all these people are together on a ship.
in this universe, theres a central government that spans across many planets in neighboring star systems. this is known as the Provinces of the Allied Galactic Empire (PAGE). this is the explored and "civilized" part of the galaxy.
recently, there have been more attacks on PAGE-affiliated planets and systems from the unexplored galaxy (known as the Outer Sector, or just Outsec in shorthand) and PAGE intends to get to the bottom of it.
and that's where Scarab Crew comes in! multiple teams were formed of people with exceptional talents in their species/planets and were sent on multi-year long exploratory missions under the name The Expedition Program (TEP). the scarabs are one team of many!
TEP's goal is to record and report all that they find as well as identify threats and/or the planets responible for the attacks. they are to come back with information and new technology that would make PAGE stronger and more well-rounded!
NOW ONTO THE SILLIES!! i used different picrws for each of them to match their Vibe
(also i added pronounciation guides to the best of my abilities i hope it helps im sorry in advance)
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Captain Nieven Alaric (Nee-ven Ah-la-rik)
pronouns: he/him
role: captain/leader/correspondence with PAGE
planet of origin:  Asto’is (species: Asto’isian)
age and height: late '30s to early '40s / 6 ft. 0 in.
description: the competent, calculated, and and cold head of The Scarab. he was a well-off government official before TEP, but unfortunately, he lost his family in an attack by Outsec rogues. he is a man hardened by life and unwilling to get attached to others again and because of this, is very efficient when it comes to running his ship. still, efficiency is not always the most important thing when it comes to leading a team. this is something nieven must learn.
species-specific traits: horns on the top of the head-- very interconnected with the central nervous system. decorated as a sign of age and/or accomplishment. also, asto'isians have pointy teeth! they are carnivores!
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Hari Khurana (Huh-ree Ku-rahna)
pronouns: relaxed he/him
role: engineer/medic/chemist
planet of origin:  Earth (species: Homo Sapien)
age and height: mid to late '30s / 6 ft. 2 in.
description: a simple human that started from the bottom. hari grew up in a trailer park, raised by his older sister when his father worked 3 jobs to put food on the table. since he was little, it was known he was a genius when it came to stem subjects. into adulthood, he excelled in every stem job he took on. still, no one expected him to get singled out when TEP was recruiting. aside from his smarts, hari is cheeky, sly, a bit of a Bastard™ but he also has tremendously big heart. he's passionate about what he does, no matter how hard it can be for him sometimes.
species-specific traits: despite his brains, hari is... a defective human. due to malnourishment as a child, he has a plethora of health problems that worry his team to no end. some include: asthma, lactose intolerance, allergies to many foods, marie antoinette syndrome, POTS, among others. he is also a below-the-knee amputee on his left leg due to an accident in his teens.
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Nylathrania (Nyla) Qifir (Nye-lah-trah-nya Kee-feer)
pronouns: she/her
role: pilot/navigator
planet of origin: Harye (species: Haryen)
age and height: mid '20s / 5 ft. 7 in.
description: the haryan are an extremely superstitious, winged race that place an extreme importance on flight. when a child was born with in inability to even lift her wings because of nerve damage, you can imagine it did not bode well. nyla was passed around from household to household with no place to call home. she wants to prove herself to her homeland by becoming the most successful pilot in TEP with her pride and joy of a ship, The Scarab, but even that will never make her good enough for her people, and consequently, herself.
species-specific traits: the bat-like wings and short horns are trademarks of the haryen people. unlike nieven's, nyla's horns are simply bony-keratin structures as extra protection for her brain. her wings are a bit smaller than other haryen's due to muscle atrophy.
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Ytzel (Zel) Mixca (Ee-tsel Micsh-cka)
pronouns: relaxed she/her
role: gunsman/conflict strategist
planet of origin: Huelxa (species: Huelxcan)
age and height: mid '20s / 5 ft. 4 in.
description: born to a planet of war, zel grew up around bloodshed and violence throughout her life. in her culture, getting close to people was discouraged becasue you never knew who would be on the other side of the next civil war. she was often forced to fight her siblings and friends (to an extreme level) as a test of strength, so she comes off as abrasive and rude because violence makes her feel in control. it's a familiar pattern. she hasn't yet learned that love does not need to be painful.
species-specific traits: the huelxcan actually have a second pair of arms! these arms sit slightly more towards her back, in the middle of her rib cage. the huelxcan people also have evolved with enhanced hearing, and wear accessories on the ears to enhance it further.
