#frostbite osha
frostbite-osha · 1 year
[A strange creature crawls over, and they appear to be on fire. The flames are purple.]
The air doesn’t seem to be warmed by the flames no matter how brightly they burn. There’s a chill, and the nearby windows are coated with frost so think you can’t see through it.
Frostbite doesn’t seem to notice, humming a song to themself as they wander a little.
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Hey, this is the letter carrier who said I wanted an OSHA sweep again. I just wanted to give a bit more context. The sink in the breakroom at my post office has been out of order for years, and it's started to grow mold. Management has been saying it's going to get fixed for ages now, but it never does. Someone finally reported it to OSHA, and I think it's actually going to get fixed now. Also, this past winter there was one day with a wind chill of -30. One carrier literally got frostbite, and one of our managers tried to send him back out to finish carrying his route.
Oh, wow. That sounds like something that would happen at a public high school.
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bisquicklite · 9 months
whispering in their ear, lips touching their skin!
Thank you for the ask, and I'm sorry it took a few days to get out!
“Is this right? I feel like he might be a bit… Lumpy?” Osha asked as she took a step back from her creation, head tilting as she appraised it again.
As much as she was growing used to navigating the snow and ice of Coerthas, she was still not used to playing with it. Her gloves protected her from the worst of the cold. Moving about to roll the snowball into greater and greater sizes kept her warm enough to keep from being too uncomfortable.
“Hmm.” Beside her Haurchefant hummed, looking over the packed ball of snow, topped with a significantly lumpier round of snow where some parts were packed tighter than others. He brightened after a moment, “I think our new friend is beautifully formed, my darling.” When at his side Osha gave a snort of laughter he continued, “For a first attempt, he is truly not that bad. He is a damn sight better than my own first attempt as a child; I swear my first snowman was little more than a misshapen mound of rapidly melting snow.”
“Well, I suppose we don’t have to worry about him melting anytime soon.” What with the area being frozen in a winter that settled in the last Calamity, and had yet to end.
It started with an offhand comment on how her mother never let Osha or her sisters play in the snow. That it was not worth the possible frostbite and sickness, even though they were a family rich with healers. So, no, she had to tell her lover, she had never made a snowman. At this news, Lord Haurchefant had all but leaped from his seat, paperwork abandoned, and escorted her outside. When she tried to protest he affected a most serious face and insisted that, "Such a tragedy would not stand!" and that he would, "See it corrected with haste, this very moment."
It was a silly idea, Osha was willing to admit. But she made no attempt to resist when he took her by the hand, leading her out to a spot where the fresh snow lay undisturbed. She was not one to ignore such blessings the Lover was want to give- in the shape of a lovely afternoon with her sweetheart laughing and playing in the snow.
The linkpearl in her ear suddenly chirping with an incoming call made her briefly groan, flashing Haurchefant a sheepish smile of apology. He returned his own smiles, and a small shrug that bespoke such understanding of the matter. It wasn’t the first time their time together was interrupted, and was likely not going to be the last. But that didn’t stop her brief fantasy of being able to ignore such calls.
“Yes?” Osha answered as pleasantly as she could manage, already mentally preparing herself for whatever manner of disaster she would be called to deal with. Perhaps the beastfolk were readying to summon their primals again. Or there was evidence that the Garleans were making a problem of themselves again. But most likely, someone, somewhere, needed her to play courier to one or more packages of dubious importance.
On the other end of the line Alphinaud was already skipping pleasantries to launch into a speech that allowed no obvious space for her to reply. As he spoke Osha nodded and hummed in acknowledgement, waiting for the specific threat to be outlined, the need detailed. The casual din of conversation in the background did give her pause as the current great need for her presence boiled down to ‘Alphinaud was at a party and needed her to stand next to him and be unspecifically impressive. In the warrior’s armor, with that big axe she was so fond of, if she would be so kind to play dress up.’’
At this Osha just about stopped listening as she drew in a deep breath only to sigh. She interrupted what sounded like a direct order for her to “Alphy. Do you remember what we talked about last week? I’m not a show pony you can trot out whenever you need someone impressive at your meetings with important people.”
It was a conversation she had to have with the young master just days before. That she was more than happy to come to the aid of those in need. She was happy to fight the battles that needed fighting to keep the realm safe. But she was not going to sit in hours-long meetings or parties with politicians which necessitated her to sit quietly and pretend not to be bored out of her skull if she could help it. Which was now something Alphinaud was trying to force her to reconsider due to blah blah blah, big fancy words she wasn’t entirely familiar with, blah blah blah.
“Aww, well, I suppose they’ll just have to settle for Alphinaud Leveilleur, youngest graduating student of the Studium and Louisoix’s own grandson because I am busy today. Next time you’ve got to give me more than half a bell’s warning if you want me to be your chaperone.” Osha did her best to make that the firm end of the conversation. And it was, until the young man on the other line questioned what exactly she was getting up to that day that she stumbled. “Well, I’m, um.-”
Osha wasn’t exactly prepared to admit to the exact nature of the fun she had been having. That she had come to Camp Dragonhead with a flimsy enough excuse of delivering missives from the Scions into the hands of her lover. Or that she had been lured out into the snow to make snowmen.
At her side Haurchefant made a small gesture to catch her attention, taking her arm gently and leaning in close. Alphinaud was still babbling his protest in one ear while he leaned close to the other, cupping a hand gently around the furred ear and whispering helpful suggestions. It took all of Osha’s discipline to keep the ear from twitching against the warm breath and warmer lips that pressed a too brief kiss to the sensitive appendage.
He pulled away too soon, and flashed her a cheeky grin and a thumbs up in a silent encouragement that bespoke confidence in his suggestion. As if he hadn't just casually melted her spine and weakened her knees, and it took a great deal of discipline to keep herself from swooning.The wink he gave afterwards told her that he knew exactly what he was doing, the cheeky devil.
Osha couldn’t quite help her toothy smile as she firmly spoke to Alphinaud again, while her cheeks flushed warm,  "I am busy improving diplomatic relations with Ishgard.- Yes.- Yes. - I am. - I will be sure to pass on your regards. Okay. Mmhmm. "
The call ended as Alphinaud all but insisted she stay where she was, and to continue the good work. Afterall, the young Scion mentioned, those Ishgardian men seemed partial to her company. Perhaps she could do good work luring them back into the Alliance. When she returned her gaze to Haurchefant they broke the brief silence with a shared giddiness, laughing and swaying into one another.
“Alphy says hello, and I,” Osha made a broad gesture of relief before she was drawn back into her lover’s arms, “am officially, once again, free for the evening.”
“How splendid, my dear! And what shall you do now, with your reclaimed freedom?”
“Hmm, that is a good question.” Osha gave a brief, mocking impression of pondering the question, before going on with a false sobriety, “I suppose I should be true to my word and try to be diplomatic with you and your countrymen.”
Haurchefant brightened at this, clearly catching on the playful mood, “In that case, I don’t suppose I might tempt you to an evening with my own humble company? If nothing else I can personally assure your comfort and warmth through the dreadfully cold night.”
“That sounds lovely, and it gives me the perfect opportunity to seduce you.” She didn’t even need to pretend to be excited, as it was how she had intended to spend the evening in the first place.
“Truly? Here I was planning my own seduction of your lovely self.” Haurchefant gave the slightest look of surprise before grinning broadly while blushing straight to the tips of his ears.
“Well, if that’s not a fortuitous turn of events, I don’t know what is.” Osha pulled him down for a kiss before turning her attention back at the attempted snowman they had been working on together, “But before we get on with wooing each other.. I do feel a bit bad about leaving this fine gentleman without eyes or limbs.”
They again shared a few moments of laughter before agreeing to put the finishing touches on the poor snowman. Which turned into a rather serious undertaking of finding appropriate sticks for arms and stones with which to make limbs and a rough approximation of a face.
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omegasmileyface · 2 years
Of All the People - Ch. 10
hehe. i love a-lister dialogue <3 written, shockingly, by @ectolemonades and @attackradish and myself for invisobang, with chapter 1 art by @/toasty-ghosti :3
whole fic summary: After a stupid dare puts Dash Baxter in the lab at Fentonworks during the middle of a ghost fight, he finds himself a little more spectral than usual. Apparently Danny Fenton’s gone through the same thing (someone has got to call OSHA on these guys eventually), and who could better help Dash than his hero? His lame, stubborn hero?
warnings: Nothing for this chapter! In others, existential crises, and Spectra.
words: 1846
AO3 link
first chapter
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Dash's arrival to the hallway table where the A-listers sat before school was frantic.
