#frypan is just a dream :(
breadbrobin · 1 year
gladers as people you meet while working in hospitality/a restaurant
from me, someone who currently works in hospitality/a restaurant
thomas: the newbie who t e c h n i c a l l y finished his training, but still has no idea what’s going on. asks dumb questions. finishes homework on his break. never calls in sick unless he’s literally dying. will power through. steals fries on the way from the kitchen. often forgets to go on his break and gets told off by newt. breaks too many rules (just because he forgets about them or wasn’t taught them). barely knows the menu. has never eaten there. functionally broke. cries a lot over small things. breaks at least one glass almost every shift. isn’t allowed to work with gally (they fight). always running a few minutes late. loves setting up for breakfast. tries his best. doesn’t know where anything is but that doesn’t stop him from trying to find things. once led a customer around the entire restaurant trying to find the bathroom (eventually, he just asked teresa (it was literally right behind him)).
minho: been there for ages but doesn’t act like it. knows all the regulars by name. bartender!! so good at bartending fr! trains all the newbies and isn’t very good at it (case and point: thomas). has tried everything on the menu and gives the best recommendations. always drinking some random concoction of (non-alcoholic) drinks behind the bar. does not give a fuck. will blank stare at rude customers until they get uncomfortable. turns away big groups walk-ins for fun (gets in trouble). hates big bookings and has cried when he found out there was a booking of 18. always running late, but always leaves late too. likes to get things done fast, but not always well. hates setting up for breakfast. hates polishing glasses and cutlery. flirts with everyone (staff and customers). was a delivery driver for two weeks then crashed his car, so now he buses to work or gets a ride with someone else’s
frypan: the only nice chef you will ever meet. asks what you want for your staff meal and makes them all specially. great with allergens. will (and has) yell at a customer for yelling at a waiter. incredible cook. gets compliments all the time. head chef. hates his sous chef for no reason that he has ever explained. great listener. makes random shit when it’s quiet and gets the staff to try it. didn’t go to culinary school, is just that good. really funny. often comes out and chats with staff and customers. once cried when a little kid told him she liked his food and his “pretty white shirt” and told him she wanted to be a chef like him one day.
teresa: new like thomas but she’s worked in hospo before. quiet, keeps her head down. gets things done. scarily good at balancing plates, trays and even glasses. can carry the most (empty) wine glasses in one hand. basically everyone’s go-to if someone’s upset because she can calm them down easily. no one knows where she goes on her break, but she always comes back in time so no one asks. does homework and assignments on her break. one time, on the few occasions where she stays at work for her break, gally came in to see her crying over english. he backed out very slowly. everyone’s kinda scared of her—she’s too nice! she has to snap at some point. has a second job (more like a paid internship). eats in the restaurant almost more than she works (discount baby!!). ADORES polishing glasses and cutlery.
gally: the one who not so secretly hates it. he often goes in the back and talks shit about customers (or fellow staff) with fry and anyone else who’s there. will roll his eyes at customers. has very little patience when people are taking a long time (“if you’re not ready to order, don’t say you’re ready to shucking order!”). has been given multiple disciplinary warnings, but he somehow has the best sales on the team?? no one knows how. also newt and alby like him too much to fire him, so he’s safe for now. hates everyone. the second he leaves work, no one will hear from him under any circumstances until his next shift. works like, two nights a week. isn’t allowed to work with thomas (they fight).
brenda: always calls in sick. is hardly every there. but also will cover any shift in a heartbeat. talks shit with gally a lot. likes hiding in the back. drinks minhos dubious concoctions. hates cleaning up. hates polishing. hates folding napkins. hates setting up for breakfast. has been there almost the longest, but doesn’t act like it. really good with kids. knows the menu back to front but won’t give recommendations. just suggests what’s popular. perpetually tired. laughed at teresa while she was crying over english, then helped her (she got an A). actually really nice if she likes you. heart of gold. fully supports minho turning away big bookings. fights for workers rights—she’s the reason they all have mandatory breaks (one time, she didn’t eat anything all day so she could pass out at work. ever since then, breaks have been mandatory. (she’s not proud of the method, but she was happy to take one for the team)). randomly shows up with a new hairstyle and random tattoos at least once a month. secretly loves her job.
newt: the nice team leader that everyone’s secretly kinda scared of. like, they love him, but no one wants to piss him off. has kicked people out for yelling at staff. has kicked people out for less than that honestly. helps people with homework. always lets people go home early. best at making coffee and doing latte art. somehow both chill and uptight at the same time. knows all the regulars by name and knows most of their regular orders. him and alby instated a no swearing rule (everyone found a way around it. he thinks it’s hilarious).
alby: the hardass supervisor who loves his team but doesn’t show it. great at rostering and is very strategic about it. when he’s working, he’s all hustle. can sweet talk any customer. has kicked someone out for yelling at staff. many times. he will ban them from the premises. threatened to call the police one time. not very artful about everything, but he’s quick and smart. has come up with a bunch of ways to make everyone’s life easier while working. him and newt instated a no swearing rule (everyone found a way around it. he hates it).
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bruisedboys · 8 months
please write for tmr!thomas i beg of you
tmr!thomas x reader | established relationship, fluff and hurt/comfort, 1k words (set in the scorch trials!)
you, thomas and your friends find sanctuary from the scorch with the right arm. unfortunately, they don’t provide any sanctuary from nightmares.
“Are you awake?”
Thomas feels you shift under his arm. You’re curled into his side, arm slung over his chest and thigh pressed to his. He hums.
“Yeah, I’m awake,” he murmurs back. “What’s up?”
He feels your hand glide across his stomach and your fingers curl around his hip. It makes him shiver.
“Nothing,” you hum. “Just thinking.”
Thomas huffs. Typical you, keeping yourself awake for no good reason. “Stop thinking and go to sleep then, sweetheart. You need rest.”
You muffle a giggle in his shirt. It warms his chest all the way through. “You’re mean.”
“And you’re keeping me up,” Thomas says back, only half serious. “Go to sleep.”
Eventually you do as he says. These days Thomas always always has waits for you to fall asleep first before letting himself drift off. It makes him feel better about himself. He does everything in his power to make sure you’re safe and healthy and happy, but it’s hard when you’re on your own in a sick world, running from a government organisation that wants you for your blood.
The Scorch has been unforgiving, but you’ve braved through like you always do, never once complaining, always making sure the rest of the group are okay. Thomas thinks someone as lovely as you doesn’t deserve to live in a world like this. It’s half the reason he’s as determined as he is the find somewhere safe.
Well, you’ve found sanctuary for now, at least, with the Right Arm. You and Thomas are sharing a tent with the rest of the group — Minho, Newt, Frypan — none of whom seem to be willing to seperate from each other, despite the spare tents the Right Arm offers. It speaks volumes about where the real safety net is.
Eventually Thomas falls asleep too. He’s not sure how long he sleeps until he’s woken by you. You don’t mean to wake him, he thinks, but he’s a bad sleeper at the best of times, and he’s got a sixth sense for this kind of thing, anyway.
He blinks his eyes open sluggishly. It’s dark, but the campfire still flickers outside the tent, so he can just make out your figure. You’re sitting up straight, stiff as a board. Panic slices through his heart like a cold knife.
“Y/N?” He murmurs. He finds your thigh under the sleeping bag you’re sharing and braces his hand on it to help him sit up. “Baby, are you okay?”
Thomas’ eyes slowly adjust to the light until he realises, with a pang in his chest, that you’re crying. Thankfully, you don’t seem to be in any immediate danger. Everyone else is still fast asleep, and everything’s quiet outside the tent. Still, he doesn’t like the way your shoulders are shaking.