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Vin’ri (Vinny) L’aoh (Vin-ree Luh-ow)
pronouns: they/them
role: scribe/recorder/photographer
planet of origin: Z’edin (species: Z’edinra)
age and height: late teens (17-19) / 5 ft. 9 in.
description: vinny is heralded as the voice of reason when tensions are high amongst the rest of the crew. they are level-headed and approachable, making them an instrumental member of the team. but their secret? they're so lonely. in their culture, it's customary to stop being affectionate with children when they reach about 14 to encourage growth and independence. vinny didn't have a problem with this at first, but now that they're so far from home? they feel the need for comfort more than they'd like to admit.
species-specific traits: the z’edinra all have a prehensile tail that is about an armspan in length. it is capable of grasping, and can hold their body weight. also, z'edin is an ice planet which leads vinny to be prone to overheating in even mildly warm environments quite easily
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Ren "Alaric" (Rehn Ah-la-rick)
pronouns: he/him
role: healer/newest member (not with scarab crew initially)
planet of origin: Siea W5M (species: Amb’toman)
age and height: about 7 years old / 4 ft. 3 in.
description: ren's parent's were killed when he was only 4, and he was taken to Seia W5M to be sold as a commodity-- his species is sought after for their abilities. he was under the ownership of a man for a few years before he escaped and has been on the run ever since. he covers his eyes with a blindfold to conceal the signature trait of amb'tomans-- white scleras lacking a cornea. because of his years blindfolded, light tends to overwhelm him. he is skittish, flighty, and in need of people who will take care of and love him.
species-specific traits: the amb'toman are a desert-dwelling species that evolved healing abilities to cope with the harsh climate. the short version of how the abilities work is essentially: people spend a certain amount of energy to heal themselves of injury or illness. ren can spend that energy all at once on himself or another person to heal them exponetially faster. the draw back is gets extremely sleepy after healing, and tends to be unable to stay awake
RELATIONSHIPS: ask me about them!!! there are Some romantic relationships but i also love platonic and familial relationships so ask about whoever you'd like! i'm aiming to start the story early on to when they first meet so it'll be fun to develop their relationships as i write!!
PICREWS: 1 2 3 4 5 6
BONUS: here is all their height differences (ren is itty bitty guys)
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and that's it!!! thank you SO much if you've read to the end, it honestly means so much. and like i said before please please PLEASE dont be afraid to ask as many questions as you want (about specific scarabs, or the crew as a whole but just know if its the crew it might not be as detailed because. theres 6 of them.) these characters can get confusing and i want to make as easy of a reading experience as i can!
i hope you enjoy my little passion project and im so excited to develop these sillies further!! (✿◦’ᴗ˘◦)♡
tagging: @sethlost and @mellowwhumps (≧▽≦)
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feckcops · 9 months
What does it mean to erase a people – a nation, culture, identity? In Gaza, we are beginning to find out
“Earlier this month, Gaza’s oldest mosque was destroyed by Israeli airstrikes. The Omari mosque was originally a fifth century Byzantine church, and was an iconic landmark of Gaza: 44,000 sq ft of history, architecture and cultural heritage. But it was also a live site of contemporary practice and worship. A 45-year-old Gazan told Reuters that he had been ‘praying there and playing around it all through my childhood‘. Israel, he said, is ‘trying to wipe out our memories’.
“St Porphyrius church, the oldest in Gaza, also dating back to the fifth century and believed to be the third oldest church in the world, was damaged in another strike in October. It was sheltering displaced people, among them members of the oldest Christian community in the world, one that dates back to the first century. So far, more than 100 heritage sites in Gaza have been damaged or levelled. Among them are a 2,000-year-old Roman cemetery and the Rafah Museum, which was dedicated to the region’s long and mixed religious and architectural heritage.
“As the past is being uprooted, the future is also being curtailed. The Islamic University of Gaza, the first higher education institution established in the Gaza Strip in 1978, and which trains, among others, Gaza’s doctors and engineers, has been destroyed, along with more than 200 schools. Sufian Tayeh, the rector of the university, was killed along with his family in an airstrike. He was the Unesco chair of physical, astrophysical and space sciences in Palestine. Other high-profile academics who have been killed include the microbiologist Dr Muhammad Eid Shabir, and the prominent poet and writer Dr Refaat Alareer, whose poem, If I must die, was widely shared after his death ...