"I need to tell you something." His voice was hushed, posture hunched, eyes darting conspiratorially.
Paulina matched his tone but kept to more subtle body language. Looking like you were hiding something was basically an open invitation for other students to listen in. It was the agreed-upon social signal that something was gossip and not just information. And this was looking like something that could not become gossip. "Is this about ghosts?"
"No. Well, I guess. Kinda. It's…"
He bit his lip for a few seconds. His friends were patient.
"I think I have a crush on Fenton."
While Dash's face wrinkled up, Paulina's stretched into a grin. She let herself lean forward. While this wasn't gossip she wanted going public, it was gossip, and she was going to respect that.
"Fenton?" asked Star. "Are you— I mean, not that that's bad or anything! But are you sure? He was pretty cool when he was showing us those Yetis and everything but being cool doesn't keep him from being a dweeb. A cool dweeb is still a dweeb."
"Give him some credit!" piped up Paulina. "A cool dweeb is still cool. I would say Fenton's coolness is enough to override his dweebiness. Because of the ghost fighting."
"I mean yeah but the emotional shift after years of—"
"Is this really news?"
Everyone looked at Kwan.
"I mean, now that we know he's… y'know. I thought we had accepted that Dash's whole thing with Phantom was some kind of a crush. So shouldn't that be a given?"
"That—! Was that a crush?" Dash was beet red by now.
"You know what?" Star shifted in her seat to look at Dash like a lawyer might look at a potential client or a wolf might look at a piece of meat. "Suddenness or un-suddenness aside, we're talking about your current feelings. Tell us what's got you flustered around Danny."
"What? Do you just want blackmail material or something? I didn't come here for an interview!"
"No no," said Paulina, "this is important information in our journey of understanding ghosts."
Kwan nodded seriously.
"So is it the patient understanding he shows when you train?"
"Or the way, when he needs to, he picks you up like you weigh nothing?" added Star, helpfully.
"Or how he always looks like he's defying gravity when he laughs?" added Kwan, doubly so.
"As a matter of fact it would be all of those things." Dash's hissing wasn't entirely human, but his friends didn't seem to care as they broke out into a chorus of combined "aww"s and laughter. His glare was just as ineffective.
"Well, I'll bet he feels the same way about you."
"Yeah! Any ghost boy would be lucky to have a catch like you."
Dash hoped that was true.
Danny's moan was muffled from his spot laying on a branch of the tree where he and his friends spent their mornings.
"Aww, I know that tone. Is this about ghosts?" asked Sam teasingly. 
"Kinda." He slid off the branch and landed, clumsy but silent, on the grass. "I think Dash has a crush on me."
Tucker finally looked up from his PDA. "As in, Dash Baxter? The very Dash Baxter who, on our Zone trip the other day, asked Frostbite if the Ghost Zone had, quote, 'barcades but for dead people'? That Dash?"
"Can I politely ask where you got the idea that Dash, a literal high school quarterback who I'm pretty sure was yanked out of his home universe of a shitty 80s coming-of-age movie and stuck in ours, has a crush on 'freaky-geeky-Fenton'?"
Danny frowned at Sam. "Well, you didn't have to say it like that."
"Sorry. Dashing, charming Fenton? Who I will remind you is a boy?"
"That's better."
Tucker patted his shoulder.
"And just because he's a living cliché doesn't mean he's straight. Look at Tucker 'The Womanizer' Foley over here. Just because he's never landed a date doesn't mean he's ever wanted one."
"Hey, man, there's a difference between trying to get a date to see what the hype's all about and being a literal bully. If Dash has an ounce of queer in him, he's not just burying it, he's giving it cement shoes and sending it swimming with the fishes off a Brooklyn pier."
"Look, however he feels about his sexuality, I'm pretty sure he has a crush on me and I have no idea how to feel about that!"
"Once again. Source?"
Danny huffed and pulled at some grass by his legs. "I can sorta taste it. I think."
"Oh shit!" Tucker perked up. "Is this that emotional feeding thing we've been talking about? — I know," he cut in before Danny could interrupt, "I know. Not feeding."
"Not on purpose at least." Sam received another frown.
"Yeah… it's kinda been there for a while. Sometimes he'll look at me when I'm doing something and then there'll just be… warm. And shocked, and bright like sour candy, and hesitant. And sometimes his heartbeat picks up when that happens. It tastes kinda like admiration and excitement, so I figured… it couldn't really be much else. I don't know."
"Mm." Tucker thought for a moment. "Well, do you like him back?"
Danny sputtered. His friends looked at him with anticipation.
"I— huh? Not that I know! Fuck, the guy's been bullying me for years and now I have to keep him out of trouble while he's looking at me like I have all the answers when I barely have my own ghost stuff figured out! Why would I have a crush on him?"
"Because he's determined enough to keep trying to help," said Sam.
"And he's kept your secret with the utmost devotion."
"And he rocks that varsity jacket-skinny jeans combo."
"And he keeps a closet full of teddy bears because he loves them so much."
"Shut up! Oh my God. This is gonna be just like when I told you guys about my crush on Spike in middle school. I'm not just gonna, what, develop feelings for my origin story high school bully because we're training together now or whatever."
Tucker turned to Sam with a wholly serious face. "And they were half-ghosts."
"Oh my God they were half-ghosts."
"Fuck you guys. I'm gonna go fail a pre-calc quiz."
Danny's friends laughed as they got to their feet and walked with him.
…Dash did make that varsity jacket look good.
Paulina spent class patiently waiting for free study time. With the test coming up, she knew today’s lecture would be short before they were granted an opportunity to study quietly in small groups.
It was as if the stars had aligned for her. Statistics was the only class her respective friend group had without Dash, and the only class she had with Sam and Tucker that didn’t have Danny. She had been itching to talk to Sam – something she never thought she’d experience, but their groups had grown close recently, given the circumstances. Finally, finally, after a brief review of the formulae they’d be applying on the test, they were given study guides for the rest of the period.
Paulina wrote a note to Sam, waiting until their teacher was distracted to casually adjust her hair and drop the folded slip of paper on the desk behind her.
‘Dash has a crush on Danny.’ The note was straightforward. They knew they had to keep their communications as brief and private as possible for the time being; if the A-Listers were suddenly best friends with the people they’d relentlessly bullied, someone might stick their nose where it didn’t belong. It would be a gradual process.
She absently scribbled on her worksheet, waiting for some type of cue that Sam acknowledged this information. She felt Sam tap her shoulder, and smoothly reached up to take the paper she was passed.
‘We know.’
Paulina couldn’t contain her eyeroll when she read it. She felt Kwan’s gaze on her, expecting an update, and shook her head at him. This told her nothing. How did they know? Did Danny even remotely feel the same?
How was she supposed to plan the most epic love story of their generation if they gave her nothing to work with?
Paulina sighed and turned around, putting on her best act of reluctance in case anyone was paying attention. “Sam, as much as it pains me to ask this, do you and Tucker want to work in a group? We could use some extra help on the study guide.”
“What’s in it for us?” Sam quirked an eyebrow at her. Kwan and Star had tuned in now, looking between the pair expectantly, and Tucker leaned forward in his seat to join in.
“I’ll… invite you to my next party?” Paulina tried.
“Sam, let’s do it. I never get to go to Paulina’s parties.” Tucker had picked up on the act.
“Fine,” Sam feigned irritation. They shifted their desks closer to each other.
“So?” Star whispered.
“Yeah, I’m really not sure what’s actually going on here yet. Is something wrong?” Tucker asked.
“Dash has a crush on Danny,” Paulina repeated the contents of her note in a low voice. “I want to do something about it.”
“More specifically, she wants to set them up,” Kwan added.
“How do we play into this? They’re their own people, can’t they figure it out on their own?”
“Don’t you see, Sam?" Tucker was grinning like he had awaited this day his whole life. "We always hang out in a group. Pretty much the only time they’re alone together is sometimes when they’re training. We have to get them to spend time together outside of that.”
Sam seemed at a loss. “I get what you’re saying here, but how can we make them hang out? It’s not exactly subtle to just tell them to meet up somewhere together.”
