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indigos-stardust · 10 months ago
New Four swords fic- Chapter 1
*I'd appreciate if u read it on a03 because that's where my tag/summary is but if you cant for whatever reason, I have it below this cut* thanks for any boost and comment <3
Roaming packs of monsters, ugh.  Usually, monsters tend to be attracted or even magically appear from places with plenty of darker energy. It could be some cursed and abandoned temple or some pit where someone died horribly. Maybe, there’d just be one huge monster claiming an area and its magical stink would attract a bunch of underlings.
Monsters aren’t exactly pack animals like wolves. They just follow whichever one’s the biggest and act purely based on greed and violence. They’re happy to follow orders as long as they get their cut. Which is usually the promise of fresh flesh. 
The scouts said the monsters were following paths. On a schedule. Almost like they’re planning and guarding. That
isn’t right. Something is definitely up. 
The worst part of it is that a lot of the paths they’re taking seem to be cutting off a random average sized fishing village to the south. Lutelin Village. Yeah, Green can see why they had been specifically called to handle this one.
Whatever they’re going to eventually face, it’ll probably seem like even an experienced knight’s worst nightmare. But they can handle it. After all, they’d handled far more with far less. This time they even have armor! The odds are far more in favor since their
 “adventure.” Green can’t help but fidget with his fingers anyways.
He’s probably just out of practice, sure they had helped fight against the general excess of monsters but that was just dealing with monsters sprawled out everywhere. Not a real proper fight with layers to get to the final baddie. His gut flares with a hidden anxiety. 
It’ll be alright though, the others are literally following his back, and as much as it sucks that those villagers are probably having a hard time with travelling due to the monsters- This will be good for them! Well, Green and his uh, other selves, anyways. Besides, why would you possibly want “rest and relaxation” when you can just crush the ugly mug of some monster?
Okay, maybe he is spending too much time with Blue.
Either way they definitely have better odds! They’ll just find each band (two or three?) and take them down, easy peasy. 
Every step is going to take him closer after all, might as well keep his shoulders straight and his eyes on the horizon.  
Soft grass and weeds dance in the foothills, with a chilly autumn air as their partner. As much as the others are way too gripey in the early morning, Green knows getting them up early is definitely the right call! The soft crispness of the morning air energizes him with every breath! Practically music, in his humble opinion. 
Behind him, he can hear another kind of music. A playful punch to the shoulder, a content sigh, and a little laugh. Conversation that starts and pauses, only to start again. In and out, natural and welcoming. They have his back. 
They finally stop at the top of a particularly large hill; this is the spot the scouters said they’d seen the monsters the most. If Green looks to the West, he can see the beginning treeline of a dark and confusing magic-filled Lost Woods. He shudders. From what Vio described about the woods, it definitely doesn’t seem like the ideal spot for a stroll. Compared to their “adventure” and all they’ve experienced, the next few days will be easyyyy. 
They’ve barely settled into their spot when Vio, ever the watchful one, already spots a band of monsters practically marching together. A very large band of very angry looking monsters. Nearly time to fight. A cliffside looms in the distance, with the monsters in between them and it. 
“I’d say, I think we’re dealing with about eight or so stalfoes, two spear moblins, oh you’ve got to be kidding me at least two dozen,” Green squints, “uh, tiny plant things?”
Strange little hobbling plant monsters, with sharp teeth and leaves coming from a single bud supported by two stumpy legs, covered the ground near the other monsters. 
“Tiny plant things?’”
For a place full of nothing but rolling hills, Vio sure is having quite a bit of difficulty finding enough room to fight. It’s ridiculous honestly, he and Green were supposed to take care of the stalfoes by directly fighting against them. Meanwhile, Blue and Red were meant dealing with those pesky small monsters that keep trying to bite their ankles! Or jump into their faces. It’s a bit hard to fight several monsters just taller than you while dealing with a bunch of faces full of teeth trying to lunge at you, afterall.
Not to mention, once they finally get in semi-decent positions the moblins thrust their giant axes right in the middle and scatter everyone all over again! He can hear the annoying squish and splatter of Blue’s hammer smashing into another one. 
Red’s fire rod is great at helping to keep the moblins away, but while you would think it’d be great for its intended purpose of burning those DAMN little plants monsters- All it really does is make all the grass around them catch on fire, not harming the stalfoes, and force them to bolt to a patch of rocks while they’re being chased. Of course, the little abominations climb up the stalfoes to stay safe from the fire. Fighting on the bumpy ground only makes things worse in their favor. He really wishes the darn things would be the ones stumbling and struggling for balance instead of themselves.  
 This is a far rockier area- He can feel the rattling bones hit his shield once more as he grunts to shove it off. They all need to be knocked down. With the bit of distance he looks around, and there . A pile of rocks, leading up to a cliff. The cliff is extremely uneven at the top, but there is just enough clear space for a person at the top! 
Perhaps, possibly, it had been a bit of a.. Risky endeavor. The second there’s the smallest opening, he yells out, “Watch out for a minute!” and bolts to the cliff side. Ignoring Blue’s very p*ssed off , “h-HEY! Where the Hell are you going?!!” and Green’s surprise as he keeps on running. Every thump of his feet pushing off the earth ringing in his ears. Or maybe that’s just his heartbeat.
Just as he’s starting to climb up he can hear the rattling of a stalfoe and feel the bruising pain of those small monsters trying to reach his flesh under the armor. I just need to keep going , he thinks as he finishes pushing himself up and begins scrambling  for a new foothold as he simultaneously tries to shake off the miniature snapping beasts. Good thing his ears are protected by the chainmail underneath his cap. 
The crash and shattering of bones with a string of swears behind him urge him to go even further up. When the battle’s over, Blue is probably going to get him next. He hadn’t sounded particularly pleased about Vio, “DITCHING THEM WITHOUT WARNING LIKE A B****H*SS,” or whatever. Despite his current height bringing him farther from the battle ground, he can practically hear Green shout, “ LANGUAGE!!” in the middle of battle.
Finally, just as he nears the top he manages to shake the last of those damn pests off his leg and let his heaving lungs rest, if only for a second. Right, this needs to be quick. Forcing himself up, still struggling to breathe from the chaotic climb, Vio readies his bow. 
While the experience of fighting various types of monsters, for hours on their own, certainly gave them a lot of skill in adapting to the situation he has to admit—the items they gained, namely his fairy blessed bag of endless arrows, are also a huge plus. Sure, they aren’t as strong as a well crafted bow, but they are endless . In fact, he’d figured out that if he shoots two at once, even if that took a while to master, it’d do the same amount of damage!
He smirks to himself, aiming straight at a stalfoes that is creeping behind Green. With a snap, the stalfoe falls to the ground. The chaos of the battle field, swarming the others with monsters, moving from place to place
 it’s familiar; it is a refreshing challenge. Others might’ve balked at the daunting task, but Vio is looking forward to it. It’s time to show off.
With the constant barrage of arrows knocking out stalfoes, allowing Red and Blue more room to work with and giving Green a much needed relief , the numbers begin to thin. He’s even able to start getting hits on the charging moblins, stunning them just long enough for a quick burn or slash on them. There are only a few straggling plant monsters as well. 
It’s wrapping up. Vio observes as the Moblin he shot finally falls to the ground. It is time to regroup. Or it would’ve been. 
He doesn’t know what he feels first. He can’t even think to process it. The tension of every single muscle spasming. Millions of needles endlessly searing into his flesh. From the inside and outside. Little pieces of him, like miniature marbles bursting outward. The shock of the constant repeated force fracturing and fracturing. The burning in his chest, he can’t breathe. 
It’s so, so much, it’s too much. Without a single thought, other than the sensation of indescribable pain, he falls silently down the cliff. Even as his body crashes down onto the unforgiving rocks it still spasms. Red screams before Blue and Green even see what happened.
I can’t! No, no, no, no, no, no!!!! Red can’t panic right now, but by Hylia does he want to scream and selfishly look away-
It was horrible, and he saw every second of it. He had stepped back for just a moment, to chug a magic energizing potion. They still had more monsters to fight, after all, and his magic stores were nearly drained from using the rod so much. But then he saw a spark to his right, all the way up where Vio had gone. A sparkling, bright white yellow light, blasting into Vio’s back. Now, he watches.  
Vio looks like he’s choking, like every single bit of him was choking and dying . His piercing scream is silently cut off, and then he falls . He falls and falls until his back hits the rocks and he goes stumbling down, blood splattering against the rocks. Red doesn’t want to know where it’s all coming from. And then Vio is there, sprawled on the ground, a horrible finale. He’s still screaming. 
No, no Vio isn’t the one who’s screaming. He can see his bloody face against the dirt. Red is. 
Blue grabs his arm, nearly shaking him as he tells him to LOOK before he runs off to Vio. Red’s shaking, then he follows Green’s startled eyes they lead back to the top of the cliff. He can only stare as a hulking Darknut trudges behind a row of stubby moblin archers, and even more stalfoes that have already begun jumping off to attack them. Oh, and a bunch of tektites. Because, well, why not at this point?
 Red usually tries to stay optimistic, because you can’t get anything done if you always have a bad attitude all the time for no reason but- Honestly? He’s pretty sure he hates EVERYTHING right now. It’s, it’s alright though- They, they’ve got him- Well, well they all would if Vio was down. But, it isn’t the time to focus on that, they have to keep them away from Vio and defeat them! 
Just because he’s terrified that Vio could be dying this very second, doesn’t mean he can just start crying when they need him! He will go on, and he will be hopeful! Because Green and Blue need him, and they trust him to at least support them! Red refuses to let them down. Even if he really wants to go cry in a hole right now. 
Green screams at Blue, “ DON’T MOVE HIM! We need to get them away from him, Red get here and create a blast! Cut them off!”