“As the ability to tell these stories publicly comes under attack, so do the private rituals of mourning and memorialisation. According to a New York Times investigation, Israel ground forces are bulldozing cemeteries in their advance on the Gaza Strip, destroying at least six. Ahmed Masoud, a British Palestinian writer from Gaza, posted a picture of him visiting his father’s grave, alongside a video of its ruins. ‘This is the graveyard in Jabalia camp,’ he wrote, where his father was buried. ‘I went to visit him in May. The Israeli tanks have now destroyed it, and my dad’s grave has gone. I won’t be able to visit or talk to him again.’
“A memory gap is forming. Libraries and museums are being levelled, and what is lost in the documents that have burned joins a larger toll of record-keeping. Meanwhile, the scale of the killings is so large that entire extended families are disappearing. The result is like tearing pages out of a book. Dina Matar, a professor at Soas University of London, told the Financial Times that ‘such loss results in the erasure of shared memories and identities for those who survive. Remembering matters. These are important elements when you want to put together histories and stories of ordinary lives’ ...
“This is what it would look like, to erase a people. In short, to void the architecture of belonging that we all take so much for granted so that, no matter how many Gazans survive, there is, over time, less and less to bind them together into a valid whole. This is what it would look like, when you deprive them of telling their story, of producing their art, of sharing in music, song and poetry, and of a foundational history that lives in their landmarks, mosques, churches, and even in their graves.”
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its1212 · 19 days
Fashion Mep 1
Ft the following trolls Donmar Watder, Kkaece Skymrl, Jellal Alaric, Velvet Regina, Shiver Callen, Rhitsu Eltode, Ciyber Raptor, and Miieke Ursous Find more on our master post!
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awhispcr · 19 days
closed starter for @wcrfcres ft. daenerys & alaric
The Celtigar had been avoiding the dance floor, save from a few dances here and there, though it seemed she wasn't the only one. As her eyes wandered around, she had noticed many other wallflowers, it put her at ease as she wandered around the corners of the hall, only stopping once she came across a somewhat familiar face. Though Daenerys and Alaric were yet to be formally introduced, she heard a few things about the Bear Islanders and had wondered if all northerners were similarly subborn. "Lord Mormont, it seems you are on my card, may I trouble you for a dance?"
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beyondthemyths-rpg · 10 months
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𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫 LUX.
𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄́; alaric nordlys, ft. henry cavill. homme, 40 ans (face), 65 ans (deep down), ex-kraken, banshee, mercenaire.
𝐏𝐀𝐑; edda nordlys, ft. freya allan. femme, 26 ans (face), 32 ans (deep down), furie, matelote de la red hand.
cadeau inespéré, destins croisés; père amer, mentor en tort; la mort en mer; secret englouti par l'oubli.
bonjour toi, j'espère que tu vas bien??!!? en tout cas moi ça va super, edda un peu moins, parce qu'elle attend son faux père pour lui balancer toute sa colère (et son amour!!). tu vas voir, on va s'aimer, on va feelser, on va pleurer, mais on va surtout kiffer alors t'as plus d'excuses pour ne pas débarquer!!! jtm déjà njkbhbjh
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triviareads · 1 year
would you be willing to rec books that have voyeurism in them?
Sure! This list includes voyeurism that involves the hero and/or the heroine but not necessarily both, and they may be watching other people while getting off on it.
The Recruit by Monica McCarty: Mary watches Kenneth have sex with another woman in the stables after wandering in thinking a horse was in distress. Kenneth notices her and puts on a bit of a show.
Her Wanton Wager by Grace Callaway: Percy watches couples getting off through a peephole in Hunt's club, and when Hunt catches her she's sadly contemplating that she'll never be a good girl, but Hunt is like "HELL YEAH YOU AREN'T" and goes to town on her. Truly an affirming scene.
The Duke Who Knew Too Much by Grace Callaway: Ft. some unwitting as well as witting(?) voyeurism; the unwitting bit is when Emma accidentally happens upon some light CNC between the hero Alaric and his mistress at the time; the more purposeful voyeurism is when Alaric kidnaps Emma and takes her to a sex club to observe BDSM scenes to make her understand what he was doing with his mistress and then they make out.