“Sorry,” you gasp. You’re holding your face in two clammy hands, fingers cruel where you scrub at your tears. “Didn’t mean to wake you. I just—“
“Bad dream?” Thomas asks gently. He can guess well enough. He’s had his fair share, and while he’s not an expert on the human mind or anything, he can see that you’re pretty shaken up.
You nod. Tears splash down your front. “Yeah,” you mumble. “Sorry.”
Thomas frowns at you as he brings his hand to your shoulder.
“Stop apologising,” he says, squeezing you gently. His drags his thumb across your collarbone, soothing. He doesnt want to think about what you’d’ve done if he hadn’t woken up. Would you have suffered all by yourself? The thought alone feels like a bullet to his heart. “It’s okay, babe, really. Can I give you a hug?”
You nod viciously. Thomas makes a pitying sound from deep in his chest and wraps you up in a hug, sliding his hand to the nape of your neck to encourage your head over his shoulder. You’re shaking like a leaf, your cheek damp and warm where it presses to his neck.
“You’re okay,” he murmurs to you. It’s all he can say, really. He can’t tell you it wasn’t real, because the chances that you had dreamed about something very real, and equally horrifying, are high. He strokes your hair, feeling a little useless but a lot sorry. “I’ve got you.”
Somebody stirs across the tent. Thomas watches over your shoulder as that somebody sits up.
“Thomas?” It’s Newt. His voice is raspy with sleep but he sounds concerned. “Is everything okay?”
Thomas feels something akin to a rush of gratitude for his empathetic friend. If anything was ever to happen to Thomas, he at least knows for certain Newt would take care of you.
“Yeah, Newt,” he says. “Everything’s fine. We’re good. Just a nightmare, I’ve got it.”
Newt hums and his lanky figure drops back to the tent floor. Meanwhile you’re sniffling over Thomas’ shoulder, your hands screwed into the back of his shirt.
Thomas can’t be sure if Newt’s still awake, but he doesn’t really care if his friend hears him or not. He’s past being embarrassed about how much he cares for you. Thomas draws back and takes your face in his hands.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks you.
“Not really,” you whisper back. Your anguished tone breaks Thomas’ heart clean in two.
“Okay. That’s alright,” Thomas tells you, as kind as he can when he’s up to his ears with worry. He swipes his thumbs over your cheeks, rubbing away your hot tears. He gives you a reassuring smile. “Do you want some water?”
You nod. Thomas reaches behind him to pull his metal flask from a meagre pile of supplies. He unscrews the lid and encourages the bottle into your hands.
“Here, babe,” he says softly. “It’ll help.”
He steadies your shaking hands with his own and helps you have a few gulps of water. When he returns the bottle to it’s place you’ve calmed significantly. Your cheeks are still damp and sticky but your tears have ebbed, at least.
Thomas smiles at you. He’s sure he looks sick with concern but he tries not to let it show, thumbing your cheek with as much tenderness as he can manage. “Let’s lie down, yeah? C’mon, sweetheart.”
He tugs you down with him. You slump onto his chest and push your hand under his shirt. You’re really warm, but it gives him goosebumps anyway.
“You’re safe with me,” he promises. It’s a promise he doesn’t plan on breaking, ever. He rubs your back. Big, rough sweeps that have you going lax in his arms almost instantaneously. “I’ve got you, sweetheart. I promise.”
thank you for reading! please consider reblogging if you enjoyed, and feel free to send more reqs for thomas!
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serafilms · 10 months
song 72! you belong with me (taylor swift) + newt requested by @misty-inferno (2023 spotify wrapped event)
dreaming ‘bout the day when you wake up and find that what you’re looking for has been here the whole time
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If anyone were to ask where either you or Newt were, the other gladers would say to look for the other. They’d probably end up finding the two of you together.
At least, that was the case before Thomas came into the picture.
Today found you sitting on a bench near the kitchen, where Frypan had kicked you out. Apparently your sour mood was spoiling the food. You glowered when you looked in the distance and saw Newt walking the newbie around.
“Whoa, why are you trying to commit a felony?”
Your eyes flitted up to where Minho was hovering over you. Still scowling, you said, “What felony?”
“Attempted murder. Using your face.”
“Man, fuck you!” you exclaimed, smacking him on the arm.
“Hey! I didn’t mean it like that! I meant like, the whole ‘if looks could kill’ thing,” he defended himself, rubbing his arm.
“Well either way, I’m not trying to murder anyone, you slinthead.”
Minho shrugged. “Tell that to Thomas. He’s been asking since last night why you keep glaring at him.”
“I’m not glaring at him,” you scoffed, “I’m observing. Analysing.”
“Right, right,” he muttered, rolling his eyes. “You sure you’re not just pissy he’s hanging out with Newt?”
“Well,” you huffed, “he already got the tour from Chuck, what more does he need to know?”
Minho finally joined you on the bench, and nudged you with his elbow. You massaged the sore spot on your ribs.
“You should tell him how you feel, you know.”
“I’ve tried, Minho.”
He looked very unimpressed. “How? Telepathic signals?”
“I- well, you know,” you spluttered, “I wrote a note that said ‘I love you’ and left it in his hammock? But then it fell out and he didn’t see it.”
“My condolences,” Minho drawled.
You stuck your tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes. Minho was right, to some extent, you thought. But you didn’t want to confess to him, not with everything he’d been through, and with this horrible situation you’d been thrust in.
Newt was the best, most deserving person you’d ever met, and you knew you couldn’t force him into anything. Also, you were a bit of a coward. But that wasn’t the important part. You wanted him to realise by himself that you loved him and decide what he wanted.
And if what he wanted was Thomas, so be it.
“It’s not that simple,” you said to Minho. “Nothing is ever simple in The Glade. If I have to keep pining after him until he realises I love him or decides he loves me, then I will.”
Minho’s lips pursed and his gaze softened. “Okay, fine.”
Then he looked forwards and his eyes zeroed in on something. “Heads up, though, they’re coming this way.”
You looked up instantly and found Newt and Thomas heading your way. Newt raised his hand in a wave and Thomas gave what was probably supposed to be a smile but ended up being more like a grimace. Wow, he really did think you hated him.
“Hey Y/N, Minho,” Newt said, but his gaze was fixed on you. “Could I talk to Y/N for a second?”
“Fine,” scoffed Minho, “get rid of me. Come on, greenie, let’s go raid the kitchen.”
He threw an arm around Thomas and guided him away, and Newt took his spot on the bench while your heartbeat and body temperature rose alarmingly.
“Hi,” you managed to squeak out, “what’s up?”
“Well,” he cleared his throat, “I found this on top of your things when I tried to look for you this morning.”
He started to rummage around in his pants pocket. “And then Thomas told me he saw the same piece of paper lying on the ground under my hammock last night.”
Dread filled every crevice of your body as Newt pulled out a folded piece of paper and unfolded it to reveal the words ‘I love you.’
“That’s… quite a coincidence,” you muttered.
Newt’s face twisted in a smile. “Yeah, I thought so too.”
Your face was unimaginably red when he started digging around in his other pocket and then turned to look at you.
“But what’s an even bigger coincidence, is this.”
He handed you a second piece of paper, folded only in half. Your heart lurched as you peeled it open. ‘I love you,’ it said, in a perfect imitation of Newt’s handwriting.
He laughed at your dumbstruck expression and took the paper from your hands, then took your hands in his, forcing you to look at him. “I was going to give it to you tonight.”
“You love me?” you asked, still dumbstruck.
“I do, yeah.”
Your stomach did flips as you grinned at him. “Can I kiss you?”
Newt turned a little pink, and you flushed with pride at being able to embarrass him, then he nodded.
Nobody was surprised when you both showed up hand in hand to dinner that night, nor when you kissed afterwards. And nobody, not even Thomas, was surprised when Newt climbed his way into your hammock instead of his.
Because that was where he belonged. With you.