Red’s already sprinting. Blue’s hammer smashes into another stunned skull from Green’s boomerang. They’re working to get the monsters away from Vio. The second he arrives the entire earth THUDS as the colossal Darknut finally joins the battle. It’s beady eyes, under its helmet land on Red. 
“HEYYYY!!!, come here you, uh, you ugly face!!!” The monster trudges forward, away from Vio and towards him. The Colossal Axe glistens, ready to slice into him in seconds. 
“Yeahh!” Red waves his fire rod, sparkling in the burning sunlight, like a shiny fish in front of a starved beast. “Come here!!!”
The axe whizzes through the air with the speed of a bolt of lightning, ready to spear him into two. Red barely dodges. Before the monstrosity can take an even more petrifying swing, Green’s magical boomerang connects. The powerful thing freezes the beast for a valuable 5 seconds. 
Within those 5 seconds a few things happen. A small series of whistles rings throughout the battle field within seconds, a code that only they know.  During their quest, they had learned that just yelling out to each other with their own plans always ended up poorly. Maybe, they were all just too stubborn in their own plans, but it definitely wasn’t helped by the fact they could barely hear each other at times. Sensitive Hylian ears or not, in the midst of battles words become drowned out easily. 
Green’s message, a mix of quick patterns, order: B-G- Core Threats & Close Combat- R- Long Distance Quick. Blue and Green would take care of the strongest enemies and the ones that required close combat. Red would take care of the archers,as fast as possible so he could provide them aid. He could run and prepare ahead just on instinct before he even processed it. It was a mercy, afterall
 Every second in a battle is precious, especially with someone left in total vulnerability. 
Red breathes in, the blins are readying their bows.  Then exhales, a small yet vicious blast of fire spirals forward causing at least two of them to shriek as they desperately try to put themselves out. His shield is already out by the time the other three’s arrows have hit his shield. As much as Red would prefer to shoot more and scorch them while going in and out, that just wasn’t an option. The best way to stop them from shooting far out into the others, was to get in the way before they could do that. 
Red forces his way through with his shield to break their line and immediately his sword lunges straight into the throat of one of those wretched things. He has to take care of the other monsters, but Red let’s himself smile a moment at the sign of the bubbling blood. Good . He hoped that was the one that shot Vio. 
He has to dodge back quickly in the next moment though, despite the moblins having nothing but bows and arrows, that didn’t make them useless in the slightest. While the armor would definitely protect him from slashes it certainly wouldn’t protect him from their nasty claws aiming at his throat and eyes. 
He hacks away at another one that leapt out in front of him before he even got the chance to orient himself. Keep it steady, keep the pace and breathe. Red tries to slash at one of the monster’s belly, but he’s off balance by one of the burnt ones slashing at his leg! I really need to do better!! Red mentally slapped himself, how’d that one even get there? He seriously needed to keep track of everything or else he’d be hit in his blind spot again. Next time may not be so lucky. His free foot crushes the bastard's neck as he blocks more scrabbling claws away with his shield. 
Red is skewering the one that he had shoved off when he sees the two remaining unburnt monsters dashing toward him with arrows in their hands. What the hell? Oh, the arrows were sparkling yellow with the same crackling sound as a bomb about to burst. It was familiar. Vio . 
All three are charging and from the looks of it they’re trying to trap him with two heading up to his sides and the first one straight in front of him. Red charges right back at the right one bashing into it’s skull with his sword and spinning around, sword first, to face the others. It’s BURNING-  
His sword clumsily sliced into an arm, but the arrows- Those arrows, the moment of contact of it against his own sword make his arm convulse in pain as he yells out. Red’s sword is on the ground. The monster, reeling from its own pain, slashes back at him. Thankfully his armor prevents it from truly getting him. It’ll definitely bruise though. The pain threatens to bring him down, but gasping for air with teary eyes he forces his wobbly legs up anyways. Like the lightning wizzrobe- This doesn’t make sense- Oh great fairies please-
Red knows the dangers of magical exhaustion, he’d lived through it several times on their quest. Vio’s words echoed in his mind, “ Take care to not overdo it! Potions may provide a great boost and aid in recovery, but your body still needs time. You’re exhausted
 Green was right about how dangerous it is, besides-” and then Vio softly grinned, “ If you’re too tired who’s going to keep us going? We need your laughter, alright?”
He can already feel the aching soreness creeping on the edge of his fingers. He grabs the rod anyways, and this time there’s a blast. Red doesn’t know quite how it’s happening, but the strange arrows seem to make the flames stronger. They topple onto the Earth and the last half-dead burnt straggler has finished crawling its way to him. Red’s sword in his uninjured hand stabs into the beast’s guts with a wet sound. It dies slowly, scraping at his feet desperate to fight until it's inevitable death. Then, just like the others it rapidly deteriorates into a puddle of steaming filth on the ground. 
31 notes · View notes
httpknjoon · 2 months ago
satellite | jjk
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plot | Your friend, Jungkook, offers to help you while you review for your human anatomy exam.
w.c | 3K
genre | fluff, slight angst, fwb (but nothing 18+ happened)
pairing | jungkook x medstudent!reader
note | written from my own swamp of academic-related activities
main masterlist | playlist
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u up?
i'm studying
exams tomorrow
can i come over
yes but don't be a distraction
u know i can't help it đŸ˜Ș
i'm busy stop texting me
will be there in five
door's open no need to knock
see u 😉
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Maybe you should have just pursued a course in creative writing... Or maybe culinary arts. Maybe something connected with baking. You love baking, right?
Maybe if you picked a college program based on your hobbies, you have better sleep. Maybe you are happier. At 11:51 PM, maybe you are already sleeping soundly on your bed, next to your emotional support stuffed toy, with your favorite weighted blanket on your exhausted being.
But you didn't. You can't.
So here you are, sitting in a swamp of written notes, books, and colorful post-its (that you haven't found any helpful use yet), having a crisis over your career choices.
"You want this, YN." you remind yourself, shaking your head.
Your digital clock on your study desk just ticked the time to 11:52 PM. It has been almost three hours since you began your planned all-nighter for tomorrow's exam.
"I want to cry." you sighed, your forehead softly hitting your desk. "But I don't have the time for that."
Groaning, you opened one of the textbooks you borrowed from the library. You tried to process every word you came across. But considering that you went straight from your eight-hour shift from your part-time job, you only managed to comprehend half of the sentences you read.
"I wish I was born as a nepo-baby."
Another random thought rolled off your tongue instead of understanding where the hell the spine of the scapula is. Admittedly, you find it hard to locate the muscles in the human body when you only have a 2D version of it. But you don't have those 3D models that can help you to learn and remember better, so you will settle for pointing your index fingers at flat images on the book pages.
"Trapezius... Acromion... Deltoid..."
Reciting the muscles in the familiar tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", you began pointing to certain areas of your body. It was one of the studying techniques you have been using since you were younger. So far, it's helping. You keep doing it for the other parts.
But the longer you sang, the words slowly rambled in your tongue and your eyelids got heavier. You were so close to drifting away until you heard the familiar click of your door. Your head snapped up instantly. You hear his voice greeting your roommate who's probably watching her favorite show in the living room.
"Pizza and ice cream. Want some?" you heard him offer.
He brought food?! Of course, he did. He's Jungkook. For the first time since you sat in front of your study desk, a smile formed on your lips. Shaking your head, you just read your notes again. It didn't take long for your bedroom door to open. The scent of a freshly baked pizza filled every corner of your room. And there, you see him coming in with a smile on his pierced lips.
"Oh, hello, gorgeous."
Jungkook was surprised to see you already looking at him when he entered your room. Usually, he would find your nose dipped between your textbooks when he visits during your study sessions.
You rolled your eyes at the nickname, "I know, I looked like a mess right now. Just give me my prized pizza and ice cream please."
He laughed, not because he agreed with you, but because you are always quick to turn down his micro-flirting. He sometimes thinks that it keeps him grounded.
"And you got the coffee ones! This is why you're my favorite hookup buddy." you quipped before kissing his cheek, elated by the ice cream he got you.
"I'm honored. Thank you." he replied, before getting a slice of pizza.
Both of you know that you don't have any other hookup buddy. You're not that adventurous. It's just something you joke about.
"How's the studying going?" he asked before sitting on your bed.
"Shit." you shake your head, tired. "But this ice cream makes me feel a little better."
Jungkook smiled at that. He listened as you went on telling him about something that happened in your shift earlier today. But he ended up studying you. Because contrary to what you said earlier, you are too pretty, he finds it distracting. You were tired, it's written on your face. But the way your eyes light up as you share your story makes your face glow. With your desk lamp being the only light in your room, it perfectly highlights the small smile on your lips after you take another spoonful of the cold dessert.
"Why did you come here anyway?"
Your sudden question snaps Jungkook out of his daze. He cleared his throat.
"I-I'm bored and you're up."
He was not bored. In fact, he missed a party he was invited to tonight because it has been four days since he last saw you. He was busy with his training and practice, while you were working two jobs and studying. You two were just texting each other these days and with how rare you reply during the daytime, he knew that tonight is probably the best time to see you.
You sigh, "I told you, I'm studying for tomorrow. I can't do anything with you right now."
"And I didn't say we have to do anything. I'm just happy to be here. I'm like little Bear right there." he replied, pointing to your stuffed toy who was sitting next to him.
"Okay, I'll go back to studying. Is that okay?" you asked, putting on the lid of your half-finished ice cream.
He winked, "Of course."
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Jungkook is that person you probably know for too long. Like, someone you should have met only once or twice or occasionally. Not like this, in which you see each other almost every day.