The Prince of Broadway by Joanna Shupe: We love a good peephole scene; this one takes place during a police raid and Clay and Florence are in a tunnel and happen upon a couple having sex through a partition. Flo makes Clay turn around and they both masturbate to it.
The Bride Goes Rogue by Joanna Shupe: Katherine watches Preston masturbate in the French Ball scene, and later on, he watches her masturbate in front of him in a carriage.
His Countess by S.M. LaViolette: Gideon brings two prostitutes to his new estate and the widow of the last earl, Alys, watches them go at it (with snacks) for multiple nights and he is very aware of this and puts on a show.
You'll find voyeurism in most of the books in LaViolette's Victorian Decadence series, but this is the one that stood out to me.
Praise by Sara Cate: There's a great scene during the opening of the kink club where Charlie and Emerson are in a dark room watching a couple having sex through the window and he fingers her while they watch.
Eyes on Me by Sara Cate: This book is allll about voyeurism; from what I remember, Garrett hasn't had sex in a decade but he has done plenty of watching. The heroine, his stepsister Mia, is a cam girl on not!OnlyFans and he's a regular viewer. Later on, there's plenty of great exhibitionism scenes as well set in the club.
Give Me More by Sara Cate: Hunter's original fantasy is to watch Drake with his wife Isabel, and this does happen a few times initially (in a kink club, and during a "there was only one bed" hotel room sitch).
When Heroes Fall by Giana Darling: There's this really hot scene where Elena watches Dante jerk off through a crack in his bedroom door, and he calls her name out when he orgasms.
The Professional by Kresley Cole: When Sevastyan first breaks into Natalie's home to kidnap her, he watches her masturbate in the bathtub before he drags her out of there lol. Later on when they're in Paris, he routinely watches her masturbate on security cameras and storms home while she's calmly giving a show.
Only For A Night by Naima Simone: Another sex club voyeurism scene; Rion gets Harper off in the voyeurism room in his aphrodisiac club while they watch another couple through the glass.
Neon Gods by Katee Robert: One of the earlier sex scenes involves Hades and Persephone in a shadowy corner of his in-house kink club and getting off while they watch another couple perform a scene.
A Worthy Opponent by Katee Robert also has some voyeurism stuff from what I remember since it's based around the kink club Hades and Meg run.
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oneiricazalea · 9 months
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010 // OC ft. @miss-zei's Alaric & Genesis
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vencmovs · 2 months
closed starter for @wcrfcres ft. alaric mormont
loud  footsteps  alert  the  lord  of  godsgrace  of  the  arrival  of  another,  he  looks  up  from  the  wooden  stool  where  he  sits,  left  hand  holding  a  tankard  of  ale  "and  here  i  thought  i'd  never  see  you  again,  i  guess  bad  weeds  are  hard  to  kill.  how  have  you  been?"  a  roaring  laugh  escapes  his  lips  as  he  points  at  the  stool  on  the  other  side  of  the  table,  inviting  the  other  to  sit.  he'd  found  a  sense  of  calm  in  the  mundane  environment  of  highgarden,  after  all  the  chaos  at  king's  landing,  perhaps  calm  and  mundane  was  what  they  needed  "i  don't  suppose  you  know  of  any  fun  taverns  around  here,  do  you?"
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tigerlily340 · 2 years
Art Dump Incoming~
In honor of ATKU’s two-year anniversary today, let me share some of the art I did during my... somewhat prolonged hiatus 😅
Thank y’all for bearing with me, hope you enjoy!
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(Doodles and Alar imagining what could’ve been~)
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(Makeover ft. @ladybinary​ ‘s Lukas here~)
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(Male Human!Kalio hair designs~)
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And the last few are under the cut~
WARNING: partial / vague nudity
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(The night before she lost her eye...)
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(and lastly, Nautican dancer variations~)
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sinistersuns · 2 years
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Some messier concept art for Reclaimed! Top image from left to right is an idea for armor for the kingdom of ivory cliffs (with a very large man in it ft. some guy for size comparison because. i wanted to ), an idea for the game’s HUD, and royal guard armor for the kingdom of emaria (which is loosely based on historical viking armor). Second image is some designs for prince alaric (sort of main antagonist - his whole kingdom is loosely based on gothic france), and the third image is an idea of what the city of azandele would look like!