“With all due respect, Sam, I did not expect you to be so dense about this,” Star said.
“We have to make plans with them and then ditch them.” Paulina explained the process just like it was one of their Stats principles.
“Back out last minute so they’re obligated to go through with the plans, but it would only be them,” supplied Kwan.
“We could force them to pair up in class, too. Partner up with each other instead, when we get the chance,” Tucker suggested.
Sam finally gave a slow nod. “Okay. In case it wasn’t obvious, we’re pretty sure Danny’s reciprocating his feelings, so… I’m in.”
Paulina clapped a hand over her grinning mouth to contain the excited squeal that wanted to escape. Tucker looked equally as excited, and Kwan and Star seemed pretty satisfied with their plan.
The bell signaling the end of class rang, and students began hurriedly gathering their belongings to move onto their next class. Paulina stuck her hand out at Sam, who looked at it for a moment before shaking it, officially solidifying the agreement.
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Carolina's Journal Log 5:
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We got an early start this morning to head up to the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur. Rosedawn and I were careful as we headed up the slope to the Valley's entrance. We nearly slipped a couple of times, the ice hidden under the snow nearly causing some real trouble for us. The icicles in the narrow pathway have doubled since I was last here, and a few looked a bit too close to snapping off and falling.
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We took the... probably not up-to-date elevator down into the valley. With the ice and snow, we didn't want to risk going down the cliffside. I'm pretty sure that that entire elevator set is an OSHA violation in and of itself. Nevertheless, we began heading for Nic Stoneground's camp, wondering whether or not the entire place had been covered in snow. The fog usually choking the valley was, weirdly enough, gone. It was quite odd seeing the valley without the fog, and it all looks... smaller without the fog. Nic Stoneground's camp was intact, so we continued on our way through the Valley.
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Rosedawn and I traveled up to the Valley of Frozen Mist, not a single wisp of fog in sight. While walking through the Valley of Frozen Mist, we came across a large, frozen tree. It reminds me of a Life Warden tree, though visibly somewhat smaller. Perhaps it was young when the Valley first froze over and never got to reach its full size? Maybe Nic Stoneground or Professor Einstein know something more about that
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We headed back to Valedale, wanting to avoid any frostbite and/or hypothermia. Our next stop was Mistfall, so we'd have to pass through Firgrove. We could always take the usual route of the trail past the mill or head through the Hollow Woods and then over the bridge, or, we could have some fun. Of course, we chose the second option. We slipped and slid down the frozen Silversong River, avoiding crashing into any snowbanks along the way, thankfully.
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We got off the ice and headed to Starshine Ranch. This part of Firgrove looked just as beautiful in the snow as the area in and around the main village. Starshine Ranch looked like it was plucked straight out of a Hallmark holiday movie. People were still barrel racing and going about their normal days, something that was a bit ironic, seeing as Western riding wasn't usually in snowy areas.
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Leaving Starshine Ranch, Rosedawn and I headed through the pathway to Mistfall. As we continued heading to Dundull, we found ourselves running into one main trouble. We were passing beneath a large pine tree, and that's when it hit. And 'it' was a massive drop of snow. We made it out unscathed, though it truly felt like that scene from Bambi. Nearly lost my hat too.
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The snow now mostly banished from our attire, we made the final leg of the trip to Dundull. We paused to briefly speak with Sigry and Rania, asking how Dundull was doing. Dundull had encountered relatively similar events to this before, so they were prepared for the blizzard.
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I grabbed some tea at a nearby café before we continued on our way. The foxes at Kit's fox kennel were all playing in the snow. One was running around in circles around one of the small shelters, while another was just sitting, surrounded by snow. Not sure which one I relate to more.
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Leaving Dundull, we traveled toward the nearby Jorvik Rangers station. We walked through the snow, everything coated in white. Arriving at the station, I spoke briefly with Alonso. I considered asking about his horse's now red-burgundy-like mane and tail. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
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Traveling up to a ledge on the mountainside, we looked at the snow-covered Dundull in the distance. This place is beautiful. Our next stop was actually back home in Redwood Point. I'll have to come up to this spot more often, it's quite peaceful.
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Traveling through the brush on the path into the Wildwoods was definitely tedious. Nevertheless, we made it through without any snags. Brambles or otherwise. As we crossed the stone bridge over the gap toward Redwood Point, we made sure to stay at a slow pace, wanting to avoid slipping and falling.
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Finally, after a few days away, we made it home. The towering redwoods were all dusted in snow, and so were all of the bushes and grasses covering the ground. I took Rosedawn into the stable, planning to get her cleaned up and groomed before taking a nap myself. Some hot chocolate sounds nice.
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theloveinc · 2 years
i’m more mad at the fact that hagakure literally has no hero suit. like this girl is running around buck naked 24/7 fighting crime and no one is like ayo wtf?!? like how come mirio gets an explanation for him not being buck naked but not her??? i just know she’s getting frostbite and hypothermia during the winter i just KNOW
LITERALLLLLLY like if they could make mirio a suit out of his hair you'd think they'd be able to do the same for her? And tho i guess one could argue "BUT THEY CAN'T SEE HER HAIR..." it's still annoying bc why was that never said EITHER???
and that aside, like, none of the class cares??? deku, in all his hero knowledge, ISN'T AT ALL CONCERNED FOR HER SAFETY? ANYONE'S?
but honestly if we go there, none of the female student's costumes make sense. jirou running around in a tshirt and leather jacket. momo could easily have a zipper. mina in a leotard... like... literally.... WHAT??? someone call osha.
i think ari said this once before but... i know for a fact hori has some fucked up shit on his harddrive LMAOOO. but yea. you're right. poor hagakure.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The Eggo Company has been fined about $85,000 after being convicted for releasing toxic gas at a waffle factory in California, the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office announced last week.
The Kellogg-owned waffle maker was convicted and sentenced on Friday for a "large release of toxic ammonia" from its San Jose factory in January 2021, the district attorney's office said.
It happened when a subcontractor damaged a pipe while on a scissor lift, the district attorney's office said. The pipe then "began leaking anhydrous ammonia, a toxic gas that can cause severe injury or death."
Eggo managers believed they had stopped the leak, and did not call 911 for more than an hour. The district attorney's office said that this delay "contributed to the emergency," which resulted in approximately 3,400 pounds of anhydrous ammonia escaping into the neighborhood surrounding the factory.
While no injures were reported, residents had to shelter in place for several hours while emergency responders worked to stop the leak, the district attorney's office said.
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CPI:Inflation slowed sharply to 7.1% but stayed high in November as gas prices fell  
"Public safety and the environment are threatened with every passing minute in these cases," Santa Clara County's Deputy District Attorney Jason Bussey said in a statement. "When companies fail to immediately report a release, they face serious consequences."
USA TODAY reached out to the Kellogg Company for a statement from Eggo Tuesday morning.
What is anhydrous ammonia?
Anhydrous ammonia is a source of nitrogen fertilizer that is widely used in agriculture, as well as refrigeration and manufacturing under state and federal regulations. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration notes that the substance is commonly used as a refrigerant in industrial facilities processing meat, dairy products, alcoholic beverages and more. 
Eggo, for example, uses the substance at its San Jose factory to freeze waffles, the district attorney's office said.
Could an ammonia leak be deadly?
If not handled properly, anhydrous ammonia can be dangerous. OSHA considers ammonia to be "a high health hazard" because of health and safety risks.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, exposure to the toxic gas or liquid can result in injuries including burns, frostbite, lung irritation and corrosion damage to the eyes, throat, stomach and other parts of the body, depending on the type of exposure. The severity of injures ranges, but significant exposure can be fatal, the CDC says.
Criminal charges against Kellogg-owned Eggo
For the release of anhydrous ammonia at Eggo's San Jose factory, the waffle maker was "criminally charged with negligently discharging an air contaminant, failing to immediately report that release, providing inadequate training to its contractors, and failing to implement an adequate emergency action plan," the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office said on Friday.
The district attorney's office added that, following the January 2021 incident, Eggo has "cooperated with regulatory authorities and is upgrading its systems and procedures to prevent future releases."
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sharpeagle-tech · 16 days
Tech Evolution in Oil & Gas for Health & Safety Measures
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Labourers in the worldwide oil and gas industry are presented with outrageous physical and mental difficulties in conditions with severe security risks. In addition, safety and health regulations have become more stringent, and organisations that do not adhere to them risk severe penalties, legal action, and negative publicity.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the oil and gas industry has a seven times higher fatality rate that of all the other industries, demonstrating the health and safety hazards for workers if proper procedures are not followed. 