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the maze runner: apocalypse sassy man apocalypse
based off of the ybwm music video
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nomoreusername · 8 months
Random TMR Headcannons
• Frypan is Gally's best friend. He's the only one who knows how to calm him down.
• Frypan once went on strike and wouldn't cook his famous stew because everyone made fun of it. It lasted just two weeks.
• When they were Runners Gally always wanted Newt to be his partner in the Maze.
• Aris loves history books.
• Aris is just naturally a night owl.
• Rachel and Aris were together at one point or extremely close to it.
• Aris always blamed himself for Rachel's death.
• Harriet almost died in the Maze but never told anyone.
• Minho called Gally eyebrows instead of Greenie.
• Minho refuses to let anyone see him cry.
• Minho admires Newt more than he could describe.
• Newt did write Minho a letter. He just took a long time to get the strength to read it.
• Newt always wanted someone with his accent to come up.
• Newt is extremely self conscious about his limp.
• One time a Greenie asked about Newt's limp. Someone else had to take over the tour that day.
• Newt gives the best hugs.
• Thomas still has dreams that everyone is alive only to wake up to everyone dead.
• Thomas is scared to love someone because they all end up dead.
• Teresa has extremely neat yet tiny handwriting.
• Chuck only started pranking people because he wanted someone to pay attention to him.
• For about 5-6 months the Gladers purposely sent down stupid requests they knew they wouldn't get because they wanted to piss off tbe Creators.
• Teresa was excited about being with the Group B girls because she didn't get a chance to be around any before.
• Whenever Sonya hears someone say Lizzie she feels like it's familiar.
• Sonya randomly felt like a part of her was missing when Newt died.
• Aris would debate telling someone about his bigger role in WICKED to get some of the guilt off of his chest. 
• Brenda used to call Jorge Dad when she was little.
• Minho spent every Greenie night for a year after he got his limp.
• Thomas always wears Newt's letter around his neck because it makes him feel safe.
• Newt came up with the idea of a fight ring on Greenie night because he could tell that Gally was holding in a lot of anger.
• Gally threatened anyone who was even slightly mean to Chuck.
• Gally used to test out his 'special drink' and made himself sick the first few times.
• Sonya, Harriet, and Aris had dreams of being reunited while they were apart.
• Aris thought he recognized Sonya and Harriet's voices from the start when they were reunited but was terrified of being wrong.
• Sonya and Aris ended up being together.
The Fever Code
• Sonya used to constantly talk about Newt to her friends
• Harriet would comfort the new girls and explain everything whenever one came.
• Teresa hated being immune because of everyone isolating her.
• Aris would color code his notes.
• Aris would constantly fall asleep in class.
• Occasionally some bored teenagers would dare each other to get as close to the Crank cage as possible.
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heliads · 1 year
mordern au!newt whos readers classmate and hes like a nerd etc and reader just fell for him because of how cute he is and like they sit next to eachother in some class and reader keeps catching newt whos staring at them and its because he wants to ask them out ? HEBFISNIDNFI i hope this makes sense and i hope you have an amazing day🥰
happy birthday anon!!!!!
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There is a boy in the corner of this room, and he is– he is looking at you. Yes, you’re sure of it now, even though he glanced away as soon as your eyes met. He wasn’t expecting you to notice, which is silly, because you’ve noticed almost everything about Newt since the moment he first showed up in one of your classes. 
The only thing you haven’t noticed about him is all the times you haven’t caught him staring, and how he smiles when he knows you won’t be able to question him for it. Similarly, when Newt hastily turns his head and pretends that he’s been studying the board at the front of the classroom this whole time, he misses how long your eyes linger on him instead. Almost as long as his, maybe. Shame that neither of you will do a thing about it.
You don’t think you’re staring for the same reasons, though. You only look at Newt because he’s already looking at you. Newt must have a different motive for getting distracted by you so often, but he’s not likely to breathe a word of it to you. Until that impossible day, though, when Newt finally manages to get over himself and finally confesses something, you’ll keep looking back at him, wondering what all of this is about, and never, ever knowing.
You can’t hold too much of a grudge against him for looking away, nor for rushing out of the classroom without a word more than hello or goodbye or the occasional sorry when he brushes against you in the hallway. That’s not personal, that’s just how Newt is with everybody.
Newt’s quiet, you know. Doesn’t talk to a whole lot of people if he can help it. Most of the time, he’s perfectly content to sit by himself or walk alone to class, not needing anyone around him. He brushes off eye contact like dust from a faded photograph, not straying to orbit around the popular circles like everyone else in this school. The only exceptions are the small and select group of friends he likes to keep around, and then– well, then there’s you, but that feels different, somehow.
You know of Newt’s friends, they’re all good people. The kind of good people that you’d expect someone like Newt to hang out with. There’s Alby, tall and strong and ever-present in student leadership organizations. He keeps trying to get Newt to run with him in various elections. Usually Newt’s too good of a sport to say no, but the blond boy would much rather fade into the background under more secretarial roles as opposed to vocal vice presidencies. You’d know, you’ve seen him.
Minho’s a ton of fun, too. No one can crush the student athlete grind like him. He’s captain of the varsity cross country team, and will happily swear to anyone around that he’s the fastest one by far. Newt used to run with him, but there was an injury and a lot of crushed dreams and no one likes to talk about it much. It’s surprising how quickly people can move on.
Thomas is new, just switched over to your school a few weeks ago. He’s got this freaky sort of determination that makes you want to stand and watch while he tears up everything you’ve ever known. You’re all sort of fascinated by him, and you have no doubt that if there’s anyone capable of acing the SAT and making it far enough out of here to see the walls of an Ivy League, it would be him.
The others are just as fun. Teresa’s new too, although she usually keeps to herself. Thomas knows her the best. Frypan, president of the school cooking club, can usually be seen proffering boxes of freshly baked delicacies to his friends. They’re all good kids, the lot of them. Even Chuck, who might have been someone’s younger brother or babysitting victim or just some kid they picked up. He’s years younger than any of them and goes to the local elementary school, but he’s still there half the time you see them hanging out together.
Of all of the friends, though, Newt is the enigma you’d most like to decipher. He’s quiet, for one thing, even despite the fact that he’s in such a joyful friend group. He’s smarter than anyone gives him credit for, maybe because he’s too modest to brag as much as anyone else.
And, for another thing, he’s cute. Terribly charming. Utterly impossible to ignore. He’s been in a handful of your classes for years now, and you’ve never been able to muster up the courage to have a conversation about more than classwork. Usually, he’s just on the other side of the room, working on the work from your very same lecture, and yet you can’t seem to say what you really want to him.
That might change this year, though. He’s in your history class, and the teacher has given you the best blessing any educational faculty member can provide and seated you right next to him. The desks in that room are arranged in pairs, separate from everyone else save one person, and you are with Newt. It’s absolutely lovely.
So, yes, you can stare at him in math, as you’re doing right now, but the second that bell rings, you can take your time getting to history next period, because he will be there waiting for you, and he will smile up at you, and everything, everything, will be alright.
Only– when you get to class, there’s someone in your seat. It’s not a case of someone who forgot where their assigned seat was halfway through the year. In fact, this misplaced student isn’t even in your class. This is Thomas, who should be across the hall, but isn’t.
Apparently he’s run in to urge Newt to do something. You try to hear more as you drift closer, but just when you’re within hearing range, Newt’s eyes flicker up to you and his entire body seems seized by some sort of terrible panic. He frantically cuts Thomas off, saying something about how he’ll totally do whatever they were talking about.
Thomas looks confused by the sudden change in mood, and glances over his shoulder to see you standing there, waiting for him. He stands up quickly, jokes about stealing your seat, and leaves in a rush. You let your backpack drop to the ground, and look back at the hurriedly departing Thomas. The brown-haired boy flashes Newt an eager thumbs up before leaving, which makes absolutely no sense.