When Liz, your roommate, introduced you two to each other during some Halloween party, in which you came as Dorothy from The Wizards of Oz and he was Peter Pan, you did not expect to start any kind of connection with him. You remembered thinking to yourself how exhausting it was to have him around with how he seemed so full of energy, not knowing then that he also enjoyed the same little things you did. You two became real friends after bumping into one another in a record store an hour away from your uni.
Because you feel that you two always stood on opposite ends of any scale. You were a reserved working student with introverted tendencies while on the opposite, Jungkook is a known varsity star, who's rumored to be a CEO's son (He is. He admitted it to you), on campus with a charm that works for everyone.  Just like how great he is at playing basketball, he is equally good at socializing and making new connections. That charm definitely worked for you a year ago because one thing led to another and now, he is in your bed, casually scrolling on his phone.
"Why do you have a camera with you?" you broke the silence after reading for god knows how long. Yet, you are unsure if you picked up anything from it.
He looked up, reaching for the camera bag he brought with him earlier, "It's a new one, my dad brought it to me as a gift."
"For what? Your birthday was like three months ago," you asked even though you already had an answer in your head.
"I helped him with some documents," he replied, knowing that you would say something after.
"Spoiled." you teased him.
"Haters gonna hate," he responded with a sassy roll of his eyes, you laughed. "Anyway, I'm kinda testing it out. So, if you don't mind..."
He placed the camera in front of him, aligning its viewfinder to his left eye. You put the back of your hand under your chin with a tight smile on your lips, posing. Click. A shutter sound and a bright flash followed. You see Jungkook look down at his camera to check the outcome. A small smile forms on his lips.
"You have too many pictures of me," you told him.
Every single time you two are together, he takes a picture of you. You don't really mind even though some shots are candid. Some of the pictures of you he took are the only ones you have on your Instagram. He's good at it, but sometimes, you worry you will get used to being his muse.
"I'm thinking of making an exhibition out of it." he said.
Sensing his sarcasm, you ride on with it, "Yeah, you can title it with something like, The Life Of An Overworked Twenty-Something Student. I looked exhausted in all those photos. An ugly, dry potato."
"I think you look pretty in all of them."
And it didn't help that he complimented you a lot after taking pictures of you. It just scares you that you feel a light feeling in your stomach when you see him smile after taking a shot of you or when he calls you gorgeous or pretty.
But instead of letting the giddy feeling show, you just smiled, "Of course you do, you're sleeping with me. You will always find me attractive."
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It was almost an hour later when Jungkook paused the video he was watching on his phone to once again try his camera. A camera nerd, he was watching a clip about his new camera's settings. Of course, he was in his earphones so that he wouldn't get to distract you.
After modifying some parts of the settings, Jungkook placed his camera in front of his right eye, ready to capture another picture of you. But before he could click the button, he noticed your shoulders shaking.
His right eyebrow raised as he slowly put down his camera.
He heard you hiccup before humming, "Hmm?"
"YN, can you look at me?" he asked since you kept your back turned to him.
"Not now, I'm busy." you sobbed, failing to hide from Jungkook.
He frowned, getting up from your bed, "YN, baby..."
"No, I said-"
Before you could continue denying, Jungkook already pulled the swivel chair you were sitting on closer to him. You covered your face with your palms since you hated crying in front of anyone. Jungkook tries to remove it softly but you shake your head.
"Please, let me see your face. It's okay," he whispered while his thumbs drew circles at the back of your hands. Finally, you listened and let him hold down your hands.
"Shh..." he hushed you, wiping the tears on your cheeks. "What's going on? Are you okay? Is there any way that I can help you?"
"I-I cannot remember anything and I'm just so tired." you broke down, feeling the exhaustion from both studying and working finally creeping up in your body.
"Then, take a break. Let's nap." he offered, knowing how much you need it.
You cried even more, "I can't nap. My exams are tomorrow and I can't understand anything I've been reading so far."
He clicked his tongue in disagreement, "I'll wake you up in thirty minutes. How about that?"
While his offer seemed ideal for you, the pressure for what is coming tomorrow is heavily sitting on your shoulders. But you're really tired.
"Just nap?" you asked, making sure that it won't lead to anything else.
"Yeah— Okay, maybe cuddle." he shrugged.
"Okay." I kinda need that.
"Okay. C'mere, my snotty baby." He cooed.
You glared at him before slapping his chest. He laughed, catching your hand and pulling you to him on your bed. You fell on top instead of your mattress, feeling his toned body under you. His chin rests on the top of your head as he draws circles on your lower back.
"Let's do anything you want after your exams," he mumbled.
You exhaled, "Why celebrate? I am not even sure if I can pass it."
"You will. You're the smartest person I know."
This isn't the first time Jungkook saw you broke down over academic reasons. He knew how much you value your studies as someone who has always been an achiever since you began studying. It didn't help that your mom expects quite a lot from you, based on what you told him.
You looked up to meet his eyes, "Thank you."
He simply kissed your forehead, "Of course, babe."
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You did find yourself feeling much better after your 30-minute rest. But, you also found something else when you woke five minutes ago next to Jungkook. It's something that can probably help you study.
"Take off your shirt," you whispered as you rested your head on his arm.
"Why?" he asked, suspicious.
"I think you can help me study," you said, sitting up on the bed.
Jungkook sat next to you, "I thought we were just cuddling."
"Jungkook." you called him. "Please, just do it."
"Okay, I will. You know I can't say no when you beg, babe." he teased.
You watched him reach for the back of his shirt and remove it over his head. With how cold your room is, Jungkook immediately crossed his arms over his chest, making his muscles bulge before you. You were quiet, squinting your eyes on his arms.
Feeling a little conscious and confused, Jungkook spoke, "It's a little chilly here. What now?"
"Wait, let me get my sticky notes."
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"You know, I should be paid for this," Jungkook spoke, covered in neon-colored sticky notes from his neck to his back and arms. "I am like your model."
"You are my 3d model." you laughed while tracing his body with your finger to look where you could stick your next label. "I'm too broke to buy one so just be my friend and let me put some sticky notes on you."
"I'll just buy you one." he offered and he's serious. If it's something that can help you, he'll buy it for you.
"You sound like the spoiled kid you are." you joked.
"I like it when you keep me humble and grounded," he reacted sarcastically. Out of a hundred people he knows on the campus, you are the only one who always reminds him of his privileges. He found it annoying at first but now, he just finds it funny.
"I know, it shows especially when you get all submissive sometimes." you joked again, scrunching your nose at him.
"Why won't you just let me spend money on you?" he asked, recalling the other scenarios he tried buying or doing something for you. But you were quick to decline him, especially if it's connected with money.
You stopped and stared at him, "For the tenth time, Jeon, I will not be your sugar baby."
"Or you can just be my... baby," he whispered, but since you are the only awake people in this house at this time of the day, you still heard that.
Your eyebrows scrunched, looking at him. Visibly cringing at what he said, you pushed his face with a laugh. You hear him chuckle lowly.
"If you want someone to be your baby, you should be asking girls out, not signing up for a friends-with-benefits-type of relationship with me," you mumbled while writing a certain body part on your notepad.
It is part of your agreement that this thing you two have will end once one of you starts dating again. But the idea of him asking girls out after literally sleeping on your bed for the last twelve months still made your heart sink a little. You cannot imagine how your future will be without him, you still haven't thought that far.
"I know..." he whispered. But you're not up for any commitment. He wanted to say that. Instead, he replied, "But you give the best blowjob ever. How can I look for someone else?"
You laughed again. God, he loves making you laugh. It's like a melody playing in his head.
"Yeah, I know. It will be hard to find someone better than me. I'm the best."
Yes, you are. He agreed, almost saying it if you haven't spoke to soon.
"Now, please, can you stop moving? My notes are falling everywhere."
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"Hi, I'm Mabel."
It's been days since that night. Now, a blonde, blue-eyed girl offered her hand to Jungkook while he prepared to leave the campus with his car after his basketball training. Jungkook, being polite, introduced himself even though he was not really interested. He continued making sure he got all his stuff in his backpack as the girl continued saying that they had two classes together. When he was done checking, she spoke,
"I think you're really cute and was wondering if we could go out sometime? Maybe we can grab some coffee together?"
Jungkook scratched the back of his head, feeling bad for what he was about to say to this seeming freshman before him. A tight smile forms on his lips. This isn't the first confession he got in his lifetime, but rejecting someone is always hard.
"Wow... uhm... I'm sure you're a really wonderful person, Mabel. But I'm not really interested in dating anyone right now. I'm sorry."
The familiar flustered face instantly showed up on Mabel's face, "Oh, okay. Uhm, thank you for your time. Nice to meet you though."
Jungkook was not even able to reply before she ran away. It didn't took him too long to dwell on that interaction when he got a message from you.
YN đŸ©ș
Jungkook smiled after reading that, feeling your relief and excitement. He typed in a reply before hopping in his car.
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note | scheduled as my first post for 2025 :) thank you so much for reading!
ps. will probably delete this later on
taglist rules
@dunixxd @cixrosie @jksjx @embrace-themagic @buttvi @starbtslove @missseoulite @vanntaesworld @kenqki @imajinthis @stopeatread @seolaquotes @greyrain23 @chimchimmarie @petalsofink @jayhope88 @moonchild1 @laylasbunbunny @nikkiordonez12 @misshale21 @marblemoonstones
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jungkooktarot · 2 months ago
How will jungkook and fs feel towards each other when they meet?