Oil and gas sites host several heavy machinery, masts and rigs, stored hazardous chemicals, and highly flammable by-products. The well-being of the workers relies on the self-awareness and managerial efficiency of the industry.
Additionally, accidents in the oil and gas industry can also be costly from a business perspective. Twenty-one thousand eight hundred ninety-nine days of work were lost due to injuries in the companies that took part in the study, according to the IOGP report. There are a lot of fast-moving vehicles, machinery, and equipment in factories and plants worldwide, which could put frontline workers in danger. 
Accidents continue to occur frequently, mostly involving younger workers with less experience, despite the existence of safety and compliance regulations. The International Labour Organization estimates that 313 million on-the-job accidents result in prolonged absences from work each year, resulting in a $3 trillion economic loss to the global economy.
"Digital transformation can make Oil and Gas companies more profitable, increase worker safety, help society by reducing emissions and water use, and save customers money."
Key Challenges to Health and Safety at Oil and Gas Industry Fatalities
"Caught in, under, or between" incidents, which exclude incidents involving dropped objects, accounted for most deaths in the oil and gas industry. Twelve people died in 2019 due to incidents that were "caught in, under, or between." Despite a decline in fatalities, there is still a steep incline in the frequency of accidents every year. Such incidents and the resulting injuries and fatalities harm the industry's reputation while inflicting significant emotional and psychological trauma on the victims and their loved ones.
Workers must receive training to understand the risks of falling, falling into confined spaces, being stuck or pulled into by machinery, electrical hazards, explosions, chemical exposure, and potential vehicular accidents. Workers' health risks include hearing impairment, frostbite, severe burns, respiratory problems, acute fatigue, and harm caused by moving heavy cargo and extreme work environments, often in remote locations. Workers must also be capable of handling so-called “fly in, fly out” procedures, which require them to travel to far-flung places for predetermined periods and work long shifts.
Latest Technological Trends to Promote Health and Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry
Explosion-Proof Technology
One of the key reasons for industrial explosions is system malfunction and electrical issues in the equipment used. Owing to the explosive environment of hazardous industries like oil and gas, even the smallest spark contacting the atmosphere can result in a huge explosion. Thus, modern oil and gas industries require advanced surveillance and safety solutions. Ex-proof technology for cameras and lights helps contain the sparks inside the wiring of the device and helps avoid fatal explosions and accidents. With continuous R&D, the current ex-proof market offers a range of explosion-proof lights and oil and gas video surveillance options to suit your diverse needs based on industrial size, purpose, etc. 
Big Data and AI Automation
Industries today are actively adopting advanced analytics through big data and AI automation. Particularly in the oil and gas sector, big data uses customised predictive models to assist the analysts in getting insights from the unstructured real-time data to optimise safety, production, and performance. Integration of AI in data analytics further automates the process. For instance, advanced AI integrations in explosion-proof cameras enable instant identification of trespassers, reducing the risk of theft. Additionally, AI technology in oil and gas industry can help in smart detection of potential malpractices amidst 150+ camera feeds. This smart detection is also useful in verifying false alarms and saving valuable time and resources during daily operations. Overall, through enhanced operational efficiency, use of Big Data and AI directly contribute to higher return on investment (ROI) for global oil and gas industries. 
Robotics and Drones
A recent step-up for the oil and gas industry, robotics and drones have become a popular choice for minimising the shortcomings of human resources. The global market for robotics and automation in oil and gas was valued at USD 16.5 billion in 2022 and projected to reach USD 24.7 billion by 2030. Robots are primarily employed for inspection and surveillance in key hazardous zones to minimise the chances of human error, automate the operations, and reduce the liability costs in case of accidents. Additionally, drones are employed for inspecting inaccessible areas, particularly the off-shore sites, where there is a higher risk for fatalities. Thus, drones and robots enhance safety and efficiency significantly in the oil and gas sector by minimising the role of human crew in high-risk operations.
IoT-Based Monitoring
Internet of Things (IoT) technology has transformed the way oil and gas industries perceive “efficient operations”. IoT sensors provide real-time data about potential leaks and system malfunctions, enabling managers to ensure minimum-risk operations through remote monitoring. The IoT data provides real-time insights without exposing the crew to high-risk environments, optimising resource management and saving business costs involved in anomalies. Today, IoT-based monitoring is used for several purposes in the oil and gas industries, including, monitoring of pumps, pipes, and filters to avoid costly leaks and give workers a better sense of control over their operational performance.
AR and VR Integration in Operations
A study by McKinsey on the oil and gas sector reveals a 25% cost-cut per barrel by adopting digital solutions like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). For enhanced maintenance, several oil and gas industrialists adopt AR solutions like AR headsets for remote monitoring and hands-free instructions to replace lengthy manuals with engaging graphical data. Additionally, VR headsets provide training to the crew in simulations instead of live hazardous environments, reducing on-site casualties and optimising safety training in the oil and gas industry. 
Cloud Computing
The adoption of cloud computing technology in the oil and gas industry is a highly recommended solution by industry experts to efficiently handle the large volume of raw data that these industrial sites receive daily. Storing and processing data remotely frees local memory and expands the device’s computation capacity. This enhances the efficiency, security, and scalability of every day operations at the oil and gas industry. 
Blockchain Technology
Web3 is a relatively new technological trend that is gradually getting integrated into hazardous industrial sectors like oil and gas. The transparency of the blockchain technology of web3 is key to its rapid adoption for a multitude of purposes. When translated to the oil and gas industry, blockchain technology can enhance security and transparency in digital transactions and official documentation through smart contracts. This added layer of transparency significantly improves business communication, resolves legal disputes, and builds trust in the ethical practices of a company. Thus, experts believe blockchain technology is key to sustaining business relations in the upcoming years.
Importance of Technology in the Oil and Gas Industry
Enhanced Efficiency
Through technological evolution, the security standards and worker safety measures in oil and gas industries have found their new apex. Where AI enables system optimisation, IoT can provide a real-time data feed, and smart video analytics reduce the system clutter and make operations significantly more efficient than traditional systems.
Optimised Safety
Smart detection of hazards and adverse situations counters the manual shortcomings in monitoring and surveillance to create a safer work environment in hazardous industries by making them less prone to accidents and liabilities caused by fatigue and human error.
Reduced Business Costs
As discussed above, modern technological integrations significantly reduce the business costs of the oil and industry. Multitude of integrations co-create safer work environments either through automation or remote monitoring. Besides the direct cost of damages and compensations, technological advancement in the oil and gas industry helps prevent indirect costs like legal proceedings, training of human resources, etc.
Sustainable Solutions
Modern technology serves a larger purpose of sustainability by reducing the emissions through AI, IoT, and big data analytics. By identifying the triggers for accidents beforehand, technology controls explosions and its resulting adverse impact on the environment as well as crew health and well-being.
Pick the Right Safety Partners for Reliable Safety Solutions
Safe environment begins with right investment. Partnering with the right safety partners is necessary for reliable safety and efficiency solutions. Before investing in technological upgrades, ensure that the products are certified to sustain the rigorous environmental challenges of the oil and gas industry. 
SharpEagle’s explosion-proof camera for oil and gas industries comes with an ATEX Camera certification, marking the quality and excellence of our safety and efficiency products. The resilient design of our hazardous area camera systems can withstand the dire temperatures of the working areas. The ATEX certification ensures 360-degree protection without baseless claims and unreliable tests. 
The discussion above clearly displays the dynamic shift in the industry and how technology has transformed safety and risk management in the oil and gas industry. At SharpEagle, we are an end-to-end safety solutions provider. Our expert team guides you at every step, from site inspection and recommendations to manufacturing, installation, and maintenance. Choose from a customised range of explosion-proof CCTV, lighting, and other solutions. Book a free consultation call with SharpEagle, the leading ex-proof safety solutions provider, to learn more about all the latest updates and products for the oil and gas industry.