You take your seat at last, peering over at Newt for some kind of explanation. The blond boy just stares intently at his homework, mumbling something about how he doesn’t know what that was about. It’s obvious that you’re not going to get any answers from him now, so you sigh and grab your books from your bag.
The second you look away, though, you can see Newt cautiously looking back at you out of the corner of your eye, a soft smile slipping over his face when he thinks you won’t notice. You trust Newt that he won’t do anything to embarrass you, so that business with Thomas truly must have been nothing at all.
Still, you’re curious, but Newt behaves pretty much the same throughout the class. You watch him out of the corner of your eye the whole time, waiting for him to slip up and say something, but no dice. He looks a little uneasy, but it doesn’t seem like anything major. 
When the teacher dismisses the class to work on a packet with your assigned seating partner, you expect Newt to do something, but no. He keeps clearing his throat like he’s going to say a few words, but he seems to lose his nerve every time and fades back into silence or, worse, a discussion of 17th century trading practices as you’re meant to be doing.
You almost think that you’re going to go the whole class without a single thing coming of Thomas’ intrusion when the bell rings, dismissing everyone to their next period. You stand up, starting to shove your books and folders into your backpack once more. Newt stands too, looking gripped by panic.
“Y/N,” he begins, then cuts himself off just as quickly.
“Yeah?” You ask, distracted by the zipper on your backpack, which has chosen this very moment to get stuck.
“Would you– would you like to see a movie with me sometime? There are a few good ones at the theater nearby, if you’d want to do something like that. If you don’t want to, that’s cool, obviously, but I was kind of hoping that–”
Newt’s tripping over himself by now, but you clear his nerves with a single smile. “Newt,” you say, “I would love to go out with you.”
“Really?” He asks, a little ahead of himself. “I mean, yeah, that sounds great. Does Friday work?”
“Friday’s perfect,” you tell him.
“Cool,” he says, “Cool, yeah. I’ll see you then.”
“Can’t wait,” you grin.
You don’t think you’d mind standing there a while longer, with Newt looking at you with that radiant smile, but unfortunately you are still in school, and you still have classes to get to. One of your friends calls your name from across the room, irritably wondering why you’re still lingering there. 
You allow yourself a beat longer, then leave at last. Newt is looking at you when you vanish from view, you think, but for once you understand what he’s not saying, what he means the most, and that– well, that is absolutely everything.
maze runner tag list: @rogueanschel, @ellobruv, @retvenkos, @neewtmas, @mayfieldss, @hiya-itsamber, @gods-fools-heroes, @hope92100, @23victoria, @w1shes43, @ilovexavierthrope, @fadedver
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theangelssing · 1 year
Good Morning
Ben being Ben, neutral!reader, Ben and Reader are engaged, third pov, spoiler free (only mention is soldier boy’s story)
warnings: physical touch (romantic way), fluff & soft mostly, domestic fluff
a/n: this imagine doesn’t take place during The Boys’ events, I just took Soldier Boy’s story and did the imagine, only based on the tv show! I wrote that one at midnight, sorry if there’s any error, please do tell me. as always, if you want more, feel free to ask!
prompt: what if Soldier Boy was free from the Russian by you a long time ago? You and Ben living an happy romantic life.
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The sun was hitting through the open windows while the curtains were moving slowly because of the wind. It was a peaceful summer morning. The light woke you up. It was still early and you were still sleepy. The body against yours didn’t move when you tried to come closer, you just heard a grunt. You kissed one of your boyfriend’s cheek. Only after that you finally felt an arm around your own body, making you giggle.
Ben and you bought a cosy house far away from the city. You always wanted to live in a cottage and he made sure your dream comes true. You spent many months working together so the house could become your little nest. You were proud of you, and at the end of the renovations Ben asked you to be his spouse and you said yes without any doubts.
As a young engaged couple, you were always watching your ring a lot. Ben chose the perfect one. This morning didn’t escape your routine. You tried to remove your arm from Ben’s and you watched the little ring shining on your finger. It made you smile. You felt and saw Ben’s hand on yours, intertwining your fingers.
“Already awake sweetheart?” he asked while kissing your forehead.
“Mmhmmh,” you muttered.
A small smile appeared on his lips and he started to slowly stroke your hand with his. You really liked the cute Ben, you always liked everything about him, except his misogyny – even though he was doing his best to actually change the way he’s acting as he doesn’t live in 1940 anymore.
“What are you thinking about?” he wondered, as you were staring at your intertwined fingers without moving.
“I wish we could make breakfast together, today,” you replied while moving your head to meet his eyes. He was looking right at you, with his usual lovely morning expression.
“Right, what d’you wanna eat?”
You were kinda surprised he accepted that fast so you didn’t answered right away. You were too lost in his glance anyway.
“Baby? What do you want for breakfast?”
“I want some pancakes! Oh and can we make some cookies too?! Not for breakfast but i really want cookies. With orange juice. Or apple juice! Wait wait, with milk, it’s better with milk.”
You heard him laughing before kissing you.
“Sweetheart, you can eat whatever you want y’know,” he said then kissed your forehead for the second time this morning.
“I know but.. It’s breakfast..”
“Well, let’s have some pancakes with milk for breakfast then we do your cookies while drinking apple and orange juices.”
Oh how you loved this man. He was always there for you whatever you needed or wanted.
“Are you sure you want to make pancakes and cookies with me?” you asked, not so sure of you though.
“Of course, as long as it makes you happy,” he replied with his eyes in yours, the green meeting something deep in your soul, you could feel it.
You muttered a thank you and before being able to understand what was going on, you were in his arms and out of bed.
“Ben!” you yelled as he was holding you on his shoulder. He sure was laughing, proud of him, and you couldn’t help but laugh with him as he was heading to the kitchen.
“I’ll land your majesty on the counter, if that’s good for your majesty.” You just nodded as an answer.
He gave you a little squeeze on your thigh before you felt the wood under you.
“What do we do first?” he asked you.
“We find the ingredients, a bowl and a frypan.”
“Don’t move, I do it.”
You contained your laugh while watching him struggling to find everything. This poor man didn’t know his own kitchen that well.
“Want some help?”
“Uh.. No. You stay on the counter,” he replied, not so sure of himself.
After some minutes Ben finally found a bowl and a frypan. But he was clueless looking in the fridge.
“Do you even know what are the ingredients?” you finally asked him as he was closing the fridge’s door.
“Well.. I never made pancakes y’know..”
“That’s what I thought,” you laughed and get down off the counter. “Let me explain.”
Ben wasn’t the best, you knew about his past, but you were both in love with each other and nothing else mattered during those soft moments. You knew he still had a lot to learn if he wanted to fit in today’s society but you always promised to be there for him. Of course you also knew Soldier Boy would always be Soldier Boy, but for you he was Ben, the man who asked you to become his only spouse. He still was making mistakes but he was so careful with you.