Jungkook & his future spouse’s feelings/first impressions of each other | tarot reading
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Jungkook: Right off the bat he’s gonna find his fs to be super beautiful. Love at first sight. He’ll immediately see the potential of a lovely relationship blooming with them. Quickly fantasizing about making them his. He’ll feel a sense of familiarity like never before. Like he just found his home. However, he’ll also find them to be quite intimidating. For two reasons, his own past traumas and his insecurities, and also his fs could have an intimidating demeanor in general. They seem too good to be true and he questions if he’s enough for them. His fs could be/look really rich. Like they come from a well off background even if they don’t. They are surely a foreigner and he’ll be intrigued, finding them exotic. He’ll feel emotions too intense for a first meeting. He’ll know that this person is not just anybody. That his life will take a full turn and will never be the same after this meeting. And it excites him incredibly. He’ll suddenly become very hopeful and look forward to the future. He won’t be able to fight the urge to approach them but he’s afraid of getting rejected or judged. Regardless, he’ll do it at the end for sure. He’ll get over his fears and will push himself to talk to them. And it will be a success. They’ll actually acknowledge him and they’ll exchange a friendly conversation. Taking each other’s contacts possibly
His future spouse: I don’t think they’ll notice him right away. They’ll be too caught up with other things. But when they do, they’ll be absolutely starstruck. Partially because they already know of him. I mean who doesn’t, he’s the superstar jeon jungkook. and they could have admired him in the past too. so it’s like “omg!” but they won’t express this too obviously. His fs will see that he’s surrounded by cameras and whatnot, which makes me think this is some event like a festival or something. he’s walking and cameras are around him, people too. He’ll be alone though. Fs will see him as a mature calm man, I honestly think they are younger than him. Also find him super rich. Again they also will be intrigued at the fact that he’s foreign to them. They have many differences which makes me think they are the opposite attracts type of couples. fs will also notice that jungkook keeps staring at them lol? they’ll notice his attempts to get their attention and stuff. which will definitely leave them flattered.
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sunflw3r · 10 months ago
sungchan as your bf / headcanons
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idol!sungchan x non!idol male reader reader prns: he/him word count: 2k words fluff
sungchan as your boyfriend
content warnings: mentions of shirtless sungchan, i think that’s it but lmk</3
a/n: so i just came back to tumblr after like a month and im getting back into writing!! i recently read the first part of @luvkyu ‘s sungchan oneshot and i fear my sungchan obsession is coming back so HERE have a fun gift
ps: in the little scenarios it fluctuates between a weird 2nd person + 3rd person limited so i hope that’s not confusing</3
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✩he’s sooooo soft
✩he puts on a really tough act but whenever you come in the room

✩there are stars in his eyes
✩he LOVES showing you affection in public
✩is not at all afraid to show his soft side when you’re around
“y/n!!” sungchan happily squealed, the sight of you making his heart run at 100 miles per hour. “hi chan.” y/n smiled softly, sungchan wrapping his arms around y/n’s shoulders, a bright and lovesick smile on his face.
“have i told you today how much i love you?” sungchan asked, y/n pondering about the inquiry. “i don’t think so.” he replied, a tiny grin appearing on his lips as sungchan left a small kiss on y/n’s nose. “i love you so much baby.” he whispered, y/n pulling his closer. “i love you too chan.”
“bleh.” seunghan said, passing the couple who were currently embracing, sungchan unraveling one of his arms from y/n’s to flip off the younger. he returned to y/n, soft laughter coming from the two’s mouths as seunghan grumbled while walking through the living room of the dorm.
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✩loves kissing you
✩like if his lips are free they’re going to be somewhere on you, whether it’s your cheek or your neck
✩his favorite place to kiss though is the part right behind your ears
✩it feels super intimate for him
✩he can latch onto your body and bury his face in the crook of your neck and everything is okay
✩whenever he’s having a bad day, all of his worries fall away whenever he’s in your arms
“are you alright bubs?” y/n asked softly, sungchan wrapping his arms around m/n’s neck, placing his lips gently behind y/n’s left ear. sungchan felt y/n’s shoulder’s relax under his hands, detaching his soft lips from the delicate skin.
“better.” he whispered in reply, y/n smiling happily at the person in his arms. taking sungchan’s hands in his, y/n pressed a gentle kiss to the soft skin, sungchan’s breath slowing into a rhythmic pattern of comfort. “i’ll run you a bath and then you can tell me about your day?” y/n asked, sungchan nodding as a sigh escaped his mouth. “yes please.”
y/n’s gentle laughter filled the room as he pressed a light kiss to sungchan’s forehead, who moved his head so y/n’s lips trailed down his nose to meet his own. soft noises of sungchan’s happiness vibrated from his vocal chords and filled the room as their lips separated and touched again. y/n ruffled his hair, walking away backwards, his eyes locked with sungchan’s. “your bath wil be ready in a few minutes love.”
sungchan smiled, following after y/n with a smile on his face, his lips warm and heart fluttering with satisfaction as he saw your figure disappear into your bathroom.
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✩LOVES talking about his hobbies and job with you
✩he set a new personal record while doing his work out? expect to see a very happy (and sweaty) sungchan bursting through the door of your apartment speaking a mile a minute about the accomplishment while you simultaneously try your hardest to get him to go shower
✩did he finally ace a part of the choreography for riize’s new comeback? be prepared to see a very excited (but extremely sore and tired) sungchan coming home with a bright smile on his face, proceeding to spend the next 5 hours of your evening together showing you the now cleaned two 8-counts
✩after he would proceed to fall asleep, his face pressed against the couch cushions while you just stand their like 🧍
“babe! guess what i just did!” sungchan exclaimed, bursting through the front door of y/n’s apartment, a bright smile on his face, contrasting the sweat trickling down his forehead. “what did you do?” y/n smiled, looking up from his book to lock eyes with his boyfriend.
“i just finished cleaning that really stupid part in talk saxy! i’m free now!” he cheered, y/n standing up from the couch to envelop his boyfriend in a hug, attempting to avoid the sweat clinging to his body. “congrats bubs! i’m so happy for you.” he replied, sungchan’s triceps resting under his palms. “can i show you?” sungchan asked, y/n nodding happily. sungchan sprinted to move the table from the center of the living room, y/n sitting back down in his seat on the couch.
safe to say he spent the rest of the night showing you the same moves, only falling asleep curled up on the couch once y/n left to get a glass of water.
“let’s go to bed channie, you’re really tired.” y/n whispered, putting his arms around his boyfriend’s waist. “no, i gotta show you it one more time! i reallyyyyyy got it.” he slurred, his head falling into y/n’s chest, soft breaths coming from his mouth.
“silly,” y/n muttered softly, struggling to get sungchan’s long limbs contained in his arms to take him to his bedroom, a bright, sleepy smile on sungchan’s face as y/n held him. “mmh, i love you.” sungchan mumbled, y/n pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. “i love you too. but can you wake up enough so you can walk to the bedroom because i will die trying to carry you.”
sungchan chuckled softly, his half asleep voice music to y/n’s ears. “okay.” he groaned, pulling himself up before falling in y/n’s arms, feet shuffling along the floor with his partner until they made it to the bedroom, moving his hands along to the rhythm of talk saxy. “boom, did it again. babe, you’re so lucky to have such a talented boyfriend.”
y/n smiled, patting sungchan’s half asleep cheek as he laid the tall man across the comforter. “so lucky my love. now sleep.” “mmh, i love you.” sungchan replied, falling into slumber as y/n smiled at his hyper boyfriend.
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✩he’s very open with his group about you!
✩like someone will say something and sungchan will suddenly just say “oh wait y/n did this cute thing” or “that reminds me, me and y/n-“ and the rest of riize just stare at him
✩on the other hand, you’re very open about your relationship with sungchan to your friends
✩it was one of sungchan’s priorities when you started dating that if you wanted to be able to gush about him you could<3 it means the most to him that you can express your happiness even if he is a public figure
✩he never wants you to feel like his little secret! you mean the world to him and while he might not be telling the fans for your safety (the world is still too homophobic), he still makes sure you’re satisfied and heard in your relationship and he isn’t ignoring how you feel
✩if the fans ever did find out, whether it was by accident or on purpose, sungchan’s main priority would be you
✩fans start following you? he tells them off and stays by your side until they stop
✩if you ever feel upset about what they say, sungchan will take the time to comfort you, helping you in self care for the next few days until the comments stopped living in your mind
the group was taking a break after the hours of practice, shotaro talking about the hellish time he had trying to buy grocerys that week. sungchan drank happily from his boba (courtesy of y/n) before a thought returned to his mind about his recent date with his boyfriend.
“oh my god! when me and y/n went to the grocery store this week it took us like half an hour to check out! he was literally dying waiting in line at checkout for it to be our turn.” sungchan giggled softly, thinking off his boyfriend’s face while the other 6 stared at him blankly, sohee sighing. “that had nothing to do with the conversation but thanks for the information!” shotaro exclaimed, sungchan snapping out of his daze to stick his tongue out at his friend, the thought of you still on his mind.
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✩’i love you’s are very much an every single second of every single day thing for sungchan
✩he never worries about it losing it’s effect on you
✩if he loves you, you deserve to know it every minute you’re together!
✩it’s one of his core beliefs in your relationship and he sticks by it
✩whenever he has to leave for work before you wake up, he makes sure (or so you’ve heard) to press a soft kiss to your head before whispering how much he loves you and leaving the house
✩if he’s really rushing, he’ll leave a note on the nightstand for you to find when you wake up<33
i love you<33
chan :(( i love you too!
okay bye bye i rllyyygotta go now but i justwanted to let you know :)
haha ty! :(
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✩he loves taking you on dates!
✩whether it’s a day at the beach or running a quick errand to the grocery store that ends in a picnic, he loves to spend time with you
✩his favorite type of date to have with you though are the cozy rest days you’ll have together in the country side on his days off
✩spending all day latched at the hip as you relax in the sun, running into the cold ocean in your underwear, and taking late nights all to yourselves is sungchan’s favorite way to unwind
✩one of his secret dreams for when you’re older is to buy a house out in the countryside with you and build your family together!
✩he wants nothing more than to love you for the rest of your lives and it’s the sweetest thing ever!!