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brokensenseofhumor · 9 days
Random predictions for Record of Ragnarok: Jack The Ripper case files because ch36 is out in like 5 days and I’m doing everything in my power to make it to the 25th
Spoilers btw
Bjorn and Mika funeral
Morton face reveal
Pimon + Ambrose flashback (ft. Wholesome)
Arthur has a mental breakdown over Anne (and Noah)
Noah connects the dots and realizes Arthur is his dad (and subsequently has a mental breakdown about it)
Pimon and Ambrose are implied to be gay but it’s never outright said
Luna becomes an actual employee at Snob Co. (Morton’s company) (and she has a mental breakdown about it)
Ambrose has a dog
Pimon redemption arc
Yet another meeting of the five orgs (ft. Hummer bullying Alaric for his English (again), Pimon being depressed, Morton being on the brink of losing his shit, and Arthur being. Well. Arthur.)
A new member of the sentinel is revealed
More fighting
A little more insight into both Arthur and Jack’s soul eye ability (which colors are more common in specific characters, more depth into how they feel about it, etc.)
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whispercdmusings · 5 months
Braelyn Grace Connors
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Nickname(s): Brae, Lyn
General Information: 5 ft 9 in. Hazel Eyes. Blonde Hair.
Place and Date of Birth: 31st of October in Richmond, Virginia.
Family: Elias and Eden Connors - 11 older siblings (Julius, Jaxson, Jade (deceased), Kieran, Cyrus, Aria, Lucien, Cora, Kaia, Lennox, and Alaric Connors) and a twin sister (Emersyn Connors).
Braelyn's tiny home below the cut
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wcrfcres · 5 months
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ALARIC of  HOUSE MORMONT,  LORD OF BEAR ISLAND.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  HONORABLE  and  STUBBORN  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  archery and weaponsmithing .  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  ❝ roaring, adamant cubs pushing past merciless white snowstorms, paws deep in velvet snow, fangs sinking harshly into rigid, shivering flesh, crystals of frost and blood dangling like rubies on fur tips and beards. a cub, nevertheless, a predator, aching to stretch out its limbs, shed its prey-like youth, and become full-pledged predator ; sharp, polished arrows, piercing aged walls of wars and victories, released from resolute bows, neglecting its frailty and anciency upon the imposition of buoyant boys ; a troublesome childhood, scraped knees, raised hands, and pale mothers, to perturbed young men on wild horses, falling fast into hollows, clawing to escape, only to fall helplessly and hopelessly into familiar despair, tears emptied into tattered, ripped hems and uncanny shoulders . ❞  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  HOUSE MORMONT and THE NORTH.
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official name : alaric mormont . noble title : lord of bear island . date of birth : tenth day of the fifth turn . age : nine and twenty years . gender : cis man . pronouns : he / him . orientation : demiromantic bisexual . spoken language : common tongue , old tongue . accent : frosted
face claim : henry zaga . ethnicity : first men . hair : black (scruffy, bedhead) . eyes : dark brown . height : 6"ft / 1.83m . build : fairly-muscular after the attack on the capital , appears imposing and taller than he is because of his now heavy and muscular build , long & lean- limbed . scent : predominantly musky , vanilla . dominant hand : right . scars : multiple healed burn scars on his hands and wrist . clothing style : sturdy cotton and wools , leather armors and cuffs
positive traits : honorable, just, well-intentioned, compassionate . negative traits: stubborn, blunt, arrogant, filial . mbti : istj . enneagram : 1 ( the idealist) . element : fire . star sign : taurus . temperament : choleric . moral alignment : lawful good . character inspiration : robb stark (asoiaf), jean kirstein (aot), boromir (lotr), leto atreides i (dune), lyanna mormont (asoiaf) . deadly sins : pride & greed . heavenly virtues : justice & courage . godly parents : hephaestus & ares
hobbies : archery , weaponsmithing . religion : old gods . alliance : house mormont , the north . personal goals : vie for an independent north . would they choose family or power ? family
father : lord jeor mormont (71) . mother : lady alysanne mormont nee glover (deceased 29 years ago) . siblings : lord/lady/liege utp mormont (40+) , lord antony arryn nee mormont (37) , lord/lady/liege utp mormont (25-28) , lord/lady/liege utp mormont (21-24) . extended family : ruling lady adrienne arryn (37)
( trigger warning: death in childbirth )
his is a sin no one spoke of , yet it hangs in the air ... dry , rekindled in whispers , behind closed doors and in the dead of night . his is a sin that's unforgivable , taking a life of its own in the confides of his quarters , that of his older siblings , and that of his father who can only offer him a smile on good days . his is a sin that took a life of its own , a stain on his existence seeking the price ... the lady that brought warmth to the icy halls of house mormont . his is a sin that took a life of its own , claiming him hostage , smothered with guilt despite the reassuring words made by his kin . his is a sin that took a life . he hears it in his sleep , at the dining halls , during hunts in the forest . screeching , moaning , and begging to be taken out , to soak him with scarlet despair .