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zelcii · 25 days
like he used to | newtmas
thomas tended the garden with a reverent touch, each movement a careful dance amidst the greenery. he had always admired how newt used to tend to his plants, their growth a reflection of his own steadiness and care. now, as he worked, memories of Newt swirled around him.
he remembered when newt showed him what he had to be able to do as a track-hoe—how newt’s hands moved with effortless grace, demonstrating the patience required. thomas had been clumsy, his fingers eager and uncertain. he could remember the way newt had chuckled softly, guiding his hands with a gentle firmness, explaining that good things took time. the way newt’s eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled stayed with thomas, a constant presence in his thoughts.
the garden had been newt’s sanctuary in the glade, a place where he could escape the harshness of the maze and find peace. whenever he really tried to, thomas could see newt’s figure bent over the soil of the safe haven, the soft hum of a song under his breath, the way he would wipe the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. each day in the garden now, thomas felt newt’s spirit lingering in the air, a comforting presence amidst the blooming flowers.
thomas’s hair, once cropped short for practicality, now grew longer. he let it flow a little past his shoulders, tying it up with a band as he had seen newt had done. he remembered the mornings when the blond would tie his hair back with a quick, practiced motion, the small ritual a source of quiet confidence. thomas found himself mimicking the gestures, his fingers clumsy at first but gradually finding the rhythm. it was as if he was drawing strength from the memory, feeling newt’s hand guiding his own.
the garden thrived under thomas' care. each bud, each sprout felt like a whisper from the past, a reminder of newt’s patience and kindness. he recalled moments when newt would explain the importance of nurturing each plant, his voice calm and reassuring. thomas worked diligently, finding solace in the act of creation and the silent companionship of newt’s memory.
in the quiet of the garden, surrounded by the scent of earth and flowers, thomas found a sense of peace. each day brought him closer to accepting newt’s loss, and each moment reminded him of newt’s lasting presence. as he worked among the plants, he hoped for a time when the grief would ease and his heartache would become a gentle memory. he imagined a day when his eyes would no longer tear up while tending the stalks of green beans. he pictured sitting with gally, minho, and frypan, reminiscing about the good memories they had in the last few months rather than avoiding his name. and he dreamed of a morning, not too distant, when he would breathe just like he used to.
im supposed to be sleeping. oopsie.
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titi-1188 · 1 month
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authors note : first fic that i’m basing off of my dream, hope u enjoy !!
Walking into the canteen for the first time in the facility they were in—the ‘safe haven’ as Janson, the man who saved them, calls it—Minho couldn’t help but find that his line of vision kept on moving towards this girl sitting at the end of a table, across some scrawny looking kid. It is like there was some gravitational pull that wanted him to go to her.
Who exactly is this girl? Why does he feel like he knows her?
“Hello? Earth to Minho?”, Frypan said to get the boys attention—waving his hand in front of his face. Minho snapped out of it and looked back to his friends. “What? Someone caught your eye?”, Newt questioned—trying to find the person Minho was looking at by forcing himself into his line of vision.
“What? What, no, never—who do you think I am?”, Minho responds, acting offended.
“Just saying—you were definitely staring at someone…just who”, Frypan says, mimicking Newt’s actions trying to spot the one who got Minho speechless.
“Shut your holes—there’s no one.”
“Okay okay…don’t get too defensive”, Frypan says, raising his hands in defeat, Newt backs off as well turning his attention to Thomas.
Minho sneaks one last glance at the girl, only this time to find her looking back. They hold eye contact, something in their heads clicking before looking away at the same time, looking back again, and finally looking away. Minho involves himself in the conversation happening around him.
“How long you guys been here?”, Newt asks. “Not long, just a day or two”, the boy across them who Thomas and now Newt are talking to responds. “Those kids over there have been here the longest—almost a week.“, he indicates to the girl Minho could not stop looking at and the boy she’s sitting with.
“They’re from the same maze—he was the only guy”, another guy interjects, a small smirk on his face.
“Really?”, Minho questions. “Some guys have all the luck”, the first guy replies, slight jealousy in his tone.
There’s a brief silence before it’s interrupted, the man—Mr.Janson, who is responsible for them being her walking in the door, followed by his men. “Good Evening, gentlemen, ladies. You all know how this works—you hear your name called, please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me”, he gestures towards them “who will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin.”
He began listing, stopping at eight names, the teens in the canteen groaning in disappointment. However, Minho wasn’t exactly paying attention when all this was happening—his gaze again fixed on the girl and boy at the end of a table who seem to keep their gazes low when Janson walked in, and as Thomas got up to go after Theresa, taking all the attention with him, he decided now was a good time to go and talk to this mysterious girl.
He strides over, leaning on the table—looking down at the girl, the boy across from her indicates for her to look up. And so she does and their gazes meet.
And suddenly he doesn’t know what to say. Actually being up close to her and making eye contact like this suddenly just took all the words out of him.
“Hello?”, the girls speaks, snapping him back to reality. “Hey…uhm—do you—do I..do we know each other?”. The girl and boy exchange a look, Minho glances down at the two before fixing his gaze on her again. “I don’t…think so”, she replies. “I just—there’s something, and we—“, a quick realisation hits him and he continues “you made eye contact with me I know you know what I’m talking about.”
The girl gives the other boy a quick nod—he reciprocates that and stands up, walking off. “I think I know what you’re talking about but I don’t know what it is either”, she says, making direct eye contact. “Maybe we knew each other before the maze?”
Their memories before the maze were supposed erased—but when she said that, it was like it made perfect sense in Minho’s head. Maybe she was important, maybe she was someone he couldn’t forget.
“Okay well—if that’s the case, maybe we should reintroduce ourselves?”, he says in a tone that screams ‘isn’t this the obvious thing to do’.
The girl rolls her eyes hearing the suggestion but looks up at him again “Y/N”. She sticks out her hand to him, he takes it into his “Minho”. They shake hands. He takes in the way she looks, her eye shape, the way her hair frames her face—just her face. He knows this face. This face was important. “Who’s your friend?”, Minho looks around trying to spot the guy who was sitting with her. “Aris—he was the guy in my maze, we escaped and we’re brought here”. “Cool cool cool…”, Minho sits down beside her.
“So…”, she starts, looking at him. “So..?”. “Say something”. He looks at her “You say something.”. “Well—no, you’re the one who came to me”. “Well you could put some effort in as well, I can’t be doing all the work”. “Jesus you’ve been sitting here for not even a minute and you’re already insufferable”, Y/N sighs, rubbing her temple.
“Okay—fine, I’ll start a conversation“, he states. Minho thinks for a moment before looking back at Y/N “What’s your favourite…colour?”. “Seriously?”, she asks, slightly in disbelief, raising her brows. “Seriously. What is your favourite colour?”.
A quick pause. “…pink, what’s yours?”, Y/N replies, asking him the same question he asked her. “I guess I like…blue and like a dark green”, Minho responds “Ooh a dark green? We’re really getting into specifics and personal things here”, Y/N teases, chuckling. “Shut it..”, Minho says, a grin on his face.
And that’s how it went—small simple questions. Getting to know each other, growing more comfortable—until it was time to get to bed.
Two people who used to be lovers brought back together by fate.
sigh i still don’t know how to feel about this but oh well!!
hope u enjoyed it :))
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Maze runner chapter fifteen
Previous chapter.
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Thomas wakes with a jump and sees a crow pecking at the food in his bag. He shoes the bird away waking Minho in the process. Newt was already awake, sitting half up, resting on his elbow, you curled into his side. You all slowly get up. Thomas helps Winston to stand, the pain in his stomach making it difficult for him to move too quickly. The sun was high in the sky as you began your trudge through what was once a city.
“Whoa, whoa hang on stop.” Thomas said as he listened to the sky. There was a rumbling above you all and you each scrambled to hide below rubble in the street. Newt knocks into your arm and you try to hide your wince. A burg hovers above the cityscape and you wait for it to pass.
Outside of the main city you climb up a sand Dune looking out over the Sea of sand you would need to cross. A mountain range in the distance was Thomas's goal.
“A little further, guys. Those mountains, that's gotta be it. That's where we're going.” He states
“That's a long way off.” Newt sighs
“Then we better get moving.” Thomas smiles. Beside you Winston removes his bag from his shoulder, he takes a step and falls forward. He tumbles down the Dune.
“Winston! Hey, Winston!”
“Winston!” you all crowd around him as he gasps for air.
“He's hurt pretty bad.” Frypan states worriedly.
“What do we do?” Teresa asks the boys. Mai Mai nudges your hand and Huff's a hot breath out of her nose. You follow her with your eyes as she moves to a pile of sticks.