“y/n, watch this!” sungchan said, y/n looking up from his sand castle to see sungchan jump into the air, making a heart above his head before he fell into the waves. laughter escaped from y/n’s mouth as he saw sungchan emerge from the ocean, a disgusted look on his face as he coughed heavily, scrunching up his nose before covering the skin with his right palm.
“ah i got saltwater up my nose.” he complained, y/n staring at his tan chest gleaming in the sunlight, his swim trunk hanging lowly to wear the dips of sungchan’s hips peeked above the fabric. “chan!” y/n called, sungchan meeting y/n’s eyes with a newfound smile. “hmm?” he replied, y/n giving him a heart with his hands in return. sungchan stumbled backwards holding his hands over his heart, falling back into the water.
“ack, my boyfriend is so adorable!” he cried, y/n laughing as sungchan was hit with a wave, causing his feet to kick up as he tried to stand. “help me y/n!” he asked, y/n running into the surf, only for him to fall down when he and sungchan collided over the sand bar.
“you were supposed to help me.” sungchan pouted, y/n pecking his salty lips. “oops.” he giggled, sungchan wrapping his arms around y/n’s waist, moving his head to bite his boyfriend’s cheek. “ahh!” y/n cried, sungchan pulling them out of the cold water and into the warm sun, his boyfriend’s bright smile making his heart flutter.
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✩in conclusion, one of sungchan’s most important thing in his personal life is you<3
✩he wants no one but you as his boyfriend, and would do anything to make sure you’re happy and satisfied with your relationship together
✩he’s so smitten for you and he wants the world to know! like yes, you are the light of his life! and you’re going to hear about it!
✩and at the end of the day, he knows you’re always there for him when he needs it
✩he’s so so so happy you found each other and is grateful everyday for your love<3
✩no one will EVER compare to you and he hopes you know that!
✩he’ll make sure you stay together forever at each other’s sides, living your life with eternal happiness and joy
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there’s SO much more i could put in here but i’m stopping for my mental stability
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sukunasbow · 2 years ago
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barbie vs oppenheimer, criminal minds.
characters: aaron hotchner, spencer reid, derek morgan, jennifer jareau, emily prentiss, and penelope garcia!
summary: the criminal minds characters and what movie they’d go see with you!
warnings: not yet proof read so ignore any mistakes.
notes: this might be lame or wtv but i thought it was a little cute!
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aaron hotchner
He for sure wanted to see Oppenheimer, but the two of you compromised and saw both of the movies on two different days. You guys brought jack with you to see Barbie and although he enjoyed Oppenheimer, he would never admit that he enjoyed barbie a lot more.
spencer reid
Like aaron, the two of you saw both movies. You also dressed up as Barbie, and he dressed up in a similar full pink outfit, although he was reluctant at first, but when he saw how happy you were he didn’t mind the bright pink outfits.
derek morgan
Oh, he happily agreed to see Barbie with you. He wasn’t interested in Oppenheimer when he saw the trailer and didn’t want to see it. The two of you for sure dressed up as Barbie and Ken and even ended up inviting Penelope to see it with you, as she spent the entire day talking about how much she wants to see it.
jennifer jareau
She loved Barbie when she was younger and honestly, she was more excited to see it then you were. She had your outfits planned weeks before the two of you went to the theatre. She left the theatre crying.
emily prentiss
She wasn’t overly excited to either, but she ended up going to Barbie with you and really enjoyed it. She for sure started crying a little at the end and kept talking about the scenes with all the moms and how her mom was.
penelope garcia
She obviously went to see Barbie with you and absolutely loved it. She cried half the time, and kept talking about it when it was over. She also hosted a Barbie party for the team when it was released online and went all out with pink decorations, pink drinks, pink cupcakes, just everything pink. It became one of her favourite movies for sure.
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rabbiteclair · 3 months ago
my relationship with the Touhou print works is: Sunday I was in the car with my roommate and she asked if Tenshi ever showed up in Forbidden Scrollery, and I immediately answered 'nah, but she had a one panel non-speaking cameo in that chapter where Kokoro's performing at the shrine'
unfortunately it's very hard to un-dissect them in my head so that I can get any emotional impact or novelty out of them again
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rowanmutt-afterdark · 7 months ago
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Thank you again to the wonderful @lemonyskulls for bringing the Replanting Roots crew to life for me! I commissioned them and I am IN LOVE with how much detail they put into the art. They went above and beyond my expectations. Please go and him some love and support! He deserves it with the amazing talent that he has.
Horrortale Paps- Cedar
Horrortale Sans- Hickory
Fellswap Sans- Sable
Fellswap Papyrus- Whiskey
Horrortale belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios
Fellswap Red belongs to Ziznine
Again thank you so so SO much Lemon! I am beyond happy with the results!
I will be posting the next update within a few days for Replanting Roots over on AO3.
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nczennie · 24 days ago
full sun.
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Pairing: Reader x Haechan AU: Disney, Emperors New Groove Genre: Angst, Fluff Preview: You hum, “Someone must’ve snuck into your room. So either your guards failed you, or it was an inside job.” “Nonsense, I have the best guards in the world.” “And yet here you are.” You snap becoming frustrated, you wanted him to be safe but he was making it difficult. Words: 5.1k
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You curse the emperor with every step you take up the hill to the palace. Choosing to ignore the burning in your lungs from the steepness of the walk in order to keep your fast pace.
“Who does he think he is? Ungrateful, privileged,” you trail off as you see the gates of the palace approaching. Everyone in the village knew of the kind of behavior that could be expected of the younger Emperor, but you had never had to deal with it first hand. 
Taking a deep breath, you walk towards to two guards standing watch at the gates. Showing them the letter you carried you explained, “I have a meeting with the Emperor.” They spare each other a glance before nodding you in. You hesitate just slightly, not expecting it to be this easy to walk in. You catch sight of another guard by the doors of the palace and make your way over to him. Before you could speak he opens motions for the large palace doors to be opened, “Follow me.” The deepness of his voice causes you to become nervous, finally realizing the situation. 
You were going to meet the Emperor for the first time, he was the all-mighty ruler. You may have had your annoyances with him, but the reality that he could do whatever he wanted to you if you angered him lingered heavily in your brain now. 
Following the guard down mazes of hallways, you look at the decor around you to distract yourself. Never in your life had you seen anything so extravagant. Gold detailing filled the place from top to bottom in endless depictions of the sun. There was nothing even close to this in the village where all the people lived, and though amazed, your annoyance grew even worse as the apparent money spent on the palace. 
The guard finally stops in front of two large doors, unsure of what to do, you stand there until given instruction. Just moments later you jump with a start as the doors open, looking on with horror as an elderly man is escorted out by guards. “You’re up.”  Gulping you walk slowly through the doors. Only the sound of your footsteps could be heard, echoing in the emptiness as the only piece of furniture is the large gold throne in the front of the room.  Your eyes stay focused on the ground as your afraid to look at him. Was there a proper way to greet him? You’re not sure, you’ve never even seen him before as he is not one to interact with the villagers. 
Finally you let your eyes slowly wander to the Emperor, he sits with a bored expression on his face. Head resting against his fist, elbow on the armrest. You knew he was a young Emperor, around your age, since the death of his parents, but looking at him now he seems too young to be ruling an Empire.  Perhaps that’s why he’s so bad at it. 
“Well?” he finally speaks and you find your annoyance growing in your chest once again.   
“I received this letter this morning, regarding purchasing my land.” You state, holding up the letter you found nailed to your door when you woke up. He seems to recall it as he perks up at the mention, sitting up straight, a small smile coming to his face.  “Yes, I will pay you 100 gold coins.” He motions for the guards, maybe to get the money but you have no interest. 
“No,” you simply state, heart thudding in your chest as you take in the amount of armed guards in the room. There’s a silence that follows, the Emperor obviously shocked at the reluctance. He finally throws his hands up, shaking his head, “What would you require then, 400?”
“It is not a question of gold,” you will your voice to stay firm, “I have no desire to sell my land, no matter the price.”
He blinks slowly at you, “I don’t recall the letter asking for your permission.” He was right. The letter was not an offer, but a demand. Either way, you had to fight it. 
“I am the village’s only healer, my home is where I do my work. If you take it from me there goes my home as well as the only place where I can help people.” He huffs, rolling his eyes at you, “With the gold I give you, you can buy a new home. You could even buy a home and a seperate place for your work. Therefore you should be thanking me.”
You become flustered, face burning red, “My land is more than that.” Taking a quick breath to keep you from stumbling, you continue, “All on the land of my home is fields full of growing plants that I use for my work. As I mentioned, I am a healer and I use all of these to make medicine for my patients. Without my land I can’t do as such.” 
Maybe you were expecting to strike some sort of cord within the Emperor, but you watched as he merely shut his eyes and took a deep breath. “Let me show you what I am planning to do with your land,” he snaps and a person comes wheeling out a 3D diagram with what you assume was your land.  The Emperor motions you to come forward so you do, slowly, looking at the 3D model. Your eyebrows furrow, “A community pool?” you question him and he laughs, “Community? No, this pool is for me. I had all the land surveyed and I noticed the land you own is obviously the best spot for me pool. It gets the most sunlight since it is slightly west of the mountains unlike the rest of the town.”
You want to argue with him, of course you know this, how else would you be able to grow all of your medical herbs and plants. But instead you merely stand your ground, “I’m sorry, but I will not sell my land, even if it is the perfect spot for your pool.” The Emperor is quick to glare at you, “500 gold coins is for your final answer, take that or else I’ll-” The young ruler is unable to finish the threat as a woman moves forward to interrupt him, “Now Haechan, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves.” You look at the older woman, slightly doing a double take at her farfetched eye makeup. 