‍You can also call us at +971-45549547 or mail us at [email protected]
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eugene114 · 9 months
Cold Stress
Cold Stress Can be Prevented
It is important for employers to know the wind chill temperature so that they can gauge workers’ exposure risk better and plan how to safely do the work. It is also important to monitor workers’ physical condition during tasks, especially new workers who may not be used to working in the cold, or workers returning after spending some time away from work.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information from the nearest NWS office. It will give information when wind chill conditions reach critical thresholds. A Wind Chill Warning is issued when wind chill temperatures are life threatening. A Wind Chill Advisory is issued when wind chill temperatures are potentially hazardous.
Who is affected by environmental cold?
What is cold stress?
How can cold stress be prevented?
Types of cold stress
Who is affected by environmental cold?
Environmental cold can affect any worker exposed to cold air temperatures and puts workers at risk of cold stress. As wind speed increases, it causes the cold air temperature to feel even colder, increasing the risk of cold stress to exposed workers, especially those working outdoors, such as recreational workers, snow cleanup crews, construction workers, police officers and firefighters. Other workers who may be affected by exposure to environmental cold conditions include those in transit, baggage handlers, water transportation, landscaping services, and support activities for oil and gas operations.
Risk factors for cold stress include:
Wetness/dampness, dressing improperly, and exhaustion
Predisposing health conditions such as hypertension, hypothyroidism, and diabetes
Poor physical conditioning
What is cold stress?
What constitutes cold stress and its effects can vary across different areas of the country. In regions that are not used to winter weather, near freezing temperatures are considered factors for "cold stress." Increased wind speed also causes heat to leave the body more rapidly (wind chill effect). Wetness or dampness, even from body sweat, also facilitates heat loss from the body. Cold stress occurs by driving down the skin temperature, and eventually the internal body temperature. When the body is unable to warm itself, serious cold-related illnesses and injuries may occur, and permanent tissue damage and death may result. Types of cold stress include: trench foot, frostbite, hypothermia, and chilblains.
For more information, see OSHA's Cold Stress Safety and Health Guide.
How can cold stress be prevented?
Although OSHA does not have a specific standard that covers working in cold environments, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) of 1970, employers have a duty to protect workers from recognized hazards, including cold stress hazards, that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm in the workplace.
Employers should train workers. Training should include:
How to recognize the environmental and workplace conditions that can lead to cold stress.
The symptoms of cold stress, how to prevent cold stress, and what to do to help those who are affected.
How to select proper clothing for cold, wet, and windy conditions.
Employers should:
Monitor workers physical condition.
Schedule frequent short breaks in warm dry areas, to allow the body to warm up.
Schedule work during the warmest part of the day.
Use the buddy system (work in pairs).
Provide warm, sweet beverages. Avoid drinks with alcohol.
Stay well nourished by snacking on high carbohydrate foods.
Avoid touching cold metal or wet surfaces with bare skin.
Provide engineering controls such as radiant heaters.
Types of Cold Stress
Immersion/Trench Foot
Trench foot is a non-freezing injury of the feet caused by prolonged exposure to wet and cold conditions. It can occur in temperatures as high as 60°F if feet are constantly wet. Injury occurs because wet feet lose heat 25-times faster than dry feet. [CDC/NIOSH]
What are the symptoms of trench foot?
Redness of the skin, numbness, tingling, pain, swelling, leg cramps, blisters, bleeding under the skin, and Gangrene.
First Aid
Call 911 immediately in an emergency; otherwise seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
Remove wet shoes/boots and wet socks.
Dry the feet and avoid working on them.
Keep affected feet elevated and avoid walking on feet as this may cause tissue damage and seek medical attention.
Frostbite is caused by the freezing of the skin and tissues. Frostbite can cause permanent damage to the body, and in severe cases can lead to amputation. The risk of frostbite is increased in people with reduced blood circulation and among people who are not dressed properly for extremely cold temperatures.
What are the symptoms of frostbite?
Reddened skin develops gray/white patches in the fingers, toes, nose, or ear lobes; tingling, aching, a loss of feeling, firm/hard, and blisters may occur in the affected areas.
First Aid
Get into a warm room as soon as possible.
Unless necessary, do not walk on frostbitten feet or toes.
Follow the recommendations described above for hypothermia.
Protect the frostbitten area, e.g., by wrapping loosely in a dry cloth and protect the area from contact until medical help arrives.
DO NOT rub or massage the affected area, because rubbing causes damage to the skin and tissue.
DO NOT try to re-warm the frostbitten area before getting medical help, for example, do not use heating pads or place in warm water. If a frostbitten area is rewarmed and gets frozen again, more tissue damage will occur. It is safer for the frostbitten area to be rewarmed by medical professionals.
Give warm sweetened drinks if alert (no alcohol).
Hypothermia occurs when the normal body temperature (98.6°F) drops to less than 95°F. Exposure to cold temperatures causes the body to lose heat faster than it can be produced. Prolonged exposure to cold will eventually use up the body’s stored energy. The result is hypothermia, or abnormally low body temperature. Hypothermia is most likely at very cold temperatures, but it can occur even at cool temperatures (above 40°F) if a person becomes chilled from rain, sweat, or immersion in cold water.
What are the symptoms of hypothermia?
An important mild symptom of hypothermia is uncontrollable shivering, which should not be ignored. Although shivering indicates that the body is losing heat, it also helps the body to rewarm itself. Moderate to severe symptoms of hypothermia are loss of coordination, confusion, slurred speech, heart rate/breathing slow, unconsciousness and possibly death. Body temperature that is too low affects the brain, making the victim unable to think clearly or move well. This makes hypothermia particularly dangerous because a person may not know what is happening and won’t be able to do anything about it.
First Aid
Call 911 immediately in an emergency:
Move the worker to a warm room or vehicle.
Remove any wet clothing and replace with dry clothing. Wrap the entire body (including the head and neck) in layers of blankets; and with a vapor barrier (e.g. tarp, garbage bag) Do not cover the face.
Give warm sweetened drinks if alert (no alcohol), to help increase the body temperature. Never try to give a drink to an unconscious person.
Place warm bottles or hot packs in armpits, sides of chest, and groin. Call 911 for additional rewarming instructions.
If the worker has no pulse, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be provided and continued until the person responds or medical aid becomes available.
Chilblains are painful inflammation of small blood vessels in the skin, caused by the repeated exposure of skin to temperatures just above freezing to as high as 60°F.
What are the symptoms of Chilblains?
Redness, itching, possible blistering, inflammation, and possible ulceration in severe cases.
First Aid
Avoid scratching.
Slowly warm the skin.
Use corticosteroid cream to relieve itching and swelling.
Keep blisters and ulcers clean and covered.
Wind Chill Temperature: A Guide for Employers
Outdoor workers exposed to cold and windy conditions are at risk of cold stress, both air temperature and wind speed affect how cold they feel. Wind Chill is the term used to describe the rate of heat loss from the human body, resulting from the combined effect of low air temperature, and wind speed. The Wind Chill Temperature is a single value that takes both air temperature, and wind speed into account. For example, when the air temperature is 40°F, and the wind speed is 35mph, the wind chill temperature is 28°F; this measurement is the actual effect of the environmental cold on the exposed skin.
National Weather Service (NWS) Wind Chill Calculator: With this tool, one may input the air temperature and wind speed, and it will calculate the wind chill temperature.
Know Your Winter Weather Terms
Blizzard Warning: Issued for sustained or gusty winds of 35 mph or more, and falling or blowing snow creating visibilities at or below 1/4 mile; these conditions should persist for at least 3 hours.
Wind Chill Advisory: Issued when wind chill temperatures are expected to be a significant inconvenience to life with prolonged exposure, and, if caution is not exercised, could lead to hazardous exposure.
Wind Chill Warning: Issued when wind chill temperatures are expected to be hazardous to life within several minutes of exposure.
Winter Storm Warning: Issued when hazardous winter weather in the form of heavy snow, blizzard conditions, heavy freezing rain, or heavy sleet is imminent or occurring. Winter Storm Warnings are usually issued 12 to 24 hours before the event is expected to begin.
Winter Storm Watch: Alerts the public to the possibility of a blizzard, heavy snow, heavy freezing rain, or heavy sleet. Winter Storm watches are usually issued 12 to 48 hours before the beginning of a Winter Storm.
Winter Weather Advisories: Issued for accumulations of snow, freezing rain, freezing drizzle, and sleet which will cause significant inconveniences and, if caution is not exercised, could lead to life threatening situations.
(From: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA))OSHA is a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador committed to working with NOAA and other Ambassadors to strengthen national preparedness for and resilience against extreme weather.