“Thomas!” You grab him and drag him over to the wood. Between you, him and Aris you build a kind of stretcher that you're able to attach to Mai Mai's harness. The boys lay Winston on it and you start walking. You all take it in turns to grab part of the stretcher and help the tiger pull.
“Extra meat for you tonight.” Frypan laughed, giving the tiger a head scratch.
The eight of you walk all day, stopping only briefly to take sips from your water bottles. A sand storm blew in and whipped at your eyes. Newt grabbed out for your hand to keep you close to him.
“Gotta find shelter!” Thomas shouted.
After a few hours the storm blew out again and you all came out of your hiding spot. Thomas walked up to the small hill and Teresa followed him. Newt says beside you and Minho.
“Hey, what's going on with you?” Thomas asked Teresa. She bit down on her lip before she spoke.
“They did something to me. At first it just felt like I was waking up from a dream or something. Then they all started coming back.” She said, moving her scarf and hair away to show Thomas the tattoo on her neck.
“Your memories? What do you remember?” He asks.
“I remember the first time they brought you in. I was taller than you then. And faster.” They both laugh, “And I remember why we were there. We thought we could fix all this. They were doing more than just testing us. There was a reason y/n was put in the maze so early and why they had mixed groups in other ones.” She said.
“What?” Thomas didn't remember the reason.
“They were hoping some of the kids would…well that they'd have children. So they could see what the next generation’s blood would be like.”
“That's disgusting.” Thomas felt his chest tighten at the thought, “that's why they did a test on y/n?”
“On all the girls.” She paused, “I think we should go back.”
“ What?” Thomas gawked at her.
“Just listen to me.” Teresa tried to explain.
“What are you talking about? Go back?After everything they've done to us.”
“No, it's not that simple.”
“Yeah, I think it is that simple.” Thomas but back at her.
“No. You don't understand? Everything was fine until you…” she cut herself off
“Nothing.” She shook her head.
“Teresa, what aren't you telling me?”
A gunshot stops their conversation.
“Hey! Guys, get down here!” Frypan shouted.
“Winston what are you doing, man?”
“ Give me that!”
“What's going on?” Mai Mai was standing over Winston, her paws either side of his arms.
“What happened?” Thomas asked when he reached them.
“He just woke up and grabbed the gun and then he tried to…” you answer.
“Give it back, please.” Winston said between strained breaths.
“Winston, are you okay?” Thomas moves a little closer to him. Mai Mai stepped back.
“It's growing… inside me,” he lifted his shirt to show you all the deep slices across his stomach. The skin had turned a horrible purple, black colour and the smell was like rotten meat, “I'm not gonna make it. Please. Please. Don't let me turn into one of those things.” he begged. Newt moved across the group and took the handgun from Frypan's hand.
“Wait, Newt…” he ignores you and and kneels beside his friend, slipping the gun into Winston's hand.
“Thank you. Now, get outta here.” Winston coughed out.
“Good-bye, Winston.” Newt whispered. You all say goodbye to him one by one and you try to hold back your tears. Mai Mai gives him a nudge with her nose and licks the side of his face making him laugh just a little bit.
“Thomas. Take care of them.” Winston says as the rest of you walk away.
You walk in silence in a straight line each of you waiting for a dreading the moment you would hear the gun go off. It shook you all into standing still as it echoed around the empty space. A tear fell.down your face as you pressed your hand to the bite wound on your arm. It hurt, really hurt but you hadn't thought it was any worse than it should have been.
Your group continues walking till you reach an upturned boat and take shelter around it. Aris built a fire for.you all and huddled around it. Mai Mai laid behind you to keep your back warm.
“I thought we were supposed to be immune.” Minho said, twisting a flick knife around in his hands.
“Not all of us, I guess.” Teresa sighed. She was lying on the other side of Newt.
“If Winston can get infected… we should assume so can the rest of us.” Newt says and you once again look at your arm. You wonder if you should show them all.
“I never thought I'd say it, I miss the Glade.” Frypan mused. You all agreed. Newt turned round and folded his arm over your shoulder so you could cuddle into him and you both settled down with your heads on Mai Mai's belly. With everyone else around you supposedly asleep he turned to you.
“So, about what we're talking about before…can I…I mean would be my girlfriend?” he said in a quiet voice.
“Yes, yeah. I'd like that.” You say back to him.
“At last!” Minho called out, making everyone else laugh uncontrollably. You felt a little embarrassed but it was nice to laugh again. Newt pulled you a bit closer to him and you all went to sleep.
Next chapter
Send your comments in. Would love to hear your thoughts on this fic.
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @afalls14universe @akilaporu001
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izzyshitposts · 2 years
Frypan: Now this Turkmenistani dish, is traditionally made from an animal that's been so overfed, it can no longer stand!
Thomas: *whistling* that's a dream
Frypan: Everything is authentic. I even asked the Box the get me the pressure cooker from Turkmenistan,
Newt: So, you're on the Creators' watchlist now?
Frypan: Oh yeah, more beetle blades have been out my hut yup.
*Newt nods*
Frypan: Now this just needs to cook for another 11 hours 32 minutes and 60-
*Hut windows blast into shards because of the cooker bursting*
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lenreli · 1 year
Day 23 - "Good morning, sunshine" [Human AU]
The eggs are frying to almost soft-yolked perfection when Dream comes out of his room with a grimace, all but glaring at the light. Dream’s put on one of Hob’s blue boxers, pale skin covered in marks, and Dream’s arse probably hurting from either the fucking or light spanking, and Hob grins brightly. “Good morning, sunshine!” 
Dream just grumbles unintelligibly, arms going around his waist and soft hair against his shoulder as Dream glares at him ― for being a morning person, or the pain he woke up in, it could be either. 
“Want a painkiller?” He asks, and Dream’s head nods, soft hair moving against his skin, and Dream groans as Hob moves to get some water and the tablets, taking one out of the blister packet and giving them to Dream, who takes away a hand to get out his other meds he usually takes of the morning, still leaning heavily against him as they get taken swallowed. 
“Did you need to get up?” Dream rasps, voice low and Hob shivers as he goes back to the frypan with eggs, putting them on plates. 
“Well food is good to have, and delicious to eat, and good fuel for other things,” he says as he gets out some toast and tomatoes from another pan, roasted and cooked, and Dream scowls. “If we eat well, maybe I can do that thing you wanted last night,” he offers, “with the wax,” he tempts. 
Dream sighs and sits down on the stool near the kitchen table, “you better,” Dream glares down at his breakfast, and winces as he gets comfy on the stool, expression dour as he eats through his meal. Hob watches him fondly between his own bites.
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 1 year
Apricity... Masterlist
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You've read the books, you've seen the movies- and now you're living it? You wake up in an elevator with only flashes of your old memories. You remember slowly, bits and pieces that make no sense at all. Everything anyone remembers involves a facility, some scientists, even drowning. But you remember reading.
When you begin to not only care for the people surrounding you, but remember feelings buried deep down, what lengths will you go through to ensure their safety? You know all the plays, all the answers, so long as you don't change too much. But things have already changed, and you're struggling to keep up.