Watching on as the Emperor groans, leaning back in his throne you look confused. “Yzma,” he speaks, “We already talked about how much I needed this land for the pool.” She gives a condescending smile to the boy, “I understand, but let’s not scare the girl off,” she turns to smile at you, “The Emperor offers you 500 gold coins for your land, I hope you understand how great that offer is. Now take the night to think it over, yeah? Come back here tomorrow afternoon.” 
You want to argue that no matter the amount of time you will not accept any offer, but you worry about the unfinished threat from the Emperor earlier. So instead you nod, bowing at the Emperor before taking your leave. 
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That night you wander through the fields beside your house, using the light from the moon to help you harvest the peppermint leaves. You’ve spent the day tending to your patients; stitching an arm up, helping a young girl with a fever, and even delivering a baby. It was a busy day that left you little to no time for think about your encounter with the Emperor.
But now in the quietness, you can’t help but stress.  You were supposed to return tomorrow with your answer, however you had a feeling it was either agree or they force you out one way or another. Sure with the great amount of money they offered you could relocate, but no place could replace the vast fields of plants and herbs that you used daily or the sentimental value. Even if you were to replant some, your supply would drop drastically. Especially seeing as the Emperor planned to totally demolish the land. 
You tredge to the stream, kneeling to pick some chamomile when you notice something floating from the corner of your eye. Turning your full attention to it, you let out a gasp, standing and tumbling across the water to where it washed ashore. 
Gulping as you come closer, you notice you were right. It was a human floating in the water. Using all your strength to pull them fully on dry land, you move to flip them over. 
“Oh no,” you cry out as you see the face of the young Emperor. You quickly check his pulse, relieved that it was still there but you quickly began pushing down on his chest. Who knew how long he was in the water and how much got into his lungs. “C’mon.” You groan continuing your pulses before leaning to breathe into his mouth, hand covering his nose.  
Finally as you pull away for the second time, he jerks coughing, water spilling over his lips. He breathes heavily as you move him to his side but does not fully regain consciousness. Now you must figure out how to drag him back to your house to tend to him there.
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The birds chirp in the morning light as you sip your tea, walking back into your house from collecting the newspaper. 
‘EMPEROR MISSING’ it reads in large print and you sigh closing the door behind you. Walking to where the young emperor sits in your bed barely noticing your presence he’s so busy eating his breakfast. 
He had woken up about an hour ago confused and hungry, but thankfully no sign of memory loss. “Everyone is looking for you.” You say walking beside him and handing him the newspaper. He looks up at you, mouth full of food before grabbing the paper. “Yzma to act as Empress until further notice...” Haechan reads before scoffing. “She’s not even of royal blood, I’ll be back in an hours time.” He states before returning to his food, clearly having no concept of how far the palace was from the town.
“Who is this Yzma anyways?” You ask moving to clear the kitchen. “My advisor.” Haechan states with a full mouth causing you to grimace. “She served on the council for my father so when my parents passed they assigned her to be my advisor until I came of age. But she does all the hard work so I keep her around even now.”
You stay silent, pursing your lips. “Well, that was delicious. I’ll be off to the palace now.” He places his dishes on the nightstand before standing. You rush beside him, unsure of his condition. “You’re just going to go back?” You look at him like he’s crazy but he gives you the same look back. “Of course I am. What else am I to do? Surely not stay here in town.”
Rolling your eyes you ignore the comment. “I mean is it safe? Clearly someone intended to kill you back at the palace and you don’t even know who.” Haechan blinks slowly, as if it just dawned on him how he ended up here in the first place.
“You really think someone did this on purpose?” He says and you raise your eyebrows. “I treated your wound. Someone obviously hit you in the back of the head before dumping you in the stream to die.” 
He scratches his cheek and you can’t tell if he’s thinking or zoning out. “You’re sure you don’t remember anything?” You ask him again and he nods. “Like I said I was in my room about to get into bed and that’s the last I remember.”
You hum, “Someone must’ve snuck into your room. So either your guards failed you, or it was an inside job.” 
“Nonsense, I have the best guards in the world.”
“And yet here you are.” You snap becoming frustrated, you wanted him to be safe but he was making it difficult. “Well what do you suggest I do?” He throws his hands up. “Is there someone in the palace you trust the most? Maybe we can get you to them and tell them what happened.” You try.
“It has to be Yzma.” He says, “She’s been with me since I was a kid, since my parents passed.” You nod, “Okay, perfect. We’ll find a way to get you to her without anyone else seeing so she can help figure out who did this.”
Haechan nods, licking his lips in determination. “Right, okay. How do we sneak in though if there are guards everywhere?” You take a moment to think. When you walked to the top of the hill yesterday the whole trail was covered with guards. But you remember as a child taking a trip with your grandfather. “We’ll go the back way. There’s a secret trail on the back of the hill we can take. It just might take longer.”
“How long exactly?” He asks with a frown. “A day.”
“What?!” He sounds esaperated, “You wanted me to spend a night outside?” You roll your eyes at him, “You have a head injury, you can’t push yourself that hard. We need to take our time.” He runs his hands over his face before sighing, “Alright, fine. But we need to leave as soon as possible.”
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Sighing as you tie your bag up you look at Haechan who looks unamused from where he sits. “Alright, we can head out.” He rolls his eyes, “About time.” You send him a glare as you place the bag on your back, “We have to be prepared, it’s a long journey. We need food, something for shelter, your medicine..” You trail trying to make your point. 
You follow the emperor outside, closing your door behind you, placing the note you wrote on your door. It was the only way to let anyone know you’d be out for the day. 
Quietly he lets you take the lead and you head further into the lush jungle and towards a tiny trail that rarely sees anyone but animals. You both trek quietly until the boy finally speaks, “Why do you think someone wanted me dead?”
Blinking harshly as you continue your pace, you don’t look back at him. “Well you’re the emperor, they could want power. Or maybe you did something to make them angry.” You say knowing a lot of town people don’t exactly agree with the reckless ruling and spending of the young ruler. 
“Nonsense.” He says loudly, “There’s no one who would disagree with me. Except you of course.”
You stop abruptly turning to face him and he nearly stumbles into you, “Excuse me?” 
Haechan frowns at you, “Yeah, you won’t willingly give me your land.” You shake your head, “You don’t realize how important my land is.” He merely rolls his eyes so you speak again, “I can’t be the only one who disagrees with you.” You know it’s true, you hear what the people say around town. 
“You are. Except two others who I had to have imprisoned but everyone else knows my power and it’s something you should learn too.” You raise your eyebrows and he continues and starts to walk in front of you down the trail, “I am of royal blood, descended from the sun god himself. I was made to rule over this land, over these people. What I say goes and what I say is correct. There is no other way.”
Your cheeks burn with anger and your mind flashes of what would have been if you left him in the stream last night. But you take a deep breath before continuing on the trail. 
“Then why do you think someone tried to kill you?” You ask and you see him shrug in front of you. “Don’t know. Can’t think of any reason why.”
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It’s been a long day of travel with Haechan, from the humidity and steep hills to Haechans constant whining and insisting on stopping and snacking. 
Now the sun was nearly setting but you were more worried about the rumbling of thunder and the dark clouds that were rolling in at an alarming pace. After a particularly close strike of lightning, you look around before dropping your bag to the floor. “We need to set up shelter here.”
The emperor frowns looking around, “You said we would be there in a day. Can’t we keep going?” He looks up, the top of the hill where the palace was at didn’t seem too far. 
You don’t even spare him a glace, working on getting one of the tarps out of your bag instead. “No.” You say bluntly, “It’s going to rain- to storm. We need shelter, it’s not safe to keep going now.”
The wind starts to pick up making it more difficult for you to move the tarp the way you want it. You spot a tree branch that nearly reaches the side of the hill where a small ledge pokes out. It seems like the best placement, so you drag it over and start to throw it over the branch. 
“I’m not staying here.” Haechan speaks up over the wind and thunder, “I’ll walk the rest of the way myself if I have to.” 
“Don’t be stupid!” You call out, blinking as it starts to drizzle. “Bring me some rocks, big ones. We can place them on the ridge to keep the tarp in place.” You grab some string from your bag tying down the edge to the branch. 
“Don’t forget who you speak to!” Haechan shouts and you pause to look at him, raining now falling harder. “I am the emperor! I will not take orders from someone like you! If I say we keep going, we keep going!” 
You pull the knot tightly, letting the branch snap back up, ignoring Haechan as well as the annoyance growing in your chest. Instead you move to gather rocks, grabbing as much as you can before moving to the tarp again. 
“Listen to me!” Haechan shouts again, moving closer, “Why do you insist on disobeying everything I say!” His voice is dark, seeming truly angry now causing you to look at him. “Leave all this, we are going! Now!” 
Another clap of thunder rings out and you break. “Look around, we are not going anywhere! You’ll die before you even get to the palace. Stop acting like an incompetent leader and grab the damn rocks!” You scream over the rain. 
He freezes staring at you as the rain grows harder. Without another word he grabs the rocks and silently helps you place them on the ridge, keeping the tarp in place. 
You both move under the shelter and you pull out a blanket from the bag placing it on the ground and you both sit. The rain and wind continue to roar loudly and you take a small towel you packed. “Let me see your head, I need to reapply your medicine.” You speak. 
He hesitates but moves, allowing you to dry and apply the salve to his wound. Once done you both sit quietly again until Haechan finally speaks up. “I’m not as stupid as they say I am you know.”
You keep your gaze on the thread of the blanket you’ve been messing with, suddenly feeling guilty. “I didn’t-” You start but he interrupts. 
 “A little naive, yes. But you have to realize they only tell me what they want me to hear. I’m not allowed to leave the palace.”
You turn to look at him surprised by this, “Why?”
