#fsl app
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mochademic · 9 months ago
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 80] || 100 Jours de Productivité [Jour: 80]
interesting conversations were had in the office today. since I work alongside a few other FSL people [French Second Language], the conversation came up about how best to learn. Duolingo came up & all of us agreed that while it's a good app to practice already learned skills, it provides very little in terms of actually learning the language. before I enrolled in actual French classes, I used a combination of other language programs, listened to podcasts that were in slow-French [as people tend to speak quickly when talking in a language they're familiar with] but one of the biggest things that helped me learn was actually watching children's shows/reading children's books. no matter the language, any content produced for learning-age children use the basics of that language in order to communicate.
combining oral practice [speaking] as well as listening to & reading in a language are all essential in fluency. I started learning French in grade school at a young age, & even now I still struggle sometimes, especially when using it to communicate professionally. my grammar still isn't perfect, but thankfully I'm in an environment where I get to cultivate those skills daily - plus I have this blog where I write in both languages as regularly as I can :]
currently listening // we fell in love in october by girl in red
Des conversations intéressantes ont eu lieu au bureau aujourd'hui. Come je travaille avec quelques autres personnes en FLS [français langue seconde], la conversation a porté sur la meilleure façon d'apprendre. Duolingo a été évoqué et nous avons tous convenu que, bien qu'il s'agisse d'une bonne application pour mettre en pratique les compétences déjà acquises, elle n'apporte pas grand-chose en termes d'apprentissage réel de la langue. avant de m'inscrire à des cours de français, j'ai utilisé une combinaison d'autres programmes linguistiques, j'ai écouté des podcasts en français lent [car les gens ont tendance à parler vite lorsqu'ils parlent dans une langue qui leur est familière], mais l'une des choses qui m'a le plus aidé à apprendre a été de regarder des émissions pour enfants ou de lire des livres pour enfants. quelle que soit la langue, tout contenu produit pour des enfants en âge d'apprendre utilise les bases de cette langue afin de communiquer.
la combinaison de la pratique orale [parler], de l'écoute et de la lecture dans une langue est essentielle à la fluidité. J'ai commencé à apprendre le français à l'école primaire à un jeune âge, et même maintenant j'ai encore parfois des difficultés, surtout quand je l'utilise pour communiquer professionnellement. ma grammaire n'est toujours pas parfaite, mais heureusement je suis dans un environnement où je peux cultiver ces compétences quotidiennement - en plus j'ai ce blog où j'écris dans les deux langues aussi régulièrement que je le peux :]
chanson // we fell in love in october par girl in red
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dailystraitsdotcom · 13 days ago
Web3 Payments Simplified
Sydney, Jan 22: FSL, the Web3 development studio behind the popular STEPN app, has unveiled GMT Pay, a groundbreaking payment solution enabling users to convert digital earnings into real-world spending. The app, which integrates with STEPN GO and other FSL products, marks a significant step in making Web3 accessible to a global audience.The platform bridges the gap between digital assets and…
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gomellow-io · 10 months ago
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Adidas and blockchain company Stepn have said they're working together on a new NFT project. They want to change how move-to-earn apps work and make sure the Find Satoshi Lab (FSL) system is used worldwide.
Reports say the NFT collection will come out on April 17th on the MOOAR marketplace.
The project's basic token, GMT, didn't grow much when people heard about the partnership with Adidas.
Before, the STEPN team said they would give out FSL points. You'll get points based on how long you've had digital Genesis sneakers.
Follow us for more NFT Updates!
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awsquality · 1 year ago
Salesforce Field Service Lightning Features and Advantages
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As Salesforce Partners, we recognize the value of offering top-notch customer service. Ensuring client satisfaction is essential since it ultimately promotes corporate success. Using Salesforce Field Service Lightning, businesses can effectively manage their field service operations. This article will review Salesforce FSL's capabilities, advantages, and setup.
Salesforce Field Service Lightning Overview
The Service Cloud extension, Salesforce Field Service, formerly Field Service Lightning (FSL), offers a thorough picture of workforce management.
Field Service Lightning manages where the cable installer is, where they're going, and how many meters of cable they have in their van when a customer wants new cable service.
In-Field Support Salesforce's Lightning product has developed over time and is still evolving. Frequently, functionality is increased with each new Salesforce release. The components of Salesforce Field Service include the following:
Service appointments are the key component of field service. Records for service appointments combine basic Salesforce Service functionality with scheduling and territory.