Page last reviewed date: February 17, 2023
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the-matryoshka-osha · 3 years
Frostbite wanders about, just looking for something to do or someone to talk to.
U-Uh hello?
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frostbite-osha · 3 years
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Frostbite, she/they/he.
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so I haven't talked about this much, because it may surprise you to learn that I'm actually very private, but I had a flare up recently with some of my health issues that basically made me like bedridden, it's dumb. the backstory is basically my body has always kinda hated me, but a few years ago my heart, lungs, and muscles had an evil meeting and decided it'd be really funny to just fuckin' eat themselves, for no good reason, really just shits n' giggles. and obviously that is not really beneficial to my already not up to the osha standards circulation system. before your armchair doctor brain kicks in, I am really really not overweight. anyway, the mutiny isn't going so well, my feet are suffering the brunt of their cruel antagonism. I do not show my feet to any soul, but I decided that it was worth sacrificing my principles this one time and showing the ol' boys to a friend who's one of those foot wizard types, the people who studied at institutions to learn the ways of the foot, to treat the feet that patients bring to them. a professional, one may say. had to get frostbite entirely off the table, it seemed worth the cost. which was financially a solid zero, but emotionally a fortune. and she is not the best in the poker face department, that apparently isn't in the curriculum at wizard inc. so, today she gave me The Talk. I don't like The Talk. I don't want The Talk. do not cite The Talk to me wizard, I was there when it was written. I have heard of your The Talk mortal, I found it to be disappointing. anyway, she looked me dead in my dead eyes, and said "who else is there? if something happens to you, now that the awful situation with your family happened so they've gone, who else will be here?" wizard. nobody. it isn't a secret. they fucked off because I'm trans and now I've got a few sporadic contacts who's connection to me is about as strong as the wifi in the desert. it's fine. so I brushed it off, took a polite route of asserting I'll be fine. "but you are not fine." I'd ask you if I needed help. "no you're not going to do that." I will. "you need help now and you're not asking for it." okay, look, I'm not a wizard, I am not going to win a wizard duel, it isn't fair to pin me down when I can't swing my glove at your face and initiate trial by combat. I think I handled The Talk in a very mature way. I hate this shit. look, I know we both just lost our mutual friend in tragic circumstances, and that self-neglect isn't exactly something we're at all unfamiliar with agonisingly watching someone inflict upon themselves, while health issues bit by bit erode their body, but if I'd slipped an ace up my sleeve you'd probably see them because my sleeves aren't big and people are. not to be cruel, but I'm trying to spare you the trouble of seeing it. I come to you with an issue you could help with, I come to you when you can feel as if you're making a dent, and spare you the rest. it doesn't help when I do that and get The Talk as punishment for showing something. like, I may have asked for specific help with a specific odd need, but I did ask for help. but no, I won't take time to drop my nebulous mess of issues on an innocent person's head, that achieves about as much as screaming "be afraid be very afraid" in your face for a solid hour while wearing a mask. ie scares you and makes my throat hurt. it feels shitty to scare people, feels like fucking up big. this isn't some bravissimo, some bravado, no b words that mean posturing are going on here. I simply do not care for this whole idea of taking every possible issue to friendos for supportos. I don't care for it because I've been the person in the powerless position as people fuckin' die. all The Talk does is show me that I've failed. that it would be better to cut you off altogether. spare you the pain of me. I was reassuring and polite. on the inside, I calculated how long it may take for me to gradually phase out contact. and this is why you should never breach your principles. so never, under any circumstances, show feet.
[if you are about to give some stupid screed in some pathetic attempt to teach people that all you need is to get well and be happy and open up and all that shit, just know that I will die far before you do, so when you join me in hell you will be greeted by all of the pornos me and the generations of your relatives down there made]
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healthcare-market · 3 years
Analysis of COVID-19 Crisis-driven Growth Opportunities in Cryogenic PPE Market
Cryogenic PPE Market: Introduction
· Cold vapors and gases associated with cryogenic liquids can cause skin irritation, comparable to a thermal burn. Frostbite can be caused by prolonged skin exposure or contact with cold surfaces. The skin has a waxy yellow appearance. There is no discomfort at first; however subsequently, there is excruciating anguish when the frozen tissue defrosts. Cryogenic liquids produce a gas that is extremely cold and typically heavier than air. This chilled, thick gas condenses toward the floor. The gas is non-toxic; however, it displaces air. When there is insufficient air or oxygen, asphyxiation and death may ensue. Each of these gases has the potential to be hazardous to human health. For instance, liquid carbon monoxide, can emit carbon monoxide gas, which can be fatal. Uncovered skin can adhere to metal that has been chilled by cryogenic fluid. When the skin is pushed away, it might rip. Breathing in excessively cold air for an extended period of time might harm the lungs. Consequently, it is very important to choose the correct cryogenic personal protective equipment for a specific job in order to avoid these hazards.
Read Report Overview: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/cryogenic-ppe-market.html
Cryogenic PPE Market: Key Trends, Drivers and Restrains.
· Adoption of stringent regulatory framework, increasing awareness about importance of workplace safety, and high growth in developing economies are some of the key factors that drive the cryogenic PPE market
· Government officials are becoming increasingly worried about workers' health and safety. Various safety standards have been adopted by governments across the world in order to decrease accidents and uncertainty in the industry. Several government rules and standards require end-use industries to provide workers with protective equipment in specific types of work environments. Workers in sectors such as oil & gas, construction, and manufacturing are required to wear protective equipment. For instance, according to a 2010 memorandum from the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), workers in the oil & gas industry are required to wear heat- and flame-resistant clothing.
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· Rise in adoption of personal protective equipment depends on the growth of employment in various end-use industries. Inclination of automation of industrial process is predominantly high in developed countries such as U.S., the U.K., France, and Germany. Increasing automation in industries is reducing manpower size in several industries. Automated process in industries and construction sites necessitates fewer workers and results in the decreased usage of personal protective equipment. Hence, increased automation in end-use industries is a key factor restraining the cryogenic PPE market. Furthermore, high price of specialized clothing is another factor that hampers the market.
· However, demand for multipurpose equipment offers a significant opportunity for the cryogenic PPE market. Furthermore, rapid increase in demand from Asia Pacific has propelled the global market.
· Technological innovation coupled with shifting consumer preference toward cryogenic protective equipment, which conglomerates fashion with safety, is projected to further drive the market
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Asia Pacific to hold Major Share of Global Cryogenic PPE Market.
· In terms of geography, the global cryogenic personal protective equipment market can be segmented into North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and India. Europe is expected to dominate the global cryogenic PPE market during the forecast period, followed by North America. The market in Asia Pacific is projected to expand significantly during the forecast period. Moreover, growing awareness regarding safety in key countries, such as China and India, is fueling the demand for personal protective equipment in the region. This is a key factor boosting the personal protective equipment market in Asia Pacific.
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jamescharles00 · 3 years
Is Going to a Massage Parlor Tukwila WA Safe Right Now?
Experts weigh in on the possibility at COVID-19.
Right now, the majority of people are deeply depressed. But it's only natural that you'd like to have a massage if you have the financial resources to do so. Is that, however, a reasonable idea right now?
As you already know, there are so many aspects in existence that come with the possibility of contracting COVID-19 right now, and the final decision on whether or not you're willing to take the risk rests with you.
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is a U.S. government agency that works to (CDC) provides detailed instructions for how to remain as healthy as possible while participating in several practices. Unfortunately for you and your sore shoulders, there's no talk of getting a massage in there. That isn't to suggest it isn't safe—it simply isn't. But Massage parlor Tukwila WA is taking safety measures to keep their customers safe.
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What's the risk of getting a massage?
The most significant chance you're taking in a massage environment is getting in direct touch with another human. COVID-19 is thought to spread primarily between individuals within six feet of each other by When an infected person coughs, droplets appear in their lungs, sneezes, or talks, according to the CDC. Those droplets could fall in people's mouths or ears, or they could be inhaled into their lungs. According to the WHO (world health organization), there is some evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, may be airborne under some circumstances.
Furthermore, coming into contact with frequently touched surfaces (such as a massage table) may pose a danger, as COVID-19 can be transmitted by touching a virus-infected surface or object and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. (However, the CDC claims that this is not the virus's primary transmission mode.)