“I’m the only living heir to the throne, the last blood connected to the sun god. Since the accident with my parents they needed to keep me safe. At least until I have an heir of my own. The blood line could end with me.”  
You pause, listening to the rain as you take in your words.  You’ve never thought, you you doubt the people in town did either, that Haechan staying cooped up in the palace was anything but his choice. 
“Do the people really hate me that much?” He asks and you can hear the sadness radiating from his voice. “They don’t hate you, it’s just...” You stop yourself trying to think of the right words to say. “They’re frustrated Haechan. We see the amount of money being spent on the palace but most of town is struggling to pay for necessities. They just don’t feel like they’re being heard.” 
Explaining it as gently as you can, you hope he sees where you’re coming from. Minutes pass of silence, nothing but the rain hitting the tarp could be heard. But the emperor finally speaks again. “I didn’t know people were struggling. They don’t inform me about anything. Yzma says I don’t need to worry about that stuff.”
“Whenever I asked to build something in the palace, they would do it without a question. I guess I just thought if there was a problem with the spending they would have suggested I don’t. I’ve never been told no.” He rants running his hand over his face. “And anytime someone from town would come to see me, they would introduce them in a way that made it seem they were only out for trouble. Like it was weird for them to even be visiting me. I never once considered they really needed my help. Maybe I really am incompetent.” 
He sighs and you frown. “We didn’t know, Haechan. No one knows that they made you stay away from the town, we all just figured you thought you were too good for us.” His lips form a pout. 
“But I’m sure we can fix that, you can send an announcement to the people and tell them the truth. They’ll surely understand then.” You try to brighten his mood. Suddenly you feel bad for the young emperor who was forced to stay in the palace, not knowing an ounce of truth about his empire in hopes of keeping him safe to continue the bloodline. Perhaps he is misunderstood afterall. 
“Maybe you can help me!” Haechan suddenly says brightly, turning to face you. “You probably know the towns people better than anyone else. You can let me know what I can do to fix it!” You look at him hesitantly, “Maybe.” You simply say. 
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The rain continues for the next couple of hours as you and Haechan lay side by side on the blanket. The temperature as dropped dramatically and you both wordless moved as close as possible to each other to find a source of warmth. 
“I hate the rain.” Haechan suddenly says and you try to find his gaze in the dark. “Why?”
“It was raining when I found out about my parents accident.” He says nonchalauntly causing you to gulp. You vaguely remember the incident, both you and the emperor were merely kids then. But you remember the whole town mourning when they announced the emperor and empress has died an accident after visiting the town over. 
“I’m sorry,” You say, “Were you close to them?”
“Very much so. I loved them and they loved me. It was the last time I probably felt love. Before I was pushed onto the throne as a child who only wanted his parents back.” 
You can imagine a young Haechan sitting in the cold throne room, struggling to understand what was happening. Your stomach turned at the thought and you let yourself reach down to hold his hand giving it a squeeze.  He doesn’t pull away. 
“Are you close to your family?” He asks.
Swallowing, you answer slowly. “My mother died giving birth to me and my father died a couple years after your parents. He got a sickness from one of his patients and never recovered.”
You think you see him turn to look at you but you can’t quite tell in the dark. “I’m sorry.” He says. 
“It’s okay. I was raised by my grandparents. They taught me all about healing and medicine to continue the practice. Unfortunately they both passed a couple of years ago, but they were quite old.”
You feel Haechan squeeze your hand that still rests in his. 
“Perhaps we understand each other more than we think.” He says and you both fall asleep to the sound of rain, hands remaining intertwined. 
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The morning air is crisp but the sky is blue as you and Haechan pack up the shelter you created for the night. Unlike before, he willing helps you fold the tarp and blanket before placing them into your bag. 
As you both continue on the trail Haechan talks excitedly about a newspaper he plans on printing. One that would inform the town people of the misunderstanding between them. Of how he had ideas to create a new budget for everyone to use. 
The palace was now in view but you both stopped to quickly eat before making it up the last of the hill. 
“I don’t think I ever told you thank you.” Haechan looks at you, “For saving my life, for bringing me back. For telling me the truth.” 
You smile genuinely at him. “Of course. Thank you for listening.” You say back and he smiles too. “Hopefully with Yzma’s help I can quickly figure out who did this to me and why they did it.” Nodding along you start to worry that bringing him back here would only put him in more danger. 
But Haechan doesn’t seems to worried as he goes back to rambling about his future plans. “And of course I’ll see you again when I come to properly buy your land. I’ll actually have the right paperwork.”
Your stomach drops and you look to see if he was joking, “What?” You say and stand to your feet, “You seriously still want to buy my land, after everything?” 
He frowns at you, “No, no. You see it won’t be just a pool for me anymore. It’ll be for the community. They’ll see how I can change and spend for them too.” He nods optimistically at you. 
Furrowing your eyebrows you feel your face start to burn, “I can’t believe you’re still trying to buy my land after everything that’s happened! I told you I need my land Haechan. It has everything I need for healing, it’s been in my family for generations, it’s the only thing I have left of them! You can’t just take it from me!” You confess feeling tears starting to burn your eyes. 
Haechan blinks at you but there’s no time to argue as a group of palace guards come from around the corner. “There!” A lady, Yzma, as you recognize her shouts. “There is the emperor! Take that girl quickly into custody.”
You look at her in shock, “Me?” you ask confused as she makes her way to Haechan and the guards walk towards you. 
“Didn’t you hear her!” She says, “She refuses to sell the emperor her land and has taken him in retaliation!” 
“No!” You panic as the guards roughly grab you, “That’s not it! Haechan!” You shout trying to look at him as they pull you away but you only see a lost look on his face.
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Haechan sits in the large dining room eating a warm meal, only Yzma across from him and some guards posted on the door. 
“Thanks for taking over while I was gone.” He says simply, staring at his food. She gives him a familiar smile, “It was my pleasure.” 
There’s silence again and Haechan thinks of you. He doesn’t believe you were the one who did this of course, but Yzma refused to release you, saying it wasn’t safe. Haechan insisted on starting an investigation after telling her someone dumped him in a stream but she claimed there was no reason to with you locked up. 
Haechan has full power over her as emperor but there was something about her that made her hard to say no to. She has been telling him what to do since his parents passed. 
“I’m not that hungry, I’ll head to my room now.” He announces standing from his chair. She nods not looking up at him, “Of course, I’ll send the healer in to look at your head injury.”   
Haechan freezes in his place. 
When telling her the story of what happened, he merely said he was dumped in the stream. He didn’t once mention the injury on his head.
His stomach fills with dread as he realizes the betrayal. Memories flashing of when he found comfort in the woman when he was a young boy, crying over the death of his parents. Yet after it all, it was she who tried to kill him. All for some power. 
“It was you.”
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“Thank you! Please enjoy the festivities!” Haechan shouts over the crowd as they cheer for him. You smile, clapping along with the crowd as you stand beside the emperor. 
The town was holding a celebration for your healing center, as Haechan has invested in digging waterways in order for easier managing of your crops. Now you didn’t have to do as much work to maintain the fields. 
It was one of many steps Haechan as taken in healing his relationship with his people and showing them what he was really capable of.  They all adored this new and improved leader and looked up to him and all he’s done. 
“Congratulations.” He speaks turning to you with a smug smile. “I know you really just want me to congratulate you.” You tease him and he shrugs, “It would be appreciated.” 
You laugh softly, stepping closer, leaning to placing a lingering kiss to the corner of his lips. You pull away noticing the reddening of his cheeks as you whisper in his ear, “Congratulations Haechan, and thank you.”
“I don’t know why you’re so shy, we’ve kissed before you know.ïżœïżœ You state and he only turns further red. “What? No we haven’t! When?” He’s flustered and confused as you laugh.
“When I saved you of course, I had to give you mouth to mouth to get you breathing again.”
His mouth opens and closes as he thinks. “That-that doesn’t count.” He whines which only causes you to laugh loudly. Continuing to giggle as he grabs your hand to pull you closer, placing his hand gently on your cheek in order to pull you in for a proper first kiss.
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Copyright © 2025 by nczennie. All rights reserved.
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indigos-stardust · 1 year ago
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gay-robot-boyfriends · 1 year ago
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jungkooktarot · 2 months ago
Hii, what will make jungkook’s fs special like from the people he dated? tysm
The difference between Jungkook’s future spouse & the people he dated - why are they special to him? | tarot reading
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For some reason the first thing that pops up is how attractive his future spouse is. Like they are the most attractive person he’ll ever date? At least in his opinion. He’s not superficial though, he won’t date them just because of their appearance. It’s just a cherry on top that he appreciates, he’s a libra venus after all.
Another thing is how ambitious they are. Despite being in a relationship with the Jeon Jungkook, they still have their own life & their own identity. It could be that his exes used to cling on him almost always and only wanna spend time with him. No job, no friends nothing. Like crazy over him. He doesn’t question that his fs loves him but he’s impressed that they don’t idolize him. I heard “he’s just ken” lol even though he’s definitely not that insignificant to them. Fs could also be quite successful in their career, or are on the path to success. They will be doing better career wise than his exes. Of course, having friends and a social life, not sabotaging it just because they are talking to jk.
The fact that they can say no to him. Lol it’s like just because he’s a celebrity, they won’t follow what he says like a sheep. They’ll have their own opinions and will call out his bs. Which alternatively turns him on lol. He likes being bossed around?
His fs will also be quite independent, I mean it’s obvious from what we got already. They can stand alone. Which is something his past partners couldn’t, we saw in my other reading. By turn, it seems like jungkook is the one who will grow attached this time. while his fs is the one in his old position, only able to take breaks to focus on him. mainly because they could be just starting their career. but he won’t sulk too much. he’ll be very understanding and patient. as he should. 