Salesforce Service Cloud: Field Service and Service Cloud are closely related and share a "Work Order" item.
Territory and scheduling are linked concepts that help schedule and optimize appointments.
The Field Service Dispatcher Console provides the user interface for field service.
The Field Service Mobile App (for iOS and Android) has offline functionality.
Use Cases for Salesforce Field Services
Repairs: making one or more visits to the customer's location to provide service. Depending on the Work Order, particular skill sets can be needed. There can also be a need for physical equipment.
Maintenance is regular, repetitive visits where the work is performed consistently.
Sales: representatives who go to prospects' and customers' locations (particularly those who have to plan many separate visits). Field Service records and Opportunity records can easily be synced.
Healthcare: routine or sporadic appointments for medical attention.
Field Service Lightning features of Salesforce
The qualities and advantages of Field Service Lightning are numerous. It can aid companies in managing their field service activities more successfully. The following are a few of Field Service Lightning's important attributes:
1.     Work Order Administration
Field Service for Salesforce Businesses may create, manage, and track work orders with Lightning. Work orders can be made manually. Depending on their accessibility, skill level, and location, they can be delegated to particular technicians.
2.     Planning and dispatching
Salesforce FSL has strong dispatching and scheduling capabilities. It enables companies to set up meetings, designate technicians, and send them to the task site. Additionally, it offers up-to-the-minute notifications on technician status and work progress.
3.     Mobile Application
In October 2017, Salesforce released a Field Service Lightning application. Work orders, customer data, and job specifics are accessible through the FSL mobile application. The program also allows Technicians (Service Resources) to log time, change job status, and obtain client signatures.
4.     Inventory Control
Due to Lightning, Field Service for Salesforce Businesses may manage their inventory more effectively. It offers firms real-time inventory visibility, enabling them to monitor inventory utilization, and aids inventory replenishment as necessary.
5.     Report on Services
The job carried out by the service resource is reported in in-service reports. The Client, the Employee, or any other Stakeholder may complete these.
Salesforce Field Service Lightning's advantages
Field Service for Salesforce Numerous advantages are provided by Lightning for organizations. Using Salesforce FSL has several major advantages, including:
1.     Greater Productivity
In-Field Support Businesses can streamline their field service operations with Lightning, increasing productivity. Businesses can decrease the time it takes to accomplish jobs by automating operations, which can increase technician productivity.
2.     Improved client satisfaction
Businesses can receive real-time information on technician status and task progress from FSL. This implies that companies can give clients accurate information about the time of the technician's arrival and the completion of the task. Increased client satisfaction may result from this.
3.     Better management of resources
Businesses can better manage their resources thanks to field service. FSL provides real-time visibility into inventory utilization and technician availability. Businesses may ensure they have the appropriate resources available when needed in this way.
4.     Enhancing Communication
Businesses can use a variety of communication capabilities, like chat and collaboration services, from Salesforce Field Service Lightning. This can enhance communication between technicians, dispatchers, and clients, which can result in field service operations that are more effective and efficient.
5.     An improved user interface
The Field Service Dispatcher console and its mobile application have fantastic user interfaces thanks to FSL. Hence significantly improving the user experience.
6.     Potential to Upsell
By searching for items on their FSL app, technicians (Service Resources) can respond to live questions during a case resolution. This raises the customer's level of trust in the Salesforce Field Service Lightning Consultant and boosts the chance of a sale.
Setup instructions for Salesforce Field Service Lightning
It's not too difficult to set up Field Service Lightning. The procedures are as follows:
1.     Acquire the FSL package.
Purchasing the FSL package is the first step. You can do this by getting in touch with an SF agent or by visiting the Salesforce website.
2.     Put Field Service Lightning into place.
The Salesforce Lightning Development package needs to be installed after you've bought it. To accomplish this, adhere to Salesforce's installation instructions.
3.     Including FSL in the company's internal products
Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Marketing Cloud are just a few of the Salesforce products completely connected with Salesforce Lightning Selenium Automation. Companies may manage the whole customer lifecycle on a single platform.
Traditional field service management versus Salesforce FSL
Compared to conventional field service management, FSL has several advantages. Manual processes used in traditional field service management can be time-consuming and error-prone. Process automation by FSL can lower errors, increase productivity, and boost customer satisfaction.