What is Massage Parlor Tukwila WA doing to keep you safe?
in addition to implementing the CDC and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sanitation guidelines, do the following:
·         Clean, disinfect, sanitize the massage room and any communal areas and any items that clients come into contact with.
·         Personal safety devices, such as goggles and gloves, should be considered.
·         Maintain good hand hygiene.
·         Appointments can be spread apart to better social distancing and sanitization between clients.
·         Adjust the termination policies to encourage consumers to cancel if they become sick.
·         Until clients arrive, have them fill out paperwork.
·         Encourage clients to take breaks, wash their hands often, and wear safety gear such as masks.
A Massage Parlor Tukwila WA provides detailed guidelines for massage therapists. This involves requiring therapists to wear a face mask at all times, use gloves while handling. After each client, they change their shirt or apron with cash or a credit card. The Massage Parlor Tukwila WA also advises masseuses to perform a wellness pre-screening for their customers, clean up their rooms and spread-out waiting room seating. Both the masseuse and the customer should wear a face mask during the massage. The Massage Parlor Tukwila WA also aired out the room afterward.
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Purpose of Massage Parlor Tukwila WA
Massage is used to boost blood and lymph supply (a fluid formed by lymph glands and part of the immune system), relieve muscle stress or flaccidity, relax or sedate the nervous system, and help tissue healing. Therapeutic massage can be prescribed for both children and adults to have the following benefits:
·         reducing muscle stiffness and stress
·         muscle spasms relief
·         Increasing the range of motion and flexibility of joints and limbs
·         Improving the performance and ease of movement
·         reducing anxiety points and overall stress; promoting slower and faster breathing by causing relaxation
·         promoting quicker recovery of soft tissue injuries, such as torn muscles and sprained ligaments, by enhancing blood supply and lymph flow and relieving tension-related headaches and eyestrain
·         reducing injury-related discomfort and swelling
·         preventing scar tissue development after soft tissue injuries
·         enhancing skin's wellness and nourishment
·         To strengthen posture, adjust tension habits that affect posture.
·         reducing mental or physical tension and reducing anxiety
·         enhancing thoughts of pleasure
·         improving mental awareness and alertness in general through growing understanding of the mind-body relation
Massage therapy has been shown to increase pulmonary function in young asthma patients, minimize psych emotional pain in people with chronic inflammatory bowel disease, aid weight gain, enhance motor growth in premature babies, and raise immune system function.
Precautionary measures
Massage is generally secure, but it cannot be used if the person has one of the conditions mentioned below.
·         advanced heart disease
·         hypertension (high blood pressure)
·         phlebitis
·         thrombosis
·         embolism
·         kidney failure
Massage is not advised if the person has cancer, mainly if cancer has spread to other organs (metastatic cancer) or if the tumor has caused tissue damage due to chemotherapy or other therapies. Massage can also be contraindicated if the infant suffers from any of the conditions mentioned below.
·         A cold is a contagious illness.
·         an infectious skin disease
·          infected injuries infected injuries
·         has frostbite
·         has large hernias
·         has frostbite
·         has large hernias
·         has torn ligaments
·         has any condition vulnerable to hemorrhage is postoperative with a situation in which discomfort and muscle splinting are elevated has frostbite
·         has any condition prone to hemorrhage
For the following conditions, massage should not be used locally on affected areas (i.e., massage should not be used on the same areas of the body affected by the state): eczema, goiter (thyroid dysfunction) open skin lesions. Massage should be used on parts of the body that aren't affected by these problems. Massage can only be used if it is not going to cause damage. Before a person with any health problem gets massage therapy, a physician's prescription is required.
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Why choose us?
Blue Lotus Spa offers excellent massage services to its customers. Over the years, Massage Parlor Tukwila provided good service with trained massage therapists and advanced equipment. Massage Parlor Tukwila, WA, values our clients' convenience and well-being, so we make sure that our spa experience meets their standards. We value our customers' privacy and protection, and we aim to meet their expectations by delivering outstanding service.
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Best Hospital Snow Removal Services and Cost in Omaha NE | MCC Cleaning Omaha
More information:- http://www.greencleaningomaha.com/hospital-snow-removal.html
Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE: Looking for Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE? MCC Cleaning Omaha is the source for organizations can encounter a lot of potential liability if there is a large amount of snow on their property. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Hospital Snow removal Services around Omaha NE. We serve Omaha NE and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE:  It can be very challenging when it comes to the winter months. Homes, businesses and other organizations can encounter a lot of potential liability if there is a large amount of snow on their property. Heavy snow at a hospital is one of those situations that can present a special challenge; not only do you have to guard against accidents from pedestrians slipping and falling, but you also have to contend with keeping all of your employees and first responders safe when they are delivering patients to the emergency room as well. How do you go about doing this? Well, as a hospital administrator you have two choices: you can either have your full-time maintenance employee’s remove the snow for you, or you could go with an independent contractor to get your snow removed. Here are just a few of the many advantages of contracting the job of snow removal out to a professional firm:
 Our Snow removal professionals are more experienced with hospitals in South Bend.
Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE:  Simply put, it's less risky to have snow removal professionals do this. There are a lot of things that could happen if you had your full-time maintenance crew do this. First of all, they could slip and fall on the ice, and then your hospital would have an instant liability issue on your hands. Additionally, you will save your employees the risk of developing muscle strain or muscle injuries from overexertion. Snow can be very heavy! Of course, you don't want to risk your employees going through any type of frostbite injury either. Can you say OSHA violation? Because that is what you would be likely facing if one of your employees gets hurt because of snow removal.
 Your hospital can hire a professional snow removal company on a contract basis.
Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE:  Another reason why you and the rest of your hospital leadership staff might be tempted to simply let your maintenance employees handle snow removal is that it's easier to remain organized with them. However, please realize that you and your hospital leadership don't have to pay a professional snow removal company on a "per push" basis. You can talk to them during the off-season and sign a contract with them where they will always automatically show up after a heavy snowstorm.
 Hiring outside professionals will keep your employee morale higher.
 As a hospital administrator, you realize that the last thing you need is a work environment where there is low morale. You also realize is that it often only takes one disgruntled employee for this to create a poor work environment. Just think what could happen if you’re entire hospital maintenance staff was upset? Don't let it get to that point! Letting an outside company handle your snow clean-up will avoid that.
 Getting the Snow Removal Job Done Right the First Time at Your Hospital
 Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE: Perhaps one of the most important aspects of hiring an exterior maintenance company such as MCC Cleaning Omaha for your hospital snow removal project would be that we will get the job correct the first time. We can save you time, allowing you to focus on other important areas. Ready to discuss your South Bend hospital snow removal needs? Call us today and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
 Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE:  Did you know that landscaping has a healing effect? Well, whether you own and hospital or you just need to have a landscaping design that can relieve a patient’s pain, your task is to find a professional who has mastered the art of landscaping hospitals. Patients appreciate an environment that is green and can give them hope. If you are trying to have a garden that has a therapeutic function, then you are in the right place.
 Gardens and Healing
 One might wonder what the correlation between gardens and healing is. The different research that has been done by different entities show that staring at a garden can speed up the healing process. Patients who have beds near hospital windows and therefore have the privilege of viewing the hospital garden were noted to recover faster than the rest. This is according to the research that was done by Roger Ulrich.
 Ideas for Hospital Landscaping Design
 Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE:  When it comes to hospital landscaping, you need to ensure that the design is meant to add value to the role played by the hospital. There are several ways you can ensure that you incorporate a healing landscape design in your hospital, health facilities, or even in your home.
 Keeping it Green
 Green should be the king when it comes to hospital landscaping. Layered landscapes with both traditional and exotic flowers will definitely make a significant difference in your efforts to make a haven of peace around the health facilities. The reason why plants are vital for hospital landscaping is that they signify life. Apart from that, they offer shade, beauty, and privacy. All these add up to a healing environment.
 Attract Wildlife
 Making use of plants that can attract wildlife is another perfect way to make your landscaping ventures complete. Here, you can make use of native plants. Apart from the fact that they are popular and beautiful, they are less susceptible to pests and diseases. Also, they are always healthy, and they do not require a lot of maintenance and care.
 Engaging the Senses
 When most people hear of landscaping, they think of trying to make an area attractive. While that is correct to some extent, the truth is that landscaping is not all about making a place appealing to the eye only. The other senses of human beings need to include during the entire design period. The contractor that you hire should offer gardens that can be smelled, touched, and even heard.