He also likes that his fs is a flirt? they make him blush and kick his feet so much lmao. It’s natural to them too. Because of that, it could ignite his possessiveness. He’s like “who else did you say that to đŸ€šâ€ lol. 
He’s possessive of them in general too. Not just that, but also protective. He’ll be super protective of them, they are his soft spot like no one before. 
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sunflw3r · 9 months ago
back hugs
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non!idol wonwoo x male reader reader prns: he/him word count: 992 non!idol au fluff
wonwoo always brings comfort
content warnings: suggestive implications
a/n: wait this was so cute hold on posting this one day early bc im busy tmrw!
happy 9th anniversary svt!
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the bed was cold.
golden light flowed through the windows of the couple’s bedroom, dirty laundry strewn across the hardwood floor. was it a lack of cleanliness or a rush of desire and endorphins flowing through the couple when they arrived home that caused the floor to lay there still?
the bedspread on the couple’s bed was bunched by the bottom of the mattress, the occupants exposed left leg peeking out of the white sheets. soft groans erupted from his mouth as he opened his eyes, the morning world bright with color.
holding onto the pillow, y/n awoke shivering. why was he alone? “wonwoo
?” he asked, morning voice clinging to the low notes of the word. "where are you...?" y/n groaned, flipping over onto his stomach, exposed forearms catching the cold air radiating from the ac. "ah." he exclaimed, his voice laced with a lack of enthusiasm.
grabbing the edge of the soft sheet tangled in his legs, y/n pulled on the fabric, trying to cover his legs. "i'm still cold." he pouted, flopping over again, hitting the ground by the bed with a soft thud. "ow." his half awake mind was now alert, y/n rubbing his side with his left hand. the fabric of his oversized shirt rested at the top of his thighs, scrunching up to expose his stomach to the cold of his house.
moving his hand away from his torso, y/n reached for a hoodie scrunched up on the floor. he couldn't tell whose it was. was it his own? the scent of wonwoo's cologne filled y/n's nose as he brought the gray zip-up closer to his body, his heart fluttering with the rush of endorphins.
wonwoo was somehow everything wrapped into one person.
he was kind, open-minded. his presence inside the apartment was quiet: reading books on his side of the couch in his blanket, the couple's black cat curling up on his lap, cooking meals for dinner, and most off all pampering his partner. wonwoo was multifaceted, always there but always enough. and sure, he had a gorgeous face and more than average physique, but his mind was so complex, and as y/n grew older he grew to appreciate wonwoo's silent thoughts and moments more and more.
pulling himself out of his enamored thoughts, y/n found the strength deep within his drained and sore body to get off of the hardwood floor, standing on his own two feet. the world slightly span as he unzipped the jacket, putting over his shoulders, taking in the familiarity of wonwoo’s being.
the door of his bedroom veered open as he pushed against it, the light from the rest of the apartment rousing his eyes from their state of equilibrium. he brought his hand to cover his eyes from the sunlight, catching the motion of something by the window.
a bright smile appeared on his face, moving quicker to sneak up on the distracted man. wonwoo pulled on the drawstring off the couple’s cheap curtains, y/n standing right behind him, reaching out his arms to wrap them around wonwoo’s waist.
“did i scare you?”
wonwoo’s soft chuckle fluttered through the air of the living room, y/n’s heart taking a deep breath at the noise. “good morning y/n.” wonwoo replied, y/n pressing his face into the space between wonwoo’s shoulder blades.
he had on a pretty black tank top. y/n couldn’t remember where wonwoo had gotten the item; the black lace with flower prints different from his style. “is this new?” y/n asked, his mind falling back asleep against wonwoo’s warm torso. “mmh, i found it while i was out with mingyu last week. it’s pretty, right?”
there was a part of his voice that was searching for validation. you wouldn’t notice it usually, but with the amount of time the two spent together, y/n could pick it up easily. “mmh you look so pretty.” y/n could feel wonwoo’s shoulders go up, him letting them down with a deep breath.
“why are you up so early?” he asked, wonwoo turning around to walk towards the couch, y/n nodding off as his boyfriend softly talked. “um i went on a run. and then i read and fed daisy.”
at the mention of her name, the tuxedo cat ran through the living room, brushing up to the couple’s legs. “hi daisy.” wonwoo whispered, leaning down to pet the cats head. y/n in turn ended up clinging to wonwoo’s back.
his eyes lulled back to a sleep like state, wonwoo standing back up. “y/n, are you awake?” wonwoo asked, his boyfriend softly snoring against wonwoo’s warm shoulder. his soft chuckles vibrated against y/n’s chest, taking the two back to the couch.
the cushions were filled with pillows and blankets, wonwoo knocking a few off before unraveling y/n’s hands and laying him on the couch. “ugh, wonwoo.” y/n whined, his once awake mind now falling back into dreamland. “i’m here.” he said, interlacing their fingers.
he leaned closer to m/n, pressing a soft kiss to his chapped lips. finding the clarity to wrap his arms around wonwoo’s neck, keeping their mouths locked together with the frame of wonwoo’s glasses knocking against the bridge of y/n’s nose. patting y/n’s right shoulder, wonwoo disconnected their lips gently, a soft smile on his face. “mmh, too early. good morning.”
a small pout appeared on y/n’s face. “good morning wonwoo.” wonwoo nodded, resting his head on y/n’s neck. the thought of wonwoo’s small smile, his face scrunched up at the edges of skin, made y/n’s heart flutter. he caressed the skin of his shoulders, wonwoo pressing kisses to his neck. y/n smiled happily, his heart fluttering at his beautiful boyfriend.
wonwoo always gave the best back hugs, and y/n couldn’t ask for a better way to wake up.
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happy 9th anniversary to svt!!
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lunavagans · 3 months ago
The duel in the volcano takes on a very different light once you unironically start shipping ViGreenDow, I realized

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marantis · 4 months ago
I deliberately held of on making a post until after I've finished the flashback that Fu Shen prefaces with being the 'hard knot between him and Yan Xiaohan that had yet to be untied to this day' because at this point I've grown wise to the books antics of one upping itself one paragraph after I've been made to rant about how sweet and tender these two are.
That flashback sure does take its time to get to the point, because before the reason for the enmity between them (I say between them but really it's just Fu Shen who understandably was upset with Yan Xioahan) Things happening in the flashback before their falling out include; - a charged fight, that might just rival Wangxian's romp on the roofs of cloud recesses - the two of them throwing themselves in front of danger for each other like it's a competition - the guest appearance of 'we must cuddle for warmth' trope, with narry a complaint from either of them - rolling around in the grass together (non sexual) - Yan Xiaohan almost expiring on the spot because Fu Shen called him gege (met too buddy, that was admittedly very adorable) - a lunch date - and Yan Xiaohan replacing the bow that he broke when they had their scuffle
I can't with them.
And I get why Fu Shen felt betrayed I really do, but also, my boy was caught at the site where he hid that child and woman that was being searched for, who we explicitly were told that harboring was a really serious crime, with physical proof of his involvement nonetheless, and Fu Shen faces cero consequences for that. He doesn't even spare a second to think about possible consequences because he's too upset because he thinks Yan Xiaohan has been using him the whole time. (I'm sure the thought of holding Fu Shen accountable never even crossed Yan Xiaohan's mind either) But at the end of it Yan Xiaohan really was only doing his job, and of course then he goes and releases those two people in secret afterwards.
Also, also 'I hope you hate me for the rest of your life.' goes really hard as a veiled declaration of affection, like I almost cried, in public, because of this ridiculously smitten man.
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strawberriesatan · 7 months ago
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Made a little fic,, guys I’m really nervous about posting my writing cuz it’s much less developed than my art but I must share my love for Erzajane with the world
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cryingtulips · 9 days ago
a ghost’s comfort
@fluffyfebruary 2025 Day 21: Embrace
Femslash February 2025 Day 8: Ghost
Ao3 link || Hurt/comfort
Vio dreams of darkness, of sharp fangs glinting in moonlight as red eyes glow, claws that never hurt, and laughter in an impish voice.
She dreams of shifting shades, the darkness leaving before swirling back in. The fangs are bare now, and the red eyes squint in fury. The claws draw blood where they swipe at her as the voice snarls. The shade leaves betrayed, and Vio’s sorrow silences her mute.
Vio dreams of Shadow. She dreams of old hopes and whispered wishes exchanged in cold corridors. She dreams of mistakes; actions she should’ve made, words she should’ve said. She dreams of her regrets. She might be drowning in them, for her grief crashes in waves and is determined to pull her under.
But then a hand reaches out, and even though the claws are there, she knows they don’t mean harm. They never did, not truly, because there’s too much between them for hatred to seep its rotten touch into.
They’re gentle as they hold her, detangling short strands with an expertise that makes tears cling to her lashes, because the only person who did this is gone. But there’s humming in her ears, short little tunes, and only then does she clings to the idea that everything will work out.
She doesn’t know how long she hallucinations—because these sensations have to be false. Shadow is gone, and it’s something she’s not
she can’t accept a reality where Shadow can’t be by her side. She’s been trying to find a way to bring her back, but nothing has been working. No book has the answer, and if they did there’s the high probability Vio doesn’t have the magic to achieve her wish.
Shadow’s death is her fault, and nothing is alright anymore. But when she blinks her eyes open, she’ll see those ruby eyes looking back at her, face to face, and everything feels normal again. She’ll be able to feel another body’s weight in her arms, and sunlight will glint off those sharp fangs when the being smiles. When Shadow kisses her, she’ll feel weight on her lips, and when words are whispered, she’ll feel breaths of air hit her skin.
It’s cruel to have the illusion of a ghost embrace her in such a way, but it’s something Vio desperately wants to be real. Her breath hitches as the phantom’s form fades, her last words freezing Vio where she lays.
“Everything will be alright, my love. The answer is closer than you think.”
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