Is FSL the best option for your company?
FSL is a potent tool that can assist companies in more effectively managing their field service operations. Salesforce Lightning Consultant provides various features and advantages, resulting in better resource management, enhanced customer satisfaction, and increased production. Salesforce FSL should be your first choice if you're looking for a field service management solution.
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anuragsri1015 · 1 year ago
We will help to clear  below Salesforce certifications
Pass guarantee….if not we will pay you 👍👍(but 💯 % pass guarantee in first attempt if not we will pay for your retake exam)
Any technical issues faced during exam..we will help to solve without any extra payment…..
Admin Advanced admin PD1 PD2 Service cloud consultant Sales cloud consultant Platform App builder Jåvascrípt deveìper 1 marketing cloud admin mc ema!l specialist Omni studio deveLoper 0mni studiO consuítant Sharng and vsibility Data architect Fsl integrtïon architect DeplOyment lifecycle identíty access managëment Experīence cloud Mc consultant
✅✅ Admin / Pd1 / App builder @ best price
💯% pass guarantee in first attempt
We provide vouchers also.
Ping me on WhatsApp https://wa.link/tq2u7b
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globaljobalert-blog · 2 years ago
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truthblockchain · 2 years ago
First Blockchain Gaming App Incorporates Apple Pay
Move-to-earn app StepN has become the first blockchain gaming app to integrate with Apple Pay, according to a May 22, 2023 announcement shared with nft now.
A product of Web3 development studio Find Satoshi Lab (FSL), StepN was released in December 202 and made a name for itself as the first move-to-earn app featured in the App Store. The app lets users purchase virtual sneakers and accrue rewards for physical activities like walking or running, which are tracked via a user’s synced smartphone. At its height in May 2022, StepN’s number of active monthly users reached over 705,000, according to Dune Analytics. A year later, that number sits at just under 30,000.
Despite this decline, StepN continues to innovate. This new fiat-onramp partnership marks a notable step forward in the convergence of web2 and Web3 tech and is expected to simplify access to StepN products and facilitate further user growth.
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progarden · 2 years ago
Az amerikai járványügyi hatóság tanulmánya szerint a tinédzserek kannabisz használata csökkent a legalizáció után.
Ez a megfigyelés egyenesen ellentmond a kannabisz legalizálása ellen kampányolók fő érveinek.
Amikor a kannabiszt legalizálják, könnyebb lesz megvásárolni és egyre többen kezdik használni, igaz?
Vagy mégsem, az amerikai járványügyi hatóság (CDC) új tanulmánya szerint, ami arra utal, hogy a középiskolás tinédzserek egyre ritkábban fogyasztanak kannabiszt, még akkor is, ha az államok legálissá teszik az engedéllyel rendelkező árusoktól való vásárlást.
Nem csak a kannabiszról van szó – az adatok azt mutatják, hogy az összes kábítószer, köztük az alkohol, a vényköteles gyógyszerek és a nikotin fogyasztása is lineárisan csökkent ebben a korcsoportban.
Az adatok az új CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) felmérésből származnak, amely a 9–12. évfolyamos tanulók rossz egészségi állapotával összefüggő magatartások sorát követi nyomon.
Az eredmények ezúttal különösen érdekesek, mert 2009 és 2013 között a tinédzserek kannabisz használata felfelé ívelt, de onnantól kezdve csökkenni kezdett. 2012-ben legalizálták a kannabisz rekreációs célú használatát az első államban, és 2014-ben nyitottak az első boltok, ami arra utal, hogy a legalizálás valójában csökkenthette a tinédzserek használatát.
Átlagosan a középiskolás diákok 15,8 százaléka számolt be arról, hogy 2021-ben az elmúlt 30 napban valamikor használt kannabiszt, és lényegesen több nő használta, mint férfi (17,8 százalék a 13,6 százalékhoz képest). A 2013-as rekordmagassághoz, 23,4 százalékhoz képest a tinédzserek kannabisz használata most meredeken csökkent.
Az eredmények arra utalnak, hogy a legalizálás elleni egyik fő érv – hogy ezáltal a kiszolgáltatottabb emberek is kapcsolatba kerülhetnek a kábítószerekkel – valójában a valóság ellentéte lehet, és a korlátozások csökkentése csökkentheti a prevalenciát. Az is lehetséges, hogy a pandémiás zárlatok szerepet játszottak a csökkenésben, de az okok egyelőre csak feltételezések.