Or, alternate summary… You were transported from our reality to theirs. You're living in a book you once read and you need to fight to survive. Honestly, just an indulgent self insert where I get to have both boys of my dreams, and they get to have each other and also live. (By the by, everyone is aged up because I'm not about having romances with teenagers woops)
Relationships: Newt/Reader, Thomas/Reader, Newt/Thomas, Newt/Thomas/Reader, Gally/Ben, Gally & Reader, Minho & Reader, Chuck & Reader, Chuck/OC: Josh, Frypan/OC: Holly,
Characters: Newt, Thomas, Minho, Alby, Gally, Ben, Chuck, Winston, Zart, OC: Holly, Frypan, OC: Josh,
Tags: Second person POV, Third person POV, Switching POV, Reader POV, Gender neutral reader, Fix It, Aged Up Gladers, Polyamory, Canon typical violence,
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Prologue, The Boys Find Comfort
Chapter One, The Beginning
Chapter Two, Settling In
Chapter Two 1/2, Newt's Mistake
Chapter Three, Growing Closer
Chapter Four, Remembrance
Chapter Five, Contemplation
Chapter Six, Preparation
Chapter Seven... coming soon
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witchedwisteria · 10 months
@xuoria wanted ‘so much angst it hurts’ so blame them again!!! x, you asked for this.
thomas sees blonde everywhere. in sonya, in the sand beneath his feet, in the pale yellow of the sunset in winter. he sees it in his dreams, newt’s hair fanned out on the pillow next to him, threaded between his fingers.
he sees red, too. in brenda’s favourite shirt, in the apples growing in the orchard (he can’t go near the gardens, he just can’t), in the blood of the sunset. he sees it seeping through newt’s shirt and dripping onto the floor, sticky and hot.
he doesn’t want to forget. he doesn’t - he wakes up sobbing every night with anguish and gratitude. because if he remembers that then he remembers the little half smile on newt’s familiar mouth before he collapsed in his arms, and that…he would take every ounce of torture to get another glimpse of newt’s happiness.
it has been five years. brenda and frypan have a little one on the way. sonya and harriet are married. minho and gally are…something.
and yet, thomas is the one most committed.
a girl came up to him, once, with dark hair and green eyes. she was all coy, gentle scheming touches, until thomas tells her no.
“i’m in love,” he tells her honestly. minho closes his eyes in pain from across the fire. “i’m waiting, until i can see him again.”
she scoffs. newt is as famous as thomas here; the wicked children they’d saved ask thomas and minho for stories of the boy with the strange accent, and minho seems determined to preserve newt’s fearlessness. she knows who the ‘him’ in question is. “it’s been years, and he didn’t look anything special-“
thomas is shoving her off, red hot fury pulsing through him. “don’t you dare,” he snarls. he relishes in feeling something other than grief. “he was everything - he is everything. i love him. he loved me, and i’ll never love again as long as i can - “ he shakes his head, hand finding the familiar metal under his shirt, and runs off. he’s always been good at running.
not anything special?
thomas slams into his tent, shaking. he doesn’t know what to do. his memories of newt are slipping, and even now he knows that newt was the most beautiful thing he will ever see, an odd juxtaposition of tenses. because newt is here and gone, present and distant. thomas wants him nearer.
there is a knock on the tree by his tent. a woman stands there - an old wckd defect, an ex scientist. she holds a faded paper copy of records. “i am sorry,” she whispers. “i kept them because i…wasn’t sure if by giving them i would do more harm than good.” she passes it over, and thomas opens it silently.
it’s records. hundreds of them, labelled ‘A2 and A5.’ thomas’ heart jumps. there are photos.
he sees newt. he doesn’t register that he’s alone again; he sinks to the floor and cradles the worn black and white security images of them as children as if they’re his last sip of water in the scorch again.
there are photos of them in the maze, the labs, in the last city. surveillance of them, grainy and terrible in quality, but thomas can make out the thin curve of newt’s mouth, the lightness of his frame, the way his body curves next to him.
how can he move on when just a photo takes his breath away?
he clings onto the pieces of newt’s memory and sobs; he’s half agony half relief, and he reaches the last page of the record and -
it’s them kissing in the last city. maybe two hours before newt died. thomas is supporting him, protecting him, but they’ve paused. newt’s fingers are soft and gentle on thomas’ jaw; thomas’ hands are protective on his waist. it was their last kiss.
he presses his mouth to the paper, and closes his eyes.
that night, he dreams of the kiss instead of newt’s body collapsing in front of him.
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nomoreusername · 6 months
Things We Won't Admit
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Pairing:Brenda x female reader
Summary:When a new group keeps teasing Brenda and you about being together, you both deny the feelings she knows may be there.
I was more than grateful to be on my way to the Safe Haven. After waking up bond in ropes while coming off of mystery drugs I just wanted to somewhere safe. Preferably, somewhere I don't risk getting sold.
"Did you have a grand old time?"Y/N asked sarcastically, beaming at me with her bright smile as she did. 
"It was great. There's no better way to spend your day then unconscious,"I played along.
"I am so jealous. That just sounds like a dream,"She responded, giving a dramatic sigh. 
"Ah yes. It's such a shame you missed out,"I continued, nudging her. She rolled her eyes before resting her elbow on my shoulder. 
"How do you even have time for that out here?"One of them, I believe his name is Frypan, asked.
"Time for what?"I asked, leaning closer against her.
"That,"He repeated.
"What even is-"
"He's wondering how you had time to fall in love when you're probably always close to dying,"Newt interrupted her. We just looked at each other confused.
"We're not together,"I explained. 
"Really? Her head is literally on your shoulder,"He pointed out as if we didn't know.
"Yeah. We're close. We're practically family,"Y/N shrugged.
"Like wife and wife?"Frypan continued. I just ignored it as she traced little shapes into my hand. It's something that calms her down and just a small gesture of affection that makes me smile each time she does it. 
"I don't think they're official . . . yet,"Newt trailed off. I rolled my eyes at the ridiculousness of that. There was nothing romantic in-between us. 
At least, not that anyone is willing to admit.
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mazegays · 1 year
could've followed my fears all the way down
Chapter 5
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
“Thomas, you’re abandoning me for the greenhouse now?” Frypan jokes. “I set aside plates for you two. Harriet was going to grab you, but she said you looked like you were having a serious conversation.”
“Now, Frypan, have you ever known me to be serious?” Sonya jumps onto the counter, dodging Frypan’s playful swat. “Thomas, on the other hand, I think we have to convince him not to be.”
“Get off my counter, Miss Anti-Serious. Some of us still have work to do, you know. Jorge was looking for you, Thomas, but he’ll find you at some point.”
Jorge does have a strange way of doing that. Thomas thinks it’s a hard-earned skill. If he knows anything about Brenda, it’s that she likes to find her own way of doing things.
“Thanks, Frypan.” He manages to say before Sonya is pulling him to the fire pits. There’s not much room there this time of day, but she plops down on Harriet’s lap and he sits next to them.
“What if I had had food in my lap?” Harriet tries to look stern. “What would you have done then?”
“One, you didn’t, two, you would have moved it. That’s what you always did in the Glen.”
“I did not.”
“You did!” Rosa, one of the other Group B members, calls. “Admit it, Harriet, you’ve had it bad for Sonya for a long time.”
“I see you’ve turned against your leader. Perhaps you want to think about that.”
“Last I checked, you and Sonya lead together.” Thomas points out. H/e carefully doesn’t look at Sonya, so he doesn’t start laughing.
“Okay, stick, I see how it is.” She shoves him lightly. “You want to race again, is that it? Where’s Minho, maybe he wants in.”
“I’m here. Someone’s gotta show you all how it’s done.”
“Wait, Thomas, are you good to run?” Harriet seems to remember his sight.
“Yeah.” He blinks a few times. “The blurriness cleared up earlier. That’s a weird side effect, though. What do you think causes it?”
“No, Thomas, we’re not debating that right now.” Minho rolls his eyes. “Shank always wants to know everything about everything, I swear. He was like that in the Glade, too. Always asking questions. Newt and Alby didn’t know what to do with him.”
Thomas flinches a little when he says Newt’s name.
Minho’s not upset that he killed Newt. He said he wasn’t, and Minho wouldn’t lie about something that big. Minho hardly lies, ever.
At least, he hasn’t lied to Thomas. Thomas doesn’t have any reason not to trust him.
finish under the cut or on ao3
“How far should we go?” Rosa asks. “We can’t do it here.”