on his ninth or tenth name day , somber as the ones before , his wet nurse , not as youthful as she once was yet as motherly as can be , assured him that he should not deprive himself of merriment . that a smile , a laugh , does not bring insult to the grave of the lady glover that birthed him and his brothers . that he is free from fault , free from accountability , from incapacitating guilt . truths hard to hold in the tender hands of a young boy , who had slipped his grief , resentment , and doubts in his pockets like they were trinkets to be carried to his own deathbed . he is held in an embraced , tears streaming down the cub's reddened cheeks . he convinces himself with the old woman's words , that his birth is a right bestowed by the old gods , a blessing that his late mother had prayed for night and day . it is said that lady glover , with delight and utter excitement strokes her swollen belly ; often speaks of her relief , that carrying the third babe was the easiest of her pregnancies . she will often whisper that the first child belonged her lord husband and bear island , the second is a debt to her hometown and the old gods , and the third , the babe she carried willfully despite her age , is all hers .
alaric mormont , the last child of lady glover with the ruling lord of bear island , was raised not by the woman who desperately prayed for his birth , not the woman who yearned for his arrival , not the woman who bled to death in the birthing bed , but by his father's second wife . a living , breathing reminder that old god's , too , bestow fateless intentions . kinslayer , a name branded on his back when the ale takes hold of men , a joke looming in gatherings , the bustling halls , and the hunt's bonfire . a word never meant to hurt him or insult the memory of the late lady , but a swipe at the unseen when events go awry . the youngest of lady glover learned to make himself small , to tiptoe , to appear only when absolutely necessary . he made a home in the shadows , nestled himself behind towering lumber , the skillful hands behind mighty weapons . he sang lullabies to dreams of journeying past the cold fortresses , engaged in small talk with sons and daughters of his father's choosing , and kissed lips only behind closed doors . freed himself from being the object of everyone's drunken amusement , and became an indispensable force who can craft , mold , and b e n d steel , wood , and any & all earth - birthed substances to his hand's and fire's desire .
a door was always left open for the young cub , to take shelter , to seat with the family during meals , but he remained elusive , kept to himself , and made his blood run cold and harsh as the weather that imprisons their beloved bear island . lord mormont himself reaches out , holds out his hand , and pats the young man's back as often as he is able ; tells him he holds no fault , that he is every bit a son to him as his other siblings ... that he must forgive himself for a fate beyond his doing . the love and concern is felt , yet it does not wash or burn away the guilt that eats at his heart , does not paint colors on the dull and gray that is the absence of his mother , who wished nothing more but to meet him . it does not help that she lives on in his features , in the way he smiles , the way he talks , and the way he exudes the same warmth and kindness ( and stubbornness , oh how proud she must be ! ) the lady glover brought with her when she arrived from deepwood motte . her blood , soul , and heart runs deep in her youngest , the babe she had prayed for .
perhaps it is in this likeness to his mother that he finds it difficult to find comfort and rest at home , in their political stance , in their strict adherence to tradition . alaric understands , truly he does , and he takes pride in the blood that runs through his veins — every last drop of the first men's . feels every bit frustrated with the surrender of the north's freedom to conquerors . but this inherited doubt he nursed and carried , makes him wonder about the bigger picture , the compromise that could be made , and still preserve the might and strength house mormont .
considered one of the best weaponsmiths in the north , took particular interest in the craft at a young age after hearing his maternal grandfather was a skilled weaponsmith himself
weapons of choice are axes and bows & arrows
reads history books during his free time, sincere there are not many libraries or available reading materials in bear island, he makes deals with those who travel out for books on various subjects in exchange for a weapon of their choosing
kissed someone for the very first time when he was eighteen, a young lord from the south possible connection
relationships are almost always physical in nature , only out of curiosity, he doesn't get attached ppl thinks he's an asshole for it but tbh he just doesn't know how love and relationship goes so he says yes to what feels good and is totally fine when it ends
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