2022-ben az amerikai Nemzeti Drogabúzus-ellenes Intézet (NIDA) által finanszírozott tanulmány (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2022.09.019) megállapította, hogy a kannabisz állami szintű legalizálása nincs összefüggésben a fiatalok fokozott fogyasztásával.
CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey United States 2021 Results: https://nccd.cdc.gov/Youthonline/App/Results.aspx?TT=A&OUT=0&SID=HS&QID=QQ&LID=XX&YID=2021&LID2=&YID2=&COL=S&ROW1=N&ROW2=N&HT=QQ&LCT=LL&FS=S1&FR=R1&FG=G1&FA=A1&FI=I1&FP=P1&FSL=S1&FRL=R1&FGL=G1&FAL=A1&FIL=I1&FPL=P1&PV=&TST=False&C1=&C2=&QP=G&DP=1&VA=CI&CS=Y&SYID=&EYID=&SC=DEFAULT&SO=ASC
Forrás: https://www.iflscience.com/teen-marijuana-use-declined-when-it-was-legalized-finds-cdc-study-68780
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fslgamer · 2 years ago
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Download Rummy Game APK |Download Poker Game APK | Download Ludo Game APK | FSL Gamer
FSL Gamer facilitates you to:
1. Download Rummy Game APK
2. Download Poker Game APK
3. Download Ludo Game APK
It is effortless and convenient to download this app to play the most exciting and favorite games of a wide range of people such as Rummy, Poker, and Ludo. 
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fatestainlens-blog · 7 years ago
I would like to app my OC, Yae Tani as a Master. Her app is can be found under /app. Let me know if there needs to be any changes.
Welcome, Yae!
Your Servant will be Ciggma Khint!
We hope that you and your Servant can get along!
--Doge mod
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absyz · 3 years ago
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fsleleven · 4 years ago
Friday night will witness the biggest derby of Asia and one of the top derbies of the world when the Mariners will be up against the Red and Gold Bigrade. The excitement is always on it’s extreme when these two teams face each other. The situation is different as of now due to covid as the fans are not allowed in the stadium. Read more...
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dailystraitsdotcom · 9 months ago
STEPN GO Launched
FSL launches STEPN GO app, rewards users for exercise and interactions.
Sydney, May 23: FSL, the global gaming and development studio behind the web3 lifestyle app STEPN, the NFT marketplace MOOAR, and the social-strategy game Gas Hero, has officially announced the launch of STEPN GO. This new social lifestyle app rewards users for their daily movement and social interactions. Today marks a significant milestone with the release of the STEPN GO Whitepaper and…
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filipinofoodart · 3 years ago
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How do you say kamatis in Filipino Sign Language and Baybayin? Filipino Sign Language or FSL is the official sign language of the Philippines. And August is Buwan Ng Wika or Filipino Language Month. Download a free FSL coloring sheet, or learn Filipino Sign Language with apps below: https://filipinofood.art/coloring-book-of-filipino-food-in-fsl-and-baybayin/
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philippinewildlifeart · 3 years ago
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How do you say isda in Filipino Sign Language and Baybayin?
Filipino Sign Language or FSL is the official sign language of the Philippines. And August is Buwan Ng Wika or Filipino Language Month.
The fish drawn here is the Giant Grouper or Lapu-Lapu (Epinephelus lanceolatus).
Download a free FSL coloring sheet page, or learn Filipino Sign Language with apps below:
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anuragsri1015 · 1 year ago
We will help to clear  below Salesforce certifications
Pass guarantee….if not we will pay you 👍👍(but 💯 % pass guarantee in first attempt if not we will pay for your retake exam)
Any technical issues faced during exam..we will help to solve without any extra payment…..
Admin Advanced admin PD1 PD2 Service cloud consultant Sales cloud consultant Platform App builder Jåvascrípt deveìper 1 marketing cloud admin mc ema!l specialist Omni studio deveLoper 0mni studiO consuítant Sharng and vsibility Data architect Fsl integrtïon architect DeplOyment lifecycle identíty access managëment Experīence cloud Mc consultant
✅✅ Admin / Pd1 / App builder @ best price
💯% pass guarantee in first attempt
We provide vouchers also.
Ping me on WhatsApp https://wa.link/tq2u7b
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