“Let them finish eating, Ro.” Harriet gestures to Thomas’s and Sonya’s plates, still mostly full. “We can decide after. None of us have anything super important this afternoon.”
“Thomas, Jorge and I wanted to talk to you.” Thomas tilts his head back to look up at Vince.
“Yeah, sure. Now?” Minho takes his plate while he stands.
“If you’d like.” Thomas shrugs. He’s just eating. It’d be nice to do with others, but he doesn’t have to.
He has a feeling he knows what they’re going to ask, anyway. Vince takes him to the back room of the common house.
“You know we fixed the Flat-Trans recently.” He nods.
“We were wondering if you’d be willing to go back through it.”
“Do we know where it opens back up yet?”
“Somewhere near where it closed.” Jorge answers.
Teresa’s body would be so close. Would it be worth it to find and dig it up, bring her back to bury her? Like so many of his friends never got to be? No, probably not. And who knows what might have gotten at it by now, anyway.
Or if anything actually survived the explosions.
“We want to do a recon mission. You’re familiar with that WCKD base.” Vince’s arms are folded, hands in fists. That’s never a good sign.
“Somewhat, yes. Mostly from half-memories and dreams. I didn’t get my memory removal reversed.” He reminds them. 
This isn’t what he was expecting at all.
“It’ll be a small group, only a few people. You’ll be leading them.” Vince hesitates, looking at Jorge. Jorge just raises an eyebrow.
“It was your rule, Vince. You can explain it.”
“You can’t take any of your friends. Brenda, Minho, Gally, any of them. Jorge and I will pick who goes with you.”
“So I don’t get any say in this?” Thomas watches Vince closely, then Jorge. 
“You do, hermano. You can say no, and one of us will go, or we’ll ask someone else. We just wanted to give you the option first.” Thomas remembers how he met Jorge in the Scorch. All the signs about him being the leader.
He’s stepped back. It’s not as fun as it looks, and he’s sixteen. He doesn’t want to lead. He shouldn’t have to.
So why does he want to say yes so badly?
Even worse, why does it feel like he’s already agreed?
“Let him have time to think on it.” Jorge says, already putting a hand on Thomas’s shoulder to guide him from the room. Vince just grunts.
Once they’re out of earshot, Jorge sighs. “I’d wanted to warn you before Vince got a chance to say anything. Hermano, you really don’t have to do this. Vince wouldn’t be convinced to ask anyone else first. Take the night at least to really consider this. Take the next few days, if you want. Speak with someone about it, please. It’s not something that needs to be done immediately.”
But the sooner it gets done, the sooner they’ll be able to get more resources, maybe bring more Immunes in. Many of the people here are living without electricity and running water for the first time in their lives. Going through the Flat-Trans might mean being able to get some rudimentary systems up and running again. 
Jorge shakes him gently. “Are you listening to me, Thomas? Don’t decide now.” Thomas has never been good at concealing what’s going on his mind, though, and Jorge remembers him from a time Before.
“Go and race with your friends before you think yourself into this. You are not the only one who can do this.”
But Thomas can tell that Jorge knows it’s a losing battle he’s fighting now. 
There’s a reason he was the Final Candidate. It was always him, it’s always going to be him.
He doesn’t race that night, sitting off to the side and cheering instead. Minho glares at him when he cheers Sonya on, but it’s worth it for the lightness it brings to his chest.
It’s much easier to ignore that he’s going to be lying to them soon enough when they’re all laughing and teasing.
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looneyleyle · 1 year
run away ~ thomas
synopsis: with the mission to rescue minho on the horizon, everyone is in a bit of a funky mood, saying things that they wouldn't normally say and probably don't mean :(
warnings: a little bit of sadness
words: 973
note: from my wattpad account, written april 8 2021
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jane pov
the technological glow of the city felt unreal, a stark contrast from the maze i came from. the only thing that reminded me that this wasn't a dream were the crowds of people surrounding the walls. they were hungry, sick, and begging to be let in. just past the walls would be minho, trapped by wckd. he was the whole reason why we were here. the boys had rarely gotten any sleep during the past six months. all they thought of was minho, and winston, and alby, and chuck, and everyone else they had lost along the way. they weren't going to let that happen to anyone else.
"jane, i need a hand." frypan was struggling to work the car, lurching forward and abruptly stopping every couple of seconds.
"you can't operate a crane if you can't even handle a car." i teased, approaching the car. frypan stepped out and handed the keys to me.
"then you do it. i was made to cook, not drive a death machine."
"you sure you were made to cook?" thomas shouted from across the road. i snatched the keys out of fry's hand with a snicker.
"be nice tommy, i don't see you cooking up any gourmet meals." i laughed, getting into the car. it was rare for us to be in such a good mood, and i wasn't going to be the one to break it. inside of my head were a million 'what ifs', and none of them had good outcomes. the days were ticking by, and there was no guarantee that minho was even alive anymore. this mission had to go perfectly, and if fry's driving was any indicator of how this would end up, it would be a miracle if even one of us survives.
it took fry a bit to learn how to drive the car, and he nearly ran brenda over while doing so. soon, the sun was down, and everyone was preparing for the next day's mission. newt stayed quiet in the corner, away from everyone else. brenda and jorge were looking over the plans one last time, making sure everything would go smoothly. fry, thomas, and i were all huddled up, trying to keep each other's spirits up. it didn't take too long for the silence to engulf us all.
"i'll be right back." thomas broke the silence, getting up and towards the tunnel. fry and i shared a nervous glance, worried about the boy. his girl friend, or whatever she was, had betrayed us, taking one of his best friends as hostage, and he felt at fault for all of it.
"go get your man before he does something." fry nudged, slightly teasing, slightly serious. i shoved him lightly, making a comment about how he wasn't 'my man', before following in thomas's footsteps. he sat on a ledge overlooking the last city, his eyes downcast and shoulders slumped. i took the spot next to him, mirroring his stance. he took a quick glance at me before looking back over the city. the night lights from the city illuminated his face and tousled hair. i didn't even notice his clenched fists until he relaxed them.
"what are you going to do after this?" he asked me in a hushed voice, still observing the dead city.
i pondered on it for a moment. i caught myself almost saying 'if we survive this', but realized it would do more harm than good. we all knew that our chance at surviving this mission was low, there was no need to voice it.
"i'd run away if i could." thomas looked at me questioningly. i took a breath before continuing.
"whenever i look at newt, or brenda, or even fry, all i see is pain and death. i hear the gunshot echoing around the scorch. i see the berg touch down at the right arm and take so many of us. i just want to get away from it all. find a place untouched by civilization and spend my remaining days there." i didn't have to looking into tommy's eyes to know they glistened with tears. the memories replayed in his mind constantly, haunting him every waking moment. my answer rung through our ears, and we both turned back to the city, seeing an occasional truck patrol the streets.
"would it be okay if i joined you?" i hadn't expected a reply, and i most certainly did not expect that. facing thomas, i noticed the trails of tears streaming down his face. instead of wiping the tears away, i sat closer to thomas and rested his head on my shoulder.
"doesn't it sound miserable? not seeing newt or any of the others again?" i asked. he nodded into my shoulder, getting it wet with his sadness.
"any type of living after this will be miserable. i just want to be miserable with you." the words coming out of his mouth felt so foreign, we had never opened up to each other like this. i knew in reality, he wouldn't be able to handle being without his friends. they meant to much to him, and he wouldn't give them up to stay with me, but, a tiny piece of me, just for tonight, wanted to let that fantasy play out. to imagine living my dying days out alone with thomas, fighting off cranks and finding a tiny corner of this hellish world to call our own.
and while i knew his feelings would change the moment his eyes would fall upon minho, or even teresa, i whispered a soft 'yes' into his hair, wrapping my arms around him and watching as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep. whatever had just happened would be meaningless tomorrow, but i let myself believe those words, if only to get me to sleep through the night.
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