However, you must ensure that smells are not too strong. This is because some patients are too sensitive to some strong smells.
 Design your Hospital Garden with MCC Cleaning Omaha
 The landscaping contractor you hire will always have a direct impact on your success. If you choose inexperienced landscapers, you should expect shoddy jobs and a waste of your resources.
At MCC Cleaning Omaha, we are dedicated to offering you functional landscaping that best describes your needs and desires. Our knowledgeable and experienced teams can offer you perfect pathways, patios, seating areas, and many more to make your therapeutic landscape design something that many will want to have.
 Typically speaking hospital snow removal cost depends on the type of snow removal contract you choose. Costs can range from $175.00 per hr. for a pickup truck with a snow plow to $225,000.00 for a seasonal contract for full service snow removal and ice control for a mid-sized shopping center.
 Snow removal contracts in Omaha NE are typically quoted in one of four price structures: Per Push, Per Inch, Time & Materials (aka: T&M) and Seasonal. Some include variations of the four.
 Some property managers prefer to pay per push: snow falls, the crew clears their grounds, and they receive a bill.
 Other clients like shopping centers want to know what the cost for snow services will be every month. So a seasonal contract is utilized more often, plus they aren’t thinking about invoices from a contractor every time the snow flies.
 At the end of the day, the way you pay for the service is not the real issue. It’s about making sure you mitigate liability and provide a safe environment. You want surfaces to be clear of snow and ice on time and continuously during storms so that the people who live, work and play on the property stay safe.
 Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE:  This contract is for the property manager that wants to pay for snow removal services if and when the snow falls. If there’s no snow, these clients are not billed. But if the snow begins, our crews are on call once accumulation is 2 inches or more. Two inches of snow is generally when we push the “go” button, unless you’re on a robust full-service plan. See below.
 At MCC Cleaning Omaha, we structure the per-push pricing based on snow depth. There is a price per push for 2-4 inches, 4-6 inches and 6-8 inches of snow.
 That’s because we know that our team will spend a lot more time clearing 6 inches of snow from a retail parking lot than 2 inches. The snow is heavier, and there’s more of it to maneuver around the property.
 Response time is critical in this industry, we always aim to clear 2 inches rather than 8. We don’t want the snow to build up on your property. Big storms will require multiple pushes per property to ensure it stays clear and safe.
 The clients who generally prefer a per-push contract are often retail property managers. They like the service delivered in an itemized way a monthly tab of snow events and times of service to be itemized with CAM's.
 And, these clients may benefit if we have a mild winter. However, because our seasonal agreements are three-year contracts, clients don’t win by choosing per-push or seasonal. The choice mostly comes down to budgeting. Do you want to pay a fixed price, or per push?
 Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE:  Time and Materials contracts are billed as they are described. You pay an hourly fee per pickup truck with a snow plow, per dump truck with a snow plow, per salt truck, per snow blower, per labor hour to clear sidewalks, per ton of salt etc.
 The draw back to T & M contracts is that there is not a way to budget accurately.
 SEASONAL CONTRACT (2- To 3-Year Agreement)
 Hospital snow removal services near Omaha NE:  Our seasonal contracts include a fixed price per month for snow services, and the contracts are active during the four winter months in Omaha NE for three years. We find that a multi-year contract give clients the best value.
 The constant price is what property managers and other commercial sites love about seasonal contracts. They don’t have to worry about snow removal costs spiking from December to March. The bill is always the same.
 Who is responsible for snow removal?
 Responsibilities for snow removal are divided between the City and property managers. The City is responsible for clearing roadways, but property managers are responsible for the removal of snow to snow dumping sites and for the plowing and gritting of sidewalks at their properties.
 Why is snow taken away and not allowed to melt in place?
 There are many reasons to remove snow:
●       The next snowfall is expected within the next two weeks and the fresh snow needs space.
●       Water from a melting snow pile freezes at night.
●       Snow blocks storm drains, which collect rainwater and melting snow, so streets cannot be drained and retain pools of water from melting snow.
●       A snow pile in a street junction area blocks visibility and views across the junction, to a pedestrian crossings, etc.
For reasons or accessibility.
●       Snow holds large amounts of dirt, soot and dust (fine particles), so snow should be removed for air quality purposes, as the particles worsen air quality in the spring or during cold weather when the air is dry.
●       As snow freezes, it can complicate parking, and packed snow and ice is very expensive and slow to remove.
 Why is snow taken away at night?
 Snow trucks cause the least disruption to traffic at night, and the snow removal equipment does not block, for example, trams at night. Unnecessary noise will naturally be avoided.
 When will my street be plowed?
 Check the street clearing timelines chart to find out when clearing should take place in your area.
Crews prioritize which streets to salt, sand or plow first based on service standards approved by Regional Council.
Priority 1 streets include:
●       Main arterials
●       Major bus routes
●       Roads with steep inclines
●       Emergency routes to hospitals and streets leading to schools and public buildings.
Priority 2 routes include:
●       Residential and rural routes with medium to low volume traffic
●       Gravel roads
●       Private lanes that fall under the municipality’s responsibility
 ●       Hospital Snow Removal Contract
●       Commercial Snow Removal Contract Omaha NE
●       Generic Snow Removal Contract Template
●       Residential Snow Removal Agreement
●       How To Get Snow Removal Contracts
●       How To Bid Snow Plowing
●       Snow Removal Pricing Calculator
●       Seasonal Snow Removal Contract Omaha NE
●       Snow Removal Pricing Calculator
●       Snow Removal Estimate Template
●       How Much To Charge For Snow Plowing Driveways
●       Snow Removal Prices
●       Commercial Snow Removal Rates Per Square Foot
●       Snow Plowing Rates For Parking Lots Omaha NE
●       How Much Does A City Snow Plow Cost
●       Snow Removal Cost Report
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loyallogic · 6 years
Most Common Maritime Equipment Injuries
Maritime workers are typically surrounded by heavy equipment that can lead to serious injuries or even death. Nonetheless, when employers, contractors, and owners take proper safety precautions to protect this equipment, most maritime equipment injuries can be prevented.
If you have suffered a maritime equipment injury or lost a loved one as a result, you should reach out to a Houston maritime lawyer at The Krist Law Firm, P.C. For help seeking the maximum compensation you may be entitled to, call us today at to schedule a free consultation.
Cargo and Crane Injuries
Maritime cargo and crane injuries may arise during the process of loading or unloading at port or sea. Crane operators are at high risk for sustaining these types of injuries because of operator error or a mechanical failure. Moreover, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states that 1 in 1,000 maritime crane operations will face a fatal injury while working.
Conveyor Belt Injuries
Conveyor belts are designed to load freshly caught fish into ships and frozen products in and out of cargo holds. Although they can make life easier for fishing boat crews, their gears, pulleys, and other moving parts are very dangerous and may cause severe injuries. Inadequate training, improper guarding, and failure to keep conveyor belts in good shape are some of the most common causes of conveyor belt injuries.
Plate Freezer Injuries
Plate freezers keep seafood at the proper temperature, which is typically between 30 to 40 degrees below zero. This can place workers at high risk for hypothermia and frostbite. In addition, if a vessel abruptly moves or sways, workers may sustain an injury from a flying plate freezer.
Ladder Injuries
While ladders make it convenient for maritime workers to get to higher levels, they can be dangerous, especially if they feature faulty steps or rails. When workers fall off a ladder from an extremely high area, they are likely to lose their life. A poorly designed ladder, structural issues, broken parts, and lack of safety training are the most common causes of maritime ladder injuries.
Fire Injuries
All types of ships are loaded with paper, chemicals, plastic, fuel and other combustible materials that are susceptible to fires. In most cases, fire accidents occur because of inadequate training and poor ship components. These types of injuries have historically injured and killed thousands of workers and passengers.
Trawl Winch Injuries
Trawl winches are heavy, constantly in motion, and used to let out or reel heavy ropes or steel cable attached to dragnets. They are also intended to modify tension levels. Since trawl winches are always moving and feature parts that can snag a worker’s clothing, they are known to cause fractures, amputations, and other serious injuries.
Contact The Krist Law Firm, P.C. For Help
The Krist Law Firm, P.C. has years of experience assisting clients who have been victims of various maritime equipment injuries. If you’ve been injured or lost a loved one, you should contact us today at for a free consultation to ensure your rights are protected.
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